Writers’ houses

IIIIIIIIIIIIIII and authors’ places IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII in the Centre region

Ciclic is the regional agency for the promotion of books, picturing and digital literacy. Its mission is to liven up the book and literary life network in the Centre region in supporting the 1500 professionals of the region in their various projects : authors, libraries, bookshops and publishing houses, book craftsmen and artists, community or cultural associations which are involved in the book sector. It remains a delicate area in which readers and book-lovers are essential links.

One can only be sensitive to the Centre region exceptional heritage : about twenty writer’s houses and literary museums opened to the public, various places of creation for the writers

Editorial internship programs, libraries which work in highlighting the collections they keep, exhibitions, literary escapades and itineraries, meetings with authors.

Visitors from here and abroad, you are welcome to meet with the writers whose work you have still to discover, or it may be the authors you like, and to visit with your friends and family the places that inspired them. The Centre region is full of treasures you just have to be guided to.

We hope the following information, that has been gathered in collaboration with the National Federation of writers’ houses and literary heritage, will contribute to this discovery, will reinforce the links between these literary places in order to create a dynamic network and will encourage a large number of visitors to travel all over this region to which many great literary names, past and present, are associated.

Olivier Meneux Director of Ciclic

p 3 The Centre region :


5 49 Chartres 28 3 48


Pithiviers 14 47 Châteaudun 45 Montargis Orléans 37 36 12 2 Vendôme 13 44 11 45 4 La Loire 1 10 46 Blois 17 22 26 Tours 41 21 7 39 23 Romorantin-Lanthenay 38 30 20 31 32 6b 50 41 Chinon 37 15 Vierzon Loches 18 19 Bourges 33 51 24 40 18 16 Issoudun Châteauroux 28 35 27 Saint-Amand-Montrond

Le Blanc 36 9 29

8 9b La Châtre 6 34 43 42 25

p 4 a unique literary potential

An active and lively network which encourages the junction between literary heritage and contemporary writings via a great diversity of cultural actors and authors.

Beauce - Vendômois area Writer internship programs p 26/27 22 1 Agrippa d’Aubigné...... p 9 Maison des écritures 23 Résidence d’auteur littérature jeunesse 2 Alfred de Musset...... p 9 24 Les mille univers 25 3 Marcel Proust...... p 10 Triages Art et littérature 26 Domaine national de Chambord 4 Pierre de Ronsard...... p 11 27 Résidence Chapitre nature 28 5 Saint-Simon...... p 11 Abbaye de La Prée 29 Domaine du Magny

Berry area Libraries and documentation centres p 28 6 6b Alain-Fournier...... p 13 30 Bibliothèque municipale de Tours 7 Marguerite Audoux...... p 14 31 Bibliothèque universitaire de Tours 32 Centre d’études supérieures 8 Henry de Monfreid...... p 14 de la Renaissance 9 9b George Sand...... p 15 33 Bibliothèque municipale de Bourges 34 Bibliothèque intercommunale de La Châtre 35 Médiathèque de Châteauroux Orléanais area 36 Médiathèque d’Orléans 10 Gaston Couté...... p 17 37 Bibliothèque du Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Orléans

11 Max Jacob...... p 17 Community actors p 29 12 Maurice Genevoix...... p 18 38 Amis de Ronsard et du Prieuré Saint-Cosme 39 13 Charles Péguy...... p 19 Amis de Rabelais et de la Devinière 40 Amis de René Boylesve 14 Patrice de La Tour du Pin...... p 19 41 Amis de Pierre Halet 42 Association de gestion des intérêts Touraine area littéraires d’Épineuil 43 Amis du musée Henry de Monfreid 15 Honoré de Balzac...... p 21 44 Association culture et animation dionysienne Maurice Genevoix 16 René Boylesve...... p 22 45 Amis de Max Jacob 17 Honorat de Bueil...... p 22 46 Itinéraire Gaston Couté 47 Amis de Patrice de la Tour du Pin 18 René Descartes...... p 23 48 Amis de Marcel Proust et Amis de Combray 19 François Rabelais...... p 24 49 Amis de la Ferté-Vidame 50 Amis de Maurice Rollinat 20 Pierre de Ronsard...... p 25 51 Fédération des maisons d’écrivain 21 Pierre Halet...... p 26 et des patrimoines littéraires

p 5 Writers over the years and centuries…

1500 1550 1600 16 50 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000

François Rabelais 1494-1553 ...... François Rabelais Pierre de Ronsard 1524-1585

Agrippa d’Aubigné 1552-1630 ...... Pierre de Ronsard Honorat de Bueil, dit Racan 1589-1670

René Descartes 1596-1650

Saint-Simon 1675-1755 ...... Agrippa d’Aubigné Honoré de Balzac 1799-1850

...... George Sand 1804-1876 Honorat de Bueil, dit Racan Alfred de Musset 1810-1857

Marguerite Audoux 1863-1937

René Boylesve 1867-1926 ...... René Descartes Marcel Proust 1871-1922

...... Charles Péguy 1873-1914 Saint-Simon Max Jacob 1876-1944

Henry de Monfreid 1879-1974

...... Gaston Couté Honoré de Balzac Alain Fournier

...... George Sand Maurice Genevoix 1890-1980

Patrice de La Tour du Pin 1911-1975

Pierre Halet 1924-1996

...... Alfred de Musset

...... Marguerite p 6 Audoux Writers over the years and centuries…

1500 1550 1600 16 50 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000

François Rabelais 1494-1553 ...... Pierre de Ronsard 1524-1585 Marcel Proust

Agrippa d’Aubigné 1552-1630 ...... René Boylesve Honorat de Bueil, dit Racan 1589-1670

René Descartes 1596-1650

Saint-Simon 1675-1755 ...... Honoré de Balzac 1799-1850 Max Jacob

George Sand 1804-1876 ...... Charles Péguy Alfred de Musset 1810-1857

Marguerite Audoux 1863-1937

René Boylesve 1867-1926 ...... Gaston Couté Marcel Proust 1871-1922

Charles Péguy 1873-1914 ...... Henry de Monfreid Max Jacob 1876-1944

Henry de Monfreid 1879-1974

1880 Gaston Couté 1911 ...... Maurice 1886 Genevoix Alain Fournier 1914 ...... Maurice Genevoix 1890-1980 Alain Fournier

Patrice de La Tour du Pin 1911-1975

Pierre Halet 1924-1996

...... Pierre Halet

...... Patrice de la Tour du Pin p 7 Beauce - Vendômois area


Saint-Simon Espace Saint-Simon


Marcel Proust House of Aunt Léonie




Alfred de Musset Bonaventure Manor-house Vendôme

Pierre de Ronsard Agrippa d’Aubigné La Possonnière Manor-house Castle of Talcy

Blois La Loire



p 8 Beauce - Vendômois area Agrippa d’Aubigné / 1552-1630 1

Castle of Talcy / Talcy

This 16th century seigniorial mansion is famous in the history of literature and invites its visitors to a journey back in time. During Renaissance, the Castle Practical information of Talcy was owned by Bernard Salviati, father of Château de Talcy - 41370 Talcy - 02 54 81 03 01 Cassandre, muse of Ronsard, and grand-father of http://talcy.monuments-nationaux.fr Diane who inspired the young Agrippa d’Aubigné. The Talcy estate remains the evidence of a centre Owner and administrator : of intellectual sociability in the 15th century, and Centre des monuments nationaux V end ô mois area u ce - even more in the 19th, when Philippe-Albert Stapfer’s Opening days and times :

