DECEMBER 1958 SOc What's Your Shooting Pleasure?

RETICLE CROSS-HAIR HUNTING 00 00 4X TAP~RED $7. .:.:. SIGHT $65. POST Lee Dot extra ':::!~ ~ if ::------'-"------'---'-+------+- - - - -+---- -l----- +---- -\{? ??f HUNTING 6X CROSS·HAIR $75.00 SIGHT Lee Dot extra





BALtur CROSS-HAIR ';.:::.:.... HUNTING or $65.00 00 2V2x $7. SIGHT TAPERED POST Lee Dot extra


Bi g ga me, target, bench rest, varmi nt-whateve r yo u favor, yo u' ll get more satisfaction w ith a Ba usc h & Lomb r ifle sight th an yo u ever dreamed possible, for these famous sights, designed a nd built by sk illed American craftsmen , put real precision into your shooting. All B&L sig h ts have ex ternal ad justm ents ( made in the mounts) to assure durability and constant zero . The optica l syste ms, unequalled in quality and accuracy, are th e result of 104 yea rs ' exper ie nce in the manufacture of precision optical instruments and gl ass. As further ass ura nce o f product q uality, Bau sch & Lomb backs every sight with a lifetime guarantee.

FREE MANUAL. Send for your copy of " Facts A bout T el escop ic Sigh ts," a 96-page m anual filled with va lua b le informa tio n about telescopic shooting-facts BAUSCH & LOMB of inter est to every shooter. W r ite to Bausch & Lomb SINCEV1853 Optical Co ., 20636 Lomb Park, R och ester 2, N ew York. Like a Dia~ond t I a BROWNING is a Lifetime Gift

AUTOMATIC .22 from '69 '·

AUTOMATIC pistols GUN CASE ' 29" to ' 200·· Rinc ' 20; Shotgun ' 35

A distinguished custom-made, hand-engraved Browning - there is nothing fin er - that will be apprec iated longer by the man , woman or boy who loves the out-of-doors. Every Browning product - regardl ess of its price - is made to perfection, mad e to last, made for precision perform ance, made to enjoy. BROWNING If perchance, your Browning Dealer does not have the model of your preference, his rush ord er to us will receive fastest handling. ONE SIERRA B.l. By HOWARD C. SARVIS PUTS CAPT. BACH Innovator 0/ Tra in fire IN BOONE t seems that when I carry th is gun, I see game. Thi s is as childishI as belief in the Easter AND CROCKETT Bunn y but, more than once, aft er frui tless days with some other ri fle, I have picked it up and that da y scored. Gun men will recognize th e Remin gton M722. Th ey may not en• thu se over the .300 Savage , but I have found the loads are a pr ett y fair compromise of reacher• outers, br ush CUllers, and reliabl e ex• pand ers at both near and far ran ges. Unglamorous, fun ctional, it is a hard-used friend with man y solid qualities, thi s companion of a hun• dred adventures on horse and afoot.



Bullet- Sierra .30 caliber, 0308 diamete r 180 gr. Boat Tail Powder - 58grains #483 1 -30-06 Distance-1 shot from 225 yds. Location-East of Point Barrow, Alaska Skull Measurements-8o/s "x 15 \4"- total 23 Ys " (Fish & Wildlife De pt., Univ. of Alaska) Record Holder- Capt. Roy E. Bach

One-shot kills likeCapt. Bach 's make believers out of biggame hunters. Varmint hunters an d target shooters, too, be lieve inthe killingpower and depen dable acc uracy of Sierra s.

Ask for Sierra Bu lletsat your Dea lers. By ARTHUR C. JACKSON U.S. Champion Ri fleman ( Te sti ng Ham m erli free rifl e at M elbourne Olympics)

T ike many other competitive shooters, I do not have a single gun to call "m y L favorite." because the various courses of fire demand several type of arms. For the 50 meter In ternati onal small bore events I use three Win chester M52s, each one slightly modified to best adapt it to standing, kn eeling, and prone posi• tions. I have them fitted with Douglas barrels, Thomas tri ggers. I also use Win• chesrers for the 300 meter matches, the big-bore Model 70 stocked to my r Qo,.,.1I 1rpmpnl", Th p Winrhp"t pT is f'PTI:l in lv m v favorite- all o f ' em. '.. 1;1¥.~

TALK THE COVER In the lusty, lawless boomtowns of the West-on battlefields UTTI NG togeth er a new issue of GUNS around the world-on countless Pis always an adventure ; an adventure ta rget ranges, and as a weapon complete with head aches, of course, but com• of law enforcement, Colt hand. plete with reward s as well. Th e headaches? guns have earned honor and ac• Well, which story should we run now, which claim. Today, Colt rifles are later, in order to give thi s and later issues bidding for like honors in the the balanced-diet content we strive for in world of sport, as Fred Roff the hope of pleasing as many of you as recreates the Sam Colt dream. possible each month; how to illu strate the DECEMBER, 1958 VOL IV, 12-48 story to make it as attractive, as graphic as possibl e-- and many others. Th e rewards? Sometimes it's th e possibly IN THIS ISSUE smug, possiby wrong, but nevertheless sincere feeling that "This is good." We feel that way guns americana ••. when we give you a really new story, whether in the "how-to" field or in a new firear ms THE COMEBACK OF THE COLT RIFLE . . ..William B. Edwards 14 developm ent. We feel it when we can give HANDICRAFT WITHOUT HANDS...... Edith Mark 20 you "a big name," as in the story by Colonel Whelen in the last issue. We feel it when shooting ... you wr ite us (as so man y of you do so often) DOVES ARE THE WINGSHOT'S BEST EGO-DEFLATER William Curtis 18 to say "S uch-and-such a story (or issue) was IT AIN'T THE RIFLE-IT'S yOU ...... Michael Cramond 26 fine." Th ank you for those letters. AMER ICA'S NO.2 GAME TARGET ...... Carlos Vinson 29 You write us too, some tim es, to say that you didn' t lik e a story, or an issue. "Yo ur military ... last issue was a disappointment ; nothing in THE MAN-RIFLE WEAPON IN ATOMIC WAR Howard C. Sarvis 22 it for me." Our only answer is, "There are dozens of special int er ests inside the overall ballistics field of guns and their uses. Some include WH ICH BULLETS ARE BEST? Robert V. Thompson 30 many thousands of readers or potential read• ers ; oth ers have only a few enthusiasts. guns of the month (There are some sixteen mill ion hunt ers ; PRESENTATION COLT ...... Charlene Shore 32 perhaps only a few score colle ctors, THE 17 JAVELINA ...... Robert M. Hyatt 33 ju st for example.) We try to tou ch all of those interested as often as possibl e ; but deDartmen+s ... \ .I. II GI C > Q .l G -="U lll..... O"I A lCCUU IU.l.lUJ.l . 11 U U lll; .l ~ , PRESENTATION COLT . Charlene Shore 32 per hap s only a few score cartridge collecto rs, THE 17 JAVELI NA. . Robert M. Hyatt 33 just for example.) We try to tou ch all of those interested as often as possible; but departments •.. we can't hi t them all in each issue. You write us some tim es, too, to tell us MY FAVORI TE GUN , ...... 4 TRIGG ER TALK ...... 5 that we've blund er ed; that "nobody but an GUNS IN THE NEWS...... 6 ignoramu s could have mad e the error you ELMER KEITH SAyS Elmer Keith 8 printed." Usually, you're so right! Ri ght not CROSSFIRE ,...... 10 only in correc ting the error but ri ght also in ARMS LIBRARy ...... 12 saying that nobody but an ignoramus could PULL! Dick Miller 36 ha ve mad e it ! Our editorial staff adds up en SHOPPING WITH GUNS ...... 56 toto to a lot of years of gun experience, much THE GUN MARKET ...... 64 of it pretty inten ive, some of it highly PARTING SHOTS...... 66 specialized. But we don't know it all ; no• body does. And most erro rs in print are George E. von Rosen Art Arkush PUBLISHER E. B. Mann EDITORIAL DIRECTOR errors of oversight rath er th an ignorance. EDITOR Ben Franklin is said to have said, " 0 printed volume is comple te till Error hath William B. Edwards Elmer Keith Sidney Barker TECHN ICA L EDITOR SHOOTING EDITOR Fred McLaren crept in and affixed to it his sly imprirna• ART DIRECTOR ART EDITOR ture." We try to dispro ve Franklin, but his Louis San Marvin Ginn Lou Webber L R. Pector was a wisdom of much experience. Read CI RCULATION ADVERTISING SALES ADVERTISING PRODUCTIO N proof time aft er time (as we do) , stress ac• curacy however much you may, mistakes do Editorial Advisory Board COL . GEORGE M. CHINN CARO LA MANDEL STUART MILLER ALFRED J. GO ERG happ en. We mak e them. We make them less ROGER MARSH ROY G. DUN LAP VAL FORGETT KENT BELLAH often, we do believe, than most others ; but we'r e trying to do better. Th is, we think, is a good issue. Th e story of "The Comeback of th e Colt Rifle" is by our own Bill Edwar ds, the "man who wrote the book" about Colt ("The Story of Colt's ." pu blished by Sta ckpo le, 1953) REPRESENTATIVES: NEW YORK, Eugene L. Poll ock, 40 East 40th St., New York 16, N. Y., YUkon 6-9280. MI DW EST, Lee Salb erg, 8150 N. Cent ral Park Ave., Skokie, III., ORchard 5·6967. CA LI• and is a terse, fact-packed resume of . S. FORNIA, The Ren Averi ll Co. , Ren Averi ll , 232 N. Lake St., Pasadena, Calif. RYan 1-9291. gun history. "The Man-Rifle Weapon in GUNS 18 published mon t.hly at 8 150 N. central Par k Ave nue Skokie. Illinois . second cl ass mall ~~I/A ? se : : a j ~ ~ rI ~~ k:. t ~ ok t~ ~~ e'r I1Jl~~s ' on S t ~~l S ~~ ~: ~N § e~~ e O ldea; d d ~ 8 ~ O a8 s ~ ~ ' l e a~ ~~ w ~ O~ O N ~ H R~~ 3¥o R~ Atomic War" is a declarati on by an au thority f~8~m~~J~~p ~nn~ ~ Sif~ p~~r~~ ~ ~ r p d A~ ~ l ~ JS ~ ~Ilfob :t ~~a~ ~ t~~ I: kcu~~~r l : t ~~~ O ~b :~=~ ~ : ci of the rifle's place in modern war and wha t will cover reprod ucti on in any or a ll GUN S m agazi ne ed itions. ADVERTIS ING RATES fu m ls h ed on reque. t. K e are doing about it. Three stories ("Doves Are the Wingshot's Best Ego-Deflater," "It Ain't Th e Rifle, It's You," and "A merica's No.2 Game Tar get" ) are for the hunters• shotgun, rifle, or both. Oth er stories ~ and departments aim at other tastes. ~ RECORD BEAR WITH FIRST Hornady Handload

George C. Potash of Chester, Pa, with his big bru in dropped by one shot with a Horn ady 180 • Newark, N. J. A gun-totin' cowboy sur• n round nose bullet prised an outlaw trying to crac k a lau ndry yards running. compa ny safe. Th e startled bad man had fled ennsylvania the scene by the lime police showed up, bu t record when taken . he'd had to leave before he could get any• thing and th e officers figured th e cowboy gunman had done pretty well ... especially "It was amazing to see an animal of that size collapse with one considering he was onl y four years old . impact," writes Mr. Potash . "This was new to me. It was the first *** animal I killed with a reloaded cartridge, and it sold me and my • Indianapolis, Ind. T h e thug who tried companions. Since using Hornadys I've had nothing but success to loot a r ecord sh op h ere rnade so rn e• • . . got a 7-pointer in Pennsylvania the first day this year. I use Hornady 180 grain thing o f a misl ake, e ve n though the round nos e bullets with 41.2 new W estern ball powder that pushes my bullet just sto re wa s run b y an old-tirner-, Sa id o ld • ri ght for the dense woods of Pennsylvania." timer grabbed a gu n a nd r outed the Nothing beats Hornady Round Nose Bullets for hunting in cover. They're intruder in a hail of bullets. The propri• real brush busters, not easily deflected by interfering brush and branches. ctor wa s Cheyennc T c x Holley, a former T exas Ranger and tr-ick-shot a r tist who h ad ch ased anothcr badmun, Pancho All popular for Villa , fou r d ecades ago. varmints and big game• ~ *** send card for list ~ • London, England. Th e term " trap," for the BU'LLETS device used in pr opellin g cla y p igeons. as shotgun targ ets, origina ted here and comes HORNADY MFG. COMPANY· DEPT. [B • P. O. Box 1074 • GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA from the fact that the original trapshooters placed live birds in a series of boxes, called traps. On signal, the opera tor of the traps pulled a cord, libera tin g th e birds as targets for th e shooters.

:::lIlU LC UU L a~ ~ ~ L .:;I , ~ LL El '* "" " '-'* u ...... ~aa .... _ ..... _ from the fact that the original trapshooters pla ced live bird s in a series of boxes, called traps. On signal, the operator of the traps pulled a cord, liberating the birds as targets for the shooters. NEW 1959 50th EDITION *** • Washington, D. C. His a par tm e n t house had b een broken into se ve r al rimes r ecently and 69·year-old Dr. P. W. "SHOOTER' Bowman wa s r ead)' for the yo u n g thug h e sa w beating a 91.),ear-old t eriaut, " P u t yo u r h ands up," h e o r der ed the intruder. "I 've got a gun," sna r led the BIBLE" thug. " Yo u won't have an opportunit)' to u se it," said the doclor, displaying his World's Greatest .22-caliber pistol. The thug su b m itt ed m eekly and police came and h auled him Gun Book a wa y. stillonly $2 *** • Birmingham, Ala. W hen Willie C. Prather FEATURES: picked Mrs. Sarah Sha rpe's number fro m the phone book and began a week-long series • Finest Imported Rifles of obscene phone calls, he picked a wrong & Shotguns number. Mrs. Shar pe phoned th e police. but • Finest Imported they could not locate th e anonymous caller. Saturday night , Prath er tried to force his • Domestic Rifles, Shotguns way int o th e Sharpe house. Mr. Sharp e met &Handguns him at th e front door, fired a single bla st • Scopes, Sights & Mounts fro m his 12 ga uge shotgun, killing Prather. • Imported & Domestic *** •K ansas Cit )', !\'lo. Yo u can call J oseph Ce n timan o p ersi st ent if nothing else . • Reloading Tools & Components Robbed of 8 2 2 5 a nd a ring, Mr. Centi• • Trap & Skeet Equipment mano grabbed a shotgun and charged • Gun Parts At your sporting goods dealer out of his Iiqnor sto re in pursuit of the • Hunting & Shooting Books or sent postpaid for $2 gu n m a n. H e fired, and the ban d it went • Gunsmith's Tools down but bounded b ack to his f eet again STOEGER and scampered o n. !\'lr. Ccn timano r an • Over 512 Pages-the World's accepted ARMS CORPORATION back to his stor e, got a nother shotgun Firearms Encyclopedia 45-18 Court Square . a nd co n tin ued the ch ase. O fficers a r- Lona Island Cltv 1 . N. Y. 1958 NATIONAL DOUBLES CHAMPION JOE HIESTAND

• Ohio State Champion-9 times • Amateur Clay Target Champion of America-4 times • Doubles Champion of America• 3 times • High Over All Champion-7 times • Hiestand has the remarkable record of having broken 200 out of 200 fifty times. • Hiestand has the world's record of having broken 1,404 registered targets straight without missing a one.

Champions like Joe Hiestand de• pend on the constant performance

Champions like Joe Hiestand de• pend on the constant performance of eel primers. The aim of eel is to continue to produce the finest quality primers for Ameri· can shooters.

Rely on CCI PRIMERS American Made ~ Large and Small Rifle, 8.75 per M Large and Small Pistol, 8.75 per M Shotshell Caps, 8.75 per M Shotshell, 15.75 per M ca.rtridge. inc. LEWISTON, IDAHO Remington T eal Wing Blue 572 Alton, Ill. Lyle Cor cor an' ~ Hollywood d ies Some t ime ago we test ed a nd commented do a first class job of resizing full len gth in. his big presses. and also a first class job plus postage from Warsaw, Mo. on two color ph ases of the Remi nzroe n Model 572 .22 caliber trom bone acti on re• of bullet sea ting. It is now ea sy to work up pea ter. Since then we have tested Reminz• a loa d for any of th e bi g British or ron 's la test color phase in this fine litt le r ifl ~ . double barrel guns with our cool bur n ina I.M.R. powder s. Cas t b ullet s ca n also b~ Available For: It funct ions perf ectly with Shorts, Lon gs, or Lon g R ifle cartridge s indi scriminately. It used for light loads, or even pap er patched also de livers very good plinking and hunting hull ets for use with black powd er if de• sired. LC .T . (Imperia l Chemical Industries The 1903A3 acc uracy . f a m o u ~ Th ese rifl es ha ve an aluminum alloy re• Ltd. , of Lo ndo n) have dropped ma ny elepha nt cartrid ges from th eir list s, but now SPRINGFIELD ce iver and barrel. Th e ba rr el has a r ifled stee l lin er. Stock and slide handle or forend th at d ies ca n be bad fr om th e H ollywood are of very light mapl e-colored hard wood. Gun Shop , and th ick jacket solids and soft This is a sturdy b ut nose bullet s of pr op er weight from Fred N. ligh tweight beauty. Barrel a nd receiver are a very brill iant Barnes, Grand J unciion, Colo., anyone can Complet ely machine deep blu e, while th e sights both fr ont and reload for his rifle if he has a few ca ses . inlette d so th e issue barrel rear are gold plat ed and the manazine t ube and fit per fectly tr igger , a nd sa fety ar e chro me plated . ( T h~ Many sizes of cases ca n be ma de easily without fu rthe r hand g~ l s must ha ve invaded the gun indu st ry ! with th is Hollywood sizing die from other s wor k. Design ed with Now we have a Crow-Wing black , a Bu cksk in that ar e on the continued li st. The .500-.450 1 Monte Ca rlo for use with tan , a nd a Teal-Win g blue, not in dress 3 ,4" ca n be ma de from th e .470 or ..475 issue iron sig hts or sco pe silks but in rifl es !) straight. T he .476 ca n be made from the 470 .465, or .475 stra ight by cutt ing off 'on e: sig hts. Che cke re d Te nite Alt houg h I never di d lik e al uminum in a buttplate and white g un, and do not see how as acc ura te or as fo urth inch and resizing. Likewise, cool spacer. Pear-shape d stra ight a ba rr el ca n be mad e wit h a thin burning Amer ica n powd ers will give longer pistol g rip. Serni-sch nob• steel li ner insid e a ba rrel of normal outside barrel life, and A lea n cla ims to ha ve non• ble forend. Full cheek- corrosive Ber dan caps. ....;'""...... "' ...... :.... : ...... J :.. :...J.,,.... d iamet er of aluminum alloy , thi s ulira li aht• -- - ~ - - - issue iron sig hts or sco pe silks but in rifl es !) = n - - , - - - straight. Th e .476 ca n be made from t he 470 .465, or .475 stra ight by cutt ing off 'on e: sig hts. Che cke re d Te nite Alt houg h I never di d lik e al uminum in a buttplate and white g un, and do not see how as acc ura te or as fo urth inch and resizing. Likewise, cool spa ce r. Pear-shape d stra ight a ba rr el ca n be mad e wit h a thin burning Amer ica n powd ers will give longer pistol g rip. Serni-sch nob• steel li ner insid e a ba rrel of normal outside barrel life, and A lea n cla ims to ha ve non• ble fo rend. Full cheek• corrosive Ber dan caps. d iamet er of aluminum alloy, th is ulira li aht• piece permits individ ual m an- s~ ed sha p ing to any style weight (j ust over 4 Ibs. ) but Light W ote r proo] Gun Cases wea pon ha s its good points. It wi ll be d esired . Afte r sha p ing T he Boyt Co., Des Moine , Iowa, now have ch ee kpiec e, a little sa nd• es pec ially usefu l for a ir pla ne tr a nsp ort at ion, a ver y light wat erproof plast ic gun cover ing a nd oiling (or where every coun ts, I kn ow th a t for field use. is thin and li ght , can be lacquer ) and th e such a rifle woul d have produced all th e It stock is fu lly fin ished. fran colin. sand grouse, and guineas we could fold ed up a nd slipped in a coa t pocket have eaten on my A frica n tr ip, and wou ld when not needed, handy to slip on the gun W rite for Bishop's have done so with a lot less noise than th e or : Jfle when a thunder shower comes up illustra ted catalog of 12 bore I used. T his ultra Iiah t wei nht or 111 a wet snow sq uall. finished and se mi• ~h e h e a ~l y would also be appreciated by Gunsm iths Screw Drivers fin ished stocks for lad en trapper str inging out his traps in the Bob Brown ell of Montezuma, Iowa, mark ets rifle s and shot• wmter. guns. It's free. a set of gunsm iths' screw dr iver s, or as our T he ri fle holds 20 Shorts, 17 Lon gs, or 15 ~r it i s h cousins call them, screw spa nners. Long Rifl e cartrid ges. Breech ac tion is the Bishop p rod ucts 1hese excelle nt driver s a re mad e for z un typ ical. strea mlined Remington design , as is are av ai la ble at screws and a set of them will enab le on: to the tngger guard. Bre ech bolt is a Ion " leading gunsmiths remo ve or rep lace scre ws on fine guns with• -Iim rod rem iniscent of the Model '73 Wi; and sporting out bnrring, spre ading the cuts, or r uining ches ter but much smalle r in diam et er. It goods stor es the ori gin al appeara nce of th e scr ews. e verywhere. must be good mat er ia l as it seems to stand Ask your I he ga ff very well ind eed. Th e ri fle fit most .375 Mag n u m Rimmed dealer; if shooters, fu ncti ons perf ect ly. and is acc ura te. C & H Double no t a vai la ble, Bein g old fash ion ed , I still pr efer all-steel We ha ve been doing some test work with a ord er d irect. a rms, and so does M rs, Keith an d ot her best-qua lity Coggswell & Harrison double women her e wh o are shooters. However , r ifle. T his is a most beau ti ful hu ntinz arm man y novices to whom we showed th e rifle e tak in g th e rimm ed ver sion of th e .375 Ma g_ much preferred it with its snappy colorinz and light we ight to the heavier all-steel rifle; num. Barrels are 26". Th er e ar e two trigger s, but the fr ont tri gger is hin ged so it won 't rap th e finger when firin z th e rear triaaer S izing & Loading Dies For T he stock has a pistol g7- ip with tr ap e: r i ~ B ritish Ele phant Cartridges cap and extra fro nt sight. F ront sight is T.he Holl ywood Gun Shop, Hollywood, mo unte d on ramp and there is an excelle nt Calif., now mak e and furn ish sizing and load• sta ndard and two-leaf wide-an gle En glish ing di es for all the bi g English express V rear sigh t wit h platinum center li ne mo unt • Dept. ,J2 9-R • Wa rsaw, Missouri cord ite car tridges. All of these big cartridges ed on a short rear rib. Th e ri fle is s.uper bly F or three ncnerations . .. makers of the urorld'« 1. _ 1 ' __ 1 1 . 1 T" 1 · I T\ 1 and of excellent dimensions for most men. It is a side lock, and locks and fram e are ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' covered with fine English scroll and game scenes. Purdey foreend fastener. Doubl e un• « 12th ANNUAL ROUNDUP of , derbolt an d extended top ri b with cross bite. Top safety and stalking lever to lock same. The rifle bala nces, fits an d handles like a fine custom arm should do. ~ Wester~I t~~!!~~~,~zs We did not have any plain 300 grain soft .. Cards point but did have 235 grain patent point , j and 300 grain Westley Ri chards copper capped hollow point. Th e gun is proofed for the heaviest cordite load s and 300 grain bul• lets. Double ri fles are usually regulated for ,, one bull et weight and charge of powder, and as we have repeatedly seen the .375 ad ver• ~ fll~}}S tised as shooting three weights of bullets , to the same grou p, we were anxiou s to find out. !! "Merry:::tmas" "Packin' in a load of "Competition" , This rifle shoots perfe ctly with th e 270 No. 1052 - Greeting inside: good wishes" No. 1054 - Greeting inside: Q grain bullet load, putt ing both barrels right n "and Best Wishes for a No. 1053 - Greeting inside: "Best W isbes for a Merry togeth er in the same small group; but with II iJ 235 grain it spreads the two barrels in to n H appy H oliday Season" ",)I erry Cbristmas and a Christmas and a H appy Q groups. Both groups were good, but the ,H appy New Y ear" New Y ear" . iJ ri ght barrel shot to the ri ght, and both bar• rels shot much lower than with the 270 grain load. Th e 270 gra in seems standard in thi s rifle and shots exactly to the sights an d both barrels together. With th e 300 grain «' Westley Richards capped 300 grain (for which the ri fle was probab ly never regula ted) the two 'barrels each shot very small groups «' of around two inches at 100 yards, but the O~fif 0,••" ••_ I,om 0., "Spun '.' P;.... groups of the ri ght barrel was lower and to « ! the right of th e left barrel. I believe the rifle " No. 1055 - Greeting inside: to Yours No. 1057 - Gre eting inside : iJ would shoot plain soft point 300 grain to n "lHay th e Peace and Joy No. 1045 - Greeting inside: ",)ferry Chris tmas and a i.\ the same impa ct with both barrels, the same " of Christmas he witb "Met'ry Christmas and a H appy New Y ear" iJ y ou thr ough all th e year" H appy New Y ear" , as it does with the 270 gra in bullet ammuni• n tion. I ha ve owned and tested a grea t many double rifles and found only one before this , ALL CARDS IN Q that would throw two bullet weight s to the same elevati on and put both barrels in one « FULL COLOR S ~ r o up . This was a best-qua lity Lancaste r .375 tion. 9 1 I ha ve owned and tested a great many double rifles and found only one before thi s , ALL CARDS IN Q that would throw two bull et weight s to the same elevati on and put both barrels in one « FULL COLOR S group. This was a best-quality Lancaster .375 Nitro Express, loaded with 48 grains 3031 and the 270 or 300 grain Western soft point E "For we have seen His , bull ets. This beaut iful ri fle was no doub t ,W PAY regulated for th e 270 grain bull et, and may P "Greetings from ·o u r PO SlAGEStor in the East •• ." Q also have been regulated for th e 300 grain n house to your house." No. 1058 - (3 Padr es an d. iJ soft point . , No. 1056 - Greeting inside : Mission) Gr eeting inside: , My advice with all double rifles is to stick "Witb best I/!ishes fo r a in U. S. & Canada "Wisbing you all tb e to the one weight bullet for which th ey were , Merry Chr istmas and Blessing s and Joys of regulat ed. Coggswell & Harrison build these beautiful best-quality side locks in .375 «'M~EDI~;:E ;;;~IVERY ~U 'AR~NTEE! Rimm ed Magnum and also in .470. They ar e y • MONEY BACK available from Wi nfield Arms Co., 1006-1008 South Olive Stree t, Los Angeles 15, Cali • ORDER TODAY FROM THIS WIDE SElECTlONiJ fornia, or from Frank Clark Jr., Box 297, All new an d differ ent for 1958 . Ca rds are , Cheyenne, Wyoming. Coggswell & Harrison's lithog ra phed in full color on hea vy white C~~~s y ~ ~ t ~ ~ '::,e y o : ~ ~ me address is 168 Picadilly, London W.l, Eng• " textur ed card stock. Singl e folded to 5 x 6Y2 envelopes imprinted imprinted , land. The .375 Magnum is an ideal all n inche s, Complete with br ight white matching 15 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 around rifle for America, and the .470 is an ' e nvelope. of high est quality. G reetings a s 25 3.00 . 4.00 shown fo r each scene are printed in red . , ideal all around big cartridge for Africa and Have your nam e imprinted to match . These 50 .6 .00 7 .50 India. ca rp s available only from th is a d . Ord er 75 9.00 11.00 Fine double rifles arc, of course, very ex• by card numb er. Cards may be a ssorted a.t .100 11.00 13.00' pensive and the best qua lity arms in any of no ext ra cost. O rder all of one kind or a s 125 13.00 15.00 ' the English mak es come higher than most " man y of eac h as desired . Or der s accepted 200 20.00 2400' men can afford; but they do offer the very n for immedia te delivery through Decemb er 300 3000 3 '00 ultimate in fine gun building and are per• ' 15. We guarantee that your ord er will not . 5. haps the finest of all sporting ri fles for timber , be d elayed . Our 12th year of selling West. 500 50 .00 55 .00, shooting of big game or wherever one may ern card. by mail . ' . need to get into action fast. They are also the , Send cash, check or money order '0- NO C. O. D. P LEA S E' most reliabl e of all big game rifles, as you have two complete single shot rifles with ac• tions are not going to let you down. If you have one missfire (which is rare) , you still « 'lie uz» Rt RIINCH , have that other barrel. I have used them for many years on American game, and I used 'Po O. DRAWER 308 .. _ . . BOULDER, COLORADOI . \.., ~ 11'71:: 'lY ' ''' ...+1 ...... ~. D : •.•.1...... 1...... A l ...: ...... ' .... l....:"" ROSSFIRE 12-page catalog of gifts the sportsman wants for which commands great at tention here, too, is the single-shot standard sport ing pistol. I Gun Of T he Month understan d Ru ger contemplates produ cing C",.id",a~ one in the shape and " feel" of the cla ssic I have enjoyed every copy of GUNS I have single action revolver of front ier da ys. -1 ever gotten bUI your current issue is by far T he single shot pistol should come with th e best. Th ere was not one article that I tar get sights, to handle .22 short, long, and was not int erested in, all of them mad e long rifle. It woul d be the ideal for target wond erful read ing. and holster or outdoor sporting . My favor ite is Gun of the Month and I nin g. Barrel length should be 7%" as on would like to see it every month. I keep the old cavalry Colt ; of course, coil springs th em ; they make a very int erestin g " scra p for real usage. ~ book." I have ju st renewed my subscription to Read all about Ronald L. Cunning Gu 'S and recommend ed to rush th e ord er so the finestline of Ma nsfield , Ohi o tha t I don 't miss a single nu mber. C ux s is ~ rifles, shotguns the best, the foremost shooting magazine h ' ~ u ~ ,nr 1 and scope s that 17,000,000 Strong-Plus Mossberg ever ex isting all over the world. No other pub• offered-new In a rece nt issue of GUNS you had a lett er licati on pertaining to shooting matt ers offers features, top from Cha rles Alexander who menti oned his the standard of your pu blicat ion. I send you values, perfect gifts int er est in machine guns. You al 0 had a my most sincere wishes and kind est regards. to give. or to recei ve. letter from Cha rles P erni ce who men tioned TODAY, send for the catalog. F. T. Kellermann, Make your selections. Then, see the 17,000,000 shooters in the U.S. Both are Stra bou rg, Alsace, your local Mossberg dealer, and int erested in pr o-gun legislation. It is to France give somebody (maybe yourself) these two gentlemen and all other int erested a mighty Merry Christmas. shooters that I offer thi s bit of information. Any more readers want a single shot target The American Automat ic Weapons Assn. and plinking pistol ? The U.S. used 10 -have. WonderfUl is backing a petition to ha ve the National some prett y good ones- Stevens, Smith & and Federal Firearms Ac ts amended. In Wesson, Colt, H & R all turned out first-rate general, the pet ition req uests amending the single shot hand guns for field and target. Value,c like these acts so that no administrative measures may The Ruger pistol referred to by Mr . K. is be taken withou t the express appro val of strictly an experimental handgun made in 22 Cal. De luxe Sinl!:le Shot Conzr ess, It also requ ests the Iormin z of a IS oacxmg a peruron LV ua ve L11 ~ nff'u UJJi::U ?? Hornet: r: nlihp'{. But Rill Rue er. South· WOndeHul some prett y gooc ones- '5tevens, S n iun oc and Federal Firearms Ac ts amend ed. In Wesson, Colt, H & R all turned out first-rate general, the petition requ ests amend ing the single shot handguns for field and target. Value,c like these acts so that no administrative measures may The Ruger pistol referred to by Mr. K. is be taken withou t the express approv al of strictly an experimental handgun mad e in 22 Cal. De luxe Single Shot Congress. It also requ ests the forming of a .22 Hornet caliber. Bus Bill Ruger, South• New, safer, hammerless, closed-breech action. Comm itt ee to investi gate the usefulness of Convenient loading platform. Ultra-safe safety. port, Conn ., might lik e to kn ow if he could Takes all 3 popular 22's. the ac ts. P etitions are avail abl e from the sell enough. single shooters to mak e the tool• American Automatic Weapons Assn., Edi· ing I£P wortluolule.s-Editors. MODEL 320K 1/795 torial Offi ces, 827 Elmwood, Evan ston, Ill. 410·Gauge, Single Shot Shotgun May I also say that [ enjoyed your article That Question-A. nswer Question on th e new Walther P-38's very mu ch. I am A real beaut y. Fast , top loading. Thumb• Your magazin e, in my opinion, is without operated safety. Full choke barrel. Weight glad to see that GUNS is reporting on th ese SY.z lb s, Nicely balanced. weap ons as fast as they are available. peer in the field of s. I enjoy every MODEL 173 12495 C. Von Kri egsfield informati on filled page and grea tly apprec i• Cicero, Ill inois ate the fact tha t the only advert ising that 22 Cal. De luxe Cl ip Repeater app ears pertains to gun s and hunting. Hamm erl ess, closed-bre ech ac tio n. " Mag ic," A. Friend in France I would like to mak e a suggestion, which 3-way clip magazine. Shoots all 3 popular 22's. I'm sure has been made before. I would lik e Precision, target-quality sights. On my left lies the Iarch num ber of GUNS and on my right the Febru ar y number to see a qu estion and answer section. MODEL 3408 $3395 with that splendid photo of the peerless Mr. J ames Gagliano Catalog shows many other top values-includ• shooting editor, Elmer Keith. In a drawer Chelsea, Mass. ing Mossberg bright-image scopes for 22 cal. rifles. 4-power and changeable power, 2Y.zX of my desk are three favorite books, " Fre d• and SX . eric Remin gton, Artist of the Old West," A lot of people hare wished for a question. Pri ces $1.00 highe r west of Rockies. "The Western Part y," and last, but not least, answer depa rtment-ineluding GUi\'S editors. "Sixgun s" by Keitho Please tell Mr. Keith , Troubl e is, running such a department (the when he is back from safari in Afr ica, that way we'd insist that it be run) would be a he has a great friend and enthusiastic ad• full-time job for a top-fli ght man. Su ch men mirer here in Alsace. Keith 's "S ixguns" is are scarce, and expensive. We're work ing on it; but, for the present , no can do.-Editors. unique. 0 other aut hor on the pi stol and pistol shooting has or will ever achieve such a mon ument al, comprehe nsive work on th e T arget- S hooting, International O. F. MOSSBERG & SONS, INC. most fa scin at ing of all arm s, the pistol. G U ~ s :\l agazine seems to be increasin g in 88112 St. John St.; New Haven 5, Conn. As to special comments and wishes, please readina interest with every number; at least Sirs: Please send me your new Catalog give the pistol a big place in GUNS. And let this is "my opinion based on the fact that the of Christmas gifts for sportsmen. me emphas ize here that th e American pistol articles writte n and th e other notes are so ra nks foremost in the general interest of varied that interest is held right along. NAME shooters. That is tru e, especially, concerning My personal intere t is target shooting, the American . Colt , Smith & Wes• and in particul ar , Intern at ional type rifle STREET son. and the bea utiful Ru ger. The cla ssic, shooting. P erhaps articles on shoo ting ta c•

CITY traditional single action six-shooters are th e tics, methods, etc., as followed by shoot«;rs elr ,,~m of th " bel. who lik e th e ni stol. and of known ability in the various countnes zine, Thu s, a cross comparison of method s feel is a much better choice tha n the .25-06 might be made by all interested parties and standard and improv ed versions. used by us in those cases where applicabl e. If any one is int erested in the loads that Of course, this is my personal in terest, but I have tested, please feel free to write. I know that Int ernational type of shooting is Wayne E. Schwartz slowly but surely taking hold in th e U.S., Owosso, Michigan and it might help those shooters in abbrevi• at ing their initial learn ing period. Swiss Hi story Th e magazine "as issued" is good enough Your heading on the ar ticle about Switzer• for me. I am binding my copies for perm a• land is not accurate. During the pa st 600 nent reference source. years the Swiss have been in quite a few Domingo G. Canez war s, but there was only one time the Mexico 5, D. F. nat ion was overru n. Th ey never forgot about it, and since then have kept pr epar ed. B ull Pup H istory In the early days of th e Confederati on, In your 1uly issue, in the article about they fou ght num erous war s with their feudal the Bull Pup rifle, the author does not go neighbors, all of which were neck-or-nothing back beyond 1945 in tracin g its history. affairs. Th eir early battl es with the Haps• I built one with a heavy 30" barrel burgs, and the three fight s which wrot e off cha mbered for .300 Magnum cartridge for the Duchy of Bur gund y as a military power, 1000 yard target shooting in 1937, and had were characterized by fast movement to it at Camp P erry that year. In 1941 it was close with the enemy and furious attacks sep t to Springfield armory on request of as if they were afraid their enemy would Al Woodworth, who stated that they wanted not last to give everyone a crack at them. to mak e up one for testin g purposes. The Swiss mobilized fast and could mak e At the time this gun was mad e up, the 30 miles a day in to enemy la nd while the idea was completely new to me, but shortly feudal forces slowly assembl ed. after it had been given publicit y, one or Feudal horsemen wer e the top dogs until ROOF·PRiSM two others came up with th e information the Swiss had at them. Th ey were not tha t they had the same idea, but had kep t it accustomed to bein g attac ked by foot .f-IeAM1oU1- qui et. A patent attorn ey ad vised that it had soldiers, much less by infantry which did previously been pat ented in Germany, not stop for an ythin g. So the Swiss got a Noted for great brilliance, wide field of definitely not a new idea. ferocious rep in Central Europe, and for view and sharp definition. D ue to roof• Who came up with the name "B ull-Pu p" a couple hundred year s were highly prized pr ism design, Hensoldt binoculars have is now lost in the mists of time. Mine was mercenaries. Th e battle of Ma rignano closed a slender, elegant shape -easy to carry an excelle nt lOoo·yard gun, winn ing the thi s era. Th e Vati can Guard is the last and hold . Monta na Wimbledon two or thr ee times, the remnant of the ancient "free companies" Mod els of 8 to 16 power. At leading dealers. Writ e for li terature. Northwest Wimbledon at least once, and whi ch were the terr or of Europe in the days ~ ~ ~ == ,.... CARL ZEISS, INC. shot two or three possibles at Cam p P erry. before field . 485 Fifth Avenue, New York 17 Th en came the War , and an end to tar get Switzerla nd remained for a long ti me Genuine only with th istra de-mark. shooting. weakened by int ern al squabbles, but thi s I thought thi s might be of interest to keep had the good effect of keepin g them out of the recor d straight. . the------. 30 Years' ------War. ------. Several -- -- small -----r------war s Northwest Wimbledon at least once, and which were the terro r of Europe in th e days shot two or three possibl es at Camp P erry. before field artillery. Th en came the War , and an end to target Switzerland remained for a long tim e shooting. weakened by int ern al squabbles, but thi s I thought thi s might be of int erest to keep had the good effect of keeping them out of the record straight. the 30 Year s' War. Several small wars 1. R. Buhmiller amon g the cantons and cities were fought. Ir()/It y Kalispell, Montana Internal division br ought downfall at the MlfJAlllY hands of the Fr ench, and during Napoleon's t() tile Guns For The One-Gun Budget day Switzerl and became a batt leground for IAItTH IATllllTI I have just read your magazine and was the first and last time, so far. The civil war very much interested in the art icle "Guns for of 1848 was the last arm ed action in the the One-Gun Budget." I have always been a country. user of the .25's. I-Jere at my gunsmith shop Th e Swiss neu tra l policy is ba cked with as much force as they can assemble. They I have ranges up to 300 yar ds and have know how much treati es are worth when tested a lot of rifles for accura cy and drop. la rge nat ions fall out, Switzerla nd's forces I agree with Bob Kindley, but would lik e to make him a sugges tion. As long as you ar e could never defeat a major ar my. Th ey merely int end to mak e it cost as m uch as going to reload any way, I sugges t that you try the fine .257 Ackley improved. Thi s does possible, and they ar e just the type who can severa l things for the shooter. Th e straight do it. 10hn P. Conlon case and 40 degree shoulder mak es for easy ewark, Ohio '1i"I/CII THI extraction and cases do not stre tch. 1£ you are hu nting and run out of handloads, for W'ltll'l I1NI11 some reason factory .257's can be used. Riflemen and Citizen-Soldiers In most of the rifles tha t I have built,I It was a great pleasur e to read in the have used the 1 in 12" twist and found that recen t GUNS Magazine your art icle on "Guns the 120 gr. Speer bull et has given me fine for a Nat ion of Riflemen." As a na tive of accuracy out to 300 yards. Th e load for this Switzerland who served in the Swiss Army, is 4·9.5 gr. 4350, giving close to 3000 FPS . I can say that you have very well understood Pick up your Anderol Gun I have never had a deer get up after I hit the spirit and traditions that make the Swiss Lubri-Kit today. Satisfaction him with this load. For the Rem. 722 action a nati on of riflemen and citizen-soldiers, guaranteed. Ifnot available at I suggest th e 117 gr. Hornady round nose I have not visited Switzerland since 1945, your dealer's, send $1.50 for with 50 gr. 4350. Th ese loads are near tops, when I was there as an Ameri can GI on each postpaid kit. (A plastic so work up to them. For varmints, I used furlough, and of course have not been abl e tube of oil and one of grease.) 87 gr. bullets backed with 54 gr. 4350 for to follow recen t development s over there; Send $1.00 CorMan ual on Cleanin g and P reserv at ion of Firear ms. 3400 FPS , and a 100 gr. bullet ba cked with that is another reason why I found your arti• 51 gr. 4350 for 3200 FPS. All my rifles have cle extremely interesting. .Thank you again the long %" throat and I seat the bullets out for a very fine ar ticle. GUNS is a splendid as far as the magazine will allow. magazine. I never miss an issue. PICTORIAL HISTORY OF u .S. SINGLE SHOT MA RTIAL P IS TOLS By J. M. Kalman and C. M.Patterson (Sc ribners, N.Y., $30) This li mited edition art book is a novelt y in the arms field. It mu st be pointed out th at it is simply an ar t book, a " dreaming" ca ta• log, of exceedingly rare and hi stori cally FOR OLYMP IC MATCHES significant collectors mili tar y pistols. Th ere are in pr int other books which ill ustrate The acceptance QfNqRMA ammunition.fpr; Olympic matches. con• adeq ua tely and descri be U. S. single shot martial pistols and which cos t a good deal elusively illustratesthe high sta nda Jd , ~ ~ t Q rod .uction set by ~q~MA : less. But when a collector starts thinking The components of every NORMA cartriHge ...:..·the bUlle i '::: t ~ e fcase of the guns bill ed as "Ll.S. Ma rt ial pi stols," - the powder - and the primer - musf;not only be the result of he is tr eadin g into a field of collecting where either a be nevolen t gift-giving gra nd father, unsurpassed design and engineering, the best obtainable material, sheer blind luck, or a lot of money, are th e but also must reflect the precisioned consistency of each.piece, pa ss-keys. Considering that the book costs less tha n 1/10th of one percent of some of NORMA products-loaded amm un i t ion, ~ unprimed casesandpre• th e bett er-known mar tial pistols illustr ated, cision bullets- are all designed with the•HANDLOADER\ i ~l rrl i nd . it is not expensive. Fo r the pictu res alone mak e the book. Kalman has turn ed to water-colors with th eir happy facult y of FREE transparency, and has obta ined the effect of "GUN BUGS' GUIDE" BOOKLET· burni shed stee l, overlaid with a thin film of oil, to give the pict ures of guns an unu su• ally realistic qua lity. Drau ghtsmanship is of the highest ord er. Few artists can paint a pic• ture of a pistol that looks like a pistol. Kal• man is one such. Dents and mark s of service' on th e originals ha ve been caref ully repro• du ced in th e painti ngs with a fidelity which recalls the life-like work of Will iam Harnett . Th e sequence of U.S. mili tary sidearms from the days of the Revolution to the turning on the origina ls have been care fuJJy repro• du ced in th e paint ings with a fidelity which recalls the life-like work of Willi am Harnett . Th e sequence of U.S. milit ary sidearms from the days of the Revolu tion to the tu rning point of cartridge firearm s in the single shot Remin gtons has been pict ured. Mead e Pa tte r• son, well kn own as a collec tor and student of militar y arms, has prepared th e text. Pa tterson's descriptions are precise, hi s de• tails correct, and inf ormative. Th e original price of th is edi tion ( limited to 2375 copies for sale plus 125 pr esentation copies ) was $22.50. If you can find a copy now at th at price, consider yourself luc ky. Th e publisher has upped the price to $30 in view of th e selec t demand and the high cost of pro• duc ing such a bea utiful hook.-wBE WORLD'SGUNS Edited by Phil McFarland & Burt Brenne r Ma Hunfer Pre~enf~ (G old en State Arm s, Pasadena, Calif. $2.00) Th is remarkable book is good for refer• ence, as well as a catalog of things to buy. FRENCH CHAUCHAT Tho usand s of pistols, rifles. , and LIGHT edge d weap ons and armor are photo-ill us• P ri r]e of the F rench A rmy. is s u e r! CIVIL WAR ARTILLERY trated and priced. ] n going thro ugh the t o t he A. E. F . in 'worto ' Va l' 1. AMMO an d all Ordnance offerings I noted a number of "sleepers." No, Swor n b y, b y a fe w-sworn at b y s for same. ma ny. Complete a nd in e x c e llen t ~ ~~ £l~ N \ \IJ g 5 ~~ ~ !GC( N "~ ~g~ there weren't any Walkers listed as 2nd c o nd it io n-$19 .95 . .. .A few CANSON BALLS? WE DO choi ce on es I1t-$29.9 5 -ALL SHAPES AND ALL S IZES , Dra goons, nor did they overlook the ob vious ) I - ~ G HEASE GUN-new co ndi- ~Y \c rv~i: T~~ l': ~1.J, sl N · f s ~l \" X ~1 ~ ' I\~d~~ ~~A~i ~~ ~ ~ d~J~~ I, ~ rarity of some specimens. But pri ces on lion. T h e first ti m e th e s e w e apons mo. in th e wor-Id , W e p urch a sed all the A r li llcl'y Ammu, han' been offered for sa le. a n d it m ay be the ~I i l ~ :l~ :'e (?~' ~; Y ~ ~ E ~ Sw i lJ~~i ~~~~e ( is l f l ll l dN ~~ \V U C A .r A ~~ ~ nj ;~ blunderb usses, for example, are in line with last-$4!L9a. Extra I1HI. g'a e s- S2. 5 0 t s on d 50('). Prlccs ran ge rrcru $2.0 0 UP. All s izes rro m (;ERM AN M,P. 44 STU RMG E WE HR- Fl l's t of the burp CIV , W AH 6 pounder to 14 " D A H LG R EN. current catalog demand s and the goods are l-:" UI1S: oxccncut to new cond i tlon-$ 49 .95 •. .. Extr-a PAR IlOT RIF LE SHOT -fol' 20 nounccr CIV. WAR muzo there for sale, not listed to attract attention. ;: ~ 'lg ~~ t l .es M:6 A ~~CR AF T GU N S-n c w in ortmna t ca se s - j~~M~.s d i ~ i FE~ln~ U ·O t ":" I ~7 · ~ glll~3e l ' s im il a r to shoteun ~$ \ 68~ 8~ C hy COLT w ill be s h i ppe d t o oru-I y nurcna sers (} R~ ~ ~ s~ ~'X R CA ~ ~ g~)QF8s 'ES- O N L Y COMPLETE A S ~ OR T . Numero us rifles and muskets of 1850 to 1900, BRIT ISH 2" MOR TAR--comp letc i n ord na nc e case with MENT IN COUNT RY in boxes with b e autifu ll y e nm-avc d certainly th e most interesting period of al l a ccc ssorte s-cgaa.uo labet s o f F R ANKF ORT ARS E N A L d ates 1864·1865. 4 .JU ST AR RIVED- 7. 9 2 H:UHZ A MMO-$8.50 pel' 10 0 . ~g~ . o}o 8~O . S .C(~ h'!5' ~ o -oe .d .") p er b ox .. . $2.00 ea .c-co mptotc wea pon s des ign for the collector, are priced Send 50 c for BRAN D NEW 3rd editi o n c ata - S PECI AL! Au th entic Ci v il wm-shell fu s e ign iti on s rnstcned lo g u e of h ither t o u noff ered r are arms a nd to top of par-r-ot. gun proj ect ne .. exc. 2 5c ca. from $50 down to $9.95. The scope of arm s a m m o for t he s h o o ter a n d c o llector', t ~ ~~: [ ~ ~ S$ ~s o g ~~~ ~g ll~~blb g d~~ ~il \Val' ~ 'w tabulated is tr emendous, and such guns as ~ i~;~\ 1~t .; ~ i ~~ ~~: ttrl~8 G

~ , .- , ~- Grad e 1/1 34.95 Nickl e fini sh, like new $48.00 Used by Congo natives. Complet e Ammo $4.25- 50 round s and in shooting condition. Painted Army holster new S5.95 stock, brass . Need cleaning, but a Extra c1ips- $3.50 rea l bargain .$19.95 ea ch

Great Western Single Actions GREAT WESTERN "FAST·DRAW" EQUIPMENT TIMER This timer is calibrated in 100 of IMMEDIATE seconds. Adjustable button releas e DELIVERY stand. Just plug in, rest fing er on PRICE SCHEDULE starter button and tim er will start as draw begins . Timer stops when blank Caliber (Sta nda rd Model ) . .$ 91.50 is fir ed. $144.95 Special (Sta nda rd Model ) . . 99.50 Specia l (Standard Model ) . 105.50 .45 Caliber (Standard Model ) . . 99.50 .357 Atomic (Standard Model) . 105.50 GREAT WESTERN DEPUTY INTERCHANGEABLE CYLINDERS .22 Caliber $109 .50 A .45 desillned to take .22 .38 Caliber . 119.50 blanks. No modification necessary, slips NOW .357 Magnum 124.50 easily into any Great Western .45. Gives lightness of .45 plus utility and money CHOICE OF 43/4" , S1f2" or 71/2" barrel saving features of a .22. Will pay for itself in just 2V2 boxes of blanks. GREAT WESTERN PARTS AVAILABL~ (Send For List) I . $15.00 extra 'Fast-Draw' Revolver GREAT WESTERN DO IT YOURSELF KIT .22 CALIBER Short, Long, or Long Rifle . .$71.50 The ' Fast-Draw' Special is a Fronti er Revolver that ha s been factory mod i• SAVE MONEY . . . All machine OTHER CALIBER KITS: operations have been performed . fied to after an ext ra smoo th action and only de-burring, fitting, .38 Special $79.50 and an exceptiona lly smooth, crisp , polishing, and blueing remain to .357 Magnum 85.50 4 ~ " trigger pull. Furnish ed with bar• be done . Fit the ~ction to su!t .45 Long Colt 79.50 rel and brass trigger guard and back• your taste, and polish and blue it . stra p. Regularly supp lied in .45 caliber in th e mann er you consid er most .44 Specicl ...... 85.50 with a 4 ~" barrel. Oth er calibers attractive. Choice of 4 ~ , 51/z or 71/z-inch barrel at no extra charge. and barrel lengths available on spe• cial order. $111.50 I GREAT WESTERN PARTS AVAILABLE! (Send For List ) I

JUMBO USED GUN GERMAN MILITARY GREAT WESTERN COLT SINGLE ACTION Catalog $1.00 Catalog SOc Catalog SOc Catalog SOc Tremendou s selection of mode rn and Outstanding collection of German Completely illustrated, showing all An entire catalog devot ed to genu ine a nt ique gun bargains. Colt Singl e Military Arms. German Lugers, P-38's, mode ls of Great Western Arms. The hard to find ea rly model Colt Singl e Action, Colt and Remington Cap and Maus er Military pistols, Browning au• Single Action, Derringer, Buntline, Action revolvers. Complet e listings on Ball revolvers, used revolvers and au • tomatics and many oth er German Deputy. Also complete selection of engraved gun s, parts, grips and hol• tomatics. Used shotguns and rifl es Arms. Also parts, holst ers , grips and hoi s t e r s and quick draw sets and st er sets. Outstanding valu es on qual • and hundr eds of oth er hard to get acc essor ies, curr ent listing of de-nett• equipment. Parts, presentation case ity collector Colts. Prices sta rt at items for th e collector a nd shoote r. vated mach ine guns . and engraved models are also included, $44.00.

EARLY & MODERN FIREARMS CO•• INC. 12418 Ventura Blvd. , Dept. 0 , Studio City, California COLT RIFLES. COLLECTOR-ITEMS ONLY FOR MANY A


By WILLIAM B. EDWARDS Auth or, " The Sto rv 0/ Colt's Revolver"

" '"

HE RETURN of Ameri ca's oldest maker to the T business of supplyin g shoo ters with modern spo rting rifles has been a surprise to many gun fan s. Colt's, which launched its 3-shot percussion-cap revolving rifles by an ad vertisement in the New York papers on December 18, 183 7, was until after the Civil War th e premi er repeating rifle maker in the world. Dozens of models were made -most were revolver breech rifles, oth er lever action and pump acti on repeaters which today, aft er a half- century of discontinuance, still look " modern," still have definite appeal with that rampant C olt stamped on them. Th e man who has ramrodded the return of th e Colt is a square• jawed dynamo named Fred Roff, Jr. Nominally VP and sales manager ,

.1.IJC UUIU w uv Uet;::, .I ClJ.lU vuu.....ll()flJ\_.. ~ \l e nrl ~ l l~Jf\r&l. ,-,ti n \fu . 111f1 ~in .-R1 u~llte jawed dynamo named Fred Roff, Jr. Nominally VP and sales manager , Roff spends more tim e making sure the Colt name appears all over th e nation , than he does at the Colt plant. In emulation of Mr. Colt him self, Roff's nights are spent travelling, his da ys at police conventions awarding Colt gun s or conferring with governors on hunter-safety programs. When he is at the plant, things happen. What happened last year was the long. rumored, half-century overdue issue of a Colt rifle-the precedent. shattering "Colt 57." Behind that gun lies quite a story . Part of it is in implementation of Roff's plan that no shooter should have to go outsid e the Colt lin e to satisfy his needs for firearms. A straw in the wind of th e Colt rifle story was the promotional tour of Joe Bodrie, exhibition shoo ter for Colt's. Bodrie demonstrated his claim to the title of " fastest gun ali ve," not only with the familiar Colt Single Actions but also with one of the Elliott-patent pump-action Colt rifles made from ab out 1385 till the turn of the century. An octagon barreled .44·40, thi s collecto r's gem was in new condition, bein g drawn from the two or three remaining "factory stock" guns deposited in the Colt museum. According to promotion man John Millington who set up Bodrie's tour, th e most remarkable commen t from th e thousands of people who watched the show was the mu ch-repeat ed obser vati on "Oh, is Colt's once again making rifles ?" Somehow, hundreds of th ousands of peopl e accepted it as a natural thing to see a Colt rifle, th ough Milling . ton is mor ally certain most of them had never really seen a Colt

Touring shooter Bodrie focussed nation's attention on Colt rifles by expert use of Lighting Model .44. ar TIl caLT RIFLI

Test gun was pre-Paterson model made by Pearson, used because of large caliber.

Cylinder shields were abandoned in Paterson 8-shot rifle design. M 1837 gun had ring lever to cock , trigger fired.

Pistol maker was pre• mie r rifle man as well.

Pistol maker was pre• mier rifle man as well.

M 1839 "New " was type issued to Army, Navy, troops and were used by Ma rines in wars .

Unique firing.device of 1839 used force of cernpressed air ,to ignite' powder. Valve was shut as hammer fell. Only a model was made. At right, 1843 carbine had handle on it.

Walker-type revolving rifle was announced in ads of 1847-8 but making and selling pistols took all Colt's attention. '- --.. - .. '-'-'- '-'- '-"-'-"'--'-'-'-"'''''''''''''

Ramrodding Colt's by astute manage. M1855 sporting rifle (top) was also made as military ment is Fred Roff, .Jr., sales VP (right), arm used by Sharpshooters. Lever rifle was model 1883. shown with Gov. Freeman of Minn.

rifle before. But from that tour, plus the rico chets from (now obsolete) , Coltsman , Deluxe, and Custom Colt• the rumor "Colt's is making rifles," emerged the Colt 57 the fron t sights are of a unique design. The ramp is sporter in .30-06 and .270 caliber. moulded with a serrated face toward the eye, with wide The 57 is a good, solid, American-style sporting rifle blade foresight. The almost universal use of a scope in built on the imported FN Mauser action. At the moment, this field- higher power for accuracy at long range or low Roff wanted to get guns into the market, giving shooters power for maximum hunter safety in the woods-has made a well-built, safe, accurate rifle of standard pattern, and the Colt and scope ensemble very popular. the basic Mauser action , copied at the time in modi fied With all of these rifles, Colt's has a prob lem. It is one form by other leading U.S. riflemakers, was available. not easily solved, but it is one with which Roff has been Using the Mau ser, Colt' s acquired barrels of the exclusive personally concerned for a long time. Perhaps the easiest poly-groove d system developed by Harry Sefried, leading way to state the problem is by analogy- the Pea cemaker U.S. arms engineer. Toda y, Sefried is pr oducing the Colt "looks like a Colt," and the Official Police "looks likea 57 und er the supervision of Colt inspectors . Colt" and the Woodsma n "looks like a Colt." In Sam Man ufa cturing the barrels in Sefried's shop is not a new Colt's day , the revolving cylinder plus the peculiarly high thing with the Colt rifle program. Back in Paterson days quality of finish (equalled but not surpassed with the when the first revolving rifles appeared, the barrels were newest Custom Colt) , marked the rifle as " a Colt," also. U.:;. 'arms engineer. Toda y, Sefr ied is pr oducing the Colt " looks like a Colt," and the Othcial Police " looks like ia 57 und er the supervision of Colt inspectors . Colt" and the Woodsma n "looks like a Colt." In Sam Manufacturing the barrels in Sefried's shop is not a new Colt's day , the revolving cylinder plus the peculiarly high thing with the Colt rifle program. Back in Paterson days quality of finish (equalled but not surpassed with the when the first revolving rifles appeared, the barrels were newest Custom Colt) , marked the rifle as " a Colt," also. bought "from the barrel maker in Litchfield" (Conn.] , and Today, some distinguishing ma rk should set the Colt rifle fitted to the Paterson guns under Sam Colt's supervision. apa rt from all others . One step forward is Sefried's special And in 1861 Colt's obtained tho usands of barrels from front sight ; another is the use of the contrasting wood English and Belgian gunmakers : barrels that had to pass tips in the premier quality Custom grade. the strict Colt fac tory and U.S. ordnance inspection before Yet a look at the rifles which precede these recent reo being accepted on the Colt U.S. Rifled , in its day entries in the shoulder arm field show a combination of the finest militar y muzzle-load ing rifle mad e. " distinctively Colt" characteristics. A study of their success At the same time, though the Colt 57 topped $100 in might lead toward the right answer toda y. The Colt rifle pri ce, Colt's prepared a single shot bolt gun, Colteer .22, program is now a success. But the ri fles are distin ctive to sell for a ridiculously low pr ice. Tho ugh the little rifle is without being ind ividu alistic, and ru mor hath it that study plainly finished , it has an excellently proportioned stock. is going on now to make Colt shoulder guns say " It's a The action design suggests strongly that it is an improve• Colt" as unmistakably as do the Colt revolvers and pistols. ment on the rugged small-bore Mauser rifles, long famous Novelty in the rifle field is old hat at Colt's. When Sam's for precision quali ty. Thou gh the Colteer is a mass-market first successful shoulder guns were built up by Baltimore rifle, when I first saw it I suggested Colt's tr y a match gunsmith John Pearson, the rotat ing chambered breech rifle based on a beefed up, costlier version of the Colteer was the distinctive feature. Two patent suits mad e Sam's action. Basically, it has the stuff to make a pr emium gun. path rocky, but both Adam Humbarge r and Mighill Exponents of a complete package for the shooter, Colt's Nutting, revolving rifle inventors, have faded into the announced the two with matching scopes, both strongly past. The first Colt factory failed and, regr ettably, the competitive with other arm s. revolving rifle prog ram was something less than a success. Further re finement to the rifle program resulted the Colt turned his manifold inventive talents to solving the followin g year, early in 1958, in settling on three imp roved difficulties, but iron ically he took the wro ng tr ack. When, big-bore rifles to replace the Colt 57. First were the Colts• later with his Hartford factor y, he foun d the answer, man Standard big bore rifle and the better Deluxe. The difficulties with earlier guns damaged the sportsman's Coltsman takes the fine Colt scopes, or appropriate iron confidence in his improved revolving rifles. sights. The action is the big Swedish improved Mauser, Pre-Paterson experimental guns were subject to the with slick side safety and low bolt handle. On the premier hazard of two or more chambers setting off at once. The grade Custom, the stock is finished slick as glass, with recoil and noise was prodigious, and the cylinder itself 'I 'If-~.t nll u ~~.J ~ ~__ h...... :...... 1 ... .. __ .J &. __ .. 1 .1 t ~ __1_ L 1 ...... 4. 1 _1 _.1 1 ...." T T. Double rifle of 1880's was limited production, made mostly in .45-70. favorite of Colt's son, Caldwell. Trombone Elliott repeater came in a .22 (left), .44 and .45 sizes, 1885-1903 . Big Browning was made as BAR and several Monitor and military styles, like M 1922 shown. Colt 57 bolt gun is 1957 model, marking Colt's reentry into sport-rifle market.

Co lteer .22 with scope, Coltsman Deluxe, and Custom Colt are now in the Colt line. Mourning doves held by Curtis are our "most ava ilable" bird but often escape shotgun patterns.


.,..,. ., ~




ANY HUNTERS ARE Ju st last year I was chasing bucks over one brushy ridge M surprised when they after another. Deer seem to be getting smarter every year check the migratory bird and the ridges steeper. Then came the first of September take to find the mourning and dove season. I blew the dust off my pet Model 12 dove topping the lists . The Winchester, dug out an old box of 7%'s, and headed for rea son actually is simple• a stubble field a few miles from where I live near Arbuckle, they're our most available California. bird. Chan ces are you can I parked the pickup und er a giant white oak and had to reach good dove shooting walk only a hundred yards to reach a gravelly wash deep with out long or expensive enough to br eak my outline. Early in the season you don' t junkets. My biggest expense need much of a blind to hood wink a dove. After being is usuall y ammunition, and work ed over for a week or two, they can get war y as gun• that's the reason these speed• shy mallards. sters ar e one of my favorite I barely got the rocks rak ed comfortably out fr om und er targets. I like to shoot, and doves give me a lot of action. my rumb le seat before hearing the welcome whirr of dove I enjoy the change of pace in shirtsleeve dove -shooting. wings. A pair of them came tearing by ju st out of range Our season here on the west coast falls between the black. and pitched into the wheat stubble a hundred yards away. tail ed deer season and duck hunting. Ducks can lead you Almost as if in response to some signal, other speeding on a cold, cramped tr ek. Blacktails ar e a muscle-straining, form s began to materialize out of the late afternoon heat sweat producing business in August. waves. I heard a rapid ba ng-bang from the opposite end of the field. Soon a high-Bier came zooming by, right over drop a limit with each box of ammo . It was at this pond me. I centered him with the 7lh's, and he bounced into I decided that you never shoot ahead of a dove. If you th e stubble behind me. miss one, the chances are good the chilled 7lh's punched In two short hours I had knocked down a limit of birds holes in the air behind th e target. and missed that many mor e. The only time I got up was Mourning doves ar e remarkably adaptable. During the to retrieve dead dove. A lazy man's sport? Perhaps, but hun ting treks I've made I was surprised to find them over for shooting action hotter than the weath er, it can' t be much of the high western, plateau country . beat. Th at same field paid off for two weeks. The birds Two years ago I dr ove to Lassen County in northern scattered then, but certain water-holes produced results the California for a crack at th e stately sage-hens. I began entire season. zig-zagging across the great Bats of knee-high sagebrush, A good water-hole around sundown is just about tops all geared up for an exploding chicken. I kept hearing for fast action. If the speedy doves ar e really pouring in, gunfire rattling against the ridges behind me. Finally, you can pick out th e type of shots that have always been un able to contain myself any longer, I got in my pickup your downfall. othing will sharpen your eye like experi • and headed in the direction of the shooting. I was positive ence. I used to shoot over a dink y stock pond in our back that some sage gro use hunters must have found the end pasture. Thirsty doves alwa ys came in from the same di• of the rainbow. rection. Th ey stuffed their craws in a mullein patch at the What I found was a freshly harvested wheat field. I far end of the pasture ; th en headed for the cool pond. could see nimrods hunkered against piles of the pale, chaffy The pond was wedged in a low place at the foot of a straw . Suddenly, a pair of doves came swerving towards sharply sloping rise. The little mourners would come pelt• one of the hastily improvised blinds. A blue-shirted hunter ing down that slope like bullets. The first two years I shot reared up, knock ing one of the birds spinning. The shoot• there I don't think I averaged over three birds to a box of ing I had heard were dove hunters enjoying th eir sport on shells. But I kept banging away. Now, with luck, I can the high plateaus where you'd (Continued on page 40 )

Autoloaders rate high with dove shooters using 7112 shot. Waterhole is good location to hunt. HANDICRAFT WITHOUT HANDS

Built for fingerless firing is '98 Mauser with stud tri gger. A t ri g h t, M40 WRAco shotgun has slide hook; .22 has forearm knob.


