Bestuur / Board: Johan Heilbron, Jason Hughes, Adrian Jitschin

Marta Bucholc [email protected]

Marta Bucholc (1978) is currently a professor of at Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg “Law as Culture” of the University of Bonn. She obtained her habilitation (2014) and her Ph. D. (2006) in sociology at the University of Warsaw, where she has worked ever since. She graduated in sociology, and law at the University of Warsaw. Her research focuses on history of social theory, sociology of law and sociology of knowledge, and the major portion of it is dedicated to Norbert Elias and to stimulating the reception of Eliasian sociology in . Her books addressing various aspects of Elias’s sociology include Piąty wymiar. Kulturowa socjologia wiedzy Norberta Eliasa (2016, in Polish), Global Community of Self-Defense. Norbert Elias on Normativity, Culture and Involvement (2015),1 and Samotność długodystansowca. Na obrzeżach socjologii Norberta Eliasa (2013, in Polish).2 She is also the author of the first historical monograph of Polish sociology (Sociology in Poland: To Be Continued? (2016)). She translated into Polish several books from English, German and French.

Marta Bucholc edited and prefaced the first full Polish translation of Norbert Elias’s On the Process of Civilisation (O procesie cywilizacji, 2011). She also edited and prefaced the Polish translation of An Essay on Time (Esej o czasie, 2018) as well as translated a few minor works of Norbert Elias form English and German. She co-organized conference sessions and held talks on Eliasian sociology in the congresses of Polish Sociological Association, European Sociological Association and International Sociological Association. Full bibliography of her works related to Elias’s theory can be consulted below: Currently, her main focus is the application of Elias’s theory to collective memory, memory politics and political developments after 2015, which she covered in the following recent publications:

Schengen and the Rosary. Catholic religion and the postcolonial syndrome in Polish national habitus, Historische Sozialforschung/Historical Social Research 2019 (forthcoming).

Commemorative Lawmaking: Memory Frames of the Democratic Backsliding in Poland After 2015, Hague Journal on the Rule Law (2019) 11:85-110, DOI 10.1007/s40803-018- 0080-7

Gewaltenteilung ausgehebelt. Der Umbau der polnischen Justiz 2017, Osteuropa 3-5/2018: 7– 18. (with Maciej Komornik)

Anachronistische Wahrnehmungen. Zur Rolle der Erinnerung in polnischen Politik. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 10-11/2018: 72-107.

1 Reviewed by Stephen Mennell in Contemporary Sociology 2 Reviewed by Barbara Górnicka in Figurations 1


Bestuur / Board: Johan Heilbron, Jason Hughes, Adrian Jitschin

Full list of publications by Marta Bucholc related to Elias’s sociology:

Monographs Piąty wymiar. Socjologia Wiedzy Norberta Eliasa, Warsaw: Wydawnictwa UW 2016 [The Fifth Dimension. Norbert Elias’s Sociology of Knowledge], 272 p.

A Global Community of Self-Defense. Norbert Elias on Normativity, Culture, And Involvement, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2015, 208 p.

Samotność długodystansowca. Na obrzeżach socjologii Norberta Eliasa, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2013, 291 p. [Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner. On the Margins of Norbert Elias’s Sociology]

Journal Articles - Schengen and the Rosary. Catholic religion and the postcolonial syndrome in Polish national habitus, Historische Sozialforschung/Historical Social Research 2019 (forthcoming).

- Commemorative Lawmaking: Memory Frames of the Democratic Backsliding in Poland After 2015, Hague Journal on the Rule Law (2019) 11:85-110.

- (with Daniel Witte) Transformationen eines Klassikers: Norbert Elias zwischen Kanonpflege und Kanonverschiebung, Soziologische Revue 2018; 41(3): 384–399.

- (with Maciej Komornik) Gewaltenteilung ausgehebelt. Der Umbau der polnischen Justiz 2017, Osteuropa 3-5/2018, p. 7–18.

- Anachronistische Wahrnehmungen. Zur Rolle der Erinnerung in polnischen Politik. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 10-11/2018: 72-107.

- Trapped By The Medium: Language And The Social In Relational Sociology, in: Stan Rzeczy 12 (2017), p. 95-113.

- (with Maciej Komornik) Die PiS und das Recht. Verfassungskrise und polnische Rechtskultur, in: Osteuropa 66, 1–2 (2016), p. 79–93.

- (with Filipe Carreira da Silva) On the pragmatics of social theory. The case of Elias's 'The Process of Civilization'. “Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences”, Fall 2016), p. 392– 407.

- Balansując na marginesach. O strategii intelektualnej Norberta Eliasa, “Kultura i Społeczeństwo” 1/2015, p. 3-26. [Balancing on the margins. On the intellectual strategy of Norbert Elias]

- The Polish Constitutional Crisis 2015–16: A Figurational Perspective, “Human Figurations” Vol. 5, Issue 2, July 2016, Permalink:

- Złożoność nie do udźwignięcia: utopie jedności, utopie różnicy, „Studia Socjologiczne” 2013, Issue 4, p. 19–35. [Unbearable complexity: Utopias of Unity, Utopias of Difference] 2


Bestuur / Board: Johan Heilbron, Jason Hughes, Adrian Jitschin

- Outside the Moral Circle. Polish Political Refugees in Norway: Between the Established and the Outsiders, “Human Figurations” 2013, vol. 2, Issue 3;

- On the Potential of Norbert Elias’s Approach in the Social Memory Research in Central and Eastern , “Polish Sociological Review” 2013, Issue 3 (183), p. 317–334.