family (he was the first french translator of Goethe’s B ea From 2/05 to 4/09 : every day from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm writings) moved in the castle. « Dans le parc de Talcy, From 5/09 to 30/04 : every day from 10 am j’ai dressé deux plançons – Sur qui le temps faucheur to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 5pm ni l’ennuyeuse estorse – Des filles de la nuit jamais Closed on January 1st, May 1st and December 25th n’aura de force – Et non plus que mes vers n’éteindra Closed on Tuesdays from 01/10 to 31/03 leur renoms…» L’hécatombe à Diane. Free admission for visitors under 18 The estate has become productive again and Tours and events : its garden and orchard have been completely Free or guided tours rearranged according to lists of ancient varieties that had been found in the castle’s archives.

Alfred de Musset / 1810-1857 2

Bonaventure Manor-house / Mazangé

The Bonaventure Manor-house is composed of buildings dating from the 15th to the 17th centuries. In 1537, the manor-house became part of the Musset family’s estate when the daughter of Nicolas Girard de Salmet (he was François 1st ‘s barber and surgeon) married Claude Musset, jurist Practical information and lieutenant of the bailiff of Blois. The Musset family owned the manor-house for more than Maison de Bonaventure Le Gué du Loir - 41100 Mazangé three centuries. Alfred de Musset stayed there with 02 54 72 07 43 his father and his brother in 1822. Owner and administrator : In 2010, to celebrate the writer’s birth bicentenary, Private ownership many conferences, meetings and tours took place Opening days and times : in the Vendômois area, as well as great exhibition July, August and September : please call for in Blois. further information on opening days and times

p 9 3 Marcel Proust / 1871-1922

House of Aunt Léonie - Marcel Proust Museum / Illiers-Combray

« Et comme dans ce jeu où les Japonais s’amusent à tremper dans un bol de porcelaine rempli d’eau, de petits morceaux de papier […] tout Combray et ses environs, tout cela qui prend forme et solidité, est sorti, ville et jardins, de ma tasse de thé », Du côté de chez Swann (1913). - V end ô mois area u ce - The house of Aunt Léonie was actually Jules and

B ea Elisabeth Amiot’s, Marcel Proust’s aunt and uncle on his father’s side. As a child, from six to nine years old, he spent his holidays there and the house then became an inspiring place that would lead him to writing his major work À la recherche du temps perdu (1913-1927). One can first notice the little bells on the gate before Practical information entering the small garden full of flowers, lined with the orangery and the Turkish bath. One falls at once Maison de tante Léonie - Musée Marcel Proust beneath the spell of the mosaics of the house’s front 4 rue du Dr Proust - BP 20025 where the half-timbered style had been abandoned 28120 Illiers-Combray 02 37 24 30 97 - [email protected] to favour the oriental one. This atmosphere is also http://marcelproust.pagesperso-orange.fr obvious in the house’s living-room. Owner and administrator : On the top floor, a permanent exhibition of photos Société des amis de Marcel Proust by Paul Nadar brings back Proust’s world to life. Time et des amis de Combray seems to stand still in this house though it keeps living Opening days and times : through the From 16/01 to 30/06 and from 1/09 to 15/12 : writer’s novels. every day except Mondays from 2.15 pm to 5 pm In 1971, the From 1/07 to 31/08 : every day except Mondays village of Illiers, from 10.45 am to noon and from 2.15 pm to 5 pm Annual holidays from December 15th which became to January 15th «Combray» in Marcel Proust’s Free admission for children under 12 works, took the Tours and events : name known Free or guided tours. nowadays by the Hawthorn days with readings, conferences, meetings and writing workshops entire world. Literary escapade : Access to the Pré Catelan garden at Illiers- Combray by the lane following the Loir This exotic garden was conceived by Jules Amiot and became Swann’s garden in the writer’s novels p 10 Marcel Proust / 1871-1922 Pierre de Ronsard / 4 1524-1585

Practical information

Manoir de la Possonnière 41800 Couture-sur-Loir - 02 54 72 40 05 [email protected] La Possonnière Manor-house / www.pays-de-ronsard.com Owner and administrator : Couture-sur-Loir Communauté de communes du Pays de Ronsard Pierre de Ronsard was born on September 11th, Opening days and times : 1524, at la Possonnière where he spent the From mid-June to mid-September : every day major part of his childhood. The surrounding from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2.30 pm to 7 pm, countryside was his first source of inspiration and

except on Tuesdays from 10 am to 1 pm V end ô mois area u ce - and from 2.30 pm to 7 pm several of his poems celebrate the Vendômois

From 01/04 to 15/06 and from 15/09 to 31/10 : area. The church of Couture, the Bellerie B ea Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public Fountain, the woods of Gastine and L’Isle verte holidays from 2 pm to 6 pm can also be found in his works. Free admission for children under 15 La Possonnière manor-house is a charming and Tours and events : quiet place with its modern gardens as a tribute Free tours or guided tours on the manor architecture and Ronsard’s history to the poet. In addition to the vegetable garden, Various activities, especially for schools, during Taste the visitors will discover an impressive collection Week - Cuttings fair of roses, of old and modern varieties.