T AST JANUARY A GUNSMITH . DIED. His L fri ends in the littl e Minn esota town of Houston did not need an y magazine article to help them pay tribute to one of their comm unity' s most remarkable citizens. But because of the way this craftsman, Edwin Halvorson, lived, his story is unique. For Halvorson, born 72 years ago in 1886 on a farm on Oak Ridge above Houston, turned out dozens of custom -stocked rifles and shotguns, many for fa• mous and wealthy customers. For almost half a centur y his living was gunsmithing. His satisfied custom ers are legion-no one has ever heard of a dissatisfied one. Master of an exacting handicraft skill, gunsmith Halvorson was born without hands. One of Halvorson's first customers-you might call him the man who "discovered" the gunsmith's talent-is George H. Cutler. Head of Cutler's Studio, Photographers, of Winona, Minnesota, Cut• ler has been a customer and patron of the handless gunmaker for many years. Cutler's eyes light up in appreciative recollection when he tells you about the first gun Edwin made for him. It's a heavy rifle, ten and one-half pounds of sleekly finished, remodeled Enfield . The "tiger flame" maple stock is resplendent with beautiful hand carving, an unusual G unsmit h Halvorson and patron and friend George Cutler talk design expressing Halvorson's search for novel over special d etails of rifles made for handless shocf inc, artistic effects. It has no checkering on it, but later WORKING TO CLOSE TOLERANCES IN




Halvorson was active in shop almost to day he died. Below, three rifles are 7mm Mauser, Enfield with unusual stock for friend Cutler, and own M54 Winchester with knobs to make holding easy. ~


,.. i


work by thi s skilled gun smith shows he was a careful man severa l other rifles in wildcat calibers which I use in big with the checkering tools as well. gam e hunting." "Maple is a very hard wood," says Cutler. "In thi s stock Cutler is an ace ph otographer, but his hobb y enthusiasm the grain runs in every direction. When properly season ed, is hunting. He is an avid outdoo r man and pr omoter of the wood is nearly white until oil is burned into it to bring good sportsmanship and good shooting. He organized th e out th e rich grain and darken it. With much rubb ing and first Winona Rifle Ran ge, with Ha lvorson as an early memo polishin g it becomes a rich, glossy chocolate brown. ber. It was on thi s ran ge that th e handless gunsmith not "There is a secret compartment in the butt of this rifl e only became known as a master gunworkman but as a for carrying sight inserts," Carter says. " I use this prize crack shot. Edwin's own tar get rifle, a mu ch-remodeled Soldier during Trelnflre shoots from foxhole at targets up to 300 meters. Author conceived system by noting similarity of deer hunting to combat.





IXTEEN MILLION AM E RI C A~ -S are hunters. 900.000 S Ameri cans are soldiers. The hunters come fr om all walks of life- butchers, bakers, candlestick makers, or astronautical engineers on vacation. The soldiers come from these same backgrounds. The y all-the 16,000,000 and the 900,000-have something in common : each man must be skillful with individual small arms. I realized this fundamental relat ionship several years ago while hunting big game in Idaho. Severa l deer sprang out of a clump of brush and ran away. One fat doe stopped on a hillside 200 yards above me, half br oadside, in the open . It was an easy shot , and does are legal in Idaho. Ordinarily, I would hav e just raised my rifle and dr opped her. I had done it befor e. But thi s time I lost my nerve. I was standing on a fairly steep side hill, the right foot low, almost sliding down the hard, sandy surf ace. I tried for a steadier position, prone; but on that slope it was just about the most awkward prone position possible. The doe watched while I squirmed aro und tr ying to get a steady aim . Once she seemed tempt ed to come closer and see what I was doing ; the n she acted ready to run away. The urgency increased. I shot at last. The bullet kicked dust almos t a yard low, _•• ~ l..~ l.. I •• " _ I "~ l.. : .. _ " 1: ..1" " " _ -1 _ •• I. ~ •. (;:\.. " ..." _".IMI l.. " _ It was still an easy shot. I should ha ve stood up and put one in the chest. Instead,I shifted around, still prone, to correct a position already impossible. Howard Sarvis is em• She took another step or two, began to tr ot, and then soared away out of sight in the beautiful and incredible bounding leaps of the western mule deer. ployed at the U.S. Army I had a good rifle, an adequate load ; but hardware alone will not assure Infantry Human Research success. The tr ouble lay with the man. It was the last day of the season, my last chance for venison. But, venison aside, the idea of fail ure was unattractive in Unit. a field unit of the itself. And the worst of all, the final blow, was the memory of the whole summer George Washin9ton Uni• of target pr actice I had done in preparation for this fiasco! Had I, by firing versity Human Resources hu ndreds of sho ts from a bench rest at fixed targets, actually schooled myself out of the ability to shoot confidently und er live-target pressure? Research Office. operatin9 Target shooting and live shooting are worlds apart, in precision requirements, under contract with the shooting positi ons, and especially in state of mind.That winter , the boys coming Dept. of the Army. The back fr om Korea told of bad casualties, of shooting problems and terrain totally unlike the target ranges where they were tr ained . This terrain and type of war • opinions and conclusions fare br ought to light a hithert o unrecognized deficiency in our soldiers' small are those of the writer ar ms perf ormance. The official stories tended to confirm my own conclusions and do not necessarily that something was wrong. For their safety and effectiveness in combat, these young men were entitled to the best weap ons training that could be devised. represent views of the It is not cricket to tear something down witho ut at least sugges ting how to University or Department build better . Then began a long process of collecting ideas, cullin g and com• pressing them, seeking specific pr oposals for improvement . A plan began to of the Army. emerge to make th e rifleman the cock of the Army through careful selection, As coach watches, Pvt. Ray Frenz at Fort Carson drops into prone for first time early in Trainfire.


realistic training-in shooting skill and in cool nerve-and often with zeal and enthusiasm beyond the call of dut y. fina lly rewarding his competence by elite status. I decided Something specific has been done, and it is incorp orated in that, if this was good, there was only one man who could a new Arm y Field 'Ianual, o. 23-'1 1, Rifle Marksmanship have both the audacity and the over-riding autho rity to put Course, Trainfire I, September 1957. This pr escribes the it over. I sent th e pr opo al to President Eisenhower. marksmanship course which will be given to ever y male It was like a lucky shot into an ammunition dump, not soldier, which in turn means that ever y U.S. citizen has likely to happen again, ever. My letter released great some kind of stake in it, and should know about it. for ces, for man y men had been thinking abo ut these pr ob• Trainfire is an attempt to mass-produce skill. It starts lems for years. My letter was like a lens to focus opinion , literally with a bang: the man shoots his own rifle, after or a cata lyst precipitating action. Ultima tely, the ideas were only a few simple instructions on how to operate it safely. formalized into a system of combat-simulating mar ksman• This is to relieve his cur iosity, per haps his fears, at once. ship instru ction called "Trainfire." It also gets him keenly interested. Almost every training Many things have happened in the intervenin g years. day thereafter, for four weeks, he fires the weapon. While The experimental resea rch has been done by an agency of he does this he wears battle pac k, canteen, and steel helmet. the George Washington Univers ity, HumR RO (Human All positi ons are taught , but emphasis is different . Over Resour ces Research Office) , und er contract with the Arm y. a third of the firin g is from the foxhole, which is sta nding Ma ny men contributed to the development of Trainfire, up, with the support of a sandbag. The squatting position has been revived beca use it is quick to get in and out of, he would do in combat. The automatic target not only adjustable to existing cover, fairly steady, and flexible pr ovides feedback, but it allows very rapid run-off of enough in elevation to see the target with minimum ex• practice, for there is no waiting to learn the score. It is posure of the firer. Prone is tau ght but not practiced much, also very economical of manpower ; pushbutton operation because it is not likely to be used much . Men hesitate to lie of the targets completely eliminates th e former laborious down in water, snow, or blood y mud, or on ground with pit details. possible chemical or atomi c contamination ; and even slight Scoring is hit or miss, on the theory th at a rifle bullet grass cover prevents seeing anything from prone. anywhere in a man 's bod y ' is enough. If the target goes At first the trainee shoots at aiming points 25 meters down, it's a hit ; if it doesn't go down, or the man fail s to away. At thi s short range, with the man-weapon combina• .shoot before the whistle, it's a miss. The total hit s ar e the tion separated from the extraneous variables of light, score. weather, and distance, he learns steady holding, aim ing, Each shooter has a lane to watch in which targets ma y and the adjustment of sights. He learns accuracy as evi• appear from 75 to 300 meters away. He takes them as the y denced by tight shot groups. He then zeroes his rifle to come, sometimes from the foxhol e, out in front of it in engage gro und level man -sized field targets. From now on various positions, or walking down ra nge and assuming all his tr aining is against these "killable" targets. position of choice when the target app ears. These are E silhouettes, cardboard cut-outs of a man -like Concurrently he receives daily training in something new figur e in a crouching position, 19 inches wide and 40 inches and important to battle marksmanship: target detection. In high. They are moun ted on a dug-in target machine which this the trainees line up and watch an apparentl y empty raises and lowers them from a central control tower; when field. Camoufla ged men are out there. Sometim es they are the silhouette is hit by a bullet, it automatically goes down, motionless in plain sight, from 20 to 350 meters away. At is "killed." This gives the man instantaneous knowledge other tim es they make furtive movements, fire a rifle, or of results which the psychologists call "feedback." He then run and go down . The tr ain ee has to spot them, record knows what to do next : fire another shot if he misses, or, if them on a piece of paper or point a simple aiming device at he kills, wait for the next target. In some of the shooting where he thinks they are. Looks easy ? It's not. Many an practice he does thi s, being pr ovided with a few extra old game hunter would be completely fru strated. The re• rounds to use according to his best judgment. This is what markable thing is that fair to (Continued on page 44)

Conventional rifle oraetice is (too l outmoded bv Trainfire HOW WELL CAN YOU SHOOT YOUR




Canada sportsman has shot much game with .303 Ross, says nerve and skill outrank the rifle in hunting results.



T'S A NASTY QUESTION, but let's face it: How many The garbage from that logging camp was dumped in a I of us ar e really fit to shoot a fine gun at a fine ravine a mile or so from camp, and all the bears in the l!il1l1P. tarzet ? area had spotted tha t ra vine as a free and easy feedin g

T'SA ASTY QUESTION, but let's face it : How man y Th e garbage from that logging camp was dumped in a I of us ar e really fit to shoot a fine gun at a fine ra vine a mile or so fr om camp, and all the bea rs in the game target ? ar ea had spotted that ravine as a free and easy feeding Understand, I' m not tr ying to talk you out of going depot. Our friend had seen them there, decided to get hunting ; quite the contrary. But if you're Mr. Average himself a hide or two and some bear meat. He went out among the nearly 20 milli on men and women who will there with a repeating rifle and, he told me, emptied two go hunting this year, I do have a short sermon for you complete magazin es at various and sundry bears without which, if observed, will make your hunt mor e successful cutting a hai r. He was right; he was lucky to get out of and you a better sportsman. there alive. Not that I think an y of those bears charged Th at sermon in capsule form is just thi s: Take th at him ; but with that man y scared bears in such a small hunting rifle of yours out somewhere and shoot at least space, it's a wond er he wasn' t trampled .. . And he was 20 shots through it at a target 50 yards distant. Study right again : no decent rifle would miss such big targets, the results, and then govern your shooting at game strictly so close. in accord with what you see on that target. I said, "I'd like to see that rifle, and shoot it. Maybe Some years back, I was a territorial policeman and then I could tell you what was wrong." ex-officio game warden up on the Campbell River in "See it? Hell, you can have it ! I wouldn't be caught British Columb ia. One day a young guy came busting into dead with it, a no -good piece of junk like th at! " my office with a story that will do to illustrate my sermon. Well, I took that no-good piece of junk out to the This chap worked at a logging camp on the railway, and police ran ge and lobb ed five shots into five inches with• he was really burning. He was scar ed, too ; and when I out any trouble. I asked another officer to fire it, just to hea rd his story, I didn 't blame him . double-check it. He jolted it a little as he picked it up, The first words he shot at me were, " I just missed eight and his group was like min e only a foot or more to the bears!" left. A quick check showed that the front sight was loose, "Which being true," I said, " and judging by the looks could be slipped back and forth in its slot enough to cause of you that they missed you too, you' re a lucky guy." that foot of variance between the two groups. But not "You ain 't kiddin'! I'm lucky to get out 0 ' there alive! enought to account for a whole string of misses on bears; And it's all the fault of that damn gun! Look, th ere were not by a dam sight ! .. . As a matter of fact, that same rifle eight bears, and they weren't 50 yards off! After the first saved my life two months later when I was charged by few shots, some of 'em were closer. I shot three tim es at one (of all things) a sow bear. lumberin' right toward me not more'n half that distance! So what explains the adven ture of the little man and ow you know no decent rifle could miss a full-gro wn th e eight bea rs? Ask any experienced hunter. That man hea r at that distan ce! That rifle is-iu st-n o-damn-zood !" missed his bears for exactly the same reasons that cause For Canada's plains ante• lope, author urges cool head for long range shot.


C ramond holds cougar shot by partner for portrait. Military guns are about equal in power.

Cramond credits caution and aim, more than rifle power, with kill of big grizzly with Ross .303.

Typical of G.I. calibers are .303s by Canadian Industries, Montreal. I r. . #II I .. 1'1- II,. AMERICA'S NO.2


HE OTHER DAY, My rifle on thi s particular hunt was a Marlin Model 88-C T leaning comfort• .22 auto loader with a B-6 Weaver scope. My loads? ably back against a Nothing very exciting: just common, garden variety Long tree in the cool autumn Rifle ammo with solid lead bullets. This is my equipment shade with a rifle for what I call long range squirrel shooting-by which I across my knees and mean ranges from 40 yards upwards. My eyesight isn't my senses all aglow as keen as it once was, and a squirrel's head is somewhat with th at hooky-playing less than a barn -size target. sense of well being I My first shot this time, as it happened, was a short one. always get on such Maybe I had dozed a little, or ma ybe my thoughts had occasions, I got to dulled both sight and hearing, but I came alert in a hurry thinking about the when a hickory nut hit the ground close beside me. A his tory , the joys (be• three-quarters-grown gray clung half hidden near the top fore, during, and afte r) , and the guns that go with the of a next-door tree where , possibl y, the sight of me had anci ent and honorable ar t of squirrel hunting. startled him int o dropping his current cargo. An older, The history is long, in truth ; and th e joys are many : wiser gray, the chances are, would not have made SUG h an the joys of preparation the joys of doing, and the joys of error. I centered the scope, squeezed off the shot, and the table and the liar's bench th at come after. The guns• watched my target pit ch down through the leaves to the are almost as many ; and so ar e the methods. gr ound not far from where I was sitting.

the joys of pr eparation the joys of doing, and the joys of error. I centered the scope, squeezed off the shot , and the table and the liar's bench that come after. The gun s• watched my target pit ch down through the leaves to the are almost as many ; and so ar e the methods. ground not far from where I was sitting.

Squirr el tails prove effectiveness of this Remingto n 552 auto and Weaver 8-4 scope co mbination for still hunting.

Usina scope .22 on half-hidden heads at 50 yards FOR MILLIONS OF RIFLE AND SHOTGUN




Still hunting for squirrels is rifle sport, but other hunting methods may dictate shotguns for moving targets. The rest of the afternoon's still hunt followed the same smooth pa ttern. The grays and a few fox squirrels were dinin g heavily on the hickory nuts, and by just sitting and watching the trees with my scope-sighted .22, I was able to bag my limit in about two hours. There's a lot of good eating in six nut-fattened gray squirrels, to say nothing of the sport in bagging them . According to statistics, more sportsmen hunt squirrels than any other type of small gam e except rabbits. The little nut• crunching fuzzytails are hunted with everything from bows and arrows to 10 gauge magnum shotguns, but the more experienced squirrel hunters prefer either .22 caliber rifles or shotguns in 12, 16, 20, or .410 borings. For still hunting, the ever popular little .22 rifle is best ; and for stalking and dog hunting, shotguns hold a solid advantage. Before going fur ther into the discussion of squirrel guns and loads, let us first talk briefly about the fuzzytails them. l.: i9~ t , a u t o l o a d er s like selves. Gray and fox squirrels ar e the varieties usually hunted ' R ~ m i n g t o n .22, t e ~ m e d up as game, and both varieties have (Continued on page 42) with patience and -. ca ll are good for squirrels. tsetore gomg turther in to the disc ussion ot squirrel guns and loads, let us first talk briefly about the fuzzytails them. l.: i9~ t , a u t o l o a d er s like selves. Gray and fox squirrels ar e the varieties usually hunted ' R ~ m i n g t o n .22, t e ~ m e d up as game, and both varieties have (Continued on page 42) with patience and -. ca ll are good for squirrels. By ROBERT V. THOMPSON

HE RI FLEMA rs CHOICE of the best bullet for a T wanted performance ma y depend on tha t bullet's sectional density. The sectional density is the ratio between the bullet's weight and its cross sectional area. This relationship is important to rifleman for thr ee ver y good reasons. If a bullet is to carry out to long range and still have good remaining velocity, and energy, it must have sufficient weight, per caliber, to overcome air resistance. For any given diameter of bullet to resist wind drift, it must also have enough weight to keep from drifting ex• cessively. Dri ft is the cause of many misses, especially at the longer distances. And, when the bullet rea ches its tar get, as in the case of game shoo ting, it must have good penetrat• ing qualities. Th is again calls for weight and velocity, enough to dr ive thr ough bone and muscle and into the vital area. Though same in weight, 110 grain .30 and .270 For a bullet to hold velocity, and energy, resist wind bullets (abo ve) show markedly different shapes. drift, and penetrate deeply, over ordinary hunting ran ges,

bullets (above) show markedly different shapes. eep y, over ordinary hunting ran ges,

Lineup above of popular cartridges shows various bullet load ing, commercial and handloads. From left to right, they are: .222 Rem., 50 gr . pointed soft-point (Remington): .222 Rem., 55 gr. Sierra semi-pointed (handload); .220 Swift, 48 gr. pointed soft-point (Western): .220 Swift, 63 gr. Sierra semi-pointed (handload); .243 W in., 100 gr. pointed soft-point (Western); .244 Rem., 90 gr. pointed soft-point (Remington); .250 Savage, 87-grain pointed soft-po int (Remington): .250 Savage. 100 gr. Hornady soft-point (handload):. 257 Roberts, 100 gr. Silvertip (Winchester); .257 Roberts, 100 gr. Sierra soft-point (hand load): .270 Win., 100 gr. pointed soft-point (Winchester): .270 Win., 110 gr. Sierra soft-point (handload): .308 Win ., 110 gr. pointed soft-point (Western): .308 Win ., 150 gr. Silvertip (Western): .30• 06 Spg fld., 110 gr. Hornady soft-point (handload): .30-06 Spgfld., 150 gr. Silvertip (W ester n): .30-06 Spgfld., 180 grain pointed soft- point Remington Corelokt. The long bullet smallbores may shoot better at long range. it must have good weight in relation to its di ameter. This is wher e sectional density comes in. The greater a bullet weighs, per caliber, the higher is th e ratio between its weight and cross sectional area, or to use the ballistic term, the higher is its sectional density. A .270 caliber bullet will have higher sectional density than a .30 caliber bullet of the same weight. It will also be longer, which explains why man y shooters say th at longer bullets are more efficient. Two bullets of the same weight, hut different calibers, and having the same shape, will react differently. Fired at the same velocity, the small caliber long bullet will shoot flatter, have mor e remaining energy , drift less in the wind and , in genera l, will pene trate deeper . Sectional density is figured mathematically, by dividing the bullet weight, in pounds, by the square of the bullet diameter, in thousandths, or by the formula Wj d2 • This re• quires qui te an amount of figuring, as the bullet weight in grains must be converted to a part of a pound. Then th is weight must be divided by the bullet diameter squared, which is a six decimal place number. The mathematical constants tabulated on page 60 were calculated to eliminate most of this figuring. To find the sectional density of a bullet, use the constant, or figure for that caliber, fr om the table. By multiplyin g this figure by the weight of the bullet in grains, the sectional density is immediately determined. For an example, let's take a .257 bullet weighing 87 gra ins, and figur e the sectional density. From th e table, we find a figure of .00216 for the .257 bullet. Multiply this by 87 gra ins for an answer of .188 (actually 18792 . .• ). (Continued on page 60 )

u e. Multiply this by 87 (Continued on page 60 )

Above are some of the bullets available in commercial loads and handloads for two calibers. Top. left to right: .257 87 gr. Hornady; .257 87 gr. Sierra; .257 100 gr. Sierra; .257 100 gr. Hornady; .257 100 gr. Remington Corelokt; and .257 117 gr. Sierra. At bottom, left to right: .30 I 10 gr. Remington; .30 110 gr. Hornady; .30 125 gr. Sierra; .30 130 gr. Speer hollow-point: .30 150 gr. Sierra; .30 180 gr. Sierra boat.tail; .30 180 gr. Remington Corelokt; and the .30 180 By CHARLENE SHORE Gun OF 'i'.-----.-


Unusual police presentation revolver is fully engraved in good though simple style, was given to high N. Y. shooter.


STANDARD ARM of police is the A .38 Colt. Thi s one is fancy, but wha t else makes it suitable for a " Gun of the Month," usually reserved for the exotic, the unique? First, the gun was pr esented to a police shoo ter win• ning a September, 1925 ma tch, but it was not shipped fr om the factory until two months later! Colt's checked the gun, :#521,821 Army Special, now in the collection of Sig Shore, Skokie, Ill. " Our records sho w thi s weapo n was shipped to Von Lengerke & Antoine, Chicago , on ovember 16, 1925. It left the factory with blue finish and checkered wood stocks . .. We believe it was not engraved at the time. Since the weapon left Colt's in ovemb er of 1925, we are confused as to how it could ha ve been presented to an offi cer in September of 1925." A possible ex• planation is that the gun may have been delivered fr om the VL & A gun. Awarding revolvers to offi cers who owners, Abercrom bie & Fitch, on an excel professionally, as in handgun emergency order to be pr esented at marksman ship, inspires high standards some year's-end testimonial police din• of conduct and skills in the whole ner. The engraver is not known, though department. An engraved pr esentation the work closely resembles Colt " B" . firearm is a dignified way for a corn• grade in style and quality. What makes munity to recognize the merits of . ~ it unusual is that it was a police award its law enfor cement offi cers. ~

32 GUNS DECEMBER 1958 Versions of the 17 Javelina range from W inchester high-wall to sleek Mannlicher-stocked spo rt varm inter.

Sensational 17 Javelina kills chucks. shocks bear up to 200 yards with no risk of ricochet. light report and recoil



AVARlVI Il T shoo ter's "dream ft gun" has focused th e eyes of the gun world on Prescott, Arizona . There, two young gun· ~ 7\ ; - Jy ~ u ~ ill . A-ki,'V'ULth ";!,~{'R a n l .I1 gun" has focused th e eyes of the gun world on Prescott, Arizona. There, two young gun· smiths, Bill Atkinson and Paul Marquart, have completed final tests on a new "wildcat" rifle, which is causing enthusiastic comment wherever gun nut s get together. This rifle is the 17 A 5-shot group from 17 Javelina on half• Ja velina , the smallest centerfire inch bullseye at 100 yards measures .256". sporting rifle made in Ameri ca and , possibly, in the world . This baby .17" caliber rifle represents th e last word in The varmint shoo ter seeks a lightweight rifle firin g a varmint guns. small projectile of high velocity that practically disinte• The tiny .17 Javelin a hurls its 25.grain slug at 3700 grates upon impact, and provides little material to richo• feet per second velocity. It will down all small game at 200 chet. Any tendency to ricochet can be a major disadvan• yards or better. Jackrabbits have been knocked over at 325 tage for a varmint cartridge, particularly in heavily popu. yards. No kick and very little noise make it a prime favorite lated areas . He wants no bellowing report, blasting the ears with th e growing number of varmint hunters. off neighbors and creating unfriendly relations between Riflemen seem to fall roughly into three categories : The himself and the landowner whose fields and woods he must game hunter wants a rifle that is reasonably accurate, con• roam. Bench-rest accur acy, measured in thousandth s of an venient to carry, and delivers a killing punch at game inch, is not essential here, although (Continued on page 54 ) ran ges. He is not overly concerned with such factors as "boom" and shoulder slam . Therefore, he is easier to please ; but he represents the small gro up of shooters. Much more difficult to satisfy is the fast-growing target group which likes to shoot from bench rests, often through 'scopes. They are concerne d primarily with two th ings• extreme accuracy and minimum reco il. The additional quality of mild report is an import ant feature and has helped to lure many gal shooters to join these ranks. Somewhere in between these two groups is the varmint shooter. He has rigid requirements in rifle and cartridge Plate at left shows how ° 17 Javelina cut through %" of which are peculiar !o his t y p ~ ~f sh?o ting, and ar e hardly steel at 50 ya rds. Cratered hole in %" steel plate at right Guns . A m mo. Gu ns _ Ammo -- ,,,. ' ..~:-, -- 'AMERICA'SGREATEST SHOOT E YE OLD HUNTER SEZ: SAAMI: SAMPLES ARE ALL MA« .- UNBELI EVABLE r= ~~ -=- ---=-' T H E ROYAL ENFIELDENF~i~,~::~~~N i Attention Enfield connoisseurs! Th e sm all "THE FINEST RIFLE IN THE WORLD" ~~r~L$~~~~~'-Ji b ras s stock d isc a nd upper stacki ng sw ive l COLLECTORS-Order yourself a complete set of all four basic models listed below-save a w er e re move d by milit ary dir ec tive during fortune ov er what yo u'd pay e lse w he re and h av e the f ine st set of su pe rb rifles e ve r ava ila ble. World W ar II. All four basic rifles for only $ 69.95 when ord er ed as a se t onl y. A collector's fondest hop e.

CAL••303 R ARESTOF ALL F,X!<' IEL DS a re t h es e h ithe rto -unknown e x p e r imen tal No.1 Mk, V's. Produc ed in t h e e arly 30s they combin e flaw le s s b eauty a nd m a gn ifi cent manufactu're to d e light e v e r y E nfi e ld a n d fin e ri fle I o v e r. Previous lv a $100 " Pate r s on" among E nfi e ld s, n ow while limited s u p p'ly lasts No.1 Mk. V ••• $19.95! $10.0:,). A s h oo ter 's d r ea m, w i t h t h e acc u rate receiver sight: THE RIFLE DEVELOPED FOR SUPER ACCURACY!

THE PRIDE OF 'I'H E llR I'I'ISH AR 1I1Y in a ll war s f rom 1900s CAL••303 B oer c a m p a ig n unti l 19 :;0 in K o r ea a r e thes e b eautif u lly m a c h ined t rue orig in al :\l k . III S.M .L.E. r ifl e " . The f amed s tan d - by e ven t oda y of gov e r n m e n ts a ll ove r the wor ld . 10 r d . magazine and .303 cali b e r a mmo a s s u re p erp etua l e n joy • m ent. On ly $14.11:) in p e rfect operating' condition . (Add $1.00 f o r sele c t e d w alnu t s tock if a v a ilab l e ) . Or ig inal long k n if'e b la d e bayon e t o n ly ~ 1.4 :) . L ea ve it t o Y e O ld Hunter t o bring No.1 Mk. III • •. . $14.95! y o u the b e st f or l e s s. Ano ther t op v a l ue t r e m e n d o us b argain. THE RIFLE THAT SAVED THE BRITISH ARMY!

CAL••303 llRI'I'ADI'S DES'l'!H er late st a n d fin est E nfi eld Servic e r ifle, t he 2 3 ;;i:=No. 4, in c o r p ora t in g- a ll iJn pro v e m e n t s a n d changes of 50 y ears of s e rvice r equ ir ements . Xl a.n u fa c t u red as la t e a s 19;;;;! Still s tan dar d i n entire B r iti s h Com m o n w ea lt h a n d m a.n y o t h e r na• ti o n s. Proudly in s e rvic e f r o m B u c k f n gha m P alac e t o K'uala Lumpu r! ! Available n ow f rom Y e Old Hu n t er at only ~1 :).lJ :) w i t h No.4 Service Rifle $15.95! beech stock . (Add ~l. O O for sel ected Englis h w alnu t s t ock if avai lab le. ) Or igin al N o. 4 o n ly ~l. U O w hen ordered w ith ' THE RIFLE THAT WON FAME ON THE AFRICAN DESERT! r ifl e- w o rth easy t wice t he p r ice, b ut y o u r s today at only $15.9:).

THE U L T I IUA T F: I N ENF IF:L D S!! Y e s , y ou m ay h ave see n t h e s e CAL••303 1..i ..s .~ ~ S! . a! ~ v~ E..l §9 •..!? u! J ~m y . ~ ~ !' oj e H u n ter. b rillg;s. th.e__~ ~J!'- ~~ . ~ . O ~ THEU LTIlII A TE IN ENF I F:L DS!! Y e s , you m ay h a v e see n t h e s e CAL••303 lis t ed a t o ver SSO but Jl O W Y e Ol d H u n ter bring s the fam ed .303 JUNGLE CARBI 'E Enfield N O. 5 to you a t a pric e ANYONE can affo r d-·only $24.95! Y e s, it's t rue, a maz in g con d ition J u n g l e Car • bi n e in Cal. .303 r e ady f or in sta nt u s e a s a n id e al l i g h t w ei g h t s p o r t e r ( 7 Ib s .), kit g u n . b ig b ore plinker, o r v a luable c ollec t o r i t e m . Specially d e v el oped i n WW II as a f eatherw ei g ht hard h it• No. 5 Jungle Carbine• • • •$24.95! tin g co m b a t car b in e f o r Dritish J ungle Armies of A si a a n d Africa. THE RIFLE DESIGNED FOR JUNGLE IN-FIGHTING!

