



J Iliopoulos

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

himself relieved of his burden when he got upon his CONTENTS legs again. So the next time he came to a river with Foreword a load on his back, he let himself go under on purpose. I INTRODUCTION But this time he was loaded with sponges which

absorbed so much water that he could not keep his head

up and was drowned.^


I was asked to report on the progress made recently

in trying to apply the theoretic methods, which

have been proven so useful in ,

to other areas of . I shall concentrate mainly

on the most recent developments of the last year,

since the earlier ones have already been reviewed , (2 to 9) several times III EXPERIMENTAL CONSEQUENCES

IV FIELD THEORY AND The idea of unifying the weak and electromagnetic

(i) Some further results on renormalization interactions is as old as the weak interactions them­

(ii) Yang-Mills theories in the many-field limit selves and already by the late 1950's several models

(iii) Is quantum theory of gravity renormalizable? were proposed which incorporated most of the

(iv) Solutions of classical Yang-Mills theories features that we find in present day theories. In

(v) Gauge fields on a lattice particular the Yang-Mills couplings were used with

the , as one of the neutral gauge . How V SPONTANEOUS BREAKING ever at that time the gauge symmetry had to be (i) Genesis of spontaneous symmetry breaking, explicitly broken by the vector mass terms and, (ii) Abnormal nuclear states and as a result, these theories were not renormalizable. excitation, The last ingredient was discovered in 1964 with the (iii) Finite temperature effects . (12) VI MORE SYMMETRY study of spontaneously broken gauge symmetries

FOREWARD: A WARNING It is remarkable that these two ingredients, namely

An ass a river with a load of salt lost his Yang-Mills gauge invariance and spontaneously broken

footing and slipped into the water, so that the salt symmetries, each one taken separately, seem useless

was dissolved. He was mightily pleased at finding for weak interactions, both being hopelessly inflicted

with zero mass bosons. However, when combined together * Laboratoire propre du CNRS, associe à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure et à l'Université Paris Sud. in a spontaneously broken gauge symmetry, the two III-9Q J Iliopoulos

diseases cure each other, and the resulting theory, consistent theory and an elegant structure, they although still gauge invariant, can be made to have the unanimously chose the latter. correct spectrum of states. The synthesis of the prev­ ious models with the was first proposed To return to the historical survey, there is one (13) point which was realised by the late I960's and which, by S Weinberg in 1967 and, although this model is although seems irrelevant in light of the subsequent the simplest one which seems to fit all the existing discoveries, it helped to develop different techniques data today, it attracted little attention at the time which proved useful later. It was the fact that, under it was published. The reason is that renormalizability (13) very general assumptions about the equal time commu­ of such a theory was suggested in the original papers tators of current densities, one could easily prove of Weinberg and Salam, but no proof was presented, so that strong interactions cannot provide a cut-off for this model looked like one more, in a seemingly endless removing the divergencies of weak interactions^15^. series of attempts to go beyond the Fermi theory of The argument is very simple and is actually used today weak interactions. in a more modern language. As a consequence a modified (16) Let us make a digression at this point and emphasize approach to perturbation theory was developed which that the classical V-A theory had achieved by the late was inspired by models in statistical mechanics^17^ I960's a degree of elegance which is rarely found in processes were classified according elementary physics. Of surprisingly simple to their dependence upon a suitably introduced cut-off and elegant form it could not fit a large variety of £ oo 2 n momentum A. Terms of the form G E A^ (GA ) n = 0 data, but also it incorporated such physical principles were called £th order. as C.V.C, Cabibbo's form of universality, y - e uni­ (Logarithmic dependences on A were disregarded.) The versality and so on. Furthermore it was expressible in usual selection rules of both strong and weak inter­ terms of the currents which people, through the actions yield a remarkably small cut-off of the order successes of Current Algebra, had learnt to consider of 5 GeV^~^. This value was judged implausible and as very fundamental objects. In other words, if one unrealistic, and several theorists tried to reformulate could only forget for a moment that there was not much (18)

of a theory after all, and that the whole structure was the traditional scheme of weak interactions . The just a phenomenological description of the data, one assumption that chiral SU(3) x SU(3) symmetry breaking would have every reason to be satisfied. Especially belongs to a (3,3) + (3,3) representation solved the if one compared it with the situation in strong inter­ problem of the zeroth order terms, thus removing the actions, in which there was also no consistent theory, spectre of strong violations of and hyper- but there was no elegance either. This explains the (19) charge . Since such a breaking was in any case fact that no enthusiasm was manifested when renormali­ the favored one to many theorists , this was zable models of the weak interactions based on scalar rather than vector intermediaries were proposed considered a welcome result. In fact, based on some and which, on top of introducing a large number of speculative stability requirements, attempts were made (21) exotic and unobserved , presented the V-A to calculate the Cabibbo angle . However, the first G contributions to the Kj - mass difference, or to form as an accident of the lowest order calculations. order terms remained equally troublesome giving order processes like K^0 y+y . The way out of this Once more, when physicists were confronted with a difficulty turned out to require more drastic modifica- GAUGE THEORIES 111-91

tions of the conventional scheme. An enlargement from other. Nor are they yet at an end. We are still (22) SU(3) to SU(4) was suggested , by the introduction actively involved in both of them and I shall try to of a new quantum number, conserved by the strong and review the most recent progress in the appropriate (23) sections below. e.m. interactions, called "charm" . Furthermore for

the first time, a consistent formulation of all weak interactions, leptonic as well as hadronic, into a II MODELS (22) Yang-Mills theory was proposed . In fact, during It has become customary for any speaker who discusses

the late 60's several theorists, and in particular this subject, to complain about the absence of the (24) ultimate model of the world which the gauge theories M Veltman were studying the renormalization properties of massive Yang-Mills theories, with the were supposed to give us. I consider this attitude

purpose of applying them to the weak interactions. a very negative one. We have already forgotten that (25) just three years ago we were still struggling to get It was shown that serious cancellations occur in such theories. Today we know that these cancellations all the divergencies of the Fermi theory under some (26) sort of control, and we are complaining today because do not.go far enough to make the theory renormalizable , we do not yet know why the is so heavy and the. but at that time this was unclear and the fundamental so light, or why CP is violated in one place problem, namely a consistent way to control the higher (27) and isospin is not in another. Here I would like to order terms, remained unsolved . The situation remained unchanged until the middle of 1971, when the adopt the opposite view and, taking for granted that

solution was presented in two brilliant papers by with gauge theories we are on the right track, to make a (28) list of the desired properties of this ultimate G 't Hooft followed by the works of B. Lee and model, for which the gauge theories have given at

29 30 f Zinn-Justin^ ^ and 't Hooft and Veltman^ ^. t Hooft least the glimmer of a possibility. I think that

derived the correct Feynman rules for Yang-Mills all these properties can be deduced from the require- (31) . . (33) fields in a large class of gauges and explicitly ment of maximum predictive power

constructed such gauges in which the theory was mani­ (i) Universality

festly renormalizable by power counting. Furthermore, This remarkable property of weak interactions can

by a combinatoric use of the Ward identities, he gave be understood, at least in principle, in the framework

a first proof of the gauge independence of the S-matrix. of non abelian gauge theories. It simply follows from

The detailed study of the renormalization program and the uniqueness of the coupling constant. All higher

the unitarity of the resulting theory was done by order corrections are necessarily finite and calculable.

B.Lee and Zinn-Justir/2^ and't Hooft and Veltman^3<^. One is tempted to apply the same reasoning to

This remarkable success opened the way into an electromagnetic interactions and this is in fact

avalanche of theoretical papers. It is impossible to possible.provided one uses a simple algebra, (or a (32) direct product of isomorphic simple factors with mention all of them here , but there were two mam discrete symmetries which interchange them) since lines of research. The first was, naturally, the (34) any U(l) factor introduces arbitrary constants construction of more or less realistic models of weak Unfortunately the condition is only necessary but and electromagnetic interactions. The second aimed not sufficient. The SU(2) model of Georgi and mainly at a better understanding of the field theory (35) Glashow had no arbitrary coupling constants, but aspects. They developed parallel to one another and

each one exercised considerable influence upon the 111-92 J Iliopoulos

there were mixing angles among the neutral law or a dynamical enhancement. I would like to

fields which destroyed universality, mention, however, the recent works of M K Gaillard .(41) (ii) The lepton spectrum and B W Lee and G Altarelli and L Maiani who showed One expects: in the ultimate model, the ratio m /m r » e y that such an enhancement, which could explain at least to come out calculable and of order a . This, part of the observed effect, may follow form a non- although again possible in principle, does not abelian of strong interactions. follow from any realistic scheme up to now • (v) CP violation

As for other heavy , there is certainly room Although it is not at all clear that the observed CP

for them in gauge theories and in fact they are violation in K° decays is connected with the weak inter­

required for the formulation of most models proposed actions, one feels unhappy with most models which simply (37) ignore the effect. The truth is that model building is so far . The trouble with them is, first, that they much simpler in a CP conserving world and usually one grow heavier every day, and, second, that they introduce has to go out of his way to introduce CP violation. more mass ratios which one would like to determine In the framework of gauge theories one can adopt two inside the model. However there is no fundamental different attitudes: Either the violation is explicitly objection to their presence, although one may feel (42) . . . present m the Lagrangian , or it is introduced uneasy with the proliferation of elementary fields, spontaneously through the Higgs system of scalar fields (^i) 1 + structure (43) in the way suggested by T D Lee . Along this second Again it is strongly believed by many physicists that ... . (44) possibility it has been recently suggested that the a satisfactory unified theory of weak and electro­ smallness of the observed effect is due to the fact magnetic interactions should be able to account in a that the spontaneous CP breaking does not occur in the natural way for the simultaneous existence of a purely tree approximation, but only when radiative corrections vector electromagnetic current and of V-A charged (45) currents. There is no known solution to this very (38) are taken into account . This opens the possibility fundamental problem, but P Fayet has formulated of connecting CP violation with other almost exact the SU(2) x U(l) model so that parity is spontaneously symmetries in the world. We see that here again gauge broken together with gauge invariance. A completely theories offer us a new line of thought. different approach assuems that (V-A) is a fundamental (vi) symmetries principle of Nature, and -like massless Each one of us has often been asked to give an intro­ (39) ductory talk about elementary and are the building blocks of all matter standard way of starting was to explain the different

interactions that have been observed. One was then (iv) The 1 AT 1 = £ rule inclined to write, in a schematic way, the Lagrangian Of all the selection rules of weak interactions, of the world as a sum: the I AÎ I = { non leptonic rule is the most difficult to implement. It does not follow from the ordinary current x current theory and the situation is basically The important point about (2.1) is that the different the same in gauge theories. The simplest models do not pieces were supposed to be independent from one obey it but it is possible to incorporate it in either another. Actually, this line of thought was not only exact or approximate form^°\ We still do not know used for purposes of vulgarization but it was the way

for sure whether we are- in the presence of a symmetry GAUGE THEORIES 111-93

most of us thought. There never was a question where q is a spinor representing the fields, M

of compatibility of the different terms. We all knew a certain diagonal matrix, G and W.^ the vector

u 1 that such an approach was limited, since terms which fields for the and the weak gauge bosons and were experimentally of order a, like the mass

C1 a set of matrices both in the group space and in splittings among the members of an isomultiplet, were

1 not calculable, but we had learnt to live with it^~*\ ordinary space. In particular C contain matrices.

