Canterbury Water Hurunui Waiau Zone Implementation Programme 22 July 2011 This Zone Implementation Programme has been prepared by the Hurunui Waiau Water Management Zone Committee: David Eder Chair, Community member John Faulkner Deputy, Chair Community member Andrew Harris Community member Michele Hawke Community member Tony Hawker Community member Mike Hodgen Community member Ken Hughey Community member Makarini Rupene Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga Raewyn Solomon Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura David Bedford Canterbury Regional Council Winton Dalley Hurunui District Council With assistance from: Te Marino Lenihan Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga Miria Goodwin Environment Canterbury Ian Whitehouse Environment Canterbury The Zone Committee thank those who contributed to the development of our ZIP, and we look forward to working with the local and regional community to achieve our vision – a thriving natural environment, healthy waterways, and a prospering zone. For more information contact Ian “Whit” Whitehouse Zone Facilitator
[email protected] Phone 027 500 1833 Toitū te marae o Tangaroa Toitū te marae o Tāne Toitū te iwi If the domains of Tangaroa (water) and Tāne (land) are strong and vibrant; So too will people be strong and vibrant EXecUTIVE SUMMARY Since July 2010, the Hurunui Waiau Zone Committee, a joint committee of the Hurunui District Council and Environment Canterbury, has worked collaboratively and undertaken extensive consultation with, and received submissions from, Rūnanga, local communities, interested parties, industry groups, government and non-government organisations, scientists and advisory groups to develop the recommendations on water management presented in this Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP). The Zone Committee and this ZIP are part of implementing the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) in the Hurunui Waiau Zone.