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9-4-1905 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-04-1905 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper

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ly to lose life by wnlklng off the THE OBSERVANCE REVOLUTION j side. However, Mis. McCornas hiul a SHIPWRECK SANTA FE DEFENSE OF fair day and lives to till the tale. i M Nomas' ambition U to OF LABOR DAY TW A TCIVTCr 'a : I DC rn"K'CH' s-- . I LiNlLI I fS"H1'e 'rom comedy and ON LAKE TRAIL AT OIL KING rlL,A S!,v stralpMt dramatic work. She has , much to olj htr In hr ambition. She ' Is a very c'cse student. Her hobby SUPERIOR THE FAIR Once each year labor has a day In sh sitys Ir to studv particularly Inn- - this country, which It calls Us own, At-tai- a Dr. ks Jaoanee Demand Rward f:;BB?:"n?..,ond"L!l!e.Jnil,l ! day when all toll, near as pos- MacArthur Believes sible, ceases, and the luboring hordes, - (!- she is from man with hod to for Hard Earned Victory I nothing but study. Then the the the are Harmful. pretty, A few years ago when the No More Thrilling Talc cf Judge S. E. Booth Invited to man who direct, the movement of the j He arm newspapers pave the prizes In most delicate machinery In the great- i a beauty contest to the prettiest girl Disaster Ever Came From Occupy Stage Coach Dur- est shops of the country, "knock off" In fach of several sections of the and make the El Paso Praises Wm. J. Bryan as a Speaker Terms Granted to Russia Are Very merry, says Mlsg McCornas won the prize Great Lake. Indian AtUcK Herald. and Governor Folk as a Man of Distasteful o the People country ing Japanese ss the most beautiful girl west of the This I also the day on which labor Noblest Ideals. Who Rebel Against Such Len- May RocViv mountains. shows Its strength, the day on which iency. ) When Miss McCornas wts born only the throngs with their cards In their about nineteen, years ago. New Mex- Seven Heroic Men Give Their Lives Scene Laid Near Historic Wagon pockets and togged out In their bent New York, Sept 4. A defense of ico wps a wild place compared with That th Remainder of the Craw Mound Thrilling, Spectacular clothes, are marshaled In great lines John D. Rockefeller and denunciation New York, Sept. 4. It Is reported In Its condition of today. Indians still and the Passengers May Be Saved Realictie Exhibition, a Hundred and parade through the streets of of Gov. LaFollette of Wisconsin, who nlalns. Aw- - Tien Tsln, savs a London dispatch to roiled ns savaces across Its Four Women Pass Through In War Paint, Twenty-Fiv- e every city, of the country,' to show to criticised him, were features of the a -- fellow men ac- the Herald, that the dissent in Japan Indeed .about the time of her birth ful Ordeal. , Cowboys and Fifty Cavalrymen. their what they have sermon delivered last night by Rev. over the concessions panted to Rus- "ou'n of Miss MOomas was killed complished through their organiza- Dr. Robert 8. MacArthur, who has Just sia in the proposed peace treaty Is 60 bv tbp Indians while on, Ms W9y to tion. This gnat day is, known as returned from a summer lecturing tour a revolu- vu h's relatives. all .her Labor This is named in honor deep that it is feared that Despite Day Field, Wis., Sept, 4. Eleven of The of the Fair associa- day. ,cn the Chautauqua assembly platform, will out the wptvU-rln- In the east and abroad. president of labor and Is the man's i Dr.. MacArthur made tion brepk throughout the crew of the steamer were tion has addressed the following teter laboring wpeelai reference This movement, it Is declar- McCornas remains a true child of one great nouuay or. tne year, t to of Gov. LaFollette which rmpire. yte . drowned by the wreck of, the steel to K. Booth of Raton: speeches Itself In Toklo. th She loves It and all that Judge Stephen In addition to asKle the in-- 1 related to the head of OH ed, has manifested steamer on Sand island reef on Lake Hon. 8. E. Booth, Raton, N. M. laying the Standard All cables are cut. 'leloncs to it. She rides like a cow-- t strumenta of his craft and taking tus componv and declared them exaggera. Is In Superior late Friday night. Eleven My Dear Judge Booth: bov and never so happy as when wife and little ones to some sym-gro- others were rescued, Including the re- the features of shady tions which only served to excite tb , She ia a Among spectacular st saddle. 'Just simply or picnic spot to while the person-again- whom be Hubell Cass. mainder of the ere w and four women. he Northern New Mexico fair, to be away.pathy for western girl. tne time in enjoyment, he ts also able thev were directed. Dr. MacArthur (Albufjueroue Journal.) The 61'iry cf the disaster la as thrill- held In Las Vegas, Sept. 2(5, 27, 28 and to show to the world the strength paid a tribute to Wm. "Whnt action will vou as attorney ing a tale of Bhipwreck on the great 29, will be a realistic portrayal of the glowing J. Returned From . lakes as has ever been told. The of the mighty body of which he Bryan, speaking of him as "the fore- for Sbfriff Thomas S. Hubbell take old davs of the SHntn Fe trail. The calls himself a re- Mrs. E. A. and Mrs. seven dead offered their Uvea as a proudly part. The most figure on the platform today." .regarding the governor's order of Sturges representation decided upon by the labor forth W. B. Jesse Sturges of Salem, O., arrived sacrifice for the rest of the Is great population pours Mr. Bryan delivered a lecture entitled moval?" was asked Chllders twenty board of directors and which being from the factories and the a Journal Sunday on No. 2 to visit the former's two on board the d ship. Of in s'1 th and shops and, "The Prince of Peace," which Is one hy reporter yesterday. fturd large sp'I make merry on that day ; the leaders 0f the of our "T Tlon't care to say,1' was Mr. daughter, Mrs. F. H. Shaffer. Theyithose for whom they gave their lives, kins' l nn nttaefc hv one. hundred greatest lectures timeB," - mount the platform and as the band Dr. MacArthur. Is ChUders acid It pre on their homeward trip, atfer hav- four are dead. The rest reached the ; led the celebrated said "It really a somewhat rejoinder. p'owntefl Indians, by plnys airs of address the sermon he delivers was for further ing spent several months in the shore after a night of buffeting by Mf patriotism, and freouentlv, It Impossible polite assembled multitude;' wise counsel Is on Dr. charac-- to elicit any Information c-- i northwest, going as far as Skagway, waves in an open boat and a trip to take on the near Sundays." MacArthur posed place plains glven and taken, and, after the Gov. a fT-r- Wheth.-e- r Alaska, also taking In the Portland of more than twenty-fou- r hours day terlzed Folk's address as model the nibiect Mr. 'ChlUlers. W"on Mound. is over the return to Yellowstone and road - celebrants their Pf patriotism and the governor as a the old officials ave pooped out park ting the through the wlldrenss The board has determined to re- ' - m M"8 work better men for having com- man of the noblest Ideals. a of action could not be learned. Places of fnterest California. j of northern Wisconsin. Those who ruest tbst vou consent to act as the plan - mingled for a day and exchanged Thomas S. HuhVll snl1 yesterday ah, f. o(.ui6cn ao "JKJft iii octrcmj- fcUVO HVVB IVT LUtlT bUipUIttlf 3 OCCUDSllt Of 1116 8tflg6. third year and is a veteran globe I were: northeast sentiments that tend to uplift them in that lie presumed an attempt would be Captain McDonald, As the stage coach lazily draws up their strife and labor. of tho trotter. She made several visits to Pennslvania. First Mate Louis Dar- Gal-lina- s dally made soon to take possession the hill from the lower portions of concerts and Raton while her daughter resided win, Medina, O.; second name Sports, dancing, other MURDERERS county offices and intimates thasuch mate, nark, and appears upon the broad features enliven the and make It an not ne wmKea u. there and is an enthusiastic booster unknown; shipped at Cleveland last towards the day nuemnt wri plain lroklng grand stand, enjoyable not only for the man who cf New Mexico. Two names unknown. d 'Slavlo echoes this sentiment. trip. watchmen, the Indians. In full war paint, are of Sevona, a ten hatch vessel was Is proud his organization and CAPTURED big awaiting the approach of the to out show P'aces Children In School. bound from Allouez to Erie with ore. prpnd turn and help its stage and its unfortunate occupant. but for the families and the v J. S. Duncan left for Denver Four women were on boarl, Including of fire strength, NEW MEXICO GIRL yester Immediately the discharge friends; it is a that is dav. whpr-- h will bis son and: the wife of Cook C. H.. Clucky, The ond the and visiting day nl"e arirs.Is heard, whooping remembered from one to the Two Mexlcani Near June were of war-like- i year Captured fionrhter. Gordon and Btu'ah in school, others aboard as guests the yon'rtg of the Indians ,ln their looke'd WINS HONORS owners, and were: Mrs. S. F. Snen next and is always forward tioh identified as Men Wanted for Cordon go'ng to Sacred Heart col d savaee attack uoon the coach. The to the as the he Dpirad son of Mar- cer, Miss Jones of anu Mrs. Wm. no and by workingman day , Murder of Two Victims In Arizona. l'ge. y. Erie, dvver whips his can call his own, the when labor tin also left-fo- r that Insti- Phillips, of Buffal6. . V. a run of two hundred day Delpdo, i wj ynrds. Is supreme king and all else pays tution of lparning and Carlos Dunn, Friday the steamer , ran into the m the stand, when a band 'sing grnd homage. . Chas. Carroll McCornas Competes Sue son of Richard Dunn. Besides there teeth of the nortneaster, which isi0f "cow punchers" appear upon the With Klaw & Erling-- , a. com- - Special to The Optic. cessful Season wcre quite number of oupils from still blowing a terrific gale. Captain no and the Indians in ' s(. engage J N. M., er's Company. Obi Mejclco returning to Sacred Heart McDonald tried to make headway bat, The cow punchers are driven on, The Cause of Labor. Alamogordo, Sept ' two Mexicans that were college on No 2 yesterday afternoon. against sea, but the storm be- Th! coach and Its occupant Memorable bate Presi- captured heavy stage words of the near N. M., A. B. Phil- came too heavy and the vessel struck. esc followed the yelling In- in Junction, by Hie, by dent McKlnley; Nowhere the been Iden- to be finnllv rescued by a lips, sheriff, have officially A and daught- dians, oily world has the cause of labor, Its - very pretty charming Coliseum Will Be tified. They were taken today to Is Open. of cavalry just In the "nick of and Its dignities, heen more er of New Mexico winning popular WINS t(;n ' rights Gila BROWNS The coliseum built by Att6rney county,. Ariz,, by Deputy Sheriff favor in Klaw and Erlanger's New time." ; triumphant than in the . Herron. These are the two men that Hugo Seaberg at Raton will be open ; Sbovld tleslre to have a extravaganza, "The Pearl and you lady Labor here is free and independent; murdered a man name of England v SANTA EE ed to the public September 12, At a. W to share with you the sup- - y the the Pumpkin," which has just closed FROM ,Hpnon slave labor has been abolished, and fhinkett and one other man in una Mr. cote :. Colonial large expense, Seaberg has !neers of this spectacular the workman makes his own con- a run at the theater, l t in the month of There long structed and furnished an amscw-,"-,A;,i'- Y-- V t . rffortrtanee." yon rave rounty July, Boston, and Is the opening attraction tracts and' enters only into voluntary is a five hundred dollar reward offered ravllion . as complf . He Is his own master) at the Broadway treated New York.. jm;tfyiwMrt, Aiiituiin i unuurc t , as many a city of Uu,1neople wfiTMlU'J f Vegas' ogt beautuul no man owns his Jabor. He is re-- ujr irirtLurjr, ure Her name ts L'panes carroir Mcuomas Newer Loses Game His boast. In the within oy una county ana two nunarea ana and she is vrey proud of her mas- cvr. on garden spaces yog ladies, the walls are palms and beautiful We have an excellent coacn, driver Ife: he his culine name. It proclaims her the Errors. Albu- has by merit forged way Ucred men Jt WM croei Own Fielding A commo- this - m nwt Car-rollto- shrubbery. casjjio with and some excellent horses, and to the front rank in mechanism . descendant of "Charles Carroll of very xnurder ever In dious and capac- b one of the features of committed Ariiona. a of the declaration of Fair stage ample seating will great and invention, and his trophies are mit. nn mht foftlf signer querque preparations. will be utilized for theatrical en- and will be off two ntni.r th.m and of the McCornas ity the fair, pulled seen on every hand. ftfrRl(1 Independence, . hpr(, tn h th.( th. tertainments and there is a hall for dave durlng.the week.. ? , , to the landed get-the- family who belonged and Mr. will send ns will be mobbed before he can of "before the revolu dancing parties. Seaberg'a We trust you your early gentry Maryland is to be commended. of this Invitation, and we In jail. she sfiould write enterprise acceptance LILLY CUTS A. B. tion. By good rights Special to The Optic. assure vou that In the performance Phillips arrested these with a "Jr." for her father n.en hand--f" her pame N. 4, 1905. Miss Tuttle's Guests. will be well and without any assistance, ; Carroll McCornas, manv Albuquerque, M., Sept your safety guarded, ' is Charles It was a hard for The following item and a list of the in conclusion, and lncidenjal to tne THREE MEN ci fled them and brought them here, a in New Mexico, although game Newmeyer Jail year's judge to lose After the names of the was inadvertent- favor which you are bestowing lodging them in in Otero county. . now district In Los Angeles, yesterday. holding guests great attorney Browns down to four ly omitted from us," we will state that the com- Mrs. Alice Moore Albuquerque Saturday society upon '. Cah Her mother is column: Miss Carrie C. 803 and larder are well filled, T the Public. : well-know- scattered hits until the seventh and, Tuttle. missary ' McCornas, n as a contribut- W. a who for keeping them shut out, his own errors Jackson street, entertained about thirty-- particularly for your own consumption, p. Lilly, brakeman, The Impression seems to prevail . or to' the newspapers and magazines. the three or four months has ' In picking up bunts gave the locals six guests most charmingly last All cartridges will be bandied by ons. last that because the fair association nast Mlsi McCornas herself has spent six-han- Fan-Americ- a lead which meant .'