Registered for posting as a publication Category A PRICE 30 CENTS 1714 SEPTEMBER 8

Ugandan Bishops greet Australian Primate Gay teachers demand rights for homosexual schoolchildren An Association of homosexual school teachers called the Gay Teachers Group (London) has prepared a document for private circulation called Gay Rights and the Teaching Unions. In it they claim that there are half- a-million homosexual children in schools, many of whom become aware of their homosexuality by the age of six or seven years. The Gay Teachers Group complains that "our present educational system denies them any existence in terms of the Bambi Rasdall singing the part of Mrs. Cecil f rames Alexander in the Pageant At the Scripture Union's Centenary Thanksgiving Rally in the Town Hall, curriculum or their personal needs." celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Sunday School Movement. The July 20, the obvious theme for the 2000 who attended was that of They are demanding the Pageant consisted of a series of sketches, songs and cameos depicting the "Thankfulness". There were those who were thankful for the ministry of others. appointment of a "a national officer history of the Sunday School Movement to the present day. Some were thankful for the changes that had taken place in Scripture Union's with responsibility for drawing up outlook, and for the new trends shown. Others were thankful for the It was performed before an audience of eighteen hundred in the Sydney and implementing a policy on gay opportunities that lie ahead. Town Hall, involved a choir of three hundred and fifty and a cast of over two rights." hundred chosen from Sunday Schools and churches throughout Sydney and Ramon Williams was organised by the Board of Education of the Diocese of Sydney. They complain that, unlike heterosexual children who have married teachers as 'role models', One Man's Experience — homosexual children suffer the "lack New Vice Forum of any positive 'role models' in Another's Fellowship schools" because most homosexual President for Challenge teachers keep silence about their A man who couldn't turn his hack the caring of the christian Court homosexuality for fear of losing their on the experience of prison and community. Haggai Inst. jobs. forget those left behind established During 1979 Jim Chaousis spent A public forum sponsored by a The 'Gay Teachers Group' Prison Fellowship in the USA. That three months with Prison Fellowship Michael Youssef has been named coalition of churches has written to encourages homosexual teachers to man is Chuck Colson, former Nixon ministries in Washington, D.C. as head of the world-wide operations Sir Charles Court, Premier of Western become active in local branches of hatchet man who served a prison A group of interested people has of Haggai Institute for Advanced , and Senator Chaney, the teachers' unions to demand these sentence for his part in the Watergate set up an interim committee with the Leadership Training, making it one of Australian Minister for Aboriginal rights for homosexual children. They coverup. Rev. Keith Marr, senior Anglican the first Christian evangelism Affairs, supporting the stand of give practical advice on how to Last week in the auditorium of St chaplain for prisons in NSW, as organisations with major support Aborigines of Noonkanbah against infiltrate and influence the local Andrew's House a meeting was held chairman. Mr Marr said the from the West to be led by a Third the Western Australia Government. branches of the Teachers' Unions to World national. under the chairmanship of Bishop J. establishment of the fellowship More than 150 people present accept and pass resolutions R. Reid, assistant bishop in the could happen in NSW if the unanimously declared their support demanding 'gay rights'. Diocese of Sydney, to launch the challenge were taken up. There was of the principle of Aboriginal self- Commenting on the document, work in NSW. An an increasing consiousness of the determination and the struggle of the The former Archbishop of Uganda Erica Sabiti (left) and Bishop Festo Kivengere of Kigezi, Uganda (right) preparing a Mr. Charles Oxley, principal of three interdenominational group of about need for some support system in Noonkanbah people to protect their taped message to send to the Australian Primate, Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane. independent schools on Merseyside 50 people was at the meeting, prisons. land and sacred sites against the and chairman of the Campaign for "Festo and the dear brethren from Australia have just called on me and I wish you were in their company," Archbishop including Mr I. L. Cameron, MLA and Chuck Colson will be in Sydney political actions of the Government Law and Order, said: "I deplore any Sabiti former Archbishop of Uganda said in a taped message to the Primate of Australia and the Archbishop of Sydney, Mr F. D. Caterson, MLA. A social early in September for meetings. The of Western Australia in protecting the attempt to teach school children that Sir Marcus Loane. "We are at Kanoni, which is the centre where revival meetings are being held. I'm lonely here but worker from South Australia, Jim interim committee has arranged a commercial interests of powerful homosexual practice is either normal I enjoy reading and I thank you for the books you sent me. I was very surprised when I had a message from you after Chaousis, who has been appointed breakfast for Tuesday, September 2 transnational corporations whose or acceptable. It is neither. executive director of the Prison my 'accident'." Archbishop Sabiti, now living in retirement at Kanoni, was beaten up and his son was shot in a leg during at 7.00 —8.15 am in Woolworths purpose is to extract maximum "As a Christian, I believe we must Fellowship in Australia, told the the fighting in the war of liberation. "Thank you for your prayers and sympathy. I hope we may meet again. I recall that Cafeteria, cnr George and Park profits from the exploitation of show sympathetic understanding for meeting there was a mandate which you stayed with us here in a small room in a school and that was the beginning of a wonderful fellowship. The Lord Streets. Cost $4.00. Tickets may be Australia's natural resources. those with homosexual tendencies, commanded Christians to care. They has given us peace and rest here. We have lost the vehicle we had and it looks as if the world is shut off from us now. obtained from the Lay Institute for A.C.C. but our compassion must never had experienced forgiveness, and But we are all learning to live without. Love to your wife and all the dear brethren in Sydney. Evangelism and the Anglican extend to an acceptance of that was the force which motivated Information Office. A.P.S. Death of homosexual acts." failure to see our own motivations, Mr. Oxley has written to the and the basic one is whether we are The Australian Church Record has been bringing the news Cathedral Christians Secretary of State for Education, Mr. on Church affairs for 100 years, 1880-1980 human or not." Mark Carlisle, asking him to 'publicly "And if we are trying to evangelise Organist Should Help deplore any attempt to teach an independent the Buddhists, what better way than schoolchildren that sodomy is to serve them and show them the Mr Michael Hemans (51) organist Buddhists normal or acceptable behaviour'. provocative and master of choristers at St love of Christ? What better way than Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, died to give them the Samaritan treatment evangelical voice suddenly on Tuesday, August 5. After Christians should be willing to help by not asking them any questions about their religous convictions but Bringing you the most important Church news from Australia and 14 years in this position he was to Buddhists or any other people for no seeing them as people who need the overseas every two weeks. resign at the end of the school term other reasons than their needs. to take up an appointment as facilities we have? Become a subscriber now through our special introductory offer: $6 Archdeacon David Chambers said minister of music at St Matthew', "The first overture of Jesus in for 12 months' issues (Normal Subscription $10). this shortly after his return from an Manly on September I healing anybody was: 'What is your overseas study visit to England and need?' He doesn't ask whether the The Australian USA. A Youssef, born in Assiut, Egypt, was person is a good religious Jew or CHURCH given the title of Executive Vice IMPACT BOOKSHOP "Many people think of evangelism when did he last go to the President and Managing Director by For largest selection of Theological only as talking, but it really embraces Synagogue. He simply asks: 'What do the H.I. Books, together with General the totality of man," Archdeacon Board. you want?' Lida ',uu,illuttlet ail Literature and Cassette Lectures, Chambers said. RECORD Yousset was an Anglican Church Bookstalls and House Party "I don't think our desire to help formerly imprisoned Russian pastor, clergyman in Australia prior to Accounts Arranged. ( "The Good Samaritan was a people lines us up with the Buddhist, Georgi Vins, is currently recording joining the H.I. staff. He is a graduate effect evangelist. The man he or any other, philosphy any more programmes for F.E.B.C. at the U.S.A. NAME Contact Charles Mann 111111 of Moore Theological College in (Manager) helped was unconscious and naked than it would if we invited an atheist headquarters. Her special women's ADDRESS Sydney, Australia, and of Fuller Telephone (02) 51 2225 and the Samaritan, of all people, to our worship. programmes based on personal ( /I; )411 : Theological Seminary, in Pasadena, wouldn't have liked his religion. They "It's just a matter of common experiences in the U.S.S.R., hold POSTCODE California. Look for the NEW Shop-front / were really as far apart as the special appeal for women in Russia near Queen Street I ? /)/ humanity. You don't try to label Enter me as a new Subscriber to the Australian Church Record. I enclose $8.00, Youssef has written and studied Muslims and Christians of the 13th people but see them as human today. Mrs. Vins is working closely Subscription for 12 months' issues. extensively on the subject of MOORE COLLEGE Garth Hewitt's closing concert was at century. with Pastor Jack Koziol who is head 18 King Street beings who are members of the Post coupon to The Church Record Ltd, Square Level, St Andrew's House, Sydney Christian witness in Muslim cultures. Parramatta — where S.U. began 100 "I think many of the mixups in community and who need our of the F.E.B.C. Russian Programme Square, Sydney, NSW, 2000. Newtown 2042 Za6"4( years ago. 5.1.1.(Melbourne1 Department in La Mirada. H.I. 441‘,419 Christian hinter, service."

AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 — 1 8 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, AUGUST 25, 1980 Other Pages — Should mixed Christian singles live tter 1880-1980 Pages 2,4,5 Can you take your family to see it? The Empire strikes back ED . by Rev. Jim Ramsay, To the Producer, kli Lucas, Leaving Without Cleaving This will be a lone voice worldwide — I've read the acclaims, the heaped Mr. Ramsay is the Minister of Bexley North and a committee member of the Youth Department, Diocese of Sydney. 40 years long ... with this generation praise — some of it technically richly deserved — but it seeins to me that you've blown it. [ It is difficult to conduct conversations with some Christians without An open letter to Christian single the implications for the average, believing that I will not be placed in Sometimes one is saddened by the Star Wars was a jolly romp. Good clean fun with a happy ending. The Empire: hearing them grumbling and complaining about their circumstances. Thes girls and guys considering flatting healthy young Christian girl who some unexpected compromising naive expressions of confidence of (your hardworked sequel) fails on the following counts: posit blame in various directions, they leave the general impression of a together. decides to share the same room or situation or that I will be able to exist someone who says, "Well after all I very negative view of the world. There is a very clear Biblical call to do all First, there is a complete change of mood —the film has a heavy cloud Algebra! Ugandan 3rd Division flat with a guy maintaining in close proximity to someone am a Christian, God will keep me things without murmuring and complaining. Philippians 2:14 hanging over it that pervades everything — you've taken yourself and your ideas Monopoly Finals! Watching paint throughout that she is not being without wanting to react to their from getting into trouble with ..." It Consider the context of this command. Paul has clearly affirmed the too seriously. Even the "light" dialogue which brings some relief is of the second dry! One thing this unlikely list has in immoral or bad? sexuality? How many cold showers is a bit like someone with a massive grade American sit com. insult variety. Lordship of Jesus Christ and follows immediately with the consequence or common is that it comprises some of It obviously has the makings of a will it take to convince us after all? weight problem begging to be given this truth, we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling Second, The Empire seems to have been made for the effects and not vice the answers to the question, 'What is ,. successful TV comedy. One notes How will one handle the tensions of a job in a cake shop. v.12. He further explains what this means with the prohibition on versa. Some effects are excellent and imaginative, but others fail — the city in sexuality? It is more than not being the most boring subject known to that it also has the potential for real There are other questions to be grumbling and complaining so that we may be blameless, harmless the sky was a nice try but Wizard of Oz was better. There's not much story so between the sheets on a Saturday you?' life tragedy and hurt. asked which relate to our trust and children of God without fault in the midst of a twisted generation among effects have to fill the gap — they don't. night. Sex was not listed. But if 'sex' was What's wrong with mixed-flatting? confidence in our Father God. Can whom we are to shine as lights in the world holding forth the Word of Life Third, the level of violence has increased. Children in the audience at our taken into consideration in the Well, the way the question is put We are told that in the full we rely on Him to bless us if we keep i.e. the Gospel. Grumbling and complaining are a denial of the Lordship showing were crying and afraid. Star Wars wasn't like that and it isn't necessary. previous answers then perhaps they does not help matters. When anyone fellowship of Heaven there is 'neither His words? of Christ and a hindrance to evangelism. It's a pity The Empire was made to such a violence level that it drew an NRC would have been different. speaks of 'right' or 'wrong' they are marriage nor giving in marriage'. So The bridge text between this command and the Old Testament example rating. Try this experiment. Invite an usually appealing to an absolute why should we try to create a 2- A Question for "the Oldies" of the grumbling of Israel is 1 Corinthians 10:10 'Do not grumble as some Perhaps I went with too high an expectation, but you'd led me to believe that attractive member of the opposite standard. Murder is always wrong. bedroom top-floor-unit utopia 1.Do you know what it is like to of them did and were killed by the destroying angel'. A quick glance at good entertainment was still possible at the movies. You'll win at the box office sex to a quiet spot and discuss any of That is a black and white issue. where we believe the problem of be 20 years old in 1980? Do you some Old Testament passages Exodus 16:17ff, 17:1-7, Numbers 14:27ff, on this one because of the first Star Wars. Number three, due in 1982, may well the above, (or any other), boring Scripture is clear on the matter as far opposing sexuality will not be know what it is like to be required to Psalm 95:7 and Isaiah 29:24 indicate that grumbling and complaining were carry the seeds of the public staying away in droves if the lightness and subject. It will be extremely unlikely as the Christian is concerned. But apparent? Is there an air of unreality show the spiritual wisdom and a serious denial of God's sovereignty and graciousness and proved a great happiness are not returned. We will not pay out money to go away depressed if that particular subject did not lose what verse speaks directly about about it? fortitude of St. Paul while your peers stumbling block to Israel. and disappointed. some of its initial unattractiveness. In mixed-flatting at university? 4. How do you want your believe you are living in the 19th C? fact, it will probably gain a sudden The lessons of history and the clear affirmations of the New Testament This is a risky question with risky congregation or your Christian And how one is expected to give For 12 years and up. Don't take small children despite the pressure of fascination and hitherto unknown ought to give a clear warning shot to those times when we deny the advertising. Some scenes are definitely harmful. answers (even risque answers). No friends to regard you? As another reasoned defences for one's personal areas of interest begin to be realised. Lordship of Christ over our individual and corporate grumbling and two people look at their own sexual man once said, '... If I wear a dress behaviour that not only convinces For adults it's a good opportunity to consider the "faith can move mountains" complaining about our circumstances. The attraction of the other person encounters and potentials with ... I should not be surprised if the 'knockers' but also satisfies concept. If by mere will of the "force" of mans' mind the Jeddai knights show is more than intellectual. A big part exactly the same combination of people take me for a woman, or if oneself? that many tests of endurance and power are possible, why can we christians of it is sexual. That is the source of reason and feeling. Therefore the very near-sighted people take me for involved in the extension of the Kingdom of God not do much more? 2. Do you know what it is like to LETTERS TO THE EDITOR much of the pleasure. It can also be Christian may be well advised to ask a cotsman. My action has spoken be exposed to a highly organised G. Holt. the source of a big problem, some 'Clarifying Questions' to sort louder than my words'. culture that is directed towards the Dear L ditor, I am a male person. In many areas the matter out. For example: What do the actions of emerging adult in a way that can I find it very difficult to think of Your editorial and the letter of defence by Instead of wasting valuable space for 1.Why would someone want to "cohabitation suggest to the only be described as exploitive? myself in any other than male- your film reviewer (Page 2. 11/8/80) raise very permissive film reviews or trendy reports why share 'digs' with someone of the outsider? If we live in a close As this article is being written the important issues for evangelical Christians, for conscious terms. If a woman says to not use this space to inform and challenge opposite sex? Can we answer the heterosexual relationship it will be Christian papers and particularly for a paper evangelical Christians on how to be "salt and a man, "Treat me as a person and not radio is playing a song by Carly which claims to be an "evangelical voice". question solely at the level of only natural that people at large will light" rather than salt which has lost its taste. just as a woman", one can Simon in living FM Stereo . . . 'come economics or personal convenience? treat us as though we are more than The new editorial policy to simply "You are the salt of the earth. If you lose understand what she wants. She upstairs ... you can take off my reproduce "disturbing" reports from Or is it because we appreciate the 'just friends'. To say nothing of our . your flavour, what will happen to the world? wants respect for her status as a clothes ... we'll make love in the "organisations we cannot agree with", "in the And you yourselves will be thrown out and distinctive contribution of such a non-Christian neighbours and responsible human being. night ... feels good .. . ' This may be form in which they were presented", trampled underfoot as useless." The Lord person, a contribution that is friends at work or at Uni. Would a a good song for well adjusted apparently with no editorial comment to, Jesus Christ (Mt. 5:14 Femaleness, like maleness, is an justify its inclusion is a well meaning but somehow related to their Christian workers be dishonouring marrieds, but it is hard for the young This challenge to the Anglican Church to be adjective to personhood. Somehow I misleading policy. femaleness/maleness? Are we really the spirit of I Timothy 3:7 in this to remain uninfluenced. salt and light was clearly presented in the am a person who is also male. My seeking a pseudo-marriage? situation? This is a dangerous policy particularly for a article on page 3 "When the Lambs of God wife is a person who is also female. Parents as they get older may resist paper claiming to be an "evangelical voice". lose their way". Let us hope and pray that the (Gen. 1:27) 2. If a guy shares a flat with a girl how 5. Is it a mature lifestyle? A person the flesh, but they give in to the Perhaps to be honest that term should now be Churrh Record can rediscover its way in the does he intend to regard her ... as a contemplating mixed-flatting will be dropped from page 8, and another used, e.g. This may be accepted in casual world. Their offspring are often seen strong words of the Bishop of Reading "What genuinely upset at parents or friends "a digest of news reports from evangelical, we offer is soft, lightweight, safe and harmless. conversation but what about real- Christian brother or as a Christian rejecting the world but they easily who disagree with their behaviour. liberal and other non-evangelical sources". At five minutes past midnight, that's no damn life? Turn to the Classified Ads in any sister? That is, will he relate to her as fall victim to the flesh. The devil is good." They will probably ask to be trusted Dees this