I think that one of the major successes of gauge The dots stand for the kinetic and mass terms

theories is that, for the first time, the problem of of the vector bosons, the terms with the Higgs

the strong interaction symmetries can be put in a scalars etc. The order g2 corrections modify £into:

consistent field theoretic framework. The reason is £' = iq0 [l - Z ]q - q [M - fj q

that non abelian gauge theories are not renormalizable

in the usual sense, like or Yukawa theories. It where Z^ and £ are matrices of order g . In follows that every term in the Lagrangian, no matter particular they have non zero off-diagonal matrix what its relative strength is, must respect the gauge elements and they contain parts proportional to Y , symmetry. Obviously such a requirement severely rest­ therefore they are liable of introducing parity and ricts all the terms of £. The ultimate goal is to find strangeness violations to order ot. However one can a non abelian gauge theory for which £ is so restricted, always perform a rotation of the quark fields of the that all symmetries of strong interactions arise form: naturally as zero order symmetries (naturally in

the sense that all higher order corrections are finite

and calculable). Since the gauge coupling constant is where A and B are matrices, in other words one is supposed to be of order e, we expect the corrections allowed to perform independent right and left to such symmetries to be, in general, of order a* Two rotations, combined with arbitrary rescalings of the

distinct cases should be considered, fields. It follows that one can simultaneously set (a) Parity and strangeness conservation: In any [H - Zj equal to i and diagonalize [M - Î] . The

acceptable model the weak interactions should not be important point here is that, due to the gauge

allowed to introduce order a violations of these invariance of the gluon current, Z^ = Z^. Therefore

symmetries. It turns out that this can be achieved in the above transformation completely -eliminates all

a variety of ways. Let me give a simplified form of parity and strangeness violation to order a.

the argument for the case where the strong interactions However, we see that in a different model for the

are described by a gluon model. Let me notice first strong interactions, this is not always the case.

that this case enters the general class of a chiral Por example, if the strong interactions are mediated

symmetry breaking by a (3,3) + (3,3) term (the quark through scalar and pseudoscalar exchanges in the form

mass term) which was examined in the prehistoric paper of a generalized a-model, this cancellation is not

of ref. 19. So we expect similar techniques to apply guaranteed.

here as well. In order to make the argument simpler, This argument seems to plead in favour of a gauge

(49) let me however adopt a naive and an theory of the strong interactions as well Since

abelian gluon and write the Lagrangian in the form^^ gauge theories have also other attractive properties

(reggeization^^\ asymptotic freedom, see below) «£ = iq?q ~ qMq + fqy^qG11 + gq\y C1 qW^ + .. (2.2) 111-94 J Iliopoulos

this is a welcome result. I would like to notice be finite and calculable. I do not have anything to

however that it may be too early to exclude the add here to the remarks made last year in Bonn and

presence of scalar or pseudoscalar intermediaries. As Aix^' ^ except to point out some more recent

we shall show in the last section, there exist now calculations, using these ideas, of the TT+ - iP

models, including elementary scalar and pseudoscalar (52) and the p - n mass difference. fields, which are assymptotically free. Furthermore The nice feature is that all these symmetries can be

these models have additional symmetry properties implemented naturally in the usual scheme in which the

(super symmetries) which some of us believe that they strong interactions are described by a colour SU(3) will turn out to be relevant in (49)

physics. For all these reasons it is interesting to gauge group . This scheme is very attractive but

examine under which conditions the presence of scalars for one serious drawback. After the onset of the

in (2.2) does not violate to order a the strong spontaneous symmetry breaking of the weak and e.m.

interaction symmetries. I do not have a complete • gauge group, the strong interactions are described

answer to this question, but, again, the conditions effectively by the twelve massive quark fields and

of ref. 19 apply here as well. In my simple quark the octet of the massless . In such a theory

model language, let me assume that all weak gauge the chiral symmetry is broken only by the quark

bosons are coupled to the either through a masses. Let me forget for the moment, for simplicity, (53) diagonal matrix (photon) or through a matrix propor­ the strange and charmed degrees of freedom and

tional to 1 ± y5< Then it is easy to verify that the consider only the and quarks. We can vertex corrections of Fig (la) give contributions of then construct an isovector and an isoscalar axial order G and not order a, because all these diagrams current which are both broken by the same terms, are convergent. One has still to examine the other namely the proton and neutron quark masses. graphs, like the ones in Fig. (lb) and the answer will

depend on the specific model. It would be interesting In addition to this explicit breaking, one assumes to examine this question using the general methods of that the chiral SU(2) x SU(2) is spontaneously ref (48), but since I have no particular model in mind, broken giving rise to an almost Goldstone , I do not want to push the point too far. Let me which is identified with the pion. This picture has only notice that the presence of scalar fields may given very many good results (P.C.A.C., low energy provide the solution to the n problem which will be theorems, etc.) and one wants absolutely to keep it. discussed briefly below. However the U(l) chiral group should be also equally (b) There are other strong interaction symmetries, broken since 9 J 5 is roughly equal to 9 J 5. Still like isospin, for which order a corrections are y y y y

welcome. However we would still like these symmetries there is no light pseudoscalar isoscalar particle

to arise naturally in order for their corrections to with mass comparable to m . In other words the TT question is why n is so heavy. This is basically the same old Sutherland problemfrom the early days of (53)

current algebra. One can look at several ways out ,

none being particularly appealing, but I would like

only here to repeat that the presence of fundamental,

strongly interacting scalar fields gives a way to GAUGE THEORIES 111-95

avoid the problem. (if they exist as asymptotic states) are assumed to

(vii) number conservation be heavier, then the proton decay can occur only in

The remarkable stability of the proton suggests that third order in the interaction. One can easily see electric charge and baryon number are equally that baryon number violating coupling constants as conserved. The first one is believed to be understood, -9 -2 large as ^ 10 m can be tolerated. Possible P in a field theory language, as a result of exact local proton decay modes are p ->- 3v + TT+, p -> 4v + e+, gauge invariance. However there is no massless gauge p -> 4v + y , etc. No two-body decays are allowed. field coupled to baryon number Trying to under­ Notice that free quarks, if they exist, are unstable stand this difference one can adopt two opposite with life times ranging from 10 to 10 sec. attitudes. The Pati and Salam model is not the most economical (a) Put baryon number on equal footing with electric one because we need four four-component lepton fields charge and introduce a U(l) gauge group with a massless ie-we must introduce also the right-handed neutrino vector boson. By spontaneous breaking the vector fields. One may ask which is, if any, the simplest meson acquires a mass, a hermitian scalar field, gauge group involving only the observed leptons in neutral with respect to baryon number, remains addition to the twelve quarks. The answer is physical, and the resulting Lagrangian conserves obviously SU(2) x U(l) x SU(3) where SU(2) x U(l) is baryon number Notice that this guarantees the the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam group and SU(3)' is a lepton number conservation, but, if one wants to strong interaction gauge group acting on the three push the argument further, one should introduce an quark quartets. This however has a low predictive analogous mechanism in order to explain the separate power due to the U(l) factor. Is it possible to conservation of the muonic and electronic numbers. describe all interactions with a simple group? The (b) A completely opposite point of view is to reject answer to this question is given by Georgi and baryon number conservation altogether. This allows one (59) to put in the same representation leptons and quarks. Glashow . It is simple but yields again baryon

Since a three quartet quark schemeis fashionable number violation. It is shown that the smallest in gauge models, it is natural to use the lepton group is SU(5). Since it allows for only one coupling ( quartet as a "fourth color" and put quarks and constant, it must be chosen of order e. It follows leptons in a 4 x 4 matrix. The resulting theory that the strong interactions must be enhanced by a depends on the particular subgroup of separate mechanism. Georgi and Glashow use the / SU(4) x SU(4)„ x SU(4) one is gauging. In parti- LT R conjecture made earlier that such a mechanism can cular Pati and Salam obtain exotic gauge bosons be provided by the infrared divergences of the strong carrying both baryonic as well as leptonic quantum gauge group SU(3) , which is assumed unbroken. The fact numbers and the possibility of baryon and lepton is that the infrared structure of non abelian number violation. The amusing thing is that the Yang-Mills theories is very poorly understood at model can be consistent with the extraordinary presentand, even at the classical level, the stability of the proton without introducing masses problem remains unsolved. However the idea of using of the order of one gram! (For some versions of an unbroken gauge symmetry for the strong interactions the model masses as heavy as 1O^GeV may be necessary.) is quite attractive because then, the same conjecture,

The reason is that, if the proton is made out of namely the infrared singularities, could also account three quarks, and if the one- and two-quark states for the absence of color non-singlet states from the 111-96 J Iliopoulos

physical spectrum^^. expected and actually they can be used in order to

Under this hypothesis the model is very simple and make predictions about the u- or v-nucleon

attractive. The fermions are placed in five- and cross sections at N.A.L. . In D Gross' and

ten-dimensional representations of SU(5). Baryon A de Rujula's talks at the parallel sessions we

violation is strong and the corresponding gauge heard in detail these predictions^4^. Let me only 15 -9 boson must be heavier than 10 GeV ^10 g. summarize the results here:

Furthermore, since G is simple, there is only one In an asymptotically free theory one can calculate

arbitrary coupling constant which we call g. If the moments of the structure functions. They are

we forget for the moment about renormalization

effects, we can assume that g is constant independent

of the momentum range we are measuring it. In this . 7 3

case a simple SU(5) calculation gives sin 6^ = -g.

The renormalization corrections will be examined


We see that all attempts to treat strong and weak

interactions on equal footing result to non

conservation of baryon number. In the absence of any In (2.5) F is x Fj, F^ or x F^ and x is the Bjorken 2 experimental information, we have only our prejudices scaling variable. Qq is an arbitrary reference

for guide. momentum and A sets the scale of approach to 2 (viii) Asymptotic freedom asymptotic freedom, g (g, %r) is the effective 2 The remarkable success of the simple parton model in coupling constant which tends to zero for Q 00. predicting the behaviour of the structure functions in the deep inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering can only A_^n^ are calculable constants which depend only on be described in a consistent field-theoretic language the gauge group and the representations of the fields (62) in the framework of non-abelian Yang-Mills theories but C.^n^ are unknown. The sum over i corresponds to The mechanism of asymptotic freedom is by now well the different operators appearing in th(66e )operato r (63) product expansion of the two currents

understood and I won't describe it here . I shall The form (2.5) satisfies all the parton model sum (65) only make some remarks about the most recent develop­ rules , but it does not allow to calculate the ments . structure functions. However one can find linear The first is quite simple. Several people started combinations among them with the property that only â worrying during the last year about the possibility single operator contributes to each moment. In this of scaling violation in very high energy lepton- case the logarithmic deviations from scaling can be nucleon scattering. This was basically due to a computed, as functions of the parameter They misunderstanding of the meaning of asymptotic are more important for large values of A. By measuring freedom. As it is often the case, whenever someone the structure functions at different values of x and talks about freedom, it invariably turns out that he 2

really means something else. The same is true here. Q , one can measure A and also determine the gauge

The field theories in question are not really free group of the strong interactions. These are the only

and as a consequence the structure functions do not arbitrary parameters in the theory. It is of course

exactly scale. Logarithmic violations of scaling are true that violations of scaling may be due to all GAUGE THEORIES 111-97

sorts of other reasons (new thresholds, heavy particle constants. This by itself does not guarantee

production, etc.) but the ones predicted by asymptotic asymptotic freedom but a detailed calculation shows

freedom have a very characteristic signature, that the 3 function, in the one loop approximation,

especially at small values of a/^^ which makes them for a non abelian gauge and supergauge invariant

easy to distinguish. The idea of asymptotic freedom theory based on the group SU(N), is given by^~(72 )

can therefore be tested experimentally in the near 3 (2.8) future.