." Monday afternoon at d euchre, exhibition wll be handled by one been running out of this city, got into employed the Decorat-- most Vf T'er life in California, her victory. great Madrid Santa scored in the second and The color scheme, white and man, and it will be certain that serious trouble at yesterday. company to do the street decorat- - . moved there when fbe Fe rose, they jng father havlng In the fifth. ereen, was beautifully carried out in are all banks. He cut two Mexicans and a colored nc done by the fair association itself. was child. Her earliest edu-- " again Newmeyer's man amall trtlliant work and the excellent sup- house decorations and refreshments. We take pleasure In enclosing here- severely with a long knife and thia company must do the decorating cation 8 secured at convents In Los ' port given him made a victory look The first prize, a handsome cut glass with season' complimentary. then made tor the hills. 0f ai carriages participating lu the , Angeles and . Latr sh to Madrid to on for Albuquerque up to the vase, was captured by Miss Maud Har- Awaiting yonr reply, we remain, Lilly went brake pgrade. thle Is a mistake. Any per-th-e was d at th Hammond school impossible coal run flnisrf seventh. Then Tony Ortiz slammed rison of Loveland, Colo., the second, a Yours truly, , . . , only Saturday. B0I1 desiring to participate In the par . Van Ness San In a v formerly the. seminary, out a neat single, was advanced on a cut glass hsnoie, hv Mrs. A. B. Lewis R. B. TW1TCHELL, President. He indulged game of ade can decorate his own vehicles ae- - Francisco. baseball with a number of other own Is sacrifice. The next man up bunted of Kansas City. Mo. . , cording to his tastes and It not She went Xm the stage just because Madrid but Newmeyer got the ball easily; Todav. Labor dav, is observed as a worthies at Sunday and after compulsory to purchase decorating: sb loved It. to be name she n .True r be took his time to second Appointed Delegate. in all the states and tev the game, according to the report, material from the lind iwavs n a a.d throwing legal holiday men in lef tor"oy bd and was safe. The next man Gov. the United States met with a number of other company. All the fair as--a nince sne was five years old. Tony Otero has, appointed Jefferson ritorles of except Decorating whistled to this saloon. There was considerable does in matter la to . onn-J- r also bunted Newmeyer but Raynold8 a delegate to the American Nevada. North Dakota and Wyoming. gociatlon the her hT first soon a row me Tbla hab't gtve time the went after the ball Minina which meets in El Its observance has across the drinking and started over iend it. moral support to the decor-so- on the ssee at the Oroheum pitcher congress, spread connected with the too hurriedly and booted it out of the pB8o. November 14. 15, 16, 17 and 18; Canadian border and the day is now question ating company which has kindly com theater. Los Anwl.Jn whistM'g game. started totlean out the assist-crow- diamond. Then with the bases full w, B: Bunker and J. G. .McNary, dele--a celebrated over a large section of the Lilly t0 tne c,ty for the purpose of d two-bagge- r, and with aid of his knife con-stoo- d anniver- the ln our each an error and i single jrates to the National immigration dominion.. On each recurring ,ng ug inItal performance In Cor"P8 celebrates rcnrrfper' well. One man d-- . for four runs. - Iference in JJew 6 the bone, blood and sinew of the he succeeded very is thJg HBe pWBOns with vehicles s Tier dramatic WrthdT. York, December and sary slashed under the shoul- - Santa Fe made a desperate effort to 7 and Col. W. R. gen- country abstains from all work, and, pretty badly t0 enter, the parade mu tito , After a short experience on a far Tipton, surgeon Is believed Is serl- - ,Irlng tle the score In the ninth. Slssler ral of the New Mexico mllltla and Dr. triumphant ln""lts might, files before der, but it neither their appllcaUons at once ln order western creu't she came east and was ously wounded. The third man was to In made a two nagger and was sacrificed f h. m. Smith, assistant snnreon. First the eyes of admiring throngs the proud that the committee having the parade by Mr. Keifh appear not hurt . , , , ng'eea to third. The next man went out on 'cavalry, delegates to the fourteenth an- - banners of labor's worth and. power. badly itt charge will be able to properly his bouses as a whistler. Mr. Savage I Lilly-ha- s not been He a fly,' but L. Anderson got first on nual of the of mil-- captured. .ectlonize the same and make th 't. her e"t engaged her th meeting association ' men nere fw fr Starr's error and stole second. 1 nen at - Mr.. Frank Roy went ovef to San- was not nsea Dy ine intin as attractive as possible. Re- Prince of Pllsen. Fhe next signed a itary surgeons Detroit, Mich,, Sept- who he was and display witn out ana men on second ana ember 25 to 29 inclusive. ta Fe yesterday, accompanying her say a, braggart tried spectfully, R. B. TWITCHELL, , contract with Frank h. Per: jwo I four vsr comes D. grand-daughte- r, Stella who will to pose as a cheap sport. If, as the an-prpr- third up the redoubtable Cayot. President. . under whose manseement she from Anderson who plumes himself for a Following are the names of the six attend the academy of the Sisters of. report say the trouble resulted It, with .Tror"e Svkeg In the a Madrid in of Faith. liquor obtained at saloon . ' death of Mr. two bagger. But it wouldn't work, teen new clerks employed at Ilfeld's Loretto the city Holy Car, Made Hla Mark. After the of yesterday, It will be well for the offl- - J v struck him out and ended tne the out sale los Lopez, the young hopeful "ref- FvV-r- g her an onnortun-t- Starr, during great closing The following complimentary Mr. Perlev gave 4-- 01 nmn excitement, leaving the score at Stella Bernard, Romero. W. I Deputy Sheriff Jose L. Lopez of San- cer. re county to iook into erence to a man who to en abroad whre sh md hr under the this violation of tne law. young spent his In at Except in the fourth Albuquerque Thomnson, Pike Havens, B, Baca, ta Fe county, was also flagrant boyhood davs In Las Is VnTfwsn P""'' - t Vegas taken a"carnce' was should have been W'm. D. of Mrs. Roy. j- - Ttt theater. the Folies outplayed and Frank. Winternltz, James espionage from the Colorado 8prlngs Gazette: tnt c'tv's . A western character of defeated. TUje Santa Fe . fielding Guy, Grace White, Rose Desmarals, early days Prof. Albert Ross, of West- v . Business Men's In New of whom colored, jwv ri. MinnU nenelio Tnntaa t tirorn Rph Meeting. Mexico, , there are ern university, Quindaro, Kns., was In - " Com-r"r-i- - " i diamond. Starr pitched his T. W, Paul Per- - Business men's at the not many left, passed through L8 Colorado f 8 McConiughy, meeting Springs yesterday working; out six-- rot," Shuoo. Lor- - tomorrow Impor- Vegas In' the person of M. ZZ . Ual effective game, striking Katie Alfredo Sena. club night. yesterday In the Interest rm f . Sll...... of that Institution He ::PI teen men. s slow ban is eine - J. Arrington, or "Chuck" Arrlngton, nt "o' Newmeyer Simpson. tant! to w-- London hopes Increase the attendance of to ' 8f theafr. After his ps he wes best known In the wild and wen South puzzling In the extreme and local pupils In the mechanical and ag- AWc, et- - Men of his ffria Pntui Town md .Tohan- - change of speel Is exceedingly wooly day.. persuasion ricultural school which U in flourished In Colfax In training T ecuve. county times with j, On her return to ondon , connected the university. Last on ANOTHER BIG ENTERPRISE when it tried men's souls and it Is said -- Aibtiquerque is her - v " - M vr pricv carrying, year the Kansas legislature approp- : for the fair enthusiastic of "Chuck" that he feared nobody, not io Waw and t preparation, ' .1 ..... riated 135,000 for the .vVr,;; bor ... .III . enhrgement ally. For her cowboy carnival ar BY COLORADO CAPITALISTS ...... v.t ..w ...r, ctnfi mn ntinnnfto if th. Bfhnnl a r .1 Frienger for the "Pearl and the Pump seventeen end is now rangements have just been complet- Vegas years ago mmhpr of lrnpr0VPJnentB have kin e out- at the national soldiers' home reeards her visit to ed for seventy-fiv- of the worst residing made In the buildings and equipmentha V's H'cComas on miles below Las In Santa Monica, Calif.- - He to w-t- - law, that can be found the ranges. Tho tgh known only to the few who Santa Fe. five Vegas, goes Prof. Rons I. a native Colorado Porth Afn ps amour i ""si to meet a of and j The live stock and fleece shows are have been in with to Mineral Hill. Denver brother 8nd sister Btin exneHences of iira. po working conjunction a. product of the Colorado Springs rr ; new and are it Is an fact The hss alreadv and hundreds of other friends and as- rru-- h more clvilired than she something they bringing them, yet admitted by company acquired high school and the Vance school of found it m. m muu m mm sociates of former tr.unhMlv? s in a great many entries. inese rew mar Messrs. w. i oiturn, large iracis umuer iw days. business and shorthand, which haa al evnct(f. Ca"frH base- - alno an to tho same and With tlx teams entered in the and E. J. Knight, the Colorado Springs cality and it has eye since been merged with Henager'a f wetter of fact, the plants all of mines ln W. B. of nan-V- r 'ball tournament and practically genMemen to whom reference ws dve lounient the Tecolote Capt. Brunton Shoemaker business college. 'tree. be s0Te cr'al '"nty In west ln tne made ln The after- - (in-n- f While there the best horses the Optic Saturday district, rominanuer oi tnerman post no. 1, th ponle. i funeral'and climbed races, these two features will be bet- - noon, have other intentions in view The gentlemen will return to Las O. A. R departed for Denver yester - j H. B Smith, the tonsorlal was h saw KrntrT's - - artist, This mountain is a ter than ever. Altogether the pros- traf wi'i ndd material!' to tr. wo- Vegas from Colorado Snrjngs witntn day to attend the national encamp-- greatly , sumrised man. tho fable mountain. with V. thr y the fair seemed never uet of Las and a section of a to again conftr their ment, accompanied by J. Consaul. a fromi fo climb. It is steep with pr-fol- pects for perity Vega, fortnight afternoon, upon returning home foet Is who been on the pro- - commander of enough to put the ter. There a demand everywhere country tributary to it. engineer, ha. past the local postythe shop and finding a piano In the i.yel top big buttons. Tne base - From reliable source It Is learned route a line for the past also past Junior commander of o1 mv of Cpoe Tewn upon. Th for Las Vegas ?t posed locating house and being played excellently by ball want to wear, them at that Messrs. Corburn and Knight, one several weeks. New Mexico; Adjutant A. D. Higglns his She had th of however, are very players - daughter. purchased edges the table, ' is still and Eli com-- If Is cauebt in does every other citizen you meet, of whom is possessed of large means, Thus it that outside capital Caldwell, a past post Instrument without hi. knowledge ant abrupt and anyty a head of a which tn hold In the de-- vice senior um tfthWlnth. as the great nail of Albuouenm exoeet to send big are at the company come, and take, mander, commander of consent. But that wasn't at all neces-- build a narrow-gaug- e fail-- of re.ources of the and Tut which freouently descends unon crowd to the Northern New Mexico nrono" to velopirent tbe tbe territory assistant adjutant sarv In the premises as It was paid like-- fair. road from Romero station on the country. Ti. well. general and Comrade David Wean, for out of her own accumulated the mountain Is called, he is quite , money. LAB VSSAB DAILY Cm& Monday, sept. , ikj. t a2 l vtkk. a rai., CATARRH Professional Directory Mt'in unr:rl Utr. i tjTm--- 4 ..SPORTING HEIVS.. il kr H, A UNIVERSAL DISEASE ATTCMV AUCMlTiCTt." H rti Ktiti. tit Ca-T- u jr tirtil. l awaai. hfiai"rtl Ja . acJa &e& h. AnWLy t I tl U-stj- t'Vt 4sm t A zlT. TJ CWjc. Las aa, HOLT A HOLT. r hir Yf 4w t vfr. orc!rly t itit truce vte&irfcce vl M Vr tik. l.'-l- tti Oi l ta'T 4 kitf aai m. r, tiUC'trin) wa j acrTyi sao. awkauri BLUKAECTDEFETIN FIRST '1 lu. 'rjiitr!jr fcor.fe froos wtirb ajfc-rU- Vy .! UA si 1 rr Attm at ia ax.4 oosfwruoaaj o- - a or aoi V Lt to sU ta Ttit $fn5t. Otfloa flio. H rtBr4 14 frtf t Uiy Ostif !a CrX'n lti:4. La r'aitfri atd op(!cted4. i 'i c;J tuu".y taakise Vft. X V Vttpya EuSdi&c Plata, Lm Ym aailtjti tii cp., if'i'j! C- - v. ATtt-nt- :aw. GAME AT SILVERTON, COLO It rjti(r.taw a rtf---r o wit. tara, at cm Left tor Oa.'vt tX-"- v a VTyaaa Woci. S tl '. itwi ure, isJ tl Lu Yeia. ts:.r a'jrt is,jt:niV.T PHYSICIAN. TntiiiUfl. tar lsjtiy a ittht-- jf to Tb r!k 4 2nrt'i C.lo. t;vrt FrtOir rt lit UJ rtrU ?jf5.l fitLAt vKtt&r E-- Ji-f- (4 .! to six ct lit tOClCTIt. pby-licti-- a. t !t ultt ilrUB. C0-- JV-p- 1. Tfc'4 UUy, 11W It f MiU F d tort. f&Qij yjni.'jm tjvea. Ot H. w. HOUr Osteopatlie "JU- TVjr io Irrltr Utk I 1 B3us w It trw c ! and - MtlLoi l:,wt.iu clp. 1siCstarra f:r bTt t rsr. ! La Veeaa 4 effle Olaey tkKk; bourt tl . UtlJurt 0. 0. r. So. 6d".$ fct-tx- y liiloiifi si 4z Lcd. t-- A a, w tat t titt rt to&ay tl t:rkr vt tl jrctf- ! bs I tl. VMiar at to 12; 1:2) to 4; pboeea. La ht:t xsil fiiulfra a? tr4 Trntv' X t-t.t- r- fc. t c?t tryc t Titlrsshmtm vj-Wii- . a i u ton ah.