new policy mean that we will newspaper and we can see dozens of he would relate to a male or as a behind both. eventually see news releases from the or indicate that they are old enough Rev. Fred Nile, ads asking 'girls' and 'guys' to share female? Will he feel that same sense homosexual Sydney Metropolitan Community SEEING FROM BOTH SIDES National Co-ordinator, flats and homes together. of ease that is experienced between to cope with their own sexuality in a Church as with the previous report on pro- (Festival of Light) members of a family or even responsible way. As I listen to both young and old in homosexual policies in the liberal Netherlands Some mixed-flatting has very few between two mates? Or will there Perhaps an appeal will be made to this debate I can see the situation in Church? problems. The couple concerned are Editorial Note: This is somewhat of an alarmist always be that uncertainty as to how changes in society (from neck-to- a way that those involved do not see To print without informed editorial happily married. However what are it. Little things like sharing the same comment news reports which are opposed to position that hardly does justice to the an action will be interpreted? Who knees to nudity) and that there are editorial "On reporting news". A.C.R. August SO, bathroom on one hand and parents the evangelical faith and Biblical morals is a will put the brakes on first if they feel now legitimate variations in classic example of sowing tares among the 10. There are few news releases printed in the hit A AA Ater*** trAtc****Altrtrai who project their sexuality based or: paper that come within the category of Mr. that they are becoming more than acceptable behaviour. Parents are wheat, e.g. as a regular reader of the "liberal" the norms of a preceding age lone Nile's concern, and there has been and will be NEXT SHOWING AT... just friends? How much harder will it often accused of limiting Uniting Church paper with similar policies and piece costumes were once immoral). film reviews I sadly now can see very little editorial comment where the issues are not G,FM CHRISTIAN CINEMA be to keep the command in heterosexual contact to the point difference between these two papers. clear to the thinking Christian. It is somewhat NEW CHRISTIAN FILMS IN COLOR I Timothy 5:2b? where it becomes as exciting as a An old saying goes something like, tiresome to read the same people stating the Marcel Marcau record! Your film review defence takes this new obvious, when as Christian people we should And how will modesty be "You can't stop birds flying over your permissive policy a step further — it not only be seeking to be informed on new guarded? As Paul Tournier says Maturity is measured against Jesus' head, but you can prevent them from advertises degrading films, but actually developments surrounding crucial issues. attitudes. In Him we see that building their nests in your hair!" recommends 'modesty ... is the retention of a that evangelical Christians go Reporting what people actually say is dot Christian relationships have a Everyone is tempted. But everyone and view them as part of their Church youth trendy. secret which one day will be handed programme! over to the person of our choice, purpose. Life has a purpose. It is to should not deliberately set 8 OF THE WORLD'S Dear Sir, serve God by serving others and by themselves up to be tempted. God The comments by your film reviewer Mr. G. GREATEST ATHLETES/ with whom it will thereafter Holt particularly hit a nerve with me for they As a long term reader of the "Church the inhleles refreser. NM S. Nen constitute an unbreakable bond, a reflecting His character in our lives. has called us to right living in the are precisely the arguments used by the Record", I commend your editorial approach Reporting is not condoning. the active and We should be other-person power of the Holy Spirit. 'This is the Also showing STRIKE THE ORIGINAL MATCH commitment...' This goes beyond secular humanists, libertarians and of treating the "Record" as a newspaper, prayerful Christian is frequently the Christian centred. To live with someone will of God ... your sanctification, THE TOMMY JOHN STORY merely dressing discreetly, it covers pornography peddlers to justify their products leaving readers to draw their own conclusions who knows what is going on. MAINLY COMIC STRIPS AND MIRACLES Christianly is to help bear their that you abstain from immorality.' and efforts to break down our film/T.V. from the articles published. hope that your present editorial policy will every nuance of personal censorship standards which were based on SYDNEY burdens: to encourage them in their Thess. 4:3) And again, "I beseech I continue. relationships. Christian values. suppose that the "Record" would have one SCIENCE CENTRE AUDITORIUM, disappointments: to admonish them you as aliens and exiles to abstain of the most specialised readerships of any Thomas Muir 3.What is your view of human The alternative to patronising films which A13-- UT 35-45 Clarence Street, Sydney. in their disobedience. from the passions of the flesh that Australian newspaper. I may be wrong, but I frailty? Is the Bible correct in saying contain "explicit sex, violence, offensive would imagine your readership to comprise FRI 26 StF AT 7.45pm We are our brother's keeper! If we wage war against the soul." (I Peter that mankind is sinful and that the language and racial prejudice" is not to live in almost 100% of committed Christians, and perform these acts of love properly 2:11). Passion, plus opportunity, is an isolated ghetto. Anyone who reads the thinking ones at that! FILM REVIEWS devil is like a roaring lion seeking PE'4'PLE THE GOSPEL HIM MINISTRY LTD. one effect will be that our not really a comedy situation, it daily newspapers is well aware of the current It is true someone to devour (I Peter 5:5-8)? situation. that a readership of people who love Dear Sir, REV. I. W. H. SQUIRES from Leave of Absence 8th Floor. ass Pin Si Sydney N S W 2000 relationships will be strengthened. ultimately produces tragedy and the Lord want to hear of positive and Phone (02)212.5977 Has temptation been abolished? Am The thesis of Mr. G. Holt is that Christians to Curate in Charge, Putney, 29.8. Who is strong enough to remain hurt. Evangelical christians should be warned encouraging Christian developments and do cannot understand the world unless they Also Melboutne,Adela ide,Brisha ne, Perth I guilty of a quiet arrogance in about these harmful soul destroying trends not find particular joy in reading stories that REV. B. S. GEORGE will resign as Rector of modestly separate in such descend into it. In these days when the media 4,44,24,PPY"PY0P2-V4 '44,A.4e kW** Some helpiul leading_ and called upon to rise up as a holy army of may constitute an affront to deeply held Kingsgrove on 31.10 to join the staff of C.M.S. circumstances? After all, just what is so all pervading, making it impossible to 'Sex for Christians' Lewis B. Smedes; our Lord to fight for a wholesome society and Biblical beliefs and truths. REV. B. C. WILSON of Blacktown elected a does God mean when He says, 'Let Eeardmans. a positive film industry in Australia which ignore all those contributions Mr. Holt thinks Canon of St. John's Provisional Cathedral, anyone who thinks that He stands 'Eros Defiled' john White, IVP. rejects the depravity perversions of overseas Yet Jesus it imperative we witness, I find that thesis less certainly did not encourage us to Parramatta. CHURCH OF ENGLAND DEACONESS !NSTITUTION SYDNEY 'The Fight' John White, IVP. film producers. (Phil. 4:8). live in a vacuum, comfortable though it may than tenable. take heed lest he fall' (I Cor. 10:32). be. 'The Meaning of Persons' Paul 'T °untie, The danger facing evangelical Christians is The clear teaching of Scripture is that we What I look for in a Christian newspaper is THE MURRAY THE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL not one of becoming irrelevant but of must be in the world, but not of the world. a policy which understands such a position REV. G. BENNETT was inducted as Rector of invite you and your friends to the becoming so 'trendy' that they become part of And while they are in the world, Christians prevails and offers to its readers a clear Loxton on 1st August. The long awaited 4 Cyl. COMMODORE has just been released. alternative. the problem rather than part of the solution. need to be abreast of current trends, practices REV. P. BOURNE was inducted as Rector Available in both sedan and station waggon. You can now have ANNUAL MEETING 4 Cyl. economy without having to sacrifice room and comfort. Both your editorial and film review policy and activities, particularly where they are at Unfortunately, while this used to be the Meningie-Tailem Bend Parish on 22nd August. This could be just what you have been waiting for. statements are useful because they have variance with God's Word. Only in this way policy of the A.C.R., it now appears it is to can we, as the people of PERTH to be held at brought into the open a discernable worrying God, place ourselves become just another psuedo-secular paper Please contact me about this or any other vehicle in the G.M.H. shift in thinking by some evangelicals and the in the position where we can mount counter with overtones of Christian reporting. Like so Two New Canons appointed BIBLE SOCIETY AUDITORIUM, 93 Bathurst Street, Sydney range. I can assure you of my best attention and competitive action where necessary, and indulge in growth of a new sub-culture the "trendy- many others it seems to be adopting the The appointment as Honorary Canons of St. on Friday, 26th September, 1980 at 1.30 p.m. prices. Clergy, of course, will be allowed Fleet owner Discount. evangelical". This growth reminds me of the positive and specific prayer. The evangelical policy, "If you can't beat them, join them". It's George's Cathedral of the Rev, Geoffrey persons in 1 Corinthians 3:12 who may have a stance of your newspaper is very helpful in a great pity. Hayles and the Rev. Roy Bradley, Edward Rock, Chairman: The Most Reverend, Sir Marcus Loane, K.B.E., MA D.D. rock foundation of faith but are building a keeping us informed in areas of concern. I am an active member of St. Paul's Church, Castle Hill awl Greensborough, Vic. humanist or trendy house of straw upon the My appeal to those of your readers who ROCKAHMPTON Speakers: would appreciate the opportunity of meeting you. rock, who when confronted by the anti-Christ Mrs. M. Peters, R.G.N., R.M.N., Cert.A.C.N., Ass.M.C.N., Th.A., have been disturbed by some recent stories THE VERY REV. FRANK KNIGHT has been Harry Dibley: Bus. 6354022; Priv. 634 1894 influences, forces and developments in our that have appeared without editorial comment Dear Sir, installed as Dean. Director of Nursing Neringah Hospital society simply shrugs their shoulders and says is not to express resentment towards an editor HILLSDONS PTY LTD G. Holt in ACR 11/8/80 seems to take THE REV. CLIFFORD PEACOCK, the Diocesan Miss Sue Mason, in a blaze superior manner "Well it's a fact of who is seeking to alert you to matters which exception to the criticism made of his film Social Worker Lisgar House 87 Church Street, Parramatta modern life". Hospital Chaplain, to Rector of f renchville in are of importance to concerned Christian life. review, on the grounds of a more basic September. To page 5 2 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 — 3