+ Unfortunately this argument does not apply to e e where n is the number of scalar multiplets. Asymp­

annihilation, since we are really now looking at a totic freedom follows for n < 3. The n = 3 case is

Green function with all external momenta going to marginal. 3 vanishes identically in the one loop

infinity . Asymptotic freedom has a real meaning approximation and the behaviour of the theory will (73) there, and the production cross section, which depend on the two loop contribution

absolutely refuses to fail, creates a serious problem.

The best explanation may be that we are observing the (ix) A general picture: Hierarchy of interactions

opening of the charmed thresholds, in which case I believe that by now you are all convinced that gauge

everything fits together very nicely. theories describe all interactions, from the strong

My second remark concerns the recent calculations of down to the gravitational ones. Leaving the latter

the Callan-Symanzik 3 function in the two-loop aside for the moment, since the renormalization

approximation^9"^. The general form is problems are not yet understood, we see that a very

simple and beautiful picture emerges, which has won

the favour of most theorists. One starts from a large (74) where A and B depend on the group and the group G as the invariance group of the world . G representations. The vector boson contribution to undergoes a two-step spontaneous breaking. During the both A and B is negative and that of the fermions first it is broken down to something like positive. In particular, by including enough fermion SU(2) x U(l) x SU(3 / which is the observed symmetry fields, one can make B large and positive, still group. This breaking is assumed to be superstrong, keeping A negative. In this case 3 has an infrared producing gauge bosons with superheavy masses. This stable zero very close to the origin. Notice also is necessary in order to suppress all sorts of that only the two first terms in (2.7) are unobserved transitions (like proton decays!) which physically relevant since all the higher ones can be are allowed inside G. Then the second step is the changed arbitrarilly by changing the definition of (70) usual breaking of the SU(2) x U(l) group which the coupling constant produces the ordinary massive intermediate bosons of

My final remark concerns the possibility of intro­ the weak interaction, with masses of 10 - 100 GeV, ducing scalar fields. It was widely assumed, until leaving only a massless photon. As we said earlier, very recently, that the presence of scalar fields the strong interaction gauge group SU(3)/ is often destroys asymptotic freedom^^ because they intro­ assumed to be unbroken. The important thing is that, duce ^ couplings with new coupling constants. We in this picture, all three interactions are supposed learnt recently that this is not true! In the frame­ to be of comparable strength g, at momenta of the work of supersymmetric theories (see below section VI) order of the superheavy masses. Let g^(u), one can introduce scalar fields without new coupling (i = 1, 2, 3) be the different coupling constants at 111-98 J Iliopoulos

a momentum range y. Compared to the superheavy These results have been obtained under the assumption (75) masses M, we are now exploring the infrared region that at 10 GeV asymptotic freedom has already started

so let us choose y << M. The dépendance of g. on y and the effective value of the strong coupling constant i is sufficiently small to allow perturbation calcula­ will be governed by a renormalization group equation tions. This is substantiated by the observed scaling. of the form: If however we relax this assumption then we can only U^g. (2-9) solve (2.9) for and . The corresponding g and one can show^^ that one can calculate the functions must then be calculated to lowest order in functions 8. in an based only (78) i

on the observed group SU(2) x U(l) x SU(3/ , ie all gj and g^, but to all orders in g^. G Parisi

superheavy particles can be omitted. Let us first, observed that, taking Into account the strong inter­

actions to all orders, relates 8^ and 3 to R, the following Georgi, Quinn and Weinbergassume that at 2

+ some range of y such that m < y < M, where m

typical hadron mass (in practice we shall choose in e e annihilation. Since asymptotic freedom is not

y 'v 10 GeV) all coupling constants are sufficiently assumed to have set, R can have any value. In this

small, so that one hopes to get sensible results from case one can only obtain a relation between 0 , R and w the one loop calculation. One then finds: M. Actually Parisi has a somehow different approach, which is closer to the spirit of Wilson's

ideas m He uses a theory with a cut-off which is

1 8

where b^ are known constants. Therefore equation finite, although very large, of the order of 10 GeV.

(2.9) gives: In the limit of infinite cut-off one expects all the

coupling constants of non-asymptotically free

theories to vanish. The equations (2.9) are now

The integration constants can be fixed by the assump­ replaced by those obtained by using the leading (790 tion that at y ^ M, g^(M), assuming they are also logarithm method of Landau and Pomeranchuk 2 small, are essentially equal to g, the coupling Using the value of a we find R**19 and sin 0 ~.3. w constant of G. Therefore we write (2.11) as: Let me summarize the whole story: At very short

distances, much further than present day energies, one

assumes that all three interactions have the same The system (2.12), for y % 10 GeV, relates the values coupling constant. From this point one extrapolates of the three "observed" coupling constants (which can down by using the renormalization group techniques. be taken to be a, the Weinberg-Salam angle 0 and the The resulting picture is shown in fig. (2). There are w

strong coupling g^) with the parameters of G, namely two main ways to look at it:

g and M. Inserting numbers we get the following

table: GAUGE THEORIES 111-99

(a) One can assume, that the strong interactions are possible connections between superheavy breaking of G effectively described by an asymptotically free theory. and gravitation .

In this case the common value g of the coupling I could continue my list of desired properties for the 18 ultimate model of the world, but it must be obvious by constant at ^ 10 GeV is small but one can follow the now that no existing model satisfies all of them. evolution of the three coupling constants by using the However, continuing my optimistic view, I believe that equation (2.12)^^. In the experimentally accessible all these conditions are so restrictive that the model region y ^ 10 GeV, the strong interactions are will be quite unique. The reason why it has escaped governed by asymptotic freedom, the coupling constant discovery up to now, must certainly be attributed to is small and we have approximate scaling. insufficiency of experimental data (after all until (b) In the second point of view one again assumes some months ago there were people who did not believe that all couplings are equal but g is large, may be of in the existence of neutral currents). In any case, 18 and I am sure everybody agrees, the fact that we can order one. In the region from 10 down to about seriously discuss all these properties outside the 10 GeV, where the effective quark masses become science fiction conventions, is a tremendous progress important, the strong interactions are governed by an (7 8) which is solely due to the adventure of gauge theories. infrared stable fixed point . (One assumes that we have enough fermion fields to create a second zero Ill EXPERIMENTAL CONSEQUENCES of the 8 function the way it was explained above.) Now that we have a renormalizable theory of the weak Observed scaling is due to the smallness of anomalous dimensions. In both pictures the regions of very low interactions we should normally look for crucial 18 experimental tests, the analog of the Lamb shift or (below ~1 GeV) and very high (above ~10 GeV), energies the value of g - 2, which established quantum electro­ are essentially uncalculable, the first because it dynamics. Unfortunately things are not so easy. First corresponds to the really infrared behaviour and the of all, we should restrict ourselves to the leptonic second because gravitational effects are expected to world, if we want to have unambiguous predictions. become important. The behaviour in the intermediate The radiative corrections to y decay, or the lepton- region is similar. The violations of scaling are lepton scattering could be used for such a test and logarithmic in the first picture, they obey a power in fact the gauge theories allow for exact and law in the second. (81)

Finally let me remark that the order of magnitude of detailed calculations . However, the very fact the superheavy masses may sound enormous, however if that we are dealing with a renormalizable theory, one accepts the initial idea, namely that in some tells us that all such corrections will be of order range all coupling constants are equal, there is no a. Therefore the experimental accuracy required to other possibility. In fact the dépendance of the test the theory should be of at least l°/o or coupling constants on the momentum range predicted better, which is clearly out of reach at present. by the renormalization group is logarithmic This situation forces us to look for less direct

(equation (2.12)) and therefore one needs these orders tests and we shall discuss some of them in this of magnitude in order to explain the observed section. For more details one should look at the differences of strength among the interactions in specialised talks of the parallel sessions. ordinary energies. Furthermore these are precisely The detailed predictions depend on the particular the energies in which the gravitational interactions model we are assuming, but there are some which are expected to become important, which suggest some III-100 J Iliopoulos

appear inescapably to all models: changing neutral currents of the form K° -> y y or

(i) The existence of the intermediate vector bosons. They are obviously indispensible to any SU(3) scheme is incompatible with the kind of gauge model but their masses are expected to be theories we are discussing . The enlargement of

1 5 large, of the order of [aGp" ] , or ^ 50 GeV, too the symmetry can go in different directions and from heavy even for N.A.L. There exist indirect ways to that point the predictions will depend on the parti­ look for them but they use extra assumptions, like cular model. In any case, new, as yet unobserved, scaling, which may be incorrect. Another possible hadronic states carrying new quantum numbers, are test would be to look for prompt at I.S.R. predicted. Their masses cannot be arbitrarily

but the sensitivity depends on the production cross /ON large ( a, 5 GeV is a reasonable guess) and . (82) section although it is perfectly conceivable that they have (ii) All gauge models at present use the Higgs escaped detection until now, their discovery,if they mechanism to trigger spontaneous symmetry breaking. are there, is possible. I consider this prediction as There remains always at least one physical scalar the most crucial test of these ideas. particle, but its mass is, in general, not restricted I will call these states collectively "charmed", by the theory. Furthermore, the couplings with the although I do not restrict myself to the SU(4) model. leptons are small, proportional to the lepton masses. I have won already several bottles of wine by betting (iii) The third prediction of almost all models for the neutral currents and I am ready to bet now a concerns the hadronic states. Let us assume for the whole case that if the weak interaction sessions of moment that all particles are built out of the three this Conference were dominated by the discovery of basic quarks p, n and À. Then the Cabibbo current is the neutral currents, the entire next Conference will given by: be dominated by the discovery of the charmed particles.

Since "charm" is conserved by strong interactions,

these particles are produced in pairs in hadronic

reactions. On the other hand, due to their large

-1 2

mass, they are very short lived (^ 10 sec), do

not make tracks in bubble chambers and they have a The adjoint J will simply involve the matrix C^. large number of decay channels. Their search in p-p Now, in any gauge theory in which J and J ^ are y y collisions will parallel that of WTs, ie by looking coupled, their commutator will also appear somewhere. for prompt energetic muons . (I was told however

that there exists a program to look for them directly

in emulsions.) It turns out that the best place to look for them is

again neutrino reactions Ji . Let me take, as

an example, the SU(4) charmed states. The charm We see that C° has nonvanishing off diagonal matrix changing current has the form -p n sin© + p"X cos0. elements, ie it contains terms of the form nX. If It follows that charmed particles prefer to decay the hadron and the lepton sectors are not completely with a change of strangeness. On the other hand you disconnected , this current will eventually find do not expect them to be copiously produced since its way to the leptons and it will induce strangeness you either produce them on a neutron quark with a GAUGE THEORIES III-101

factor sinQ, or you excite the quark-antiquark sea (93) radiative transitions between atomic levels . It in the nucléon which is supposed to be small. It turns out that this is possible and a specific

follows that in either case the event has strange (93) experiment is already in progress which looks particles in the final state. Perhaps a detailed for such effects in twice forbidden magnetic dipole study of these events will provide us with some transitions, induced by a tunable laser beam, in information about charmed particles. heavy . Another proposal suggests the study of More sensitive tests may be given by the fact that • -i • . (93,94) similar effects in muonic atoms . There is also in "charming" theories the weak current is not a calculation of the influence of the neutral

charge-symmetric. Therefore precise tests of charge currents in the electric current flowing through two (95) symmetry in high energy neutrino reactions may reveal (87 ) Josephson junctions . I consider all these the presence and the nature of charm ' . One could proposals very interesting because it is easy to also use the Adler and the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum construct models which differ appreciably only in rules since their right hand sides change above the the couplings of to and not to . charm threshold. Since all these questions have been (88) Therefore any information of neutral current effects

discussed in detail in A de Rujula's talk in the outside the neutrino physics will be very useful.

