HTML5 As Common User Interface Layer in Mobile Device Platforms

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HTML5 As Common User Interface Layer in Mobile Device Platforms Jukka Paasonen HTML5 as Common User Interface Layer in Mobile Device Platforms Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Master’s Degree in Information Technology Multimedia Communications Master’s Thesis 3 December 2012 Abstract PREFACE The research started back in 2010 with near to native solutions and with a purpose to reduce errors while implementing final user interface from an accepted prototype. While the research moved on, so did the industry and the buzz for HTML5 was getting louder. With this so did the research evolve to include HTML5 to one of the prototyping tools and solutions that could be used in the production code. The market of mobile device platforms has been fragmenting increasingly, which makes development, let alone testing more tedious. While most of them have software simulator, true testing should be done in a real device. Acquiring all the devices can be expensive, which made the research somewhat slow. The research should give a fairly good view on which platforms should be targeted today, which tools to use for development, how to test for feature availability and speed performance. With the results the developers can evaluate if HTML5 is the right solution for the given application. This research would have not been possible without many individuals whom I wish to give my sincere gratitude. These people include, but not limited to Mari Paasonen, Har- ri Kiljander, Kari Sysimiilu, Petri Kosonen, Yoshinao Nanbu, Ville Jääskeläinen and Karin Paasonen. I wish I was younger and technologies like HTML5 would mature faster. Helsinki, October 25, 2012 Jukka Paasonen Abstract Author Jukka Paasonen Title HTML5 as Common User Interface Layer in Mobile Device Plat- forms Number of Pages 74 pages Date 3 December 2012 Degree Master of Engineering Degree Programme Information Technology Specialisation option Multimedia Communications Instructor(s) Ville Jääskeläinen, Principal Lecturer Harri Kiljander, Dr. Tech, Interactive Digital Media HTML5 is spreading from web to mobile applications. This research was started to find out if HTML5 and the related technologies were ready to be used for cross platform mobile device application development in the current market major devices. The research selected four current mobile device platforms based on the current market shares and on developer surveys for finding the most popular platforms. For each platform their manufacturer’s recommended development solution was evaluated against the ability for creating HTML5 based applications. The three most popular third party cross platform solutions based on HTML5 and related technologies were evaluated for their development process and compared to the manufacturers’ offering. Tools for testing against HTML5 and compliances of other standards as well as perfor- mance, were evaluated for their ability to test features, benchmark application speed and easy of use. HTML5 seems the best solution for cross platform development, when there are more than one target platform. The compliance of tools and standards is maturing rapidly and very decent compatibility is offered with the modern development platforms. Key words HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Mobile, Smartphone, User Inter- face Table of Contents Preface Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Abbreviations/Acronyms 1 Introduction 1 2 HTML5 and Related Technologies 5 2.1 Brief history of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 10 2.2 Current Status and Future of HTML5 10 2.3 Semantic Approach 12 2.4 Cascaded Style Sheets 3 (CSS3) 13 2.5 JavaScript 15 2.6 HTML5 as Mobile Application Platform 17 3 Mobile Platform Selection 19 4 Mobile Platform Native Solution Analysis 27 4.1 Apple iOS 28 4.2 Google Android 31 4.3 Microsoft Windows Phone 34 4.4 RIM Blackberry 36 5 Cross Platform Solutions 39 5.1 Appcelerator Titanium 42 5.2 Adobe PhoneGap 44 5.3 Sencha Touch 47 5.4 Xamarin Mono 48 6 Feature Availability and Performance 49 6.1 Feature Detection 51 6.2 Benchmarking Tools 52 6.2.1 Dromaeo 56 6.2.2 Kraken 56 6.2.3 Octane [76] 56 6.2.4 Ringmark 57 6.2.5 RoboHornet 59 6.2.6 SunSpider [1] 60 6.3 Test Results 60 7 Results and Analysis 62 8 Discussion and Conclusions 64 References 66 List of figures Figure 1. Iterative software development progress [2] ........................................... 3 Figure 2. HTML5 taxonomy and status in December 2011 [4] ................................. 5 Figure 3. KendoUI developer survey results for HTML5 development interest [8:5] ... 7 Figure 4. Native, HTML5, or Hybrid: Understanding Your Mobile Application Development Options [12] ...................................................................................... 