, ... V . .. ^ /

\ r • • • ' i • • : .i . ' -... ■ I ■■ - ; • . . . "i ■ ... 1 05-T»T ilbrat*LlbraM«n' JunoOS-SSx i _ . • % U m l^99 SState t a t e IU latortcal Soolety W e a t h e r 0 ^ . - " ' ' - ' ^ - Generally Fair...... '. TMSniiPii r ...... -;]E d f lid n . / ■ Tho:lMThe'Magic VaUey Newspaperiwspapw IndicatedE to ServingIg and PromcrtingP the Growthth of Nhio'Ni Irrigated Idaho Counties:ountles " ^ • ■ ______VOL. 64 NO. 183 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO,IO, MONDAY,MON OCTOBER 16,,5, 1867 ^ ~~ ' ' ten-cents- ■il.l ' ■" ...... ' » I ■ ■ "*■ . ... ■»__, ------V ; . ... ■ Unit Asks:s .S —Budget I l ^ ^ u st s . h r F i rp c e ^ « es i i e g e s Slashed WASHINGTON (AP) — The BW F L o s i ^ House Appropriations Commit- W K tee called today for budget cuts of nearly $3 billion, including Jarge new slasfies In govern- J d ■ ,| LOS ANGELES (AP) — A There were 22 homes destroy-jstroy- andanc other motorists were hospi- theth ^IdSliitial suburb of Whlt- ment employment and research.rch. M i'g ■ f I searing brush fire swept into an- eU)UtitiSUMl]NnfilUBIMB9nBifiBSkSWnf mainly by leaving openings un- filled. Savings were estimated at *900 million. Many Calls . City Clerk Coiistance'Jnce' 'Crash KiK ills Two!7o Hailey , t^iser and members of' her P , ^ -. ______staff r e p o rte d being M c G o n ig a l , ...... - ^ swamped with telephone calls Monday by persons U Blaine Aide, who said their names were1 i s. Third: CiCritical not on the list of regis-:gis- J S ' ^ tered voters published1 In 8 HAILEV—A one^ar accidentcident phc phonsus Hospital, Boise. ’Thele ac- acrossaci the highway, throwing all D i e s A t A g e 3'• 7 7 ^ the Sunday Times-News.ws- I ncnorth o f Hailey early Sundayunday cldicident occurred at 12:45 a.m. the occupants out. AU three re­ She emphasized the list I morningm has claimed the livesves of Sunday.Sur celceived head .injuries. GANNETT — George G. Mc- H I iper I two Hailey youths with a third SState Patrolman Larry Plott i Gonigal, 37, chairm an of the obtained by the newspaper ! tw Twin Falls Deputy Sheriff Tom were of persons registered:red I in critical condition at SunI Val- saUsaid all three youths in the5 1963 Majors and Leonard D. Miller, Blaine County Commission, died sons g ley Hospital. Saturday at the Twin Falls Clin--U n . V. ®S. ARMY INDUCTEESEES climb over a sit-in groupip of antl-drianti-draft demonstrators blockingiklno | P'^rsons » le; whowh were traveling north, re- the doorway of the Oakland,ind, Calif., inductionii center earlyrly Monday..Monday. About eight moved " Into < who have palled at the city | The deaths of Richard Wayne • h nnA Parted they were forced to leave is Hospital of a heart attack. •j’® ' m "s® , T^e 40th and q .. the building In this manner,!r, while about abo three elected notat to cross the sit-in group. Oaklandeland register since Sept.ept. DiDugger. 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. I He was born Feb. 28, 1930, ;ned - Robert W. Dugger, Hailey,'.-and -and I ®d later in the doy at St.t. Al-1Al-lroll rolling end over end ana backi back! Sea CRASH.-pg. i. ceL-7------Mont.; Thomas McGonigal, Bak-'aki OS t i rl eC a m O i, various ;Tari^ other Bay Area3r^eralC peace ’ heck^I t wcHi/d'*sh^?'in'^any'^lncrcase in Japanese purchases of United ^ ^ er, Mont., and John McGonigal,!»'' -TO-r** groupsgroups. - 1p . Hailey. W:*, The demonstration was a I I States wheat. _ Rosary will be rcclted at 8:15:i 5 W i t n e s s e s stormy prelude to University of J o r Lt. Gov. Jack Murphy, thc | — Deposited For 2state’s acting govemor, told the I p.m. Tuesday at St. Charles•les MERIDIAN.MERIE Miss. (A P)—A)_A Califoi California student plans for an Catholic Church. Requiem mass dozen de pt a all-night "teach-in" against the ^ ] „ visitors Idaho ‘'raises a “li lot 5 of JE x - B ir ccher h € Sees Ci ass dozen defense lawyers kept a all-nigl n"{fFir^ F ightingIff wheat.”w'? C i t y V o t e will be celebrated at II a.m.m. stream stream o of witnesses comingR to- to- draft, draft, to bc followed by an at- added, _ - _ Wednesday at St. Charles Catho- day as tl id of tempt to immobilize the indue- g( ” "If you’re buying,” he added, h^ day as they neared the end of te^p^^ indue- BOISE (AP)—A federalI check "we'd"w like to sell some.” ““S'---- for-»ifl7,500-w a a 'deposited i Mon Mon------Mf urphy and-otha r-g lected-a n d —4 Nardis. Military rites will_ behe men charcharged with conspiracy;y in AmongAmo those arrestedd was jgy Jay Idaho's state treasury to ap| held at the Bellevue Cemetery 'u,e 1964 iury to appointed officials visited ^ in thc A A. s H P r e mh t c d e T o ’66 8 T e s t the 1964 deaths of three civil Joan IBaez, the folkslnger. aijaid in paying costs of last;t sum- governor’sgo' office for 30 minutesilnutes under the direction of Bird Fu-Pu- rights woworkers. AboiAbout 50 helmeted police mermer's fire fighting. wH islness- By FRED DODDS out neral Home, Hallery. TTie family xhe del oped moved up to the entrance where with the six Japanese business- out the nation, and Een. Churchlurch afterafte many setback^, parted i|*y The defense indicated it hoped moved The money represented three- memen. Five of them are govem-!Ovem- 'Hmcs-News Staff Writer had suggests memorials to either theJh^ to rest bjby the end of the day.;y. Ifif she wasw; singing, and arrested :r had to make a trip homele to concompany Snd the recall move- Ilirrg quaners jcation ment officials, connected with The political wheeling and keep•‘®.c| the fences Intact. But: Mr. mentmei against Sen. Church was , of St. Charles Church.. did not tntake too long. KY PLANS VISIT . •rf Pnr. oealmg as a preiuoe lo thfc irtU-" •Fva- t e r m p d hy y r. Rankin as Office of Emergency Planninganning MiMini.stry of Agriculture and For- nicipal elections throughoutIt the tivetives were, thwarted at every:very "dead.”"de ------As the trial began its sccondcond SAIGONSAIC (APJ — Premierremler gf,g,gfter the state was declared a week, the number of defen.seen.se NguyeiNguyen Cao Ky mtentds to visit jjjn . ared a estry. Sone Nov. 7 has just begun,egun. oori corner in their bid to oust Sen. pBut not dead enough. Mr. to visit disaster area because of thc 1The sixth was Paul Sone,who Although municipal electionsIS are ChurchChu frbm office. witnesses—testifying primarily;arilyjthe tho United Un States In thc near'^?,r fu-I ; widespread j'j. forest fires. spokesman for the group, who Stumph, a month ago, an- Viet Cone: Appeald to the character nnd alibiss ofjture, VietnamV Press, the official ikvo of non-partisan in nature. In realityeality m Mr. Stumph said later: "We nounounced he had formed the -y re- The rem ainder of the J250.000,cn nnn I® 'assistant director in Tokyo of .- more didn't pick on Sen. Church as "Cc the defendants—neared the5 50150'govern government news agency, re- . , -^ the Western Wheat As.sociatesociates J" >'‘=8'' didr h as "Committee to Repeal the Great On War Efforts mmark. a rk '!''" I ported Monday. is ‘S expcctede; within 30 days and . lo is a an 1individual, he Just represent-sent- Society,” Soc and the movement ------^------statestatt officials said theyV are *" United States. Idaho is a“ For beneath the surface= the‘he ed a test. He still does. We was on again. - TOKYO (A P) — The V i e t ------hopeful some additional federal^der^ member _ of that group. I -aril, ' conservative viewpoint is mak- still Cong appealed to both the red^I Japanese conferred earll- f° still want to get him recalled.tiled. „„jf get rid of Sfii. -money- will _be. received.-^The ils in aIl-ouL_bid- to build,jLupThefightwillgoon-.— up jhe ^hu - JUnerlcan--p«opIe-aDd the-Viet* -vFlI. state reported emergency,V fire ^ ■"** federal offici alsvicitpH in ‘he grass-roots — to be strong ^ Church. It^wlilsct a standard namese tc^ay to step up a Ford Gompany^aBy^Andfttioft S ^ Washington. D.C., then visited_ w jj andI"' ready for the 1968 pre.?lden-ilden- TlThe legal battle and much:h of throughoutthre thc-nation and will struggle against U.S. war ef- , fightingfight expenditures of 11.4 mil- ^ lion and told the federal govern-•’ wheat growing areas in the Mid- ,, election year, accordingng to ‘he publicity was financedJ by give glv< the people a voice again forts, thc Vietnam News Agency | overn- Montana before ‘‘‘* can- ® California nilllionaire, WilliamIliam in theirt government," he assert- reported. VVvFJ.J ment it had only J410.00G to pay „ ' a Twin Falls City Council can- ® Ci * Continue Secretecret Talks .... Jg coming-to Idaho, ... I'Alene didate. “ PenPenn Patrlckl -' ed. He said again that the move- Hanoi's official news agency - the«n...... ------".JThey will go to Coeur d'Alene “ . [he DETROIT (AP) — Ford Mo- with a total w.ige loss thce com- If no additional federal money for of the This is true in Twin Falls,Falls, Mr.M Rankin and Mr. Mlleck.leck. See EX.BIRCHER, pg. 2. col. 4 said the appeal. Issued by thc DCTRO money for a meeting of directors of thepn Burley an d other cities and ------newly founded "South VietnamJm JP/*or ,V''- Co. and the United Auto pany estimates< at morec than i.sis rreceived, the State Land Westernwe Wheat Associates on ^ Ige to Board la.-week Last N^arch 27, in Boise,e, 13 diationdiat team in the steel haul- and fabricating plants and. day, “ "“-act expired. E total hide, awak6 after a two-weekstart- people ‘ gathered to. discussJ the ers’ strike has come up withIth a causedcauj layoffs or short-term Lucky License |I ^ They metm for 10 hours Sunday, cost could climb to t4 million,lion, slumberslui on the moon, has start- •' g I but,but.nelthe neither side reported the• re- Prior to the 9 p.m. Sundayia y re­ re------ed ack to poliWcal path America w ass foi- new proposal on the disputedd is- empemployinent for 15,000 to 20,000 ed sending radio signals back to lowing. P°' The people . were not sue of paying the truckersI fnr workerslworl ______' • Friday's J33 cash w inner I | suits suits of of that th sessioti. I cess, tlthere.had been speculationulation STRIKE OPPOSED earearth again. J”'" I A news blackout the two sideslides that sisettlement was so close TUCSON,IX Ariz. (AP) — More 0 'vdr 5 happy with what they saw. waitingwait at steel mills. The strik-itrik- 7 The} weekly Journal sidd a ; •>r' ict I A news More Officials said the Surveyorfter a5 J?“i Leading'this di.scusslon wass Jo- ers and trucking firms face a pitt - Ig imposed at) 9 p.m. Tuesday' re- that theth bargainers wouldId con- than 950 union members at Am stirred stir to life Sunday after a ce a Pituburgh area mill estimated ' - H arold Estes |i |i m m ained ained In In effect. tinue talks on an around-iround- aconda’saeon Twin Buttes mine trai lycTTa ®®P*’ Stumph Jr., a Twin Falls vote on it thls-week. jtIt |olost orders for 20,000 tons be- nine tracking station at Canberra,imanci public relations agent, forrnerly[lerly A steel Industiv publication cauj Wendell The The strikesti by 160.000 Ford•ord theclockthecIo< basis to wrap up thc southsoulJ of Tucson h a v e . voted Au-stralia.Aus gave thc command P“* ition cause It couldn!t make deliver- ; s workers workers isi: almost six weeks; old contraccontract. I agaiiagainst a strike. whi ck on ® member of the—^ritin BltctrSItctr sayssaysrthe strike, fn Its second jes.les. Another major producer set “—------—------______which turned its radio back------on.-■ Society and at that time a field month,mon is having serious eco- iuitj lossl at 40,000 lo 60,000 tons. rerrepresentative of the conserva-srva- nomlcnom effects on steelmakers.»• muj Mill deliveries for the Indiutry tive group "Liberty Lobby.” ThThe time truckers wait f^ for juriduring Septem^r were otf 18 All thls_»ras ,re|atedL by_MMr. r.-load loading—and—unloadinK ------at pefcenrfrom Aupist. Stuin^ recently. He said1 he presentpres* wilBoot pay—iuu be- Violence sprang np on fhe — G o v i emors m o ] S ef t c ^ ^ a f l F o)r r V Virgin ^felands^ Isl was 2 a central, figure in the comi come the key iikue in- the strike. htgh«^^ again Sunday night movement. This stOQT reflectslects The new proposals would give mo iftir »*^'*ral days of relaUve NEW YORK (AP>—Most of and Otta K1 em er of Illinois said in a St.-Louis,St. Mo., m'ec'tlngig sub- this Issuei and they have aI can- a ppoint in the war and perhapsrhaps onionly his statements, no others,hers, the truckerst $13.70 an hour after calm. Six shots were fired Into the nation’s governors set saillil in separateseparat Interviews they will sequently.sequent ■* didatdidate and we don’t.” \ye’:^ye’re winning.” TThose. people met to discusscuss a (oifour-hour wait. The proposal, the cab of k rig hauling steel today for the Virgin Islands,Is, not press for any endorsementlent "TwenTwenty-three of the 25 Repub- TheTh< declaration of Michigan:hlgan HeH spoke on ABC’s program•gram the recall of Idaho Democraticratlc arrlvarrived at in weekend sessions coite near White Marsh, Md. P«v- with some of both political parrirr of Johnson’sJohnsoi Vietnam policies.■s. lican governorsg( and 22 of the 25 Gov. George Romney. a Repub-tepub- “Is!“Issues and Answers." ScrSen. Frank Church. They met by a seven-state mediation pan- fn,lice said the shots all namiwly ties saying they didn't thinklk Both of the Democratic gover-ver- DemocraticDemoci governors were;re ex- lican.lican that Johnson was follow-bllow- Gov.G Jam es Rhodes of Ohio,hio, a againag: two weeks later, and this el, w will be subtnitted to the Na- missed the dr^i^ S^nd F. President Johnson's Vietnamm nors notedoote< that 20 of their col-“ h pectedpccted aboa^ the liner Inde- Inging a "ping-pong” polliy inI Viet- RepublicanRec who had taken the tim Uonal Steel Carrier* Ayocta------war—policies wilt be an ' iMiuecier 1eaguer~taleaguer had endorsed the genu-OM- pendencependent today for the annual’annual* nam seemed to4eava-th« gover-tover- initiinitiative two years ago In lininglining dd’A ’Alene, attended. tion.tion, a breakaway group of lode- was the first ihootbig inekieat during the eigjit-^y conferencece al policie had reaf-eaf- nors AsAssociation, said he dbesn’tl^ n ’t that the United Sutes mayay b« »iml aimilar action now. shljship of Gene Mlleck of St,St. ThThe twa tracking gtonpa nre- - domdona rock thxtmnt JiKideait nual Governor* Conference. firmedfilmed tltheir^^pport of the think thttl cruise conference:e will “doing“doir much better In thes wwar ar AAsked why, he safd he thinks'thinks' Maries. Ma Mr. Rankin, a member,iber, JecteJected the crigiaal agr«eiii«ntsent ontm tdie PenuiytvaiiUi Ttnpiilke: Ahead of the 'governors layly President';President's course in Vietnam,am. produceproducc any onanii^lty on1 Viet- than w e're being told." - therthere Is too much Republican3lican offeredoffe advice, but Mr. Stumph.nph. givingiving the tnjcken $10 an hourtour Jobo John W. Krock J r., ot ;'Oimo»> six days of wt>rking sessions at Most of themth had criticized itt at nam. ReiReagan said Johnson was dissent.diss - although aitt a voice Jn the back-•ck- after two hour*.- Truckers; in burg.burg Pa., wa» lgo^taatei>er. RepublicansRepubli are Just aboutrat as tune time time in the 1968 camp^gnpaign and I’m not supporting anybodykrbody TheT politicaL storm that'foi-foi- 'Ste Steel MaiMiiBa_ reported- tb it n d k Govs. Joha-Coonaily of TexasIS but-they-retractedbut "they i the criticisiaIsm divided i^«^Tlia~Dfaaocrats~~onTarM[ts DDTtommoQiice'tint *‘v^*vs~tuni^TWtionm ediw tiai*^”—Rhode*” aaid.------Htew— flowed created Interest tliratt^ Oi*Om ablite Ito fined cattaOr' ihM

u .■ -I V • . ' s .. . I *

■; " V ■■■ •■ ', r , ■' ' . ■ I f ' 2 W in Fqlfr-TliiiBS-New«News Oct. 16-17, 1967 — ■ ■ . ■■ 3 Gunmen 1 ‘ V‘[Illiiess Is • ■£Seeii Today P la n e A cd< ■ ■ Mrs, TCelth Wied^heft' dlscuih. i ^ ^ B « F o r " - ' ' - singsij college son . Milblia'C^ yi W e a th e r^ , Hold Up J greetlng-frlends . .. . Danny a Heath accompanyhig his father F ro m T ln i« * -N ew » 224-hour 4 -H o u r W(Weather g e r f f i t s niie Outpost3t- m-Mrs. 'W allers->— to-polloeFf station-.-.- .- Faye-,Mor-- Cargo Hauger 1 Ann answering tel^bone i^lls ? NEW YORK fAP> ~ Th'n^ , miPKRT - Mrs. M a^ Ann SVT gunmen wearing Halloween ' hy OEOKaEIHCARTHUR - |ai Walters. 50.'Rupert, died Sunday j - SAIGON (AP>—A U. s. S. Ma- It also reported. three, plane i f e a ^ t^ r e n c e Parker taking fam- ^ ~ mamasks-held up a cargo hangar P*?"® i t the-Mhil(£ka Memorial .«o^ Hps- a™ilies on-outing . .-.-Cal-Bernard ; Tem peratures | rine plana ’accidentally hit the.lothe,losses over the -Weekend‘ hut pital of a lliwering illness. . , S v of American Alrlhies at Kenne- 'ihieii said none was connected with looking- through weekend traffic Forecast , —— :----- dy -Airport Stmddy nl^ht aiid Marine uutpost' Of Con 'rhien sj J------^ ■ T ------SUNNV -^ 5 ; 'in with a bomb Sunday, killing raidsrt in the Hanol-Halphong>hons 'v “ w as bora Sept. .29, -1917,•1917, reportsfgpc .. .' . Lt.,JDean Bennett made off with $102:000 In cash JTthrefe Marines and woundinglundlng aiarea.' They brought to 701I the f-at ‘ ^Sugar City, Colo., and came:ame ^eacreading ma([a?ine... ^ Lee Logaii' Niatidn^ I denerGenerally fair, (hniugh' Tues- cent 1hunkldity, 28 a t Rupert^inert, IS and sapphires and rubles from™ ninerl In , the second mistakenilstaken numberni of combat planesI -■ an- ^■to Rupert hi April. 1953, from painting pain white, daisies 011 auto- High I«WIf P*’"Pr. day.* y - A little1 waiwer today; HighHigh'at at F;Fairfield, J2 at-HaUey.ifiey, 3282 the Far Eait. ’ ^ hrbombing there in three days;lys; . nouncedn( as downed over■ the Colorado. On Aug. 30., 1953,L S"^ ish^ mobile . . . John Kunder talk- . .. In 60s, low jr to S7, excep: e p t at BBuhl, S4 at CasUeford,ford, 40 . The1 bandits appeared at- the *7'’ Communlst shellfire wounded'oimdcd NNorth.' “ ' w v m arrii to-Alvin Waltersilters jjig- a^bout daughter’s , engage- .. Camas Praltte high 60. to» 65.65, at Goodhig.Go At noon, 57 ata t T. F. }*J*"^ar.__ln _a section ot another eight ,MRrineaL-»t_J tt- th the e ------______here. .'■ menment -. . . Eva Lou Ijewis as- ■ tI!T“TOS4~^. . mloirXfR5^|BmbTlItyW^ifit««*« r w i Froiii wwftSirTraiaig=wim=^^ ^ muddy base guarding Kea mul- — TT-. :^ Mrs;^.Waltar8:-belongf»l-~tn-tnfti-tne plating ■ ■ friend - with ^idean for ■ - Bbnuircfc. cloudy . W M .. near serK Outlook for Wednes-idnes- cent huonldlty.I Barometer:Br: M.46. M.48. ' " Brmed with pistols. ?tratlon routes Just south of the IJ Paul Congregational Church.'• PI-P*r postcostume party-:.'.; . Mrs. ,B111 Boston, dear ... -61 49 .. •• dday.lislr. a y. M Temperatures at 8 SoU Soil temperatiiiM: At .T.T. F„F., rounded up an unarmed‘ guaird demUltarlzed zone. ■ ''Magic Valley"'J oneer Social Club and the Paul Boydbovi talking to friend . . . Bob- Buffalo, cloudy ... 70 59 •01 .M a.m.: «*3 at Jerome, 27 at T. tour4nch-58-M, elghtOnchcii 55-SO,55-SO anda™ six freight . clerks,?nar then A mistaken bombing Friday Ant'erlcan Legion Auxiliary.■ 1 Sheu? jjyby ^ Wills waving to acquaintance 1544, at locked,themJn_the^hangar,___ ^ _____taught Sutjday School for eight rrchtcagorpii^ prweiitFrWeather Bureau wltlrsSqper 2^*^20-hich: 58-57,-SSJnch 6544, at loc kllledytwo-Marines-and-woundMW undts —- — — - eiSH .-.-^Gene-Sharp.giYhig.old friend- . Rupert, four-inch 64-50; at Buhl,Buhl . ]The -cash and gems -' were S ^Fiiwerals ^years. a ba cent humidity, 60 at T. F. En- {h,5e fm 21. Both Incidents were beingeing In-hi- * yeai . a bad'time about not being abl^ . §S a’ctt'*:S| "-“"J" • tn- three-hich 60-40: at Castleford,istlefordl ‘*>®vesUgated. vi RUPERT — Funeral servicesvices SurvivorsSu Include her bus-nus- JQ ]jeep j silent, about humorous , Denver, clear ... i 52 32 .07 tomologytomolog] Laboratory, with 92H2per per 5M6. 58-16. . Fa The defenders of Con Thien fofor Mrs. Mary Ann- Waltersi will band.bani Rupert; two sons. IvanJyan situation . . . Mr. and Mrs. Vern rsday -Walters,—Rupertr:-and—H a ^ y ctet — Des Moines, clear . 59 ^36- — j: — ------t ’’-:----- —- -—----- .came—under—repeated-savage ca savage h« he conducted:at2:pan."Thursday Wal Skeen drlving on-Simrlse-Boule. ■■■ .. 65 ^TTW O r»t»— ^ shellings-last-month-from1 North at the Paul Congregationaltional Wal Walters, Feemng Hills, Mass.;ass.: vard . . . Vic Cimimlns waiting , Fort Worth, c l e a r 13 M 1.71> ______Ex^ircher—k i ____ Vietnamese?}j believed attemptingimpting Cl Church by Kev. tmll-Hansenrnsenr motmother,-—Mrs. _Mafle Weber,r„ [’ for stoplight-. -. Harold_Hum^ Helena, c le a r ...... “ i* ;; —bynopsis. _ ^ Farm , 0 ne) to take the outpost butf~ovei^ over-13 t.ai.'t lUes will be hold In« thethi» ilrei Greeley, Colg.; three brothers.\l’ o’”'®ys with his thumb ban-'- Indianapolis, cldy . 83 « .03 OccaslOccasional high thin cloudsclouds MlnliMinimum temperatures will be irch is whelming American firepowerepower PaulPi Cemetery. The family sug- Phil Weber. BrTghCOP, Colo. ; Al- daged . . . Ana overheUrd. "I Jacksonville, clear 81 '65 .07 are belibeing reported In Soutliemuthem warmerwarn with above - freezing « test," beat back the assaults. g«gests memorials to the MinidokaIdoka bert Weber and Raymond , We- ^ couldn’t see’the (leaves for the Kansas City, clear O 46 ^ .87< Idaho valleys this ■ forenoon,enoon. temp temperatures In western valleys. ' ■’c B cam- U-S. B52 bombers, whichdl play CountyC< Cancer Society or■ the ber. both Kennsburg. Colb; four dust j . and that road isn’t too ‘ Funds ,to finance the cam- ' 1. , sisters. Mrs. Art (Esther) Hert. L os^geles. clear,' 99 62 .. High pressurepi at the surfaceLirface FrostFrosI will occur locally In west- paignpg. come from variousJS “un-"un- *a major role In the battle PaulPi Congregational Church. . siste rine'J smooth either." Louisville, cldy 83 67 ■ .. Isis contlcontinuing quite strongg and em valleys^ with below fre freezing e in g }j- in d iv idid u u a al l around Con ThIen,. sweptpt Into ------^ ^ and ..Mrs. Harold (Katherine) Memphis, r&in.>.. 87 67 ' T wind speedss] . are mostlyr less temperaturestemp in eastern1 valleys - NcNorth .Vietnam 50 miles above SHOSHONE — Funeral ser-g«r. Hum phrey, both Lyons. Colo.;-olo.;- MbK- Mrs.' Herman (Martha) Hergen- 'p k Miami, clear.*. .. 80 74 .. than 10 miles per hour. and ]parts of Magic Valley. “We .. can’t Identify our contrib- thiU'e demilitarized zone, their vlvices for Fredric Richard Mab- — .. 58 49 .60 Uitle -60 _.UltIe change In weatherler Is SurfaceSui winds will continue to l^uffet deepest raid in 10 monthshs -and buttbu will' be conducted atit II11 J®,, reder, Heybum. and Mrs. Jake g J ' nHgJi.e.E utorsrbocauso-thcy-would-suffeE. iHone (Elsie)-Kraus^Rupert—and-S two -—Death Takes , —Mplsr-St. ,fe-Clea r—61—38r— rt- imucated-Imllcate -tor^ e Hfext tWOg g -P Pf'BrTtl T Btn iBhl Ulia'^fUVm any sp i aying- Tn..their jeiili ur pei'su'iialirl-Hf- llfe ^ ♦h«Tw.rnr, ra.sTjmrfgTK13~lff a.m. W eanesd^rarTRTShoshone New OrlMio^cldy 84 69 .. .. three three days d in the valleysys of iI and dusting operations needing i, , h said. main entry to the HoHo Chlcm EpiscopalEi CHnrctr—^Ith—iteYr-*f“grandchildren...... | 7 If we did." M r. Stumph said, thj Last Funeral services will be Ttm^ con- ■Jri New Y ^ . clear .. 69 57 .. .. Southern Southen Idaho. Fair weatherther is to bcbe done. Potato harvest,vest, ai-al- Beingn a |. conservative Is—notIs-not MlMihh tralL-which carriesI Com- JohnJc F. Tulk officiating. Last . F. R. Mabbutt- Okla. City, clear .. 72 47 .75 .75 Indicated Indicate as high pressuree per- thoujthough delayed som^ by freezing . munist troops and suppliesupplles ritesril will be held at the'-Sho-Sho- ducted“|*ct at 2 p.m. Thursday at , of‘en a bed of rosfes, - m' the Paul Congregational Church f | * ?? -.. •• sists. ^ Pacific storms williU re- temperaturestemp d u r i n g-earlier’ ■. And that brings us to today, ™ through-Laos and Cambodia}dia to shone sh Cemetery. Friends Jbay ■ .. Tinchi lo tliB uui III of us, allowing-lowing- -mewng--mem hours, «hould-b»-abl» TT con- Sbuth Vietnam;------c a gjKfl -hv Rev- Fmll Hansen. Last E'tlritM Of Shoshone BMenlx, c l^ r ... .91 56 .. only hi with Mr. btumpn leading a con- will be held In the Paul ceme- , .. only higher thin 'cloudinessess in to mmake a' great deal of prog-prog' iiervatlve ticket In the! Twin The ■ • elght-englne, $8-mlllIcmmllllcm TTi u e^ ay and -'Wednesday untn wlll, ' SHOSHONE Fredrlc^ch- - ______Wttsburgh. c dy .. ,76 58-----..^ our vallvallpys at tlmpq, __------___ ress—the- ress- next • few days. .^Soll Fgtts-mnn1clpgt-electtoirNo^^-7.Noi^-7. bom'bers^e-usualiy^ltetrt-^iwaybo t-^»way 10 a.m. The-family suggesls-me- PUnd. Me., cldy... 60 47 .. .. Maximum Maxir temperatures today temptemperature^ ate not cxpected dolman,' from possible danger from morialsmi to the American Cancer rno?iia^s*to the'l^lnldoka County ard" With him are Lawrence Tolman, Cancer Society or the Paul Con-Coti^ Ben.Benedict’s Hospital. Jerome, of PUnd, Ore.. clear .. 70 43 .. .. will will continue con to rise a$ warmerarmer to slshow any significant Changesdhanges . q /jack) Pope and Nolan NoNorth Vietnamese missiles,Isslles, SoSociety, In care of Mrs. Robert a lingering illness. — Rapid City, cldy .. 59 29 .. . .a air i r moves mc liitO' the Pacific’acific durinduring this time. ■ ' yjj,Victor. wlwhich can reach them evenven at Haddock,'Shoshone,Hi or the rec- gregationa!B^eg Church. “ jif Richmond, fog... . 74 48 .. .. Northwest Northw* and the Intermoun-moun- TemperaturesTer yesterday were t, where reatlonal fund for handicapped He was born, Aug. B, 1915, ay .were Mr..Stumph said they are for the 30,000-foot altitudes w here re pped ' at Salt Lake City. He came to f- St. Louis, rain . .. 74 48 .. .. tain.Region. tain.Re Daytime tempera-ipera- near the same to slightlyy higher J all .. :units of government spendinglending thtthey fly. ' chchildren, in care of Ray Turner, ^ St. Louis, rain ... .77 53 1.15 1.15 tures tures today tc and Tuesdayr will in ouroui valleys compared to read- y have The bombers struck truck Wendell.Wi Shoshone when he was, 3 years to reaa- more money than they have Costs Study old and a tte n d e d Shoshone Salt Lk. City, clear 61 32 .. .. be be In In the t 60s to the midi 70s. ings (the previous day. Income; against leaving future paparks, supply concentrationsrations ------San Diego, clear .. 86 59 sur ex- and fuel' storage sties at the ^ schools and the University of San Fran,, clear .. 83 67 . gengenerations to pay for our ex- an at the HANSEN — Funeral services C .r I n Utah. He m arried Helle An- penditures; against the present papass after coming from Thai- forfo: Mrs. Nora Bliss Marlin. Han- oScheduled C On | a i SeatUe', c ld y ...... 60 52 .. govern- land,over Laos so they would3uld be sen.se will be conducted at 2 p.m. dreason Aug. 27, 1938, a t Sho­ Tampa, clear ..84 69 Five-Day>ay forecastFc city manager form of govern- jar shone. Washington, cloudy 71 58 .. .. High High pressure i at the surface tha i me^nt — because It doesies not mIn North Vietnam only briefly.iefly. TlThursday in the Twin Falls A , irface tha week. Nighttime tempera-resMnd 8lve the people a voice,!, they J, Today, they were back pound"pound- MortuaryMi Chapel. Burial willi“bl be A nnex W orkt Mr. Mabbutt was a veteran (T—Trace)------andand aloft aiol is forecast to rediainediain J”**® ^ slower to _ respond Bj”'allege — and against Urban>an Re- unjung a suspected Red Infiltrationtratlon in tho Sunset Memorial Park. . , of World War I-I.-and-has been ------quite quite strong sb In the Northernm Tn.In- ^ warming but near to above . route 10 miles above Con, Thien ------*n(Interior ceilings and doorsoors employedemp! the past 20 years by ™ freeztag temperatures “ are * ex- "*=.5ncwal In any form. roi ,e- were being put In place Monday the termountaln Region this week, pecte* There are a lot of other' things anand a suspected buildupI pointpolht BELLEVUE — Funeral ser- w®« iday the State Department of High- week, pected by mid week and after. others 2.5 miles southwest of thele Ma- vlivices for James Hardie willII be *n then new Twin Falls countyunty ways.^yay. At the time of his death _ Storm activity will be weak In Some „ Mr. Stumph and the others 2.5 judicial annex as the building j,g j, ak In Some normal maximum tem- are for and against but basicallyjslcally rinerin Jortress.. ------coconducted - a t - 2—p.m .- T^iesday -1^“ *'^ o*nS he jvas materials technician f»t. HI Low Pr. 0|ir valleys val and ' temperaturesitures peraturesperati for this period are; r™, lilej^ entered final stages of consti-iic-;ruc- theti,e Shoshone office. He was a Bear L ake...... 53 22 „,,iwill warm to above normal Boise W **e sa*'* **'®y stand for lessss gov- ^Weather ..hampered strikes at Bird Funeral Home. Hailey, fntei Boise ...... 64 32 »rmal Boise 84-37, Goodli^g 83-37,I Twin emmental control over the in- agiagainst North Vietnam SundaySunday by Rev. Eric Jungbauer. pastoristor tion. “°n. .. , merrm em ber of Christ Church Epis- readings. . ______' FaUs 6M4, Burley «2-33. Poca- and-halted-all-ralds-aroundnd the of . their Community—Baptist_.i,. —.^As-a_result DfLreachlng-finalfinal copal,-Sho.shone^copa ------— ^---- Buhl-TTTvsv...... 59 32 TTemperatures e ^ tnesdayesday tello I62-33 and Ididio FaUs 81-32. dhrlduah------ani I j,e stages, county officials said they _ Burley .■ .•••..•••....59 34 throuch . Mr. Stumph said he broke vitvital port of Haiphong butlUt the chchurch. Milit^iry rites will be ®tag( Surviving are his widow, three Caldwell ...... 61 28 through Saturday will averageerage HighHlgl pressure In the Inter- away^ from the John Birch'Ch So- mim an who has com m andeded the heheld In the Bellevue Cemetery..•rv put ’a stop order on all new ma- sons. Fredric Richard Mabbutt from thrra to 7 degrees aboveabove mountainmouni Region wUI push the amised ------teriaterial or equipment for the j...... « “ normal So™ .?; In the valleys <{f South- main ciety because that group did not HaHaiphong campaign promised II. Florence, Kan.; Jonathan . £mmctt 67 33 Am South- mahi storm track to the north of have J an active politicalil pro- mo more missions in the continuingtinuing ..BUHL ] — Funeral services, fn-for building until an inventory can Mabbutt. , student at University Fairfield...... 56 14 em Idaho. Rising daytime tem- us a{again. As a result surface gram, "lust educational.”’ effeffort to Isolate tfie port. - Ch Charles LeRoy Brinkman willwin be made to determine the exact of"2 Idaho,, ■ Moscow, and Christo- peratures are indicated throughrough fronts In our valleys wUl remain He said recently: "It’ss limetime HoldingI a farewell newsrs con- be-be conducted a t 2 p.m. Wednfes-Inbs. '®*^; ex:pflnditures to date...... mid week with some slight cool- weak. jntv ohtr MabbOt. student at_ Brjg- Grace ...... SS 25 Jnn no«a cool- weak and produce little if any . " acfion. not talk.”* Mr. ferencefer in Sa|gon before leavingeaving daday at St. John's Lutheraneran Keber "® Loughmlller. countythlc Young University. Provo; Grangevllle ...... 57 38 Ing possible towards the endnd ot rain throug t Saturday.______Stumph5"!,^ said this seems to be for commana • of the PacificPacific ChurchCh by Rev. Henry Treit.reit commissioncomr chairman, .said thisthp one daughter. Andrea Mabbutt. Hailey ...... 53 28 _ _ the feeling oround the countrylountry Fl«Fleet In Hawaii, the 7th Fleet LastLa riles will be held In Sunset,_,pt does ^oes not stop the work on the Shoshone: his mother, Mrs. Eve- the alls building but he said no more Idaho F a lls...... 52 27 il« among conservatives. "If'If we coi commander. Vice Adm. Johnohn J. MemorialMt Park. Twin Falls, build infii lyn M abbutt. Shoshone; one -:JJerome ...... 63 28 ' JLTJ. l i o lose in the presidential election.lection, HyHyland Jr.. said the recent FriendsFr may call at the BuhlBuhi "’atem aterial will be purchased until brother, Morris Mabbutt, Glen- Kimberly...... 59 24 Magic Valleytliey Hospitals------nnd s conscrvatives-do-not"gctTir gcfTi rairaids-had curnair^four-xif-theof-the FunerarChapel'^Tuesday-aTTdFU iTTd final—expenditures—are—knownf*"®'- and the tounty can determinenine ^ale, Calif., and dne"‘grandsoh. Kuna ...... 63 .28 \T.Magic a s ic Valley Memorial G' rial voice. I feel this country:ountry cit;city’s main bridges. ' WtWednesday until noon. and jllo. Funeral services will be held Lewiston...... 6« 50 >rial Goodinsr Memorial and our American way of life Acknowledging/ that the North ------how much of the $140,000 alio- Fu Admitted Admitted f" J lg the TWIN FALLS—Funeral ser-.p. cated for the building remains,lins. at 111 a.m. Wednesday at ,the / Malad ...... 60 33 , » Is doomed.” he said. VicVietnamese were repairing the lUgh Eoiscopai Church, Shoshone, ; , Mountain Homo . .. . 60 33 Mrs. Larry C. Motzner. Gen- MaiMaude Jackson, Minnie Scott.i?ii The "Committee to Repealeal the bribridges and had set up tempo-tempo- vIces"forvie Harold Everett HineHine He"e said it looks as though Epis( eva Moyes. Paul Carl, and Riley Loe, George McLaughlin ^ Ved- county offices will be able. to with Rev. John F. Tulk offici- P arm a...... 62 28 Great Society” has as Itsts offi- rarrary pontoon structures. Hylandlyland wilwill bti conducted at 2 p.m. Wed- count iild- ating. Ijist Vltes will be held Pocatcllo ...... J s s 2» Douglas Flint, all Twin Falls;Falls; and MaudeI Perkjns, allI otxM-Good- eers, people in California.. Colo- saisaid Navy planes wouldId hit ne:nesday at the White Mortuaryaarv beginb^*'] moving into the new build- atiry? John R. Clark, Alberta. Canada:nada; ing: 1Marie Anne'Kevan. Fair- j •Up ing the first week in November,ber at ShoishoneSI Cem etery. Friends ___ ^.P reston...... 5a_19-____ mJIJLwj rado. Washington. Michiganon and thethem again "when the timeIme is ChChapel. Friends may call at the *"8 tl Rexburg ...... 52 28 -----.Mrs7-William-M7-r^tersShr=Mr«; ?? ^Wri.^ liad: TiplH; Mrs.- Hertry Artprhiirn, Oklahoma; .Mr.-Stumph says.says:— ■rlper'^'^ Tip ------^------— - —•-—^ ■—- in-Irw JKBS was found..hy. A graiid.son—Qf^-sadlJI__Qf^ will fnllnw , Frifinds m ay cfliL r a i l ______e m i '' P ro b e'A sk ed '^[ pfhe^ Barthelomew. Jerome, aiia a viet .Uniont, treats its JewishIsh mi- cal ppolitics.” ficeificers said no autopsy Is plan- WednesdayWei a'nd-Thursday at thothe , 1 *C all m o for detalls^ daughter was born to Mr. and noritv It is a conservative push>h to- ned. nea. funfuneral chapel. Mrs. Dick Dean, Kimberly. nority.” Wil^’i police said. It Cash Taken d i Wilner, . who heads thele left ward the election of a conserva-serva- Mrs.M Marlin was born Feb. ,ys On Blanket ^ wing of the party in the Knes- tive president, or a conserva-serva- 27, 1881,1 in Berryville. Ark.,,.^and and twT in FALLS — Funeral serv-3rv- The Consolidated Frelghtw ays ”BURT HUISH CasCassia Memorial set,.^e\"^or or parliament, was stabbedtabbed tive-voicedtive-\ Conigress in 1968.58. he was educated at Profes.sor'essor Ices'ces for C. L. Biggerstaff will Co. bibuilding at 211 Fireightways,ys, STATEST> FARM AGENT Admitted in the back by tho attackcrker as said. said, ClarClarks’ Academy In Berry-lerry- be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m.I.m. was t entered som etim es Sunday 812 q Main Ave. No. insurance candac ville. She taught school there *nm the Twin Falls Mortuaryary night and a small amount of ® Candace Draper. Joe. Hender-ider- he walwalked with his wife in Tel ------ville ■ttv 7 3 3 - 5 8 5 5 SUN VALLEY. Idaho (AP)I — son and :Merle Day. all Burley;rley; Aviv. ,A hospital later reported T J., • _ and served as county recorderorder ChaChapel by the Rev. Howard Ol-01- changchange taken from the petty ------Stata . Ingiiranrp r nmmisslonernpr Henry Clark.Cli Paul; Dean Robin-3bin- Wjlner Wilner out of danger. XVIRusk QarifiesIC o atS" Berryville for a numberer of son.son Burial will be in the Sun-iun- cash fund, city police reported, John R. Blaine said today his son. DeKAP)^------. -Sec^Sec- J918 and had rciiJdcd^here since hHughesrFlnal rites will be heldield in d e n t I n s u'r a n c e Agents. Heyburn. Heyoum. Moscow Mosco\ line during the six-dayiix-day retaryretar of State Dean Rusk: took that time. A charter member of , ing Blnhs ^ war. war. „ f in the Cloverdale Cemetery,:ry, ------Blaine also said he was calling the unu.sual step today of clari- the Dan McCook Circle of . thef. pBoise, at 4 p.m. Wednesday withirith for an Investigation of com- A son was born to Mr. and ------,yi„gfying his irecent warnings;s on GraiGrand Army of the Republic, „ ' jjjg Mrs. Gene Cannell. Rupert. ’ Rev. Ralph Fothergill officiating,Ing. plaints both from and about the Communist China by sayinglg the she :had resided alone in Hanseninsen Memorialsw may be made to the State Insurance Fund. . , Crash Damages threat has nothing to do with sincisince her husband’s death. Methodist Met Ch'urch Memorial in prepared remarks the com-Jm- MinidokaM in ii Memorial the Chinese, race. SuSurviving are three daughters,Iters. Fundpun and may be left at the • missloner said existing blanketket ^ . Admitted JPFour O U Vehicles “'fn'In a statement read by press Mrs. Orlo (Jessie) McEwin.iwin. HovHove Chapel. Servingw withu ____ _ policies for so-called '•fictitiousous BarbanBarbara Young. Idaho Falls;alls: Four vehicles w ere dammaced aged officeofflec Robert J. McCloskeyy the KimKimberiy: Mr^JloryaL(Helea)elen)------____ ------^ groups” will be discontinuedued Yolande Soto. Norland; Rapjiel.chel and -a 25-year-oId - Twin—FaH.lrs. 362 PolPolk St. ' " ’ ’ tion 'to the concern of the free CommunistCom: bombs today wound-'lund-' surance Fund which provides•*» Arthur KsKaster. Hagerman; Mrs.iilrs. The Hampton vehicle then nations "atioi of Asia, and the con- ed gjj a 16-year-old bomb-throwing workmen’s compensation Insur-iir- Dan Johnson,John: Jerome. ■. crossed the street ahd collided3llided cems their leaders have ex- suspect susp< on a roof and an army ■ ■ f nl i ? ance for all public emfdoyes Dismissed ■ with twtwo other properly parkedtarked Pressed in similar terms aboutt^ut demolition . will cali bearings and if w e findnd Pamela Wallace and Robert! r t rR.. MMcLain,cL Nampa, and S Susan ^ i i with ^ 'race." ______violatioas of the code, we willlil Lewin. all Shoshone, and Mrs.Irs. Ethridge. Ethride Kimberly. —- •ct,” the commissianer said. LareU Tu(Tucker, Hazelton. „"rMOKLHEAT j - W H4 f IT T E Blaine also said he was coo-0- -— ------miinnin. ^ FALSETEETHi I _ _J3hawl!igJfiicltiicy" _ ! j __ HIH.OIL -■ ggggf iS'% t^of-i^S i^” Infant Dies—— Better fcate------S I ” C h a pVB/bylKi^Pirk’* e r b y ------■ ---- mnqmfes'Dperating In Idaho to BURLEYBURLF) — Mr. anfl Mrs. _ „ Increased! np te 35% i } Flowat# — the most ' »f Thomas Chance, Burley, report , BUFFALO.““J Wyo. (AP)— cunCUnlcaJ tmtm pror* you eui nowno. nten* 733-5361 | 136 4th AVL EAST-WEAST-TWW FALLS cancel amomoMto poUciea mttar Thomas O In iitX^ Carl Kalteahachkftch «*tMtw and alMrv better—easke (tontoriBior«e I oppreciated way to —W

.* ■ “ *.... ^^4^"- - ft rf- " , „ ' W ’ ■'T , ' • . . r ‘ ^ .. . , ' p ■ I ' " * L ' ' ' ' ’ ■ ■. ' ' . / . ■ ■ V ' J...;. ' , ■ - ■ ‘ - . Oct. 16-17, 1967 ■Twln'-Fqll«'^T>inoa»-Ni;wt Twin I - ■ ' I aM rtfej H d l o l a 4

