12 CornerStone claims: 18 Two cheers for the new the DoEHLG responds housing guidelines 15 Health and social inclusion: 21 Care and case what the HSE is doing management The magazine of the Homeless Agency ISSUE 32 CornerStone OCTOBER 2007 7 How to end homelessness Solving the puzzle note from the editor In the last issue of CornerStone we highlighted figures in the 2006 census that overestimated the number of housing association tenants by more than 250%. Our suggested explanation for this was that the census questions were badly worded so about 30,000 households quite understandably said they ‘rented from a Voluntary Body’ CornerStone when they were actually private renters. Since the last issue was published, the full census housing statistics have been published and the EDITOR new data strongly supports this theory. Simon Brooke The DoEHLG takes this and other problems raised seriously, and you can ADVISORY GROUP Lisa Kelleher, Homeless Agency read Des Dowling’s response, on behalf of the department, on page 12. Eithne Fitzgerald, Independent Unfortunately the new figures bring with them new problems (see news Brian Harvey, Independent Alice O’Flynn, Health Service Executive item on page 6). The local authority rent figures in the census are about 40% PUBLISHER higher than the same figures provided by the Department of the Environment, The Homeless Agency, Parkgate Hall Heritage and Local Government! 6–9 Conyngham Road, Dublin 8 Telephone 01 703 6100, Fax 01 703 6170 So at least one of them must be wrong. My guess is that the fault lies with Email:
[email protected] Web: www.homelessagency.ie the census, which relies on people’s self-assessment, rather than with the CONTRIBUTORS statistics gathered by the DoEHLG which are based on records held by local ■ Andrew Brownlee is national research and campaigns authorities.