
Today in Physics 218: back to electromagnetic waves

‰ Impedance ‰ Plane electro- magnetic waves ‰ Energy and in plane electro- magnetic waves ‰ Radiation

Artist’s conception of a “:” a spacecraft propelled by solar radiation pressure. (Benjamin Diedrich, Caltech.)

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 1 Reflection, transmission and impedance

Consider a simple transverse wave again: −ω fzt(),,= Aeikx( t) ∂∂ff−−ωω for which ==−ikAeikx() t,. iω Ae ikx() t ∂∂zt Consider again the force diagram for the string: f ∂f String Fz()=≅ Tsinθθ T tan = T f ∂z θ T ⎛⎞kT∂∂∂f ff =TZ⎜⎟ −ω =− ≡− . T θ ′ ⎝⎠∂∂∂tvtt

ZTv== Tµ is called the impedance. z z zz+ δ

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 2 Reflection, transmission and impedance (continued) In these terms, the two halves of our string have different impedances. We can case the reflected and transmitted wave amplitudes in this form: TT − vv−− Z Z ZZ AA==21 2 1 AA  = 12 . RITT I I vv21+++ ZZ 12 ZZ21 2Z1 Similarly,AATI= . ZZ12+ Changes in impedance are associated with reflection. What does the impedance “mean”? Consider the power carried by the wave past some point z:

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 3 Reflection, transmission and impedance (continued) ddA P =⋅=⋅()FFA ()since the wave is transverse dt dt ∂∂ff⎛⎞v ⎛⎞ ∂ f1 2 =−FFvFTFff =−⎜⎟ − =− f ⎜⎟ − = f, ∂∂tzTzZ⎝⎠ ⎝⎠ ∂ 22 ⎛∂∂ff ⎞T ⎛⎞ ∂ f ⎛⎞ ∂ f or===⎜TZ ⎟ ⎜⎟ ⎜⎟ . ⎝∂∂ztvt ⎠ ⎝⎠ ∂ ⎝⎠ ∂ t 2 1 2 ⎛⎞∂f Compare PFZ == f ⎜⎟ to some familiar electrical quantities: Zt⎝⎠∂

1122⎛⎞ 2 2 P== V RI()DC , P = Re⎜⎟ V = Re( ZI ) () AC . RZ⎝⎠

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 4 Back to electromagnetic waves

With strings providing an introduction, we will now return to electromagnetic waves, which you will recall involve fields that, in , obey classical wave equations: 11∂∂22E B ∇=22EB,. ∇= ct22∂∂ ct 22 As with strings, the simplest solutions are the sinusoidal ones, called plane waves: −−(kzωω t)  −−( kz t) Er(),,,,te== E00 Br() te B  where E 00 and B are complex constants. First, a few remarks about the nature of electromagnetic plane waves in vacuum are in order:

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 5 Relationship of E and B

‰ Because the divergences of the fields are both zero in vacuum, we have, for instance, ∂ −ω —◊ E= Eeikz() t No xy or dependence ∂z 0z () ikz− tω ==⇒=ikE00zz e00. E  Similarly, B 0 z = 0. Electromagnetic waves in vacuum have no field components along their direction of propagation; they’re transverse, just like waves on a string. ‰ We learn something from the curls, too:  ∂Ey ∂E —=-¥ Exy ˆ + x ˆ All other terms vanish ∂∂zz

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 6 Relationship of E and B (continued) ikz( −−ωω t)  ikz( t) x — ¥ E =−ikE00yx exyˆˆ + ikE e ∂  ω   1 B i  ikz()− t E0 E =− = B0e 0x ctω∂ c ω φ i  ikz()− t = Be0x xˆω c φ′ () k  ikz− t  z + ikB0y e yˆ.  E0y ω B0y  But kc = ω , so B0x EB==−,, E  B  00xy 0 y 0 x y  B0 which has interesting implications for the relative magnitude, phase, and orientation of the fields:

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 7 Relationship of E and B (continued) the field amplitudes have the same magnitude, as 22 22 EEEBBB000000=+=+=xy yx ; are perpendicular to one another, as  EB00yyE ⎛⎞π φφ=′ = =− φφ0x =− = + tan , tan tan tan⎜⎟ ; EBE000xxy⎝⎠2 and are in phase, as we see by combining the last three results:  BzE00= ˆ ¥ .  In MKS, we’d get EB 00 = c , but the fields would still be perpendicular and in phase.

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 8 Relationship of E and B (continued)

x Snapshot of the fields – in  E principle impossible to do, E0 but if you could this is what you’d see)

y  B0

B z

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 9 Energy and momentum in electromagnetic waves

More generally, if the wave propagates in a direction other than z (i.e. the wavenumber is a vector, k), then i(kr⋅−ω t) ˆ  E ==EBkE.0e , ¥ Taking E and B to be the real parts of the plane-wave fields E and B , we get the following for the energy density, and energy flux: 22 2 1 2 2 EB 2 B uEB=+==()==0E in MKS. 844πππ0 ccˆ SEBEkE==¥¥¥()Use Product Rule #2: 44 ππ ε cccE2 Last one =−kEEˆˆˆˆ()◊◊ EkE= k =cu k . () µsame in MKS. 44ππ4 30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 10

π Energy and momentum in electromagnetic waves (continued) For the momentum density, 2 S EuLast one gkk==ˆˆ = . c2 4πcc same in MKS. So, unsurprisingly, an electromagnetic wave carries energy and momentum in its direction of motion.

In the case of , the periods of oscillation are so short that time averages of these quantities is useful. Recall that the average over a period for the square of a cosine or a sine is 2πω ωωωω 1 cos222ttdtt≡== cos sin . 22∫ π 0 30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 11 Flashback (part e, problem 7.54)

Remember the orthonormality of sines and cosines? 22ππ ∫∫cosmx cos nxdx== sin mx sin nxdx πδmn , 00 2 π ∫ cosmx sinωω nxdxω= 0 , so 0 ππ 2 2 11 cos222ttdtxdx=== cos cos , 222∫∫ 00 and, similarly, πω 1 sin2 ωωωttt== and cos sin 0 . 2 π

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 12 Energy and momentum in electromagnetic waves ππ(continued) π Thus, E2 EE22 ut==00cos2 ()kr◊ −=ω . 44 8 Similarly, cE2 Sk= cu ˆˆˆ=≡0 kkI , I = 8π u E2 gk==ˆˆ0 k. cc8 π

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 13 Radiation pressure

When light falls encounters a surface bounding a medium, it can be absorbed or reflect, in either case imparting its momentum to the medium and thus exerting a pressure. The momentum per unit area crossing an area A during a time ∆t is ∆=pgct ∆ . If the medium is a perfect absorber, the pressure is therefore 11dp∆ p E2 I Pcgu======0 . abs Adt A∆ t8π c If the medium’s surface is a perfect reflector, the light rebounds elastically and the pressure is twice as high: E2 PP==2.0 abs ref 4π 30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 14 Example: problem 9.10

The intensity of hitting the Earth is about 1300 W/m2. If sunlight strikes a perfect absorber, what pressure does it exert? How about a perfect reflector? What fraction of atmospheric pressure does this amount to? In cgs units, that’s 1.3¥ 106-1-2 erg sec cm : I P ==4.3¥ 10−5-2 dyne cm . abs c It’s twice that much for a reflector. Either way it’s not much compared to atmospheric pressure,

6-211Pabs − Patm ==1.013¥¥ 10 dyne cm ; 4.3 10 . Patm

30 January 2004 Physics 218, Spring 2004 15