I ■ ’ V ' V S e i i i i ■ OOUR ANNUALUAC FAMOUS; B?BRANDS - ' ':il ^

HHl r ,

r a i i r /!• ■?toV f sm i r _ ; M S B l ^ v . ; v ^ A T .. OCT. 1 8 2 1 ------—HEVt ^I'M STUdK! Bftfl^Pryriato. ■. th- st ®si______' Just had to see what was ^owndown ^^e**Inthe^e Ii tbat’en ekf lt took ~ ^ ------Salem firemen 20 mlqutesI Sunday to.fto get Brent’s,head un-in- stuck from tlie bridge raUloK.liig. The'tiojrThe'lloj^liad^beBirvIsltlng^hiar'' ^ grandparents. (A P wirephoto)ta) ______■ ■ State PTAArMeet: M. : | 4311 5 ^ Slated Hftrejre I' Ncxy. 1 1“ ^ — . I . ‘ - the nroeram for the sftate con-.followed:on-7followed by. a reception hostedisted B ~~ ~ ^------^ _ . H___J F E E iE vention of. tiie Idaho Congressress ^ the T>Twin Falls PTA .(^ouncirn r ir of Parents and Teachers, to be ConventionConventic theme is “The Magic ■ held in Twin Falls Nov. l-3r 1-3, YYears.” ears.” ■ was announced Monday by local>cal Mrs. DaleI Buchanan, Idaho H PTA Council officials. • Falls, stestate president, will ; give |■ * 55“” to^oW'Yafues ^5‘ JS , . . . . . 4 1 . All PTA m em bers in the areairea the presipresident’s message duringiring H■ are invited to attend sessionsions the Nov. 2 session which begins ■ which will be held in O’^aryary at 9 a.m. At 10:15 a.m. a sym- ■ Junior Higi' School. Each local,)cal, posium "Critical‘ Issues Affect- ■ unit is entitled to a voting dele-ele- ing the Magic M Years—Whose IRe, I ■ ' 65“" to^oW'Values '6! JS ____ . _ 4 9 .J gate . for each 25 members,ers, sponsibilisponsibility?” H based on last spring's member-)cr- ModeratorModern will be Mrs. F. R. H ..ship. ^ ' Mabbutt, Dr. Henry Brito, Mrs. ■ The first • general meeting[ Is Mary^AdtMary^Adam's, Mrs. Gene Merrill ■. • 5 9 8 I and Dr. Donald Keith. 4 ■ ^ 75““ to^0 79’®7! Values.JS.... , . ! sceduled for 7:30 p.m. Nov. 1 and Dr. 1 with an address by Robert Gibb,Ibb, Both N ov7-2 and 3 will be ■ ------— takentaken upup with workshops-on'var . rious phasesphc for PTA activity. ■ , T» 1 A dinner is slated for 6 p.m.g ■ | ^ 85““ to ^9! . 9 8 5 1 ^TiTi»»-rttx t -1 l~fcT|~ - |lf> 1 g ______:— ~ j>)ov.^Nuv. M nv aTA ■ nuat^ the-Holiday-Inrt ''f for o rH ^ ^ ------^------.^0 W----- “ ValuesTJSTTT iS : ^ membersm em bers who have received life ■ , memberships. On ParochialI "rKAt 8 p.m. Nov. 2 another pan- ■ ^ ^ el, el. ““Idah Idaho Education—Quo ^1 Va- ^00““ to0 m1 1 5 ““ V alues.JS.... 7 9 . 8 5 J dis?” is scheduled with Mrs.V I r s■ .H School Aid . RRichard ichardS Kading, PTA legislative ■ , __ chairmanchairman, as moderator. Panel- ■ , WASHINGTON (A P) — The j^tsists will include John Corlett, ■ Supremo Court agreed today' lo golse;Boise; ChickC Bilyou, Vernoni ■l *125““ to0 1 5 0 ““ V aluJS... es. 9 7 . 8 5 6 decide if , taxpayers can bring■ing RavenscrRavenscroft, Tuttle, and Williamliam B■ lawsuits challenging federal ed- Grange, " , , H (WaistLand and L Length e r of Pants Alteratioiiterations Only) . ucatlort^programs-that-ftki-paro- ■ -Merrllt~ chial schools. SchoplSrt^iTTriw^eTAs^iati'on, Tr willw i l l H ______This means the court willwill bring greetingsgre to open the Fri- ■ ...... '=• rc-examlnc a 1923 decision thathat day, Nov. 3 session. Reportss on ■ has barred individual taxpayersers smoking iand health will be giv-g iv -■■ from going to court to try td en by Mrs.Mi PIcrce Roan, Mrs. ■ block large-scale governmentent William HartI and Sam Stimple. ■ spending programs. DprceyDorcey RRiggs will sp^ak on “Ju-i ; H | ------\Ve-WHhr WHhBe m W es., O cTT: ------Thuar—tliB~ court .“ directly;t|y diclal CoiConcern -for ChildrenI inIn H ------stepped into the controversialsial Trouble.” ------H - TO ALLOW AMPLE.E TIME TO ARRANGE church-state area for the firstIrst Friday, morning’s session'wil!w m H B tlme^flnce its 1964 ruling bar-lar- close witiwith a panel on "Cooper-per-■ ■ MERCHANDISE MERCH AND PREPAFPREPARE FOR^HIS EVENTI ring required Bible reading in In Action inIn Providing Educationtion H the public schools. for the !Sexual Dimension ,o,of|B f ■ -...... - ' = ______The target of the current law-j„. Life,” with Mrs. H. T. Plumbim b ^■ ^ l ------^ suit is assistance to pHTOChtat as-mas-mfviffn nderatnt.______schools under the 1965 federal,„l Awards will be given at T H Elementary and Secondary Ed-PJ. P;™;,p.m. w ith sum m ary of the con- ■ vention by a national guest. The 6 9 3 0 ucation Act. , convention will close with a ban-i |■ Do r srOpen t) | t NhmirWi etl.eth------’— WINTEIHA.JACKIIS— A three-judge federal court In ouet at 7 p.m. Nov. 3 featuring M New YorK u t y dism issed “’J thr angn address,addre! "The HUmutuiUs,’; H ------ONE GROUP GROI suit, brought by seven civic andr by^ Dr. Marvin Fifield and in- ■ education leaders, last June by stallation -tallation of officers. in-lH ■ OPEN WE0NESDAirNI6Hn-^l WEDNE! T ^T ItifhPJt------a 2-1 vote.^ This prevented determinationIon >minimiiiiii■minnniiimlimnininm nn of the, taxpayers’ claim that WW spending of federal funds foJ for Changes v v I 1 3 Mind—■□ L— *i)PBLlBIDAJfBIDAOlGHIJTlL9P. 9 P M ___ : W F f ^ parochial schools violates the DUIWDURHAM, N.C. (AP) — ■ \ ------Prlnclnle of church-state separa- Magistrate Maglntn Jeannette John- M tion contained in the ISt Amffia- son ^was ^ 3 about to perlorm tne H ment to the O.S. Constitution, marriage marrlag ceremo)iy when ■ U.S. Circuit Court Judge Paulaul the would-bewou groom took a ■ ------R T-H ays;^ined-by-UiS. District —deep br« Judge John F. X. McGohcy, ther couilhousecou office. H said the seven taxpayers had no But notn< for long. H . ^ O R T C O ^ MEN S standing to sue because thcvicy His would-be w bride ran af- H could not show they directly suf- ter him, and the couple re-t I (NO ALTERATIONS)NS) fered damages. tum^turned in a few minutes. H U.S. District Court Judge Mel-[el- The youyoung girl was beaming SllSWEATERS vin E. Frankel di.ssented. saylni;InK and thothe boy was red-faced m 29.95 Vduej/alues ...... 19.85 t s taxpayers have the right to at- and nervous.ner tack a law "respecting an es- MagisiMagistrate Johnson start- 10.95 to 12.95 12.^ Values...... 6.85 tablishment of religion.” ed th« < ceremony again and5 I 35.00 too 39.39.95 ...... 24.85 The test case was supported;cd all was fine until she reach- I^B H gress, the Ncw York Civil Ubcr-cr- all othera all and keep ye only ^ ___ 18.95 to 19.^19.95 Values...... lies Union, the United Federa-ra- “nto unto nei ber so long as ye bothti--4S:60-tcr^X f- 5 5 , 0 0 ...... VTTTV ...... 12.85 tion of Teachers and the Unit-lit- «nall Uv< shall live?” ed Parents-A ssociations...... SSuddenly, u ^ i the bov shouted: Thci federal program providesIes ...... " II w«m’t.’’ won ( m ^| - 59.95 too 69.95.....69. .. ------21.95 to ^ 24:^ 9 5- Values-7 .^T7 funds to finance guidance ser-er-...... HeHe boiled boi out of the office» H H ...... 43.85" 14785^ = vices, purchase of textbooks andnd and and this this time the brUe dl^ sly B’t Chase 'him. sorne instruction In religiously B’t «Sha» .— “ ...... operated schools. _ ...... „■■■■ M l 75.00Lta-a5jo 85.00^.^^.., .... 5J-.85 — 27^ VduesiIofes==== 7 .= ^^= — ^ lEOAL ADVERTI5EWERTS~ ■ — Ne wTOTRecorJ NOTICE OF SALE H r OF REAL ESTATE H IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- H , ,, Justlcc Court TATES OFO A. E. ROBISON and ■ \ Gfbert L. Harris Jr., refuseded JESSIEje s s ie ” B. ROBISON, huiband ■ irv. and wife, Bolh Deceased. CORI►ORDS WASI Wool and Wool (o waive extradition when,he ap- {JiotJc e ’i ^ASH PANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ■ . B lends peared on a charge of non-sup-ip* h H.. T.t. Roblaon.Robii Administrator of '‘h* the B 8 .0 0 to 14.(M) Value; ^ M E N ’r’S SIACK - port. He is free on {1,000 bondnd Estatea of " A. E. Robison and Jaaslastia -- - all B. Robison, both deceased, will sell (LENGTI-ENGTH ALTERATIONS ONLY and the case was continued until “jat private aale. subject to tha con* '^'■1 i 7.00 tof( 9.99 Values ONLY) Nov. 9 when ^ e extraditionon flrmxtloarinoatioa o£..lheor. above entitled court, H . on or after the 16th day of OctoBer, I hearing Is slatel^ 1067. air the right, title and Interest | 9.95 to 12.?12.95 Values. . . .; 7.85 ...... and estate oof said A. E. Robison andandi l Now___Sel5 .8 5 ^ Jessie B. Roblsoa. both deceased, at INCREASE SEEN the uiT'ilm®'ff time of ^ e ir decease, and alsoIlso ■ 4 a 8 5 WARSAW (A P) — Poland’s ell «ii u..the right,righi title and Interest thathat ^ B n said estatea. by operation of law or 14.95 to 16.916.95 Values...... 9.85 populaUon, now just over 32 mil- otherwise, may have acquired other lion, will increase by a millionon than or Inin additioni to. that of said kft decedenu at tha time of their every three years, predicts the. deaths, of. ■'In and to all that certain chairman of the Polish Central«1 real propertypro?trt situated in the Countyi | H O P S» A A C C K M e n ’s 17.95 to 19.S19.95 Values . . : . 12.85 Office of Statistics, Dr. W. of Twin FaJU.F a su te of Idaho, de< \en’s DRESS & VniifaTiu- . iciibedscribed a at t I follows, to>wlt: ivawaiec.______North «The North Half (NH) of Lot One ■ ______UGAL-AOVEKTISEMEmS— - i'lL r^nS ^ V ltent C K S ^ ^ P;rort O R -SHIRis ^ 21.95 to^24J24.95 Values ____.__._15*85 ' . - , ■ M— l. vUlon.vision. Tw Twin i^aiis,” avfl No. iism Written offersof or bids wUt be r|_ re- ^ B ;r_ S L A C K S NOTICE OP cclvedceived at ththa offlcet of BenoU. B ^ ^ B WRIT OF ATTACHMSNT_^ noitnoil & Al«XAlaxandar. Bank and ^ B hort and Long Sleeves IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TkEIE Bulldlnf.Buildlnf. XTwin FalU. Idaho: thejjjj ^■ B 9 .0 0 V alues ----- Short an 27.95 to 28.'^2 8 ^ 5 V a h ie s...... 18,85 FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF>F terms term* ofot aalaald aale to be sia follows: ------TKE-«TAT^OP IDAHO,-IN ANDID 5% cashca*h withwli written offer or hid. H FOR TWIN _FALLS COU N^. and the bal«balAoce at tha time of con- ^ HUSSMAN REFRIGERATOR CO.. flrmaUooflrmatlon oi of aale by Order of Court M •lER S L A C K S 37.50 to 39.95 VflValuM.... w r ' CorporaUoo, PlalatlTf,tt, and delivery of«niUa Insorance and | KUPPENHEIMER S Deed thowmg aald property to il bn Now.. 2.12 .8 5 — 33 . 8 5 ______» ...... ___. MAX JL BLACK. Defendant,It. fraefree and cl«c le ^ of alt encumprmne t: or subject to tuch egcnmbrancear if s B ______^ ______^ IF MirSaw^NrcBtMr •‘uiumci■ rae aame.~and ^ ment was Uaued out of th* abovav« subject»ubject to tsucetta for I9t7 which shall entlUed Court In tbe abov« enUtIMM be prorated based upon the date of action, attaching the property of thebe said»!(! Order of< Court, or upon tnch above named Defendant for Uie tumm termsternu mnd coadltlona aa may ba of Thirty-four Thooaand FiTe Hun*n* detarmlaeddetermlaed by taid - AdmlnttratorI I Bargain Tabletable Jargainl iTabI able I ■ dred NlnetVHBtne and 76400 Z>ollarfrt Inta accordanceaccordaa with tha provltlona (04^5B>-78>. ploa intaraat. ot the lav^Uw.. ^ B 1 / - m e mid d y u r ite iNWITHias^WHHRSOr. I havere Said AtfmlalttrBtorAitm rvaarvea tbe hereunto set my hand and the'aeal of rifhtright to reject rej* an offert or bldt. ^B this Court thla »th day of October.T, DATED thistk eth day of October, ^ B OFF )M 7 . . “ I '/3 OFF>FF 'A OFF (SEAL) „ ■ H. T.T ROBISON H 137 s S h o s h n e H. A^.LAMCASTSR.(S). ______;Adminlitnuor;Admi ot-Uw^EfUtte ^B- — 17 6 ^ ^ d e r t of tha DUtrlct Coartrt of A.A- B. Roblaoa and J«aalaSia ^ B FobBim Oct. 11. 12, 1*. U. M. 17,7, B. JRobiaeo,» Bodi X>eeaM«d. " ■ ______• ...... ------— — - ...... ------—...... , 55T .

------^------:------j - Oct. 16-17, ltf-1 1^67 " mmmmmmmmmmmmtm. ' ' W^HINGTON—Ve WASHINI got a ilve» politic!politicians spend most of their)Ir tu turns filed by assorted welj-to-il)-to- concenLce that the man ■hould ahould ^- b u t how com e on# . |*»lc to- Z— ------,---jna—way--«nd Restrepo . 1s giving 'the rougbI ■. ington. Ueras Rratrepo is tryingng ly fb t^ ln’cheek( he askeda ms his commented^ the President,Ident. yet declared no taxable'in- ^T||- ' side,Bide of'Usof his tongue dally to rldi'-I'- to makemaJ tax inform in Colombialia vi viewers to join him In extend-tend- “some "i changes are fatdicatedcated in come? . ' deadbeats and^thereby1 providing{ somethingsometl more than a cruellel - ining sympathy to Colombian: mil-mil- thia tt men's Investmentit port- . All this may seem ao proving " , ; - an answer to what Is wrong{ )oloeJokeoi on the plain people, and behe liellpnafres who ' were havingivtag folio.”-to , cial as to have no interest fof ______wwith lthU Latin tln America. ■ —. {n»ymay-^et g somewbere-lt-only be-. tp " . -' . ' .— ^^JHQNE-Ja3.n9ai^' PHITNS 73 ------, ' , , , jffiuttr4a-Wluit is-wrpngi of- oouroo^ Is—I— eausecause-he's get suelr a sardonicTe--• ------—^ e. P regidoHl^ n iiineonly N«rtpop«f ' '' , . Matnbar of Aa^lt^udlt Buraou cof Circulation and AP lhat the rrich either don’t payr , seAseseiise i of hum or. nanames, nnfortuDately, butt he Glaredcl a worth of 26 million America no Issue Is more Im- • _ . *• ______-tt>eir-_hjcpnie_jaxfiS-iit_alLjar^^^UieiE__incp| L^lJ8^BCeHdya-jQr.iJns|ance,_.Mr.__Rec« Ir.___ m caiAe up with, one joker with p Pre^

ir'^ e n f^ ir DOOk^ Wosti~tatini*Amerlcan~nai“ StrMt W ut, TWIn foII», Idoho, 83301,ll, by Ttho l»r r .>918, at th» pottpo»t offlca InIr Twin Folli, IdahPk’ the treasi^estte a w of naUons Whoso> televlsltelevlsloD to read some tiix re*'«-• pesospe ($558,000) |«d'expressedissed . hishi :assets;~-The- state hasas -ruin-m in ­ 'tions- are unable’ to' pay theU: Tlm«»-N*w» Piiblljhlno Company. Inc. j f ■ - B3301, undar• th* act ol Marti} A 8, 1879./' ede^ him,” said Ueras Restrepotestrepo way. because their governments MCK MiUllOWNEY Ql A. (( . ■ .’ . with'ftate w; sarcasm. But thehe Pres-Pres­ have always beein- either unwll------JARH) HOW^^------Q. K (Ge'sos “In In ' t»^n"80 and’WT)er cent of the AAonoglng Edl»o« Butlnau ,/Manog'ar AdvaittalAdvartlalng Managar i ...~ " V declared assets which hadd shown . money. As long as this situation DALE THOMPSON _ PAlil PAUl CTANDUY«TA : “ HA^ Y I l C 6u’l*e Pltonin^ining To^Pack UpJp ]I n A HiirryV____a-taxahle.profltof.2 per cent. _ prevails, Washington will cen­ Compbiing Room M a n a g tr / ’ Itooi^S e o i^ AAanagtr^ __ ■ Clrculolionarculoil AAon^ar__, Needless to say, theretre -has tinue to pick the pockets of the beenb« a storm of oppositionin to the American taxpayers to supixirt President’sPl tax 'reformss fromfrom.', ' those governments in the cavlar- the business world. Uerdsds Res­Res- , and-Cadillac style to which their trepo also has been Indicted indlcted- pojitlcians have become accus- by these elegant welsherileri for tomed. all^edlyjtrangling credjtlit with , _ Colombia’s Lleras Restrepo hls stHngenfTlsca) policies.Ies.' But, therefore Is like a breath of ------tlie President’s—vlBweraa iiiusr"must— fi*esh ait* to the citizens or Lub------have~maiveled-that-in'theha face face , bock; Texas, and Springfield. If you aje parents of a son,in. and he eight years ahd 11 yeiyears to. sign on. \ of such adverse. credit; condi-'condi- Ohio, because he Is trying tp -r— is-^boat, ni^e years old. he>e toia hhtJf tJf------Se if your boy ia -in-In t tha t agg-bracte-"^— ^ -T-—' --tiBiij-so-many wealthy eHiienaeHizens eave-them'meoey, Lloroa ttestro and companies had'been able to po says he will keep his promise through Jiving a t hom e. V------.u...... - et, and is nott yet a SetScout, why not go inc^lr so many debts thatat they to Initiate and enforce tax rc- Somewhere down the line, since the with him to a grade schools Tuesday weoB left with, no taxableible In-in­ forms. He adds, "If It Is wished . early pioneer days, things have be-be> hight. It mightght well pprove to be the ' come. that the government should sell come all twisted. Today mostst parents step that youI have beebeen looking for—^ ______^ ...... -There.. algo-have-been--crle«,—1’cries, out, ihR-cnuntry—wlll—havft lo ------rln-thinps fnr tlieir CllHdrim but~TmlV ~TOmetBHig w ith h im , as______J familiar to Americans, thatthat the ., look fnr nnnther pnvernmpnt T avfew do things .wifh them.~ W611 as for him.im. ------guveiiiuiein Has wlpgil outIt&I1 ail lii-' lii-~“ WIU not be there.’. There nust ------centives-by its policies.»;■ Pos—Pos-— be-a-street -we -can-name-after- • Now, iin Twin Falls, at least,ast. those STatlpn-wide!e the ScoiScouting program { ■ibiy, replied Lleras Restrepo,eslrepo, a guy like that. who have young sons willt have a attracts 5,200,0000,000 boys, boys. T he m em b er- ^ chance once agaii^ to do somethingsomething ship in the Snakehake RlveiRiver Area Council ------. with them—to be a “buddy”” instead this year willII be in-e:in-excess of 6,500. \ of just a parent who digs1 into the Tha Councilill ranks iin the top five \ NDSTADT, M.D. pocketbook at every turn, believing per cent of thethe CoimcilsCounci in America. , WAYNE BRANDST tha^ shelling out money Is allill that is Throughout the valley a total of 56 ' ' needed , to raise a boy. per cent of allill boys betwbet een th e ages - The opportunity Is being presented of eight and 18 are a re eni enrolled. r Ulcerr TlTreatment by officials of the Snake Riveriver Area In the past: three yearsyea this Council i Council, Boy Scouts of America.•ica. has moved from'rom 329th place to sec- r Q - i How long should a duo­duo- tain nervous impulses, ahd On Tuesday night boys whovho want' orid out of 5299 Councils in America in | denal ulcer that was bleeding)leeding phenobarbitai, given to reduce to become a Scout will haveJ that op­op- the number of boys participating. jt be treated? My doctor says I nervous tension. It will not di- to c.^ome Last sumitier,\ for instance,instai 2,200 boys 1 - ..must stay on my ulcer diet in- rectly affect an ulcer but, since portunity. They are^*Invited to c.ome —---- :-----nervous—tcnsipa-ls . a- cautatiue- participated In'in* the^camthe^camplng-program^"--TT7 ...... ir~' fc ~ --- - ...... definitely.------—_------■ : — - tOTany .pujblie::grade 4 c hooIrQ P-Sfcr^— ^ A^— Because so many"rbTeed- bleed­ factor. It help's to remove this ward’s sthool at 8 p.m., and take The purppse36 of ScoutingSeoul is citizen- t ing ulcers occur withoutat ore-pre- cause and prevent a recur- j^rt in a unique School Nightlight ForCor . shipi trnli^lng, rhnrnrfBr rhprnrtft biillHlnir and ' f u . vlous - symptoms„ anyone„e who _ rence. Many ulcers heal within Scouting. j^ysTcal^tness.5SS. ‘ -- p ______has had one and has beenArTriir' cur- ' three or four weeks under skill- At that time the SOduting program The opportunitytiinlty to helpli your boy, k, ec is weii-advfiied tu use every— ful treatment but, even with the —^which In this arfea is withoutvithout a to go along with him, him is now pre- || caution to prevent a recurrence.ir r e i^ l^est treatment, recurrfiriCe^ are Your doctor has set you on the common, especially If the un- doubt the best in the United1 States— sented. The Invitation to - join has 1 nnnnlni- derlying cause is not removed, will be' refviewed for them. It isIs an been issued and TuesdayTuesd evening is m jj^^ght track. Don't disappointappoint Q _ vinegar open invitation to any boy’ between the time. , , and honey in water every day. vlk Q' — My brother - In - law IsIS Could this cause an ulcer in taking aluminum for his* Hulcer '';" Ume? and says his ulcer doesn'tt ^both­ th - A .— No, but it is not a sensl- er him any more. Is this. IJ drug ™i? hie treatment. Claims for its a cure for ulcers? Could“J , “it much - touted benefits have cause any bad side effects? been thoroughly disproved, P e r p ee t t u u i a l D>ebt e b t I A —' Variou*- alumingmim hy- ^ O Could a^ 2I-vear - old e furi- Again and again on the tour,'■ pRockefeller has no present In- “/* ous at the man he blames for he declared:decli ten J ' the usual length of timee nec- scanty rather than painful men- Mortgage debt is 30 times! ththe e 1?17 sonal ones—aboutIbout 175,000175,0 in 1967. °“^bHshed . tention of making a major, 'iet de- essary to heal an ulcer when strual periods. Easy fatigability figure. published reports that he is "When "Whe I change. I'll tell you." tailed tail restatement of his Viet- rL® on Debt’sdebt's pub public im age h as moderaUng his long-held hawk- Yet manyn Republican figures, nam nar position. Ho is fending off the diet and medicine areI taken may have many causes, includ­ Personal bankruptcies are 20 times Indeedj changed,ged, sayssay s th e b u reau . Ish stance I in support ol Presi- Including Includin New York City Mayor attf Rel- regularly? ing a lack of sufficient regular ____larger. ______^______■ r attempts to draw him out. Rel-I"* 5 A — Bellergal Is a comblna-mbina- exercise. What Is neeried In vou«^ )tar-Qauv-it-is-4ha-«ouFce— dent Johnson's Vietnam policy. John John Lindsay L and New York’ss nlhntlvR silenre hns heen his r>o.s- Consumer installment T, financing------ri------,NoWr-Uke-Santa^ausH Sen. Jacob Javits, believe the — tion cf ergotaiiiliie tartrate~aaatBTraa case is an examination that will „ of good things.?s. Debt i< is viewed as a T h at m an Is E m m ett J . Sen. Jii “ ture for a long time, on lill the belladonna,tgij given to Inhibit cer- was in its infancy 50 years ago, says . Hughes, magazine columnist govemor govemc HAS taken up a moreI theorythe, that “outsiders" lack the lit cer- lead to a positive diagnosis. the Family • Economic Bureaua^u of , symbolol instead of a secret andformwand former adviser to President flexible flexible Vietnam stance and, att Information]nfc needed to develop:lop Northwiestem National Life InsuranceInsurance ‘ u cn Elsenhower and to the govemor the veryver least, will stop com- gpe^specifics on Vietnam. ^ dy of our though 50I vears 50 v ea rs have b rought himself. mending mendinj - the President’s poll- this_BARRY GOLDWATIWATER------spectacular gains,;ains, therether are also se^ The report^s 'that Hughes, an——cies. cies:—------“ changed attitude toward debt. ' outspoken dove, submitted a po- One leader1 says the gover-. w ay. Oh April 27, 1964, during■ing If you paid cash, you wero■o consid- >'ious,' mountingingprobten,,. problei sition paper to Rockefeller, urg- nor’s nor's effort el is "to move to the) the tne Oregon primary, he issued ered n sta hip,~ th rifty ppr.qnn.n Tf y nii_ _ B v fa r th ^ ~m!~m ost—fn ost—frequ ent re a s o n . JngIng him hini to shift toward middle middle middle without getting caught."• a ^ 3,000 • - word Vietnam policy ground oh Vietnam. The gover- It Is hardhai to see how Rockefeller' statement ®“ t (it-was a-year-bofore couldn't pay cash, you didn’tIn’t buy. people 1 apply forfor personpersonal loans is for ground on ^ , our heavy entry Into the war),s We Cou]lould Win! into the consolidation ofof debts.debts. RMany loan cus- "ornor “says ys fliflatly to friends that can can bring bri this off, what with ir), unless you wanted to fall into the' • he rejected it. • assorted chroniclers poking into, calling for South Vietnamesecso ■ • ^ clutches, of a loan shark. Itomers' habitually:ually live only two to I bombing of Red supply routesItes More and more Americansins are bassaJor1 Goldberg’s ill - con- Whatever others may say. his private prij utterances on the . 1; »rt_ coming <0 believe that thele war 1c^ved and lll-tlmed remarks, — To-buy-n tinmp in .1917,. a.wage_jr—w ngp or__ Ifniir yyepkly paychenkspaychecks-aho«d-of-4n-— abDnt-iliB-n'»bonr~tfiB-mat»!r; the feovemur—- - sobJectTsobject. ------^ f South Vietnamese '"hot pursuit’*jij«— ift'“vteniam' simpiy cffunbtibt be—be *will be a- div^slon-stren^' rein­ sa l^ ‘ worker could~borrow’ up to a solvency.. s Creditredit coui counselors com- isIs sternly coconvinced that Hughes Some Some think they find signs of Sou forcement, maxim um of 40 or 50 per centnt of val- plain 1 of a childishIdish "gim"gimme now” psy- thenthen tried ito "lever'' him by change change even in hig denials off o'of Viet Cong guerrillas intonto ' passing word that his outlook change. change. An example from hisI sanctuaries In those two coun-un- TThere Is compounded tragedyragedy "A military solution is not tho ue on a first mortgage, whichhich was chology ‘ and thatthat many debtors seem tries and Cambodia, for warn-in)- InI" * this needless and wrongg feel- answer:1 we cannot win" they fter that, to lack a feelingng ofof moramoral obligation to aifTKil war Was undergoing a recentrecent tour:' , due in three to five years. After that, • Change. "I " I havehi not said anything '[JS®ings to these lands to close out ing-ing. The war can be won.n. "ITieThe ’will chant up and down the land he could renew the mortgage3 by pay- I pay. .. . / The Eoveigovernor Is sufficiently about Vietnam\ and I am not the J,® sanctuaries, for an end to growing gro fear and frustrationtration — enti the sanie Administration ing another substantial fmancingicing fee. How can we 5 promotepromote more realistic-/ vehementirehement oron the subject so that_ .Epinggoing to. t< except to share the] U.S. military adviser withdraw-iw- aboutabo it is due in major meas-- ' whose own official statements 5bt was attitudes toward debt als until a better situation justi-sti- ure ure to the very Administrationtration 1B*ve rise to such chanting will Short-term consumer debt was * fard debt and sounder oneane of his entourageer now brands hope of the American people ;htlng. then publicly wonder why people about $2 billion in mId-1917; it totaled i use of credit? Hughes’Hughes’ alleged alle maneuvering a that an honorable settlement fied ** the action. The govemornor thatthal is In charge of the fighting. < tate and local govern- “perfidious"perfidious act.’’ j can can be be reached." even blamed administration ap- NNo matter how often Presidentisldent * cannot understand what Is going $95 billion at mid-1967 and willill nudge Federal, state and proval of a neutral Laotian gov-ov- JohnsonJoh asserts our will to5 stick ‘ must be ;he year, ments should put their t Both privately and publicly. The phrasespl "honorable settle- P'"°' JIOO billion by the end of the year. * put their own houses in r.ockemRockefeller c^' is insisting that he ment," "achievement‘ of peace," emment as helping to demoral-ral- it r-eveh-100 per cent-of~the~~t oil. which he cannot possibly win^i_ 'contains a department-wlthin-a- appraisecl value of a.'horti6 and take forf adults. Consumers Consumer; should be said "no change" several times, public public sentiment is trending ■from fron President Johnson’s poll- department which steadily un- Hiis simplest public comment, ut- (disenchantment (disench with the war) cles." cies O'**'militarily. ‘ half a lifetime to pay it off. taught t that impulsenpulse buyingbuy should be ------^ ------■"^’"O.—Nr^mbassadar^'T^lrnT—^__dercuts _.the__Adminis tratlo n i ___ Stores now offer a variety of ofcredit credit ' ' curbed,? and_thatthat J3udgets~ste3iiird--re--i3udg£ - war effort. A recent shambles - ‘ — - — GoliGoldberg has been a major fac— ^ created when ail M-Jbunial- pfttiST-iJnder-tSF^Vevolving charge"^charge"^—serve s at leastt 10 p e r centce of re g u la r tor in escalating the crisis«s orof 1sti was encouraged to negotiate plan it is possible tp stay perpetuallyrpetually income ii for a safety mamargin. A R T B l conIconfidence. Lately, he flatlyly told ^jth, the North Vietnamese In in debt by making modest paymentslayments Finally, we should all keep In mind ^RT BUCHWALD the General-Assembly that "a® an, obvious attempt to tell Ho militarymill solution is not thele an- ( chl Minh that many influential that merely prevent the balanceQce from the t old saying::: "Credit is a good ser- f y swer" In Vietnam. j exceeding a certain level. vant, v bub debtt is a harehard master.” 1^ g \ , Americans are prepared to take Half a million AmericanI lives ia softer line than that of the Keeping UpUp Jbhnson’sl’s Morale are Ii on the line In \Hetnam.itnam. President.I J Some Som 13,000 have lost theirr lives Then, of course, there are er­ WASHmclWASHmGTON — As the Pres- ed ed thethe war,w and Henry Thoreau troutrouble all during the Spaifish-51. , there. The war has becomene the rorsj in the President's own of- ident’sdent’s popularitypopuli sags more and wrote wrote an a essay on civil diso- AmeAmerican War, but in spite ofQl ‘ longest in which we have! ever flee,| as when-spokesmen havo VIEWS OF OTHERS more.nore. White House staffers are bedience bedience and refused to.pay his thatthat he . was re-elected to of-.• engaged. It Is one of the mostmse- Communist nation, not Justjst Inin .art teacher for wearing a miniskirt, later1®’’ ^ where economies economies can c be made in newsews of othother administrations the the CivilCivil War?"-" veltvelt called him a treacheroiis Southeast Asia. hiked up her own dress in tlie. principal's* expenditnres. Someam® congressional coogre skepti- ^ Irst. . „ "Ah "Ah didn'td know that. Doug- hypehypocrite and others said he Had,ad AiAnd yet our own ambassador(Sador P l X l M byW ohl office asked hoiy he'd like It it Ifif ahasha c: cism about this jmtceduie-may-be^notcd-in—procgdure n "You know. Mr.' President.- ^s. las, but but Ah'm glad vou found && M Messiah; complex. ______to tlthe United Nations can bland- ...... gi ' ■ ■■1 ~ ^ a report, from Rep.tep. Wendell Wendell Wyatt of Ore- Jamesames MadisonMadl was Tn worse it It out."out."~ ' ‘■^ven tfiough Wilson ran onm Iy temh^wOrW lKsnr-*nnllP” mHP------The Associated Press didn't reveal^eal what « gon’s First•ict, District. troublerouble than ypu are." ' "They "They also called him King thethe slogan, ‘he kept iw out t»fttf tarjitary solution Is not the answer.” the'principal replied. He probably was as Mr. Wyatt notesles that In December.I 1965. "Tell me about It.'* Lincoln Lincoln and said the war be- thethe ' war,’ he was able to switchich - Tnrn a war, a mllltaiy solution ■ lUctowKArfonJ, polite- as' be could be -under the 'clrram- on announced a cutback of "Why, when the British tween tween theth states was a failure, withwithout too much trouble.*' Is tlthe one answer which ,rnust must me& tr.eoredhJS •tu c e s and didn't express his realI opinion,nnfninn *^6 ^ Admlnistradon announcc urned down Washington and he He He alsoalso hadI the worst Ume with "Ah -get the narallel, Joe,.^-_flrstoe,.^-_first Im givenJwfpre die poIlUcal___ JSJMO-civlllan -employessmployes-oo-tto-ex«3«iv. -on ' S - v k b a ^ b a - wMcttT'Onemay be^surerTras TjotrexactlyIt uuctiy department-r payroll,■oU, with a prospect]^j sav- ad to'fl^-wjih • Dolly-Madison, ;iJhe^e dreft.”^ dfgfi - - Thei MH~'~^nlptlnri'of'"the~conference tahia tevarable. ' " ^ d, is poliUcal enemies -chortled "Poor "Poor Lincoln. Ah certainly of ui Im jcan begin to take shape. ~ liion. But by July. J966, mc of us. Anybody got anythlng elM jcan S e a ^ O F F a ^ . Miniskirts are like funny stories»« nrhlrli which ***> million. Blit 1 fith glee and he was the laugh- know know how he he must have. felt, toto -a add?" . . FlFrom Ambassador Mldberg’s w y greatly in ftinniness dependingg on whow S 190.000 ’^ere addedled to governmentgoven payrolls. i„gig sto^stock Sfof the country." all all alone, alone bejng chewed up by ' “Mr. President. I haven’t hadad emphaticemp statement, we nin n ex- I tells tfaem-.Soi»ie can wear minisklrts-anditirt. ------____- In September., 1966.. .the the Adminiatiatinn- "Good old Jim. Madison. What hjs his enemies ener and his so-called timetime to check this.ibut I heardird pect new heart to be given to —Millet A' ■ Ul itr—tKK'9---- Mmade-headlines with-an aonoiincementaoni of a— haveave "youyou gotgot, Marvin?" - mends; mends; doing, what was right.“ the the iolher dajTlhiS-fSniard Fill---ill— everye ^ *'get-out-en built like Mbutaw Dtetrldi. bad bettersetter let fr freeze bn new hiring.(ring. But, iiin one year, the "Well"W ell, I Just ji heard from a even even thoughtho it might be iwliti- monmore was in so much troublel>le . foit that has beea or canr s". be . -T'TT T ' lMfcjMnsaaA>lilI>Ia8 could could only hear you now.” that,that, George.” specspeclflcally. and unabashedlylly at Jtvtm t . fim w ay twcJhrni dwiis fhwwiM -dtam.-digm,- somesoi 300.000 civilian-iederaltan federal «employes since— Abei>e Uncoln, of all-people, at------—"Never "Never-niind that.-What did-- "D"Don't-worryr-Mr.'Pre^rait.nt. mdninggain a victory for, theI Viet Viet ______^ ;______a ' S u p - 'the d r i g ^ "cutl>ack‘*tl>ack‘* was announced.— < tackedeked Polk in tbe Congress, you you find find outi last night. Harry?" IfIf aranybody else asks ma abOut'iiit' Cong.Con] " *Tbe Oregodlaa The■e IntellectuiIntellectuals of tha tlsoe btt^- "McKinley •'McKit waa ia sezloua It.It. 1'ru deny it*’* ' - It.It ,1a to such •Ctata that Am- ...... • ...... _____ * • ” • ■f, ^ - . ' .)■ ■•■ / . . . • • ^ ••■: '- I > • . • . . - , ■ i 1 •■ . . ’ ' V ' ! * ^ ' . . • I ‘ ■ ' r ■' _ Oct: 16-17, ,1967 *■ ■•.' TwIiTwiri FolU tlnmai-l^a^CT 5


.«■ ____ ...... _'_. V , ^ ...... I ------..•—.— t , — .1 ™ ------—,------r — 7 ' ""TR ^ ■' - ^ ^ ^0-Q." /,.- 'Ja r > N j p K 5 ■

» I V '* ■ ' ^

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<» ” ~ ~ mik: "" ";

8 ------^------—/J------...... ------^ _ ...... — r : " , . . . ^ ft. Twit? Falls TIiwbs-NbwsBW» 0hA e ^yniing wnmip" —M «nH gave Pftodarvii Pant - — — walked away from a prisonison aide theth< Hecla MlnW f f - * her»herself, up to eight-foot wavesaves Vickers,vi< operator of a Miami farm last August wete-iback-to.If in Lucky l.URky FFriday »»1°* g y • that had wash'edT her husbandland funeralfunei home, ilnd bU wife were ------wi«Kv?i* had hgsphospitaliifed and treatwl for ex- !; EESgaiflglng-td" aurvlw tit-fcald.wnfcpHUI®— poro tfed - aklii- - i rritations ack- caused by floating gasoline, were "She removed her life Jack- caus ■ Burley'and David Clark Reese,lese. An 3 est ia t ^ ^ m i n e r s were . et,"et." the survivors said, then she ssssaaissssiiMs s s SBaB ss 23. was picked up In Tyrone, Pa.Pa idledIdled by th»'^i^'‘B con-. ra“ Sk^rtetU y broke off . H slipipslipped away. / We Now Have, Both men were charged with ip c t tal Walawright Vickerst 3!i, and On Our Floor . escape, in addition to the charg- Sunday. 7«rnew talSs werei ro- re* ■ m m portedy^ ___ ^ his Vwife Barbara, 40, told of theO’® O n e o f th e N ^ es on which they were serving ponea. / deatldeaths of their companioiis “na and aolld ata ta — at the time of thelr^walkaway. '1 • /^ 'l WOMAN isHonr...... theirtheir' own rescue after being®*n8 all tranalator • Watson was serving IS years MlicATELLOvSCXT (AP) —' Mrs. thraithrashed for hours by jyMOTOROLA COLOI TV ___ftiiLfirstjdfigreeJjuEglary in Can-■f*** iMkrilynmjf i iyn Sewj ard, 20, CHinbbuckfluckf ■ windsrfnd-whlppedr—waveszr-on- Bis-BIS- —^- — Conrw»r;aBe It--" ----- yon County. Reese was serviflaji^'fs listed 1 In fairly conditioniltion _ „ and ba amazed. a five-year term for recclviiy Monday ’with a Kunshot woundDund ^^^iSeyT h said they Joined Torn . stolen property In Shoshoae in - th e ^ - Carter,Cart< 'M iam i Central High fe-the-he»dr-and-heir husbandband School principal, and his ■ wife, W A L K E R ’Sr County. __ Jesse S Seward,m 27, Is being held . Schoi ting 4S3 MatriAve.^.— - Ih the Bannock Ckmnty Jail for DoloiDolores, for the Saturday .outing IIn n a^ borrow ^ boat. investigation,------— ------The-foursuiiie was l)uuiid~for-f or SS—*Wi— , homehome, Vickers said, when1 a ^ Chief C art Hm s U^^^ vard . squai squall struck about 8 p.m. 1 ■- ▼ of the Navy Leame of 'the Unit-,lt. '"(“swas shot once below the ear as H M The boat's anchor slippediped ll I i ed States will b« Rear Adm.[i|], she®he was lying in bed Sundayy aat t B H frorh the bow and snagged on Draper L. Kaufftnan, comman-nn- about 1:15 a.m. In the Big Injunnjua S H 'd-; < the bottom,b he said, and the line ad- Trailer Park. B|B *JP® PHONE 733.6226 . dant of the U. S.' Nava! Acad- Trailer P M fouled in a propeller of the loil on U.S. 30 t* iQltland Driv* emy.,_ Hensley investigated whent In- twln- Bf; termountaln—Ambulance— wprs j d tw ^ -e n ^ j^ 11 f u u I c 1 __ Htjrryl bndi luetday ------y e e ^ tarattend the Oct. 33-24F2t -called- to -tly—Seward—mobile - |j^ B ^ -----Gates.Open/i1 3 p.M. ~ convention. teme.home. TnThe officer said he found lif "UiB^UU^alir < -r--—-— — 'SCWUTQsewuru-HiuiiinB''ow I r-Bis wiieT from the b o a t . ______" — bed. The pollc:«—chief—found-aid-a- H ~ It began to take water ^ and FR EE IN CAR ' KUNATTailfonpVP) — No au-(fUr ^-caHbc]-;22KatHber ..revolver under tho |B snnn swnmped. Virkprs tnid Offl- _ _ topsy or inquest is planned intonto hed. HenHensley said events prior[Trior m eers. leaving the four occupants^ H E A T gR S . . ; - the death of an l^month-oldold to the shshooting were unclear aa ■ cling! clinging to the bow. Nampa boy found Sunday In In-In. yet, hutbut that the couple appar- m SometimeSon later—Vickers ' told AT 7:15 - 10:45 -dlah Creek near here. entlyVhad .“been out partyingf."ner." •nnHce~hB~~wasn't-1 donned Mrs. Carter's discarded . ■■■ ______U.S. CoulCourt. J_YJ ^ life jacket and that he and his i _ - _ Ted RlRobinette. ' 30, Brighamf Mysteriou•ious Weapoipons F oolj1 ]Experts■ wife§ floated through the night I City,-was-itrrested-minutes after _ clutchingclutcl the boat, then each I — Tra vel1§ystem I Ith^bank^ the bank^was rbbber Of $3,300.'AJI*®X n By y FRED s. HOFFMANIN growigrowing belief the objects-may-may materielmatt which U.S. authoritiesritles rain and clouds, the Commu-mu- other after it sank. ✓ deputy U.S. marshal brought.'C t «/ ao AP, Military Writer be hheavy self-propelled artil- said has been been buildinglg up nist!nists can hope to move supplieslies Mr!Mrs. Vickers said when a fish- \ T l • ' J f » RobinetteR^W*^tt^ here Saturday.______!n tdWASHINGTON ll« (AP) —r U.S. lery, possibly bigger than any In the th big raU complex of P'ingP'Jng over the b a 11 e r e d —bI Uu t ingipg ^ boat spotted_. them and U.S. Ma — Intelllsence expeits u ib p uzzlingizzling gUns'yeTSised^the,NortH”Viet- guns ; Viet- Hsiang,Hsla wHIclTlles on the irnpor-hpor- reparepaired—rail line ' fo Hanoimoi changedchanj diiiectlon, she thought; A-Fesigiieci-t-oF U.S. Marshal George Zeal saiasaid overQver m y s te rio u s shrouded•ouded namese., name tant train line between Hanoilanol whilewhil foul weather badly ham-im- "It"U wasw a man sent by Gcxl.” here Monday that as far as5 hene shapes spotted in a Communistnuhist U.SU.S. Marines at Conthienn al- and Nanning in south China.I. pers U.S. bombing. LerLeroy Pendarvis said when he »knows Robinette will be heldneid Chinese railyard Ju?t aboveve the ready have been battered1 by OfiOfficials said the Chinese bb- go ar- and his partner, George Apos- U.S.In2000 here S until U.S. Court conveties North \ ®..?^ Sources said self-propelled ar- and I eties North VietnaMese border. ComnCommunist artillery Jrom north viou;viously have been stockpiling3ilmg tlllery,|i|g has been reported being:ing tol,tol. saw the Vickers, they ------BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — A Nov. 6 6.. /At that time Robinettewtte At firfirst, some experts thoughtlOUght of—of—tl the— b o u n d ary ^'sep aratinating g supplies-and-raii-rolling-stock supp at tn thoueht they were-akindlvers.— — transportation system for Amer.er. will probablyproba be arraigned. Zeal the sha unloaded~TrbrinrSOviet ships tn thoue the shapes might be tankss cov- North Vietnam from South Viet- P’ln( P ’ing H siang in preparationn for Chinesef-hin ports. “Wl“ When she waved with both lean cities in the year 2000 haslas said,said. ■ ^’ ered bj by tarpaulins on rail1 flat-fiat- nam. • the the extended period of bad^ Some government sourcesces arms like that I knew there was been designed to move peoplepie ———~ cars,cars. ■ « AboAbout eight tarpaulin-covered;ered weather,weat now closing in. the something wrong and went and goods, more effectively at "DEL DELEGATE NAMED But 1 sources say there Is a objectobjects are among tho massss of UnderUn cover of this heavy said , there are indications the ------m, wiiPHrrti re -. BOISE re- . BOfeE (AP) —Mrs. HelenGlen ------— ■"" ■—. <■' I" »■ I ------i- SovietsSovi may be bypassing the stralgstraight to them. They were Ihomson,' Bulsu, has been ilesjg- ——------port of Haiphong with warvar ' port says. Ihomson, port ... . , Called Metrotran 2.000, the[jjg "nated “‘S'* official representative of TT ------nialeiial and landing It instead —uuiuu system, drafted by Cornell11 Gov. Don W. Samuelson at a I . V in Red China, for shipment by Aeronautical Laboratoiy scien- n>e«*nmeethig8 of o the National CouncilS Lynda AndLnd Hbbb1 Choc rail and truck to North Viet­rS Ah-Choo! ^ lioose Timee E? ^ M A T T I U U MORSE tIsts, envisions a floating-motel,,1 on the 'J'® Aging In Mhineapolls this - . nam,nam QICHICAGO (AP)—Two bur- a vehicle called the -Urbmobiie,I.' week. A The shapes which appear In glars' being sou^t by Chl-t. M6EIISTEVENS lOO-mlle-per-hour express ways. • The announcement was made Z1 'W' U.S. reconnaissance photos are“"^e cago poMce shoaldn’t bo dlf-f. PLUS AT 8:45 . - ri*Jr"cnshlon vehicles, vertical' J Monday by Samuelson’s office.t •LrM.M.And Ministe:lister For WedV^edding • ofa" the -dimensions- of eitherlier -flcnlt-^tor-locate-^Just-follow— -mm takeoff aircraft, and auto-free_ Mrs. Thomson , is director■ of tanks or heavy self-propelled ar- the handkerchief trail. Jutes public fnformation for the Idaho regu- tillery, sources said. As always,y®' ^raiTraub, owner ol a practical downtown sections. EFoundation S »i for Medicine and Bl- By FRANCES LEWINEE San San i Antonio, has known the the thethe church,c which has no regu- None of the ideas requires “*■ Associated Press Writer:r Presid President’s family about four four larlar minister,r the Rev. Mr. Mc-Me- they would not discuss the ori- Joke store reported that S! ___ _^______------JVASHJVASHINGTON - the the St St. Barnabas Church. goes goes to St. Barnabas when he is thouthough the guns under the 100lOO pounds of sneezbig pow- ■ ^ ------two-year-Etudy. - ...... VCoupons /U U P I Help mantlem antle sunset time (or .their Sine Since about a y e ar ago, whenvhen spending spenc weekends at his ranch,inch, shroudshro might be somewhere be- der,der. T M fl A V « ■ Wolf, head of fhe laboratory's rj Dec. 9 White Hou$:e weddingdding he be became “supply priest" at The thi minister is anxious aboutibout tween 140 and 160 millimeters...... Transportation • Research De- 1x61Get School Bus and »,thave ruled out televisionvision ------r------(hethe required ministerial coun-i■oun- Marine authorities in Wash- partment, elaborated on the pos->s- SEATTISEATTLE (AP) — Eighteeneen coverace of the ceremony. ^ .■icIinR sc-ssion required ofI j,|[.-inj;tonall-jinKtf have said the biggest ------siblllties mtjst likely to replace months ofot clipping VA millionlion TheT'''^ Rev.T Canon Gerald1, Mc- Conviction V.4O coup!couples m arrying in the Episco-'RU'.'-'’isco- guns known to be firing at Con other transportation systems: coupons fifrom product coiu;nn- Allisier^Alllster. a personahlc__y£2ium_____------pal....<____ pul Chtirrh ‘^iirh s-ps-'.-inn'; ',ir.- n rr . ThienIllia a rc ahnut m m illimPtPrs ------Aquamutel, a—name for' a tabierstainm hasha resulted in a new,e,v Texas Episcopal clergym an, _ ,- usually conducted by the minis-linis- Such guns could reach about 18 leisure-tlme traveling marine $7,500*7 500 bus for F Ircrest School,1. will Per,perform the marriage,r^Reversed tho i l C ' ter who will preside over the milesn’"®- south of the Ben Hai R'v-|«Ss^ motel, which would transport up■P The NorthNt Seattle Juniorilor White ^House also announcedmeed I ceremony, but the Rev. Mr.]^r e*"c h;boundary between North and 5s§>S to 200 persons and their autos’S 'nromen’sWomen's Club sponsored the Sunday,Sunday. I-I|, McAllister said Sunday, “ If' it’sif.s SoutlSouth Vietnam, covering m u c h ^ ^ iY COUPON " 1 i b on overnight trips between ma- dfjye to o! .oom lie It of tho im portant M arine front drive to obtain the bus for the ' Guest list for the East Room High Com-t ____ not y; possible for me to handle It “ y r O c t r i T ------ior- c ltlM.------^——------—BciiflnT~far schoorror the rei4fa«r nuptials nupuais of the President’s elder w ac ___then perhaps someone in Wash-'ash- extending, to a point just ^ / ------TiresiiayrtJcf; —The UrbmpMIe system com- '•Thejt,® courcoupons will be redeemedied daughter will be held to about 3dav could." abovabove the city of Quang Tri. ' hhilng the high capacity and the ],y General r ‘ Su^^“ S^rei^ld-toI^^ S . . Recently, Pentagon officials KsHI JACKPOT,y r , NEVADANE> by General Mills of Mhmeapolls,lls, 500 persepersons. That’s 200 less than fupthe convictionrn of Johnny Cole-'ol(^ . The “ le Rev. Mr. McAllister atr JY speied of an on-tlme train with^ and the hibus is expected aboutout Lynda’sLynda's sister, LucI, invited to “ , p said somewhere around 70 Com- jpon Entitles the door-to-door convenience of the first o I? man, a Negro under death sen- tended Lynda’s alma mater, the munist artillery pieces have I Thi* Coupon E ®f the first of the year. her Aug. 6. 1966 cathedral wed- !!!„„:tence-in-Alafaama -in-the-slay-- ITnivPr^lty nf T..v».;, anrt wng 51------Bearer-to-Re<-to-Recelve— ------— ------a-small, fume-free-electric-car, — ----- —- ■ — ding and White House reception. |„g of :r~~ -bee n - bom barding th ese Mariner The Electric car would utilize a Jtlon. Ing of a white mechanic. graduated gradi from Virginia Theo- positions. ° traln-llke set of rails for travelsl . CHANCHANGES PLANNED '1 This will be the first time[■e J"in TheT-he court said in an unsigned;ned ® Sem inary in 1951. OnOrdnance officers suggested between city and suburbs butJt BONN, Germany G (AP) — The- “ 53 , years that a presidential:ntlal oninlnr opinion that although evidencesnce ■iiimiiiimmiuiiiuuuiuiuimimnmlinimniin the mystery weapons 'possibly daughter has been married in ff 1- , h * 1 ® “ INCASH IN C ------^ ^ I d be used on city and sub-t>- Kleslng^tKieslng^r government-. plans to H ““ *” is in dispute as to wether Ne- -iT r'l t 1 awaiting movement south from urban streets: The vehiclee replace the Mhiistry ^ of the White House. The Johnsonsisons groes‘ ‘ were included in grand P'ing Hsiang could bc 152 milli- 5 Coupon must bebe cashecashed between Sn^B would obtain power from ann Posts-whlchPosts—whli delivers the mall.,ll ®announced that "lack of space"'“‘^® petit^ tit jury panels In GreeneMne No School metepmeter Soviet heavy assault >^Kx> tho hours of 6 3 p.m.p.m. arand 12 p.m. CsiS electrified rail when on trackscs runs teleptelephone-telegraph serv- will limit coverage by news’ me- ^unjyCounty, Ala., it appears thatt no RRUSSELL, Kan. (AP) — guns. I s Tuesday, Octoberiber 17. 17. 1967. Lim- and would, "be powered by ann Iccs and'and operates a savingsIgs ^ , ■ ; Negru r t' ■ These have about a 80-mTIe p 5 t 6 person fiverr 21 21 yoi y ear s -of - a g e .------electric battery for local driv-I- bank—^with bank—with a public corporatioivlo,;, Only a pool of reporters will vvhichwhich indicted Coleman or' on the the Pioneer School DistrictIct reacireach and hurl a heavier projec- liig. lik'tlik« the onone that runs the rail-,1|. behe permittedperm to cover certainrtain the juryjui whHch convicted himilm. . voti voted against closing the dis-Is- tfletile tthan the artillery the Com- —An Intercity expressway, tolo roads. It would^ operate like a portions of the event. There! will Besides,Besic the court said, "it Iric trict’s one-room school. Thehe munimunists now have trained on I L~ HORSE SHU CLUB( J M provide automatic electronicIc private private business,bu hopefully be-1)0. hebe no teltelevision coverage off the further appeared that up to the schi school board, therefore.•c. Con ' Thien, slteering guidance for vehicles,s. yond politicpolitical influence. wecJdingwedding ceremony itselff a timtime e olof pletitioner's (Coleman's)n's) hire hired a tcacher and madede ■ ------■ ■ ! ■ = — —------— White HcHouse spokesman said.d. trial, non Negro had ever served-ved plar plans for the fall school Lynda and her young Marineirine on a ggrand jury panel and few,Few, lem term. The first day of school 5 “ E D IE * fiance havo Set their. Saturday,rday. if any Negroes had served on the the tcacher appeared but not pwedding n g " for A p.m.. about a half petit juryji panels." oneone child showed up—there U ' 137,000 RaO WorkWorkers Get hour bcf(before sun.set. CitinjCiting a ruling In an earlier'Her are no school-age children In SELL Elizabeth Carpenter, press)ress case, thet court said this "in1 it- thetile district. ___ ^ OR TRADE j L O A A^ B B A A R R D ” ____ Wage Hikes UnderJnder Manilate-t- ssrcretary-to-Mr-c, r g i S ^ Johnson, -^aid- oaid- self inm ade out a p rima faescie- ie ------the timetim e of the wedding would case ol rould case of the denial of the equal ““““ S Be iure lo be on deck for Iha HUNTER’S By NE3LGILBRIDE Jaw andatld theth award," Hlltz saidllo be "an hour that suits the cou- protect protectioa_which the Constitu-titu- I AP Labor Writer in CbicaRo.Chicago. pie—and it also depends on1 the Uontlon guarantees.” gu •INLETS MEASURED - WASHINGTON (AP) — Wage!el The five(ive-man White House honeymoi : G U N S 1 : BAR-B-Q a t Ihele HORSE SHU an d hlkfcs dictated under a mandate' board, hea ISC hon.eymoon-dcsti nation ,^V-a—loI—Io------The-court-The-< went-otMo-say-lhat- e board, headed by Sen. Wayne"c cale that remains secret. AlabanAlabama did not present evi- linel‘n® 0 of Massachusetts is aboutjout CACTUS PETE'S —TsUNDi from Congres4-go into effect tOth Morse, D-CD-Ore., ordered a 6 per’«'■ Injn choosingchoc the minister, Lyn- dence adequate to rebut Cole-ole- 192 miles m long. But it extends 1,- day for 137,000 railroad work-c- cent wage hike retroactive ,'0 to jada didn't look far from home.e. man’s claim of systematic ra- 519 milesm wh^n all bays and in- ers. The boosts range up to 288 Jan. 1 and a second raise of 5 She she pickedpic the tall Texas cler- cial dis lec- lets have been measured to cenU per hour._____ ' per cent el cler- cial discrrimination in iurv -relec- 1®^ I ^ whe-only two weeks-agcr■Trgcr Uonticui anand therelore he was enti-3 ^ where ihey. narrow to a width'of 1 -T h ejaJjra^ es ordereaTby a ^usplus a total of 20 cent?\)er hour ofltnS t .“ I ^ White HoOseToarcITh th^Tltst for 100,000 : ur offered prayers for Lynda and tied to have his conviction re- 100 f®feet______I ----- it for 100,000 skilled workers.- - Charles *at-St. Barnabas Episco-isco- vversed. ersed .------u___| h h b case of its sort, go to memberss Thexhe first 10 cents of the skill:III pal ChurchChur in Fredericksburg,lurg, TTieTiie 1 mechanic, John D. John-)hn- of six rail shopcraft unionss increases gigo into effect immedi-di- Tex.,Tex.. 15 miles from the LBJ sonson, WAS ws shot and killed Aug. 30, woricing for virtually all the na- atelyately, with 5 cents retroactive to Ranch. Ranch.- jgei,1961, 01outside his home at Eutaw.aw! T I N ^ S TONIGH14IGHT , April April’ 1 andanc 5 cents retroactiveve He wawas so surpri.sed whenvhen ColemaColeman had escaped from jailJail WjM Chief industry spokesman[> to OctOct. 1.1 J An additional 5 centsIts Mrs. JohnsonJoh called Saturday>y to in EutaEutaw several days earlier. ■ ■ ■ ...... ■tinnrr^—C ------John P. Hlltz J r said the rail-I- will-gointo will gointc effect next April l,1, askosk hinrhint ■to perform the ceremo- - Coler TUKSDAYi-OCTOftM 17 roads decided, against going into and the fim Jmo- Coleman -was coHvlcttFd-Aprtl ---- ....JfCKrOT7-NCV;7-TUKI>AVr< ° and the final 5 cents next Oct, 1. ny, “we"we didn't even discussi the 4., 1962.J962. ■ This Coupon Entitles federal court to try to upset the® The workers had previouslylly details." d etails." 1 $ wage increases, which Hlltz pre-; averaged ' J2.90per hour, andnd Two weeksw aj»o when news-ews- I I — Bearer to Receive ...... >••>•••.. » - — Coih i^ously called "clearly inftation- skiUed^orskiUeoLworkers S3.05. The- topop men"J®" asked“J* '' him if he Would pre- 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tu*idoY«ry, OctobflfOctober 1 7 ; ^ 9 6 7 . limit oo« paid men will get 28.3 cents per side, fide, he replied, "No. That's a to pertoni over 31 y«or« of cf oge.ope. BBy CACTUS PETE. | ■^*"bur people have had to wait * cr job for a bishop.” I ^ \ a long, long time for a pay in- hour -more immediately under JO" for a ^ the formula, bringing their payay Tho Rev. Mr. McAllister, son / a i H i n r i x e , creasl.” ^ said chief unionf to <3.33. TTiey will be eam ing a of W. W. McAllister, mayor of Jl G r a m tli Win $5 to^ S500 from ’ "Big Bertha" spokesman Thomas Ramsey. “I; fraction under J3i60 when the ------HtUPCHnUMVttlOM'VIUOH’ MOMCniOCOUMIMOM "World'a Largestsest PunPunchboard” j£ “ow they will be happyl? get‘ (St^^fthe"rest of the pay raises go into ef-:f- ("J ■■ '■rsji woooY T u tirr STARRING EVERY WEDNE!/EDNESDAY ^ 1 4 5 0 KC No Purchase NecessiNecessary to Win! C on««s’ created the presi- feet next year. [ Sm rn* for Toahlro Mifuna - Brian Bedford dential board in a special law to3 Other workerswo will get vary- ^ •new Jessic^i Walter-Antonio Sabato Mair* Arroif^*m«nH lerlytr|y4or 4er YeuiYour CKrIftmas Forty f ' votxswAocN^ For tha Mc^ Complet* Fun, Food, Enfeiielnmeiil—flusmenl— flus Fr*« But Trip halt a two-day nationwide railI ing lesser hourly1 increases de- or a good „ -^■=srr>-—^ FFrancioso Hardy . strike last July and gave the> pendingpt^lng on present pay. - ______Coll 733*5163163 or 733-733-7513 ______board power to Impose the wageI The woricers include machin-n. ‘ AGRICULTURAU- M ^ ----teniirlfTh^re^was rio voliihlaryi ists;'electriciansr~boilermakers,»t*; «ectil ■*- Jf«UI»«.M0r0f_C0._ !______k e n t i n n e agreement The law also for-. sheet metal workers, oilers, car-r. I ^n ig k T Starta 6^25 |ll^lECnCHlCKEN^: > ^ [ - * “ - bad* any farther ctrika tratiiI merfmeif fUMl»nd firemen.fit ... ______INFORMATION Southerne m Friaib-droR>ed ------CAN EAT aay'^onsldermtion for a court . nUg j i ^ GAilNER-ANDREWS < 1 "Good Morning" Music bj UKA ^ MKLVYN ■ JAMI» I EVERY WEDNESDAYSDAY _____. . . . 1 appeal, they refused to write the ----SH fl C HH EV EV R R O N j "Gooc ilc ^ DOUGLAS • COBURNT rcompuisory wage terms -into a . tlstan aach A.M. ^ vohmtary coatract 'agreement. g HEATINGJING OILS i ; ply with the provisions of the I' * Prompt. Oollvary *' I , . ★ Ka•p-pjMsc^ SarvicaIca J ’HolTtelly" HOUFBORG’Si CO-HIT TONIGHT B . * B u d g s t P a y R aI n ' md IO«J I ' If you plant ft 11I ' * * S &: H Graan Stanipa »^p* “ S u f . "Mink" M «:30 ------1 1 — ...... “ Sun-up Monies” J-' f r r " 733.35437 3 3 . 3 5 4 1 ______------:------” ^ ^ T b i i c h I I f : HEATINa-Ott;------1 ' I JQHW O. k m Y MS I win h«v» IH IJI SfcRPA, SALES CO. I mmmmmmmmmmmmimmmm0: ' ■ f ■ ■ _ _ , ____ _ »