parallel sessions, I will not elaborate any more here. Finally very interesting results have been obtained

All other predictions depend on the particular model on the possible role of neutral currents in astro­

and cannot be used to test the whole idea. Several physics. D Friedman has calculated the coherent

models require the introduction of heavy leptons and scattering of neutrinos on nuclei and his results (97) we heard in B Barish's talk^^ everything about show that their role in the dynamics of a super­ their present status. Detailed calculations about nova explosion are very important. their production rates in e+e annihilations and v IV FIELD THEORY AND RENORMALIZATION reactions have been performed The neutral (i) Some further results on renormalization currents have finally been observed and they have Although the problem of renormalization of thus eliminated some of the early models. However a spontaneously broken gauge symmetries is supposed to detailed study of their properties can still be used ( 28 ) . . (91) in order to discriminate among the remaining ones be solved since the pioneering works of ft Hooft , I will not review the different calculations in detail (29)

but I would like to correct here a wide spread B Lee and Zinn-Justin and ' t Hooft and

error which we heard several times in this Conference. Veltman^^ , several investigations have been

Some people think that in gauge theories, neutral performed recently in order to clarify certain points

currents are necessarily parity violating. This is or to present more elegant and rigorous formulations. Furthermore the cancellation of divergences at the one absolutely wrong I One can construct gauge models with (92) loop level has been verified and the renormalization parity conserving neutral currents and in fact program has been worked out explicity in special this is one of the properties that can be used in models ^\ On the other hand similar results have order to choose the right theory. I would also like been obtained while taking into account the strong to mention some studies of neutral current effects interactions to all orders, using current algebra outside the domain of elementary particle physics. (99) (100)

Assuming they do violate parity, one place to look techniques . An improvement to the original for them is to try to detect parity violation in proofs of renormalization has been given by B Lee who established and used the Ward identities for III-102 J Iliopoulos

vertex functions instead of the ones for connected effective Lagrangian can now be written as:

Green functions previously used. He thus obtained 3 3 2 b b &-Z. (*\ Au ) - J (G ) - cV C (4.1) mv. y a more concise a general treatment which continued

and completed the program started in the papers of where


However I would like in this paragraph to mention

especially a different line of approach, which uses and C and C are the anticommuting scalar fields.

the Zimmermann normal product algorithm^1 ^ , and ^inv. is tne original gauge invariant Lagrangian.

which has made substantial progress during the last B.R.S. observed that the Slavnor-Taylor identities

months. I will follow essentially the method of follow formally from the invariance of Sunder the follow­

Becchi, Rouet and Stora^®^(B.R.S.) who have recently ing transformations: introduced an essentially new technique for the study of the Ward identities which, I believe, will be proven 6A " to be very useful.

The abelian gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry

breaking had been studied^^^^ in the framework of

the normal product algorithm, but so far the investi­

gations were limited to the Stiickelberg gauge^^4\ where the infinitesimal parameter X is not a c-number In this gauge, like in ordinary quantum electro­ but an anticommuting parameter, ie an element of a dynamics, the term is proportional to Grassman algebra. The invariance of (4.1) under the 3 A and the theory is free from Faddeev-Popov y y transformations (4.3) can be checked directly (53x remembering that c, c and X all anticommute. From ghosts . However, in a non abelian theory, their this invariance one obtains formally "Ward identities" appearance is unavoidable and, therefore, the study which are nothing else but the Slavnov-Taylor of the abelian models in the Stiickelberg gauge could identities of the original theory. Using this not be extended in a straight forward way to the invariance B.R.S. were able to prove that these Yang-Mills theories. The essential difficulty comes identities are true not only in the tree level but in from the fact that the gauge invariance of the all orders of the renormalized perturbation theory Lagrangian is now broken not only by the gauge fixing for arbitrary gauge groups. Furthermore they term, but also by the Faddeev-Popov compensating established the gauge invariance and the unitarity term. As a consequence the original Ward identities of the S-matrix for the abelian case. The extension become more complicated, in a form found by of this result to non abelian groups is now in Slavnov^^"^ and Taylor ('06)^ B.R.S. have found a very progress. However this is now only a matter of ingenious way to handle these identities. working through the algebra of the group and no Let me denote by A^a (x) the gauge fields of the theory and by <$>1 (x) the set of Higgs-Kibble scalars. essentially new techniques need to be developed. Let me also introduce a gauge fixing term Ga which I I consider this result as a very important one, not shall choose to be of the form proposed by only because it provides a simple and elegant proof f 28

Tt Hooft , since, in this case, I get the extra of the renormalizability of Yang-Mills theories, but also because transformations of the type (4.3) may bonus that no massless appear. The GAUGE THEORIES III-l

prove useful in other cases as well^^7\ from the spontaneous symmetry breaking. Since this (ii) Yang-Mills theories in the many-field limit latter must be very large in order to generate the Field theories in the many field limit often exhibit heavy intermediate vector bosons of the weak inter­

remancably simple properties. This was known for the actions, the effect on the curvature is enormous. 4 However the existence of the effect depends on theory and it was recently shown for Yang-Mills whether one switches on gravitation before or after by G 't Hooft^108^. He studied a U(N) gauge theory the symmetry breaking. with spinors belonging to tv adjoint representation. . . 2 (iv) Solutions of classical Yang-Mills theories The result is that, at the limit N -> °° with g N Although classical field theory has never ceased to fixed, the dominant diagrams are the planar ones attract the attention of theorists, the detailed with the spinors at the edges. This set of diagrams study of classical models was considered until can be summed exactly in a simplified model in two recently a somehow esoteric occupation by most space-time dimensions^. They are actually elementary particle physicists. With the adventure reduced to self-energy and ladder diagrams. The of gauge theories there was first a revival of resulting picture resembles that of a quantized dual interest in and, through string and the mass spectrum consists of a nearly that, more people got interested in the study of straight Regge trajectory. the classical analogs. I am not going to report (iii) Is quantum theory of gravity renormalizable? here on all the progress made in this general field, It is not the purpose of this talk to review the % but I would like to mention one amusing result which different attempts to quantize . was obtained in the classical Yang-Mills theory durii The problem is still open and the results quoted here

the last year, by G. ft Hooft^11^ . He studied the have to be taken with caution. Since non abelian classical Lagrangian describing the interaction of gauge theories have been successfully quantized, it a Yang-Mills and a scalar field: was normal to try the same functional methods on

2 general relativity. Unfortunately the results were n not so encouraging. One can easily obtain a set of covariant Feynman rules and study the renormalization in the case y < 0, ie when spontaneous symmetry properties at the one loop level. The results are breaking occurs. Let us take as an example the 0(3)

the following: gauge group with $ belonging to a triplet. The

(a) G 't Hooft and M Veltman^11 °') have found that interesting result is that a solution of the pure gravity is renormalizable at that level. exists in which the electro­

(b) Coupling the Einstein field to matter destroys magnetic field F can be taken, at large distances, renormalizability. The systems studied include to be: _. -, (110) , . ,,(111) scalar fields , th e electromagnetic çfield , 1 F = £ T fermions and Yang-Mills fields The same uv ~ô> uva a ex

is true for the Brans-Dicke theory which is again where T is the distance from the origin and e ^ is non renormalizable^^. However spontaneously defined to be zero when any one of its indices takes broken gauge theories in an external gravitational the value zero. It follows that there is a radial field remain renormalizable^. Finally let me magnetic field T.

mention the result obtained by Linde 015) ^0 calculated the space-time curvature which results III-104 J Iliopoulos

with a total flux 4Tr/e. In other words the solution conf inement.

describes a satisfying Schwinger's The model is quantized by the Feynman path integral

condition eg = 1 ^^. The mass of the monopole can method. In order to write down the action Wilson

be easily calculated and it is given approximately by imposes exact gauge invariance on the lattice, not

M only at the continuum limit. The free fermion part M can be written in a straight forward way. With the m a

where is the mass. Since this last obvious changes from the continuum to a discreet

one in all unified theories is rather heavy, we see space we write:

that this result is not very encouraging for the

experimental search of the monopoles.

where a is the lattice spacing, m is the bare Solutions exhibiting monopole behaviour can also be Q

found for other semi-simple gauge groups but not when fermion mass and y is a lattice vector of length a

a U(l) factor is present^* ^\ ("unit" vector) along the axis y. Local gauge

invariance is imposed the usual way, namely by intro­

(v) Gauge fields on a lattice ducing a gauge field and multiplying by the exponential

Field theories on a lattice have been studied of its line integral. This introduces an interaction

since very many years, but it is only recently that term of the form:

gauge theories have been included. Their study

presents several interesting features, but one of

the most important for physical applications is which is gauge invariant, provided A transforms ny the fact that they give information about the strong like:

coupling regime. By now we have good reasons to

believe that gauge theories are relevant for strong

interactions but the usual methods of perturbation The important point is that in (4.5) the variable

theory tell us nothing about the region of large gaA^ appears as an angle and the action is periodic

coupling constants. Therefore any method who provides with period 2TT. K Wilson imposes this periodicity

such information, even at the price of sacrificing also to the free gauge field action and writes it as:

Poincaré invariance, is very welcome.

The program was initiated by K Wilson^ He

observed that one can quantize a gauge theory on a

lattice still keeping exact gauge invariance at

the Lagrangian level. The usual gauge fixing term

is here replaced by a periodicity condition which

restricts the range of integration over the gauge

field. The results are physically very Notice that this requirement of periodicity, which is

interesting. In particular it follows that an introduced by hand in the abelian model presented

isolated fermion has infinite mass and a separated here, is imposed by the requirement of gauge

fermion-antifermion pair has a finite energy propor­ invariance in the non-abelian cases. As it was

tional to their separation. Hence Wilson speculates noticed before, this periodicity property restricts

that such a theory may provide a model for quark the region of integration over the gauge field GAUGE THEORIES III-105

(45) variable from (-«>*+ «>) to —~ (- TT * TT ). Therefore Coleman and Weinberg observed that, even if the

no gauge fixing term needs to be introduced and classical potential does not have such a minimum away

consequently all gauge non invariant quantities from the origin, the radiative corrections may change

vanish. In particular the two fermion the situation. They use the method of Jona-Lassinin^2 1 ^

S(n) is given by: (44 122) and they calculate the corrections to V() ' S(n) ^ < o I T tj) ) I o > ^ (4.9) It follows that no such minimum for ^ 0 exists in 1 noo 1 ' no the case of a AcfA theory, at least for small values of because it is not invariant for n ^ 0. We see there­ \ where perturbation theory can hopefully be trusted. fore that the mass of an isolated fermion is infinite. This situation is in fact common to all one-parameter This result may look surprising since S(n) may not be theories. On the contrary such solutions exist for proportional to <5n o in the familiar weak couplinf&g

regime. The reason is that there, gauge invariance is theories having more than one coupling constant. In

expected to be broken spontaneously and a phase particular they show that massless scalar electrody­

transition may occur when one goes from the weak to namics is essentially unstable. The radiative

the strong coupling regions^1. The behaviour of corrections de-stabilize the vacuum and trigger a Higgs

the theory in the strong coupling limit can be mechanism. The same, is true for non-abelian gauge studied only for m a >> 1. In this limit the fermion groups. Similar techniques can be used in order to J o study the possibility for a non-canonical field to mass term dominates and both the kinetic energy and (123) the interaction can be treated as perturbations. Then induce S.S.B . We thus hope to avoid the Higgs one can prove (4.9) to all orders. scalars which are usually introduced in a completely One can study next the minimum energy of a gauge arbitrary way^2^. Let me choose a re-normal izab le invariant state (otherwise, as we just explained it interaction between spinors and vector . has infinite energy) made out of a well separated Obviously no canonical field will ever acquire a fermion-antifermion pair. One finds that if T is non-zero in such a theory. the separating distance Suppose that I decide to probe the operator ijnjj. I