Saint-Simon / 1675-1755 5

Espace Saint-Simon / Practical information La Ferté-Vidame Espace Saint-Simon Pavillon Saint-Dominique 28340 La Ferté-Vidame Louis of Rouvroy, Duke of Saint-Simon, was very young when 02 37 37 68 59 he arrived at la Ferté-Vidame, an estate bought by his father Owner : after Louis XIII’s advice. It was there that Louis XIV ‘s famous Conseil général d’Eure-et-Loir memorialist wrote his memoirs. During his whole life, Saint- Administrator : Simon came to la Ferté-Vidame to seek the peace of mind he Syndicat d’initiative de la Ferté-Vidame could not achieve in or in Versailles. Saint-Simon who was Opening days and times : very attached to this estate declared that « there was some Please call for further information spirit of seigniory that was still pulsing at la Ferté », and this Tours and events : made each of his stays all the more precious to him. In this Tours with audio-guides and IPOD, place that still preserves his memory, he gathered the important available at the Tourist Office testimonies on his family and his life in Versaille. Between 1739 Tours for groups on request and 1753, he wrote his famous « Mémoires », which were published more than a century later. Book fair and Saint-Simon award ceremony on September The Pavillon Saint-Dominique offers a great display of pictures and documents on the famous writer, as well as on Jean- Joseph de Laborde (1724-1794), financier and patron for the estate and the town. p 11 Berry area

Marguerite Audoux Marguerite Audoux Museum

Alain-Fournier Historimage Museum

Alain-Fournier Native house Vierzon Bourges

Issoudun Cher Châteauroux


Le Blanc Indre George Sand Nohant Estate Henry de Monfreid La Châtre Henry de Monfreid Museum George Sand Alain-Fournier Vallée Noire Museum House-School of the Magnificent Meaulnes

p 12 Berry area Alain-Fournier / 1886-1914 6 y area y B err

Practical information House-School of the Magnificent Maison-École du Grand Meaulnes Meaulnes / Épineuil-le-Fleuriel Place de la mairie - 18360 Épineuil-le-Fleuriel 02 48 63 04 82 - [email protected] www.grandmeaulnes.eu The house-school of the Magnificent Meaulnes is an rd Owner : Commune d’Épineuil-le-Fleuriel image of what school during the 3 République looked like, as well as a place of literary inspiration in being the Administrator : setting of one of the most famous French novels. The AGILE Association (Association pour la gestion des intérêts littéraires d’Épineuil) house was recreated in order to look like it was in 1891, when the young Henri Alban Fournier arrived with his Opening days and times : parents who were teachers : « a long red house, with From 01/04 to 30/06 and from 01/09 to 31/10 : every day except Tuesdays from 10 am to noon five window doors, under Virginia creepers, at the end of and from 2 pm to 6 pm the burg. » One can also visit the old town hall, the two From 01/07 to 31/08 : every day from 10 am to classrooms and the teacher’s 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm - For groups, apartment. opening on request every day from 02/01 to 23/12 The story of the Magnificent Free admission for children under 8 Meaulnes starts in Épineuil- Tours and events : le-Fleuriel. This world-famous Guided or audio-guided tours novel invites the readers to Primary school certificate, the Magnificent travel and to find one’s self Meaulnes dictation and a school of philosophy through Alain-Fournier’s Literary escapade : mysterious and poetic universe. Visit (only on request) in La Chapelle d’Angillon « Mon livre sera un va-et-vient of the house where Alain-Fournier and his sister Isabelle Rivière were born du rêve à la réalité. » Le Grand Meaulnes (1913).

Historimage Museum / Neuvy-sur-Barangeon 6 b

Practical information A space dedicated to the writers from the Centre region who fought during the Great War has just Musée Historimage Domaine de la Grande-Garenne opened. One can learn about the life of the soldier 18330 Neuvy-sur-Barangeon Alain-Fournier and of his fellow writers (Charles 02 48 52 64 00 - www.grande-garenne.com Péguy, Louis Pergaud, Jacques Rivière…). Many Opening days and times : photographs, objects and documents, as well as a Opened from 2 pm to 6 pm slide show, pay tribute to these men with shattered Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays destinies. p 13 7 Marguerite Audoux / 1863-1937

Marguerite Audoux Museum /

y area y Aubigny-sur-Nère

Marguerite Donquichotte - who would become B err Marguerite Audoux - was born in 1863 in Sancoins. As Practical information an orphan, she was placed in care in Bourges where she Musée Marguerite Audoux lived a painful childhood. She worked as a shepherdess Place de la Résistance - 18700 Aubigny-sur-Nère at the Berrué farm in Sainte-Montaine where she 02 48 81 50 07 - www.aubigny.net discovered literature in an old attic of the farm. Owner and administrator : When she was 18, she came to Paris and lived on little Commune d’Aubigny-sur-Nère sewing works. She then began to write to forget her Opening days and times : solitary life. Supported by André Gide, Léon-Paul Fargue, From Easter holiday to 30/06 and from 01/09 to Charles-Louis Philippe or Jean Giraudoux, Marguerite 31/10 : from 2.30 pm to 6 pm, only week-ends Audoux achieved her writing ambitions at the age of and public holidays fourty when her novel Marie-Claire (1910) was awarded From 01/07 to 03/08 : every day from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm the Prix Femina in 1910. This autobiographical novel in which she evoked her difficult childhood was a great Free admission for children under 16 success. Ten years later, she published L’Atelier de Tours and events : Marie-Claire (1920) in which she described her work in Free tour on the life of Marguerite Audoux a sewing workshop.

8 Henry de Monfreid / 1879-1974

Henry de Monfreid Museum / Ingrandes Practical information Henry de Monfreid was an extraordinary character, Musée Henry de Monfreid an adventurer as well as a writer. He was 1 rue Henry de Monfreid - 36300 Ingrandes successively a dairyman, a coffee wholesaler in 02 54 28 67 98 Abyssinia, a pearl diver, a firearms and hashish dealer, [email protected] a spy, a war journalist, a painter in watercololours www.henrydemonfreid.com and a photographer. Owner : Commune d’Ingrandes After his encounter with Joseph Kessel, he decided Administrator : Association des amis to publish the stories of his adventures. His most du musée Henry de Monfreid famous work, Les secrets de la Mer Rouge (1932), Opening days and times : was adapted for the movies and television. From 01/04 to 30/09 : Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 3 pm to 6 pm ; In 1948, this great traveler settled in Ingrandes, in the Saturdays and Sundays, from 3 pm to 7 pm Brenne region. The museum sits next to the house Free admission for children under 12 where the writer lived during 27 years and died (except for groups) in 1974. The museum displays a reconstruction of Tours and events : the rest and writing rooms in the writer’s house of Free or guided tours - Public readings and Obock, in Somalia. projection followed by debates p 14 George Sand / 1804-1876 9