- - al ii.u4. - a ft, S.'x-f- A3 t. trb-r-'I'a lit u tiiBc-- ct" AJur- - re4z.4 a liru frtsa ;ltX Ttjn Yffxi 4L Coloraio ITS. Snadaw 23 atiii'y. ii mrfinwit ait-al- . i:.aafl Ixitfl ittir U.t tl Veg&t Vwrvu tat a nt1 limir. ti tnt i .v.A kxitt .!r tk tl wr?lry !st.?4 to Crk U.7 . fcirf lb j tie iwanul. wtJ. M. N. G.: tpura ty Cftt i!jr to trt ilI fc u ts xccr. Attctio Lt3Pra 9ud Tl tt cf tw l ttio km wti; vakx vtr V. aiiS Tl F Cestnla Lav yvr Cs-tur- C : T. Si. TV. Ftxxng Lytts wr tlJ uiu la tb J.i i4 Trttiifia4 U B.k&. I ttsa ri i 1 .k Mwm; lw M tCtw. wLii Gist tii3 tw'4 aid Ei.JT. sp 1t ct Ijk C. Ewl Y. Hefiftock. tl il to Dr. fe..vt4 ft. S CrJt. rnfzrtTi C DENTIST. w S.3r-Titit- Siori bam-r- rostf Utk fim la ty t.r it ilka 6 BrJerty vCxa! Ev-tix- ::t ft- Ui CryXojt tl it U'itr If Vo4r l ft. ft - I o. ri?T trsite. sd wLU 1 Tl jiwljcg raff ctrt X. ttii Tr Si6 tw 111. Uvtru 47t, lit gas of 11Jb as lUia. aUkTSOX. Lud uit tf inA lit !a Ms.e f?ifac!ory. Lpr. W. C. T. U. ob Csulli(bd Uil nil; Vcit ill tmw, Irrtu hi tl -'- JL first Frltfty ttt Loc 7jiiktk fit car Ciarrb, cf cta2:29 a. Jtr. mi' t: story. Xwsi?r is a Co .4 el tooc:l at c Tb . 4a cot rw.:a : lie pleixraj-tT!r;tM- Of Sam liT tl cf wf3 pi CR. B. M. WILLIAMS CHUr Call r Nail tUJ &i j boy. and 6cce son f Option. kl-- r tlrosra ht rio Lu trwUe,lti;e Tier y axDotrd ti. E3 lit ctiig of r. Vra. is g:as wots fc Jl Vara ay Paw Eicit t- -t tit ro:aatt tilt Lacy Deat'st mw'' tadjeii) tiL d - atl tecfonrily relre ti tp Lac X: ? re-tsr- EUrk. Kra. g. Brow wEl jm,U.idy be cJkJ spB Colorado f prixg.s .nd Deavtr. Tt iua Ojk- a(tri !ib as sxxc tley art "kit 2 tie aecrtury; C Lore. ErJ!f St . Lag Yepaa, S. M. It Go A ttatt I Tie Brown ar 4nxj-- to re-- tl anirl Sa tl Etttlrs Nw tie Tl oc!t w t ctr Caurrl i Fri:eeti; 'taMat j far lit rM.m m4vu4 o'ltr injr ia l1cl tl rar tlis" tofreatit tlrw;ratleU(jL S. S. fcowi Dr. E. L. Kamwicnd. 1 : Rooa Crock. co-Co- oos-ati?- J 1 B. V-- Man Nrav ale a rf or at Saata F wlea tidied gkmt at tl territorial fair vn tbt I iool. aH Caunlai o . 0, j flm aa titri ao tlat ctn t. IcWlrff. Hosrs S to 12, aod 1: League. dty two wks ago. tad Saaa F Km ia rtffrriEf to tie tafL!1 rsrtn it of a!l cltti Motity rreafsca, rac aaawta. at ! jx.atc. it iitaarioo. Tl Op?i furtltr. lttftlf po?n-- o tie trvte aa ccc-- f Kr!rlia cf Pyrfclaa Han. TMdtf j to L BoUj pieces at cfflc aad rew-- nyi S mu to trurh cf iw ittc & S. keept I ar tJ-J- t tXhX ' ,v ,ua' u thiejwlkl os!y pro tl lttdy roaii ecrHaSy tatt&. j Ut3". il Ucl il sr v,r gta titciaT-feviSerKii- i i -- J DtaAv . ., itios. . .. Lena is ia La b. u. a, itsaar. v. 1 . . anjti it. : tut . . i xajt4 cfixc. tvr wMicinigai comix tia i,. xvi, T. E. BLAXTVaTLT, Sec ri caa clia:ra.'.e 1. DR. C U JENKINS, win Jo a '.bm la a t;uare JaJ, !h Mafov U 18 ItgrJUfcTB MXkt9 tl Bronu tl An fifta tb I Ult ll XV a would won fit's irr5 Chapman totfje. No. 2. A. P. 4 A W I tiaa is City tam lar tati :J Dentist a4 Tritliad-- It win I a fx22y txJ ti" Eiititi jPers ar cos ccilr-a- ' loan 'si ni fr prix. I1 fro I :it Tbartiaya ia each onrl. Vs:Ji 2 4. new build- - U3 cf Si, CirJi arrlrd ia Fl'RELY VltnAELt. dace Ctarrb t cc riraJ M. jRooas aad Hedgcock o.4r tl aai4 a L,P roleri y !avl!.L 3 C2f Avenue. Urfy, tb Triaidafl r15irtL"r BJ Will b a Succtt. Nollitr jua? Iwraasis. W. Cttr1 H. iEg, Douglas 10t Myt Clrcr,,TJ. V SB4 " Spor w ccr Mr'' ,e t''!" to Tlii tfffJce raiJtilly ackno"eJs tti rrt r?tVj trzxij ia il ;!eir. Secretary. r cf tKiii !i oar ook asd i tWw uy a ! to Wn;t ASSAYING. Tl pcAa at owsVti rw!!-- of iip3SmDtari il ua We T..'tt r TriUia L Katoa. ftaata J itnw at Tractioa park, Xw Mtilco fair and fa'l aay rx--i kric you Retekan Lcd;e, . o. O. Meets Yat Nortlra bo rlart 3be. F, AJcswmjwt ax 4 a ita Xw fttjral vlicl Citc at Las Vga ca t secoad asd founh Tturriay ven;rpf G. A. Collins. W. W. Corbet r, cw THE SWIFT SftCIFiC CO,' Ca. - rTl rii tl 2C, 27. 2S an J i&b. tar tfc AMaata, rt arh rrn-- t T f A tr v- t. .v- - LM gateway atnicB at tie fair Stockman. Tli l fir?t CORBET A COLLINS ;SiriciKrr tie 'Mrs. Myroa L Weru. X. Mrs. b to alio totw-i"'-: iJ Min 4,1 tbU k,DJ La V- - G.; Assaying. rkea any ca rTI . , uL,Baar,kto oras'a O v. O : r:ara s V"r. Vr. . A L. . " bat la er jtu:i-- Machinists Ar Civil, IniratSon and gust at uroal BtJsK wiJ T T r tlo ctar? Discharged. Mining Engineer , J,ga. ke . -- Be3, Mr. BoSe itcaJk4 la a fw to exxt tn3iy iiiiM ,,. ur isic-- ma.m cr a raise ecretarr; Aadtraoa, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveying. t wi ia ia? urn wn a us,. trk F-- C. Bolt I, W. S. Staik as! W. M. ; treasurer. tl Esa.iWTa.a4 Jay out iUaa' loajng iorq at ai Santa Fe, . New Mexico. for a X!ws. tl tlr rik:LP Ssata Fe ... 6fitJi orgaaixalioo. 3 2 to la tar or of hota team, la i Eastern ! Tl k4MWMtt of tax-- tl FROM OVER THE TERRITORY, i who fotaebt V. H. GtmsSa, star, Re$i::ar cotrrccT'ca-- orjaaifl tie-- liih onr to ail Elio!s tloa second and - ar &acio31 It baa foua4 toy att4 fJy cf tl Scta Fe secret serrice, tccr.h Thursday va- tn jCt'ief s ba S lags of each ooatb. All brotb-Jr- to w lei-- ,w' ", " - - risitiag jccmal playla J"L . be-e- to4iaat ,7 A new barter shop las opeaed nd lalf dcr a other cocpaj- dttec- aad sistre are cordiclJy larite diK-large- j Mrs. E. L. i i- itiKia score at tb clow of la tavid Padilia. j tires were ia court at xttir Browce. i - . .v "P. tie tie Springer by worly njatroa; THE HOTEL NATIONAL ,,a r... .wa in a to 12 ia favor Topeka. The Tsht occcrred S. R. Dearh. W. P.; Mrs. Emma i r;v' :t: a j triaj la , 1112 National r,i,r'::,n 1 be Hrn Avenue aa. Tb Ei, 8Uoraaiz4 ratter j J T,?? !f Frtif,h( for Tiof. Taof connty. is at tie Eaca Fe slops oa tl ertchig Benedict, Sec; Mrs. M. A. Howell a " "u station.. jr Treaa. lat la tl asoa tarouKb tl atr--:' ,, "l". ' , , being rectived at cf 21 asd sever tejarits wr? Th Xati'inal. Srri;u i Houl Enropean plan. prise f StT aal Tony Patrick, aod kcatd cne-fonrr- h block from nr-- t J ca both sides. t 4iatsioa4. and two run try tb Redwen csee-- 5a hn-- . r it las lad do opportuaitr to secure tie a jiEfiic'ed Fratfraal Brotle car oonn-- of Twelfth riiwt it!on an4 tl tbr by tie locaja' Tlr l roo talk of aatknal fcood tall, every secod and founb and Xatxmal Avsne. hac chacI oatsid m player with aay of aooa to fc ettatliehed Spriag-Uwa- rwBT!l5:p and ha t-- propct wre all tarned. After tbat the mora br.k ia i Monday of each r.oon at rettdnd bia pUtt-- on a Next er- ' tie eigltb lefurnUhw tbrocb(at paying - l' Kt lai. uoroerou a well a tie ran. ls5tiHR cfcitfs always wJcoas ras'-rati- aod of ernce glv year it will be ia th n. bt gam' riglt eeore. the local team putting up to the wStwa-- WiVism P. fil!s. n. It will t to yonr advantage to tbej ciake an itiTotigalion. in Team. ioort artuie ia tb Ha of laaeUll j ilr. Lola .raijo of Albustjerqe is sachen; Claries P. Jacerson, chief Chano. I J ,cf recoris. i MRS. MclxmaM. o4-ti- p cat.-v- r ALDRICH Roy tl jpam they loulJ bar won Tb v Fe ss J.M.Rivera for tb " AraiSo cf Sacta Proprietress. Alluqwrque BnuwtiS. bat baJ ao trouble in fiuding tie! and Cattle Fraternal Union of America. Meet ntr4 tb game aa4 will for'?j.a!Trinidad .pitcher and toothed lisl " Sheep ;Crst ted third Tuesdav evenicrs of ' F"Bk C Harper of Tr up qalte frHjainiIy, 1 foraeriy each month in tie Fraternal Brother i w T.'-.- " 4 M'iaa Sc-iar- a-- r had .rladl4 .nnnnrt. wrfcb nrnto4it ibompwn, Center of sheep and hood lalL wes of Fountain of Serrilieta, were isarrkd at Den- - o'clock X. P. Suad. F. W. iu piling up of score. Tie Lots are cattle industry. M.; to vtr' G. REflCII IE .making arracgeicenta play Trinidad Will bandit on com- Koogr, Secretary. SPOJ. gala. Miss Hattie E. Eaaes, daughter of mission. Th Fraternal Brotherhood, nt Games Interfered With. . late A. F. Barnes, retcrced to ber Correspondence so- 102, Meets every Friday night at tlrtt To tl PARLOR BARBER SHOP ear aa arbief Uk, - oonj w licited. hall ia Schmidt wean Tb facts, or more strictly speak- Aioaqaerau X.xT8 the building, 0.L OKOOtr. Snw. Tl paiua of rbesauitiaai, Santa of Fountain a. g o'clock. Via in. th raifmad trains. med Jr Fea Jt A square, J :;''. ; ot TL tired-o- Kaw-tui3- ftiat. acainat a cimi f 1 n Anton N. M. itisg members are always w:comt FIRST CLASS WORKMEN 1ih - Chico, ica bow reaa ia rpotfet at tat Silver Cltr and Demin. savs the! Mr. and Mrt W. P. "Fox Of A!W- JAMES Jf. COOK, Lincoln Avenue eatw. g fiver aty ladepeadent A few weeks tiuerqne lave cons up to Saata It President . Ia nxwt case 'tis tie kidaeya. sine a i:ans was scheduled which to place tbelr grandson. WlHiam Miss Katie Eurchell. Secretary. 'slaasSslalalaSalaiaaalAaaasaSAA Vota t Kidaey r.ils are for tb kid-ey- bad to 1 postponed on account of Learned. In tbe St. Michael's college, tie train being too late. Another! ' Claries Bterbadi, sto&e contractor, tJtmet was arranged for Sunday, but Miss Nettie Wartenbe and ber Bif at 2G25 Cbestant St, Erie. Fa, the train was again so lat tb mother of Springer have ptirclased a says: two was impossible for the Demlof toyI ranch near Sauz, Mora county, and rot - I nrfcJk2IT?n years I bad kidney !to get here in tiro. Manager Wit- are now living there. trouble, tad tier Ham Rose of tb Silver City club is; New New raa audi a sever seriously contemplating the building fhe Cripple Creek Timet states of a road between SUrer Goods E. EOSENWAED paia tbrooca ny private City that Miss Daisy George and J. 8. Goods I lloiaa and limbs that and Demlng to obviate a recurrence of gpangler were married in tbat city. 1 such annoyances, but has not 1 could aot stoop finally M(gg George: formerly lived at Cedar Arriving Arriving or decided to do so, and may change his jjj j )j. PLAZA PLAZA straifbtea up on. & SON I mind later I witlout great paia. Dtvily Dca.ily fL5 MmI bad In I The Roewell Canning company has IJ difficulty get' UP" Book. aboot and waa "Muf2; Ysfa 1 4 lnl0 tne tandi w. s Pm. Uog p. Yost, the foot. lanaU to rest at greatest acd p White wb0 a6some ball coach In the country, baa just indebtednessj of the aigbt, arisiog la tb a on company, We Wish to announce to our friends and we issued fine book tbe game for bcut many patrons that atomiag tired and both It " the player and spectator. I'''' te won oat. TL kid . will have the stock of up-to-da- merchandise contains more than three hundred) ' . largest this season that aey secretions were pages, nearly a hundred illustrations ."ab Jm"Utwo or Hon. rock-botto- m irregalar and de-- ' ti Rft tfh has ever been displayed in this city. Our prices will be ; . . . . . CoS yvmiiru a arm j weaf i tSL belter known a. "Hurry f" j rteo-autiat-a, aarat Ltoctora treated at for Vp" Yost, certalaly hat aa enviable !wLf KH.JJ.1. LT and everything this season's materials. Come in and look over our but failed to kelp im. I tost reputation He hat been coaching "r""""" II roafideacc ia Bvdiri&e, but Doan's ince 1897 aad baa never at yet met stock before you buy. Kidney Fills relieved me so defeat In tbe past four year he baa Jay Turley left Santa Fe overland, qokkly for Cowles. San where ad so tborottglly tlat I gladly made a turned out some wonderful teams at Miguel county, effect Michigan aad In 189 be coached the &e will be engaged for several days statement to tlat for puUkwtkn. - team. in surveying, both under- Tfcis was fa l&ti, and daring sis never defeated Kansas mining tl book will be wide- - ground and surface work. New in Years wlkb Lave eupw-- d I Lav never His undoubtedly Veiling In IN SILKS WE IN kawn Doaa's Kidnsy Pills to faiL" ly read, especially college circles,! SILK it la authentic la Mrs. Jacob Bucher and Miss Maude all shades and A FREE every particular. TRIAL of this great kidoey Owen, of Worthington, Ind.. who have taedic wlkb cored Mr. BerWcb wiil Fair Placards. been the of Professor and Mrs. in ' gnesta Show the Latest styles ranging Suits we t auailed oa applkatica to any part of AH the stations on the Santa Fe. j. a. Wood at Santa Fe for several can't tb United tat. Ad'irew Foster M north, south and west, are Judiciously days, left for their Indiana home. price from Co, Buffi. X. T. FVa r by placardd for the two big fairs which j be touched. if dreggists; price, 20 otata per boa. will be held thla month at Albuquer-- 1 H B. steward and Mrs. Edna in ::- Mr. Mrs. P. P. :::-- Lamb and and Tulle, Wc jleft Springer for Denver where they Moire now have the j ar enjoying themselves during 50c '.national encampment of the C. A. R. Changeable Plaids on display H. B. Hening, city editor of the Checks in all Colors TO EMTABLISIIF.D, 1870. Moraine Journal, returned to Albu ChanrMM Taftrta SHIRTS WAIST Plain Taffeta querque from a pleasure trip to Call' j fornla, accompanied ly Mr. Henlrg. Crepe Liberties Fancy Antarrct Superintendent M. O. Chadboume, St ITS LY njoire s Liberty Tatfeta of the Albuquerque Traction com-rn- Shantung Pong-ee- S3.00 THE departed on a pleasure trip to Colorado and Denver. Springs Plain Taffetas Coat suits, the swellest ever Belts in all the 1 FIRST NATIONAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ve show in Moire BANK Fancy Taffetas displayed. 1 rATT, latent both (Homes Errry Ne. ) styles and Fancy Amurres and Chif- or Lpn1 ffice at Santa Fe, X. M.. An?. and exclusive in silk and fine fon Velveteen in Green, Blue, Las Vegas, New Mexico, No'irf l civn that the fl- - line naml e'UT fi?l eorlrp of Waist Patterns. leather. Brown and Black. lt tiroof In CmtrtffBiitlrfiM. wh 3t. b' In'til'T to rrske f?nl j t nj jvi t rr nis cmm. ana rrt ?u i trr.,f wilj b ms3e before L". S. Co'Jrt Cot rr.lf k'tK-'-- at Las Vt ca. X. M . oa JEFFERSON RAVNOLDi. Pte dent Sept. 14. 19i3. Our Walking Hats will be on within a few Be sure i: m.E display days. to A. B. SMITH. Vitt Pres.derL jon for t!i F. 12 XV 4 lots I and see them before you buy. E. D, RAVNOLDi. Cash.rr. SI. T 14 X, R 24 E. tlALLETT A SOLOS. Ai t H" tnjs t follow In t wi'ti'"-- - Chr. to prove hi enntinuen rMrr t:;oa and culMvstkm of. said land, viz: A general tanking business trataiu'ted. Di')!fain Madrid f Tr:rni!n. V Interest tini M : Ja-sm- of Tr'tnentlna. X. ii.on deposits. Jjn B!'-- a M ; Celso of TrpmenMn. X M.; UAH Martin RVn r1 Trc X M. 5o Iss-- and KicLax-- . ts Domestic Forin MANTEL R, DTERO. n"'T. LA VIQAI DAILY OPTIO.