"The R il le You C' l1lu o t A tr or,1 -'"0'[' to nU)·." ' V I T H O U'l' D O CB 'l' t h e m ost ALL ENFIELDS ARE IN FINE SERVICEABLE CONDITION! ! shattering r ifle o p por t u n i t y ever t o b efa ll Ame r ican s hoo ters. A n excl u s iv e d e al w it h E ngland p ermits Y e Old Hunter to offer t h ese s u per b I 0 s h o t bolt "...."------"-- ... - - - - - "" . - - 1 actio n Enfield r epeating r ifl es a t f ar less t han the pric e of even a .22 Amer ican · 0 HE RE IT IS ! Leave i t t o Ye Old Hu nter to bring gleami ng perf ect fr esh , s p o rter, They a ll t ake s tan dar d U.S. s p o r t in g .303 Ammo avai la bl e e ver y • ! :::E stock .303 Br it ish ba ll 170 gr . mag nifi cen t issue load s t o you at only 57.5 0 I where. Most m odel s w it h 5- g r . b arr el s ! Never befo r e s uch m a g nific e nt guns I ::::E per 100 ! St ock UP nuw to shoot th ose sensat ional bar ga in Royal Enfields for I a t s uch bargain pric es . G et the Greatest American Gun B arg ain from Y e Old I < al most not hi ng ! Wh y Ilay more elsewher e ! Shi pped Soonest . Or der NOW !, Hunte r ! Truly y ou w i ll n ever again have such an unbe l ievable opportu n ity. I'------. NOW! THE RARE. RARE. RARE ALSO-The Ultra Rare Lee-Met f ord Mk. II 0 892 Model} COLLECTOR'S LEE-ENFIELD Mk. I * SPECIAL !! V e r y limi Led s upp ly of bo t h rnod e ls • CAL••303 CAL••303 On ly $24.95! , t his co u ld be fir st a n d Ja s t off ering.----' L ee -xr D e ve loped during t he B oe r "Va l' fr-o m the L e e -Xle t f'o rd m od e l, t his w as t he It took Ye Old Hunter to find the last of the famous et rorn s of Boe r fir s t E ntt e ld c harge r loa d er, a n d the first of the E nfi e ld;) Groove barrels for ". :1.. 1' fa me. Complete with the unique 9 G roove , late r u sed on rn a n y c o r d ite loa d s. T h is was d ev e lop ed to off-set t h e c lip loa din g M a u se rs u sed J apane se rifles, a n d first of the British 10 Shot bo lt actions. \Vo n d e r fu ll y so devastatingly by the Boers. L a t e r issued t o t .erri to r i a la a nd N a vy, so preserve d , with blueing a .lrn oat inta ct and a ll with W a ln ut stocks, O n ly $ 2-1.95. SM L F~ s co u ld be u sed by ov ersen s troops. Extreme ly w e ll p r eserved, only 819.95. SELECT SWEDISH SERVICE SPECIMENS ACCESSORIES SWEDISW l

MAGNIFICENT SWEDISH M96 MATCH MAUSER-CAL. 6.5MM AM ERICA'S B I G G ES T ARMS H OU SE -AME RICA ' s l L OWESTP RICES ! N O CO N N EC T IONWITH NO OTHER HUNTER N OWHERE-NO H OW! A L EX A N DR IA, ONLY V A •• G UN C APITAL OF AMERICA! $22.50!! Wft h o u t doubt the most carefully built M a u s er ever prod u c ed a r e REGISTERED DEALERS: Write on yo ur the s e n eYer- before-aYa i lable Swed i s h magn i ficent m atch Ma u s e rs. Superbly finished m etal a n d w oodwork. a lo ng with m odern h igh ve loci t y 6.5:\D I c a r t rid ge, and a cc u ra t e 29" b arrel m a k es this t h e b e s t r ifl e buy e ver pl a c ed o n t h e 1.;. S. market. The b argain of a lifetime f OI' t h os e w ho w a n t the v ery fin e s t. SlJecia1 Droclmre'"SWEDISH Sl\IALL ARMS". Historical, i nfo rma.t i ve. F R EE w it h ea c h purchase. ~ • l " Manufa ctu red a t t he ul t ra- m od ern F . N . P la nt iJ' SSS - SERVICE SWEEPSTAKES SPECIAL Belgl u m f or Egyp ti a n e x p o r t , t h is 'fi n e, pre ci s e . ·S• At· ·ft sm oot h - han d lt n g ser n i-aut omati c combines the most FNBI• • e Cjlum eml- U omatlc RI e! m odern production m e thods w ith t h e r'e quir-ementr for r ig o r o u s front line assau lt f u nction ing. VEHY . ' ) GOOD c o n d itio n thro u g h o u t, t ypical F . N. quality, R'SBARGAINS ~,_ _ ITt:·'-·-,7';$ ;; a ll mi ll e d p art s , 23 72" 4 -g r . b b L, a nd standar d 8111 111. &A> .'. c a lib e r p lus t h e ext r'e rn e ly lo w p r ic e o f $69 .5 0, 111a, liT ~ \;tJ~ ~MM ; '~~~ 'k~ ~ e t ~f ~ ~ ! S08 ~ ,~ ~~ t ~:~~~ e~e l ~ ~ l ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~it~~n tI ; ,~ ·· CA L. MAUSER ••• ONLY $69.50 :;NIFICENT INVESTMENTS ... S~ OC l { ~ t ~ m l y $ 7.5 0 p e l' 100 r ounds. .Li m.i ted prod uc - (Collectors: Note ArabIC Egyptian markmgs) t ton : l i m i t ed s upply. A co lIe c to t-t s 111U :st. Order t od ay ! CAL. 30-40 ORIGINAL KRAG Ye Old H unter -illustrat es all weapons by actual wnretouchcd photo graphs so )'Oll call see 110':(1 they REALLY look / INCREDIBLE AMMO BARGAINS ORIGINAL G 33/40 MAUSER CARBINES MINI MUM ORDER 100 ROUNDS, All price s beacw pe r 100 round s. All a m mo mu st be shipped RREXPRESS COLLECT MINIMUM ORDER 100 ROUNDS.S ensa• ti on al New sens a t io nal p r ices! Ord er now a n d save! ONLY $24.95!

At la s t they' re he re! Ye Old H u n t er le ft no stone untu-ned in brin g. in g t o his be lov ed fo llower s the ut tra-desn-abt o x .rasr carbtne-c-yos -t n• de ed ie , this h e r e jam-pr oof g un is th e smoot hest bo lt acti on ca r bin e In th e w or-ld a n d c an be y ou rs fo r the unheard of low prfce of $24 .9 5 . 8 mm Ma us er P eauierwe tenr Ca rb i ncs t Yes. we k no w t h a t it '\ '1I be Th e cava lryma n's m ost d e penda ble fri e nd -some s m e ll o f borsestn a lmost too fa n t astic to belfev o , but a gain, Ye Ol d Hunter has made a sc oo p that w ill benefit a ll d e v o te e s of fi ne rru ns . Or ig in a l G 33/40 8 m m Mau se r re a t he rwctan e c artunes. the joy o f t he Germa n Mountain 6.5MM ••• •... $7.50 T roops. Ve ry li ":l i ~ d supply. Don't lose .ou t on th is mag n ifi ce nt b ar • ORIGINAL U.S. KRAG "LONG TOM" RIFLES H ere it co m e s ! Th e finest 6 .5mm r-Ifle ca r-tr-Id g-e e ver g a i n . Good condtuio n t S u p p ly No t tr n t tm ttcd t Order t od ay and s av e r! developed an d p roduced b y th e e ve r -to v tn ' Sw e d e s t o , s ta n d a rds unsurpassed anywhe r e on t h e ea r th. A r e a l swee d to by any s ta n d a r d s at a GIVEAWAY barcam T r.; :~: d i n , ~ 6~i t1[ a ~~o p ~~ l l ~~ m ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ :s~e i l ~S s e~O ~~ S ~ ~ j M98 COSTA RICAN MAUSERS! 6.5MM ITALIAN IN CLiPS . •••••.. $5.50 CAL••30·40 ••• ONLY $16.95! ~ it P f ~ ~ s ; P i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d o : l l ~~~ l p 6 ag k~ i~ ta~ l~f: t n ~rl~ l~:~ ~lfg~ read y to use in a ll t ho s e I tali a n 6 .5 mm rifles a n d ca r. b ine s . Cheape s t price e v e r off ere d for t h e se m a g n ific en t a p pea r ing ca r tridges. Compon ents alone worth d ouble! 7MM MAUSER lWIN. eTG. CO.). $2.50 Gorg eous ortatn a r Winchester 7mm com merc ial e x po rt a ni m o In 20 rd . box e s ea ch r ound g ua ran teed with r-rn c ke d neck to ena h le t oo t-tess ou n e t p u ut n a nd e ffo rt . NORWAY'S MOUNTAIN MASTERPIECE! le s s salv age. Order this "Pu llin Amm o" sensation today! 7.35 MM ITALIAN IN CLiPS . . .. •• $6.00 ~ i~ ~ : tdt I~ I~ t~t"~~~ n fo ~~ t; t i ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ;~r a~':;,? ed~ 3 t ~~?~~~ { i the cli p s a lone for m or e th a n we sell t he a mmo load ed GERMAN MODEL 98 "BOLTLESS" MAUSERS in th e m, 12 S·g-r. orilZina l issue ball round . . . t h e firs t Original Norwegian Krag of t h e n ew 'short cartrid g e s' and s t UI a m on g the finest. Carbines. Cal. 6.5mm Only $19.95! 7.62MM RUSSIAN RIFLE...... •• . $7.50 ~S;e /~ ~ ~ '~ ~ki~o~ l1;~ r \ ~i~ l g lb I~ ~l ~ ~} ~ rJl~' ~ ~ ~s r ~~ c igg g a ~a ~ G f n g ~ a : K fc: ~~ f,~ Cho ice lot of Ca p tu red Commun ist cartridge s pi cked u p h is \.....ry up Os lo rjorct an d c lo s od a d ea l to benefi t a ll Amer.ican ne a r a ll eg e d Sp u tn ik r ema in s In Ca lifo rn ia by Ye Old s h oo t er s ! OR IG I NAL N OHWEG I AN KR AG CARBIN ES in p erfe ct o pe i-, H lIn.te l'-th e m-e ateat e tobe e -trc ner- o f rte m a ll. 1.")0 Gr . a u n z cond ition for on ly $1 9.9 5 : Th es e rifle s have bee n p r iz ed b y F P Is sue load s . Order now! Do n 't put it off a nother day! Scandin~v ia n s tioo ter-s fOI" zeucrn uons a nd w er e the key s ton e of Norweg fan r e si sta n ce rorccs durin g- worl d w ar I I. N ow Ye Old H unter b r in g'S this mag n ificent Kr ag ca r bi ne to America n shoo te rs a t la s t at .30 CALIBER M1 CARBINE .. ••.. $5.00 world's lowe s t pr ice s . Don't co n fus e t h is w ith cru nrm v No r wegian Ye Old Hu nter le ft no s tone unt u r ned to brin g you th is Kl'ag' 10nK r ifle s w h ich you mn y see e ts ow here. All r ifle s a r e c om p le te gleaming late date amm unition.Manufa ctured in the m id 4 0 ' s , it literally s p urkres as y ou lift th e li d on thes e ~1~~ ,~~g' h te a~ ~ l t~ y ~ ~e o t l ~ nl ~I ; ~ s~~ t p~~ ~ llff.Pb';:( 'l e~or g~a; hai i ht~r :a~1 s ri~ r ~ s h iny bras s ca sos, No furt her ne ed to inq ui r e ; this is o n just cannot la s t !!! Ortnr n a t issue Norwegian Kr-ag- Ammo 6 .5mm o n ly hand with an eager.beaver !crew r ea dy to r us h it off . 5 7.50 pe r 1 0 0 . Ch eapest p rice in U . S.A. ! Ye Ol d H u nter is a ll g a ll ! .30-06 U.S. COMMERCiAL $6.00 S ensational low price o n the se supe r b ly intact d e light_ AUSTRIAN MANNLlCHER POLICE CARBINES! full y mell owed W inche ster 1 5 0 GR FP Bullets. P er• RARE M93 SPANISH LONG RANGE MAUSERS! fectl~ fla w .le!'s ly p re served b rass cases. 20 (I'd. Co m • m ereta ! orl g ll1a l boxe s . Man ufact u r ed in r oarin g 20' s and j oy o.us_. 3 0 ' s. to deli g ht the e xp ensive 5 0 's with the ir u n belie v a ble eco n omy an d di scolor ed h ue s ; Now!!! U.S••30 1.30·40 CALIBER) KRAG .. $5.50 Mauser Only $19 .8~~ Leav e it t o Ye Old H unter to return t r iu m p h an t with 7MM MAUSER .•. ONLY $9.95! tJ:i s, gr~a .t e ~~ la T ~e __rifl9__~ {ltt rhl~ e _h\lor JWl _ il\.-..Arnex t~i\ th e ir u n belie va ble e co n om y an d di scolo r ed h ue s ; Now!!! U.S••30 1.30·40 CALIBER) KRAG .. $5.50 Cal. 8MM Mauser Only $19.88! Le ave it t o Ye Old H unter to return t r iu m p h an t with . CAL. 7MM MAUSER .•. ONLY $9.95! this greate st la r ge rifle cartridg e b a r g-ain in Am erica Y.E. OLD He NT EH co u n ted it the t uck tos t. day o f h is li fe whe n this Fastest in t.he World! t oday . .ne a uurut o rigi n a l Comme rci al U . S . Kra g 220 ~ 1 .ee i .s tW in~ar~ ~. i i~l ~ a f t a~ ~o r~~ ~O I Pst: ~~ unarme d . En jo y the g rea test and c heapest bi g bor e sh oo t in g of loads n-om the world's mo st fa mous factor ie s to s li de YOUI'li fe w ith t his bl oop condi tion Garribald i' s Gr eatest Repeater! No w ! t h r ough t ho se no -torurer-expenstve -to-snoo r 9mm Lu ge r-a Brownings, Ra d om s , Ma us e rs , ~ r w hat -nave-vou. NOW! Ii RARE RUSTY RUSSIAN ROMANOFF RIFLES!! PANCHO VILLA SPECIALS 11MM MAUSER RIFLE "Big 11" $10.00 ~!.1i a Don 't b e t r ap p ed into p ayi ng a fortune e l sewhere fo r CAL . 7MM REMINGTON ROLLING ~ L O C KS this m a g n ifi cent German Ma u ser is sue lo ad. Stan d ard 386 gra in lead bull et m akes ideal sporting load for till""'CAL ••30 (7.62MMJ ••• ONLY $8.95! t h o se o r ig in a l Mod e l 7 1 / 8 4 Mauser ri fle s yo u ' ve b een' st e a li n g of la t e . Am m o a lmost bears B ismark' s fill ger• Ye. C;> ld Hun t er m ad e a cash d eal rc cc ntly in U lan Ba tor for these prints , it's so o ld , but w e h av e never had a misfire o n~ Ill~ 1 r a l'e I'usty R us s ia n Romanoff ri fles which have be en c:l lm in g ONLY 92¢ per lb .!!! to d a te so or der to day w h ile" the g etting's "g ood! Now! ~e vtfih1 n~~I ~~ f g ~' ~ I ~ ~ ? g t a ~ 'id·e ~ a7.tClbe~'a ~\ ~~ ~~ r a~ )tl ~h ~re:I~ ·~dst l~g ~~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ f h th e le

"W E WUZ ROB BED" is th e standard writers who are verbally lambasted for fail• lament around a trap or skeet club ing to give coverage to shooting events. Some when the local sports pages hit th e street of my fellow shooters will be sur prised to aft er an event at the club. Shoot er s feel that learn tha t most sport and outdoor writers larceny has been done becau se their well• ar e not ulcer-rid den, dour, savagely snarl ing staged trap or skeet mat ch rated not mor e charac ters, determined to keep tr ap and than one paragraph on the sport page, and skeet stories from clutt ering up th eir pr eci• that paragra ph is more often than not "out ous pages. They ar e in reality good fellows, in left field" between an account of a tiddly• with th eir own problems to solve. wink s match and an outing of a bird• Aski ng most sports writers to write a story wat cher's club. (This is not to belittle bi rd on a skee t or trap, would be lik e asking the ]f yo u li ke to sho ot a nd have fine hand • watchers and tiddly-winks pla yers, who ar e writer of thi s column to write a story on guns. t hen you'll cer • tainly wan t t o have good fellows, even if they do enjoy a better atom ic energy. And he would approach the one of these delu xe pr ess than shooters.) task with about as much enthusiasm as I Pac b ma yr G un Cases. Racks h old s 4 Or 5 Wh en the paragraph or two reporting the would have for writing th e bit on something gun s w ith space for shoo ting a ccessories shoot does app ear in a newspaper, chances about whi ch I know next to nothing. If you and spot ti ng scope. Keeps guns alwa ys read y for t hat sp ur-o f-the-momen t ar e that some very non-shooting term s will mention skee t to many sports writer s, the trip to you r fav orite ran ge. Cases ca n be lock ed as have been used to describe events in th e guy will wonder wheth er you eat it, bat it, a p recaution a ry sa fe ty m easure. or rugged li ght• weig ht const ructi ons. bea utifully fini sh ed in s im ula ted pro gram . Lik e, for example, th e item in an or kick it. When the same writer is assigned alligator outside, flock lined in sid e. Avail ab le with or wit hou t back door . See your d eal er or wri t e for com. I ndianapolis newspap er crediting Mrs. Edna to cover a major at hleti c event, he will be otero informat ion. given charts covering th e pla yers. ·Those F R E E ! - Send for beautiful ill ustra te d cat al og of Stark with br eaking 196 clay targets from P ach ma yr Gu n Accessori es . . the two-hundred yard lin e. Now, Edna is a charts will tell him the man's age, home PACHMAYR .GU N WORKS, I NC., Dept. G- 12 ri ght good lad y trapshoot er, but, 200 yards is town, weight, height, parent's nam es, ta stes 1220 South Grand Avenue, Los Ang eles 15, California a pr ett y fur piece to break a clay tar get with in girls, and what he had for breakfast, and a shotg un. what the guy thinks about suhjects ranging This little item didn't further th e cause from hopscotch to Freud . If the game is a of tra pshooting in Indianapolis, although I'll prof essional gam e, the play s will probabl y L . ~ ," mJ m ~ ~ E, ~ ! 1. 0 - · - - - 0 --·-----0 .--- ~ - - - ,, - - - - -_ .- P ach mayr Gun Accessories. . the tw o-h~;n d; ~d - -; ~ ;d - l i ~ e . n N ' o ~ , - - E d ~ a -;s--; charts will tell him the man's age, home PACHMAYR .GU N WORKS, I NC., Dept. G -12 ri ght good lad y trapshoot er, but, 200 yards is town , weight, height, parent's nam es, ta stes 1220 Sout h Grand Aven ue, Los Ang eles 15, California a pr ett y fur piece to break a clay target with in girls, and what he had for breakfast, and a shotg un. what the guy thinks about subjec ts ranging This littl e item didn't further the cause from hopscotch to Freud. If the game is a GREAT of trapshoot ing in Indian apolis, although I'll prof essional gam e, the play s will probabl y admit it should have. Had I lived in Indian• be called in advance for him. Does he get GUNS! apolis, I would have present ed myself at this kind of coopera tion from a gun club? the club the very next Sunday, to see this Does he even get invited out to the club to FIRST IN A SERIES OF GUN unu sually fine bit of shotg un marksman ship. burn up a few boxes of shells? Not oft en! KITS THAT ARE DIFFERENT I might even have tri ed to buy the shotgun If a gun club ha s not made sure that the whi ch would shatter clay targets, or any kind local sports staff ha s been introduced to th e This k it co n t a ins all parts t o build of tar get, at a range of 200 yard s. joys of trap and skeet shooting, th at gun a full size, a ll m etal working model Capt ion writers have been known to goof, club should not in good conscience moan and of a graceful Bel gi an si n gle sh ot per• too, when writing head s for shoot ing stori es. groan when the writ er gives them less th an cuss ion pistol. Price on ly $8.95 post• paid. Witness the Ch icago newspaper which credit• a half-page covering the event. Don't expect ed a winn er at the ATA's Grand Ameri can the sports staffer to personally cover your J & E MODELS 1683 Stewart Ave. , New Hyde Park, New York tournament of trapshooting with a sk eet shooting event. Contrary to an opinion gen• championship. erally held, sports-writing jobs ar e not cushy And-the saddest part of thi s tal e is that jobs awarded the publisher's favorite neph • shooting's lou sy pr ess can be lai d smac k dab ew, or son-in-law. Th e sports staffer or out• on th e doorstep of th e gun club s. door wri ter is most ofte n a workin g news• My new job br ings me into close contact pap er man , who carr ies out his editor's as- with man y of the very sports and outdoor (Continued on page 49 )

A Must NEW! for Every $2 . Hunting - fi sh ing - fighting - Throwing - Skinn ing SPECIAL O FFER: Both Fox Calls Plus Hunter - Carving - Bowie's in 5 s izes. These World fam ous knives, 100 % ha ndcrafted from Swedi sh Too l St eel. $2 Instruction Record (78 o r 45 rpm ) ONLT $5 15 mod els, var ious lengths - handle combination s. Surefire un br eakab le BU RNHAM ca ll s teet ur ert In A ug. '56 -Coll ector's pieces today; of leg end ar y fam e tomor• LEE TRUE "The CRiTTERS C o me When CALLED" Burnh a m row. Send 2Sc for descript ion s, prices and inst ruc• C~ "!; lu red u p 121 Fox , 33 Racco o n s, 156 C oyote s. 11 Bob cat, tive booklet . SOc for Fighting knife use manual. 4.. D eer. a nd hu ndreds o f Hawk s and Eaat es on th eir dry run LOADER T ho u san d s 0 1 the se ca ll s I n u se ev ery ..... h·c re l ett ers tell u s ot W. D. RANDALL, Jr., Box 1988 -C Orlando, Fla. amaz ing resll 1ts- " Very first t ime I u sed your cal l i ca ll ed up FOR SHOTGUN SHELLS 5 C o yo l es"-P T C. , Ne w M@)(ico. BURNHAM calls mu sl g iv e L ee Lo ader is a complete s et ACE - Hunting & Target Bullets YOu c lose sho t at above mentio ned ga me o r you r money back! c o nsistin g of po wder & shot Accura t e, Cons istently g ood, Econo mica l. FREE Ca lling Stories a nd bes t m e a.s ur-es, decapper, c appe r , a nd Available in most popular sizes. Lust-A • instruct ions 50 yea rs of call ing in s t r uc ti o n s plu s e xcl us ive Tri- j a.c k p l e A ction Cham - Loy a nd Tuft-A- Loy ets. ex perience can produce. Price l ler 100 (1 IOsfuA"e e x t r n ) $9 95 bel'. Fi ve load com• .224 D ia. 50 Gr. Soft Po in t . . . . . _. . $1. 95 Dealer Inquiries Invited b in ations with the ,, ~ on ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ Com pl et e •• • .j. h 1 f, 1\1M 7 " O r O 'ne n Cen t e r . ~ 20 HANDICRAFT WITHOUT HANDS (Continued from page 21) GENU INE in g waln ut stock and silver ornaments, of winning ho rses at the ra ces ; then after ~~~~~ OR 5TAG was a good adv ertisement. The gunsmith soon developing he'd identi fy the horses and try G RIP 5 had mor e work to do than he needed and to sell pr ints to the own ers. All thi s called was b usy at gunsmithing till hi s death. F el• for a lot of leg-work, for th e man with onl y Im pr ov e t he low-shoo ter E. L. King of Winona, a big one normal leg. This was before the da ys of a ppea ra nce of your Revolver ga me hunter who has often been to Africa, easy tr avel by motor car. But shortly before or Automa ti c carried rifles which his rifle teammat e Hal• World War I he becam e int er ested in re• w i t h a new vorso n had mad e for him . As his fam e spread pairing guns, found in th e degr ee of fine pa ir of Se• lect ed Grip s in P la in Elephan t among th ose who ca n afford th e best in gun handwork required th e most satisfying chal• Ivory. P earl or Genuine Natural, Un brea ka ble Stag . cra ftsmanship, other sports me n obtained len ge of his handless worl d. Per Pa ir Pea rl or . COLT St ag Ivory Halvorson guns. Berwyn, Illinois, sportsma n If a gun in the nei ghborhood needed reo Blsley $ 9.00 $ 17 .00" Robert Hess has sixteen rifles built for him pair ing, he'd repair it. He ada pted existing SIngle Action Army ...... 7 .00 16 00 Single Action Sco ut ...... 7.5 0 17 :00 in the seven years since he has kn own Hal• guns to his own abilities. Trigger s would be ~ ew Ser vic!, 6.75 15.00 vorson; used to fly up to the gunsmith' s shop fitted with large chec ke re d kn obs; operating rm y SpeCIal 6.7 5 900 Official Pol ice 6 .2 5 9·00 fr om Chicago. bandIes and slides wer e exte nded into hooks Pol ice Posi t ive N.M 5.2 5 7 :7 5 eas ily snapped ba ck by Halvorson's forearm. Banker s or Detective Specia l 5.2 5 7 75 A typical d ay at Edwin's shop, clutt ered Police Posit ive O.M 4 .50 6:50 with th at orde rly liuer whi ch marks man y Restocking military ri fles into sporters and Pocket Positive 3.50 4 .50 fittin g chokes or crowning barrels was every• .22 Woodsman, old mod e l . 6.2 5 15.00 gunsmith's shops, where everything seems in .4 5 Auto. Covernment 6.25 15 .00 a mess but actually everything is easily 10· da y work to th e Minnesota craft sman. He .38 Sup er .22 Ac e 6 .25 15.00 cated, would find severa l sportsmen arr iving spent hours in meti culou sly cbeekering th e .32 or .380 Auto 4.50 7.50 p istol grip s of r ifles which he co uld not .25 Pocket Auto...... 3.5 0 4.50 from several h undred miles away. Most SMITH Cr WESSON drove by auto. All would have on e or several gras p. Like the fr onti er gunsmitbs of his Ma gnum Style Crips boyhoo d days, he inlaid il ver stars and .3 57, 1905, 1908 9 .00 17 .00':' guns to be repaired, stock pitch changed, K.22,K.38, new mod el 9.00 17 .00 che cke re d or ju st generally overha uled. animals on the stocks. Onl y in carving was Chief Speci al . H.E. Cu n . . . 9.00 12.00 he lacking- never ma ster ing the probl em of Kit Cun ISq. Butt ) . . . . 9 .0 0 15 .50 Ma ny new guns were rem ad e to fit customer's St andard Style Cr ips sizes and per sonal iti es by Hal vorson. Ma ny grasping cbisels a nd wood cutti ng tool s, he Regul ation Pol ice , 8. 00 11 .50 was content to let his friend s, J oseph Schein• .44, .4 5 Mod e l 1917, 1908 6. 00 9.00 would br ing in old guns no lon ger repair• K.2 2 ,. 38 Sq. Butt, 1905 O.M . 5.5 0 8.00 ab le, and the gunsmith with out hands would hergher or Ar t J ohn son, both of LaCrosse, 1902 rd . bu tt Kit Cu n Wiscon sin, decorate his gun stoc ks with fly• Sq. Butt 5.00 7 .00 shape th e deli cat e lock parts fr om steel a nd Chief Spec ., Kit Cun rep air th em. The gre a test chall enge to H al• ing geese or squirrels. Rd. Butt ...... 4 .25 5. 25 vorson was a real gun crank who wanted a The big ru sh for Edwin in gunsmitbing .32 H.E., 38 T.B 3. 50 4 .5 0 came durin g World War I, when new guns .32 N.D., .38 N.D 3.50 4 .50 wild cat, some thing spec ial an d not r eadil y REMINCTON Derrin ger 3.5 0 4 .50 were unobtainable. Th en the man who th e obta inable. To satisfy th e most discerning RUCER Sin gle Six 7.0 0 16.00 gun fan was always a test for Hal vorson's doctors cla ssified as unfit for service ju st by Ruger Bear cat* 7 .00 16.00 18 .00 in genuit y. Some of his per sonal ri fles and look ing at him, work ed long hours at gun• Ruge r Automatic 11 .00 smithing more detailed and difficult than an y +Not An ila ble In Pearl. shotguns prove he has spe nt hi s life in meet• o Y ~ro 1~~ri urGe~~Y~ ePt p:a e~li .Y er: or; ean c::r~a~n G~ti op Cs~ in g that cha llenge. Man y show alt era tions ordnaneemen had to accomplisb. He was ->- swamped with work, alw ays risin g a littl e G RI PS WI L L FI T YOU R GU N as th ey were made allowing hi m to opera te their mechani sms an d fi tt ed f or st andar d fact ory fr ames. earl ier in the morning, workin g a little lat er with his arm -stu mp s. Sold by Dealers. Gu nsm it hs o r Direct at nigh t, to get the job done. He li ved as an exper t gunsmith, one of t he Th e story of Ed win Hal vor son the zun• SEND 25c FOR BIG NEW CATALOG ~ ro ~ e s p~ ~ t m ~ et . smu m ng more detar led and ditn cult than-any shotg·uns he ha's his li fe i,; 1 ~ ~ s ~ r G e~ ~ Y~ e P tp : a e ~li . v e r : o r ; e a n t : r ~ a~ n G~t i o:s~ in g tha t challenge . Ma ny show alterations ordnaneemen had to accomplish. He was + ov:ro swamped with work, always rising a little GRIPSW ILL FI T YOUR GU N as th ey were mad e allo wing him to operate their mech ani sms and fitt ed for standard factory fra mes. earl ier in th e morning, working a little later with hi s arm- stumps, Sold by Dealers. Gunsm it hs or Direct at night , to get the job done. He lived as an expert gunsmith, one of th e Th e story of Edw in Ha lvorson the gun• SEND 25c FOR BIG NEW CATALOG r ar e br eed who co uld reall y r ep air a br oken smith is remarkab le, but the stor y of Ed win gun, restock from th e blank an old percus• FRANK MITTERMEIER CunSuppli smes ith Ha lvorson the man is an inspira tion, His sion double shotgun, or completely r emodel Esta bli shed 1936 devotio n to hi s wife and litt le da urrhter the some militar y rifle so th at as a spor ter it 3577 E. Tr emont Av e . New York 65 , N. Y. ma terial succe ss and estee m of his friend s r ivaled th e best of mod ern gunmaking. Be and customers, his affection for his par ents wa s born without hands, but as he grew up while they lived was exempla ry. Some years he devel oped plentv of apprecia tion for th e bac k, while his mot her was still alive but faculties he bad. Without becoming a " morn• qu ite old, a New York radi o show, th e 30 MGMOUNTS rna's boy," Halvorson was blessed wi th a " Ho bby Lobby," wanted Ed win to make a Excell ent to n e\\"- com pl ete wi th moth er who, wit h the wisdom of t he age s, personal appear an ce on their pr ogram. Th ey cradle-2 packed to box . . . $37.50 accepted her li ttle boy as he was, physicall y offere d to fly him to ew York a nd back . handicapp ed, witb no cursing of fa te th at it The gunsmith was willing to go but his 60mm Moun ts a n d bases. had been ·otherwise. In such a health y, mot her , who th ought flyin g was for th e bird s, E xcellent to n ew . E a ch . . . . $1 1.5 0 matter-of-Ia ct atmosphe re, it never occurr ed began to worry about the tri p. Out of respect to young Edwin to despair. He had no for her, Ed win cance lle d the appearance . 50 Bl\IG Spade Grips- n ew .. $5 .00 ha nds, his lef t foot was twisted, but de• P erhaps he did not realize the val ue of velo ping as a norm al person in spite of these F.O.B. C. publicity. But he was not one to trade on All Prices Sumter, S. han di ca ps was hi s natu ral cour se. Learning what he did not have, but onl y on wha t he to do thi ngs without han ds t bat people with t e r-, had- a great skill for gunsmithing develop ed Charles \ V. L cavc lt, S u m S. C. ha nds ofte n find d iffi cult was no pu shover. in spite of the imp ossible hard ship of not li e becam e ade pt beca use he applied hi msel f havin g hands. It took the man to ~ so wholehear tedly, never holding back with Thrills (ome Fas t When y ~ ma ke the gunsmith und er those odds. ~ anyth ing. As a result , since he was a child, CAll FOXES, COYOTES l Ialvorson had been doin g things withou t ~ . hands bett er th an most folks do with hand s. R£lOAD~~~~ AMD DIME ' PRfDU D' GA ME __... JIe figured out " bes t ways to do things." In ,'. WITH FAMOUS \Zq...... SAVE SO% ~ ' CA LL ~ school he sha ped a metal wri st band , in ~ V PIED PIPER ... ,," .: , ,;,. •.""•• which be fasten ed a pencil, and so wrote as I m ~ ~ : : ; n ~" : ~ ~ I ~ " ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I ~ ~ ; , ~ ..b ~ i n~l .' ~ m b ; ~ ~ ; : ,, ~ e ~ :;.,: '; t ~:' :~ ~ e :~~o:~ ~: :~ do....~ 7 1~ d {o>el. ,oyote,. bobe . " .n d "ol"u. Ell,,· -e well and as eas ily as his classmat es. From .. mil. dilt.",., "OIls d ~ y 0' "iq ht _ ~ ny Ie " on! PROVED IN ALL PARTS O F U. S, Uluolly b" n'l' tbe tim e he was a little lad, Edwin was 9""'" ..,t hin ,hol qun , ~ nq t! GET IN ON 'rHE FUN NO W! O ,de' ~ PIED always sea rc hing for some form of rnechani• PIPER Iro'" th;, ..d, Ilotl eni"11n\l IIIC'linq ~ w " " cal expres sion. in you, lo"o,it e 10,,1., II rhoul. nd, of "t he, PRIMER POCKET CLEANER ...... Ip c, h m. n Me do inq...... Hi s first inter est was photo graphy. Man y ~ ~ r ~~ t~ ~ ~~k~t s sc 1~ i 'it ~ :: . ~ ~~~~ o ~ o n ly Sl'hx,. ~ l :~ ; ~ ~ ¥: :~ : ~ l : ! ;:~ ; t ~ l : : ;f; : ~ ~ : :~ (f; ~ i; · : ~ : ; ; : ~: . : local farms have lar ge panorami c views of h and-driven chuck. Or ca n b e B o o~ l et Pn. R e s. Ad d manually oper a t ed . Fin e steel e. 1! " "'1 to bl" .., limp!. to Ult. <;1 .., ; MIrUC" O'" " How -To-Ca ll" ~ 01" Sa le s Ta x· . uppl'ed. O nly S2'15polt p., d. Phono ,.co,d , $ 1.50. O RDER TO~ th eir farm stead done by Edwin. He made DE AL ERS & Wire bru sh. with m etal sleeve . J OBBER S On ly $ 1 .00 P pd. S p ecify whether some of his own ph otograp hic eouinment. In TN OlfTRTF.S for rarze or smett primer s. •. 2E 2E "I ~ =\' ':.:i::'::' IT AIN'T THE RIFLE-IT'S YOU! lNHY (Continued from page 26) -GUESS? countless thousands of shots th at miss or or ano ther, spending 99 per cent of your 10 fR This gauge t ells you wound game every hunting season : either he time earn ing a living and may be only two a t a glance- did n't know how to shoot, or he was too or three days a year in th e woods. Unless * Caliber excited to kn ow where he was shooting---or ta rge t shooting is your spare-time sport, * l\fillimeter both. P robably both . It's not the gu ns that you'r e not exactly a Dead-eye Dick with a * Shot Gauge cause those misses; it's the shooters. rifle. And even if you're an Expe rt rifleman, Cali be r s on one si de, milli• I've got a stock answer to th e question , seeing big game close up is not an everyday m eter a n d gauges on "What' s your favorite all-a round ri fle?" It's experience. You need, first, to know how well other side. the rifle I ha ve in my hands when I see th e you can shoot with the rifle you'r e going to Made of soli d Brass w ith game. An d when somebody asks me, " Will use in the woods. You nee d, second, to find P lastic carrying case . a such-and-such-caliber rifle kill a seven- out how your shooting skill is going to be D,.,· it :It ) ·our ll~·:l rt" st denler. ONLY $1.00 rin ged wampus acro ss a wide canyon ?" my affected by hunting exc itement-by what Dealer Inquiries Invited answer is, "Sure, if you can shoot it well hun ters call "buck fever." enough." And if you can't shoot it, a .600 Th e first is easy. I don't say th at a box B & G GAUGE CO. H & H double won't kill a rab bit. of cartridges and a couple of hour s target 2017 ROSCOE ST REET If you' re the Mr. Average we mentioned a practice will make you a marksman ; but it CH ICAGO, ILLINOIS whil e ago, you're a bu siness man of one sort will at least make you a little more familiar with th e gun, and it will show you how good (or bad ) you are and th ereby enable you to SCHULTZ MODEL60 resolve not to shoot except within th e ra nge & 7x61 S&H of your ability .. . But th at isn' t going to LARSEN help much if you go hog-wild at th e sight of II game and forget all you've learned and all has terrific power - weighs only 8 Ibs!!" you've resolved and start pumping lead all Andy Russell-Outdoor Life over th e land scape! Mak e, and keep, an• other resolution: th at you won't shoot until you've fai rly weighed your own excitement and ca n control it. Every hunter tells the cla ssic story abo ut the tenderfoo t who pointed his rifle in the BEST BUY ON THE MARKET TODAY ••• general direction of the first buck he saw• A com pletely new dep a rture in bolt a ction rifles • • • four locking lugs and pumped seven fat, u nfired cartridges ..• shartest bolt travel . . . hinged floorplate on ma gazine permits loa d ing fr om bo tto m. through the action without once r emember• Chambered only for the powerful 7 x 6 1 Sharpe & Ha rt Ca rtridg e. The new hu nting rifle ing to pull the tr igger. Most of us, in fact, that hunters in-the-know use and recommend: ONE MODEL - ONE CALIBER - O NE LOW insist that we were there when it happened. PRICE- ONLY $1 60.00. As a matter of fact, it probably did happen, BALLI ST ICS OF THE NO RM A 7 x 6 1 SH ARPE & HARTCARTRI DGE. T he N orma l oa d to our specifications is now s o ld exctu stvetv throu g h Sharpe & H art As sociates dea le rs in t he U.S., Canada a nd Alaska . P r im ers and more than once. That's bu ck fever. And ru-e o r t he Am erica n type and are non-corros tv e an d n on -m crcurtc. 16 0 · g l';\ ln pointed sore-po in t boattail b u llet at a muzxte v e locity of 3 10 0 r. s , The pow d e r charge i s 60.5 grains of N o r-run Sp e ci a l ii 10 4 powder . we all ha ve it . developing an 3 VCI"age p re s s u re o f 5 1. 7 30 pou nds. Data be low comes fr om N o r m a Ba llistics Laboratory. I'll not soon forget a certain regal bu ck I _ALY.DU _flJ _ .. _, . _ . ." _ ,._ .. _. . _. • •• _ . _.. _. ...__ .. _.. DQ.N' T _I. ] "A ~' o..v tl ;: \:,0 ...... v .., v ...." ~ \ ..' u. , that hunte rs in-the-know use and recommend : ONE MODEL - ONE CALIBER - ONE LOW insist that we were th ere wh en it happ ened. PRICE- ONLY $1 60.00. As a matter of fact, it pr obabl y did happen, B ALLIST IC S OF T HE NORMA 7 x 6 1 S H ARP E & HART CART R I DGE . Th e No rma loa d t o ou r speci fications Is now so ld e xclusively t hrou gh Sharpe & Hart As soc iate s d eale r s in the U . S., Canada and A la ska. Primers and more than once. That's buck fever. And ru-e of th e American type and arc no n ..corrosive and non -m e rcuri c, l 6 0- grain p ointed scrt- po tn t b oa t ta il bullet a t a muzzle v el o ci ty of 3 100 r.s. T h e powder c ha rge is 60,5 g r a in s o f Norma S p e ci a l ii 104 p owde r , we all have it. develop ing a n aver-age prc s suro o f 5 1. 7 30 pound s. Da ta be low co mes fr o m N o r ma Ballistics Laboratory. I'll not soon forget a certain regal buck I AT YOUR DON' T DEALERS Muzzle 100 y d s . 200 yd s. 300 yds. 4 0 0 yd s. 500 y ds. 6 0 0 y d s . M ISSOUT had und er my sights on one memorabl e oc• OR Ve locity 3 100 2 9 2 7 2 757 2 5 9 5 2433 2278 2 139 ON TH IS E nerg y 3 4 10 3 0 4 0 2 7')0 2 385 2104 1 8 4 5 1 6 115 casion. He was a real prize; a six- or twelve• ORD ER 'I' ra j ec to rv x a 1. 5 4 .3 8.7 1 4 .9 23.2 BEST DIRECT! BUY! pointer, depending on wheth er you count 'em on one side or both; a big beast, fat and heavy. It was one of those shots you dr eam of : a standing target, not more than 25 yar ds THE SHARPE & HART ASSOCIATES, INC. t hrough a sligh t morning fog. I took my _ EMMITSBURG E! MARYLAND shot and saw his head swing toward me. I fired again , and he pointed himself for take- off. A th ird shot, and he was off lik e a scared goose. It took me a long tim e to Get BOYT - A merica 's Finest convince myself tha t all th ree shots were clean misses. Th at's a tim e when I, too, was read y to GUN CASES blame the rifle. Back at camp, Jack Blower, Q ualit y a ll th rough t he line ••• from Slip-On to Sup er De Luxe an old meat -hunt er for the railroad construc• CC -Ol l - Ve ry light, wa• tion ga ngs, took that same rifle and dr ove a terproof plastic guncover nail with one shot, at over thirty feet . He for field use. Can be folded and slipped into said, "The gun's all right. You had your pocket; handy slip-o n pro• sights full of antlers instead of meat." tection whe n a showe r or wet snow squall comes I kno w, now, what J ack meant. I was so UP. Scope pattern avail• impressed with the size and beaut y of that able. buck that I held high above him. Down in CC-092 - Fu ll - carved leather. A perfect gitt• the Georgia woods, years later, I showed a or club trophy. Mr. Averag e where his three loa ds of b uck• Write for literature ••• b ut buy from your dealer! shot, aimed at a medium-sized whi tetail, had THE BOYT COMPANY scored the brush at least six feet above DEPT. G DES MOINES, IOWA gro und level. Th e man got red, but he gave me an honest answer. He said, "He looked th at big to me! " I kn ew ju st what he meant. If you miss, it ain't th e rifle ; it 's you. Get Tops in Handgun Accuracy with After all, a .22 will kill a grizzly, if you hit Cu t out t h oxe un a ccou n table flyer --use bu ll ets jack• him right. And most of the commonly ac• e ted , s waged , a n d extruded in o ne q u ick, s i m p l e o p e l' • atio n. Ext r us ion of excess lead pos itively ins ures th e BAHLER credited big game calibers fall into one of

