CYNGOR TRÊF S E I R N O O N G 2011/2012 NEWSLETTER T L O I W C N N A MESSAGE FROM THE C O U Happy New Year everyone! I would like to thank the people of Gorseinon for electing me as one of your 16 unpaid Town Councillors in 2008, and also my Councillor Colleagues for electing me as Mayor/Chairman for this municipal year. I am extremely privileged and proud to represent you and I will do my upmost to ensure that I carry out my duties to the highest possible level. Firstly a little about me. I have lived in Gorseinon most of my life and come from a well-known Gorseinon family. I am married to Emma and have two young children Lauren and Ben. I currently work full-time as a Line Manager within DVLA’s Drivers Medical Directorate. Previously, I have held various managerial positions with the Private Sector, after graduating with a BA (hons) Business Studies Degree. I am an active member of the Labour Party, recently serving as Chairman to Gorseinon Ward Labour Party. I am a Governor of Gorseinon Junior School and a keen supporter of local charities, my Mayoral Charity this year being Gorseinon Gateway Monday Club. On initially taking office, an essential part of my role was to create harmony within the Council. This would only be achieved by encouraging a fair and healthy debate from all Councillors, by being respectful, and by allowing everyone time to state their point of view. It has also been my aim to ensure that This municipal year, Gorseinon Town Council was one of a small members of the public have a fair opportunity to bring issues or number of Councils that had built up a limited amount of questions to our monthly meetings. For this reason, the Council resources for future projects and it gave me great pleasure to is now always prepared to increase the 15 minute public session announce that we were in a position to be able to award over if necessary, and I would encourage as many of you as possible £6000 to local voluntary organisations and good causes. We to attend at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. will be looking to provide more grants during February, so if you We have recently re-vamped our website, so as well as the have not already done so please write to the Clerk if you feel monthly Council meetings, you can find out what's going on that your organisation would benefit. A new Council initiative within your at this year is the issuing of thank you letters to deserving members of the local community. So if you know anyone who As part of a successful re-generation of Gorseinon and deserves a personal letter of thanks or congratulations from Penyrheol, it is essential that the Town Council builds strong, your Mayor, then please get in touch with the Clerk. reliable working relationships with key local stakeholders. It is therefore not only my aim to ensure that these relationships Finally, this year is Local Government Election year. The continue throughout my term, but also to form new ones. I was Elections will take place on Thursday, 3rd May 2012 and it will therefore particularly pleased that the Headmaster of Penyrheol be up to you, the electorate, to decide who you want to serve Comprehensive school, Mr. Alan Tootill, attended our and represent you on your Council for the next four years. December meeting to give a presentation of how the Council Given the current economic climate, it is more important than and school can work together to improve the area and to ever that you use your vote wisely. provide essential opportunities for our young people. I wish you all happiness, peace and prosperity, together we can Last year, we saw the launch of the Welsh Assembly's Local make a difference to this great town we call home. Development Plan (LDP). These plans set out the key Thank you, components of future developments in , forming a major part of the Planning process. One of the main benefits of this initiative is that Local Authorities now have to take in to account your views when considering the future development of where we all live. The Town Council is playing an important Cllr David J. Lewis part in ensuring that your views are supported through to the Gorseinon Town Mayor 2011/12 City and County of . 1 CYNGOR TRÊF GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL WHAT YOUR TOWN COUNCIL

You, the electorate have elected 16 UNPAID Town Councillors to Representing the removal of yellow lines for residents in Trinity give their time, to represent the interests of the community, in the Street, Securing traffic improvements within your local area - eg 4 wards of Gorseinon central, Gorseinon east, Gorseinon west and traffic calming, school crossing patrols, Speed cameras where Penyrheol. This is what is done for you by Gorseinon Town needed. Councillors to represent the community, for the precept of less than 50p week per household! 5. ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME Lobbying for improvements at Argyll Gardens / Parc y Werin/Melyn 1. MONTHLY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT THE Mynach parks on behalf of the community. INSTITUTE, LIME ST. Funding Summer & Winter hanging baskets in the main shopping On the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm, Councillors meet street to improve the appearance of our town. Bulb Planting in to deliver the statutory functions of the Town Council on behalf of parks / schools/ and residential streets where residents have asked the communities of Gorseinon and Penyrheol. Meetings are open for support. Providing facilities within the local parks - Dog bins, to the Public and a specific Public session allows residents to bring benches, seats bins, Sports equipment. forward any issue within the area of concern. Litter picking initiatives and keeping rural footpaths and cycleways open. 2. PLANNING CONSULTATIONS

