Agenda Item

For publication

Bedford Borough Council – The Mayor

Date of Decision: October 2015

Report by the Director of Children’s and Adults’ Services

SUBJECT: Consultation on the proposed move from a 3 tier to a 2 tier school structure in Borough

1. Executive Summary

1.1 The report seeks the Mayor’s approval to commence a public consultation on the Bedford Borough school structure moving from a 3 tier to 2 tier arrangement. If approved the consultation is proposed to run from 4 November 2015 to 16 December 2015, with the outcome of the consultation being considered by Executive at its meeting on 20 January 2016.

2 Recommendations

2.1 The Mayor is requested to consider the proposals set out in this report and, if satisfied;

(i) Approve that the Portfolio Holder for Education finalise the draft consultation document (appendix one) on a proposed change to the Borough school structure; (ii) Agree that the Consultation should run from 4 November 2015 to 16 December 2015; (iii) Note the results of the consultation will considered by the Executive at its meeting on 20 January 2016.

3 Reasons For Recommendations

(i) To enable the Council to consult with residents in Bedford Borough regarding a proposed 3 to 2 tier conversion; (ii) To comply with the requirements of the current Schools Admission Code; (iii) To enable the Executive to have regard to the views of residents in reaching its final decision regarding the proposed changes to the school structure.

CF 070714 Executive 6(1)

4 Key Implications

Legal Issues

4.1 The School Admissions Code which provides statutory guidance that the Council must follow. The Code states that a consultation on School Admissions policy must be conducted for a minimum of six term time weeks between 1 October and 31 January in the year before the change takes place.

Policy Issues

4.2 A decision to progress a move from 3 to 2 tier education will be considered by the Executive on 20 January 2016.

Resource Implications

4.3 The proposal to move from a 3 tier to a 2 tier school structure will require significant capital investment in the schools’ infrastructure by the Council. The cost of the capital investment will be finalised following the outcome of the consultation. This, together with an assessment of the affordability in light of the Council’s available resources, will be considered as part of the Capital Programme Report by the Executive on 20 January 2016 as part of the budget setting process with subsequent consideration by Full Council on 3 February 2016.

Risk Implications

4.4 The proposed change to a two tier school structure would be a significant undertaking for the Council which can be expected to generate considerable interest amongst residents therefore the issuing of a clear consultation document is imperative.

4.5 Consultation on a significant change in education policy must be undertaken so the Council can make an informed decision on 20 January 2016.

Environmental Implications

4.6 There is no environmental impact as a result of implementing the recommendations of the report.

Equalities Impact

4.7 In preparing this report, due consideration has been given to the Borough Council’s statutory Equality Duty to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations, as set out in Section 149(1) of the Equality Act 2010. Equality issues identified on relation to the proposal will be considered by the Executive of the Council on 20 January 2016. CF 070714 Executive 6(2)

5 Details


5.1 The Mayor met with representatives of the Borough’s upper, middle and lower schools on 3 July 2015 to announce the Council’s intention to support schools in Bedford Borough to convert from a 3 tier to 2 tier education system.

5.2 Application forms were issued to schools for completion by 28 September 2015. The application forms asked schools to indicate whether they intended to convert to a two tier system and encouraged partnership working between schools.

5.3 The applications made by schools have been assessed and there is a majority in favour of converting to the 2 tier structure.

Public consultation

5.4 The purpose of this report is to seek approval to commence a public consultation on the intention to support Bedford Borough Schools to convert from a 3 tier education system to a 2 tier education system.

5.5 The consultation (appendix one) is required to enable residents of Bedford Borough to comment on the proposal to convert from a 3 to 2 tier education system. The consultation document will;

 Clearly show the proposed onward journey for each pupil in each year group up to 2020.  List links to each school website so consultees can access individual schools consultations if required.  Visually show the transition options from Primary to Secondary education.  Show the proposed admission numbers for each school.  Give details on how to respond.

5.6 The results of the consultation will be presented to the Executive of the Council on 20 January 2016. Executive will then need to consider whether to accept or reject the policy of 2 tier education in Bedford Borough taking into account the consultation responses. Commensurate with this will be consideration of the capital funding required to facilitate schools to convert from a 3 to 2 tier structure.

5.7 It should be clear that individual schools will conduct individual consultation which will be summarised in the document issued by the Council intended to give a strategic overview. During the application process the majority of schools in Bedford Borough expressed the wish to convert from 3 to 2 tier education system, however it is important that the views of the Bedford Borough residents, especially parents, are considered before taking any decision on changing the education system.