NEWbY Caught Stealing a Rid. RAILROAD NOTES While trying to sital a ride on a Classified Advertisements The Savings Bank Store Pullman car on the Panta Fe, J. 11, "Where 10 Cents Is King." Riley. pi'ofem.lnnal tramp, was kick, WANTED. YOU CAN OKT PICKED UP HASTILY ed from the train by the porter I. Ma. He told several people there at One pair tubular shoe strings lc WANT BL To rum r ft or tt room ..TUS.. the time of his forcible vacation of " hkmU'Iu. liuiiirx tt tM 4tb m Safety pins, per doz. , , 2o local frelisht JuM u the car, about how he was going to hu; Tar Soap, per bar 8o TliiiHi d nut depot year Satur foruiiT Muce on day. he a Imllo that sin the rllroa' ani used language I'ocket combs 5 and 10o iirand uvmut. conwquently jsav A7A.ThDl!ii r'xiiiii for lunt liiu. nltiht at hla honit) on upper Railroad which will not bear publication. Spe- " ktiiiiif by tm'hr in the Nurumi uud PALAGE One pair leather hoe strings...... 3o 111 , In of cial Officer Churlts Mains flinlly se. WIIM. 1,T r. l.i YtllUAM VACCKX. A rnr of avtnue, rtnu'nibrmcfc the fact. Also full line of alfalfu from If. P. Relnken cured the fellow and boarded a freight Mauto :nt WatjoiH was WANTKI nturt thuiv, nocap horj for Mm. E. Hayes, wife of Conductor train for Albuqicrque where Riley Aililrva B tin oiH'. HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCK I'. F. Nolan. SW'I fi ETC. Hayes, who U employed on the Btlen was tried before Justice of the Peace czar Appcixnzzan ERY, NOTIONS, JEWELRY, I n .1.,.. n.lik Crawford and ten in To tmv a utmlmin "oft. y miunt H UUJ OJUra given days Jail. VATKU ' wt"ll, P"lll Willi llllM " N " ii A2&ZIAZIE OUISXSX .Mrs, J. A, Oil C lev. fn nf tha Ann. m...... I... .1.. 1 i o Cr op'io W .illinlo. " HIUI I'll III I lit" IHIKn.i. IIUURtt III DIU'UIIU, tut 1110 0Vtr mountain to L. M, Mrs. lines was on her way to Roaok Selected, l'ANT!Cl-Aon- vi nrnu fur ltuxin-J.P- " ooixtnoua attoitioh CUUI f atii,i Wr lNik, fioi kainrv.KaiiMlfrr rcBBcaramfaBS WM. ytBterUa.V. hnr hntim tn Sun MnrKlnl V t was selected fov the " BAASCH , V., AditrMaUloimCu, t.J rtitwtiul t. fliliail a. Oefeewe e7Mf LlRht delegates to the lighth annual, con- SANTA . curs of woo! were shipped to John Fisher of the mall ser fE, 0. U. 4af Pasrjr Poston for railway vention of the National Firemen's as- Two or thrrt hritflit tod'iy Myvr Friedman and vice between La Albuquer-cue- , WANTKIt . five Junta ami sociation as the next place of meet- riMimn. aili',M Mr. Hirta PHONE 77 NATIONAL AVC cars of the fleecy stuff for Pinion, l,n Wtfm. N. M. V M Uros, left for the Portland exposition. ing, after a spirited contest with Ok- lfl, Kelly & Co. He of will return home by way the lahoma City, O. T. The convention WANTKU ioh'.jr ,o,l hmhiii i lmnil lur Puget sound country and California, to of n ih'ttiliM. W ( Mrs. Hllurlo Romero listened the reading number of the west and will be absent for a month. of held Its of 9 9 'side left for onpers, annual election LOST yesterday Darstow, Cat.. officers, and adjourned sine die. All whtre her husband U employed by J. A. known as 9 Heath, familiarly of the old officers were A kodak with ttliun m tin? ban'a Fe Pacific. as- LOST-- pu'turo onaof LOOK OUT! "pnsseuger Jack." has laid off to nv)UpiM. Kitiurn to tlu '. 9 sist In the decorations for the fire- tint Brakemnn Galnta wag In charse cf men's ball at the opera house to- RENT. $ ty In the locnl Shortage of Cart. PO'i hsl.i fndne railroad night, a cleverness on his part that 5. The rush of excursionists to Den furni-liH- yards last night, In place of Forenun Is appreciated by the committee in LUK KENT- -ii it roouu for houwt A.cvilly, who was out on the road. of that artistic work. ver on account of the national G, A. R. F kxxpltiK. Ii.ijuii lolS Tnu.-i- i Av. charge a ser- encampment, promises to cause wo hKN eloitui auituy furntkbiKl BntVtnnn R. ious shortage of passenger cars on Foil W Ml'twt. 0. Burks, a member John Mcintosh has filed suit against al Ml 9. Conductor J. H. Swallow's freight at western railroads. The Santa Fe has the Santa Fe Railway company for cars FOR SALE. I U enjoying a brief respite from dam- days been borrowing 9. ff', Pueblo, Colo., to recover $50,000 from eastern and a conference rrad duty. he re- roads, fi ages for Injuries which he says of traffic and officials was L'Ok XAI.E HuKKy nd haruei, uall ut h!2 Soma of Those Rmtas may Intaraai Yout ceived while from one of oneratlng a w- 9 H-- n alighting iMugiitaAve Vorri?. the car held in Topeka to see what could be fi inspector here, the cormwny's twins. He claims they KANSAS CITY AND RETURN uttmi'ed the funeral of the late Isaac done to relieve the situation. 9 will disable him for life. August 28, 29, 30, 81 ..$27.20 '. I' at Enclirro and has gone to ; work again. The El Paso and Southwestern has Joints Still Ache. RetdLl 9 DENVER AND RETURN Estate fi 13.55 settled another "strike" In its Doug- Charles If. a August 12, 13 .. Fireman Gpo. A. Bryan Is In hleh In man- Stevenson, popular las, Ariz., shops the same Sinta Fe conductor on the north end, jtlve over his assignment to the 1092. ner that a former "strike" was se- HOUSES TO RENT FURNISHED DENVER AND RETURN r?cently returned to his duties' after AND UNFURNISHED. 1:3.55 w';h Enelnccr Barney Archibald on been ; , August 30, 31; Sept. 1, 2, 3, 4 .... ttledthe dissatisfied men have a sojourn In the Jem'ez country, says lie o'.hcr sl'e of the cab. others and all 1s serene replaced by the Albuquerque Citizen. Mr. Stev- Hou-- es PORTLAND AND RETURN and lots for sale in all parts IT: and quiet again. enson, while the took the ox The thrre railroads centering at. at springs, tne city. August 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, hot baths for the rheumatism, but he 51.00 I Apintlllo, Ttx., are erecting jointly at Two ballast tu ins pulled ou". 'or Ranch properties of all sixes for sals 16. 17, 18, 30 and 31 a reports that his Joints still contain from six fiat nlace large building which will Gloiieta from Las Vegas this morn- acres to 1,600 acres with ' aches, and he may have to return to of I LOS ANGELES AND RETURN be used for tn eating house. ing. The ballast plow, which had plenty water for Irrigation. the springs. Several vacant 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 40.30 been employed In Shoemaker canyon store rooms for real August FMrfivnn Is laid with in good loiMIon. Ashbnngh up and which was badly damaged up fi. SAN FRANCISCO AND In In- RETURN t nirnlnrd ankle A'bumieroue a thrown- - be- Call ami see us if you want to sell, there by switch being 9 August 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 45.00 curred while stepping off the sidewalk tween the trucks, Is again in service, D. & Q. rent or buy Real Estate, at 111 fi on South Second street. been at the local I. System Douglas Avenue. 9 ST. LOUIS AND having under repairs RETURN 39.20 ' shops for some days. anla Fe Branch $ Dally to September 30 Mrs. P. J I ester and daughter, Tltn TbU No. 71. o Conductor fi CHICAGO AND RETURN family Lester, passed G. H. Gray has resigned as special I Kffectl November Tth, 1004. 9 47.20 through from Albuquerque for a visit officer of the Santa Fe and left Al- THE HARRIS Daily to September 30 to friends at Dodge City, Kans. for Ariz., where he EAT BOUND WKI BOl'NP buquerque Globe, No i& Mile- - No. .'6 will of Gila Val- 11 0 I enter the employ the 00 a m.... .Lv . .ftania ...At ... p tu Real Estate 2 8:i Ticket office at depot open entire afternoon where Ben AInot has been put on the spe- ley, Globe & Northern railway. Ho SI pm...34 I. v.. .bxphnola... Lv.... t:2t)pui cial police of the Santa Miss 2:11 pm...!). ..Lv ,Kmbudo ..Lv....l2:2 p tu fi all details be obtained. department was accompanied by his niece, 8:0p m ..,tfl Lv. ..Hamuoa.. I.v.. ..11 :Upm 9 may $ Fe, with headquarters in Wilkerson, while Mrs. Gray will be 4 :02 p m 1. Lv. .Servilleta . Lv ...10 2 p m the of friends at TucumcarU Dm ...HI Lv.. Trs PiedrawLv . .10:00 p tu $ 5 guet 8:a.) p m 125...Lv .Antotiifo .. Lv.... H :10 p m Company 17. J. LUCAS, AccnU :au . A :40 for a couple of weeks. p l.v. Almo a Lv.... pm '.'..:- ' 8:ii0am.. 2S7.. Lv. i . Conductor Upton Hays la off the .1'urolr, Lv....l2:40ptu 613 s 4 22 a m . S3t...Lv. .Colo U:07 tn DOUtLAS AVENUE. Mul-her- 8pg...IiV p H. n 16 cushions again. Conductor J. M. L. Lewis of the tailoring depart- 7.20 a m . Ar .Denver Lv.... 8:30 p tn holding down his passenger run ment of the Harvey system, is in a trip or two between this city and T as Vegas for a dav or two from Tralm ftop at Embudo for dinner where the main office in New York. Mr. good meaU are Albuquerque. CONNECTICNS 7. Lewis circulates freely without let or At A ntonito for Duraugo. snverton, and l. mcHrjorw'G SANTA FE CENTRAL RAILWAY SYSTEM . C. E. formerly city ma- hindrance among the employes of the late pointa. Gash Curtwright, measures At AUtnoNa for Denver, Pueblo and Inter Groomry. rshal of Las Vegas, is here today on Harvey eating houses and medinte point via either the utandard rauge with his them for such garments as they may line via La Veta Haa or the narrow vauxe via Cor. Twelfth and National Sta, Wtters connected present ftaliila. makuitr the in and SUNSHINE ROUTE, VIA1T0RRANCE QATEWAY San- need and have the money in or entire trip day light position as a special agent of the pocket pasitii taroutih the fmmmum Hmrml Owgm, due them to pay for, . also for all points on Creeue branch. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK: ta Fe company. Connecting with the E. P. fc N. B. and Chicago, Rook Island A. 8. Barkbt, Cooking 12 lbs ..250 M apples, and Paoifio R R. Shortest line out of Santa Y or At an hour morning, Traveling Passenger Agent, Santa Fe, K. Java-Moch- a A. S. Brown has been transferred early yesterday An elegant blend . New Mexico, to Kansas the "31,:hu night switch engine in t'io 8. K. HOOPSU. ii. tt. A . OUioago, City as agent at Dillon, to the operating ' cotf.rf, per lb ...... 23c or St Louis. When you Las Vegas yards, met with a mishap Denver. Uolo , ;; ,;;..'.. Our das are from it Elegant, per travel take the Iaughltn succeeded Mr. Brown as that didn't amount to much, though lb S3c to 75e at Dillon. might have hurt somebody badly. If carton.... 40c agent on Chippewa matches, per SAFEST AND SHORTEST ROAD not fatally. It ran off the derail SANTA FE TIME TABLE. Eddy & Eddy French mustard, BEST, the track at the Ed who had been earn- rip shops, turning awarded gold medal at St. , Coddington, over the tank and up Engin ( We have portable chutes for loading sheep) his as hostlers' helper at shaking Three Transcontinental Trains Each Louis fair, per bottle ., ,. 5c 4 WIN ing salary eer Morr.l9 and Firemen Edwards at Torrance. Permanent stock yards at round Is filling Way Day. Eddy & Eddy horse radish mus- Fe. ) the Las Vegas house, rather for a moment or two. Every ( lard, Estancla, Stanley and Santo jt the Place of Hostler J. H. Barton dur- lively tard,' awarded first prize and j his absence In the east. EAST BOUN D. gold medal at St Louis fair, ing A. L. of the two bottles 25c Shortest line to El Paso, Mezloo, and the southwest The Conrad, traffic manager No. 2 Ar... in. "...... 2:23 ro Pecos Amarlllo, S:00p. Departs p. Kammer has been Valley road, considers No. 8 Ar ...1 :30 a. m. Departs ..1 :40 a. m. only first class route to California via Santa Fe Central, Bl Engineer Fred where he and 1211, In passenger Texas, family reside, No. 4 Ar....4:40n.m. Departs .4:45 a. in P aso & Northeastern assigned to engine as a summer and In con The Will Bo Taken. service, and Bert G. Lynch, great resort, WEST BOUND. Trip TIME CAR0 and Southern Paoifio. Engineer seldom to seek in- is sequence, goes away 1:35 The official announcement and who has been her master, awaiting warm No. Ar p.m. Depaits...... 2:00p. No. 1 makes cloee other resorts during the days. ' 5: IS rr. i -. 1 . , r 1 1 I a;. No. 7Ar p. in. Departs 5:40 p. m vitations for the meeting of the gen- Leave Daily Arrive another assignment. iue uonraus resiuea m tutsI. Daily connection at Tor- iormeriy No. 3Ar. 5:55 a. m. Departs...... 8:00 a. tu. eral passenger agents' association NO. I Station no. a city, but their home and headquar 1 rance with the Gold- The pile-drivin- g crew In charge of p. ra --SANTA FB.., . 4:80 p. m ters have been at Amarlllo for the No. 2 and Bleep- have been issued and all rumor that has come down has Pullman tourist 2:30 p. m KENNEDY... .8:10 p. m en State Limited, No. 'Stephen Behringer, five Citizen. cars was to Its contem- scene of in past years. Albuquerque ing to Chicago, Kansas City and this body abandon p. m .MOMABTY ... .1:30 p. in east on from the employment Den- 45 44, bound, St. Louis, and a Pullman car for to Mexico is ar4:SS p. m p. m canyon for some . repairs plated trip City dispeHtid. -- (,13:30 Shoemaker ver Is added Trinidad. Arrive at ml-8:- 10 ESTANCLA,... -- m the Rock Island. No. boiler. At Texlco, on the line between at The members of the association and iSp, ru.w. ion a .. 2 makes close con- New Mexico and Texas, a large force La Junta 10:30 p. m., connecting with p.m.. .TORBANCK 0:40 in No. L a. their wives will leave St. Louis on a for mml. son of J. E. Hurley, of track layers are at work laying 5, leaving Junta 3:10 bl, t Stop nection with Golden Harlow Hurley, 5:00 a. Colo October 14. re- of the Santa Fe, Is rails on the Belen cut-of- f of the Santa arriving at Pueblo m., special train and w'll State Limited No. 43 general manager 6:35 a. 9:30 on October 30. - of Dan Kelly, son Fe. It is understood at Texlco that rado Springs m., Dearer turn This association west bound. Service and 'in town, the guest a. m. Is of unsurpassed. Dining, Library Gross-Kell- y composed the general passenger 'of W. Kelly, of the work will be pushed with vigor from Pullman Cars of the latest pattern. Berths reserved wire. Harry No. 8 has Pullman and tourist sleep of all the railroads in th Unit-e- d by establishment. now on, and that track layers will agents CZT TRY OUR ROUTE. soon be to work on the fielen end, cars to Chicago and Kansas City. States. Mexico and Canali. and put La 10:55 a. con- s, Arrives at Junta nu while the to Mexico this year is S. B. GRIMSHAW, F. & P. A. ' J. A. Ross, road foreman of meeting the force from Texlco on the trip 0. necting with No. 603, leaving La Junta a particularly long one, It Is bslleved this for plains a hundred miles , southwest W. H. I left city tyesterdaf 12:10 p. m., arriving at Pueblo 2:00 there will be many who will attend. ANDREWS, Pres. & Gen Manager. G. A. R. man and from town. , Denver, being an old that p. m., Colorado 3:30 in the un- Springs p. nu ALFRED GRIMSHAW, F. & P. A. having made a good record Denver 6:00 p. m. L Traveling In the war of the rebellion. Willing to Call It Off. ion army No. 4 California Limited runs Wed J. P. LYNG, City F. & P. A. A late Topeka press dispatch says: nesdays and Saturdays only. Solid FOR SALE for th5 ! BUSINESS E. E. Hermann, late agent Aftr appointing a committee of three Pullman train, with dining, buffet and F. J. Santa Fe at Raton, and Cook, to hold a conference with the man- observation cars. Unsurpassed equip- a similar for the com- of the Santa Fe the filling position agement regarding ment and service. My second hand store at will likely quit rail- off of the strike at the various No. 1 Pullman and pany Trinidad, calling has tourict sleep- for sale or trade. See roading for a season. shops of that company, the delegates ing cars for southern California to the annual convention of district points and Pullman car tor El Paso Comfort, and Mart Hartman and Louis Brown of forty-on- e association of machinists, and City of Mexico connection fo. Speed Luxury Springer who had been some time adjourned until Monday morning. j El Paso, Deming, Silver City and all PERRY ONION with a Santa Fe bridge and building The action of the convention in ap- points In Mexico, southern New Mex- outfit, hav.e accented a similar pcV-;tlo- n pointing a conference committee Is ico and Arizona. are a realization when you with the Dawson road. taken here as Indicating that the No. 7 has Pullman and tourist sleep- plaza, old num. union is willing to abandon the strike ing cars for northern California travel via the William Flood, a new man In the If the strikers will be taken back by points. postal service, is on John Fisher's the company. The districts represent J No. 93, California Limited, has same Tun in the railway mail service local unions at all shops on the Santa equipment as No. 4. Runs Mondays HOTEL CLAIRE through Las Vegas during the latter'g Fe system and Thursdays. , El Paso & absence on the Pacific slope. Southwestern SANTA FE, N. M. are Locomotive firemen pulling Fire Proof, Electric Lighted, ( to get a release System every string possible Steam from duty so as to attend the ball at Heated, Centrally Located, a con- Las Co. Scavengers. the opera house tonight. As Vegas Sanitary Baths and Sanitary Plumbing are In demand sequence extra firemen Throughout at the local round house. Double daily train service between MThe Great South-- ; Room far Com- Largv Sample west" and Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas Engine 753, just out of the Albu- mercial Men. City will be assigned and all North and East. querque shops, likely Offico at American or European Plan. points to Engineer Blevlna, who has been ubsent from the throttle for thirty VOOT GEO. E. ELLIS, days, he being the oldest man in & Proprietor and Owner. point of service. LEWIS Elegantly appointed dining cars all the way supply the Hugh Chappell, bridge inspector, beet out La.s Vegas the markets afford went up to Watrous yesterday, Low Rate to Grand Canyon, Ariz. he will an eye from which place keep Phone 169 On tho hniirtfnir of a fence cn the September 20th and 21st, the Santa Fe will sell tickets from Al- risht-of-wa- y of tie new line through Colorado to Grand and re- Shoemaker canyon. 21). buquerque Canyon turn at $20 for the round trip. Tick- Rates via. this line the lowest have been always Trains which running for the New Mexico Territorial Wer th new line in Shoemaker can- ets Fair at be extended yon today bpgan going over the old J Albuquerquewlll V. R, STILES, track, r the nason that some for parties 'Hiring to niako the be made on the . are yet to tickets re- Genl. Pass. rhanpes Cesspools aud vault Disinfected aixi nut In a Thoroueh Sani trip. The will be good for Apt. new right-of-wa- Clene. tary con itlou. Ashpits olenued, deal auiaiali and all kinds of reiuse turn passage from Grand Canyon for EL PASO, TEXAS. removed. , Pete pwego hhppened to renumber ten dayi from aaie of sale. . that he had been employed In the 8 123 V. J. LUCAS. Agent. LAI VtOA 0LV Omc MONDAY. 8EPT..4. 1905.