- Rodzina światowa jako laboratorium powści ągliwości. Kontrola miłości rodzinnej w globalnym kapitalizmie według Ulricha Becka i Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim w świetle teorii Norberta Eliasa, “Kultura Współczesna” 2012, vol. 3 (74), s. 54–68. [World Family as a Laboratory of Self-Control. Control of Family Love in Gobal Capitalism According to Ulrich Beck and Eliasabeth Beck-Gernsheim in the Light of Norbert Elias’s Theory]

- Gendered Figurational Strategies in Norbert Elias’s Sociology, “Polish Sociological Review” 2011, Issue 4 (176), p. 425–436.

Chapters in Edited Volumes and Introductions - Agencja i struktura: figuracje i konfiguracje [Agency and Structure. Figurations and Configurations], Pianiądz i interakcje społeczne [Money and the Social Interactions]. In: Socjologia ekonomiczna [Economic Sociology], ed. Witold Morawski, Warsaw: WN PWN 2019, p. 9-13, 366-371.

- Miejsce poza pojemnikiem. Wstęp do polskiego wydania Socjologii przestrzeni Martiny Löw [A Place Beyond the Container. Foreword to the Polish Edition of Martina Loew’s Sociology of Space], in: Martina Löw: Socjologia przestrzeni (Sociology of space), Wydawnictwa UW: Warsaw 2018.

- An Empty Stadium, in: Werner Gephart (ed.): Some Colours of the Law. Images and Interpretations, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2017, p. 117-122. - Remember: Why Now? Towards a Figurational Approach to Commemorating Violence in Central and Eastern Europe, in: François Dépelteau/ Tatiana Savoia Landini (eds.): Norbert Elias and Violence, Houndmills/ Basingbroke: Palgrave-McMillan 2017, p. 183-203.

- Wstęp [Introduction], in: Norbert Elias, Esej o czasie, Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2016.

- Irony as Vocation: The Fate of a Social Scientist in the Writings of and Norbert Elias, in: Norbert Elias and Social Theory. From Classics to Contemporaries, ed. François Dépelteau i Tatiana Savoia Landini, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2013, p. 143–160.

- Osiadli i outsiderzy. Norbert Elias o inności i wykluczeniu społecznym, in: Nowe rzeczywistości społeczne, nowe teorie socjologiczne: dyskusje i interpretacje, ed. Maciej Gdula, Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska, Renata Włoch, Warsaw: Scholar 2012, p. 223–237. [The Established and the Outsiders. Norbert Elias on Social Difference and Exclusion]

- Climbing the Stairs. On the Progress of Society and Science in Norbert Elias’s theory, in: Social Transformations in Theory and Practice, Vienna: Institut für Wissenschaften vom Menschen 2012, Junior Visiting Fellows’ Conferences, vol. 31, ed. Marta Bucholc, available



Bestuur / Board: Johan Heilbron, Jason Hughes, Adrian Jitschin online at: bucholc-climbing-the-stairs-on-the-progress-of-society-and-science-in-norbert-eliass-theory/.

- U źródeł socjologii procesów społecznych. Wstęp do pierwszego polskiego wydania „O procesie cywilizacji, in: Norbert Elias, O procesie cywilizacji. Analizy socjo- i psychogenetyczne, trans. Tadeusz Zabłudowski, Kamil Markiewicz, Warsaw: W.A.B. 2011, p. 5–26. [At the Sources of Socioogy of Social Processes. Instroduction to the First Complete Polish Edition of ‘On the Prcess of Civilization’]

- Politics as Art of Translation. Max Weber’s Political Ethic in Light of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s and Norbert Elias’s Theories of Language, in: Disappearing Realities. On the Cultural Consequences of Social Change, ed. Anne Dwyer, Marta Bucholc, Vienna: Institut für Wissenschaften vom Menschen 2011, Junior Visiting Fellows’ Conferences, vol. 30, available online at: xxx/politics-as-art-of-translation/ (accessed: 23 of April 2014).

Translations Published in Journals and Collected Volumes - Norbert Elias, Sztuka afrykańska, Stan Rzeczy 2013, Issue 4, p. 27–36 (from German) [African Art].

- Norbert Elias, O widzeniu w naturze, Stan Rzeczy 2012, Issue 3, p. 12–21 (from German) [On Seeing in Nature].

- Norbert Elias, “Chmury” albo “Polityka jako nauka” według Arystofanesa, “Stan Rzeczy” 2012, Issue 3, p. 22–36 (from German) [Clouds or Politics as Science: After Aristophanes].

Edited Translations - Martina Löw, Socjologia przestrzeni, trans. Izabela Broering-Drozdowska, Warsaw: Deutsches Historisches Institut (in print). [Sociology of Space]

- Norbert Elias, O procesie cywilizacji. Analizy socjo- i psychogenetyczne, trans. Tadeusz Zabłudowski and Kamil Markiewicz, Warsaw: WAB 2011. [On the Process of Civilization]

29 August 2019