CF 070714 Executive 6(3)

Schools retaining the 3 tier structure

5.8 Schools in the Wootton/Stewartby area of Bedford have indicated that as a group, they do not wish to progress conversion from 3 to 2 tier education. Those schools are Broadmead Lower School, Wootton Lower School, Marston Vale Middle School and Academy. Although one school expressed an interest in a future conversion they were clear that any move would have to be agreed by all schools in the area.

Schools already in a 2 tier structure

5.9 Schools in the cluster are already operating a 2 tier education system. Those schools are Bedford Academy , Cauldwell Primary School, Cotton End Primary School, Elstow Primary School, King’s Oak Primary School, Shackleton Primary School and Shortstown Primary School.

6. Summary of Consultations and Outcome

6.1 The following Council Units or Officers and/or other organisations have been consulted in preparing this report: Management Team

6.2 The following Members have been consulted in preparing this report: Portfolio Holder for Education

6.3 No adverse comments have been received.

7. Ward Councillor Views

7.1 Not applicable.

Report Contact Officer: Kevin Crompton, Director of Children’s and Adults’ Services e-mail: [email protected]

Colin Foster, Assistant Director of Education and Early Help (Chief Education Officer) e-mail : [email protected]

File Reference: Fosterc/REPORTS/3 to 2 Tier

Appendix: Draft Consultation Document

CF 070714 Executive 6(4) School structural consultation Bedford Borough School Structure Changes

Public Consultation School Organisation Review


On Friday 3 July 2015, we announced that we would work alongside schools in Bedford Borough to design and deliver a transition from a three-tier education system (with lower, middle and upper schools) to a two-tier system (with primary and secondary schools).

We have been working alongside head teachers and governors to ensure that these changes to schools are as coordinated and coherent as possible and, at the same time, are able to offer future certainty to parents, carers and guardians.

Having spoken to many parents in the Borough, our priority is for every school in the Borough to be good or outstanding and to ensure that parents, carers and guardians are able to clearly understand the route their child, or children could take through the education system.

We feel it is important that as schools are finalising their school-specific proposals and consulting on them accordingly with their communities, Bedford Borough Council provides an overview of the strategic plans for the Borough as a whole.

Within this document you will find an overview of each school and the proposals they are consulting on, together with a link to where you can find their consultation documents. The document also provides an overview of the proposed transition options for children and young people as we move towards a two-tier system.

We really want to hear your views before we decide whether to take on this big change in schools structures in Bedford Borough. More than 90% of our schools are independently rated as good or outstanding according to the school inspector Ofsted, putting us at the top of local authorities in the Eastern Region, and we want to continue to enable children and young people in Bedford Borough to access the best opportunities in life and the best start in life.

We hope you find the information in the document helpful and that you are able to take the time to provide your views on the proposals.

Cllr Henry Vann Mayor Dave Hodgson Education Portfolio Holder Mayor of Bedford Borough

2 School Organisation Review


In this consultation on the future organisation of schools in Bedford Borough, we are proposing - in general - that:

• Lower schools become primary schools for pupils aged 4-11 years

• Upper schools become secondary schools for pupils aged 11-18 years

• Middle schools either become primary schools, secondary schools or work with the local lower school to offer a single primary school option for that community.

• It is proposed that in July 2019 both Year7 and Year 8 pupils from middle schools converting to primary schools, transfer to secondary school in Year 8 and Year 9 respectively.

The significant exceptions to the above proposed changes are the Wootton school cluster (Wootton Lower School, Broadmead Lower School, Marston Vale Middle School and Wootton Upper School), who have opted to remain within a three-tier education system given their links to Central schools who also remain within a 3 tier system.

If the proposal is agreed, it is also intended that the change would take place over a two year period from September 2017 to September 2019.

• The proposal is reliant on individual schools’ decisions. You can find out how to comment on individual school consultations in this document. Please do not comment on individual school consultations through the process outlined in this document.

• Your response to this consultation will inform the council’s Executive in their decision making on whether to adopt a policy of 2 Tier education within Bedford Borough. This meeting is currently scheduled for 20th January 2016.

Please note: This consultation concerns proposed structural changes to schools within Bedford Borough, it does not concern school building and classroom building projects. If the consultation proposals are agreed, we will work with schools and invest in local schools - through the Bedford Borough School Capital Programme - to support them as they make this transition.

