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CAPTAIN MARVEL • PITYFACE & THE ADHD PROJECT • THE SUNNY WAY • TRANSIT RIDERSHIP • ASTROLOGY 2 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 3 THEATRE INSIDE07 PITYFACE photo by Dave Pijuan-Nomura THIS ISSUE MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 06 COVER STEEL CITY GANGSTER FORUM MUSIC 11 EARTH TALK 08 Hamilton Music Notes 05 PERSPECTIVE The Sunny Way 12 Live Music Listing 18 REAL ESTATE MOVIES SCENE 16 REVIEW Captain Marvel 06 THEATRE Steel City Gangster 17 Movie Reviews 07 THEATRE PityFace and The ADHD Project ETC. 18 General Classifieds FOOD 19 Free Will Astrology 10 Dining Guide 19 Adult Classifieds

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4 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW


“SUNNY WAYS, MY friends. Sunny ways!” paign events into a sort of obnoxious life These were the most famous words of coaching workshop for the nation. But, ’s 2015 election victory in the end, Sunny Ways won the day. speech. What were they supposed to And, it was fair for Trudeau to let us mean? The line felt like it was intended know. He didn’t have to rush to partisan THE SUNNY to have a double effect. First, that some- extremes, turn the campaign into a vin- thing of a new day had arrived for dictive destruction of his opponents like . This is hardly an original tactic, so many had wished. Canada could be of course. Most newly elected leaders like more, Canada would be more. Yes, yes, WAY to suggest that, without question, the the Ways were Sunny, and Sunny were future is brighter, and that the corruption the days. or decay wrought by the last guy was to Nowadays, the ways are nothing if fade into the distance. But, also, sunny not wayward. Wherever you may stand ways was something of an I–told–you–so. on the SNC–Lavalin scandal, it’s, well, The aww–shucks brand of Trudeau’s not good for the Prime Minister. campaign was often questioned by oppo- Trudeau’s credibility has clearly been nents and supporters alike. While damaged, whether or not you think it is Trudeau would often appear to be the particularly fair. Like many political con- best option in the election, he would also troversies, your reaction to it is likely a often come off as a little bit lame. projection of your support of the Liberals Trudeau was our older brother, the one and Trudeau, or your desire to see them who thought he was the cool older defeated. It’s precisely as easy to argue brother, but in truth didn’t understand that Trudeau was just trying to make the That It Failing Would Be Less Than what fluff you want to throw at us. You ferent, that government will be cleansed, that there was nothing all that cool best of a bad situation, as it is to suggest Ideal. Want Trudeau out? This is the can do your best to make it look like that we’ll all come together under the ray about being into Steely Dan. His cam- that Trudeau has no clothes and that the height of government corruption! It’s you’re different, that things don’t have to of light that is the new leader, is about as paign was welcomed in many sections of corruption is vast. Want Trudeau to hang why we can’t trust the elites! But, beyond be like this anymore, but corruption will tried and true a campaign as there is this country, tired of the politics and ide- onto power? Well, he had to do some- this particular case, and what you think remain with power, for power corrupts. these days. Much of Trudeau’s support ology of incumbent Stephen Harper. Yet, thing to save jobs, pensions, people! of it, we at least have an affirmation that This is one of the dangers of running on will ultimately come from people who you may have often found yourself cring- That SNC–Lavalin might not be Too the Ways are not particularly Sunny. rainbows and sunshine. You set yourself either never took the cute words of the ing at Trudeau’s attempts to turn his cam- Big Too Fail, but it’s certainly Big Enough Politics remain politics, no matter up for failure. Here, look how hypocriti- campaign seriously, or never really cared [CATCH] by DON MCLEAN cal I can be. Even if what you are doing in the first place. is not actually that terrible, or if it is What lies ahead is an attempt by somehow justified by some sense of Trudeau to mitigate the damage, and realpolitik, you’ve locked yourself into a efforts by Scheer and Trudeau’s other different calculus. You wanted to be more opponents to exacerbate it. We’ll here HOW TO INCREASE than this. from these others that Trudeau is exactly For now, it is unclear what this will the liberal elite you thought he was! do to Trudeau and the Liberals the next That we deserve more, we deserve time Canada goes to the polls. But, accountability, we deserve transparency. TRANSIT RIDERSHIP again, it cannot help. Fittingly, the The indignation will be palpable! Maybe strength of Trudeau’s chances in the next Scheer will be victorious, and on elec- election now will likely rely on just how tion night we’ll here about how justice HSR HAS STRUGGLED for years with virtually no growth, Employers can obtain lower fares for their workers, little people invested in or care about has been done, the people have brought but could look down the highway to the transit innova- with the incentive that the more employees sign up the these Sunny Ways. Most people, after all, a reckoning to , and yes, this tions of another older Ontario city that is making giant lower their fares. Over fifty employers are part of this pro- don’t actually take that sort of rhetoric time, things are going to change! Then, strides. By utilizing multiple methods Kingston has jumped gram. The publicity explains “the average cost of operating seriously. Rather, it’s an obvious ploy we’ll hear of new scandals all of their own its bus ridership by 80% in just five years. a car in Canada is approximately $9,712 per year or 68 from an opponent going after an incum- and we’ll continue our way round and It began in 2013 when Kingston began providing cents per kilometre whereas it costs $786 per year for bent. The promise that things will be dif- round this sun.V [video] free transit passes to grade nine students and then Kingston Transit.” taking a bus to each high school to provide instructions on Also starting in 2013, Kingston introduced express how to use it, how to load bikes on it, the routes and other buses and quickly expanded them to four major cross city features. The next year’s grade nine class got the same tran- routes running every day of the week. They are connected sit education and free passes. to a half–dozen free park–and–ride facilities that include Now after four years all secondary students have free recreation centres, MTO lots, and one shared with a gospel passes for the full school year. In Hamilton, elementary and temple. secondary students are charged $88 a month for a bus pass. The HSR has offered express between Eastgate and In Kingston children under 14 years of age ride free. A sim- McMaster since the mid–1980s, but it still only runs on ilar step has also been adopted in and is being weekdays and shuts down after 7 pm. More recently an kicked around by Hamilton council but not yet approved. express bus has been added between downtown and the Cash fares are the same as the HSR’s at $3.00, but airport although it only runs every half hour through the monthly passes are $25 less in Kingston. It also offers mul- middle of the day and also shuts down for evenings and tiple options including weekly passes, and five–day passes. weekends. Like Hamilton, there is a half–price monthly pass for low Smaller cities usually have a much harder time attract- income riders, but since the full rate is much lower so is the ing transit users and Kingston has less than a quarter of half–price one. Hamilton’s population, but it has already achieved higher In Kingston a “transit employment program” gives annual rides per person. The aggressive expansion program newly hired eligible workers for either full–time or only started in 2013 and within three years the use of buses part–time work a free two month bus pass. Free transit is by commuters had jumped by a third. now also being provided to “those who are looking for At the heart of Kingston’s success is a commitment by work through a recognized employment service program.” their city council to significantly finance transit. The fund- Like in Hamilton, college and university students get ing formula used by Hamilton city council demands that transit passes as part of their tuition. But in Kingston half the budget come from fare collections, while in there’s a youth rate for those 15 to 24 that cuts the month- Kingston it is less than a third. ly fare by $20 to encourage young people to make transit a That shows up in lower fares in Kingston, and in fewer permanent habit. Seniors in Kingston pay the same fare hikes. Kingston’s official policy is a fare increase every reduced rate as youth, higher than in Hamilton. three years, while HSR fares are pushed up every year. V Stories are summarized from CATCH: CITIZENS AT CITY HALL CATCH News, a service of Citizens at City Hall available from [email protected]. More information can be found at

VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 5 [THEATRE] By BRIAN MORTON Tony Munch, a classmate of mine from play in preparation for my audition. He was done in June of 1990, at the the National Theatre School, in was someone, who wrote, like I speak. Hamilton Place Studio Theatre. It was STEEL CITY GANGSTER , was also in the play. I Nearly thirty years later, I’m a bigger called The Kingpin, and was written by reached out to Tony, to get some fan than ever. This is the sixth produc- a local playwright, Shawn Selway, and insight, into this current version of the tion of one of George’s plays I have was a fully professional Equity produc- Rocco Perri story. worked on, as well as working on his tion, that was directed by Eric Steiner, Munch, is now, thirty years after TV series This Is Wonderland. Most with a cast of ten. leaving school, a veteran actor with a recently, I was in Her Inside Life at The There was a great deal of contro- huge number of roles in new Canadian Assembly theatre in Toronto, part of versy at the time, mainly led by a city plays, under his belt. He is a fixture for George Walker’s Parkdale Triliogy.” alderman, who later became an MPP, the past seven seasons at the Blyth George F. Walker, dramatizing the named Dominic Agostino, who felt Festival, where he appeared in Falling: story of Rocco Perri, bodes well for that the association with the city's very A Wake the play inspired by the story other theatre companies, across the large Italian community, with crimi- of local actor Paul Freeman, who was country to explore this local history, as nality and mobsters, was a cultural killed in the 1989 Lockerbie bombing, well. He has had hundreds of produc- stereotype. of a PanAm 747, over . He tions, of his plays, across Canada, the The specific grievance was with has also appeared on stages across the and Europe, over the Arts Hamilton, which had arranged a country including the Globe Theatre, past thirty years. fundraiser dinner that included a in Regina, Workshop West, in “George has a great range of stories, spaghetti dinner, and the play at Edmonton, and the Great Canadian and characters he has created. A com- Hamilton Place, which is a city owned Theatre, in Ottawa. Film and televi- mon thread could be that he gives a facility. The dinner was cancelled, sion roles, have brought him to voice, and champions those who are though the play went ahead at least, Hamilton, a few times before, includ- not always given that opportunity to be and that cancellation, and a public ing Murdoch Mysteries, Twelve Monkeys heard. Especially in this country. And apology from the executive director of for SPACE and the SYFY Network. He it comes as no surprise to me that he Arts Hamilton, Liz Robinson, made photo by BankoMedia was a series regular on NBC’s Strange has written this story about Rocco the headlines in the Hamilton Spectator, Days. Perri, and Bessie Starkman. Real peo- and the story, even made the front page WHEN A BRAND new play, makes its South, from the start of prohibition, in Munch tells me, “This play is ple from Hamilton’s historic past, and of the Globe and Mail. debut on the main–stage of Theatre Ontario in 1916, right through to April based on real people, (Rocco and what might have occurred in those I mentioned this, now ancient the- Aquarius, it is an event. When that 1944, when Rocco disappeared, from a Bessie) of course, but it is a mash up of tumultuous times in the 20’s–30’s of atre history, to Theatre Aquarius’ particular play, premiering this week, is cousin’s house at 49 Murray Street fact and fiction. My character Rosario, Canada’s prohibition era. Steel City Director of Communications, Gregg from the pen of George F. Walker, a East, he “went for a walk”, never to be is a manifestation, a “Right Hand Gangster, will appeal to Hamiltonians Taylor, and he said that the company, three time Governor’s General’s Award seen again, Playwright Walker, has Man” to Rocco. The style of the play is for sure, but there is a much bigger, and has had “nothing but positive reactions winning playwright, member of the been working on the story, for at least a distinctly George F. Walker, blending broader appeal in the universal love for from Italians in the city so far, and that Order of Canada, and the creator of decade now, since he pitched the idea comedy and tragedy, into an unique, those on the opposite side of the law. It the show was very selling well, and one of my favourite CBC television as a TV mini–series to CBC television. pure, and thrilling ride. I really don’t would fly anywhere. It is a big story beyond its targets”, proving once again, programs, This Is Wonderland, then, it According to Walker, “Rocco know who shot Bessie, or what hap- with big personalities.” that there is an audience for Hamilton is a seismic upheaval, on the local the- Perri, was a Hamilton gangster, who pened to Rocco. But what a great The play, is directed by Theatre specific plays, in Hamilton. atre scene, of epic proportions. And was actually as good at what he did, as Canadian story, that unfolded right Aquarius’ Artistic Director Ron So in the intervening twenty–nine when that brand new play is set, here Al Capone, was in . He was here in Hamilton.” Ulrich. It features a Set/Costume years, has the audience, for local drama in Hamilton, and is inspired by an big, successful, and he basically had the There have been a few other design by Doug Paraschuk, Lighting by in Hamilton changed? This, is a ques- essential bit of local history, well it is Canadian side of prohibition, all sown Hamilton specific stories, Theatre Sihobahn Sleath, and sound by Ranil tion, that I think will be answered, ulti- the theatrical equivalent of the win- up. But the thing about the story that Aquarius has featured over the years. Sonnadara. The cast also includes mately when the play opens. I, for one, ning goal in the 1972 Canada/Russia appealed to me, was that he fell in love The most recent one was a September Oliver Becker, Amos Crawley, will be somewhere in the audience, hockey tournament. Forgive the with this orthodox Jewish woman, and 2006, remount of Bill Freeman’s 1987 Shannon Currie, Maria Dinn, and if you see someone madly waving a hyperbole, but the whole city should be she ran away from her husband and play Glory Days about the 1946 STEL- Salvatore Scozzari and Caroline Toal. flag, at the intermission, it will likely standing up, cheering, waving flags and two kids, and they had this great love CO strike. Aquarius, in 1999, also did There have been several recent be me. V thrilled, that this is happening. story. They were the “Bonnie and the third production of Douglas books written about Rocco Perri, a I assure you, that this seemingly Clyde” of Canada. She became his Rodger’s How Could You, Mrs Dick?, documentary film, and a couple of ear- STEEL CITY unlikely set of circumstances, has business woman, and took care of all about Evelyn Dick, and the infamous lier theatrical versions, of this same GANGSTER indeed come to pass, as Steel City that kind of stuff, and then she was “torso” murder. These productions source material. Mind you, there is By George F. Walker Gangster, playwright Walker’s take on gunned down leaving their house. So it have done very well at the box office, nothing wrong with different writers Presented by Theatre Aquarius the story of Rocco Perri, opens this is a great story, and its ours, all as local audiences, like to see the com- approaching the same historical Centre for the Arts, Friday. Canadian.” 190 King William Street, munity depicted on stage. events; I think of the dozens of drama- March 13 to 16, 19 to 23, Perri, was the self identified “King Although the roles of Rocco Perri, “I am a huge fan of George Walker. tizations of the story of “Jack the 26 to 30 at 7:30pm of the Bootleggers”, who with his mis- (here played by Oliver Becker) and I was lucky enough to be cast in Ripper”, as an example, or of the two Matinees: March 16, 17, 23, 24, tress, and partner in crime Bessie Bessie Starkman, (Shannon Currie), Criminals In Love not too long out of different plays, about the 1909 Ethel 30, at 1:00pm Starkman, ran a crime empire from are the main focus of the production, theatre school. I first met George then, Kinrade murder. Tickets: 905-522-PLAY (7529) their palatial home at 166 Bay Street through social media, I discovered that and was already a fan as I had read his The first Rocco Perri inspired play

6 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW [THEATRE] by ALLISON M. JONES photo by Dave Pijuan-Nomura couldn’t deal with the sadness, the reality The ADHD Project brings us into April 24 to defray some costs of her of cancer and they just vanished.” She Carlyn’s ‘world of chaos, creativity and upcoming, multi city Fringe tour (both named the show after the hangdog combat with her mind,’ as she relates her events at The Staircase). expression people would give her in the experiences as a child and young woman Rhamey is thoughtful about how the attempt to show concern. with ADHD. From her days in a segregat- two shows fit together: “Both our pieces “When given that face, we feel like a ed ‘special class,’ navigating others’ mis- are about changing the narrative of the puppy in a pound,” Lisa says. “Sometimes conceptions, she nonetheless joyfully experience we are ‘supposed to have,’ she it would just be great if a friend reached demystifies the realities and possibilities of says. “We both had certain expectations, out and came over with a giant tub of neurodiversity in a way that is education- or lack thereof, thrust upon us... and we chocolate mint ice cream... it’s better to al and inspiring. chose to defy them. We find a lot of reach out to a friend even if you don’t “People have been asking when The humour in our adversity and challenge know what to say, or how to act.” But ADHD Project [would be] coming back, the way people treat us because of it.” PityFace comes from a place of positivity. and I’m so excited to share this new and “We are both exploring what hap- “I tend to be an optimist in my life,” Lisa improved version with them,” Rhamey pens after the diagnosis, the label,” Carlyn explains. “And I believe that having a says. “There’s a whole projection element reflects. “Both our stories are more com- sense of humour is one of the best ways to now with actual home videos, photos, mon than people realize, and I think audi- deal with stuff.” and report cards displayed to add to the ences will relate more than they expect.” PITYFACE AND THE ADHD PROJECT PityFace has also been turned into a story. It’s more polished and yet more “The two plays deal with slightly WOMEN AND WELLNESS, humour and per- Stories My Body Told Me, She Said Saffron, short documentary by Chanda honest and raw.” quirky women dealing with a big chal- severance: a double bill of solo shows will Small Sweet and Quiet, and Little Miss Chevannes, who “followed me during my After the double bill, Lisa will be per- lenge in their lives,” Lisa says simply. “I tell of two women living their lives Everything. This is a workshop of PityFace, treatment and the creation of this show, forming one of her other shows, She Said hope audiences will take away a new despite diagnoses that spur many assump- meaning audiences should expect some and it is now an 18 minute film that will Saffron, as part of a double bill with Tor more positive perspective. I think a lot of tions. The ADHD Project and PityFace differences from a polished show. “Some be shown at film festivals internationally.” Lukasik Foss from June 23 to 29 (also at people will relate and laugh a lot. will have six sets of performances begin- parts of it will be read, and some parts will Meanwhile, The ADHD Project is an The Staircase). Earlier that month, The Hopefully [they’ll] gain more compassion ning March 20. Each show embodies the be told,” Lisa explains. already established work, the second Hamilton 7, a storytelling collective she for those with invisible challenges and demand by the late Carrie Fisher, to “take PityFace is about Pijuan–Nomura’s show Carlyn Rhamey has created in her helped found, will have its relaunch. She’s question how we treat them.” V your broken heart, and turn it into art.” experience with breast cancer, and the six show repertoire. Carlyn recently won working on a neighbourhood storytelling It’s been one week since multidiscipli- reactions of those around her as she an Edmonton Broadway World Award project called Stories from Hamilton, and THE ADHD PROJECT nary artist Lisa Pijuan–Nomura was recovered. Although rare to meet some- touring The ADHD Project. She’s also tak- is registering participants for her ‘Creative AND PITYFACE awarded a 2019 YWCA Women of one who has never been impacted by can- ing the show into Ontario schools with Process’ class in which she’ll teach others Wed., March 20 - Sun., March 24 at 7:30 PM Distinction Award in Arts, Culture and cer, many remain ill prepared to interact Prologue to the Performing Arts. Local to tell their own stories. Sat., March 23 at 2 PM & 7:30 PM Design. Since moving to Hamilton in with those with the disease. Platitudes, audiences were introduced to Carlyn Carlyn’s schedule is even more hec- Bright Room at The Staircase Theatre 2012, she’s cultivated a role as a vivacious pity, or outright avoidance can make an through her first (award winning) show, tic. She’s developing her play Show Home 27 Dundurn St. N., Hamilton arts creator and community connector; already terrifying experience even more (905) 529 - 3000 or [email protected] SAOR, performed at the 2016 Hamilton (A Day in a Life) with The Junction at Tickets $20 at the door, she’s a visual artist, storyteller, educator isolating. Fringe. The others include Scaredy Cat, Theatre Aquarius, with a public event on or online: and performer with a prodigious list of “When I was diagnosed there were a Show Home (A Day in a Life), Movie Night March 19. From April 5 to 7, Rhamey’s event/4099392 projects. handful of people who came out... to help Night Episode 2 (A New Friend), and ‘comedy cartoon’ Dale the Unicorn will be PityFace is the fifth solo show me and my family,” she says. “And then anamnesis (with Alan Alizadeh), at the at the 2019 HamilTEN Festival, and she Pijuan–Nomura has created, following there was a large group of people who last month’s Frost Bites Festival. will have a storytelling fundraiser on

VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 7 [HAMILTON MUSIC NOTES] by RIC TAYLOR all simply growing together? lost video arcades and Christian Slater other genres might tend to get more BA JOHNSTON “Classic rock for me is weird because I [slated to debut later this month headlines, jazz from Hamilton takes a didn’t listen to it as a young person and I although a live screening is set in front seat at the Junos thought people who did, were clods,” says Hamilton in April at This Ain’t Living a double life of sorts, jazz Johnston. “I’ve come to classic rock later Hollywood]. chanteuse Diana Panton is an interna- in life. I don’t want to think anymore. I “The company took my face off of the tionally acclaimed jazz singer as well as a don’t want to listen to anything that’s too beer, changed the name and refused to French immersion teacher at Westdale smart anymore. I just want to have a good give me royalties on it,” says Johnston. Secondary School. She’s not only a pre- time.” “They gave me one royalty cheque that vious nominee but also a two time win- And do we go to see BA perform live was less than the money I spent on gas to ner in the vocal jazz category. This time for a good time? go to meetings with them. I’m excited out Panton celebrates Solstice/Equinox, an “You don’t always get it though about the TV show that comes out next album that she previewed live locally at because you don’t always soar with the month and the book that will come out the grand reopening of the Westdale eagles,” chuckles Johnston. “It’s not as in 2020. I did the TV show because I Theatre. bad as ten years ago when it would be thought I’d make tons of money but it With three Junos for his jazz albums bad, it would be a nightmare. These days, turns out that they’re crazy expensive to already, Hamilton native David Braid is even if it’s bad, it’s fine. I’ve practiced a make. nominated for a Juno in the classical lot more. Of course, now when it’s good, “I do this because I forgot to learn to realm (vocal or choral) for his album it’s really, really good. It’s not bad for no do anything else — unless this kid’s book Corona Divinae Miericordiae, recorded reason — it’s usually bad because some- takes off,” adds Johnston. “I just know my with the Elmer Iseler Singers and Patricia one in the audience tried to punch me. producer Mathias Kom quit music for six O’Callaghan. Some people want to pay the cover just months and then I saw that he booked a And while Hamilton is represented in to come to the front of the stage and yell four month tour of Europe so I asked him, jazz quite nicely, the blues is this town’s ‘you suck’ at me. I don’t know what band ‘Hey, I thought you quit music?’ and he bread and butter. Not surprisingly a man would make me want to do that. says, ‘The worst show you’ve ever played that studied under the tutelage of “My albums are very different from the is better than eight hours working in a Richard ‘King Biscuit Boy’ Newell in his BA JOHNSTON’S “THE Johnston is an ‘untrained jokester” or a live show — I spend a lot more time on call center’. For better or worse, this youth on the east mountain has long “modern–age Stompin’ Tom Connors the records writing and the producers music is me. I’m playing another show in since paid his dues and then some. With SKID IS HOT TONIGHT” performance–art savant”, BA Johnston WHILE HE’S BEEN releasing music since have been getting better with each of my Hamilton again and there will be a new two Junos already under his belt, Jack de simply loads up his acoustic guitar, Casio last albums,” adds Johnston. “There are costume, new songs — so it’ll be a little Keyzer has his third nomination for Blues 2003, it was 2017’s “Gremlins 3” that ele- keyboard, Nintendo video game console vated Johnston’s star to rise well above probably people that haven’t seen me bit different. I still give 110 percent at Album of the Year with his album enti- and captain’s hat into the van to bring his live that have my records and vice versa. every show because it’s all that I can do. tled Checkmate. the local indie rock bar in Yourtown, modern day folk music, bare belly and Canada and seemingly polarized a Either way, I sell more t–shirts than CDs. But if you come to the show, just remem- Heck, Hamilton comedians are mak- bushy handlebar moustache to the mass- I’m more of a low rent t–shirt salesman ber there are no refunds.” ing a national name for themselves. I may nation. If you don’t know BA Johnston es with a smile. than you just haven’t been paying atten- these days. In my mind, my songs sound have attended one of Mayce Galoni’s “There are more people talking about like Van Halen but I only know two BA Johnston plays this Saturday earlier shows thanks to the camaraderie tion or you might not frequent the more me and you hope that’s a good thing so colourful venues available to you. chords so in reality it sounds like BA March 16 at This Aint Hollywood with of Hamiltonians circling comedians and that means people come to shows and Johnston. I do what I do and it may have Flesh Rag and J Blissette opening. promoters Patrick Coppolino and “Gremlins 3” was standard lyrical fair buy things but I always find that kind of for the poet laureate of the modern con- started off as me playing a character but I Doors open at 9pm. Cover is report- Manolis Zontanos. Galoni is a stand out media attention weird,” says Johnston. think audiences know when you’re insin- edly nominal. Click on and Awkwarder is an album that couldn’t sumer — whether it be consuming alco- “They’re all the same; they say how much hol, drugs, junk food, dubious B movies cere. They know when you’re being snide be more aptly titled. people in the audience hate it and then and no one wants that. You have to be Former Burlingtonians Splash ‘N or strange relationships. But nurturing a they mention Stompin’ Tom — and national fanbase over some fifteen years authentic to have any sort of longevity. JUNO AWARDS 2019 Boots began when Nick and Taes that’s problematic because that makes These songs are about food and going to Adams, a husband and wife team were at with relentless touring of dive bars or uni- the people that hate me already even While fans will be frequenting local versity drinking holes, the national see Van Halen on drugs so there’s lots to venues to support their local heroes, Queen’s University studying children’s angrier. In my adult life, I’ve hated nine- get behind with this album.” theatre. A school project, the pair wrote media has pricked up their ears to ty–eight percent of all bands but it does- many a Hamiltonian might also be tak- Johnston — thanks in part to a confiden- With constant touring, Johnston’s ing a trip to London, Ontario for the a play for children turned into a chil- n’t keep me up at night so I don’t under- national brand could have had his face dren’s musical entertainment franchise tial judges’ debate stand how anyone could hate something Forty–Eighth Annual Junos. The 2019 over Johnston’s worthiness for the presti- and name associated with an affordable Juno Awards take place Sunday, March and they have been releasing albums and or someone that much.” high–alcohol–level beverage, called touring since 2003. While they’ve gious award that went public by a Johnston’s current musical penchant 17, broadcast live from Budweiser whistleblower and BA Johnston acolyte. “Olde B.A. Johnston’s Finest Malt Gardens in London, Ontario, and hosted already won 2017 Children’s Album of seems to infuse his latest original offering Liquor”, a forthcoming children’s book the Year and Splash ‘N Boots have You, With a subtle nod to an ’80s Loverboy — noting the aforementioned Loverboy by Canadian Music Hall of Famer Sarah CanCon radio staple, “The Skid Is Hot tentatively titled Gary the Seagull Does McLachlan (who will perform backed by Me and the Sea up for a Juno this year. reference, there’s also a song about Geddy Lunch (about a seagull that steals your After winning the Juno for “Break Tonight” (available on vinyl, CD and Lee of Rush and a sample of David Lee husband-and-wife duo Whitehorse and cassette tape), BA Johnston does only midday meal) and a new BellFibe TV former Hamilton residents Melissa Through Group”, the Dirty Nil’s trajecto- Roth of Van Halen intermixed betwixt series called HamJam — a low budget ry is definitely skyward although it’s sur- what he can do but what that is, may be the hash, drive thru and beer talk — sug- McClelland and Luke Doucet).. up for debate in the public consciousness. docu–comedy exploring Hamilton’s sub Of note, Steeltown is represented in a prising the Junos missed a notably nod for gesting he’s inciting his current fanbase or [the sandwich] culture, steel, waterfalls, While fans and critics collide on whether questioning his own aesthetic or are we variety of categories and while some CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

8 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW [HAMILTON MUSIC NOTES] CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 town, and a little off a major artery; the what we did in light of not having a fully choices had to be made and some family Colin Macdonald Community School the Nil’s Master Volume record. And Pearl Company at 16 Steven Street was licenced place, which has its own issues pressures have added to the economic that showcases his different interests, Terra Lightfoot’s star quality should have named because it was once the site of an as well,” says Santucci. “For me, it was challenges,” continues Santucci. “It’s a approaches and guitars. This weekend definitely had her in the Juno nominee old pearl factory… in Hamilton. It was about the arts and music and being in an challenging business at the best of times even offers a heartfelt celebration from mix with New Mistakes. While still ges- just a block or two from the internation- environment that promoted listening but as a home and business we made it some of the musicians who have played tating more in the underground, the ally infamous Grant Avenue Studio as and appreciation for the artists as through thirteen wonderful years. We’re The Pearl over the years. Junos could cull from the likes of well, so there was an alluring artsy vibe opposed to background music. It was suc- testing the market right now and you’ll “Barbara founded the Colin Concavity or someone off Hamilton’s from the get go. But while having a cessful as that and as our theatre down- never know what you see. We’re faced Macdonald Community School with her Personal Records getting notice in the venue in the grittier area east of down- stairs for plays. In spite of the challenges, with challenges but that’s what you have late husband Colin Macdonald who electronic category or the Red Hill town had possibilities there were also when the lights went down and the to deal with so family comes first. We passed away tragically but Barbara perse- Valleys will break through in roots or political problems with zoning and other- music would come up and the perform- have every weekend booked through vered and developed the school,” offers country… Heck if anyone knows hip wise. But for thirteen years Santucci and ance begins, it always makes it worth- June now, plays and otherwise filling up Santucci on the fundraising event. “It’s a hop in Hamilton, doesn’t Lee Reed Milne offered a home to many an artist, while in the struggles that you face. the weekends with maybe a day or two Montessori based school with a great deserve a nod? He’d probably snub the thespian, musician and otherwise in a We’ve had a lot of great artists come open during the week. It depends on the learning environment and right now one show and rhyme about how it’s beneath space they literally called home. Late last through — Valdy, Alfie Zappacosta, Tom market and if there is an interest to pur- of our granddaughters goes to the school him but… a boy could dream… year, it was announced they’d be closing Wilson, Barney Bentall — a whole list of chase the Pearl Company. It won’t be an so we’re helping to raise some funds. I’ll You might be asking yourself about the its doors in 2019 but the deadline for names that have put on so many great easy deal to close because of timing and be doing a solo concert with a variety of elephant in the room. If anything, events has recently been extended to shows and memorable nights that we’ve we have so much here in our home. We styles from Flamenco to classical to Hamilton has a long history mining rock June offering patrons a few more chances had here. have all of our gear, our equipment and in worldbeat stuff — we’ll have a number of as well as steel. to experience the Pearl Company. “Our family situation has changed and the meantime we still have to pay our things including a silent auction to help Hamilton is well represented in the “After returning from Spain where I we now have grandchildren with us, bills. Whether it gets extended again or raise funds. Rock Album of the Year category. In studied guitar from 1971 to 1974, I came three young not I don’t know but for now, we’re into “The musicians themselves organized betwixt a special taped performance from back to my hometown of Hamilton and ones, and June.” this weekend’s celebration — Jennifer Europe from international pop star started my career as a teacher and per- some With Milne receiving the YWCA Noble and Gus Apostolos got together Shawn Mendes, and live spots from former,” recounts Santucci. “When I met Woman of Distinction in the Arts with some other musicians — they decid- Coeur de Pirate, Bulow, Jeremy Dutcher, Barbara, she was an arts advocate and we 2010, and Milne and Santucci ed if it was the last year that they wanted Loud Luxury, The Reklaws and Corey had similar interests. As a musician, you receiving the City of Hamilton to do a concert for us and celebrate our Hart (who will also be inducted into the were always looking for space. Where can Lifetime Achievement in the Arts time here,” says Santucci. “You think Hall of Fame), the Rock Album of the you do the things you do in a cost effec- 2009 awards, the pair could list a about all of the great times we had in this Year will be presented. tive, accessible way? So we decided to myriad of accolades for the work space. There was a time where buildings You got a free poster with the pre-order put our lot together and started the they’ve done but awards aside, it’s were accessible financially but the values of Monster Truck’s behemoth offering Pearl Company thirteen years ago and the community they’ve fostered have gone up tremendously in Hamilton, True Rockers and the tunes and the band it became our home as well as a theatre in this novel venue. They’re rich knocking out a lot of possibilities, which live up to the name. As road warriors, and concert venue. The acoustics are past offers distinction and the is sad. Can it continue as an arts center hometown gigs are sparse but the gents tremendous here and we have a listening closing months of the Pearl after us? I don’t know. You hear success frequent Hamilton on off dates. They audience — that was the key so lots of Company offer a wealth of people stories like the Westdale Theatre that could take center stage in this category. people have enjoyed performing here coming to celebrate one last time. was brought back by a group of investors That little band that did over the years and they still do.” With events now being and patrons who came together to keep it a residency for a year or so in Hess Village Santucci and Milne lived in the booked until June fans can expect a going — we’d certainly be open to that many moons ago before eventually mak- upstairs loft and that only under- Jazz Weekend from April 4 to 6 with concept as well, to have people who love ing home in Hamilton, the Trews are scored the homier, relaxed vibe MOJO, Dixieland All Stars and More it continue it. I’d love to be involved, too nominated for their latest effort of the Pearl. There was random featuring The David Brideau Band CD but with the challenges we’re facing fam- Civilianaires. Slowly showing their living room sofas and mixed Release party on Friday April 5 and the ily and otherwise, we have to make a Hamilton character, the Trews’ bassist chairs for the quaint sixty next weekend from April 11 to 13: An decision and after 13 years it’s been a Jack Syperek is out at the shows getting seat music venue and with- Arts Celebration featuring an great run — hundreds of shows, great that Hamilton scent all over him and the out a regular liquor evening of theatre, visual arts audiences and performers and original better for him. licence, they were able to and live music. plays — too many to name them all but Of course, the are not snubbed escape the normal trap- But as March clos- each satisfying in and of itself for sure.” V for their most recent Rally Cry album. pings of a venue built on es, look for shows like They’ve won four Junos already and selling beer but after Together Again with A Musical Celebration of The Pearl could double their count this weekend. more than a decade Erin and Nara, Leonard, Company happens Saturday, March Rally Cry is nominated for three awards things have changed. Burns and Dell as well as 16 at the Pearl Company (16 Steven this year, including rock album of the “From time to time Robin Benedict on St) featuring Scotty Bakalar, Danny year, group of the year, and Arkells gui- we would get special Saturday, March 23 Medakovic, George Douglas, Kevin tarist Mike DeAngelis is also nominated occasion permits but and on Saturday Wolfe, Tom Shea, Jennifer Noble and for best album artwork for Rally Cry, it’s a different situa- March 30 Santucci Renee Christiansen. Show starts alongside Matt Barnes and Jess tion when you want spearheads A promptly at 7:30pm and it’s a pay- Baumung. to appeal to all ages BARBARA MILNE Fundraising what-you-can donation to get in. The Hamilton–based band are the as well so that’s Concert for Click on only Hamilton act performing but some- thing tells me Hamilton will definitely be in the audience for the awards show. The 2019 Juno Awards will be broadcast live across the country on Sunday, March 17, at 8 pm, by CBC from London’s Budweiser Gardens or stream it via A MUSICAL CELEBRATION OF THE PEARL COMPANY While he’s made music his life for many years, Gary Santucci’s direction shifted when he met Barbara Milne in 2001. Their combined love of the arts made them want to set up a new venue and the Pearl Company was born back in 2006. A novel location, not quite down-

VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 9 For advertising information call 905–527–3343 Ext. 102