and 1,321 derailment. It W reckoned GIBSON & SCITZ' FAMOUS ICE CKEAM. and see us whs your eyt$ and Giie liiitt la 11 Birste of New York, wh?ii e vision raussd by 1 gatli) pttc. Ptr Gallon, $2.00; per Quart, 60 cents. burn, defects ESTA&.lf HEO 1170. Micro i a law for the gradual r.M strain rray he, remedied by the Delivered to of the between the boars eya Hard- BY f fcu crohnlinin, an v'il any part city use o lerses If properly fitted. PUBLISHED of T a. m. and 10 p. m. lersec la lieiu-flm- )&is,a-tlon- , less than the come, under ihU ly Important - r '.he THE TELEPHONE. COLORADO 247 VEGAS 415 oro-je- adjustment or ipic- OPTIC COMPANY when WK) years Iiuvo pasned and the tscles on v ? he 0e, I'hUkio more individuals have 'mh Classes t"at prescriM vKh ho ' slain. The Mock system of signaling, compromising maximum before. If for N. W. 4 N. W. Vi of Sec. 23 N. E. iklll arr1 accuracy are Ken . greatest wiihli la full Jhcu In Great wrtMin they had to do It again they would U N. W. V and N. 't N. E. U Section so worn, thct tev fall of felr pur- .u, l is. n., vy falie adjustment con-Jtnen- t, unngeia Indeed their I A and several flouutrles on the demand an indemnity, lownsnip pose. Kniettd u intttujhvt at La IVj'ii Edward J. PtnnelL contestee, In which vetv oopcjlte re. M ttcond-clm- i o may rronuce the matUr. Ik iMinovt! U U contestee has hi-rf- Whir u5vfraally it alleged that wholly suits, an thus prove Las Vegan at the territorial abandoned tha said has not res- us? be far safer thun any merely human day land, not bring your ey trouble. to GRAHAM MeNARY, IflltOf. fair will be marked an excursion Idod there on for more than six months and fill ecuHrts JA4ES agency, and one of the principal by vSiE We our lenses VBBVsvnaHsHBBBSjssaHaisHiiKAk I'xsii; u.ibkiW grind from this nnd it is that aHt Bim, u,)0n' broken Irnses matched causes of tafcty abroad. The quality city expected and na",uev" Tiaeasame as Drescrlptlens: SUBSCRIPTION WATCt. improved attention. . 1 half a v Mail re celve prompt and typo of car used In America thousand people, at least, will required by the homestead law. since without prescription. orders below It attend The Lag Vegas ball team will siild Said are AN UKLIVUKKU HV CAKRICK OR MAIL also frequently much what making entry. parties ROBERT TAUPERT, JEWELER ANO OPT Gl would be under efficient supervision be stfoeduled to play that day, which hereby notified to appear, respond and J. IN offer evidence said a score will probably be touching allega by the state, and there are Thursday. tlon at 10 o'clock a. tn. on ,UC OMk . I .9) o September OmMimM . of undlHputed ways In which the 21, 1905 before the Register and Re- tixtnr MoblUa ,,.. CtM Ameri- Labor Is to be ceiver at the United States Land Of- tu Miiuiua .. .. . iw .danger accompanying Day getting every 7.60i fice In Santa New Mexico. When want a good sidewalk )ii Yw ..... can truvel could be diminish- year a" more important holiday. That Fe, you railway The said contestant In a the first thing you think of is The obstacle the means that in of having, THE built, The ed. only h expense spite proper affidavit, filed August 14, 1905. cement and then you begin to look Weekly Optic. how On Yaar to the roads, which find it cheaper schemes and millionaires and paupers set forth facts which show that after around for some one who knows l will honthi ,,. .. ., I 0J to pay what they mum for the Uvea ud thofce who won't work, the dgtnlty due diligence personal service of this to put down a cement walk that notice can not be It Is this connection let me state after fighting in the courts of labor is becoming rec made, hereby SIDEWALK last. In destroyed, unlvorsally ordered and directed such notice we have been building cement MONDAY. SEPT. 4. 1905. with who ' that that and compromising relatives, ognized. be given by due and proper walks in Las Vegas for three years have 'not time, money, or evidence o-- ' and that we have never had to repair PROPOSITION a THE CREATE LAS VEGAS. enough for successful legal contro- The Las Vegans will be forgiven. f . MANUEL R. OTERO., or replace a single foot of it. If for cement versy. 'Great Britain and Ireland, in their warmest of welcomes to th Register, reputation building good FRED MULLER, walks is worth we feel sure Recent word from York ts ' anything New, over a billion passengers, firemen she doesn't include 1 con- transporting Isitlng . Receiver. that It will be to your interest to the purchase of the Colorado outside of suburban service, to our fire or two. Of course such a thing sult us before letting your contract ' 25 in 1904 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. We have the stone crush- A Wyoming railway running from T50.000.00p. killed persons may be arranged, but the visitors only granite mustn't insist. The warmest hos- er in Las Vegas. Homestead Entry, No. 5895. 50,000. Railroads in Great Britain are pitality has Its limitations. Land Office N. Rio Grande which is a at Santa Fe, M., Aug. logical not so free as they are with us to o 8, 1905. 17. IV. WALLACE. Las Vegas Phone 286. to the Notice is that follo- sequence, owing large holdings conduct their own business) as they The efforts that are being made hereby given the wing-named settler has filed notice of the Oould interests in the Colorado deem best. by a few citizens to find a means of his Intention to make final - proof Fuel & Iron company and also In tht o of successfully combating the scale in support of his claim, and that said will be Denver (k Rio Qrunde' railway. THE FIREMEN. that is infesting many of the best proof made before the register or receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on lln& shude trees are commendable, and 'From Terclo a may be expend- 21, 1905, viz.: Darlo Chavez, for Las Is to bo a conven Sept. ed across the mountains lata the Vegas getting every LaS Vegan who has a tree the S. W. M, Sec. 4. T. 11 N., R. 13 E. New Meat Market is Open of much The - Taos valley, and undoubtedly a line tloh city popularity. city about his premises- should join in the He names the following witnesses n No Sale. Sale in the to his continuous residence up-j- Special every day week, will bo built from Terclo to a con- has had the privilege of entertaining campaign. prove and cultivation of, said land, viz.: you can always buy the best of meats here as Pbelps-Dodgi- ) conventions and expects to o- - nection with the line many Natlvldad of N. M.; this Leyba, Gallsteo, as in town. If you want a at Dawson, the latter distance a goodly number year "In the twenty years I have been Justinlano Leyba, of Galisteo, N. M.; cheap any place poor will have a B. N. of meat which can be sold at a low less than fifty miles. For none, however, it coming here I never knew Las Ve Miguel Ortiz, of Viilanueva, M.; quality price visit- - Noberto of N. I The 8hoit Line, now In of warmer welcome than for the gas, or the rest of the territory for Euslnas, Viilanueva, and yet at a large profit do not care to serve prospect M., MANUEL R. OTERO, ' who will hold their an It Whether building by Messrs. Poena Dodrultos firemen, that matter, to be so prosperous as . Register. you at any price. you order by phone convention and tournament dur & company, crosses the Atchison, ; Mai Is now," said Francis Lee. the well or personally your meat has always been pro- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Topeka & Santa Fe road at Las V- Ing the fair. known salesman to The Optic. And tected from flies and disease germs either in of Firemen are picturesque individu that Is the that' Is coming from egasthe city largest commercial story ' Homestead Entry No. 5697. the New Century cooling room or display but nevertheless they are among men. Importance in New Mexico. als, all the traveling Land Office at Santa Fe, New Mex- counter. Boiling, meat from 5c most of our citizens refrigerator Its commanding natural position the indispensable o ico, August 17, 1905. and else in Both a nreman ana wm una vp everything proportion. will Justify a nouulatlon of fifty. Scratch you Heres that the employes of . . . . hoping , ' fl. Phones 428. Masonic Block. reason-- brave,-honeBt- capable man ready to thousand and there can be no this city thoroughly enjoy themselves us intention to make final proof wlth dKAculty and danger lf able doubt but Jbat Las Vegas will Pe an? today and that their day will prove in support of his claim, and that said she1 beset him, In the discharge SANDS. in time reach these figures. All that may the biggest kind of success. The proof will be made before United LESTER of his strenuous duties. Las Vegas States court commissioner at Las Ve- needs now is to get the Short Line members of organizations and some owes her nraotical immunity iroui gas, N. M.. on September 28. 1905. in operation to furnish the adequate who are not members have planned, Viz: Feltz Gutierrez for the 8Va fire to her excellent fire railroad and trade connections, losses by careful!? and have carried out the; BEY SE'i SWV NWVi SE. Sec. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. BONIFACIO GONZALES Y PACHECO men. We are certain that other for, the SW 4 SB 1-- 4 E 1-- 2 SW 1-- 4 The city today shows the enter- plans finely. Much credit Is due thetti to, T. 16 N. R. 21 E. Mexico have 'v' He names the witnesses No. Lot 4. Sec. 5, T. .14 N., R. 20 E. prise and progressive spirit of its cities and towns of New following (Homestead Entrr 5799.) to prove his continuous residence up- - Land Office at Santa N. M.. He names the witnesses to citizens. It street rail just as much reason to value their Fe, Aug. following has electric; Infinite possibilities are promised lou anj cultivation of, said land, viz 9. 1905. prove Jiis continuous residence upon firemen and that they are just as follo- ways, water works, electric light by the artesan well at the territorial Roman Gutierrez, of Las Vegas, N. Notice is hereby given that the ana cultivation or, saia iana. vis: ! fellows as we have here Jose of Ve- wing-named filed . Mnrnivs CncHlln nt Phanarlrn M M nlants. fine nubile buildings, business 8d hospital for the insane if the proper M.; Darlo Gutierrez, Las 'settler has notice t f si I ii K a 1 ttrhilA. I The successful fireman must be gas, N. M.; Faustin Gutierrez, of Las of his intention to make final proof Ullbarri of N. M. milUnl DUVtBIanil UUUB 1(11ratiWW HIInrira TV MUIV t out. Reymundo Chaperito, QV kind of development be carried Wat-rou- s, ' ' to sacrl Vegas, N. M.; W. H. Garner, of In support of his claim, and that said Narclsco Gallegos of Chaperito, N. aale the best schools and courageous and alert, ready Is ' houses, Where there one artesian well N. M. proof will be made before the U. S. M.; A. B. Gallegos of Chaperito, N. M. ftce himself even to his life to the ' ' Mvri hAnoo. in Mow Mvii .wwil there are more? than likely, to be a i' MANUEL R.' OTERO. court commissioner at Las Vegas, N. MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. New ? " " 4 scouring plants, four banks with com- welfare of the community. hundred and what would a hundred i v . Register. M.,' on Sept. 18, 1905, viz: Mexico firemen will favor bined deposits of two millions dollars. compare artesian .wells mean for Las Vegas. . - will be Near Las Vegas are situated the ably with any and Las Vegas o of be far famed Hot Springs with the ele- rejoiced of the opportunity .Let us count again: The Baptist gant Montezuma hotel recently stowing hospitality upon the visiting association and the Good Roads con- the fair Na- Acquired by the National Fraternal members of the craft during vention and the officers of the Tho r.7ajnot that Draws to Our Oplondld Valuao Sanitarium association, which is with- o tional Guafd. the Pythlans and the decided not to out an equal as a resort in the Rocky .The Hubbells have Odd Fellows. Toose are six pretty b'.g mountains ' from Canada to Mexloo. indulge in civil war. gatherings that are coming fair week. It is hoped the new Short Line may Las Vegas will have a welcome and much find Its grades and curvature require- The I.A8 Vegas Blues have hospitable entertainment for all. The ments will permit their building close riore than paid their way in the al city will prepare Itself to take care BACHARACH BROS. or Las Yw enough to the springs to establlsu a vertlslng they have done of the biggest crowd In Its history. station there on the malu lino and K"s. ., o make It a raecca for health and HOTEL ' OPPOSITE CASTANEDA recreation seekers There seems to be a good deal of THE MARKETS The county of San Miguel, of which the big "I" in M. Wltte's rejoicing. The following tfew York mocK quotations wwe rwelvtl by llrus, (Munition Cni Is , is most all It is who has won the Ley Las Vegas the seat, the After Japan engo Hoard of Trn1, room t and 8, Crockett doduIous and Important county in real block, Colorado Phonx iW. Lm Vhkiih fiion advantage. .ill) over their own private wir from New Hew Mexico. The whole country o' York, Chii-ac- and Colorado !pra,-t- ; coi of the firms of Logan k Bryan ew about this city is capable of support- The National Irrigation congress York snd Chicago. lonmbntH Nw York Stuck In r anl Chu iio Board of Trad. and ing a large population. Crops are expressed Itself in strong terms Win. A. Otis aCo., Hauxen aut I'rubHM. Oulo often raised-withou- t irrigation as the favor of the Elephant Butte project. rado bprinira. soil Is fertile and' the annual precipi- That expression will count. All markets closed until '' Tuesday. tation the largest of any locality Mi o ' Monday. Sept 1, 1905. ' New Mexico It . Is the largest wool Only three more weeks to the fair. Dwcrtpton Close .,. ... t market in the territory. Everything looks mighty well, but Amalgamated Cappttr. American Knr ,.... . 13J The building of the new llr.e is there is time for everybody to do a Atchlnon Cort.mon .., liound to start a rapid growth in popu- lot of boosting and advertising yet. Att hisou Prefotred .. . B & O. . It lation and business which will bring o :"; .. -- '.v tt.B.Ti L...... 681 an fever has struck all to. the road Itself exceedingly The base ball Cbu-ag- a Altou Com .. profitable traffic at this station, the southwestern towns hard and all ? V. I. ... tilH Colo. Sou ....; v o the dallies are running expansive 5icve Just deceived fl rut pfd TO KILL THAN TO columns are with 0ir CHEAPER baseball that perused " ttd pM ...... o. o. w. : avidity. -- L ; o .' C O ... .'Wi .: 5 Collier's for September i shows to Las Vegas doesn't have to hold her EriU M ?, Fall Line of Ladies American railroad on account pti.. what extent the btvath and stop growing L. N ...... , lH operators disregard human lite when of the Imminence of a new railroad, Mo. p,.:.,. J HMTi Metropolitan ..; 128'a tt says: . .. but she is going to have the railroad Mm. Cent .. are seldom miss- Horrible disasters Just the same. New York Central. 148', ing from our enterprising press. The o Norfolk ... 4 Firve Dress and Walking Eats. supply Is kept up in generous degree Las Vegas has a welcome In store Readlnit Com. V.bH ...... for rVanylranla 13 Ly the railroads. The grade crossing for all the fair visitors and the B. I. Com ... .. lias the distinction of being as peril- Odd Fellows and Firemen, the Good v pfd- .- ous as It Is avoidable, but there are Roads advocates and the officers of Republic Steel and Iron ... 20 almost as full of Rep. I. 8.pfd...... plenty of devices the National Guard. S. l. danger and as free from any excusing -- ' o St. Pvil now oa Ry. as Heed. During the first three months The Russians are sorry they I - T.C. - ssH of this year there were 1.787 collisions j didn't place the bounds of their un- Tel. Pao V. P. Cni 1.8 O.S.8.pft ...JOSS WalhCom...... 21 Lumber WatNiiih pfd . . i (Scope Company Wis Cent Cora I. Cent. pfJ W. V. t. tewtht-- r Com Sash, Doors, Builders' Hardware. Wall Paper O W Am. Smelter iS Glass, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interim, vnlted BACHARACH BROS. States Land Office, Santa Fe. N. M., Wood lfi-- Coal and August 14. M. A sufficient ctmteft affidavit laving La.s Vegas, Ni vn filed In thin office liy Richard PHONES NO. Dunn, contftar.t, si?iln.t honiesfprd CO. 5G DOTH 50 entry No 743. made January 27, 190J, MONDAY, KEPT. 4. 1905. LM fQt 0lLV OPTIC.