3 School Organisation Review

Consultation What are schools consulting on? Each school is required to consult on their own age range or admissions changes. The Governing Bodies of each school will take responses to their consultation into consideration before reaching a decision. What is Bedford Borough consulting on? In this consultation we are seeking views on either moving to the proposed two tier system of primary and secondary schools or retaining the predominantly current three tier structure of lower, middle and upper schools. Responses to this consultation will be delivered to the Executive Committee in order for them to reach a decision on the proposal. Who is being consulted? We want to hear from as many people as possible. Your views will help inform the decision on the future of education in Bedford Borough for the current and future generations of young people. We are specifically consulting the following groups, and would encourage anyone interested to read through this proposal document and give us your views: • Parents of every registered pupil at a school in Bedford Borough • Parents of potential pupils in Bedford Borough and in Early Years provision • Staff who work at the schools in Bedford Borough • Our local communities • Schools within Bedford Borough • Parish Councils • The Church of and Roman Catholic Dioceses • Anyone else who has an interest in the proposal How are we consulting? The Consultation document will be available online at, where it is possible to complete an online response form. Please do take the opportunity to respond online.

If you have any questions, you can also e-mail them to us at: [email protected] and we will use these to inform a Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Document.

What happens next? The results will be considered at an executive meeting on 20th January 2016 along with the capital expenditure for schools for the coming year.

4 School Organisation Review


In this section, we have set out in colour charts what the proposed structure will look like across each cluster of local schools. At the bottom of this section we also list schools not currently proposing to change their structure.

Wilstead/Wixams (Note: Lakeview is already a Primary School)

*There is a need for a secondary school within the Wixams development; Bedford Technical Academy is currently awaiting Secretary of State approval to become a secondary school.

East West Bedford

*Some discussions are ongoing, but there is an in principle agreement for the community to be served by the two schools working together to deliver one school on one site.

5 School Organisation Review


*Discussions ongoing with the Challenger Trust.

North Bedfordshire

* Some discussions are ongoing, but there is an in principle agreement for the community to be served by the two schools working together to deliver one school on one site.

6 School Organisation Review

Schools already two-tier or not currently proposing to change their age range:

South Bedford

Caudwell (Primary) Shackleton (Primary) Cotton End (Primary) Shortstown (Primary) Elstow (Primary) Bedford Academy (Secondary) King’s Oak (Primary) (Secondary)


Broadmead (Lower) Marston Vale (Middle) Wootton (Lower) Wootton (Upper)

East West Bedford

Great Denham (Primary) Livingstone (Primary) Queens Park (Primary) St John Rigby (Primary) Putnoe (Primary)


Lakeview (Primary)

7 School Organisation Review

How each year group would transition

This section gives you an overview of the proposed journey children in different year groups will take through school if these changes go ahead. For each type of school, we have set out the year groups, and the expected journeys children and young people will make as school structures change.

Pupils in Years 7 to 13 in the following schools will not need to transfer school. Mark Rutherford (Secondary/Upper) Sharnbrook (Upper) Biddenham (Secondary/Upper) Hastingsbury (Upper)

Schools becoming Primary Schools:

Balliol Riseley/Margaret Beaufort* Bedford Road Roxton VA Brickhill Scott/Beauchamp* Bromham Springfield Camestone St. James’ VA Carlton St. Joseph’s/St. Gregory’s Castle St. Lawrence Christopher Reeves The Hills Academy Cople Thurleigh Edith Cavell Turvey Eileen Wade Ursula Taylor Green Academy Wilden VA Great Barford/Alban* Willington Harrold/Harrold Priory* Wilstead Hazeldene John Gibbard Kempston Rural Kymbrook Milton Ernest Oakley Pinchmill Priory Ravensden VA Renhold VC

*Some discussions are ongoing, but there is an in principle agreement for the community to be served by the two schools working together to deliver one school on one site.