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CATERING CULANTRO AUGUST 8 Hamilton’s Only Peruvian restaurant Come taste August 8th’s dishes are a culinary delight Featuring the flavours of Peru. We focus on preparing the best of Cantonese–style dim sum and tradition- NELLIE JAMES CAPRI RISTORANTE ITALIANO Peruvian food in–house from treasured family al Japanese cuisine. The fusion of flavours from 2 Gold award Best Catering two years in row! Chef A family tradition of old school charm since 1963, recipes: specialities include lomo saltado , shrimp very distinctive cusines will entice your senses and THE BEDROCK BISTRO Ken Lefebour offers a chef driven gourmet food serving sumptuous Italian cuisine, from homemade ceviche, rotisserie chicken, Quinoa and Chicha tantalize your palate. 2017 Gold Winner Best Dim We welcome back all our loyal customers. Voted experience to go. Catering from 10 person sit pastas to our mouth watering signature pizzas. Morada (Purple Corn Juice). Our dishes feature aji Sum and Silver Winner Best Sushi. Now with FIVE Best Brunch, Breakfast, Bistro and Resto for down dinners, extensive hors d'douevres parties Celebrating our 51 st Anninversary, named best sauces on the side — made from–scratch from area locations: Downtown Hamilton, Upper James, Kids by VIEW Readers. Combining the best farm to larger backyard weddings, everything is local- pasta by VIEW readers, 3 years in a row. Experience imported Peruvian chillies and herbs. Dine in or Paramount Drive, Burlington and Oakville. All you fresh, locally grown ingredients with family value ly sourced from 10 different local farmers. our newly renovated "Blue Grotto Room" featuring take–out. Open Tuesday–Saturday for lunch can eat, takeout, and delivery. However you get it, for your money, we serve great food at reason- Choose from our extensive catering menus. live music, the first Saturday of every month. Call for (11:30am–3:00pm) and dinner (5pm–10pm). our food is freshly made to order just for you. able prices. We’re known for big portions, so you Weekly specials. details. 537 Main Street East, Hamilton, I Wilson St, Hamilton. 905.524.3838 won’t leave hungry. Famous for our eggs beni, 144 King St. West, Dundas. 25 John Street North, 905.777.0060. 1066 Upper James St., Hamilton. 905.383.9293 roast beef dinners, homemade perogies, waffles, 905.627.3252 Hamilton. 835 Paramount Drive, Stoney Creek. 905.561.7667 pancakes and much more! Semi–private (Gourmet Food to Go) 905.529.0044 834 Brant St., Burlington. 905.633.8288 Banquet Room is available. 260 Queenston Rd. (at Parkdale) PORTUGUESE 905.547.8588 INDIAN


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VALENTINO’S PLACE RESTAURANT & PASTRY SHOP SHEHNAI We’ve been tasting Great... since 1978! 40 years of We have been serving Greater Hamilton authentic serving the BEST Italian food in Hamilton. Try one of YUKIGUNI IZAKAYA Indian food for 27 years! Come experience great our famous panzerottis, great pasta dishes, or our Come discover Hamilton’s newest Japanese Indian dishes such as butter chicken, lamb dansak award–winning gelato and desserts. Daily lunch and restaurant: Yukiguni Izakaya, meaning “snow or Kashmir rice. For lunch, you won't be disappoint- dinner specials! Take–out and Catering available or country Japanese bar”. Enjoy our all-you-can- ed with our $11.95 all you can eat buffet! Hot, deli- have a taste of Valentino’s at home, with Spadafora’s eat menu for lunch or dinner, but you can also try PINKS BURGERS cious and with rotating dishes, the buffet is available homemade tomato sauce and Italian dressing. Two our A La Carte menu including sashimi imported VVIEW Readers Choice for Best Gourmet Burger for lunch 7 days a week! Visit Shehnai once and we great locations! HAMMERHEAD’S from Japan, bubble tea and the largest selection Gold Award! We strive for absolute guest satis- are sure you will come back again and again. Free 824 King St West, Hamilton. “Best fish & chips in Ontario” says Ivy Knight of Vice of Sake in Hamilton! Open 7 days a week. faction and use only the best ingredients in our Parking and Takeout and Delivery available 905.385.3284 Media. Gluten free, sustainable, take away fish and 1686 Main Street West, Hamilton. food. Homemade goodness, always fresh, never 447 Main Street West, (just East of Dundurn) 835 Paramount Drive, chips. Daily specials, prepared foods with a choice 905.527.5272. frozen. Choose from burgers, poutine, cheese Hamilton. Stoney Creek of chowders, soups, fresh fish and more! fries, gyros, shakes and more. Fresh. Fast. Tasty. 905.577.0002 905.523.4240 Customers return for our signature Spicy Szechuan We are across from Mac and we serve draught

10 MARCH 14 — 20 2019 VIEW Calamari. Open Tues. - Thurs.: noon - 7pm. Fri. & Sat.: noon - 8pm. Follow us Instagram. [ EARTH TALK] 80 Ottawa St. N., consumed over one 24–hour period — five–year internal campaign to ratchet Hamilton. 905.923.9293 with information on the nutritional down the emissions generated by the value and greenhouse gas impacts of company’s own operations and offer- different food items, concluding that ings by 25 percent. The company VIETNAMESE the better a diet is for the planet, the stopped buying air–freighted seafood, better it is for our health. reduced its use of tropical fruit by half, Furthermore, the 20 percent of shrank beef purchases by 33 percent Americans who eat what researchers and cheese by 10 percent while cut- consider a “high–carbon” diet (rich in ting food waste by one–third. Overall PHO DUI BO red meat, dairy and exotic and these moves shaved some five million New name but same great restaurant. GOLD Winner processed foods) are responsible for pounds of carbon emissions per month of Best Vietnamese Food for 12 years straight! Great almost half of the nation’s food–relat- off Bon Appétit’s contribution to glob- Pho, fantastic rice dishes, spring rolls and cold rolls and our award winning Pad Thai. Plus you’ll love our ed CO2 emissions. The upshot is that al warming. drinks including great bubble tea and fresh fruit changing the behaviour and food The fact that food and the systems shakes. Vegetarian friendly. No MSG option available choices of this small segment of the to produce and distribute it are on most items. Free parking at all three locations and population could pay big dividends for responsible for about a third of all takeout available. Open 10am daily. public health and for reducing our greenhouse gas emissions means that 830 Upper James (at Mohawk), 905.388.6565 overall national carbon footprint. everyone has a lot of potential for 15 Cannon Street East, 905.525.0100 800 Queenston Road, 905.662.7500 The concept of a low–carbon diet fighting global warming through was first popularized in the U.S. by sourcing locally produced and in–sea- Bon Appétit Management Company, son foods to minimize emissions- Dear EarthTalk: emissions in their production and dis- which runs more than 1,000 cafés in intensive ‘food miles’, buying only as tribution — is indeed more about 33 states for corporations, universities much as we can eat to reduce waste, What is a low-car- reducing your carbon footprint than and venues. Back in 2007, the compa- and minimizing consumption of red bon diet and is it your waistline. That said, proponents ny partnered with the non–profit meat, dairy and processed foods. In the of a low–carbon diet say that eating Ecotrust to compile and conduct Life case of climate change, if we don’t good for losing with reduced greenhouse gas - Cycle Assessments (LCAs) — meas- watch what we eat, it could really sions in mind is healthier for us than uring the amount of CO2 emitted dur- come back to haunt us. V weight or is it only the typical American diet whereby ing a given food product’s entire life about saving the carbon–intensive meat, dairy and cycle — for thousands of different CONTACTS: National Health and processed foods occupy too large a foods. These LCAs became the basis Nutrition Examination Survey, planet? —Jane Monroe share of our overall food intake. for the “Food Scores” section of its; “Greenhouse gas A recent study from the website, which emissions and energy use associated with NOT TO BE confused with a “low–carb” University of Michigan Center for provides information to help people production of individual self-selected US diet, which involves avoiding carbo- Sustainable Systems backs up these reduce their carbon footprints through diets”; hydrates (bread, rice, pasta) as a way assertions. Researchers correlated data food choices. cle/10.1088/1748-9326/aab0ac; Bon to lose weight or keep it off, a low–car- from the National Health and Besides launching Appétit Management Company, bon diet — whereby you limit foods Nutrition Examination Survey — a, Bon Appétit’s; Ecotrust,; Eat snapshot of what 16,000 Americans that generate a lot of carbon (CO2) managers also embarked on a Low Carbon,

VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 11



REBEL’S ROCK OPEN JAM [7PM] BOSTON PIZZA-MAIN ST. W. TRIVIA SECOND [7:30PM], PUBSTUMPERS TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [6:30PM] //3345 Harvester Rd., Burl. legacy of Disney is displayed through 14 classic THIS AIN’T HOLLYWOOD HAZYTONES, RAT PARADE, WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH W/HUB OF THE HAMMER THIS AIN’T HOLLYWOOD FRIENDS OF KARAOKE COMEDY NIGHT AT RUST CITY BREWERY • and modern stories in this epic production that AMONG MONSTERS [8PM] [7:30PM] W/HOSTS HEAVY FLOW & JERAOKE. MAR. 13. [8PM] Hosted by James Butler. Last Thursday of every features an international team of award-winning THE WESTDALE PAVLO BOSTON PIZZA-WATERDOWN TRIVIA FIRST TRACIE’S PLACE KARAOKE EVERY NIGHT [7PM-2AM], month. //27 King William St. figure skaters, including a local Hamilton skater, TUESDAY OF THE MONTH W/HUB OF THE HAMMER & FRIDAYS [5PM-2AM], KIDS WELCOME UNTIL 9PM COMEDY NIGHT AT STONEWALLS • Hosted by high-energy choreography and a breathtaking [7:30PM] TWISTED TAPS KARAOKE THURSDAYS [10PM] Bret Measor, and featuring Greg Lenko, Nicholas set. With over 30 melodious masterpieces such JAZZ | BLUES | CLASSICAL Fernandes, Jonathan Saulnier, Lisa Marie Ariel, CAT ‘N’ FIDDLE JAZZ JAM [9:30PM] BRASSIE PUB TRIVIA TUESDAYS [8:30PM], KARAOKE UPTOWN SOCIAL HOUSE TRIVIA MONDAYS as “Let It Go” “You’ve Got A Friend in Me” and SUNDAYS [8:30PM] [7:30PM]| Gerry Hall, Ryan Sim, Emmanuel Melo, Kev “Hakuna Matata,” Disney On Ice celebrates 100 BREW CAFE TRIVIA MONDAYS [8PM] WEST END KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS [10PM] Sheeler, Mitchell Alvis, Josh Bonus, Matthew Years of Magic is the ultimate Disney fan experi- DJ | ELECTRONIC | HIP HOP CADILLAC JAX KARAOKE THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYS WINCHESTER ARMS TRIVIA EVERY OTHER MONDAY Surina, Marluk Svenson, Andrew Cassidy. Mar. ence. Through Mar. 17. Tickets available at ticket- ABSINTHE|MOTOWN WEDNESDAY [10PM] 14, 8:30pm. //Stonewalls, 339 York Blvd. W/SCARYOKE MONSTERS [9PM], KARAOKE FRIDAY AND HOSTED BY MICHAEL O’NEILL-HUB OF THE HAMMER. and //FirstOntario THE HI-LARRY-US SHOW • Join Larry Smith and SATURDAYS W/BIGGIE ENTERTAINMENT [9PM] NEXT DATE MAR. 18. [7:30PM] Centre his guests for stand-up, live cartooning, games CALEDONIA LEGION KARAOKE FRIDAYS W/DJ WINDJAMMER KARAOKE TUESDAYS [8PM] HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY • Art Club THURSDAY 21ST and prizes, music, sketches, improv, puppets and SHELLEY WOBBLEY SCOTSMEN KARAOKE FRIDAYS Tuesdays at 1:30pm in March/April/May more. Last Friday of every month, 8pm. $20. ROCK | FOLK | COUNTRY CARRIGAN ARMS KARAOKE FRIDAYS W/RANDY AND W/CHEFBOYRDJ, KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/SEÑOR WES //Central; Mar. 18, 6:30pm //Stoney Creek. • //The Pearl Company, 16 Steven St. ARTWORD ARTBAR|TRAGEDY ANN, MOONFRUITS VICKI [9:30PM], TRIVIA MONDAYS W/KEN OAKLEY Colouring Circle for Adults. Thursdays, 6:30pm in JUST FOR LAUGHS: ROAD SHOW • Apr. 5, 8pm. [8PM] [7:30PM]][99pm] March //Turner Park; Fridays in March, 10:30am $65. • For tickets and info visit CARRIGAN ARMS|JAM NIGHT W/THE PERSONICS CASBAH-MAIN HALL KARAOKE CABARET W/THE EYE UPCOMING //Red Hill; Mar. 19, 2:30pm //Terryberry • //OCPA,130 Navy St., Oakville [8PM] OF FAITH. 2ND & 4TH TUESDAY OF THE MONTH [9PM]| Caregiver Support. Thursdays, Mar. 7-28, 1pm. CAT ‘N’ FIDDLE|THE DUNLOP BROS (9:30PM) JUST FOR LAUGHS: ROAD SHOW • Apr. 10, CAT ‘N’ FIDDLE|PUBSTUMPERS TRIVIA TUESDAYS CONCERTS (Mar. 14 begins at 12pm.) Registration required. COACH & LANTERN|OPEN MIC (9PM) 7:30pm. $5-$79. • For tickets visit [7PM] LONG RANGE HUSTLE W/SKYE WALLACE. MAR. 28. //Red Hill • Spa Colouring Circle. Mar. 20, 2pm. DOORS|KILL NO ALBATROSS, KING PARK, PAIGE KOPP //FOPAC, Partridge Hall, St. CLANCY’S KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS [9PM] CASBAH Registration required. //Binbrook. • Genealogy AND FOOLPROOF, GLOOMY (7PM) Catharines COACH & LANTERN TRIVIA TUESDAYS [7PM] IDIOTEQUE MAR. 3O. MILLS HARDWARE Club. Mar. 20, 1pm. Registration required. LAZY FLAMINGO VINNIE & TALLY LAUGH AT THE JUDGE • Sundays at 9pm. //25 DICKENS KARAOKE THURSDAYS [9:30PM] THE TEA PARTY MAR. 30. PARTRIDGE HALL. • APR. //Central • Financial Survival for Entrepreneurs. MAX’S CHRIS AYRIES Augusta St. END ZONE KARAOKE THURSDAYS W/ANNE [8PM], 2. FIRSTONTARIO CONCERT HALL • APR. 3. OAKVILLE Mar. 20, 7pm. Registration required. //Terryberry MILLS HARDWARE MEGAN BONNELL, GILLIAN LEVITY COMEDY CLUB & LOUNGE • Mar. 14-16: KARAOKE SUNDAYS W/DOWN TO EARTH ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE Daryn Jones. Mar. 21-23: Monty Scott. • $15. For • Keep Calm and Paint On. Mar. 21, 2pm. NICOLA [7:30PM] [9PM] MIKE EDEL W/GARETH INKSTER. APR. 3. MILLS tickets visit //120 King St. Registration required. //Binbrook • Crafternoon. PHEASANT PLUCKER FICTION DUO [10PM] 5 WEST|TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS W/JIMMY THE HARDWARE W. Kusudama Flower. Mar. 21, 2:30pm. Registration THIS AIN’T HOLLYWOOD SUPERSUCKERS, UN- QUIZMASTER [7:30PM] BRIT FLOYD APR. 4. FIRSTONTARIO CONCERT HALL THE SECOND CITY IMPROV ALL-STARS • required. //Terryberry • 3D Canvas Art. Mar. 26, TEENS [8PM] GALLEY PUMP KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/MIKE [9PM] COLIN JAMES APR. 5. FIRSTONTARIO CONCERT HALL Second City’s greatest comedic minds throw 2:30pm. Registration required. //Freelton • Help GLADSTONE KARAOKE FRIDAYS /BIG STAR KARAOKE THE CREEP SHOW APR. 5. CASBAH away their scripts, and their inhibitions, to battle for Entrepreneurs. Mar. 25. 6:30pm //Central • JAZZ | BLUES | CLASSICAL [9PM] SAUKRATES + RE.VERSE APR. 5. MILLS HARDWARE wits before a live audience and see who can get Estate Planning. Mar. 27, 7pm. Registration GEORGE HAMILTON|OPEN JAM W/TIM NINEHOUSE GRAIN & GRIT|TRIVIA THURSDAYS [7PM] ELLEVATOR + BASEMENT REVOLVER APR. 6. the biggest laughs. No topic is too sacred, no required. //Waterdown • Craft Night. Mar. 28, AND MR. JAY & CHRIS WIERSMA [9PM] HONEST LAWYER-KING ST. KARAOKE THURSDAYS MILLS HARDWARE brow too low. And only the funny will survive. Best 2pm. Registration required. //Concession • LOU DAWG’S CHRIS CHAMBERS [8:30PM] [9PM] RAFFI APR. 6. FIRSTONTARIO CONCERT HALL of all, the audience determines how the action Leaving Stress-land. Mar. 28, 2pm. Registration RADIUS|MILESFROMNOWHERE. [7PM] HONEST LAWYER-STONECHURCH CLASSIC THE SISTERS EUCLID W/DEEPS. APR. 6. CASBAH will unfold, making each night a unique experi- required. //Terryberry. • For info visit SIMPSONS TRIVIA FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH MOTHERHOOD W/GIANNA LAUREN. APR. 12. MILLS ence where anything might happen. Apr. 13, 8pm. MISSISSIPPI QUEEN SOUTHERN SUPPER SERIES • Features a set, southern menu paired DJ | ELECTRONIC | HIP HOP W/GERRY HALL [7:30PM] HARDWARE For tickets visit //The Zoetic Theatre, AUGUSTA HOUSE|OLD SCHOOL, HIP HOP W/DR. KING’S LANDING KARAOKE THURSDAYS [9PM] ORVILLE PECK APR. 14. CASBAH 526 Concession St. with the musical talents of blues, and ‘American DISC [10PM] LEVITY CLUB BIG SCREEN TRIVIA MONDAYS W/ HUB OF CANCER BATS APR. 19. ABSINTHE STAIRCASE THEATRE • Joy-Shtick: An Roots’ musicians. • Dan Walsh. Mar. 14. • Mar. 20: Meghan Parnell & Dave Barnes. • Mar. 22: SOUS BAS DJ STATIC & SHANK, DJ REMEDY, KILLAH THE HAMMER. [7:30PM] MIKE MAAS APR. 20. MILLS HARDWARE Improvised Adventure. Featuring Adam Vowles, Andrew Whitney, Marek Ceglowski, Mathew Matt Allen. Mar. 29: Paul Reddick. Mar. 29: Greg EMCEE LOU DAWG’S TRIVIA TUESDAYS W/HUB OF THE HAMMER DIZZY APR. 21. CASBAH Brisco. Apr. 5: Alfie Smith. Apr. 6: Danny Brooks [8PM], LIVE BAND KARAOKE FRIDAYS [10PM] Belanger & Matthew Mongeon. Mar. 15, 8pm. & Lil Miss Debi. Apr. 10: Fraser Melvin & Bad NOBODY’S PERFECT KARAOKE W/MIKE, $11.10-$15. • Every Monday is Improv Bootcamp at 7pm. Learn the basics of Improv in a fun and Luck Woman. • $45 for meal and show. For more KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS [7PM], SUNDAYS [5PM] COMEDY | supportive environment. $8. • Every Tuesday is info, including menu details, visit mississip- PLUCKER’S TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [8PM], KARAOKE 905 BAR COMEDY HOUR • Every last Friday of Advanced Improv at 7pm. Watch our main stage or call 905.526.0909. //635 FRIDAYS [9:30PM] the month, 9-10pm. Next date: Mar. 29. Free & TRIVIA cast be put through their paces in this work- King St. E. POUR HOUSE KARAOKE WEDNESDAYS BARTON TOUCHDOWN PUB KARAOKE FRIDAYS admission. //93 John St. S. shop/show format. $10. //27 Dundurn St. N. SPRING TIDE BULB SHOW • Hundreds of spring THE POWERHOUSE LIVE BAND KARAOKE BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • W/HELENA QUINN [9:30PM] YUK YUKS BURLINGTON • Mar. 15-16: Jeff bulbs will be on display and the tropical green- The Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival: Best of the BIG ED’S KARAOKE FRIDAYS W/GEORGE BUTLER [8PM], THURSDAYS [9PM], TRIVIA MONDAYS (7:30PM)| McEnery, Marito Lopez, Kyle Brownrigg. Mar. 22- house also has a turtle pond, waterfall and fish Fest featuring Gavin Crawford & Bruce SATURDAYS W/SCARYOKE MONSTERS [10PM] PRIME TIME KARAOKE THURSDAYS [8PM]] 23: Tim Steeves, Eric Andrews, Jeff Elliott. Mar. ponds. This year’s theme is Hawaiian Luau. McCulloch. Mar. 16, 7:30pm. For tickets and info BLACK SWAN KARAOKE SATURDAYS W/MARK O RUMAK KARAOKE SATURDAYS [9:30PM] 29-30: Pete Johansson, Mike Rita, Christophe visit //440 Locust, Burl. Through Mar. 17, 9am-5pm. Free. //Gage Park [9:30PM], TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [7:30PM] ST. LOUIS BAR AND GRILL KARAOKE SATURDAYS Davidson. Apr. 5-6: Ian Sirota, Steve Dylan. • For CLUB 54 • There’s live stand-up comedy every Tropical House BO’S KARAOKE EVERY OTHER TUESDAY [8:30PM] W/DONNY OSBORNE [10PM]m] Friday and Saturday at Club 54 preceding the info tickets visit //380 Brant St., ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS • Winter Exhibit: BOBBIE’S KARAOKE SATURDAYS [7PM] SLYE FOX TRIVIA WEDNESDAYS [7:30PM], KARAOKE Burl. Spiders Alive! Explore amazing adaptations and THURSDAYS W/NICHOLAS BALKOU [8:30PM] Dance Party. Your host is Canada’s # 1 insult BOSTON PIZZA-BARTON TRIVIA MONDAYS W/HUB comic – Ben Guyatt. • Mar. 15: Ben Guyatt. Mar. behaviours in our interactive exhibit, and join us SPUR’S ROADHOUSE KARAOKE LAST FRIDAYOFTHE OF THE HAMMER. [7:30PM]. TRIVIA NIGHT LAST 16: Nick Rizzi. Mar. 22-23: Paul McCallum. Mar. for daily programs for all ages. Through Apr. 14, MONTH. WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH /HUB OF THE HAMMER 29-30: Ronnie Edwards. Apr. 5-6: Larry Smith. EVENTS•• 10am-5pm. • RBG After Dark: Spiders Alive! STONEWALLS BROOKLYN 99 TRIVIA MAR. 19 DISNEY ON ICE: 100 YEARS OF MAGIC • The Grab a drink, enjoy the music, and experience VIEW LIVE MUSIC INDEX EMAIL [email protected] DEADLINE: Monday at 4pm ABSINTHE 38 KING WILLIAM 905.529.0349 COME BY CHANCE 78 MELVIN AVE. 905.547.3994 KING’S LANDING 1900 KING ST. E. 905.544.7766 SHOELESS JOE’S 1183 UPPER JAMES 905.383.5637 ACOUSTIC BLEND CAFE 86 HOMEWOOD AVE. 905.522.1323 COPPER KETTLE 312 DUNDAS ST. E., WATERDOWN 905.690.3696 LAZY FLAMINGO 19 HESS S. 905.527.0567 SLYE FOX PUB 4057 NEW, BURL 905.639.3900 AIR FORCE CLUB 128 KING ST. E., DUNDAS 000.000.0000 CORKTOWN TAVERN 175 YOUNG 905.572.9242 LEANDER BOAT CLUB 50 LEANDER DR. 905.527.7377 SNOOTY FOX 1011 KING W. 905.546.0000 ALE HOUSE 802 UPPER GAGE AVE. 289.755.0518 CULANTRO 537 MAIN ST. E. 905.777.0060 L’ETRANGER 109 JAMES ST. N. 905.906.2401 SOUS BAS 145 MAIN ST. E. 000.000.0000 ARMY NAVY CLUB 96 MACNAB ST. N. 905.527.1000 THE DICKENS 423 ELIZABETH, BURL. 905.333.4991 THE LIONSHEAD PUB 137 JOHN S. 905.522.7090 SOUTHCOTE 53 534 GARNER RD., ANC. 289.239.8888 ARTWORD ARTBAR 15 COLBOURNE 905.912.9083 THE DIPLOMAT 43 KING WILLIAM ST. 905.523.4343 LITTLE GRASSHOPPER 37 BARTON ST. E. 905.393.7641 SPICE FACTORY 121 HUGHSON ST. N. 905.662.1112 AUGUSTA HOUSE 17 AUGUSTA 905.525.0367 THE DOORS PUB 56 HESS S. 905.540.8888 LOU DAWG’S SOUTHERN BBQ 116 GEORGE ST. 289.389.3227 SPURS ROADHOUSE 188 BARTON ST. E., STONEY CREEK 905.522.1227 AVLYN’S LOUNGE 627 KING ST. E. 905.522.5111 DUNAS VERDES 253 JAMES N. 905.522.4818 LUKAYA CAFE 592 UPPER WELLINGTON ST. 905.383.2533 THE STAIRCASE 27 DUNDURN N. 905.529.3000 BARBARA CAFFE 387 BARTON ST., STONEY CREEK 905.664.7316 EDENS 1548 MAIN W. 289.389.6493 THE MASQUE 13 HESS S. 289.700.5595 STONEROAD’S 533 CONCESSION ST. 905.545.8816 BAROQUE 69 JOHN S. 905.393.6233 EMERSON 109 109 EMERSON 289.425.2005 MATTSON & CO. 225 LOCKE ST. S. 905.525.0225 STONEWALLS 339 YORK BLVD. 905.577.0808 BARRA FIONN 1505 GUELPH LINE, BURL. 905.319.3466 THE END ZONE BAR & GRILL 1305 MAIN ST. E. 289.246.9663 MAX RESTO LOUNGE 102-2180 ITABASHI WAY, BURL. 905.336.1500 THE STUDIO 1 SUMMERS LANE 905.546.3100 BARTON TOUCHDOWN 912 BARTON ST. E.. 905.544.6031 ESSENCE 422 BARTON ST. E. 289.396.5116 MELANHEADZ VAPE LOUNGE 303 YORK BLVD. 289.527.1420 SUPREME BAR & GRILL 5111 NEW ST., BURL 905.333.5282 THE BINBROOK GRILL 3020 BINBROOK RD. 905.692.0909 FAIRWEATHER BREWING CO. 5 OFIELD RD. 289.426.2983 MILL ST. & FIVE 324 DUNDAS ST.E., WATERDOWN 905.690.1058 TAILGATE CHARLIE’S 69 JOHN S. 905.526.6666 THE BLACK BULL 2475 MOUNTAINSIDE DR, BURL. 905.332.4282 FIDDLE & FOX 999 UPPER WENTWORTH ST. 905.385.8555 MILLS HARDWARE 95 KING E. 905.777.1223 TAPS BAR & GRILL 128 PARKDALE AVE. N. 905.393.8805 BLACK SWAN 4040 PALLADIUM WAY, UNIT #1, BURL. 289.313.9999 FIONN MACCOOLS 2331 APPLEBY LINE, BURL. 905.332.9990 MODRN NIGHTCLUB 15 HESS ST. S. 289.389.3561 THIRSTY CACTUS 2 KING ST. E., DUNDAS 905.627.8488 BO’S SPORTS BAR 419 DUNDAS ST., WATERDOWN 905.690.3133 FIONN MACCOOLS 119 OSLER DR. 905.627.4729 MULBERRY COFFEE HOUSE 193 JAMES ST. N. 905.963.1365 33 BOWEN 33 BOWEN ST. 289.396.8865 BOBBIE’S BAR & GRILL 2965 HOMESTEAD DR. MT HOPE 289.759.2002 FIRSTONTARIO CENTRE 101 YORK 905.546.4040 MUSTANG’S 301 FRUITLAND RD., STONEY CREEK 905.643.7679 THIS AIN’T HOLLYWOOD 345 JAMES N. 289.396.3911 THE BRASSIE 73 WILSON W. 905.304.8935 FIRSTONTARIO CONCERT HALL 1 SUMMERS LANE 905.546.3100 THE PEARL COMPANY 16 STEVEN 905.524.0606 TIN CUP 1831 WALKER’S LINE, BURL. 905.315.7727 BREW CAFE & BAR 22 BARTON ST. E. 905.962.0782 FIRTH’S CELTIC PUB 543 UPPER JAMES 905.318.4277 PEPPERWOOD BISTRO 1455 LAKESHORE RD., BURL 905.333.6999 TOAST WINE BAR 10 JOHN ST. N. 289.389.5480 THE BROWN BARREL 1515 UPPER OTTAWA 905.575.4606 5 WEST BREWPUB & KITCHEN 3600 DUNDAS ST., BURL. 905.315.8782 THE PHEASANT PLUCKER 20 AUGUSTA 905.529.9000 TRACIE’S PLACE 592 UPPER JAMES 905.538.0795 BUDDY’S ROADHOUSE 1360 KING E. 905.545.1456 THE FOOL AND FLAGON 2255 BARTON E. 905.573.7430 PLUCKER’S 335 PLAINS RD. E., BURL. 289.337.9454 TURTLE JACK’S 1180 UPPER JAMES 905.389.6696 BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE 440 LOCUST 905.681.6000 THE GALLEY PUMP 365 WENTWORTH ST. N. 905.522.5225 THE POUR HOUSE 1115 FENNELL E. 905.389.6602 THE VICAR’S VICE 2251 RYMAL E., STONEY CREEK 905.560.1586 CAPRI RESTAURANT 25 JOHN N. 905.525.7811 THE GASWORKS 141 PARK N. 905.719.6396 THE POWERHOUSE 21 JONES 905.930.7381 THE UNDERGROUND 41 CATHARINE ST. N. 905.527.7488 CARNEGIE GALLERY 10 KING ST. W. DUNDAS 905.627.4265 GATOR TED’S 1505 GUELPH LINE 905.336.3133 PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR 218 KENILWORTH N. 905.544.6488 UPTOWN SOCIAL HOUSE 1900 WALKERS LINE, BURL. 905.331.4700 CARRIGAN ARMS 2025 UPPER MIDDLE RD., BURL 905.332.6131 THE GEORGE HAMILTON 152 KING W. 905.381.9820 PUB FICTION 1242 GARNER RD. W., ANC. 905.304.9990 WATERDOWN LEGION 79 HAMILTON ST. N., WDWN 905.689.6112 CASABLANCA WINERY INN 4 WINDWARD DR., GRIMSBY 905.309.7171 GET TOGETHER BAR & GRILL 253 KENILWORTH N. 905.544.1950 PURPLE PEAR 946 BARTON E. 905.527.7179 THE WEE DRAM 1831 MAIN ST. W. 905.920.8180 THE CASBAH 306 KING W. 905.741.7625 GLADSTONE TAVERN 1385 MAIN E. 905.393.9842 THE QUEEN’S HEAD 400 BRANT, BURL 905.632.1300 WEST END PUB 151 EMERSON 905.524.3655 THE CAPITOL BAR 973 KING E. 289.389.1001 GOWN & GAVEL 24 HESS ST. S. 905.523.8881 RADIUS 151 JAMES ST. S. 905.393.1658 THE WESTDALE 1040 KING ST. W. 905.577.0074 CAT ’N’ FIDDLE 174 JOHN S. 905.525.3855 GRAIN & GRIT BREWERY 11 EWEN RD. 905.769-1320 REBEL’S ROCK IRISH PUB 537 KING E. 905.777.1771 WINDJAMMER BY THE LAKE 5353 LAKESHORE RD. BURL 905.632.2333 CAVALLO NERO 370 WILSON ST. E., ANC. 905.648.8888 HAMILTON AIR FORCE ASSOC. 128 KING ST. E., DUNDAS 905.628.6697 THE REC ROOM 2732 BARTON E. 289.389.1395 THE WING 3210 HOMESTEAD DR., MOUNT HOPE 289.280.0157 CIRCA GALLERY 112GEORGE 905.921.1237 HAVN 26 BARTON ST. E. 000.000.0000 ROCK ON LOCKE 320 CHARLTON AVE. W. 905.522.0602 WINCHESTER ARMS 120 KING ST. W., DUNDAS 905.627.8016 CLANCY’S PUB 4490 FAIRVIEW, BURL. 905.333.6805 HAMILTON LEGION BR. 163 435 LIMERIDGE 905.387.4515 R.C.L. BRANCH 622 12 KING ST E, STONEY CREEK 905.662.4171 WOBBLEY SCOTSMAN 309 CROCKETT 905.389.8224 CLIFFORD BREWING CO. 398 NASH RD. 905.560.5444 HONEST LAWYER 110 KING ST. E. 905.522.5297 R.H.L.I. CLUB 1353 BARTON E. 905.545.4611 YE OLDE SQUIRE 550 FENNEL AVE. E. 905.388.7770 CLUB 54 3345 HARVESTER ROAD, BURL. 905.634.5454 HONEST LAWYER 1070 STONECHURH RD. E. 905.385.9797 ST. LOUIS BAR AND GRILL 450 APPLEBY LINE, BURL 905.333.8118 YE OLDE SQUIRE 875 MAIN ST. W. 905.528.7822 CLUB 77 77 KING WILLIAM ST. 905.527.7488 INNSVILLE 1143 HWY. 8,STONEY CREEK 905.643.1244 SASSO 1595 UPPER JAMES ST. 905.526.4848 YE OLDE SQUIRE 1508 UPPER JAMES ST. 905.575.7821 COACH & LANTERN 384 WILSON E., ANC. 905.304.7822 INTO THE ABYSS 119A LOCKE ST. S. 905.518.7609 SEEDWORKS 126 CATHARINE ST. N. 905.523.7425 YE OLDE SQUIRE 3537 FAIRVIEW, BURL 905.333.6627 COLLECTIVE ARTS BREWERY 207 BURLINGTON ST. E. 289.426.2374 JAYS SPORTS BAR 558 UPPER GAGE 905.574.4664 SHAOLIN UNDERGROUND 229 JAMES ST. N.. 289.389.9525 THE ZOETIC 526 CONCESSION 905.902.5683 COOLERS SPORTS BAR 558 UPPER GAGE 905.574.4664 JERSEYS BAR & GRILL 1450 HEADON RD. 905.319.0525 SHAWN & ED BREWERY 65 HATT ST., DUNDAS 289.238.9979 ZYLA’S 299 JAMES ST. N. 905.818.7141

VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 13

Spiders Alive after dark. On the first Thursday of years, featuring singer/songwriters Scotty fully accessible. Tickets online at in past Carnegie Craft Biennial Shows. Apr. 5-28. two month rotating basis. • Open Weds-Sat each month, RBG's winter exhibit is transformed Bakalar, George Douglas , Kevin Wolfe, Tom //First Opening reception: Apr. 5, 7-9:30pm. Events: 11am-5pm, Sun-Tues by appointment. For info into a nightlife experience like no other. Join us Shea, Danny Medakovic, Jennifer Noble, And Unitarian Church, 170 Dundurn St. S. Lecture: Public Art & Placemaking. Ken Coit-The visit, 905.510.5030. //652 Spring for pub games, food and cocktails, unique pro- vocalist: Renee Christiansen. Mar. 16, 7:30pm. MONSTER JAM • See 8 awesome Monster Jam City of Hamilton Public Art Collection. Mar. 19, 7- Gardens Rd., Burl. gramming, and special guests. Next date: Apr. 4, PWYC. //The Pearl Company, 16 Steven St. trucks including Grave Digger, two female driv- 8pm. $10 member/$12 non-member. • Carnegie TRUE NORTH GALLERY/THE MUSIC GALLERY • 7-10pm. Tickets required. • Pyjama Party. Put on THE COLONIAL BOYS • Celebrate St. Patrick’s ers, plus two new trucks debut in Hamilton. Apr. Concert Series: J.P. Cormier. Mar. 30, 8pm. • For On display and available for sale are over 100 your P.J.s and bring along your favourite critter Day with live celtic band, with special guest 13-14. Tickets start at $15. For info and tickets tickets and info visit //The one-of-a-kind original, and rare limited edition plushie! Spiders Alive will be open late on the singer Louisa O’Keane. Mar. 17, 1:30-4:30pm. No visit or Carnegie Gallery, 10 King W., Dundas, art by both world famous, and not so famous final Friday evening of each month and the last cover. //Gator Ted’s, 1505 Guelph Line, Burl. //FirstOntario Centre, 101 York Blvd. 905.627.4265 musicians, whose creativity is equally evident in Friday of this special exhibit. Join us for activities, THE NEW VISION JAZZ VESPERS • John Brown, CENTRE3 FOR PRINT AND MEDIA ARTS • Love their art as it is in their music. Access to the games, and everyone's favourite many-legged guitarist, with the Clark Johnston Trio. Mar. 17, S.O.S. Steven Beckly. Until Apr. 6. • Between My gallery is by invitation or appointment only. creatures. Next date: Mar. 29, Apr. 12, 5-8pm. • 4:30pm. • Vocalist Sarah Jerrom with the Adrean ARTS•• Lines. Eli Farinango & Tanzima Chowdhury. Until //Griffin House-Arts Culture & Innovation RBG Speaker Series. Dr. Mark Graham: Shovels, ART IN THE WORKPLACE • The Atrium at Business Centre, 23 Griffin St., Waterdown• Chisels, Clippers and Guns: Building Natural Farrugia Piano Trio w/Jill McKenna (acoustic Apr. 2. • For more info visit McMaster Innovation Park is transformed with WORKERS ARTS & HERITAGE CENTRE • History Collections in Canada. Mar. 21, 7-8:30pm. bass) and Chris Wallace (drums). Apr. 7, 4:30pm. //Centre3 Gallery, 173 James St. N.• //The Music Hall. New Vision United Church, 24 pieces from over 150 local artists, and feature DUNDAS VALLEY SCHOOL OF ART • DVSA 49th Exhibits: Guided walk through of Division of Free lecture. Registration required. • Kevin artist Deb Mack. Mar. 28-June 26. Opening MacKay: Human Evolution at a Crossroads: Main St. W. Annual Art Auction. Over 1,500 original works will Labour. Mar. 16, 1pm. • Exhibits: Division of THE SANDERSON CENTRE FOR THE PERFORM- reception Mar. 28, 7-9pm, with wine, cheese, be on display in all mediums – paintings, pastels, Labour: Suzanne Carte, Ghost of a Dream, Ecological Collapse, or a Sustainable Future? chamber music by Hamilton's SpleitStrings, and Apr. 2 & 9, 7-9pm. Registration required. • ING ARTS • Jesse Cook. Mar. 19, 8pm. • Gregg Le drawings, prints, photography, sculpture, pottery, Rodrigo HGz, Basil AlZeri, Alejandro Tamayo. Rock. Mar. 25, 10:15am. • Jim Clayton Quartet. a chance to meet the artists. Free admission, glass, fibre art, jewellery and more. Bidding Until Apr. 20. • Permanent Galleries. Nine to Escarpment Train Exhibit. A journey through four week days 8am-6pm. //175 Apr. 15, 8pm. • Chubby Checker. Apr. 17, 2pm. • begins Apr. 4. • //DVSA, 21 Ogilvie, Five: A History of Office Work. • Custom House seasons of whimsical Canadian landscapes while Longwood Rd. S. 905-667-5500 telling the story of how railroads shaped our his- Ashley MacIssac. Apr. 17, 8pm. • The Ultimate Dundas•• History & The Hall of Hamilton Labour. • ARTCRAWL • Second Friday night of every month EARLS COURT GALLERY • Exhibits: Of Sky and Punching the Clock: Working in Canadian tory. Through Mar. 17. • Jazz Brunch Concert Garth Brooks Tribute. Apr. 18, 7:30pm. • For info @ 7pm, all galleries in the area display their new Sea. Erin Whitten-Crysdale & Laine Groeneweg. Factories from the 1840s to the 1980s. • Gateway Series. Enjoy a delicious brunch complemented and tickets visit //88 art. For more info visit• by the tranquility of the historic Rock Garden at Until Mar. 23. • For more info visit to the Workers City & Made in Hamilton Dalhousie St., Brantford ART GALLERY OF BURLINGTON • Exhi..bits: the Royal Botanical Gardens and the sweet //Earls Court Gallery 215 Industrial. • For more info, tickets, or to register THE WESTDALE EVENTS • Pavlo: In Concert. Territories in Metal: Brigitte Clavette, Chantal sounds of live entertainment. Reservations Ottawa N.• for events visit //WAHC, 51 Mar. 20, 7pm. $50 • Quartetto Gelato. Mar. 30. • Gilbert, Lou Lynn & Sylvia Taylor. Until Mar. 31. • Required. Mar. 24: Reno Silvas. Apr. 7: Aaron FACTORY MEDIA CENTRE • For more info visit Stuart St. Impulso Flamenco. Apr. 5. • For info and tickets Voices in Black Canadian Narratives. Until Mar. Bowers Trio. Apr. 14: Steve Burnside and the visit //1014 King St. W. or call 905.577.9191. //228 YOU ME GALLERY • Tom Lowe. "4:20 20 07 2018" Marquis. • For details, costs, tickets and to regis- 31. • Ears, Eyes, Voice: Black Canadian James St. N. (Paintings and couch from Magill Street). Until POWER UP: RISE OF THE GIRL GANG • Photojournalists 1970s-1990s. Until Mar. 31. • ter for events, visit //RBG Centre, 680 Featuring the talents of 30 women across the THE GALLERY ON THE BAY • Iris McDermott Apr. 7. • Gallery hours: Wed-Sun 12-5pm. Plains Rd. W., Burl. Sanctuary: Chari Cohen. Until Apr. 21. • In Search (new acrylics & collages). Mar. 15-Apr. 14. //330 James St. S.• Hamilton area. This upbeat performance was of Self: Denise McKay. Until Apr. 28. • All Guild BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • created to celebrate and empower women of all Opening reception: Mar. 15, 7-10pm. • galleryon- Show: Myths, Legends, and other Stories. Apr. Gandini Juggling: Sigma. Mar. 15, 1pm, 7pm. • ages. Mar. 22, 7-9pm. • For tickets visit thezoet- 905.627.4265 //231 Bay N. 20-May 19. • Permanent Collection Corridor: Jesse Cook. Mar. 17, 7pm. • A Musical Journey... //Zoetic Theatre, 526 Concession St. HAMILTON ARTISTS INC. • Exhibits: Vanessa THEATRE| ’Remembering The Brant Inn. Mar. 19, 7:30pm. • Quebec: A Different Drummer. Ongoing. • WINTERSLEEP CONCERT • Mar. 22. $26.50. 19+. Maltese: Same Corner, Same Guys, Same Line of BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • Erth’s Prehistoric Aquarium Adventure. An Events: Family Sunday Open Studio. Every Work. Until May 12. • Domestic Brew: Craft Beer For tickets visit //New Vision United Erth’s Prehistoric Aquarium Adventure. Mar. 21, immersive experience that invites you to jump in Sunday, 1-4pm. Free. All welcome. • For more Garden. Ongoing. • For more info visit Church, 24 Main St. W. 7pm. • The H. Phactor-Everything Potter. and explore unknown ocean depths where pre- info visit //AGB, 1333 //155 James St. N.• Performed by the students of Burlington Student OAKVILLE CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING historic marine reptiles lived eons ago – and Lakeshore Rd. HAMILTON CONSERVATORY FOR THE ARTS • Theatre. Apr. 3, 7:30pm. • Bobs & Lolo: Sing, ARTS • Queen: A Night at the Opera. Mar. 22, maybe live still today. The show uses actors, • Exhibits: Gallery Events: HCA Concert Series: Michael Lewin. Apr. Dance & Play! Apr. 5, 6:30pm, Apr. 6, 11am. • For 8pm. • Bach’s Complete Brandenburg technology, puppets, science and imagination to Level One • Above the Fold: New Expressions in 28, 2pm. • Exhibits: Famous Living Artists F.L.A. tickets and more info visit Concertos. Oakville Chamber Orchestra. Mar. 23, create an amazing visual experience that con- Origami. Until May 26. Tickets required. • The Collective. JudyBlue Anderson, Liz Bates, Vicki //BPAC 440 Locust St. 905.681.2551 7:30pm. • Holly Cole. Mar. 29, 8pm. • In nects young audiences to the real science of Living Room: unfolding... Until May 12. • Ferras, Leif Peng, Wendy Peng, Sylvia Simpson. THE FIRST ONTARIO PERFORMING ARTS CEN- Conversation with Michael McManmon. Apr. 2, paleontology. Mar. 21, 7pm. • The Lonely. Hamilton Now: Object. Until May 20. • Level Two Until Apr. 18 (*Closed March Break, Mar. 11-17). TRE • King Ubu. Mar. 8, 11:30am. //Marilyn I. Celebrating the music of Roy Orbison. Mar. 25, 7pm. • The Tea Party. Apr. 3, 8pm. • The Wanted. • Rosemary Kilbourn: A Singular Place. Until Opening reception: Mar. 10, 10am-4pm. • For Walker Theatre. • The Team. Following a terrible 7:30pm. • Burlington Teen Tour Band. Apr. 7, Apr. 13, 8:30pm. • Anda Union. Apr. 18, 8pm. • more info visit 905-528-4020. //126 Mar. 17. • Norval Morrisseau. Until Mar. 17. • tragedy, Bobbie processes her grief by joining the 2pm, 7pm. • Classic Albums Live: Elton John’s For more info visit //OCPA,130 James St. S. Speaking for Herself. Until March 17. • Kim senior girls’ basketball team. The crushing Greatest Hits. Apr. 18, 8pm. • Legends of Navy St., Oakville HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY • Central Library weight of expectation, grief, fear, and identity Adams: Bruegel-Bosch Bus. Permanent display. Motown. Apr. 20, 8pm. • For tickets and more info BEN ROGERS CONCERT • Mar. 23. For tickets 4th Floor Great Art For . looms as each player navigates their uncertain • The Jean and Ross Fischer Gallery. Around the visit //BPAC 440 Locust St. visit //New Vision United Church, 24 Portrait is a community art project that consists futures. Mar. 20-23, 8pm., Mar. 23, 2pm. Bay Road Race: 125 Years Strong. Until May 5. • 905.681.2551 Main St. W. of filled, transparent columns with mud samples //Robertson Theatre. • The Incredible Milli: A Celebration of Style. Apr. 13-Feb. 9. • FIRST ONTARIO PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • FAREWELL TO THE PEARL COMPANY VARIETY collected along Lake Ontario’s shoreline. The Adventures. Apr. 14, 11am, 2pm. //Robertson Admission to this gallery is free courtesy of Orlick • DeAnne Smith. Mar. 15, 7pm. //Recital Hall. • SHOW • Featuring Leonard, Burns & Dell, Erin & sculpture was created by local artist Nicole Theatre. • Kid Koala’s. A special interactive show Industries. • AGH Talks: Author Talk: Carmen Danny Michel w/Begonia. Mar. 21, 7:30pm. Nara, Rob in Benedict. Mar. 23, 8pm. $20/$25. Clouston. As the mud is exposed to light, the brings audience members into the sound making Robertson on Norval Morrisseu. Mar. 14, 7pm. //Partridge Hall. • The Lonely. Celebrating the For advance tickets visit //The microbes present in the mud will begin to grow, process. Each person is seated at stations music of Roy Orbison. Mar. 26, 7:30pm. Tickets required. • Speaking of Herself Panel Pearl Company, 16 Steven St. forming vibrant bands on the surface of the equipped with a turntable, effects box and a //Partridge Hall. • Choirs-Concert #2. Mar. 30, Discussion. Mar. 17, 2pm. Free. • Object Lessons sculpture. Ongoing. • Central Library Gallery4 SHEN YUN • A classical Chinese dance, ethnic small crate of colour coded vinyl records. 7:30pm. //Recital Hall. • The Tea Party. Mar. 30, #2. Mar. 21, 7pm. Free. • Tours: Enjoy a free Annex Mar: Anh Dao. • Gallery Barton Mar-May: and folk dance, and story-based dance, with Through subtle coloured lighting changes in the 7:30pm. //Partridge Hall. • Wind Ensemble guided tour by one of our specially trained Fuzzy Mall. • Gallery Dundas Mar-May: Kyle room, the audience is cued to play along, becom- orchestral accompaniment and solo performers. Concert #2. Apr. 2, 7:30pm. //Partridge Hall. • Docents. For individuals and groups smaller than Jeffers. • Gallery Stoney Creek Mar-May: John ing an integral component to the soundtrack as Mar. 23, 7:30pm, Mar. 24, 1pm. For tickets visit Lisa Brokop. Apr. 3, 7:30pm. //Partridge Hall. • 10. Tours last approximately 40 minutes. Every Pingree. • Gallery Turner Park Mar-May: the story unfolds. Apr. 18-20, multiple times. //FirstOntario Concert Hall String Orchestra-Concert #2. Apr. 3, 7:30pm. Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday & Statutory Jennifer Hicks. //Robertson Theatre. • For tickets visit firstontar- CHEZ DINE EVENTS • Chez Dine Launch Party- //Recital Hall. • Gryphon Trio. Apr. 7, 2pm. Holiday at 1:00 pm. • Free Friday Night/Tours & KIRKLAND LYNCH STUDIO GALLERY • Original or call 905.688.0722. //FirstOntario A Taste Of Togetherness Around The World. //Recital Hall. • Gordon Lightfoot. Apr. 11-12, GameShowGame. On the first Friday of every stained glass designs by Siobhan Lynch, oil paint- Performing Arts Centre, various venues, St. Industry heavy-hitters and Chez Dine hosts alike 8pm. //Partridge Hall. • Pops!4-The Force Is With month, admission to the Gallery Level One exhi- ings and drawings by Peter Kirkland. • Gallery Catharines Us! Apr. 13, 7:30pm, Apr. 14, 2:30pm. //Partridge will provide the food. Local breweries & wineries bitions is free from 4-8pm, with free guided tours Hours:Tues-Sat 11am-5pm. • HAMILTEN FESTIVAL • A collection of 10-minute Hall. • Classic Albums Live-Prince. Apr. 17, for libations. Dessert bar, entertainment, live, //654 with an AGH docent at 6pm. GameShowGame is plays written and directed by local playwrights in 7:30pm. //Partridge Hall. • For tickets visit music, celebrity chef M.C. Mar. 25, 6-10pm. //The Spring Gardens Rd., Burl. an custom built immersive comedy fuelled hap- the Greater Hamilton community. This short, fun //FOPAC, St. Catharines Cotton Factory, 270 Sherman Ave. N. • For tick- MCMASTER MUSEUM OF ART • Exhibits: pening which takes place in the AGH Living format allows artists, both emerging and estab- THE HAMILTON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA • ets and info visit Michael Allgoewer: 1514. Until Mar. 16. • Jaime Room. Starts at 7pm. • Kids & Families: Family lished, to challenge themselves by creating Mainstage/FirstOntario Concert Hall Concerts: ARMY OF SASS: SIDESHOW • Join us while we Angelopoulos: Oblique Choreography. Until Mar. Fun Days: Mar. 31. Family Time Tour: 1pm- engaging performance pieces in a condensed Mar. 16: Debussy & Holst’s The Planets. Mar. 16, take you to the circus, you know it's going to be a 16. • Counterpoint: SUMMA 23019 @ The Cotton 1:25pm. Ever wondered what your child thinks format. Apr. 5-7. $10/show, at the door or online 7:30pm. • Seniors’ Talk & Tea. Enjoy a late morn- little naughty right? Mar. 30, 7pm. • For tickets Factory. Graduating McMaster BFA Student about art? In these mini-tours of the second floor at For more info and schedule visit ing tea and scrumptious treat while exploring the visit //Zoetic Theatre, 526 Exhibition. This year it is held at The Cotton exhibitions, our expert docents will show kids and //The Staircase Theatre, 27 stories behind the famous composers and music Concession St. Factory, 270 Sherman Ave. N. Apr. 6-19. Opening parents how to look carefully and think creative- Dundurn St. N. featured in HPO’s mainstage concerts. Join A SINATRA SONGBOOK • Featuring crooner reception, Apr. 6, 11am-3pm. • Artist Garden: The Composer-in-Residence Abigail Richardson- ly. Please gather in the lobby. Hands-On Art MURDER MYSTERY THEATRE • Join us for a 4 Roger Wyatt and his band, Robert Horvath Boat Project/everythingwillbefine. Canadian Schulte for these fascinating talks. Then, make Making Fun: 1:30-3:30pm. Join our artist instruc- course meal while enjoying our Murder Mystery (pianist and music director), Atilla Darvas (stand artist Ernest Daetwyler will build a site-specific your way to the orchestra level of the Great Hall tors to create a pop-up installation inspired by Theatre. Mar. 23, Apr. 20, May 11. Doors open at up bassist), Mark Polimeni (drums and percus- work in the Museum’s Artist Garden this sum- for a behind-the-scenes peek at an HPO the exhibitions on view. Free for AGH Members/ 6:30pm, event starts at 7pm. • Call for reserva- sion). Apr. 7, 2:30pm. $25. For tickets call mer. He will transform pieces of driftwood into a rehearsal. Mar. 15, 11am: Debussy & Holst. • Non-members $5 per family of 2 adults and up to tions at 905.643.1244 //The Innsville Restaurant, 905.845.4681 or contact [email protected] boat form, embedded with a steelcut text mes- Gallery Series. 60-minute performance is host- 4 children. • For details visit artgalleryofhamil- 1143 Hwy. 8, Stoney Creek //West Plains United Church, 549 Plains Rd. @., sage, creating an environment for both active ed by Composer-in-Residence Abigail //123 King W. 905.527.6610 OAKVILLE CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING Richardson-Schulte and the musicians and Burl. engagement and reflection. Until 2020. • ARTS • Shrek The Musical. Suitable for ages 4 LADYBIRD ANIMAL SANCTUARY 5TH ANNUAL B CONTEMPORARY • Hosts monthly exhibitions starts with a Curator’s presentation of the featuring established and emerging Guest Antiquities. The Museum's Togo Salmon Gallery and up. Apr. 10-13, 7:30pm, Apr. 13-14, 2pm. • gallery’s current art exhibition. Stay for the post- SOIREE: CELEBRATING 1,000 RESCUES • has been rededicated as a space to showcase For more info and tickets visit Featuring Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland, Artists. Openings are held the second Friday of concert reception and meet the musicians and each month during Hamilton’s Art Crawl: 7pm- exclusively McMaster's collection of antiquities. //OCPA, Willson Auditorium, 130 Navy St., Whitehorse, Lisa Winn, Janine Stoll. Also includ- gallery curators. Mar. 27, 7:30pm. $15. //Art 11pm. • //226 Ongoing. • Susan Detwiler: Seed Pack. Ongoing. Oakville Gallery of Burlington, 1333 Lakeshore Rd. • For ed in the ticket price will be complimentary local James N. 289.389.3949 • • The Vishniac Coin Collection - Numismatic LANGSTON HUGHES VS JOE MCCARTHY • Is more info, registrations and tickets visit| craft beer and wine, gourmet vegan fare, and a BOLD ARTISTE • Featuring the original artworks Traditions from Antiquity to Present. Ongoing. • poetry subversive? U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy VIOLA AND PIANO RECITAL • Featuring violist silent auction. All proceeds from this event will of Nancy Winlove-Smith. //Bold Admission to all exhibitions and events is free. thought so. Mar. 9, 12-15, 7:30pm, Mar. 10, 16- Elizabeth Reid and pianist Alison Cerutti. Mar. 15, help to save the lives of animals in need in the Artiste, 6 Bold St.••• For more info call 905.525.9140x23241 or visit 17,3pm. $15. To reserve call 905.543.8512 or 7:30pm. Tickets at the door. $20/$15 senior, Hamilton community and beyond. Apr. 11, CARNEGIE GALLERY • Main Gallery Exhibits: //McMaster Museum of book online at //Artword 65+/$10 Student/Free under 12. To reserve tick- 7:30pm. 19+. Early bird $125/Regular $150. For Cathy Yantsis: Uncommon Threads. Paintings, Art, 1280 Main W.• Artbar, 15 Colbourne St. ets contact [email protected] tickets visit //Shawn & Ed assemblages and mixed media. Until Mar. 28. • MIXED MEDIA/KING W. BOOKS • The art of Paul THE PURPLE, WHITE AND GREEN: THE STORY //Melrose United Church, 86 Homewood Ave. Brewing Co., 65 Hatt St., Dundas Carnegie Craft RetroACTIVE. This special exhibi- Allard (Instagram @pushingwait). Through Apr. 6. OF THE SCOTTISH SUFFRAGETTES • Written to A MUSICAL CELEBRATION OF THE PEARL COM- 5 AT THE FIRST CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES: tion celebrates excellence in fine craft through //1060 King St. W. mark the 1918-2018 centenary of (some) PANY • This show brings together a number of MUSIC OF CANADIAN WOMEN • Mercer Duo. the work of seventeen artists in various media TERESA SEATON STUDIO & GALLERY • Gallery women’s right to vote in the UK, this powerful features Teresa’s newest stained glass creations musicians who have played The Pearl over the Apr. 13, 3pm. $20 adults/$15 seniors/$5 stu- who have all been recognized as award winners piece of storytelling is both timely and com- dents, unwaged/Free under 12. Free parking and as well as some of the best regional artists on a 14 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW

pelling. Storytellers Nicola Wright and Lea Taylor Events: Virtual Reality Experience-BBC 1943 (from Edinburgh, Scotland) present with verve Berlin Blitz. • Open 9am-5pm daily. For tickets BRUCE MCCULLOCH & GAVIN CRAWFORD and vigour this mix of historical facts and prose. and more more info visit March 16 at 7:30pm Mar. 14, 9pm. $10. //Artword Artbar, 15 //Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, 9280 Colbourne St. Airport Road, Mount Hope at the Main Theatre THEATRE ANCASTER • Spring Musical Revue: DUNDAS MUSEUM & ARCHIVES • Exhibits: Burlington Performing Divas. The theatre will be supercharged with Dundas Inspired: A History of Visual Arts. Until Arts Centre womanpower and the songs from over 30 divas – Apr. 27. • Drawing at the Museum II. An exhibition you won’t be able to stay in your seat. Apr. 5-6, 12- of Drawings & Paintings. Until Apr. 4. • Cradled in 13, 8pm, Apr. 7, 2pm. $37/$32 senior/$17 stu- the Valley: The Stories of Dundas. Ongoing. • dent. • For tickets visit or Events: Dundas Historical Book Club. If you love call 905.304.7469. //Old Firehall Arts Centre, 334 history and love reading or just enjoy a good read Wilson St. E., Anc. consider joining our Historical Book Club. We THEATRE AQUARIUS • Steel City Gangster. The meet the first Thursday of every month from thrilling, astonishing story of Rocco Perri, the 6:30-8:00. Books are selected by the members larger-than life organized crime boss and “King themselves, and range from biographies, histori- of the Bootleggers”, and the woman behind the cal literature to historical fiction and classics. throne, Bessie Starkman. A hometown story of Apr. 11: By Nightfall by Michael Cunningham. • crime, punishment, anger, betrayal, revenge, vio- //139 Park St. W., Dundas lence and madness. Until Mar. 30. • TA2 Studio DUNDURN NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE • Series: The Team by Michael Kras. A rapid-fire, Experience a guided tour of this 40-room heart-squeezing, fiercely funny portrait of five Italianate-style villa built in the 1830’s on teenagers facing the crushing weights of expec- Burlington Heights; the former site of a fortified tation, grief, fear, and identity as they stand on military encampment established by the British the precipice of their uncertain futures. Mar. 14- in 1813. • Capture The Moment. Engage in photo 16. $15. • For tickets visit or ops during your guided tour of call 905.522.7529. //190 King William St. and dress up like an 1812 soldier at the Military THEATRE BURLINGTON • A Bad Year For Museum. Mar. 14-15, 12-4pm. • Adults Tomatoes. Fed up with the pressures and $11.50/Seniors, youth $9.50/Children $6/Infants demands of her acting career, the famous Myra Free/Family $30. For more info visit Marlowe leases a house in the tiny New England Open Tues-Sun, noon to 4pm. //610 York Blvd. hamlet of Beaver Haven and settles down to write 905.546.2872 her autobiography. A hilarious comedy by John ERLAND LEE MUSEUM • For info visit //552 Ridge Rd., Stoney Creek. Patrick. Apr. 12-13, 19-20, 26-27, 8pm, Apr. 27, rator. Other fun activities include wagon rides tomato sauce, pet food. For more info call PIER 8 • Weather permitting the rink will be FIELDCOTE MEMORIAL PARK & MUSEUM • 2pm. • For tickets call 905.6399.7700 or visit the- drawn by a beautiful antique tractor, interactive 905.527.0432 or email strathconaneighboursnet- open. This is for pleasure skating only-no hockey! Events: Historical Scavenger Hunt. Discover //Theatre Burlington’s games and unique photo opportunities. Mar. 14, [email protected] Warm up room available inside Williams Fresh Drama Centre 2311 New Street, Burl.| some interesting facts about life in Canada dur- 17, 24, 31, 10am-4pm. • For more info and tick- HAALSA TALK • Achieving Heart Health Cafe. The rink is free and skate and helmet ing a scavenger hunt in beautiful Fieldcote Park, ets visit //Westfield Heritage Through Exercise for All Ages - Maureen rentals are available for a fee. Mon-Fri, 5-10pm, engage in hands-on activities, and visit the hot Village, 1049 Kirkwall Rd., Rockton MacDonald. Despite the constant stream of Sat-Sun, 10am-10pm. For info visit hamiltonwa- DANCE chocolate station. Mar. 14-16, 12-4pm. • Quilting HISTORIC HOUSE & GARDEN • media information on fitness and health, most //Pier 8 AN EVENING OF FLAMENCO PASSION: MILENA Workshops. Participants (age 18+) of all skill lev- Anthropomophia. Definition: Adding human people do not know what the optimal exercise LAST CHANCE RUMMAGE SALE • St Stephen’s TEJADA • Mar. 22, 8pm. $20. For info visit thep- els are welcome to engage in this make-a-quilt character to inanimate objects. Spy tiny program for them is as they progress through dif- property and building has been sold. Clothing for //The Pearl Company, 16 Steven project. Offered on Fridays, 5-9pm, and Mondays “Shopkins” hidden amongst the McQuesten fam- ferent stages of life. Dr. MacDonald discusses every day and boutique, jewellery, collectables, St. 9:30am-12pm. Drop in for a few hours or stay for ily’s every-day items during a guided tour and research informing practical, feasible, safe and household etc. Too many bargains to list, includ- BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE • the whole session. Sewing machine in working ing items that won’t be travelling with us to our create your own anthropomorphic crafts in The effective exercise programs to encourage heart Gandini Juggling: Sigma. A unique family show order is required. $60. For more info contact new home. Apr. 13, 9am. //St Stephen United Stable and play traditional games. Mar. 14-17, health for all ages. Apr. 6, 8pm. Free. Everyone that will delight your senses and challenge your [email protected]. • Ontario Archaeological Church, 2258 Parkway Dr., Burl. 12-4pm. • Open Tues-Sun, noon-4pm. $7 welcome. Details at //Rm. 1A1, Ewart expectations of what dance can be. Mar. 15, 1pm. Society Monthly Lectures. Mar. 21, 7:30-9pm. • MENTAL HEALTH RIGHTS COALITION • Need to adults/$6 seniors, youth/$5 children/infants Angus Centre, McMaster University Children's • Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre: For info visit Open Tues-Sat, 1-5pm. free/Family $20. //41 Jackson St. W., talk about mental health or addiction issues? Hospital bldg., 1200 Main St. W. Teasing Gravity. Apr. 5, 7pm. • For tickets and //64 Sulphur Springs Rd., Anc. 905.546.2018 Talk to someone who has been there and has for- HAMILTON INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCE more info visit //BPAC 440 GRIFFIN HOUSE • The Griffin House is recog- mal training in Peer Support. 11am-4pm, Mon- CLUB • Mar. 22: Workshop with Adam Locust St. 905.681.2551 nized as an important Canadian Black History Thurs, noon-4pm Friday. • 905.545.2525, mental- ENCUENTRO FLAMENCO • A quest for freedom site. Visit this preserved early 19th century home, COMMUNITY Kossowski. • For more info visit hamiltonfolk- //Suite 103-100 Main St E. within the constraints of tradition. Featuring set on a hilltop overlooking the beautiful Dundas “70 YEARS IS ENOUGH! CANADA MUST WITH- //St. Paul’s Anglican Church, corner of MOOD MENDERS SUPPORT SERVICES • Tamara Ilana, Matt Sellick, Derek Gray. Mar. 31, Valley. Explore the history of Enerals Griffin and DRAW FROM NATO” • Lecture by Tamara King St. W. and Haddon Ave., Westdale. Offering coping skills and educational forums for HAMILTON NATURALISTS’ CLUB EVENTS • 7:30pm. $20. For info visit other early Black settlers, and enjoy a walk along Lorincz. Mar. 25, 7pm. Free. //New Vision United individuals living with Depression or Bipolar nearby trails. //733 Mineral Springs Rd., Ancaster Church, 24 Main W. “India: Temples, Tigers and Peacocks”. Peter Disorder, and their family members or support //The Pearl Company, 16 Steven St. Middleton’s talk will bring an unknown world of HAMILTON CHILDREN’S MUSEUM • The ACCESS TOASTMASTERS • Do you want to learn persons. Featuring guest speakers, facilitated India to many of us including our understanding group discussions, and literature on support ven- Wonderful World of Wizarding. Learn about the art of public speaking and self presentation? of the birds in it. Mar. 18, 7-9pm. //Burlington ues. Find hope and knowledge among peers on charms, potions, divination and how to take care FILM Do want to have fun? New members are always Seniors’ Centre. • Reptile Rendezvouz. A talk your journey to wellness. Free to attend. Second ANCASTER FILM FEST • Wild Rose. Apr. 8, 1pm, of magical creatures. Mar. 14-17, 9:30am- welcome. Every Wednesday, 7pm. //St. Joseph's with Alison Forde, Senior Ecologist with SNC- Tuesday of each month 7-9pm @ St. Joseph’s 4pm, 7:15pm. • For details visit ancasterfilm- 3:30pm. • Wednesday Wigglers. Provides pre- Immigrant Women's Centre, 182 Rebecca St. Lavalin. Despite having the greatest diversity of Hospital, Charlton Campus, Juravinski Tower, or facebook. //Ancaster Silver City school aged children (2-4 yrs) an opportunity to (corner of Rebecca & Ferguson) reptiles in Canada, it can be a challenge finding 2nd Floor, Miller Theatre; third Tuesday of every (Meadowlands Plaza) explore the environment through adult-facilitated ALIENATED GRANDPARENTS ANONYMOUS them in Ontario. Our elusive and sometimes stig- month 2-4pm @ St. Peter’s HARRRP, 705 Main LIYANA • Grandmothers of Steel, in partnership and child-directed activities by engaging in this SUPPORT GROUP • We meet on the 2nd and 4th matized snakes and turtles face many challenges St. E., and the fourth Tuesday of each month 2- with OPIRG McMaster, is screening Liyana, a themed drop-in program that includes story Tuesday of every month year round. We often themselves. What's being done to help them? 4pm @ First Pilgrim United Church, 200 Main E. documentary set in a Swaziland orphanage that time, songs, discovery and creation centres. have guest speakers. Free. //422 North Shore Rd. Alison will share her knowledge and experiences NAR-ANON MEETING • Family support group. follows five amazing children taking a class with Wednesdays, 10am-11:30am. Mar. 20: Spring • E., Burl. from the field with a little help from her reptile “Never alone-hope in Hamilton”. We carry the a master storyteller. Mar. 21, 7pm. //Health Early Morning Risers. Start your Saturday morn- ARTS AND CRAFTERNOONS • A crafty happy education ambassador, Noodle. Over the past message of hope throughout the world to those Sciences Centre, Room 1A1, McMaster ing with company, coffee and treats and let the hour sponsored by Collective Arts. Great tunes. decade, Alison has worked with and studied affected with addiction of someone near to them. University kids get to work playing in an interactive & Supplies on hand. Thursdays, 4-7pm. Free. //This Ontario's reptiles on a personal and professional All welcome. Mondays at 7pm, except holidays. ZOETIC THEATRE • Singin’ In The Rain. Mar. 14, exploratory environment. Saturdays, 7:30-9am. • Ain’t Hollywood, 345 James St. N. level, most recently surveying for Massasauga 2pm. • The Greatest Showman Sing-Along. Mar. //HARRRP Community Centre-St. Peter’s, 705 Open Tues-Sat., 9:30am-3:30pm. For info visit BURLINGTON MANSION TOASTMASTERS • Gain Rattlesnakes in the Georgian Bay area. She loves 23, 7pm. • For tickets visit //Zoetic Main St. E. & St. Clair. St Clair entrance, lower //1072 Main St. E. confidence, leadership skills and learn the art of to bust myths and misconceptions about snakes level. Theatre, 526 Concession St. public speaking. Everyone is welcome and the and has helped countless individuals overcome HAMILTON MILITARY MUSEUM • Originally Sir PSYCHIC SANDEE • Readings while you dine. Allan MacNab’s gatehouse, the museum fea- first three visits are free. Every Wednesday, 7:30- their fears through education. Apr. 8, 7-9pm. 9:30pm. For more info visit mansiontoastmas- //RBG. • Wildfowl at Slimbridge Wetlands SW Mondays, 6-9pm and Thursdays, 5:30-8:30pm. LITERARY tures many Canadian military history exhibits. • //Stonewalls, 339 York Blvd. For info visit //610 York Blvd. //Cumis Room, Paletta Mansion, 4250 England. Join HNC Bird Study Group as they host HAMILTON YOUTH POETRY SLAMS • Every Lakeshore Rd. E., Burl.| James Lees for a free talk about a Wildfowl and SERVE OUR CITY COMMUNITY DINNER • Every HAMILTON MUSEUM OF STEAM & TECHNOLO- fourth Sunday of the month, 6-9pm. $5. All ages. CELEBRATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAY Wetlands Trust property in Southwestern Wednesday night at 6pm. Free. //Crossfire GY • Unplugged. Drop-in and try some low tech For details visit FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMI- England. Apr. 15, 7-9pm. //Burlington Seniors Assembly, 458 King St. W. (between Pearl & games and activities. Mar. 14-17, 12-4pm. • ets /Spice Factory, 121 Hughson St. NATION • Speeches, entertainment, multicultur- Centre. • All talks are free and all are welcome. Locke) Doing It Justice: The Steam Museum in 3D. A al foods. Mar. 17, 11am-4pm. Free admission. For more info visit TWISTED STITCHES FIBREARTS GATHERING • free exhibit of Jennifer Kaye’s photography. Until //Steel Workers Banquet Centre, 1031 Barton St. Burlington Seniors Centre, 2285 New St. or RBG, Weekly drop-in community stitching circle every Sept. 8. • For more info visit MUSEUMS E. 680 Plains Rd. Thursday 5-10pm. Coffee, tea, snacks. Details ums //900 Woodward Ave. 905.546.4797|| BATTLEFIELD HOUSE MUSEUM & PARK • A DIRECT TO YOU SHOWCASE• Mar. 23, 10am- HAMILTON NO. 1 TOASTMASTERS • Build con- and calendar available on FB @twistedstitche- Monumental March Break. See the past come to H.M.C.S. HAIDA NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE • fidence, communication & leadership skills. shamont //Mud & Suds Craftwerks, 88 Ottawa St. For info visit //Pier 9, 658 3pm. //Steel Workers Banquet Centre, 1031 life and experience fun and fascinating hands-on Barton St. E. (Use parking lot entrance) Mondays 7-8:30pm. For info call 905.648.9503, N. activities for the whole family. Mar. 14-15, 12- Catharine St. N. contact [email protected], or visit on FOOD BANK DONATIONS • An easy way to WEEKLY DROP-IN FOR PWUD • Keeping-Six, 4pm. • Friends of Battlehouse Museum Lecture IRELAND HOUSE • For tickets visit museumsof- facebook: @hamiltonno1 //Downtown YMCA, 79 donate non-perishable items to our local food Hamilton Harm Reduction Action League wel- Series: Apr. 9, 7:30-9pm. • Open Tuesday to //Ireland House Museum, 2168 James St. S. Paddy Cline room. comes you to the Central Branch of the Library banks. A 24/7 drop off box is located at 440 York Sunday, 12 noon to 4 pm. • Guelph Line HAMILTON VIDEO FILM MAKERS • Do you make Tuesdays from 3-5 for food, music, art, discus- Boulevard, in front of Midas (corner of Locke and //Battlefield House Museum & Park, 77 King W., WESTFIELD HERITAGE VILLAGE • Maple Syrup Videos? Want to meet with other Video enthusi- sion, and planning on how to respond to the Stoney Creek, 905.662.8458| Festival. Learn how maple syrup was made in the York) Half a block east of the Mustard Seed co- asts? Hamilton Video Film Makers meeting are ongoing Opioid and homelessness crisis. A non- CANADIAN WARPLANE HERITAGE MUSEUM • early and mid-19th century and then enjoy a op. Donations are delivered to the food banks at the first Thursday of every month at 7pm. For judgmental, peer-run space. Exhibits: Ace Academy Flight Experience. A short walk into the woods to Westfield’s sugar Good Shepherd, Mission Services St. Matthew’s info visit //Knights of Columbus Hall, [email protected] or Travelling exhibit. Pilot a First World War biplane shack. There you can try a taste of Westfield’s and Salvation Army, Suggested food items: Baby 222 Queenston Rd. using motion sensing technology. Until Mar. 17. very own maple syrup, made in a modern evapo- food, tinned Meat, Peanut butter, cereal, pasta, HAMILTON WATERFRONT OUTDOOR RINK-

VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 15 [FILM] by ALBERT DESANTIS CAPTAIN MARVEL, THE latest entry in the Marvel by the Skrull leader, Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) and as which is sort of remarkable since every time he’s on Cinematic Universe film series, sets its wayback Yon–Rogg and Starforce race to save her, she has to fig- screen he is a digital effect as digital de–aging is used to machine to the mid–90s. There is a bunch of ure out her past life before she can take the mantle of make him look like mid–90 Samuel L. Jackson. Seeing Marvel lore which could be borderline Captain Marvel. Clark Gregg’s Phil Coulson again is a lot of fun since impenetrable for newcomers but consider- Like all Marvel movies going back to Iron Man, the the character has been missing from the movies since ing it’s the 21st movie in the MCU some film bounces between intense character stuff and com- 2012’s The Avengers. However, Gregg’s Coulson has had foreknowledge is almost a pre–requisite. edy jokiness. For Captain Marvel it isn’t done as elegant- his own show, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., so for Marvel Mostly, the movie seems to take a bit ly as the tonal gearshifts in Guardians of the Galaxy or geeks who watch movies and TV shows, he hasn’t gone from Guardians of the Galaxy with Avengers, here from action badass to quippy fun is a bit anywhere. Coulson is a rookie agent here as Gregg worldbuilding to pop songs, add in a more abrupt. There is an awesome action scene set to undergoes the same remarkable digital de–aging super–spy and character history mys- No Doubt’s “Just A Girl” which is cool although the process. tery and mix them up with some song and action mash ups in Guardians work better. Captain Marvel is nicely paced although there is a space alien ID theft and blasting. It is The third act features an MCU trinket that has stretch in the middle where Vers and company end up a whole lot of movie as the character appeared in a lot of movies however without context its at a farmhouse that slows things down unfortunately development for Captain Marvel importance may fly over the heads of people who don’t recalling stretches with The Avengers trapped at herself is set to hyper–speed. While know the whole story. Hawkeyes’ farmhouse in Age of Ultron. Still, this movie this may not be as jaw–dropping as Larson is the central figure and she does a good job has some cool action scenes like when Vers and her Avengers: Infinity War was, it is as Vers sort of ping–pongs between blank amnesiac Starforce crew find refugees that reveal themselves to still a very cool space adventure. emotionless space warrior and quippy hero. The mys- be the shapeshifting Skrulls. One fun moment has Vers In outer space, the alien tery of who she is propels the film and if one finds her in gauntlets that take away her blasting powers as she Kree are at war with the das- compelling, it’ll work. If she isn’t, historical digressions thrashes a bunch of aliens. When she gets her full pow- tardly shapeshifting Skrulls may seem like a drag between alien punching. There ers it’s frustratingly short but it’s very cool to see her who are hunted by Starforce are flashbacks to her life in conversations with the blasting alien projectiles and a face to face moment she warriors led by Yon–Rogg Supreme Kree Intelligence, played by Anette Benning, has with an alien ship is very epic. Her cat, Goose, pro- (Jude Law) and his soldiers, that are trippy, accomplished through slick editing that vides cute animal asides and unexpectedly crazy one of which is the amnesiac disorients Vers and the audience. Law’s stern leader has moments. Vers (Brie Larson). After a a few cool moments but the best stuff he does is saved Captain Marvel is a whole lot of movie, even at two pitched battle, Vers lands on until the end. The shapeshifting Skrulls are an interest- hours it seems to be running through her story so she the destitute planet of Earth in ing threat as they can be anyone and the makeup job on can be a critical character in April’s Avengers: Endgame. the year 1995, attracting the the Skrulls and Mendelsohn is impressive. Mendelsohn While this may ultimately just amount to some cool attention the world protection plays some scenes as human and it’s a nicely layered per- backstory for Marvel completists there are enough alien agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. formance with him being outwardly helpful but there smackdowns and random jokes that keeps the whole and two of its newest agents, are subtle clues of his nefarious alien intensions. There thing flying. V CAPTAIN Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) is a lot of space gobbledegook here which may be frus- CAPTAIN MARVEL and Nick Fury (Samuel L. trating but for sci–fi fans who can roll with it, it’s nifty. ####$ Jackson). Hitting the road with The best character stuff is the buddy cop relationship Directors: Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck MARVEL Fury, Vers delves into her mem- between Vers and Fury. Jackson’s Fury finds the whole Starring: Brie Larson, Jude Law, ories show of may be her previ- alien thing really cool and he has some good banter Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg ous life on Earth. Being pursued with Larson. Jackson’s Nick Fury is the second lead and Ben Mendelsohn

16 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW

CAPTAIN MARVEL ##$$$ (Directed by Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck, runs 124) Captain Marvel is, 20 movies in, the first female-led title MOVIES&SHOWTIMES in the MCU. As if trying to rewrite that shameful history, the movie goes back in time to the mid- 90s and retroactively positioning Brie Larson's PLEASE NOTE: LISTINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MARCH 15 — MARCH 21, 2019 Please call ahead or check online to avoid disappointment. Carol Danvers as the original Avenger. I know, I know. Captain America was introduced as "The CAPTAIN MARVEL 3D () FRI-SAT,MON-THURS 12:00, US () THURS 7:05, 9:55 CINE STARZ UPPER CANADA PLACE First Avenger" and he's WWII-era. But Carol met 460 Brant, Burlington 12:50, 3:00, 3:55, 6:05, 7:00, 9:00, 10:05; SUN 12:05, () FRI 2:10, 5:00; SAT 11:15, 12:40, Nick Fury first! Samuel L. Jackson, de-aged by 12:50, 3:00, 3:55, 6:05, 7:00, 9:00, 10:05 3:00, 5:20; SUN 12:40, 3:00, 5:20 WONDER PARK 3D () FRI 7:40, 10:20; SAT-THURS CGI, returns as a young Fury, showing up on the ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL () FRI-SUN 11:00, 1:10, 3:15, CAPTAIN MARVEL: THE IMAX 2D EXPERIENCE () 7:40, 10:00 scene when former Earthling but now super- 5:10, 7:30, 9:40; MON-THURS 12:50, 3:00, 5:10, 7:30, FRI-SUN,TUE 1:20, 4:25, 7:30, 10:35; MON,WED- powered Carol crash lands in his district from 9:40 THURS 1:20, 4:25, 7:30, 10:30 SILVERCITY MOUNTAIN outer space. Ho-hum superhero theatrics ensue. AQUAMAN (PG) FRI-SAT 10:45, 9:40; SUN-MON 9:40 CAPTIVE STATE () FRI-TUE,THURS 2:10, 5:00, 7:50, Larson has very little to work with in a movie that 795 Paramount Dr., Hamilton A DOG’S WAY HOME (G) FRI-SUN 11:00, 1:15, 3:20, 10:30; WED 2:00, 5:00, 7:50, 10:30 905.560.0239 hangs Carol's emotional arc on her sex. Instead FATE/STAY NIGHT: HEAVEN’S FEEL II. LOST BUT- 5:35; MON-THURS 1:00, 5:30 ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL 3D () FRI-SUN 10:15; MON- of treating feminism as a structuring principle to FAVOURITE (14A) FRI-SUN 3:25,7:20; MON-THURS TERFLY () SUN 12:55 jump off from - like Wonder Woman so winning- () FRI-TUE 2:00, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20; THURS 9:15 1:10, 3:20, 7:20 CAPTAIN MARVEL () FRI-SUN 4:25; FRI-SAT 12:20, ly did - Captain Marvel can't seem to see beyond GREEN BOOK (PG) FRI-SUN 12:45, 3:00, 5:05, 7:20, WED 1:05, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20; THURS 1:10, 4:05, 6:30, 3:25, 6:30, 9:35; SUN 12:20, 3:25, 6:30, 9:30; MON- the idea that Carol is a woman. It effectively 9:40; MON-THURS 12:50, 2:45, 5:15, 7:20, 9:40 9:10 THURS 6:30, 9:30 makes feminism a target - a goal to be achieved IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK (PG) FRI, SUN 7:45, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN CAPTAIN MARVEL 3D () FRI-SAT 10:15, 12:50, 1:20, in ways that feel more self-congratulatory than 9:45; SAT 7:25, 9:45; MON-THURS 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, WORLD () FRI,SUN-THURS 1:30, 4:10; SAT 11:20, 3:55, 7:00, 7:30, 10:05, 10:35; SUN 12:50, 1:20, 3:55, progressive. (R.S.) 7:30, 9:40 1:30, 4:10 7:00, 7:30, 10:00, 19:30; MON-THURS 7:00, 7:30, MARY POPPINS RETURNS (G) FRI, MON-THURS HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN 10:00, 10:30 FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY 11:00, 3:05, 5:10; SAT 11:00, 3:03, 5:10; SUN 11:00, WORLD 3D () FRI-THURS 6:50, 9:20 DR. SEUSS’ THE GRINCH (G) FRI 11:15; SAT 10:00 ###$$ 5:10 ISN’T IT ROMANTIC () FRI-THURS 10:00 FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE CRIMES OF GRINDEL- (Directed by Stephen Merchant, runs 107) NADI ALREGAL ALSERRI (PG) SAT 7:25 THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART () FRI,MON- WALD (PG) FRI 11:00 Fighting With My Family is a fun fish-out-of- RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET (G) FRI-SUN 11:00, THURS 1:50, 4:30, 7:15; SAT 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7:15; water biopic about a girl with a dream, and also 1:00, 5:20 SUN 3:50, 7:15 FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY () FRI 2:35, 5:15, 7:55, a pretty shameless promotional video for World SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (PG) FRI, US () THURS 7:00, 10:10 10:40; SAT 11:55, 2:35, 5:15, 7:55, 10:40; SUN 2:30, Wrestling Entertainment. It is to writer/director SUN 11:00, 1:10, 1:20, 3:00, 5:25, 7:30, 9:30; SAT WONDER PARK () FRI,SUN-THURS 12:40, 3:00, 5:20; 5:10, 7:50, 10:30; MON-THURS 7:45, 10:25 Merchant's credit that it tilts more towards the 11:00, 1:10, 1:20, 3:00, 5:25, 7:45, 9:30; MON-THURS SAT 11:00, 12:40, 3:00, 5:20 FIVE FEET APART () FRI,SUN 2:00, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20; former than the latter, with the Office co-creator 12:50, 3:10, 5:20, 7:35, 9:30 WONDER PARK 3D () FRI-THURS 7:40, 9:55 SAT 11:20, 2:00, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20; MON-THURS 7:40, zooming into the self-doubt and familial obliga- UPSIDE (PG) FRI, SUN 7:25, 9:40; SAT 9:40; MON- 10:20 GREEN BOOK (PG) FRI 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10; SAT tions that drive young Norwich wrestler Saraya THURS 3:00, 5:10, 7:25, 9:40 SILVERCITY BURLINGTON 1250 Brant, Burlington 1:00, 4:00, 6:55, 9:55; SUN 1:00, 4:00, 6:55, 9:50; "Paige" Knight (Florence Pugh) to go to Florida 905.319.8677 MON-WED 6:50, 9:50 in the hopes of becoming the WWE's next super- LANDMARK CINEMAS 6 JACKSON SQUARE 2 King St. W., Hamilton BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY (PG) FRI-THURS 7:20, 9:45 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN star - even as she effectively abandons her 905.526.8131 CAPTAIN MARVEL () FRI-SUN 12:00, 12:50, 3:00, WORLD () FRI 10:20, 2:10, 4:50; SAT 11:30, 2:10, 4:50; brother and ring partner Zak (Jack Lowden), who 3:55, 6:05, 7:00, 9:00, 10:05; MON-WED 7:00, 8:00, SUN 2:10, 4:50 didn't make the cut. A world away from the eerie ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL 3D () FRI-SUN,TUE 9:45; MON,WED-THURS 10:25 10:05; THURS 1:15, 7:00, 10:05 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN poise of Lady Macbeth, Pugh holds the screen WORLD 3D () FRI 12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00, 10:30; SAT AQUAMAN (PG) FRI 10:00 CAPTAIN MARVEL 3D () FRI-SUN 12:20, 1:20, 3:25, confidently as the conflicted Saraya, who's been 10:20, 12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00, 10:30; SUN 12:00, 2:40, CAPTAIN MARVEL () FRI 10:30, 12:30, 1:30, 3:30, 4:25, 6:30, 7:30, 9:35, 10:30; MON-THURS 6:30, 7:30, wrestling since she was 13 but feels like an 5:20, 7:55, 10:25; MON-THURS 7:05, 9:40 4:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:30; SAT-SUN10:45, 12:30, 9:35, 10:30 impostor the moment she arrives in America; ISN’T IT ROMANTIC () FRI-THURS 7:20 1:30, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:30; MON,WED CAPTIVE STATE () FRI 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00; SAT- Merchant and cinematographer Remi THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART () FRI 11:50, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:30; TUE 12:30, 1:30, SUN 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05; MON-THURS 7:15, 10:05; Adefarasin make excellent use of the actor's tiny 2:25, 5:00; SAT 10:10, 11:50, 2:25, 5:00; SUN 2:25, 5:00 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:30; THURS 3:30, 4:30, THURS 1:00 frame both in and out of the ring, letting us THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART 3D () FRI- 7:30, 10:30 COLD PURSUIT () FRI-SUN 3:50, 9:25; MON-THURS notice Saraya constantly comparing herself to SUN 7:35; MON-THURS 6:40 CAPTAIN MARVEL 3D () FRI,TUE 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:25 the overbuilt athletes around her. And Lowden PAW PATROL: MIGHTY PUPS-FAMILY FAVOURITES: 10:00; SAT-SUN 10:30, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00; DR. SEUSS’ THE GRINCH (G) FRI 11:30; SAT 11:00 offers a nice broad-strokes study in Zak's resent- MARCH BREAK () FRI 11:45 MON,WED-THURS 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE CRIMES OF GRINDEL- ment at being left behind. Nick Frost and Lena SMALLFOOT (G) FRI 11:30 FIVE FEET APART () FRI,TUE 1:45, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20; WALD (PG) FRI 11:00 Headey have a great time dressing down as their US () THURS 7:10, 9:55 SAT-SUN 10:35, 1:45, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20; MON,WED- FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY () FRI-SUN 1:15, 6:50; overinvested parents, Vince Vaughn does his WHAT MEN WANT () FRI-THURS 9:45 THURS 4:45, 7:40, 10:20 MON-WED 6:50; THURS 1:10, 6:50 thing as a crusty trainer with a heart of gold, and WONDER PARK () FRI-SAT 10:30, 12:45, 3:05, 5:25; HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN FIVE FEET APART () FRI-SUN 1:00, 4:00, 7:10, 10:10; Dwayne Johnson shows up as himself - twice! - SUN 12:45, 3:05, 5:25 WORLD () FRI-SUN 10:20, 1:15, 3:45, 6:45, 9:15; MON-THURS 7:10, 10:10; THURS 1:00 to impart valuable life lessons without ever quite WONDER PARK 3D () FRI-SAT 7:45, 10:00; SUN 7:45, MON,WED-THURS 4:15, 6:45, 9:15; TUE 1:15, 3:45, GRETA () FRI-SUN 12:05, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:15; tipping into fairy-godmother territory. It's a 9:55; MON-THURS 7:15, 9:25 6:45, 9:15 MON-THURS 7:45, 10:15 pleasant enough comedy, even if the outcome is THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING () FRI 10:10 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN THE WESTDALE never in doubt: they don't make movies about US () THURS 7:15, 10:10 WORLD () FRI,SUN 1:45, 4:30; SAT 11:05, 1:45, 4:30 candidates who wash out, after all. (N.W.) 1014 King St. W., Hamilton. WONDER PARK () FRI-SUN 10:15, 12:15, 2:30, 5:00; HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN 905.577.0074 WORLD 3D () FRI-SUN 1:35, 4:10, 6:45, 9:20; MON- MON,WED-THURS 3:45, 6:00; TUE 12:15, 2:30, 5:00 CAPERNAUM () MON 6:45; TUE 9:15 GREEN BOOK ####$ WONDER PARK 3D () FRI-SUN,TUE 7:15; MON,WED- THURS 6:45, 9:20 COLD WAR () FRI 7:00; SAT; 4:00, 7:00; SUN 6:45; (Directed by Peter Farrelly, runs 130) Green THURS 8:15 ISN’T IT ROMANTIC () FRI-THURS 10:25 MON 9:30 Book is a road movie, a buddy comedy and a THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART () FRI-SUN GREEN BOOK () FRI 4:00 prestige studio release all at once. You will know SILVERCITY ANCASTER 12:40, 3:35 IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK () SAT 1:15; TUE 6:45 every beat as it happens, you will almost be able 771 Golf Links Rd., Ancaster. THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART 3D () FRI- 905.304.5888 MANDY () FRI 9:15 to mouth the dialogue along with the characters, THURS 6:40 MARY POPPINS RETURNS () FRI 1:00 and none of that matters because you get to APOLLO 11 () FRI-THURS 1:00, 4:00, 6:40, 9:30 PAW PATROL: MIGHTY PUPS-FAMILY FAVOURITES: watch Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali exist CAPTAIN MARVEL () FRI-WED 12:20, 3:25, 6:30, 9:35; POLICE STORY () THURS 7:00, 9:15 MARCH BREAK () FRI 11:45 VICE () SAT 9:15 together, from one moment to the next, giving THURS 12:20, 3:25 SMALLFOOT (G) FRI 11:15 performances so textured and alive that they knock the film up the scale from "pretty good" to there's never any doubt where Green Book is Of course it won the People's Choice Award at that's at least worth watching while nursing a thing is amiss, and director Neil Jordan drops in "goddamn transcendent." Ali is Don "Doc" going, and Farrelly - who shares script credit TIFF. (N.W.) Sunday hangover on the couch. Chloë Grace over-the-top music cues early on to ensure the Shirley, the renowned jazz pianist; Mortensen is with Tony's son Nick and Brian Hayes Currie - Moretz plays Frances, a newcomer to New York audience has no reason to doubt her instincts, Tony Vallelonga, the small-time New York hus- makes sure it gets there as smoothly as possible. GRETA ###$$ City who finds a purse on the subway and tracks either. Though the marketing for Greta tips the tler Shirley hired to drive him through the Deep I suspect he simply got out of Mortensen and (Directed by Neil Jordan, runs 98) Greta is a sat- down its owner, a kindly French piano teacher film's hand in a big way, Huppert keeps it sub- South on tour in the fall of 1962. They're the Ali's way and let them figure out their chemistry isfyingly campy stalker-thriller that is nowhere named Greta (Huppert). The two women bond tle early on, walking a fine line between digni- original odd couple, and the movie plays it for all and timing on their own, and that's the smartest near as good as its lead: French acting great over shared feelings of loneliness and grief, but fied and desperate. Unfortunately, Jordan does- it's worth: Doc bristles at Tony's diction, Tony thing he could have done. It's a pleasure to Isabelle Huppert. Her presence elevates an oth- their friendship ends as quickly as it begins. It n't seem interested in making the most of his bristles right back at Doc's snobbery. Like I said, watch them electrify this movie, and each other. erwise completely generic movie to something doesn't take long for Frances to suspect some- CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 17 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 nothing to subvert those expectations, intriguing star. Uneven pacing and a relenting to the genre's worst iterations lazy script that relies on the usual like a self-inflicted defeat. (R.S.) devices - like the one-off character who CLASSIFIED ADS [email protected] exists solely to provide the back story - THE LEGO MOVIE 2: FLORISTS CLASSIFIEDS [ REAL ESTATE ] clunkily push the story along. In doing THE SECOND PART so, he forces Moretz to navigate a ####$ (Directed by Mike FLOWERS ... NO COMMISSIONS series of unconvincing reversals in Mitchell, runs 107) The LEGO Movie motivation. Despite all this, Greta 2: The Second Part might not be as The Perfect Gift Classified ads IFYOUARElooking to sell your and then pay my commission for hard to buy for people! can cost turns into a good time in the last act revolutionary as Phil Lord and Chris Get them a Bouquet-A-Month home with no commissions to finish the deal. Consider the when the director dials up the zaniness Miller's frankly awesome The LEGO for 3 - 6 months, and we’ll do as little as then you should call Purple thousands you save if the deal and both leads finally get to let loose, Movie, but it's a worthy follow-up all $ 00+HST Bricks as they have hit the closes, or the $1,200 dollars resulting in some genuine LOL the same. Returning as FREE DELIVERY! 11 Canadian market like a storm. you are out if it does not close. moments. (K.R.) screenwriter/producers this time, Lord We also do custom floral Purple Bricks is a company But you get the little signs and and Miller pick up where they left off, arrangements. Email or call from England that is rapidly exposure on the MLS. HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAG- with an invasion of Duplo creatures Chedoke Flowers to discuss expanding with an over 200 If it works and you sell your ON: THE HIDDEN WORLD 3D threatening the safety of Bricksburg. It 945 Garth, Hamilton your options! million dollar investment into home then you will pay com- ####$ (Directed by Dean doesn't go well, and five years later 905.387.5773 905.527.3343 x104 Canada, US, Germany and missions to agents like myself DeBlois, runs 104) How To Train Your Emmet (voiced by Chris Pratt), . [email protected] Australia. Last year they made but save on the commissions to Dragon: The Hidden World 3D brings Wyldstyle (Elizabeth Banks), Batman over 100 million dollars world- the bricks guys. If it does not the DreamWorks Animation fantasy (Will Arnett), Unikitty (Alison Brie), HYPNOSIS HYPNOSIS wide with their “No sell then you just paid out over trilogy about a Viking kid (Jay Metalbeard (Nick Offerman) and Commision” selling of real $1,200.00 dollars and you got Baruchel) and his scaly soulmate to a Benny the spaceship enthusiast estate. So if they do not take nothing. Then if you want to lovely, melancholy conclusion, with the (Charlie Day) are living in a post-apoc- commissions how did they buy a house with “the bricks” villagers of Berk forced to abandon alyptic wasteland... until the arrival of make over 100 million dollar they will give you back up to their island home when a new menace a mysterious alien (Stephanie Beatriz) last year? Its the old “bait and $2,000 by using our real estate comes after their dragon friends, and who spirits most of them to her planet, switch” scenario that everyone system that pays both agents Baruchel's untested Hiccup is forced forcing hapless Emmet to give chase - is falling for and as the old say- commissions. So do you see to assume the mantle of leader while and enlist the help of space-faring ing goes — you get what you the bait and switch happening? his pet dragon, Toothless, is increas- adventurer Rex Dangervest (Pratt pay for. They are simply selling your ingly distracted by the appearance of a again, sounding an awful lot like Kurt I can start by scaring you house at a discount to get your potential mate. Writer/director Russell). Like the first film, The with all the pitfalls of using purchase commission. They DeBlois's final chapter is as beautiful Second Part is a delirious flurry of off- these no, or low, commission will make you sign your life as its predecessors (thanks again to centre jokes played out against a stun- companies but if you can “sup- away and the “No visual consultant Roger Deakins), ning visual palette, with the CG design- posedly” save thousands I Commissions” is a lie because delivering the requisite action ers outdoing themselves in replicating know I would be talking to deaf you are paying the buyer com- sequences and comedy beats while the textures of LEGO bricks while ears but let me explain the missions and they are making never losing sight of its tender core. assembling them into amazingly com- game. The promise of “No commissions when you buy a The new villain (F. Murray Abraham plex configurations; the design team's MEDIA MEDIA Commision” is just that, a property. If you want to work doing a Javier Bardem impression) versatility even extends to a new char- promise. When you sell you do with advertisers who lie to you isn't especially interesting, but he's acter, Tiffany Haddish's shape-shifting not pay Purple Bricks a com- to get your business then you mostly there to spark the central con- Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi. And like the mission but rather a fee. That deserve what you get. flict rather than drive it. The real focus first film, the story's narrative and emo- fee is $799.00 for which they A history of for sale by is on the bond between Hiccup and tional stakes are all rooted in conflicts have a local agent help price owners showed how on aver- Toothless, and what happens to it as any kid will recognize - though it might your home, give you a couple age they sell for undermarket their destinies begin to diverge. And if take them a little longer than the of very small signs — cheap — value so what do you really it's strange to imagine a blockbuster grown-ups to process it. Oh, and it's a and a system to enable you to save? Time, money, aggrava- CG franchise distilling itself down to musical - which is pretty awesome. sell your own home. If your tions? None of them. Work tiny, pure moments of feeling, you Some subtitles. (N.W.) house does not sell — no with those who are straight haven't been paying attention: these refund. When an agent like with you from the beginning movies have always been about con- WHAT MEN WANT ###$$ myself shows your house and and they will save you money nection and empathy, and the wisdom (Directed by Adam Shankman, runs makes an offer you will be pay- in the end — and earn their that comes from survival and loss. 117) What Men Want is a remake or ing me a commission and so commissions. V They only look like cartoons. (N.W.) spinoff (or whatever you want to call it) you have the potential to save by Darrin DeRoches of the 2000 Nancy Meyers rom-com, thousands if you only pay a fee ISN’T IT ROMANTIC What Women Want. The earlier movie to Purple Bricks. Unless you Darrin DeRoches is a local ##$$$ has Mel Gibson as a womanizer who want them to negotiate the real estate and mortgage (Directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson, magically hears his prey's inner mono- deal with me where you pay broker. He can be reached to runs 88) Isn't It Romantic stretches a logue and learns to be a decent guy. another $399 fee — non answer questions, com- cheeky premise and Rebel Wilson's This time Taraji P. Henson plays the This space can be yours refundable — whether the deal ments or stories about real charms thin. Fashioned as an anti- man-izer (??) in a much raunchier for only $36.00 + hst! comes together or not. So you estate experiences through rom-com, its entire runtime is spent take. Her Ali Davis is an Atlanta-based have paid Purple Bricks $1,200 this weekly column at taking shots at all the aesthetics, nar- talent agent bumping up against the dollars to get an offer from me [email protected]. rative gaps and clichés that have kept glass ceiling at a bros-club workplace. Drew Barrymore and Katherine Heigl A visit with a drug-dealing psychic, gainfully employed. But the movie, played with winning kookiness by which to no one's surprise really is a Erykah Badu, combined with a bump rom-com, uses the very clichés it on the head, gives Ali the power to mocks as a crutch, because it's really hear men's ploys and fantasies. The got nothing else to offer. Wilson stars repeated set-up is lazy and silly in all as Natalie, an architect who hates rom- the places you'd expect. But that does- coms, then bumps her head and wakes n't mean it isn't fun. Director up to find her life has turned into the Shankman, who drew out the giddi- worst iteration of the genre, complete ness in Hairspray and Adam Sandler's with the stereotypical friendly gay Bedtime Stories, works similar magic neighbour, bitchy female competition here. And he leans completely on and a love triangle telegraphed far in Henson, who's a riot cutting loose as a advance. The movie knows we know woman who's both on top and bugging how it will all pan out, and yet does out uncontrollably. (R.S.)

