Chess Review
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There's no such thing as an "old" CHESS REVIEW The issues of CHESS REVIEW may get worn and ye llow with age- but the contents never grow old! The games that were played in the matches and tournaments of last year and other years are ~ just as important, just as interesting as they were at the time they were played. The annotations by leading mas ters are just as instructive. Chess problems, end_game studies, articles on theory and practical play, analyses of openings, pic tures and personality sketches of the masters, features by Reuben Fine, Kashdan, Reinfeld, Marshall, Horowitz, Cherney and other masters- these things never grow old. They make as good reading now as on the day they were published. Handsomely bound in cloth, each volume of CHESS REVIEW is a treasure of entertainment and instruction, a constant source of reference. Each volume i; com pletely indexed. The 1942 volume, published in a special bind ing, is the first complete year in our new format. With pictures and diagrams galore, this volume con. tains the record of such important events as the U. S, Championship Tourney, the Open Federation Tour. ney, the Rapid Chess Championship Tourney and Ventnor City Tourney. There are eight '"Game of the Month" features by Reuben Fine, 8 PLAY THE MASTERS, Chess Thrillers, and other oddities by Irving Chernev, a book_fuJI of chess prob. BOUND VOLUMES lems, serials by Frank Marshall and Fred Reinfeld, OF CHESS REVIEW the scores of 131 games! As the years go by, the bound volumes of CHESS 1935. 1936 or 1937. $2.50 R EVIEW become more and more valuable. We bind Each ...... .... only a limited number each year , Some volumes are now out of print and book dealers sell them at a 1941 Volume . .... .. $3.00 high premium. The volumes still avai lable are listed in the box at the left. At these low prices they re o 1942 Volume ....... present value you cannot duplicate, an opportunity $3.50 you cannot afford to miss. Mail yOllr order NOW, Bound Volumes for 1933, 1934, 1938, 1939 and 1940 are out of print. Stock of remaining volumes is gettinljj CHESS REVIEW low, Order now before it is too late. 250 West 57th St. New York. N. Y. These Chessmen Can Take It! ~~LIBERTY" CHESS SETS :Made In the U, S. or genuine OIi vewood , these chessmen nre designed for d urability. They can SIZES FOR EVERY NEED take it! OrO I) them, bang lliem around all you waut (within I'eason, of course; dou't use a ham, mer) and )'ou'\I fin d they stand up under the Ilunlsh· "Liberty" Cheu Sets are made In four sites ment, as ilsted below. Price include!) complete set of felted chessmen in wooden box with hinged Unlike many Imported sets, including the most lid and clasp. 1111 Illustrated. expensi\"e, Liberty Chessmen will lIot chip, cl'ack or warp. I~ach piece, including the Knight, ie carved No. l00-Student Size- King Height 3", from one solid piece of s easoned WOo d, '1'l1ero are base diameter 1 ~". ~'or boards no screws, no glue, nothIng to come al)II.1't, Every wlth 1'" ~ squares ______ ~ _____ $ 6.00 piece is unconditionally guaranteed for lire! NO. 101-Small Club-K ing Heigbt a*~, Liberty chessmen are used by leading clubs and base dia meter 1~". For boards with 2'" squares ______________ $ 8.00 players throughout the country. Reshevsky and Kashdan used II. I,l berty Master Set In their cham No. 102-Club Site - K ing H eight ~ n, pionship match, A Liberty Club Set 18 now being bllJJe dlll.meter I U " , For boards used to illustrate the "Let's Play Chess" series by wltlt 2%:~ or 2% " squares __ __ $10.00 Cherne\" and Hal'kness. No. l04-M a~ te r Site-King Height4.*.", These heavy, durable chessmen are made in four base diameter IH". For boards sizes, as listed In the adjoining box. All Dieces with 2:x. H or 2'h" squares ____ $16.00 are felted and are Illade In conformity with govern ment regulations, con taining no lead. The 8uppl1 SUPPLY LIMITED - ORDER NOW J of these fine sets Is limited. Order now tram CHESS REV1EW, Equipment Dept., 250 West 57th Street, Kew York 19, N. Y. OCTOBIlR , 19 43 273 "GALLANT KNIGHT" Molded Chess Sets of Beauty and Dis tinction These beautiful chess sets are ideal for ,home use. The pattern is distinctive and pleasing. More im. portant, the lllen are intensely practical and will stand hard usage. The pieces afC made in two