Arxiv:1612.00087V2 [Math.NT] 12 Jun 2017 Idlo Yohssi Re H Ttmn Formi Hoe St Is Theorem Main Our of Theorem
VISIBLE LATTICE POINTS AND THE EXTENDED LINDELOF¨ HYPOTHESIS WATARU TAKEDA Abstract. We consider the number of visible lattice points under the as- sumption of the Extended Lindel¨of Hypothesis. We get a relation between visible lattice points and the Extended Lindel¨of Hypothesis. And we also get a relation between visible lattice points over Q(√ 1) and the Gauss Circle − Problem. 1. Introduction Let K be a number field and let K be its ring of integers. We consider an O m m-tuple of ideals (a1, a2,..., am) of K as a lattice points in Frac( K ) . When = Z they are ordinally lattice points.O We say that a lattice point (aO, a ,..., a ) OK 1 2 m is visible from the origin, if a1 + + am = K . There are many results about the··· numberO of visible lattice point from 1800’s. In the case K = Q, D. N. Lehmer prove that the density of the set of visible lattice points in Qm is 1/ζ(m) in 1900 [3]. And in general case, B. D. Sittinger proved m the number of visible lattice points (a1, a2,..., am) in K with Nai x for all i =1,...,m is ≤ cm xm + (Error term), ζK (m) where ζK is the Dedekind zeta function over K and c is a positive constant depend- ing only on K [1]. Let Vm(x, K) denote the number of visible lattice points (a1, a2,..., am) with Nai x for all i = 1,...,m. When K = Q, Vm(x, Q) means the number of ≤ m visible lattice points in (0, x] .
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