Monthly Public Meeting to offer observations to the Planning 6. COMMUNITY LEISURE Authority in Swansea Council upon development proposals within the local community (ranging in scale from new Asda store to Annual Christmas Lantern Parade / Sleigh and fireworks with local the household extension next to your house). They also raise schoolchildren enforcement matters where there are problems, and represent Supporting local Food festival at Canolfan centre individuals / community groups at Appeals and future land Use Assisting funding of the redevelopment of the Gorseinon Bus planning matters, that will influence the future developments station within the Gorseinon / Penyrheol areas. Christmas lights within the Town and Argyll Gardens

3. NEW PROJECTS Christmas school Poster competitions Organising “Best lit House” within the community competition Once a year the Council is asked to set the precept, to collect the funding it needs for the coming year. This must cover the capital Supporting “Tug of war competition” at Parc y Werin in July programme, training, grants and administration of the Town Supporting local Youth club / ATC / TA / Cubs / Guides / Arts Council for the next 12 months. Capital schemes reflect the Groups etc in future funding programmes that the community have asked for with 100% of the precept spent within our community. Schemes range in scale from Setting up a youth Council to represent the interests of youngsters a new Skateboard Park for youngsters, CCTV camera, new lighting locally along the access lane to the youth club, to a new street bench for elderly residents overlooking the river. 7. GRANTS / AWARDS For the last 25 years the Town Council has supported over 100 4. HIGHWAYS local clubs, schools PTAs, sports associations groups and societies Councillors spend much time addressing highway issues within within the Gorseinon and Penyrheol area catchment, by offering the Town, with the Highways department at Swansea Council, small grants and larger interest free loans where needed; including; Community recognition - Acknowledging worthy individuals Lobbying for the replacement of the new traffic phasing at the within the community who have given community service to the High St / West St cross roads. Town, and should be recognised!. Opposing the proposed introduction of parking charges within the Lime St and Brighton rd. car parks on behalf of Local Traders and residents alike.


8. COMMUNITY The Mayor on behalf of the Town Council visits those residents that have reached 90 years of age, to present small medallions, and gifts to celebrate their birthdays. Supporting the Twinning Association with Ploemerl in Brittany. Representing the community at Remembrance Parade and other relevant functions.Supporting the wealth of local organisations the Town Mayor presence at their openings and functions each year. Meetings with local Police Officers to address community Policing matters on behalf of local residents, and attend Community Police PACT meetings to address anti social behaviour issues. Representing residents views at the Public Inquiry into previous licensing problems at the Lewis Jones Public House.

9. WEB SITE Last year saw the launch of the Town Councils website. It is being regularly updated and provides details of the Councils activities, Newsletters, Planning applications, Agendas and Committee Minutes. A new historical site is being developed and the website can provide an opportunity to voice your concern through the comments page. You can find the web site on So when in future the question of what do your Town Councillors do for us - Now you know - Don’t lose the voice representing your community! Local Community elections will be held next May 2012, to elect Town Councillors for the next 4 years. If you want your name to be considered for one of the wards within the Gorseinon/Penyrheol area get in touch with the Town Clerk for more information.

Photo of Howard Payne being presented to the Queen at the 100 year celebration of the Royal Liver building. 3 CYNGOR TRÊF GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL

GORSEINON TOWN CHARITY The Town Mayor charity for 2011/12 is the ‘Monday Club’ COUNCILLORS 2011/12 which meets at the Social centre in Princess Street. GORSEINON EAST Pam Morgan 9 Nicholas Court, Gorseinon SA4 4PR. Tel: 896548 David Cole 209 Frampton Road, Gorseinon SA4 4YG. Tel: 895602 David John Lewis (Chairman/Mayor) 46 Cecil Road, Gorseinon SA4 4BY. Tel: 894929 Darren Thomas 10 Chapel Street, Gorseinon SA4 4DT. Tel: 521001

GORSEINON CENTRAL Malcolm Curtice 22 Dyffryn Road, Gorseinon. Tel: 417563 Howard Payne 6 Tirmynydd, Gorseinon SA4 4UN. Tel: 895390 Car boot sale fund raising for ‘Monday Club’ Ken Jones 45 Alexandra Road, Gorseinon SA4 4NN. Tel: 896995 Victor Bruno 90th BIRTHDAYS 58 Cecil Road, Gorseinon SA4 4BY. Tel: 516143 A number of local residents reached the 90+ year old milestone and were presented with flowers / chocolates GORSEINON WEST and photographs by the Town Mayor. If you have a family Martin Latronico member reaching the 90 plus birthday contact the Clerk 51 Lime Street, Gorseinon SA4 4UP. 01792 895690 to arrange a birthday visit from the Town Mayor. John Williams 3 Park Road, Gorseinon SA4 4UP. Tel: 894027 Steve Cannon 4 Brynhyfryd Road, Gorseinon SA4 4XP. Tel: 519531