Practical information

Domaine de George Sand - 36400 Nohant-Vic y area y 02 54 31 06 04 - www.monuments-nationaux.fr Owner and administrator : George Sand Estate / Nohant-Vic Centre des monuments nationaux B err Built at the end of the 18th century for the governor of Opening days and times : Vierzon, the mansion of Nohant was first purchased Every day - From 01/09 to 30/09 and from 01/04 to 31/04 : from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from 2 in 1793 by Madame Dupin de Franceuil, George Sand’s pm to 6 pm - From 01/10 to 31/10 : from 10 am to grandmother, who conceived a vast park around 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 5.30 pm - From 02/11 the house. Little Aurore Dupin spent her childhood to 31/03 : from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from 1.30 and adolescence in this setting which was a place of pm to 5 pm - From 02/05 to 30/06 : from 9.15 am creation and intellectual life that cannot be separated to 12.15 pm and from 2 pm to 6.30 pm - From from her work. George Sand wrote there and received 01/07 to 31/08 : from 9.30 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6.30 pm - Annual closing days : 01/01, a lot of famous guests such as Balzac, Chopin, 01/05, 04/11, 11/11, and 25/12 Flaubert, Delacroix. Free admission for visitors under 25 The house’s interior is still the one the writer knew Tours and events : until she died : the dining room, the blue bedroom, Guided tours the small theater and the puppet theater. Debates, readings, meetings and festivals The estate’s garden received the seal of « noteworthy Literary escapade : garden ». It evokes the strong bound between the Villa Algira in Gargilesse, refuge to George Sand writer and nature and botany : « J’avais la maison de and Alexandre Manceau (Gargilesse Tourist mes souvenirs pour y abriter les futurs souvenirs de Office : 02 54 47 85 06) mes enfants. » Histoire de ma vie (1847-1854). Book collection at La Châtre Public library

Practical information George Sand and Vallée Noire Musée George Sand et de la Vallée Noire Museum / La Châtre 9b 71 rue Venose - 36400 La Châtre 02 54 48 36 79 - [email protected] The museum displays Owner and administrator : memorabilia, literary works Commune de La Châtre and letters by George Sand. Opening days and times : One can admire the only February/March/November/December: every known portrait of George day except Tuesdays, from 2 pm to 5 pm - April/ October : every day except Tuesdays from 2 pm to Sand with her husband 6.30 pm - May/June/September : every day except Casimir Dudevant by François Biard, an artist from Lyon. Tuesdays and Sunday mornings from 10 am to The name of Vallée Noire was given by George Sand noon and from 2 pm to 6.30 pm - July/August : Every day except Sunday mornings from 10 am to to the surrounding region of La Châtre : « C’est un noon and from 2 pm to 6.30 pm - Annual closing pays de petite propriété et c’est à son morcellement dates : 01/01, 01/05, 25/12 and 26/12 qu’il doit son harmonie (…), j’aime mieux ces petits Free admission for visitors under 18 lots divisés où subsistent les familles indépendantes, que des grandes terres où le cultivateur n’est pas Tours and events : chez lui, et où rien ne manque, si ce n’est l’homme » Thematic, guided or free tours - Exhibitions La Vallée Noire (1846) p 15 orléanais area


Patrice de La Tour du Pin Castle of the Bignon Montargis

Orléans Maurice Genevoix Charles Péguy La Marine de Loire Museun Charles Péguy Centre Maurice Genevoix Maurice Genevoix Museum Max Jacob Gaston Couté Max Jacob House Meung-sur-Loire Town Museum

La Loire

p 16 Gaston Couté / 10 orléanais area 1880-1911

Practical information Musée municipal « La Monnaye » « La Monnaye » Town Museum / 22 rue des remparts - 45130 Meung-sur-Loire 02 38 22 53 36 - [email protected] Meung-sur-Loire www.meung-sur-loire.com Gaston Couté, born in , spent his whole Owner and administrator : Commune de Meung-sur-Loire childhood in Meung-sur-Loire. He was a libertarian area O rléanais Opening days and times : poet and songwriter who started his career as an Wednesdays, from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm - Fridays, artist in Orléans. One of his works, Le champ de from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm - Saturdays from 9.30 naviots, made him decide to go to Paris where he am to 12.30 pm - Sundays from 3 pm to 6 pm performed on stage in the Montmartre cabarets Closed during public and Christmas holidays as well as in Bruxelles and London. In 1910, he Free admission started writing in committed reviews such as « La Tours and events : Barricade » and « La Guerre sociale ». Free tours or guided tours on request In his texts, often written in patois from the Beauce, Temporary exhibitions - Gaston Couté Days (in September) : concerts, shows, exhibitions Gaston Couté denounced injustices and social and activities about the poet and songwriter misery by depicting the hard life of the popular Literary escapade : classes : Le foin qui presse. The Gaston Couté itinerary, cultural circuit. The museum also highlights the writer’s unknown www.itineraire-gaston-coute.com for further talent as a draughtsman with a collection of original information and unpublished illustrations and caricatures.

Max Jacob / 1876-1944 11

t Practical information Max Jacob House / S Benoît-sur-Loire

Office de tourisme Val d’Or et Forêt Max Jacob, who was seen as an uncontested fanciful 44 rue orléanaise - 45730 Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire magician of avant-garde art in the same way as 02 38 35 79 00 - [email protected] Picasso and Apollinaire and who converted to www.tourisme-loire-foret.com catholicism in 1909, took refuge in Saint-Benoît-sur- Owner and administrator : Loire from 1921 to 1927 then permanently in 1936. Owned by the town and managed by the Communauté de communes He was arrested in Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire in 1944 Opening days and times : and sent to Drancy concentration camp where he From 01/10 to 31/03 : from 10 am to 12.30 pm died some time after in spite of his friends’s attempts and from 1.30 pm to 5 pm (closed on Tuesday - especially Jean Cocteau’s - to secure his release. mornings, Sundays and on public holidays) From 01/04 to 30/09 : from 9 am to 12.30 pm and Max Jacob came to Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire to escape from 1.30 pm to 6 pm from Monday to Saturday ; from Paris. He yearned for quietness and work. He on Tuesdays, opening at 10.30 am and closed remains this « poet, comical like a dream » who left on Sundays and public holidays except during a major poetic work, characterized by the marriage summer holidays of the burlesque with mysticism. He became famous Free admission in 1916 with Le cornet à dés. Literary escapade : Max Jacob collection at Orléans Multimedia This exhibition which recounts Max Jacob’s life library ; graphic works and illustrated books at offers a collection of photographs, books and a few the library of the Orléans Beaux-Arts Museum rare works. p 17 12 Maurice Genevoix / 1890-1980

