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Winter 12-1-1966 Additions to the flora of Colorado - IV William A. Weber

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Recommended Citation Weber, William A., "Additions to the flora of Colorado - IV" (1966). Series in Biology. 37.

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Series in Biology

No. 23*

University of Colorado Press Boulder, Colorado D e c e m b e r , 1966


W il l ia m A . W e bf.r2

This installment of the series proposes four new combinations, and a series of items listed under the following topics: 1) additions to the flora, 2) verifications, and 3) rejected taxa. The first category concerns taxa which have not been previously reported for the Colorado flora. The second concerns taxa which were listed in the Manual3 on the basis of an unchecked report and which the writer subsequently has been able to verify by study of the actual specimens or by the word of an acknowledged authority who vouches for the specimen. The third concerns taxa which were included in the flora on the basis of an unchecked report and which reports subsequently have been shown to rest on incorrect information, or on misidentification of specimens. Many of the verification and rejection decisions have been made possible through a recent study visit to the herbaria of the New York Botanical Garden,

-‘Series in Biology No. 22 was published on April 28, 1966. 'The previous number in this series appeared in University of Colorado Studies, Series in Biology, No. 7, pp. 1-26. 1961. -Professor of Natural History, University of Colorado Museum. :iHarrington (1954). which houses the important herbarium of Per Axel Rydberg, the Smithsonian In­ stitution, and Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. The writer is very grate­ ful to the curators of these herbaria for the use of their facilities and to the cura­ tors of other herbaria from which specimens have been borrowed. The new records have been obtained largely through the writer’s own field studies, but significant additions have been made through the work of a few students and resident amateur botanists. Among these, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mac­ Leod and son, William, of Whisky Springs Ranch, Greystone, Colorado, have added significantly to our knowledge of the Moffat County flora through their collecting and hospitality to the writer in the field. Mr. James Erdman’s studies of the flora of the Mesa Verde and the adjacent region continue to add novelties to the flora. Dr. Url Lanham, who is pursuing entomological studies in the Boulder region, has detected several species new to the area or assumed to be extinct here for many years. To the curators of the herbaria of our sister institutions. Dr. H. D. Harring­ ton, Colorado State University, Dr. C. W. T. Penland, Colorado College, and Dr. C. L. Porter, University of , I am continually in debt for free ac­ cess to their institutional herbaria and for their permission to add their discov­ eries to these accounts. Dr. Doris Love has been very helpful in providing trans­ lations of critical portions of the Flora USSR. The illustrations were made by Kent Pendleton, museum staff artist. According to established custom, the herbaria housing the cited specimens are indicated by the abbreviations adopted by the International Association for . Specimens unaccompanied by an herbarium reference are housed in the University of Colorado herbarium (coi.o).


Iponiopsis globularis (Brand) W. A. was so like Hesperochloa that a com­ W eber, com b. nov. parison of our genus with the Asiatic Based on Gilia globularis Brand, Das counterpart, Leucopoa, was indicated. Pflanzenreich, 27. Heft (IV. 250): Study of the specimens and the de­ 120. 1907. scriptions and key in Flora USSR (Ko­ marov, 1934) confirms our suspicion Leucopoa kingii (S. W ats.) W . A. that the genera are synonymous. Ac­ W eber, comb. rtov. cording to the Russian key and descrip­ Based on Poa kingii S. W ats., Bot. tions, Leucopoa kingii is most closely King’s Exped., p. 387. 1871; H espero- allied to L. caucasica (Hack.) V. chloa kingii Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Krecz. et Bobr. Club 39: 106. 1912. Ptilagrostis porteri (Rydb.) W. A. The monotypic genus Hesperochloa W eber, com b. nov. stands apart from its near relative Based on Stipa porteri Rydberg, Bull. by its dioecious habit, large, Torr. Bot. Club 32: 599. 1905. pale papery glumes and lemmas, and brushy stigmas. Herbarium material re­ Ribes inerme R ydb. form a incisum cently received from the Soviet Union W. A. Weber, form . nov. Folia angus/e incisa lobis acuminatis of trail, foothills of the vel attenuatis. Colorado. Boulder Coun­ west of Boulder, ca. 8,000 ft. alt., 18 ty: a single bush among many of the July 1965, W. A . W eber & G. N . normal form, summit of Sugarloaf Jones 12,916a (T y p e , C o l o ). Mountain, along uppermost switchback


The following taxa have not been reported before in Colorado and are listed with their bibliographic citations, followed, in most instances, by reference to a modern description or figure. In certain instances, that portion of the key as given in Harrington (1954) is revised to include the species and its near rela­ tives. Some species reported by others and apparently overlooked in the pre­ paration of the Manual are listed here with their bibliographic citation.

A i.liakia officinalis Andrz. ex A l y s s u m m in u s (L.) Rothmale;', DC., Syst. Veg. 2: 489. 1821; Hitch­ Fedde Repert. 50: 77. 1941; Tutin el cock et al. ( 1964, p. 437, fig. p. 441) al. (1964, p. 300) [Cruciferae]. Elbert [Cruciferae], El Paso Co.: mesa S. of Co.: roadside pasture 2 miles E. of Colorado Springs, Broadmoor area, 7 Kiowa, 6,500 ft., 31 May 1953, P en­ June 1958, 4 June 1952, Penland land & Hartwell 4,373; Jefferson Co.: 4,990, 4,285 (coco). Adventive denuded ground of gravel pit 3 miles E. Eurasian w'eed. of Golden, 5,600 ft. alt., 13 April, 18 M ay 1954, Douglass 54-12. N ew to , an adventive Eurasian A l o p e c u r u s p r a i e n s i s L., Sp. PI., weed. The following key will distin­ p. 60. 1753; Hitchcock (1950, p. 358) guish the three species now known [Graniineae]. Larimer Co.: adventive from Colorado: along highway roadside fill, 10 miles S. of Virginia Dale, 9 June 1965, Weber la. Silicles glabrous-...... & Jones 12,385. Distinguished by its ______Alyssum desertorum large (4-5 mm.) spikelets and con­ lb. Silicles stellate-pubescent _____(2) spicuously ciliate glumes. Adventive 2a. Styles 0.5 mm. long; foliage and Eurasian grass. siliques closely and minutely stellate; sepals persistent; fil­

