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[email protected] I T C H E N M O T O R C o . LONDO N ROA D, KINGSW O RTHY W INC HEST ER, SO23 7Q N M O T S E R V I C IN G R E P A I R S TYRES & TRACKING E X H A U S T S B A T T E R I E S AIR C OND ITION IN G DIAGNOSTICS T e l e p h o n e 01962 884 664 2 WELCOME to the Valley News I’m just back from Cambodia so I guess Alex Pease tells us I should be used to warm summer about being good days. Aren’t we lucky this year! So our neighbours and magazine is full of reports of plays, community. All music, visits, competitions and shows. these topics are And the joy of these reports is not just linked. Then we reading what a wonderful time we can have the Flower have in the Valley but there is also so Show which looked much colour. So a big thank you to all great this year. I just our contributors, perhaps especially so wish I could have entered. Sarah Mason to our youngest, see right at the back has produced a detailed report with on page 39 about the Pantaloon’s lots of photos (page 23). performance at Avington. Could I end with a plea that As usual our elected representatives contributors don’t leave it until the last provide details of issues which will be minute.