'n n i f o r m 'w e i e- I t t n n d den s t r v o f Ivn l l c t p .o;:.o;:p n t i :l l to t on n ...... ,.u,a~."I~ +...r n r- ~ t&>lT n r ;pc: · TrI11it!:llTV "l.. U P ~nnn Q. ( Q. llrh ~ Q k ill th e tough est of all game, man- or ri fles And if you do these th ings, you won't be lik e the .270, the .300 Savage, the .300 H & H such a bad hunter. Oh, th e guides and th e Mag num , the .280 Ross , the .348 Winchester, salty old-timers may chuckle a littl e at your and man y others, on whic h th e ma kers have bri ght new gear and your city pallor, bu t spent million s in research and development they' ll respect you a lot more th an th ey will to produce an ideal tool for a particular job. th e guy who spra ys lead and damns his rifle. Barr ing such thi ngs as improper sight ad just• You'Il like yours elf bett er, too, whe n th e ment (and you should check that on ta rge ts hunt is over. You may even bring ~ before you go huntin g) and the rare (one in home a trophy! ~ a milli on ) mecha nical "lemon" that can slip through even careful factory in spection, the • J asper , Albe rta . A blac k bear chased and rifle will do th e job for whic h it's intended. grabbed seven-year-old Barbara Coates only Ii-and it' s a big if-you do your job in a few feet fr om th e safety of her cottage point ing it. door. Confu sed by the screams of Mrs. Coate s If you insist on seeing it in print or on and the appro ach of three other young girls, ma thema tical evidence, get out a balli stics the bear dropped the mauled and dyin g child table and compare th e nin e cal ibe rs men• and swung to charge again. A further tr agedy tioned in the pre ceding paragraph. Compare was averted by a single shot fr om a .30-06 them for bull et weight, veloc ity, energy, mid• ri fle in the hands of a neighb or, killing th e ra nge trajectory, striking energy at 100 yards, bear. at 200, at 500, or wha tever. You can learn a lot from these figures, some of it sur prising. YouIl learn , for example, th at there is onl y .2 of an inch of overall difference in the mid • ran ge tra jectory height of these nine b ullets at 100 yards. And if you have don e that pr e• liminary tar get prac tice you will kn ow that, 8.S.A. MARTINI INTE RNATIONAL .22 CALI • at 100 yards (which is as far as you, or most BER TARGET RIFLE, FOR THE RIGHT HAND of us, should ever shoot-and then only at OR LEFT HAND SHOOTER $150.00 the best of tar gets!) - .2 of an inch is an infinitesimal fra ction of your own gro uping RUCER SINCLE SIX ...... •. .... •. . $63.2 5 S & W .38 CHIE F SPECIAL A. W ...... • • . .$66.00 ability. If you can lay five shots in as-inch HICH STANDARD SUPERMATIC TROPHY $1 10.00 circle at 100 yards, even fro m rest, you'r e HICH STANDARD SPORT KINC $46. 50 not :\1r. Average at all ; you're pra ctically an lOX RIFLE COATS ...... •...... •...... $20.00 expert ! $7.50 MARLIN 336 SERIES $79. 95 I'v e used pra cti cally every common caliber S & W 44 MACNUM ...... •...•...... $140.00 mad e since 1894. With them, I've killed black S & W HAND CUFFS s 12.00 and grizzly bear, Mountain shee p, goat , mul e WINCHESTER Mode l 88 C Rifle .243 or .3 58 Cal $ 13 5.5 0 Freeland Car Window Support WINCHESTER Mod el 70, asst . caliber s $ 129.95 deer, white tail, moose, elk, antelop e, couga rs, with Scop e Hold er s ...$14.95 wolves, coyotes, ant elop e-not to mentio n WINCHESTER St and ard 52 .22 Caliber rif le $ 11 5.95 WINCHESTER Hea vy Barr ell ed 52 .22 Cali ber rif le $ 129.95 ra bbits, squirrels, and assorted var mints. WINCHESTER Sport er Mod el 52 .22 Ca liber $ 176.9 5 I' ve never found a gun that would n' t kill, Marlin 39A or 39A Mount ie rif le $ 74.9 5 if I held it pr operly. REMINCTON 513TR $ 80. 90 I don 't reco mmend it, but I know an Rem ington Mode l 72 1A .30-06 or .270 $ 95.25 __ " _ • .::l WINCHESTER' Mod el 7 0 : a ; s t ~ caliber.- : $129.95 deer, white tail, moose, elk, antelop e, couga rs, with Scop e Hold er s ...$14.95 wolves, coyotes, ant elop e-not to mentio n ,,,.,,., cr-'''''" WINCHESTER St and ar d 52 .22 Caliber rif le $ 11 5.95 WINCHESTER Hea vy Barr ell ed 52 .22 Cali ber rif le $ 129.95 ra bbits, squirrels, and assorted var mints. WINCHESTER Sport er Mod el 52 .22 Ca liber $ 176.9 5 I' ve never found a gun that would n' t kill, Marlin 39A or 39A Moun t ie rif le $ 74.9 5 if I held it pr operly. REMINCTON 513TR $ 80. 90 I don 't reco mmend it, but I know an Rem ington Mode l 72 1A .30-06 or .270 $ 95.25 Indian guide who has killed several grizzlies, Remington 72 2 .244 and .222 Cali ber. Standa rd $ 95 .2 5 un counted deer, elk, moose, coyotes, and Rem ington Mode1 40 -S1 St and ard .22 t arget rifle $ 152.75 mor e grouse than you ever saw, with a .22 Star " F" Pistol-22LR $ 4 1. 15 rifle. He doesn't leave wounded animals in Lyman Adjust ab le Chok e ...... •...... $ 22 .75 FREELAND TRIPOD in Black, Lyman 310 Too l co mpl et e 1 ca liber $ 16.50 th e woods, either. You see, he has spent 65 Cray or Forest Creen .. $ 14.95 FREELAND BIPOD ... .$17.50 Lyman EZY·Loader $ 35.00, Rifle Dies $ 17.00 years in th e bi g game country. He can see Mer it Mas ter Disc $ 6 .00 'em with hi s na ked eye better th an I can with C&H, PACIF IC, RCBS re loading dies, set $ 13.50 binoculars; he can move on dr y leaves or Pointer Pistol Crips $ 4.00 & $ 7.00 crus ty snow so silently you can't hear him ; Lym an Bullet Cast ing Set $ 37 .50 he can stalk within 20 feet of an an imal that Micro Pistol Sights ...... • ... . $ 11.50 & $ 15.00 would spook from me at 50 yards; and- he Balscope, Sr. Scop e $1 15.00 can shoot. Animals don't excite him; they're Pacific Big "c" Tool for 1 ca liber $ 68. 80 RCBS Uniflow Pow der Mea su re $ 19.95 his everyday acquaintances . He's a hunter. Forst er Cas e Trim mer $ 14.25 You can' t hunt lik e that, nor can 1. I don't Redding Powder & Bullet Sca le $ 14.00 say that you should try . I do say that you Trigger sho e, me nti on gun $ 2.50 can, and should, learn a little something BINOCULARS, SHOOTINC CLASSES, ALL SCOPES & MOUNTS about your rifle and your ab ility with it before you point it at a game animal; and HORNADY • NORMA · SIERRA that you should apply th e same sort of PERFECAST and SPEER BULLETS judgment to your hunting that you'd apply to a min or business decision. You wouldn't FREELAND ORANGE LEATHER HOLSTER-RUG, mak e th at dec ision while your heart was for Hammerli, and High-Standard guns with pumping and your nerves jumping under the 10" barrels, etc $9.50 stress of some sudden exciteme nt. Don't Complete Supplier to the : Re loader, Hand shoot th en, either. Lik e as not, th e game will wait until you cool off a little-and if you Gunner, Target Shooter, Full Gun Accessories realize your condition and put your mind on Discount to Established Dealers it, you can cool off pr etty qu ickly. If he doesn't wait - well, you saw him; what's to OFFICIAL POLY CHOKE INSTALLERS prevent your seeing another? Don't be ashame d of buck fever. If I had **WRITE FOR FR EELAND PAM PHLET** a dollar for every covey of qu ail I' ve flushed I would n't be ri ch but I'd be richer- yet a covey rise never fa ils to send the adrenalin FREELAND SCOPE STANDS, INC.

_n =__ ... 1 ~ .. _ .. _ 1 ~ ~~ •. ~ •. ~ ...... ~ ': ~ _ ~ l: ...... ~~. DOVES DEFLATE YOUR EGO (Continued from page 19) expect to find nothing but sage -hens or admitted my compan ion. He walk ed over, antelope. picked his bird up and head ed for home. Thi s wide distribution is another reason As far as I kn ow, he's never been dove for the dove's popularity. However, in some hunting since. Unfortunat ely, from th e states he's still protected, and alm ost every dove's viewpoint an yway, most nimrods don't year there ar e fresh attemp ts to pla ce them tak e th eir misses so seriously. If they did, on the no-shooting list in other states. Dur• th ere wouldn't be many dove hunt er s ! ing the springtime they sit around cooing Because the mourners are fired at under in the orchard s and app earing very inno cen t ju st about every condition and positi on p os• cr, perhaps, peck gravel in your backyard. sible, no matter what type of gun a hunter Th ese friendly gestures have fostered much claims is tops, others will give him a hassle of the "whoop and holler" against dove ab out his choice. Most of my work is pa ss hunting. Despit e the many charming quali• shooting on high fliers coming in to feed. ties of the mourn ers, they're A·l gam e bird s. For th is action 1 definit ely fa vor th e same Wh en a touch of chill creeps into the gun I use for ducks- a full -choke with 30· September night s, the doves gather in great inch barrels. Fe d 7112 shot, th e pattern flocks aro und choice feeding ground s. Th ey spreads out effectively at ju st about the seem to shed their fri endly cloak auto• 25 or 30 yard range that 1 want it to. No matically and grow as spooky as any of th e matter what kind of scatterg un you select, "White Line" Recoil Pads scattergunner's favorites. I' ve been around you can probably learn something by firing U n iq ue d esi gn offers g rad ua l restatance t o fields where the shooting was hot and hea vy r e co il , i nstea.d of "j'n us h y" c us h io n i ng o r various-sized shot at different ran ges and abrupt "bottoming." 'I'be re is a rnodel for for several days. Th en th e war y doves would studying th e resulting pattern s. e ve ry purpose, w h e t h er ri fle or sho tgu n . F'o r qua lity. lo n g life a nd unexcell ed s hooting come saili ng over th e rin g of eager hunters I've shot these birds in stubble field s grown com rort . In ais t o n " 'Vhit e L in e" Recoil Pads. high as any gun-shy honk ers. Right over D e l ux e (shown) $3.75 over with tan gles of tarweed or thi stles where the middl e of the open fields, the doves you jumped your doves at short range. A would pitch straight down and begin feeding. quail barrel would fill th e bill nicely in such I' ve found that almost an ybody who can cover, but if you don't own two guns or have Deluxe Slip• drop doves with fair regularity will hold a doubl e, the full- choke will still do. You On Recoil their own in most types of wing shooting. j ust have to learn to hold your horses until Absorber On tacklin g geese or ph easants, 1 have run the birds get out there 30 or 40 yards. E a s il y s li p s on t o any up strings that mad e me think 1 was prett y At wat er-hol es the gunner bumps into still s hotgun or r ifle. "Pro• good. Th en, when next year's dove season a different proposition. Here, when th e flight s gress ive A ction" absor bs shoc k . ' Vill g i ve years of would roll around, my ego would get reall y get und erway, you can find ju st about service. Only $ 2. 00 kno cked for a loop. . any type of shot known and a few new ones Not too many years ago 1 met a fellow th e mourning doves have invented themselves. who was really a fine pheasant shot. He Many wat er-hole shooters choose a double was pr etty cocky about his ability on ring• with a full-chok e tube and an improved necks, hu t never tri ed an ything else. One cylinder for th e closer chances . sizzling Septemher aftern oon 1 finall y talked 1 don't think mu ch of dove hunting with him into a dove shoot. 1 picked out a stub- shotguns bored for close-range skeet work, "I 01 "too "many- years ago 1 mel a reuow the mourning doves have invented themselves. who was reall y a fine pheasant shot. He Many wat er-hole shoote rs choose a doubl e was pr etty cocky about his ability on ring• with a full-chok e tube and an improved necks, but never tri ed anything else. One cylinde r for th e closer chances. sizzling September afternoon 1 finall y talked 1 don't think mu ch of dove hunting with him int o a dove shoot. 1 picked out a stub• shotguns hored for close-ran ge skeet work , MERSHON ble field where 1 knew th e speedsters were although there is no doubt th ey would give working. you th e big gest pattern s at extremely close Sure Grip Shell Packs We each mad e ourselves comfortable on range. Doves are fra gile and rather easily ' ViII safe ly a nd convenie n tly carry y our car t r idges wi t h o u t dama g e or los s. A model a knoll at the edge of the field. Th e doves kill ed, but .you get too.. many tempting fo r m o st ca r t r id g e s. She ll s won't s t ick when were restin g in the oaks on a ridge behind re m o ved. F its on a ny b elt up to 2" w ide. chances at extre me ranges. Dusted birds O n ly $2.50 us. 1 kn ew when they came twi stin g through don't survive very often, and no nimrod the trees at our backs we weren't going to t ~ lik es to lose cripples. have any picnic. Late in the aftern oon the Your attitude towards dove hunting has streamlined birds began moving into th e a lot to do with your choice of arms. 1 wheat field. A loner came whi stling over the ha ve a fri end who uses nothing but a .410. oaks behi nd my partner. He bla sted awa y Th e weight of hi s bag means n othing to MERSHON with both barrels of his neat double. The him. He enjoys getting away fr om the city dove never even swerved. . in whi ch he work s. Th e smells and sights of "10 Point" Gr ips Th e next hour was broken by blasts of Fits a ll rn od e r n Colts and S & W th e early fall fields ar e enough reward for R e vo fv e r-s a nd pis tols. E asily in• his 16 gauge followed by blasts alm ost him. A crac k shot, every dove he centers in s tal l ed w ithou t c hanging o r m a.rr-l ng- gun . equally as loud of cuss word s. My in• Impro ves s hoot in g accuracy. Pr-e venta gun th e smalle r pattern s add s that much extra f )00 111 s li p p i n g if h a nds a r e m o tar or w e t. Can experienced companion simply wasn't leading b e c u t 0 )- shap ed to fit you r h and. O n l y $5.75 to a junket that's a success even if he never his targets far enough. 1 fail ed to do so hot fires a shot. myself, but he grew hotter und er th e collar Despite th e heavy annual dove kill, these with every miss. 1 warned him that you feathered bullets hold up better un der pres• Mershon rarely ever shoot in front of a dove. sure th an most of our birds. Un doubtedly, Finally, a single came barreling over the Custom th e chief reason for this is th eir nesting tr ees- really carry ing th e mail first class. habits. Only two young ar e rear ed at a time Walnut Grips He was at least 50 yar ds hi gh. My fri end D e s ig n e d f o r t arget sho ote r s. In on a flimsy stick nest, but th ey set up house• t h is g l"ip y o u will n o t e x p erie n ce swung hard and pulled th e tri gger. A single keeping early in the spring and continue " R o c k i n g " wi th recoil o r u gly pellet foun d the dove's head, and it came g a p s. O f fines t im ported wnlnut, turn ing out cl utches every month even into e x per t ly c heckered w ith a h and• spinning to the sun-baked earth. r u b bed o il fin is h . the fall. I' ve found females still setting on "I kn ow when I've had my share of lu ck," eggs at th e tail-end of Sept emb er. See your Mershon Dealer or literature Regardless of whi ch side of th e fence you sit on when it comes to dove shooting, 1 kn ow one thing for sure. Wh en these birds begin jetting from one field to another, they Let your love of field and forest guide you to real success! Be a career canseroationistl - Prot ect re• leave man y a fru strated scattergunner mum• sou rces. Arrest violators. Work with wildlife amid scenic surro undings, away from city pressures. En • bling in his beard. And somewhere out th ere 4?. l h _ ~rs .ca n· t e~e n joy a _"way of life" buy! 9000 pay, : .....'h "", l ,, ~ a t- 0 " £1 £1u et- 'u n n ' r ,p {Tn ;"rr t-n h ",rl 70%DISCOUIT (j).~ TARGET FRONT SIGHTS Amaze y our f ri ends . a sto und y our tanr e t s-c-reeard- l e s s if paper, cans, o r gam e y o u r "hits " must NOW-AFTER 55 YEARS! i m p r o ve w it h t hi s s i g-ht-f1Ir ru-cowcrs a nd srn a t j b ore s. often used o n tnr rre t n tsto ts-ccom o te te with extra apertures Qui c k ly i n terc h a n g eabl e. From discontinued Targ-et r ifl e o f tar-z e s t U.S. r t n e manu .. rac turo ec. at a 7 0 °10 en s co un t r Price $1.49 ea.- NEW .22 SPRINGFIELD CONVERSION UNIT (D eal e r-s 8 12.00 p er d oa. j • ~ BARREL INSERT MAGAZINE ~ Gives " yea r.'ro und" use HIGHLOWCOST-QUALITY fo r world's favorite rifle. ! Untvcr-sa t Ramp Sight H ol d er Comp le te with Gold #0 bead s igh t. S imple so ld e r " sweat o n " in s talla t ion- 24" m il le d b a r rel r adlus s pecte ttv m a d e t o fit most ali ~ Fast lock-time for tor- rt n e s . l\..ta t ted , no g la re ram p surface. ALL MA· C H I N E D fr om the s o lid, n o ca st.tons o r sramp tnn s. I get accuracy. A $5.00 v a l ue ______O N LY $ 1. 79 each. 2 f or $ 3.23 ______S pe ci a l $ 1 4.60 pe r- doz.

~ Each bolt with adjust. 22 SPRINGFIELD able head space. SAVE $4.00 HERE! BOLT ~ Ye s . unbott e vab te a s it so u nds. sa ve a fu ll $ 4.00 on the s e n ew I.yman 5 7 s igh ts-each . w lt.h tar- get k n ohs-r e g u la r price t hroughout th e ., ~ country is $8.50. Ou r b uyers wor ke d long and hard to b r in g y o u thiS s pecia l. O r -der 5 7 A - Mo u nt o n le ft s id e . O nly $<1.50 p pd. (Dealers PERFECT FOR TRAINING YOUNGSTERS AT LOW, LOW COST $40.0 0 p er d o a. ) ~ Yes sir , for the FIRST TIME IN 55 YEARS-A .22 Conversion unit fo r all models of 1903 Springfield CHECKERED STEEL Rifles is now available. 24 " super ac curate insert barrel, of super ordnance steel. Unit comes TARGET with ba rrel insert, new trigger guard and .22 magazine housing, 7-shot detachable .22 clip, BUTT PLATES and full size, short action, .22 Springfield bolt. Now y o u can throwaway cheap pla s tic and breakable hare rubber p lates & In stall t h is machine c h ecker e d Ideal fo r practice using .22 lor. ammo. Think of the money you save. Why put away your s teel pla t e . 51/80" x 1 5/8 " , 3 1/ 8" between h ol e ce n ter s• Spr ingfield sporter when high power season is over, quickly convert it into a super accurate w i t h scre ws-c-s Loo ppd. I'Man-sized" .22 repeater. Utilize all your extra equipment-scopes, sporter stock, sling, special STANDARD BRASS SHOTGUN sights, etc. Quickly interchangeable back to .30-06 caliber. Short throw bolt-only 13/4", short S IGHTS, te r c e bead , r e eutae 4,.. 40 t hre ad, in constant oe• firing pin throw, speeds lock time, increases accuracy. rnnnd , usua u v $ 1.00 i n stalled o r 50 t' e a . S o cc ta t pack et of 10 for only $1 .00, OR s u per Only $34.50 ppd. Extra magazines-$1.75 ea. i s pe c i a l , 1 0 packets (}OO s iehts) f o r only $7 . 50.(T ap fo r above 4x40. 5 0 ~ e x tra) (DEALERS: Special prices on 3 or more)

U.S. CARBINE MA G AZI N ES - 5 -SHOT Magn zfne: Fits flu sh. rc, WE HAVE OVER 1 7 ,0 0 0,0 0 0 GUN PARTS et qufred tn m o st s tates f or hunt- Mo dern-Obs o le t e-Fore ign. Fo r fre e quo- : * . lng, our specia l price only t a t io n sen d b r-oken part o r rough sketch . VERY RARE SPARE PARTS ; $2.4 5 p pd. *ANOTHER NUMRICH SUPER SPECIAL IN LIMITED QUANTITIES 1 ~ ~~~~ oe: .lI,~Ai~:r ~rt.~ ~ ~ f~:; ~~ ~ ~ SUPER TARGET .22 BARRELS We h a v e h a d to d i sap p o int many oC o ur c u s t o m ers •~ cm 'eying case g i ven w h e n 2 a r e o n t h e below p a r t s o v e r the years-e-we now have t h e ~ o r dered ). 30·SHOT MAG:B rand fo ll owing in sma ll supply-all new. n e w, o n ly $4.95. (I' MAGAZINES N EW RE MINGTON MA T CH M AS T E R BARRELS, f o r u s e a s SAVAGE .32 or .380 auto. pistol $7.50 I barrel blank s o r on Rem ington g uns in the 500 ser ies. 2 6" MAUSER H Sc 5 .75 long, 1 3 /1 6 " d iamet e r, c h a m b e re d f or .22 l , r. , 6 g roove MAUSER Hll O & 34 (25 o r 3 2 cat.c-state) 5 .75 r i fli n g . Ea ch barre l t r-ue d, tes t e d a n d ser ia l numbere d by ORTGI ES .2 5 or .3 2 cal.-state- 5.75 Remington. The p rt d e o f Rerning-tout s h(lI T CI rn nker. s , Even WA L T H ER .::::: 5. M Odel 8 o r a-estate 5.7 5 i f you d o n ot NO \V h a ve a g un f or ro bar-renng , you will B RO W N IN G Mi l.-1 3 shot, 9 m m 6.5 0 in t h e futu re-may w e s uggest y ou p ic k u p 1 0 1' 2 of t h e s e l.UGE R a m m 6.5 0 at th is exce pttona t p r-Ice ncrore they a re g o n e ? Hi g h 1 9 2 2 Browning (water pistol) .32 5 .75 s t re ngt h s teel , s u it a b le f OI' ce n t e r nre ca ubers, Im e fo r tal'g et p istol b a rrel s . Originally m ade f o r the 5 13 Tar g e t FIRING PINS rifle s Spe c ia l $4.95 plus 50 ~ po s t . ORTG IES .2 5 o r .3 2 ca t .c-state 3 .50 (Ramp &, front s igh t for abo v e $ 1 .25) l\lAr-.lAUS u sE EH R IHlI S10 c -34 (.2 5 o r .az-c-state ) 32 ,50,95 1 9 1 0 & 1 0 2 2 Browning .32 2.2 5 HEAVY .22 CAL. BARREl BLANKS I ,OOO' s of o t ~ ~r .., ~ a ~ e... p ~! t. s- w r i t e w ants! N EW-- RE MINGTON-- MATCHMASTER BARRELS, f o r u se a s SAVAGE .32 or .380 auto. pistol $7,50 barrel blank s o r on Re mington gun s in t he 500 s e r ies. 2 6" MAUSER H Sc 5 .75 long, 1 3 /1 6" d iamet e r, c hamb e re d f or .22 l , r. , 6 g ro ove MAUSER Hll O & 34 (25 o r 3 2 cat.c-state) 5 .75 r i fli ng. Ea ch barre l t r-ue d, tes t e d a n d ser ia l n um bered by ORTGI ES .2 5 or .3 2 cal.-state- 5.75 Remington. The p rtd e o f R erning-tout s harre l rn nker.s , Even WA L T H ER .::::: 5. M Odel 8 o r a-estate 5.7 5 i f you d o n ot NO \V h a ve a g un f or ro bar-renng , you will B RO W N IN G Mi l.-1 3 shot, 9 m m 6.5 0 in t h e f u ture- m a y w e s uggest y ou p ic k u p 1 0 1' 2 of t h e s e l.UGE R a m m 6.5 0 at th is exce pttona t p r-Ice ncrore they a re g o n e ? Hi gh 1 9 2 2 Browning (water pistol) .32 S .75 s t re ngt h s teel , s u it a b le f OI' ce n t e r nre ca ubers, Im e fo r tal'g et pi s t ol b a rrel s . Originally m ade f o r the 5 13 T arg et FIRING PINS rifle s Spe c ia l $4.95 plus 50 ~ po s t . ORTG IES .2 5 o r .3 2 ca t .c-state 3 .50 (Ramp &, f ront s igh t for abo v e $ 1 .25) l\lAr-.lAUS u s EEH R IHlI S10 c -34 (.2 5 o r .az-c-state ) 32 ,50,95 1 9 1 0 & 1 0 2 2 Browning .32 2.2 5 HEAVY .22 CAL. BARREl BLANKS m~:: 1:5 ~ T o ~ n e ~ ~~~~:~ C~ S '1 I ,OOO' s of o t h e r rare parts_write w ants! s u pe r io r t o any made p r-e• v io usly . New . in o r tc . wr-ap• pin g ~ . $ 1.95 e H.- 2 f u r $3,50 F ull 1 1 / 1 6 " diam e ter, s t raig ht. rifled h lank-6 GARAND RIFLE NOTE: W h en 2 a r e orde r-ed. groov e f or s u per a ccuracy. 2 4" to n g c- Iarge d ia m e t e r CONVERSION KIT new w e h ca r ry i ng ca se m• make s ndap t abl e for m o s t r im or cen ter fire a ctio ns. 1 t u r n in 1 4 " only $6.95 plus 4S e post. r edu ce s t o :'.i s hots, o n ly way to eluded FREE. make Ga ra nd fu lly l e ~ al fo r (Chnmbcring f or .22 L .R. only, a d d 5 1 .00) h unt i n g in most states, (e asil y i n s talled & rem oved ). Set. com • WINCHESTER M7S BARRElS p Ie te with s pecial f ollo w er & B rand New, 67 0/0 DI SCOUNT! Only $7.95 pl u s . 5 0 postage. 2 Jive s ho t c lips , $3.95. Extra ~ 5 sho t clips, 9 5¢ ea.S tand a rd U. S. CARBINE BARRELS 8 s hot cli p s , $ 2,0 0 per d ozen. N ew. co m p le te w it h s ights. band , gns pi ston and nut. Only $ 7 .!J5 p lus . 4 0 p o s tage. STOCK BLANKS $~ GARAND . TAKEDOWN o f nncst A m ortcan wnt n ur p r e t.ur-n od, s h a p e d and 9MM - . 3 5 7 - 38 CA L . BA RREL BLAN KS t hro u g h 1 s t san d In g , n o te m e nsuror non t.s wtuch p er• & ct eantn z t o o ls. fits In trap in b u t t-new rnit I nl et t l n ~ fOl h n t h hl qh po w e r- a nd sma ll b ore S t ra ig h t le n ::::- t h s-2 0 " I0 I1g-- 6 g r oo ve, large .940 out • - $ 1. 0 0 en .• 2-$1.50 ppd, rt nes ; bolt action s h o tguns ; o r c u t o rr a nd u se on si de dtaru c ter-c- usect o n p i s t ol s - ofte n fitted t o o ld '92 GARAND HANDGUAROS-s e t o f b oth, comp le t e w ith purnp s ho tg uns a nd dou b les. :1 8 1 ~" IO ll ~ . FV4" through , wtuchos for use a s . ~;,)7 magnum rifles . $6.75 met a l. t-ru nu new. $ 2 . 50. 2 1/8" d epth. S pe c ia l pr-Ice $2.35 plus 3 5c del. ppd . (10 " to n g -the $3.95 ppd.) GARAND RIFLE CLIP S- $ 2 .00 p e r doz. ~peC'ia l ~ t e e l Ch eckered Tar g E't B utt-plat