2 introduce a source term J(X)I|HJJ in the Lagrangian and (4.10) I calculate the effective potential as a function ie it increases linearly with the separation. If of n, the classical field corresponding to the such a model is an approximation of the bound quark operator ipty. The tree approximation of V(n) obviously system, one can understand why quarks scatter like vanishes. The one loop contribution is given by the free in deep inelastic lepton scattering but cannot sum of all graphs of the form of Fig. 3. The crucial, still be produced as free particles. though trivial, point is that these graphs correspond

to a free field theory. It is only at the two loop

V. SPONTANEOUS SYMMETRY BREAKING Thereforlevel thae tV(n th)e cainteractionn be writtes nappea as:r for the first time.

v(n) = v(1)(n) + Eg.2 v.(2)(n) + (i) Genesis of spontaneous symmetry breaking: (5.1)

The traditional way to induce spontaneous symmetry breaking (S.S.B), is to introduce a scalar field cj)(x)

and arrange the parameters of the theory so that the Fig. 3 classical potential V() has a minimum for î 0. III-106 J Iliopoulos

where g^'s are the coupling constants of the various dimensions, the significance of the result is not

vector fields with the spinor I|J . It is easy to clear, since it looks like it contradicts a general

verify that V^(n) can be chosen to be a monotonie theorem by Coleman which states that there are no

function of n which obviously vanishes at n = 0. Goldstone bosons in two dimensions^. The authors

Equation (5.1) now shows clearly that for all n 4- 0 remark that their effect is expected to disappear when

V(n) ^ 0 for small coupling constants at any finite higher orders in 1/N are taken into account. Therefore

number of loops. The same result holds obviously for they introduce a chiral U(l) gauge group in which case 2 a Higgs phenomenon occurs. Indeed, if Goldstone bosons any other scalar operator like A etc. Therefore are forbidden in two dimensions, spontaneous breaking perturbation theory cannot provide a mechanism for of a gauge symmetry can still occur and in fact it S.S.B. other than the classical one in which a happens in the well-known example of massless two- canonical scalar field of the theory acquires a non­ dimensional quantum electrodynamics^^^. zero vaccum expectation value. To summarise, we see that dynamical symmetry This result is certainly not surprising. S.£.B. is breaking is perfectly conceivable, although no expected to occur, in the absence of elementary explicit study can be made in four-dimensional scalar fields, through the boundstates of the system. (132)

But it is well known that perturbation theory, in any field theories . What bothers me with this

finite order, does not describe effects. approach is that the connection with renormalized

Therefore, in order to draw any conclusions, one has perturbation theory is totally obscure,

the following alternative: (ii) Abnormal nuclear states and vacuum excitation

(a) To extract any information about bound states A very simple classical example of a spontaneous • • • v 1- j(l33) symmetry breakin1 g is given by a bent rod indirectly, for example by studying the Bethe-Salpeter For a homogeneous cylindrical rod with an applied equation, force along the z-axis, the problem has a (b) To investigate solvable field theory models. rotational invariance around this axis. However, The first method was used last year by Jackiw and we all know, and in this case we can prove it by Johnson^ and Cornwall and Norton^ ^6) ^ They (133) presented the general formulation of S.S.B. through solving the corresponding eleasticity equations , a bound state and they remarked the possibility of that the resulting state is asymmetric and consists of a zero energy bound state in a chiral U(l) x U(l) a bent rod. The initial invariance is manifest in

2 extension of quantum electrodynamics^* ^. The the degeneracy of the ground state. (We cannot second part of the alternative was examined recently predict which direction in the x - y plane the rod ( 1 28 ) is going to bend.) The analog in quantum field by Gross and Neveu who studied a class of two- theory is to say that the vacuum in degenerate. dimensional fermion field theories, with quartic (129) ... interactions , m the limit N -> <», where N is There exists however- an important difference: By the number of components of the fermion field. applying an infinitesimal lateral force to a bent

Notice that these models are asymptotically free. In rod one can rotate it and thus change from one

0 0 the limit N -> the model becomes solvable and they ground state to another. On the other hand, in a found that dynamical symmetry breaking occurs for quantum field theory, which is a system with an any value of the coupling constant. However, due to infinite number of degrees of freedom, this is not

the special kinematical properties of the two possible. Starting from each vacuum state one can GAUGE THEORIES III-107

build a corresponding Hilbert space and the where the limit is taken keeping V fixed. The r.h.s. different such spaces are supposed to be orthogonal depends on V and tends to infinite (stable state)

to each other. T D Lee and G C Wick observed when V becomes large, however that such a change of state can still (b) Non degenerate case: occur inside a finite though large domain. They found some very interesting phenomena which may have observable consequences. I will not give a detailed account of this work, because we heard

T D Lee's talk in the parallel session^135^, but I We see therefore that in both cases the vacuum would like to summarise briefly the argument and excitation can extend over a domain of macroscopic present some of the results. As an example we size. The phenomenon Is analogous to the domain consider a Lagrangian of a neutral scalar field structure in a Heisenberg ferromagnet.

(x): Now let us complicate the picture and add to (5.2) a Yukawa coupling to a fermion field Let us even

assume that ^ is the nucléon field and V is the

volume of a nucleus. Inside V the vacuum exp. value and let me assume that all necessary translations of è can be equal to d> and this, through the n vex have taken place and the counterterms are Yukawa coupling, will induce a mass-shift of the arranged so that nucléon 6m ^ g d> where g is the Yukawa coupling b vex &

constant. It may happen that such an "abnormal"

nuclear state becomes stable for sufficiently high (136) Let me stay, for simplicity, at the tree level nuclear densities and this would result in the

Condition (5.3) implies the inequality appearance of new objects which may be created with

the help of high energy heavy ion beams.

2 2 We see that if 3u X > f , there is only one absolute (iii) Finite temperature effects 2 2 minimum at (j> = 0; for 3y X = f a degenerate It is well-known that if we heat a piece of iron beyond ground state appears. The result of T D Lee and the Curie point, the magnetization disappears and the (137) G C Wick can be best stated if we consider the rotational invariance is restored. Kirzhuits and Linde system quantized inside a finite volume Q. Let me have suggested that something analogous should happen consider an excited stated in which, inside a region in quantum field theory. Above a certain temperature V, the system satisfies, instead of (5.3)^ < 0 I (f> I 0 > = /r CN the system should return to the symmetric state. In 1 Y 1 V vex (5.5) particular, if the s.b.s was a gauge symmetry, this This excited state has a lifetime T (V). The result means that, at sufficiently high temperatures, long now can be stated as: range forces would appear. The cosmological impli­ (a) Degenerated case: The two states (5.3) and cations of this phenomenon are obvious. Such high (5.5) are completely symmetrical. When Q ->0 0 they temperatures are expected to have occurred in the become orthogonal to each other. Furthermore: early period of the history of the universe, just

after the big bang. At this time the weak inter- III-108 J Iliopoulos

actions would have produced long range forces which could have affected the properties of our universe, such as or homogeneity^ . Furthermore the considerations of the previous paragraph bring in mind However we know that renormalization effects are again the analogy with ferromagnetism: When a piece of important, in particular because they change the value iron is cooled below the Curie point, in the absence of the bare mass. Let m^ be the renormalized mass at of an external magnetic field, the spontaneous T = 0 and m (T) the renormalized mass at any T. The R magnetization does not appear in the same direction 4 over the whole piece, but one rather observes a mass counterterms in a

in simple models . Let me first notice that the

phase transition is expected to occur at a tempera­ The perturbation expansion is supposed to break down

ture such that powers of T can compensate for the near the critical temperature. Let À be the ef f powers of the coupling constant of the perturbation "effective coupling constant", ie the value of the expansion. For simplicity, I shall only consider a four point function at zero external momenta and any model of a neutral scalar field with a quartic T. From (5.10) we get: interaction. The symmetry here is - (j>. For a

more detailed discussion as well as the consideration

of continuous and gauge symmetries, I refer you to (139) the recent paper by S Weinberg Let the bare Lagrangian of the system be:

Let me be very naive at first and ignore all renormal-

renormalization effects. The condition for symmetry 2

breaking in (5.9) is given by the mass term: m < 0. The inequalities (5.14) determine the width of the

At finite temperature T and ignoring renormalization, critical region. It is easy to show that it does

the critical region will be determined by the relative not change when we take into account all the 2 2 4 magnitude of the m and the A terms. The volume 1 3 renormalization effects. The reason is that, as we of the system is V ^ ( — ) and the momentum cut-off noticed before, the important feature in these is ^ kT. We thus get: theories is the breaking at T = 0 by the negative

4> ^ mkT square mass, so the important renormalization effect GAUGE THEORIES III-109

is the mass renormalization. divergences of perturbation theory, such that at the (139) end only one infinite counterterm, S Weinberg , by using a more detailed method of common to all the fields, need to be introduced. No calculation finds similar results. For example, for mass and no coupling constant counterterms are required. the case of an 0(n) global symmetry group he finds This remarkable property is not accidental. It is the critical temperature to be: partly due to a very peculiar symmetry which is hidden

in the model (6.1) and which is a special case of

what we heard in B. Zumino' s talk ^ ^ ^ under the where m^ is the mass of the single non Goldstone name of ""0^2)^ ^ would like here to boson (5.15) is essentially the same as our review briefly the properties of supertransformations formula (5.12). For the case of a local 0(n) and add some remarks about their possible applications. symmetry with gauge coupling constant g he finds: For more details you are referred to ref (141).

The general form of an infinitesimal transformation

acting on a multiplet of fields cj)1(x) can be written For the weak and e.m. interactions (5.16) gives as : kT^ ^ 300 GeV. He finally notices some very amusing

effects when he examines a global 0(n) x 0(n)

symmetry. where i and j denote the members of the multiplet

and T are matrices characteristic of the representa- VI. MORE SYMMETRY tion in which the fields belong. In case of a gauge One of the lessons we learnt by the study of vector symmetry, there may be another term which is not meson theories, is that the actual degree of proportional to any of the fields, if (|>1(x) are the divergence encountered in the perturbation expansion gauge bosons. Usually the infinitesimal parameter of a Lagrangian field theory may be better than the are taken to be c-numbers (constants or functions of one indicated by the power counting argument. Is the space-time point x). It follows that a given this a feature characteristic of gauge theories? The irreducible representation contains either bosons or answer is no, and I would like here to give you a fermions, but never both. Let us however try to simple example which exhinits remarkable cancellations choose the e's to be totally anticommuting spinors, of divergences^. The model consists of a scalar elements of a sufficiently large Grassman algebra. field A, a pseudoscalar B and a four component We see immediately that, if we succeed to assign some Majorana spinor ty. The Lagrangian is given by: group properties to such transformations, and if

2 2 2 2 2 £= -H3yA) - H9pB) - ~ |m (A +B ) - ±mM representations exist, they must contain both

2 2 fermions and bosons. These questions have been

2 2 2 2 - mgA(A +B ) - ig^(A - Y5B)if> + ^-(A +B ) (6.1) answered in four-dimensions by J Wess and B Zumino^^}

(6.1) looks like a very ordinary Yukawa Lagrangian I shall only state some of the results: Let a(x) be

except that there are special relations among the the infinitesimal anticommuting Majorana spinor of the

masses and coupling constants. A priori one would transformation. One can show that it has the form:

not expect such relations to be preserved by renorma­

lization, but the astonishing thing is that not only they are, but also they cause cancellations among the where and are two arbitrary but constant Ill-110 J Iliopoulos

infinitesimal Majorana spinors. The generators of super-transformation by four-derivitives.

the corresponding transformations are also spinors. Finally let me mention that there exists a tensor

The commutator of two supertransformations with calculus in the sense that one can combine different , • (143) parameters (6.3) is a conformai transformation in prepresentations in order to obtain new ones

four dimensions combined with a y5 transformation. These two properties (the transformation properties

Actually the algebra among super-, conformai and y 5 of F and D and the tensor calculus) can be used for (1 44) the construction of invariant Lagrangians. One simply transformations closes . An important subalgebra combines different representations and then chooses is obtained by considering only the supertransforma­ an F or a D member. Notice that, strictly speaking, tions with constant parameters, ie by choosing one does not obtain invariant Lagrangians but c/1^ = 0 in (6.3). In this case the algebra contains invariant actions. The Lagrangians change by four- only the four dimensional translations and can be derivatives. Let me give an example of such a written in the form:^4"^ Lagrangian for the scalar multiplet (6.6):

where are Majorana spinors. Notice that the (6.4)

is an anticommutator.

