Brington Parish Council Job Description

Post Title Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Salary/Grade SCP Between 22 - £11.22 per hour and 25 - £12.39 per hour

8 hours a week plus three weeks paid holiday + pension Hours contribution Location Home working

Background Brington Parish consists of the two villages andLittle Brington as well as the hamlet of Nobottle. There is a total of 396 electors and the precept for the year 2019/20 is £20,680. The area in which the parish sits is attractive countryside and the Brington villages lie next to the Estate which owns a considerable number of properties and other assets in the three villages and a great deal of agricultural land. This means there is a close working relationship with the Estate and adds an interesting dimension to the role of Clerk. Purpose of the Post

The Clerk to the Council is an employee of the Council, reporting to the Council. S/he is the Proper Officer and as such is under a statutory duty to carry out all the functions of a local authority’s Proper Officer, and in particular to serve or issue all the notices required by law of the Proper Officer of the Council.

The Clerk is responsible for ensuring that the lawful instructions of the Council in connection with its functions as a Local Authority, are carried out. The Clerk is expected to advise the Council on and assist in, the formation of overall policies to be followed in respect of the Council’s activities. The Clerk is responsible for producing all the information required for making effective decisions and for implementing decisions of the Council. The person appointed is accountable to the Council for the effective management of all its resources and will report to the Council on them as and when required.

The Clerk is also the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) which means that s/he has the responsibility of providing oversight of the finances. Working with the Councillor nominated as the financial checker, the RFO should ensure that finances are applied for the purposes for which they were intended and assist in monitoring and controlling budgets, reporting always to the Council. The RFO is also expected to manage all the day to day finances, prepare budgets, and accounts for audit and VAT as well as oversee the Council assets.

Principal Duties 1. To ensure that legal, statutory and other provisions, governing or affecting the running of the Council, are observed.

2. To ensure that the Council’s obligations to insure and carry out risk assessments and manage risk in line with legal requirements.

3. To prepare, in consultation with appropriate councillors as necessary, agendas for all meetings of the Council including the Annual Village Meeting, publicising them as required; to attend such meetings and produce accurate and timely minutes for approval by the Council. Attendance at meetings involves evening working.

4. To receive all types of correspondence, especially emails and documents on behalf of the Council; to assess and handle correspondence or documents as agreed with councilors and bring appropriate items to the attention of the Council. To issue correspondence as a result of the instructions of, or the known policy of, the Council.

5. The Clerk is the Responsible Financial Officer(RFO) of the Council. As RFO, the Clerk shall, subject to any instructions given by the Council, take responsibility for the day to day management of all finances in accordance with the Council’s Financial control policies and procedures. Specifically duties include: • producing accurate, up to date accounting records for financial management and the purposes of Audit and VAT • monitoring bank accounts on a regular basis • receiving invoices and making payments through internet banking, • producing draft annual and other appropriate budgets for approval of the Council • budget control - monitoring and reporting to the Council on budgets

6. To seek advice from professional bodies to keep the Council compliant with the latest legislation and good practice, to bring ideas to continually develop the effectiveness of the Council, and to bring to the attention of the Council / Chairman at the earliest opportunity any matter which might represent a concern or opportunity to the Council

7. To offer information to Councillors on proposals for consideration by the Council and to advise on the practicability and the likely effects of specific courses of action.

8. To act as a representative of the Council as required.

9. To prepare an update for the parish Newsletter every two months and when necessary, other notices or press releases regarding Council activities

10. To manage the Parish Council website, uploading agenda, minutes and other salient information in a timely manner and ensuring that the information on the website is up to date

11. To take responsibility for the administration and management of the two playing fields leased by the Council from the Althorp estate, managing and overseeing the young people who are

recruited to take care of risk management of the playing fields, overseeing the mowing and maintenance of the fields and managing private hire of Kimbells Field in Great Brington in line with policies and procedures, as required

12. To attend pertinent training & events o r gan i se d b y pr o fe ssi on a l b od i e s eg the National Association of Local Councils, the Society of Local Council Clerks as required by the Council.

13. To be responsible as an officer and employee under the Health & Safety at Work Act for his/her safety at work and to take reasonable care for his/her health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions at work.

This job description reflects the major tasks to be carried out by the post holder and identifies a level of responsibility at which they will be required to work. In the interests of effective working, the major tasks may be reviewed from time to time to reflect changing needs and circumstances. Such reviews and any consequential changes will be carried out in consultation with the post holder.