A l y s s u m d e s e r t o r u m Stapf, Denk- aments filiform, with two basal schr. d. Akad. Wiss. Math. Nat. filiform appendages------Klasse Wien 51: 302. 1886; Tutin et ______Alyssum alyssoides al. (1964, p. 300) [Cruciferae]. Jack­ 2b. Styles 1.5-2.0 mm. long; foliage son Co.: sandy, disturbed soil of road­ and siliques loosely coarse-stel- side borrow; primitive road between late; sepals caducous; filaments Rand and Spicer, North Park, 8,500 narrowly papery-winged------ft. alt., 21 June 1965, Weber & Sala- ______Alyssum minus mun 12,428. Distinguished by the char­ acters of the glabrous silicles, narrow­ A m s in c k ia lycopsoides Lehm. ex ly oblanceolate and densely appressed Fisch. & Mey., Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. stellate pubescence, and style 0.5 mm. 2: 2. 1836 [Boraginaceae], Clear Creek long. Previously known from Co.: locally abundant in vacant lots and Wyoming. about the tumble-down houses of Silver Plume, said to have first appeared endemic apparently was introduced by about 1938-1939, 9,100 ft. alt., 2 casual roadside scattering of seed by Aug., 8 Sept. 1942, Ewan 14,533; 14,- local garden clubs in the interest ol 630. Adventive here, native on the roadside beautification. Despite the fact Pacific Coast. that the were found far from any habitation, their occurrence can be A m SINCKIA MENZIES11 ( L e h in .) explained in no other way. Munz Nels. & Macbr., Bot. Gaz. 61: 36. (1946) states: "the species is some­ 1916 [Boraginaceae]. Boulder Co.: times offered by American dealers in weed in gravelly bare areas at Trojan native plants.” Ranch, Gold Hill, 8,000 ft. alt., 30 Aug. 1953, Weber 8,644; Front Range A rabis l y a l l ii S. W ats., Proc. Trail, 8,500 ft. alt., above Nederland, Amer. Acad. 11: 122. 1875 [Cruci- 4 July 1962, G. N. Jones 34,045. Also ferae]. Routt Co.: shore of Gilpin Lake, introduced from western U. S. A re­ W. slope, E. of Slavonia, vised key to the Colorado species of Routt Nat. Forest, 14 July 1952, R u th A m sinckia is given below: A. Nelson 6,575. Related to A . drum - m ondii A. Gray, from which it differs la. Back of nutlets tessellate (like in having siliques with a single row of a cobblestone pavement); co- seeds, stems numerous from a cluster rolla-tube 20-nerved below the of caudices with many narrowly lance­ stamens; calyx-lobes unequal in olate basal leaves. The record extends width and at least two of them the range southeastward from the fused for some length. A . tes- Grand Tetons and represents the south­ sellata G ray (A . rugosa Rydb. ernmost locality known. of the Manual?) lb. Back of nutlets not tessellate, the roughenings neither crowded A s c l e p ia s macrosperma Eastw., nor forming a pavement; corol- Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 172. 1898; la-tube 10-nerved below the sta­ A. involucrata var. tom entosa Eastw., mens; calyx-lobes various__(2 ) Zoe 4: 120. 1893; Woodson (1954, p. 2a. Corolla-throat constricted and 131) [Asclepiadaceae]. Montezuma nearly closed by intruding hairy, Co.: very sandy dry wash leading into saccate processes; stamens in­ San Juan River at Four Corners, 16 serted evenly below the constric­ M ay 1964, Erdman 430. Previously re­ tion. A. lycopsoides Lehm. corded from Utah, Arizona and New (This is the species reported in Mexico in the Four Corners area, this the Manual as being either A. species resembles A. involucrata but interm edia or A. douglaxiana.) has lower hoods and conspicuously cris- 2b. Corolla-throat open and gla­ pate-tomentulose herbage. brous; stamens more or less ir­ regularly inserted in the throat. A s t e r p e r e l e g a n s Nels. & Macbr., A. menziesii (Lehm.) Nels. & Bot. Gaz. 56: 477. 1913; Cronquist M acbr. (1955, p. 93); Abrams & Ferris (1960, p. 325, fig. 5551) [Compos- A q u il e g ia , p u b e s c e n s Coville, Con- itae]. Moffat Co.: Blue Mountain, on trib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 56. 1893 N.-facing slope of Round Top Moun­ [Ranunculaceae]. Boulder Co.: gravelly tain just below limestone rim rocks, slope, edge of Pinus contorta forest be­ 8,550 ft. alt., 30 July 1960, W . A . J. tween Nederland and Caribou, 9,500 MacLeod 52a. In the Manual this ft. alt., 12 Aug. 1962, G. N. Jones s.n. species, which belongs to subgenus ( c o l o 172,801). This Californian Eucephalus, keys to a point in the vicinity of Aster engelmannii. T he two bracteoles A . heterosperma resembles can be separated by the following coup­ A. hortensis, and in its opposite, has­ let: tate and coarsely dentate leaves it re­ sembles A . hastata which, however, has Leaves large, mostly 15-35 mm. wide; triangular, toothed bracteoles. Unlike ray-flowers white, turning pinkish A. hortensis, the carpellate flowers are in age; plants 6-15 dm. tall; phyl- monomorphic, all with vertical seeds laries elongate, some with narrow and two bracteoles. For a full descrip­ and flexuous tips; heads (exclusive tion and key, see Tutin et al. (1 9 6 4 ). of pappus and rays) about 1 cm. high; forest openings______A x y r is amaranthoides L., Sp. PL, ______A. engelmannii p. 979. 1753; Gleason (1952, Vol. 2, Leaves smaller, 3-15 mm. wide; ray- p. 94, fig. p. 95) [Chenopodiaceae], flowers deep violet; smaller plants, Park Co.: roadside in mountain mead- 3-6 dm. tall; heads (exclusive of owlands along road from Jefferson to pappus and rays) about 0.5 cm. Lost Park, 9,000 ft. alt., 11 Aug. 1965, high; open slopes and plateau sum­ Weber 12,934. An adventive from Si­ m its______A. perelegans beria, fairly close to K ochia, character­ This collection extends the southeast­ ized by stellate pubescence, petiolate ern limit of this intermountain species leaves, and calyx-lobes erect rather into Colorado. A report from than curving over the fruit. The flowers is often cited but has not been verified. are unisexual. The total distribution includes SW Montana, NE , Nevada, Utah, Ba r b a r ea v u l g a r is R. Br. in Ait., and NE Colorado. Hort. Kew. 2nd ed., 4: 109. 1812; Hitchcock & Cronquist (1964, p. 459, A t r i p l e x graciliflora J o n e s , fig. p. 461) [Cruciferae]. Boulder Co.: Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, 5: 717. Left Hand Creek near mouth of can­ 1895 [Chenopodiaceae]. Reported by yon, 6 June 1951, Weber 6,129; G rand Barneby (1944) but evidently over­ Co.: Holzwarth Ranch 10 miles N. of looked in the preparation of the Man­ Grand Lake, 8,900 ft. alt., 7 July 1961, ual. Mesa Co.: alkaline clay knoll 16 Douglass 61-204; Gunnison Co.: be­ miles N. of Loma, 4,950 ft. alt., Barne- tween and Gothic, 9 hy 5,471. Vegetatively, A. graciliflora July 1955, Gentry 2,139. B. vulgaris is almost identical with A. saccaria and is distinguished from B. orthoceras by has a similar ecology. The fruiting its long (2-3 mm.), narrowed, beak­ bracts, however, are large (10-15 like style which gives the silique a ta­ mm.), orbicular or oblong, as in A. pered appearance, and upper leaves hortensis, but are united to the apex which are merely toothed or lobed, not and they lack the appendages found in pinnatifid. A. saccaria. B o t r y c h iu m b o r e a l e Milde, Bot. A t r ip l e x heterosperma Bunge, Zeit., p. 478, 800. (1857) 1858 [Ophio- Mem. Sav. Etr. Petersb. 7: 448. 1854 glossaceae]. Larimer Co.: in small jChenopodiaceae]. Larimer Co.: Estes grassy plots on the dry cutbank of the Park, 28 Aug. 1956, G. N. Jones 21,- horse trail one mile below The Loch, 204. Also a specimen from Montana: Rocky Mountain Nat. Park, 9,900 ft. Powell Co.: prairie near Deer Lodge, alt., 27 Aug. 1960, Willard & Porsild 29 Aug. 1961, G. N. Jones 36,594. A 6,062. Verified by Warren H. Wagner. weedy species of the southern U.S.S.R., apparently not reported previously C a m is s o n ia m i n o r (A. Nels.) Ra­ from the . Fn its circular ven, Brittonia 16: 285. 1964; Oenothera m inor Munz, Bot. Gaz. 85: 238. 1963, Weber s.n.; east entrance to 1928; Sphaerostigma minor A. Nels., Boulder Reservoir, 5 miles N.E. of Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 130. 1899 Boulder, 28 Dec. 1962, Weber 11,947; [Onagraceae]. Moffat Co.: sandy soil, Jefferson Co.: roadside between Old summit of ridge separating Conway Tinytown road and Phillipsburg, 14 drainage and Vermillion drainage, be­ Sept. 1962, Brunquist s.n. Adventive tween Greystone and Gates of Lodore, Eurasian weed. The flowers are white 26 June 1965, Weber and Salamun 12,- or cream-colored and the phyllaries are 609. A range extension from Utah and fringed with small spines. They termi­ W yoming. nate in a short spine 1.5-4.0 mm. long.