Why Vins ran an alternatiy. Galiehs Launch "Something Old, In December 1979 Georgi Vins church in Russia. Something New" WHAT AWORLD appealed to the organisers of the Some forty representatives, now Baptist World Alliance Congress in living in West Germany, took part Children and Books by Lesley Hicks Toronto to send an invitation to at the Conference organised by 11;113 Keston College Genadi Kriuchkov, Chairman of Georgi Vins. Films and slides were I heard a delightful woman being LIMITED CHRISTIANS the Council of Churches of shown, speakers were heard who interviewed by Caroline Jones on Mrs. Hunt notes a problem with Evangelical Christians-Baptists in had experienced persecution, such City Extra recently, all about babies many Christians—they "often seem Sergei turned up and received a the USSR. The invitation was to be as Vins himself and Pastor David — or at least very young children — most inhibited and poverty-stricken "Pentecostals' phone call from Nadezhda's mother, only a symbolic gesture of Klassen, who served eleven years and books. Her name is Dorothy in human expression and creativity. who explained that she had taken brotherly concern for a man who in prison. While the conference Butler; a mother of eight and now a Part of this predicament comes from Sergei away and said that Sergei was has devoted his whole life to the was still in progress, Klassen's grandmother, she has just had a false concept of what is true and child old enough to decide what he work of Christ and to the Baptist brother was arrested in the Soviet published her book "Babies Need good. The fear of contamination has church in Russia. wanted to do and would write a Union. In all seventy baptists have Books", which was warmly reviewed led people to believe that only what abducted" statement that he wanted to remain When his appeal was turned been arrested and imprisoned. in the "Herald" on August 16. someone else has clearly labelled down, and news came of a Among the arrested was Peter The eldest son of the Zherdev in the USSR. The Zherdev's only I have not yet got hold of it, but I "Christian" is safe. Truth is falsely massive representative contingent Rumachik who had been in hiding heartily concurred with what she was family, Sergei, aged ten years, has learnt this on 6 August, the day after made as narrow as any given sub- from Moscow with the obvious for several months. saying and what reviewer Clement been abducted by his maternal their arrival in Vienna. culture, not as large as God's lavish aim of displaying a non-existent grandmother, on the eve of the It is not yet clear whether Sergei's "All this was going on," says Semmler wrote of her book. Her gifts to man. Truth and excellence 'religious freedom', Vins, as the family's departure from Moscow for grandmother took this action on her Vins, "while the official main thesis is that is is almost never have a way of springing up all ove the Representative in the west of the Vienna. Stanislav and Nadezhda own initiative, or whether she was representatives from Moscow too young to start introducing world, and our rols as parents is to persecuted church, had no Zherdev, who have been active in the pressured by the authorities. In either were proclaiming the 'full children to books and reading. teach our children how to find and alternative but to organise a enjoy the riches of God and to reject Pentecostal Emigration Movement, case, the Soviet authorities are likely freedom' for Christians and the It was billed as a UNITED amount of mail received. "People are conference, which was to run what is mediocre and unworthy of and their seven children received to support any claim on her part ot total absence of persecution in the EVANGELISTIC RALLY with George sharing with us just how much the HONEY FOR A CHILD'S HEART parallel with the Baptist World permission to emigrate in July and have custody of Sergei. She is not a, Soviet Union! and Rita Galieh. The venue was St. Lord is blessing them through A book for Christian parents with Him". Congiess. Its only aim was to booked air tickets to Vienna for 5 Christian and Soviet courts have Voice of Peace Thomas' Church of England, Auburn, listening," Mr. Galieh said. almost an identical theme is "Honey SHARING THE BIBLE present the true picture of the August. frequently awarded custody of . But it was a little for a Child's Heart", by Gladys Hunt here is a challenging chapter, • Nadezhda's mother let herself into children in divorce cases, or of different from the many meetings He has just returned from (Zondervan). I've just re-read it — it "Honey from the Rock", about the Zherdev's Moscow flat some time orphaned children, to non-Christian and crusades, conducted by the participating in the Ayrshire and has been issued in a revised edition; sharing the Bible with one's family, during the night of 4-5 August while relatives against the wishes and the Galiehs throughout Australia. The Strathclyde Crusades in Scotland, it's a warmly sensible and intelligent There is realism and wisdom in everybody was asleep and took best interests of the children occasion was to promote their new where he worked with international book. confronting the difficulties, and what Sergei away with her to a dacha in involved. 12" LP/Cassette, "SOMETHING evangelist, Luis Palau and his team. Mrs. Hunt writes: "Children and would seem workable approaches. the country. The family did not know OLD, SOMETHING NEW". "I'm excited that Palau is returning to books go together in a special way. I The goal is a large one — to teach what had happened to Sergei, but Ex-guerillas The Galiehs are amazed at the Newcastle early in 1982," he said. can't imagine any pleasure greater children to think biblically. was anxious to leave on schedule as We know the Four Corners of the Earth than bringing to the uncluttered, In some ways I wish our children Stanislav Zherdev feared prosecution supple mind of a child the delight of were babies again so we could start march in Letters to Editor continued from page 2. if he did not leave. In order to avoid A Band of ex-guerillas chanting knowing God and the many rich afresh! All three love reading, but the any problems at customs, because 'There is no God' marched into a argument being at stake, viz. "How far do we to me that a reaction from only two candidates things He has given us to enjoy. This eldest has little time but for her they did not have enough children school in the east district of INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ALLIANCE LTD go in our viewing of the world". for the S.R.C. Elections could hardly be is every parent's privilege, and books required school reading; daughter (SPONSORED BY EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY ALLIANCE) described as 'savage', especially when one with them, they took with them Pavel Zimbabwe recently while Scripture Christian distinctiveness in the realm of are his keenest tools. Children don't number two still steals time to read considers the paucity of interest in any student Ukhtomsky, the son of a friend who morality has been under attack for many years, stumble onto good books by her beloved fantasies (I sympathise!), Union's travelling secretary, Timothy politics at this time. Your article by focussing and not always least from those outside the also wishes to emigrate. Pavel passed Tavaziva, was speaking to the Accredited Agents for All — only on the two letters in Honi Soit therefore themselves; they must be introduced while our 12-year-old son is stuck, church. through customs successfully with students. Airlines, Shipping Companies and Coach Tours lacked a certain sense of proportion. to the wonder of words put together (not for ever, we trust) in a T.V.- and It would seem to me that the call of the New family, was victimised by the Soviet I would like to inform your readers that in such a way that they spin out pure film-influenced Dr. Who, Star Wars But the students replied to their Testament is for a right understanding of officials, who confiscated all their interest in the Gospel on the University joy and magic. ourselves and of the world in which we live. and sci-fi book stage. atheistic chanting by spontaneously campus is at an unprecedented level since the possessions, except the clothes they MR W. R. (RON) BAILEY We are to be aware of the "passions of the singing 'God is so good, He us so late fifties. The fact that 35 students were "Take all the words available in the CHURCH MICE BOOKS were wearing. 13th FLOOR, 39 YORK ST, SYDNEY, 2000. flesh" which are at work in us and which must good to me.' And the ex-guerilla left. prepared to commit themselves to Christ human vocabulary and read them be resisted. (Galatians 517). Also we are to be However the whole family has Galina Ukhtomskaya, Pavel's TELEPHONE (02) 29 4136 during the fortnight of the Mission, and that as 'The singing was fantastic," reports aware of how the world is in the power of the from the dictionary, and you have recently discovered with delight many again indicated they wanted to know mother, remained at the flat in case Timothy Tavaziva. evil one (1 In. 5:19). Moral standards and only a list of words. But with the more about the claims of Jesus, shows that the some new illustrated children's judgments issued by the world are most often time is ripe for evangelism at Sydney creativity and imagination God has classics. These are the Church Mouse at variance with those of our Lord. University. Every meeting was crowded with given human beings, let these words books by Graham Oakley, published Extracts from Church Record 1880 I suggest that we do not need to delve into students who sat quietly and attentively to flow together in the right order and in the seventies by Macmillan. Their 100 tjear ago the films and books of today's humanists to listen to the addresses, and it would- be they give wings to the spirit. Every very English village church setting come to a true understanding of either probably true to say that the preaching of the ourselves or our world. Gospel attracted bigger attendances than any child ought to know the pleasure of does not make them specifically THE THEATRE: OUGHT PAROCHIAL FINANCES Moreover the old argument that our witness other series of meetings since the days of the words so well chosen that they Christian, but few could fail to CHRISTIANS TO FREQUENT TO THE EDITOR OF THE CHURCH OF and Gospel preaching, and surround them and communication to a non-believing world Vietnam war. awaken sensibility, great emotions, appreciate the delicious humour of IT? ENGLAND RECORD in their localities with the privileges to is improved when we are more "in touch", In fact the real hindrance to the spread of and understanding of truth." the magnificent artwork and the which they have been accustomed. seems to be more a product of our own the Gospel does not come from external TO THE EDITOR OF THE CHURCH OF She evokes, in an American understated irony and wit of the I am afraid that very few give a tenth, or frustration than a principle derived from the factors, like politically motivated ridicule or ENGLAND RECORD stories. My favourite is "The Church Dear Sit—Not many weeks ago I heard of even a twentieth, of their income to the scriptures. Being in touch with people on a persecution, but from internal factors, such as culture, a childhood — her own and Sit—I hear that there have been one or a parish which had allowed its clergyman's support of religion. If such a rule were level of relationship is one thing, but showing the lack of motivation and apathy of many her children's — enriched with books Mice Spread Their Wings"; the fate of two sermons preached in Sydney