Mrs. Malum lu uoue to Del Uto, wis. 1x, Sav- TMinran n n IT Remember 10c U at The Jst klag C M riIMncannriII I 1 1 nnriM" M I ings Batik Store. 7(t f 1 i Z Mr. 0. 0. SchuffiT and Helen will I 7 li lt'inip vUltciif for h fi'w days, having for the quetn city of the plain OF LAS VEGAS. i s Rt with several other I Fnun G,tde, WhHiu- - A1l klnl of HIGH yt'hUitluy, tilting Ozpltml Pt!d In, $t00,000.00 Surplus 000,000,00 J uml I.uh Yi'tiuB peoiile. Orammiir Schools Supplies, ... !: Turner's menu are the best and hit OFFioenoi the cheapest. 9-- I ! prices I I O. T. Ommhbr F. D. AonU i C Tom Tipton reached home yesterday IIOSXMS, JAKUARY, Ocster i i from the lr. S. naval ncauViuy at An- on rt:--z a Atlantic wrenssi paid dzpooto. f T : I'JARICJGC, 819 napolis, Mil., aud north I I 6th Gtroot cruise to the const of Maine. i ;z Wanted Walter in dining room. THE LAS VEGAS SAVINGS DAUK Montezuma Ranch Resort. 8103 . OOKE, Pfmkfrnt II. W. ItCUY, Vls9.Pro9k&2t PERSONALS Grorge A mot. manager for Gross, D, 1, H0SXI38, Tromturor i:I z Kelly & Co., at Albuquerque and in- terested In the business, spent a cool, PAID UP CAPITAL, 030,000.00 it V. E. quiet, Wet Sabbath In Las Vegas yes- Vrs. Miller Is up from El Pino ' ' nnc'h. terday. . CST4M V jrtHff mmrnlngu ft dtwanltlmt In TKZ LAM SMWZOW CABS. I cMh Cnrnon Is up from the Bell A line of fine road wagons at tmm thmv will bflna imms mm Imoomm. ' mm nMmm Amwmd Im ate Immm mamt&m.n ' r;iar;Ji. Mo tmmn (m Cooley's repository will be sold at re- 0fmpomlim famlviotlm $U lntmt mmUomnll mo1to oi9S mmd ovmm. I I A. Bond Is about town from Eaj duced prices. Get a good runabout 'tstncla, N. M., today. for the price of. a cheap one. 8111 Abe Hlxenbaugh ias arrived In town had been In Las fror Raton with his family. B, Stephenson, who Vegas some on Insurance mat- Bullock and V. E. days R,"C. McCarty pre ters, left the city yesterday afternoon 'In. the. from Colo. A S. MOVE rjJGQRE LUMBER G&. city Trinidad, for N. M., where he will ; Tucumcari. ' V.'nr. Kroente was an arriving pas-i-rnj- have charge of the public schools thl llAltBRU BLOCK. from Watrous last night. fall and winter. DA O OA O E EXPRESS AHOTKMNSrC Frs. Blllv Newnnn Is due to return WE CAN'T 1 NO WORDS It will - WEST SIDE PLAZA. to the city from Colorado points. Fluent endugh to tell you in all details' If you contemplate building. be to to consult John Calls Attended to at all J. A Wlnans has been a visitor to the superior points about our clothing. your interest promptly '-- Our Alfred D. W. Veeder, president of the Las hours. Ottloe in rear of Schaefer's lew.; Watrous, N. M. . Benjamin Suits are Just a little bit better A little bit newer In Vegas, Improvement company. 5 Pharmacy, OJt Sixth Sreet. B)!u PlHi H. Gohlke returned to this city and GLASS style. ; Phoues 43. HARDWARE las n!V from h's trin to Germany. F. H. Pierce, president of the board, Don has over to Santa Fe to Eugenio Romero returned last THE HUB. gone preside Piano and Furniture a night from the capital. ' Over the deliberations of the peniten- Moving Specialty Na-yarr- PAINT WALL Mis Jennie Holzman reiched home tiary commissioners, also, Junn and PAPER of the of a member of the from Denver afternoon. , Hyde Paper company, Pueblo, Mora, yesterday Colo. board. Franlc Guerln has gone clown to f.flO on Don Felix Martinez set sail for El ISO. raw an effalr of the heart. A house- Tolophono Paso trnu- - Wanted girl for general Miss A'ia Albert and have last ereninc. after havinir mother sacted work. Mrs. I. Appel, 1011 Eighth arrived in the from Ind. the business that brought him city Elkhart, hither. street. 8133 Monv nmv drnwloif 4T mn b Kate Louis has been in town ly rxtnviMtnd tbroiuta thU I'Dmimnr Rudulph at rt'c, liUTfrtsinii tb in. nine 60 wr from Roeladr today. A. B. Dauber, a business man of Tu- Mrs. John Dulling and daughter, cout. invwtort Is in Ross a toi cumcari, the Meadow City today, Miss Net hie, family of a Santa Fe a pln nffiriliiiK all the Montgomery headed party also Benito atui profit without the an- Sanchez from the county bridge foreman down the country, are individual the mountains yesterday. , noyance of morttfsue seat of Quay. the guests of Mrs. Charles Behringer loani. Dwcriptinn of mthoJ and Eben Smith, a Denver mining man, two-month- all desired information on Richard Dunn and Clark M. from a trip to Illinois given was driven out to Mineral Hill today. Moore, ' ' traffickers in timber and lum- parts. Rev. R. M. Is in the from ties, Hardivcro Doctor Craig city ber, ascended the to Mineral In Gotham." heights to will ASSETS SWO.OOO.SO Ills' headquarters Hill today. Parties going the country Henry Goke has gone up to Raton consult their best interests by calling SURPLUS SS.O0O.OO Plumbing Tinning on A business trip that will occupy two at Clay & Rogers' livery barn where three days. nice rigs at reasonable prices may al- Csdlcry Additional Local be had. 11-3- 5 Ooncrcl 'rJohn M. Wiley, deputy U. S. mar- ways tlordvjcro shal, came up from Albuquerque last teach- night. Gehring's for Tents. 4 Miss Mignon Fisher, the new MASOZIO TEMPLE - OOUQLAS AVSKU2 San-tisteva- er in and M. M. Miss Clrllia n the Latin history depart- Mrs. Kahn, of Tomas Archuleta C. O. teacher of Latin ments the city high school, arrived and arrived Sundstron, on from from Taos and at the Normal the belated train last tght Tiere Saturday. history University, which arrived from Kansas with Ms Chicago, in city she has just Dell Chambers and family came In City taken her bride last degree. Clean cotton wanted at The today from a tenting trip of many night. rags In the vicinity of Rociada. Prevent a case of sickness, per- ' 8100 days 9-- Optic. Turner' for cheap meats. 3 a the Las Ve- Probate Jose G. Alarcon and haps death, by having OIIAFFa a DUZ3GS, Judge gas Sanitary Co. clean your cesspool Worn wife drove to town yesterday from the Uvmry K!s, W. R. Tompkins, of the former or vault. Office at Vogt & Lewis. Wanted Girl at Las Vegas Steam Wanted Man to act as district "El Pino ranch. 1 stock firm here of Tompkins Co., Laundry at once. 3 manager of the Washington Life In- . fof tatkSt) A. went over to Santa Fe returned to Denver from a Iters, Mennet yesterday surance company at Las Vegas. Form-e- r on the to business to these .,' yesterday, accompanied trip trip parts; MissMaryHenry, daughter of Mr. and !.? James Corry has again launched In experience not necessary. Address tSomdm Becond-pldes- j. By Dmy or Mrs. Mennet. Albu-tjuerqu- 'the by Mrs. Edward Henry, concluded hr business ac Springer In the room re- J. H. O'Rlelly general manager, ej r, W. M.' and month's visit to the roof yes- ' 3 J. V. Gallegos, clerk of Quay coun- Lewis, .undertaker paternal cently vacated by Joseph Younger. N.,M. 612 Lincoln Ave., both phones. terday and left for New York. City, Is from Tucumcari his, "- up visiting 8-- ty, - 2 where she' is employed at'a.good sal- LeaTetM PhonaJU parents for a week or ten days. - . . ' ary as a teacher. ; and N. B. Rciizr 0. l! Gregory Roseberry Mrs. John Butler of Albuquerque lu Vega joined the throng and went to Denver went for Den- For fine flavored fruit ask for r;, through yesterday the, Pro yesterday. ver doings, looking as much like the Esmeralda green label fruit and see HAVE YOU USED LEHMANN'S J. R.SMITH, it. Davis & S. is In the city from Dens former Mrs. Robert S. Fetters as ever that you get For sale at jj Seeley & Wholes! and betall Dealer la -- '' Sydes' and Graaf verjvisiting his niece at St. Anthony's she did. Hayward's. sanitarium. flC'(iRAllAM.(X:fJlLC2JL1 W. H. Dearstyne. traveling salesman o Go to for harness repairi- .'MALT BREAD." Jaramll-l- Gehring's WHKAT , E. V. Long and Pablo for the Peters company of Den- Judge made to order. 4 Paper fO thirty-mii- e ng. Harness not, it. Here are tlie excellence. started yesterday on a ver, and who is sometimes referred to Ifyoubave try points of Burbest Saah price over of the Las Vegas grant. as the Bill Nye of the commercial bald for MtUlBa' Wheat trip parts Mrs. E. wife of Man- FIHST-It-U woredlgenttble. SECOKD-I- ts flavor Is better. wneat or J. Smithers. tourists, is booking orders in the city uoioraaoBeea bale la Mrs! Jacob Stern was expected from Smithers of the Castaneda hotel THIBIJ-- H keeps raolut and Rweet. ast ager today. LASVKOAt N. M. Kansas City on the late train in this city, leaves for New-- York City Thm Fmot Is might. on No. 2 tomorrow afternoon, accom- The young man who is saving It Is the reuU of years of experience ; It . a nolld aud sweet loaf, with Mrs. J. C. Martinez and children re- panied by her children, to be followed money Is traveling on the road to nutty Savor, of and will keep fresh and good tor three turned from their visit to Watrous this by the head the family in about a wealth; and Plaza Trust &, Say- day. all to Las in B. C PITTENGER, afternoon. month, returning Vegas ings bank stands for him as the gate- Msdm From Rurm Malt, about six weeks. way of success. 7 liquid 1. M. and Louis Rapp WRHTNO, Rapp Is known and recogaiEed a the FiniMt Flavored, Mont Deliciou and Palatable tlQN from a business trip e last night We have no BoUemos In the recent examinations far Home-Mad- Bread In the world. PICTURE FRAMINO, in Santa Fe. to neither are we at Santa Fe offer, (jiving away teachers' certificates the WALL PAPER, QLAM, E. C. Stone Is making the rounds of anything in Las Vegas real eu'.ate cu county teachers' institute, there were Try It and you will ue no other. Pronounced Superior by all. " - town and city today, in the interests which we honestly believe good twenty-seve- n applicants. Of these PAINTI, ETC. profits can be made within the next two secured first grade certificates, oV WHY DOES "MALT" BREAD? few months. The Investment j seven second grade, sixteen secured IMPROVE f O02 OIXTU 200 LOTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY. Agency Corporation. Both phones 430. third grade and two failed to pass. fA :'..'... warrantee deed This question cau easily be answered by . We will give a good I' ' for two. lots each within one block of tlie followiDf remarks i street cars to any water main and 1. that will improve The ''British and Foreign Confectioner' says. Scotch bakf ra art 2 Duvall's Dinners party or parties tne oest manucacturers or oreaa tn cue world as them; to the amount of one thousand producing they dof the see N. S. ; dollars. For particulars malt, this therefore proves, that the finest bread baken use it. Ccn't Be ;6ELOEN. Surpesed "BUTTERFLY" ' 2. The bakers of Paris, in thlr manufacture of probably the finest Twelve he has The Skirt eating bread baked at the present time, use Malt Extract largely, this years man is a TRADE MARK proves, inererore, tnai essential in Obtaining sweet loaf. catered to Las Vegans SGUOOLSHOED .1. English bakers used it when yeast was made from malt, and Will Be Dame Fcshlon's Favorite many bakers are unaware that at the present time thtir yeast contains no malt, and its adoption Is only a question of time, with general trade. most service- This Fall. W&tch. Wei can give you the for it. 4. Dr. Ooodfellow In an article in the "Bakers' Record" the fot wiites: The meals, the service, able school shoe In the city at "The use of "Malt Extract" In white bread makes the loaf more diges- ' tible and hold its moisture (adding that he himself ate t hree days' old the onces. hare been lowing prices: with It. 2.00 Breal baked and found it very pleasant). The flavor it creates Sizes'! to 3 ...... is decidedly sweet (nutty), and while I have bought many loaves 1-- 1-- 2 X.i5 weighed t Size 11 2 to 13 ...... London made with this I never thoroughly, throughout preparation, have yet found 0 a II Sizes' 8 1-- 2 to 11 ...... ?. a trace of sourness In any of them." ana louca not want "Child' 5 to 8.V 15 We also handle a medium priced and cheaper shoe that will give very ' KtammfmotmrHMi om By good!wear. ly LAS HEDGC0CK, fLEHMANN. VEGAS Oo p DUVALL'S LW CV. 616 Dougltxs. - Doth Phones. iNew! Block. 4 Douglii. Ave. Qing Room.)

111 Home Grown Apples Ilttlllltf El Dorado IIdol Finest In the Market. The Ice Reopened Under Hygei Prices Right. Made from Diet il New Maiujement Pur led Water. PR. ICES All kinds of vegetables, mr"tirhlT iVnovntwi end Kan- Upm ly Thrnilsrh'mt 2,000 lbs. or more each delivery, - 25c hundred fruits and groceries. htrictlT r"irt CIum mid Wmi-e- per A Jain-1- 1 1,000 000 lbs. sas and native meats. in iti womt miM to2 35c City Kra tu Cunuwikai. 500 to 1,000 lbs. Call us by phone. " 50c Less than 50 lbs. 14 75c ( John A Popcn Mrs. J. D. STOUT CILYSTAL ICE CO.. t McGulre & Webb 144. w 514 Grind Avenue. Both phones "IIOTM PBONB9, ta .1 Y


distance. Ho bind Internally for eleven I A. T. Atkinson, l.BOu ewes. The sUetp J' 1 LOOAN YOU and ADDRESS PECOS Hill. UIL LAS VKCAt I hours before he died and hU suffer- re lu fine condition, and will be DO WANT THE NAME it; ' wero j ings terrible. Ills widow wit. driven serous the country to the of the man who should be working for you? I v nssed the accident and la frantic with ranges near Corona - ' grief ll leaves u widow and three E. B. Garcia, brother of Postmaster of the man who would gladly lend you money? small also relatives at tor daughters, liarcia, uit springer u Angeies, of the man who would like to hou-e- ? lllooiiifiuh), Tex. Cal., where he will reum his du- rent your ties In school, after several weeks' of the man who would like to buy your Iptx? QUICKLY SUPPRESSED' visiting with hU brother and family & of the man who would buy an interest in your ImVttiess GROSS, KELLY CO. F. 1 Dunn and 0. J. Blgelow, two In Springer. ' of of , (Incorporated) young men from Dawson, N. M., were James Qulnney, of Tres Tledras, the man who would buy that lot pround? j Taos was one of the fined flfi each at Pueblo, Colo., by county, lucky of the man who would old bicycle? Judge Corson for carrying concealed ones in tne uintan una drawing, si. buy your ! Z. FarweM, who was in the M WHOLESALE weapons, They arrived yesterday, formerly The Optic WANT ADS. furnish with names and add-e- with big weapons buckled to their mercantile business In Tres Pledraa, you MERCHANTS belts, t?M In cash and two bottles of was also one who drew a claim. of people who are "necessary to your prosperity.". whisky. They went to a hotel and sSBJBJSJBSlBJBBmsaBl proceeded to frighten the porters and Miss Sirah Myers returned to Wool, Hides and Pelts a Specialty clerks. A porter rushed out of a aide from an outing spent on the door and secured two policemen, who Pacific coast. ALBUQUgRQUK" hd little difficulty In capturing the Is Talkative, i: tucumcahT"! ,r- men. Pitndith Suffering Stationery Is often caused by sores, ulcers and ASTHMA CAUSES DEATH cancers, that eat away your skin. Business stationery is never mute. Wm. Bedell, of Flat Rock. Mich, A few days ago Andrew Berg ar- slipped away to Roswell, where he wns says: "I have used Bucklin's Arnica The cheap kinjl talks about you and libels you. married Sunday to Mias Maud Evans, rived from one of the northern coal Salve, for Ulcers, Sores and Cancers, . kind Territorials of Rev. C. camps and applied for lodging at the The right talks about you and praises you. daughter Judge Evans. E, i It Is the best healing dressing I ever Ltikens of that city performed the Grand Centrul hotel In Albuquerque. The kind costs more if consider He was a sufferer from asthma and 'found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns cheap you you MOVED HIS STORE ceremony. . and scalds. 25c at all moved W Kn-ra- l told the hotel people that he had been druggists; 'it expensive to lose "caste" in a business way. Jos Y. Armljo hag guaranteed. merchandise ttck of goods from MAKINO REGULAR TRIPS doctoring for the trouble for years. The kind costs less if consider town of Monte his dead body was right you you Santa Rosa to the new The of run- Friday evening Mrs. I returned to Al- on the recently adopted plan found In his room, and an examination Kempenlch worth Enclno, In Torrance county, ning the cars of the Roswell Automo- buquerque from a visit to relatives at "prestige" anything Belen cutoff. bile to three times convinces the officials that asthma company Torrance was Peralta, Valencia county. If instead of to belittle a week Is to be a success. As the direct cause of his death. He you want your Stationery to boost proving went there from St. David. Fulton WEED-CUTTIN- CAMPAIGN anticipated, the men are GOT OFP CHEAP, business then should like to to 'traveling 111., and was about your we talk 'job Printing" you A weed-cuttin- ram a lira has been the route, now that county, forty years He well think he lias off patronizing they of age. may got going on In Silver City during the last can rely on making a trip from one cheap, who, after having contracted of ten day. A large number yarda town to the other at stated periods. constipation or Indigestion, Is still Causa o' Insomnia. A Remedy Without a Peer. have been cleaned and a large num- E. 8. PORTER DEAD able to perfectly restore hts health. Indlcestlou nearly alwavs disturbs old-tim- find and S. an e of "I Chamberlain's Stomach ber more need it. Let the gooj work SPECIAL EDITION E. Porter, resident Nothing will do this but Dr. King's the sleen more or less and Is often the Grant died St. Liver Tablets more beneficial thuu go on, says the EnterprUe. The Roswell has Just Is- county, at Joseph's snv New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, cause of Insomnia. Many cases have Register atorlum In Sliver after a any other remedy I ever used for sued an excellent edition, con- City linger- and certain cure for headache, consti- been permanently cured by Chamber special ing Illness. Mr. Porter was stricken stomach trouble," saya J. P. Klote of TILL THE WEEDS ARE CUT taining articles about the leading In- pation, etc.' 25c at all druggists; lain s stomach and Liver Tablets. Mo. of with two years ago, Edma, For any disorder the Health-mk- who ar subVct to stitutions of Roswell and the resources paralysis nearly guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. or He was brought to the hospital a stomach, biliousness constipation, hay fever are advleJ to tay away of the Ptcos valley. Five thousand these tablets are without a peer. For few until the of the are to be sent out medical treatment, and after remain- H. Ej Fox, the Albuquerque Jeweler, Roy Hannon, of the Borders Under- j from Rowe! for a Ur copies paper in sale by all druggists. say and ing the Institution for about nine left for an extended visit to Kitchener, company, left for I.: weeds are cut. Many hytcUns for advertising the country, Judg- was taking Albuquerque of weMlv in a from the character of the matter months, able to be discharged ard B. C. He will be gone several weeks. an extended visit to his old home in that a prolific growth ing return to his home In Santa Rita. In M. GussarofT. an experienced cigar town has a tendency to cause hay contained In the paper, much good Chicago. of his condl-tlo- n manufacturer, has the R. will result. January the present year Cured of Lame Back After 19 Years purchased i fever. ' beenme worse and went Massey & company business at he again of Suffering. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids cigar there, being an Inmate of St. Joseph Nature. Albuquerque. NEW SCHOOL HOUSE CATTLEMAN INJURED hospital until his death. well-kno-- ct-tlftna- Medicines aid al- it- del that nature are Citizen of beautiful Corona ilirtin 31ullcn.;the for I THREE JURORS CURED s' hos-olt- fifteen years nnd found a com most effectual. Chamberlain's Callo have ralwd vumtr to build a was broU5ht to the ladies' ! ways SURPRISE WEDDING In the use of Chamber-- ! acts on mew school house there and the ladies at Sifter City, suffering from In- - plete recovery Cough Remedy this plan. It Prof. R. A. Agate and Miss Charlotte Iain's Pain Balm," John G. Blsh-Jer- , the cough! relieves Of Cholera Morbus With One Small have undertaken to furnish T- jjrt--a rH-elv- from being thrown says allays the lungs, It K. Pice their friends Ind. This liniment Is also aids secre- Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol- this end are a wrtea of from a fractious bronco at the Kilburn surprised many Glllam, expectoration,' opens the they giving In Silver City by being married without an equal for and and aids nature In era and Diarrhoea Remedy. with aupper adjunct ranch at OWtowa on the Mimbres. quietly sprains tions, restoring the dancing parties at the home of the In It Is all drug-.gists- . The serious of the re- bride's parents bruises. for sale by system to a healthy condition. Sold and Ice cream and lemonade "on the most, Injuries that the Rev. J. G. Harshaw of eide." ceived Is a fractured collar-bone- , al- city, by all druggists. G. W. Fowler of Hightower,. Ala., the Methodist church The T. Y. the accom- though he was badly bruised up In officiating. Mnynard, Jeweler, relates an experience he had while happy couple departed for Chicago, Miss Lou Hughes, one of the steno- by his returned to Al- MARRIED other parts of his body. panied family, serving on a petit Jury in a murder QUIETLY the former home of the groom, and graphers at the territorial fair asso- buquerque from a pleasure to case at scat of ' Ed trip Edwardsville, county J. Coe, formerly tuirlntendent after a short visit they w'll return ciation's headquarters In Albuquerque, California. He of schools for Lincoln stole J. G. WELSH DEAD Clebourne county, Alabama. says: county, west to Trinidad, Colo.. w'v a good Is confined to her home by sickness. "While there I ate some fresh meat march on his and J. G. Welsh, about forty-fiv- e a friends, quietly aged position as teacher of the business de- ARE YOU ENGAGED? some souse me I and meat and It gave 5. years, died at his home In Artesla. He partment of the Trinidad high school LIKE FINDtiMft MONEY. should had been with Engaged people remember, cholera morbus In a very severe form. suffering typhoid fever, awaits the groom, says the Independ- ; Finding health Is like finding money that, after I was never more life r but was about recovered when he be- marriage, many quarrels sick in my and How's This? ent. so think those who are sick. When can be avoided, their di- to gan trouble with his heart. It by keeping sent the drug store for a certain baring you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or In good condition with Elec- cholera Wsoffer One H unit Dollar Pcmsnt was heart trouble caused his gestions mixture, but the druggist snt rJ fir that PEOPLE YOU KNOW. chest Irritation, better act tric Bitters. S. A. of me nny of Catarrh tlint cannot be cured by death. He leaves a wife and two child- promptly Brown, a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Hull's Catarrh tin. like W. C. Barker, of Sandy Level, Va. S. C, says: "For years, Cholera and Diarrhof a & ren. Mr. Welsh had been In real tny remedy instead, . F J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. the Mrs. Isabelita Cordova is He "I had a terrible chest wife liavw V 3. lying says: suffered intensely from dyspep- saying that he had what I sent for, but W, thu underolynod, known estate at Artesla since the low with at her caused Choncy for tun Irntt I ft yvar, and him very consumption trouble, by smoke and coal sia, complicated with a torpid liver, that this medicine was so much better iu tnuiwc-Ho- opening of the town. He was a part- home perfectly bonotahlft all bui!nw Just north of the Southern dust on my lungs; but, after finding until she lost her strength and vigor, he would rather send It to me in the anil financial Ir able to carry out any ner In the firm of Hlgglns & Welsh. mnd hid Arm. hotel. Springer. She has dependent no relief In other remedies, I was and became a mere wreck of, her form- fix I was In. I took obligatlou by on one dose of it WaI.KINO, KlKNAM & MAHTlff her a little blind girl, while her 'cureM by Dr. King's New Discovery for er self. Then she tried Electric Bit- and was better in five minutes. The J St. Wholinalu DruKKb'- - Toledo. O. WIPE WITNESSED DEATH young son earns a tor net-ln- scanty living Consumption, Coughs and Colds." whloli her and Hall'n Catarrh rinri l taken internally, ( ters, helped at once second dose cured me entirely. Two m James Noble, a citizen of them and the some. dtfrntty upon tbn Ij'imxI and inui'oua sur-ti- prominent neighbors assist Greatest sale of any cough or lung finally made her entirely well. She Is fellow Jurors were afflicted in the of th nyMtem. TKntltnonl I cnt frw, Dexter, Chaves county, was killed In The sheep and wool commission medicine In the world. At all drug- now rrtrwa 76 enntx Sulci strong and healthy." All drug- same manner and one small bottle cur- per bottl. by all Drug a The crushed his E. G. & runaway. wagon company of Garcia Co.. at gists; 50 cents and $1.00; guaranteed. gists sell and guarantee them, at. 60c ed the three of us." For sale by all fit. abdomen and .he was some , Tak Hall's Family Pills for constipation. dragged Albuquerque, sold to Messrs. M. B. and Trial bottle free. a bottle. druggists. sr

J THE1 i'' t. i ( fl f Celebrated BmHs BEBmicktagSEEN ONLY WILL AT THE ftortbern Hew DUeaico Fair, Cas Uega$t Hew Mexico, September 2629, 190$ 4i Also the CHAMPION BOY BRONCO BUSTER of the west


Program. ( Program. ;'v For Your Benefit Illuminations Bronco Cowboy Sports. Relay Races, and AO! Grand Floral and Electric Illuminations ex- Outlaw Riding, Cowboy Bronco Busters, & CJ tending from the A. T. S. F. depot to the Firemen's Tournament, Bate Ball Tourna- - Plaza. ' ment, Grand Floral and Industrial Parade. i if Confetti Fights, Ball at Hotel Casfaneda, Music Annual National Guard The best Music and at the i: Meeting Asocia i every day night tion of New Mexico V Park and in both cities of Las Vegas. Great Race Meeting Grand Lodge of I. 0. 0. F. Purses aggregating Three Thousand Dol' Territorial Good Roads Convention. lars. The finest Harness Horses and Gal- lopers in the West. Very Low Rates Aztec Surx Dance . One and one-ha- lf cents per mile, each di- rection. Tickets on sale September 2 5th to This Weird, and Spectacular Impressire 29th inclusive, from stations north of and Ceremonial of the Pueblo Indians, is some- including Albuquerque. From stations thing never before witnessed by the Gener- south of Albuquerque. September 26th to al Public. Like most of the Rites of the , 28th inclusive. All tickets until Oct. Pueblos, this exhibition has been confined good 1st, 190S. For full to the Pueblos themselves. particulars, programs, concessions and all information necessary, Early Days on Santa Fe Trai-l- address Indians Coach W. A. BIDDECKE, attacking Stage Thrilling -- Secretary, Rescue of J Occupants by Soldiers. La Vegas, New Mexico. Meeting Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythm I i v MOBILIZATION OF THE JEW MEXICO MOUNTED 'POLICE 1N FULL UNIFORM Mounted under command of John F. Fullerton, taking part in all parades A St.

MONDAY. rT.PT. 4, 1'joy ut vco.f daily owe gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ ne umvci-kit- yell mid widen no U tided Mountain HoooHo toiiuething like this; 0 Rh, rah, run! The Loose o Who ar we? Browne & Manzanares Co g Leaf Wu re the Hopkins boya, you seal Hiti. roo, reo! Montezuma t'lvur Hi m Wholesale Grocers, Wool Hides tnd Pelts Fur the liumh (mm J H. It, I Accounting . Line of Amole on Band System "Of course, public utteutlou was at Complete Soap Alwaya o lanch Resort 1 o Is No ouce centered on this howling mob of Walter A. Wood Mowers, Longer an Innovation. ardent eollegluteo, and our fellows kept The Best of 0 things tfolng ht until Mr. Jefferson Horse Rakes, I 'from the at the side of Everything It in 0 emerged alley rwnirnizeU a an ah&lute mWit)i by all ft the theater. He v.u Immediately sur- COLORADO TELEPHOfiS Cultivators, a pri'krrc.Mve accountants, auditors manufactur- - rounded, by the Hopkimt coterie, who . City Officii Room 20 Crockett Build.nj Woolsacks, ers, It'miners, unuItuusincsi men o cried with one accord: generally. ta- J a. 6 "Jefferum, Jefferson - u - " i'J ii ui Shears, lira ml old man. I to 8 u. m Sheep The Jones Loose Leaf 6 Let tnr rip, boys, Dr, Farmer 2 to 3:30 pm. Improved Speciality Company All you can! Hay Presses, 0 He'll tlio lu(T :lr mflnilf'l.'tlirur r 0 Fur mu and you Reapers, Hero's luck. Joe, J. U. HARVEY'S The Best that Genius and Can Produce From II. Harvesters ! g Experience before Jefferson had time "Well, sir, Mountain Home and to recover from his surprise they seiz- The High Birders PERPETUAL ed and carried him to the carriage, cut O THEIR LEDGER is the most powerful, jj For comfort health and pleasure Las New Mexico the the m On Railroad Track. - - Vegas, O most dui able and traces and turned horses loose, take trio ta this famous resort lightest on the market. It has O and, shouting and howling, started up comes In Fri- no corners Carriage Tuesdays tnd J sharp or edges that mar the desk. It oiiens the street madly, with the driver on the days; goes out Wednesdays Sat- and Closes n Joker than anv nrhni box and the actor Inside, followed by u urdays.. Terms are 12.00 day or ? mob of hundreds. Thev nulled him to a eacn permits the writing surface, when in use, to lie closer to jg 910.00 weeK.. pars wsy, i.w. g the desk than bis hotel and then as he alighted gave Trit trip, including passage ana a EUREKALQL any other binder. By t improved clamp J hint cheer after cheer. stay from 8aturday to Friday or from and is tnir exoandiny mechanism the round back jjjj "Mr. Jefferson, of course, absolutely Wednesday to Tuetaay siu.uu. ITCII-ECZEL- always at 1A CURED remains iu the center i he book Ignorant of the true character of his Leave orders Murphey's drug whether is used at its store or Wooster's office In the maximum or m'nitnum of strenuous admirers, made tlieiu a little Judge Mt um.lklna thai will cum avarvthln. hnt a mwvlfli' nrNirlbl for OteMhirtf Tran hT capacity leaves, thus giving- it iu City Han. Aaareis m. a. Harvey, one Londun't celebrated ekin a beautiful and speech from the steps of the hotel, Doctor burm, of aiol ipeclalinU. symmetrical appearance. The binucr can which he sjioke of the drama and art City. be firmly locked on "tie or one thousand leaves, and one and three or four other things which permiHiently cure any dliwi of thkio or irlp, It l purely antiptlo and germicidal. Wt or more - did not know the hav tbouMud of ttwtimoniata to prove tb tma tlrtut of It poxttive car. Irnws can be inserted or removed without dis- his hearers meaulng - g won l wa yoxir um ana nioney tn "ibbmiib. inry w.uiuiny uo uu iwu, of. but were cheered to the - turbing the others. wbb Wftf in n mt n,- fnr nnr funimia Eunkalol Eciaeja Cara. It Will Kill tha ItOrV that a echo. more than of argument. Price postpaid, 60 cent and 91.00. to convincing ib Further information sent on or our - "Naturally we saw it that the Don't (after from thou torturewoma Plica. One application of tha famous Earekalel Pile application, rep- over- Cutler's Ranch eye of the press did not Cure will glvej immediate relief. l"rlee, poetpald, Mcenta. will call and show you the goods. uews of look this interesting piece of THE EVRCKALOL REMEDY CO.. 1197 BERGEN STREET. BROOKLYN. N. Y THE the Johns Hopkins uulverslty boys Rociada OPTIC CO.. Agents. honoring the veteran actor, and If you In the beautiful will take the trouble to look up the vallev near the mountains. newspapers of that day you will see Nicest of everything in the that they gave ample space to the per- formance. market. verted to it. I must admit, however, "Our college boys of the hour, with Pure mountain water. A THEATRICAL TRICK that it was not with an altogether easy one or twd dishonorable exceptions. Write or pht ne to that I started on our work of who sacrificed their dlnuers and lucre feeling Mr$,C F. CUTLER, Rociada, N.M. . .: IT FOOLED JOE JEFFERSON, AND iT metamorphosing a lot of tramps Into for the fashionable toggery we had blithesome but our task loaned received their due reward : FOOLED THE PUBLIC TOO. college lads, them, J turned out to be not so difficult after and then went back to their accus- a all. tomed haunts,, ready to give their whls-ker- s The of an Ovation That Story Wu "The 50 cents was an alluring propo- free play until another advance S&ntaL Fee New Mexico. Given to Great Actor on One u NOISY BROOK the sition to most of the gentlemen of man should seduce them with tempt- HOTEL Occanlon When He Waa food." Playing leisure whom we found ing offer of gold and Washing- Vear-Bf- congregated The 47th gins 4, 1905. I Kip Van Winkle In Baltimore. nrniiiul tlio hunirlinloa nf tln liocr bar-- ton Star. Sept. Located 20 miles west of Las "The best Btory on Joe Jefferson was rels most recently ejected from the . - 1. i-- t 1. Hill. New i. d Vegas at Mineral never during Lis lifetime, and amy narrooms wnn wuicn uie ueigu-horhoo- mm For Drunkenness, Opium DRO. DOTULPII, President printed Mexico accomodations the kindly old gentleman himself went was infested. We got to- 11 9 Morphine an stage to his reward without ever having gether thirty or forty anJ marched VCVCIV Vtner "fugUsIr? three times a week. First class to an the ft the Tobacco Habi summer and winter resort, first heard it," said the advance agent, "for them all institution called and Neurasthenia none of the people around him ever gJt Wnrklngmen's Itesidentlal club and class meals and first class beds. , KEELED up nerve enough to tell him that he had had them washed and shaved and put torn THE I'rices reasonable. , been taken in with that dear pub- In annle itle order, so that some of (OSdtlM INSTITUTE along Strictly lic whose attention we heralds of art i them looked almost respec table by the lire VmIMcsIUI. Dwlht. Mrs. Emma. Cohort, - were endeavoring to catch. : time we got through. One great hulk- Proprietress- - t.1 ... In Baltimore Jef- whom we wanted as the "It was years ago ing fellow, CONTEST NOTICE. ferson opened on a Monday hiyht iu leader of this gay ana care free aggre- The Pato Mountain too he refused absolutely for a time Kip Van Winkle,' and, although gation, of the Interior, United ,'3r a favorite with the- to with his whiskers and only con- Department was always prime part Land Office, Santa Fe, N. M., Made Lao Fcmsua neither the attendance sented to the sacrifice wheu we told States Raton Visitors That Veasa ater goers there, August 4, 1905. nor the advance sale of him we were going to pay him $3 to Who go to the that evening A sufficient contest affidavit having Seaborg seats for the week had been over gjod. captain the bunch. Hotml once go always. been filed in this office by Richard Fine The folks in front of the house cast "Meanwhile our agents had been homestead Luxurious Kooms, rack and a suitable ward Dunn, contestant, against Meals, Good Service. their eyes over the ticket busy getting together No. 7402. made January 27, 1903, unless robe for our little company. There entry came to the conclusion that for S. E. V S. W. K. S. S. E. of was on for the next QEADERQ HOTEL something unusual was done the receipts a fitting process Sec. 23, and 8. W. 3. V. Section, conclusion of which it would not be as large as they should hour, at the 24, 16 N Range 13 E.; of Townshi? t be. Well, when the business end of a was voted that wi had a crowd Thomas F. Keating, contestee, in RETAIL PRICES: show reaches that point things are li- seniors and freshnifn that would have which it is alleged that contestee ha FURNISHED ROOMS able to be doing in the good old 'con' faded the flower of Yale, Harvard, wholly abandoned the said land, nrtl Per ioo lbs. within a limited spare of rrinceton and Ilopkins all rolled into has not resided thereon for more than line very never AND BOARD pounds or more, each delivery 20 and the on Jefferson's pay- one. It required no little skill to make six months last past, and has 2,000 time, boys or cultivated roll, if they were not the suiftiest at some of them look youthful enough resided upon, improved home-cten- ti to pounds, each 30c of were certainly not for their part, but we managed rainy the same as required by the 2,000 delivery. that sort thing, makinK said In We well, for all that. When we lined the law since entry the slowest the profession. put to - Colo. No. 191 each 40c at the we