Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-04-1905 the Las Vegas Publishing Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-4-1905 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-04-1905 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-04-1905." (1905). lvdo_news/1311 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE LAS YEGAS BAILY OPTIC VOL. XXVI. LAS VEUA8. NEW MfcAlCO, blONUA EViMJNU, MJfTlJMIJKK. 4. limb. Ml. ly to lose life by wnlklng off the THE OBSERVANCE REVOLUTION j side. However, Mis. McCornas hiul a SHIPWRECK SANTA FE DEFENSE OF fair day and lives to till the tale. i M Nomas' ambition U to OF LABOR DAY TW A TCIVTCr 'a : I DC rn"K'CH' s-- . I LiNlLI I fS"H1'e 'rom comedy and ON LAKE TRAIL AT OIL KING rlL,A S!,v stralpMt dramatic work. She has , much to olj htr In hr ambition. She ' Is a very c'cse student. Her hobby SUPERIOR THE FAIR Once each year labor has a day In sh sitys Ir to studv particularly Inn- - this country, which It calls Us own, At-tai- a Dr. ks Jaoanee Demand Rward f:;BB?:"n?..,ond"L!l!e.Jnil,l ! day when all toll, near as pos- MacArthur Believes sible, ceases, and the luboring hordes, - (!- she is from man with hod to for Hard Earned Victory I nothing but study. Then the the the are Harmful. pretty, A few years ago when the No More Thrilling Talc cf Judge S. E. Booth Invited to man who direct, the movement of the j He arm newspapers pave the prizes In most delicate machinery In the great- i a beauty contest to the prettiest girl Disaster Ever Came From Occupy Stage Coach Dur- est shops of the country, "knock off" In fach of several sections of the and make the El Paso Praises Wm. J. Bryan as a Speaker Terms Granted to Russia Are Very merry, says Mlsg McCornas won the prize Great Lake. Indian AtUcK Herald. and Governor Folk as a Man of Distasteful o the People country ing Japanese ss the most beautiful girl west of the This I also the day on which labor Noblest Ideals. Who Rebel Against Such Len- May RocViv mountains. shows Its strength, the day on which iency. ) When Miss McCornas wts born only the throngs with their cards In their about nineteen, years ago. New Mex- Seven Heroic Men Give Their Lives Scene Laid Near Historic Wagon pockets and togged out In their bent New York, Sept 4. A defense of ico wps a wild place compared with That th Remainder of the Craw Mound Thrilling, Spectacular clothes, are marshaled In great lines John D. Rockefeller and denunciation New York, Sept. 4. It Is reported In Its condition of today. Indians still and the Passengers May Be Saved Realictie Exhibition, a Hundred and parade through the streets of of Gov. LaFollette of Wisconsin, who nlalns. Aw- - Tien Tsln, savs a London dispatch to roiled ns savaces across Its Four Women Pass Through In War Paint, Twenty-Fiv- e every city, of the country,' to show to criticised him, were features of the a -- fellow men ac- the Herald, that the dissent in Japan Indeed .about the time of her birth ful Ordeal. , Cowboys and Fifty Cavalrymen. their what they have sermon delivered last night by Rev. over the concessions panted to Rus- "ou'n of Miss MOomas was killed complished through their organiza- Dr. Robert 8. MacArthur, who has Just sia in the proposed peace treaty Is 60 bv tbp Indians while on, Ms W9y to tion. This gnat day is, known as returned from a summer lecturing tour a revolu- vu h's relatives. all .her Labor This is named in honor deep that it is feared that Despite Day Field, Wis., Sept, 4. Eleven of The of the Fair associa- day. ,cn the Chautauqua assembly platform, will out the wptvU-rln- In the east and abroad. president of labor and Is the man's i Dr.. MacArthur made tion brepk throughout the crew of the steamer Sevona were tion has addressed the following teter laboring wpeelai reference This movement, it Is declar- McCornas remains a true child of one great nouuay or. tne year, t to of Gov. LaFollette which rmpire. yte . drowned by the wreck of, the steel to K. Booth of Raton: speeches Itself In Toklo. th She loves It and all that Judge Stephen In addition to asKle the in-- 1 related to the head of OH ed, has manifested steamer on Sand island reef on Lake Hon. 8. E. Booth, Raton, N. M. laying the Standard All cables are cut. 