N —^ ,. . f t . ' • I • . • _li____i______. ' ' .______I . * ' ! ' ------^------: : J , ------^ -^ ^ ------^ ^ ------—------:-----^------r------

— tTwlh-fdttsrnniw^^ ““ ■■■ ' : Pet. 16-17TIW ;^r^^ Fined in Twin IPalls PdUcejJljce Hazelton,Haze $S. failure io yiiU to Court by Jtulge Harry T uiwm r a flashingfla red light. Bm-mitAllE.DIECtll^ ’ MP' for speeding were Margarett P. a11 A. Roy,Roy. Route 3, Failure to drive■e in HealthHeali Department . irtatlatlcs - f e ^ JW Moore, 1692 Kimes Ave., $15;**5! a lanedini highway, $ls;bond for^ show Hawaii’s': birth rate and Scott L. Standey. 1101 Highviewi-lew feithfeitM :, Mildred D. Shanahan, birth I^ne, $17; Paul J. Gibson, 1708 bojci “ "i birth coimt haye heta 'dropping' ' f f.’;jitBMagj|g^>it t^HSjafontffl—'^nrii^tfy IS llo^ 1^°^ yImproper tum, n'nj.and tor ,13 years. .The decline, lias ^ J -J,.- ■■■. ■ ■ W.-IT* BDriTO, riw -$I0, im proper laMlane been ' greatest during tbe last ^ i |W j p 3 |s Sims, 248 Caswell Ave., $10; ^hanj i i B D ...-i t ------— •I*': change. ______■ ______thretthree'years. '"sW $20; Gene D. Larsen. 733 Fourth ^ '*7; ~ Aiw» 17 I nnnHlng, p!l- Alan p ;____ Brown, 1660 Kimes, .$12; Anna t/ay Found ’ ^ L. McKinnon,' 599 Lynwood Tsrt Tt: rrnr-T: ?-7- ’rr ^ u_l Blvd.. $U!- Theodore C,-.Wilson,;son! - . T o StopK - H—Route' 3, J erpmmer er lo ss . . . a n d g ro w m o re U lg*y^r” hair *oss7**Even If , :' $13; Thelm a A. M iller, Routee 1,1. hhair a ir. - , . baldness may seem to “run -aa^SE . $10; Lynn C. R asm ussen, 330 :. For Fc years "they said it in y«your famliy,” this is cer-■ ii" i ' * ■' v'''' , SectSecond Ave. N., $10; Vicky Kirk-:irk- couiccouldn’t bo done." But how!low talnlytalnl no proof of tho cause H i l i i S s i i man. Filer, $10. and Tlik turn-urn- » tirmtlr of laboratory consul-sui- of VYOUR tiair loss. er,r Twin Falls, bench ‘warrantrant tants has developed a treat- Many conditions cian cause ■ v W iW tS - Issued. $25, mmont em for both -men and’■'’o uj,|^ hair loss. No matter which _ ... women, that is not only stop-ofj", o___ n e iIs causing your hair loss, Paying fines for disorderly=” y ping hail' loss . . . but Is real-’jai-’ ffj?’® yjjy ' w ait until you aro sllcl< conduct with an automobile were/ere [w,y growingar halrl ______h,Y ° ’ ' Daniel Dan .W. Gardner. Route I. . 'fi- hnlri nnd vaiit-bMlc-taats. Rrn— ...... n I ■ y n Ktitl ■.. Tl igr S 5 Sdead, -you-ace bayond-halp.— — ■■ ...... - }. -I- " ["•■—.. Klitiberiy, tiu rlfM e tl cit >-j- u! TC~tato. take their word for it.■ If!'■ soSo. if,i you still have any hair " •' ' i ...... | • ( “ ■ . I Gano, Gan Jerome, $20; Ralph iPen-’en- they believe that the treat- Qp'on t top of voty head.' and j r ,,.... ■. tmi7 rrry m'gn t wtll holp you;"they •^ih- u/Vnji ftVW.''" i------1 iSSr" , ‘ Fife, Fife $25; Stanley D.’ Alen, «^ vlt^ vite you to try ltfor“32rd«VSSy®.' |oloss ^ and grow more hair . . . . . ■ f l --- -- ' , Route 1. Hazelton, $25; M ichaellael aot t tltheir risk, ond seo forror now is tho time t«J do some- a______. ■ • 1______- 1 ' ■ ''' • ■ f H. Uhl. Route 1, Paul, two ydursolflyours . thinothing about It bBfSro it’s too ! ------countS)-$45-eachr-Da'vid-fcr-Rob^-COUI tob^ - ^ » ‘“^a''yi-tf’ey;wo‘ild-not’ o t ^te late. ------. insoinson, 146 Addison Ave. W., $20;j2 n- offer this no-risk trial unless»ss [_£■Loesch .Laboratory Con- i- ■ ■ , I SaioSalome Galindo, Hazelton, $25.-c ’ ^vorthe treatm i ent 'worked. "How-’w- sultants.sulto Inc., wnfTSiroply-yoti—- evor,<.lt-4«-tmpossiblo to helpe'P with treatment for 32 days. —^------Other—flnes-incIuded-Earl—B;-—Br ^verveveryone;------— - —, at their'rr^, t^ rflFToy brieve Newman. J5, Improper backing;'ng; T|The great m,aj'ority of the itreatment will help- you. ' ■' ' ...... 5------r-rr------, Michael W. Milner, 249 Polk St., cases -a g , of excessive hairair Just send them the Informa- , $100, driving Qji a suspended II- .t_||fait and , baldness are thehe tlont'p n listed below. All in- / ...... cense; Dale L. Modiin. 288 Ad- T®'* f , ,i gulrles are answered confl- P - am s St., $100, drivihg while In-ini beginning and more ful- dentially.^entl by mail and with- toxicated; John Brettn, Jerome,me, Jyly ddeveloped stages of;outOTiout cobligation. Adv. K, , .. jioo, H m ajj ; $18; Esta M. Busby, 503 Addisonson NO OBLIOATIONlOATION CCCOUPON ...... ■ J : - Ave., $5, and Dorothy Ann Kel- ■ ., itTo: Loesch Laboratory Consulianis.isullanls. Inc.I ■ •. ....— -|--j ly, San“Franclsco, Calif., $25, : .....:...... “ ■ ; ’’Ip- Box 66001. 3311 Wes.t Main St. '• :i I T-?i, all stop light and st(^ sign viola­3ia- Houston. Texas 77006, ... ' J . A.-- a. - 1 r 1tions:i8!< Sherry L. Clark, Buhl, . - I am submitting tho followingMowing InfInformation with the under- ...... — i*.-..____ and Walter A. Todd, 1443 Spruce, standing that it will bo keptt strictly Ciconfidential and thal I am \ $10: both following too closely;“‘y- under u no obligation whatsoever,>cver. r I' nowno have ,f r have had tho ______- ______Y ______■ 1- 'J t ■ .■ allKathryn s M. Sharrai, 1302 Spruceuce fe _----___ MAlut*-^jj ------. , ~ vas v ' '- ,•*; '\ ■' dedicated Sunday in honor of ADDRESSA ______^______boundaries of the five voting wards of ththe city Sept. 21, youyou will will not not be eligible to vote Nov. 7. If y lur House Speaker John W. Mc- _ k ■' . . g. places . for each in the Nov. 7 municipal elelection new addressress is is not not I in the same ward os your old a let Cormack, 75. CITY ^ STTATHSTTATH___ ABOVE MAP SHOWS thci(rs. boundaries Names of < persons who were9 registered at the the city clerk’sclerk’s offii officc and have tho registration ti H>r ------^ ------of Twin Falls, and the pollinged places Sept. 21, for were< pqbllslwd In thetho Sunday 'Times- precinct. CityCity record records sTiow more than 2000” '' person! lor ^ to name four council members.9t on Names the list ol and ybii l^ve notIt registered since the election,tion, compar com pared to 875 on Sept 21.(ov. 7. If you have moved and your Hou: Ume registration books opened Sept. 21, i VAW.W.'Bi vour old address, you must contactauli- Corr ...... News. It your name was not on the list Istration transferred t6 the proper JOO persons are now registered lor News Of ServiServicemen HaHarold Hine —. iiiiitiiii>m|iiiiitnifini[)iin|mmiiinimiinimtmn___ g j] I Jot your liurfifeief? 5 ______led>- “ G o t . ^ feSjfT’ Area Woman I — — —— —™ DiesDi At Age 59 oJ rm Second Lieut. Anne L. Rush.ish. Army Pyt. Rod W. Horejs,ore is ” Politician?. . D ie s A t A g e 73le daughter ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Elmerner son of 1Mr. and Mrs. Larryrv W.w' i^arold Everett Hine. 59, 226>/i schBETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP)— *y J. Rush,' Route 1, Rupert, com-3m- Horejs, 348 Madiaon, fired(I ex- );■ Washington St., died Satur-C O ^ Sur black dachshund bounded JEROME—Mrs. Dora Jessie pieted daug'hter an D Army Nurse Corps-•ps- pert .wl.with thc M-14 rifle near night" at Magic Valley Me- onto cat th^»|>eakers platform Bentztnger, 73, died Sunday j Rush ' F -of^ the comple(ion"T)niis basic com- •’TOrnrnrortai Hospital ot a short iIP der t INNING morning at St. Benedict's Hos-In Hcerpieted basic an course recently at bat trailtraining at Ft. Lewis, Wash.Afash. ness, 226Vi school^ educational complex pital of a lengthy, ijlpgss.------Army-«edid Brooke Army Medical Center,ter. He w as bom Dec. 21, atur- 1907, Sunday *<1 interrupting a dedl- She was born Feb. 28, 1894, Inle fleerFt. Sam basl< Houston, Tex. Duringing ------In CedCedar Grove, lowa. and mar-Me- cation ear speerh hy Vlpf Presh------Schaller, Iowa, and . attendedlit the Brooke eight-week Ai course, she was geconc p,,,L ried Josephine Fullerton. n She iP dent “ Hubert H. Humphrey. Second Lieut. Rodnev R. The vice president stoop- school in Pipestone, Mont. She Ft. Sam I crrord, i4 , son of Mr. and Mrs. ^aiCd March 2(),~T96:^:------«P - _ ^ J C EQENSEr^KM N 13 3 8 8j 8 — ' - moved to the Boise valley. al>oute. knowledge the eight-v to Army field medi- ' ' 1907, ed down, scratched the dog’s Dudley R. Rutherford, 327!7 N. Mr. Hine was the tool roommar- ears •""'i and said: miD 1920 and was m arried tn H. C.3. cinetmlnn^ techniques. fn Instruction was'{?f OO'ltrnnrfi strander, completed an, of- supervisor super\ fof the College of ____ Bentziner Feb. 4, 1950, in Boise,,s alsoknowledge given in Medical Service fjcers’ c She ‘‘I think he has political _ _ ficers' course at the Army Mili- SouthernSouthe Idaho, and belonged to aspirations.'* yVinnlng numberjrnber published| dally thruiru OctoberOc 25 They came to Jerome In 1953.rs operations cine techni and procedures. Lt. lary p.iPolice School, Ft. Gordon,irdon, ^he FFarm Bureau. He was a' Mrs. Bentzinger had worked asid Rushalso given received her degree in qGa., .'' recently. During the nine- memberniemb of the Kimberly Meth­'Oom ■iiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiitiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiniKitiniiD a dry good^xlerk for 25 years'S operations 1967 from the University of Ida- week course, he was trainedod in odist Church and had lived: inof ______. ' at the Cash Bazaar. Boise, and^ h I^ush o ^ o s rece c c w ------^dadministration m U s, and communica-mica- the ‘h® Kimberly^ and T\vin Falls;d to ------M| for a few years at Tingwall'se 1967 from I — ■— tions wiiwithin the MilitaryJolicejQlice areas for the past 30 years, 4 E, Corps andjeceived extensivei/e in- SurvivorsSurv include one step-son, I I s e e s L = r —Armr^FirstHbieut. Richard E. Corps ai ' .« Methodist church and tiie’• Foulk, whose parents, Mr. andind structiorstruction in military law.. He S.Sgt. Robert Fullerton, with Needlecraft-club.------!------Mrs.Arm James y^Fi E. Foulk. and wife, also ‘C’learned military policex)lice the AirAi Force in Tucson, Ariz.; I Mountain \ ______• ■ Survivors Include her husijand, Nina, Poulk, live wht at 430 Fourth Ave.,,c ' camp andar station operations.is. three daughters, Mrs.* D ale I two step-sons. W alter C. Bent- W., i^r.s. has ja m e been assigned to the (Glorii(Gloria) Gilbert. Wendell; Mrs. I Zinger and LeRoy Bentzinger,-• U.S.Nina, A live rm y’s Training C enter'sr's Aloha Bray. El Cferrito, Calif., both Jerom e; one step-daug>v> has b F tr —M arine Cplv~JanTes-Mr-tx>wc.- ajid- a ^ Mrs.,nenn.M (Melba) Fisher, ».{- ter._ Mrs. Nellie Mae Cone,i* Campbell,jj s_ ^rm y Ky.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ru;«ellusseli Nampa;Nampi 11 grandchildren, four ^ rona brothers. Maurice- Hine, Spo- 1 ■r fs ------H. Lowe of 394 N. Madrona. brothe Sylvia Westerfield, Washougal, Campbell is serving ivith Marine Heavyleavy kane; Clarence Hine and EarlIr vvhi i'n si! ■ ' ’ - Wash.; Mrs. Opal Brown, Red­> Army Capt. D,vld R. Titus, Helicopter HelicopI! Squadron-463. Marinearine Hine, both Twin Falls, and Don NORMANo f I HERRETTist- ;J iM M iiiir'iiir'*‘ifltiiil11 ^ mond. Ore., and Mrs. Innis son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Aircraft Airrrnfi Group-16. First Marinearine Hine. Filer; two sisters, Mrs. * ia- ; Lampc. Meridian, and 11 step- Titus. Army 704 Ca E. Avenue B, Jerome, ■Jang, Maybelle Dennis, Ronan, Mont.,Spo- T h e K oh-i-noor . . . S Aircraft Wing near Da Nang. Maybe In- grandchildren. y wasson of assigned Mr. to Advisory Team Vietnam. Viptnnm His squadron providesvide.s Mrs. Dorothy Dennis, Char-Earl which means "mountain ■ ^ Funeral services will 'be con-y 87,Titus. advising 704 I the Vietnamese Ar- helicopter i-elirnntf transport of personnelonnel lo.^Mont.,- ■.. Don o f"['V light” . . . is the oldest- J li my's Corps in Vietnam, recent- Mrs. o t the world's famous dia- S ducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday as.sip^ r.hor-e- — Funeral .lervice.i \t'ill be onl con-- ’ m c ends, u t dating b ack 4 or ■ in the Hove Funeral Chapel by 87. advisini ^ movement and within an objec-ibjec- ducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at| is i , visor with the team, entered the hnrl 5 thousand years. Origin-o f J : Rev. James B. Hughes. Final ^ 5 1, eive area. the V White Mortuary Chapel, ally tiio it weighed 186 car- g 1; Armv in 1963. Capt. Titus is■s T''®' “ ------_ FriendFriends may call at the chapel f ------l ites Will-be held irt the Clover-g a 'y- 1857 graduate of Jerome High ___ _nta. It has since been re-vn ■ dale Cemetary, Boisc, at 4 p.m. with I ^ MondaMonday. Tuesday and Wednes- cut diar to 108.93 carats andIII- J ■ School and received his commis- T 7*7 day until 1 p.m. Last rites ywill atj is nan now In the crown of ■ Wednesday with Rev. Ralph„ sion through j the Reserve Offi- ja H lf FolKergiirofriciatlflg. Memorials ® 1®^', ml James Hardie, 77,U JL Jje_held—Inl-SiJnser MemQrialipel.j the disc Queen of Engliind. ■ may be made to the Methodist e6^s• School Tand raining Corpir n rog rarrr w H Park. The family requests apel: that r ca The largest of all known S at Idaho State University in Po- J> e ll€ church Memorial fund and mav ^ ^ Billevue, Dies TnT.any memorial contributions nes- be diam P®r1 onds w a s th e Culll- ■ catello, where he received a de- irdie made to the Kimberly Methodistwill n ptman -. . . 3 ,1 0 6 c a ra ts ■ ! be left at the Hove cha^I. gree in education in 1963. Hisif. „ BELLEVUE j h \ r — James Hardie, made i ______at Idaho St ill. 77, d i^ Saturday at the Veter-■eter- Church.Church [«rR “ wife. catello, Carol, wh< lives at 1023 N. Fill- that rl<:a^irv*^1905. it w os ex- ■“ ’ more. Jerome.- ^ — ans-Hospitah-Boise,~of a lingernger---- ^ ; be portly cut Into over - a ■sHBIHBHI ingmg illness. nine: T_ __AreaJtacoineJCajL wjfUkiSl ^ist hundred gems, tho two J : He WEwas bom Aug. 5, ,g1890,9o. Injuries Fatal largest of which aro nowys ■ S I S rr YOURS? TheB persdiperson proving possession of ' ■ Army Spec,4. Richard T. Blox-)x- in Glasgow, GIasg( Scotland, and came;ame POC.POCATELLO (AP) — Calvin antho i largest cut diamonds ■ ■ Seminars Have a t ,a above license numnber ber mimust claim the prize at th ■ ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-:h- to Idaho to work for John RRay ay HortonH 17,' di^d Saturday win e th o world.- ' '[J J {■ office betw een 8 :3 0O a.m.a . m . iand 5:30 p.m. within two ■ ' / ard G. Bloxham, Hazelton, wasas Brown. On« March 30. 1930,>. h®he in ag s,Salt Lake City hospilairbf ~coniAs a gem mineral, dia- ■ ■ Been Suspended , Army spe ja-----pobticatlon of thlg-rrotice7notice. Bring auto registration J i _____ „ , , ^ ...... ham,e assigned son ol to the 173rd Airbornene marriedm arried Katherine York. They injuries jnjurie: suffered in an auto- ®P®rrilns is Tn so many wdys * ■ Seminars scheduled earlier by BHgszfintt ard G. Bio: viemam oct. 3.------Tiperatea Ifrfctf mobile accident hfiVfe Sept. Tvin 27. an unusual substance that la ifico—L130—2nd—St— ^uitnaiii ■ officials of the Internal Revenue aiisigned to _____ and they moved into Bellevue:ivue: His rightri leg was amputateddayl If! we ' are fully justified ii^ in !■ i; ■' ■. ay |a ■ He was a J World War I veteran,:ran. after e a car with six' teen-agedirbf -conaidorlng-tt-oB-«t«nding.. IJ ■ cally bec&usc of Government ex- . Lieut. Col. David L. Gray, son Survivors Survive include his widow,dow, boys -went."v out of control anduto- a p a rt am ong th o g em s t in i la■ RULES FORiR PLA PLAYING "GOT YOUR NU ■ pcndlture limitations, it was an­1 of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. .■ .... and several nieces and nephews,ews. struck utility, pole^ None„gj of is composed of a single 5 ■ nounced Monday. . Gray. Lieut. of Col857 Walnut St., has en-'"•* FuneralFunera services will be held the otheroth boys in the car was ther S; -a 1 - A 'ffix Times-Newsws Bun Bumper Strip to rear bump ■ . element, carbon. It may a ■ The seminars, set for Twin) teredof Mr. the an< Air. War College atJ gj at j2 np.m. m Tuesday at Bird Fun- seriously serious injured. . ^ J tinci bo' considered unique be-It- iJ;■ license. You maylay puf puf~on all cars in your pos Falls, Coeur d'Alene, Lewiston,, theGray Air of University, 857 Maxwell Air"!'■ eral Home, Hailey, by Rev. He vwas the son of Mr. and tingcause It is the hardestn- a5 _ ja n d - r e a r = ------1 — Pocatello, Boise and Idaho» teredForce-Base the j in Alabama. He is p^[_ ■ '® Eric Jungbauer, pastor of the Mrs. JohnJ Horton of Pocatello,\ par* natural substance known: :a! ■ Falls, all for later this month,I the Air Uni allied acUve dutyy Community Baptist church.rc h. ------stowas therefore n requiring dFs- J ■ will not be held. The seminars and Force. air Base nfltlotial guard officers Military Mjijtarv rites will be heldi in I USE T TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS li»na ■ 4. Each winner mustust bringbrin State auto registration^In two days following a I developing ah iindefsISiidlnB:^ of these factors is a functionJt ! J lic e n se m a tc h ln ggwinningTitimber-publishBd::^ w in n ir tration card to Times* S Investigated ; " r 2 ” of light. This must bo cap- ; ^nfran/*^ TlA^lrt Failla ■____ -—T n O F f P , iTtnh (AP)—CharlMI milita^c o m m a n strategy^ a in support of IO ja - - ! national security poH(by.______tured through the fine a H. Shields. 17, son of Mr. and deveTopTng ^ j| Wepco, Self-StcSelf-Storing p | y. ability and knowledge ofs- i5 ■ < 5. All prize winners3 areare stillsti eligible to win grand pris Mrs. Joe Shields of Tooele, wa» military str -the-diamond-cutter. Next -Ja ------. . found shot to death in Tooele national sec A week we will talk about■ ;a!b 6. Employees of theie Times-NewsTime and membersJR NUMBER" of f S unday.. I STORM DCDOORS III 7wdiarrdiam ond c u ttin g e n d tho jJ Tooele police said the youth I Bj,PB S B Loans I M ’ 'MM mi I" ■ ^•■'svarious shapes of dia-J® ;■ ij ! are not eligible. - bumper of car near._ ■ was apparently holding a ham-! K 'THE H' MOST” m onda. a 3ur possession, front __5___ ------a merless, 12-guage shotgun when ' When you are buying-a .■ ( a it discharged while > two other■ rodlM. “TH .WMtchM, hrpeiiiTlHfm. »kl«. - ||b niy"^24 m “ tdiamond, e s t you can come !■ a ' teen-agers were at m Tooele,xesr.• IV, imnlMl IiMfm- Ch eara re w ith co n fid en ce th at t i ja GRANCrND PRIZE WINNE ■Mnlm, thtin m n , tammm, Mn- >nt of w inning license. J idence.' An investigation Is un- rodlM, wt»t the diamond you. aelect jJ a der way. ■allow, ~t— tap* raaidara, onlMry ■ml eiqr Mhw nM rf ■ III wtest h ei of the "four ,C's.','i llja - RECEIVESES 3$ 3 3 3 .0 0 INi following C announce* S — ---- DrovCarat weight, color, cut ■ - f *• lews, 130 2nd Street J ■ ^ and clarity. Here you can0 - | a | _ ------— ^ ^ i i The A. t C. HOUSTORHOMS W - buy if^ your diamonds loose, a ■ )d 5:30 p.m . a I. a " ■ i W«rt»r-Wb«liigTOP Tt»^ r ~ "”THE P f t MOST” ^ where tho quality cam be jJ A l l LUMBER^BERCO. CO. Itr __ risproywn.L-ana„ mounted int | {■ . - ...... jtration card showing ! I $1 y.00 par Ion daKvar^. MAIN ” ® AND SHOSHONt STIBT __ tha ring of vQur ehQlctt.Jn_ 1»—^— - JNfXT TO THtOWr CABI /M fM r 301 2»»d S». S .-1, WK>n» Wk>w 733^2214 T w in Bd::^ . . . ■ 'Ba a matter of rnlnotes. m IIHIERMOTHTAIH S " HERRETTS^ JEWELERS, ia I 733-^621— Tw in Fall* - fwm l 1220 Kimbariy ..R o a d, i* ‘‘' and prize. S • ^jinniminiuiuiotumuuiinnuuiifmuiunummiiia; - -Twin F«ll«, -7Sa-d868.— |‘S -■ ...... ------r=*:Sdiil ■ JL ______Jit-« bers of their families ■ • \ ...... ■ NNER I sl CASH I

^ ^ ^--

H , . „.,1 ______> ______' ...... __..______:______' - _'•.....---

• 8 ^TWriTTStft Tlma»-hjpw«W« OBOHn'(5n7rrr67~^""^-3 Q ffj V i « M Evelyn Hirschi I: | 'm | | | | _ | | | ^ ^ blyerVed By -■ I- 4slMatxled_Xo_: 1 No. 54 fl ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ ^ ^f f l l G'' observeobsenred the official vialt of thft n Hirs Hirschl, RockviUe.- U tah;-was - ■ worthyw oH fi^ grimd matron. of Idaho , | H married to Gary*l.ynn Merrill, m ently at the Jerome Masonic son of Mr. and Mrs. Donaldlaid Temple. | H G. Merrill, View, in rites Se|rt. —^ W r i ii A sail ept. ^ H A salad bar luncheon was- held H ! ■ 1 alat the St. George LDS Tem" at noon, foiioweo by Uie TCn&ST tIB l^e.---- ■------^ ^ ^BSC^I^’'’''' ' of InstTInstruction. , ■ ■ ^ ■ ------AiAwaJmpaHytag-ThrTJoOple-^ '' HeKrTThomas.^oIse, worthy '■ I grand imat.ron, and Walter Cul- H | ] ■ the temple were their parents^ ! ■ , bertson, Pocatello, worthy grand R B H B Mr. and- Mrs. Lee Merrill,Till. :.v H patron, were honored guests. BH ■ B brot brother and sister-in-law of the' the gga B ’ - ^ 1 " ' Special' Introductions were given ^ HSk m bridegroom; Alan. Wilson and | H to DonDonna Hrtton,' Lucille Cul- sIKkSlSIKEbiiviB/slih'"' 9 j | Deiuils Hadley. . ^ B -P m ■ bertsonbertson, Emma Krodle and Lil- EU A reception was ,held thatthat llan Barton.Ba There jwere eight evening at the -home of' the . ^ B -..y Grand Chapter committee mem- bride’s parents, Rockv/Ue. '-‘^ B b^rs, nine worthy matrons and SSfc ■. 'f : AnotherAnol receiiitron Was held for _ ^ B — one^wofthy patrori-introdnced:----- i iffffiBf r ‘*>ethe couple Sept. 8 . at the View ■ -• The vworthy grand matron was J3^ - LDS Cultural Hall. ^ ------™-- TEMTERESA ANNETTEJHAGLERSR 1 MiWGARET PYRAH 2 presentedpresent! a miniature doll ot-& gS J' ^The reception line was_ilankedk ed ______• ? herself, while Keith Johansen 3 f0 t 'i- ; \ ' ji sang, •• "Oh You Beautiful Doll.” "e*^ T e r e s a H d g l e r NNovember o Rites W‘ : "X , ■ ■■ ■’ ■ /• ■ Mr.- JJohansen and Mrs. War^ r'-^ I '1 - • ■ / Q ren VaiVan Camp sang a duet for ' ^ Reveals Troth Planned P'a By Miss. . : ■ ■ H i . - V . y t ® ,hethe worworthy grand patron as Joe : Rose, worthy patron, presented - I. sa- JEROME—Mr. and Mrs. Gor-or- PPyrah, y f Ward MR. AND MRS. CURTIS W. 1 7on don R, Hagler announce the ^ CURTIS W. BOWER him hi^^a a '' gift. ^ ..Mra. Preston Pvrah-announcea___ 'I (Dudley photo) lort- onBUBeiiiwii U f tlieir - dauglite r,' the forthcoming marriage of her photo) _—;------Mr.M rr-i J qiiaiiiien and ‘ ~ >y Camp sang an original song .1' sm- Teresa Annette, to Glen Scott daughter, Margaret, to Dallas ______Cam p written by Mrs. Larry Fleming :ck- Sidwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Twin Falls, son of Mr. \A/'II w ritten by tan beauty baskets of blue)int MaxtT—-^ Sidwell. all Jerome. ' V— Xo—^ha tuna of "Some .Where ------ade Mlgg -Hnplpi- wng grnrtiinted" and-Mfs^ . W. WardVjtichficId- :^— My Love." The song was'dedi^» 'UCUlr CU M M lN yT and white chrysanthemums eiv- I 6 T ^ —Miss—pyrsh was graduated ' Tatcd-to My the -west Jrom sidwe Jerome High School Jn 1966^ pital.— .-. ------Christian Church. Open -house4y.4>ccauae Now, som of a serious accident. ma,,^inr Terry~€tim m ins—( ersers- Club will meet at~2 jp.m. man !on, and is attending the College o f Mr so Now, some 50 years later, he jnaster master councilor for ^thJrstate i;wen- W ^iiesday at the home of ____ Mrs. line mini of lay and long lily point Max i Mr. Ward is a graduate of *-" will be hcld^rom-2r30-to-5TJ:nrr is paintinj of Idaho,' Order of DeMolay.lay "AlHANSEN — Syjvia Sue Swen- sledves. She carried a cascade>ey. Southern Mis. Idaho. He is employed Richfidd-Higlr'Schoor and Brig­ nv is paintinK-agniir...... ^ jdah Mrs Dick Noh, with Mrs. Pete Thorn-I by by Fred Evans Burley. ^am at the church. Mrs. 1 natron son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. mec The worthy grand . matron ™ ■ ton as co-hostess. Rojl call will, — 1x>uqUet''or w „ green and~'blue car- from . ham Young University. He ful­ All friends of the couple are MMrs. adge AU Bowpr, the' formecock spoke TTie on “Keep A livee the O.O' K.K Swenson, Montana, was jon i — • nations center^ with a ^ale1 of and ii ¥ .¥ ¥ filled an LDS mission to Ihe Invited to attend. The couplere Creek Madge Atkllis, in; was bom at Rock spoke 3nc as married to Terry Cummins,I son ** "Wear a Hallbween Cos- j East Central-stales. He is em­ lie Creek in : 1891. She has •■beeneen DDream." ream . She said, "As long as '"“'"'■I r.,m tume.” The lesson, "Care and green th orchid. Southi requests no gifts. a member Val- you have a dream in your• heart h eart of.of Mr.M' and Mrs. Aubrey Cum- > Mrs. Lee Merrill, sister-in-lawred byJanet Jo Lierman, ployed p,oyc< as head of the Drivers a memben of the Pleasant Val- you hax 3t. 21 Fabrics,” will Mr. and Mrs. Bower were ley wijline eek you will never lose the meaningeaning mins, Hansen, in rites Sept. 21 I™ ' -. of the bridegroom, -was- matron chitec E ducation Department at married Dec. 12, 1917, at Rockre Worthwhilley Willing Workers, Rock Creek you wii be given by Mrs. Ora Jones and eas- of life.” ' at thtthc Murtaugh LDS Chapel. Mrs. ?? « Howard Mills. Information of “X Honor. Lee Merrill, brotherThe Fei Mr. ler Reveal O’Leary o’^a Junior High School, Creek. cit antWorthwhile Vallej Club and the Pleas-Ight of Refreshmlife.’ ents w ere servedved in BishopBisl Roger Tolman per- ™ Twin Falls. ant Valley Grange. She taught Refre Od insurance will also be given. nf the brideeroort.' "was best Jrom . Mr. Bower was born In 1892 piano for has the dining room after the meet- formtformed the ceremony. ^ .E-nU num.^ Ushers-worc -Alan- Wilson,vty andW edding ii D ate ^TheThej couple will be married In Yampa. Coin. He moved with92 servedpiano for a: several years and has the dinJ any ing. The bride wore a Bridal Orig- SHOSHONE cu — Uncoln Chap-Mrs. Willis Mabey and Arlyss Mabey. Southi Nov. 32 at Ihe Idaho Falls LDS his family to the Rock Creektn served groups, as .pianist for many ing. ¥ * * inalInal I gown, fashioned with long ■n^ FILER—Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Temple, j area In 1906. Mr. Bower’s fatherek groups. j. j ter 42 Order ol i^stern "“'■"r Star Guests , were registered iere by by Lierman, Ft Filer, announce the temp 'our ATTEND PICNIC lily point sleeves. Scalloped*°P~ will ... meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday‘ will Mrs.‘"8 ' Ross Critchfield, cousin^ of engagement and forthcominging . ¥ ¥ ¥ was a rancher and stockman“ ,nn« Mr. nnHand Mrs. Bower have fourank' FILER—Members . of thee Sen- ChantChantilly lace formed a reding- ,1 and.Mr. Bower became a full-T, sons1°"®.""“ and one daughter, Frank" FILE a t the M asonic tem ple. “the hridegroom. marriage1 of their daughter, QK/- ver, ior MYF of the M e t h o ddist i s t ote effectef on Imported rayonm or- if , “11? The The bride’s table was covered JOJanet T Lyri'fie, to Michael R. Shoshone Sets fledged cowboy at a very early}*! KimberlvBower and Leonard Bower,son. Churchior MY attended a sub-districtlistrict ganza with a crescent waistline gjj =------a g o ^ H e -h a s witnessed the full'X Kimberly: . n'X; Curt Bower, Tucson, Church stiine SHOSHONE — LDS R elief W‘|* So- with lace and centered with a Feiler, |- . Burley, son of Maj. and R/~J7 aod picnic at Devil’s CorralI and and ani ovaL neckline' encircledircied ciety will meet at 2 p.m. Tues-‘ f."„ three-tiercd. wedding cake. The, y Mrs. r e i Robert A. Feiler, Fort Bazaar Dec T growth of the Twin Falls tract.J: Ariz.;»/ir^''F«>rn Bill Bower, Pocatello, ills,aod picnicviewed a program on Vietnam,itnam. with pearls. SmaU miniature SHOSHONE — Annual bazaar He helped move the last Indians' * ~Mrs. Fern Hamlett, Twin Falls, viewed ature rv- Miss Llerman was graduated , p, the last paint-marked Indian, ^reai n. tured on the closure from the gjSHOSHONE Woman’s^So-'hao- ^*^om which a miniature bride ^ . Is Dec. 1, from 10 a.m. lo 8 two great-grandchildren. Skinner ...... ----- neckline-down-^partnockli of the wat- cleti 'JpH from Filer High School in 1964 „p-m. „ “ at the LDS Church Cliltural ------^ilndian 'Johnj>r”~ 'died-in—Mr. — ■ clety'of Christian Service will and ' bridegroom were descend-„M. and attended Idaho State Univ- ® teau chapel train. . ^ meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at withi"8 onto a flat cake base where Bower's cabin near Rock Creek. . W/K Org ■an- ersity at Pocatello for three■ee .«■ Mr. Bower was graduated Organza flowers trimmed with tjietlie iMethodist Church with Mrs. a miniature ' bridal party stood.ppn vears as a iournalism mninr. There will be games and walk- from Twin Falls Hi^ School r '! ~ J .:- J P S n pearls and lace formed a nose- John .yghr Halfiy nnd Mrs^J»liu.-LEcn. ^The cake was made and dec- ^ ■|ng~ft5lrTf8i'dT>nd a "snack b ar She is employed at the Citizen-" will V.' be featured for all. — in 1913-and-attcndefi the Univer"- — - — " i t i l B I B ------■ say- ^ner nington hostesses. c„ orated*eau by Mrs. Leslie Dana. Record in Filer. sity of Idaho and the State- Nor- 4 H ------'" elbowelbow-length veil with a butter-utter- ¥ * ¥ T uet ^ “ke was ast-and served Ijy Homemade foods, will be sold fly face veil of English silk: illu- _ lyr 11 Clar All Mr. Feiler is a 1962 graduate'te from from 11:30 a.m. until closing mal School, Albion. He was a Mrs. Calvin Merrill and Mrs.eptv of Munich American High time, teacher at the Pleasant Valley sion. LDan Jc Kelley Jj-edOrval Merrill, aunts of thc Eh lime, and Ihere will be special , Maid of honor was Judy ' Duri 3in- School. Munich,. Germany, and booths for candy kitchen, bake School and taught the violin and , Cq. bridegroom. Guests were, serv-, attendt>d Mis Utah State University shop, other string instruments. He |H||i >ow.-Afcfctp- 3;Brooks, with Vicky Smith and Q3lGives Program '^(11 »on, ed at quartet tables centered ity shop, toyland, clothes horse, In- W TerriiTerrie Hanel as ' bridesmaids.laids. I ion and Idaho State University,ty. terior terior decorations and needle- was clerk of the Pleasant Valley y at with wrought iron candle hold- majating and a in--journalism. He is work School Board, for 10 years and n|H | Flow TS Brenda Wrigley, Jeannan-^Gru-ob-1 tnajoi ______^ ------—— 'BScaiisea ETnd wori-l-aiira~divorcee s scid- paya legU the interest. The needling,edllng, JenseJensen, Debbie Cummins and HeHo was introduced by Mrs. insoi MRS. ADDIEDDIE PEUGHPEL ■—■ 'BScaiise a wealthy widow decid- pay th ^ well. Jill Gibby. Karol Hatch f.'^P,, ed abuse, and aggravation the(he In- JulleJulie Bourn. The cake was made LuelLuella L. Kinsey, program=lley,- and • Mi M ary Alice" Angus. the Bo» 444X4,, ShelhorShothon* ed she wanted my husband. r” debtedabuse, one sometimes getss from and decoratedc by Mrs. Jensen,isen. chaichairman of the evening. prog ler. ______"FOOD FOR THOUGHT” debted ipoke Gifts were iirranged by Mrs. A N his "benefactors” Isn’t worth>rth it. InTn rhnrg.. gift. -table- —Mr. Kelley .mid d rugs—usedMis- -P Michaelk4 Brady, Mrsi. Dean W aF a t~ P t m M DEAR / to n r his "bc were I Chocolate Oatnieal Spice Cakeke each week for the best recipe DEAR ABBYi-Jbe-Ietter-fnnTr' were Mrs. Helen Bourn, Mrs. mosimost frequently still remently ain Miltilace and Mrs. Elmo Christ- Filer,Pour over one cup quick oat-at- submiisubmitted for Magic Valley Fa- -thetrBrtHav ' h y Troubled? Write to Abby,y, Box GladysGlads Jensen, Mrs. Virginiarginia opluopium, iporphine and herein.t and He opherson,loss cousin and aunts of ------■ I v — -thetrwltCSwwho widows k( wonders wiligi- hy 69700, Trou! Loj Angeles, CaUf. 8*5069. 90069. CumrCummins, Mrs. Zona Lewis and expl meal, one and one-half cupsps vorites.vorite; If you have a favorite ~ widows keep lo ^ g all the ellgi- 69700, I 5 and explained the ways they 0 are.be the Mi bride. Gifts were carried JI by boilingk water and stir. Add threeee reciperecipe, just mall it to tha Recipe that For a personal reply, encloseinclose Mrs. Diana Snider. Gifts werevere usedu.^ed and how they affect the vldei bleI would men lilto divorcees Is one |ual-that aFor stamped, a self-addressed enve- carrlt “ ole Robert^M crrtii;—K^iyc—M errillr squares — r \ chocolate, one teaspoonon Department,Depar Women’s Page Ed- I would like to answer. My qual- a stam] enve- carriqd by Qheryl Jensen,sen, persiperson using them. chesDuane Merrill and LeRoy Rob- salt, one teaspoon cinnamon andnd Itor. ’The recipe becomes the f T ^ ifications: has lope. YvoniYvonne Jensen and Katie Coop- "M"N orphine.” he said “ Is used Afi ifications: A bachelor who :nce has lope, :f. tf. Mrs. inson. one-half teaspoon nutmeg. Stirtir propertypropor of the Times-News and I V J I er. mor(more by women then men,” and San IN ^1 datinghad a greatboi deal of experience gram - Master of ceremonies for the until chocolate is melted. Adddd cannot De returned.) ^ dating Mth. » . . I The couple will reside inI San he wwarned against the infection resldprogram was Spencer Kunzler.the two_____ teaspoons vanilla. Let cool.d1. iSSaB «iox • Diego, Calif., where the bride-}ride- so often1 rc.sulllng in heroin bride I W ^-~"ryfLA " On a man’sr first date with Worthy W O r Grancd otego -nsed Prayers woro given—by—Sishep^’’E' ~rh In i>r mbcer, beat two eggs, one- A t ~ A \ j a widow, groom is stationed with the user users, due to their homemademain hamMilton C. Payne and Bishop De- half' cup oil, one cup brown su- I a of widow, her ‘she will pull a picture of her "dearly beloved, '’'d de- l /V\QTMatron Feted Na“”Navy. injecinjection material. 1. He loss Stoker. gar, orie cup while sugar, one ceased h ------He told of marijuana plants a . rt; I in purseceased ane husband” out of her q , are Music for dancing was pro- lea.spoon v,-... ' soda and one lea.spoon purse and then .,^11 you how DVBy /Area OES ;:;;rMrs. Emma Knodle. Burley,irley, havinghavi been found in the centerthe vlded by the John Stone Or- baking j powder. Mix well. Add J 11 Jr \ V "w"wonderful” onderfi he was, and what■'hat h HAILEY a IL — Mrs. Helenen -R. R. grand E sth er; Mrs. Culbertson,'tson! a ‘^o'^ ^ieid and in potted -pchestra. oatmeal ^’jt mixture and beat again. / I// ® beautifu culah Plant.1, and said it Is a prob- I O a beautiful life they had (ogeth-“ty" ThomasThomas, Boise, worthy grand PociPocatello, and Mrs. Beulah P'*” used After a honeymoon trip to Graduallyone.’h;, add one and one-half c r.- ( lt_ y matron of Idaho, Order of' East- JohnsJohnson, Gooding, grand repre-.gpre- *e>"lem now becau.se It is chcap and v u ur- cups sifted flour, plus three lea- l- .J f cr.--(lt_you life wastf I ask around, their ' and San Francisco, the couple will y^til life wasn't'nearly as"beautiful”‘“t ern Star, was honored by mem- scntaiscntatives of Louisiana and Mas- jfis supposedly not habit forming. |ey 0 lily spoons. Bake for 30 minutes in r « y as she sa "It is a felony to posse.sssction or j>rot< reside in Provo, where the two tc as she said it was.) bers q of( Bethany Chapter when sachusachusetts. "It sroin bridegroom is attending Brig-ale a 35CT „degree oven in two 9-inch ’ I 7 1 ' V Then, to 5?s- she made her official visit.______I e n -liiip#* smoke marijuana,” he pointed pian; Then, to show you how domes- .5he_m^ i,______Ien £5rand Chapter committee "'"21 nade ham Young University. ftc- cakehalf o pans. Cool and frost. _____ — —------V TT Tre^KCrT: I fo Past matrons hosted a. noon membersmemi and appointees,, six o“* ouf- TleH Tre~sh6 is, she mv^s you fo ' Past , , * ¥ ¥ ‘et- g a r _ £ Chocolate Frosting / /1 V *’®‘' home k'ing luncheon at St. Charles Parish worthy worth matrons, four worthyorthy ftit may cau.sc users to com- injr. 4 tablespoons canned milk m X I .1 Vj I her room home wpl! where, on the livingture luncheoHall. Mrs. Ward Beck, vice patroi apicr "’it violent acts and scientists Mr ■ 733-3274 room wpll. hangs a big picture Hall. 1 , vice patrons, two DeMolay chapter "”t :n?e? Attorney Talks ■ a 1 square margarine V\ I B ?4 I of "HIM' the president of the club, gaveve the fatherfathei advisers, a RainbowV ad- ®aysay It will cause brain damage. dem( 10^ 3 squares chocolate 1YOUR EXPERTS ON of "HIM” suring you in had the welcomepreside and Mrs. Leonard viser Id as- Tracing the history of LSD' hom< I \ face all evening.' (If you had welcom nard viser and two guardians and as- “ cra'du Its------GLASS o n d gAINT------J ^ 1 any roma her, yniphf worthy mafmn-nf nmh- «eeiO^ Job’s snee ltg discovery in HM3, he 'wereTo View Society any romantic ideas atout her, any tfnighf Chapter, introduced Mrs. Daugl told of the serious results’ pnd of now VIEW—NormanI Nielson, Bur- cupsare melted.s Beat in two tea- . this will JdU-them-fasq any Cl Mrs. Daughters were present. told ning. ley attorney, spoke on "F am ily spoons how Thomas. For those who traveled more uj*"!using Ihis drug and pointed to Marl spoons vanilla and one-half tea- Ik ------H E rconversatlon is about how Thomas I tj,e the arguments for and againsts ^ Protection, Rg Wills and Estate. a spoon 35ff < salt. Add two and one-halfIlf T “good” he was to her and the After tho luncheon, Mrs. than 100 miles to attend the the Magic Glass | L trips thej t is Thomas conducted a schoolool of meeting,meeti Mrs. Thomas present-jsent- *t. 't- Inted Planning"Mrs. at the View LDS Rc-ivd cake heaping i cups powdered sugar trips they had together. It is Thomas lief Stociety homemaking meet-ker “"'I beat until smooth. instruction for officers atIt the ed "t"travel gems.” She reportedorted Mr. Kelley also noted othercom- injT.Robi ^ sickening. . >nd. Masonic instruct Temple. that < • had types of drugs used, such as a „ j „ , Add powdered sugar jf too" S Paint f r r T W T ' ^ “'SA divorcee, s-- on the other hand, Masoni< that of the 300 "gems” she had 5^Pe- 'lists Mrs. Raymond Searle gave a i squa A banquot was held att 6:30 at theth« start of her official visits drinking juice from boiled morn- prav rs' ^ 560 Main Av*. s. will seldom mention her ex-hus- a ba lly 12 '"K seeds, sniffing glue ^iemonstration phifi- on welfare and3rd 3 jqua Times News will pay $5 band's name. And if she does,oes. p.m, in the temple dining room, loto IdtIdaho lodges, she has only 12 '"K. as As had been done at the lunch- left. and Ihe now current popular vVrighome storage. Work activities , ______TTl!iSL9468 she doesn’t make you feel as had . il* were directed by Mrs. James " „ h_* eon, Mrs. Thomaal-Chffiifin-CQlara^MlOTi _.,-Mr3.JCnight_acccpted_an M rs , Jip- n- fruit cocktail______tho vou are competing with a gnn Mr In introducing the programs for of Nowland , and Mrs. Garland . saint. of gold and white were usedsed to poinlmontpointi to be a grand page , <1. to Markham. ted o* decorate the tables and dining for tbetb 1968 Grand Chapter ses- the evening.1 Mrs. James Holt, I/ I -»\ te ^ course,I ve bu known exceptions, of decorat Mr who i>ave the devotionals ainst used Refreshments were served by course, but as a rule, divorcees room,room. slonssions in Pocatello and Mr. *"o Big CapacitylI BudgetBud Priced! A rainbow arched over the ta- Broyl the topic "Violating God’.ular Wrigley.______ig back where the widow com-0"’" the specspecial -songs of Mrs. Thom-rhom - ning. " ’B figures of all ages. Sew-sfmple, plained tf out as and Walt(y Culbertson, Poca- RefiRefreshments were served at smorgasbord dinner was an- / so-o beautiful in sizzling colorle, severalplained tir that she has lost out a, a„d iinth nounccd for 5:30 to 8 p.m . Oct. cleared I ti on the rummage-cooked or several times to divorcees, and tcllo.tcllo, worthy^w grand patron."• Ihe'he closec of the evening, with uids uf niUeel, heavy fabrics. “ M rs: ThntftffS and ill- o th e r Mrs. 24'artfie church fellowship hall.' food \ P s.-«le recently. 1 L askcd^tou-why^------— 5S~~— —M rsr- other Mrs. lone Mc(^uln chairman of ^ I • Ttoee w a s ^ two rinse-temperle-tempera turca______Prfnted^*«era°^M^Jr!"miss y ^ tv® spccial guests wore gold1 and thothe cccommittee. Funds -will go to the buildinguseo Hostesses were Mrs. Paul sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size ss 13 woman As you is know, thc longer^ a spccial , projcct. tem- Bancroft, wl Mrs. John Conway^ , • Thre® water level selectionslections - save hot,oold water. 13 woman is a widow, tho greaterJte*' white chrysanthemumc corsages,sages, M M , Projt takes 1% yards 45-inch. was her 1 [ten gifts from Mrs. Knight and DINNER HELD Mrs. Vern Johnson is general and « Mrs. Arthur Warrington. Sixty-five cents In coins for getswas her to tl husband, and it often o|fu f, g: chairman, with Mrs. Herbert ^ Only or gets to the point lhat he was‘yas TTieodoreTheodor Broyles, wbrthyy pa- FILERFIL — The Progressive Bi- Sf®'' each pattern—add 15 cents for the most r tron.' ble C Class of thc First Baptistinflcf Forbes and Mrs. Howard Ad- 1 each pattern for first-class mail-or theing mwho ost e m a ^ ific c n t hum an be- ^^on ■ kins assisting, W il- ing who ever lived. The follow-o*" otherOther ^ests receiving specialpecial ChurchChurc held its first fall-dinner ,J Ing and special hanSling. Send ing story the introductions included Mrs.;. Mil- meetingmeetii at the social hall. Mr. -Mrs. Hatmaker reported $l4d( to Marian Martin, Timc.i-News,id point; ing story may illustrate the -jntroduc 'S, point; dred rrhoids ■ B§ ^3^® SS.1S5SrJutofrM«ilM«Wi»caMCaMMq4 ^ S 7-POINT HOMEHOMEI TUNE-UP S £S - , ti THINK OF / Modd WA-534B. -— _St9psJjtee Itnrioncnc------—4rt 4./UI|wt b»HtTmlt thread luiHllinf(mMhtRbm. mwlmihm. f fi. i . ttobricatdiucklMA ~ ------and Shnnks PilesIes In MostMort Cases------S t ------7.fnspett«i*li*fit*tti««t«id^liitrit«tiiral«r.------J g * ■ Keir Torfc. N.T. (Spceial): Sei- «ce) took mMrn»Jtr> .H mica bmm lom d a apedal for- •ce)Preparali took plaei. The secret U ..fltharPreparation fftrw B*. There is n6 C6 BaniiJc iMmoithoIds, «tcri ia. «», iI I WStoD itebinr and fey«T« pain. Illci It. _Preparation , K also IDAHO ELEELECTRIC in e«s« after ^ doctors •oothcs Irritated Jn tiiines and . I . I S&utff Lincoln,'Jerx>mene Ph. 324-4331 . ...provad^ wbiJa aantljr xallev^n^ .hefpapKTeBtjrnrtheriniaetlon. .nelpapreTe — f IMflMilAIIW J amis j r . I • ■ ' y lIMUetiOJEl lUOilltaMIlt >• — . 1 M I ______InoMifaBuntorauppoaitoryiona. — . , .■' " •'' T- . ' 6 ■■ ■ -■.Sr- . ■■ ' r ■ «