CARDUUS ACANTHOIDES L., Sp. PI., CHENOPODIUM ACERIFOL1UM p. 821. 1753; Cronquist (1955, p. 114, Andrz., Univ. Izv. (Kiev) 7-8:132. fig. p. 117) [Compositae]. Pitkin Co.: 1862 [Chenopodiaceae]. An eastern along road between Aspen and Ash­ European weed. Plants referable to croft, 28 Sept. 1952, Penland 4,359 this species (cf. Tutin, et al. 1964) are (c o c o ). locally abundant in the Boulder area: Boulder Co.: alkali flat just east of C a r e x praeceptorum M a c k., Boulder Reservoir, 19 Sept. 1965, W e­ North American Flora 18 (2): 95. ber 12,975; between Boulder and 1931 [as ‘praeceptorium ’]; Mackenzie Louisville, 5 Sept. 1951, Weber 7,269. (1940, plate 95) [CyperaceaeJ. Boul­ This species is in the C. album group, der Co.: E. face of Front Range, vicin­ and is characterized by strongly pitted ity of Ward, 10,000 ft. alt., 15 Aug. seed-coat, broad three-lobed leaves 1961, E. Dahl & F. J. Hermann s.n.; turning red in age and edge of bog below outlet of Horseshoe with interrupted clusters. Possibly the Cirque, S.E. slope of Arapahoe Peaks, plant given in the Manual as C. ber- 16 July 1949, 10,500 ft. alt., W eber landieri Moq. 4,980; marshy slope below Niwot Ridge, 11,000 ft. alt., 15 Aug. 1961, C r y p t a n t h a b r e v if l o r a (O sterh.) F. J. Hermann 17,065; Grand Co.: Payson, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 14: Paradise Park, 10,600 ft. alt., 14 Aug. 318. 1927 [Boraginaceae], Moffat Co.: 1961, Willard 61,286; 61,294; Larim er Cold Springs Mountain, S.E.-facing Co.: Loch Vale, Rocky Mt. Nat. Park, slope in sagebrush, red sandy soil, 8,- 27 Aug. 1960, Willard & Porsild 6 - 200 ft. alt., 10 July 1965, W. A . J. 067; Lawn Lake, 7 Aug. 1961, W il­ MacLeod 321. Known previously from lard 61,194; Fern Lake, 2 Sept. 1960, adjacent Utah, this species in section Willard 6,073. Oreocarya is distinguished by its uni­ The writer’s earlier equation of C. formly muricate nutlets and short co­ praeceptorum with C. lachenalii Sch- rolla. kuhr (Weber, 1961, p. 3) was incor­ rect. C. praeceptorum is closely related D ia n t h u s d e l t o id e s L., Sp. PI., p. to C. canescens L. Both C. lachenalii 411. 1753; Gleason (1952, vol. 2, p. and C. praeceptorum are frequent in 144) [Caryophyllaceae]. Boulder Co.: the alpine and upper subalpine zones roadsides between Nederland and El- of the Colorado Front Range. dora, 8,500 ft. alt., 2 miles W. of junction of Eldora road with Peak-to- C e n t a u r e a d if f u s a Lam., Encycl. Peak highway, 3 Aug. 1961, W iens s. 1: 675. 1783; Cronquist (1955, p. n.; same locality, 29 July 1962, G. N . 116, fig. p. 120) [Compositae], Boul­ Jones 34,141. Dianthus differs from der Co.: roadside 4 miles above El our other silenoid genera, Saponaria, Vado on Magnolia Road, 15 Sept. Silene and Melandrium, in having the calyx subtended by a pair of foliace- Moffat Co.: near Stuntz Reservoir, ous, attenuate bracts. This adventive Blue Mt., 7,500 ft., B oyd 79; on top from Eurasia resembles a miniature of high mountain just west of Hell rose-colored carnation. Canyon, 8,300 ft., W olf & Dever 5,162; north slope of Douglas Moun­ E l e o c h a r is e l i j p t ic a Kunth var. tain near Greystone, W . M acLeod c o m p r e s s a (Sull.) Drap. & Mohl., I7 3 A ; Dutch Oven Canyon, Blue Amer. Midi. Nat. 64: 502. 1960; E. Mt. near Greystone, M. MacLeod 421. compressa Sull. [Cyperaceae]. Svenson E. uintahensis, while a close relative (1939, p. 66) reported this from Mt. of E. speciosus and E. subtrinervis, is Lincoln, Salida, and La Veta. The fol­ very distinct from either, in Colorado lowing additional records are noted. at least, in its densely and minutely Boulder Co.: mesa S. of Boulder, June, glandular leaves. The Moffat County Aug. 1906, Robbins 1,550; 4,006; specimens consistently show broader Boulder, 5 June 1914, Ramaley 9,847; ovate-oblong, less acuminate, and 9,950. Characterized by the flattened more strongly clasping-truncate leaves culm, frequently exceeding 1 mm. than Colorado material of speciosus wide, and scales with conspicuous whit­ and subtrinervis. ened, often bifid, acuminate tips. E r io g o n u m wetherillii Eastwood,

E l y m u s j u n c .e u s Fisch, Mem. Soc. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. II. 6: 319. 1896 Nat. Mosc. I: 45. 1806; Psathyro- [Polygonaceae]. Montezuma Co.: Four stachys juncea Nevski [Gramineae], Corners area above San Juan River, Larim er Co.: adventive in road fill; 5,000 ft. alt., 16 M ay 1964, Erdm an roadside 10 mi. S. of V irginia Dale, 442. The Manual suggested that this outer foothills, 9 June 1965, W eber & species might occur in southwestern Jones 12,386. An Asiatic perennial Colorado. bunch grass with very short, curled bas­ F o r se ll .esia planitierum Ensign, al leaves. The spikelets are 2-3 at a Amer. Midi. Nat. 27: 509. 1942 [Cel- node, with glumes shorter than the astraceae]. Las Animas Co.: low shrub, spikelets, and glumes and lemmas pub­ 1-1.5 ft. tall, Hwy. 160 ca. 18 miles escent. Commonly called Russian E. of Trinidad, Penland s.n. (c o c o ). wild-rye. Determined by Alan A. G y p s o p h il a e l e g a n s Bieb., FI. Beetle. Taur. Cauc. 1: 319. 1808?; Bailey (1963, p. 1,422) [Caryophyllaceae], E r a g r o st is b e y r ic h ii J. G. Smith, Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Gard. 6: 1 17, Moffat Co.: Whisky Springs Ranch, plate 56. 1895 [Gramineae]. Larimer Douglas Mountain, 6 miles SW of Co.: disturbed area, approach road to Greystone, N.E.-facing slope with Hewes Kirkwood Inn and Long’s Peak Achillea and grasses, in shade of Sym - campground, 9,000 ft. alt., 2 Sept. phoricarpos, 7,500 ft. alt., 24 July, 1935, Kiener 3,192 (undoubtedly ad­ 1965, M. MacLeod 427. A garden es­ cape of Asia Minor, resembling Stellar- ventive here). A second collection from ia but with truncate petals, calyx united a native stand as follows: Baca Co.: halfway up, and the ovary with trun­ open sandy ground, 17 miles E. and cate apex and two styles. The plant is 28 miles S. of Campo, ■/, mile from annual, about 20 cm. tall, with oblong- Oklahoma line, 3,900 ft. alt., 28 July lanceolate leaves and flowers about the 1959, Harrington 9,111 ( f c ). size of those of Stellaria jamesiana. Known from South Dakota. E r ig e r o n uintahensis Cronquist, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 70: 270. 1943; J u nc.u s b r y o id e s F. J. H erm ann, Brittonia 6: 151. 1947 fCompositae], Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 117. 1948 [Juncaceae], Moffat Co.: spring-fed tion of the genus should appear on the sandstone ledges, Whisky Springs Ranch, wheatlands. 4 miles above Greystone on Zenobia L o n ic e r a u t a h e n s is S. W ats., U. S. Peak road, S.W.!4 of S.E.54, Sec. 3, T. Geol. Surv. 40th Parallel (Botany 7 N., R. 101 W., 7,500 ft. alt., 25 King's Exped.) 5: 133. 1871 [Capri- June 1965, W eber & M acLeod 12,- foliaceae]. L a Plata Co.: floodplain of 561. Previously known from southern Animas River at Durango, 6,500 ft., and two localities in Utah. A H. Owen 3. Colorado was the only diminutive species, not much over 1 cm. Rocky Mountain state in which the tall, annual, with many short, stiff, one- species had not been reported. flowered stems simulating the setae and capsules of pottioid mosses. M in u a r t ia s t r ic t a Hiern, Jour. Bot. 37: 320. 1899; Spergula stricta J u n c u s t r a c y i Rydb., FI. Rocky Swartz, Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 20: 229. Mts., 155, 1,061. 1917 [Juncaceae]. 1799; Arenaria uliginosa Schleich. ex Archuleta Co.: Pagosa Springs, 7,000 Lam. & DC., FI. Franc. 4: 786. 1805. ft. alt., 18 July 1893, B. H. Smith 39; [Caryophyllaceae], Clear Creek Co.: in Park Co.: 1862, E. Hall s.n.; Pitkin unstable sands along shore of Summit Co.: springy slope and roadside mire, Lake; associated with Phippsia algida Lower Snowmass Creek below the and Koenigia islandica, 12,700 ft. alt., earthslide, 12-13 July 1962, Weber , 30 July 1953, W eber 11,526. In the Manual, this would & D ahl 8,613 (a condensed form of com e to J. saximontanus, but is dis­ very late snowbeds); Gunnison Co.: tinguished by the couplet: North , 13,300 ft. alt., boulderfield, 1 Aug. 1949, Langenheim Heads hemispheric, dark purple- 455 pr. p.; Summit Co.: moist, grassy black; styles exserted; seeds pro­ tundra slopes, Hoosier Ridge, 12,000 minently tailed ______J. tracyi ft. alt., Weber & Hulten 11,054a. Heads more nearly spherical, brown; This species has not been reported styles not prominent; seeds not from the conterminous United States. tailed______J. saximontanus Nannfeldt (1954) discussed the species in detail in connection with the typifi- K o c h ia ir a n ic a (H ausskn. et Born- cation of M . rossii R. Br. There seems niueller) Litv., Exsic. Turk. No. 297, to be ample justification for the recog­ 405 ex Bornmueller, Bull. Herb. Boiss. nition of M inuartia as a genus distinct 2 ser., No. 8: 546. 1908; Salsola ira­ from Arenaria despite the almost un­ nica H ausskn. et Bornm. in Bornm. contested tendency of American au­ Exsic. Pers. Austro-orient., No. 5,072; thors to keep them together. 5,074; 5,074b; Kochia alata Bates, Amer. Botanist 24: 51-52. 1918; Ael- M y o s u r u s c u p u l a t u s S. W ats., len (1943) [Chenopodiaceae], This is Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 362. 1882 the plant discussed in Additions III [Ranunculaceae]. Campbell (1952, p. (Weber, 1961, pp. 9-11). During a re­ 400) reports this from Montrose Co.: cent visit to Scandinavia, a search was Naturita, without citing collector or made in the herbaria for a weedy an­ herbarium. Its closest relative is M. nual Kochia of southeastern Europe or nitidus, from which it differs as fol­ Asia with calyx-wings conforming to lows: those of K. alata. Kochia iranica fits Scapes 5-20 per plant; beak of very well. As stated earlier, it was achene triangular in side view and highly unlikely that an endemic Amer­ extended 0.5-0.6 mm. beyond ican species of a wholly Eurasian sec­ body of achene____ M. cupulatus F ig. 1. Ranunculus jo vis: left, flowering; right, fruiting specimen.