Maurice Genevoix Museum / Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel

The Genevoix House is located in Saint-Denis-de- l’Hôtel, on the hillside dominating the Loire, near the Vernelles estate, very close to Sologne. area O rléanais The Loire and Sologne deeply influenced the young Maurice and often inspired the writer. He spent his childhood in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, studied à Pothier high school in Orléans, then at the École normale supérieure. In 1914, Wold War One threw him in the middle of the fighting as a lieutenant. He was seriously wounded in 1915 at the Éparges, in the Meuse region. His tribute to the soldiers, Ceux de 14 (1949) Practical information made him known to the general public. After his Musée Maurice Genevoix novel Raboliot was awarded the Prix Goncourt in Place du Cloître 1925, he settled in the Vernelles which became his 45550 Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel favourite hangout, a few years later. It is in his office 02 38 59 12 80 he wrote the major part of his works and from there Owner and administrator : that he contemplated « his » Loire : « c’est que je Commune de Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel l’aime, je l’aime pour la beauté dont elle comble mes Opening days and times : yeux, pour les courbes molles de ses rives, pour les From November to March : grèves ardentes que le soleil fait trembler, les grèves Saturdays from 4 pm to 5.30 pm, Sundays from mauves à l’ombre des osiers, les grèves bleues sous 10 am to noon and from 2 pm to 5.30 pm le clair de lune, pour les ablettes d’argent qui sautent From April to October : près des bateaux-lavoirs. » Rémi des Rauches (1922). Saturdays from 4 pm to 6 pm, Sundays and public Holidays from 10 am The Maurice to noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm Genevoix Museum displays Free admission an impressive Tours and events : collection of rare Free or guided tours, on request for groups books, drawings Temporary exhibitions, literary cafés and songs written and debates by Maurice Literary escapade : Genevoix. Les Vernelles : garden and house of Maurice Genevoix (only on request) Musée de la Marine de Loire in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, where a room is dedicated to Maurice Genevoix (02 38 46 84 46)

p 18 Maurice Genevoix / 1890-1980 Charles Péguy / 1873-1914 13

Charles Péguy Centre / Orléans

The Hôtel Euverte Hatte is a unique place when one can learn more about Charles Péguy, poet and writer born in 1873 in Orléans. A museographical Practical information area recounts the life of the École Normale area O rléanais Centre Charles Péguy supérieure student who was also an active 11 rue du Tabour – 45000 Orléans dreyfusard, a socialist party member, an anti- 02 38 53 20 23 – [email protected] marxist and catholic. Owner and administrator : Ville d’Orléans The Charles Péguy Centre displays an impressive collection of manuscripts, letters, studies, works Opening days and times : and theses. Museum : from Monday to Saturday from 2 pm to 6 pm The Dreyfus Affair aroused Charles Péguy’s (except on public holidays) fascination with heroïsm and saintliness. He was Library : from Monday to Friday, also haunted by the story of Jeanne d’Arc. He from 9 am to noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm (except on Fridays to 5 pm) developed two main themes in his whole work : the inner human struggle between the divine and Tours and events : the mortal, and the reinsertion of the spiritual into Literary cafés the temporal.

Patrice de La Tour du Pin / 1911-1975 14

Practical information Castle of the Bignon / Château du Bignon - 45210 Le Bignon-Mirabeau Le Bignon-Mirabeau Owner and administrator : Jérôme et Marie-Liesse d’Aboville The Castle of the Bignon was the house of the poet Opening days and times : Patrice de La Tour du Pin whose birth’s centenary July, August and September : for further was celebrated in 2011. He spent the major part of information, please call 02 38 90 97 41 his childhood there and, later, sought his inspiration Tours and events : in the solitude of this place and in the harmony Guided tours on the history of the place, including with nature. When he was 22, he published his first the tour of the castle and a literary thematic collection of poems, La Quête de joie (1933). He through the work of Patrice de La Tour was wounded at the begining of World du Pin War II and spent three years in captivity during which he kept writing Une About Patrice de La Tour du Pin : somme de poésie until he died in 1975. www.latourdupin.org In addition to the castle and the park, the visitor may see a unique collection of chromolithographs, a rare artistic expression of an ancient taste. p 19 Touraine area

Honorat de Bueil Castle of la Roche Racan Pierre Halet House of Pierre Halet

Pierre de Ronsard Saint-Cosme Priory Tours

Honoré de Balzac Chinon La Loire Castle of Saché

François Rabelais Loches House of La Devinière Indre-et-Loire

René Boylesve René Boylesve Museum René Descartes House-Museum

p 20 Honoré de Balzac / 1799-1850 15 o u raine area T

Practical information Balzac Museum - Musée Balzac - Château de Saché Rue du château - 37190 Saché Castle of Saché / Saché 02 47 26 86 50 - [email protected] www.musee-balzac.fr In the middle of the Touraine region, the Castle Owner and administrator : of Saché was one of Honoré de Balzac’s favourite Conseil général d’Indre-et-Loire inspiring places. Born in Tours in 1799, the writer Opening days and times : of the Comédie Humaine (1830-1856) remained From 01/04 to 30/06 and from 01/09 to 30/09 : faithful to his native region during his whole life. every day from 10 am to 6 pm From 1825 to 1848, he paid regular visits to Jean From 01/07 to 31/08 : every day from 10 am to Margonne, one of his parents’s friends, in his Castle 7 pm From 01/10 to 31/03 : every day except on of Saché. Balzac found there the silence and the Tuesdays from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm austerity which allowed him to work from twelve to 5 pm to sixteen hours a day, far from the excitement Annual closing dates : 01/01 and 25/12 of the parisian life. Le Père Goriot (1835), Louis Free admission for children under 12 Lambert (1832), César Birotteau (1839) or Illusions perdues (1836-1843) were partly written in his Tours and events : Free and guided thematic tours third-floor little bedroom. Saché inspired also For families, tales on Balzac and his works, Balzac who set the story of Le lys dans la vallée in printing and writing workshops : « Printings the idyllic valley of the Indre : « Ne me demandez of Saché », « The quill and the words » plus pourquoi j’aime la Touraine. Je ne l’aime ni Throughout the year, temporary exhibitions, comme on aime son berceau, ni comme on aime literary concerts, literary cafés, movie cafés, une oasis dans le désert ; je l’aime comme un and readings artiste aime l’art. » Le lys dans la vallée (1836). Literary escapade : Hiking circuits on Le lys dans la vallée theme The museum displays an amazing literary (Azay-le-Rideau Tourist office : 02 47 45 44 40) collection about Balzac, with original editions of Literary collection at the Balzac Museum library in his works, manuscripts and hand-corrected book Saché and at the Tours Public Library proofs.

p 21 16 René Boylesve / 1867-1926

René Boylesve Museum / Descartes

Born in La Haye-Descartes, René Boylesve - whose real name was René Tardiveau - was the painter of provincial bourgeoisie. Contemporary with Practical information

o u raine area Proust, René Boylesve’s work is embued with T Musée René Boylesve sensibility like in L’enfant à la balustrade (1903). His 19 rue Descartes - 37160 Descartes tales like La leçon d’amour dans un parc (1902) www.ville-descartes.fr had a great success. His native Touraine inspired Owner : Commune de Descartes him throughout the major part of his work, and particularly in his book entitled La Touraine (1926). Administrator : Association des amis de René Boylesve The studyroom of the writer, who was a member Opening days and times : of the French Academy, was recreated in a mansion Opened on request and on Heritage days built at the end of the 19th century, located between Tours and events : Guided tours the house where he was born and René Descartes’s. The visitors will discover the reconstructions of Literary escapade : some scenes of his novels in the rooms of the Literary collection at the Tours Public Library mansion.