We can find several representations of these We see that, if we eliminate from (6.7) the

symmetries^and I will only give here some auxiliary fields F and G, we obtain the Lagrangian

examples. I will limit myself to restricted super- (6.1).

transformations with constant parameters. The can be combined with internal

simplest representation is a "scalar" one which symmetries, global or local. In particular Wess and

contains a scalar field A(x), a pseudoscalar B(x), Zumino^4^ have written a supersymmetric extension (72) a Majorana spinor iKx) and two auxiliary fields F(x) of quantum electrodynamics and Ferrara and Zumino and G(x). Their transformation properties are given and Salam and Strathdee(*4^ have shown that a non by: abelian Yang-Mills theory with massless Majorana

6A = iaty spinors belonging to the regular representation of

the group, is automatically invariant under super-

transformations. Furthermore, even when scalar

multiplets are introduced the theory can still be

2 asymptotically free^ ^* (^8) ^se& a^ove section II).

Supersymmetries have very attractive properties and I

am sure that they will play an important role in Another example is a "vector" representation containing particle physics. Except from the nice renormaliza­ four scalars D, C, M and N, a vector V and two tion properties I mentioned before, which are specific Majorana spinors x an^ A. I shall not write the to the scalar model, let me just point out that the transformation properties ^ ^\ but I will only notice notion of left- or right-handness can be given a very that the members F and G of a scalar multiplet and D simple and natural interpretation in the framework of of a vector one, transform under an infinitesimal supersymmetries^. There is however an important GAUGE THEORIES III-l11

difficulty although the progress made recently makes and enthusiasm that we enjoy, when we have the clear

us hope that it will soon be completely solved. In feeling of being on the right track. I wanted to

order to see it, let me use the commutation share this excitement and enthusiasm with everybody,

relations (6.4) to obtain: even the most sceptical and pessimistic. I wanted to

H = 1 V Q2 (6.8) convince you that gauge theories have come to stay. 4 h i i I am aware and I anticipate the criticism you may where H is the Hamiltonian. It follows that all have. I am aware of the fact that when welcome members of a multiplet must have the same mass. It results are obtained, the validity of the model is is therefore necessary to find a suitable scheme of not examined, and when unwelcome results are symmetry breaking, before applying these ideas to the obtained, we argue that we do not yet have the physical world. In the second paper of ref (140) an correct model. You are advised to keep that in mind explicit breaking by a linear term was introduced, in evaluating the significance of these ideas, but which was sufficiently "soft", as to preserve all also to agree that, on the face of it, they are renormalization properties. But recently a mechanism (149) sufficiently successful to command the greatest for a spontaneous breaking has been found which attention. Thank you. has several nice properties. The model was the

Q.E.D. extension of Wess and Zumino0^6)^ ^ turns ACKNOWLEDGEMENT S out that in this model the D member of the vector multiplet is both gauge and super symmetry invariant During the last year I have benefitted from the

and one can add it to the Lagrangian. Thus a experience and advice of too many of my colleagues,

spontaneous symmetry breaking can be induced which both theorists and experimentalists, to name them

can also trigger a Higgs mechanism for the breaking here. I would like however to thank in particular of the gauge symmetry and the appearance of a massive those who helped me in the preparation of this vector particle. Notice that, since the super symmetry report. I am indebted to Professors C Bouchiat, current is spinorial, the corresponding Goldstone S Coleman P Fayet, B W Lee, A A Migdal, S Weinberg, (149,150)

particle is a spinor . The mechanism can be K Wilson and B Zumino for numerous suggestions and

applied to other gauge groups provided they contain a clarifying remarks. I thank especially Professors

U(l) factor, but until now no mechanism has been C Bouchiat, S Coleman, B W Lee and S Weinberg for a

found for a spontaneous breaking of a semi-simple critical reading of preliminary versions of the

gauge group which is compatible with the requirements manuscript. Finally I would like to thank

of renormalizability. Drs. Ross and Danskin who did the final

editing of the report. CONCLUSION

REFERENCES I attempted to describe to you in this talk, without any technical details, the physical ideas which are (1) "Fables of Aesop" Penguin Classics. behind the gauge theories and the progress we have (2) B W Lee, in "Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on High Energy Physics" ed. by accomplished during the last year. I did not try, J D Jackson and A Roberts (NAL, Batavia, III 1972) Vol. IV p.249. actually I did not want, to offer you an unbiased (3) M Veltman, "Gauge field theory" Invited talk presentation. My aim was not to be critical, but presented at the International Symposium on and Photon Interactions at High Energies. rather to transmit to you a part of the excitement Bonn, 27-31 August 1973. J Iliopoulos III-112

(4) C H Llewellyn Smith, "Unified models of weak and (21). R Gatto, G Sartori and M Tonin, Phys. Lett. electromagnetic integrations". Invited talk 28B(1968)128; Nuov. Cim. Lett. 1(1969)1; presented at the International Symposium on N Cabibbo and L Maiani, Phys. Lett. 28B(1968)131 ; Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies. Phys. Rev. Dl(1970)707. Bonn, 27-31 August 1973. (22) S L Glashow, J Iliopoulos and L Maiani, Phys. (5) S Weinberg in "Proceedings of the IIE Conference Rev. D2(1970)1285. Internationale sur les Particules Elémentaires" Aix-en-Provence 1973. Sup. au Journal de (23) For earlier applications of SU(4) symmetry to Physique, Vol. 34, Fasc. 11-12 Cl-1973 p.45). strong interactions see also D Amati, H Bacry, J Nuyts and J Prentki, Nuov. Cim. 34(1964)1732; (6) E S Abers and B W Lee, "Gauge theories" Phys. J D Bjorken and S L Glashow, Phys. Lett. 11(1964) Reports 9C Nb. 1. 255.

(7) S Coleman, "Secret symmetry: An introduction to (24) M Veltman, Nucl. Phys. B7(1968)637; B21(1970)288; spontaneous symmetry breakdown and gauge fields" J Reiff and M Veltman, Nucl. Phys. B13(1969)545; Lectures given at the 1973 Erice Summer School. D Boulware, Ann. Phys. 56(1970)140.

(8) S L Glashow, Lectures given at the 1973 Erice (25) S L Glashow and J Iliopoulos, Phys. Rev. D3(1971) Summer School. (unpublished). 1043; S L Glashow, J Iliopoulos and A Yao, Phys. Rev. D4(1971)1918. (9) M A B Beg and A Sirlin, "Gauge theories of weak interactions" to be published in Ann. Rev. Nucl. (26) This is a corollary of a theorem derived recently Sci. Vol. 24. by looking at the high energy behaviour of tree diagrams. The argument is based on the conjecture (10) J Schwinger, Ann. Phys. 2(1957)407; S A Bludman, of "tree unitarity" i.e. that for every renormali­ Nuov. Cim. 9(1958)433; S L Glashow, Nucl. Phys. zable theory the N-particle S-matrix elements 22(1961)579; A Salam and J C Ward, Phys. Lett. in the tree approximation must grow no more 13(1964)168. For a more detailed historical rapidly than Ek~^ in the limit of high energy E, review see M Veltman ref. (2) and S Weinberg at non-exceptional momenta (i.e. at angles such ref. 5. that all invariants Pj i^j grow like E2). It is proven that any Lagrangian of dimensions less (11) C N Yang and R L Mills, Phys. Rev. 96(1954)191. or equal to four, involving scalar, spinor and See also R Utiyama, Phys. Rev. 101(1956)1597; vector fields, satisfies tree unitarity only M Gell-Man and S L Glashow, Ann. Phys. 15(1961)437 if it is equivalent to a spontaneously broken gauge theory, with the possibility of adding (12) F Englert and R Brout, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13(1964) arbitrary mass terms to vector fields associated 321; P W Higgs, Phys. Lett. 12(1964)132; Phys. with invariant abelian subgroups. See J M Rev. Lett. 13(1964)508; Phys. Rev. 145(1966)1156; Cornwall, D N Levin and G Tiktopoulos, Phys. G S Guralnik, C R Hagen and T W B Kibble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 30(19 73)1268; (E) 31(1973)572; Rev. Lett. 13(1964)585; T W B Kibble, Phys. Rev. "Derivation of gauge invariance from high energy 155(1967)1554. The phenomenon was known in non- unitarity bounds on the S-matrix" to be published; relativistic physics, see for ex. P W Anderson, C H Llewellyn Smith, Phys. Lett. B46(1973)233 Phys. Rev. 112(1958)1900. J S Bell, to be published. The non-renormaliz- ability of massive Yang-Mills theories was (13) S Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 19(1967)1264; explicitly verified recently by R N Mohapatra, A Salam in "Elementary particle physics" ed. S Sakakibara and J Sucher, "Scattering of gauge by N Svartholm, Stockholm 1968 p.367. bosons in sixth order and non-renormalizability of massive Yang-Mills theories" to be published. (14) C Fronsdal, Phys. Rev. 136B(1964)1190; W Kummer The results obtained in this paper agree with and G Segre, Nucl. Phys. 64(1965)585; G Segre, those previously obtained in ref. (24). They Phys. Rev. 181(1969)1996; L F Li and G Segre, explicitly contradict the claim of J P Hsu and Phys. Rev. 186(1969)1477; N Christ, Phys. Rev. E C G Sudarshan, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)1678. 176(1968)2086. (27) An exception was the suggestion of T D Lee and (15) B L Ioffe and E P Shabalin, Yadern Fiz. 6(1967)828 C Wick, Nucl. Phys. B9(1969)209. (Soviet J Nucl. Phys. 6(1968)603); Z Eksp i Teor. Fiz. Pis'ma U Redaktsiyu 6(1967)978(Soviet Phys. (28) G 't Hooft, Nucl. Phys. B33(1971)173; ibid JETP Lett. 6(1967)390); R N Mohapatra, J Subba Rao B35(1971)167. and R E Marshak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 20(1968)1081; Phys. Rev. 171(1968)1502; F E Low, Comments Nucl. (29) B W Lee, Phys. Rev. D5(1972)823; B W Lee and Part.Phys. 2(1968)33; R N Mohapatra and P Olesen, J Zinn-Justin, Phys. Rev. D5(1972)3121 ; Phys. Rev. 179(1969)1917. D5(1972)3137; D5(1972)3155; D7(1973)1049.