8 School Organisation Review

School Year Group as at Nov 2015 Sept 2016 Sept 2017 Sept 2018 Sept 2019 Sept 2020 Sept 2021 Sept 2022 Year R Stay in same school Year 1 then transfer at the at Lower end of Year 6 into which secondary school converts Year 2 at Year 3 at Year 4 at Year 5 at Year 6 at Year 7 at to Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Secondary Year 1 Stay in same school Year 2 then transfer at the at Lower end of Year 6 into which secondary school converts Year 3 at Year 4 at Year 5 at Year 6 at Year7 at Year 8 at to Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Year 2 Stay in same school Year 3 then transfer at the at Lower end of Year 6 into which secondary school converts Year 4 at Year 5 at Year 6 at Year7 at Year 8 at Year 9 at to Primary Primary Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 3 Stay in same school Year 4 then transfer at the at Lower end of Year 6 into which secondary school converts Year 5 at Year 6 at Year7 at Year 8 at Year 9 at Year 10 at to Primary Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 8 at Year 4 Secondary Transfer into Year 5 at - stay in middle school. Then Year 7 at middle transfer at the end of Middle school if Year 7 into secondary then converts school Year 5 at Year 6 at transfer to to Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at Middle Middle secondary secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary

9 School Organisation Review

Middle Schools becoming Primary schools: Alban/Great Barford* Harrold Priory/Harrold* Beauchamp/Scott* St Gregory’s Middle Margaret Beaufort/Riseley* Westfield Middle

*Some discussions are ongoing, but there is an in principle agreement for the community to be served by the two schools working together to deliver one school on one site.

What year group is a child in? (School Year Group as at Nov 2015) Sept 2016 Sept 2017 Sept 2018 Sept 2019 Sept 2020 Sept 2021 Sept 2022 Year 4 Transfer into Year 5 at Year 7 at middle school. Then Middle transfer at the end of Year then 7 into secondary school Year 5 at Year 6 at transfer to Year 8 at Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at Middle Middle secondary secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 5 Stay in middle school until the end of year 8 then transfer into Year 6 at Year 7 at Year 8 at Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at Secondary School Middle Middle Middle Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 6 Stay in middle school until the end of year 8 then transfer into Year 7 at Year 8 at Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at Secondary School Middle Middle Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 7 Stay in middle school until the end of year 8 then transfer into Year 8 at Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at Secondary School Middle Secondary Secondary Secondary

Year 8 Year 9 at Year 8 transition as normal Upper / Year 10 at Year 11 at to an upper school Secondary Secondary Secondary

10 School Organisation Review

Middle Schools becoming Secondary Schools: If a middle school becomes a secondary school, or merges with an existing secondary school, then pupils in year 7 and year 8 will remain in the same school as it becomes secondary.

Goldington Academy* Robert Bruce Academy (merged with Hastingsbury) Newnham Middle

*Goldington Academy are currently also proposing a year 5 point of entry, that goes beyond the proposals set out by Bedford Borough Council in this consultation.

What year group is a child in? (School Year Group as at Nov 2015) Sept 2016 Sept 2017 Sept 2018 Sept 2019 Sept 2020 Sept 2021 Sept 2022 Year 4 Transfer into year Year 5 at Year 6 at 5 at middle school, middle the middle remaining in the which is school as school as it converts converting it converts into a secondary to a to a Year 8 at school secondary secondary Year 7 at secondary Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at school school secondary school Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 5 Year 6 at Stay in current school middle which is remaining in the converting Year 7 at school as it converts to a secondary into a secondary secondary as it Year 8 at Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at school school converts Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 6 Year 7 at Stay in current school Middle which is remaining in the converting Year 8 at school as it converts to a secondary into a secondary secondary as it Year 9 at Year 10 at Year 11 at school school converts Secondary Secondary Secondary Year 7 Year 8 at Stay in current school Middle which is remaining in the converting Year 9 at school as it converts to a secondary into a secondary secondary as it Year 10 at Year 11 at school school converts Secondary Secondary Year 8 Year 9 at Stay in current school Upper / Year 10 at Year 11 at Secondary Secondary Secondary

11 School Organisation Review

Overview of proposed changes East West Bedford Primary

Current Proposals Link to Consultation School Admission Admission Date of Type Type Number Number Change Castle Lower 90 Primary 90 2017 Cople Lower 15 Primary 30 2017

Willington Lower 15 Primary 30 2017 Goldington Green Lower 90 Primary 90 2017 Academy Great Barford Lower 30 Primary 30 2017 Hazeldene Lower 60 Primary 60 2017 documents/Federation/Federation.html Putnoe Primary 90 Primary 90 N/A N/A Academy Ravensden VA Lower 15 Primary 15 2017 Renhold VC Lower 30 Primary 30 2017 Roxton VA Lower 15 Primary 15 2017 The Hills Lower 60 Primary 60 2017 Academy Wilden VA Lower 12 Primary 12 2017 Alban Primary - Middle 140 30 2017 Academy Year 8 Brickhill Lower 60 Primary 30 2017 Edith Cavell Lower 45 Primary 45 2017

