Sadat, Israel Love Affair Still Shakes Arab World CAIRO (AP) - the Egyp- He Told the Official Kiddle Man Added

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Sadat, Israel Love Affair Still Shakes Arab World CAIRO (AP) - the Egyp- He Told the Official Kiddle Man Added Little Silver is facing two waterless December days •y DAVID TDINgi artected by aw water atmtotf, according to Chief Clapp was UM first news they had heard abou the shutofr ter would be cut shut off Dec. I and 7 rather than Dec 5 "TV (Ire boote wlB be manned around the clock, so "We're being presented with a -fait accompli*? I and I as Chief Clapp had been told. that we can respond faster to any calls. We will have would like some explanation from the water company on In other business, the council heard i progress report UTTU 8U.VKB - Moat boroagk residents will be why this Is necessary," Councilman Laurence M. on the installation of cable television facilities in the Beat water for almost two days aarty next mot tneka carrying about MO gallouof water and the Pert Moamouth Plre Company wtll probably be available to McHeffey said borough. The water supply will be cut ahut off for most of Dec. respond to the first alarm we have on any fire." be said Told by Police Chief Jehn Poster that the Branch The Eatontown based company, which is owned by a I ta* » while the Moamouth Consolidated Water Co. In- Mayor Aathoay Bruno suggested that the Ugh school Ave. main had been Installed in 1(00, Councilman Rich- group of local businessmen, began transmitting programs *Oa a valve on the Branch Ave. maw which supplies ard Roddy said he could not see why It was so urgent to on Nov. 1 to those borough residents who had been com- wojar to moat of the boroagh, Fire Chief David Clapp Install the valve now. pletely hooked up. taU tka boroagh cowctl laatilfht Water main break* "I would not give a go-ahead on this project until "We've been working on Saturday and Sunday, trying No OM from the water company was present, bat someone from the water company appears before mayor to Install the cable television connection at customers' Cktof Clapp said that work on the new valve will go on ATLANTIC HIGHLAND! - A water aiala areak and council with an explanation," he uld. convenience," be uld. "aroaad1 Ike dock" until witer service U restored. needed part of Weal Waahfcgtea It. near Aveaae C. The council probably could not take any legal action Puturevialon Is considering expansion Into Shrews- Tka new valve will prevent a widespread lost of wa- yoatetiay at 4:11 i.m. Boreagk* malateaaaee saea re- which would prevent the water ahutoff, according to bury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Red Bank, and Mr aarviee la the borough, should the Branch Ave. main paired Ike break wtthla aa hear and traffic wasn't se Brougk Attorney Whit more Long Branch. It already provides cable television service bant, according to Chief Clapp Mayor Anthony T. Bruno tried to reassure members to Eatontown, Oceanport. West Long Branch, Honmouth Among the roads which wlU reportedly be affected by of the council that the valve installation and water shutoff Beach, and Sea Bright. ft* water ehatoff are Woodbine Hen., Branch Ave.. Park- be kept open to provide basic sanitary facilities to are necessary. The council also approved a new two-year contract or Ave, Point Road, Northvale, Judith Road, and Silver borough residents during the water ahutoff. "The water company will be happy to talk to anyone for the seven borough public works employees. ana. Several members of the council expresesed concern who needs taking to," he uld. The new contract will provide the employees with a The water company win send letters la all residents over Ike water ahutoff, and uld that Chief Clapp'a report Chief Poster reported that he had been told that wa- seven and one-half percent raise In each of the two years. The Daily Register VOL. 100 NO. 126 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1977 15 CENTS —— Palestinians: Same as Begin . Sadat, Israel love affair still shakes Arab world CAIRO (AP) - The Egyp- He told the official Kiddle man added. who risked going," said a uni- lar Front for the Liberation of tian government is mounting East News Agency the first Western observers said the versity student. Palestine vowed to sabotage a propaganda campaign In public visit by an Arab leader spokesman also was trying to The Palestinian guerrilla Sadat's no-war agreement support of President Anwar to the Jewish nation suc- boost the morale of the Egyp- movements and radical Arab with Israeli Prime Minister Sadat's visit to Israel as his ceeded "100 percent" in lay- tian public, which expected governments called Sadat as Menahem Begin. Arab fens slap up their studu ing the groundwork for a new Sadat's