17 Honorat de Bueil known as Racan / 1589-1670

Castle of la Roche-Racan / Saint-Paterne-Racan

The building of the Castle of la Roche-Racan began in 1636 under the ownership of Honorat Practical information de Bueil, (known as Racan) who was a page at Château de la Roche-Racan Henri IV’s court. Member of the famous family of 37370 Saint-Paterne-Racan - 02 47 29 20 02 Bueil, he was destined to a military career like his Owner and administrator : peers and became a brigadier. Private ownership His encounter with Malherbe, whose studient Opening days and times : and friend he remained until the great master’s From 06/07 to 14/08 : from 9.30 am to 12.30 death, was decisive and he gave up his military pm and from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm career for writing. He was appointed by Richelieu Visit for groups of more than 20 persons on himself in the French Academy the year of its request throughout the year creation. Free admission for children under 12 He wrote most of his poems on nature in the Tours and events : secluded life in his castle. In Stances sur la Guided tours on Racan’s life and work retraite (1618), he spoke highly of a simple life Literary escapade : in the countryside, far from the excitement, the The poet’s ancestors were buried in the colle- intrigues and the splendour of the court he used giate church of the Bueil (for further information, please call Bueil en Touraine City hall) to attend.

p 22 René Boylesve / 1867-1926 René Descartes / 1596-1650 18 o u raine area T

Practical information René Descartes House-Museum / Maison Musée René Descartes Descartes 29 rue Descartes - 37160 Descartes 02 47 59 79 19 - [email protected] www.ville-descartes.fr Born on March 31st, 1596, and baptized on April 3rd Owner and administrator : of the same year in the church of Saint-Georges Commune de Descartes de La Haye-en-Touraine (the village is now named Opening days and times : Descartes), René Descartes came from a family of From mid-March to mid-September : every day gentlemen of the Poitou region. He studied at La (except on Tuesdays) from 2 pm to 6 pm Flèche Jesuit College, then traveled during almost From mid-September to mid-November : every twelve years in various european countries to study day (except on Tuesdays) from 2 pm to 5 pm armies and attend different classes. In July and August, from 10 am to noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, He developed a new philosophy which would Thursdays and Fridays and from 2 pm to 6 pm become the basis of modernity. In 1644, he published on Saturdays and Sundays the Principes de la philosophie. The Cartesian Opened for groups and schools on request doctrine introduced a real intellectual revolution in Free admission for children under 16 Europe. The method which Descartes applied was Tours and events : based on the notion of doubt that should enable to Free or guided tours achieve truth : « Ne recevoir jamais aucune chose For children : philosophical goûters, games and pour vraie, que je ne la connusse évidemment comme workshops telle. » Le Discours de la méthode (1637). Throughout the year, philosophical cafés and workshops, recreational circuits The entirely renovated museum enables the visitors Literary escapade : to discover the philosopher as well as his work and Instructive tour of the town of Descartes : his time. « The Cartesian » p 23 19 François Rabelais / 1494-1553 o u raine area T

Rabelais Museum - House of La Devinière / Seuilly

Practical information François Rabelais was born end of the 15th century at Musée Rabelais - Maison de La Devinière La Devinière. He spent the first years of his life in this 37500 Seuilly smallholding in Seuilly, in the heart of the Chinon area. 02 47 95 91 18 - [email protected] This setting left its mark in the deep self of the writer www.musee-rabelais.fr who would use later this landscape as the stage for Owner and administrator : the military operations of the famous picrocholine war Conseil général d’Indre-et-Loire included in Gargantua. Opening days and times : He was a monk before becoming a doctor and he From 01/07 to 31/08 : every day from 10 am wrote his first two novels in Lyon.Pantagruel (1532) to 7 pm From 01/04 to 30/06 and from 01/09 to and Gargantua (1534) were censored and condemned 30/09 : everyday from 10 am to 12.30 pm by the Sorbonne theologians. Tiers Livre (1546), Quart and from 2pm to 6 pm Livre (1552) offered a sequel to his giants’s adventures ; From 01/10 to 30/03 : every day except on the Cinquième Livre (1564) was published after Tuesdays, from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from Rabelais’s death in 1553 in Paris. 2 pm to 5 pm Annual closing dates : 01/01 and 25/12 A Renaissance humanist philospher as well as a satirical Free admission for children under 12 writer, Rabelais was very attached to what was seen as the « garden of », his native land, which inspired Tours and events : all his work. Free, thematic or guided tours For children : writing workshops and Since 1951, the house of La Devinière is a literary educational tours of temporary exhibitions museum dedicated to convey the spirit of the writer. In Temporary exhibitions and activities addition to the building of the 15th and 17th centuries, Literary escapade : the viewing of the Troglodytic cellars, of the garden, Picrocholines Wars footpath, of the vineyard and the landscape adds to the rural 17 km circuit starting from La Devinière genuineness of the « giants’ castle ». (Tourism office : 02 47 93 17 85)

p 24 Pierre de Ronsard / 1524-1585 20 o u raine area T

House of Ronsard – Saint-Cosme Priory / La Riche

On the Loire bank, near Tours, Saint-Cosme Priory, which was founded end of 11th century, was Ronsard’s last home. Ronsard - who was seen as the « prince of the poets » - was its commisionning prior during twenty years before his death in 1585. Practical information In this place deserted by the Saint-Martin monks in 1742, on can still see the remains of the Demeure de Ronsard - Prieuré Saint-Cosme Rue Ronsard - 37520 La Riche romanesque-gothic church, the infirmary, the 02 47 37 32 70 - [email protected] hostelry, the refectory and the prior’s lodgings. The www.prieure-ronsard.fr visitor can also discover the grave of the poet who Owner and administrator : chose to die and be buried there. Conseil général d’Indre-et-Loire The rose gardens that surround the mansion are Opening days and times : an ultimate tribute to Ronsard and his message From 01/01 to 14/03 : every day except on Tues- to « gather the fleet flower of youth ». As a days from 10 to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm Renaissance humanist, he developed universal From 15/03 to 30/04 and from 01/09 to 15/10 : themes in his work such as time, nature, love and every day from 10 am to 6 pm From 01/05 to 31/08 : every day from 10 am to death. 7 pm Since summer 2010, the visitors can also discover From 15/10 to 31/12 : every day except on Tues- the spirit of another great artist, Zao Wou-Ki, a days from 10 to 12.30 pm and from 2 to 5 pm painter of Chinese origin, who designed, in a Free admission for children under 12 spiritual and poetic impulse, fourteen original Tours and events : stained-glasses for the canons refectory. Free or guided tours For children : thematic guided tours and activities One can also admire a beautiful collection of « Printemps des poètes » poetry festival, « poor books » as well as a precious copy of the ancient music and chamber music festivals, Odes by Ronsard (1555). the « Journées de la Rose » p 25 21 Pierre Halet / 1924-1996