8 Figure 5. Native functionality as an extension to plain web app [11:4] ..................... 9 Figure 6. HTML5 is just past the peak of expectations in the eyes of the developers [16] 11 Figure 7. Progressive Enhancement Paradigm on Web Site and WebApp [24:112] .. 12 Figure 8. HTML4 and HTML5 comparison in two simple iPhone page structures [24:247] 13 Figure 9. The structure of web apps in comparison to hybrid apps [33:30] ............. 18 Figure 10. Developer satisfaction for HTML5 based applications [34:4] ................. 18 Figure 11. Top five mobile operating systems according to StatCounter [36]......... 20 Figure 12. Developer Mindshare index 2010-2012 according to VisionMobile [37] .. 21 Figure 13. Developer Intentshare 2011-2012 according to VisionMobile [37] ......... 22 Figure 14. Developer platform preference results for the third quarter of 2012 by Appcelerator / IDC [34] ........................................................................................ 23 Figure 15. Interest rate of developer platforms during 2010-2012 [34] ................. 24 Figure 16. VisionMobile 100 Million Club infographic at the end of first half 2012 [39] 25 Figure 17. Form factor targets in the order of priority for developers [37] ............. 26 Figure 18. iOS software architecture layers [45] ................................................. 30 Figure 19. iOS version adoption in June 2012 of all sold devices [46] ................... 31 Figure 20. Android platform version distribution in 1 st October 2012 ..................... 33 Figure 21. Enabling JavaScript processing in Android WebView ............................ 33 Figure 22. Windows Phone 8 Application models [55] ......................................... 35 Figure 23. BlackBerry 10 WebWorks native to HTML5 layers [61]......................... 38 Figure 24. Developer mindshare of the cross platform tools [33:34] ..................... 39 Figure 25. Developer intentshare of the cross-platform tools [33:35] ................... 40 Figure 26. Titanium platform chart [64] ............................................................. 43 Figure 27. PhoneGap application development process [68] ................................ 45 Figure 28. Feature detection method in JavaScript .............................................. 51 Figure 29. APIs and features used in Rings 0 and 1 of Ringmark [79] .................. 58 List of tables Table 1. CSS3 modules and their statuses .......................................................... 14 Table 2. Major web browser JavaScript rendering engines [1:116] ....................... 16 Table 3. The main mobile device platforms in the market today [41] .................... 27 Table 4. Development Requirements [41] .......................................................... 28 Table 5. iOS version release dates and the corresponding devices ........................ 29 Table 6. Android Platform versions in October 1 st 2012 [48] ................................. 31 Table 7. Resolutions and aspect ratios that are supported in Windows Phone 8 [57] 36 Table 8. Available development solutions for BlackBerry 10 [60] .......................... 37 Table 9. Mobile device operating system support per cross platform solution ........ 41 Table 10. Licensing, pricing and tools of the cross platform solutions .................. 41 Table 11. PhoneGap feature support in different mobile platforms [62:10, 68] ..... 46 Table 12. Mobile operating systems and their versions supported by Sencha Touch 2 [72] 48 Table 13. Mobile Browser rendering engines [62] .............................................. 49 Table 14. Comparison table of the several testing tools that are available online .. 52 Table 15. test suite results for software simulators ............................................ 60 Abbreviations and Acronyms API Application Programming Interface ASF Apache Software Foundation CSS Cascaded Style Sheets DN Developer Network FPS Frames Per Second DOM Document Object Model GPL GNU General Public License GUI Graphical User Interface HTML Hypertext Markup Language IE10 Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 web browser IETF Internet Engineering Task Force iOS Apple Operating System used in iPhone and iPad devices J2ME Java 2 Mobile Edition JIT Just In Time compilation method used by scripting language engines JS JavaScript LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License MathML Markup Language for Mathematical expressions in HTML MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions MVC Model, View and Controller NDK Native Development Kit NGEN Native Image Creator used by Microsoft in their App Store OS Operating System PNG Portable Network Graphics QML Qt Meta object Language Qt C++ cross platform GUI library S^3 Nokia Symbian^3 Operating System SDK Software Development Kit SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Interaction Language SVG Scalable
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