■ ■ 1 M,,- i ^ ' ■ i' . ' ■ ' ^ \ . ’■ " . ' ^ ...r— T- r — j

g - '-C M . ^6-^7. 1 9 67 7 — — ^ -Tvnln T Falls Tlmo«4'l«v«:------5 • " f f- B u sin e ss MToday^p * s M a rkei k e t and ^ FilM . g^igX .gA -#^ ! ^ ^ aJL A . i#>■„— f ■ . . . mMI J 4 ,— ^— ^ "M irror By JOHN OUWnfFF„ ' TheDaUl)aiiy~^||||||H I ' ) .' ARJBastneas Analyst .... D ow -Jones, 2 p.m . c k G r a i n ' ^ SS t to o c c k k s D; 30 Industrials. 913.60,?.ra- otf 4.57. Livestock • ' NEW YORK (AP) -TWa idei^te to:may be an historic week In- 2:30 P.M. SUMMARYY MMMARK^ AT A GLANCE^C R ^ 20 Rails. 349.66. off 1.89,.« PORTLAND (AP) (USDA)USDA) — CHICAGO (A P )—M odei^te to Investoi ISrU U lities. 125.32, off 0.64. r !-weekenditrade—relation?, a frustratingListrating' ' . , . , NEW YORK (AP) — A stock . nEI e w Ir , ^ 0^’ Cattle and calves 1.600;0; Includ-inclOd^ heav3rTnin-during-the-weekend i stock . YORK (AP) — MarketsM a r x e i s «5 5 sto c^ , 321.81, off IM, i, >cates, a ' m arket decline broadened late at a ] ‘ ing 300 calves; slaughterter steers over wide sections of the Mid-Mld- one for (rec trade advocates, a !d late at a glance: “• er prices significant one in revealing the this afternoon after a small st«x ■u .Mt J. u lower, not enough heifers to west' influenced higher prices D O Y L E , small Stocks — Lower; activeve trad-,trad- pu,,.Puumhn 2.M ^S UH' 4SH 4»% +-U p today on changing sentinients of-'Ameri' Ameri- WILU/VM A; DOV ■HBHI early , rise was canceled. Trad- ing. i2 M +i« test trend; cows steadyit'to to weak,wealc, for soybeans and com today on Trad- Jng. .. ■■ rca RCA -.Mb - 3M 60 UU M -f lU Q. -1 used to sneer at your and'1 come out ahead In the Ion ______i i ^ w a s a c t i v e . ' ' CotlCottnn—FI rm ______:____ ■_ RalatonP .M 11 2« 23H UH '*• ^% b about pleadv: otherher clflSfccla.ss- the Chicago Board of Tra^.Trade. j„ Oulubc. - S, es not established; slaughter The two commodities orkcned "OctDbBT advice “ against trading; in In the ' run. ^ ■ t n r ihe. lir.'itt-- lour Tniir— — _o-C HICAGO----- —— ------:— ------SI? is. round, market. Now I would likelike, to ' Q. I started'Tnvestlng SSO ' hours was 6.52 million shares WhtWheat—Higher;, light trade. • RmSKco 4 iSu ishty, ish i«ij — — h HI 's steers chOIC«‘ 820-1,125 Ib'J3:30=- uickly Q d tjjriff cuts ever attempted in < _ . Reich<5 .40b S4 19H UH W% ... . 2 rs choice vanced. . - npted in qommend you for warningsvamings month In a' MlitU&l fund tn ISS: com pared .With 6.73 millionm Fri- CtirCAm-rHigher; w eatherr a laofac- j'j,';Repuwu t m 21 4«h 4ohIs iJlJ v; J slaughter heifers choice la loS ...;t 880 Ib 25.50; slaughterr cows of ' After Soybeans had advanced this century was begunun with againsti hot-shot,. in-ahdK)utout buy- At that time the fund's stian d a y . ' - t otor. r . ■ R«*iRavloa ■ A2 70% 7ftU 70% ...... 8 was some passage of the Trade Expansionxpansion |Ing and selling of stocics.i. Unfor-Unfor­ were selling for $14.QS..They ai Weakness In pivotal-• blue Oat:Oats—trregtilar; light trade trade. 5“ Jib ; t 13 157 13HJH ISH -f + H W Cc o m m e rcial- grade 16.0Q-18;25;6.0Q-18;25; about l StRegP 1.40b 127 MU 2tH 2*H — H ' 's steady; export notices, ting-trade barriers five;e years , everything I could get'myIV hands I w rote to the investm ent dea quarterly, earnings — butt prof- ' .—:—^ SantSandera M 173 54% 53U12 53S3 —JK—2% steady:9 slaughter cows steady; Constant ®r through which I started th its for the first nine months Schenley I.M 14t M 4 54%**} ft4%*J}« »—*2 1 H fabulls scarce, unchanged;d; feeders Estimated carlot receipts ago was’great. Through';h' lower , ton and was in almost constant F e rro C p 1.2® I MVi 341k 14% ~— H S^h werew e r e Ftream e 1.40 . 293 A9 48%4 8 H 4...... 8 % ...... SCM Cp .Mb SCM 73 54 33%>H &3H MS + K \ Wednesday: slaughter steers of 6. O'e none, barley 35 and soy- States hoped, . among> other Results were poor. Seven r O r./ FiMlChrt .511 71 24% 24U 34'i346 -lOH 4 ...... >»»■»..... SH T_____ T - i i d n i!s c M it ~ ::•« % 1 15.50-16.75: slaughter bulls cut- KANSAS CITY (AP) — Wheat 'i'he trade act passed1 with a J niore productively (in my den- ygjug my shares still hasr •Polaroid and Illinois CentralV n f r n i FordM ot 3.40 101 S3 93% 53 • 4- + % Shel Shell Oil 2.10 41 67 M%;s M H — - %2 T Ter and utilify'"ZU;!>0-ai.5«.' ^— 134 cars, 1/4 low tr t6 ’/J3" 'nmwBf higtvtrr; I larg»-H>»'i«Mtity-of l>oth housa t. .ItUTar pWcttw^-’f couW'have made. ■TmprbVe-d: ------. .c n u t t i '.I2g 91 31% 30V? 30V430% — — % H Sh»l ShellTm .38g 13 36% 2<% 26% — % t'?rf I S9I/' was extolled as Ihe beginning of , sagged about 2 each; FreepSul I.3S 31 71% 70% 70% % ShcnvnWmSher 2 10 4»V^-48%18 49%4iS ^7 %iZ barrows and gilts No 2 hard and dark hard 1.59'/i, Inning or jq tihies__ as much. If ,11 had -; xo-my-inInd,-livtliisIH 2 19'X-l 54N years negotiators for the'btgthe big jJ bought early in the game, I : ■=~~ i>olnt.s as it paccd the UstIS t oho n Qo Accept 1.30 44 30»/4 20?I 29%39% — — % % Smll SmilhK 1.80a 37 - 59% 58%» 58% 4- % .2-3 250-270 Ib 17.50-18.25;.25; sows I.51V4-I.55N, No. 3 1.49H-1.54N. f“I"®’ ^ fund should give me' at lea activity. M otorola cllm bcd1 near- n e a r > CenAc.tnAnii nilF .40 125 20% 20%20% ..M . Sou( SouCalE 1.40 69 14 13%s« 33% MH 4-+ HS ° strong to 25. higher; 1-3i-'3 330-550 Corn 56 c ars, unch. to up 2%,2'/', iTading nations hackcd away ^at ,would have been way ahead,head. jjjg ijasic value' of the dolla C7en Cig 1.30 8 33% 25% .33% . 33% -f YiVi SoulSouth Co l.W 3M 35% 34%'48 34%34S —- H5 i lb 14.25-16.70. Mr, T 1 01* tariffs. ^ ly 5 In active dealings. o* J £enDynam^ ' " d v ' I 68 01% 61U «1U61% — — W % Souf SouNGaa 1.30 9 39% 19 t 39% + % No. 2 white 1.32-r.'38N, No. 3 1.21- iiiv Oh, wellUTrading wasvas fiinfun i i-invest. I mean that tha vali Up about a point were Stand-b t a n a « 'e“ ^ e n Elece i" 3.M 118 108% 108% 104104 H %—IH —1% Sout Sout Pac 1.50 U 10% M!ti U 10% — 1 %a . Sheep 9,000; slaughterter lambs 4 J7,N—No.—2-yeilow-nnd-mixcd^ iff V t^, while I still believedd Inin it. of, the fund’s 'sh a re s should 1 nrd Oil of Indiana. Pfizer. Me erck r c k ' Cen-ctirFd Fd* 2.40 89 a i i ' __a n--- ! i _8otttlr»3r-t;M a --SotH -rn9j52%-JlH 3»H—lit 5iS H —' 3 fairly active, steady:'; feeder 1.1S>A-1.25N. No. 3 1.14I4-1.24N.141/ 1 Kennedy Round of tariff cuts, ' for my up at least as-much as tl TTen'Min.-^fl------i l J4 >4 14 -— %2 8p«™'«>”- ' . buying ' agrcc*^or ^d On Ihe American Stockk Ex- GenPrecctnPrci I.SO 43 08U 07% 47%67% — — % <4 Squi Square D .70 M 28% 28% 26% — % bs choice 2 white No. 3 75W. attempt; —Af-Abselutelyr-j^m-net-‘ln tli€tT< change, stocks put on a scram±n r r n m ^ i OPuhSv .46g 43 •% 6%6H 8% . SiDrS iB ry d 1.40 24 M U 37U 37% — % £ S t r a i n c p o tiu c 1:30------n 31 % • 29 % » % v t r r ia >I» ^ a and , prime aroung^2-4b-35;05r Milo m aize 1.91, nclusion. habit of printing testimonialsaniais in 1agree? ' . g tc i e i lE «K + 2 mostly choice to prime 90-100 reached a successful conclusion. 1 bled performance. . ^ GTel El 1.40 ISO 4 l ( i .4 3 H 43%43^ — % StOCal StO< 2.50b M €2% 63U 62% T % f me 90-100 Rye 1.05»4-I.09V^N. on- Mar- this space. And I don’tI’t. w want ant A. I agree — all tho wa ------O fn T4i Gen T4r« .80 27%^r^;t StOtllnd StOj I.M M 99% m«8I 99% »ii4 .f-4-iW lU 1 Ib 24.10-24.85 m ostly choice at B arley 1.04-1.15N. The European Corhmon' Mar- < ,0 Ga Pacific lb 80 03 11 C262 -f -f i i Sidti SldONJ 2.40g , ;03 M U 67% 67% — H 2 , ket reduced tariffs on moreore than < to get on the “I told you so” You give, a^ neat summary 3 P.M . OUOTATIONS 23-25-2<-(»- 'S G eiber 1.10 25 34% 33% 1U 3 % % — - % SlOiSlOilOh 3.Mb 74 78% 73% 73% — % Soybeaas 2.50=4-2.573,^.1» JlO billion of imports. Thehe Unit- 1 kick. But your letter is too good 1 the reasons for investing ■* NEW YOKK STOCH EXCHANGENGE GeliyOil GeiiyOM .ICtf 41 94 13 »393 —1 - 1 St SI 1 P ackaging 94 16% 13% 1?%IJH —- % M ------Sacked bran 49,00-49,75. e Euro- to let go by. Hopefully,, it will hedge1 against inflattonrlt won Sales Na* Ne trad-trad- be1 just about impossible ;tp ii AhhoJt I.ah I 44 4!)% 48t^ 4»Vi»Vi ...... Glen GIrn Aid Al .70 89 10 13% 15%15% + + U % Ster:SterlD rug .90 M 45% 43% 45%522 —I 'i % l ^ OMAHA (AP) (USDA) —- Cat- Wheat futures closed from ’/a mgerous prove on your defipltjon.' A»C Con .80 » MH 3IH 3« 1 H ^ — — H ^ Goodrich Goodrici 2.40 41 72 00% 7070 — — % % Stev StevenaJ 3.35 34 33 % 33%5[4 35%53(4 U(2 t tie 1,100; steers steady to weak; 1 from /a Japan, among others, « era away from that dangerous | Ahff* Cp J.80 10 31% 3IV5 ...... Ooodyr to weak: to 1 higher, And, considering all th* coj ...... Ooodyr 1J3 03 "48% '47U 47U47% —1% —IH Stud Siudebkr .7Sg , )3T 55 53%13 53%74H ^ —1 1 % il *’“ tances-'25 lowerj heifersifers held ■ , -■ . agreed to gradual j.eductions.:tIons in I game. ACF Ind 2.20 41 50 i 43^ 4»^i ”^ HH GraceCoC.tkctCc 1.40 lOt 43% 44^ 44% —~ % Sun Sun Oil Ib ' 3 73Vi 74% 74% —I . trade barriers. Actually, this column1 is not Involved in mutual fund-Inve AdMllhs .40a 1)8 688 +* 4-1 G G ra ranitC n ite s 1.40 34 20% 33 3939 — — % H Sum Sunray 1.40 70 33 34%48 34% m2 —— %H V to 25 lower; cows slow; ee trade dead set against dice-rollingoiling in in ing, i you and other shareholde Addre*# J.40 11 70^ OH MH —H —Hi i G rantGrant l.IO II 30% 13% 3«M 4> •4' % % Swif Swift Co 1.20 397 39% 39%!ti 29%5?f? 4-* % fl S to weak; bullsr s tsteady; e a X - ^ Now the opposite of free trade < Admiral .J5p 11 35 { 33S 3' 23- -*-1% 4-11, G 0» tA AAP IiP 1.30a 04 33% 31% 33%33U % H Tam Tam pa El .M 17 27% 27% 37% — % # L stea/v CHICAGO (AP) - WheatWheat No could be paining support.t Sever- |the stock market, via thehe trad- should; expect that fund (or ai AlrRetltn 1.50 4« 36^ 3«^; *’? 3«*i ••• . . . Gt n t Nor Nor Ry 3 309 39% 39% 39%39% + + % % Tektronix Tekt 77 35% 53%JH 54% S4« — — %71 ' feeder cattle and calves steacly. ivho can other m utual fund) to do a-lx AtfonAlum 1 71) J6 S 2«S — fjr W*» ^er ambs ‘-59’4 n; No 2 rcdred 1.51 1.5I'/i <4 al widely supported billsI are be- ' Ing route. For people who can 1 8% — l i fit W*al Finl 111 14% 14%1 4 % 1...... 4 %...... Teledyn 3.8ir Tele 182 120% 118%H4 117 117 _ _ 1i(i % Sheep 3,500; slaughterer lambslambS „ j yelihw 1.20: No 2 t afford that- kind of actiontion (as (as ter_ than iust' stay even wl ■AllpgCp lOfl S« u r , 13H 3Vj 13V, >- - »; GW.Sug GW.Sug 1.60n 2 40 40 4048 — — H H Tem Tenneco 1.28 326 30% 30 3JS 0 % |i...... 50K lower; ewes steady. .j2P:. NS- 2i.fore-Congtcss.to-prntect-dhme.s^ J A llpglu 2 40h 3* m l «7U «7V|7Vi —2%-3H GreenG GreenGi ni .80 17 38 17%3 7 ^ 3...... 7 % ... Texaco Texi 2.60a 52, •2% 63% 8 2 % ...... yisllow 1.20; No 3 yellowIW 1.15-19. tic indu.il/ies, mostly by rC-rc- you3 obviously couldn andmd who inflationary1 pressures. ~Tfial Allejt Pw 130 228 33Ji 23 23li3ii H H Greyhound Greyhou J H 22U 33W 22%22% .*•* % % Tejtl TexETm 1.20 42 23% 22%•!. 22%32U —— %H ^og.s 10,000; barrows and to run what the high-priced "manag Allied C 1.80b ta 43', 4l>i 433 — — % G Onim rum A Al irc 80 147 34% 33% 14Vl 14V; — %H Tex Tex G Sul .40 101 145 143 141 ...... fi Oats No 2 h ^ v y white;e 72'/4 n. striding imports through1 quotasquotas. * are ready and -willing to run Allird.Sir 1.33 49 30>^ 3IU i» K ...... Gulf Ol i" v V i' u-'u steady, some 25 out the ment teams" running, mutu I S ...... Gulf Oil 2.M 83 75 74% 74?674?{ — — % % Te*i T exaalnil .80 40 -ll8 Ii 117% 117 %4- % u ’ Soybeans No 1-yellowN 2.61 n.Tl. Among them . are textiles,textiles ' the risk, trading holds out the A lhi Ch»l I 3W 35>i 34% 34^;4% —1% - I H GuIfSfaUl GuIfSfal .80 23 33% 32% 23%33Vi 4- + ?i ?• Te*Tex P W .35g 30 2 ^ 3tf^ * 20%30u‘— - HH higher. * possibility of profits - —- some- some- fund's are collecting salari ------o—UH-MW—41^-.-- - HaJHburHaIHburr-t:t» -----tr-5 0 % 'fl* ' ..«•3r • Text . . . . Textron .70 78 43% 42: 42 42 —1% —Hi ------At the close wheat was >/t to watches, steel, oil. I Amerada 3 3« M n % 0% 7QU + H H Harrli HarrU Int I 30 81% 00% 60%60% —1% —IH Thio Thiokol' .40 74 22 31% 21% — », cent a bu,shel higher,■her, De- To William Roth, .special:lal U.S. t times big profl^. . .. J^ r. They are .supposed to Inve Am Alrlin .*0 31* 32>i »IH 3l^i - - NK Hecla H eda MI l.:0 18 32% 31% 3233 + + % % Tim RD 1.80a B 44Ti 44% 44% —- % ;? • CHICAGO le nego- But it must be stressedled that the fund's money in aecuritii Am Boflch .fiO 38 62J,i 6242 4 -1 —I % S Here Here in ln( c .75g 28 4»% 40% 49% +•f H H TrarTraniWAir 1 I8l 557, 551 55%HU-i’ - •; CHICAGO (AP) — (USDA)—nisnAl- Climber com1 was >/,14 representative fftr trade nego- AmBdcsl \ 60 13 MV, MV« — !■ HewPac to V i higher. December 1.15- I appall- In-and-out trading canresult result In in that, hopefully, will rise In vi 3V« — Ti Hew Pack .20 02 77% 77% 77%77H 4' 4' H H Trar T ranaam er | 303 48% 48!i, 48 1!,, +* % !'♦ F 7,500; butchers 25 to 50 ber 1.15- tlation.*;, the pro.?pect Is appall- J ------Am - < «n-3.30 43 43% 31W i5%SU + + ! »i i Horr Hoff E El lectrn 9 12% 12% 12%13% — — % % Trar Tranaltron 333 18% 17% |7% — U 1, wer to Yg Ine. Protectionist .sentlmenL_he.nent. he i fat finandM-IOMes, Mnrrff» r>ftAn nftea .ue^----- . ------AmCrySu* I ll 2J 24*4 24^?4% % «/- Ifolldylnn ifoHdylr .30 144 81% 4»»; 31% 31% +1% + 1 ^ Tri t r i Com 63g 37 29% 39%>!4 1w 9 % w...... r" J'‘°w er; 1-2 190-225 Ib 19.00-29.00;9 00-59 no- lower to Vl, )ke. >Vnd We might as well face it. XI AmCyim 1.23 J36' 31^ 33',i 33«4 — U HoHySui Yi—eentsr 'Bnleves; could "restorejre the t than not, traders die broke, ^nd 3«/4 - % HollySug 1 20 10 33% 33% 32%33% — — % H TRW TRW I 40 5f> B3 Rl%Hi 83 «3 +1% -Hi; 1 l-.T 220-2.'in Ih t IH t^.iq __2-} t afford mutual fund in which you ha' AmKIP 1 44b 43 34?i 34>/* 34»i — V* Honeywl Honevw 1.10 74 a *-14%— t| M H U r %UMC------ina t6g—-WW lW ' 22% 21% 31% — i t we knew dunng the depressionpression • the high risks involved.I. been I investing has a poor re AmFr*w i_m----- a 33}i ■Hobk’W obk^hlTo c: 10 40^^ 40% 40% + % Un Un CarbideC 3 104 49 % 48%ijZ 4 48%«?i — 14 % ^ 275 lbs 17.75-18.00; sows.wV fSlly fully cl.l9^ trading ord. And it hasn't Improved A tlorn* 1.30 343 53^ 55^3H K% HouM Houm F 1 in 1 40 32 33% 11 •►•«. % Un Un Elcc 1-20 17 23% 32% 23% -^ % S of the 1930s." You're so right about trading 1 !?? + ;< steady to mostly 25 lower; 1-3 s. They any great extent ^Ince that n« Am Motp .SO 31 67^ t V \ iIK lH + + YfVf Hou*tonLP »ou*fon fc 71 4l*l 40% 40%40% —lU — IH UnO UnOilCal 1.40 54 54% 54!i 54% + % •, iT w h i'in g r a in FUTURESES We may be on the eve■ve of a ‘ doing a lot for brokers. They 1 A m lnvit 1.10 I I8»i llK »% — i l Howmet Howmet I 2ft 13 94% 83%93% + •f % % Un Un I Pac l.Mo 62 3!)% 39%Itj 33 39%.; - — *4 % .. 320-t00 Ib 16.75-17.50; 1-3 300-4.'i0 the pur- "management team" came 1 Am M Fdy .M 145 13 U H ...... HuntFdiH untFdi .M b 31 41% 41% 41%41%-% — % UUnTank n i 2 50 9 74 73% 73U -P ; 11 lo-Mo“ tbs CHICAGO (A P )_ movement, he .said, "thathat will t Bet comm.issons on all the pur- I'.i 73k _ ii' lbs 16.25-16.75 ; 2-3 450-500 lbs 5 of 30 chase and sale orders they“ley han-han- Most : other mutual funds ha' A.Met Cl 1.90 21 53U 52^i S3>a2!a y« V« Hupp HupP Cp C . n r 193 0% 8% 8%«U — — % % UnlroyalUnir 1.30 14 45% 45%iC 43% — % 1 15.75-16.25 ; 2-3 ,^00-550 lbs 15.00- Prev. wipe out the progress of 30 ‘ Am Motori 178 ]i\\ 12!; 133 — — % IdnhoPw rdnhoPv 1.50 14 33% 31% 31%ItVi —— %U UnitUnltAirLin 1 5S« 10% S8% 39%' —1% ! ose close years unless those Americanrican in- 'die and, naturally, like to have donei much, much better, Am NG ai I.M 44 37i«371$ 37^m ...... Ideal Id«at CemC J M 10 UK10 1» ...... UnilAlrc 1 60 Unit 104 f«% 84%,3 ,,.7M% +,,■?+1% 1 15,75; 2-3 550-600 lbs 14.25-15.00.4‘’25-!5:“ ; ^vheat"***’ h worid active trading accounts, Am News 1 40 7 \\i 33H 23SJS —JH III III Cent Cent 180 11 71 69% 09%69% -M —1% l Uoit Unit Cp .50g 20 11% 11%'Ij !''< 11% — ■» Cattle 12,000; calvcs none; dustries concerned with world * '• (Mr. Doyle will answer on Am Pholocpy aOQ lOS 10',» 10',^ +. +, % U Imp in^n Cp Cp Am 145 ft*. '7% 8 +•♦■ % Unit F ruit l 333 56% 54% 50 -I-IH y* t0°"5i Dec '^ ,.5 4 '^ 1,5.1% 1,54%14% 1,.5.1%1,.5.3% trade make themselvess heard You've learned your lesson, lesson. representative , letters of gener Am Smelt 3a 38 70^ «0U UV•Va4 - — ViVi IngerR InaerR and a 2 21 30% 49% 49%49% % la UGaUGatCp 1.70 IIT 81% 80%IV? «iW 81% + 2 % steers? unevenly steady to 50 Why not start dollar-averaging;eraging interest] in his column. He ca Am Sid I 7a 29 28H 29% ...... Hand StiS 3 30 35% 23 3333 — — % % UnitUnltM M 1.30 M 28% 38 I 383* ...... 1( lower; heifers mostly■ steady ste.-idv; • *!4 1,59% loud and clear.” ^ AmT*T 2 20 64t 51T4 31^ 5I«,4-W- Vl InaNAm tn»NAm 2.40 191 «0V 39«4 59»4 S9»4 — — % % US US Borax la IS -30% ^ % »s rease in now — putting the same amountamount not , answer phone queries.) k| P rime..T:i50-T350"lfi“" .sTSGghtersllGgft-er } I-®'].13 1.62’4 Roth feels that an Increase in r Am Tob I M 74 33»i 33\fc 33Vi>% — — H H InterlkSt lnterlk.Si I.M • 30% W305« i — — >4 % USG USGypam 3« 32 72 71% 71% — % ^ 11% 1.60% American tariffs or a reductioneduction ^ of rnoney into the samee stocks stocks ...... - _ . AMP Inc 3« 23 3«^ .35% 35%S% + HK IBM jb m 4 4 40b- M W8%.58SU M5% —“ % J f US. 331 . 3 28%inl -t-.'.l **‘‘<^'■8 yle]d grnde 3 andId 44 28.00-28.00- - fill? I l elf} }■«?? JS would at fixed intervals? That’s the , Amp«« C^rf>- 300-^4ii 33Vi S5H-f %H Inl Inl IlnrvTInr% l.IO 103 13% 13% 13% 35% — — % % US bs LInea 3b 10 33% 331 «■/ 33 ~ — ^ % 228,50; mixed choice andnd prime prime '-^y*14'4 l,63'/i of imports through quotas would ® "^reduce TIM^NEWS WANT AI Amphenol 70 A70 45^ 43H 43% 3 ^ —1V4 —IVt Int Int M Mir iner I SI 33«i 33 33U33% + -f % % USPUSPlyCh MO 61 33% 53 53% ...... , result in similar moves acainst against t one way I know of to -reduce Anacond .«2h 15 4«Vi 4SH 4 i ^5 %...... Int NickNlcl 2 80 29 111% 110% 110% -f %U US US Smelt Ih 48 83 M%lu 660 0 %(4 —- s % i 1.150.1,3.50^ lbs 27.50-28,00: choice s retan- risiTTir-ttirTibSohitB-'mtfitmtmtHitfltmimt'FQlt FAST-SKjblNQ-RESUjbl I AnVtrn-Chem M 12« 12% I2‘V—3% — I Intrn t r PPa a c k e r. ' J8 II 10]: I0>; 10% - % Vi US US 5fter3.40 ir 45% 43 I 4 45^, 5 % ...... ,.... r 1,1.50-1,300 lbs yield gradef^ke‘'‘’ 2°‘'to 2 to l.l5>4 t.,l4%-r.H7/4%'lrf4?t l:t4% AiTTeriraHniroaUcts^ retail- * ArchDan I.M 4 S4^ 53U 54K + HH Int Pap p,p 1.3S tM 28 37% 37% 27% -f■¥ % UnlvOPd U nh 1.40 38' »7%I 15% 86% •«• % j 10% 1,19% ation could be enormous, he ' Armco Sti 3 35 93^ 53^ 53^3% -f %Vf Int Int TAT TA* I SO 117 114% 114% |4»;14% 4- H H Upjc Upjohn 1.60 31 58% 57% fl*ai'^ + i % u ; 27,00-27,75; choice andnd crime prime A rm our 1.60100 3'H 33S 33HJH — — % W ITE ITE Ckt Or lb 8 UVf M% 36U56% — — % % Vari V arian A»»o 1 14 34% 33liI'.', 3 33%JS — H % 9' 900-1.050 Ib slaughterr hei™rs heifers May 12.3-M 1.23« l,23y.13^1 1.23 1.23 feels, becau.se pending U.S. bills Arm.eCk J.40 43 54}4 53V4 53MJH -- SS Jew Jew«l el Co C< 1 30 18 30% 29% 29*129% — — H % Venc Vendo Co .M 27 23% J7% 27% — % v 6 00^6 50 5“' 1-25% 1.261/16'/ 1-25^1.25^ would effect $3.6 billionI of im- AahldOU 1 20 40 31^ JIH -»■ -*• HH JohnMJohoMai an 2-39 . 18 MH M H 3IVi 51% * ■«• %Vi VaEIPw VaE 1.38 102 38% 38 t 3R% — “ % I; '’^ Ri'ade 3 and 4 26,00-26,50; Awrf OO—1:«0------34—70----M 6»% 8 ^ •*'-% -JohirJoKi*—.io JohirJo* -0—M------MH - M JtaEW am lA m ^ \____ H ^3U 431 «u 43% ...!:...... ^one Jpad at 2B.60; choiceic^OM 900-1,- 1 - SCP 1.26 1.25-fj 1.257;j15% 1.25(1 1.25V4 ports into tho country. AtchliKW 1 IW <8 ?«!i 38*^ 7*H*H — — %Vt JonLogaa JonLofa .80 11 Sl 3 ^ 57%57% + + % % W Waa ai Wat 1.30 17 2 3 R ~ 3 3 < r ^ 2 %* ^ Tw f 0 050TB5Tl6td^ade^-to 4 25.50- ___ **'Anri th is ic n v o r y rriMude^ ^ estk AH Rich 3 10 24 101 IM 100^>H * W % Jonea jo n e t L I 2.70 23 MU «0 MM U U - — H H We.iW eainA irL 1 52 46% 48iiI'i 46«4 46% + 'i % ? ° '* 26 00 Dc^"*^ T l > f 7 I ^ 7W 1 ^ T 7 ||IZ K nnate, deflnUely a minimum, not AMai^ Corp 043 5% » « 4- % Vi Joatena Jettena .30 17 23H 22% 13%23% + H H WnR W nnanc l.IO 41 31% 3 l\iH', 31','. 311', —— %'4 "^ Avco Cp I 20 IOO S3»i 11 53»', - - % W Joy jo y Mfg Mf| 1.35 34 33% U13% H — — H H WnU WnUTel 1.40 97 34 33%1*4 3*11 - — \l'! Shcop 400; wtwled slauRhterslaunhtcr M” '’ 71% ’ ' ■? 7l'/i’’^'4 a maximum,” he saidd in a . . A «iet_ *Mb. 70 U 44Vi 44H«H —— %ll K Kahi«r aiier AI , I 137 48% 47% 47%47% ...... WealgWeal El 160 111 7S% 75% 7 5 % — % V 71% 7iVn speech. The S3,6 billion total Is Avon Pd 140 5*T in»: 115 lin» • . .. KavserRo KavsrrP 80 II '31 10% 10%lo H 4-* % Vi W W ry eyerhr 1 40 53 44% 43%}'(> 35 4<%','~ I' % Ininh'; and ewes fulh'. str.ndv; ""radv M^y ’ >'/. ’ 'V? ------n a h r k V 1,38____ 87. 48*; 47«4 Ilk 4 J . Krnnecntt 4?n 7 , SI 47 48% 44%46% .. .. Whii Whirl Cp 1.60 32 50 411 * <■) 4 > ’ ll— 1 * choice C and prime 90-linW-im IbIb 70'4 10% ™ "our rock bottom estimate." Balt OE I S3 ]9 r ’H -► + % V* K K«rf errM Me c 1 55^ ^Whtt While Mut 3tr----- 1+—5»%—50^-^-Jit ’"T' . wooled V -slBugliter—lamM"S4,«leScP bs—34,00- .... - - 70 70 70'/^ 70-^ A lot of senators and repre- repre­ n***! Fdi |.«5 14 u», MU - J? H KKImbak lm b ak 3 30 '43 62% §2%§2% +3 4 3 WinrWInnDix 1.50 89 23 23% 21% — % n sentatives feel differently. nerkm an .50 80 78'/, 7«»4 78'; ~ ~ % % Koppera Koooera 1.40 14 38\I 31% M13V4 H - — U % Wool Woolworth I lOft 30% 20%jt' 30% -f % 25.00:^ mixed cood andd choice J jg, 1 , 8,p.,g,z i.,s% HrrchAlrc Ih 34 41 SOU JU SOU — — H H Kre«B« Kreaea M 33 78% 75%78% 78%...... Worthing...... I 50 Won 57 60 59I 5 53%j ( J — - r I 80-100 8 lbs 22.00-24.00, 9'/4 1,18% Today, a .h ill i n c.m andatory,indalory, - n«ll How .50 30 7RV« 78^4 »V4H'A —2H >'2^ Kroger Krntrr 1 30 118 23 32% 22%23% — — H H XeroxCpXert 1.40 3 5 278% 37«%H 4 3T7 rn 4 * •; >; _____ M ar 1,2.1% 1.23'/ 1.2.1%13% 1.23»41.23*4 steel import quotas Is expcctedjxpected Bendlx 1,40 00 50*1 4«tZ 4»»I»H — — Vi H Lear L earS Sleg le .80 32 38«4 37H 37»i17% — — % % Yng. YngilSht I.M 47 32% 33% 33% — % • p c May 1.2654 1.25-^ 1.2G-''4IG-Ti 1,26 to be introduced inlo Congress. n^^ntuat 133 8tJv i «U H...... i ...... UL ehpcem h p C ei 60 38 14% 13%14% 14U...... Zenllh...... R 120 Zenl 71 M% 64%lit 65**41% w lT iS i CATTLE FUTURES neihSii 1.50a IOO 3«^ 3i' H - 'jr K LiryCup LllyCup 1.20b 13 33 33(i 32% + % 41llt?r Sen. Vance Hartke. D-Ind., Brlit Myer I M HH M »•> —1% —IH Litton Litton 3 3 83f 149 104 102%tMU 103% ll^ —1 _ NH rOct-C ...... 27.00 26.9090 26,95M°95 Over the Counter D-Ind., lau 7 u Low Mal Ch*. ^ n*> nr. n’t Quntatlnna from NASD atit Bppmvf-•ppmni- feels th at “ surging steel importa Brunawick ISi IIK IH — H ^ LivlngitnLlvlntftti Oil 749 10*4 9%11,7 18% * ,7+ % Aerojet .30. 12 3ff«l 2»,r -293s — % Dec C ...... 26,25 2G.02in 26.07np'Vn nialaly 10 a- m. All bida ar« intartlealar BucyEr I.OOa 27 34K uii J3V4 —' HH LockhdA LockhdA 3 20 30 84% 64%i u d64% Z i — % A m .Peir .«3g 14. 17% 17%''•4 17% n ' t...... Febp ...... 25,47 25.1010 25.10 t>id«. Inieniaaler nuotationa 'dr„1r*l" do not In- have aggravated the. U.SI.S. -bal- bal- Budd Co .10 30t 33 3IU SlUIH —— HH LoewiTh LoewiT^ .35* 41 lllTi lOiU lll(itr ArkLGaa lAO 14-38% 38 31% — % a Bullard I 4 31 37% J7Hf% —— %U LooeSCem LooeS C« 1 49 19% 18% l«H — « L ”v'Z ft April ...... 2r,A0 25.10IQ 25.15 25.15 reull markup, narkI downflown or ance or payments deficit, ad- BulOTa .7f^b M J3^i 33V4 % LooeSGi « J z Aaam era Oil 228 6 9-16 G% f% — % ^ commUatottj » H LooeSGa 1.13 145 J8% 28%37 26% ------<‘.41',^ 4'4 4% - — iJ »i June J ...... 25,55 25.30 25,3025.30 Bid, A.sked . ^ J versely affecteid employment Burl Ind 1.30 34l 40}t 40 40> — -> H U LonfilaLt UwifllaL 118 40-37 11 Jrt% ^ 27 i? AtUaCorp w t 137 3% 3% 1% 3% 3%4 % + % ______opportunities . . .and posed » B urrousht I 108 183% >Ti1% - — I H Lorillard Lorillard 2 50 41 M% 30 30 - % — Albertson’s ...... 12,00 U.3VA ( ol FinanI 38 5H IH 5% ...... Lucky Lucky StrSl -M 23 30% M 30%3flU -f + H U g B f araei " Eng 3 33% 33 33% 4 % ! I. cn . threat to national security.” i% 3?i{ t l i B raillL lPw I 35 13% 13% J3% — % CalumH 1.20 . 21 40i{ 4IU 4 0 U> U...... Lukrn*Luken. Sti I 13 38" 37% 37% t^ ^4 J; SBrit JV Pet ,49p 4 8 716 8% 6%-i3-l4 tim tlQ Eauity Dii ...... 33,50 34,50 ' Another bill, already passed i ompWL -45a 7 \9% 11% — Vi Mock.* C i'.\ ',i Potatoes. Onions111U113 pir^, sp j (-orp. 30,50 31,50 ►% — V* Mock.* Co .30 13 17% n ua . 17% ^ -V U Campbl Chib 38 7 15-16 7T, 7% ...... 7 ’’y House, would permit the ( nmpSoop 1 30 31 30% 30H>H —— HH MacyRH MacyRH 1 80 10 8P% 63% 69 (j 3 \ ::::: c h ic a g o ( anteen .80 40 34H 24U •H 34U — - H H Mad Mad Fd Fd 3 13g 32 34 % 2«‘i 9«»iM l/ “ H y Sn ^ P '’* *5 2% 2 9-18 2% ...... First Sec. Invest.. 6.50' 2 7.50i'm president to, limit imports of_^tfor- _ { 3roPLt I 34 7» 37H. 3*14 J*jZ -1 MaamaC v a i _ i f Cdn Javelin 28 8% IS 8% «% -► 4 >4 % CHICAGO (AP) (USDA)—Po-DA)—Po- r.arrett Freicht ..22,25 23,00 - S M aim aC 3.M 13 54% MV4 SC^i - K r?C n lnrrgm . o______m ___9%__9*fc 9 % ...... l~ u ttdeT ------(■t.ro TAT K8-----»3< 31^ 2Ttt ‘TtV »tH' 'RagKaVx .U ----- 343 -40%r‘-^ H C lr5 tatoes—a rrivals—Hi-.— on—track- ~ t aTrier Cp \ »8 S«*i M SSUiy* —iH —1% Maralhn M aralhn 3 40 Jl.ji>r\l4% ^4% -1%Cirywlde RU M 2% 2 ', 2V, — % \ on track-Tja. Pow ZPrd. . .'eiilKSI 68,06 , hibor smndards*ln^rior toto ours.ours. ( nrterW .40a 51 18^ 18^ llU — U M ar Mid 31U — 9 . ^ * ’ iH 3 35s *i— % - 14 % 1 148; total U.S. shipmentslents for intermountaln Gasl0,50 lO.&V/, »%-HM arM ld 1 40 ^V«33H lIH t i l l Com 12 16% 18% 18% 4 % t Rn This, of course, would Include Include I «•« J I 2# l*ji 1014 llU' S -— S H M Marquai arquar .25g 63 17% 16% 10% ...... '** » >4 •^'■‘day 300; Saturday 114; Sun- 23? V‘U EqullyCp .llf 32* 4% 4 «%•♦•% L 114; Sun- uberty Gem Silv. ,75' , .80 , many thousands ofs. items. (n te r T r 1.30 53 4SH 4fH 3 ^ - — , H ^ M MarttnM artinM ar 1 340 22 % 23U 32V; 4- % M4 514 ... 'loy none; supplies light; de- ( (>lan««eCp 3 7fi 85>^ 84 C5» +1% +IV* Maypstr MayflSti I M 88 ?7% 16%2 h 1«% ...... Oila 98 3 5-16 5% 5% . . . . ° ight; de- M orrison-Knudsn 23,87!^/4 24,37'^ Another bill, with 20 senatorssenators ■ ■ | . — — ( *-nco In t .30 «7 40% r russeisnissels Rogers B rothers .22,00 22.75 « £ ? ... »! Frontier Air 5 23 % 33 2-1% — % - il supporting it. would establish establish A I|||1 | k 6 ( rnt SW 1-M 31 4® 3*4i »% 30S — — % H McCall McCall .40b 3 32% 33% 33% + H lt4 ~.l! steady, round reds slightly1 g h t I y Silver Star Queens .,40 ,43 T T rro T T O IM ”40^*" 45^, ' % •McD^ffm 'McnffffTI - .4UW-----178 5^.4 48j i Z <0% i r .^ . . — ’* Oen Plywood 14 8% 1% 8 % ...... ^ -u quotas on products that cQntrjb-|contrib- ■» m m%a#a loks at the Markel .T N ia n f V#1 .10-----27 8 IJ -W---- n*ir«!—««'---- 8% -» alfongcr;—car4ol—tra<'l<.k- tialoi; - Sierra Life ______7 «7U 3 .-in ( r r t l e ^ .M 18 17 18H ISH!H — — % V* M M e.d rad CpCp I ro 20 3»% » U 39% — % [T*?rHjWfield 158 lo i; 10 JO ...... n ( rauiA I.40T 15 4ftU M8^ 48^«H —~ %^ Melv Mrlv Sh » J 60 0 73% 75 75 —I I,, ...... WasTiington ru.«ets 3,900 lo 4.00; Surety Life ...... 6.62'/ ^-12^ ( F l Sll M 28 IIH II’A »% IIU — — % U MerckCMerckC r4 0 a 51 *1% *7%8*U *'5% ++>V* -t-lVi U ^,3 itJ 7,^714 —-...... ' tTi4 \ Minnesota» North Dakota Red ■I9 J lW /} domestic pr^ucers. And 40 sen- -and tells you1 Just whathe sees (hei Ohio 4 11 8«VZ WH -— HH Merr Merr Chap Cl S 5 25% 25% 25% . f tota Red west Coast Airl ..14,87'/4/2 lb.15.37*43 1 /2 ators desire a bill that would in- « i 2 ■■’i/' OulfRearc Ch 45 17 34114 % 36%3t], 4 -f % s C River Valley round redsds 2,65 to ______( hl.MlI StP I 23 45Vi 4414 44SfH — — S S MGM MOM l-20b I 42 59% 58%M% 58% — — % !i HoernerW 82 I 17% 17% 17% - % ^ :ftses on ( hPnru 180b 10 48 45>i 45*, -— >/4«/4 MidSOtll MidSOtll .74 39 22% 22% 32% . . . . ” ®«J 1^4 I'N — 7 Ri: ~ crease the number of cases on (h i Rl Pac 4 21 20'^>4 — — *i »i Minn.MM Minn.MM I 30 43 90% 8”» 89j;891? —1%llll' | HutkyO™ 30g 85 21 2ft%»4 20%-% 30*4 — H ** l^n'nrq which antidumping duties?s might • In terms of the generalneral businessbui outlook . . . 5?tJ r Mfg 19 22 21%•1 31% 3l’i 4 % «4 ------•'.,( hrliCrafl lb 14 3TH J7 37 - — %«; M MinnPH innPLl I 10 9 23 31% 21^^ ~ ** Butter and Eggs be applied. (h ry * lrr 2 l - i 52’, 5J 52«i1% . . . . Mo Mo Kan Kan Tex 2^ 17% 17% i? i' 17% -1* % Hydrom ell 17 21 30%1 30% 4 % i J r _ i l »*ram Corp 13 7% 7%;? 7% 4- :% ij FUTURES CHICAGO (AP) — BButter 1111 e r Protectionists and freeee trad- • In terms of trendsI forfor 8f>ecificspe industHes, companiea ( IT Tin I fiO 124 35%1% — — 'i «i MobllOll MobllOil I 80 ' 100 44% 43% 44«i — % 17', iji^ _ ■, The following quotations were ^ (iiiriSvc IM « 41K 4R»4 48>,‘% - — U Mohanco Moho»ro 1 ffP 18% 17%171 17%^ _ -IL %Kaiaar Ind M 16% 15’; 15% — % '“Qf were easy; wholesale buyingng prices always have put on[>n good stocks ... (Vvinill 1 «0 1« 3:«; 37 'Vi 37V; • . M Mon»an onian 1.60b 505 48% 47% 47V-i47U — 1%l ii 2McCrory ^ ^ w t 7 9% 9%114 9% »;4 + + %Yi n provided bv^. W. McRobertsicRoberts unchanged to lower; 93 score CocaCo-a 2 10 33 lJ3‘i 13l»i 123I MontOCt MontOl-I' I S3 2fi M%' 29%H K 2'*% Z — xt % M#.adJh.n .41 29 16% 3«% 36% - % I ; 93 score h^iles_thrflUEh.AmtricaiL-hrsto-. ------JL.MichSiig ring------U-----III---- 2i*!?!___ l l a ...... -g and Co, TW t^alls. _____ ^ f f ^ * mTennrofluBlTiWynririlii^ynrirTHDneyinigTit'BesF&e^T^stw _ ■ ( n i g Pwlm 1 ■■ yn —41t; —1% 1, -.-U Mwnt - Mtml Pw I ao------24 »■>%■ 2?>% 4*+! >9% . . . - _ ------a a 66^ , 92^-A -66'4, -900 B -65»/i. ll-’i* Mol>-bden 33 45% 44%1% 45 45 4ii; 4 l% M aine V^otatocs B tej^ ry '^tiiolr fundamentally differ- LQUjnRad .80 S3 03», Mi; 91*.,l‘ ...... j ...... MonjWa.;MonjWard 1 5J J4 23% 23% — >4 89 C 59'/i. cars 90 B 66 ., 89 C pnt philosophies sometimesifictlmes over the m onthshead. ahead. (oloInfC, 160 !« 45S.43»i t% 43% + + >> H Morrell Morrell 14 43% 43 43i l * — — % i f ™ NeWPark Mn 93 9% 9% 9% - % IMV 44«! Pancoaat Pet 40 1% lij 1% l% ...... ~ High LowIV Close ,5oj^ ( n s I 40b 211 53% 5«% 5«>* — — % M MoJoro'a ojoro'a 1 346 139 II 4 IM H +. =ii -H»iTiraTnrftT“ 40 1 4 24T; 74%•; 3 3t>; 1 % ..:::...... May ^ ...... 3.35 '3.26lb 3.34 J.J4 ^ m ixed 29. m edium s 22. sLan- , in New York, we plan lb prei (onELdIa I.U l»4 33% 33<; 3 3 V114 ;... - -• N N D D airy .lry I.J» »1 17 3M436U ISK, — — U >4 WnNuclr .20 7 36% 37%'H M14 i|% 4 >4 % ______1* Copyrighted by Tha Ataociated Preaa 1967 _ dards 25, checks 18. (o n rie elftd I 45 43V 4J% 43WIV. - - H H Nat N .t Dit p u t I M « 4IH 4 4C% 4 1 ','. *i 'i Nat N.t Gvpir.vp. 2 61 4IH -tos J T 1 ..A T i '. f ____l i t i ------« i). ..UUiliili------u ------____ S u i t a r ______1 ---- MutualJPunds- J that no invesloc should itiisi (ontA irL 40 324 X !j 35% 25% —I—I N N.tSIMl at Steel 15» 17 JU • ',* !• I'. Mar 7.41B, BBuhl, announced beann pricespnces t)ow] Theory ...... 8,43i,43 9.11 9.11 who Was believed at first a traf- < (V>perln 1.20 47 54U If, 5«%i'4 4- ■<• %H NYCentNYCmt J-11. »» «I4 MW «»H ■» S S < orn Pd 1-TO 120 4JV4 41% 42%i'4 + + % S Nta* Ni.fMP MP l.IO tr aii 3»H M?iwli -*• + >414 K Raw sugar spot 7.37. ^Monday. - , Eaton and How ard .17.16M 6 18,66 18,66 fic accident victim SundaySunday W hether you're bullishish orbr b«bearish, w e think you'll fiod t orGW 2..'S0a 1 7 348% 34 <«'4JJv * *>4 H lower to 2 higher. Sales 2.859 p hun- Key-stone B-4 ...... 9,91),9I 10.84 10.84 tack. cVnuteHind 1 11 38 35'» 35*, —- % h NorNor Pat Pac LM 13 S!U »’W 5714 —— i; COn contracts. Nov 2.30-31. Mar M ar 2.65- 3.65- ddredweight; reds are^ t8.35M,35 a |Keystone K-1 ...... 9).33 33 10.18 W.IS Dr. Hazel L^.McGaffey,:y. Bon- Bon- If you’d like tb come,, eithereither alonet or with someone else rrrmh, Cork ir'W H «% tr, ' — — y ,r. NoStaPu No-st.pw I SO -.M -It i-tf M” * 15'4 ee6«. May 2.7+-7S, - J ly 2.82, Sep hhundred; pinlcs J8.35. landind great Keystone| K-2 ...... 7.9SJ.9S 8,71 8,71 nerville County Coroner, said < rou-nZe 2 2 0 5 1 44 . «% 43%’l>; — - ’ 4 Northrop Northrop 1 H 17% M 'i « T l Vt said simply call and say so—oro—or justjus mail us Ihe.coupon'below, < rue .Sti 1 30 J i 24 33% 33%l’4 ‘i >i Nw»t Nw«t Ail Airl 7» 1 « I7 S MSi? H ' HH - 3>, — 2.88N. Oct 2.92N, Nov 2.99. M ar n^northerns are ,17,35. ]Keystone S-2 -----^..11.301.30 12,34 12,34 the autop.sy showed that [c^ent Adam- There's no charge, of' course. course. < udahy Co « 13 13% 12»; + %U NWBanNWB.n I 'O. f im SIH SIV45IV4 — - H H 3.16 3.16B . ~ Keystone S-3 ...... 9,B6),B 6 10,77 10,77 son died prior to thc accident. lurtia Pub 70 UH U% i'4 — - ».% '.4 Norton Norton 1.50 H « H 47 47 — '4 ^ f,21 7.88 Chemi4 — — % S h/orwifh N'orilrh 1.30 13 »’ MSJl 91 ’ ...... N-Nomlnal; ^ A-Asked:^ B B-Bid -B id I kiA Keystone S-4 ...... 7,21 7.88 Dan Riv l.JO 14 33 % 23% 23%I"...... Occident Occident .Mh 717 Il’l 7« *0%M 4-1%li -f H4 —------Jj 0 Persons Die Keystone Int. Fund .18,18MS 19.66 19.66 the man did not drown afterifter his his ------DaycoCp I.M J 38 30 I ...... OhioLdii OhiotdH 1 30 13 3t’4 Jt* i 3SH ■*• 'i ;,95 7.60 c a r left thi: Crowley RoadBd some .some . -r <'^ * ■ ^ I5ry PL T .« 18 » H 3*% 2*1%l',4 — — % l i OUnMat OllnM .t I HO 3« 7«'4 7« 7« — •! ‘rkO fla Life Insur. Invest. .. 6,95 7.60 ho Falls Please ■ »®nd — —- tlckotar-fortickots your Stock Market I^e»“Te l.U a 14 «2H 83 « 1 — - ''4 H Om Om.tlc ark 1.17f - 13 35V4 J«»iS 3»»i = —5 H W ool (On Oregon Roads4.U dQ S Manhattan ...... II.141.14 12,18 12,18 10 miles northeast of Idaho Falls ^ D^l Mnta t.l» '^IS M 35% 35%1’4 -% S Oi{«OH. r nev if 3 45 43 1l>4 4IHiHt — Z N N NEW YORK (A P) —- Wool fu- Ten persons died in1 Oregon Mass. Invest, G ro. .^12.89!.B9 14.09 14.09 Sunday morning and overturnederturned ' 'Porum. Octob«r 2 1 , ,1 ■ ' ■ . ' D eltaA ir l.9 t M 104%. lOlU 182%I’i —2,% —3>i Gutb n o th Ma M .r «0 II »iH 3SH 35H — '« e inches DenRGW 1.1«. 17 IfH 11% 18%IS — - U Owenilll 0«.n.lll 1.15 31 5St.4 S5V.551 55%/! _ -H S ttires closed .2 to . 8tofof a cent trafficti accidents over theIhe week- Mass Invest. Trust ..17,27r,27 18,89 18,89 In a canal With Only three inches D etEdia 1.40 «3 3» V H 37%”i ~— % Pac P.cC. G F.lF.l 1.40 ■ M 13>4 1H4 5'S — .H higlhigher. Dec 118.5B, MVlar ar 118,3.118.3. end,ei bringing the 1967 traffic fa- National Growth ....11.671.67 12.26 12,26 of water in it. 1 Det Ste*l .M 11* l»H 1» 1»%I'l — - H H Pac p.c U u« s 1 M It 3»H wy u7« Z— ^H Certificated_ wool spot) t IUJN.114JN. It tbe bloodiest weekend 'Television Elec. ...;11.09 12.09 s DomaMtft .M 31 4*H 44 44U — ^ PasASol jiyj _ H Wool tops futures closed:Iosed qui- ono the state’s highwayslys since Value Line Incom e . 6.80.80 7.45 7.45 = iJ — -Tmii ...... ’ ...... ** DowChm rs* «4 ts 84% M%Itj 4- '4% Pan AmA» .<• t5I 3ifi » »V4 — H " ------^ ^ ------Z ip.------Drcaalnd I.JJ 41 38% M%m + -► %V4 Paah P uhE Ef r I.M 3» 13H n u » » - — 'i'i eL eL No sale#.•'I- " tlthe July Fourth holidayy period,period. Value Line Spec. .Sit. 7.89r.89 8.65 8.65 - .1...... J;-:,!., ,: = a t y » S tata------^----- Duke Pw I.Jt • 33% 33V4 M 'i ...... l 'l ...... ParWParWDav Da U Il« IJ'-i — H r ).06 9.90 , . duPont J.75* 44 173% 188% l«»411^ —314—3H pP*ab „ h CoalC< I 13 4J 44>i 41 ’• ...... Certificated ^ spot woollol tops at A year ago at this tim time e 525 W estern Indus. Sh. . . 9.06 9.90 Duq U 1.M m 3 0 ^ 38% 30%IS — ~ !4 H PcuiDiX Pnm D i* M 51 « ! i MW M3*>4 H —- •; i 158. 158.5N. • ' ppersons had lost their■ lives in ------Phona------D yna Am M m l«H ...... IH ...... Permey PernicT 1 '« «• HH «7%SgTlt — V4 B N-Nomlnal ^ 0Oregon traffic accidents.!. . SPOT METALS Eatt Air M 184 4i 48% —114 —1J4 Pu.PwU P>P«U I.U J7 1«4 M MU + 4 ...... NEW YORK (AP)-r-Spot non------F K ^ M - i.M v ------m J39V6 W li 1^ — —3%3C! P.Pa RR J40« n M!4 1514 MH —'W r— LVIM & H, - - - F^toaVa^l^ 18 UH |H M* ^ m 11^ *ij4 _ ------I ferrous metal prices Mondyft-r-4ond«vt-r- p s '. .K R |VIERJt^l4.l. 1 (Copper 38 cents a pound,'Cot>-und. Cof^. a I . EG*G «i ' tT. M «•% Z?H PerfF.hiPttfF.hm M t 47 <7?! 4»N « H — 14 P I E P l C E j , “I- - " EnBooAS I.-73 70 S7^ U% 5«%1*4 —1% —1'4 PHxefC p n » t c 1.2 6 . J l 7Mi T)HIfh-^Tw 7M4 + 1 S is-iini^aUs Markets ~ necticuf Valley. I ^ " EVctro* Sp - 37 3M4-J4H >4%—IH— % *4 Phelpp PtiflpO J-«r:— 4»-«H-»>ji -•»%— —-% — ' —... “ ■—— Lcad 14 cents a pound. New ElPaaoNC I 143 13% 22% « %IS ...... Phila Phlla E: F.I T.i4 J7I 3» Mt> » ...... ■ f K H ' F NJ B Hmer El l.a I MH MH K% ^ % Phil Rdg ” Vii GRAIN UVE9TOCK York. iS + H Phil Rii I M « MH »7S 472 — H% Barfey...... flJO.1.90flJO-1.90 C atmta in i«« im i utamiH nt n t »nn(mi m tim in«s m tm a m Fj «J Jfthmtem ' 14 31% » H 28%m +-t- HH PhilM<»nptiilM orr l.4« H «14 <714 — V...... *31.00 Zinc 13>/4 cents a pound. EastE ast I ErlcLadi MM » •% IU l U ...... Phill Phil! PetPrt 2.4» , »3 5»Vl H S»5* — '4% 0«U ...... 1140-3.10ll.rn <15 p e r c « n t m o u t uam r a ) ..S2..:i5 " EGOS '• ' Silver I.8I0 per. Troy)y ounce. I Fairch Cam 173- »% W'. nv«V, —1—I P Polaroid ol.roid 40 , 171 301H I «r«8% t/. 10014 —3 '—3 BEANS. 1.L ane AA ...... 41 Q3H I Op*n Saturdaysd a y a IDlO m.m. tp 1 p.ijfi., for , Fair Hill .IS* 3i» 23% 33% .23%H4 — — ’i.ProctrO ’4.. ProctrG 3M 34 MH «7>.4 MHM H +l'4,Sin« '»^1% S m a ll R e d s ...... $9$800 0 0 LarseL A ...... II"!" J9J* Ncw.York. ^ ...... - your--cori^our- .convanlanc*,------— ---- - Met 3Z -14W -53%-i3%l>4—U — % PuhSrcOitePuhSrcC I r*C IDS JOSi MS30% — 14,Plnl% ;Plnk* ...... ____Sa.ijn^e^unL-AA...... S A J u n ^ ...... ^ . Jii ^ - Quick.-rilver 485.00 perfl«»k. F e d d ^ a J7H 38% M%IH —IK —IW PuWliliKlPuMktiua .tv Jl 11 11*9? i ...... »14 ...... G r e a t N o rt& Ore; e ra ...... *...... *7.25S7.2S Mediumv A ...... J J FadDStr l.Ti I JJJ4 n% TJI — — ii W PsfSPL fug& PL I.W • MU M *4)414% 4> iilPlat % lplatoa ...... $8.00...... $8.00 (DeUver«d( te r«tall«r to cartooa)caitcMu) N ew 'Y ork. ______W . ■ ^ ^