si zes-Standard and Student. Thc Standard set is designed for usc on boards with 2.illr/; sql/areJ. The bases of the larger pieces measure qS-" in diameter, giving just the right proportion and balance when placed on 2.inch sguares. The height of the King is 2-%". The Standard set comes in an attrncti,'c wooden chest with hinged lid, shown at the left. The Student sizc is intended for usc on boards with 1 Yl" or 1 %" squares. The d iameter of the King base is Ift/'; the height of the King is 2%". No. 75 or No, 76 Student sets arc packed in cardboard boxes, as pic. Standard Size 11'1 Wooden Chest tured. The dark·colored men of both ~izes are available ill Bl ack or Red. The light'Colored llIen are normally 1vol'Y. but during the war a pure Ivory Is not per· mitted; 11 lightly t inted Color Is now being pro duced. No. 75 (Dlaek) or No. 76 (Reu); Complete Set of Standard S iz e chessmen, rei ted, in wooden chest with hinged lid, as iIlus· tl'ated $ 6.50 No. 35 (Ulack) 01' No. 36 (Hed): Complete Set of Stude nt Size chessmen, felted, in cardboard box, as illustrated _______ __ _ $ 3.50 No. 35 or N o. 86 Supply limited. Order now from CHESS REVIEW, Student Size in D isplay Box Equipment Dept.. 250 W. 57th S l.. New York 19, N. Y. 274 C H ESS R EVI~W CHESS LETTERS Readers a re Invited to Use these Columns for Their REVIEW Commen ts on Matters of Interest to Chess Players Vol. 11. No.8 Octobel'. 1943 NEW SERIES can easily mistako the Knight S irs : and King squares and their OFFICIAL OltGAN OF THI~ li eu ben FiTTe's new series is moves. U. S. CHESS FEDEHATION undoubtedly the best i"eature that In CHESS REVIEW, March BDITon CHESS HEVIEW has ever had. 1943, page 65, a letter from Mr. 1. A. Horowitz The magnificent analysis of Robel·t McCoy states '·On Page MANAGING EDITOR LaskCl"g chess psychology is ab 268 ill the Steinmeyer-Handy Keuueth Harkness solutely i"ascinating, and the an· game. 11 Kt·K5 is impOSSible. DEPARTMENT EDITOHS notations to the game itself are Should this be 11 Kt·l(t57" If Hcuben Pine- Game of the Month as near perfection as possible. the letter' ·'N" would be used P, L. Hothenberg- Problems K eep up the good work! instead of the lettel'S "Kt" I Irving Chernev- Oddlties SAMUEL SHAPIBO believe such errors would be Jack S. Battell - Postal Chess New York, N. Y. eliminated. A. S . Pinkus- Questions L. F. OAKLEY Steubenville, Ohio PHOTOGRAPHERS BURNED UP Ned Goldschmidt Sirs: W hat do other readers t hink? Raoul Echeverria I I'ead some of the squawkers' - E d. Published monthly October to May. lettel's about "too man)' photos," bi·monthly J une to September at "too lIlueh advel"tising," '"not enough game annotations" and 18 Montgomery Street, Middletown, SO C L E A R N. Y .. by CHESS REVIEW, 250 other what have you complaints. West 57th Street, New York 19, I just burn UII about them be Sirs: N. Y. Entered as second class cause it's obvious you're doing Please accept my most hearty matter at the Post Omce at Middle· your darndest to please the mul. congratulations on your really taWil, N. Y, under the act or March titudes. The Chess Thrillers and Sjllendid magazine. 1 make a 3rd, 1879. Chess Traps page is worth the very great point of chess teach· Executive and Editorial Olllces: price of the magazine - 80 is ing in my school and it was Re atl e r~' Games. In fact. why 250 West 57th Street, New York, recognized as the first school in 19, N. Y, Telephone: CIrcle 6·8258. enumerate the different values the Britis h Isles in which chess it's swell and I"m darn sorry I was laught as )Jart of the curric_ Subscriptions: One year $3.00; Two didn't know about it yea!"s ago. ulum. This wus some 12 or )5 years $5.50; Three years $7.50 in I'd be playing a lot better game years ago. Your magazine Is the United States, U. S. Posses· II ow. read by some of illY boys and I sions, Canada, ~Iexlco, Central FHANK I~. SCHIMPf' a lso show it at my club and it is and South Ame rica. Other coun· ltoche~ter, N. Y. always very much admired. tries $3.5 0 Iler year. F:verything is so clear and these chess lessons are splendid for US vs USSR beginners. Personally. after the Sirs: problems, I find great interest With victory I'm hoping yoU!' in the Item "Play the Masters." $1.00 CHESS BOOK maguzine will sponsor an Amer It is a ~\I)Jel"lati\"ely excellent ican·Russian Postal Chess Tourn· magazine in every way.