שלח - כ״ח סיון תש״פ SHELACH- JUNE 20 2020 Shelach שלח


� city of the Week �

Kiryat Ata is a city in Northern , in the district. It is a city of rebirth and renewal. People lived in the area of Kiryat Ata going back to the Canaanim who lived there during the times of Avraham and even before Avraham. It was also a popular city during the times of the Greeks during Chanukah and of the Romans during the times of the second Beit Hamikdash. Kiryat Ata was also attacked during a horrible riot in Israel in 1929. Evil Arab terrorists came and attacked the What is happening? city so horribly that everyone left Kiryat Ata, but a year later they came back and today, over 50,000 people in 1 2 3 Kiryat Ata

MITZVAH OF THE WEEK: Rabbi Moshe Sofer was a great Rabbi born Parsha Question of in 1742 in a city called Frankfurt, Germany. the week: He lived almost 250 years ago, around the Korbon Mussaf of Shabbat. Hashem same time as George Washington. Rabbi comm- anded the Jewish people to Sofer was noticed to be incredibly smart give a korban every single day in the What were the when he was only seven years old and Biet Hamikdash, and on Shabbat they people started teaching him Torah so that he should give an extra korban – a names of the could become a great talmid chacham. Rabbi korban mussaf. Today, we don’t have Sofer was the leader of the city of Pressburg a Beit Hamikdash, so on Shabbat we spies who and was the Rav of the city when Napoléon daven an extra tefilah in place of the attacked and conquered the city. It was korban mussaf. Moshe sent? � difficult to live in Pressburg during that time, but Rabbi Sofer did it and led his community to survive.

Rabbi & Batsheva Lax - Shaare NCSYouth 1 [email protected] שבת שלום � � SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING - 8:20PM SHABBAT ENDS - 9:21PM DALLAS TIME� Dvar Torah for Kids: Shabbat Shalom! This Shabbat we read the sedra of Shelach. Our sedra discusses twelve men who Moshe sent to look at Eretz Yisrael to make sure that when Bnei Yisrael went to conquer Eretz Yisrael they would know where to go and when to go so that they wouldn’t be in any danger. These twelve men were supposed to come back and tell the that they can defeat the people who lived in Eretz Yisrael. Unfortunately, instead of telling the truth, ten of these men, the spies, lied and said Eretz Yisrael was too dangerous. But we know Hashem makes Eretz Yisrael safe for us all.

Did You Know? 1 That this week’s sedra talks about loshon hara. 2 That we don’t only stay away from speaking loshon hara, but we can’t believe loshon hara when we hear it. 3 That while we can’t help it if someone tells us loshon hara, if we know that someone is about to tell us loshon hara we can’t listen to it. 4 That all loshon hara starts when we see someone do something and think they are doing something wrong, it we don’t judge them we won’t think bad about them

Rabbi & Batsheva Lax - Shaare NCSYouth 2 [email protected]