G. I. STEEL RIFLE BRACKET E a s i ly mounted to wall, ca r tru n k , j e e p etc. H o lds rt rte niW4~ fi l'm ly preve nti n g s c r a tc h i n g & wear, a ll surface s g u n "FORlI,IULA 44-40" NO W USED l ~ EVERY t ouche s p rote cte d by clot h . Ca mming lock a c ti o n- m ak e s U .S. GU~ P LANT AND MA N Y ABROAD. padlor.k in g ri fle in s t e e l case easy. O~LY $ 1.95 plus NE W HI GH -SPEED FORMULA g-iv e s e ven 9lJ C po st & h nn dli n g . b ette r r e s ul t s . . . takes seconds t o a pply ro cott p late . butt p la te. ;iCI·C'WS. fro nt ... beautifies, protect s . U s ed cold , n othi ng' ~ h a nd «p.riru z , S~. P 5. S am e . tc xs m parts , l com p licated. De e p b lu e p erma n ent fini sh. ~t:; 'i~ l~ ~ I , ~ ~n~ ::! ~ ri ~ ~~~~ s ~~ ~~)~i l~ i II~~ n ~~~l~~ ~L ~u~ l~~ ~ Act ua ll y pe no t r-atea t.he s teer. Uf'ed by g un (V i n BREECH OIL f a ct oric s and g unsmithl ev er-ywh ere . Gurrr• r $ 2 . .)0 p p d . Wdtc wants f o r o t he r ca r b ine parts. anteed t o b e the b e st c o ld b lu e y ou ever ~~ & THONG SET, u sc u-cc e you r money back. For Springfi eld and Ga rand rifles , fits in butt, 3 GUN SiZE $ 2 .00 ppd. 38 ITEMS GI SHOOTING KIT INDUSTRIAL GU NS MITH SIZE. made of plated brass. Excellent .. .. $1.00 ppd. 1 pi nt $7.5 0 eed. In hands ome carry• ing b ox w / s elf Iock - a;h~~:~ I~e (w !' ~ t h s~ l; ~~ SAVE UP TO SO% ON THESE BRAND NEW REDFIELD SCOPE BASES ca.), b ri stle c tean nur b r ush es, 2 con tainer s Made by R EDF I ELD. es pecia lly for th e 1903A3 & A4 Sp ringfield s. eem- 1903A3 spe c tnt g u n g rease . 1 0 ad ~ us ti n g ~ (j s p e ci a l s c r e w d rivel's utet e with wi nda ge scr ews- Desi gn i s Quick det achable- ru gged. st mn!e. durable. = & punch. An t iq u e Base Only • $3.75 SPRINGFIELD s t y le d bras s o i l can (o r u s e d f or p r im • Set of Ri ngs (3,4" only) $3. 10 ~ .•+...,.- ing po wder on p ercus• (R ing s .867 di a. $6.80) . s io n & fli n ts ). p a t ch (Rings I" dia. $8. 25) can. All fitted for pistols . 32 Cu t. & li p . G ive o r sell ·1·S'. ' e x tra r od s & s c r-ew d rivers t o r rtcncrs. W h ile they l a s t _ ONLY - $2 .7 5 plus 6 0e postage. WANTED: GUN PARTS a ll k in d s , n ew o r u sed, military o r commercia l. U. S. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED! o r fo re ig n , sen d r ough li st o r d o a s many d o, ship 0 1T f o r orrer-ccnoc k ai rmai l ed day ro co tved-ctr n ot o . k , s h ip • SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF ment r eturned prepaid. Al s o Wan t . . . Junk rifle s , pistol s & shotguns for break ing i n t o parts. THOMPSON SUBMACHINE GUNS & ACCESSORIES AMERICA'S NUMBER 2 GAME TARGET (Continued from page 29) similar habits, so the same hunting method s wear any whit e garment into the woods apply to both . on a squirre l hu nt. Most other colors are Th ese squirr els feed principally on hickory all right during th e fall when the leaves nuts, beech mast, most varieties of acorn s, and other foliage are of many shades any• hazelnuts, pecan s, walnut s, dogwood berries, way, but white is out. It is a warning signal haws, blackgum seed, field corn, and various which squirre l eyes spot long before th e oth er simiJiar food items. The items specifi• hun ter can see the squirr el. ally nam ed are th e things which squirrels Still hunting is simply a system of finding dine on principally. a good squirrel feeding spot, slipping ba ck Most squirrel hunting seasons are open to th e place later with a good scope-sighted during the fall and early wint er, with a few .22 rille, and sitting and waiting for the THE COLLECTOR 'S CASE presents its (especially in the south) openin g late in squirrels to come in to feed. Always examine showcase of fine accessories for the summer. Durin g normal weath er (in th e the squirre l cuttings in the feeding nooks sportsmen, hobbyist and collectors to mak e sure that they are fr esh. If th ey in beautiful Rhodium finish. fall), the best hours of th e day for squirrel hunting are from sunup until about mid• are, you've found a good still hun ting Colt Hi36 Patterson 131 AB locati on. Colt 1849 Pocket Pistol 131 BB morning, and from mid-aft erno on until ju st Colt Wells Fargo 131 CB before sundown. Hard rains can upset th e In some parts of the country, squirr el• Colt 1862 Pocket Pistol 131 DB timin g of squirrel feedin g and frolicking tr eeing dogs still play an importan t part in Colt 1848 Pocket Pistol 131 EB activities, and so can cold weather late in squirrel hunting. A good squirrel-treeing Colt 1855 Pocket Pistol 131 FB the season aft er the leaves get off th e tr ees. dog may be of almost any breed or stra in, Colt .38lighting 131 GB On cold sunshiny days, th e fuzzytail s do although those which are part tr eein g-type Colt .45 Caliber 131 HB most of th eir stirring durin g the middle hound and pa rt "ju st dog" seem to make English Naval Flintloclfl 131 JB par t of the day, mainly because it is warm er th e best ones. Many dogs ju st naturally take Swiss Target Pistol 131 KB and more comfortable th en. up squirr el hunting and treeing on their Colt 1851 Model 131 LB ' own, by being hunt ed in good squirrel BeltPistol 131 MB Real wild gray and fox squirr els found in the backwoods are far different from territory. Each TieClip handsomely boxed 2.50 th eir town and city park cousins. Those Dog hunters usually hunt in pairs. And Also ava ilable antique rifles, antique squirrel hunting with dogs is usually better swords, sport cars, antique cars and found out in the wild are smart, shy, and misc. thoroughly alert little creatures th at will after most of th e leaves are off th e trees Dealer inquiries invited. "skeedaddle" like a blue streak for the in the fall. Some squirrels will freeze to near est den hole at th e slightest sight or the limb s or tr ee trunks when th e dogs tree sound of danger. They seem to hear ex• th em, whil e others will start running for tr emely well and to see even bett er and th e nearest den hole. Becau se of thi s variety The Collector's Case these faculti es coupled with th eir swiftness of shots offered, quite often one hunter 25 Circle St., Rumford 16, Rhode Island and size, mak e th em anything but pushovers carr ies a .22 for th e shell shots, whil e th e for hunters. Tak e a tip from me and never other carr ies a shotgun for th e running shots. The dog is turned loose in good squirre l Clr ~Rumford s ! ~ a !' h ! a ~ t h i n 1r: u ' woods and the hunters follow along, moving Z:i .... 16, Rhode d and ' u!!ers I carr ies a .22 for th e shell shots, while th e for hunters. Tak e a tip from me and never other carr ies a shotgun for the running I shots. The dog is turn ed loose in good squirr el woods and the hu nters follow along, moving slowly, until they hear the dog bark tr eed. .... MORE FUN Then they head for the spot. If th e squirrel is running when the hunters get there, if the squirr el dog is a good one he will be fdtIt YOUR GUNS! running too and following th e squirre l's movements. But if the dog is doing his yelp• OVER A QUARTER-MILLION ing from one spot, around the base of one SPORTSMEN INVITE YOU TO tr ee, and if there is no den hole in the tree, the hun ters will start searching for a squirre l lIattened out on a limb or against th e body of the tr ee up near th e t op, A Year's Subscr iption to Th ere is perh aps more stalking done th an ~ '1J ~ The AMERICAN RIFLEMAN Magazine ;\ "' ~ R e a d about rifles, pistols, shotguns, hunting, target ~ shooting, gun collecting, home gunsmithing, reloading • and related subjects-in the world's finest gun magazine \i •" -every month!

,, ~.,m: ~ ~· ~ '~ 1I~ o u ' J1 ge t ~ !~ ~!~~~ a~ w e~!t o !~ ~ F~ a ~!Lormati on Service-s-g un law bulletins-low cost gun in su rance-marksmanship ., ~_ in structi on-gun club inform ation-ri ght t o bu y government su rp lus a ~ :::: - - ~ gun equipm ent---eligibility for pa rticipation in a year· 'round shoot ing '4l' -' program-plus man y oth er ben efits . 1 /gJJ11J-Th~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ · !! ~ ~ ~p ~ ~ ~~~~~ e~ u~~e f ~ ~ l5 ! . O y ~rs ,; included FREE as an extra bonu s for joining now. Wear it proudly; it identifies you as a memb er of this great sportsman 's organization. • •• • •• ••••• • •• •••• • • Pleas e enter my su bscription for TH E AMERICAN••• • RIFLEMAN, enroll me as an NRA me mber an d send my • • gold.filled lapel button- • o Enclosed is my $5.00 0 Bill me please 603-12 • • • RUBBER • Name __ .m..______Age • • Address _ _ ...m._ ..._ ..._ .__..._ m..._ ...m.... _ • RECOiL BOOTS • City & State ._ .._ ..m. _ _._m._ _ _ • for shotgun $ 3 DOZEN • • • or rifle 69c each NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION • • • .US .an y other type of squirrel hunting. Here, quite often be necessary. I have found the the hun ter or hunters (they tak e different better grade auto-loaders to be ju st as (or routes in the squirre l woods if th ere's more very nearly) as accurat e and dependable as tha n one) simply ease along th rough good the pumps and bolt actions-certa inly ac• squirrel woods a la In dian , stopping every curate enough for the purpose-and th ey ar e 40 or 50 yards for a couple of minutes to very well balanced little arms. look and listen. When a squirrel is spied, When going along with a buddy who car• the hu nter advances toward the tr ee the ri es a shotgun on a squirr el hunt with do gs, squirrel is in. I rarely take a scope-sighted .22. Here the Th e usual squirrel woods will contain sev• plai n open sights are sufficient, because most eral different food s which squirrels like, an d of the shots are at close tr ee height ran ge, so if it is a good year for several food items the the scopes are reall y not necessar y. f uzzyta ils may be sca tte red out and feeding For still hunting, however, where most of over a wide area. If so, the stalking hunter the shots may come at 30 to 50 yard ranges, is more apt to click than th e still hunter. He a good scope is a must for me. As I said is usuall y armed with a shotgun and is of earlier, my eyesight is not as keen as it once course equipped to deal with either still or was, and th e scope reall y does help. BISHOP running squirrels. Th e average stalking hunt• At pr esen t, I am usin g a Weaver B·6 scope semi -finished er, however , will get far more r unning shots with tip-off mount. This scope can be tha n he will still shots, and nor mall y he will mount ed and th e whole job zero'ed-in in a SPORTER STOCK see more squirrels than either the still or ma tter of minutes, and the six-power scope do g hunters. If he eases through th e woods doubles nicely for crow and close-range qu ietly enough and has a good pair of eyes woodchuck shooting. For squirr el hunting for spying the fuzzytails, he will get a sur• alone, I would choose a four-power scope, prising numb er of shots within easy shotgun but th e B·6 is a very nice man y-purpose .22 G~ ra nge. scope. Th ere ar e other brands, of course, T here have been many arg uments in th e which ar e ju st as good for squirrel hu nting; Finest American Black Wa lnut pa st about squirrel guns and load s. From but regardl ess of th e scope br an d, I am per• 9 5 F. O. B. na il-keg stools in the old -time country gen• sonally definitely sold on th e ti p-off or simi• $8 - Warsaw, Mo. eral stores to present coffee-break chats down lar mount feature which permits qui ck an d at the sporting goods store, the arg uments easy mounti ng and zero'ing-in. " How To Do It" finishing hav e been carr ied on. And they always will I use .22 Long Rifle cartridges exclusively instructions furnish ed free. be, j ust as th ey should be. Things wouldn't for squirre l hunting. I have fewer cripples sce m ri ght here in America otherwise. with th em than when usin g Shorts or Long, I have been hunting squirre ls regul arly for and as far as I am concern ed that is sufficient almost 30 years, but I am stilI classing what reason for using them. AVAILABLE FOR : I have to say about squirre l guns and loads As for bull ets, I have used hollow-points, in the followin g paragrap hs as personal opin• copperclads, solid lead, and several oth er Britisn Enfield P·14 .303 Cal. ions, based on my own personal experiences. varieties on squirre ls, and I am a solid-lead• U. S. 1917 Enfield But my experiences might well differ fr om bullet fan almost 100 per cent, for squirre l U. S. 1903 Springfield tho se of othe rs. hunting. Hollow-points mess up too much U. S. 1898 Krag u. S. 1903A3 Springfield As far as squirrel hunting shotguns are of the meat of an animal as small as a U. S. Spri ngf ield MI - 22 Cal. concerned, I am personally a 12 gauge fan squirrel ; and at ranges beyond 40 yards th ey U. S. Spring field M2 ·22 Cal. all the way. I have had too many cripples do not seem to me to be as acc urate as F. N. Mauser escape into den holes when I was usin g th e solid bullets. Lead bulle ts ha ve bett er Mauser 1924 (J ugoslav ) smaller gauges to suit me. I pr efer a good mushro oming and shocking powers than the Mauser M93 ( Spanish) 12 gauge over-under with 28 inch full choke copperclads ; and, as far as I am personally Weatherby " Rocket " J11 Ule; .l U lJ U WJ1I ~ V tU(1 ~ L C1VU. .::s (1 ::) p e reonar UVJU· cuppe rciaus , 50 110 ieau, ana several oth er onusn enueio 1""-14 .JiUJi 1,;31. ions, based on my own personal experiences. varieties on squirrels, and I am a solid-lead• U. S. 1917 Enfield But my experiences might well differ fr om bullet fan almost 100 per cent, for squirre l U. S. 1903 Springfield those of others. hunting. Hollow-points mess up too much U. S. 1898 Krag U. S. 1903A3 Springfield As far as squirrel hunting shotguns are of the meat of an animal as small as a U. S. Springfield MI-22 Cal. concern ed, I am personall y a 12 gauge fan squirrel ; and at ranges beyond 40 yards th ey U. S. Spring field M2 · 22 Cal. all the way. I have ha d too many cripples do not seem to me to be as accurate as F. N. Mauser escape int o den holes when I was using th e solid bullets. Lead bulle ts have bett er Mauser 1924 (Jug oslav ) smalle r gauges to suit me. I prefer a good mushro oming and shocking powers than th e Mauser M93 ( Spanish) 12 gauge over- under with 28 inch full choke coppercl ads; and, as far as I am personally Weathe rby " Rocket" and modified barrels, or a 12 ga uge pum p or concern ed, the solid lead s are the ideal Remington 30S auto-load er with 28 inch full choke or modi• squirrel bulle t. Remington M720 fied ba rre l. In such a gun, I use high Remington M721 So, with all these thought s tucked away Remington M122 velocity (long range) loads carrying No. 6 in our noggins, let's head for the squirre l Winchester M54 shot. With such a combination, I rar ely have woods and enjoy a wond erful day. Leave a Winchester M70 any crippled squirrels escape. few fuzzytail s for seed and for th e next Winchester M43 I mu ch prefer an auto-loading .22 for fellow, bu t be sur e to tak e home enough for Mauser M98 with large squirre l hunting of th e rifle kind , because the that pot of squirrel and du mpl ings. It 's a receiver ring auto-load er makes possibl e qui cker and feast too good for mere kings ; only a ~ Magnum Mauser Swedish Husqvarna Mauser ~ easier second and th ird shots which ma y good hu nt er deserves it! Husqvarna " Crown Grade" Mauser M95 ( Mexican) S jl or t i ilfl FAST DRAW Mauser Karbi ne M98 with IMMEDIATE DELIVERY small receiver ( G33/ 40) HOLSTER y Jap .31 "Ithaca" Jap 25 Russian 7.62 X-S LIGHTNING Sako .222 Cal. World's Finest .22 Long Rifle Sake-Magnum Mauser If yo u want to J. C. Higgins M50 be a n expert g un Isemi-automatic)