noticed that the trousers said parties are hereby notified ap Phone, 200 to x,ooo pounds, delivery heads and arrived gang up g our together ana oner evidence toucn-in- was needed for of a few reached to the ankles pear, respond - conclusion that what hardly at 10 o'clock a. m. Bridge Street. to 200 each delivery 50c was some re- and caused one involuntarily to think said allegation 50 pounds, good, fat press notices 1905 before the Reg-- i had done better to pave on September 21, markable popular manifestation of ap- that the tailor ' me unueu Less than each 6oc the turned them down instead of up, and gister and Receiver ai 50 pounds, delivery. preciation of genius. I don't mean States Land Office in sania e, ew from the orchestra nor the cat here and there a student's toes would Room will be clapping bis Mexico. Dining calls from the but something seek to nrove at first band that ThA anld contestant havinc In a gallery, we closed after Sept. 30. would set the town to talking. We shoes really contained feet. But affidavit, filed August 14, 1905, that tnat proper thought long over the various schemes consoled ourselves by reflecting set forth facts which show that after but none of them apiwareJ no one would be so heartless as to oe Ane (Hlleence nersonal service of this suggested, this In- MRS. ANNA LAMBER.TSON to be Just the proper one for the pur- moved to audible reflection by notice can not be made, it is hereby of on the of a such notice pose. Suddenly the office boy, who was dication poverty part ordered and directed that as as the run of office brave young man drinking deep at the be given by due and prope publica- retiring We further Gom around a theater, butted in with, fountain of knowledge. tion. Para boys ourselves, as we ran i MANUEL R. OTERO, Works Agua why don't you have him dragged r congratulated Las Vegas Iron Say, down the line, that Register. Office 620 Douglas Avenue. " 'Dragged-wh- at's thatr I asked. our eyes up and not so bad. FRED MULLER. & Machine bnops '"Whv. have him rushed nfter the the ensemble was Foundry Las Vegas, New Mexico. said one of our 5 Receiver, matinee this afternoon by a howling " 'Now, gentlemen.' nave them unnncu party, Teniember you are college boys, mob of admirers, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. hia hnruM and dra him off ta his hotel careless and light hearted, with Just t Union GftMline the And gee touch of In you. You are car- Enflne, with their own hands. say, deviltry , Most Desirable Power. Jo-iMi- 5IO0. the of h Homestead Entry No. whli, I've got it! Let the buncn tnai ried away with performance Enfrines for Jefferson Mr. Jefferson Is the Office at Santa Fe, New Mex 8tover Otujollne does It be Johns Ilopkins boys!' Land Rnnninr Printing Presses, ain't bad Tor the kid,' remark- greatest actor on the American stage, ico, August 17, 1905. - That fol OHndlnfr Mills, Out- 0. PATTY ed th assistant treasurer patronizing you know and you are enthusiastic to Vntif la herebv Kiven that the Pumping B'DVRfJE, show ap- filed notice Wood Electric 'but where are you going to get do something that will your lowing named settler has tits, Sawing, BMDmt 9TKU II ly, of his That Is intention to make final proof Lauudrles. J) irnnr Johns Honklns boys? You don't preciation genius. of his Light Plant, D FU'L CHLEO to for the that in of his claim, and that said think they're lying around waiting enough preseut, except support or whatever you are called upon to do do proof will be made oeiore uniusa turn themselves into a ievy koujbu Las CERRILLOS j it with vim. Throw your hatr Stated-- , court commissioner at J. C. ADLON, Prop. 7 chariot 'chasers, do you?" youthful Veena N. Ml on Sentember 28, 1905, cfoutkso. nocrrto,TKt - In each other on the back Screen - "Oh, say, you're dead slow,' replied the air, clap father of ISSSS9 HtGRSd Lump Soft Goal. Indication and make a noise. Mr. Joy here Is viz: Jose Carlo Gutierrez, ,,QAIVAMZED the office boy, with every Estefanita ior Cerrillos Soft me down on leader, and you are to follow his Gutierrez, deceased, Nut Coal. rtUinist, Tome with your SW Va NW Sec. 4, SmtMmotOflly ten min Instructions from this time on. What, the W tfn.K Market snfli'P. and in T. 15 R. 21 E. Mr. without his N., utes 111 have you the greatest bunch you don't know Joy H names th fcllowiCK witnesses saw.' whiskers? Well, It Is he, all right. If m Corn and Corn Chops C tn.uiiti1 VI V vaii'J pvpr- - continuous residence up- Las Qlvm mint VI I 11... to prove his trial. j the town very well you do well, boys, there'll be a rattling viz: Vegas Not knowing on and cultivation of, said land, the then. I was puzzled at how Ilopkins fine dinner waiting for you after Roman Gutierrez, of Las egas, n. students were to be found on Marsh , Bhow, in addition to the 50 cents.' M.; Fellz Gutierrez, of Las Vegas. UnM and Notarial Seal. to Mr. who M-- Las Ve- Market and said so. "The instructions Joy, N. ; Isaac Bacharach, of il. BoOdlGtiolnp space f into our confidence of Las they ain't students at all, was taken fully gas. N. M.; Simon Bacharach, Seals "'Why, was an Intelli- M. Fuel Co, Corporation explained the all knowing office boy. and who, in fact, quite Vegas,' N. .Merchant Teller. the worst lot of can gent fellow, were more explicit. He MANUEL R. OTERO, K ubber They're bums, ..SEI LS...... ;. Stamp. I can refer to cuatomora arnona in the town, and there are was given the Hopkins yell and told to Register. you chasers I e For fill cents a head have his n: n proficient in thl and tha best people of tha town. gnaraB-te- hundreds of them. aatlafaction. When I clean and can get all of them you some other details when the time for NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Las Vegas for the day yon VJHIovj Crooti a suit It looks like new. Charges want, thirty or forty, dross them action arrived. ' preu Ot can at were out No. 5670. Works reasonable. Giro me a call up in store clothes that you get the spectators filing Homestead Entry CocL Rubber Stamp all "s 4:3") o'clock old eostumer's-bngs- ry trousers from the matinee at among Land Office at Santa Fc, New Mexico, 424 Grand Ave... Bridge St. Las Vegas. Now Max any coats of the turned up at the bottom, short th'in were our giruislied friends August 17, 1905. Ix-o- fol with a southwestern exposure, dinky Space,' who had let in through X'oMcr is hereby clven that the little and out settler has filed notice hats with colored bands, Jaunty the stage entrance then passed lowing named V rrompUT "Mum I! n. atirt fxfeian OOO behind the to make final proor OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' fried egg caps and sassy, Into the auditorium from of his intention 00 on and In or his ana mai saiu sort of caues-a- nd the restil be private boxes. Out the street claim, NEW MEXICO EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. the crowd had they ill hfl made before United O ANDg if easy money.' before dispersed Las the feasibil- were for buslnex. iwg.niiiiig States court commissioner at 1! "We !egnn to appreciate ready 28. O ANbWtnS. were con I was Intended for Vegas, N. M., on September 1!05, o ity of the scheme and soau With what st;ijose for the NW viz: Roman Gutierrez, o Feri'l for Examination Question with Some Answers ,, o i Sec. 33. T. 1 v p ?i r o ami Information Relatfrmr to I'ublk" Sotoiol of New It ' He names the following witnesses Mexico. I'rioe of ixtok 7.'c. Those devirimi positions Keep in cood health. to prove his continuous residence up- v o Iu New Mexico will iinl iu a benetlt to thud. I'ills. on and cultivation of. said land, viz: o Cure constipation. Get rid of N. M.; your W. H. Garner, Watrous, Address: . It of your biliousness. Have daily Ju'.In L'lcro, r,f Gon?al-s- , N. M.: o m o Luciano Lucero. of N. M.; ;(iii: .f.iirciiKU, movements cf the bowels. Use Gonral, o Las N M. o Fellz Gutierrez, of Las Vetraf, N. M. t Opposite U. S. Patent Vegas Ayer's Pills. Can you possibly MANUEL R. OTERO. u.ns( o o ' 1 tetter advice? ?.wfr-- 2 cive Register. oooooooooooooooooccccooo CO r i r

r, Jw .i. 71


Antonio c, de twos hue opened a meat nmrktt on wmth side of the r i Please Others the Ve nlaxa. In the same room In which he conducted a similar business six years n and can please go. I HUT Th cast nlde public schools open HmOMlB A HIE I You fd this morning for the registration 3 of pupils, only, It being Labor day. The west side schools will also open. in earnest tomorrow morning. L Urn FMlJlJ L UWNMOWtRSSMAR'ENEDHn.l AA CJgdvj QwlJDdgJa nude better than new pi vv E. I.. Hamhlln, who for many years was engaged In luminous In this city, RUBBER GARDEN HOSE, (tunr- - Cl 7 arrived nere rrom licrueiey, c.'aiir., on uteed-- 50 ft. coupled.. ... PJ No. 8 Saturday night and will remain F F Indefinitely. Everything Sold at Cut Prices. Our wagon will call and deliver free. The town council will meet tomor Doth Phones. row evnfnar on the west side. If Mayor 6ecundlno Romero falls to put E E In an apposranoe, Ignncio Lopes, may- ah--s or pro t(ni, will preside In his ' LUDVJIO 17. ILFELD nee. i Tbm Hmrdwanmmn The Methodist pulpit was supplied L L vesterdny morning and evening by MAJESTIC FREE COOKING CON- Rev. Cadwell of Swinger, N. M., who two excellent sermons. His - !, TEST STARTS SEPTEMBER 18. preached pulpit at Springer was filled by Rev. S. M. Roberts of Raton. II School Books at Warlng'a. The team of Wallace & Davis, hitch ed to a delivery wagon, ran away on The national colors are much In street evidence Brldce late Saturday afternoon, tolay. ... making things hum on that, narrow 8. business thoroughfare for a few mo Regular meeting of the Las Vegas ments. Tho vsant bo ooltt Tomorrow. lodfe or Odd Fellows tonight. goadolyou may A time is to all who Call Turner's for good promised at choice, cheap attend the ball to be given by the meats. 0-- 3 Apache lodge, D. of L. F., at the opera house tonight. The music will be fur- , The Las Arch Vegas Royal chapter nished by the opera house orchestra. t will meet tonight. Supper will be served at Duvall's. SBsasaMaaHBai FANCY FRUIT. General of business on suspension Billy Wells, who fell several feet at both sides of the ; tranquil Qalllnas his quarry the other I We this afternoon. ' day, alighting SUMMER DRICM8 sV Muscat Mission on the softest side of a huge rock; Is drum Grapes Grapes as well as could ex getting along be We out I Probate and county commissioners' at Ladies' are closing our ne of summer Apples Apricots v court tomorrow at the usual pected the Home, grinning morning and nis as drinks consisting of Wines and "V ? , hearing painful injuries juices. Plums i hour. best he can. Peaches i v.):-- . See our window of ' , The would the following: Nectarines , Pears Again Optic enquire: Robert Ralney and wife now reside display the "Who borrowed that flag and failed on a ranch a short distance out of Raspberry, strawberry, muscatel, tokay, cherry $?Ty selling ,.(. '' i. to retu it?". Lemons Oranges town .though she Is still doing dress-- . and blackberry wines. .30c per quart and declares she never had Welch ; . . . . .' . on No. 8 last nl-r- say making Vgrape juice pints 40c, quarts 75c Mid the Watermelons Cantaloupes ) VtMUigers more orders In hand than at the to pres- Root . , . . 25c only It "rained all the way from Lamy ent time. beer, per quart ...... 1 Las Vegas. ' " Cider vinegar, 4 old, 20c - Seedless Grapes Bananas 'i' guaranteed yrs. per quart , The counting of ballots in the corm t Arthur entertain hit 'A V Tipton ..will petltlve trade contest was still in pro-pres- s friends at a dance tonight at Rosen- J this but it was thal ball. v morning, thought v the result could be announced in the C. U. BOUCHER J. H. STEARNS, Grocer early edition of The Optic this after- - The .Elks will hold an eventful noon. if i meeting tonight, at which the herd will be or more. enlarged by eight D. J. Aber, a, former civil engineer ' of Las Vegas, has returned to bis The Phelps-Dodg- e engineering home at Tucumeari from Sunnyside It Is Simply a Matter of Intelligence. corps mpved camp .today from the where he Tecolote to La Garnlta. surveyed and staked off a townslte. He is much pleased with section of & have out that the country. Esslnger Judell taken Those who know a wholesale license for twelve good quality and SCHOOL SHOES liquor Mineral Hill would seem to be loom months at an expense of $100. appreciate good value can see tnc ing up In the public eye and Its com- into Is wisdom of needs Attend the locomotive firemen's ing prominence again a remind 'supplying their. jn i er of the fact the once ball at the Duncan opera house tonight that resort had prescriptions or drugs here. Good ft newspaper, the Blue Canon' Drill Schools will soon be open and you and have a good Mme, It'll be there. mavke edited by Captain Jack Churchill and drugs" a great big difference to will want to get school shoes In time. in town The of rain in Las Ve- printed a down Job office. Those who wish to make their money We have some of the best school shoes precipitation " amounted to .06 of an made which will be sold close gas yesterday Thos. Ross and James Robblns left go the farthest. at Inch; .last night .51 of an inch. With we on No. 2 today for Portland, going via prices. every pair sold give Denver. free of a useful book-holde-r 1 The Ladles' will meet Tues- They will spend two weeks charge League In the and will and ruler combined. 11 day afternoon at tialf past two with taking exposition prob House If ably mix business with dur- SCHAEFER'S Opera Pharmacy n Mrs. Layton on Eighth street. pleasure it a ing their absence. Mrs. Francisca Baca, wife of Olino has been to the hos- Among the attractions at Gallinas Baca, brought up after pital for the Insane from Lincoln park the parade this afternoon, will be a nine-innin- g on GPORLEDER CMOE county. try out the CO. diamond, between the carpenters and' SCHOOL DAYS WILL SOON BE HERE sldeB some On account of the Inclemency of printers. Both have good r men, and others sot so good, and an the weather, the, Msual open-ai- con- t is assured. cert was not given In the plaza last interesting game Start your boy to school in a com- , plete new suit. B has a to night. do right They say that Ed York, formerly look as well as any other boy. He ' of this who is said .Mrs. Madalraa Jaramlllo of Walaen-bur- g. city, to have struck nhonld feel he is the equal of any In an Is 111 at the it rich Arizona mine, has been! bjy in hit elatu, Colo., reported very married several months to a residence of Rev. Sanchez, the Bap- young S of lower and not a and 8 tist on the west side. lady California, madu resist missionary word has been sent to his friends here peee. t the wear an lear ofythe play pronnd, wool mix- ' about the hymeneal event. a What is claimed to be the largest tures, blacks and blues, $M fa $B. t In the was unfurled to the flag city to the Paso Boys Admiral Btmmam tuMm, List property for sale, rent breeze at the railroad shops this According Ej Evening your News, Miss Emma Hoffman, the min Roman ard Junior style, S to 8 yrs or with morning. ister's daughter, left that city Thurs exchange tov St. Louis where she - Fine showers of rain yesterday af day evening Young- men's stylish sulta, Fancy will this black wide ternoon and last night and they seem study winter, accompanied mixed or blues, cut with on the Miss Laura clot h. retain- to have been throughout this trip by Armstrong, shoulders, hair shape general who will attend school at 1M. Immediate section of country. Baldwin, ing front. $7 19 Kans. - The ladies . voting passed We have on sale 8 lots of through Las Vegas last after placed P. B. Parsons, who resigned his po Friday boysiichool CDFn Al Tho investment and noon, but were not seen friends 16 sition as depot baggageman some days by 8 to yrs, 3rVlrti. knew pacta A who were at the to meet them. 2 1 well ago. has accepted a position at the depot and piece suits, made, just Ac3G3y Corpcrcticn the a to wear at chool Stearns thing for hoy . GEO. A. FLEMING grocery. Schedule to Canyon. lot No. 1, the 16, 16.50 and Man Thomas the house The Street Railway company has Foster, and sign 7 suits mm has some fine established the following as the per $4.05 Domgld Avm. tlxtk St, painter, just completed Lot No 2, the $4.75, and letter on the windows of manent rchedule to Gallinas canyon t5 writing and return: 5.50 Johnsen Son on the plaza. suits. $3.73 Week day time table, car No. 102. Lot No. 3j the I3.D0, M and Lv. Santa Fe Lv. Thomas Ross today consummated Depot. Canyon. 4 50 suits 9;oo a. m. 9:45 a m. the sale of a considerable tract of 00.t . a. 25 land on street, the 10:20 a. m. 11:05 Boys raps, hats, waists ahlrta. Eighth buying 11:40 a. m. m. '.'" Springer property, and running west p. shoes everything for the boy, and as far as the Mora road. 1:00 p. m. 1:45 p. m. at the right price. 2:20 p. m. 3:05 p. m. REAL ESTATE - LOANS The west side meet 3:40 p. m. 4:25 p. BI. Sec Our Window Display literary society 6:00 5:45 m. INVESTMENTS on Wednesday evening, but there will p. in. p. 7:30 m 8:20 m. be no subject up for debate of any p. p. moment to the community, territory or The Sunday morning schedule will nation. bepln with the 7:40 car. I The Sunday time table is the same . A son was born to Mr. and Mr as the above with the addition of a 'inniitaii u. e Baca in tnis yes' 1:40 and 3:00 o'clock car going, and IK city terday morning at the residence of a 2:23 and 3:45 car returning which her fathfr, Manual Rosaya. The fath elves a service after 1:00 r arrived from Clayton on the afte o'clock. noon train,' Rccomnanled bv Agust! Note Car No. 102 has string music Hosaya, who has bwn employed in Un on the 7:30 trips, Sunday, Tuesday - ion and ,o 9- county. Friday nights. 2 Preserving PeaLrs 0 a O Do Year Shlrto tloed Duiiona? & Another lot of fancy preserv- & ing' peats, 25 pounds for $1.00 Order quick as the quantity If they do, send them to us. We 1 GRAAF HAY WARD sew buttons on shirts and make is limited. o no extra charge. Special order a a o work 0 o o per cent extra. s o. o a o MAWS & SYDE3 o 2 o LA3 VEOAO GTEAM LAUitonr o o o Colorado 81; Las Vevas 17. Tho a o e phones: o I