lately, in stipend to get into arrear, and held a bazaar generally adopted, there would be no want acceptance and support of their moral who are associated with the different Christian fitly chosen and words well-used. the trendy curate in "The Church to obtain the required amount! I am afraid standards is quite another. which the old argument has ben brought of funds for all good objects. And we groups. Your readers could be well informed The books she quotes from and lists Mice at Bay" is almost too cruel. up about the theatre, that it is a fit and that, if I had been the clergyman of that should never bear of such things as bazaars of this, so that they could pray more There has been a rapid erosion of standards (in a bibliography for all ages from proper thing for Christians to patronise it; parish, I should have asked the Bishop to and concerts, and the like expedients, for shown in books and films of recent times. It intelligently for the work of evangelism at Again to quote Gladys Hunt — "As remove me to another. only that it needs to be purified, in order church buildings and church extension. would appear that some Christians are more Universities and in particular that God will toddlers to teens, which forms a third Christian parents we are concerned thatwe may frequent it safely. It is Since that, I have been told of a parish in DONOR. concerned to keep up with these trends, destroy the lethargy of Christian students and of the book) are not alwas known to about building whole people ... The admitted that it needs purifying, and the colony, where the novel experiment rather than stand against them. make them enthusiastically bold for the me, but from those I do know I feel instruction to "train up a child in the Christians, it is argued, should try to purify Gospel in these days of unprecedented has been resorted to of writing letters in Christians should be more grounded in it by their presence. A friend of mine—not I would trust Gladys Hunt's way he should go" encompasses so various directions, asking for contributions biblical understanding of the sinful tendency opportunity. one of the narrow sort either, but broad in recommendations. There are much more than teaching the facts of in Postage Stamps towards the stipend of BISHOP OF SYDNEY'S in human nature, and strive to share the T. W. Edwards. his ideas of men and things — heard a the clergyman — not, be it observed, universal favourites and special the gospel ... we have books and the sermon of this character, and, discussing it HEALTH distinctive Christian qualities of the grace of within the boundaries of the Parochial God in their lives. Editorial Note: American ones. We could substitute Book at our disposal to use wisely for with another friend the next day, said that Our readers will be glad to learn that the The source of our information District, but far and wide outside it. came from Christians who spoke of a some special Australian ones. it reminded him of a fact which occurred improvement in his Lordship's health, God's glory." when he was a boy. A lady in England, well which we spoke of in our last issue, has UNI MISSION 'backlash' on the campus and the appearance Then I find within the last few days, that of anti-Christian slogans. known to his family, having become deeply steadily advanced, and that he is very much is only one way to know the needs and the Church Society of the Sydney Diocese Dear Sir, It is sad because N. May obviously does not impressed with the truths of our Protestant better than he was then. All his powers REFUGEES problems and opportunities in this crucial has been obliged, by reason of the know what he is talking about and, even more faith, and ardently desirous of doing the increased extent of its operations, to have been returning more fully, and he is Readers may be interested to learn that the sad to say, but equally obviously, does not work, and that is by being on the spot. In greatest good in her power, conceived the Dear Sir, reduce all grants, for this year, 20 per cent now able to take short walks at Sydney University Mission mentioned in know that he does not know. Trips overseas of - addition, and perhaps even more important, is action of trying to convert the Pope, and are people,too upon the last year's grants. Bishopscourt. It is, however, the decided A.C.R. 11 August issue was the Evangelical W.C.C. Politics the kind mentioned are not junkets in the the vital pastoral work done on such visits. she resolved to go to Rome for that opinion of his medical advisers that he Refugees and hardship. The two go hand in hand. Jubilee Mission held under the title 'No Christ, The A.C.C. organ, "In Unity" arrived on my derogatory sense usually attached to that What right have I to talk like this? I do not purpose. And though her friends strongly should withdraw entirely from the active No Life; Know Christ, Know Life' from lune 29 Surely such things are evidences of the Fannin help. The World Viaion Refugee Fund will makeavailablemoney for desk today. Much of it makes sorry reading. word. They are journeys for a purpose, not for dissuaded her from going she went. What work of his diocese for the period of prbjects in r.enfulne centras throughwout South East Asia that will give to July 11. come into any of the categories listed by N. want of a deeper interest on the part of the celuainin pleasure. occurred there between the Pope and the twelve months, in order that he may, after Its report of the Melbourne W.C.C. meeting May, but it has been my lot to travel laity in the support of Christ's cause. I 1o7tiiii7or ttiond;or ragtdtryrelerti=negPtrilbciti Sydney University E.U. chose to celebrate its lady in question he did not know. Her such a complete rest, resume his place 40.uou rertigees,an;rovide language tuition anti eaLation, trough Chriw says that delegates voted out a motion Long distance travel by air can be physically extensively overseas for a good many years speak of the laity generally. It seems to me Lion churches and missions. fiftieth birthday with a mission, in so doing proceedings were never related to him. But amongst us with the prospect of prolonged "condemning" the Soviet invasion of and mentally exhausting; there is no glamour now and to be deeply involved in a number of that they do not sufficiently realise their underscoring a commitment to proclamation what he did know was this — that in about usefulness. This, we fully believe, is the 545 will provide an entire family with hack support for one year. Afghanistan. But the same delegates voted for in it. Involvement in conference and medical and/or Christian conferences and responsibility. Doubtless there are some after the same gospel which was the basis for two years and a-half she came back to ardent wish and hope of the great body of The needs of refugee, aeries!and urgent. Your quirk response could mean a a motion "condemning" South Africa. committee work can be very demanding. The committees as well as lecturing and making noble exceptions. But, speaking generally, fennly's tomer., its foundation in 1930. It was particularly England, not having converted the Pope, churchmen in this colony, and of The World Council of Churches has for at sort of people N. May sneers at are the sort personal contacts. Any time spent on holiday those who profess to be members of the encouraging to find that other Christian but herself converted by him, and a thousands who stand without the Church ling •• •I IM I•1•• MHO I who do not shirk such involvement. If there is overseas has been at my own expense. At one Church of England do not pay — it is of no groups on the campus (Navigators, Student least a decade been manipulated into being a zealous devotee of the Church of Rome; of which he is the Bishop and time for relaxation or sightseeing (active stage the costs of official journeys came from use to shut our eyes to the truth - they do h yip u re fogey Life, Overseas Christian Outreach) joined in political front. It is time Australian the head of a conventional establishment Metropolitan. The sorrow at his illness has denominations which are really Christian left participants at most conferences have little or professional and business sources which not pay what they ought for the support of it family. I'll give... the sponsorship of the mission. for the propagation of the Romish faith and been widespread and deep, and the joy the W.C.C. and its affiliates like the A.C.C. no time for either as a rule), is that an would not have been interested in sending me religion and religious ordinances in their es on mere joy rides or junkets. More recently — discipline in her own country. And he said would be equally great and distributed to 1 . Nato help one family fore year I Writing as one who works in the university unreasonable respite from what is often a parishes. They have said by their Yours sincerely, that when he heard the preacher see him in perfect health again. They would $90 to help two families fora year it was a particular pleasure to hear such fine gruelling programme? and I say this at the risk of its sounding like representatives that they will not to help Rex Meyer, Roseville. advocating Christians going to the theatre feel his removal to be a great and heavy families • addresses as those by Canon John Chapman contribute from State fords, but they also A one-tune gift of I_ Because of Australia' geographical isolation "what a good boy am I!" — I have paid for to purify it, he could not help thinking that loss to the Church over which he presides; the Rev. Phillip Jensen, to see such a splendid decline to do so from private. and the importance of international contact most of these journeys out of my own limited their success would probably be the same. 'di. %Aim co-operative effort between the students and and they cannot but pray that, if it be the and interchange in the modern world—and retirement income, with some help, offered Instead of purifying the theatre they would missioners, and to know of the many students It is wonderful how the Gospel has will of God, that period may be many years JET SETTING that not least in the affairs of God's Kingdom voluntarily from collegues and friends. They, it be made like it, would adopt its principles, deferred. for whom the mission marks the beginning of would seem, have shared my view that these advanced amongst us, while such a spirit new life in Christ. Sir, — it is essential that our leaders travel, both to its tone, its spirit — and lose their Christian has prevailed. But, I would ask, sir, whether His episcopate has been marked with often arduous journeys and commitments The letter by N. May headed "Jet Setting learn about and to contribute to what is going character! great success. The progress of the Church Postcode Phone May we all continue in prayer for the cause were worthwhile and that the money was well the Church of England population mean to Christians" (A.C.R. 28/7/80) is regrettable and on. This must be done on a personal level if it I fully believe this, and I send you this of the Gospel among tertiary students. spent. fall into the rear, and let others go before under his oversight, we heard Bishop Perry my bindweed account RIKITTILITT FT 1 I sad. One could use stronger adjeTtives, but is to be effective. And indeed the most note in the hope that it may be of some use them and take up the ground which they once say, surpassed that of any other (Dr) Christopher Bellenger important (although the least measurable) I do ask N. May please to think again. His Sign,am, those will do. ot those who ae in danger of being misled are called to occupy. Large numbers of our colonial diocese with which he was value of international gatherings lies in the and others people's;tithes and offerings are WORLD VISION It is regrettable because it aims its nasty by arguments which are plausable enough, fellow churchmen are every year absorbed acquainted. And that progress would have Dear Sir, person-to-person contacts made. not being wasted on useless junketing. And it but will not bear the scrutiny of sound into other denominations, because we do been still greater, if the means of church barbs at unnamed individuals who can yet be really would be a good idea for him to find out reason. Yours faithfully, not follow them with Gospel ordinances extension had been more liberally II REFUGEE FUND I would like to correct a misleading readily identified from the context, individuals As to visits made by officers of a body like GPO Box 9944 rn . • ' • RI s,,, I more about what really goes on. supplied. impression which could be conveyed by your for whom most of us have the highest regard, the Church Missionary Society, whether to the A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST. Mr we mi am • No • as In IIE article "Impact of Uni. Mission Seen In field or to conferences, I cannot believe that WORLD VISION IS A C1-1111SPIAN 11UNIANIIARIAN MANIC, REACHING OUT both as men and as Christian leaders. They are Ronald Winton, TO A NEEDY WORLD Backlash" (A.C.R., 11th August, 1980). It seems not to be sneered at. N. May is serious in questioning these. There Drummoyne. 4 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 — 5