Scapes fewer than 4 per plant; beak Co.: 6 miles S.W. of Greystone, E. of achene not triangular in side slope of Douglas Mountain on Whisky view and extended about 1 mm. Springs Ranch, close to snowbank, 21 beyond body______M . nitidus April 1961, M. MacLeod 86b. Ranun­ culus jovis is distinguished from its

N a m a d e n s u m Lemmon var. p a r v i- close relative, R. glaberrimus, by the I'LOKUM (Greenm.) C. L. Hitchc., massive cluster of long-tapering, fusi­ Amer. Jour. Bot. 20: 420. 1933: form roots, the three-parted basal Hitchcock (1959, p. 153, fig. p. 156) leaves and slightly elongate cluster of [Hydrophyllaceae]. Moffat Co.: in achenes (Figure 1). The Colorado col­ sandy soil, summit of ridge separating lection represents the southeasternmost the Conway from the Vermillion Drain­ record in a distributional area encom­ age, between Greystone and Gates of passing N.W. Wyoming, S.E. Idaho, Lodore, 26 June 1965, W eber & Sal- N.E. Nevada and N.E. Utah. amun 12,623; grassy bench just N.E. R ese d a l u t e o l a L., Sp. PL, p. 448. of Gates of Lodore above Vermillion 1753 [Resedaceae]. , 1888, drainage, S. end of Brown’s Park, 26 Alice Eastwood s.n. An adventive June 1965, Weber & Salamun 12,641. species from Eurasia. It has not been collected for many years and may not R a n u n c u l u s jo v is A. Nels., Bull. have persisted in the flora. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 261. 1900; R. digitatus Hook., Kew Jour. 3: 124, S a x ifra g a r iv u l a r is L., Sp. PI., p. plate 4. 1851, not Gilib. 1781 nor 404, 1753 [Saxifragaceae]. Boulder Willd. ex Ledeb. 1842; Benson (1948, Co.: protected sites under and in lee of p. 166-167) [Ranunculaceae], Moffat boulders, subalpine meadows above N. shore of Lake Isabelle, 18 July 1948, "Petals abruptly narrowed into Weber 4,277; Clear Creek Co.: in mos­ claws; leaf-blades thin, the lower sy tufts along inlet stream of Summit ones 5-7-lobed______S. debilis" Lake, Mt. Evans, 12,700 ft. alt., 30 July 1953, Weber 8,611, 22 July 1955, Bacigalupi (correspondence) noted 9,266, 15 Aug. 1960, Weber, Porsild that "more robust specimens of rivu­ & H olm en 11,134; crevices in boulder- laris often have as many as five lobes iields, trail from Stevens Mine to sum­ to the basal leaves, and . . . sometimes mit of Gray’s Peak, 11 July 1950, W e­ ... up to seven. The distinction, petals ber 5,628; El Paso Co.: , 2 abruptly, versus not abruptly clawed, Aug. 1904, Huestis s.n.; Routt Co.: is no good either.” He suggested that summit Mt. Zirkel, 18 July 1951, K el­ the nature of the base furnished ly s.n.; San Juan Co.: falls and vicin­ a better difference, rivularis having ity, 0.5 mi. S. of South Mineral camp­ broad, often truncate bases sheathing ground, San Juan Mts., 10,200 ft. alt., the stem and debilis having tapering, 28 June 1954, M. Douglass 54-420. non-sheathing petiole-bases. The writer Although not listed in the Manual, has not found this character very satis­ Saxifraga rivularis was reported for factory although in a large series of Colorado by Engler & Irmscher (1916, specimens a division might be made. p. 282) from “Pikes Peak, about 4,300 in recent years plants clearly refer­ meters alt., M. E. Jones 712.” Slightly able to S. rivularis have been collected earlier, Small and Rydberg (1905) at Summit Lake, Mount Evans, their treated the Saxifragaceae in North identity attested to by several Euro­ American Flora and reported this cir- pean Arctic workers who know the cumboreal species as far south as Mon­ species in its proper area. If their opin­ tana. Although American authors have ions are correct, then it becomes im­ not credited S. rivularis to Colorado, a perative to determine whether rivular­ close relative, S. debilis, occurs in Wy­ is is indeed distinct from debilis. A oming, Utah, Colorado and Montana. close examination of our material now Until recently, the writer tended to shows that S. debilis and S. rivularis place all material resembling rivularis differ by a number of characters which under debilis for want of sufficiently have not been mentioned by previous clear diagnostic characters. Small and writers. Although the plants grow close Rydberg distinguished the species by enough together to have been gathered characters which do not hold for either: simultaneously by many collectors, this does not alter the fact that here we “Petals not abruptly narrowed into have two good species. The diagnostic claws; leaf-blades thick, the lower characters are tabulated below (See al­ ones mainly 3-lobed S. rivularis so Figure 2):

debilis rivularis Inflorescence: Strict, the pedicels forming Loose, the pedicels forming a narrow angle with the a wide angle with the main main axis. axis. Calyx: Subcylindric, the sides forming Campanulate, the sides forming a a narrow angle from the base; wide angle from the base; lobes often shorter than the lobes usually longer than the tube, seldom exceeding it. tube, rarely shorter. Pubescence Short (0.12-0.13 mm.), straight Long (0.5-0.6 mm.), often crumpled of pedicels: gland-tipped trichomes. and bent white trichomes, many of them not obviously glandular. F ig . 2. Flowers of Saxifraga: left, S. debilis; right, S. rivularis, showing shape of hypanthium and nature of glandular pubescence.