'leloncs to it. She rides like a cow-- t strumenta of his craft and taking tus componv and declared them exaggera. Is In Superior late Friday night. Eleven My Dear Judge Booth: bov and never so happy as when wife and little ones to some sym-gro- others were rescued, Including the re- the features of shady tions which only served to excite tb , She ia a Among spectacular st saddle. 'Just simply or picnic spot to while the person-again- whom be Hubell Cass. mainder of the ere w and four women. he Northern New Mexico fair, to be away.pathy for western girl. tne time in enjoyment, he ts also able thev were directed. Dr. MacArthur (Albufjueroue Journal.) The 61'iry cf the disaster la as thrill- held In Las Vegas, Sept. 2(5, 27, 28 and to show to the world the strength paid a tribute to Wm. "Whnt action will vou as attorney ing a tale of Bhipwreck on the great 29, will be a realistic portrayal of the glowing J. Returned From Alaska. lakes as has ever been told. The of the mighty body of which he Bryan, speaking of him as "the fore- for Sbfriff Thomas S. Hubbell take old davs of the SHntn Fe trail. The calls himself a re- Mrs. E. A. and Mrs. seven dead offered their Uvea as a proudly part. The most figure on the platform today." .regarding the governor's order of Sturges representation decided upon by the labor forth W. B. Jesse Sturges of Salem, O., arrived sacrifice for the rest of the Is great population pours Mr. Bryan delivered a lecture entitled moval?" was asked Chllders twenty board of directors and which being from the factories and the a Journal Sunday on No. 2 to visit the former's two on board the d ship. Of in s'1 th and shops and, "The Prince of Peace," which Is one hy reporter yesterday. fturd large sp'I make merry on that day ; the leaders 0f the of our "T Tlon't care to say,1' was Mr. daughter, Mrs. F. H. Shaffer. Theyithose for whom they gave their lives, kins' l nn nttaefc hv one. hundred greatest lectures timeB," - mount the platform and as the band Dr. MacArthur. Is ChUders acid It pre on their homeward trip, atfer hav- four are dead. The rest reached the ; led the celebrated said "It really a somewhat rejoinder. p'owntefl Indians, by plnys airs of address the sermon he delivers was for further ing spent several months in the shore after a night of buffeting by Mf patriotism, and freouentlv, It Impossible polite assembled multitude;' wise counsel Is on Dr. charac-- to elicit any Information c-- i northwest, going as far as Skagway, waves in an open boat and a trip to take on the near Sundays." MacArthur posed place plains glven and taken, and, after the Gov. a fT-r- Wheth.-e- r Alaska, also taking In the Portland of more than twenty-fou- r hours day terlzed Folk's address as model the nibiect Mr. 'ChlUlers. W"on Mound. is over the return to Yellowstone and road - celebrants their Pf patriotism and the governor as a the old officials ave pooped out park ting the through the wlldrenss The board has determined to re- ' - m M"8 work better men for having com- man of the noblest Ideals. a of action could not be learned. Places of fnterest California. j of northern Wisconsin. Those who ruest tbst vou consent to act as the plan - mingled for a day and exchanged Thomas S. HuhVll snl1 yesterday ah, f. o(.ui6cn ao "JKJft iii octrcmj- fcUVO HVVB IVT LUtlT bUipUIttlf 3 OCCUDSllt Of 1116 8tflg6. third year and is a veteran globe I were: northeast sentiments that tend to uplift them in that lie presumed an attempt would be Captain McDonald, As the stage coach lazily draws up their strife and labor. of tho trotter. She made several visits to Pennslvania. First Mate Louis Dar- Gal-lina- s dally made soon to take possession the hill from the lower portions of concerts and Raton while her daughter resided win, Medina, O.; second name Sports, dancing, other MURDERERS county offices and intimates thasuch mate, nark, and appears upon the broad features enliven the and make It an not ne wmKea u. there and is an enthusiastic booster unknown; shipped at Cleveland last towards the day nuemnt wri plain lroklng grand stand, enjoyable not only for the man who cf New Mexico.