(16) T D Lee, Nuov. Cim. 59A(1969)579. (30) G ' t Hooft and M Veltman, Nucl. Phys. B44Q972) 189; B50(1972)318; "Diagrammar" CERN Yellow report (17) T D Lee, K Huang and C N Yang, Phys. Rev. 106(1957) CERN 73-9 1135. (31) This was a generalization of earlier work by (18) M Gell-Man, M L Goldberger, N M Kroll and F E Low, R P Feynman Acta Phys. Pol. 24(1963)697; Phys. Rev. 179(1969)1518. B S DeWitt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12(1964)742; Phys. Rev. 162(1967)1195; L D Faddeev and V N Popov, (19) C Bouchiat, J Iliopoulos and J Prentki, Nuov. Cim. Phys. Lett. 25B(1967)29; S Mandelstam, Phys. Rev. 56A(1968)1150; J Iliopoulos ibid 62A(1969)209. 175(1968)1580; ibid 1604(1968); L D Faddeev, Theor. I Mat. Fiz. 1(1969)3; (Theor. and Math. (20) S L Glashow and S Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. 1(1970)1); E.S. Fradkin and I V Tyutin, Phys. 20(1968)224; M Gell-Man, R J Oakes and B Renner, Rev. D2(1970)2841; R Mills, Phys. Rev. D3(1971) Phys. Rev. 175(1968)2195. 2969. GAUGE THEORIES III-l13

(32) References (2) to (9) contain all the information (48) Tor a more detailed argument taking into account on this period. the strong interations to all orders, and covering non-abelian gluon models see S Weinberg, Phys. (33) See for instance H Georgi and A Pais "Calculability Rev. D8(1973)605 and D8(1973)4482; see also and Naturalness in gauge theories" to be published R N Mohapatra, J C Pati and P Vinciarelli, and references therein. Phys. Rev. D8(1973)3652.

(34) For a detailed criticism of the SU(2) xU(l) (49) S Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31(1973)494; model see S Weinberg ref. 5. D V Nanopoulos, Nuov. Cim. Lett. 8(1973)873.

(35) H Georgi and S L Glashow, Phys. Rev. Lett. (50) M T Grisaru, H J Schnitzer and H S Tsao, Phys. 28(1972)1494. Rev. Lett. 30(1973)811 and Phys. Rev. D8(1973)4498. Also see S Y Lee, J M Rawls and D Y Wong, (36) H Georgi and S L Glashow, Phys. Rev. D7(1973)2457; "Reggeization as spin 1 particles in general See also R N Mohapatra, "Gauge model for chiral Lagrangian models" to be published. symmetry breaking and muon electron mass ratio" to be published. (51) L Tataru, Phys. Lett. 46B(1973)221 ; D R T Jones, Nucl. Phys. B71(1974)111 ; Fayyazuddin and (37) See for example, B W Lee, Phys. Rev. D6(1972)1188; Riazuddin, Nucl. Phys. B74(1974)397; T C Yang, J Prentki and B Zumino, Nucl. Phys. B47(1972)99; "Pseudo-Goldstone pion masses in a gauge model" M A B Beg and A Zee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 30(1973)675; to be published. GPocsik, "Light-cone physics Y Achiman Nucl. Phys. B56(1973)635; W Allés, and e.m. mass shift of in unified gauge Heavy leptons and unified theories of weak and theories" to be published; S N Biswas and P Ghose, e.m. interactions" to be published. "Mass difference of pions in the symmetrical theory of weak and e.m. interactions" to be (38) P Fayet, "A gauge theory of weak and electro­ published. B de Witt, S Y Pi and S Smith, magnetic interactions with spontaneous parity "Perturbative calculations in a Unified gauge breaking" to be published. field model of strong weak and e.m. interactions" to be published. For a review of these works (39) P Budini and P Furlan "On composite gauge fields see M K Gaillard, Proceedings of this Conference. and models" to be published, and references therein. (52) J Lieberman, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)1749; B de Witt, S Y Pi and J Smith, Ref. 51. (40) B W Lee and S R Treiman, Phys. Rev. D7(1973) 1211 ; A Pais Phys. Rev. Lett. 29(1972)1712; 30(1973)114 (53) One can show that the inclusion of strangeness (E); Phys. Rev. D8(1973)625; T P Chang, Phys. and charm can only make things worse. See Rev. D8(1973)496; M A B Beg, Phys. Rev. D8Q973) S. Weinberg invited talk in this conference for 664; P Fayet, Phys. Lett. 48B(1974)145; a detailed discussion of the n problem. Fayyazuddin and Riazuddin, "The AI = \ rule in non-leptonic weak decays" to be published. (54) D Sutherland, Phys. Lett. 23(1966)384; J S Bell and D Sutherland, Nucl. Phys. B4(1968)315. (41) G Altarelli and L Maiani, "Octet enhancement of non-leptonic weak interactions in asymptotically (55) The existence of such neutral massless field would result in a long range repulsive force bet­ free gauge theories" to be published; M K Gaillard ween baryous, proportional to 2 (the analog of and B W Lee, "Rare decay modes of the K mesons in T a). Using the recent measurements on the gauge theories" to be published gravitational to inertial mass ratio of P G Roll, R Krotkov and R H Dicke, Ann of Phys. 26(1964)442, (42) R N Mohapatra, Phys. Rev. D6(1972)2023; A Pais one deduces Y2 £ 10 43 a. ref. 35, TP Cheng, ref. 35, A Pais and J. R Primack, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)3063. 4Trhc (56) A Pais, Phys. Rev. D8 (1973)1844. (43) T D Lee, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)1226 and Phys. Rep. 9C (2). See also R N Mohapatra and J C Pati, (57) C Bouchiat, J Iliopoulos and Ph. Meyer, Phys. "Left-right gauge symmetry and an "iso-conjugate" Lett. 38B(1972)519. model of CP-violation" to be published; D Bailin and A Love, Nucl. Phys. B69 (1974)142. (58) J C Pati and A Salam, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)1240; •Phys. Rev. Lett. 31(1973)661 and Trieste preprint, (44) A Zee, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)1772; R N Mohapatra to be published. Mixed quark-lepton representat­ ref. 42, H Georgi and A Pais, "CP violation as ions have been also considered by C Itoh, a quantum effect" to be published. T Minamikawa, K Miura, and T Watanabe, to be published, Y Achiman, "Weinberg-Salam angle in a (45) S Coleman and E Weinberg, Phys. Rev. D7(1973)1888; gauge model of weak and strong interactions" see also S Coleman, Ref. 7. to be published.

(46) See however ref. 27. (59) H Georgi and S L Glashow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 32(1974)438. (47) For early examples of zeroth order symmetries see f G t Hooft Nucl. Phys. B35(1971) 167; S Weinberg, (60) D Gross and F Wilczek, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)3633; Phys. Rev. Lett. 29(1972)388 and 29(1972)1698; S Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31(1973)494; H Georgi and S L Glashow, Phys. Rev. D6 2977 and H Fritzsch, M Gell-Mann and H Leutwyler, ref. 31. For further references see ref. 3 Phys. Lett. B47(1973)365 and ref. 5. For more recent contributions see P Schattner, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)2377; H Georgi (61) See however T Applequist, "The infrared structure and A Pais ref. 33 and S W MacDowell "Renormali­ of Yang-Mills theories" to be published. Some zable gauge theories with non-linear constraints" ideas that may be proved to be very useful are to be published. contained in K Wilson's treatment of the Kondo problem, K Wilson, Nobel symposium Vol. 24 and Adv. in Math, to be published. III-114 J Iliopoulos

(62) G 't Hooft, Nucl. Phys. B61(1973)455; B62(1973)444 (80) The connection of gravity with the scale of the H D Politzer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 30(1973)1346; other interactions has been emphasized in recent D J Gross and F Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. years by A Salam and J Strathdee, Nuov. Cim. Lett. 30(1973)1343. 4(1970)101; C J Isham, A Salam and J Strathdee, Phys. Rev. D3(1971)1805 and D5(1972)2548. (63) For an introduction see for example C Callan Lectures in the 1973 Cargese Summer School and (81) T Appelquist, J R Primack and H R Quinn, Phys. references therein. Rev. D6(1972)2998; Phys. Rev. D7(1973)2298; D A Ross, Nucl. Phys. B51(1973)116; A Sirlin, (64) See the invited talks in this Conference, of Nucl. Phys. B71(1974)29; T Hagiwara, Phys. Rev. D J Gross and A De Rujula and references therein. D9(1974)1023.

(65) D J Gross and F Wilczek, Phys. Rev. D8 (1973)3633 ; (82) R Jaffe and J R Primack, Nucl. Phys. B61(1973)317. and D9(1974)980; H Georgi and H D Politzer, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)416; D Bailin, A Love and D (83) I Bars, M B Halpern and M Yoshimura, Phys. Rev. Nanopoulos, Nuov. Cim. Lett. 9(1974)501. Lett. 29(1972)969; Phys. Rev. D7(1973)1233, B De Witt, Nucl. Phys. B51(1973)237; I Bars, (66) The question of the gauge invariance and the "Lepton-quark symmetry" to be published. mixing of operators is very difficult and has not been completely solved. See ref. 65 as well as: (84) For a detailed list of possibilities see S Sarkar, "Mixing of operators in Wilson G G Ross and R K P Zia, "Gauge models without Expansions" to be published. H Kluberg-Stern charmed " to be published. and J B Zuber, "Ward identities and some clues to the renormalization of gauge invariant (85) S L Glashow, J Iliopoulos and L Maiani ref. 22; operators" to be published; R Crewther, to be B W Lee, J R Primack and S B Treiman, Phys. published; W Kainz, W Kummer and M Schweda, Rev. D7(1973)510; C E Carlson and P G 0 Freund, "Nonabelian gauge theories for hadrons and Phys. Lett. 39B(1972)349, B W Lee and M K Gaillard radiative corrections" to be published. to be published.

(67) G Parisi, "Detailed predictions for the p-n (86) G Snow, Nucl. Phys. B35 (1971)167. structure functions" to be published. A De Rujula, H Georgi and H D Politzer, "The (87) E A Paschos, "Theoretical interpretation of breakdown of scaling in neutrino and experiments" invited talk presented at scattering" to be published. H D Politzer, the January 1973 meeting of the American Physical Phys. Rev. D9(1974)2174; D Gross, Phys. Rev. Society, and references therein; A De Rujula and Lett. 32(1974)1071. S L Glashow, Phys. Lett. B46(1973)377; B46(1973)381 Phys. Rev. D9(1974)180; M A B Beg and A Zee, Phys. (68) T Appelquist and H Georgi, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)4000 Rev. Lett.30(1973)675; Phys. Rev. D8(1973)2334; A Zee, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)4038. A Zee, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)1572; A De Rujula, H Georgi, S L Glashow and H Quinn, Revs. Mod. Phys. (69) D R T Jones, "Two loop diagrams in Yang-Mills to be published, M K Gaillard "Notes on charmed theory" to be published; A A Belavin and A A particle searches in neutrino experiments" to be Migdal, "Scale invariance and boots trap in the published; Fayyazuddin and Riazuddin, "Charge non-abelian gauge theories - to be published. symmetry and neutral current in a unified model W E Caswell, Phys- Rev. Lett. 33(1974)244. of weak and electromagnetic interactions" to be published. (70) K Symanzik: Unpublished. (88) A De Rujula, Invited talk in this Conference and (71) See for example T P Cheng, E Eichten and L F Li, references therein. Phys. Rev. D9(1974)2259. (89) B Barish, Invited talk in this Conference and (72) S Ferrara and B Zumino, "Supergauge invariant references therein. Yang-Mills theories" Nucl. Phys. B to appear. (90) J D Bjorken and C H Llewellyn Smith, Phys. Rev. (73) It seems that the two loop contribution is D7(1973)887; S Y Pi and J Smith, Phys. Rev. positive. D R T Jones, Private communications. D9(1974)1498, A Soni, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)2092; and "Signatures of neutral currents and heavy (74) When this scheme was first proposed by S Weinberg leptons in weak inelastic processes" to be Phys. Rev. D5(1972)1962 the group G was only published, C H Albright and C Jarlskog, supposed to cover the weak and e.m. interations "Neutrino production of M+ and E+ heavy leptons and it was taken to be SU(3) x SU(3) x P. - (I)" to be published. C H Albright, C Jarlskog and L Wolfenstein, "Neutrino production of M+ and E+ heavy leptons - (II)" to be published; A Ali, (75) This idea is due to K Wilson, Phys. Rev. 140(1965) + B445; Phys. Rev. 179(1969)1944; Phys. Rev, D2 "Heavy neutral lepton production in the e -e (1970)1438; Phys. Rev. B4(1971)3174. colliding beam experiments" to be published.