In subalpine sites the variation of the this score, since proper attention has leaves runs more or less parallel in not yet been paid to the matter in the both species. However, the plants from field. the mossy inlet of Summit Lake have Jorgensen also found that S. rivularis uniformly small leaves which arc usual­ and S. hyperborea differed in the size ly trilobate, rarely 5-lobed, conform­ of their pollen grains, rivularis, the ing to the situation in S. rivularis f. tetraploid having grains measuring 27- hyperborea (R. Br.) Hook. The Euro­ 31 n, and hyperborea, the diploid, having pean literature usually gives this form grains 22-26p. Examinations of the specific rank, and, according to Soren­ Colorado forms show a similar pattern, sen, in Jorgensen et al. (1 9 5 8 ) S. h y ­ with S. debilis also falling into the size perborea is diploid, 2n=26, while S. range of the diploid. Stomatal sizes rivularis is tetraploid, 2n=52. Sorensen show similar differentiation. feels that the species differ conspicu­ ously in the presence of “runners” in rivularis hyperborea debilis rivularis. and lack of these in hyper­ Voucher borea. The so-called “runners” consist Douglass Weber W eber of extremely elongated stems with 54-420 9266 3437 elongated petioles and only rudimen­ tary blades. They are best developed in grain size 21-24,11 extremely wet sites where the plants 27-30 m 21-24,u. develop creeping or floating stems. The stomatal length Colorado material is inconclusive on 37/t 27-30 m 32 /x It is hoped that chromosome studies Manual. A key to the species now may soon be undertaken with the pur­ known follows: pose of determining whether or not I a. Lowermost floret of one or both these measurements are accurate re­ spikelets at each rachis node flections of the chromosomal situation. sterile and reduced to a subulate For the time being, therefore, the stat­ or lanceolate structure, giving us of S. hyperborea in C olorado is left the appearance of extra glume open. segments ______(2 ) 1 b. Lowermost floret of each spike- S c ir p u s caespitosus L. var. c a l - let fertile, not reduced______l o su s Bigel., FI. Bost., ed. 2, p. 21. ______S. longifolium 1824; Beetle (1947, p. 494) [Cypera- 2a. Glumes entire or bifid______ceae]. “,” H all & ______S. hystrix Harbour 583 in part. Britton (1892), 2b. Glumes 3-many-cIeft______commenting on this collection, which ______S. jubatum was distributed widely under the name Scirpus pumilus and correctly so (Web­ S t e l l a r ia s im c o e i (H ow ell) C'. L. ber 1961, p. 6), wrote; “Hall & Har­ Hitchcock, Vase. PL Pac. N.W. 2: bour No. 583 is mixed, for Mr. [C. B.] 310. 1964; Alsine simcoei Howell, FI. Clarke informs me that the number in N.W. Amer., p. 83. 1897; Stellaria Herb, de Candolle is S. caespitosus.” It calycantha var. simcoei Fernald, Rho- is of some interest to note that Gray dora 42: 255. 1940 [Caryophyllaceaej. (1863), enumerating the Hall and Pitkin Co.: with S. calycantha and S. Harbour collections, listed No. 583 longipes, in willow thickets of a spring under S. caespitosus although the spec­ bog just above the highway between imen at H arvard now is S. pumilus. Lincoln Gulch and Lost Man Camp­ ground, Roaring Fork Valley between Sisymbrium loeselii L., Cent. PI. Aspen and Independence Pass, 9,500 1; 18. 1755; Hitchcock & Cronquist ft. alt., 9-13 July 1963, Weber 12,085; (1964, p. 541, fig. p. 544) [Cruci- Routt Co.: beaver dams off Diamond ferae]. El Paso Co.: roadside weed, Park road 1.5 miles N. of Seedhouse Crystola Gulch, 16 July 1956, Pen- Guard Station, North Fork of Elk Riv­ land 4,747; Rio Blanco Co.: dry fork, er, 28 miles N. of Steamboat Springs, Piceance Creek, 6,200 ft. alt., 15 Aug. 8,000 ft. alt., 18 July 1951, W eber 1958, W. McKean s.n. Differs from S. 6,793. altissimum by having shorter siliques Superficially, S. simcoei resembles .S. and pedicels more slender than the sil­ calycantha but it differs in its copiously iques. Adventive Eurasian weed. pilose stems, ciliate leaves and almost or quite vestigial corolla. Its taxonomic S it a n io n j u b a t u m J. G. Smith, status may be considered somewhat Bull. U. S. Div. Agrost. 18: 10. 1899; doubtful because intermediates occur, Wilson (1963, p. 319) [Gramineae], which have highly papillose stems and Moffat Co.: Whisky Springs Ranch, leaf-margins but no multicellular hairs Douglas Mountain, 6 miles S.W. of except on the leaf bases. Nevertheless, Greystone, 7,500 ft. alt., 25 June 1965, there is a good argument for recogni­ W eber & M acLeod 405. An extension tion at the specific level because of the eastward from Utah. Wilson (1963) geographic distribution (Washington, recently revised the genus. With the Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Colorado) addition of the present species, three and because of the sympatric occur­ species are now known from Colorado, rence of the two species without inter­ only one of which was listed in the gradation, in Colorado at least. V e r b a s c u m X pterocaulon Fran- appear during succeeding seasons. Dr. chet, FI. Loir. - et-Cher, p. 413. 1885; C. E. Hubbard, Royal Botanic Gar­ V. blattaria L. X V. thapsus L., sterile dens, Kew, has examined the material F, hybrid [Scrophulariaceae]. Boulder and found the pollen to be completely Co.: adventive along right-of-way, sterile and the capsules without seeds. Boulder-Denver turnpike just east ot Superior; plants over 2 meters tall, V e r o n ic a b il o ba L., Mantissa 2: with virgate panicle branches, yellow 172. 1771; Hitchcock et al. (1959, p. flowers, 29 July 1963, Weber 12,055. 421, fig. p. 422) [Scrophulariaceae]. The two parents grew in the immediate Boulder Co.: disturbed soil of outwash vicinity of three or four hybrid in­ floodplain of Bear Canyon, S. of dividuals. These exceeded by several Boulder, 23 May 1965, Lanham & decimeters the height of the tallest Weber 12,381. An adventive from plants of either species. They did not southeastern Europe and Asia Minor.


Ihc following taxa were included doubtfully by Harrington (1954) be­ cause he had not seen specimens which validated published reports. These arc here definitely added to the flora on the basis of a specimen by the writer (in­ dicated by !) or cited by a monographer. Following the name of the taxon are 1) the family, 2) the source of the report when known, 3) collection data of the specimen and 4) the herbarium housing it and the authority for the determina­ tion.