J 10 MoiTci«^y, Oct. 16, 1967^

\] = ^ ssia n i5s Take^ Two[%0 -,■*'‘‘y Car jvvent.^. Mistakes Tn ...FootbaU Leagiie and on~'top in ron—ih firing Boston s Amerl- other o th e r copening day competi- 1 With Houstonill E! **'® Coastal Division of the ran Football League gypsies to ^ ^ , ^ 5 Western Conference. Los An- tlon was in gymnastics and I 1 7 ^ 1 _ il 41-10 victory over the Miami weightliftiweightlifting; ------Tip-St.iouis^ ■•■JJ ' NEW YORK (AP) - A gameime aTW sail I'runclMlu, ilie is two strong contenders In Dolphins Synday. EastonGaston Roelants of .Belgium,um, CLEVCLEVELAND (AP) — Cleve- S H , . ending tackle by quarterback Parilli. a 37-ycar-old one tlm e ij,^I holder ^ ^ ^ ofq, the , world record in the land tu Joe NmWlltll saved the New 'the-di the land turned three St. Louisis mis- ||_f i . ______i. nse The Colts appeared to be sit- ■ Kentucky star, hit Whalen on “ a ■ i3.00Q-metcr3.ooQ.,netc steeplechase, waswas, takes intoi an U-polnt halfalftime time ^ • York Jets as Houston’s defense The nnir nt nine-vard scoring shots,Si^-l^dift&-the field uf 23 wlreiriretTTead. TeaVi; tnentl held .off the CaTilt^ —— -intercoptod-six-of his-paaaeii-and^and--ting -ting— ■prbtly —when—Je hli tie the jgame early in the fourth ling 16 National Football LeagueLeague ‘'fl J with the Jets Sunday. quartquarter for a 21-14 lead, yards to Garron. pie, lOO-mi1 0 0 -meter dash. Their finalinal victory Sunday and a sharelare of ; ------. Often booed by Boston fans,IS. tirrfetir^ was slow, almost fourfour the CenturyCer Division lead, Namath, attempting to passlass But the Rams scrapped back, ■ ■ Pariiii had most of the 23,955>55 piiHjJtespiirlutes offc the world record.ord. The four-pointI margin wasivas on for the game-wlnner on the finalinal pickiipicking up three points on a 47- fans cheering from the outset as bbut u t -(Jieirt^eir 1 finish was spectacular.liar. Lou GrGroza's two field goals,>Is. his ■. - , play of the game, had his aerialrial yard field goal by Bruce Gossett he took charge in the P atriots’ , Gammoi I 30 first two connections thisIs sea- _ J picked off by W. K. Hicks on his that hit the crossbar and ' Gammoudi was timed in 30 first tv own 25-yard line. After two raz- bounc 1967 home debut, forced into minutesminutes. 16J seconds. Haase was son. TlThe second, a 34-yarder,/arder, ^ — ' ». - ’ ■' raz- bounced over. Maxie Baughan Boston College Stadium because ,wo-tent’hs ver. came with 58 seconds left in the ^ zle dazzle laterals, cornerbackack then gave the Rams their two-tenths of a second slower, came v Larry Carwell found himself chanc of the late finish of the World At ^ leastie7st those were tho timesmes game,game. ■ self chance with a tying touchdown Series at nearby Fenway Park, finally ter with the ball and was rumblingiing by irintercepting a Unitas pass finally termed as^official. Therelere It wcwas-the first time ,!n_flve towa^ The Patriots, who posted a was some confusion at the stadi-adi- years tthe Browns have beaten t— towards the New York goal lineline and rreturning it 23 yards to the disapDointinc 1-3-1 record in theium about j j ~ __when Namath stopped him at.at Colts' Colts' eight. !>eiJJirL_alK!uLJiines»,,flnd_thoseJrom.mm. thit rn rnrtl. B tlie results smvfce'^W th-«k23-kfh ------7 -*- the Oilers' 15. 17 .1 Pailiin starting on his ^27, said it wa was 10.2. TwTwo ° interceptions in the last IM two minutes put the game out of -XTj L Intercepted threeree From X 1* Saints, quickly directed the Patriots to The1 ^ , 6 service se r claimed to be ac- ' ^Audrey FriiPrice, S iiiree i^ Klassen passespasse for the Oilers. He re­ a touchdown in just five plays, curate bu reach for the Cardinals,I. who ind DALLAS, Tcx. (AP) — An /s- curate but one had a U.S. jave-* . have come from behind to win turnedturne one for a touchdown and DAI After he ran 14 yards for a first lin |i„ throwerthrowi as a Contestant in another 67 yards, setting up the end-aiend-around for 28 yards by Pet- down, he flipped a screen pass jqq , the last two weekends. | . nse tis Norman set up a touchdown the 100 meters. That mistake Cardinals cardi quarterback Jim • only score Houston’s offense tis N< to Jhn Nance, who carried to was aHowallower to slink away, hope- ni rCop Win[ In Bowling 1 managed. and i Craig Morion passed for Hart plunged one yard to make lg Toumey £ the Miami 17 and then tossed' “a fullyfyUy unnotived. when the 100- ______anolhianolher ns Dallas beat New Or­ strike to Garron to put Boston In „,eter fint it 17-13 in the third quarter after . leans, 14-10, ia a National Foot- meter final was run. John Carlos Jerry jg,rv Stovall’s( interceptionoif^set set Audi^ey Price and Shirleehirlee Falls, Fall with a score of 1,26-1.1. oro r bh e tte r includc: V irginia Tols- f~%-_ front to stay. of ^ewNew Y(York, not even on the> re- ij „p ‘ Klagsen took top honors inn the DoraDc Porter and Leona Han- mma, a, H om edale, 248; R ita S trad-r°ad- Duncan U l Liftsy ballp'.' League game that had a Boston hiked the count to 13-33 . 3 ------^ rley frantifrantic finish. Bill Glass recovered two0 fum- J'v " Falls Women's Bowlingiwling kins kins, both Twin Falls, took third ley.ley, Twin Falls, 230; Shirley when Pariiii hit Art Graham on ___ hn Ro^ Association Annual Harvestirvest placeplac with 1,233 pins; Mary Blake.Blai Twin Falls, 226; A nn The end saw the Saints failing bles by the Cardinals’ John Ro- ^ 7 'r two passes for 19 yards and XY7*11 J land, and Erich B am s inter-.injg^. Doubles Tournament held; this Lou England and Both Wick- l.ierman.l.ier Buhl, 226; Alice Van-/an- Chargers Past Ln^'Jhon the Cowboy five, and then Garron sprinted 20 before he 111 e first P“®t weekend at the Bowia-owia- ham,ham both Twin Fulls, coppedjpped denBos,deni 224; Lola Vazquez, 218;218; _ , P „ - rt losing the ball on the seven by a hauled In. a 41-yard aerial in the Willard Lifts" £L'cepted a Hart pass in the first 5“ ‘ t half. - ‘‘[“drome. f The winners had a total fourth four placo with a scorere of ShirShirlee Klassen, 212; Kit Peter- fumble wilh one minule lo go. iecond period. ZLQ#»1 ■ Glass got the first bobblebie on ° *>298 : Pins. 1,233; 1,23: in fifth pliice was Moselllosell sen. 208; Mary Lou Nield, 205; Chiefs 45-31 '7Played,^! in the rain, the contest A pair of fumble recoveries,es49ers.Over the 'JS St. bouis 36-yard line,D and Taking second was Chon Low- NoraNon and Jean Crumrine, both Joan Joai Cubit, 205; Donna Ward,‘ ■■‘Ij SANcA^ DIEGO, Calif. (AP) _ — saw Newl' Orleans bogged down 4 0 ry and Reta Stradley, both Twin Twin Twii Falls, with a score of 1,215, 204; set up Pariili’s scoring passes to ' ■, r Groza connected from the 40. 1,215, 204; Ire n e D ockstader, 204, ° and , Speedyc ^ e d Leslie Duncan raced 353 5 byhy penalties—thepei Saints got nine Whalen, sending Boston Into, a m i.a C fl , Bames intercepted onn 'ti,e the ~~~ ' and and winning sixth place was LeoiLeona Hankins, 203, all Twin"'t" yards with a recovered fumbleble for 10510 yards. ' 27-3 halftlme advantage. "Easles28-27 O next seseries at the St. Louis 31. Betty Faught nnd Betty Birrell,irrell. Falls.Fall for one touchdown and traveledled DaliDallas also was harppered by Parilll tied his Boston clublub PHILADELPHIAp h i LAI (AP) — Ken Two pliplays later, Frank Ryan"In hit hii Tarkenton’s X H i too, both . Twin Falls, with a score ------Qa record 100 with an Interceptedted penalties,penall "drawing 78 yards on rccord with a 41:yard touch-ch- Willard s:smashed four yards for Leroy KellyI down the leftft side ' ’ of 1,214.* T > Tied at I.20.S were, Verna l i l pass for another as the expIo-)lo- seven and one of them almost down pass to Whalen after an the winniwinning touchdown Sundayiday for a 1C1 0 - 0 lead. 1 9 rj erna B c a i’S D c fC a t P,vesive , nnd undefeated San Diego lost ti Costly, T't'in FaMs, and Virginia !go lost the game. —— -overhead Ihpft pn rJyJg..the_thMW aajheaajh e SaiSanJirancisco 49ers over-ver- The (Cardinals made- it 10-3,0-3 on ■■■Pass « Gives dst Chargers whipped Kansas City■'ty Cornellcon Green, Dallas corner- came a series qf bad Breaksfaks BakkenBakken's-42-yard-field-goal-af» jal-^-af. »_____ - w r r . * _ Tolsma. Homedale; I.ola Vaz- T 1 • , . came a quez and - Ruth iiopnrs, nnd^JLiJ 45-31 Sunday in their American back.back, was called for pa.ss inter­ and crippling penalties to beatbeat ter mismisses of 46 and 49 yards. ■ HLion^4^ On SFootball League J^t^l(^. ferenc s e c o n d TIrene n Dockstader and Edie ference on the Dallas 12 but it the Philadelphia Eagles 28-277 in Glass recovered the second Giants Wm Wells, |Y /| In beating the def

- - --S;- '______I ’ 1 - . • '

...... I . '....). ,' ...... ■ ' ... 0^17-18.1967 TwinTw in Foil*Fc Tlm cf-N tiw t : ,11: — ■ ___ ''' ' ^r______-... ___ t- ' - ■

Indiana’sla’s Redistristricting; FcFortes Re]Kep, Celjer'er Abancandon/ ■> P r^ ^ s i o h :2: ' By JOHN BECKLERER r no. iaw 'than give tipip aa fightfight hehe bit statewide elections elections for for Con- ing' that all districtsdistricts be “as com- party, diana’s ,11 . 11 concongressmem-five on i*w i*w districts dist a:nd Is not ...... WASHINGTON (AP) -—i A A h has been waging :for 30 years.30 years. gress but woulduid leave leave control cc pact as possible.”ssible.” BBut of the . At the last conferenceconi more Democratsrats an(lan^ sixs: Republicans. schedulediduled tdto- -meet again before ,congressional . redistrictlng:lng -Im--Im - But the pressure frpm JndianaJndiana «ver gerrymanderingandering , . toto the five Senate conferees, only- one, than a monthlonth ago, Celler1 said he' , Thev sayay they neoundaries so so-as - as to benefit a the Senatete conferees, confere* -but to In- JHouse, has been unablei to agree tions. elections.

. .,^tjj.-l'.i r-T-V, ''i-t -‘V; ■- ; O; Sabotfeurs ! V ' ' ■ Castro Says5fs 1Revolution ion In ; ' r , , ' For Arabs-U ■ ' " I'I'' • Latin Americerica Will CorContinue ^ -r-Btf-EENTfW WHEfeLER eliminated ellmlnat bv anything W any-|moucnIrr- mourning and that a memorial _ HAVANA (AP) — The revolu-J. one.**~one?’~ ^ tribute tributB tu X3uevara^wili-lie-held------Lose Hope ^ _ tionaryMonar: movement iii —Castn >1. ^ jin M dav..nlg^l> In Havnnn H« Arherica will go ■ on desplteTthele 'voic»r'l■voic»r'lrfs-characteristic^flam- »•- saidisaid -th-tn6 ..Cuban flag—would—bc_____ By ED BLANCHE *' “hatd"hard blow” of guerrilla leadersr boyance muted b / sadness,. ass flown ata half-staff for 30 days Associated Press Writer 'CVt: . Ernesto Che Guevara’s death-inn he said he accepted as "bitterlyy and announcedam that Oct. 8, the _ T E L A V iy . Js ra e l ( A P ) ^ Un^ , _ B^iviiB^ivia, JPrime Minister Fidel true” k 1 day_jaollyJan-*-u-th o-i^l t - i ^ ----- der unrelenting pressure fromm S H tti ----- ^ CastroCastro says. been kl kiSed^^ln^ bat'tfe " wilhh ^Im claimed ed Guevarals death, would Israeli security forces, Arablb KwB In a broadcast spirtch Sundayy troops inii Bolivia's jungles.r be henc henceforth a.holiday, saboteurs appear to have elvenen ■H HM I ' night, Castro said^at "impfri- The primep minister, sajd hes CastriCastro said he accepted BoIIv- • UP K6 M 6 f at&ytiHB a '-girerriiig-H i lJ..I ■, . •.------l i riallsnrialism .has a fear of Che afterT could notnc doubt the authenticity/ la’s reportrep of Cuevaia's deatii w nr_in__Isrneli;nr.cupled—areas. — desLtlL; s of photographs of the dbad man1 in part because Its government west of the Jordan River. - _°!wf iT f'l I II tlliiij I lill III liiiliiiin (iiif^ii rrm *' Sources hej'e said; El' Fatahih liM fflire. ■. ■ '■ his examplee: "can never bee Guevara Guevara, who, fought with Cas-- he said there were "strange and BanB!rljaclreari5y""^ria are pull-II- ||nW|r' tra H H ---- ^ ■^^■1 ,. H ------^------r ------— —- trutro-ttgalnai— Bgi cuban i^i-esidentf Cbntradictory ees^ti'aai thlngs”^uFrbundP ing out of bases from which __ FulgenciFulgencio Batist aand became> Ing ing the story: and suggested that they have carried on a_terroc ' il Ciistro’s right-hand man in gov-- Che had been betrayedi by a del» cam paign for the last sbe weclcs. ■' Pri Priest Says ' emment. Guevara hnd droppedi serter. The sources said the raid on from sight in Cuba in 1965. He sasaid he believed the Boll- the Ma’oz Hayyim kibbutz Inin It was tho first official Cuban, vians killed Guevara after Utk^ northern Israel Sunday Is a CalCatholic comment on tho reports of Gue-. *•’8ing him captive and not, as re­ strong indication that-the sabo- ^ vara’s death. ported, 1during a five or six-houiT tcurs have reverted to the- tac- C 3iurch‘D ead’'“Castro, ;*« dressed In an olive. battle., jHe said a battle tluit long tics they used before the Middle Ch green tn ; is out of line with guerrilld green major’s uniform, said he East war'-last June—hit-and-run SOUTHSOU- BEND, Ind. (AP.) —- was declaringde three days of; strategy. castrc raids across the Jordanian bor- The Rev.I James Kavanaugh------Castro ridiculed a Bolivian said Sunday the Roman Catholicc ~ ~ army \ ireport, coi\tradlcted In Four bombs caused damageIS. ^ .p Churdi,js iu ia .gead .and-hejjKi)ijjga^. Bolivia by some military offi­ — at the kibbutz but no casualties t(ce the priesthood in his own cials,"that Guevara’ ga!ipse in this underpass on ’Thnrstoiim Street aftera it ran out of traclt.• counselorcounsel a t the Human' Re-I- saucer, a Colorado State Uni-. area^^rea arounda r an oil well firo 12 in Jerusalem. inIn ■ Wfni Wfnatchec switchyard Friday night.ntght One of them landedled The c» caboose Jumped retainingIng posts. (AP wirephoto) sources Institute. He has beenn versity scientist a says. | niilesmiles w west of Gillette tcxiay In Arabic-speaking Israeli ’♦ ’ I on Iea%leave from his diocesan workk Dr, RiRobert O. Adams-of the. pteparationpreparal for setting off . ex.- aRentS-grc-stiU-sea rchlng -adobe -, a . • i • in KaUKalamazoo, Mich. universituniversity's college of veteri- plosives to snuff out the flames. villages for isolated resisters ' I >4 .He said in his address that thee nary mimedicine and biomedicalI The 0 oil-fed fire started Ust but curfews and other restric- ) Institutional churc:h is dead. sciences, examined the carcassI Tuesday when, a spark from « tions are being eased in Nablus,^ Teddy Jokeskes About BrcBrother!s AspAspirations "The bishops at the synod inn and reportedrep< Friday there were. truck igignited crude oil gudiing Tulkarm and Jenin, formerlyly, TOPEKATOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Doesies 2,000 In 'Topeka Saturday nightlight not be with \ you tonight but I've've The younger Kennedy alsoIso Rome arc. wasting their time, natural, earthbound, explana-; fromfrotn theHji well. A di-llllng tower saboteur centers. ' Robert KeKennedy want to be that- SenSen. Robert F. Kennedy,edy, sent mmy brother to read my said theretl is nothing to reportsrts We the Catholics of America aree tions for everything he found. 'A/as Mass..jp-Mass., totold a crowd of nearly'ly brother, Bobby, telling someone;one do know where my home Is.” he continuedcon in a kidding vein, who needn( the traditional formss advanced advance< by Snippy's owner, m der since the war. ^ ^ ------— ho doesr doesn't want to be presi­resi- PresiPresident Johnson and ViceIce of the Church will stay In Itt Mrs. BiBerle Lewis, after the ■ The raid on Ma’oz Hayyim dent.” UKIIIIIIIIUUKiiiiuiiuniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiuiiiimB „ PresidentPrcsldl Hubert H. Humphreyey while I lho.se for whom the tradi-I- 3-ycar-oI3-ycar-old Appaloosa gelding’s M M l was the fifth in two weeks in •'lejTtW* 1 I Kennedy’s remark came afterifler ^ ■ sent (iroelings to Docking. tional is irrelevant and legalls-;- carcass was found on a remote! Auction Belsan Valley, whirh runs south iT j.lC tC l Docking said he was touchedied tic will leave. prairie 20 miles northeast of _ . from the sea or uiflltcirTTTTTttcs£ ------Middle-Class a T tclcKram ss U’;is read at a purtv | lie “ I want Ihe freedom to be my-- here, wwilh all flesh stripped r Tvr A Tilnd-rai.siTund-rai-sinR d n w rT n -tio n o r o f ----- by Ihe events of tiie evening. He “ I wi to the old Isracl-Jordan frontier. TV T„™ „ .. a9dcd7''A nd 1 lmow-=nl|-of yuu*«^fT—tl frpcHnm tn find HndJ from the neclc and head. > CALENDAR le ^Gov. o v . RobertRot Docking. The New BOISEBOI (AP) — A 22-year- aSded, The lush valley is vulnerable 1J> 1 Cegroes V T Ai-e iday old Boise man talked him-i. have have alsoa been touched." without withoul arrogant priests telling’ ” Mrs. LLewis ai.so riSIJUricd fin d ------lo saixjtage raids, lying along York senator sent birthday old B greetings lo Docking, who was self Inloii an arrest Sunday. ------:------me I •<-can’t.” he told the audi-- Ing exhaust-likeexhi marks in thc , •^egn^^ sector of the^border un- A « a i i then fled and will be ^ ence. "I will remain a priest in1 area, a Ihigh level of radloactlvi- ^Against Plan 42 K last S Monday. then my . own way even as I leave the! ty and no tracks arOund the FRS—tei05rnm— Trom— RnbeiihCTt — ■-^bargi wilh n sccond of-“- 5 Firemen JL only direct point of entry to Is- „ 5 — — ------—-- instltutinstitutional priesthood.** ______horse.horse. rael from Jordan. Kennedy said: "I’m sorry I can- fensc — If the policc catch ._ . ___ jilm. him. Altiiough he has no deriniref " ' Mrs. 1Lewis' view wns cha ra d ----- — j plans. Father Kavanaugh saidi by manymar residents of this I F- -r» O . PITTSBUPITTSBURGH (A P) — Mid-id- He Is Identified by Boise. Perish •*• In dle-income Negroes are spear- ^ policc as Tom King, 22,“ - « -y . he will marry. sparsely populated San Luis J 5 Boy Scouts - ^^srorheading opposition to a pro- f Of Boise. Boise Police OfUccr "I don’t know how I as a manI valley, ’ where reported sight- i Gov. Docking Darrell Lee said he placed; New Jersey can can'f^“ find God and meaning with-- Ings of unidentifl^ flying ob- • H posed housing project that ^ ' — out m arriage,” he said. "I need Jects are would move nearly 40 families r King under arrest for dls-' CLIFFSIDE CLIF PARK, N.J. 1 Jects are common. - All Magic Valley > Die In 2-Car of low-income ; Negroes and I orderly conduct then King (AP) the close personal relationship5 Later checks showed a nor- _ , p Predicts LBJ 15 (AP) —The deaths of five fire- J,,of 3 a woman. I need it and I in-- mal radiation radi level, and Adams \g|( —— — iT |« — « ----- Whiteswhites, into theip neighborhood,I. began arguing wltti him’ men men trapped t by a collapsing ,gnd to Sales psted Here ^ A Nilgro, Harold Arkle, com- \'F 7 * '|| about alleged participation wall, li tend to have it,” said he ffound nothing indicating Lom sion A Ntero, ' wall,, leaves U children underhn ------^------on ext extraterrestrial rat visitor.______- . — plamedplained vigivigorously: \ \ f J f J In a fIghtJStUldMV------^-----— 4he-ag-the—age—of—21- f a th e r le s S A - T h c - — " ■ He spid ms ilndlngs. were sai„ , ------PARKERSBURG,---- W=---- Va.I. —••WcVtTTV ••WcVtr-n orkcd liutd lu buttdjId King Klnf was in (he policc sta-: Ridgefield Ridgcfi volunteer firemen y Sal«i d«parfm«nf for compUf* • - - ^ .■speculative, but said, "There odveniiadvertising cov«rog« c t yoof (AP) — Five Boy Scouts weree our homes and keep them nice.e. I-ACONI-ACONIA, N-H. (AP) — Gov.Jov. for for questioning q when the aijo ai I'j" Virffinia City ^ also are survived by five wid- was some evidence that severe «atm«clal low rot«. rell, 17; Bob Cooper, 13, andd "Race meansmi nothing. I’m a was sent to New Hampshire by the the rear re of Ihc policc sta- a ^ fund fund for the survivors spon- T J Every lofe (Uted In thlt Form rc the President to discourage tion, I He said he also found cvl- Drew Damos, Randy Hood andtl NcRroNegro my;myself and if you’re the Pr< age tion, Lee said. sored sored by1: the Hudson Dispatch, a UeBe Repealed dence d"ce“l that the skin in front of Cal.ndaCalendar for 10 doyi befor* John Alderson, all M. Theyy Hright,Hright. you're you'ri right,” supportersupporters of Sen. Robert i^.F. Lee Lee said King fled out the Union 1 5 Union City newspaper, . the shoulder had been Incised. O C T . 1 9 were sons of employes at thce A -private .private developer has pro-o- Kennedy, 'I>N.Y.. for presidentient back back doorc of the station andi Bergen Bergi County authorities sayay VIRGINIAVIRG CITY, Nev. (AP)— shfu Kaiser Aluminum plant in Rav-'- posed to theth< city the building of in I9(!8.I9CS. disappeared. disapp they ai si- A Virginia City ordinance. This, he'I® continued, could mean EARtEAKb MASSCY, TWIN FAUS they ar-e investigating the possi- A VI) I someone fo und Snippy down Ad«*riiAdverfUementi Oct. 17 ond I t enswood. a 37-unit h housing projcct in a DockinfDocking told newsmen the King King now faces a second* bility bility ofo ar.son In the fire Sundayay banningbannint horses from streeu In weed-filled lot in the city’s Westst President “is not my appoint-lint- charge charge — resisting arrest. at Can I and suffering and ended the AudioiAuctioneer*! WerL Bler«, Wolf The driver of the other car, weed-filled J at Cardinal Lanes bowling alleyey this historich Comstock boomt pain by cutting his throat. ond Meiter^llh John Rcifroad. 25. of Parkers-1- End. TTieThe homes,1 which wouldId ments secretary.”sec in this town Just across the Hud-id- town m may be repealed to permit 1 4y_ Thp prwfpfnrtr, n fripnd Ihpthp nuMuimiuHUlnmuimnuuuutuuiwmmiuuuud nuimmtiii , Mrs. Lewis, however, held O C T , 2 0 burg, is ih serious condition m a rent toi—SJtOl—$3fi -to iSO a—mofrt+h---- T-hf , gm qf ;__ son rk a l+-ye 14-year-old boy to deliver his . ” , ' . ” fast to her flying saucer theory. RALfH tAira H/HAMIS MOVING « STOKAGI local hospital with internal inju-1- would go uup beside a group of Kennedy family, addressed the ______■ r ity ' >E maMpapojfSr___ — ------."j "TT -^ta'tU*;"! YCWIg uemocraLs Sun- A /" o lI. 7 jire.said Adam.i failed t et. e:t. ------:------' rles. His 4-year^ld daughter,', JiS.Ooo tlS.OOO to S2fi.(X)() homes in alstaie'.s Y partment scheduled memoriallal Dist. Atty. Robert Schouweil- plnip the absence nf blood on ______l — Terry -.:iy4istedYin ‘‘good’’~r-day day night-night at tho rcquojU-of-the-JLSAU-the [YalleiLBenders ____— -services for Wednesday;------■—er—sah— er-said-Saturday- the-county ------RANKtUPT tSTAH------1------tion with a broken back hood. ■ DemocratDemocratic National Commit- . the ground, the absence of Atained a tem porary injunction * citv hall. Thc 1 on cigarettes 5 cents per pack.______Auction Servlco skid and was rarhmed by Rex-- ects before,'before,” she said, “are thcie but he has hi disavowed their ef-® Mrs. Norman Pohl led thelhe remremain ained in a hospital tcxiay,y, permittingperm itt him to ride his mare, road’s vehick?. ones who arcai most strongly op-P” forts, , meetini?meeting and members presenteded but thetheir conditions were not se-le- Lady, through Virginia City ;■■■■■■■ ------1= — . posed to the project. They!y Docking s«id he is "optimistic Mrs. Paul Schwarz with a gift'ift rious. streets,streets. ------'------S ~ ^ ’ worked hard to get out. th that a t LymLyndon Johnson and Hu- since ,incc she shi resigned as president.nt. JoscfJoseph Licata, a volunteerer BarkIBarkley had argued that the ■ Hazelton Names '“-wAi'Z"We’re not fighting our ownm bertb e rt Humphrey Hum will be re-elect- Planspiap,- were made to start a firemaifireman ’ from Palisades Park,k, ordinanceordinan threatened to put him JF MO ffi ^ rPHim I , race. But we' just don’t want it ed In 1968,”1968 and used the w ords' P membershiprnember; drive and members:rs said, "The ■ trapped firemenen out of business because the S Dei»uty Registrar. here.K: Why do they have to put it of theth e latela P resident John F. chose siisides for the contest. TheTie were jJfcst about to enter thelie mare wasw his only means of de- ■ . HAZELTON — Mrs. Bertha, here?” Kennedy to defend American nextpp^t memeeting will be held Wed- buildlnibuilding. Then, all of a sudden,n, livering' livering newspaper* along his J / Belmont, city clerk, reports5 ^Arkie said:said "I lived in a pro]-]- presence ini Vietnam. nnesday. esday ' 1 ,thethe wwhole place just wentnt mounta mountainside route. 1 Fichard Bloxham at Hazelton, betect f^^while.for^whi and I know whatat "Americans"Amerit a re in Vietnamam . _------’whoosi'whoosh' and the-Jlames trav^vi- SchouSchouweiler said tlje corhmis- J , M0 ^ Drug will be the deputy Hazel-. hnppefis.happens. TrThey go down, dowh;n; b because ecau se we~Tiave" determined5<^5| ' ■. LUNG CANCE R U P __J_ pledelcd _ right ri down the buildingig sion:didsion:didJiot want to hamper the * T id d)9t_thiS-i:ountry_must_iiot-4all— - ton registrar whll^ she J^,pn1 Nobody takestake care of them and tJ)9 t-Jhis_ NEW YORK (AP) — T he1 e from fifront fo back, blowlu outut boy’s Jc Job. J vacatldn. He will register voters; th^thcV get dirty-anddir ugly.” u under n d e r Communist Coi domination," American..« _ -rirn Cancer Society re-re- the rooroof and a side waII.”T The ordlnaiicec -was aimed at S until her return on Oct, 30. The> The controversyconti is dividingig he h e said in quoting a letter w rit- ports ^a continued ^rise In lungng The sole1 survivor of theTiosese riding stables! catering to , tour- ■ , election is Nov. 7. ' PuuburghPittsburgh 1 Negroes. Those Ne-e- ten . By JPresident Kennedy in.i*_---‘"jcaneer ^deaths, white the fatalityity crtjw, Henry Dengler Jr.. 22,2, ists “who“w! did not upderstaiid the I——.{— ~ — - ■ ^ -- - ■ Persons who-have-filed peti-. groes opposopposing the project arc March, 19 rates for most other types of said he was at the end of thele interestInterest commissioner* had in 1I • AAutomatic Keep-fjilededm So(^Sefvice. Meter'ed t l I. ______P e T f o ; being accused by other Negroes — tions for councilmen for the being accus* the disease have been dropping,ig. hose arand farthest from the yall.II. the strestreets," he said. ■ ' dedelivery trucks ' B - four-year term are Mrs. Don[ of being snobs.snc ______'* USE TIMES-NEWSTIMI WANT ADS Crumrine, Robert Stdkesbeny and R ichard Bloxiiam-. Seeking |j ) I!:! • oCourteous, .experjencediced pepersonnel | the two-year term are br. Jack l| Jj^ -Grant-and-Kermit-Dotigias.------{t ^ 5^• Unexcelled quality fooTott"‘ooTotl ^ ^ t ■ ■ . I . . »■ Joseph Wagmer. incumbent j[ ' . ___ » ___ - Jboard—chalrmao,—was the-onIMJ jif r l -- - -y-— ------; EX-SII■SEimCQIIjil • Gold Strike S tam ^, person to file a petition for the l| . jii;, mayor post for a two-year term. }j \S \. ■ -■ - - .... ____ 8 : W E M A K E Ij ii RIGHT TRTRAINING BENaENEFITS j riin “ INFHINO" A product S ^ . l!1, ------: ... " !; ______. —Jj- — ------— — ^------,are nownow api appriovad urwiar the Oa .:>-Blll i. B ill------r ~ ------■ ■ || O ur UNK-TO-'m }wN ^J n EE put« you or. ypur products i| ' I| at dwtir^ion or on mainlin*inlin* traratransportation. {j j iMiKMM ■t >40 AOOtnONAL* COOT ^ !|ij" ASK ABOUT OOR SPECIAL CHARTER {j| SIGN UP NOW! i m 2 iriii;iiMnaCT toro-YOU. y o u . T.;;^ On A nything^ Vafue j; j* OR R-VING-FREIGMTEREIGMTER IRATES. ^ ^:| || ...... - . i . o k FLYING ji ■ JI - REEDERRl SERVICE li R FLYING SB< l jl AvioHwi HMdqaortan (*r «n Ma I! REEDER I i CEMI STin«E -0I 2 1 > for «H Magit ValUr 'lli . W P ^ {j .MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ... TWIN Fi FALLS. 733,59 20 jiiL ijll!i ^M U N I C l P A L . .A l I s e O R 7 ; ^ ^ FALLFALLS-7B3-g»20 ; S:_:; _

r ' . ' . 6e 1 - . ' • I - ' - ■ • ...... - • • ....- 't \ • ■ \ ■ ■ ' . • .... . ■ V. ^ ■ Ull Iiimiii li Iiinwiiiiywwirrjii{i;!f BIB -U U* 'l Abn«»'-- .. - v r ; i “ - ..... /VwE-vntteoiwE-wgegowiag^^^F iqM Ptyt»^^ _ IIII ii'urm iiiiiiiiin ie [ STRAWSERS,SmAWSERS,SmANaERS-) VOREBUU4XnWiSSonm)* EX PEt^^j' I f^'uL ViOULD SEWD WRITTKN \ _ ", Bl/TTH'MEJCrT ■ ^^ F ^ T T E E S > NOTICNOnC^ES TP FOLKS WHAT 1 H i MiBGE ^ ' S VO'DFIAJ^SIM-- HKRK,) f CAIM l u tA P / f - - ^ V ■ j g g K V/ AFTER. ALLTHE < V — __i |Am eriG a-*s''|||^P||^- ' By JacobyJac i ^ Sm U i KVRirrEMMoncEs.’1 < . suit. "e-Line'^^L TIM ID PLAYERS S“ *V : l o s e OFTTENER West c opehga the qijeen1 of pf ' ____:___Ynii Tl"r'> »»**• N? ,a - g e aat-spadc& t- S |M ffis ai nnd continiiM ths jsuit u i t ______.....(...... -Ij . brWge playef by sitting bacKc k . niceraitfc'r -. south dtick<;d , In tjOTh— btnh ng hands. Soutl^’s Inline of diamonds ELE ANDI WALT W ^T DULANEY 1 ■ ■ ■ M ve drew the queen and ace. Kehelahela i ' M w «nH w ggaatgaan iy v -t~ w ri if^iaiti^s' -the----- ten and led a low club to Miir-wiir- _. »* I" 1 . * Jf* Eric’Miirtay'i eleht-poineint ray's ten.ten Murray cleared the ■ Re:Rex Morean, M.D. . vulnerable double of South’s onene spadesf^de suitsw and eventually t the h e l~~"f ' '------— ------Even A Steady no-trump, responsa^ had back-:k- defense coilectcd( three clubs,lubSj ------Q60O ^ S d o p /) I \/'I'M ANXiOtlS5 TOTO SEESEE HEK/Ht r STILL \ MEANWHILEANWHILE i ]Jl^£ fired, at him. we can see nhehe three*hcee sp3Uu J l tr “" ' SEVENTEEN WHFMWHEN rt V - . _ . - | I— WILLOBEE----- 1 J.OBEE--- PEAN V PARENTS HAVEN'T IlyH f * ''Tip''i)ear Ele: The guy I'm goingoing E)(Dear Brad: You talk to your featist players — who criticize The jh e biddingbid started, the samea m e ;=-CODLP WOKK HEKIM THIS y RAMSEYM5EY IS ONPK TME /V BEEN HOME IN iHU beautifully and never 'fcin whensn way at ,the1- other table but theth*. An-EKNOON.FOKTHATiMAUroxl ^25 ^ PHONE ANP VV jraj steady with goes to parties I’m brotbrother right away. Tell him you . and if they get to the table'*® jtaiianItalian WiWest did not double. He abo sHm ^ E ------_ LlKETOTALKTtETO-i^TOvnu/\-Ss^ not "Ot Invited* to, because the peo- foundfoun the checkbook and ask against tough competition. ■ . would Jiltve been incurring far • ^ pie that have them aren’t friend-end- himHim to explain its possession as Anywsy.' this double in the''® greaterjjreater rrisk than Murray bc-, I^ H IT iy with me. He says he goess tb well as that new bonanza of per- World's Championship Match^ cause in our systems North'' iW "be with the giiys and havelave sonssonal articles. If the explanation -■ could havhave a very good hand.' •3 ^ ® • MmI fun."' I don't think he’s double-ible- isn't good—clue in your folks In the particular Italian svs- crossing me because—the-cirls-at-cjirls-at-once^Better-that -they~^v6rk — ^ - P ~ n o r t h <1» tem used here fhe diampnd’bia —\/-— ------— J~ pS; aren’t worth the trouble. ButRiif tnIQ__ mnk«»__immodiata—antends; ;------r-ifc-Kfta-----■------and—mj-ti / / ^ / [rp^ pvI __ ^ -it—slill 'bothers me. What on qn then'youthen try to deal With broth- ^ _ V “ ■ ■ ¥ A J 6 both ratiii rather limited bids. ' ^ earth iriust'these kids think?:? I er andi let him go on until ^ ♦ A J 8 7 2 Our net gain on this board know he doesn't care about theirheir .Auntie’s.Aun lawyer or her bank ,------»------* l8 6 - —______wns— was__ non3QQJ!tfaints. •» _nr sf-ven^ln^— o l opinion, but I do.~Should-i-beX -----biows-the-whistle^—-blow Ele and J WEST EAST ternationaternational Match Points. Al- ■ Worried? WallWalt. A Q J 1 0 72 ikSp though MiMurray did not know it H Dear Worried: Tho wisestsest TO CALI^-OR NOT t f 10 8 54 V K 8 7 since thejthey were in the middleddle SSh< hort Ribs move now would be to discuss-USS Dear Dt Walt: There was a girl 'de_ In summer school who really 4 Q > 4K10 53 of a scaso season, it left the match-arr ______- ______...... ' -----7 - 1 ,your your steady relationship and de- *r' * i“aiT caught .mv eve, but, because 1 1 4 > K 1 0 2 +AJ87 exact tie. 3' |?bw Pow Pow PqW fbvj W W | fi^R-HAA/eOMg-OPTMFSE£ 'tp -termi rm inp whnt .ymi Fnnh-^ )"~ f ^ ...... C A flP....SENSE..- ...... — — ^ ------SEEM^~TDl5C7~WItC?RI7?? have have the right to tell her partnerner and "nice day” I never talked 4A04 ------P c f^ -P3VV H------. lere to-her. Now I'm wondering if I V Q 32 ■ ^ __ — V/------,- who his ' friends can be of“\vhere to-" ^ b w f t w POW p o w PDV POV )JI ■- 'i he ;3 perm itted to go?______shoushould call her? If I do. what 4 9 6 4 Q—ThoQ— Tho bidding has been: f i l ^ / —^excuse^hould“I~malce for hav- ~ ...... ♦ Q S 4 3 VV’estVi’est NNorth East South Ft>W P t> w P O W P ^ w ^ P 1 I ^ ' I Obviously, what goes for one ing her unlisted number? And S pdrtner goes for the other too. ;; Bolh vulnerable 1 A Dble «vV R?W fbW R?W bw^ ■Ik ^ ho ^ ®*'® Bets m ad We*t North East SouthI Pass 2 ♦ Pass 3 ♦ w A o R ? it i ' J J So if your boyfriend feels he.7 bccause. I called?—Ready To . Pass 3 N.T. Pass 7 f ^ / R?W fto w fbvv R5l» . ■ »•- should be allowed to go stag to „, , ; !♦ Pass IN.T. Pass 3 1 ’ Dial. ?W F i ____1 ^ | £ Dble Pass Pass Pass Yiou,-SoYiou,-South, hold: ' ^ )VV Ft>V'' Pt?'W P^\V K parties, then you should h^e -_ Dearq „ Dial: You pay a gir! a ftow R?iv fipvv pow fb v m ^ the same privilege. Would ne compliment when you give her Opening lend— 4 Q 4lZAZ V K Q 1: 0 8 ♦AQJ54 4bK6S, m K allow that? ■ I______W hatJ d( What do you do7 K ■- w P o w POW POW PoWV pP<^<2 ■ f a respectful call. "Respectful?” ]» But keep In mind one basic ( (j)1 ) Introduce yourself immedi- A—Pass. Your partner may ' ___ ^ |Q.||> I.. |fb w R?W Po^/ 9CW POWowl flH■ B fllM iB^ gj ^^But •' worked to perfection. North saw "^en fact of life: no matter how muchuch atelyatelj ("This is Ron Brown, I . not even have a play for thisthis Ca|Captain Ea«y ______a__a per person loves his girl, sh 6 can- £ ■ no reason to run. Sammy Kehela contract oor It may be a cinch. ■ ■an- sat across the aisle from you in -1 his njce East hand was de- Jeasf y l'l?' LOOK. BUP, t GOT GREAT NBW5 — 1 not.fulfill all his needs. He mustmst typingtypir this summer . . ."): (2) “■ At least' you are trylnr for thr VOU'RE WA5TIU' VOUK TIME.X THAT'5’;,. havehat'i^ some time with his bud- chec lighfed to pass. South had rea-“• same. game, I IMIFOR J.RMclCBe...BUT CANT GBT Miai ;HUM! HE'S. MOT REAPV. I TOO BAD! ” check if she has time to chat son to think that a runout to ^ TO TELL HIMl WOW, ro TE^Tipy IM that CA$it7 wenr n tI “‘P®-dies. Similarly, a girl needs girl ("Ar("Are you free to talk now. or diamonds would be a'case of outJt t TOIMT’S o w QUESTION ^ —m - ; . '.—r—sttv recei - '» .______.ar FIND HIMl Tnencfriends occasionally for some’n’?-.shQuld-JUcall ^q u laterr'-M-^and (3)— - - of the frying pan-into the fire.e. Insteadinstead of bidding two- dialia------IT!■ 1“"*...- .....[■ ■ s\ , -.girl -t talk. WhatcvemgreBmehtsihts don'tjon-i call after 9 or 9:30 at Actually two diamonds wouldIcj mends attafter your double your ■ emerge,emeri make sure they don't night, nighl and keep a watch handy If seal him off. from a night out y^ onlv go down one trick butut partner biibid two hearts. What uu lIo nuw ^—------— with the boys I—Ele. athoiathon records (10-15 minutes held a good five card diamondid AnsAnswer N ext Issue . BROr a E R OWES maxim maxi um). I — -----If chn nilte Hnur vnU got h e r number, don't put buddy on the T t a y not spot. Instead say: "It took n ^ 1 Dear shi Ele and Walt: My lotnumi of detective work. Do you ^ • nds m ind?” “ ryVmrrij^* "^vinnnnmnnnnnnnrvir^ ■ f I j ; E 3 s i Phv ^ ~ J 5^ brothi My great aunt is 72 and not spot. H I F'. forso sharp h as she used to be. Mythe lot As c for her getting mad, that's HHrrJiLx^s .. ffl house brother and I both run errandsing highlymind unlikely, if you follow ^ 7 L 7 n . 6 \ ■ form ore her and help around ies. the the.se As rules. Hint: before you ' Dne pick up the phone Jot down five _____!o b ' M _ E £ house. Lately he’s been having high! !i ' m ore things (records, clothes,his subjectsthe.se you can discuss, so if > I Gasotins Alley drawcetc.) nnd yesterday I found onenre shynesspick slows your mind you of my aunt's check-books in ?— his won’tsubjc go mute. GOOD LUCK I 5 . I W. We both reachediched \ Z' It mus-t have'V I’ve beenf draw er. I don’t have any m ore —Walt. shync ■ ^ 1 Vou met Chip V passing passim hlm\ down to qet them ) done something 1 nultg about 1 facts than that—what do I do?— won’i a I at .school, I ^ in in thethe hall, ^nd knocked head^ IBrad. ' , . —Wa = ! Sara! How did y |1 |||^ >L Clovia, S it ^’^ppen? / \ drop Major Hoople riB"6 ■&OW&)/ he •sure (?£C0V- L V. ^ VVINP / 6KECJ FA-iT FROM ^ ------\ f ( H;Ufv\EMT E '^ ■&OM S IWAT Pl^iOCATED I' ...... V ' HE vviNP COOLoji 3AW.'’ FOR A WW1L6 I N TH£ S\ I DKEAMEt) I VJA^ ■ UM.VA5,6(7ySj \ X INJSTRUMEMTOKlAtsJ A tI GOMNA 6ET KiD OP A10D£K(J MUSIC/ H I W itU F /HL EFD fOLlLl R K IN 6 IN 6 IN j - ' UAVP A < OUT-talkINK TH£ / V.A1Y£AR^//^ I ivsiv eorl vai.edii;toKiam4EN ( J t ^ r — iTLACk-3 TU& rf,/ A OCHOOL FDR r" C'UAKMOFA, );Vo MAOA71NK / i ' ' w inthrop______' •Jlr '