MAKE A RESERVATION FOR YOUR NEXT HOLIDAY SUPER DISCOUNTS UNDERSTAND EACH THER WITH AUSTRALIAN CHURCH THROUGH C.M.S. BOOK CLUB 8 REC IIIB CLUB TRAVEL SERVICE Cis 1. A.C.T.S./S.M. VISIT CHINA TOUR OCTOBER 1980 00; .S. When you feel worthless: how can you cope? by Dr. Alan Craddock # Departing 23rd October - 22 days - Hong Kong (3 nights); China (16 nights) • ) visiting Kwangchow, Hangchow, Shanghai, Chengchow, Peking, and Manila (2 personal frustration became turned nights). Only a few places are left - group limited to 24 members so HURRY' Price )1," Pt A popular concept today is "self Certain kinds of family dynamics and we can learn from this and grow. from Sydney: $2465. esteem" and it is generally around into an attack upon the appear to easily generate this kind of But this does not imply that as a total acknowledged that low self esteem is spouse. person we are of no value. Each of us 2. BEST OF TOUR feeling among family members. Departing 5th October this ever popular 11 Day lour takes us to most of the an important component of What is the basic cause of low self Parents can create low self esteem in has weaknesses, but we all possess depression. Many modern strengths as well. interesting places. All meals (except 2 lunches) are included, and the price from N esteem and how can such feelings be their children b continually attacking Melbourne is $679. This tour will be repeated on 8th February and 29th March but psychologists are asserting that countered? These two questions are them as persons and sending them The Christian should be aware of increased price is $779. THIS IS A NO people need to become more aware important in dealing with the kind of the message that they are a "lot of God's attitude towards us. It is clear 3. SOUTH EAST ASIA TOUR LIMIT OFFER! of their own personal worth and situation I have just described. But trouble" and "not worth the effort" that God recognises and challenges This tour is a little unusual. Leaving on 6th October we spend 2 nights in Singapore, Sem oH•r applies to all our book value if they are to grow and mature ,,,.200 and C1111.40111.1.1t they are especially important from a because they are not capable our weaknesses, but in the face of 5 in Burma, 10 in Thailand, 4 in Nepal and 4 in Hong Kong. There is liberal psychologically. One of the major Christian point of views. I believe (apparently) of doing anything good. this He continues to express His love sightseeing and adequate free time, with an optional Flight over Mount Everest. Our obstacles is that other persons may Leader is George Glazier, President of New South Wales Branch of the Pocket that Christians can very easily find Husbands and wives can also attack for us and makes available the means Testament League. The Price is: Sydney $2199; Brisbane $2271; Melbourne $2278; be communicating messages which themselves possessed of low self one another's self esteem, as we have of salvation (I John 4:9-10) and, for Adelaide $2324. ca616.6..ch reoll be 65.1.0 cause us to devalue ourselves or to esteem for various reasons and then already noted. those who believe, the means of THIS IS HOW / payment et a bt. 6.1.6.bosh, .forn nnwads ym. purchases 4. SEE BEAUTIFUL NEW ZEALAND IN THE SPRING K.C.and at me end 01 N18 yesi Kr/ Oirecerve 15% voGcher 600164.0. doubt our worth. find it extremely difficult to get things growth (Colossians 2:6-7). In our YOU JOIN! noMiaSP ,n oachescH tr. 6ny CMS Bookshop Feelings of low self esteem can be Leaving on October 11th we visit Christchurch, Tekapo, Oamaru, Invercargill, Te I recently read a case study into perspective because they have a moments of low self esteem we can countered by recognising the factors Anau, Queenstown, Alexandra, Fox Glacier, Greymouth, Picton, Wellington, Napier, involving a married couple for whom natural suspicion of thinking more gain enormous encouragement by Rotorua, Auckland and Waitomo. This 18 day tour can be extended by a 4 day tour which have promoted self-doubt. It .M.S. BOOKSHOP low self esteem had become a highly of themselves than they recognising the loving and to the Bay of Islands. Prices are: from Melbourne $980;Sydney $948; Brisbane might be the case that the challenges $969; Bay of Islands extension $205. This popular tour will be repeated during ',CONEY NOWRA LAUNCESTON BATHURST BRISBANE serious problem. Both partners had should. This perfectly valid ground constructive attitude of God. Paul leng, 14 John Street Church Street 468 Ann Street are only limited and short-term (e.g. March/April 1981. 'it Street 102 ',I little confidence in themselves or in for suspicion can become tells us that as Christians we have N 00 Street TAS 7250 NS W. 2795 OLD 4000 failing an examination) and can be each other. Instead of providing one exaggerated into a rather extreme friendship with God (Romans 5:6-11) 5. WESTERN AUSTRALIA AT WILD FLOWER TIME CANBERRA N.S.W.2540 WOLLONGONG PARRAMATTA MELBOURNE overcome (by repeating the course another support and the opportunity viewpoint which cannot believe in and that through His grace we can. Our 18 day tour leaves on 20th October and all travel is,py coach except for 2 nights 47 East How KATOOMBA 67 Church Street Railway Arcade 209 Flinders Lane or by realising that that subject across the Nullarbor by train one way. This is one of our most popular tours and A C T 2601 285 Main Street N.S.W. 2500 N.S.W. 2150 VIC. 3000 to gain confidence they any valuable personal attributes at gain confidence and strength to live simply wasn't one of one's prices are from Melbourne 1st Rail $1111 (2nd rail $1070); Adelaide $984 (943); NSW compensated for their own sense of all. in such a way that honours Him. strengths). Or they may be irrelevant Sydney $1143 (1077); Brisbane $1253 (1187). Pensioners concession is avc;;able. failure by continually attacking the The basic cause of low self esteem and invalid (e.g. an unfair but Finally, consider Paul's own 6. MIDDLE EAST ADVENTURE TOUR CLERGY WIVES LUNCHEON at Bishopscourt, Friday 26 September, weaknesses which they perceived in lies in the circumstances surrounding comments regarding his work as a Departing on January 1st, this 30 day tour takes us to Bangkok for 4 nights. Jordan persistent attack upon your ability by 10.30 am. Mr. Frank Garforth will speak on "Care of Refugees". Please their partner. a person which promote self-doubt. 3 nights, Israel 10 nights, Egypt 9 nights, and Singapore 2 nights. Our Group Leader someone who is using you as a servant of the gospel when it might is Tom Paterson, former Director of Road Transport in the Commonwealth phone or write your acceptance to Mrs. Mary O'Brien, Moore college, Naturally enough the relationship Something may be said, or an event means of expressing their own have been thought that he had been Department of Transport. The price is $2965 from Sydney or Melbourne. 51 3072 by 19/9/80. deteriorated and they presented for may occur, either one of which shortcomings) and can be overcome boasting: "We say this because we 7. SEE INDONESIA IN DEPTH marital counselling. Counselling significantly challenges the person's by recognising them as such. have confidence in God through Departing March 29th. This tour is really something. We stay in Bali, Salawesi WOOD COFFILL STAINED GLASS WINDOWS subsequently revealed that their view of himself as competent or Christ. There is nothing in us that FUNERALS basic problem was their extremely valuable. If a sufficient number of Whatever the strategy, countering (Makele, Ujung Pandang) Java (Surabaya. Jogjakarta, Bandung and Jakarta) and K. J. Little allows us to claim that we are Singapore. An optional 7 day extension to Malaysia is available. Our Leader is Mrs Phones: 19 Barden Street, low levels of self esteem. Each challenges continue to arrise there is low self esteem depends upon capable of doing this work. The Lois Walker, formerly Lois Hurse who worked with the A.I.M. for many years. The Arnclitfe 2205 partner believed that he or she was every likelihood that such a person getting the challedges, the sources of capacity we have comes from God." Tour Price is $1721 from Melbourne or Sydney, and the supplement for the Metropolitan (All Branches) 80 0356 Phone: 599 7348 of little value. These feelings will eventually become committed to self-doubt, into perspective. This Malaysian extension $345. K ,00mba 82 2411 (II Corinthians 3:4-5). Paul possesses generated resentment and bitterness a long-term view of himself as requires us to achieve a sense of a balanced view: He acknowledges 8. SOUTH EAST ASIA SPECIAL TOUR which were directed towards the "useless", a "failure" and "not worth balance. There are personal features his capacity to function, but he is This 14 day tour is designed for the busy person who wants to get away for a short REMOVALS HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION time as well as for the regular tourist. Leaving on April 15th, we visit Kuala Lumpur, other person. Self-blame and anything to anyone". which can legitimately be challenged aware of its real source - God. Small or Large Penang, Bangkok with a visit to the Kwai River Bridge and the Prisoner-of-War RANELAGH HOUSE, Rob trtson STORAGE-PACKING TAXI TRUCKS Cemetery, and Singapore. We will attend the Anzac Day Observance at the Kranji Phone: (048) 85 1253 War Memorial, and visit the Changi Chapel. Our Leader for this lour is the Rev Vic Reasonable and Reliable Maddick ED Senior Chaplain (Retired). Royal Australian Army. The Tour Price is Baronial Mansion, heart of Southern Highland. OWENS SERVICE Tourist area. Excellent accommodation and food at $1188. from Melbourne. SMITH reasonable WIC Groups and conferences at 9 PIONEER AVE, THORNLEIGH reduced ralea. Special diets prepared. 9. LANDS OF THE BIBLE TOUR Pots Phone- B4 6467 welcome. Our next Lands of the Bible Tour will leave during March, and details will be available A L Owens 48 1539 shortly. Registrations are now being taken.