be used~ in~ "' M I Gara~ nd or any mak e 30· 06 cal. r ifle._~ " I ; •• '" ... .. __...... JOn _ '7" -'-_ ...... - ...... t h ~otin g Per 100 car tr id ges. With 220 grai n eenner-eoated jac ket considerable an• bull et, round nose. Remingt on Klea nbore. nen-cerrestve. '!ere'd Sav e your good Kr ag barrel - use non-eorrusive ammo . ticipat ion. Th e cadremen and officers who S necia l Per 1000 $57. 00. teach it like it also. 30-06 SPRINGFIELD $7.50 Per 100 cartridg es . M2 with 150 Grain Military bull et . late issue non-corros ive. A ll fa ctory loaded, ca n be used in M I Gara nd or any mak e 30· 06 cal. r ifle. Clips. 5, s hot , per dozen $1.20. Top hand guard $ 1.75. Extract ors $ 1.50. New s lings $1.95. 'i2etJfl'A 30 CAL. Ml CARBINE $5.95 PARKER DISTRIBUTORS, Dept. 4 67 P er 100 car tr id ges. Fac tory load ed with 112 gra in Met a l ~ Chamo~ 3516 WHITE PLAINS ROAD, N. Y. 67 , N. Y. ja cket bulle t. Li mit ed quantity la te iss ue non-eerrostve $7.50 -" . Also 110 gr . Soft Nose box (50) $6.00. 15 S hot SCOPES, GUNS, FISHING TACKLE, Mag al,ne. 85c. ~ shot $2.45 . 30 s hot $4.95. Gov'! S urp lus hea vy ca nvas Zipper Cover $2.45. Lega l ba rre l extens ion OUTDOOR C LOTH ING - ALL THE $3. 75. S toc ks with metal fitti ngs $4.75. Free lis t. Cloth Shirt FIN EST NATIONA LLY ADVERTISED Lo ok s and feels 45·70 GOVERNMENT $9.50 MERCHAND ISE-AT LOWEST PRICES Per 100 cart r id ges. Mad e by U.M .C. with 500 Gr . lea d lik e high grade BRAND NEW-fACTORY-SEALED CARTONS bull et and s mokeless powder. Packed 20 to th e box chamois leather. Prices Sub ject t o Change Without Notice Li mi ted Qua nt ity not in boxes $7.50. Also s pecia l lot asso rt ed mak es, loose, !ull load s, t ar nish ed brass cases, Will not shrink. for reload in g. (So ld as IS.) $4.95 per 100. More d urable SCOPES =---:?t. C· 30 CAL. CARBINE BARRELS $8.25 than wool. Mr. SPECIAL! WEAVER 60·B SERIES R ctnll YOUR PR IC E Br an d new, in cosmoli ne, wit h fron t s ight. P ist on a nd Bean personally K2 .5 & K3 $37.50 $ 25.75 nut . a lso fro nt ban d a nd s wivel; very scarce. $6.2 5 p.n. K4 ...... • •• . • 4 5 . 10 30.25 uses this shir t on KG ••.•••...•..••.••••••• 48 .50 32.45 KV...... • • • • • . . • 5 7 .50 39.95 " EXTRA SPECIAL " Per 100 his fishi ng and K8 and KI O ....•.• .•. •• •• 59.50 41.45 22 Sa vag e Hi gh Power 70 Gr. S. P. Kleanbore $ 12.00 25 Steven.s S hort R. F. Non · Corros ive 60 Gr. Lead.... 3.00 hunting trips. LYMAN ALL·AMERICAN Colors; B ri g h t 2 1/2 X . . •...... •••• .. 45.50 35.95 ~W~ o X f i 'li a ~ ~ g ~a H l i_ n p ~ ~ ~r G87 ~~ .nto~ : ~.~ . : :::: : ::: :: :: . :~ :~g 3X •• ..•• .. ••• •• •••• ••••• 4 7 .50 36.95 M ~u s e r Red and Tan. 4X . .. • ...... •.• .. 49.50 37.95 8 m. m. Import 239 Gr. Sof t Nose.. 15.00 6X ...... •...... •. • •• •• 59.50 45.95 5~ ~I.m R f :l ~e :: :~ eJ 6 9~r~t~: v.So ~· 2~ :~~ Sizes; 14Y2 to 19. ax 7 9 . 5 0 59.95 gl/;o R·e·m·:"S·:;:;::::::: lOX ...... ••• 79.50 59.95 303 Savage Model 99- Mus h. or S. P. 180 Gr 9.00 P rice $5.65 post• ~url Y OUR 7c92 01.01. (Sho rt) Ger man M. G.M .P 18.00 paid. FISHING REELS • SPECIALS PRICE 4;, Automat ic G.. 1. 230 Gr. M.P. Ncn-c errestve 6.00 SHAKESPEARE 1730 $9.95 ~.~ 01.01. X ~~ ~, m ~ te y r Hemb ru g G. 1. 7.50 S H ~ ~ ~~PEAR ~ 11 9j? ~ 14.37 45 ~O lt f O~ mN . ~ ~y ~rH s ~A~rL ge ~ d~ ..:::::·..···..······· · ~~ :~g Re tail ... $23.95 lj):i:J' Sen d for our Free Fall SHAKESPEARE 1 7 97 14.97 45 Colt Auto. Rim for 19 17 Model s Lead . 9.00 Reta il ... $ 24.9 5 S H A K ESP EA R E 177 5 11.97 ~ . ~~:·m ~r:~ ~ h S ~~~ ~~h R~ r a e ~ s e ~ ' :; ' ~ o l r . ·i(·rag··if··i·...··· ~ . ~ ~ Catalog R e tail . . . $ 19.95 SHAKESPEARE 1776 13.50 303 Br it ish 130-1 80 or 2 15 Gr . S. P. Norm a: ::::::: 21:00 showing clo th• Reta il . . . $21.95 6.5 or 7.35 01.01. It a lian Im port ed G.1. Bull et 7.50 NEW ZE5CO J r . 7 7 . 5 .95 6.5 or 7.35. m. m.Hafi an Im ported Soft Nose 20.00 ing; leather and Retail '" . $7.9 5 3 2 ~ Z EB CO 33 •. •• .. • 10.95 Long Rim fir e lead Win. Staynl ess 4.00 canvasspecialties Ret ail . • . $ 19.50 7.0 01.01. French M.A.S . 1936 M.L .E . Imp. G.I... 12.00 ZEBCO 66 . 7 .75 7.5 rn.m . F~ e n c h M.A .S. 1936 M.L .E . Imp. S. P 20.00 and many other Retai l $ 1 2 .95 4 1 Sho rt Rim fir e Rem. Derr inge r Kleanbore 10.00 JOHNSON CENTURY 1 0 .50 items of in terest. Ret.-a il ... $1 7 .95 JOHNSONC ITATION 13.75 Over 100 styles Retatt ... $ 22.95 9MM . LUGER PARABELLUM $7.50 MITC HE L L 300 .. .. 17.95 Per 100 cartr id ges. Also for use in P38 Wa lth er P35 of footwear for Retail .. . $32 .50 Brown ing , Radom,. Colt, et c. Man ufa ctured by Western ABU MATle 6 0 ••. • 16.70 men,women and Re t ai l .. . $29.75 Ctg e. Co.; 115 gra in copper-coate d bu llet . non- cor rostve, A LC E DO MI C RO N . . 25.25 children ; also Re ta il . . . $4 1 .00 Cartridg e clips for a ll for ei gn rifl es. Advise wants. A L C E D O 2 CS . . ..• 22.95 over 300 items n etnn . .. $ 3 8.50 W rite for Ne w, Free tIIustrated for hunters , Dept. 24, fishermen a n d SEND FOR FREE CATALOG ~~"I""r. Tho usan ds of Items to Choose Fro m at Lowest P ri ces campers. Do Your Christmas Shopping T T Bv MlllIil_And SIllIVC'! to hit in an area about a foot in diameter at 200 yards, a six-minute shot. A former Infantry officer, wounded in ac tion in Germa ny, once pointed out to me the difficult role of the rifleman. This is th e only ma n in th e lowest ra nk of th e mili tary services, said he, who has to make decisions comparable to th ose of a commissioned or non-commissioned officer. AII other ran kless soldiers or sailors or a irmen are usuall y told what to do, or can ask somebody. Th e rifle• man is more likely to be alone, and have to decide for himself. He sees something move. Is it enemy or friend, perchance non-combatant? He decides: enemy. Should he shoot, perhaps reveal h is position, endanger his budd ies, get enemy mortar fire back at himself- or play it safe and stay deep in cover? He decid es to shoot. Can he hit the damn ed thing, or man, or par t of a man ? Decision affirmat ive. Does he have to shoot offhand, or will it wait until he finds a supported position ? He decides it will wait, gets his elbows down, takes a deep brea th, ra ises his r ifle. It wavers a good deal, the sights are on and off the ta rget. When to pull: now before it moves, or tr y for a better sight picture ? Of th e second or seco nds of aiming, he has to choose the moment. Th is is the toughest decision of all. Th ere is no possibi lity of asking th e Sarge a bout it, or chang ing his mind later. lI e THE ULTIMATE RIFLE - He re is t he r ar e s t mode rn firearm ev er offe re d t o t he Ame rican c oll ector! Th e bigge s t , m ost po werfu l r ifl e e ve r ma de. In V.G. to E xc e lle nt Co ndo Designed in 1938 by order of ma y bet his life and those of his buddies on Hitler's ge ne ra l staff, th e Solo thurn 8 1 8 -1 000 w as used on a ll fr onts a gainst a ll a lli ed a rmies. Its de vastat ing a cc ura cy co uple d w ith torre nt -like fir epower we re directly respo ns ib le for the fr a ntic th is decision. red e si g ni ng of ne a rl y a ll a llied a r mo re d fight ing ve hicles. If the foregoin g has some validity, we FANTASTICALLY RARE - Thi s la te s t a nd g reatest So Jothurn catche s e ve ryone 's e ye . It w ill b e the s howp ie ce o f you r colle ction. Its 8 0 Ca l. ( 2 0 MM ) b or e, fas t sem i-auto ma tic fire , s upe rb e ng ine eri ng nced to give the oldier all the pr acti ce a nd de ad ly e fficienc y mak e o the r a nt i-tank rifl es look like toys. Ye t its e ffic ie nt m uzz le brake le ts you possible in making these kinds of decisions, s hoo t this e xciting r-ifle with e ase. STATISTICS - Each gun o rdnance checked a nd t estjtred. Hur ls a 1/3 lb . a rm or p ier c ing s he ll up t o 4 in training, to remove their novelt y in com• mil e s . Its t e rrific m uzz le ve loc it y plus s pec ia l wide fie ld allow r a p id fire w ith pi np oint accuracy a t o ne kil om e ter ( 5/ S mil e ) . Will c le a nly. p e ne tr a t e ZJf o f finest s te e l a rm or pl ate . Qui c k de • ha t. T here is spec ial need for getting more t a c ha ble barrel. Mu zz le ve l. 2 7 0 0 FP S. Bbl. le ng th : 4'4"'. 1 O-shot semi -a uto ma g , fed. Lega l to own wi t h no li ce ns es required. COMES FITT ED WITH OR IG. HIGH P OWE R CALIBRATED T ELE SCOPIC SIGHT AT NO EXTR A CHARGE. ( Sight is illuminated for nightfighting.) Notches are Old-Fashioned ABSOLUTELY COMPLETEI ALL S2 ORIGINAL ACCESSORIES AND SPARE PARTS INCLUDED FREEl YOUR GUN COMES TO YOU WIT H FOLLOWI NG: Or ig. ord na nce fitted c he s t; 10 magazine s; c omplete Record your Kill with as sor te d co ve rs a nd carr ying devi ce s: a ll spare p arts in ortg, metal boxes and le athe r bag; 1 dummy e xe rc ise car tr idge (very r are ) : complete s pec ia l tools, de ta ch able m uzz le ' brake. co mple t e c le a ning ki t ~ items; comple te pre c is io n a rmo re rs kit in t o p gra in lea t he r case ; t oo ls for 1 0 00 use s . An exce ptiona l Gold or Silver and us e fu l bo nus . Eve r y s pe c ia l ex t ra ever iss ued w it h t his gu n. Nothi ng e lee to b uy. This com p le te l need to glvethe sorrner all the pra ct ice a nd de ad ly e ffic ie nc y make other a nt i-tank ri fles look like to ys. Yet it s effic ient m uzzl e br ak e le ts you possible in mak ing these ki nds of decisions, s hoot th is exc iting rifl e wit h e a s e. STATISTICS - Eac h g un ord na nce chec ke d a nd testjtred . Hurls a 1/3 lb . a rmo r pi ercing s he ll up t o 4 in trainin g, to remove their novelty in com• m ile s . It s t errific mu zz le ve locity p lus s pec ia l w ide fie ld te le s copic s ight a llo w ra pid fire with p inpoint accurac y a t o ne kilom e t er (s/s m ile) . Will cl eanly. p e ne t rate 2'" of fine s t stee l a rm o r p la te. Qu ic k d e • hat. Th ere is special need for gett ing more t acha b le b a rrel. Mu zz le ve l. 2 700 FPS. Bbl. length: 4 ' 4"'. 1 0- s hot se m i-a uto mag. fed. Legal to own with no licens e s r eq uir ed . COMES FITTED WIT H ORIG. HI GH POWER CALI BR ATED TEL ESCOPI C SIGH T AT NO EX TRA CHARGE. (Sight is illumin a t ed for nightfighting.) Notches are Old-Fashioned ABSOLUTELY COMPLETEI ALL S2 ORIGINAL ACCESSORIES AND SPARE PARTS INCLUDED FREEl YOU R GUN COMES TO YOU WITH FOLLOWING: Orig. ordnanc e fitted c hest; 1 0 magazine s ; co m plete . Record your Kill with assort ed c ov e rs a nd ca r rying dev ic es: a ll spare p arts in o r -ia. me tal boxes and leather bag; 1 dummy ~. e xe rcis e ca r t rid ge ( ve ry ra re) ; c omple te s pe c ia l tools. d e t a chable m uzz le ' brak e , complete cleaning kit it.ems ; co mp le t e preci si o n a rm ore rs kit in top g ra in le a th e r cas e ; tools for 1000 uses. An exceptiona l I ..-;;. '\ . Gold or Silver a nd us e ful bon us . Every s pecia l e xt ra e ve r is s ue d wi th t his g un. Not hing e ls e t o bu y. Th is comple te! 11 'l. \ pac kage worth $635 on late 1957 collector's market. I' ,Ii ~ : ~ I ~ RARE AMMOI ( At a pr ice yo u c a n aft'ord t o , s hooL) 20MM So lothurn Anti-Tank . A $ 1 2 car• (1) tridge o n th e c oll ector' s ma rket. In ori g . c ard• board tubes. To Gun Buye rs Only 1 0 ro un ds $ 9 .9 5 Case o f 1 0 0 rds __ __ 75. 0 0 I To Ca rt ridge Co lle ctor 's . I Single r o unds . each $3.9 5 I LAYAWAY PLAN : $ 25 do wn. $ 25 pe r month The Ideal Gift for I holds yo ur g un unt il pai d fo r. the Hunter in Your Family J TO ORDER: Se nd c he c k , c as h o r Unsigh t ly notch es on your gu nstock te ll I mo ne y orde r . $ 4 0 depos it for C.O.D. only po rt of t he st ory . The hunt er who is • Ship ped b y fre ight. ~------really proud of his ski ll uses solid gold or 74 Craft Bl dg.• 5S80 Hollywood Bl vd., Los Angeles 28. Calif. silver " STUDS" that show t he hea d and nam e of th e a ct ua l ga me killed. " STUDS" are beautifully embosse d ga me head s that ore perman en t, eas y to use an d enrich th e app earan ce of your gunstoc k. Ask for " STUDS" a t your dealer. If he can 't supply you, order di rect and include your dealer's nam e and address. PecarjBerlin VARI-POWERED SERIES " ST UDS" are available in t hese 18 pop• ular game head designs in either 1O-K gold a t $ 3. 00 ea ch, or Ste rling silver PECAR BINOCULARS at $1 .25 each. Federal Tax included. El K DEER BROWN BEAR BEAR WOLF GRIZZLY BEAR MOOSE TURKEY MOUNTAIN GOAT CARIBOU COYOTE MOUNTAIN SHEEP ANTELOPE CAT (Pa nt her) Germany's finest and most complete line of rifle scopes• JAVALINA BLACK TAIL DEER MULE DEER SKUNK (a good gag) 10 outstanding models, incl uding the variables 3X to 7X DEALERS WANTED - Cash in an and 4X to lOX. Choice of leading custom gunsmiths in national ad ver ti sing that's cre a t ing demand fo r "STUDS" . Thousands The new Pecar binoculars are Europe and America. Price $37.50 to $100 .00. Available qual ity glass at compet it ive sold last season. Wr ite today for nrt ees. 10 models to cover every details. possi ble need. Price $69.50 to situational emotion, th e unn erving tension and successfully again st a hostile as far of surprise and tim e uncertainty, into train• away as he can see him. Th ese projectil es ing, for thi s is always present with a live give no warning, as do most area weap ons. ta rget. We have legend s and some evidence Th ere is no pr otection against th em, unl ess of human perf ormance with a six-shooter ; it it would be pr ayer, for they easily penetrate mig ht be well to investigat e the human all body armor known to date. A hit , even in "fast draw" potential with a rifle. We should a body extre mity, is usuall y incapacitating. study speed with accuracy, .develop a But, it may be arg ued, an A-bomb will technique, and seek ways of teaching it. do all these things on a gra nd scale. This If we can discover the real problems, we might be tru e if the enemy would cooperate may find it easier than man y now suppose by huddling int o convenient, economical it to be, to school men in the needed skills . tar gets, as civilians do in cities. But every ::\Iost American youths have no trouble in arm y in the world is studying th e art of learning to dri ve a car in traffic, a skill whi ch dispersion, with rapid ground and air similarly requires qui ck ap pra isal, decision, mobility to overcome its disad vantages when and execution to nicety. the ri ght moment comes. Th e mod ern con• Some of these pr oblems are being studied cept of battlefield "hugging," getting so close now, and it is to be hoped that others will to th e enemy that he dares not use his follow. There is always dan ger that an nuclear weapons, can be likened to a boxer's inclination to accept the "s tatus quo" and infighting. All armies have calc ulated to a other human weaknesses will interfere with nicety the size of th e zone whi ch would vigorous pro secution, or that pr eoccupation constitute a "direc t hit"- where nobody A~ UP-TO-DATE with more spec tac ular in terests, snch as would survive- and studied the remarkably push-button warf ar e or space hardware, will simple expedients for survival outside that cut off resear ch fund s. It will be especially zone. This is the only.of-its-kind- Gun Encyclopedio easy to put off "until we find time" the Th e fact is that combat nuclear weapons which, since 1951, hos been serving those whose vocation or av ocation inclu des Firearms • • • studies of motivat ing rewards whi ch will are in the class of artillery, air bomb s, and Collectors, Deolers, Gunsmiths, Librories, Manu• induce young men to choose th e rifleman's hand grenades. Th ese "Conventional weap• factu rers, etc., t hroughout the world, a re finding role and seek proficiency in it. Th ese might ons" also have not usually been decisive in the Firearms Directory more and more valuable. include extra pay and privileges, public performing real the mission of an army, Police Labo;atories from Scotland to recognition, or other aspects of elite status. whi ch is to seek out the enemy and destr oy Singapore use the fir earms Directory! F or it has come as a surprise to many that in him. Even if we used th em in tr emend ous Since its inc ep tlon, The Fire a rms Direct ory ha s the field of modern combat, the rifleman may numbers, as artillery in World War II or our grown eac h yea r by mea ns of additions and be a deciding factor. Th e rifle in th e Atomic revisions, to the extent that it now weighs more total air superiority in Korea, dusty and than seve n pounds! Age is possibly more important than ever shaken but whole men will continue to crawl before. Even among the read ers of a out of their holes in substantial numbers for PROFUS EL Y ILL UST RATE D magazine devoted to guns, there will be some the final, decisive, close-range ac tion. THO USANDS OF ILLU ST RA TIO NS! who ha ve qu estioned the combat worth of Th at is where the rifle comes in. With dis• The unique main ten ance ser vice, consisting of what seems, at first gla nce, to be a horse• persion, air drops, grea ter night operations additio nal new ma teria l a nd revisions, so lves t he and-buggy weapon. Such thinking fails to in cluding infiltrati on, th e chances in crease "o bsolete book" problem - The FIREA RMS grasp that the rifle alon e is not th e enormously of meeting individu al or small DIRECTORY IS ALWAYS UP TO DATE, AND THE MAINTENANCE SERVICE KEEPS ITTHAT "weapon," but rifle-plus-man, with his senses, groups of enemy face-to-face, and shooting it WA Y; there is nothing else like it in the Firea rms his intelligence and his great versatility, ar e out on the spot with what you're carry ing. .. .r HO USA NDS OF ILlUSTR ATI U N~! , ~ho ha~ e questioned the" combat 1vorih" 01 u T1lat-I ~ ' ~li er - e '{fie"rifle ' ~ o m 'e s "- i n ~- Wi th\ l l~: The unique ma intena nce service, c onsisting of what seems, at first gla nce, to be a horse• persion, air dr ops, gr eat er night operations ad ditiona l new material a nd revisions, solves t he and-buggy weap on. Such thinking fails to including infiltration, the chances in crease "obsolete book" problem - The FIREA RMS grasp that the rifl e alone is not th e enormously of meetin g individual or small DIRECTORY IS ALWAYS UP TO DATE, AND THE MAINTENA NCE SERVICE KEEPS ITTHAT "weapon," but rifle-plu s-man, with his senses, groups of enemy face-to-face, and shooting it WA Y; there is nothing else like it in the Firea rms his int elli gence and his great versatility, ar e out on the spot with what you're carry ing. field. the real compo nent s of the weapon called You won't have time for the Iuxury of "buck "rifle-man." This laun ching tub e whi ch a fever" then. Only a continuing, open-mind ed THE FIREARM SDIR ECTORY IS DIVID ED man can carry almost anywhere, along with evolution of small arms training systems INTO SIX TEEN SE PARATE SECTIONS : a couple of hundred lO-cent pr ojectil es he can pr epar e the American rifleman ~ BOOKS and IDENTIFICATION can use (if well enough train ed) specifically for the task of defense. ~ PUBLICATION S LABORATORIES CW BS and RANGES LEGAL COD ES and MANU FACTURERS a nd ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GOVERN MENTSURPLUS _ PROO f MA RKS IMPO RTERS • UNUSED ALL METAL I DEALERS PATENT S FAMOUS REVERE: FIREARMS, PISTOLS • MISCElLAN EOUS RIFLES Rotary Electric Tool ~y ~'cl i~~~J< ~ ~ G lOSSARY SHO TGUNS ! , ";' GUNSMITHS TECHN ICAL NOTES (SOc moAt west III: 40 .PC. of Mississipp i) ,! Appropri ate mat erial, conta ined in the SET EASY TO MOUNT In any pcsitlcn. t, i: above cla ssifica tions, is cont inually added vehicles. walls or Ilccrs , \\\ , ' to - for example, the " PISTOL ATLAS" DURABLE. LIGHT·WEIGHT, padded \\\ (pp. 34-35, FIREARMS IDENTIFICATION, at all points of contad with gun. Holds \\\ J. S. Hatcher) lang unavaila ble, will be at ANY gun, ,nugly, safely. \\i YO UR hon d as a Firea rms Direct ory owne r "JIFFY·OUT"- A twistof the rubber- \\\ .•_ A lso, each pa te nt in th e Firearms padded latch releases your gun for , ~ } i field is extra cted with illustrations and in• insta nt use. cluded in the annual supplement • • • And, 'fl of cour se, our world fa mous Isometr ic PADDED SPRINGS holdgunsnugly in (, Draw ings - of which we now hav e s ixty~ place. pre vent vibrations and starring. ' even - all to be included in the Firearms LOCKS WITH CHAIN OR PADLOCK Directory! These rang e from the Collier Flintlock Revolver and Patterson Co lt The Hea vy Duty tool for pr e ctsron w ork Army uses thorn by thousands! Order through the modern a utomatics - Truly a ar ound sho p an d home . Consists of se veral. for yourself and friends: Send wealth of material nowhere else a vaila ble. 40 pieces in a beau tiful cose. AC-DC check or money order Posta ge pre• Rotary Too l . w ith cutt ers, drills, br ushes, paid, Satisfaction guaranteed. e tc., a nd adjustable stand. Ca rves, cuts , EACH FlO COMES TO YOU IN A SPECIALLY d rills , engraves, sands, po lishes! Quantity Price To Dealers. Send check or money order. No C.O.D. DUTTON'S GOVERNMENT SURPLUS DESIGNEO , CUSTOM BUILT, TENGWALL BIND ER! 7B4El 50. Phillips Hiway Route 8, Box 508 PUBLIC SPORTS SHOPS, II S. 16th St., Phila. 2, Pa. Examine it ' at you r [ocol Library, Jacksonville, Florida or order your own copy now • • • PRICE- Including Revision Service for C urrent Year LEARN GUNSMITHING : $22.50 FO REIGN: $25.00 Creat opportunities-Operate YOUR OWN EBEBEB@@ SHOP! Learn easily with Country's most cam• I'let~ " M ast~~ Cun .sm ithi~ 1$ Co .~~s !, . Approved Write for Free Literature 1. THE SAKO FORESTER Calibers: .243, .244, . 308 THE MOST COMPLETE A larger ve t-st ou of the pace -setting Sake S porter . Weigh t: 6 3,4 rb s . overan le n g th: 4 2 inch e s . F re nc h w a ln u t stock , hi~ h comb cb eek p te cc-c-ur e nearest t hi n g to an a ll 'ro u nd rtne. Ligh t w e iJ.:" h t . s u per a ccurate. $ 1 4 9 .5 0 ; with Dual- Range peep s ig ht LI NE OF THE VERY $157 .0 0 . H ea vy barrel m od e l at $ 1 6 2 .5 0 . FINEST SPORTING 2 . THE SAKO SPORTER C al i b ers : .222, . 2 1 8 , .22 H orn e t Bu ilt on Sa ko's true, S hort Mauser a cti on , with exclusive ARMS ON THE ~f~~ ~e~ o S ~~~ e n~ ~~~~til l~~ ~C k oSr . ~ a: ro ~ as : e : r ha en Z ~ Y ~ J 'i:' t .! 6~h fb:.~ b ull-gu n accc ra cv -c ba r re ts I:r oupl n ~ o ve r :Vol" a t 300' r e jec ted a t fa ct ory . Fi nest waln ut stoc k with high comb a nd cn eekptece . F i n (' ly ch ec ke red . S upplied with Dual- Range peep s igh t and MARKET h ooded rnmp, r ront s ig h t. $ 1 3 5 .0 0 . With Mann li ch e r t ype s toc k a t $ 144. 7 5 . He a vy barre l mode l at $ 1 4 5 .0 0 .

3 . THE F. N. MAUSER RIFLE Ca libers : . 3 0 -0 G. . 2 7 0, . 2 5 7, . 3 0 0 S a va g e. 7 mm, . 3 0 8 , 2 50/3000, 220 Swift A t rue a ri s tocrat a mong t h e h ig her po wered r taes. A 7 3/4 lb. b Jen d o f t he finest mater ia ls and w o r kma n s h fp.....ehro m e vanadiu m s t eel ba rrel. F r e nch w a lnut s tock h and some ly ch eckered an d hand fin i ~ h e d i n t he bes t E u ropean manner . Dri lJed a nd tap ped for sco pe m o unts a nd rece iver s ights. $ 150.00 De Ju xe Mod el. 5 1 7 0 .0 0 in the feature loa d ed Series 300.

4. THE MATADOR xr adc hy t h e famou s H ou s e o f A ya . Av allabJe from .4 10 to 1 2 g a uge . in cl ud ing 20 g a u ge 3" Ma ~ um . Perfe ct b a la n ce, a u t o e je cto rs , s ingle se lecti ve t r igger. $ 1 5 4.0 0 . Also a va il able in J 2 p:a uge 3 " Ma g num , 3 2" ba r re ls a t $ 1 7 5 .0 0 , a nd 10 g auge 3 JI:2." Magnu m, 32" bar r e ls at $189.50.

s. THE FINNISH LION FREE RIF LE F o r t h e se rt ou s t a r ~ e t shooter . I nte r ch a n ge able g ch u e t zen a nd fi e l d type b utt pl a te s and re m o vable pa lm re st. Con ve r t ibl e 1 1' i ~ gt. ·r po rmtrs m odification fro m I n t e rna ti on a l Flree R ifte to N. R ..J". au t hor ize d co m pe ti tion . Ca libe r . 2 2 on ly . Rln ~ type f ro n t s l~ h t w ith five in serts, mterome t e r ad j usta ble Val met r e ar s ig h t w ith extra a pe rtu r e . $195.00.

6 . THE LA SALLE PUMP SHOTGUN A n e w stan da rd In e ngin eering ingenu it y . P r od uced with spectat pu rpose m a ch inery . the action is t roub te fr e e an d u n usu a ll y s moo th . T h e li ght weig h t a lloy r e ce iver Is forg ed for g re a te r r ug g e d ne s s; bas-re t is machined from bar s toc k. a reature assu rt ne eros tcn resis tance and lo n g li fe . Ba rrels a re insta nt ly in te rchange a b le w tcnout use of any tools w hatsoe ver. The ue s tsrn o f t he La Salle co m b ine s mini m u m 'wei ght (a p • proxtm a to tv 6 to s .) w ith m in im u m r e co il e ffect. Mad e fo r us by t h e lea d i n g Frenc h fire a rms manufact u re r, Ma nufra nce of St, Et ienne. Chambere d fo r 1 2 g a u g e 20/4 " s h e lls o n ly . Che cker ed F re nc h w a lnut b u tt stock and oversize Beavertail f or e·e nd - S I 1 5. 0 0. "Parls ia n " g rade (e n g ra v in g and sele ct Wood) $1 5 0 .00.

7. THE F. I. 1000 Made in Germ:my e x cl usive ly for u s. Man -sized, yet an id(.a l " fir st :;tin" thankS t o its b uut-tn safety fe a tures r a re ly found on THie s in th is price b r a ck e t . Bo lt o pe ra ti on cocks fir in g pin, Ti~h t · h an d sare w is posi tive with "fir e " and "safe" posit ions e limin a ti n g t he necess ity o f s e parate handcock in g for e a ch shot ; p la inly in d ica t ed . Ca l. 2 2 LR. P r ice $ 1 7 .5 0 .

8. THE UNIQUE CORSA IR PISTOL Evo lve-d fr om a li n e of very s u ccess fu l .22 a u to m a tic pi stols. Exceptional design featu res in cl ud e u nequaled smoothnes s or on• erarton , lu s t ro u s fin is h and fine balance. Ca liber . 2 2 L.R. $ 4 2 .0 0 UNIQca nbUEe r E:SCOR.22 Sh T ,or sa t m e as Co r sair but with d u r a l slide . $ 4 8 .0 0 UNIQUE CO RS AI R PR ES E NTA T IO N CAL IBER . 2 2 L. R. E1'\GRAVED A:o.:D FINISHED I ~ S AT I~ CH ROME $64.50

Made in Ge rma n y e xc lusive ly for u s. M an-Sized, ye t an id e-al "first :;u n " t hank s t o its b u i lt -in safety fea tures r a rel y found nn ri fle s in t h is p r ice b racke t. Bo lt o pe ra ti on cocks fir inJ!: pi n. ri ght·hand safe ty Is po s iti ve w ith " fir e " and "safe " positi ons e tt mrne t tne t he n e cessit y of s e pa r ate n andcocktn g fo r e ach shot ; plain ly indicate d . Ca l. 22 LR . P r ic e $1 7 .50.

8. THE UNIQUE CORSAIR PISTOL E volved fr om a li n e o f ve r y s uccessfu l . 2 2 au tomatic p ist ol s. Exceptional d e s ign feature s in clud e unequale d s m oo t h ne s s of op • eratron, lu st r ou s fin is h and fine bn tan ee , Caliber .22 L .R . $42.00 UNIcaQUub Ee r E:SCORT .2 2 S ho . rsa t me a s Co r sai r but w ith d u r a l s li de. $48.00 UN IQUE CO RSAI R PR ESENTATIO N CALI BE R .2 2 L .R. E1'\G RAVEDASD F IN I S HED I S S AT IN CH ROME $64.S0

9. THE ASTRA CUB PISTOL sore, rettabte , a cc urate a nd low III cast. Ammunition co s ts l e s s thnn a pen ny per ro und. It is ideal fo r hunting sm a ll gnme or as a pe rso n a l d efe n se w eapon . Three safeties. 6 r ound mnzn - ,.JOEl ca pa c ttv . Ca li ber . 22 Short $34.00 AS TRA F IRE CAT , CALI BE R . 2 5 $34.00 ASTRA F ALCON, CAL IB F:RS .22 L. R., .3 2 o r . 3 8 0 $ 5 0 .0 0 CONV. :32 ERo rSiON. 380UNI TS FO R FA L CO ~ PISTOLS •.22 L.R.• 524.00

10. THE STAR MODEL " F" PISTOL Ava ila ble in t h r ee harre l le n gth s . features perfect ba lance, f a st rake-d own. th u m b res e ~ip , ch ecke red b a ck strap. hand h flned fac to ry adjus ted t r ie'z e r . la r g e easy wo rking posit ive So'l fe ty. All S tar pi st ol s are su p p li ed w ith e xtra m a g az in e . Ca li be r .2 2 L.R . w ith 41/ 4" ba rr e l $ 4 1 .1 5 Ca l ibe r . 2 2 L.R . w ith 6 " barrel $49 .95 Ca li ber . 2 2 L.R . w ith 7 " barrel $ 55.0 0



] Inndcrnrtcd open end holst er and belt made or hear)' d uty r usset lea th • t'f- and russet li ned . Lock-stt tchcd scams. Cont oured belt ca rri es 20 earf.rldgc loops and poli shed nickel bu ckle. Choice or natural ta n, mahogany oil or bla ck fin ish . ACTON CUSTOM LEATHER GOODS 919 So. Walnut St., Dept. 29 , Troy , Ohio YOU Jugr CANT PUeK A GUN Cl£ANEP WITH HOPPE'S N!9 ,.I), Removes all primer, po wd er , le ad a nd m e t al f ouli n g .. Gu ard s aga i ns t mo isture a nd rust. 'iii._' At all spor ting goods dealers. Send 25¢ for generous trial bottle. "G un Cleaning Guide" _o:::..;~ ...... Free on request. "Have a good hunt, darling 1 Or did you forget the Iikker, too1" FRANK A. HOPPE, INC. 2313 N. 8TH STREET, PHllA. 33, PENNSYlVANIA

32 caliber blue $ 43.00 fully chromed $ 48.50 22. L.R. caliber blue partial en. $ 48.70 chromed fully extra en• chromed fully .extra graved $ 42.80 engra ved $ 56.15 richly gilt-very fine high richlv g ilt mother of I cnz ra ved mother of I nenrl h ~nr1'pc:. upru hnp PULL! . . . by Dick Miller GOKEY BOOTS (Continned from page 36) Io't- IW4IIUf tuddODlJ ".d/ Over 50 styles of signments. If he covers your trap or skeet ask them to smile. It 's the brave thing to do. fine boots and shoes shoot, in the great majority of insta nces, it H you include pictures of trap and skeet fo r sportsmen and will be on his own tim e, and to the tune of shooters holding guns, please ask th e sub• women. sta tic from his wife and youngsters. A num· jects to hold the guns in an approved safe her of well-known sports and outdoor writers fashion. Trap and skeet shooters ha ve pil ed SPORT have told me th at th ey welcome shoot reo up an amazing safety record. Th ey didn't OXFORD port s fr om gun clubs, and have asked me acco mplish th at enviable record by careless 10" LACE BOOT to spre ad the word . To make sure tha t the gun han dlin g. 10" PULL ON BOOT shoot reports get printed, here's how th ey Some of the comments concern ing news• want th em: paper publicity for trap and skeet events GOKEY BOTTE SAUVAGE A shoot report should be ma iled on the da y apply to thi s column. From th e day th at I World famous Bott e Sau va ge is rnad e-te• of the shoot, or next day at the latest. News• first walked on a field where clay targets measure. Lightweight yet t ough . True moc • paper editors ha ve strong feelings regard• were being shatte red, I have hear d pitiful cas in cons truction with handst itched vamp. ing the timeliness of news. A shoot report re• moans of anguish an d pain calling for mor e (in re gular and snake -pr oof models) ceived a week afte r th e shoot smells to them national magazine publicity for th e sports. Get Go ke y Boots onl y by w riting for measu re bla nk a nd Free GOKE Y SPORTSMAN cat a log of boots , cloth .. ab out as appetizing as the fam ily ga rbage GUNS magazine ha s seen fit to ad d thi s trap ing a nd oth er fine sports eq uipment. a fter the same period. Wh en the report is and skee t column. The editors of GUNS are wr itt en in shooter's lan guag e, the newspaper given to lar gesse and philanthrop ical tend en• GOKEY CO· ST. pfJr\ ~I NN. is spared the embarrass ment of th e goofs cies, bu t withal they do not pay me enough men tioned earlier. Sports editors have th e for this column to support my fami ly. If I suspicion th at an accou nt of an event which must play detective in ord er to ferret out 2 SPECIAL OFFERS! says simply that Joe Blow broke 98, Henry shooting news, this "Pu ll" column wiII prob• Smo broke 97, and Hiram Horsefeather ably turn out to be a littl e jerk instead of broke 96, fail s to ra ise read er's pulses. If a good, strong "p ull." If you, the shooters _ 1 1 ~ # .5 Henry Hor sefeather broke his 96 while and gun clubs, will give out with the stories M a l ay a n T h r o w in g Da g g e r s hitched ta ndem with a gray mule who had of your achievements, your human interest Ex c i tln ~ spor t tnars easy t o le a rn . H eavy b lu ed steel wi t il leather bo un d Iran• one pink ear, thi s should be mentioned. shooting angles, and some photographs of d Ie s . Instr uctio n sheet and tnrrret tn c tuded. $1 .4 9 same, we'll all be hap py. And, who kn ows, we each . set o f thre e. 5 3 .9 R. P ictu re s help any shoot story-and they Se nd check or m o ne y o rder should arrive with the story, properly ident i• may sell other GUNS read ers on join- ~ tod a y . fied. In ma ny cities, arr ange ments may be ing us at the gun club. ~ H & B STONE mad e with the newspaper to develop th e film. When this is tr ue, simply send th e un • • San Diego, Calif. Th e shooting "p erfection exposed film with the story. bar rier" has been broken ... and no fooling. And, please, no pictures of wooden In • Within a few days, four Marines . .. Stanley di ans, with expre ssions on th eir faces which Millar, Delb ert Faulkner, Micha el Pi etro• give th e impression that the whole business forte, and Dale Stone . . . fired perfect is very depr essing. If you must line up th e 250x250s over the Na tional Match cour se. troph y winners as if facing the firing squad, The firing was done from the 600 yard line. dl an ~ J ~ ' e !! : s I s J~ i!! e ~ h i c :rIj J f ~ 7 D ~ e ~ F Sk ! ! ' 1 '! PP i etr m - ~ RD ANNUAL give the impr ession that th e whole business forte, an d Dale Stone . . . fired perfect : ~~~~~ is very depr essing. If you must line lip th e 250x250s over th e ational Match course. - tro phy winn ers as if facin g th e firin g squad, The firing was done fr om the 600 yard line. I


VI,$IT GUN M ANUFACTURE RS' PLUS MANY IMPORTANTHIGHLIGHTS IN THE ARMS FI ELD ONTHIS NOW FAMOUS TOUR. You' lf visit arms muse ums, sho ps and gun col• ; e c to r ~ , in England, France, Belg ium and Ger• many. Buy rare gu ns a t low pr ices. We w ill visit a rms fa ctories a nd research museums of SPECIAL famous gun works, i. e .: Enfield (Eng la nd), TOUR TO RUSSIA Fabrique Nationale (Belgium), German Walther Last two w ee ks of Ma y we will tour Russian gun plants. plant plus many others, Arrangemen ts a re now bei ng made to visit C.Z. factory and Brno THESE TOURS ARE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED in Czechoslovakia . The Pol ish a rms companies and museums, the State BY GUNS MAGAZINE TECHNICAL EDITOR, History Museu m in Moscow and in Le'ningrad and the Soviet arms factory WILLIAM B. EDWARDS. a t Tula . • PRICES OF AIRFARE NOT INCLUDED ITINERARY AND PRICES WRITE OR PHONE: r------, THE COMEBACK OF THE COLT RIFLE LIMITED SUPPLY OF (C ontinued from page 16 ) Colt had to pay extra to satisfy th e gunmaker's azine" as solidly load ed as a mod ern car• demands. Later, afraid the early wet-proof tridge gun. But Colt did not reckon with priming cap shields at the back of the cylinder suddenly having production wrested fr om were trapping the side flash and setting off his control. A stock-holders' fight tossed th e caps, Colt abandoned the protection. Hi s Sam out of th e shop and onto th e road as *DEWATS whole design thinking had been toward a salesman. Major finan cer John Ehlers, gun DEACTIVATED WAR TROPHIES streamlining th e awkwa rd, clumsy percus• dealer of Hoboken, N. J. , took over prod uc• WORLD'S BEST DEWAT BUY sion gun with its monstrous hammer into tion control of th e work s. "We must begin Buy no w while they Last- Going Fast a sleek, self-contained shooting ma chine. making something to sell," screamed Selden, no mo re can be Legally Deactivated! The shields made the outside of th e guns and Ehlers satisfied that ord er. Th e guns "'FRENCH CHAUCHAT 8MM MACHINE RIFLE sleek and smooth, but Pater son works for e• produced under Ehlers' supervision la cked ~ i n~ {1 C! s h o t 01' fu ll a u to matic-Used in two w o rt d W:U'S! ! h y F'ro n cb & U.S. in W WI, and F rench & man Pliny Lawton obj ected, and away they much of bein g what Colt wanted Colt guns U el g-iall s 'a t s t ar t of WW II. At t hi s price i t should be ill C!\,CI'V ri fl c 01' automatic weapons co uoctton. Corn • went . Th e P ear son model was mod ified, no to be, but at least-they were selling guns. me te \ \:i th cresc ent 20 rd. rn ag,, Bipod, stocks, and ~ :~rP 1 ~ ( 1 g S ' ~~c: :~~:' :~n :l~: i~tgg cap shields, and Colt and Lawton went to Th e 1839 models included a 6-shot revolving ::::::::::::::: see the young company's bu siness manager carbine. Several hundred wer e bou ght for ACC ESSORY KIT: C on si stin g of 2 e x t r a m ag s & carry :n g c ase , tool se t. s pe c ia l a i r c raft sights. plu s and backer, Colt's cousin Dud ley Selden. the Army. Others were issued to th e U.S. o t her ext ra s . K it with gun $3.75. Without gun $ 9 .95. A $ 15.00 V a l u e . Always at odds over mon ey, Colt and Pacific fleet, while still others saw service "'CERMAN MACH INE PISTOL 44 (MP44 l Selden were always courteous but the older, with th e Marines in the Florida wars. But ~i 9 ~V ~\:rI s...:- D~bb~~ . == == ~ ~ Next, Colt designed a lever assembly to lently designed but poorly mad e military pu sh the bullets into th e chambers. Th e carbines was to pla gue th e Colt r evolving 30-40 KRAC BARRELED ACTIONS ~ ll nw prl ~+A p ..»o: .,.. _...-- _._--,....--- ..- ~ .._.. _..-- l p v p.r "-:.h n o tpr "-:. t n n"-:.p hnl l pt"-:. t h!lt l n l !ltpT VP :l T"-:. leaked past the loosely fitting bullets to fire concern fold ed. Even purcha se of 180 Car• .43 Cal. REMINCTON ROLLINC BLOCK th e side cha rges. But the bevel, though pat • bines by the new did not RIFLES A few minor parts m issing. Good. for decorator. ented for the purpose of cutt ing simult aneous swell th e financ es enough to weather th e Ciu-b ln e $5.95 ... .. • .• ..... •• .• •• ••• . Rifle $ 3.9 5 discharges, did not cure th e tr oubl e. storm. And bad pub licity from th ese excel• ~~i """'!l> ~ . == == ~ ~ Next, Colt design ed a lever assembly to lently design ed but poorly made military pu sh the bullets into th e chambers. Th e carbines was to pla gue th e Colt r evolving 30-40 KRAC BARRELED ACTIONS ;~~ ~ : :~\lbOJ ~ $ . [) ~ I. e ~ !:ii stl~~ga~~re abo ; o ~ tc b ~ : r ~ t a\~~~ lever allow ed shooters to use bullets that rifle in later years. pr-i ce • • . .• • .• •••• •• ••••••••• •• ••••••••• $7.95 fitted ti ghtly-modern enthusiasts of cap• Sam Colt was undaunted. In August, 1839, ITALIAN 6.5 VETTERLI RIFLE and-ball Colt s know th e compound lever he dr ew up in th e form of a perfected re• Comn tc to e x ce p t for missing minor part or parts . $3.95 often allows them to shave off a thin "moon" volving rifle a radi call y new ignition pr in• 7 1....11'11 R "E:l\U N GT ON RO LL ING BLOCK ACTIONS Co m p le te (01' rc-ban-ettnz $7.95 of lead in loading. Such a bullet-seating ciple. All guns of the time wer e either ra mmer made th e chambers actually wat er• copper-cap fired (the percussion system ) , or 7MM REMINCTON tight, and later one Colt advertising scheme of th e old flintl ock firin g type. Colt's idea ROLLINC BLOCKS was to boast of th e wet-proof chambered was to fire the powder cha rge with air. One Mis s in g m inor n on-functi on al part or pa rts, o therwise comp le te. cylinder, if the nipples or percussion cones of the first pr actical appliers of pure re• C a r b ine •• • •• •..•. $8.25;R ifle .• ••.• .•..$5.25 were closed with a bit of wax before caps search to pr actical uses, Colt knew of the W~ !J eN!tY W~ i?n~~!~I~ A~~~r~ ~S I were put on. "Diesel principle." Though Diesel him self Rusty but rest orab le , . .. •. •• • ••• •• •. $9.95 Gradually the revolving rifle design was had yet to ap ply the idea of rapidly com• ' N E W D e M u n i .25 Ca l. AUTO BLA NK PISTOLS ..••. •.. .. $17.50 Eac h perfected. P ercussion caps were separa ted pressi ng fuel to ignite it, Colt kn ew that Bl ank ammo .••••• •• . •...... •. $1 .50 per box by mas sive shoulders of steel to block side a fluid increased in inte rnal temperature 1903 SPRINC FIELD RIFLE PARTS flash. Th e loading lever- someti mes a sepa• when compresse d. Experime ntally he had Bolts, N e w -Spr i n gfie ld N . S . . .. • .• . .••• $ 2 .95 rate tool, lat er perm anently hin ged to the made a single shot model from a brass flint B ol t s. N e w -A3-Co ntrac t Mfr...•• ••• •.. •.1 . 9 5 Boxof4, ....••••••••.• •• 3 .95 gun-gave the shooter a cylindrical "mag- blunderbuss barrel and a nicely shaped air F r o nt s i g h t covers, New...... 25 P e r dozen .••.•••••••.• 1 .25 N e w . 03A3 4 -g r o ove B arrels.•••••.••... 7.50 N e w 03A3, 2 -g roo v e W / Front Site band 3.95 03A3 Springf iel d B olts (str ippe d) Sold by t h e case o f 90 B ol t s . • • • • • • . . 39.95