Great Denham Primary 60 Primary 90 N/A N/A

Livingstone Primary 60 Primary 60 N/A N/A North of Bromham Primary 60 Primary 60 N/A New school due to open in Sept 2017 Road Priory Lower 26 Primary 26 2017 Queens Park Primary 60 Primary 60 N/A N/A Academy Scott / Lower / To be 60 / 120 90 2017 Beauchamp Middle confirmed St James' VA Lower 25 Primary 25 2017 Westfield Middle 100 Primary 30 N/A St. Joseph's / Lower/ 75/90 Primary 75 2017 St Gregory's Middle St John Rigby Primary 60 Primary 60 N/A N/A Academy

12 School Organisation Review


Current Proposals Link to Consultation School Admission Admission Date of Type Type Number Number Change Year 5 - Goldington Year 5 Middle 175 60, Year 2017 Academy -Secondary Change-Consultation 7 - 120 Newnham Middle 150 Secondary 150 2017 News/Federation/ Mark Year 7 - 80 Upper Secondary 200 2017 Rutherford Year 9 - 230 Year 7 - 60 Biddenham Upper Secondary 200 2017 Year 9 - 240 St Thomas Year 7 - 75 Upper Secondary 200 2017 More Year 9 - 200

Kempston Primary

Current Proposals Link to Consultation Admission Admission Date of Type Type School Number Number Change Balliol Lower 52 Primary 52 2017 Bedford Lower 60 Primary 60 2017 Road Camestone Lower 60 Primary 60 2017 Kempston Lower 60 Primary 60 2017 Rural Springfield Lower 72 Primary 72 2017

Secondary Current Proposals Link to Consultation Admission Admission Date of Type Type School Number Number Change Daubeney Middle 120 Secondary 120 2018 Academy Robert Bruce/ Middle/ page/default.asp?title=Home&pid=1 160/240 Secondary 240 2017 Hastings- Upper bury

13 School Organisation Review

North Bedfordshire Primary

Current Proposals Link to Consultation Admission Admission Date of Type Type School Number Number Change http://www.bromham.beds.sch. Bromham Lower 60 Primary 60 2017 uk/ http://www.oakleylowerschool. Oakley Lower 40 Primary 45 2017 http://ursulataylor.eschools. Ursula Taylor Lower 54 Primary 54 2017 http://www.carltonvclower. Carlton Lower 15 Primary 15 2017 Christopher http://www.christopher-reeves- Lower 15 Primary 15 2017 Reeves http://www.eileenwadelower. Eileen Wade Lower 10 Primary 10 2017 Harrold/ Lower/ One Primary 24/90 30 2017 Harrold Priory Middle on one site John Gibbard Lower 28 Primary 28 2017 website/ JohnGibbard/Pages/home.aspx http://www. Kymbrook Lower 15 Primary 15 2017 http://www.miltonernestschool. Milton Ernest Lower 12 Primary 12 2017 http://www.pinchmill.beds.sch. Pinchmill Lower 15 Primary 15 2017 uk/ Riseley/ Lower / One Primary Margaret 28/90 28 2017 Middle on one site http://www.margaretbeaufort. Beaufort St Lawrence Lower 25 Primary 30 2017 http://www. Thurleigh Lower 15 Primary 15 2017 Turvey Lower 24 Primary 24 2017


Current Proposals Link to Consultation Admission Admission Date of Type Type School Number Number Change http://www.lincroftschool. Lincroft Middle 210 Secondary 210 2017 http://www.sharnbrook.beds. Sharnbrook Upper 400 Secondary 270 2017

14 School Organisation Review

Wilstead / Wixams Primary

Current Proposals Link to Consultation Phase Admission Admission Type Type of Number Number School Change Lakeview Primary 60 Primary 60 N/A N/A Wilstead Lower 30 Primary 30 2017

Broadmead Lower 29 Lower 29 N/A N/A

Wootton Lower Lower 60 Lower 60 N/A N/A


Current Proposals Link to Consultation School Type PAN Type PAN Phase of Change Marston Vale Middle 150 Middle 150 N/A N/A Wootton Upper Upper 297 Upper 297 N/A N/A Wixams Secondary 100 Secondary 100 N/A N/A Secondary

15 Finding out more

If you would like further copies, a large-print copy or information about us and our services, please telephone or write to us at our address below.

School Organisation Review Borough Hall Cauldwell Street Bedford MK42 9AP

@ [email protected]

CS071_15 [email protected]