10. VISIT U.S.A./CANADA IMPACT BOOKSHOP these issues since there is so much We have all heard of Alcoholics Clair Itbister Leaving during May this 37 day tour will take us to San Francisco, Seattle, FRANK AKEHURST controversy amongst Christians For largest selection of Theological Anonymous, but much less has been MOWI Call Vancouver, Kamloops, Banff, Yellowstone National Park, Salt Lake City, Toronto, SUITE 1, 6th FLOOT Books, together with General about them. heard in Australia, about Alcoholics UsS Doctor' Montreal, New York, Washington, New Orleans, Pheonix, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, THE NATIONAL BUILDING Literature and Cassette Lectures. Victorious, an unashamedly Los Angeles, Honolulu etc. Details available shortly, but register now. 250 PITT ST, SYDNEY, 2000 Church Bookstalls and House Party There are helpful chapters about Accounts Arranged. the signs of Christ's return and the conservative evangelical group. 11. A.C.T.S./SITMAR CRUISES IN BEAUTIFUL MV FAIRSTAR PHONE 26 6368 millenium of Revelation 20. The We will have groups on Cruises 62 (Pacific Islands) in March; 64 (Japan and the Contact Charles Mann Specialists in High Quality Hand-crafted author shows how the common idea A. V. does not speak of 'Goffas we Orient) in April; 67 (S.E. Asia and the Barrier Reef) in July; 72 (Pacific Island Hopper) (Manager) in October, and 78 (New Zealand Cruise) in January 1982. Send for details. Jewellery, Competitive Prices understand Him' but declare that A. Telephone (02)51 2225 of the immortality of the soul is not • Old Jewellery Refashioned • Will make to biblical and that the central message V. is "a Christ-centered, scripturally AUSTRALIAN CHURCH TRAVEL SERVICE order - your design • Diamond and Look for the NEW Shop-front of Scripture about the future of man based, and Holy Spirit directed, out Sapphire Rings at 1978 prices • Continen- near Queen Street is that of the resurrection of the patient programme for the (Director: Rev, W M. Constable) tal Gold and Silver Chains and Bracelets • body. chemically dependent person and his Christian Fish symbol In 9 ct Gold and MOORE COLLEGE In NEW SOUTH WALES: 5TH FLOOR, 83 YORK STREET. SYDNEY 18 King Street family." Silver Pendants, Tie Tacks and Lapel Pins Professor Hoekema devotes a PH: 29 7594 - Lic. No. 8317 Newtown 2042 • Insurance Valuations chapter to defending the idea of an A. V. Teaches that the "disease" intermediate state for believers - concept regarding alcoholism has "Should I call the Doctor The Bible and the Future between death and the resurrection CLASSIFIEDS permitted an air of respectability to Clair lsbister A. A. Hoekema of the body. However the reviewer surround a vicious affliction. To the Sphere Books .45s, b6. , 70. 56 was not convinced that this is the PARRAMATTA BIBLE CLERK/TYPIST (Exeter, The Paternoster Press, 1978) sufferer who claims to have a disease, phoned ro 13.3 4561 up to nava ' 4 days helara a' best way to interpret the New Publication Charge ts 1St per word with • minimum charge of 343 pages. the A. V. counsellor will say, "So COLLEGE Testament evidence and felt that this This is one of Dr. Clair Isbister's People in our society are what? You're a drunk." Interstate Services was the least satisfactory chapter in many helpful medical books written fascinated with the idea of knowing PERTH St Alban s 423 Beaufort Street Service 9 30 a rri the book. Nevertheless, the writer's The central tenet of the A. V. for the benefit of mothers. Rector Rev Ken McIntyre Ali welcome We have a vacancy, due to our growth, for the future, as is indicated by their careful arguments and easy style programme is 2 Corinthians 5:17, "if The author is a well-known COORPAROO. St Stephen s. Brisbane. Crn Cavendish nr Evening Classes for part-timers. a competent Clerk/Typist of approximately obcession with astrology or the makes his work attractive and any man be in Christ, he is a new Christian speaker, a paediatrician, to Chatsworth Roads Visitors welcome 4 6 Vacancies for Elementary Bible Greek 19 years. 'prophecies' of Nostradamus. Yet, Holy Communion 7 p rn Sunday • • certainly worth buying and reading creature: "followed by a seven step whom the Church owes a great deal, Baker and an Office Machines Course suitable few of our contemporaries thoroughly. and this book is full of references to for honorary Parish Workers. understand or appreciate what the guide to victory. (1. Confessing my Accommodation own powerlessness; 2. I accept the problems which all mothers face. Is it Accurate figure typing, care in figure Bible has to say on this subject. David Peterson Professor Heokema has written a Lordship of Christ my Saviour; 3. I a cold or croup? Is it indigestion or FOR RENT 3 bedroom House. 2 minutes walk to Moore calculations and flexibility in the approach appendicitis? How do we cope with College a UnIversity. Available October 22nd onwards * Diploma/Certificate for the Church of survey of the Bible's teaching on the commit myself to Him; 4. I recognise Cheap Phone 518 4972 to office duties are desirable qualities. the hyperactive child, the England Bible College. future that will inform and excite the my need for daily prayer & study; 5. handicapped child? How often HAZELBROOK HOLIDAY home to let Accommodate 2 to 4 thoughtful layman and enable him to I will seek the power of the Holy adults 550 weekly 759 5428 * Th.L./Th.Dip. for the Australian College Spirit; 6. I will seek the fellowship of should a child in hospital be visited?, of Theology. We have a pleasant office close to speak with authority to his CHURCH HOUSE - 3 b r Gas H W System St Albans. contemporaries. believers in Worship; 7.1 will and many other topics. It is a Fivedock Flemington Railway Station. * P.T.C. Certificate for Moore College - HOW B- proclaim the Gospel of Christ to all.) marvellous book and will be of great Beginning with an overview of the help to any family. External Studies. eschatology of the Old Testament, WITH The book contains much useful the author moves to consider how its Obtainable at the Mothers' Union UTEAN information and advice for the office, St. Andrew's House, Sydney. Wanted promises are seen by the New Committee Meeting 7.30 prn September Telephone enquiries to: ALCOHOLIC committed Christian who has to deal Price $2.50. Testament to be fulfilled already or HAVF YOU a piano not in use If a" an ra' to gloat to tee with the problem of a partner or 22, 9-11 Ridge Street, Merrylands West. Mr. Burleigh to be in the process of fulfilment AND WIN! relative who suffers from alcoholism. Interested Clergy invited. ('inaugurated eschatology') since the 763 1211 This book demands honesty of DREWS REMOVALS coming of Jesus. Separate chapters FREE AD communication with all concerned. Local, Country r. Interstate Bookhouse Australia Ltd. deal with important issues such as 011110101111 (formerly EMU Book Agencies and Anzea Publishers) 'The Meaning of History' and 'The G. & C. DREW A • r erne,. Enquiries: However, perhaps the only of bp to 111,6e line. Kingdom of God'. It the adverticement IS successful. the advertiser m asked to practical deficency may be that there PT? LTD pay The Church Record 10 per cent or the value of the sale However, the writers of the New is no mention of how to deal with (Established 1946) price. up to a maximum or 810 per advertisement The Rev. Brian Seers 3-5 Richmond Road, The service is known as FREE AD runs Testament envisage that some of the How to Live with an Alcoholic the violent domestic attack that often No connection in any way with firms of and on an honour Homebush West 2140 system The advertiser will be responsible for forwarding to (02) 637 4497. promises of the Old Testament and Win accompanies alcoholism in Australia. similar name. The Church Record office what is owrng remain to be fulfilled when Christ By Jim and Cindy Hunt with Robert Allen This may be a cultural phenomenon, 68 Smiths Ave., Hurstville 2220 Gitbulla needs garden furniture for tts lawn Or donut, returns. Three quarters of this book Hill Telephone: 50 8366 reasonable furniture Phone (046)33 8102 not so prevalent in the U.S. are devoted to this discussion of After Hours: 53 7377, 605 3690 Published by ARK Books - Minneapolis John Tully 6 - AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8 980 AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 - 7 Pilgrim International Limited to African provide full administration and promotional services for African Enterprise Enterprise. This arrangement will enable African Enterprise to draw on changes the wide range of expertise which Pilgrim International has accumulated over many years as well management as eliminating the need for African Enterprise to directly employ staff or Dr. Paul White, Chairman of African have separate offices and Enterprise, has announced that administration structures," said Dr. Pilgrim International Limited was White. Registered for posting as a public' appointed to manage African "Under this new arrangement Enterprise in Australia, from July 1, Pilgrim International will provide the 1980. services of Mr. Warwick Olson who "The increase of interest by will continue as Director of African "ABORIGINALS STILL THE MOST SERIOUSLY Australians in the Christian outreach Enterprise Limited, and Miss work of African Enterprise and the Margaret Rook as Executive consequent need for sound and Secretary." economic management has resulted DEPRIVED GROUP" SAYS FED. MINISTER, BUT in the Board of Directors inviting Dr Klass Runia speaks out on boring preaching, changes in Dutch R.C. and Reformed Churches, and misunderstanding about homosexual resolution ... Mc 3 Families at Risk: Weaknesses or The Author, Barbara Bolton (right) and Helen Harrison, Christian Books Strengths? Dr Craddock ... Manager of Hodder & Stoughton, with first copies of BOOTH'S DRUM. The e.g. 7 book lias been highly commended by former Commissioner Catherine Letters: "Lucky Country" editorial, Bramwell-Booth, now 97 years old, and a grandaughter of the Army's Founder, Setter Catholic Wee, Angeays, Jot General William Booth. Setting, Odd... page 2