A b u t jl o n i’a k v u l u m A. G ray 22 Sept. 1895, S. L. Clarke 64 (! n y ). [Malvaceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 231). C h e il a n t h e s w o o t o n ii M axon There are three specimens: Fremont [Polypodiaceae], Wherry ( 1938, p. Co.: Canyon City, 30 Sept. 1873, E. 131). Baca Co.: crevices in N.-facing L. Greene s.n.; same locality, July sandstone ledges, large canyon tributary 1892, Alice Eastwood s.n.; same, 1873, to Carrizo Creek, 9 miles by road S. I'. S. Brandegee 865 (! n y ). of Kirk well (about 7 miles N.E. of S.W. corner of Colorado), 14 Aug. A l l io n ia in c a r n a t a L. [Nyctagin- 1937, Wherry s.n. (! c o l o , p h ); aceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 124), under Prowers Co.: Bristol, April 1917, Duce Wedelia. Fremont Co.: Soda Spring Ledge, Canyon City, T. S. Brandegee s.n. (! c o l o ).

in 1874, No. 896 (! n y ). C h e n o p o d iu m chenopodioides (L.) Aellen var. d e g e n ia n u m Aellen A l o p e c u r u s carolinianus W alt. [Chenopodiaceae], Rydberg (1906, p. [G ram ineae]. H itchcock (1950, fig. 115) as C. hum ile Hook. Gunnison 507). Washington Co.: Akron, 24 Co.: 7,680 ft. alt., 27 Aug. 1901, C. June 1909, H. L. Shantz 977 (! u s ) . F. Baker 935 (! n y , determined by H. A. W ahl). A m a r a n t h u s p u b e s c e n s (U line & Bray) Rydb. [Amaranthaceae]. Stand­ E l e o c h a r is atropurpurea (R etz) by (1917, pp. 115-116). El Paso Co.: Kunth [Cyperaceae]. Svenson (1929, p. 227). Weld Co.: La Poudre River Nutt, to some degree and may be only at Greeley, E. L. Greene s.n. (cited by a variety of it.” We now have good ma­ Svenson, 1. c.). terial from Montezuma County: Four Corners, above the San Juan River, E l e o c h a r is m o n ie v id e n s is K unth 5,000 ft. alt., on dry slopes, 16 May [Cyperaceaej. Svenson (1939, p. 220). 1964, Erdman and Watson 434. Ipo­ Larimer Co.: Fort Collins, C. F. Baker mopsis gunnisonii is amply distinct in 1893 (p ). from I. pumila, but it is so poorly known that few treatments have had to E l e o c h a r is w o l f ii A. Gray [Cy- grapple with its characteristics. Kear­ peraceae]. Svenson (1939, p. 18). El ney & Peebles (1960, p. 689) and Har­ Paso Co.: Black Forest, J. FI. Christ, rington (1954) make the separation 1,029 (c u ) . wholly on the basis of the tendency to

H a b e n a r ia sparsiflora S. W ats. entire leaves (gunnisonii) or pinnatifid [Orchidaceae]. Correll (1950, p. 109). leaves (pum ila). Since the largest leaves El Paso Co.: Big Jack Brook, Minne­ of gunnisonii may have a few shallow haha, 8,400 ft. alt., Penland 170 teeth, the distinction is not clear to the (! coco); Garfield Co.: between Car- reader. The flowers and indument pro­ bondale and Redville, 23 June 1941, vide much better characters. In I. gun­ Kill ip 36,477 (! coco); Pitkin Co.: nisonii the corolla lobes are about as 10 miles N. of Redstone on Crystal long as the tube so that the tube itself River, 7 July 1947, Penland 3,597 is relatively inconspicuous. The stem, (! coco); Rio Blanco and Montrose especially above, is only sparsely arach­ counties (Correll, op. cit.). noid-pubescent but very glandular, the glandulosity most pronounced on the H a p l o p a p p u s linearifolius ssp. peduncles and bracts. The flower clust­ in t e r io r (Coville) H . M. Hall [Com­ er is dense, with many flowers blos­ positae]. Hall (1928, p. 158). Surface soming at once, giving the effect of a Creek, , June 1892, Pay- capitate cluster. son [error for Pur pus] (z, cited by In I. pum ila the upper stem is dense­ Hall, op. cit.). ly arachnoid and only sparsely and inconspicuously glandular. The corolla H a p l o p a p p u s pluriflorus (A. tube is long and narrow, exceeding G ray) H . M. Hall [Compositae]. Ryd- the lobes and becomes very conspicuous berg (1906, p. 343) reports this from in the herbarium preparation. The “on the Arkansas.” This is the collec­ flowers bloom a few at a time and the tion made on Major Long’s Expedition. cluster has a cuneate base, not appear­ The specimen at n y (!) reads “C olo.” ing capitate. in a later handwriting. Rydberg also re­ ported Isocoma wrightii Rydh. [= //. K allstroemia brachystylis Vail pluriflorus, fide Hall] from southwest­ [Zygophyllaceae]. Harrington (1954, ern Colorado. The specimen is “San p. 357). = K. californica var. brachy­ Juan Valley, Brandegee” (! n y ). There stylis (Vail) Kearney & Peebles. Otero is a possibility that the latter specimen Co.: Rocky Ford, 20-30 Aug. 1898, may have been collected in Utah. L. R. Moyer s.n (! n y ); Pueblo Co.; common along railroad track near de­ I p o m o p s is g u n n is o n ii (T. & G.) V. pot, 19 June 1898, Baker, Earle & Tra­ Grant, Aliso 3: 361. 1956. Gilia gun- cy 4 (! n y , 2 specimens). nisonii T. & G. [Polemoniaceae], This species was reported very doubtfully in L a c t u c a craminifolia M ichx. the Manual, with an added statement [Compositae], Rydberg (1906, p. 410). that it "intergrades with G. pumila Ouray Co.: along Uncompahgre River near Ouray, 10 Sept. 1901, 2,300 m. /•’. Clements s.n. (! n y ). This locality alt., L. M. Underwood & A. D. Sel­ is along the cog railway on the south by s.n. (! n y ). slope of Pikes Peak above Halfway house. L ister a b o r e a l is Morong |Orchi- daceae|. Rydberg ( 1906, p. 89). Clear S a t u r e j a v u l g a r is L. var. n e o - Creek Co.: Silver Plume, 7 July 1912, gaea Fernald [Labiatae]. Rydberg collector? (! ny ). (1906, p. 299), as Clinopodium vul- gare. Routt Co.: Sierra Madre, Steam­ M e r t e n s ia a r iz o n ic a Greene var. boat Springs, 10,000 ft. alt., J. M . GRAHAMii Greene [Boraginaceaej. The Coulter s.n., 7 Aug. 1873, Hayden type collection is from Colorado: Gra­ Surveys (! n y ); same locality, July ham 9,667, canyon at head of west 1891, Alice Eastwood ( c o l o ). fork, Douglas Creek, 7,000 ft. alt., 16 July 1935 ( m o ). A second collection S c ir p u s s u p in u s L. var. h a l l u A. from the type area is: Garfield Co.; 36 Gray [Cyperaceae]. Fernald (1901, p. miles N. of Loma, 8,000 ft. alt. along 251, as S. hallii); S. saximontanus brook among aspens, 28 May 1943, Fernald. Weld Co.: banks of the Pou- Ripley & Barneby 5,485 (! n y ). dre River, Greeley, 20 Sept. 1872, E. L. Greene s.n. (! g h ). M o n o l e p is p u s h .la Torr. [Cheno- podiaceae). Rydberg (1906, p. 116). T h a m n o s m a t e x a n a Torr. [Ruta- Mesa Co.: Grand Junction, May 1892, ceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 221). Fre­ Eastwood 6,106 (! n y ). mont Co.: Soda Spring Ledge, Canyon City, Brandegee s.n. Although the M y o s u r u s n it id u s Eastw. |Ranun- specimen has not been examined, there eulaceae|. The type locality is Monte­ is no reason to doubt the citation. zuma Co.: Mancos, June 1891, East­ wood s.n. ( ! c o l o , May 1891 collec­ T h e l i .u n g ie l l a s a l s u g in e a (P al­ tion). las) O. E. Schulz, Pflanzenreich IV. Nama dichotomum (R. & P.) 105. Vol 86: 252. 1924. Syn.: Sisym ­ brium salsugineum Pallas; Arabidopsis Choisy |Hydrophyllaceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 284) as Marilaunidium an- salsuginea N. Busch [Cruciferae]. This gustifolium; Hitchcock ( 1933, p. 528): rare species, known from a handful of boreal American localities, was report­ Fremont Co., Brandegee 1,046; 5,275. El Paso Co.: Colorado Springs, Aug.- ed by Payson (1922) from a collection Sept. 1872, John Torrey s.n. (! n y ) ; made by T. C. Porter in South Park, Alamosa Co.: Alamosa, 20 July 1896, 24 July 1872 (! n y ). Subsequently C. L. Shear s.n. (! n y ). the colony was rediscovered by Pen- land: Park Co.: alkaline area between