visit to result In im- great an enemy as Israel and oa him. "We shall escalate our op- Arab-Israeli peace conference mediate Israeli concessions. continued to urge his over- erations to prove to the world The charges of treason to In Geneva. Egypt's three leading news- throw or assassination that no peace can be worked the Arab cause from Syria, In an apparent attempt to papers defended the president They objected particularly out in the Middle East a* long Iraq. Ubya and the Palest! counter the charges that Sa- against his foreign Arab foes. to his declaration in Jerusa- as the Palestinian nation re- alans prompted Sudanese dat betrayed the other Arab An estimated 300.000 Egyp- lem that the 1(79 war was mains oppressed," a spokes- President Jaafar Numalrl, nations, the spokesman uld tians cheered their president Egypt's last with Israel. man uld. bound to Egypt by a defense the president rejected at- at the airport and along the "This Is an outright unila- "We now classify Sadat in treaty, to announce he waa tempts by Israeli leaders to route Into Cairo as he re- teral termination of the state the same bracket as Begin. coming to Cairo today to convince him be should sign a turned yesterday. But offi- of war involving all Arab Sadat's unilateral termination "congratulate" the Egyptian separate peace peact treaty. cials had predicted 3 million countries against Israel for 29 of the state of war with Israel Sadat told them the only, pur- would turn out, and many of years," declared a Palesti- cannot be tolerated." Aa Egyptian government poat of his visit was to pre- those who did did not appear nian radio station In Beirut. In Washington, about 350 apokeonaa uld Sadat's visit pare carefully for another to be too happy. "This defection from Arab young anti-Sadat Arabs to Jerusalem was the most Geneva conference, the "The Israelis apparently do ranks is not only treason but clashed briefly with police on sacceuful trip he had ever spokesman said not want to withdraw peace- also makes Sadat as much a march to the White House take* because "hostilities of "Israeli leaders showed un- fully," said a taxi driver. an arch enemy of the Arabs from the Embassy Row sec- the past n years have been derstanding and genuine in- "The trip Is a failure, but as Israel, if not worse." tion. No injuries were report- ended In N hours." terest in peace," the spokes- this U not the fault of Sadat, Dr. George Habash's Popu- ed. Judicial pay raise expected soon, but not $12,500 Hughes seeking So forget price, By CARL ZEfTZ dan t. Byrne lent his support 151,500 with higher pay for the bench If they waited until backlog of criminal cases but to the concept If not to the the judges of the Appellate after the current legislative at the expense of a growing logjam on the civil court ca- turkey's a must TRENTON (AP) - The figure set by Hughes. Division of Superior Court term to pass a judicial pay bill lendar signs point to approval of a Later, at a rare news con- and the Supreme Court, By IRIS ROZENCWAJG Hardy. "It looks like people du Jour at local hospitals, Judicial pay raise soon but not — The Supreme Court ference, the chief Justice told The chief Justice, who The state Constitution pro- The Waterloo, Bull Run, are buying normal tradi- too. necessarily the $11,500 boost hibits lawmakers from taking would shortly issue a new po- Dunkirk and Bataan of the requested by Chief Justice reporters, "This court system served as governor from IM1 tional type stuff, lots of Monmouth Medical Cen- Is going to begin to dis- a state position for which licy to deal more swiftly with family food budget is met, spices, a lot of flour and Richard J. Hughes. they voted a salary increase defendants accused of violent more often than not, in the ter, Long Branch, will serve integrate next year If some- chocolate chips. It seems a menu of holiday punch, Hughes put in his request thing Isn't done because you Monmouth legislative during the same term of of- crimes against other persons, meat department. like it's Just going to be qui- fice. including such offenses as turkey with gravy and yesterday for a raise for can't get people," warning Does that mean people et." dressing, duchesse potatoes, some Mt state and county some Judges were on the reaction ... page 13 wife-battering and child ab- are skipping the turkey this Phil Mannino, supervisor Although Hughes made it use. yams, green beans, ulad, Judges in an unprecedented verge of resigning unless they Thanksgiving? Far from it. of Foodtown In Mlddletown, pumpkin pie and walnut get more money. clear his main purpose was to — Besides money for a pay Sitting behind refrig- address to a Joint session of to 19*9 and remains attuned transmit an urgent alarm agreed.
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