Arvada Presbyterian Order of Worship April 22, 2018 Fourth Sunday of Easter

Prelude Day by Day (from ) -Schwartz Time for Children and Call to Worship First Scripture Lesson Rev. gretchen N. Sausville The Parable of the Lost Sheep Day by day, God leads us: Matthew 18:12-14 (NT 20) To the deep, deep pools of and :3-7 (NT 78) peace, to the green, lush lawns Anthem The Lord Is My Strength of grace. -Martin Day by day, calls us: Voice of the Spirit To pour out ourselves in service, Second Scripture Lesson to anoint the stranger with John 10:11-18 NT 103 hope. Day by day, the Holy Spirit shows us: Sermon Good Shepherds The community we could be, Rev. gretchen N. Sausville the family we are called to Hymn become. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Hymn Now the Green Blade Rises (Projected) (Projected) Announcements Opening Prayer (unison) Offering Loving Shepherd, You know our names; You care for us. When we face Offertory Sheep May Safely Graze darkness and death, walk beside us. -Bach When we hunger for Your love, fill us Doxology with Your presence. When we are Praise God, from Whom All fearful, feed us at Your table. May we Blessings Flow (Projected) dwell in the house of goodness and Prayer of Dedication (responsive) mercy all the days of our lives. Amen. Bless the Lord my soul Music in Response As the Deer and all that is in me bless God’s (Projected) Holy name. Passing of the Peace We are blessed to be a blessing.

(over) We are Your hands and feet.

May all that we are and all that we bring

be pleasing to You our God.

In the name of the risen Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer

Commissioning of Rev. gretchen N.

Sausville for work in the Holy Land.

Closing Hymn In the Bulb There Is a Flower (Hymn of

Promise) (Projected)

Charge and Benediction

Postlude O Bless the Lord, My Soul (from Godspell) -Schwartz

CCLI #1708350 One License # A-727249 GG – Glory to God Hymnal