and a Shegog, trio by Law- son, Mr. William Monroe, rence Brown, Ralph Goffney Jr. from Hampton Institute. and Roland Young. As in I You * * * Wishing Health, I Past years this was a treat Happiness j Funeral services long to be remembered. At for Mr. Monday, December 14th I and for the end of the program Mr. the Yuletide I James Ligrhtfoot who died Prosperity Eugene Williams presented were held the Band a donation from Sunday, December and the New Year! the NAaCP. 21 at the Mt Zion Baptist | | * * * Church. Services were con- ducted Rev. E. Visiting Mrs. Virginia of by L. Green, assisted 10th Street, N. W. for the pastor by Rev. E. D. holiday are her daughter McCreary, pastor of Eb- Citizens Miss Monroe enezer Church. Burial was ! Bank and Trust Company from j State Charlottesville, Va. 2 Virginia College and Continued on Page Eight

w»w» ttvn — »•-»-- ■**- ipv if j- mir TihTW W HIM M SEASON’S GREETINGS! I ; \\ j Wish You a Very Joyous !i Christmastide and Prosperity J for the New Year! i f A CHANGE IN COACHES—James A. “Jimmy” Stevens, left, assistant director of f athletics at A&T College takes over the b asketball coaching assignment at the col- I Charlottesville lege for the Lumber Co. remainder of the season from Leroy F. Harris, right. John Flowers, of I TELEPHONE: 2-5135 captain the Aggies, center, participates in the conference connected with the of- CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. ficial Harris was change. relieved because of illness. ^ mn nett-tuu


; Mr. Coles. Novelty prizes 3i A Christmas and a CHARLOTTESVILLE SOCIETY Merry were awarded to Mrs. Jo-| ; ji sephine Barbour and Mrs New By MRS. DONNA REAVES A Prosperous Year Ethel Allen. Merry Christmas and a The Geri Club held its 2nd grade class came in and * * * monthly meeting Thursday, rendered Christmas music, The Burley High School | New Year! h December 17th at 11:30 at after which there ! Happy PEOPLES was a Band presented its annual | i i j the Carver Recreation Cen- reading by Mrs. Watson. Concert at the High School To Our Customers and ter. Mrs. Victoria The Many Friends! NATIONAL BANK Murray, meeting was closed by 15th, under the direction of [ president and Mrs. Rev. 1 and the mem- I OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Gofney Kennedy Mr. H. L. Shegog, Band I i F chairman of com- bers | program enjoyed lovely refresh- master. The Band If ji f 1 mitteee played f j Member Federal presided. Devotion- ments. The next will j Deposit Insurance Corporation meeting varied selections, folk songs, | als were led by Rev. I. A. J. be held on the 4th Thursday spirituals, popular and National Bank and Trust for Kennedy. Those on program in j Company BRANCHES, your convenience, at January. Christmas music. A saxo- were Mrs. Virginia Ed- At Va. i i — — * * * CROZET LOUISA ELKTON — UNIVERSITY phone solo was by Roland Charlottesville, wards Reading, solo Mr. Young, piano duet by Miss Spears, recitation Robert W. Smith will be Geraldine Jackson and Mr. eftt WA _... Mrs. Mills, duet Marshall one of the speakers for the lb «04 Garrett and Percy Cox, rec- Chesapeake Chapter of the itation Mrs. Dora Walls, Organists Guild to be held in recitation Mrs. Boston and Baltimore on December recitation Mrs. Ida Farrar. 28th. Mr. Smith, organist of the Mrs M. B. Taylor and her University Baptist Church will speak on “The Organs of Charlottesville, Virginia.” He will analyze two of the oldest instru- A District Theatre ments which are in the First Baptist Church at 7th and VIRGINIA Main and in Ebenezer Roanoke, Virginia Church on 6th Street. These I two organs came to Char- Sun.-Mon.—Dec. 27-28 STRAIGHT lottesville in 1867 and 1871 BOURBON WHKKY "A LION IS IN THE respectively and were orgin- in the First STREETS" ally Baptist and First Presbyterian Churches with James Cagney downtown. They were con- Barbara Hale structed by the firms of John M. Otto and Tues.-Wed.—Dec. Hilborne 29-30 Roosevelt.

"SEA DEVILS" * * * with Yvonne De Carlo Mrs. Pauline H. Garrett Rock Hudson entertained the Felicitas Club Thursday, Dec. 31 Bridge at her resi- dence on West Main Street, "BEWARE" Tuesday, December 15th. with Louis Jordan Members and guests pre- All Colored Cast plus sent were Mr. and Mrs. Golden Coles, Mr. and Mrs. 38 Minutes of Thrills ! James Baylor, Mr and Mrs. "THE HOAXTERS" James Carter, Mrs. Ethel this be a (History's Badmen) Allen, Mrs. Josephine Bar- May bour, Mrs. Ruth Coles, Mr3. season of Fri.-Sat.—Jan. 1-2 Otelia Jackson, Mrs. Peachie 'LONE HAND" Jackson, Mrs. Constance great happiness with Joel McCrea Ragland, Mrs. Pleasants, Mrs. Bernice Ferguson, Mrs. * Barbara Hale Birdie Poindexter and Miss "Canadian Mt. vs. Atomic Marion Wyatt. Prizes for Invaders" No. 1 H I- LO Market high scores went to Mrs. 213 Nelson Baylor, Mr3. Ferguson and St., S. E.

Wishing You A

Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