...... c » , . , | W HHVy \ p t^cmmzDo&eica? J ^ ^ ; » io~iy jg ^ > i/y p p xJLm jujm jLiJLm Lj^^'JUiSLlLiLSLQJLJLSiJLZl&J^^ “I'd IIKa BOnnathing to m akeB in«tna AL^IOSTAL^10 Irresistiblei"; ______------: j f 3 r r - 4 Out Our W«y ______

¥ 3 M O o sH /-= utuu' pi^^.pF’oiNTMeMT- 1 MVE T -nVa-'S EJCACTLV w h a tK ~P^^^woa. /HOVS/ dum b.' SOO SHOULP HAVE Y TH^T'i / lOJOVWM THAT BOXIWQ KIWe.3 ~ ^ / lI HAP IMI MIMI7-yOU % S £ _ E I VWOULP BE TOO FRAIL WHEMEM K A CAJJ*Tc a w t Eb e a t TWIS KIMO U V VOU MAC’S rrcJUT of striwIW, M.1. NIA. U.iM. TM ■*» U L hf. OW. • • ^ ------rr r I ^^^OTHER OTHEF iS U Y IS /^ ------' r i r ^ ,J l1 1 ------rr ----- ^---- [|[^ __AlleyAlio Oop ' I f 1^ ^ ^ ^ ~7~ KJNfi BAZ V YAH! SAIPSAIP IT UAS WOIWONE ...HE VKXJLDNT BLlvlJV ..SO ...S<3 I GUESS VOU'REr-Vl______----- LI 'f_ ,' / p-iATS rri BOVS... X t An«w«r to Pr*vlou« PunU / l l|l ||| (7'=£:( PAN VOU OLfTA A OF OUR)UR BUSINESSBUSINJESJ OUR STORY ABOUT T GONf GONNA HXVFTA PUT BUT THE GRAND ^ NEAKJDERIAMP? ) WHO3 HB PICKET? ___ (POP BEIM' A NO- UP W : grand { HEAVE 'IM IN ,,£ l ) ^ m ^ S I IP p KTPIAI P O T I ------FOR A SON-IM-LAV UP WITH,HIM BEIN' WIZER WASVAS V THERE! unO^*^ / ------m ^ \ #1 I'ii A SON-IN-LAW'.' GOOPBUMl ,TW' nK e x t k i n g o f WKOfJG-.OOP'S-OOP'S A ______^ '——------KlfiAfKlfiANPERLANP V • IN PLENTYITY OF ^ P '------, - European Capitals J / I wsk\xri ■ T R SBB SIH t^ ACROSS emperor - Ib k Is 1 CaplUl of lUIy ^2 ^ "? ,“^“ '’® ^ S C iplU lof ----P I AI-"^ 0 Mylhologlcl 'o™* , (oSO minor dcillei concerning aln IP P[§ 6 j~|f|SE 1 3^nP n T h X 11 Capital of I3ITJV Greece 47 Driver. ,-;i-t4fi 13 Ust of thing* “ '^.er'Ph E S I to be done “ Cap IU of Sp*lh £ Maasaehaaettsg t (D ooayBIb^ 14 Plant orjj»n. 82 CanlUl of 11 g SWiogUke C part 90YemenH« m • TirXeriformfuel ' 5™"'? . 12 1 2Mariner's E S2Emmeta 10 Napoleonic '‘™>rdirectloQ 34 Township fab^ exlV Island “ ^ 17 CaplUl Mat* of S8 Asbefor« 18 Dreadful SS ISu* 11 BelgiumWlni r 41 Waa carried **’'< w n-----— ---- ^ " ' 2410 European river **"“ t lOMiscelUny 12 Marli 43BaUnc« Robin Malone 2620 VeilFondlo sf. DOWN 20 Wan direc 4A Electrical unit 21 Resound, ai a 1 CaplUl of 21 17 DranUCipU (ab.) ...1HB AJHEfflCAN \ IN THE^eTOwZ COVAL. I ./^ .(cAptrAusr( x Gerrsc sc \ t hrHELAPVsreAK^ w ith bel] I^tvU ) 22AllevUf« B«ii^ 4SFesUve QOCTOPL.-fZOe’M \ a^KCACKS,IKCWCKS, \ A 24 Banana genua 2 Native meUU 1023 Mltc«Commercial 46 Public noticei —THE WORt^V VSMBTT ' \ 1 \ V y COHF06et>-\6\ I Iiiai i III ...... I ANP HISHNESS. 26 Yellow bugle 3 Dig boya 20. Wan capital of 47 Ancient Persian /MAlOWe, J / j ^ THe5£ x u aHNESS. v b w bh J J / j ' ■■ plant 4.Fmi*hed i 21 Drani Ketherlaeds priestly caaU These: eAuowgr & 1 .7 J7 Z \f'...... r<:7Lmcs~-^g 20 Cub shark 5 Origin (luffbt) 2225 AllevThus « The din ~ ------.WHsrayJHERB/^^ALO^< ARE MV THBM 7HB 31 Gives comfort 6 Protectiv* 23 Comr EM THE / l . t !f>-V y ^ W ' 27 Feminine 40 Dance step KOYAL GUAS?P£:. J HIBHT'HT oO f F f F/ f J . WV \ c < \ - ' to foliage appellation caipitj 51 Pronoun- GGA'Z - A ' Z E l C ^ V GOKA ? . 33 Clattifle* 7 Old TecUmeDi Netlw. 2S Jacob's soh 53 Male sheep ------^ByCXAYR.POLL.V>J^.POLI.^^l----- — n|------, 35 Habitual* book 25 Thus ^ J^ill « Heavy blow 27 Femli Xr- '4 YoorDoiTrAcfnfifjf[cSrriff GoiJ».G ardm IDT. 23 r ^ * j C f f ' H 137 Imitated 9 Droop appel * * * - 20 , • ' j C i f t i 8 ^ ' According lolo lh»th» Slars.Sian. ''■ ' 'I OCT. S o i l s ' ! 39 Forrner Ruscian 10 City in 2SJ«Ct>b • rX^6-W-74-*l ■ To develop messageioge for Tuesdoy,.Tuesi 1 - iV^'T" S y S S ^ i^ M f V »®od words correspondingxindingtonu-nbcrs to nu-ri <9.*0-73 ™ if HISPLAH ^ ^ p [ £ p ^ ruma ( of your 2odiocbir1h•hsign. sign. sSmo I PEO&VIC7U5, KIM& ?1Glv» «k 3TTo ■ <51Dcy<51 Doy OCT- ,< -<-2H>lpltnaa-a2WUIIngy^^A3M«ca 1?^ “ | « n c = — 3&V. 7^33A n M *3A - ^ Your I 3* YieU4 A-i 17-22-35^5^ 1( ySuK'SiSr^.O^ s extra 35 Vuit? / <15 CV }59-4Sg3-90l^ 0 , «r’^ " • g«( 1HT W MIA. W._____ !• *rmnncJal” 3iChe«airt a x * ■ «Si6i> PmcrctOfftoM ixoTT/JMa 7Sm 37Th. 67Soilin ' i' ' • _ J 5 T — — = '■ «Show 38 MAk' 68 Surpr . . - 9Ycur 39SMM, ivorj------B ugs B unny...... ^ 5T = P t i i . *r- €K~4-18'39c3( —WTimi----- —Mycam:------TOThr— IIHo~i> .4IAnd ^W .ll / MERE COA\ES BUGS! I P J ^ 'N (T^ quT^^ N ^ |~| ’ (1/ / SEE? HE DIDNfrX * IT------— WUw .<3 Ship 72lfi .€MKJm~ HTokJno -*3 brwrntny 73 Now ( SEES ALL THIS RXJO/HE'tJ.>0/HE'ta_. ■ { DUCK BEHIND EVEN KMOV WE ) .1 «^%JUNCa l4S«vtc« MCaMh- . 74Vetv n^ ^ ^ IT E HIMSELFTO 01MNE5!PIKINEI^ ^ \TO^BC6CK^ V \ WERE h e r e : j ____ I j g _ _ _ _ 1 ^ ^ ^ _ _ T - - ^ ■ 'JS'L 78CoJi^7 ? ^ ’' n - 2 « 7 - G ^ IP P m g w e M «<9P«nonol 79 Hurr^c lao aoRiohr - ^ s o o n h «800 R;^tR '^ t AOUAkVt i 55 ■ k|.37 ------g - 220m» : S2Ff&>m «2Forww 230i(M ^ 53Ar 63 Sick

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Congres^ Cq PdlDIALPIREd-HWgl<» for toni Service enlargements tor 16x 01 or call 733-8757. . — t h ,, ______Vt / tInsJh —aov quaUtjt- guaraii-.uaran- ___ ^ ROTO-TILLINO ^ .h o m e ; HAS EVERY- In order. . the ffiscal vear by at least S5^ bll- te» and -excellent tioor Dfan. * be»rS' large sara*e,"Aaiume low Inter- bill to put money into thehe cof- becoibecome law. «accident on 9/8/67 In 200 blo^ock of cc commission consummate with abil- Main £ ast Involving a pedestriansstrlan it: ity. Good benefits, Leo Rice Motor■ - LANDSCAPINQ Wi.t*31 0 ^ " ’ *'*<*•>' 'O'' ■fers ot government agenciesgencles —The ~Ttii QOP came within eight SJ a call Company, Incorporated^ Gooding, 4 ■ ?!fed ““A <:»« a lint. AND TREE SERVICE N whose regular appropriationsiations votes cjf winning when they tried 7 3 : . Idaho. Phone 934r443$. ___ Free Pre< eitlmate., «peclallca« m ,L —------— ^------^ ------' ththat a t approach to enforced econ- mei “MAMIED AJ ipan for farm and ranch trlnunlnc; Dava FUher Si3-MS0, XHAMLETT oiny Oct. 3. Steam expvrtencad Irri- BiAl. Fanner. Realty. haths. showers, exercise 55..**^ equip- gatorig and know machinery. Good ^ . fe f l Immi^ation Imi “ %Appropriations Comnjitteel^ittee ment.mi Hunters, shape up. clean up. ^modem home, waxes open. Year 'MALE sraduata Irom 3-year couti^ss REALTY O Democrats Demi are convincedi ththe e 733-8228. days. eve> ^y u n d work. Box R-9. c-o Times- a }?u\‘uuu”j l»Ti *1° — SMBtBYironW^not^accept^the ^5^ ^ WANTED: PtopirjulUl Idea, or sS p .- <^nn H attm tiH f — 7.Ta-faia _____ “ IntfiJiS:Sai= SS uae—fr —wntianii wnre Ihyentori Kesearcn t-ln- —Kewa.„ ...... —r-~ - House-Senate - deadlock— ttatth a t - •»nd—Oevelppmeiit—Company, fj, -In* ■■-fc 1 ■■ ■■ Hous lk by coyorated. Box 6M, Ontario,L Ore-Ora- ^Southern Idaho, with headquarterst*r» WeW^ e W (all lawn, planted. Free esti- “ M »J would be difficult to break by J® ' • in Twin Falls. Contact H .^. Ca- _ mjnatai. b Top .oU, fertlUier, levellns.^ "MLS” p „ I jtJ . next Monday. , yoS they, 255 Asb Street South, Twia>ln johtjohmsy tMymrp Landicaplnf. 735-^ F"?'*nt. Drive; Immaculata 4 " p l r ^ j BeenBei Altered FOR rent or sale: Sick room sup- • S l all-brlck. 3 bath.. J They huddled with Chairman[rm an pUpiles: Wbeel chairs, commodes.node?. _f„!! ______S753. Tjfiri r . By JOHN HECKLER ttnri crutches, walkers, trapeze bar, nnbx e e d aotomeUo transr fssion ma- SEWINGSEWII ..wanted: dnBi.maklng, la- /am Associated Press Writerter George H. Mahon, D-Tex.,, andanu Ee ' verest Jennings equipment>ment« chchanic. Short work week, excel-icel- die.’dies* and men'. alteraUoni, pock- Be.l / * j tossed' around several altema-tema- cnCrowlcy Pharmacy. _____ Uilent working conditions.. jContacttact ets,eu, zipper, and buttonhole!. 733- a Eve f e ■------— ~ y ------^WASHINGTON (A P) — The tiv e . prbpdSahT F?Tday Butbut WHI chairs, exercising equip- ~paul Hoppe. Hoppy's AUtomoUve,jv«,- —T«lt.—^ —7419. - >...... ' com II / pattern of immigration Into the i ment. crutches, walkers for- rfcnt _733-7^. 72. ______W___a RT WANTEb: Pronina, to do tn my tran United States has been radicallydlMlIv peached no decision. . ^ or sale. Kingsbury's Pharmacy.mi^y. WANTED:WAl Lumber Worxera. Vear’ia r home,homi yS4* Srd Avenue Ea»t. ,73J-s : ranjlip ? : a*nd‘’“^ S ‘>‘-.‘“aS;'.?: ■ m ent. 117^ Main f Ei^t. 73^7^, orr 733- aroundar< employment. Contact Mtch-Ich- 7188.TIM. ^ ' altered by the new- law enacted S S S ====y« cuiiiimu^ IRCHI ______~ & 1X7. tt Npt. — "« » nWJHIMO don;"T5""my’t»m e. JKiifS?: KImberW. ?ti00 sq«iv« fe«t of ------ini S naa. wun S0m6 Tradltionil 5l!zrth7 PtftSldent freeze govern- ^ to corresDond'^ith un- - den, Cotorado. ___ ences. II per hour. 152* 3rd Ave------— ------sonree!sources being largely cut off. >vem attached genUeman in midI 60'sCO'S DAIRYd a i farm needs man under• 35 nue East. 733-1947. roomy living space, g.bedroom fiiii '"e"* employment until C Con-on- ' withwti car and finances. WriteB Box to do general farjn work. See rSVVKTi ---- brick ond frnme. 7/lb Sfes S ’ ^ ''Hr. M!a! Hcw’t FrdnkiFmnkkr* , By nnext July 1 . when the full lation R-lO. c»o Time»»News.______•. ' CharlesCh .Peterson at 2 miles west fRONlNG j, quickly * and neatly dono.)no. groundgrou wtth beautiful biuI ______Impact [Jit be finishes its appropriation 81 per hour, 4U 5th Avenue East.ast. Spruce trees. Call ux tadav ____ Impact of the law will first be ALCOHOLl^^~Anonymous — Twin twin and U south of Burley.______733-0785.? il -0 MusMust be sold Immediately, ^ ------■ ------feltr^-touthem—European—and f e l t , ^ - SP, -tUM* —F>lji CourthQUffi>.. Wfldnesdays-. a l 2 f r WANTED; Moming- paift-tlma-TSel------» -MT* AslanAsian i nations will be supplyinginivinff 'If the Senate Went along,I inaithat 8;30 p.m. For further information H«Ii ® chanic work. Own t^ls. 733-7166. would give Congress a breath->eath- - «=«■call mUyo. ^ — • 1548 3 rd 'Avenue East. ^ LYNWOOD - most of the immigration from 1* „ ‘, inria- SPENCHR*Spirella registered figure Officers Believe \ T tlid e' Ing spell to finish the approprla- spei . ROTO-TILLi NG. leveling. Gardens leve VietnameseB C outside North and South Ameri- .. ® J consultant: Lysle Oardher, 301 7th T I and acreages. Tractor-mounted ^ro- REALTY ca,„, and the once-heavy-finw flow bills and give the Appropri-ropn- av Avenue' North. 733-7001. ______1HELP WANTED ;lil hn Committee time to draft sewSEWING Machlno ^palrs. ^rents. to-tlller. Pick Pooler. 733-4375. __ 610 BlueB Lakes. Blvd. N. 733-9211 - •Itl Irom^Westem Europe will be b ack sales. Slnser Sewing Center.enterl TYPING In my nome. Large or jjJames Danner, 733-2240 Leaders Pushedled InInto Reform down to a trickle. another measure taking back Male or Female smaU Jobs. Call 733-8151. ■ tbe money Congress„ csfr 420 Main Nortf. 733.3344.______— R. J. Schwendiman, 733-7100 . SAIGON (AP) — Am erican of- U.S. officialsoffii as hard-working,clrie. . This Is the picture projected u,, „ *2 IpRIVATE DETBCriVE: Skip trac- Rreat- *>y f”®the State Department on u® the jr® In past " years. _ itristrictly confidential. Call 73^2641.°wi. TimesT l News route in Hey- ' — — “ MLS” time they have successfully er power nro- basis of a year’s experience un- 7 ■ iHy er powers to carry out the pro- basis o whirh appropriations bills,I all ^RFET. tiie. linoleum. Rug clean- hvburn and vicinity. Approxi- SPARE TIME INCOME pressured South Vietnam'sm’s gram.grant. UU.S. sources believe3 he der the law. Its study, which ' ^ ing. trade-ins. 17 years service. ^ Refilling and collecting moneyV HOW'S HOv YdUR ARITHMETIC ' nUn comproniises, could be disposed K from New Type high quality . ^ present leaders Into some majorjo r maym ay be able to claim honestmest has notnoi been made public, also . IJj Custom Floors. 733-5424.t-3424. matelym 25 miles daily. Con- from If you deduct *3.500 for tta. lot . r’ of this week, leaving only a^ few LXEXE'd Y i iate 50s wants to meet gen- ta coin operated dlspensera In this ** y reforms. success i In 80 per cent of 1 1,100 JOO shows thati the new law has re- r' Jl*' com- tleman near same ate. WriteI Sox Box Circulation Manager,• area. No selling. To qualify, you>u from from the total 110,900. you ara But 'U.S. sources say the re- hamlets irted suited in a swift buildupu n ^ of legislative mill. The com- tier , must have car, references. S600 re- hamlets where he has started suited riM nf- PXQJnises._carry m oney Jo t-m llU R-8, c-o Times-News. ....— IimesNews,.phc!be,8784S52.^^ T t *• - ■-to-tT.900'Tw»b?^3«ven to twelve»...------toeiLPAy)n£JlL:iflUi^ forms havo only scratched , tho, paciflcatlpacification work*__- •— ------backlogs-backloj in some categories of if™ , *u. ALMA HARDlNr-OiU-opractor.• 157 hourhours weekly can net excellent room modern^'home. Landscape_ rics VI construction programs,r, thetne North Washington. Twin Falls...... surface. Much- deporids, theyley Thang,Thang. father pf the latestItest Immigrants. INCOME TAX COURSE7 monthly Income. More fulllU Ing, outdoor fireplace, alagla 1965 Department of Transportation,Ition. PhiPhone.733-4741. ______f time. For personal interview^ gerage for free. Located ta 100 say. on how the new regime of pacificatipacification program but apiiar-iriar- The 1 basic feature of the 1965 tbe space program and a scorescore out! OUTSTAhJDIJ^b dkrlitmas SpecialsSOTU B(BOTH FEDERAL & STATE wrt*. President-elect Nguyen Van^an ently wawaning since severalra i act wawas its elimination of the Fuller Brush. 733-7405^ 423-5692.-5692, JOB OFFER FOR ^ Bloc:block of Fillmore. dep. old system of admitting imml-irn^i other agencies. Khnberly. BEST STUDENTS PEN-PEN-IDA DISTRIBUTING CO.'O Thieu and Vice President-electect months ago,i will become dej> Mahon has promised to Nguyen Cao Ky behaves. ' uly chief leral grants on the basis of their na- ' J jiS b wclfht » /cly wit), b«x.a-bl.t::wi7 E^ arn good money during tax» . 352asJO South Stala Straat. GGEM E STATE REALTY , uty chief of the joint general granU present later In the session a ^ . 1 .Wil* aeason. If you have the deslri* SulSuite 303 • ■ 833 Blue Ljike. North- Recent evidence of effectiveive staff and de facto com m anderndgf t*onalit:tionality, with each nation as- on a , Tablets, only 98c at Penny-Wise to learn tax preparation and SeiSalt Lake City. Utah S4IIS •ces. signed a quota. Most of theh« hi-big general bill rescinding specificsciflc _ . ” !:>■ .. .. I . ha-have the ability to work withb IncluIn.cluda Phona number, U.S. pressure, one source said,lid, of the territorialter security forces, signed FnrcC appropriations Already made,inrfA thTh ri r e e radio dlipatched trucks“ff to*2 #i»ifigures. H * R Block will traiaa ___ ■L- ■ ■ ' ..... — :.... ’ - 733-5336____ ^ ___ was the removal of six provinceice He will have wide pow ers, to quotasQuotas went to Western Euro- you* Contact V-l Oill» * yotyou. Tuiuon courses surt Oo- of,,, pwn nations. He “takes the position that Con- Fropanep/a Company. _ _ _ fobtober 2J. Reiliter now. CaU H Dick Mei.erimlth 733-WM* -■— —chiefs and-ffom-40 tn Sn dlstrlrtI d weedloul nntl corrupt regional offi* gress, not the President, should 5i J. W. Me.ter.mltli 733- ®a plans to 1Increase to 41 (romf, 212 1 ‘nnyilgriimmigrants are admitted on a I fo r other than my own. Ladd Curtis. J|gjtunlty. Wa are In need o f two '" “ V desire for good government. the numbernumh of American reliefellef first-come,|>rst-coi first-served basissis upUD ““fi"' *Pe'> ‘be areas for °th« *•**• hlgh-quallty salesmen and ona• RAY RAY J. HOLMES, 733-0172t 1MOVE RIGHT IM tt«auty Salons 15 gfpdependable, e^erleneed book^> ______38 b«ibedrooms, full basement, lot In a parallel development, *■«- re- experts tryingt to help civilianIKan to « m axim um of 2 0 . 0 0 0 frftrn from pu < ------keeper . . . Reply toi ■ 1 miT Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, 5 5 5 3 1 — elie~80xll8.'^ 1600 and $95 per liable sources said U.S. and‘"‘1 refugees. Much of the job will^ ^ 1 1 1 p"yany one nation and a total cell- _ ^6Mk>LE7^E Beauty servic^by ad- * Box R-7 _ - JSPRAY THESE NOW month. D-Ark., of the House Ways and vanc«dv«n itudent. at r.duced pric.t. Red .pidari, aphid., nlghtcrawt- VERY nice older home, carpet­ Vietnamese officials haveive be to makemal sure funds and sup-sutv "'E•"E ofpr 170.000 plus Immediate P.rniunenu W, B .auty A?u ArU % Times-News ers and dandelions. Gem Spray- i„.ing and. •7 : worked out a m ajor overhaul of pHeg mea relatives, who are outsidei> theIh.. Means Committce has not Academy, 135 i- 2 baths, living Surprises People; gee a?r,!^aid n^o^ey. parlm ent's li.stinR of the toplop 1 0 _ , ,- r r — "g.°y gional m anager requires; established auto repair business.i*g. room, family room, kitchen and I 0 0 0 nations in toial ImmiBration for I |-| CJIILDREN'S VlllajTo Nur*ery and 8 “ Located on Main thoroughgare,,re, dining area. Carpeted through- CEDAR CITY. Utah (AP) — Official figures show 700,000 Child Cnre. Director Ruby Hop- ijffl r n m e d ia te c o v e r a g e b y^ Twin Falls. Must sacrifice becausejse ^ut. Utility area, fireplace, dou- Townspeople at Cedar Cily were;re refugees in camps or sheltersf'gPj tho liist y ear tho old law wass.'”; in Life Essay klni. Classes divided; nursery, of health. Write box Q-19. c-oc.o < carport with large etorage. gj effect, the first year under;r Ihe f-f ^ . pr°re . klndcrgnrten. kindergartc'n.ricri'. qQu u a lif ie d s a le s m a n .______t L ? , PriciPriced SIS.500: Down oavment taken by surprise Sunday mom-m- but authiauthorities sav twice as ' Eimrted— t!umbeis~ aifurBi — T m ir---- TT grOilBg e01II~ »2/3. Piy------_____ln£_aa_Ulab—National—Guards^Is- many ma;may be homekgrBeOTBg Iiew one, and un u.'ittTI'raTC for I c I child Individual attention. PhoneJiono AJ AAA-1 intern.Uonal Company *'°uor"LOUNGE for sale with beer and if JJJJTments on Interest and principal. fiscal 1969 starting next July"TS^tOTm'pse 1. ^ ^733-7080. quor lloense. Good opportunity, 8112 . , , 2“ per month. Ready for im- men went through an unan-in- of the war.wai If JST De.Ire* exceptional man. 25 to 51??Jand priced right. For details call"J* mediate occupancy. ng U.S. pressure for reform. IsJ, . In the last full year of thele old g ~ \c BOIIO PEEP chUd care. Divided clai>- ?«• * Shaw Realty, 733^73. Edna Irish, nouQced riot cqntrol training U.S. pr .i„_ law’s operation. Great Britain I I t es. Nursery, pre-kindergarten, kin-kin. •*<>, to aell hlih quality machin-I 733-0882. ’ 733-2891 Dave that left a car burhlng in thehe believed to Include placing ® ° iritain (Jt Frison dergarten. 160 7th Avenua North.orth. ^ «*■/ ’’y repair products to Industrial 733-8560 Evenlngi street. Thieu’s JuJunta on notice that the topped y, the list with 29.619;I; fol- PhoPhono 733-5007. ______accyfoynt* Jh jyWANT! ^-1 and Sundays NEW YORK- (AP) — LifeL ife USSi Muihfcr'a~irtSPJ^TST’'TRTf3rerr “Of : . . ..— The trnlnlniT fifrr--'** lat Unltad-Statea iinlmd-Sti would nnt tolerate „ rHav 1^4 in Sun Valley. Must E ■ tatSKi^^d"h^iln^js**flxl»ts^top Z ~ ------^aged three blocks from thehe any attemptattem to brush aside the{he It^Iy. “9,886; Poland. 7.328,, Ire- magazmagazine released Saturday love chl/dren. Call Mrs. Harry industry' commissions. For the News lanci, 5,555: and France,, the night ia 13-page photographic: es- HoirHolmes. .208-726-3311.______'' r rl jf8 jht man. this opportunity of-r Crik^!»• ' guest apf>earance from Dorothythy Lamour who plays an Arab pjj Investment and full training. Host-lost- New New 2-row machine with topp«r. ' S173SI73 ( for appointment. •. 1 bedroom brick Gold Medallloa the Philippines, 18.000; Ger- havo bbeen staged.” , esses wanted. Let us come to your CALL OTIS STRAIN In Northwe.t locaUoa. *1«.S00. woman, who. naturally, is InI trouble. AgenUAg Kelly and Scott many, n,,ny 12.000; G reat Britain,Italn, The article, published In homhoma to show your friends our •' c-o« REED TRACTOR CO. , Q 733-0902 o r 733-7816 attempt to ball her and her fatherather out of their( problem. 6 500-’ nne lovely prestige jewelry. Win youryour 733*5543 Music MuSIC Ussons ' 40 _ 6.W0; India, 6.300; Poland,iland, Life’s Oct. 20 issue, shows one rma- ■ - ' - .... . ' - ■■■ .. .. 7 p.m ., 7B. 8 p.m.. 2SL and 8 —Bob Hope VarietyV Hour headlines e’oon’ ar ___ Christmas gifts free. For Informa- — S^OOO; and Yugoslavia, 5,500.5. photogphotographic sequence cap- tmntlon call Charlotte Knight, 733- , INSTANT MUSIC. A tu n . at your^ M L Si ^ " Debbie Reynolds and singing husband and wife Steve Lawrence J ' _ tioned; '.’A U.S. Air Force pilotpilot ' JUfi^ 9281 or-733.3488 mornings.. _ ^ CCUSTOM PLOWING very first lesson with tha revolu- .ruDn -uur,------— ------tioned: ----- .Sionary Pointer Chord System.n THREE bedroom. IM bath, new and Edyle Gorme. Several sketches,itches, monolimonologues, and, of course, . ^ — - ^ E N E - G I:i:C K ------V kitchen, basement. Northwest. sinf»lnp ndd mijthrth nlof thift-ahithie show. • W O] Private lessons piano and organs. 812,800. 3 Womau Dui'iisJIS c.'^ WENDELL 536-2401 J . hu HiU. 733-8809, 733-4400. _ NEW 3 bedroom, full basement, _ by members of the 'people’s>ie 8 tionaltioni laundry, 201 2nd Avenue ..... i — "TT , douClidouble.garage, brick trim, drima F il militia' as he }3 egins,the triB^_to□ to ______—_ ____ AUTOMATIC SehooliS choolg 4 4 ioc«ti *nd 3 wide machine. cation at home. Diploma awarded.(j. en *n built-ins. bu Carpeted. ^.009. 5—Family Affair c T „ ¥] perts who studied these picturesireg _ TimiTimes-News. ______JIM LILLIBRIDOE Small monthly payments. Free trr^r 2SL KUTV-TV Salt Lake 7S^-On 7SL- Hearing Music I U IT »ual EXPERIENCED female dinner cook^ ------^ bSSll.booklet explains how. Write FELDTMAN REALTORS In Protest _____believe this is not the ac^yal American School. Box 784g, BoUe,a, S7S S75 FUer Fi Ava. 73S-1S8S needed at Wetlem Cafe, Ketchum. CUSTOM £25^. 2B KBOI-TV Boise 11—Rat 11—1 Patrol c LOS i n c ANGELESa (AP) — The capture of Boyd bUT—H^nre-nre- coUett, 702-73S-39^. Elko. Idaho 83707. ^ 3 KID-TV Idaho FalU 8:00 2SL- ufom- enactm ent, staged late r fo r WAffTElb:w ant ouf*of*school girt "-iS to MMANURE HAULING - 4 KCPX-TV Salt Lake - »—B( husband of the 56-year-oltf wom- enactm an, who police say burned her- propagpropaganda purposes in vio- work at A*W Rootbeer. Call fortor JIM UU.IBIUDCB Otharothar InttrucMow______' --4 64 INCOMEjfjc PROPERTY 5 KSL-TV Salt Lake • 2B—' if the lation of the Geneva Con- j-j^2appointment. 733-3451. ______—TFF 7SL KUED Education U. of. U. 3—Fi self to death on the steps of the lation trCENSED beautician with I year — U.S. CIVIL SERVICE New ^.w Duplex and 3 badrwim Federal Building, says she "had ventionvention." -■ of «:experience. Call 733-1118. Mar-Tm" JO E BLAIR 7B KTVB-TV Boise 4—FitlFetnrSq“ad*c Fed=™i: *Ms tha’s Beauty Salon.______TESTSI boma — Priced for quick aala. j ,, a deep feeling ' against the The magazine said Boyd "Is th«'t CUSTOM FARMING Mat)-wemea _ IS and evar. Seeura BoUi i 8 KIFI-TV Idaho Falls 5—MS-M ov^.-raptaln Eddie” " T i Hay .waUiInt aad ballaa. Back- f J S 1 BoUi pUce. for *33,000. See at - slaughter In Vietnam" and known to have been shot down Help n,jp Wanfad—Mala 19 1834 Laurel Avenua. Pboo. 73S- 11 KMVT-TV Twin Falls 11—I x> do on a mission over North '^iet-let------!_ . I . ------I ' ▼ Q b « work. Pbaat Ja r. t'5S^.’“jQ ' ,i“c5 S X t.^fc.n ?r- " {c) Telecast In color 7SL-M e ^ f l Me “"must have felt she had to do on a r ome...... ,ocytory trainingtri aa long ae required. *173 *179 forrc appolntmMt. this." nam c on April 22, 1968. Ac------" ' ...... " ~ Thousands Thouu of lobe ooen. Bxperl- muiitiiiiimiuiiiiiiuuiitiuiuiinniiiniiiuuiiiniiil 7B7B-I 1 Spy c $ 2 6 5 — ance usttaUy unnacassary. Fm a ------Police IdentiflM the victimm as cording tei the North Viet- That Is w hit our men average 8:108 :W 2B—Gomer2B—< Pyle c Fio«no»Florence Beaumont of suburbanirban namese.namese Boyd landed by para- r* CUSTOM KSw."booklet oa Jobs, salariee, require- c n o 3—Mister Roberts c fl° . per week. Good men over age • •• menu. Write today giving name, FOR eIcLOSPRE iSA tE------5:S0 2SI^News c ^7^ La Puente, wife of a commer-imer- chute, escaping with only leg 5i5l »WlU exceed I1&.000 the firstK JAm a n v r e h a u l i n g address and phona. Llncola Ser- 811,000 fil.000 to G.I. or contract aala 7SI^Sportsmen Afield , ^ 1 Intn year. Prestige sales positionm Veraoa Vera Olander — Buhl 543-4573 vice, ^ c e . c-oc Box Q-ll. Times-News. with 11.000 J down.' 3 bedroom 2B—News,-Sport|, Wthr. c 4 _ p , clai artist, Goerge Beaumont,nont, bruisesbruises, and was Uken intouiiu wm, 37 year. old company. —-...... and mother of daughters aged custodjcustody by local itillltla." primFringe beneflu. We will pro-ol CUSTOM CUSTC beet harvesUng. 2-rowZ ^IftOfi * 5 3 1 SCHOOL5 Mueation ac ^iom«;E ’ - — ------J j : : : ^ n 5 moke C Si0ft_2SI^ 8 ry ■ Gemco Beet Harvestvr and Z 2 Diploma awarded. G. l. approved. * — llLand 2 0 .______^______li^l?Ljb their' lich gram your day with quality ■ Gei 4—Rawhide 22B--PeytonB^ 1 Pli^5“c leads-'|150 Mr week salary andId trucki trucli with drivers. Also, plowing, 'Americas ft™*” * School, Box 78M, Boise. u / \ r t ' 5—Gilligan’s Island c 3—Bi Beaumont said his wife had Ofe e% comrnTssron TO Start.—If —thia—ia---- -with-3.bottom-plair^_iUax wlth- MUtoa, * - Idaho. ______HOLL’ HOLCa ND r e a l STATE i-Bj* Valley c ,^1® Wm Iving 'Though our pictures could give;ive bovbi aounds Interesting, see: 328-4958. 328-4: FUer. ______* J , Twin FaUa, 730-lSia ___ ’ 7SL—Managers in Action 4 _ B i told him, "It’s not worth living "Thoug ^ .g valley c ^^en yot from the Impression that we were . ^ ^M«nttiorjoU> ,1 5 0 ^ 7B—Nero. Wthr., - 7 0 _ j when you have no redress from the Im ■ere ^ Mrl_ U o y d A nderson m a y ~ fwe^h*ng "wifh ^AflfllflWITT, your representatives. All youu re- brought to a 'model' camp, or Rogerson Inn Also, baling. Cos tom manura haul­ ' T aC3" ^ Business* News, Spts. o T^t^NET7SL— Journal Sive”™ ing. CaU Dave Hanalng 43MI07,^ TRANSFERRED Drive. Tremandoua, all-brlck boma. ,g__ celve froip this Is form letters."•rs." even a 'Potemkin's village’ (a . Twin Falls. Idaho Jerome. j”.%, ...... 4 bwlrooma, 2 fIratfacM. 3 batha.___ 8—Monkees c j ; tSia October IS • a.m. fo 12 soon ' ■ ...... — i.,„i.ii.i III MostMa.t •tall my hem. at a aaert- familyfamily room, full baaamwt, built- II—Gunsmoke c j j _g A F'ederal Building securityurity fake fafacade designed to shfSId Octc ___ NEED 80 acras oi baets to iMrrastIt flea,nea. h Many flna raatoraa. Call inin app appliance., double gmrmgrn. A 11—Big^Valley c gimrd*^^!guard said the woman poureded a visitors from u n p le a s an n t t------^ ------*'fo^ftto fQI oift run with a*row Oamce.>. 733-,sights>. we are convinced that / ^ <>98. Filer. > 5r-News, Wthr., Spls. c 10:00 ]0:M 2SL—News,2SL— Wthr., Spts.»• and set herself; on fire Sundaynday the VietnameseVii prison guards SALES CAREER ^ ------isass, ^ ------7B-:-ManJE'«jni_UNCLE c -3—Nt — MftenratsT— ------chos»-ichos»~approprlately when they CU STOM.combtnlag. Clover aadd - M U " 91-BEDROOM. foU b u m a a tJ -JS S * ” 2B—Flying Nun c ' 4—^N« Fiitura rnana*Mi«nt epportiinl-i ' ^^fal< alfalfa saed. M Jeha Daara. A.S.L._ —hommu —hom.i ZZ «:» aSl^Monkees c 1 1 —N earning potential. Cad Mr. Keeth ^ ^ E ^ L 731-3821. • * . ■Y OWNER. 8 ba^noesB Staal ^ ^ 11—N ^ , Wthr., Spts. Officers said they'found liter-liter- moviemcrrie tcompany, HeuUich Films, “for ™} tnterrlew and aptitude test— **•«»»: ! 2B—Lucille Ball c 10:2*10:2t 4—Mc4—Movie, •'Woman of thebe ahireahir^ opposingopc the Vietnam wwar ar owned by the G erm an Dem- tm-«i733.8131. after 5 and weekenda CUSTO r WB MSED bomeg to aall« alao emaili ftfS*6aS5!S.*7!argiruwii^^tn m ^ a 3-Lucille Ball p North Country” i„in Mrs. ''Beaumont's purse and ocratic • 1. call 733-8470. The :^ulUble Life Orvll and ocratic Republic. They were al- 55/lJAssuraaca Society of U. s . An 837-41 : ;sa*8^>4*s;‘.«-r5s.si• 'SSS-.dSSSSL5s??-_c -Jl 5—Lucille Ball c '■ 10:^ 2SL—2SL—Tonite Show c in the pli pickup truck she parkedrked lowed toi visit a prison campnip equal opportunity employer. M/FP rmr*T ------..J------:------of m i£ . . 11—Lucille Ball c 2B—^2B—News, Wthr., Spu. nearbv. to —V...... UAYKAY HAULINGI and stacMBf. Aay' T _ n«yrfav. ' near HatHK. ..--a.opajc n tJ y _ ^ ^ - • amwu---s^^r^^ Camybalf,f - Jafclag ------«-Cuw boy in rAfrtca------:—------:---- 3=Cal^nBIfirnftrc------uMrs. S . Beaumont’s husbandjand "counteract""counte charges that ' t:4S 7SL^-Friend1y Giant 7B—17B—Tonite Show c said she *5^^' ' SALESMAN • "M ty »wac i . can 's«» 3a»_ 'aW ar-s.-aa-r^J said she was active in antiwariwar North Vietnam was brain-till: ...------dlSTO l ------8 j ^ — jcraupa-te-tfae' ljor ftrigeHs areaTtrca:wHSKmr~'iaiiltff«r~Am WHSKlh’jl ins, orSStweea Uie as< 2S-3S. No txp tri- P**°® * ’T5SJ*Sr»!a?§B^Gf^J*w!y■ i4ipfc6JirSi^'''i3S-|B’aS^i -21 11—Gaizison’s Gorillas c "She waswa: a petfectly normal.mal. Life said.sai ’ necasaary Excellent op- - . pecic 2B—Andy Griffith c W:4* 55-BYU -B Y Football c dedicated dedicated person, and felt she "We are deeply convtnced s f s s j ™ i5 « I-Ahdy Grtffith c 10:S510:SS 2B—»2B—Movie, "Slightly bad had to do this just like the peo- that thisthi is not true,” the two:wo 1In.Biraae* n • ■ aad-dmaaatrator VSMd • 5-rAndy Griffith c Scarlet” Searle pie pie who who burned themselves in joumali ,1,^ plan. Apply In .panoo: AbtMa ... I in journalists wrote of the brain- g'“Oflauan'eT - .OId»-E>lclt Volumaa WANTED: WANT! Ray hauUaa aiM MacW i S S S ^ 7B—Bob Hope lt:MIl:09 5—Mo 5—Movie, '"The Road to0 Vietnam," Vietnam,' he said. washing charge. "The pilot OI- of- oemu Dealer, TIJ Main Avmue Sooth.t. Inf. Pbcna Aay A th m p u * . $4t- S S S ^ ’ ------7SL—W hafs New R^p” ------"I never-felt-sha-would-takaneve ^ ..»“M-...... : . ■ :: ..... i p B ^ a i i - »-M an From UNCLE c I11:4$ l : « ♦ ♦-^oey -^ o . Bishop c this this road.”road, he said, t'but I can questions.questiot We sprang_surpris«sse s - tfrtr* po£»lo*SSr!iar.-h IJJS :jJ 8 iUiTMr- >lmi lM . wtdt : fcte tMa t * a a i» .ti II—Andy Griffith «a« iw m atiar i m | j g 4 ( 7;