House of Pierre Halet / Chançay o u raine area T Pierre Halet was an all-round writer who developed his work around the various forms of writing : poetry, tales, short novels or dramas which perfectly suited his time. He favoured a dynamic and contrasted poetic writing and a personal and creative Practical information language that was embued of a great musicality. Maison de Pierre Halet Pierre Halet was also a writer of his region. 29 rue du Château de Vaux - 37210 Chançay He tended his vineyard of Vouvray wine Owner and administrator : throughout his life. Private ownership Gabriel Monnet wrote about this writer : For further information about the house of Pierre Halet and events, please contact « quelque part dans le jardin français, sur fond the Association of the friends of Pierre Halet : de collines et de ciel, il y a un arbre nommé 02 47 42 22 24 Pierre Halet. » Comme un arbre (1966).

Writer internship programs

The writers internship programs and facilities encourage creation in offering to authors or to illustrators a privileged period of time during which they can develop a literary project. These cultural reception facilities favour relationships between the various actors of the book sector and with other arts disciplines and promote local development. These programs create genuine places of cultural exchanges and are the setting of encounters between the writers and the readership. They ensure the promotion of literary creation by enabling the publishing of the literary projects conducted inside the programs. Lots of authors are thus hosted every year in the Centre region by associations, publishing houses and institutions.

p 26 Maison des écritures Triages Art et Littérature 2 rue Saint-André - 37370 Neuvy-le-Roi Rue du Fort - 36170 Saint-Benoît-du-Sault 02 47 24 89 82 - www.maisondesecritures.com 02 54 47 66 60 The aim of the Maison des écritures is to In addition to their poetry publishing house, develop literary dynamics in a rural area. Tarabuste, Claudine Martin and Djamel Authors are to apply directly to the Maison Meskache run Triages Art et Littérature which, des écritures. since 1989, enables writer internship programs from one to three months, as part of a rural area revitalisation mission. Résidence d’auteur littérature jeunesse CDDP - 3 place Raspail Résidence d’auteur en Brenne BP 2613 - 37026 Tours 23 boulevard de la Valla - BP 77 - 36002 Châteauroux 02 47 60 17 00 02 54 61 34 67 - www.fol36.org For several years now, the 37 department This internship program is part of a « nature, educational documentation centre together culture and heritage » dynamics taking place with Livre Passerelle association and the in spring. It offers a moment of encounter Ressource Centre for Illiteracy and Literacy and exchange between a writer, a territory tution have hosted authors. This writer and readers through writing and reading internship program, which is resolutely workshops. The Federation of children’s literature public organizations of the Indre oriented, receives department is in charge of this poets as well program. as authors and illustrators. Abbaye de La Prée Domaine national 36100 Ségry - 02 54 03 44 44 de Chambord www.pqev.org Maison des Réfractaires - The writer internship program of La 41250 Chambord Prée is opened to creators from all 02 54 50 40 00 arts disciplines, including literature. www.chambord.org Since 2001, the Beaux-Arts From now on, the Academy sponsors the Pour Que Domaine national l’Esprit Vive association and seven de Chambord hosts members of the Academy take part an annual writer in the selection of the candidates internship program. as well as in the follow-up and support of the in-residence writers.

Les mille univers La Friche l’Antre-Peaux Domaine du Magny 32 bis route de La Chapelle 36400 Le Magny – 06 72 70 29 25 18000 Bourges - 02 48 50 31 75 www.caravanedespoetes.org www.mille-univers.net The Textes et Rêves association, in partnership The Mille Univers publishing house, that houses with the association responsible for the project its own typographical workshop, receive of the european house of poetry in the country authors in order to create, share techniques and of George Sand, hosts poets in its internship offer various encounters with schools. program.

Others places and programs hosted writers during the past years : the Domaine de Nohant or theater companies like the Compagnie du Hasard, the Fous de Bassan, the Théâtre de l’Imprévu…

p 27 Libraries and documentation centres

The libraries, like the writers’ houses, are important acquisition, deposit and bequest centres. Numerous documentation centres and libraries of the Centre region own literary archives and enhance on a regular basis their collections with writers’ handwritten pieces, letters, and personal documents. Among the most important collections, one can visit : Bibliothèque municipale de Tours Médiathèque de Châteauroux 2 bis avenue André Malraux - 37042 Tours 41 avenue Charles de Gaulle cedex - 02 47 05 47 33 - www.bm-tours.fr 36000 Châteauroux - 02 54 08 35 35 http://mediatheque.ville-chateauroux.fr Collection : Balzac, Anatole France, René Boylesve, Courteline, Yves Bonnefoy... Collection : Maurice Rollinat, George Sand Reopening on September 2013. Reference use on request and by appointment during the library opening times. Bibliothèque universitaire de Tours 3 rue des tanneurs Médiathèque 37041 Tours cedex 1 d’Orléans 02 47 36 64 86 1, place Gambetta www.scd.univ-tours.fr 45043 Orléans cedex 02 38 68 45 45 Collection : Charles www.bm-orleans.fr Ferdinand Ramuz Reference use on simple Collection : Max Jacob, request to the library main Georges Bataille, Jean desk. Louis Béchu, Michèle Desbordes Reference use during Centre d’Études Supérieures the library opening times. Valuable documents de la Renaissance are only available for consultation during the 59 rue Néricault-Destouches - BP 11328 Régine-Pernoud room opening times. Specific 37013 Tours cedex 1 - 02 47 36 77 60 consultation conditions for the Desbordes http://cesr.univ-tours collection. Virtual humanist library : www.bvh.univ-tours.fr Bibliothèque du musée des Beaux-Arts d’Orléans Bibliothèque municipale de Bourges 1 rue Fernand Rabier - 45000 Orléans 1 place des Quatre piliers - BP 18 02 38 79 21 66 18001 Bourges cedex - 02 48 24 33 40 http://mediatheque.ville-bourges.fr Graphical collection : Max Jacob, Gaudier Brzeska, Malfrey, Roger Toulouse Collection : Alain-Fournier, Jacques Rivière, Jean-Louis Boncœur Reference use during the library opening times and by appointment.