BY R. SIMONPILLAI, K. RITCHIE, G. SUMI, N.WILNER 18 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW [ FREE WILL ASTROLOGY] by ROB BRESZNY ADULT CHAT LINES ADULT CHAT LINES ADULT CHAT LINES ARIES (March 21–April 19): The coming weeks LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): “The role of the artist dmight be a good time to acquire a flamethrower. ais exactly the same as the role of the lover,” wrote #1 SEXIEST CHAT. It’s FREE to try! 18+ It would come in handy if you felt the urge to go to a author James Baldwin. “If I love you, I have to make you Ham: 905.297.6666 Nia: 905.682.3222 beach and incinerate mementoes from an ex–ally. It conscious of the things you don’t see.” To fully endorse Nightline, Your After Party Starts Now. would also be useful if you wanted to burn stuff that that statement, I’d need to add two adverbs. My version reminds you of who you used to be and don’t want to would be, “The role of the artist is exactly the same as be any more; or if you got in the mood to set ablaze the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to kindly and Explore your fantasies with local singles! symbols of questionable ideas you used to believe in but compassionately make you conscious of the things you Try it FREE! 18+ 905.667.8118 can’t afford to believe in any more. If you don’t want to don’t see.” In accordance with current astrological Night Exchange, Where Erotic Adults spend $1,600+ on a flamethrower, just close your eyes omens, I recommend that you Libras enthusiastically Come To for ten minutes and visualize yourself performing acts of adopt that mission during the coming weeks. With ten- creative destruction like those I mentioned. derness and care, help those you care about to become CALL • CLICK • CONNECT aware of what they’ve been missing — and ask for the with local women and men in your area. TAURUS (April 20–May 20): Taurus aphorist same from them toward you. Call QUEST for your absolutely FREE trial! 18+ hOlivia Dresher writes that she would like to be Ham: 905.667.5555 Nia: 905.228.5000 “a force of nature,” but “not causing any suffering.” The SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): For thousands of way I interpret her longing is that she wants to be wild, bgenerations, our early ancestors were able to get elemental, uninhibited, primal, raw, pure — all the some of the food they needed through a practice known while without inflicting any hurt or damage on herself as persistence hunting. They usually couldn’t run as fast To book your classified ad or anyone else. In accordance with your astrological as the animals they chased. But they had a distinct omens, Taurus, that’s a state I encourage you to embody advantage: they could keep moving relentlessly until email: [email protected] in the coming weeks. If you’re feeling extra smart — their prey grew exhausted. In part that’s because they which I suspect you will — you could go even further. had far less hair than the animals, and thus could cool You may be able to heal yourself and others with your off better. I propose that we adopt this theme as a wild, elemental, uninhibited, primal, raw, pure energy. metaphor for your life in the coming weeks and months. You won’t need to be extra fast or super ferocious or GEMINI (May 21–June 20): In some major cities, impossibly clever to get what you want. All you have to ithe buttons you push at a crosswalk don’t actually do is be persistent and dogged and disciplined. work to make the traffic light turn green faster. The same is true about the “Close Door” buttons in many SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Wompsi’kuk elevators. Pushing them doesn’t have any effect on the cSkeesucks Brooke is a Native American woman door. Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer says these but- of the Mohegan tribe. According to her description of tons are like placebos that give you “the illusion of con- Mohegan naming traditions, and reported by author trol.” I bring this phenomenon to your attention, Elisabeth Pearson Waugaman, “Children receive names Gemini, in hope of inspiring you to scout around for that are descriptive. They may be given new names at comparable things in your life. Is there any situation adolescence, and again as they go through life according where you imagine you have power or influence, but to what their life experiences and accomplishments probably don’t? If so, now is an excellent time to find are.” She concludes that names “change as the individ- out — and remedy that problem. ual changes.” If you have been thinking about trans- forming the way you express and present yourself, you CANCER (June 21–July 22): Philip Boit was born might want to consider such a shift. 2019 will be a jand raised in Kenya, where it never snows except favorable time to at least add a new nickname or title. on the very top of Mount Kenya. Yet he represented his And I suspect you’ll have maximum inspiration to do so country in the cross–country skiing events at the in the coming weeks. Winter Olympics in 2002 and 2006. How did he do it? He trained up north in snowy Finland. Meanwhile, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): For many of us, Kwame Nkrumah–Acheampong competed for Ghana gsmell is our most neglected sense. We see, hear, in the slalom in the 2010 Winter Olympics. Since taste, and feel with vividness and eagerness, but allow there was no snow in his homeland, he practiced his our olfactory powers to go underused. In accordance skills in the French Alps. These two are your role mod- with astrological omens, I hope you will compensate for els for the coming months, Cancerian. According to that dearth in the coming weeks. There is subtle infor- my analysis of the astrological omens, you’ll have the mation you can obtain — and in my opinion, need potential to achieve success in tasks and activities that quite strongly — that will come your way only with the may not seem like a natural fit. help of your nose. Trust the guidance provided by scent.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22): In the process of cast- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Essayist Nassim king for his movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, eNicholas Taleb says humans come in three types: director David Fincher considered selecting A–list fragile, robust, or antifragile. Those who are fragile work actress Scarlet Johansson to play the heroine. But ulti- hard to shield themselves from life’s messiness. The mately he decided she was too sexy and radiant. He downside? They are deprived of experiences that might ADULT MASSAGE COMPANIONS ADULT CLASSIFIEDS wanted a pale, thin, tougher–looking actress, whom he spur them to grow smarter. As for robust people, Taleb found in Rooney Mara. I suspect that in a somewhat believes they are firm in the face of messiness. They KING SHERMAN SAUNA Hamilton’s #1 Licensed Spa WHERE MEN COME TO similar way, you may be perceived as being too much remain who they are even when they’re disrupted. The Come say hello to something for a role you would actually perform quite potential problem? They may be too strong to surrender Lily, Alexia & Evylan! MEET REAL MEN Mon to Sat 10am-1am Karel’s Steam Baths well. But in my astrological opinion, you’re not at all to necessary transformations. If you’re the third type, 905.549.9666 too much. In fact, you’re just right. Is there anything antifragile, you engage with the messiness and use it as 893 King St. E., Hamilton 905-545-5030 you can do — with full integrity — to adjust how peo- motivation to become more creative and resilient. The Hiring-License Fee Assistance ple see you and understand you without diluting your downside? None. In accordance with the astrological brightness and strength? omens, Aquarius, I urge you to adopt the antifragile sexymaturebustysasha approach in the coming weeks. JENNIFER VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): In 1993, an English 40 Years Old lgardener named Eric Lawes used his metal detec- PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20): In 2014, NASA No Rush! tor to look for a hammer that his farmer friend had lost fmanaged to place its MAVEN spacecraft into Exotic Hot Oil Massage $65. 289.880.9158 in a field. Instead of the hammer, he found the unex- orbit around Mars. The cost of the mission was $671 Prostate Combo $75. Outcalls Only • Cash Only pected: a buried box containing 15,234 old Roman sil- million. Soon thereafter, the Indian government put its Gentlemen Preferred • Safe ver and gold worth more than four million dollars own vehicle, the Mangalyaan, into orbit around the 289-933-2108 today. I bring this to your attention, Virgo, because I Red Planet. It spent $74 million. As you plan your own Classified Ad Booking suspect that you, too, will soon discover something dif- big project, Pisces, I recommend you emulate the Deadline AISLYN ferent from what you’re searching for. Like the treasure Mangalyaan rather than the MAVEN. I suspect you can is Monday at 5pm. East Hamilton Lawes located, it might even be more valuable than do great things — maybe even your personal equivalent 905.921.0915 what you thought you wanted. of sending a spacecraft to Mars — on a relatively mod- To book a classified ad est budget. V [email protected] 905.527.3343 x104 ????? FREE WILL ASTROLOGY Week of March 14 © Copyright 2019 Rob Brezsny

VIEW MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 19 20 MARCH 14 — 20, 2019 VIEW