(76) S Weinberg, ref. (53) and references therein. (91) There have been many detailed calculations and I shall only refer to a few of the most recent ones. (77) H Georgi, H R Quinn and S Weinberg, "Hierarchy For references to earlier work see ref. (2), (4) of interactions in unified gauge theories" to and (5). For a general discussion of the effects be published; See also S Weinberg ref. (53). of neutral currents independently of any specific model see, A Pais and S B Treiman, Phys. Rev. (78) G Parisi, "On the value of fundamental constants" D9(1974)1459; C H Llewellyn Smith and D V to be published, A A Belavin and A A Migdal, Nanopoulos, "Remarks on neutral currents ref. 69. phenomenology" to be published. For a different predictions of neutral current cross sections in (79) L D Landau and I Pomeranchuk, Dokl Akad Nank deep inelastic region, or using parton ideas, 95(1954)773. see, C H Albright, Phys, Rev. D8(1973)3162; GAUGE THEORIES III-l15

Nucl. Phys. B70(1974)142. R B Palmer, Phys. Lett. (104) E C G Stuckelberg, Helv. Phys. Acta 11(1938)225; 46B(1973)240; L M Sehgal, Nucl. Phys. B65 (1973)141. 11(1938)299; 30(1956)209. Phys. Lett. 48B(1974)133; J Cleymans and L M Sehgal, Nucl. Phys. B74(1974)285; M A B Beg, (105) A Slavnov, Teor i Mat. Fiz. 10(1973)153; Phys. Lett. 49B(1974)361 ; P N Scharback, Nucl. {Thoer. and Math. Phys. 10,99} Phys. B49(1972)52; Nuov. Cim. Lett. 9(1974)173; and "Pion production by fragmentation of weak (106) J C Taylor, Nucl. Phys. B33(1971)436. currents in the Weinberg theory" to be published; G Rajasekeran and K V L Sarma, "Analysis of (107) The connection, if any, of these "super trans­ the neutral current interaction in the inclusive formations" with those discussed in section VI neutrino reactions" to be published; Model is not clear. independent analysis of the neutral current interaction in the inclusive neutrino reactions" (108) G * t Hooft, Nucl. Phys. B72(1974)461. to be published, "Bounds on the coupling constants of the neutral current" to be published. (109) G ft Hooft, Nucl. Phys. B75(1974)461. For their influence in electromagnetic processes see, R Budny and A McDonald, Phys. Lett. 48B (110) G 't Hooft and M Veltman, Ann. de l'lnst. H (1974)423, S M Berman and J R Primack, Phys. Poincaréf to appear. Rev. D9(l974)2j7Ji ; L Palla and G Pocsik, "High energy e e anniliation in unified gauge (111) S Deser and P Van Nieuwenhuizen,Phys. Rev. Lett. theories" to be published, E Reya and K Schilcher, 32(1974)245 and "One loop divergences of "Neutral current effects in elastic electron- quantized Einstein-Maxwell fields" to be nucleon scattering" to be published. Finally published. for estimations on purely leptonic processes see, H Terazawa, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)1817, L M (112) S Deser and P Van Nieuwenhuizen "Nonrenorm- Sehgal, Phys. Lett. 48B(1974)60. Nucl. Phys. alizability of the quantized Dirac-Einstein B70(1974)61. system" to be published. J E Kim, V S Mathur and S Okubo, "Electro­ magnetic properties of neutrino from neutral (113) S Deser, H S Tsao and P Van Nieuwenhuizen: current experiments" to be published. "Nonrenormalizability of Einstein-Yang Mills interactions at the one loop level" to be (92) See for ex. MA Beg, Phys. Lett. 49B(1974)361. published. (93) M A Bouchiat and C Bouchiat, Phys. Lett. 48B(1974) (114) D Z Freedman, I J Muzinich and E J Weinberg, 111 and "Parity violation induced by weak neutral to be published. currents in atomic physics" to be published. (115) A D Linde, JETP Lett. 19(1974)320; See also (94) G Feinberg and M Y Chen, to be published, J M Veltman, "Cosmology and the Higgs mechanism" Bernabeu, T E 0 Ericson and C Jarlskog, to be unpublished. published.

(116) G ft Hooft, "Magnetic monopoles in unified (95) I B Khriplovich and A I Vainshtein, "Neutral gauge theories" to be published and proceedings currents of weak interactions and Josephson of this Conference. Dr Migdal Informed me that effect" to be published. similar results were obtained by Polyakov (unpublished). (96) D E Friedman, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)1389. (117) Solutions satisfying Dirac's condition eg = y (97) J R Wilson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 32(1974)849. can be obtained if one considers the group SU(2). (98) See for example T Appelquist, J Carazzone, T Goldman and H R Quinn, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)1747. (118) Solutions of the classical Yang-Mills equations have also been obtained by R Dashen, B Hasslacher (99) V S Mathur and H C Yen, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)3569 ; and A Neveu, to be published; M Veltman, to be R N Mohapatra and S Sakakibara, Phys. Rev. published. D9(1974)429; A Sirlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 32(1974) 966. (119) K Wilson, "Quark confinement" to be published. (100) B W Lee, Phys. Lett. 46B(1973)214; Phys. Rev. (120) For a study of phase transitions in the frame­ D9(1974)933; M Tonin, Nuov. Cim. Lett. 9(1974)541. work of these theories. See R Balian, J M Drouffe and C Itzykson. "Gauge fields on a (101) For a review of the Zimmermann formalism see lattice I and II" to be published; C Korthals- W Zimmermann, Brandeis summer school 1971 Altes to be published. edited by S Deser et al., MIT Press 1971; J H Lowenstein, Lecture notes at the University of Maryland, 1972. (121) G Jona-Lasinio, Nuov. Cim. 34(1964)1790;^ For field theoretical examples of "dynamical" (102) C Becchi, A Rouet and R Stora, "The abelian symmetry breaking see, Y Nambu and G Jona- Higgs Kibble model. Unitarity of the S-operator" Lasinio, Phys. Rev. 122(1961)345. to be published; "Renormalization of the abelian Higgs Kibble model" to be published; "Renormal­ (122) For a review of these questions as well as for

ization of gauge field models"; presented by explicit calculations of V ((J>c) see, J Iliopoulos C Becchi in the 1974 Conference on Lagrangian and C Itzykson "Functional methods and pertur­ field theories, Marseille, June 1974. bation theory" to be published, R Jackiw, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)1686; A Salam and J Strathdee, (103) J H Lowenstein, B Schroer, M Weinstein and Phys. Rev. D9(1974)1129. W Zimmermann, to be published, J H Lowenstein and B Schroer, to be published, 0 Piguet, to be published. Ill-116 J Iliopoulos

(123) J Iliopoulos, unpublished, The case of a 4 (143) J Wess and B Zumino, Nucl. Phys. B70(1974)39. theory in which one probes the operator cj)2, has For a formulation in two space-time dimensions been studied in detail by G Altarelli, N Cabibbo, see J L Gervais and B Sakita, Nucl. Phys. B34 J Iliopoulos and L Maiani, unpublished. (1971)633. For a systematic study of the theory of representations see, A Salam and J Strathdee, (124) For.a possible way to reduce the arbitrariness Trieste preprint IC/74/H and IC/74/16, associated with the Higgs system of scalars S Ferrara, J Wess and B Zumino, CERN preprint see G B Mainland and L 0T Raifeartaigh TH 1863(1974). "Derivation of Unified Gauge Theory from a generalized universal principle" to be published. (144) We see that supersymmetries combine in a non- trivial way an interval symmetry with the (125) R Jackiw and K Johnson, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)2386. Poincare group. The reason they avoid the consequences of the 0' Raifeartaigh of Coleman (126) J H Cornwall and R E Norton, Phys. Rev. D8(1973) and Mandula theorem is that they do not really 3338. form a Lie algebra since they involve both commutators and anticommutators. (127) For a review of these results see S Weinberg ref. 5. (145) We choose a representation of real y matrices and we define = i^y°. (128) D J Gross and A Neveu, "Dynamical symmetry breaking in asymptotically free field theories" (146) J Wess and B Zumino, CERN preprint TH 1857(1974). to be published. See also R Dashen and Y Frishman, Phys. Lett. 46B(1973)439; P K Mitter (147) A Salam and J Strathdee, Trieste preprint and P H Weisz, Phys. Rev. D8(1973)4410. IC/74/36.

(129) It is the two-dimensional analog of the model (148) One could arrive at the idea of the supersymmetry originally studied by Nambu and Jona-Lusinio by imposing asymptotic freedom in a Yang-Mills ref (121). Their model was non-renormalizable theory with scalar fields. In general the (it was in four dimensions) and an explicit cut­ couplings of the scalars destroy asymptotic off needed to be introduced. For finite values freedom but one can look for lines in the À,g of the cut-off dynamical symmetry breaking was plane (g is the gauge coupling constant), along obtained. which the theory is asymptotically free. See N P Chang, "Eigenvalue conditions and asymptotic (130) S Coleman, Comm. Math. Phys. 31(1973)259. freedom for Higgs scalar gauge theories" to be published. (131) Lowenstein and Swieca, Ann. Phys. 68(1971)172. (149) P Fayet and J Iliopoulos, "Spontaneously broken (132) For an attempt to apply the techniques of ref. supergauge symmetries and Goldstone spinors" (125) and (126) see, F Englert and R Brout, to be published. Phys. Lett. 49B(1974)77. (150) See also A Salam and J Strathdee, Phys. Lett. (133) See for ex. L D Landau and E M Lifsitz, "Theory 49B(1974)465. of Elasticity" or S P Timoshenko, "Theory of elastic stability" McGraw-Hill, New York 1936.

(134) T D Lee and G C Wick, Phys. Rev. D9(1974)2291. T D Lee, invited talk at the January 1974 Annual Bevatron Users meeting, Berkeley, Cal.

(135) See T D Lee, invited talk at th is Conference.

(136) For a discussion of the loop connections see ref. (134).

(137) D A Kizzhuits and A D Liude, Phys. Lett. 42B (1972)471; D A Kizzhuits, JETP Lett. 15(1972)745.

(138) K Wilson, private communications.

(139) S Weinberg, "Gauge and global symmetries at high temperature" to be published. See also L Dolan and R Jackiw, "Symmetry behaviour at finite temperature" to be published.

(140) J Vess and ft Zumino, Phys. Lett. B49(1974)52, J Iliopoulos and B Zumino, Nucl. Phys. B (to appear); S Ferrara, J Iliopoulos and B Zumino, Nucl. Phys. B (to appear) H S Tsao, to be published.

(141) B Zumino, Invited talk in this Conference.

(142) We adopt here the term "supersymmetry" introduced by Salam and Strathdee in order to replace the misleading name "supergauge symmetry" used previously.