625 bus time schedule & line map

625 Fawley - Barton Peveril College View In Website Mode

The 625 bus line (Fawley - Barton Peveril College) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Eastleigh: 9:15 AM (2) Fawley: 2:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 625 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 625 bus arriving.

Direction: Eastleigh 625 bus Time Schedule 45 stops Eastleigh Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational The Square, Fawley Linda Road, Fawley Tuesday 9:15 AM

Infant School, Fawley Wednesday 9:15 AM

The Pentagon, Fawley Thursday Not Operational Blackeld Road, Fawley Civil Parish Friday Not Operational

Forresters Road, Blackeld Saturday Not Operational

Blackeld Crossroads, Blackeld

Primary School, Blackeld 625 bus Info Rollestone Crossroads, Holbury Direction: Eastleigh Stops: 45 The Kennels, Holbury Trip Duration: 60 min Long Copse, Fawley Civil Parish Line Summary: The Square, Fawley, Infant School, Fawley, The Pentagon, Fawley, Forresters Road, Waltons Avenue, Holbury Blackeld, Blackeld Crossroads, Blackeld, Primary School, Blackeld, Rollestone Crossroads, Holbury, Southbourne Avenue, Holbury The Kennels, Holbury, Waltons Avenue, Holbury, Southbourne Avenue, Holbury, Lime Kiln Lane, Hardley, Hardley Roundabout, Hardley, Netley View, Lime Kiln Lane, Hardley Buttsash, Butts Ash Lane, Langdown, Hythe Hospital, Purlieu, Highlands Way, Dibden Hardley Roundabout, Hardley Purlieu, Golden Hind Park, , The Mead, Hythe, Malvern Drive, Dibden Purlieu, Kensington Netley View, Buttsash Fields, Dibden Purlieu, Oaklands Way, Dibden Purlieu, Beechwood Way, Applemore, The Sylvans, Butts Ash Lane, Langdown Applemore, Corinna Gardens, Applemore, Challenger Way, Applemore, Caledonia Drive, Applemore, Hythe Hospital, Dibden Purlieu Canterbury Drive, Applemore, Cabot Drive, Fairview Parade, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish Applemore, Applemore Tesco, Applemore, Garden City, Dibden, Veal's Lane, , North Lodge, Highlands Way, Dibden Purlieu Marchwood, The Pilgrim Inn, Marchwood, Twiggs Lane, Marchwood, Marchwood Station, Marchwood, Golden Hind Park, Dibden Purlieu St Johns Church, Marchwood, The White Horse, Marchwood, Old Magazine Close, Marchwood, The Mead, Hythe Tavells Lane, Marchwood, Jacobs Farm, Hounsdown, Jacobs Gutter Lane, Hounsdown, Clay Malvern Drive, Dibden Purlieu Meadow, Rushington, Rushington Roundabout, Totton, Concorde Club, North Stoneham, Barton Kensington Fields, Dibden Purlieu Peveril College, Eastleigh Mendip Gardens, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Oaklands Way, Dibden Purlieu

Beechwood Way, Applemore

The Sylvans, Applemore Challenger Place, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Corinna Gardens, Applemore Challenger Way, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Challenger Way, Applemore Cordelia Close, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Caledonia Drive, Applemore Capella Gardens, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Canterbury Drive, Applemore

Cabot Drive, Applemore Claypits Lane, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Applemore Tesco, Applemore Claypits Lane, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Garden City, Dibden

Veal's Lane, Marchwood

North Lodge, Marchwood

The Pilgrim Inn, Marchwood

Twiggs Lane, Marchwood Hythe Road, Marchwood Civil Parish

Marchwood Station, Marchwood

St Johns Church, Marchwood

The White Horse, Marchwood

Old Magazine Close, Marchwood Main Road, Marchwood Civil Parish

Tavells Lane, Marchwood

Jacobs Farm, Hounsdown

Jacobs Gutter Lane, Hounsdown

Clay Meadow, Rushington

Rushington Roundabout, Totton Concorde Club, North Stoneham

Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh 177a Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh Direction: Fawley 625 bus Time Schedule 44 stops Fawley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh 177a Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh Tuesday 2:25 PM

Rushington Roundabout, Totton Wednesday 2:25 PM

Hounsdown Avenue, Rushington Thursday Not Operational Main Road, Civil Parish Friday Not Operational

Jacobs Walk, Hounsdown Saturday Not Operational

Valley Road, Hounsdown

Marchwood By-Pass, Hounsdown 625 bus Info Tavells Lane, Marchwood Direction: Fawley Stops: 44 St Johns Church, Marchwood Trip Duration: 57 min Line Summary: Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh, Marchwood Station, Marchwood Rushington Roundabout, Totton, Hounsdown Avenue, Rushington, Jacobs Walk, Hounsdown, Twiggs Lane, Marchwood Valley Road, Hounsdown, Marchwood By-Pass, Hounsdown, Tavells Lane, Marchwood, St Johns Hythe Road, Marchwood Civil Parish Church, Marchwood, Marchwood Station, The Pilgrim Inn, Marchwood Marchwood, Twiggs Lane, Marchwood, The Pilgrim Inn, Marchwood, North Lodge, Marchwood, Veal's Lane, Marchwood, Garden City, Dibden, Applemore North Lodge, Marchwood Tesco, Applemore, Cabot Drive, Applemore, Canterbury Drive, Applemore, Caledonia Drive, Veal's Lane, Marchwood Applemore, Challenger Way, Applemore, Corinna Gardens, Applemore, The Sylvans, Applemore, Garden City, Dibden Oaklands Way, Dibden Purlieu, Kensington Fields, Main Road, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish Dibden Purlieu, Malvern Drive, Dibden Purlieu, The Mead, Hythe, Golden Hind Park, Dibden Purlieu, Applemore Tesco, Applemore Highlands Way, Dibden Purlieu, Hythe Hospital, Rushpole Court, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish Dibden Purlieu, Butts Ash Lane, Langdown, Netley View, Buttsash, Hardley Roundabout, Hardley, Lime Cabot Drive, Applemore Kiln Lane, Hardley, New Forest Academy, Hardley, Claypits Lane, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish Southbourne Avenue, Holbury, Waltons Avenue, Holbury, The Kennels, Holbury, The Kennels, Holbury, Canterbury Drive, Applemore Rollestone Crossroads, Holbury, Primary School, Cavalier Close, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish Blackeld, Blackeld Crossroads, Blackeld, Forresters Road, Blackeld, The Pentagon, Fawley, Caledonia Drive, Applemore Infant School, Fawley, The Square, Fawley

Challenger Way, Applemore

Corinna Gardens, Applemore

The Sylvans, Applemore

Oaklands Way, Dibden Purlieu

Kensington Fields, Dibden Purlieu Cotswold Close, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Malvern Drive, Dibden Purlieu

The Mead, Hythe

Golden Hind Park, Dibden Purlieu Byeways, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Highlands Way, Dibden Purlieu

Hythe Hospital, Dibden Purlieu Fairview Parade, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Butts Ash Lane, Langdown Buttercup Close, Hythe And Dibden Civil Parish

Netley View, Buttsash

Hardley Roundabout, Hardley

Lime Kiln Lane, Hardley

New Forest Academy, Hardley

Southbourne Avenue, Holbury

Waltons Avenue, Holbury

The Kennels, Holbury

The Kennels, Holbury

Rollestone Crossroads, Holbury

Primary School, Blackeld

Blackeld Crossroads, Blackeld

Forresters Road, Blackeld

The Pentagon, Fawley

Infant School, Fawley

The Square, Fawley The Lane, Fawley Civil Parish 625 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved