Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:917–918 917

Otolaryngological findings in congenital Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.84.8.917 on 1 August 2000. Downloaded from obstruction and implications for prognosis

Suat Hayri Ugˇurbas¸, Güler Zileliogˇlu, Mustafa Saatçi

Abstract In this report we present the clinical findings Aim—To investigate otolaryngological ab- in patients with CNLDO who underwent an normalities associated with congenital otorhinolaryngological examination to identify nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) any other developmental abnormalities and and their eVect on the prognosis. their impact on the prognosis. Methods—65 consecutive cases of CNLDO were followed up with routine otorhi- Patients and methods nolaryngological examination with tym- Between October 1996 and January 1998 65 panometry. consecutive patients (35 girls, 30 boys) with Results—Otitis media with eVusion CNLDO were referred for routine otorhi- (OME) and uvula bifida were detected in nolaryngological examination. Their mean age 44.6% and 9.2% of the children, respec- at initial examination was 22.6 months (range tively. Medical treatment and probing 2–84). Suitable cases were examined with tym- were less eVective in patients with OME panometry. Middle ear function was assessed (p<0.05). at each visit. The mean follow up period was Conclusions—OME and uvula bifida are 11.8 months (range 6–24). significant anomalies associated with Tympanometric screening was conducted CNLDO and the former has a marked using an Interacustic Impedence Audiometer eVect on the prognosis. This finding may AZ7 and recorded with an Interacustic XYT help to determine the patients who will Recorder, Model AG3. Tympanograms were need further treatment after massage and classified as normal or type A (pressures probing. between 0 and –100 mm H O), type B (flat ( 2000; :917–918) 2 Br J Ophthalmol 84 with –400 mm Hg pressure) which was con- sistent with middle ear eVusion, or type C Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (negative middle ear pressure of 100– (CNLDO) is the most common abnormality of 400 mm H2O). Types A and C were consid- the lacrimal system in childhood. Abnormali- ered a “pass” and type B was considered a “fail”,3 so patients with type B tympanograms ties in the normal embryological development of the lacrimal system may be responsible for were considered to have otitis media with eVu- the clinical disease. Welham and Hughes found sion (OME). Tympanometric data were in- craniofacial defects in 6% of 142 children who complete on some occasions because children underwent lacrimal surgery.1 were crying or uncooperative. The collapse of The lacrimal system takes root from the first the external auditory meatus was also a pharyngeal arch during the complex develop- problem when obtaining measurements in this age group. The tympanometric findings were Oculoplastic Lacrimal ment of the . The external and middle ears Service, Department arise from structures of the first and second always checked by otoscopic examination to on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of Ophthalmology, pharyngeal arches and from the intervening confirm the diagnosis of OME. Ankara University, pharyngeal cleft and pouch.2 All children were initially treated with Ankara, Turkey massage and antibiotics in purulent cases. SHUgˇurbas¸ Children older than 12 months were probed G Zileliogˇlu Table 1 Clinical findings on otorhinolaryngological under general anaesthesia after 4 weeks of examination of patients with CNLDO (n = 65) 4 Department of unsuccessful medical treatment. Otorhinolaryngology Clinical finding No (%) M Saatçi Otitis media with eVusion 29 (44.6) Results Palatal fusion defects 6 (9.2) Otitis media with eVusion (OME) was the Correspondence to: Uvula bifida 5 DrSHUgˇurbas¸, Halk sok Cleft lip and palate 1 most frequently found abnormality and was 21, 10 Yenis¸ehir, Ankara External ear abnormalities 3 (4.6) seen in 29 patients (44.6 %), being bilateral in 06420, Turkey Bilateral accessory auricle 1 20 (30.7%). Table 1 shows the clinical findings [email protected] Ear aplasia with facial hemiatrophy 1 Bilateral coloboma auris 1 of otorhinological examination. Accepted 18 May 2000 The results of treatment in patients with Table 2 Comparison of success rates after medical treatment in patients with congenital OME and in those without an eVusion are nasolachrymal duct obstruction (CNLDO) and CNLDO plus otitis media with eVusion summarised in Table 2. Patients with OME (OME) had a significantly lower response than those without an eVusion (p<0.05, ÷2 test). Such a Treatment groups CNLDO only CNLDO + OME correlation was not seen in children with <13 months of age (medical treatment) 14/16 (87.5%) 3/8 (37.5%) fusional palate defects or external ear abnor- 13–24 months (medical treatment and probing) 6/8 (75%) 3/9 (33.3%) malities, probably because of the small number >24 months (probing) 8/12 (66.6%) 4/12 (25%) of cases (n = 9). 918 Ugˇurbas¸, Zileliogˇlu, Saatçi

Discussion chronic OME12 and was present in 30.7% of

Both OME and CNLDO may be considered as our patients with CNLDO. This suggests that Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.84.8.917 on 1 August 2000. Downloaded from physiological abnormalities up to a certain age patients with CNLDO are at risk of developing and at least 80% of patients with CNLDO can chronic OME. Parents should be warned to be cured by conservative management up to look for ear problems and susceptible children the age of 12–13 months.4–6 The real problem should be followed up by an ENT specialist. lies in identifying the other 20% who will need A high prevalence of OME has been 4 further treatment. reported in children with developmental OME has been reported to occur in about anomalies aVecting the midface and cranial 80% of all children at some time from birth to 7 base. This is best documented in children with three years of age. The primary cause of eVu- palatal clefts in whom the prevalence of the sion is eustachian tube dysfunction. It is gener- disease approaches 100%. Developmental ally accepted that the development of the events responsible for such anomalies may also tubotympanium has a significant bearing on adversely aVect the development of the audi- the susceptibility to ear infection. The critical tory tube and nasolacrimal duct. Six of our period of tubal insuYciency extends from birth to about seven years of age. patients had both palatal fusion defects and CNLDO. Whitaker 13 reported an 11% Kitajiri et al suggest that the greatest et al development in the mid cartilaginous and pha- incidence of nasolacrimal obstruction in 100 ryngeal portions of the eustachian tube may be patients with facial cleft and concluded that a related to growth of the anterior part of the high incidence of associated anomalies would face, including the .8 Patients with be expected because of the parallel develop- OME have been shown to have a deviated mental times involving the face, palate, and facial pattern in the craniofacial skeleton. This lacrimal apparatus. pattern is described as cessation in displace- Our preliminary study shows a negative cor- ment of the nasomaxillary complex.9 Vertical relation between the response to medical treat- vector of nasomaxillary growth is a major ment and probing and the presence of OME in feature of human facial development.10 Ana- patients with CNLDO. This finding may be tomical abnormalities in the tubal structures important for identifying patients who will may result in functional tubal obstruction.9 need more complicated treatment for Arrest of the craniofacial growth of the CNLDO. nasomaxillary region may lead to an incom- plete nasolacrimal or a bony obstruction between the nasolacrimal canal and the infe- 1 Welham RAN, Hughes SM. Lacrimal surgery in children. Am J Ophthalmol 1985;99:27–34. rior meatus. Since both OME and CNLDO 2 Sadler TW. Langman’s medical embryology. 6th ed. have multifactorial aetiological factors—such Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1990:297–327. 3 Jerger J. Clinical experience with impedance audiometry. as superimposed infections and genetic Arch Otolaryngol 1970;92:311–24. predisposition—a direct relationship between 4 Katowitz JA, Welsh MG. Timing of initial probing and irri- them may not appear clearly in all cases. gation in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Oph- thalmology 1987;94:698–705. 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Protected copyright. abnormal anatomy.11 Robb found that 41% of the eustachian tube and its surrounding structures. Ann Otorhinol Laryngol 1987;96:191–8. children who required dacryocystorhinostomy 9 Kemalog˘lu YK, Göksu N, Özbilen S, et al. Otitis media with in a series had some form of craniofacial eVusion and craniofacial analysis. II: ‘Mastoid-middle ear- Eustachian tube system’ in children with secretory otitis dysostosis. He also concluded that altered media. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1995;32:69–76. anatomy was more important than the time of 10 Enlow DH. Facial growth. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, probing in determining the patients in whom 1990. 11 Robb RM. Probing and irrigation for congenital naso- probing would fail. OME in children with lacrimal duct obstruction. Arch Ophthalmol 1986;104:378– CNLDO may represent this altered anatomy, 9. 12 Daly K, Giebink GS, Le CT, et al. Determining risk for which influences both the eustachian tube and chronic otitis media with eVusion. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1988; nasolacrimal duct. 7:471–5. 13 Whitaker LA, Katowitz JA, Randall P. The nasolacrimal Bilateral middle ear eVusion was reported to apparatus in congenital facial anomalies. J Maxillofac Surg be the most important risk factor in predicting 1974;2:59–63.