•* . ' . •> - -

/ ■ t , . . .1 ' ■■

[OWS FORECRECAST; HoiHot Results WJien¥ YjeulULJUsejiJi!>HlcliJL iick « A etio hiJiyantAcL. 3/V '■______' ,1 . . ' ..* ■ J ______' _ ■ I ■ ' ...... — ' ...... 14 Twin' Falls Times-NewsVS PPanni a n r i i ffoi o r S a l* "52 ^52 FFarnif a rm * Ifor Sal* ____52 AAportmnnti— p a r Furntihad 70 AApd pcii^ents—UnfurnishedI 71 HoiHousai-^^nfumlshad 74 FamFarm ImptamenU - 90 Farn Form ImplnmenU ______9 0 FURNISHED or unfurnished: Beau- TWC A v e .------:------;------O c t. 16-. 17 , 1 9 6 7 50 Acre»Acre* full wjtter right. 3 bed* ~ ~^jviLS M L S ” * ACROSS FROM' *'Via Beau* TWO bedroom house on 119 Sth Ave. I ■- ...... —- room hoihome. Dairy bam. Closeisa . y tiful 2 bedfoom duplex/ Interioriterlor NoNorth. SSO. Contact 1289 Aber-kber* H a v e Y o u r to town. $20,000. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL e*'excellent, with carpets. Soft waterwater nslthy.nd Gladstone. Oregon. » 72 AcreaAcres, 67 acres irrigated.’'*• 1440 ijm Acrea farm in the Hansen * If earw - sanitation furnished. Bullt-ln rr-— VALUE-PACKEDD T r a c t o r “ M L S ” : Good st'Kjk farafc $20,000. , area. ill® ^This hflis.a new homes and lunV appliances. 423-5280. Kimberly.ly;___ Roetns—RoO Board ond Room 76 80-Acres botwWn Jerome'and one tenant #Vr house. Machine shed.shod. {?)% or coliitfje, tya Kimber-ber--" ^ - DEV DELtiilcb a-bedroom anaHment " ------O v e rh a u le d ------Twin Falli. 80 .hares of water. . _''i - pets ana drapes. Appliances and - nri Y’ granary^ shop, saroge, cgrrals;^ ^ ■ •!"'! ■ private eSrancoTaos* In. 137' F FARM EQUIPMENT' . . We Repair All Makesl ...... t h r o w a w a y Good home and buildings. g31»> fil fn goodgoo r«»tvftrp| TMRETiVr e e room s and shower. GCaa as fel?laundry facilities. cfSrportinlSJi! Call iv Avenue North...... ----- .-vaiioii, "uno you cart get good • heat,neat fenced yard, TV andi ■ air —ZSif ^-8071 days or 733-83<0 evenlnts. — lao' \ c r at ,J M diiAiiii'' ~io BEET EOmPMENT ____ MOLYNEUX MACHINERY ------.jalry -barn, machln.- .had andf,5 - - - tCfml- terms r>n thls -facm.------____—in::: __—COnflcondltlpnine.^-harh^^ln- nr y.Ar" “n XUJE- mffnt. Bualnesa— Offlga llenfola __ 8 0 __® and Child. Xncuilre a t 1645 2ndI Ave- eleelectric ra n ge, gaa h^at^^ r w 5 — 1-AKJviMArju,'ModenSO. - 1- p ------y oUr-AlHs^hafaners-BeWer-^— •_ -IILSM willL28*_ilownjrSi------Eden-Ha«miir-Kr«niWEdon-t -H—I 20 208S— —nws- ••""Wtie~fcast.' . ■' •" ■■; . ditldltlonlng, garase, A d u 11 s. ' only. 'OFFICE .5 space 150 sq. ft. to 1,000 I 240^cres7Exlra water. T^o sand oniy. gq Lakes Shoppingpina row beet harvester, veryry FORf o r YOUR DeLaval repairs and or rocks. Large fields, deep soli.11 acre „ J® farm with full water rights.iBhis. ONE ONE room apartment with kitchen- __Phone ft3-68M..______. i, : ' ■ , Center locations. Remodel to suit dairy supplies coi)tact: Mountain !;* Heavy soil, barn,' granary,. ond ette ette and shower. Heat and lights.lights, 'EXC:‘EXCELLEI^T large 2 bedroom. Wa- ter c le a n : ■ ‘v.m 1 2 bedroom home. Corrals. Ex- Is i. fenced. Lovely > 3> bedroom closi iidUifs' O*” s ta te R ryifo. — States Implement, 126 2nd South, , cep tio n ^ly good buy a t $85,000. » room . close to town. 6^ Main 'Avenuevenue ter and sanitation paid. Adults «■■■ ■■ 2 enoutfK closet spuce, and \hoso ceptlonall , • .hpme with 2 baths» and a 22-bed--bed- .. ’ North. Non ______.only. oni Phone 733-2731.______.. - irgn — W E S C O N -row beet toppere r ra-733-8432.______- < - -. bacon and eggs will \ Hnnd " A rp29% i^ • down. - room * tenant house. $104,000 wltti t h r f J ____ Farms for Rent ' ' B484 ■ windrdwer. —^ better In thi* ranch alzo kitchenI HAGERNHAGERMAN Cattle Ranch., 330S® $30,000 down. . . . THREE rooms nicely furnished.Ished. CLEAN,CLEi attractive apartment, , ap- " with buIU'ln appllnnces. Larsos acrcs deeded. ia7-irrlgattfd. . . . Wall to wail -carpets,- close.ln,3se.in, pliipliance?,-hear^water furnished,U “e5 : — ------^ ^ ^ —-— -—DEMONSTRATOR D 6 - row)w F«rnr F«rm 5m ppH®v L ______entry unusual open fireplacei Mostly J pasture. Running 200!00 - - adults adul only, no pets. Inquiree 638 Close-In.cio Adults only. 733-4170.70. Barnes beet topper wind-id- d DELAVAL e l / Sterling milker with two , J cows. $75,000. 20% down. rt^ a ^ 4th Avenue East. ______thi^^separatcs thi^Uvlng room cows $75 _____ CLEAN, i EeHroonv Heat, water . FOR RENT r o w e r . , buckets. Good clean condltloi].* $100 ' and family room. Plu»h carpet- W EN TAYLOR AGENCYy s}|^ medium Size, high quolity and . furnished.fur $50.. Phone 733*^10. .« "Also, Kenmore vyrlnger ty>e w ash­ WENDELL REALTY Kim berly 423-5289 mail TRACTORS: i a is < Ins throughout thl« newly con- P 3-5289 nu^lntcnance. ■ Private entrance.ranee. ------— '—------, , ------• I-;700 ACRES .1 er with twin rinse tubs. Good con- •trurled Irame home.. Newl^; Phone 536-2274 « . ' - EmiEmployed-adults. 227 7th Avenue HoU —901 FORD diesel .. - -ditii-dltlon>-$3Q.. Phone 326-5281,. Filer. planted !awn; andscapcd with ...... ------Evenings Non venue Houses— Furnlsheii— ----- 7 3 W E S T O F —FARMALL Super M, 1953,53 FOR RENT: 29 bln potato cellar. loti of baby ihrubs. tfuy own- Ron T aylor 423-5403 ^LEAN p . P a nlceiy. furnished 2 rooms,ooms, TWO bedrooms] partly furnished, ' Good wiring. Call Verl Hinton. era equity and take over atlrnc- . . Byrle C a rr 733-6808 ‘•^5^. KAMIMA, IDAHO - very good. g ° ^ tWe loan. Call for apjjolntment. A^uson sm ith 733-5877^ 5 8 7 7 •. 5?,i, heat, water, no pets, 30161 5th Sth * “» furnace. Shaw. R ealiy, 733- 829-5364^______400 ACRES =E rnie Stitt . 73Q-5081 Avenue Enst. ______•^ 4073.407 Edna Irish. 733^0882.______—FARMALL '460 gas. r— ; M any m ore Il»tlng«. lAVO room upstairs apartment,it, all liXTRAHXT nice 1 bedroom; carpeted* 825 CULTIVATED —FARMALL Zp Super C withIth ??!l!Earth Moving Equlpwnt 93 utillutilities furnished except electric-sctric- catcable vision. Carnoh. Adults. S55. ON SILVER CREEK '• ws: 229 IM PROVED ______uCUltivatOF;„ ------■ ■ —•------GGAT—t>-8—33-^” - - ...... —- -2250 5 Q -EFARMED A R fc WATERED- -7: ^ — ^ ^ ^ ^ ;r-gastr733-2P40. ly people. 312 4th Avenue East, . ____ 1 ^ ______"MLS"^MLS _ 80^ ACRli§._J!{llL_Uflde. »Qr —^ ------_ —JOHN^ J ( DEERE 620, 1956. ^ 1155^ Hay, "Grain ond^Fee^ 94 " r mlfe’flne fishing. Exceptionailyv„ ‘ horns ]In town or good paper.er. "^eTTie NEWlNEWLY painted three roomsI and SMA SMALt," furnished 1-bedroom house. WANT pa8tut*e horses, also iiorses — — 7 -L and Office of Idaho. .733-0718.0716. bath,batli all utilities furnished,I 3113 n adults only. 438 Addison Avenue $35,000 CASH RENT -JOHN - J ( dI^R E 70 diesel. - ^an'to feed fn winter. Reasonable fine place to build overlookingng .------—--- 2 3rdrd Avenue East. 733-2040.______WeWest. Call 733-3029. creek, domestic well-^rllled. Real El —JOHN DEERE B - merates. Jack Windsor. Frontier BE SERIOUS! Real Estat* For Trade 53 ^RPETED,c a r p three rooms nnd bath.bath, I^URfu rn ish e d , very nice clean ITHSJ. 1-bed- P H O N E 7 3 3 -8 4 1 1 Z—IHC u 300 utility. FlelField, phone 733-2092 or 733-4078. CALL 788-2533 HAILEY EXCHAtEXCHAN&E what you have^ for^ f*©* close to shopping center. Also room. Water and sanitation‘ fur- ______TOP QUALITY baled hoy delivered. ountaln trailer house. Phone 733-8092^_____ nisnished. Call 733-5205.______------— N O . 8 FORAGE harvester•'* ^ 9 Load.0 . lots. Phone Merlin Askew, ' Would you liKe to own a spa------;------wwhat hat :you want.r-Rocky Mountain — FOR 'lease. 2 farms of 250 acrcs ------R ealty R ealty, exchangor, 733-1406.0. Eve- KITClKITCHENETTE apartm ent forr sin- SMALLSMA 2 bedroom homo, no- chll- cuch.em Combination stock and row "'***’ i . 536-2511,536- Wendell. ______. clous home at a reasonable nings*_7D3-aifi2^.733-00a5* ...... gle gle person. Utilities furnished.ilshed. -drenore or pets.- would soil. 326-5488. crt pHeg and a _prop«yv HlHt hflj ... ,. . .HAZ.HAZELTQN-FARM ------H>488. crop.—Will lease-eeparately or-nsr -n s ------PFEED E lil grinding and mixing. Molas- *' an excellent iiiodivision ana chnrr ru% '------:------—^— $37.50.$37.! Please TJhono 733-58J2. 415 ------_ . ono unit. Must huve- adequate fl- se.sr Bulk tank, Daffln 'Mui. Theit- Short 80 acrcs, close to town. Lo*t Lott Qwci Ol Acreage 54 2nd2nd Avenue North. Hnu ------!6n MUIlng''S6TVICO, 73J-627B. commercial potential? This neat G oood- ood' Imt Improvco^ents .. $37.'500. . ""i; ■ r ...... -H o u i e i ...... UnfurnUhwl— ------^:7A 7 4- T-nanees.-.-wa, Box- c-o TtTnc3^Ngwr~BwiT' " “’OEM ^ - older.,a htflr^m hamn nj l'.4:------80gu AClkE;ACRtt:> 2 miles from HaieUSt— LA ktiE" ;i'tVcTrodm hom e, 1 In base- W S*^AS A 5 6 Ha b l e rent. Single adultsJ — =-t 7TZ— M ACRE farm clojie to Twin Fulls. MAGIC VALLEY Mllllng Servico; - acres located on East Addison ,rtr» )Q ment. Spacious living room>m and ® ‘ ‘ utilities exccpt electricity 'paw;paid. L^ LANDLORD’S & RENTERSKa “ m MustI - have finances, equipment, Feed Grinding. Waller Larson, jent, EQUIPMENT "Kimberly. i 423-5604.______J- H . priced a t ju st <21.500. In<^ulra »°"...... -----jfltarga—eet-in-rkltehen. L argee 2-car 2-car 313312 4th Avenue East. ______;------RENTAL INFO CENTERp p and references. W rite box P-19. toAy. STOCt garage with room for shop.op. On GIRL GIRL wanted to share my 2-bedroom i„r pJr c-o Times-News. FIRST, socwrtd, und third cutting STOCKMEN’S REALTY fS''”*'IVa acres, lots of shade anaid fruit fruit apaiapartment. Cnll 733-6816 befono 1 i>l.,Information from Newspopcr, rr;— ^ , SALES, INC. >Tghuy for sulo by tho bale. Close-in. GEM STATE REALTY 600 South Lincoln, Jero m e , trees. t ^ e s Would consider 3 bedroomedroom p.m. p.m.; after 10 p.m. -______jJg!J Real Estate and other sources.ces* WaiW a n t e d , to R e n t 8 8 ' PhcPhono 733-4816.______. 324-4845, ewnlngs, Rodney Pauls mode’nmodem trailer -home for trude. miT ^ ------National Landlord's Association, > TJo ^ ^Your John Deere DeaUrr” ZTFFa - 633 Bluo Lakes I'lorth 825-6574.825-8874.______Phone trude. n i c e npartment at Just-A-Mene-Mere- 733-0507.733 ______Ion, ___ WANWANTED to Rent: Good 160 to 320 « I STEAM custom groin rolling, porta- ______Phone 733>^5336 o r 733-4546. _____ Inn. Inn. Elderly persons only. Phone /•=7^ —_— acres. Have equipment, financem c e E a stla n d D rive 733-7272^ ble to the farm; molasses. Has- 733-5336 ' ------^— ENJOY country living! HalfIf acre acre 733-1733-9244.• ______6 o o d ; modern country homo. Sto- and Snl help. Write Box R-6 c-o Times-nos® rC h ek ste r S h e rre ts 733-5260 Jkell. in 423-5880. Kimberly. ______WOULD ______■ ------w- — fccr In—Oniahcfl. hn«nmgjir,. W nrer __no C. M . ;*Duke*» R o b erts •733-2821 Hill ' !!>vck M tfssersmun ^^XT0059 ------rrrar—tctmberty;—jnit—6—mm ttrutortmrrar o ^n e bedroom furnished‘apartment: fun ^ n rr r _ ^ow s. ------you believe that you can pur- from Itown on new highway. 423- ment. furnished. HardWood floors. AdultsAdults ^------^------J_____ J. W. M essersm ith 733-4546chase 80 acres southeast of Je- kam ly, Also, kitchenette apartment, all0*1 nrepreferred. $60. Hansen. 4?.3-5082. |pcJi PO .....* ' , ,- I — —■ — PhoPhono M erlin Askew, 536-2511. Jim M essersm ith. 324-5^38 JJmrom e e for for $23,500 with a nice % 3 ______utllll utilities paid. Phone 733-0262. Tvfe Industrial Equipment 89O ' WerWendell. ______AucUoncer bedroom modern home. | Call,11 CORNERCORNEI lot for sale. Gas. water, smaT — TWD bedrooms, clean, g^d location:tttlon ------— ------\J sewage. 595 Highland. Phone 733- SMALL attractively furnished three '—T —Twin, carpcted and drapes, ad- « — USED EQUIPMENT FIRSTf Tr s ^ second and third cutting hay , ______^ ^ ______Handy Rt Realty and find out liow no /OJ- .rooms and bath. Closc-ln. PhonePhone ultsulta preferred, references exchang-haSg’- USED ' INDUSTRIAL by bole. Close In. Phone 733-4816. this can be done. 3811. T—— 733-5216.733-I ______ed. 324-2749. Jerom e.______V A L U E _ 5 > L "MLS" CHOICE residential lots In TFrif ------E Q U I P M E N T H-TO14-TON 3rd cutting alfalfa for sale! 5 BEDROOMS HANDY haiS REALTY ' a t t r a c t iv e dow rstalrs, two bed- CCLEAN L ^ 2 bedrooms near Lynwood. i i j . $14 per ton baled. Phono 733-5920. Green Acrcs sub-dlvlslon. i^uno Land rooms, outnide entrance. Utilities Cur IHC Model AC 220 truck tractor„ TTRACTORS R i ^ 401 South. Lincoln JeromeJ l Office of Idaho. 733-0716.______,\5rn Illtlcs Curpet, drapes, garage, rcdecor- GRAIN rolling steum or dry, Mc- Briclc veneer, bullt-ln range and i?'.324-4339 evenlngi, 324-5450 ------furnished. Phone 733-0100.______nte^nted. no children or dogs. $85. 733- with i t 220 Cumrtiins engine, 5 andId • XZJ C A SE 730, w ide fro n t, s u s mMillun'a,||| Jerom e. Phono 324-2677. oven, carport. On « largu land- __ r r _ 100x120' COUNTRY lots. F alls Ave- jio o ii week. B833 week-ends or after 4:30. • ,3 transmission, single drive with •• c/CASE MO, wldo from, gas leaped lot. at 603 Crestvlew. m .0 East. Real Estate Service. ROOMS downtown — day. week. R83: _____ Noway trailing axle. 10:00x22 • ry 50 TONS 1st cutting hoy for sule. >ervtLc. month. C am era C enter Hotel.I. 205 CLEANC LE/ 2-bedroom. Double garage, tin 22 . CASE 300. slnRlo front, ijus $15 per ton. Phono 324-2209. Only S16,S7S. t 73“3°-Hf( ______ShoshoneSho» Street South.______big rage, tires, 1059 model ...... $3950 50 • • ih IH 400, BUS, louder For FARMS If. BARNES _____ big fenced yard. 106 Locust North.Jonh. TD9 TD IHC crawler with dozer■j: • • M(MOBILE U. single front, gasg WANIWANTED: 5 or 6 tons of good shell­ Contact: VOLqp ■5A THREE rooms, bath, verv nice0 , no FhePhono 733-5308.______...... $2500 ed corn. 829-5608.______Builn«i« Prop»rty ______W ^ ” pets. ” s 277 West Addison. Inquire THRI JOHN DEERE Model 1010 troc-^ |>pi ed t BUIUDERS SUPPLY BARNES REALTY ■qu^*"® THREE bedroom, “uli basement, gas ^ BEET EQUIPMENT -7 - 7 - ______1037 BlueBluo L ak e. Blvd. N. 733-8227ty Commercial ^ Property ^85 ’West Addison. funfurnocc, 2 car garage. Phono)' 733- I®*" loader back hoo $3500 Animai Breeding 100 ___ kOLl,Y D rive, 4_J>edTJt>om3._a^bQths.a. H Hurl n ri Ba.narnc------<23-S88» vlA . -SPC C JA LT y—- - . _ •. —----T------. - - r - . .------^------•------2\U aU4, Twin -Falls. ~ ...... • FARMHAND I-row tank, top- full basement. Two-story Califor-r- BIUBill HIUHill 733-IS16 Feldtman Feldtm Realtors______733-1088 AApartments— p a r Unfurnished 71 m o d p er. ^ ARTIJARTIFICIAL Breeding to ABS great ' 77 MODERN 3 bedroom In better part ^ ELLIOTTS •H OLSON i beater pro’proven sires, nation's highest typo i^la Colonial hom e. 2 years old, It's ------tOR tO R 1.EASE t £ i or sale: The oidI Satur-Satur< ------_____1______:______------_- of JJeromo. Finished full bosement.ment. ill m Overland Ave., Burley,lo Idaho ______protproduction sirvs. Also all bretds of xoomy and very weU taken carc ^ t t . day Auction Sales grounds.1. Lots Oil furnaco. 324-2674. Jerom e. C. Harley Williams *' ____ Phone 678-5585 of beef available. Buhl collcct. of. This Includes carpets, drapes, 5. 6 and 7 in block l5 of thebe cityctty a i r CONDITIONED tW nnd Bob Houston, Sales Representativeiva CASEL/AJ; 600 BEAN COMBINE complete built-in appliances lund-d- That'sThafs rlghtlris See Harley aboutut of of Buhl.Buh: Excellent for commercial TWO bedroom house, modern nnd Bob E 543-6102; Jerom o 324-2652; Haxel- ■caplngs. underground sprinklingIg buying oor seUIng your farmm use. use. Llberai Ll terms. Call 436-4e92l36-*4«92 S P L E N D O R clean, clei wnsher hook-up, naturalitural Phone I* 733-1400 -— Twin Foils.I. With wli cab nnd belt unloader. ton 829-5554; Burley 678-9253. system and double garage. CoHJI property. Call Hamlett Realty,-'y»^ n at t R Rup upert. SpacSpacious 2 bedroom, carpeted, —5112.gas.' Inqulro'inB Primrose Drive. "Z—® ■— Ready to gol gXcHCACHE Valley Breeding Association, for appointment. 733-2240.______733-4070. I;Evenfngs. 733-0320. u S draped, all clectrlc npartment.ent! FOUR FOUI - bcdrpom homo, close7 -^ to Form * Implements '90 ------NutNation's top proven sires. All LET US show you our top . lnv:st- nv*r. Carport, laundry facilities. Deuu-•au- school. sch 553 2nd Avenuo E nst, $00. MAS, breeds Wulter Leitch, 543-46IMi, BY OWNER: 3 bedrooms, fully cac-r- - ’77777T7;”------■ ment m ent properties p with above aver- , *00. MAS.SEY FERGUSON Super DO withviih RREED I TRACTOR CO. age return on your money- TaylorTavlor tlfulV;“{, recrentlon park In back.ick. 733-1692 733- for appointment.______multi-power, mu for sulo or trade for Buhl. Flier Enterprise, 557, Twin peted. two fireplaces. IH baths,*: '* ‘MM LLS S * ' W ret a ' Make a smart movo to . . . 4 np Pull 800 Sories Ford. 531-5622. Rupert. J- Case Salcs-Servlce i-qFalls.1i Cnll collect.______double garage, dishwasher, dispos- rz^rw* n Agency. Kim berly, 423-5289. 4 BEDROOMS. Near Shelby's. Full BOO 164 T h ird A venue South C ^ ^ ______«l. Paneled , family room In full rOFOR R THE1 BEST BUYS **MLS” COMPLETE grain ware-- LYNWOOD MANOR basem has ent, garage. $100. Phono*hono CURL CURl spud h arv e ste r Number T __ CARNATION Breeding Service, baIgiaenTr~~Gai furnace;— water ------^N—REAL—ESTAXE—^N —1 ______housing facilities at Richfield,Id. Ida- Ida­ Twin Fail."! Address __Z2:733-2563 or 733-3011.______Good Go condition. Phono 423-5730,736’, ; “ kno' known world over for quality beater. Large l?ack Vard complete- r- i n hofor sale or • lease. Irrigated THREE bedroom modern home "neTTfnear Kimberly.______, ______, dairy and beef. 733-2914 before 7:30 X c. LOONEY. REALTOR rlimted Of Distinction Timi ___ • USED TRACTORS 51 a m ., or after 4:00 p.m. ^______ly fenced. Phone for appointment. ^ Lands Co., 733-1076. John B.I. KOD.Rob- Thom as, 733-3660lern school. Wcndell area. Phone 536- U USEl s e d tracto r purts. Buy] scH o or r NEU n e w M O D EL 4000 g asoline, 251 —---I 'm-6349. 811 Greenwood Circle, ■’'■tson.______C »". 2206. Wendell.______|______trade. trn 1/4 west of hospital. Twin^ i n hourh o u rs ...... $4450 A u C t (paved stre et). - ______— r-r showing. (Sorry, no children Falls. 733-8203.______. ^ 50 Auctions 101 r;^ FOR Sale or Trade: 7 unit motel.tnotel. or pets). n TWO T\yo bodroom modern home and ----- AC WD tractor ...... $65050 ------P V 1 LDEl?:'' 3pa~cto^ T ' btf dr^'^m *'Mm LS'• “MLS**, 160 160 ACRES, more or less.!'“?• clear. Good Income. T rad e on 80 garage Ran nenr Kimberly. PhonoI 423- FARMHAND FAR! direct potato harvest- t?n«r spilt level. 2.000 square feet. GoldId ^pprfixlTniAppf6xiTnntirty~i50 auies ef goodr — 57Y’ F M D tra c to r ...... $950 productive. Irrigated dirt. This Serein—Ma^tr—Vwiley:—Pay cash -?,iTOTOHI-7T7f 2-ligin uuiiis. 2 iturr-armrt-^ 5002.______^ ______er. Good condlllon. Phono 537-2571, Medallion, music uiroughout. fam- - A ^ — CnsUffut d. ■■ ...... ^...... —OLlvmO tP- i 65 tractor .-> - ^ .»0------m - B E s a L D ------lly room. 2 baths. On Evergreen farm has limited ImprovementsSs* Rowo-H'ott Agency* ^ ment. New kitchen, tile both-show-sliowr SMAISMALL 2 bedroom, close-ln. 4th Ave- Drive. FHA loan available. $25,000QQ and would be perfect for expand-ind- got>-ziiq ______er. Gas furnacc. Small yord.vord. Enst. $35 per month. Phone■hone INTERNATIONAL INTE 23 beet harvest-est. CAS CASE Industrial tractor,k- bnck- fw Ing your present operation. Locat- TTZZZ^Z, Available October 22, Includesa wa- 733.810B.______er. er. 2 row tnnk tvpe. Zltlau Mooroor hoo u^d loader ...... $2450 total price. For showing, call Jo-^ ed within 5 miles of Paul «nd and V«e»tionVacatlOl Property SS , ..p h L iv .lle e , 7M.7458,______5 rV 'd “ t i ” i te r nnd sanitation; $75. 733-5045.^45. 3-BEDROOM3-BEl duplex with electric.^(ric Co.. Wendell. 536-5111.______' __^ MERIDIAN — priced to sell. Globe Realty. 1632>832 v VACATION a c a t ic property for aale.*le. TI tDNElONE Ibedroom, hcnt nnd water' fur- -stove.' birch cabinets. Carpetedpered MODEL MOD 800 1 Case-O-Mntic Diesel^ —SEASON CLOSE-OUTS— $63. P E R MONTH buys a real nice.0, Addison E ast. 733-2623. ______romn^cnbln^lroom c 2 xll6 ^compjctely^ nl.hi rnfor bedrooms. 1711 •• Poplar. 733-4185.•4185. Tractor. Trr Like new. $2,250. Phoneo n - n e w FORD trail rakes with ( ______clean home within walking dls« ...... :....-—: ; nished. Stove nnd rcrrigerntor. bcun kit und duals. R e g u la r $7ti9|S »•s a l e s y a r d tance of downtown. >f»~a~garas> 80 ACRACRE E furm~on~otted—ro1 a d be-~ — Vfl — ^Phone—?33-63;WJ-or—733-9069-«r-t‘ttn^ t ‘ttn THT H RfR EE bed room; oil-h*>a<—i.inno mntuL \ —2211 ,12n-5-l<):^, Fitf»r - and olher features. Use your GJ.X tween TwTwin Falls und Jerome. 2 Magic Dana. W rlta box Q-16.16. c-o Jjo leen, at '226 Heyburn Avenuokrenuo AvenueAvc East. $75. Cull 733-464242 ororiTWO. I TWO 14’ Curl potato beds, top condi­ ...... ------z and buy this today. Call Ed Dau-,u- bedroom Ihome, good fences. PricericS TImes-Newl.* imes-r ______------West.vVes 7.13-7.13-8953. ' tion. tior Phone 733-8236. NEUnew 350 Ford balers. Regular,r Tue;sday.* October 17 plaise, 733-9081 or M ountain Stateses S31.500S31,500 wlw ith term s. We need farm‘*''7' RealR e a l EstateEs Wanted 626 2 $3500 ...... 'NOW $3,000)o 11 a .m . R ealty. 733-5974.______' and rune ranch llstlngi. Stockmen’s ------“ RfttUy. 6f>ft ,Snntii Llnr.nln, Jiirnm a- - W ^ T E l gres i n ______-----^------MOD iR 120 head from Owyhee. Nevada, “ ------twetelw.' eabiu iltesT'atTeagB^ — ^ 324-4845. Evenings, Rodney Pauls, Milner, ^ "o c r-gCreek r'c.!!;- - — ___ . .. ______^ MODERN TRAC rOK CENTER-~ W ranches and commercial property if areo. No Improvements necessary. Across from Bowladromc conaconsisting of 50 weaner-Hercford located In Sawtooth Country, Land 825-5574.—825-5574. ______areo. N 733-0017 — Twin Fulls. Idaho steesteers and heifers, 300 to 400 Ibs. ----- 678-8171. Burley, before 3 p.m. 50 whltc-fnce^ cows, all will bo of Enchantment, call Wayne (Pat)It) ONE ONE of of the the best 160 acne farm sI I In n ------. — ------— ------— pres Patterson at 774-2531. Stanley,y> Magic Magic Va Valley. Reasonable terms, C ram a m oor p e r s 6 3 ---- prcg-tested by sule day. 20 year­ Idaho, or write Lynwood Realty.y. go 80 AcresAcres with paid up water on ^ ling whlte-fuco steers. 600 to 700 ^ NEEDDanEXPE i POTATO PILERS lbs. 20 Holstein steers, 300 to 450 Star Route. Ketchum. Idaho. . new high’ PERT? ^ __ - new highway. $23,500. See us for for 7V4*7 U* HOMEMADE HOI pickup cam^per,amper^ \1 — M odern home; 3 large bedroomsns farms un< und ranchcs. Gone Larsen■sen Well well Insulated, tn bed over camper.am per. New and used. Self-propelled.id. Iba. Iba. 60 mixed cattle, white-face finished In knotty pine. Carpets.ts. Soles Salcs Co.. Co.. 733-6008. 0:^4-5171. Good-30d- $150 $i50 or or trad e. 1333 E lizabeth\i Boul- Pile 12' high. Potato brusher:r and and black dairy cross steers and gas furnace. Loads of cupboardrd Ins. ing. Chuc) Chuck Peterson 733-3638. Deanean cvnrd. cvnrd. ______’ ^ ■ IB ^ USE THIS HANDY DIRECTORYIRECTORY AS A GUIDE TO w orks as cro ss feeders. T akess , helf< heifers. 450 to 600 lbs. 20 Hol- □ll Patterson. 4.S7-:*173._____ ^______rr— — out illM,, clotls. weeds, vines,I, stcii stein steers. 450 to 600 lbs. 45 * space. Large utility room. Full Patterson gf.j-.s. « v\trviUUna hut rock. Curr Ji^lu llKlit whuo-faco Angus and black- basement. Lovely yard on Hi lots. .... -— Mobile Homes’ JK FAST, RELIABLE SERVICE.ICE. PHOPHONE TODAY Su'.’n Across from high school. 326-4761,!f- -M L S” 400<00 ACRE.S. excellent Im- ...... - ■ ■ . ■ nuiHlc-rs. SIJ. Pickup nmfHi:is.-A- whu whuc^fiicc ste ers a ne~Wg*. —- prprodu<4*y( oductlw iand; -Cell for pi le e auU ...... Z b eu t« r. Jo h n D eero 45 Hl-Lo self-elf- 300 lbs., all V&T nnd 3-way ------par m onth,—PFteed- *t-»e500 with^ term s. Iverson Realty. 034-4354. Travel J Trailers S ANSWERTNGTNG SERVICE gpropelled combine, 3 trucks, pluslus vuccinuted,vucc 25 Holstein steer terms. Harold'a Agency. 733-5532 nror Gooding. Christy Christiansen, 034- complete line of machinery andmd calvicalves 200 to 350 lbs., 3-way 733-7487.______I ______4495. Ellen Scofield 886-2271, Sho-Sho- T r a v' e le z e — A ris to c r a t DBg If The Telephone ofOf -Any Any Advertiser> in This tools. All In extra good condition,on, vaccination,vucc 13 Holstein steer — shone.______Price $30,000. Seo or call Ernlonlo and bull calves, 150 to 200 lbs. ALREADY G.I. Appralsed-497 per ------Directory Is Not Answerec^nswered. Dial 733-2386. Stitt, 4V^ enst of Twin Fulls on on n on milk hay and grain. m onth, using y our G I. Total of*3 3 4.0004,000 ACRES,ACRE 900 Irrigated, produc­]uc- R oadrunner Telephone Answeringng Service, Servii Day or NiRht. FallsFulls Avenue Enst. Phone 733-5981.181. All' All* thc above cattle consigned b edrooms, fam ily roonfi and fenced'd ing Ing hay, hoy. corn, and p_n5t«ni.. lorlot ------______- - ...... ------T h e A < d v o rtise r-W ill—BMBo-Notified o - N o t to Call You. ------iL-NKW^row n e w Wescon beet top Wn-^ I” In *addition to our regular run. corner~Io^:“ Cair"ATma~B6olh. 733-13- 800nnnnr-Dr-lTOCk"5ows.BOO-ncwi- Excellent T3 drower.drow. 1 used 3-row Wescon beet For , more Information phono B974, Mountain States Realty. water right,rlgl 3 good homes, Rnnchnc"h •.Pickup * Campers -m. M eridian Sales Ynrd, 88^-1872, TZ priced a t $W0 per cow unil. Wen- ...... top wlndrower. w I used 1-row Farm- Men bY OWNER: 4 bedroom home. 2-car ^n- Winnebago hand tank-type beet harvester, llko1^0 Q** or ^ Ed. H. Bryce. 888-1114.____ garage. Fully carpeted, full base- dell Realty, Wendell. Idaho. 53e- ^ new. 2^-*-______^ TTravel r a v ( Trailer Rentals new. I Oliver 770, llko new. Twinvin MERIl MERIDIAN Salcs Yard. Auction ev- ment. Assume Urge loan, small —±±L^ Listed hero In easy-to-findsy-to-find alphabetical order aroiro servicoservic offers you can Falls Tractor & Implement Co.,^o., cry cry Tuesday* 12:00 noon. Boise Val- equity. 733-3924 or see at 330 Northth "MLS" 273271 HEAD cattle ranch. M 733-«(W7. __ ley's le v ’s largest calf market. 888-1872, MOTOR HOMES L_ use every day. Contactontact onoor of these firms or individuaindividuals for better sor- s^ b o J £ q q ^ . M aurice. ______Scenic loclocation. Free spring waler. _ LOOK: Farmers and custom hay 77^ bv owner: 2 bedrooms and possiblyily Good corrcorrals and buildings. OwnernL-i^ - PrcnPremiere Horse Trailersirs vice and first qualityality prod products. haulers;haulc Self-propelled automatic ta tlk 4 with full basement with bath.:h. selling selling because bc of health. For de- c°»i«> 1 0 ^ a- tails call Rocky Mountain Realtv. __/* r» * I haystacker. hnysi Fantastic gross loud; iin00— i7IHOL.STiiiN .Springer heifers. - Fenced back yard, attached ga- tails call ------...... ^------.:z Aif-<:0rKJit40nm^------Fp yci - .O - il ______R c n to ls ______- bal<^»-l«t->H*les.-( l 6 '« It welKht~7rnm T-ftOfT-io. 1.300. A.B.S. ------TA«e*— —Csmey:; —itt^trMntn- —ithiLrrMnm~ Avpnitf^ rfflTfh, TTTnrTn^T^ V ciem Folding chairs, tables, any numter^ ~ " l8 ^bTnq-nnd ^ I7“ x i!>"> u rb n les. —f r ^ Phone 733-2953.______1406 eveningscveni 733-3102.______. Air conditioning, healing und fur- I*’orI'o r s stove nnd furnace oil. call Gem Folci^ .See u Irnm ediatoiy. 423-5729.______and artificial brvudlng. 12 Jersey — TRAILER CENTERR ‘'nace nace clcunlniT. F o r tho best ser- StateStat Oil 733-5962. Our fuel makislakes All occasions; also trash hauling. — * - and Guernsey heifers. Fqr sale or bv OWNER: “bv^er $l,o66~^Iow ap-P* 40 ACRES t>eiween Jerom o and und , T..1A - Vice vice call Ek Furnaco Company,pany. wnrw arm friends.______Interm ountaln Fuel. 733-0621. WAIVHWAIVER of finance on all new andmd trade.trad# Also cnn finance, 324-2415. praised Value. This beautiful 3-bed-d' Twin. KeReason for Kvlling: poorlOor Addison Addisor West 733-2410 0 ^ 733-32H7.7^3!^ ______used trnctors ard Implements un- ':;307J—ttu HEAD One and two venr old room home, fireplace, sprinklers.■*. health. Gom Rear Rt: Denn’s Richfield »—:—l- ______Rug Cleaning ______JirA111 A i pril 1. 196F. G em E q u ip m en t 1, ” . 4-car g arag e. $17,000, low down, home. m« Gun Repair _____ PJl* Henjford rnnge bulls. Excellent n, home, modern. Deep well, oui- oul- OPEN OPEN DAILYi-8 a.m . to 6 p.m.p.m. / V Aluminum Servico ______1______Mo?Most thorough procxiss in state.r Enstlanc. Drive South. 733- site and quality, 8G3-3G20 Simon Phone 733-0660. _ buildings, buildings. spud cellar. Could be be OPEN OPEN SUN; 1 o m. to 6 p;m. .. Idlng J e rry 's Gun Shop. Complete gun- 24 hours Pickup—delivery. Cus- CLASSIC HOMES. "We build onnn divided. divided, Phone'l .1:^4-2215. Jero m e ------_ l^or The Best In Aluminum Siding __ Baker, Onklcy.______ondund insulation Phono LloydJ h. jf smithing. Rod-reel repair. Phonehone tom T-loors, 733-5424.______LIKE LIKE now Farmhand beet digger I-OR SALE: Good baby and pastura your lot.** Your floor plan or ours.1. morning orc evenings_____ Kelley 733-9066.______733-5567.' 2*4 miles west of hospital. ------an d to p p e r unit, Cnll 5.36-2616, W en- “‘V i,.. Quality construction for a trulyly ATFRACrivi;a ITRACTIV BO ncroj northeast lr>. T Septic Tank Serv/ice 3dell.cM.' Gerald Wilcox or see 3 miles,r: /calves. All kinds. Holsteins. whlto competitive price. Twin Falls Re- cation OS L ( O ) ( O ) KJ- - 3 '.f* face, and black. 324-4162 or 324- ®* cation. 0S% rock and^wecd free, J ^ Boarding & Training ____ Housemoving Roto-Rooter sewer aervlco. Sflwer— west of Wendell on Hagerman’ 4029. Jerom e. alty and Insurance. 733-3662.______two iwo separatesepm homes, oiled road, George's Kennels. Boarding all Kvnp, • lines cleaned, repaired, and in- __Highway.” 1?,^. . ______BY OWNER: 4 bedrooms, redecorot- grade grade A A barn. I-armcrs Realty.Uy. KI K RO PF - SCHULT ‘^'y’rc“' Experienced licensed housemoving.ilUr Rtalled.]*."? Also, Septic tank cl»»oned.ed. FOR SSALE: 1 row Farmhand Beete« WANTED WANT to buy: Holstein springer ed. new furnace, carpeting, waterer M3-4650.543-4650. IBuhl. Ralph and Dill As- _ breeds. Training all breeds. 324- FJrra ree estim ates. B. G. MlU«r. -'»• - FLEETWOOD — 4245. Jerom e.______pho»phono 733-607S.______' ^4^24 hour service with no extratra HarvesterHnrvt like new. Can be seen•en heifers helfe nnd cun use heifers 3 and heater. pHlnt. $10,500. 733*5724, eve-'e- . sendrup. . sendrup.______---- Tho Best and Lowest ____ charge. John A. Haken. 733-2541.II . nt C & R Equipment. Paul. Idaho.ho 4 months mi bred. Eugene Hughes. ningt.______, _ CATTLE ranch.ra 4f>a head capacity.“y- f»na financing and Insurance. ______C a r p e n t e r s ____ Insulation SeptkScptlc lanks cleaned, power equip- 536-2640. W endell, a fte r 7 p.m . 324-2415. 324-2- Jerom e.______SALE or Trade for property neartir Excellent Excellent Improvements IncludingUns Patlo.'i,ryn 1 in* remodeling, new work, cabi- ______. __ mer ment for drainugo failures. Frrer'le t T-WO^ o LLockwood bulk beds. H ’ and■Tj 100 HEAD Black Bnldy steers. Lewiston. Has new roof, interioror 9 room house.1 Modern. Calvtng‘hr Will Will be closcd SaturdayslyS nets,nets’ ccnienl flnlshinp. Free estl- l-or tlthe finest .Insulation nt reason-ison- Insc inspection. Lloyd Cravens, 7?3--3* cgood condition. Larsen Bros..,, nrouiaround 700 pounds. 200 tons 3rd newly redecorated. 198 Lois. In shed shed and and corrals. F’rlced wtth mu- males, 733-8100, evenmgs.______nble prices. Guaranteed workman-•nan- 305.3 3Q5.V______^______■ 324-20 crop hay. 324-5167.______South P ark . 733-1033 or 733-6683.13. chinery, j:$235,000. Schmitt ond Muf-l'*f ■«/r mate __ 324-20S6 o r 324-4l5.^. Je ro m e .______r Complete designing and building.rtine ship. Call Hamilton Insulation and t i WANT to lease 300 he^d cattle from bW N ER: th ree” iTe^room*. 1*^ baths,Tj _.f»cy. .fiey. dd:>:u4--47K1.-<4 Ciootllng.______Jy l Ronflng. 733:9<^9. IQITelephone Answer Service> dep^^DEPENDABLE Case machinery, re- _!_■ M a g - i c V a l l e y ‘^°eaEi:Cablneis. residential and. commcr- liable service at Reed Tractor Co.,rt 3-5 years. Circle H Charolals, Inc., - carpeted. a.ppUanccs, fenced, dou-u- "M “MLS LS" • 17S 17:» ACRES for only Sfl.'S.OtX). ■% y g clnl. Duller Brothers. 733-2526. : T------——■ •------'——'— Your Your Telephone is never , nlone. 24- ' kj1G44 Third Avenuo Soulh, Twin - Fairfield. ______ble garage, choice location, $16.-C.- Good homehor arid other ImprovTv— iV Mobile i( Homes ^ tignt Fixtures homhour service. Phono 7.33-2386._____ Fnlls 500. 733-56<>9.______mentsments. TrTnke n look nt thjs farm .QJ4J Concrete Forming ______Falls, REGISREGISTERED Hereford bulls. ~ ns soon as posxlhlp Cail C. Ilarloy 2 *"*li miles"'"® w est Hlway 30 733-6M1 ______. Television Repair Two^TWO 16*i beet beds with mud flaps^ PhonePhon Jerome 324-5008, after 6:00 CLEAN 2 bedrooms, carpeted, h j. ^ 2 2 ______* - - ______Concre Concrete forming, basemenr. f<^unda^ Complete stock of light fixtures. _____ ; on weekdays.______furnace, finished basement, 2nd Winiam ^5 at Hamlett Realty, 733------Choo.se yours at our reduced Del B J— and lights. Bestwav Building Oen- . ^ 1 4079. cvcninKS 733-0.120.______—— N MOBILE HOMES— tlort fooling, residential or com- , , uced Del Butterfield Radio & TV Service tr r . I 263 W est A ddison, phone 733-33- JERSEYJE R S E first calf heifer, just fresh. bath. 23(1 Tavlor .Street. 733-65.V1 _ 40/9, ev^r _____merclal. Merlin Deahl. 733-3138.38 prices. BILow Building Supply. 7X3- 27 jyears of electronic experlonoo, Also, springer heifer, 1 south. 2 ’^ fefY hnryii* r>n >rn“gi» Inr3tl 80 AC RLS C close to .Toromr XQr for _JiLar Sfiir Crrr n f t, —-Mcu? Moon------ICU------^—- T = - -1162 ------^ ■ -— ■- . . i 1*07 M j Addlaon Eas-t. 733.2833. , 5212, ______AUo, ilb c k . SeUIng pr*cc Includes m«-mn- 8-10-12-20-25' S-IO-lJ-2 wide, up to «0' long.iong. Denta! Laboratory ' ---- ^ EQUTPMENT Co., High wav ^ 27.' -west of South-Pnrk.~ Twin •FatTic i Spacious* rooms. Good location. itock. Sel rm* WANTED: Cnttle to fe«d up to 300. reasonably priced. 733-8870. chinery. $24,000.$ 80 Acres South1 of ——TRAVEL XR TRAILERS— False plate, repairs 33 years expgrl- _J____ Milking Equipment Tree Service south of Paul. J. I. Case farm WANTI — Jerome. Dryden Aency. Jerome.in'- KUw - Alohn — 13 - 23’ ence .1 , . . .. , ...ll... - 1 — I I machinerym ach Salcs and Service.______Phon_____ Phona 324-2003, Jerom e.______^EW~3.b«drpomrbalh; full base-'«y 324-5232. Edi Pettit, salesm an. 324- SALES cncc. Ambrose Lab., 207 2nd Street jiulkBulk milki tank and plp«llne servico ^ VALLEYV, T R E E SERVICE ------ment; double garage. 2030 Sherry 5^ SALES — SERVICE , Enst,f „ m phone 733-4141.______jg—salcs. Laswcll’s, Jerome, 324-324- TrimTrimming. Topping nnd RemovingIg r"""I------.. ------Lane. Phone_7XV_5l79,______BY~ OWNEl ___ PARTS — SUPPLIES ------^ 4.381.______Free estimates. Insured — BY OWNER: 80-nc“re farm . Excel-ce'- BAKER’S B A K E MOBILE HOMES^E.s _____ Dry Wall __£ 5 L ••MLS" Magic Valley Realtv since^e lent i.„t locationikcni between Twin and ------BOX 82. T.F. 733-3331 1950. Gordon L, Crockett. Realtor. Jerome.jcram e \Nice home, shop, dairy Honest nonesi Prices — Fnlr Dealingslings Cliff Cliff Shebley. S dry wall contractor.Ctor. ______Ornamental Iron ______wWanted: ante Tree topping nnd removal. ______-- _ barn,born, corrals,corr potato cellar. silaHc . 11 YEARS SERVING Taping, Tapit hanging, acoustic spray. ^ ~~r— .Shrub trfVnmlng. I-rec estimates, ' MAGIC VALLEY 733-6TA3. 733-6( 3S3 3rd Avenue North.th*^' Ornamental Iron, cast and wrought, Woods Tree Service. 733-5940. li: *-5 SMALL 2 bedroom. 4th Avenue E.E. pit. pit. Call Call 324-5403, evenings, 324-’ 412 Addison... Ave. West 733-3358-3358 -----^111,1 —:— colu:columns, rnlllngs. Phone 733-5567. _JZ22 —_ - $2,700. $500 down. Small payments,s, 6924 9924 daya. daya. Jerome.______------Electrical Contractors 733-<733-4885. Gillespie. Free estlmntes. \ V— —____ Call 733-8195. ______22522.-> HEAO cowc ranch In Magic Vai­ T o w in g TWO bedroom brick Fireplace, ga^s' ley. PlentyPlen permnnent posture. Q ______P o in tin g ______sllgqrSITgafr Wrecker ScrvTcel Addison SIMPSON’S , C. -KRAUTH ______rage, assume 5V4% loan.i Phonele Only $75,000$75.c with 29% down. Je- ri-F.CTRICAL CONTRACTINGG Stuart Stuart Brothers; interior and exte->xte-——- ...... Avenue-West-,...... t ~Phone ' I - 733-1234. i„ I.—...... 733-8285. * rome rom e RealtyRea and Insurance, 324- ^MOBILE HOME HaVe if^w outlets whcrr you needed rlor,rlor. commercial and residential. **------:------43ft8. them . Onu tir a dozen. Noi Job|nb Sand Sane Blasting ,733-1134 or 733-1948. ______Vacuum"Cleaners ______-----Out— Town HeiYi4^s------SI-^nakeV 3NAKE ri R iver Cnttlft fanclT Bo IM SPECIALIST loo small: Guaranteed work. 733- ■ ihirby Vacuums —- The on:y factory HANSEN. Two choice 50 foot lots. acres, frc free water, modem home,me. Same location 0512.0512. Picture Framing ^iuti•uthorizad Kirby Vacuum Sales 4 room and blth. Bargain S2.500y] groat pot potential. $30,000, good fo r 20 y e a r s Large ——3- and service in Magic Valley. Using cash. 423-5240. terms. Snake River Realty. Buhl, Larg« stock of molding, mat board?nl? Benulno Kirby parts. We repair Iall — 543-4665.______- Rupert, Idaho OWENS O ELECTRIC and «nd art supplies. Magic Volley Jfci iCy Christian Supply. 733-3677. ‘>*‘cy vacuums. Vacuum Cleaners of Ida- Fanrn for Sal*_ _ — 522 160iso ACRESa c r e s on North Side. BcauUful17^ n r v n - . - -- - - ——— . More M ore Currcnt For Less Currency ,'^f hn C o m e r'B lu e Lakes and 2nd ----—M.i . • ... .1. -I. I I ■■ — „“l beTtroonbeTtroorti modern home. I>eep.•cn SHASTA America’s largest selling For For Your Wiring Needs Call Avenue East. Phone 713-1027. >^rtne soilsoil, no iand. Trtrat l^manian —travel trailer.^ Blue Lakes Trailerraller 655-4342 collect ‘ ______RoJialor Service______uElectrolux, u ^ir only authoflzcd dealer cattle operation. Harold's Agency.,cy. _ Park.______^ _____ —"----- ■' ...... r------T------———- TomT om 's’s -radiator—shop. 242 Sccond:ond for genuine Electrolux cleaners I - GATTLE EMPIRE 1 733-5532. o r 733-7487.______3 VACATVACATION trailers. Like new.IW. 14- Excavation AverAvenue South. Phona 733-^22t or andT suppltes. 733-5618. 80« Blue - 150 ACRES located near Jerome. I5V4 feet. Webb's Chevron.J. 340 Dackho«S. Bacidm tractor mounted radio dls- residence 733-7897. Lak«Lakes Boulevard. Y O U R O W N New 3 bedroom brick home. Call ^ShoshonShoshone Street West.______patched; paUh basement digging, com-com- r ' for more details. Handy Realty, Artnrfm, 7 0 plete septic system . Roto-tllllng.ling. 19,000 deeded acres. Lots of sub- Jerome, Jerom e, Idaho. I< 324-4339, evenings, Apartments— Furnished , 70- Ol®'.-#Satisfaction assured. Glenn Falr--air- Irrigated pasture. Decreed wa- 324-5456. 324-5456.______IN KimbeKimberly, modem, carpeted ° and banks St Son. 733-3061. - te r. plus 13.000 acres State and Ftinir'i.'—r:? furnished 1 bedroom apariment. HAVE THE NAME OF YOURU,YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE______School leases. Xess-tiian-$50-per CHOJCE hw -^h‘4 :20 acres without home. __Qulet-witb-vlew-ovcrlonkmg park.. —Would like dozer, bnclcfllllng^ nnd ' % ■ " " T ^ . Has-well-and-preasure system. One — $ 7 5 ^ . 423-5476. ______. —S f T S aer^nnrr C^ a . P arrolt. J»hone of Gooding’s finest farms, for $42'- - , * 1 ^ , , : ------733-8589. Twin.______^ PUBLISHED INsl THIS Bl BUSINESS — _____ POTENTIAL UNLIMITED w°s?hmf000. Schmitt and Muffley, Gooding,ng, ONE bedbedroom upstairs apartment. Backtioo work. SpectalLxing in Scptlc 934-4781934-4781.______One bedbedroOm basement apartment. tanks and drain field Instanation. -r: All utilities furnished. 459 2nd Ava- i?r^, il""' SERVICE GUIDE OOF THE ' 'ROWE-HIATT AGENCY TWREEt h r e e bedroom,t«d modem home In * Hak^n Sewer Service. 733-2541. Jerome. Full basement, garage,g ir ■ nu« N orth. 733-2940.______H ak * , Shoshone, Idaho 886-2115 and Irrigation water. Phone 733-rjal OR unfuunfurnished 3 rooms, bath, ^______F lo o rs ______5532. ground floor, close-ln. utilities ex------—— \ l / / 840 ACRES pump farm. Good water FLOORCOVERING right. $240,000 with only $15,000 d i v e r s i p / e d ^ f a r m 2 FURNISHED apartm.nu closeST55 to CONTRACTOR (rx down. Balance over long «term. 2 FURNk _ Joe Hackney. 735-4559, Tw/n Falls.Ils. uptoy.uptOT^n. Adjilts only. 225 4th Aye-Ave- ResResidential apd Commercial1 ______.______» <33- Bob B ui ton T33^4«3< ------ra n «nd mAdUne abed. l5 atin- 400 ACRES.ACRES, level high producing 'S S T i ^ land, larre fields. 2 homes. JeromeSe Kimberly. - ~ ^ “ '^^liiriT IKOOO. L * ReaJ Estatelt9 » -AOOM> 4>»eem«Jkt.» a p artm e n t.- PrU -L, Co.. Jerom vate bath: No pets, infant Is al- Carpet, Carpe tile, linoleum. Rug~clemi- Publishad undar the headinging of yooryour cholc. . , . Every cJoyl Co.. Jerome. 324-4800. ' r*lowed. f.t IngutretI after e except Wed- Ing, Ing, trade-ins. ti 17 years servlcc. _____ WEST END REALTY fFARM a r m « and d ranch loans. large.•e nesday;nesdav* Sunday. 483 Fillm ore.i.__ _ bargains. bargai Custom floors. 733-5424. ( small. dev^pment. refinance. ?-—=— — ^ ■ DELIVERED:D TOTO 21,0002 Uoyd Roberson Agency, 230'Malnjn ONE room, bachelor, utilities fur- An advertisement in the nished^ 204 W ashington. g u g i J MAGIC VALLEY HOUSEHOLDS HOUSEH DAILYI ------1 Avenu. Nor '*'™- BUSIf^ESS DIRECTORY 1 w^-u. w tti Kt en - Avenue North. 73i MLS FOR SALE b] J5 TWO rooms and bath for rent.t. In- sends scndi new and old clients IV.D TODAYI 733-0931 ------m Aerm prMtnetl** •oO, mmplm POR SALE by owner: developed and “Special offer on portrait photos? 1 w ste r. Lsira ertff cood mnA Mfnldolui.undevelop^ * tend, northwest .ofJI quire 71Q 2nd Aveni>e East. ____ to fo . youj every .. day! It.[t, , WE LL BTLLL YOU YOU LATERI “Spec ihotos? I’ni afraid you caught, tm ptom m atM . 'tmrmm, fOO.OOO. SMinldoksi. treet. Rup> e B. WedaL- «3 J I d k LUX E apartroenL $125 per reachesreac 22,000 hemess A TRAINED AD-WRITERfRlTER WILLW HELP YOU- me at a rathertier bad tim el" Street. Rupert. ______Tri_ / D m H onth. L U X AU uUlfoes. Phone 733-8^61. ^ . _ (7 2 .0 0 0 -^ r e a d f i r s ) , an d1...... — ------f e l d t m a n r e a l t o r s FARMS *'tifitat. and RAnche»~Buvtn« orlfc j ROOMS. month. wUAl h-Jotclm -«»d -befchjr UtlK • JC T H iM'. Aiifc— ------...... selling.-nst,------J Phooe B U ye Realty. 233-JI ROOMS.wU lUas fumtsbed. Ideal MotelAFUeTr'Uer. saves *»ves on your pocket cash. *-^ T------~ - - ^ ' ' ' . .... — TOM.------^ ------I lUe* fuml