Bibliothèque intercommunale de La Châtre Hôtel de Villaines - 36400 La Châtre 02 54 48 41 33 www.bib-cclachatrestesevere.net Collection : George Sand, Charles Duvernet, Joseph Ageorges, Pierre de Boisdeffre… Reference use on Thursdays and Fridays from 2 pm to 6 pm. p 28 Libraries and documentation centres Community actors

The associations of writers’ friends are very active and suggest tours, debates, conferences and publications on a regular basis : Association des amis de Rabelais Association des amis de Max Jacob et de La Devinière 450 rue des Clémenderies 207 rue Auguste Chevallier - 37000 Tours 45460 Bray-en-Val - 02 38 35 58 97 02 47 37 43 24 www.max-jacob.com www.amisderabelais.org www.cahiersmaxjacob.org Publication of an annual bulletin. The association publishes an annual review of research and creation, Les Cahiers Max Jacob, Association des amis de Ronsard and regularly organizes scientific conferences et du Prieuré Saint-Cosme about the author and his works. Rue Ronsard - Prieuré Saint-Cosme 37520 La Riche - 02 47 37 32 70 Société des amis de Patrice www.lesamisderonsardetduprieuredesaintcosme.fr de la Tour du Pin The association organizes an annual contest Château du Bignon which grants the Sonnet Award. 45210 Bignon-Mirabeau - 02 38 90 97 41 www.latourdupin.org Association des amis de René Boylesve The association publishes a journal dedicated « La Guennerie » - 37600 Mouzay to Patrice de la Tour du Pin’s work, every year or every two years. Association des amis de Pierre Halet 29 rue du Château de Vaux - 37210 Chançay Association des amis 02 47 42 22 24 - www.litterature-lieux.com de la Ferté-Vidame The association contributes to the protection BP 15 - 28340 La Ferté-Vidame - 02 37 37 64 09 and promotion of Pierre Halet’s work through the publication of his collected works in 2012. Association des amis de Jacques Rivière et d’Alain-Fournier Association de gestion des intérêts 81 rue François de Sourdis - 33000 Bordeaux littéraires d’Épineuil 05 56 91 30 00 Place de la mairie - 18360 Épineuil-le-Fleuriel www.association-jacques-riviere-alain-fournier.com 02 48 63 04 82 The association regularly publishes bulletins dedicated to the works of Alain-Fournier and Société des amis de Marcel Proust Jacques Rivière. et des amis de Combray 4 rue du Dr Proust - BP 20025 Association des amis 28120 Illiers-Combray - 02 37 24 30 97 de Maurice Rollinat http://marcelproust.pagesperso-orange.fr Mairie - 69, rue Auclerc Descottes Publication of the Marcel Proust annual bulletin. 36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse - 02 47 61 43 08 The association publishes an annual bulletin Association des amis du musée about the author and his works and also d’Henry de Monfreid organizes literary events. Mairie - 36300 Ingrandes - 02 54 28 67 98 The association contributes to the preservation Fédération nationale des maisons of the collections and to the promotion d’écrivain et des patrimoines littéraires of the author’s literary work. Bibliothèque des Quatre-Piliers 18000 Bourges - 02 48 24 29 16 Association culture animation www.litterature-lieux.com dionysienne Maurice Genevoix The Federation’s objectives are to propose 16 route d’Orléans - 45150 and to implement actions favouring the 02 38 59 82 39 existence, the preservation and the cultural radiance of writers’houses, of public or Itinéraire Gaston Couté private literary places or collections, linked 4 rue des Bourrettes - 45130 Meung-sur-Loire to authors or to the written works of famous www.itineraire-gaston-coute.fr men from various cultures.

p 29 Notes


























...... p 30 Notes

Thanks to the people who contributed to the writing of this document, as well as to the National Federation of writers’ houses and literary heritage for its valuable cooperation.

Photographs copyrights : Alain-Fournier : Maison-école du Grand Meaulnes ©M.T.Z. / Portrait©Collection particulière, droits réservés / Musée Historimage ©Fédération Nationale André Maginot Théo Ananissoh : Portrait ©Livre au Centre Agrippa d’Aubigné : Château de Talcy ©Centre des monuments nationaux Marguerite Audoux : Chambre ©Mairie d’Aubigny-sur-Nère, service SETA Honoré de Balzac : Musée Balzac ©CG37, J.-L Péchinot / Portrait ©CG37 Yves Bonnefoy : Portrait ©Livre au Centre René Boylesve : Bureau de René Boylesve ©D. Ragot / Portrait ©Bibliothèque municipale de Tours-Fonds Boylesve Honorat de Bueil : Château de la Roche-Racan ©Inventaire général, cliché R. Malnoury Gaston Couté : Musée de Meung-sur-Loire ©Musée de Meung-sur-Loire René Descartes : Musée René Descartes ©Mairie de Descartes / Portrait ©Mairie de Descartes Frédéric Forte : Portrait ©Hermance Triay Maurice Genevoix : Musée Maurice Genevoix ©Sylvie Genevoix / Portrait ©Sylvie Genevoix Pierre Halet : Maison de Pierre Halet ©J. Guittier / Portrait ©Collection particulière Max Jacob : Espace Max Jacob ©Office de tourisme Val d’Or et Forêt / « Portrait de Max Jacob, au monocle et à l’écharpe blanche » par Georges Allié ©Orléans, Musée des Beaux-Arts, cliché F. Lauginie Henry de Monfreid : Musée Henry de Monfreid ©JC. Lepère / Portrait « L’homme au turban » ©ADAGP Alfred de Musset : Manoir de Bonaventure ©Livre au Centre Charles Péguy : Centre Charles Péguy ©Collection Centre Péguy / Portrait par Léon Deshairs ©Collection Centre Péguy Marcel Proust : Maison de Tante Léonie ©Musée Marcel Proust / Portrait par Jacques Emile Blanche ©Musée Marcel Proust François Rabelais : Pigeonnier et logis de La Devinière ©C. Raimbault CG37 / Portrait ©C. Raimbault CG37 Pierre de Ronsard : Prieuré Saint-Cosme ©D. Bordes / Manoir de la Possonnière ©CCPR / Galerie Beauregard, Ronsard (©F. Lauginie 2007) / Buste ©D. Bordes Saint-Simon : Espace Saint-Simon ©Les amis de la Ferté-Vidâme George Sand : Domaine de Nohant ©M. Delaume / Signature de George Sand ©Collection particulière Musée de La Châtre / Portrait par F. Nadar ©Musée de La Châtre Patrice de La Tour du Pin : Château ©J. d’Aboville / Portait ©P.A

Publication director : Olivier Meneux Editor : Sylvie Fournioux Editorial assistant : Alicia Lefebvre Translation : Aurélie Tronchet Design and production : Hervé Poudret, Studio Mille et Une… Printing : Imprimerie Lagoutte

© Ciclic, June 2012

p 31 For further information about these places :

http://maisonsdecrivain.livreaucentre.fr The blog about the writers’ houses and authors’ places network in the Centre region.

www.litterature-lieux.com The web site about the National Federation of writers’ houses and literary heritage.