History of Luzerne, Lackawanna, and Wyoming Counties
GENEALOGICAL AND PERSONAL RECORD, BLACK CREEK, BUTLER, FOSTER, HAZLE AND SUGARLOAF TOWNSHIPS, FREELAND, HAZLETON, JEDDO AND WHITE HAVEN BOROUGHS. SAMUEL BEKMEK. only apparatus yet in existence that shows the true motion of the earth around the sun in an actual ellipse. The parallelism of the axis is at all Samuel Benner is a native of Coventry, Chester county, Pa., and was times preserved and all the phenomena of the changes of day and night born October 8th, 1818. He is a surveyor, land agent and farmer. He time the sun remains north married Miss Susannah Buff, of Butler township. Mr. Benner was for- and of the seasons, the greater length of are clearly shown. This instrument merly a foundryman, and was justice of the peace several years. than south of the equator, etc., etc., shows the length of the day and night at any season of the year in any F. M. BRUNDAGE, M. D. latitude, as well as the heavenly constellations visible at any hour in Frank M. Brundage, M. D., assistant surgeon of the 9th regiment na- any and every season of the year. The moon is seen in its gibbous and tional guards Pennsylvania, was born in Conyngham, Pa., August 18th, crescent phases as well as with a full enlightened hemisphere and in 1851, and married Miss Ella M. Young, of Lebanon, Pa. He is a practic- total darkness, its place being in a mask or hollow hemisphere with the ing physician at Conynghara. convex surface thereof black. This invention has attracted the atten- tion of astronomers and teachers, and it is believed that nearly all the AUGUST DONOP.
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