-k...... ■ ------SLJ- !LJ' JL . -1—...... \ t I ■ ■ - ' . . s • : . ■ • I . m - ■ -- • .'s'- . • t. ' ■ * .1 ^ ' ■ ' ■ • . . . ' . i. — G oing’^Hll lfaleqticm?f€Ifa t?^Ghebse^MCI lattk e-N e i^r^C ar-Frem rTi^fhy&se^oluifij Ffc umns a n d ^kjiveHMjoheyp v ■ "■--•j- .^...... i-p______^...... — ...... '1, ' ^ Cattle 102 AppliancesApplio £ HH Equip:; 120 GoocGood Thingt lo Eat 133 Mlsc^llaneou*MI9 Wanted l41141 BeBoats Fo'r Sale 169 /Autos For Sal* 200 Oct. 16-17, 1967 TwitTwin Falls Times-Nows- IS . ------ll^ A T T E£ rmodel G.E. apartm entIt *1X0slM WHOIWHOLESALE beef by half or quarv ’TWi Ywo or throe oedroom modern ONONE.boat and trailer. IIOO. 151.51 RosaRo,e . . . refrigerator with- magnetic: door ter. Cut and wrapped. Phr^orthhr.-Worth .home.ho to be moved. State .pricerice andant] Street£ North. Dan Danleli,, Phone . ^ WE SLAUGl^ER ' andSnd‘^. across the top freezer., Also.Al*o, MaliMain t^ocKeni. 733-j£a2.______locatloii.lo< Box O-U. Tlmey-New».Newa. 7733-2179. , ------W«*UaahouM— rw lgw a tog— w>4ttv "STtLAi •B EEF® ^ ~ Qcro..across the top freezer. Ptaone9ft 733- per aallon plus tix aflayers! MaySs* Miscollanoou* Mis bervice — PtTUTPITlWoTSRyiitel • - —-tee—— 160 — 1^.. • LmAMB 8641. _____ 324-2324-2285. Jerome.______^ • VEAJL LEONARD LEONAF elecrrle f-finpw,_ 5o5fSF^H1»|-«ertW^rch4?d"Tn' Hagerman^ ______:::______SEARS ------r '‘~~— ~ ~ —^------I4U.5U. Insured ^payment plan.. dO will bc open Saturday. 30th, :jor CUSTOM KITCHEN’:jst’ ”'”■ 22'Bridgestone 90 Trail ..$295..$295 ' • N orth M ain LockLTS ------; warfanty. m A. Y-Elertric.lertric. —Red-Delleieus apples, you ------m For ' tu«t lervlce cuH 7aaA4UaX-^lai--, . Co., 441. g.', I pieh. vuvhi '7 d e i------..-— Y w n ah a -250 - v .-t r - .-: - S42 5 - ______Hvcninaa 733-71.S8 . Friday •til 8 p.m. > . p p en Apples at Claude SmithImith Or- bo book. Freo expert consultation..latiun. 2 Y am ah a 80 S trt $160 & $195 ------n- chard. 3 miles south off Burley Fr Free floor plans. Frt*c color ig" PRICED RIGIri ht and top 60 HUAU of 3rd und 4th culf BaiucE lu ^ REPOSSESSEDRCPOSS Weltlnghouse appll- corner.corn Buhl. 543-5826. ~~_____ ski coi<.r Y am ah a IOO...... $269 G P COCONDITION...« ■ I • , • ^ Ansutf cows. Will start calving in ances. sketch. Quality Installation. No t»|f In ances. Like new. stove; refrlgera-er ami GOODf-rinr\ r ^ Spuds by the 10000 pound money down on Seurs modemiz-lenii?- .’67 Y am ah a 100 T rail . $379 . Feuruury. 60 head of Black Anguskngus tor anur- VH engine, excipient condl- xiicnts can bo made to feed?« oa VnnWuL coiiditlon. See. on Falls Avenuel^ S S e •. »4th. 1 south on 74. west, Vi ^ gundy Interior, nf/a\ ^bomb.:nb. tlon, low mileage. ;)luce. Phone 733*5336, 733:454616 or West.Wost '2nd house east of WendeUWendeU •_gQuth. Nesbitt s. ______^ ^ BEAVER cleaned Hreplace'w wood. o o d . HOHONDA - KAWASAKI'ittt^ road and , _* Avenue ------Avenue, on south side. No Satur- TOMATOMATOES and pumpkins. 63163i"3hio 31iio ' Will dellw r. 678-2035 or 438-5950.<38.5050. ttrail 50 to 650 cc. Factory ’1?ai«d trained 'W DODGE ...'...... ,$10451045 -65 '6 RA M B LER $1595 60 H£AD. of Holstein »prJnger heif- day ca hone 733. Paul, anytime. Vandever SanfordSanford- nrnechanica ■ at your lervIce.;e. Hel- 4-door. V8, automatic trans* I®,?. . ’63 VOLK'-WAGEN . . $895 heif- day calls please. ______LnkeLnkes Boulevard North. Phone 733- Beaw r Runch. _____:—...... •ans- 770 Hardtop coup*^ t n * __^ ers. weighing from 1,000 lo 1.350 FkANK*S*farm~and-home-refriger^rigera*^ • . :_^52g. ------______^ -__2 ...... ttMits-uccesaorlea; Blaalus- MottJra,Motors, - ^------mis^ioor-power; sfeerlng.i* glne," uutomnllc’ transmis-nls- CerivcirtlbfiL ^New top, re- lbs. Lots of /vBS heifers und Cache W . I 451 East Main.______• sion, 2 - tone yellaw undiind built • motor. Top shape. VuJley breeding. Will freshen trnm irom “o"- E ^ rt repair scrvlco on all TAYL3-9202r- , clean, full power, low m|Io»nl'o- •«,» 6 4 P A M m F P - .- ^ ------—4— door. fl^cyHmlct. ladlu,------F OR*SAI:F. mndm i fcfrtiF A n tlq tm s— ^------^ : T39^ — 19li7 250-cc. KawaakI owner In _ser... ser, .—______agiJ. ------—------__ ___:_hejUer_extra—.clcan.______Juur- orators, priced-from >29.05. Terms. ■ - ---- T59 Vice, 'lake over payments 733- ■ _ , _____ , ...... Station wagon, 6. cyllndet----—: ------— “Springer Heiiers and Cows. Guur> aHASONAULVx a priceJ: Washstunds, ...... engine;’ overdrive transmls-mls- ______finr<»ert «in»inft i i__ mvh- ~ xvilson Dntcw. T E SI ...... —K188.------~ ------, =^CT5 —docks^-frames,—round-.tablcsT-love- ‘XtlWALMOST now U..S, Sprlncfield bolt Tok rjr-jfoo ’66 PONTIAC ...... $2995[995 slon,^ low mileage. Like now.low. .- .04 FORD : ...... $1195 iPrlccd from $260.00^ wcst—ofsL_oi GAS refrigeratorr«fj and-ranger^G^odnnnhie seats, desks, rockers, trunks.nka. 438- ucuction 30,ofi ^ rifle wItVi .“W factory bolt *1067 HONDA OOCC. Scrambler, 1100 ------Buhl (Jn-Hrfl;h\Vuy 3?». 543-4766. Also condlUtcondiUon. Will accept reasonable733. 5950 anytime, Paul. . me from price. Low mileage.0 ’ 1210iJio Bonneville 4-door. full pow- I7C 4-door sed.in. Vli engine, ' have 16 stuck cows calving now. o^er.offer. 480 Madrona Street.. 733- /.W ------^------gQmounted J 2.5x7 scope. Phoneme 733-733* \ Alder Drive. Phone 733-1842.42. er. , plus Tactory. air. ’n°e'i; new ’62 t>, PONTIAC ...... $1175 overdrive transmission, mixed ages.______v 2&35. ■ 8018. evenings. __ ------premium .tires. A real buy. Bonneville 4-door. Automat- pouvr suriTlng. Runs like — lc . transmission, pow- DAIRY COWS and hcifurs, freshlT~or or MONOGIMONOGRAM oil heaters, >888 and MMiscellaneous Isce for Sale 140 MODULm^ 1300 WlachSli.r 12-Buuge Tn ■. 1 9 6 , - ~ a i]jlillon. ' springers. 100 per cent guaranteiid.tciid. un.up. BlaBlacker’s Appliance and Fur- — shotEun for sule. 83a-5G03v llaiel- er steering and bjrakes.kes. . . r Will buy or trade for all kindsKinds nlture. Twin Falls. ‘ “ final LiQUIDATiON~,I O N Jton, m ______> “ ______------’65 CH EV RO LET . . . . J2095!095 Real clciin. ,„ livestock and springers for Call- c..-- Super Spoet 'red convertible.Ible. 6-■64 By\CK...... $1305 Furniture & HH Goods 122 , by October 20th Sno’ 51995 va engine, automaticlatie ’6;’63 C H EV R O LET . . . . $1250 fornia. Hap or Clyde Huglies. Buhl rWrnltur _____ I lot TV and radio tubes.ies .7 75 3 Maehinei 1601 6 0 ’’63 INTERNATIONAL , $1995 250 f ■* • door. Automatic 543-5D69 or-. 543-M25.______CmT v ------— 2-ton, 5 speed, 2 speed.1 V8.Yg transmission, -power steer-«**"• • Impala 4-door sedan. V8 en- transBU.,lo„ jow mlU-oae. — r . SNAKE RIVER AUCTIONON centscf"” each, several trude-lnn TVs. ------^------— ------Ifllfl*------1—gine;- ipowei—steei lug. Very‘mi------FOUR Registered Arfffus bulls. ^ j> * cheup. TV workers good scope. t y, ______excellent condition, ready to______l. K?«l ------years old und over. IH head Uccls- j ------USE-E>-SNOW-M7SE€mWE=l 'N E ~ — >- -^go.—Long—Wh4Jol--Basa,------...... go6d.— — - — ___ . ------rcrud—Airgus ‘-nit'TrgfifTM io™ 6 . ■* ers. test equipment, electrified ------’6 5 "R A M B rg ir770 ..: $tS95 ~ ~ ~ - H r '6 1 -INTERNATIONAL $1995 1^95 '64 RAM BLER ...... $1345345 . 2-door 'haritoe,, V8, auto- months old, open. Cull Churlcs bench, schematics, cheup. Build­ ^Ta^n-- m u s t a n g ...... $2495 Kllmes, 423-565J>; Frank Drake, v^ed ing for rent: "du'i'm- s p e c i a b s ■ 5*speed. 2:spced. V8. Tan-' . 4-door sedan. 6-c‘yiinder en- 423-4014. Kimberly. ______every day * P ric'cd from $395 uprx dem, 18-foot Lockwood spud,spud Hardtop Candy Apple Red.'<^9* fflne, aulomatlc transmis- r r') a n ! J ? " ‘“ "'.“'’’ —— JOE'S TV ' bulk bed. Long Wheel base. *389' V8 engine, automatic“tl® sion. Real- attractive and ^ • t:------^------r ; r r f a m o u i s b a r w ic k c a r p eETS t s ______M12 Kimberly Road______^!______^ USEDU BIKES AND- BOATS ^ transmission, deluxe inter­ Horsai 104IU4 overOver 2 250 colors and patterns— _____ ATS ExceUent Condition. * jljr; extra clean. -g]'61 D O D G E ...... J695 free estimates — expert ' instal-stnl- • J’“Buy your n“ • ’58 FO RD ...... $290,nn 3 sent wagon: VB, »«ionia- Livestock Commlsiilon Comnuny, YOU i/A ,, SAVEv. I I I coveralls. V(). 5-speed. 2-speed. New Snowroom condition, Uc irunsmlsslon, po»«r Jerom e Sulo Yurd. Horsea will bo BUILDINGS - . paint, good tire*. Readyly to Station wagon; 6-cyilnderu®*" . Steering, power brak^. sold In order recclvcd at sule yard.mrd (jAMxiGAMBLES — BUHLriDAHO•HO 19(15 19C MU.STANG, 12 hsp ..• $395 f{o. , ' engine, stundard transmis- Suturduy, September 23 at, 7:00 ------. TO BE MOVED mo10G5 MUSTAN(i, 14 hsp .. $4!J5 $4!J.’S '66 MUSTANG ...... « ? 9 5 —7“ —^n. almost tires. Justlust • ■ • ------SPOT G A SH ------2------r-.-:------IflflflUUi M11STANC;.-10- h*p-.... -$4;»5----- ilU« ------U>4-ROD&E ...... $ ia B — r Shed 10G7 . MUSTANGS. (2). 18 hsp ^^^re ^ R L^E- MA-S0N E•R7-FNe;WG:------Hardtopr-aoo t ublu Uich eh«-—------FOR' Sale: Appaloosa colts, onete 2- For For Furniture - Appliances■ Small Smal house, barn. loafing shed. jh;,5 . Hlway 25, Rupert 436-6211Fi.fi-m glne. 4-speed floor shift, »fii 3Qi; Polara Hardtop. V8, auto^ . ycar-old stud, ono yearling fllly. filly. Things of Value Muko Mukc offer. 4Vi miles southuth of • • ...... SH'15 • H console' red with black In- ’61 PONTIAC ...... $895 malic trunsmlsslon, powet Both have good color and blankets.kets. BAN BANNER FURNITURE7 Jerome. 324-5I3G. 1907 MUSTANGS, (2). 13«i. hsp COME 'SEE THE NEW.W terior. Extra clean. Bonneville 4-door hardtop.•t'P* steering. ' ' . F'reols Chico biv*edlng. Write n? ...... $7‘*5 Full power and factory air ' Ralph Martin, 1015 Overland. Bur-® 127 2nd Avenue West 733-1421T4 2 1 ______------inn 1967 COLT. 14 hsp ...... $700lido I PLYMOUTHS conditioning. Nice. ley. Idaho.______BABY O'O'rand piano; dining TSHS: room BUILDINGS 1061967 DELUXE Colt, 18 hspI $8955895 ------; ------7:^^----- '66 DODGE ...... r . . . $2595595 '66 ()6 BARRACUDA . . . . $2495 IHC TRUCKS—Gas & Diesel HO Hardtop. V8 engine, auto- 5-YEAR-OLD Sorrel Gelding, mostly(jsily »nd six chairs; untlque bedI und TO BE MOVED ^ MYRL SCHROEDER Charger. '383* engine, 4. 4» '65*65 DODGE ...... $1440 Arublan. Spirited, excellent adult'sult's dri-sser; dresser; twin beds; writing desk: desk; Small Small house, burn. loaflnB ■hcd. ihed. 32t»-4217, l-'iler CHARLIE'S TRUCKS &it speed floor shlfl, consoli,oli. Coronet 4-door sedan. VftV8 maiu; transmission: pow«r horse. 733-7508 or 733-5509. hioffice •*'* bE desk und chair; small,a il.h ta- Make offer. miles si.uthuth of ------21 EQUIPMENT white with blue Interior.lor. engine, automatic transmis­nls- sleerlng. console, red .With ~ bles; books: pictures; etc. 228;B Othnth Jerome, Jcror 324-5130. ------210 Weit Ave. A/Oeromo 324-4362<-4362 Reul nice. sion. Good condition. matching, interior.'- FOR SALE; Thoroughbred (JockeyCKcy Auliin^ Avenue North mornings or after ---- - — ------o Club) Mares, fillies, colts. Phone 5.005:00. 73 733-1053.; ______SU SUI RPLU S AM M UJsllTlQK SNOW M QJBILES-~ES ___ uieIbqnxiac...... 733-0695. £^lUC«i-^for-bttek-to^schoot-»cwtnir tJ A n rwingr ------■Jjo;0{T—’9c each Gm c t r u c k s — in j e r o m e _JvJ£.l7Lf^cokOC-4jors^—fot^huminpT Sewing: notions, sewing machines.hines. Tents,Tents turps, sleeping bugs, gus 3fEVINRUDE SKEETERR ROSS LEE FORD, INC.P- PICKUPSKUPS AND TRUCKSJCKS ' '.. PlntX palomino, sorrel, ull •I* six new n*t,, and used. Also service. Scis- cuns. '* **■ AMF SKI-DAt)DLER • JEROME years old. Phone 733-Oa05.______sors sharpened. Skinner's Sewing ir^i '64 DODGE ...... $ 1 5 9595 5 '62 '62 DODGE ...... $1095)95 ' ' '61 ’61 CHEVROLET Mon truck 'nier* KOPPfeL'S BROWSVILLE* I J7 1 968 models are here, comeI'J"* |«i’.1965 FORD F - ^ 2-ton cabin chss- *' ALL TYPES of horses, bought, sold Shoppe, Shoppe. Save-On Shopping Center. In and sec them toduyl' sts, long WO, 2-8peed. 5-speed.IsDct’d’ Long wide H. V8, 4-speed,sed, H-ton,, V8, 4-spccd. Long wheelbase, 6-cyllnder and exchanged. Speclulty: ranchinch m MOVING??? o v in H’ Protect vour valuables.ables. SHAMPOOSHAMf your own curpci. gel K:2.‘>x20 duals. With or withoutout lugtug s t o c k enKlno. 4-snced transmls- BCldlngs. L. Haley, 733-C055. ___ "^Furnltu Furniture pads und hand trucksTUCk* ‘■ profeprofessional results. Rent uu‘ci^rk Clurk BUD & MARK’S f,'axle. All excellent condlllon.m. $$2,*2,. T^cic. •5959 FO RD ...... $795795 sion. L‘-sprod uxle, excellent SELL, loan or trade all kindss of for for ren rent. Banner Furniture,, 733-,733- shamShampooer with companionion wet 347 Main East Phonc 733-11943-1194 r.Lr)yr>. Camcron Sales, Incorporated, 1, W-ton, long, wide, 4-spccd. 6:25x20 ures. bulls and Ivorses. 543-5821, Duhl.iuhl. 1421. 1421.______vacujvacuum. Banner Furniiure, 733- 1964 , MODEL. Skl-Doo. DoubleI track-irack- HRupert, Idaho 436-3101.______oraied, *59 • CH EV RO LET . . . . $840 Dnrnell Lyon.______■ ■ DERNIN; __ BERNINA Sowing Center, 578 Blue —LliL- — ______ed.Pv— jTs" Call 733-H595 evening.______FORj..qj SALE or trade, 1949 Ford^ plck- «-lon, 8-cyIlndcr, 4-speed.d. ,.'62 '62 CH EV RO LET $895195 *5-* CHEVROLET 2-ton truck NOW taking horses to break. Horse-irse- Lukes Lukes 1 Blvd., 733-8757. One Bernl-Bernl- 6-YEAI6-YEAR baby crib. $15. TV. J I 5 .------jg j Vi-ton. 4-speed. Long whe«lbusc, 6-cylinder shoeing nnd trimming. Denvernver nlnu nina O Openarm. fully automatic.nolle. IroneIroner, $10. Female shooe^’roiier roller AAlrc ircraft fo r SaTe______1M1 Sports , cycle. '63»i DODGE ...... $1395 ___ $209.95. skateskates, siio 7. $4. New bur und ____ l o j Would liko to trade for later model ' engine. . 4-speetl transmis­ Fino. Route 1. Filer. 326-4G31.______$2Q{1.9S. long bed pickup or good boat,It mo- Long wide V4. 6-cyllnder,ler, *52'52 FORD 2-ton. V8 sion. 2'Sp4.‘cd axle, r e a l R e g i s t e r e d A^inuloosu fllly year-■ear- BED BED dn\ dnveno. rebuilt and reuphol-□phoi- jiamo table. Miscellaneouss iiems,Items. REED ER FLYING SERVICE 125. 4-speed. 4. good 8:25x20 tires. wllh stered. Provincial gold cofonedJloned - ^33-0529. ______VlCfc* tor and trailer. Phone 829-5225. . Cab-over, new motor. 4- ling, gentle, goodicolor, sorrel with stored. ------For tho best deal In Aircraft10.’>4 CHEVROLET V^-ton pickup. „ speed, 2-speed, 8:35x20 tires.•cs. white blanket. 7A3-08.'^fl.______vinyl, vinyl. wood urms, $74.50. Ron’s LARGiLARGE power meut saw, (Ameri- (Amcrl- Poi For low cost Flight Instruction! * ’52 FO R D ...... $295295 »r.Q BLACK smoothed mouthed Golding. —Custom.Custom. 7:>.'I-GG37.______cnn)can) counter meut sciile, (ijood). iT~i—: (iood condition, good Ures. Call * '58 DODGE 2-lon. VR lolinn- Two 10 gallon heavy aluminumlumrnum Approved 1-lighl traininging for for 733-7508,______7’ ^4-ton. Ifs Good. '54 GMC 2-ton Excellent for children, Phono 324- WANTHD WANTHD: Used furniture, uppllnn- li/.” Ml private. commertHal. instructor 7^ 4-speed, 2-speed. tug axle, 4770. Jerome after 3:00 p.m. cos,ces, ba baby tbinns, antiques, com- kettles.kV<’o Globo slicing machine.inc. o^j-543- Instrument. Save lime and 1967 ,. I-ORD Ib-ion pTckup. model ti 4 spoed, 2 * speed. 8:25x20 20* bed, 8;25xJ0 tires. re '^0», Buhl. ______X erv?cp *''00. VH and 3-specd transmis-inllmi!.’! ’60 * C H EV R O LET . . . . $695395 tires. - OLDER Morgan mare RuaranteodFeed plete — estates. Hayes Furniture. ______monevx. Frve placement service. >/^-ton. 6-cyllnder. 3-speed. . Rcntle for small beginner chll- RUG cleicleaning most thorough nroc-.n r o c - . .SCOPES, SCOPE binoculars, pistols,I. tents, RetReeder Flying Service, Twin; FaiiS;Falls, _— _____; ^ ______dren. Phone 034-5317. Goodins. ess in slate. 24 hours. Pick-upup —■__ ‘ slwplngslcvpi bugs, lugguce. trunks,nks. rid- 7.'i37:i3-5920. ______CiU '51 CHEV RO LET 2-ton ’53 GMC 2-ton 1-5424. Ing ccjuipmonr. reifwiHtrnf;.,-.taaUT- " .■ ■ ■ --- . iir - 1 f ’i-_. Contaci H«i3 Elm l^treet NorlE. ’581NTERNATIONAL ^ 4-spc«d and 2-spced, extratra 5-spevd. 2-specd, hay bed delivery. Custom Floors. .733-5424u__lYuntlngIvr^frrr knives, ammunition. Red’s Boal _____ 1-ton, stock rack, 4-speed.d, good tires. with overshot. ” m ^ g^*P ho nO^^ffJ^oS' or 733-3388!^188.' UliAUTII.ULBEAUTII- panclInK, JI.80 up. Bl- n. Red’s Boals For Sale 1691 6 9 _ pj Phone 733-586a^., ______------Low BulldloBBl Supp'y, .phone 733-P -gJ; — Trading Post.------CHICHEVROLET, 1065 plckiip ^i-ton.■ton. 4- 105 5102. PlPfc-LPIPELINE milker wllh aulomatlcalomatic CH CHRYSLER outbonrd motors.Itors. speed, sp low mileage. $1650. Seo 402 Livestock Accessories 105 ------5IG2. — ' —-- washewasher. 3 units; will operatelie four. Sta Star Cruft boats nnd c.impermper Washington W or 733-8871.______METAL~2-horse trailer. $175. See at M iiclrn i 1 2 4 gallon bulk tank. ulmo.sio.st new tral trailers. .Sterling bout trailers.ilers. CHEVROLET, (jm HMJl step-side, long 169 Lois. Phone 733-0365.______mMusical vstcat Instruments _____ 124 condition,“» « $1,650. Call noon or after -OPlo -OPloneer Chain Raws, CITY “ » I wheelbase, excellent inside^ and BO B REESEESE’^ DODG]3G E 6:00 p m. 423-r>044, ______JEROMF- IMPLEMENT & & out. ou Phone 733-8320 after 5 p.m.p^m, , _ ------SHe e p 1 06 ------tJ------OSED S P CCrALS------ALUAi-uiviiNUM"sturm” Ml doors (seti’-StUr^s^ir-giur ------'M nntNA------lu<7 .'iVuuiIuAk'iik truck wltlih Koodaood ^ Of*EN HVHNINGS1 1 ^ *TH'Tttr7;30 ock 2nd Avcnuc buuth . 86 HEAD farm flock for sale. 1 to 5 WURLIT7.ERWURLI" elcctrlc plnno SI05tint housi S34.95, now $26.50.>0. A. C. DOI 001 South Lincoln 1-4C<1 324-4641 hoist and dump bed. <13-49111. yenrs old. Will lamb January 2.’». trADmc Houston Lumber (formerlyy Home ------Kenny Moon ------Jo e BuHer ______2 bucka. Alin. tnm laL.anl^ .IQ. in FARFISA portable organ .. $295'!2!!5------Lumber). Lumh 733-2?H. = =---- — AA) UTOS FO n SA I E------^.------200 0 0------~ ------_ tons 2nd cutting hay. Phone 783-763- DRUM DRUM SET. 3 plcco ...... $59.059.95 PUMPS: PUMPi Irrigation unti domestic.omestic. ------■■ « 4303, Hall7 Barracuda. V 8 ...... $2795 $2695S ‘*Fn?hInch motor. Power steering, powerower Saids, 507 Main West. Open dally. Clean-Heated Kennels. Individual ^ ---- L’Herlsson’s help you brighten brakes,brai low mileage. See to appre- i Stalls and Covered Runs. LOWRY oorgan for sale. Folrly new. problem nVoble rooms, l-ree consultution.jrlRhn-n fjl®* 1949 PLYMOUTH Deuce Coupe; 1056 ; Pbone 4U-5960. L’Her Jj^tution, .gG V o lk s , 2 - d o o r ...... $1540 $1395 A ] r C elate. Overlook Trailer Village. 330 ^ Hemml. Best offer^ 2nd STUD SERVICE — PUPPIES Km berh • _ ^ ’Herls8on*s, Jerome. 324-5361. _ 395 A L L 1967 M O D ELSL o S'u‘r'Burley. ______-----_ Avenue W^st. 733-9970. l^OODLELANDl Homo of bcaulltul ,-r rrf WINDOW'SHADESi JV £c up. Sides GTO, 1065 f speed. PosUraction rear —^- ...... " ■' Poodle puppies. Free trim nml and band "^ND InsInstrument rentals. New and ...... $2495 $2295295 SOLD OUT end, excellent condition. 733-1141.1141. JBEFJB E P 1959 station wagon. Hxc«ll<>nt used. Conn, Selmer. Bundy and 30" 'iV, «o 54” odd sizes cutIt 'f'ri" free. ’*’** B arracoda, V 8 ...... after mechanical shnne. Warren hubs, bath. Accessories, grooming, stud1,^1- ArtM»y. Wnrn>;r..Musjc Company^«.nnv __ M. H. King Stores nnd King s 8:0C8:00-5:00.*’'3«-3l78, Jerom e, after mec servl6e-from^«ualUy etude. Cherl^ - -ny*---- in-Lymxmod-Shopping Center.ier.'"“ * '65 '65 Pontrac G rand Prix•ix ... -...... ------$2395395------BUb t V A ’erA T ’67 PRICESE 5 _5l£? 5;00.______7733-3761 ^ after g;OQ p.m. weekdays. Miller Kennels, »/* mile u-vst Rod-ted- NEW YamahaYarr planoS; used pianos;U).rV 4-PLACE\ family plot in Sunset Me- cap corner, Kimberly. 423-5104 or AdmlrulAdmiral stereo record players. morial. $375. Complete bed,set $2?).Me- 423-5136. -*—• ______Warner Music. 131 Shoshone North.^2^- v,?ry Very good, clean condlllon.m' 733-733. Ford Mu.slanK ...... $1695 $1595595 Chrysler, O Plymouth, Valiant, MAC'S Kennels. 388 4th Avenue Est.[£st. DRUMS; excellentt Ludwig set. Only i i:j72.:j72. Dodge,D Dodge Dart, and Wendell, 536-2317. Puppies for 3 years t Is 10ft ond lofty . . . colors.oroTi ’(>5’G5 C h r y s le r , 2 - d o o r ...... $2295 $2195195 Dodged Trucks. sale: German Shorthairs. regls-un- of^cr.ofk-r. 73.-33-733<. ______-I. retain retain brilliance tn carpets rleam d tered Norwegian JElkiiounds and“"5 PIANOpiANO~foi for snle. Phone 324 Z381. Je- with cleaned registered toy Poodles. Purebred rome . Je- with Blue Lustre. Rent i-Uciric.. ll ttriL *(55 B a r r ;u :A ld a _ 'U s ^ip p c c o o d d - - ...... O n ly T " ._------' ------— ------‘--T ~ H E ISI S l E N ^ - ...... sluxmpooersiiKjpr $l_Li-Cccnau.glti^------______German Shepherds. -^-FO — K— -SA— Ll*. Cuilir CuiIlPrrin<-e new. 1200 GA DUIVE A LITTLE KITTENS: Sweet-dlspoiiiloned Seal- priced new. J200 GALLON pressure water tank; »rr o r ...... Just $1695 ------point;—half—Longhairs.—with—rH«- _Prlced to »iill._ Phon(r •■413i> —30—hoFsopower—nmrrlfiignl _20_4io. . puma.. '65 Rambler V8. 4-door ...... temper shots. From only Hlmal- Dnrlln m 1947 Sludebaker truck with gi»od A N D S A V E ayan stud in Idaho. Worth *50. R adio a n d TV Sets 1 2 5 hn^Ithoist i and dump bed. 42.1-4919H) “ '65’65 V oiles. 2 -d o o r ...... $1295 $1195 * FIN E: C C A R S only $15.00. Phone 6f>4-28:t4. Dcclo.do! LARGEST selection of color TV’s 3-SPEED3-SPEEI English Racer Hicycle;Jicycle; 195 $ $ $ $ $ MINIATURE Poodle pups, blacks In Idaho. Zenith and Curtis Mathes.thes. refrig) refrigerator; gas cook stove anti e, 2 - d o o r ...... $1295 $1195 and browns, Tlicae nre not Medi- Select from our 75 seta. Buy now! riectrl electric cook stove; bedding;Ig'; 324-Jly.' '64 Chevrolet Chevelle, 2-door 1967 BUICK W ILDCAf ocne pet type, but Iho finest nndrn,< TPny 'L .. no - money till Sprtng 1968. 5474.______■ ______HARBAUGH Custom hardtop coupe.upe. BeaBeautiful gold ' finish with priced accordingly. Stor Lite Poo-'oi —. . Cain’s. •—: if.______KEEPK\nH^ your carpen beautiful despite,i..spiii. ’6.3 63 V o lk s , 2 -d o o r ...... $995 $895 tUcs. 326-r)G53 Vtier.______REHUILTREBUILT RCA's; Motorolas; G.E..j.E .. consta constant fotit-step* of a biis%’.%• fum-fiini- MOTOR matching interior, fullII power cequipped: power steering VERY nico registered poodle pup-—- you name it, we have It o» loww ns Ily. Ily. Sh Shampooer $1. Krencel s. n.,rd.Hard- -63’(53 Rambler. V8. 4-dooro o r ...... O n ly $995 and brake.'!, power seat:at PLUS factory air conditioning, pies. Cheap, to close out. Part-nis“P: ilO.SO. M A Y Electric. 441 Main wareware.______COMPANY A local 1 owner guaranteeintee it cannotca be told from new. aie small, Phonc. 423-5019, Klmber- ^ East, open rrlday 'til 9.______------BATTERIESBA'T'TEi for car. truck. tra< lor jy.______FOR thcthe 1best color nnd black-and-•and- Top Top m quality Hood brand, wholesale!oi'i.'»Vire '63 Dodfic, V8, 4-door. one owner, owni real GGooding,i Idaho 934t411212 ...... MAKE OFFER , white TV servicc, all m.Tkes, ^call call price price. I-arm & Citv nutributing...... O n ly $1195195 AKC registered Brittnny. Germnn, 1, Joe's ^ Economy. 733-6278. Goodjood Main Main Easi^ in Twin I-alls.ibuting. s h a r p ...... Shorthnlr and Springer Spaniels.I"- used -r-v'T V s.______— 1967 PONTIAC SPORT SEDAN Excellent bloodlines nnd pedigree. - ■■■-r;—,--- : rriix: iiUNTERS buv that chain saw to *62 ■ac 196 324-41U. Jerome.______*'* ■ fPRICES sla-shed on Philco portable snw to ’62 R a m b l e r 4 - d o o r ...... $595>95 CPCHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWNfN 4-door. Sultana white; with beabeautiful blue Interior. Thii TV sets. Don't miss this* Firestone?nnJ L” .. with you. It will comer>me In SAMOYED nnd Schipperke puppies. IX,**!** . handyl Valley Tree Service. 731- TO BUY PARTS car is absolutely spotless,less, low, low mileage. Full power New litters Just arrived AKC reg-J:!; Stores. ^ 410 Main -South.______6088.______'62 Chevrolet Im pala,, 44-door - d o o r ...... $1295 $1095 istered. Dorothy Fleming. 53G-2117,17 TAPI-:TAI 1-. r«‘corders.r«‘c( TVs. sn-reos. np- r iT-^Tr Good S cats ...... $8.00 UPP equipped PLUS factoryiry air'cc air 'conditioning.' pliances New nnd used. Camera CATALOG o!., H- order i.pcclnl1 OvrrTiTr^ ■ Windshields ...... $8.00 UPP Wendell.______nera p^., jr^riv Amerlrun so'^i $H'i ss T ' ...... M A K E O FFE R GERMAN Shorthnlr Pointer nup^.~ __ Cqnlifr^ 1 £ L and“ Hall of -J.lusic.- - Your Weltern Auto Sto.e, Iwln \J »ik Doors With .Gldss $8.00 UPP ...... Registered line* bred. Out of cham* y t, 1 33 3 3 5 WILLS » USE□SED CARS 1Good W heels ...... $2,50 U P , jn g Elon German Inports. Phone Hob ^ooo ■ ____ 55 GALLON trosh barrels $2 SO P 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALAPALA urton. 733-4834.______each. 151 Rose Street North.h, ^DaH Dan OPEN ’TIL. 8 — FRIIFRIDAY TIL 9 DISCOUNT AUTO ng green unmarred finish with Jet CHIHUAHUA puppies, rcgisterable, M A T H l • J) Daniels. Phone 731-2179.______Sport coupe. Gleaming green MATHENEY ORCHARD , ______Truckick Lane VWest WRECKING black nylon Interior, fullyully equipped.equip An exceptional pro- and some other small puppies. ROO WE REBUILD .hydraulic -jarjis at c B honc 733-7265 ...... 1 Onk Street. KimbeHy.,rPh<7nc '♦^3-23- WILLV OPEN ~ABB^^Trr^Tfrsupfsrv.“i2i 3rd£^’.,,1' Ave- , - .-Officc Phone 73 ...... ------—Dwnca auiohrtobiie: 5422.______nucnue WWest. See us today. ______. LLOWELL U WILLS DICKDICK BO'BOYD ERNIE WILLS OD Highway 30. Phohe 7S3-5401 • TROPICAL FISH and equipment QC ...... PRICED TO SELL OCTOBER 15th STOW-a-way stow:^ bed for rent. $2$ 2 .V) na I 7.1.1-C.5B2 733-0542 ______733-4S88______...... PR Aquariums • repaired. Fl*h boujtht. week. Banner Furniture, phone —------. — ------sold and excnanged. Sew at 5r»9 t^ t~ i 733-1421.______Main Avenue West.______KREDxLJ DELICIOUS — WORKMAN 1967 196 CHEVROLET >4-T0NO N PICl P I C K U P bTTAGLCS—- Registered —P*t and-Jd- xxirv CLEAN your carpcts tho fast. e;»sy Long whtelbajie, 4-speed,iced, gau|gauges, back-up lights, 15” 100 AND " way 1 -with New -Hour;—Rtrnl Show - Stud Scrvlce * Heard • 100 chine. $1.00; Wllson-Bntes.______V JBROTHERS ______Grandvtew Drive. ______ROME APPLES i^ROFESSIONAL poddle trimming STURDY double horse trailer, fully I SE M otors p Z Z tZ T —.3:..::: $ 2 1 9 5 = ^ •nd grooming. For «ppolntrrwntsi, covered. Belween 8:30 andS 5:30 YOUREE: S PONTIAC—CADILLAC call 324-5325.______■ Jl.O$ 1 .5 U 0 P E R B U S H E L weekdays. w°?kd! 733-7205.______G M C 19611966 FORD GALAXIE 500 I r ish setters, akc reontered dogsIB* You Pick USED 'USI milk tanks, used pipe- ___ O f A utom obile Row — and puppies. Ready for fall hun<-n<- nnt*.lines. Ncw Boumatic pipelines. — In The H eart ,0f Au R u p e rt, Id aho 436-347676 Saxon yellow with beautifulautiful bl blue Interior, exactly like - _^lng^Phone 532-4109. Rupert^ __ • Brjpg C , Laswell's. Jerome. 324-4381.______■ Bring Containers. I North, ANTI - FREEZE, permanent • ,yp^;type. I1966 ™ PLYMOUTH FURY III hardKh a rd to p Sport Coupe, V8 ------___ new. Fully equipped antn the waway. TOY Poodle~ Stud Scrvlce. Vrrv Jl^ E a s rv Ji^ Ea.st of Hansen BridgeJC »i$1.25.25 perp gallon In c.'ise lots.. Farm’Farm aulrtmiUic transmis,<;ion.ion, power steering ...... $2595595 MILLER AUTO ...... $ 2 0 7 5 — reasonable. Good bl-jod line, pa- on __ Tipperary xir\rv Road. & ‘^"vCity. Main East in Twin Falls.-alls. HONDA-SALES pers. phone 7.13-61.M.______----- NEW 40 gallon hoi water lank for 1966 ir stKlan, 4-spccd transmission, _ Ci i BLACK and silver male GernVnn ■nk tor 19G6 VOLK.SWAGEN 2-door stKlan, 4 Cars •— Pickups — Trail 90’s■ iQiSi 1965 CAoiLLAC SEDANNT DeVII D e V IL L E sale. S60. 733 0377. 435 2nd Avenue clean ...... 505 . For Hunting season. IJfO. Shepherd pups. 2 months old. J20,^ b e a u t i f u l ' "West.______E r * ...... *1595 i3 , blocks south on-Rock Creek!it Of course, this fine automlUtomobile obile is fully equipped with, J'lNAL clearuncc on- ncw and dr-*n. - road« Uansen. Phone 423-5179.. PROFESSIONAL do^jjroomlng. sne-— DOUBLE. RED j-in a l . LA 4-door SpOrt ^edan, V&~ien- powtrr and Bir conditioning.loping. BeautifulBi unm arr^ white onstrator lawn mower*. 4101^ MaineJ.' -T- - 196e CHEVROLET1 • J IMPALA 4-dOor . . claliiing -In poodles ReasjDmiblc.i;: DELiaaUS U t.1- APPLES Avenue South. ______E»ne, powerglide transmission,ism issio n , pow er steerin g . . . . $2495195 ------^ ------— • hnish. Interior smartlyly styled \with turquoise nylon and ; Call anytime. 543-4705. ______Lot» Lots left 1 to be. picked nt GE f'V "nhia PORTABLE TV. almost new. 2 VvWANT A. TO SAVE MONEY?Y? ^ matching father. Ownedned byby aa localU bankef and shows it. H e g is TERABLE B o r d e r CnilieTT^ *1.50 $1 per btwhel ‘'carpet”carpets at a discount. 5^vcralSfmis^ mis- 1966 PONTIAC CATALINAA 4-door !sedan, automatic CoiCome To Leo Rica Chevylaod,d, • pups. 4»; East of - Washingtonon yourj containers ccllaneoollaneous Items. 733-74f>4._____ ^ ■ steering and brakes, new Goodlnc. Chevroleu, Cldsmo-O------...... ------...... $ 3 6 9 5 ichool on Addison. 733-5930. _ BOWDENB O W J ORCHARD f^Foof16-FOOT Detroiter steel double gar­■ tran-smis-sion, power steering bilas, Bolcks. Pontlacs. OK to R Sale: German Pointer Good u mile ^nllc south of Kimberly age door.do Excellent condition. $75. car warranty ...... ;------■...... $2595►95 vtt Used Cara and Trucks. toe* hunting dog. Will retrieve ducks.cs. ______IfJ.______* -—— 733-23417 3 3 - 2 3 4 1 . ______Openo Sundays and Evenlnf 1965 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DOORDOOR 733-00.12. ______ALLHNALLHN Or Orchard will .open October MONOGRAM”"oil i heaters. and 1965 FORD CUSTOM 4-doornor ."wdan.,sie».-- — ■1 For- o-malic transmission. NOW JU: ----- wa rrttwyr OrtegmAft Amo^TrCurt,urt, - ...... - ...... $ 1 4 7 5 — $1.50 p er bushel, you pick. fe.OO2^ niture. Twin Falls. ______• Apartment No. .33. ______^ ■ b l e . 73.V7384. ------^ — picked. Aftor 4 p.m. H57 Shoupelu’pe TRIFTE:TRIFTEX 9 x 12’ linoleum rugs.rugs, 1964 FALCON 4-door sedan,Ian. 6-cvIinder6^yli cneine. auto- a k c registered tinv toy poodle pup-‘P* Avenue Avenue EastT-TwinE Palf»; 49t. S6.95.- Assorted patterns. Banner ~ JS*— IMPAIR 1M5 super aport'-Sir VtvT 186319$J FORD COUNTRY SEDAN a p p Furniture. 733^142L ______saimer_ - . . . m atic trans'mi.5.sion. OTJtYO T JtY ...... $ ira S ^ 4-spead, power staerlac. tiew Ores. nies. ^hone 733-W27. ^ ____— APPLES,PLES~ ' pick your own. *1,50 bush- $2285. Hanzel CbevroleC Co.. J Ru- t Station wagons- (2 to choose f from). V8. engine, a ii^ g e r m a n Shepherd .puppies. Phone el without container. Gualranteedeed* BURROUGH’S^Aiil BURROL keyboard. 8 col- pert. 436-3156. ______543-5569 after 4:30 p.m.. Buhl. _ easy picking.pick; Delicious. WInesaps.IPS. umn umn addlnff a mairh+ac. Excellent 1964 OLfcs -SS” 4-door s^an,dan, hydramatichydra transmission, t>*>~ - matic transmission, 1-standan1-standard transmission, .poWer 35 IF YOU hawB an old car to sWl--^ nedjiew-car trade4n, ------BwsruN Terrier mmples 'for snl^le. Northeast Northeast side of. Hagerman cm on condition. condltit Chll 733-2410^______power steering and brakes.ira k e s. VcVi^ry s h a r p ...... $1895 now Is the Uma_b«forft-tba-ezx»aasa^ ------— steering. A loAlly,a»Dedjiew-c t25. Phonc B37-4S94. ^Hagerman. main highwayhigh edge of lown by the FORMIC.FORMICA—59c stauare foot. Nylon or Ihipectlon. Real Daal Autouto ______Jtwu^fT-monih old female screwtall*11 monument.monumem ___ Tweed Tweed carpct. i5.95. Ridgeway's^wa''^“s1 1961 PONTIAC BONNEVILLEILLE convconvertible, hydramatic sllSales...... : . . : O N L Y $ 1 1 9 5 ' bulldog. 733-«979 after 7:30 p.m.n. DOUBLE DOUBLE Red Delicious Apples, KlmberKimberly. 423-5572.______teering and brakes. Very clean $895 SI.75 picked. Also Golden Dell- e z Y Lift _____ transmission, power steering and FORD, l&^MuitaaiTQ. T. i»as^ IQfll ------livattocli W o n te d '------W4-^ —citMis. Oreenrldge - OiUiaids: 7»y.'!: - —PHone^ .h»ch..aQQd Shape, ______------;------iiatk. a u ' cuotu".- Auftjimue mic^ — 1 M2 MERCURY MQNIERE3L-EREY. ______:L, ^ Phon?-73^82B«. 1959 Jan, hydramatic transmission, brabrakes, mat irheels. Wammy.«y. Sport coupe. Siren redd with wlwhite (op. folly equipped. ______1 ------—' ' MSI. MSI. Mil• Highway- 74 -to Orchard F gTTA-j.- OR^Sale.^S i: ^ ri co^ %tc^T \n_____ good 1959 OLDS "SS” 4-door sedan, hydra 73S.MI3. ' q c m m -g- We.sold..thls_one.nnr™aiKl.it.ii.ja id ..it..ii.jiic e i------— ...... ------pawer..stc&ting.,and hrahcairabca>,A...A good ^ ...... J9SS. JEER iTaton. 1957 Ford hard- rrr- TO BE Moved: Small house on Red- iftM REMOVAL QRAPM QRAPEsi ! JeHy. Juloe and 'wlne. lan, Hydramatic transmission , $85 top, IftSO Mercury. Trade for hort«tn» ______...... $ 8 7 0 - Bring cooulners to Hagerman.!SS‘ . cap comer. C50. Phone 733-^9.’.sSs'?' PONTIAC 4-aoor sedan. Hydra trailer. 423-5C7I. Hansen______Dead and Useless cross M«lad ® River and take old asu^^lt# PONTIAC sadkflL'ltSv 4.«Dor. s m at p A P Highway 30 1 ^ mile to pale»^e W'lsC^liCMisceUoneous W anted "1411 4 1 1955 GMC l^ton pickup* 6est enterleritertatmn .______u r a ...... WINTER 1Bananas and DeliciousS3 5lH. KOPPEL ^Or ------SSfTMain « 1 SoutlT” P hone 733-«81111 PORiFORD, l*M ttatlan wmaaa for a«l«. ' apples, picked. Rcd spuds. Boden-len- ______152*5, 2nd Avenue S o u th ------Ben sy Good condition. Plwn« Tn-IIM. _ ■ " The Easiest t w i n FALLS 73M835 ------\ Ben Elt^ge Jack Cox Woody Turley -52S I^lacelnHie Wo stab Orchard, 1 miles aorth on oa i^WANTI A N T B P : Ftimiture. appManceSi ------PONTIACp o tn i»€T WH* far 17$. 7W 1 B78.«411 B U R L E Y wWashington. i.h ii* to 1 mile west. anyt^lajanything of value. Calj 733^7754. -• PB0B« pgg TSS-MSXT' ^...... >11^1— nn;; Nr ...... ■...... ^.....^..T'^...... ;.... ,1 /

/ ■ * • .. ,r s l it Twin Foils TimftvNewsiv^rs Oct. Oct 16-17, 1967

...... ' ^ No. 1 Sellerler frrIrfth th9 ^ WV orld SAVE ON AMITYMITY « i |; s ' s t i k nnEK i H B lll 1■ ■ ALWAYS! 5 PlRST 1 OUAUTY— - = = f i i t rf g e i i m c ^ ^ cC M IM k 30 Vat^leties I Pearl Grainiin Buffalo Calf A^ARMSTRONG ---- or Smoothloth GowhiGowhida ' ----- u pick 'em SPECIAL J] M P rJTRTT j r i # i • © ____: ^~-Oulftandtng Buy!'- I C’' ' ' -. . ;a& ■ ' •“DON PSEPl^^’' ^ 7 . 9 5 . ^ BLANKET p i ; 'Sr' .. • • * • & 1 ., : 1 REMNAFITS ,■ if'-’' 'Ci . ^ fj teberfsce. ^ " 2 per Ib. . 30^'5C~7Cc7TTorrTV^nrrhdrS7iC~fT6m~‘‘CrTt5~liTte“ ori“' .___ 240 AddJson Avenue W ^ I L nk,2 2 Gold, pc Belge^ Red,-Turquoi»« orid mon/^ DOWNTOWN TWIN FALLS mo I weighed. 137 AWIN Terrific boy on ih«i« luuV . Acriionl r ______■ , —U|^o-plm^t-fuU-«ix«,-Pink, > - Gold, Beig< t more. All are priced and weighed. - ^

► ■ •■ N,^ O ver 3 0 Va PLAIPLANT NOW! _f I GILLETTE nri>UTY------tgrnj^^mmmmmrnmam Reg. 5c you pick ------HEAVri>l I TECHMATIC { BULBS - -E U R E K A — Flowers ore now frozen so SHOCK ABSABSORBERS - Super *‘95” / gget e t yoyr yr bibulbs in now.',-,, ' Llghtwe^ight TULIPS — DAFFODILS - C leanlsr RAZOR : Big bore cylinderi. tight volvlng. and CROCUS — HYACINTH and ■, 3 0 ^I ^ hoi i heos^-dofy construction are o few of small flowering bulbs. . ° ONLY I A Revolutionary I y^'the engineering featurei thot ouum I New Way to Shave „„you barter ileering, braking and cor­ nering. Plui better tire mileage. R*g. F ro m m ...... ’.' u p I . ' $10.25 Retail. ______

Double Extra Early --LY^^QQg^gPlOpp ~ Ol RED PEONY ROOTSrs...... 1.95 Suction Cleans I Only " ^ ■ ea7~^ Carpets . . . Sweeps, Dusts I ■ ^ V J i Bare FloorsI rhat O-o-old Reliable" Pink-—R Red— e d — W h ite m ^^>lSs35iw at “That O STANDARD► PEONY ROOTS ■* > ------— — - - J l, "^22 SUPPi-Y ^ tVlodel .. S uper 95 -■ i:.'" C O M P A N Y '•’* ' ■ ' 'i ' a t our New Address 6i@il8 ^ “THro^Ruge's a t our N Id Ave. No. 733-9233 __ __ 222 4th Ave. So ______Ph yaa.iaya y\y\ ------Phone-^?33=82i2- - — 220 2ndFREE Avo. PARKING PLENTY OF FREE P

wBiPPgMy g ^ ^ ; ■ • •■•-V,":’- ' ,v ■ n-;: --441r-Maln-Ave.-E;------1 >i *!■' ' ' "'i/--- ' " ■■'' ■■ - ..

• ■ *■' • ' . .*■ v\'i > i *_■;» OF ..-r' Wl ~—^ —BAR( IRST OF THE Wl :iALS

^ g j j l ------2 1 fi- . : / ■IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII l' li ^ 0


I Armstrong Vinyl Quaker- W j UTEJUP SETL^„ _ ------—^ —toneT-GeniI— tofteT-Congoleum orxJ-Mqn^ -----^ WINTERR _ J ^ _____ I— — ninglon nington Print Vinyf—Vori-~ ' '— ~m in assorted combinations. ■ I ouso u s sizes, 9' and 12' . TTTv— ^\ ua give you yc a John B^aa ■ FIBERGLA “Red Riding Hood’. around ttio corner. PLYWOOD OWIR \ i'Don’t get caught f wn^ ^ignment check- B I \ y / \V alil an d s^'O with your radiator ■ \ J s . “up. P- Takes just a few W 4 'x8 'x V4" sheets S ^39 B __ I----minutes, lets you sea ■ dow ni “Three Bears" Mot f i i Reg. 3 .2 0 ...... & ■ for yoiuyourself the fiva I B SHOWA l l s I I things tlthat can causa m I ' P e rm a n e n t ilf i f ll lilii ' >•=■ "•• I______miaslignroent ___™ _e_R e$ ...... 3.29 %**_Reg, 3.98 ■ » ...... I J B Cor ANTI-fREEZE ■ ^ T. 3 ^ __ I Tr77r-T“ - r ^ - . ' ■ :■■ '. ■ •■;;■; jX" Reg. 4 .8 0 ...... §MQs±JAQdels^rrr:I S ^ r T r r " q 5 ? H j j l^ « | I IIf^EAk^::rmr % .....;:...... 4.49 % •' Reg. 5 .5 9 ...... BT NJOPAA'c: ^atST s t e E X ^= r^)iy ^V - - i •v^^ junkar battery ' ' ?. , . TWIN FRUGAL McDOUl you bring Inl I I Yo m » I , FALLS Your Best ^ •flp» ^ p m I ^ ^ S T O R E , ■I .& CITY BuBuy Is . . . O N L Y ' AVE. EA ST - >iTi(Tnv^ TWIN R M X 8 m W 3 tXJCATIONS TWIN F ct Factory Distributor ^ III.Ph. 733-5212 * ~ -> 2 i «*darsonW. iei*i.^iei— Jl U i ID BiST BUYS RST-PF-THE-WE• WEEK SHOPP►PPERS STALI _Reg.Jl09-95____ Complete with ' Trim and Curtain . i. . . ^ ^

F ib erg lass TUB ENCLOSURE .. FARM .& I •nt»- V T r m v ' m a in a v e . e Your Hood Direct Factor; YS FOR FIRST