N a m a h is p j d u m A. Gray [Hydro- Hartsel and Antero Junction, 8,900 ft. phyllaceae]. Hitchcock (1933, p. 523). alt., 2 Sept. 1957, Penland 4,949 “S.W. Colorado, not common, 1875,” (coco) and collected in 1965 at the Brandegee 5,277 on Hayden’s Geol. same locality by the writer. The species Survey ( m o , annotated by C. h. is evidently a winter annual which Hitchcock). drops its rosette leaves before the flowering stems mature. Flowering P e n n e l l i a m ic r a n l h a (A . G ray) stems thus appear to be delicate an­ Nieuwland [Cruciferae]. Rydberg nuals, growing incongruously in the (1906, p. 167) as Thelypodium mi- typical halophytic community of the cranthum. El Paso Co.: rocky cliffs, alkaline flat, associated with Suaeda, Mountain View, Pikes Peak, July 1901, Triglochin and Salicornia. REJECTED TAX A

T he following taxa were included in the Manual, but for reasons discussed below under each entry, these should be deleted from the list until further evidence justifies their inclusion.

A g r o s t e m m a u ith a g o L. [Caryo- proposing this species, listed its major phyllaceae]. This report is evidently area as southern Arizona and western not based upon a published record nor New Mexico as far north as the Sandia an herbarium specimen. Mountains. He also cited one speci­ men from Colorado (Osterhout No. A m a r a n t h u s p a l m e r i S. W ats. 1,951 from Glenwood Springs). Munz [AmaranthaceaeJ. Rydberg (1906, p. (1948) accepted the Payson record but 121) reported this from “Clear Creek discussed only the Arizona-New Mex­ Canyon above Golden, alt. about 6,000 ico specimens. Later, Munz (1949) ft.” The specimen could not be located described A. barnebyi from the same at n y and probably had been reclassi­ general area, Rio Blanco Co.: Piceance fied. Sauer (1955) does not cite nor Creek, 3 miles below Rio Blanco, R ip ­ map the species north of New Mexico. ley & Barneby 9,179. Aquilegia barne­ byi and the Colorado material of A. A n c h u s a officinalis L. [Boragin- triternata are identical. It seems rea­ aceae], Cited by Rydberg (1906, p. sonable to apply the working hypoth­ 289) from “Fort Collins.” The speci­ esis that the Colorado material should men (! n y ) belongs to Anchusa italica all be called A. barnebyi and be con­ Retz. ( A . azurea Mill.), a garden sidered endemic in the small range escape common in the Denver-Fort from Glenwood Springs to Rio Blanco, Collins area. A . italica has linear-lan- and that the name triternata be re­ ceolate bracts and calyx-lobes, a larger stricted to the Arizona-New Mexico corolla, and faucal appendages in the material. corolla throat that bear a tuft of stiff brown hairs (see Fernald, 1950, p. A r t e m is ia michauxiana Besser 1,199, and Johnston, 1924, p. 9, for [CompositaeJ. Rydberg (1906, p. 387), keys and descriptions, and Guzuleac, reported this (sub A. discolor D ougl.) 1929, for nomenclature). from Lake City. The specimen, F. N . Pease, s.n. June 26, 1878, has simply A q u il e g ia f l a v e s c e n s S. W ats. pinnatifid leaves and conforms to A. [Ranunculaceae], Munz (1946, p. 101) ludoviciana ssp. incom pta (N u tt.) cited this without locality in his mono­ Keck. Keck (1946) does not allow A. graph: “W. C. Sturgis, July 19, 1902, michauxiana in Colorado. and H. B. Meredith, June 17, 1895.” Payson’s earlier monograph (1918) A s c l e p ia s verticillata L. [Ascle- mentions no Colorado specimens. Un­ piadaceae]. Woodson’s monograph fortunately, Munz did not cite the her­ (1954), does not substantiate earlier barium location for any of the above. reports of the species in Colorado al­ If the species were present in Colorado, though the species does occur not far it would be expected near the Utah from the eastern border. boundary. C a i.o c h o r t u s macrocarpus Dougl. A q u il e g ia t r it e r n a t a Payson [Liliaceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 85) re­ [Ranunculaceae]. Payson (1918), in ported this (sub C. acuminatus) from Mancos. Several Mancos collections collected in adjacent Utah. Payson’s are cited by Ownbey (1940) including monograph (1918a) does not allow those available to Rydberg, under C. the species in Colorado. nuttallii, and he does not allow C. m a­ crocarpus in Colorado. The Rydberg E r io g o n u m chrysocephalum A. report appears to be based on a mis- Gray [Polygonaceae]. Rydberg (1906, identification. p. 106) reported this from “southern C olorado, Brandegee.” No material C h a e n a c t is angustifolia G reene under this name or under the relevant [Compositae]. Stockwell (1940, p. synonymy was found at n y . Rydberg 115) gives the distribution as includ­ evidently did not see a specimen and ing western Wyoming and adjacent was merely quoting a report. Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, but he cited no Colorado material, nor E r io g o n u m w r ig h t ii Torr. [Poly­ did he include Colorado localities on gonaceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 107) the distribution map. The central Colo­ reported this from “Colorado,” Thur- rado specimen reported by the Manual ber. The specimen (! n y ) has the la­ is not C. angustifolia but a form of C. bel, “Flerb. Geo. V. Nash, ‘Colo’ ex douglasii. herb. Dr. T hurber, leg. S. Hayes, M ay 17, 1858.” This is the specimen cited CRYPTANTHA PATTERSONtr (A. by Rydberg, but the collection is in Gray) Greene [Boraginaceae]. The all probability from Arizona, where type ( g h ) and an isotype ( c o l o ) T hurber was active. N o “S. H ayes” is have been examined. The only charac­ known to have collected in Colorado. ter serving to separate this from the closely related C. fendleri (G ray) F o r s e l l e s ia s p t n e s c e n s (A. G ray) Greene is the very slight tendency to Greene [Celastraceae]. Rydberg (1906, heteromorphy of the odd nutlet. Exam­ p. 226) reported this from Grand ination of a large series of C. fendleri, Junction and Hovenweep Castle. En­ a species abundant in and around the sign (1942) maintains F. spinescens type area (Fair Grounds, Denver), as a species of S. N ew M exico, S. A ri­ suggests that the character is not a val­ zona and W. Texas. The western Colo­ id one and that there is considerable rado species is F. meionandra ( Koe- variation around the very minor differ­ hne) Heller. ence shown in the type collection.

G e r a n iu m m a r g in a l e Rydb. [Ger- C r y p t a n t h a t o r r e y a n a (G ray) Greene [Boraginaceae]. Rydberg (1906, aniaceae]. Jones and Jones (1943, p. p. 289) reports this from Idaho 41) are responsible for the report of Springs. The specimen is “Idaho this species in the Colorado flora. Springs, 29 Aug. 1895, herb. P. A. Neither the original description nor the later work of Rydberg (1922), which Rydberg” (! n y ). It is annual, with nutlets 4, all alike, smooth and shin­ they cite, mentioned the plant outside ing, broadly lanceolate, the groove of Utah. Since the authors did not central and margins obtuse. This is cite any specimens, it must be conclud­ Cryptantha fendleri (Gray) Greene. ed that the statement is erroneous.

D it h y r e a w is l iz e n ii Engelrn. [Cru­ H a p l o e s t h e s g r e g g ii A. G ray ciferae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 154) cites [Compositae], Rydberg (1906, p. 387) “valley of the San Juan, Brandegee.” reported this from “southeastern Colo­ No specimen was found at n y , and it rado, exact locality not given.” This is likely that the specimen was actually implies that Rydberg was quoting another source and did not have a should be regarded as a transposed la­ specimen in hand. None was found in bel. The species comes no closer to his herbarium at n y . Colorado than southwestern Idaho.

