Our ref: APP/F4410/W/18/3197290 Tony Collins Your ref: 17/00301/FULM Collins & Coward
[email protected] 8 July 2019 Dear Sir TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 – SECTION 78 APPEAL MADE BY MOTO HOSPITALITY LIMITED LAND NORTH EAST OF JUNCTION 37 OF THE A1(M) MOTORWAY, MARR ROUNDABOUT, DONCASTER, DN5 7AS APPLICATION REF: 17/00301/FULM 1. I am directed by the Secretary of State to say that consideration has been given to the report of B M Campbell BA(Hons) MRTPI who held a public local inquiry on 11–14 and 18 December 2018 into your client’s appeal against the decision of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council to refuse your client’s application for planning permission for the construction of a new Motorway Service Area (MSA) to comprise Amenity Building, Lodge, Drive Thru Coffee Unit, associated car, coach, motorcycle, caravan, HGV and abnormal load parking and a fuel Filling Station with retail shop, together with alterations to the adjacent roundabout at Junction 37 of the A1(M) to form an access point and works to the local highway network, provision of landscaping, signage, infrastructure and ancillary works, in accordance with application ref: 17/00301/FULM dated 5 February 2017. 2. On 5 April 2018, this appeal was recovered for the Secretary of State's determination, in pursuance of section 79 of, and paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Inspector’s recommendation and summary of the decision 3. The Inspector recommended that that the appeal be dismissed and planning permission be refused.