PENYRHEOL Nigel Mark Rees 3 Heol Crwys, Gorseinon. Tel: 896894 Beverley Howard 97 West Street, Gorseinon. Tel: 447492 Janet Curtice 22 Duffryn Road, Gorseinon. Tel: 417563 Stuart Evans 40 Penyrheol Road, Penyrheol SA4 4GA

Jim Dunkley 156 Alexandra Road, Gorseinon SA4 4PE. Tel: 893654


After the popularity and success of the Town Council is now actively looking at “Horrible Science” event last October, ways to help local families with advice on Gorseinon Town Council, Gorseinon energy efficiency measures and heating Library and environmental charity costs. Groundwork are teaming up to organise Dates have been sketched in for a new “energy awareness” events over the number of events to be held in Gorseinon next few months. The aim is to raise Library and possibly elsewhere in the awareness of green issues, organise fun community over the February and family-friendly events and also half-term week. Want to know more? provide useful advice for parents looking Get in touch with Councillor Jim Dunckley to cut down on their gas and electric bills on 01792 893654 or e-mail over the difficult winter period. [email protected]. Figures suggest that as many as 400,000 families across Wales will struggle to meet the cost of heating their homes this winter. In Gorseinon and Penyrheol the

MEMORIAL BOARD GORSEINON BRASS BAND Gorseinon has been far Many thanks to Gorseinon Town Council for agreeing to too long without its sponsor a Memorial Board to go into St Catherines Church own band so one has Gorseinon in remberance to all the people of Gorseinon and been formed. The idea Penyrheol who lost their lives in the first and second world wars came from a local and any other conflicts. There are at least 40 in the first war resident and within one and 11 in the second and we are awaiting names for the any month the band is up other conflicts. There is also one gone into Welfare and playing. Hall to commemorate the people of Loughor. Let their names live on forever. We have twelve members to date and we start our 1st practice on the 6th February at 7pm in the infants school on Brighton Thanks Cllr Malcolm Curtice road. President of the Gorseinon and Loughor Royal British Legion If you can play a brass instrument and are interested in playing in the band, please come along you will have a great time. If you need to know more please contact the following QUEENS DIAMOND JUBILEE members. In 2012 the Town Council will be commemorating the event by Haydn Evans on 07813405019 or Redvers Jones on presenting Jubilee medallions to all the primary / junior school 07837181224 children within the Gorseinon/Penyrheol area. COUNCILLOR GILLIAN EVANS - CHESS MASTERCLASS - CHECK MATE SADLY MISSED Interested in helping to set up a chess club to teach teenagers In 2011 the community lost one of its true characters. Former at Penyrheol Comprehensive School. The Headmaster Alan Town Major Cllr Gillian Evans passed away. She will be fondly Toothill is looking for anyone who would be interested in remembered by many in the Town for her tireless campaigning helping to teach chess to keen teenagers. If you feel you could for so many local causes, and the work she did as a Town help out and pass on your skills, please contact or call to see Councillor over many years. She will be sadly missed! the school secretary.


COUNCIL MEETINGS Town Council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every Month at the D.R. Grenfell room, Gorseinon Institute, Lime Street, commencing at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend, and there is a 15 minute open item at the start, where questions of the Council can be raised. Planning Committee Meetings are held at 6.30pm on the same evenings. Councillors missing: Pam Morgan, Steve Cannon, Howard Payne, Jim Dunkley, Beverly Howard and Victor Bruno.