H e l ia n t h u s salicifolius A. Dietr. P a r t h e n ic e m o l l is A. Gray [Com­ [Compositae]. Rydberg (1932, p. 841) positae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 371) re­ cited “e. Colo.” but did not refer to ports this from "southern Colorado.” specimens. Nor are there any earlier The only material at n y is from south­ reports. All of the H. salicifolius at ernmost Arizona and New Mexico. n y was revised in 1958 by W. D. Rydberg evidently was quoting from Martin. There is no material under another source and had no first-hand that name at present which might information. The species is far out of have been available to Rydberg. range for Colorado and should be re­ jected. J p o m o e a p u r p u r e a (L .) Lam. [ConvolvulaceaeJ. Rydberg ( 1922, p. P h y l a l a n c f .o l a t a (M ichx.) 676, and 1932, p. 649) simply cited Greene. [Verbenaceae|. The record “Colo.” No specimens were located stems from Moldenke (1942, p. 11). at n y , and Rydberg cited none. However, on p. 76, Moldenke states that the record was erroneous and J u g e a n s r u p e s t r is Engelni. [Jug- should be deleted. In his later work landaceae]. The writer is unable to lo­ (Moldenke, 1949) the species is not cate any source for the Colorado re­ recorded from Colorado. port. The species is not allowed for Colorado by Little (1953) and there P h YT I.ODOCE E M PETR I FO R M I S are no specimens at us or at NY. (Benth.) D. Don [|. Rydberg Colorado is quite out of range for the (1906, p. 260) reported this from species. "Grizzly Gulch, near Gray’s Peak.” The collector was Alice Eastwood. Al­ L ithospermum c a n f . s c e n s fred Russel Wallace (1905, pp. ISO- (Michx.) Lehrn. [Boraginaceae]. Ryd­ 184) described the excursion with Miss berg (1906, p. 293) reported this Eastwood and mentioned collecting from “Boulder.” The specimen is this species. However, the Eastwood Tweedy 5680, “plains and foothills specimen ( c o l o , as Bryanthus em- near Boulder, June 1903” (! n y ). petriformis) is polifolia. U n­ The determination is in Rydberg’s less another specimen is located, the re­ hand, but above the label Rydberg put port must be assumed to be a mis- two question marks. The plant is L. identification. multiflorum.

L y c o ps is a r v e n s is L. f Boragin­ PlPTOC'HAF.TIUM FIMRRIATUM ( H. aceae]. The record rests on the bald B. K.) Hitchc. [Gramineae|. The speci­ citation “Colo.” by Johnston (1924, p. men in question, "Colorado, George 8). In the absence of any additional Vasey, 1889” (! u s ) is suspect, hav­ documentation the record is rejected. ing come second hand to Smithsonian in 1901, from the herbarium of Chas. M i m u i .u s n a n u s H. & A. [Scrophu- Mohr, Mobile, La. The data are not lariaceae]. Reported by Grant (1924, original but transcribed onto the Mohr p. 295) from “Graymont [Clear Creek herbarium label. Since all other col­ Co.], without date, Letterm an ( m ).” lections are from S. Arizona, S. New The report is so far out of range and M exico, and S. Texas, it is likely that inconsistent with evidence from mod­ the writer of the label (not Vasey) ern exploration in the area that this erred in the transcribing. The Ginter report given in the Manual must be culaceae]. A specimen at n y bears regarded as hearsay. Benson’s annotation. There are three small specimens on the sheet. The la­ P h y sa lis p r u in o s a L. [Solanaceae]. bel is headed “Ex Herbarium of Dart­ Waterfall (1958, p. 167) indicates that mouth College: Anemone parviflora the taxon passing under this name in Michx. — coll. W. F. Flint — S. W. the older w orks is P. pubescens L. var. Colorado (received from the herbar­ grisea Waterfall, for which he lists no ium of George W. Nash).” The data Colorado records. Most likely P. pruin­ accompanying the specimens are too osa and P. neomexicana of Rydberg scant to be convincing, the original de­ (1906) both belong to P. foetens Poir. termination A nem one suggests that the var. neomexicana (Rydb.) Waterfall. labels might have been switched, and the specimen has obviously passed

P h y sa l is p u m il a Nutt. [Solan- through several hands. Ewan (1950) aceae]. Waterfall (1958, p. 138) limits does not list Flint among the Rocky this species to W. Missouri, E. Kansas, Mountain collectors. E. Oklahoma, and adjacent Texas. Old­ er Colorado reports are erroneous. R a n u n c u l u s m ic r a n t h u s N utt. [Ranunculaceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 145) reported this from Twin Lakes. P o ly g a la acanthoclada A. G ray Benson, who has reviewed the Ameri­ [Polygalaceae]. The Colorado record can material thoroughly, does not al­ hinges upon interpretation of the pre­ cise location of the type station. The low the species in Colorado. There are, original description states: “growing furthermore, no specimens from Colo­ on a bluff side near the San Juan River rado in the Rydberg herbarium at n y . in Utah, not far from the Colorado S p ir a n t h e s p o r r if o l ia Lindl. boundary.” An isotype (! n y ) reads: [OrchidaceaeJ. Rydberg (1906, p. 89) “near the Colorado and Utah lines, reported this from Camp Harding near San Juan Valley, Aug. 1875, T. S. Pikes Peak. Correll (1950) considers Brandegee 1,172”. There seems to be S. porrifolia to be the Pacific Coast no real evidence that the collection was race of S. romanzoffiana. The speci­ made in Colorado. men in question could not be located at n y . P ycnanthemum virginianum (L .)

Dur. & Jacks. [Labiataej. Grant and S p o r o b o l u s pyramidatus (L am .) Epling (1943) show on their distribu­ Hitchc. [Gramineae]. According to tion map a dot near Denver. There is Harrington (personal communication), no citation or statement of range to a letter from Agnes Chase stated that substantiate this. The report is assum­ there was a specimen at n y , labeled ed to be an error. “Colorado, 1886, Vasey.” A search of the collections there was fruitless. This Q u e r c u s p u n g e n s Liebm. [Fag- record probably stands in the same aceae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 99) reports class with that of Piplochaetium fim- this from “Canyon City; Arkansas briatum, which see. Canyon.” Muller (1951) excludes

Colorado from the range, which ex­ S tephanomeria v irg a t a Benth. tends from W. Texas to New Mexico [Compositae]. Rydberg (1906, p. 403) and Arizona, southward into Mexico. reported this from Grand Junction. I am indebted to Mr. Rupert Barneby, R a n u n c u l u s fascicularis var. who has studied the specimen: Grand a p r ic u s (Greene) Fernald [Ranun- Junction, 15 June 1900, Susan (7. Stokes ( n y ), and identifies it with T. elongatus: Fremont Co.: Shear 972, Stephanomeria exigua N utt. S. virgata S. M. Tracy in 1887, and M. E. Jones is a species of the Pacific coast states in 1878. and Nevada. V e r b e n a c a n a d e n s is (L.) Britton Symphoricarpos orbiculatus A. [Verbenaceae]. The record is based on Gray [Caprifoliaceae], Manitou, Sept. two specimens collected by Mrs. Lucy 1, ]892, A. Isabel Mulford (as S. oc­ J. Brewster ( c o l o ) determined by cidentalism, annotated by Rydberg and Moldenke in 1948. Unlike most of the reported by him (1906, p. 324) as S. Brewster collections, which have a symphoricarpos (! n y ). The specimen stated locality such as “Lone Cone” was probably from a cultivated plant. or “western Colorado,” these merely It has not been collected again. give: ‘‘Locality: Minn, to Kans.” Mrs. Brewster came to San Miguel Co., T r id e n s m u t ic u s (Torr.) Nash Colorado, from Baxter Springs, Kansas. [Gramineae]. The statement in the There is, therefore, a good possibility Manual that the record is apparently that the specimens came from Kansas, based on a misdetermination is correct. which is in range for the species, rather The following specimens (! us) have than from western Colorado, which is since been redetermined by Chase as quite out of range. LITERATURE CITED

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