A Unique Australian Albatross RES Takes A new publishing company has We need books that demonstrate recently been formed in Australia. the practical outworkings of a Decisive Based in Sutherland, Sydney, the position or philosophy — that don't company is called Albatross Books merely stae what 'ought' but what Action on has been set up to produce books 'can'. that explore new frontiers of Books whose presuppositions are Homosexuality Christian thought. Christian, but whose appearance is (Nimes, France) The ironic tone While majoring on authors from not — that reflect a Christian world that had prevailed at the Reformed Australia and New Zealand (the view but in a healthy, positive, Ecumenical Synod Nimes 1980 albatross is common to both constructive way are also important. throughout nearly three weeks of countries, being a bird of the "While this is easier said than meeting changed when on the last southern oceans), the company will done, I believe we are seeing in this full day of discussions the issue of be working closely with Lion region an emerging group of authors homosexuality came up for debate. A Publishing of Tring, England. Under a who are exploring the Christian faith number of member churches had unique reciprocal agreement, all in quite original and exciting ways t N become upset that the Reformed Albatross books will be published in and who deserve an international .. these children have a chance. In September, 1979, two aboriginal family group homes were set up in Marrickville, Churches in the Netherlands (GKN) the UK as a new imprint within the forum for their ideas. We have et to Sydney. Together they care for a total of sixteen aboriginal children at a time. The children are looked after by eight had taken a decision on Lion list. see a publishing company in aboriginal staff and an aboriginal social worker, who is the co-ordinator of the project operated by the Church of homosexuality that ran counter to In summarising the company's Australia that has the local equivalent England Homes. the traditional position. objectives, the founding Director, Most of the children were born in the inner city, and their parents and relatives live in close proximity. This ensures to the Fontana Paperback range, Three churches had even John Waterhouse, said: "Albatross that the family linkage is maintained. published by Collins and which suggested that unless this issue was seeks to produce books that have The two family group homes: Marella and Havilah were set up after lengthy discussions with aboriginal people in the exercised such a decisive role in the settled their continued membership some sort of prophetic function — 1960s and 1970s. The time is ripe for area. A capacity house at the Sydney Opera House made for an excellent in the RES would be at stake. The start to that articulate something about our a venture like this in the 1990's," said Robert Colman's first ever solo Australian tour. Robert has previously only Advisory Committee, on which wep , future, not just our past. Mr. Waterhouse. performed on request, generally at week-ends but this tour which continues for delegates from both the GKN and just under a month, allows him to perform at many centres which his schedule Archbishop to the "plaintiff" churches, met late into has previously prevented him from visiting. the night. The debate in plenary was BCA Fed. Sec. tense throughout. Yet a decision was The Opera House Concert was titled an Inspirational Music Spectacular and The Rev. Wakely Wade (51) has Resign was jointly promoted by 2CH, the N.S.W. Council of Churches and Rhema reached that found the approval of been appointed federal secretary of the vast majority. Artists. The evening also featured The Congress Hall Salvation Army Band, Rose- Archbishop Geoffrey Sambell the Bush Church Aid Society. He will Bishop Howell Witt, the Bishop of and his dog could have halted the Marie Longe and The Green Valley Young People's Choir. announced today that he would In its decision the Synod take up his appointment on resign at the end of this year on North West Australia, recently made convoy, they gathered on one of the recognised the intention of the GKI\ Following on from the success of the evening, Rhema Artists have announced a statement on the Noonkanbah November, 5, 1980. account of ill health. longest and straightest stretches of in their pastoral concern in drawing that the Inspirational Music Spectacular will become an annual event. A Mr. Wade was ordained in 1953. affair. Bishop Witt, who has been in the North West Highway where even attention to the suffering, despair recording of the night was also made and an album entitled 'Robert Colman Live Archbishop Sambell, during the He served as rector of Brighton-le- the North West for the past fifteen a Panzer division would have had its and experience of rejection to which at the Opera House' is being rush released to coincide with his Australian eleven years he has been Anglican Sands in Sydney Diocese prior to years said he wanted to make three hands full trying to slow it down. homosexual persons in many cases Concert Tour. Archbishop of Perth, has initiated a points which as far as he knew had becoming BCA general secretary for wide range of social services and ONLY ABORIGINES are being subjected. The Synod also New South Wales in 1977. not been made before. stated "in accordance with the ,established twenty new parishes in "At Hedland, further up the track He said that until the rig arrived on traditional Reformed understanding The Australian Church Record has been bringing the news In announcing the appointment the growing suburbs of Perth. there were no unionists at all, only site, Union involvement in its passage of Scripture" that all homosexual on Church affairs for 100 years, 1880-1980 Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane, the aborigines from Strelley. president of the society said that throughout the northwest had been practice is sin. It further stated that minimal. He said "While many of us were expecting "Mr. Wade as secretary for NSW has that like most other "any advice or counsel that weakens an independent West Australians he had been led to out and out confrontation and calling already acquired considerable the resistance to sin does not help believe by statements emanating for negotiations in a less emotional provocative knowledge of RCA and has had the but actually harms both the from Government ministers and from atmosphere, the rig was rolling opportunity to visit BCA workers on struggling person himself and others the Trades and Labour Council that merrily along through the Pilbara evangelical voice the field. He can be relied upon to who might be affected through him." there was going to be a great show without let or hindrance." Bringing you the most important Church news from Australia and carry on the principles and policies Turning to the GKN the Synod down and display of strength from Bishop Witt's second comment overseas every two weeks. which have been so ably pursued by requested the Dutch church to clarify both sides. But this had not was that the Noonkanbah people Become a subscriber now through our special introductory offer: $6 the retiring federal secretary". their pastoral letter on eventuated. were having to grapple with the for 12 months' issues (Normal Subscription $10). "homophilical" (homosexual) UNION INVOLVEMENT Mining Act, which as holders of a persons in order to make clear that pastoral lease, was slanted against all their view on homosexual practice is Position Vacant ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL "That rig, had certain unions wanted pastoralists. in accordance with Scripture. The 18 Roslyn Street, Potts Point, Sydney it, could not have moved from VERGER/CARETAKER Telephone 358 3355 "As a member of the Farmers' Synod further expressed its "grave Eneabba. It could have been stopped for St. Luke's is a Church of England Union put it, it tends to make the concern about the ambiguous nature at three or four places in the Pilbara. St. John's Church, Parramatta general hospital open to all creeds. As farmer (and he might have added the of the 1979 decision of the GKN" on it is a non profit organisation, the Board A few strategically shunted trucks Fulltime appointment, residence appeals for your help to raise funds for Commenting on the Archbishop's pastoralists too) a stranger in his own homosexuality. retirement, the Primate of the across the railway lines would have provided, interesting opportunity for this work. STAGE 1 development land. The man who wants to use the The Synod finally instructed the Christian layperson. brought St. Luke's up to a hospital with Anglican Church in Australia, seen to that. 140 beds, including 16 private suites, 3 land to produce takes second place Interim Committee to appoint a Archbishop Sir Marcus Loane said he "Instead, the number of union Apply in writing to: new operating theatres, theatre sterile to the company that wants to use it study committee to study the biblical supply unit, intensive care unit and regretted the circumstances which sympathisers that turned out at Church Wardens, to mine. data and hermeneutical questions essential equipment; further upgrading had led Archbishop Sambell to early Karratha were outnumbered by the St. John's Church, Parramatta planned of existing equipment/ "The primary producer is treated related to the problems of retirement. The Church in Australia, police, two of whom were seen on POSTCODE 2150 services. Tax deductible, gift duty- as a second class citizen; his rights "homophility" (homosexuality) exempt donations of $2.00 or more, he said, was grateful for the vigorous television kindly assisting in the or payable to "St. Luke's Development are limited. In some cases his wishes include in their study the decisions of Enter me as a new Subscriber to the Australian Church Record. I enclose $6.00, and strong leadership which the propping up of the only banner of Subscription for 12 months' issues. Telephone 635 5904 Fund" are acknowledged by official are ignored and his family life member churches on this matter, ask receipt. Archbishop had given. any size. Post coupon to The Church Record Ltd. Square Level, St Andrew's House, Sydney the member churches for their Chief Executive Officer T. J. BLAND disturbed and much of his hard work Square. Sydney, NSW, 2000. Archbishop Sambell is at present "Instead of congregating at a spot goes fornaueh t. advice, views and experience in on holiday overseas. in Roebourne where Blind Freddie To page 3 dealing with "homophilical" 8 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, SEPTEMBER 22. 1980 --