LOCAL CLUBS Penyrheol Boxing Club New building off Brynafon rd Penyrheol. The following is a diary of groups and Organisations meeting in the area. Institute, Lime Street Gorseinon AA, Ballet, Housing Consortium, Careers Advice,. Drawing Class, Drama & Dance,French Classes, CLP, Hemiola Choir, Job Centre, Historical Society, Llwchwr Art Group, Merched y Wawr, Monday Scrabble, Nazarine Church, Plaid Cymru, Riverside Christian Fellowship, Stoke Club, Shaw Trust, Townswomen Guild, extiles, Town Council, Tai Chi, Thursday Scrabble, Yoga, Water Colour Group, Welsh classes, Foot Clinic Canolfan Millers Drive Gorseinon Musicality, Karate, Celtic Sword Pillar Church. WI, Writing Group. Various others Penyrheol Leisure Centre including Air Training Corps, ACF, (Park road), Youth Club, Judo, Karate, Meditation, Football Five a Side, Table Tennis, Scouts, Brownies, Guides, Beavers,( rear of Old Post Office Badmington, Squash League, Dance Groups, Netball, Roller Alexandre road ). Hockey. GORSEINON PARKS ASSOCIATION The Gorseinon Parks Association was essential for effectiveness. You can also complete these surveys formed in 2011, all volunteers with the online by visiting We would intention of working in partnership with the City and County appreciate your time in doing this please. Your comments are of Swansea and other local organisations to protect, improve important. We welcome new members; If you would like to and encourage greater use of the parks in the Gorseinon area. become a member please contact our Chair Councillor Beverley In its first few months we have helped to get new gates in Parc Howard - [email protected] or our treasurer Sharon Yr Werin and put on several events to help raise awareness, Thomas at - [email protected] bring the community together and raise the much needed The GPA would like to thank the community for their funds to improve the parks... the most recent being the VERY continued support. successful Disco , held in the catholic Church. We are now carrying out a local consultation exercise with Swansea Council GORSEINON to get your views and ideas on how Parc Yr Werin and Argyll PARKS gardens can be improved and what would make you and other ASSOCIATION local residents use the parks more. By doing this important LITTER-PICK research we will give us the GPA the insight into what you IN ARGYLE would like. PARK We believe that working with community residents and having the youth of our town participate on issues of concern is Photo taken by South Wales Evening Post 6 CYNGOR TRÊF GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Gorseinon Food Festival to take place on Saturday 28th April The Town Council gives grants of up to £500 to eligible groups 2012 also Town Crier, Brass Band and a coffee morning to be within the Gorseinon/Penyrheol area. held at Zion Chapel in High Street Gorseinon taking place on If you wish your group to be considered, please write to the 27th April 2012 and on the 29th April 2012 a Cymynfa Ganu Clerk giving current bank balance, statement of accounts and to take place at the Marquee at the Canolfan Centre reasons why funding is requested. All applications will be Gorseinon, Volunteers required to help pull the event together considered at the March 2012 Finance meeting. The following and also volunteers to help out on the 28th April with the Food groups were supported by the Town Council in 2011 Festival. Please contact Cllr Jan Curtice for further details. Xmas Lantern Parade £2000 Gorseinon Food festival £2501 3rd Scouts £500 Gorseinon Youth Choir £200 Loughor Arts Society £100 Tony Morris trip around world for Help the heroes £100 Lliw Valley Racing Pigeon Society £150 West St Gym £500 Welsh Guards Afghan Appeal dinner £25 SSAFA Forces Help £200 Gorseinon Gateway Monday Club £500 David Davies Cello purchase £200 The Council has resolved to set aside £1000 to be used to WHERE IS IT? support local talented musicians within the wards Gorseinon Do you know where the enclosed photo was taken locally? Parks Assn £500 Committee agreed to allocate an additional £1000 for the purchase of additional park benches/seats in the local parks and to replace those needing repair or replacement. An uncommitted contribution was available for the Penyrheol Comprehensive school of £1300 which was the unspent amount following the commissioning of the awards cabinet in the foyer in 2009.

Penyrheol Comp Summer playscheme £1000 nwrPootkno onybudr.KnsrdeIncrpark car Inn Kingsbridge boundary. county on taken Answer:Photo

7 CYNGOR TRÊF GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL BEST LIT HOUSE COMPETITION Again in 2011 the Town Council held a competition for the best lit house over the Christmas period. The winner was awarded £100 to be given to their nominated local charity - the Premature Baby Unit at Singleton Hospital. The winning property was 46 Lime Street.


Gorseinon and Llwchwr Town Councils organise and fund the Christmas Lantern Parade/Fireworks display, which takes place on the first Tuesday of December every year. Thanks to all the HOW TO CONTACT THE CLERK helpers, children and Sponsors including , You may contact the Clerk by the following means; Gorseinon Rugby/cricket club, Lewis Jones Public House, Local Telephone: 01792 895690 Police, Mr Benbow, Commercial Marquees, Knight and Email: [email protected] or write Brenchley, St Johns Ambulance, Loughor Inshore Rescue, Local to; John Millard, Clerk to Gorseinon Town Council, Fire Service, Local businesses , Bethel Chapel and the local 39 Gorseinon Road, , Swansea SA4 9AE Asda store which part funded the fabulous fireworks display. Kingsbridge Print Ltd - 01792 897321 8