NEWT-64 B ullet p ro o f vest a n d a p r o n w ith carry i ng pouch ...... • • . . . • SI0.50 U n u se d U . S . Ga s M a sk s •...... , ... .. $2.25 each J u n k & P arts G RA B BAG-IS tb s , o r m or e • • . . $ 5. 0 0 (S h ipped R REXpre s s C ollect) ~cme C a se o f 12 n e w T h o m p son MIAI bu t t s toc ks (less m etal) $ 5 .95 p e r c a se AMMUNITION CO L LECTO RS : A s sortment of 25 d if· f er ent ca r tridges. m a ny scarce & r are . •...... $4.25 Se n d self-addressed , s tamped e nvelope for m o re c o m• The HIGHEST POINT in p l ete l i s t o f parts & accesso ries. SHOTSHELL LOADER EFFIC IENCY S p e ci a l Ammo Off'ei-: 7.92MM Sho r-t for Ocr• m a ll M.P. 44 "STURMGE WEHR 4 4" .V ery I':U'C •• .. .• .... .•..•. $7.50 per 100 rd s . Outperforms All Others in Safety, Speed, Accuracy

All Items s h i p pe d RREXPRESSCOLLECTAlexandria vn, Include po stage when ordcrrrur only parts . • $29.95 to $89.95 Dealer inquiries invited. Dealers wanted - Get the lacts DnTnlUl Ar A DIUI~ valve system, which allowed him to send a dr awn up durin g 1842-3-4. Th e Navy seemed jet of air und er sudden pressur e into a the most promising mark et- the Colt car• powder charge. Thou gh the model which bines for Mar ines and boarding parti es, was survives is only partly complete, the idea a well-recommend ed item. But the younger must have work ed. since Sam dr ew u p a officers, who had hear d rum ors of Colt Car• patent and a caveat describing his design. bines burstin g in Fl orid a, were gro wing up THE MAGIC TOUCH-of a button a nd Th e gun used a center hamm er with an in the service, and they were prejudiced the Scope Life Gu a rd op ens insta ntly and exposed cocking spur. Th e hamm er struck a aga inst his guns. ea sily. Hermet ically sea ls scope from dust , plun ger, compressed the air through a tin y Th e year 1847 was the most imp ortant one rai n or snow, providing constant sha rp orifice, and then suddenly turned off a valve in Sam's life. He received an Army contract sighting. Easy to install , the protector re• so the flash-back would not smoke up the for revolving pistols, completed it success• mains stationa ry on scope. When ordering, speci fy scope and model. $3.95. works. Wh at Colt conceived was a center• full y by subcontracting to Eli Whitney, and fire weapon, only a few decades ahead of the at the end of the year borrowed $14,500 from E. D. VISSING CO•• Idah o Falls, Idaho dat e the world was read y to accept such a rich uncl e to return to gun manufacturing. new-fangled notions. Th e air -ignit ion rifle Almost before the ink was dr y on his new was, so far as is known , never mad e. shop leases, he commenced to work up a Expert Rifleman's But Colt 's prolific talent s for design and rifle. Using the improved basic lockwork of mass-produ ct ion manufacture continued to the hug e Walker revolver which the Texas Badge follow the 'rifle path. Thou gh he mad e mil• Ran gers used with such success in the Mex• Mad e i n 1916 et lions from revolvers, the rifle was obviously ican War, Colt design ed a big 8-shot .44 Rock Island Arsen el. the grea tes t challenge. Design advan ces ap• caliber Dra goon-type sporting rifle. Only one pear more in the rifles than in the ma ss• survives, in the Conn. State Lib rary, al• SPECIAL mark et revolvers. So diversified are the ri fle thou gh the gun was adverti sed on a Colt $1 25 designs, elements of which later showed up broadside which is surprisingly like a mod• POSTPAID in revolvers (Colt invent ed and patented the ern advertising sheet. MARKSMAN BADCE Cold plated ove r solid solid frame on a revolver, although th e first But the market demand ed revolving pistols, for shooters, sterUnl bronze.• guns to have the solid fram e were his rifles), as many as he could turn out, and the Har t• sil ve r $1 .00 e ach, Raised letters ••• postpaid. Limited quantity . that the student might suspect he mad e ford works out grew itself. Th e Pearl Street money off revolvers to finance his rifle de• rent ed shop was enlarged, th en new premises signs. rented on Grove and P otter streets, and During the 1840's, before he set up shop finally Colt bou ght several hundred acres of again in Hartford where th e Colt factory swamp, diked it in and pump ed it out, and still hum s today, Sam work ed for th e Na vy erected the world's largest pri vate armory on department . As an independ ent ordnance the South Meadows. The company, flushed contractor, he had fund s to work on experi• with the sportsman's demand and with ord ers ment s, and man y rifles and carbines were from western emigrants for handguns, was read y to expa nd into the controversial rifle WESTERN field. FAST DRAW SIGN OF THE TIMES Competition with repeating rifles was small. Two obscure mechanics named Hora ce and Daniel-last names Smith & Wesson, ' soon to found a handgun business equal to IPU LL I Colt's- were struggling with an odd lever ~UNSMITH I IITRIGGE5 E. R " IC R~ action gun that used a self-contained bullet- L_I IFOR -" I __ u __ J n__ .. __ ~_ ~ ~:. p r~ e~ n ~ ~ t Y.~.~~ !\. \l u a.Jit~I .LU~ !l .. ~, tim: ready to expand into the controversial rifle WESTERN field. FAST DRAW HOLSTER Competition with repeating rifles was ?~~fid~ ~~ ~ :~~r .e ~ o ~y c ~&o : lo ~: f .; SIGN OF THE TIMES stars a nd s t u n t men w ho wanted small. Two obscure mechanics named Horace ~~d ~~~i~~~~lnJi rllf:~ t .p~r: I:ct~~ s ame holster fe atured In Cba pe l's and Daniel-last names Smith & Wcsson, • 'Gun Co ll e ctor ' s Ha ndbook of Va l· soon to found a handgun bu siness equal to ~~ S~ ne O f:: g d f ~ P l : : i h : r ~ t ~rri?:~ua~~ PU LL metal and exPertly stitched. Give Colt's-were struggling with an odd lever wa is t. hlp measurement. canber, mak ~ and barrel lenJrth. SinR'le bolster and ~UNSMITH T RI GGER Lelt$ 2 7. 5 0. Sou thpaws add $1. Ho lster action gun that used a self-contained bullet• on ly $ 11.50.Coneet cr e. send 10C f or FOR 5 E RV IC( unu s ual Iis l of famous Old We st e une . I and-propella nt packa ge a little like a tiny Ca li foru ia reside n ts ad d 4 0/0 sales ta x . rocket. P erfected th rough a succession of PONY EXPRESS SPORT SHOP ~ engineers after Smith and Wesson sold out 17460 Ventura Blvd. Encino 2, California and turned to revolver making, the little lever gun became the Winchester. But that was in the fut ure. With the revolving prin• ciple still the most practi cal one for a loose• GET THE CASE WITH loading powder and ball gun, Colt had the market to him self. His first Hartford rifles were bcautifully EXCLUSIVE GUN develop ed solid frame repeaters, six-shots, .44 and .36 caliber. With side hammers, as INSURANCE were all percussion Hartford repeat ers, these are today known as the "Root Model" after PROTECTION Colt's chief engineer, Eli sha Kin g Root. From $1 .50 to 20 gauge $107.95 BREDA magnum 'AUTOMATIC

• World's fir st a nd only 20 gauge m a gnum a utomatic fo r 3" shells! • Sh oots a ll 3" a rid 20/.1 " she lls- in alL 20 Gauge loads ~ • 3 interch angeabl e choke tubes give ideat patterns from on eve rythi ng from clay pigeon s to geese! $179.50 The dour, taciturn E.K.R. was lured away from another indu stry by the highest salary keep it rolling ever paid to a mechanical employee at that time-up to $5,000 solid gold dollars a year, for Colt had learn ed that the secret of th e successful executive was man agement , and mana gement included gelling the men who with the fast-shooting understood design and production. Such a man was Root, and the sidehammer rifles Stevens 11K "Scout" Carbine featured many detai ls that were invented and patented in Colt's nam e, but carr ied int o execution by Root. They made an excellent team ; but the rifles werc not launched until 1857 and the approach of th c Civil War, HERE'S A CARBINE MOD EL OF THE FAMOUS STEVENS which should have been a stimulus to th e 87-the 22 automati c rifle own ed by more than 1,000,000 revolving rifle business, actuall y spelled its doom. sh ooters ! Sporting a short 20-inch barrel, the 87K "Sc out" Less than 20,000 revolving rifles in all is quick-pointing and well-balan ced •. . gives you rapid fire types werc actually made, thou gh th ey .. . time-tested accuracy and tradition al Stevens value. spanned the sportsmen's needs fr om light .36 caliber "deer hunting" guns up to .70" ROl:GH ON VARMINT S AND SMALL GAME Th e 87K fires elephant rifles. One such elephant rifle was 15 long rifle cartr idges as fast as you can pull th e trigger • made. It is still in the Colt museum. It real firepower for fun shooting or fast -movin g small game . may have signified Colt's hope to safari to Africa when the War was over. But his DESIG NED FOR YOUNGER SHOOTERS The Steven s 87K death in 1862 from overwork ended tha t. "Scout" is th e kind of 22 a young fellow can grow up with The Colt' s rifles saw hard service in th e and enjoy all through life. Light, stur dy, dependable, safe. War. The I st Regiment, United States It 's load ed with eye appeal , too. Gold-plated trigger , chromed Sharp Shooters, under New York expert fittings, a desert tan stock with white line butt plate. Gr oov ed rifleman Colonel Hir am Berdan, rece ived for tip-off type scope mounts, too. 1500 of the .56 ,caliber repeaters taking th e .58 government pap er cartridge. Colt' s rifles in the hand s of Berdan 's men were cred ited with turning C. S. A. General Longstr eet's flank at Gettysburg, affectin g the outcome of that fat eful battl e. For the Union, Colt's prod uced over 100,000 single shot rifled muskets of a patt ern which was originated by Colt and Root as an irn• provement on the Springfield Armory model. The M1861 Special Model, also made by other contrac tors as the "1863" model, is ~ !U. ~l £~ ..: ~ . ~~ !\ ,h~ a!~ ~~",~ .l~ ~ ~ ~ L f~~ ' v, S 2 ~ tod.aL .. 0 single shot rifled muskets of a patt ern which was originated by Colt and Root as an irn• provement on the Springfield Armory model. The M1861 Special Model, also made by other contrac tors as the "1863" model, is today a much-sought after musket for col• lectors and muzzle-loading shooters. When the western boom starte d after the war, Colt's was read y. Hand guns were in demand and so were rifles. But the field was in a state of uncertainty, and no manufac• turer reall y knew what would come as a perfected principle for rifles. The hi ghly im• proved model of Smith and Wesson's little Volcani c lever action carbine led th e field, and the lever action seemed to be th e best repeating system of the day. Colt's plun ged into th e lever action rifle business. Th eir venture lasted one year. At the end of mak• ing about 8500 guns, they turned to another form of mechanism. Why, is one of the int erestin g sidelights of what may go on behind the scenes in the gun business. Colt's lever action repeater of $39.75 Th e 87K "Sco ut" is the newest in th e ] 883 was a fine, successful rifle. Mechani• complete Sav age and Steven s lin e of cally, it was prot ected by pat ent s and quit e 22's. Prices star t at only SI S.95 . different from other rifles except for the Ther e are Sav age, St evens and Fox The Finest Revolver and Pistol shotguns and rifles for every shoote r ~ . : and every kind of shooting. Wri te f or .. . free rifle or shotgun catalog. Sarage GRIPS Arms, Chicopee Falls 69, Mass. W Genuine IVORY. STAG . PEARL . .. Now at special savings ! 17K Write for illustrated catalog and Price List. Stevens De alers Inquiries Invited. lever. But it looked very much like th e Winchester. The cartridge, naturally, was the same except th at , instead of "Winches• ter," it was marked with th e Colt nam e. But when shooters began calling th e new lever gun the "Colt-Winchester," th e team RARE CIRCASSIAN WALNUT down th e river in New Ha ven decided some• Finest gu nst ock wood. Very dense, yet light in weight, thing should be done. Briefly, according to takes smoot h finish sharp checkering. Turned and in• Icgend , they mad e a few revolvers, took letted stacks from $ 16 .5 0 up to $8 0 .00 for rare fancies. EXTREMELY RARE ORECON MAPLE them up to Ha rtford, and politely asked Rifle blanks from $ 15. 00 to $ 7 5.00 . Shot g un blanks from FROM VERY OLD BIC CNARLED TREE $10.00 to $40. 0 0. No other wood compares with Rare Fin est 'we e ver no d . Limi ted s upply f an cy Colt' s pr esident Genera l Will iam B. Franklin b lanks .oUle s tze-cor r urued & hl lc tlcd-S 50.00 Circassian as a gun stock. New shipment recently rec'd . to S 1 00.00. .:o'hol,. nun b lanks, $20.00 to $35.00. wha t he thought of th em. Franklin could see the writing on th e wall , and the lever FREE TO GUNSMITHS : Big 4-, 010r , hart showing Flaig 's var ied PREMIUM GUN STOCK BLANKS in natur al ,olor. action rifle was discontinued. Colt's turn ed BEAUTIFULLY GRAINED FRENCH WALNUT• FINE ST PENNA . BLACK WALNUT Fr ench rifle blank s. $20.00 to $40.00. Turn ed a nd In• BLANKS &. STOCKS : instead to perfecting a pum p acti on repeat• lett ed for most r ifles $5.00 more. Rifle blanks. all grades. $4,00 to $20.00. Wa lnut shot gun uu $25.00 ; super Burls up to $35.00. blank s. $ 1.50 to $ 15.00. Walnut in letted stock for most ing system. On hand today in th e Win ches• ri fles; sta ndard $6.00; xx grade (butt ) $8.00 ; ot hers CURLY MAPLE RIFLE BLANKS : $7.00 to $30.00. $ 10.00 to $ 12.00. Also Penna. burl s an d rare burl s avai t• ter factory museum are a half dozen excellent Turn ed and inletted for most r ifles. $8.00 to $35.00. able NOW: xxx grade $17.50-$20.00. model revolver s, suggesting that the story is more than ju st a legen d. There is a happy PRECISION-CHAMBERED BARRELED ACTIONS ending : Win chester's revolvers were mostly made by Hu go Borchardt, naturalized Ameri• can of German birth. Colt's la ter hi red Borchardt, mad e him master mechanic, a job equal to works manager in today's fa ctory STANDARD OR SERIES 400 set-up. FN ACTION OR HVA ACTION BARRELED TO Th e sportsman's dr eam in the 1880's as FINEST DOUGLAS ULTRA-RIFLED CHROME MOLY BARREL. well as today, it seems, was to go to Africa. V CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES: Today, American ga me la cks the exotic var iety it had in th e buffalo era , but even th en th e variety an d size of Afr ica' s animals lured the U.S. gunner to far shores. Sam Colt's son, Caldwell Hart Colt, was caught with this dr eam and was instrument al in sett ing th e doubl e barreled Colt r ifle into prod uction. Cha mbere d mostly for .45-70, the Colt doub le rifle exists in a very few SAKO L·57 ACTION specimens tod ay. Th ough serial numbers & DOUGLAS BARREL over 300 ar e kn own, few survive. The gun

was much lik e a standard hamm er shotgun, ACE ACE DOUBLE·SET TRIGGER TRIGGER ...... ••.. $10 . 0 0 New FLAIG'S Ace except for the boring and sights. Thoug h SHOE ~~\1 ~ ~ ~o6 .~g u r m~ : ~ s er $2.50 or F .N . novel, it had little la sting effect on the Colt F Ol'most r ifles . snot• ri fle program. Ru n s and handgune, Most importan t, in point of numbers pro • du ced, was th e pump rifle designed by Wil• liam H. Elli ott. Made in three frame sizes. specimens today . Though serial numbers over 300 ar e known , few survive. T he gun

was much lik e a standard hamm er shotgun, ACE ACE DOUBLE·SET except for th e boring and sights. Th ough TR IGGER TRIGGER .....,••.. $10.0 0 New FLAIG'S Ace SHOE ~ ~ \ 1 ~ ~ ~ o 6 . ~ gurm ~ : ~s er or F .N. novel, it had little lastin g effect on the Colt 52.S0 BENCH REST STAND PO WDERMEASURE STANO F OI'mo s t ~ 1 ~( 2 d, ~ e x S i 6 ~" "H )l 'I ) ~ ·o~ , I ~~~~l,. e l ~ ~ untvc rs a t ty pe . n c vorv tn g r ifles . snot• ENFIELD M1917 h o ldin~ no nd . adjus t able In rifle pr ogram. Run s an d I'

lIIustratad with Numaraul _DEALER , .inquiries Invited •and GUNSMITHS --' I be sure to ask foru our__ special._ •• --descr-- ipt ive- .--- lite------rature on thIS ~1._&_L ...I ftL _& ~ _L _ CAL. MILITARY MODEL Monitor productio n was resumed at Hart• according to stan dards strictly controlled by RUSQVARNA ford. Th e Meriden guns were regular BAR government proof houses to ensure absolute 1\11918 and as modified, but th e Monito rs safety. In Colt' s time, design was no prob• were snubby little job s, chunky but fast• lem, for whatever he put his hand to reo Exteri orsare handling, sporting 20" carb ine barrels and fleeted his thin ki ng. But the period from 9 5 ~ e ~ / ' slightly modified intern al buffer group s and Colt's death to th e present showed a va• $19 Good recoil spring assemblies in th e butts. riety of different principles- lever, pump, Cond o Bar rels are N. R.A. That brings the story of Colt rifles to the automatic-none truly commer cial successes . eetrent . Shoots .38 Cal. S & W (not .38 Special). present, for no new model s either sporting None have their descend ants in the Colt line U.S. made ammo sold in all gun stores. Single or military were put into the work s until today. and dbl. aclion-4Y," barr el. Add $2.50 for speciall y selected exte rio rs. Fred Roff came to the cent ury-old firm with Right now, Colt's is turning out excelle nt HUSQVARNA AVAILABLE new management in th e 1950's. And to• rifles, of high quality so far as finsh, basic IN 3 CALIBERS day Roff' s efforts to put Colt's once again design , and fundamental accuracy in the 75 .2 2 Cal . Fi r e s a l l s hort. in the front with rifles, as with pistols, meets various calibers is concern ed. But to really 9 5 t~ ~ g $ 1.32 ·Cal.) $22 ; ;ne a challenge. That challe nge is, to solve the forg e ahead , they need a spark of some• 395 Very C?~od Con v e r si on withC~ ~ ~ A pex 1 Condition Ba rrel ins e r t ed . question of "what looks like a Colt ri fle?" thin g that says "Colt." How to get it• 7.5 1.32 Cal.) CHARCOAL BLUE $1795 Production today is far less diffi cult than and they will get it, for there is no "give up" EXCELLENT CONDITION . it was in Sam Colt's Paterson period, and either in Colt history or in Fred Roff' s En close usual charac ter st ate ment. ]0 Day Money• B ack guara ntee. Cal. res. order th ru your deal er . subj ect to far less hazards. Now, barrels ar e mak e-up- and what will it be, are questions 13 down on layaway. F.O.B. Los Ang eles. of th e finest steel obtainable, actions made not yet answered. That is the challenge . ~ FEDERAL FIREARMS CORPORATION .~"~P;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. 1 Colt will meet in the near fut ure . ~ 822 -C N. Hollywood Way, Burbank, Calif. Shows how you can FREE THE 17 JAVELINA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ checker a gunstock I :!iilimE:I I ·1 iii fJ FOLDER without tedious hand• (Continued from page 33) Mode in U.S. filing. Amazing new CHECK-ALL consiste nt accuracy is a mu st for small• ~ power tool attachment does stand• animal kills at fair ran ges. 3 03-5 SHOT REP EA T IN G R IFLES AS $2300 ard, skip, French checkering in less In the thickly populated regions of the ISSUED GOOD CONDITION country, notably th e east and midw est, var• Winchester Military 303 Briti sb Cartridges, 100 - $10 time with less hand-work. 95 mint shooting and bench -rest target firing on Send Cheek or $15 HANDCUFFS, Special 7 W rite for you r free copy today! regulation ran ges are the only typ es of shoot• Mon ey Ord er Pe e rl e s s t y pe , lig ht weight, b rilliantly finished_ CHECK-ALL CO. ing considered fairly safe. PUBLIC SPORTS SHOPS, 11 S.16th St.,Phila. 2, Pa. Manchester 2, Mass. Wit h these considerations in mind, some• thing rad ically new in caliber and case de• sign is indicated. Popular wildcat cartridges offer little improvement over existing factory loads. Several ultra-high velocity .22s ar e in use which pose no ricochet problems, yet which blast the eardrums of bystanders and will echo and re-echo from th e surrounding hill s, scaring Old Bossy so that she will give no milk for two days. On the other hand , some very good .22s have a mild report and - ~ - _. . use which pose no ricochet problems, yet which blast the eardrums of bystanders and will echo and re-echo from th e surrounding hill s, scaring Old Bossy so that she will give Non-Breakable. Guaranteed no milk for two days. On the oth er hand , some very good .22s have a mild report and For All A me rican, Many Foreign Cuns are quite accurate, but about every fifth shot will be buzzing off into the lower forty to th e Non-s lip a nd pr ecision-fitted , FRANZ ITE GRIPS are t he most duroble model Beoutiful colors; smoot h, detriment of life and property. In either case, ch ec kered , staghorn a nd fa ncy co rved ; trul y dist inc• there's an end to a peace-loving varmint ti ve. Long-weo ring , unaffected by moisture, per• shooter's pleasant Sunday aft ernoon afield . spiration, most minero l on d vegetoble oils. Will not Th e new 6 mms, with bull et we ights of 75 chip or peel. Luster, color a re permanen t. to 100 gra ins, ar e definitely on the "c annon" Convent iona l or con version sty les, Also tar get g rips, side for use in thickly settled localities. At• wit h or with out thu mb res t. Avoilable for all popu • kinson and Marquart decid ed a new caliber la r guns in: Ivory, Peorl, Onyx, Agate, Walnut, might solve some of the problems posed by Block and Sta ghorn f inishes. Low cost, $2.50 to existing rounds for varminters. $8.00- See our complete catalog ! A new developm ent in varmint cartridges Franzit e Grips Are Sold Under Our Guarantee For generally utilizes some standard caliber and Colt Remington Browning Luger hangs an existing cartridge case on the Write today for 28-page book . Great West 'n Ruger Czech Mous er FREE Pri ces, illustrotes gr ips fo r all H & R S Dreyse Ortgi es back, with a slight change in shape (usually CATALOG Ameri con makes, plu s many for - Hi-Standard Sarow Schmeiss er Sauer an "improvement" that ha s alread y been e ign. Iver-Joh nson Wolther L10ma Webl ey tri ed and discard ed by several pr evious ex• And Many Others perim enters). Extravagant claim s are th en SPORTS. INC. 5501 Broadway, Dept.CH-12,Chicago 40,111. mad e for it, regarding accura cy, power and devastating effect. The und eniable fact r eo mai ns that any varmint cartridge of .22 caliber or larger will have a projectil e weigh. ing at least 45 grains, traveling at 3000 Ips, and regardless of exact case sha pe, charge weight or propella nt type , one of th e for e• Easy to Read Plans & Ready-Cut Kits going objection s will app ly. xow AvAILAllLE I Complet e plans and kits for these and 20 other ha nd some Gunberth* models. In view of these facts, A & M decided that Quick Answers on How to Select any definite improvement in thi s cla ss of the Gun Cabinet Best for YOU! car tr idge should have a bullet of per hap s 25 Which tyllO of gun cabinet Is best for you? Should you install lights? Sh ould it be "solid" l umber? grains, which could be propelled at a velocity Exa ctly what do :\"OU need ? Yoti' U have clear -cut answers in the New- and Exc lusive • •• well in excess of 3000 fps without too sharp a " Handltook"-CATALOGonGunherths· report. It should be adeqnate for killing var• Otves rou complete details on all P lans, Kits' mints at medi um ranges, and should give a nd Hardwar e ° 0 ° a big and beautifully Jllus• fre edom from ricochet danger. Obviou sly, ! I'a.!~d_. "Handbook"-Catalog. _Fini shed cabinets 'would have to be one never ordinarily con• U. S. In custom gun work it is impo ssible to sidered. govern entirely the combinations of action s Th e decision was mad e to go "whole hog" and cartridge s which ar e desired by custom• and design a combination from scratch, ex• ers. As long as a desired combination is safe, clusively for varmints. Bullet was held at 25 th e custom er's wishes ar e fulfilled as nearl y uf.e M~ ' GR EA T WEST grains, as that is the lightest weight that as possibl e. .'1lAP/,P,-g/lE "/lOl 5TEIlS would kill consistently at 200 yard s wit h A good .17 barrel, fitted to a good action !J()St'A[)EIlO BElTS reasonable velocities. Case design could be (espec ially in the bolt action class) offers argued about endlessly, so a pr acti cal and an excellent potential for a fine, accur ate LOW MAIL -ORDER PRICES time-tested shape was adhered to, of suffici• varmint rifle. Th e Sak o bolt action is one ent capacity to produce the desir ed velocity. ideal choice for the 17 Jav elin a cartridge. No claims were int end ed for doub le venturi Model 70 Winchester and Schultz & Larsen shoulder design , inverted primers, or oth er acti ons have also been used with marked magi cal hocus-poku s, success. Th e .17 caliber was chosen, as adapting it• Regarding accuracy, S-shot groups below self perfectly to th e weight and proportions .300" have been fired at 100 yards by Ted visualized. Previous experiments had been Holmes Gun Shop, Mattoon, Ill. Th ey tried a conducted on thi s caliber, usin g cases from 17 Javelina rifle built for them, upon a the .22 Hornet right up to the .30·06. This is Schultz & Larsen acti on and with an Atkin- going from the reasonable to the rid iculou s. (Continued on pag e 58 ) It has been suggested tha t the .22 LR would be "just th e thing" if neck ed to .17, or per• hap s that usin g th e .300 H & H Magnum case STANDARD DISCOUNTS in .17 caliber might give velocities in the TO DEALERS WITH LETTERHEAD neighborhood of 10,000 Ips l. • Hand Gun s, Rifles and Shotguns •Reloading Tools and Components Since Hornet brass is sometimes inclined • Scopes, Mounts, Sights, Accessories to lack unif ormity and the excellent .22· • F.N. & Sako Rifles, Actions & Bbld. 3000 cases ar c no longer man ufactured, th e • Archery, Fishing & Camping Equipment next to be considered were th e .218 Bee and All Cash orders postpaid• .222 Remington. Both will be availab le for $100.00 net orders prepaid. some tim e ; the Bee case would be easily 229-233 E. Third St. adapted to th e single-shot ac tions and th e AURAND'S LEWISTOWN, PA. .222 would be ideal in magazine type bolt ac tion rifles. Preliminary work was don e with the .222 case sbortened somewha t. Tests indicated that promisin g result s could be expected. Different case lengths were tested and vari• ous riflin g twists were tri ed. It became ob• vious that about 20 grains of 3031 powd er, when case design was such that thi s was nearl y a full case , would give a velocity of 3650 Ip s without excessive pressure. Cases were reload ed as man y as ten tim es with thi s load, with out primer pocket enlarge• ffilipt.p 11MnA!.uW e ~ 6;'i. ~ gra lQ. u~j sku lingA Jt:t~I! I1 ~ Different case length s were tested and vari• ous riflin g twists were tri ed. It became ob• vious that about 20 grains of 3031 powd er, when case design was such tha t thi s was nearly a full case, would give a velocity of 3650 Ip s without excess ive pressur e. Cases were reload ed as man y as ten tim es with thi s load, without primer pocket enlarge • ment . Using the 25 gra in Sisk and Barnes bullets, a riflin g twist of 1 turn in 14 inches was not sufficient to stabilize bullets. One turn in 12 inch es stabilized them nicely. Test rifles were built both in hunting and tar get weights, with riflin g twists of 1 turn in 14" , 12" , 11" and 10" . Th e hunting rifle was used during th e Arizona javelina hunt, and accounted for the first of th e hardy little wild pig s. Somehow th e nam e stuc k and th e cartridge is still known as th e 17 Javelin a (without the decimal) . A & M's first .17 caliber tests were con• du cted about five years ago, usin g a Win • chester high-wall action and a light sporter barrel chambered for th e .170 Landis Wood s• man. Accuracy was fair. Th e chosen load gave a velocity of 3700 Ips with th e necked• down .22·3000 case. Several advantages were immedi ately ap • Standard par ent . Ricoch et dan ger was at a minimum ; Reload ing Press an y body.hit produced an instantan eous kill All rifle and pistol cartridges Powder and Bullet Scale $ 14.0 0 on ja ckrabbits and other available varmints, $22.50! Standardof the Industry Guaranleed accurat e to a tenth grain. and a half day's supply of ammunition could CapaCity 325 grams be carried in one shirt pocket. A consider• ~ able hole was blown in the far side of every jack hi t at ran ges up to 200 yards. Oth ers were kill ed at 275 yards, ju st as qui ckly and still with extensive tissue dam age. Th e pre- Shell Holder Primer Post ,.,' i SHOPPIN.G EW BE J AMI N GAS , A IR RE PEATER S stock in wid ths B, C, 0 & E. Other wid th s incor pora te man y inn ovati ons featu red in available on spec ial ord er at no additional the Ben jamin line of Air and CO~ ga s cost. Give shoe size and width when ordering . powered BB rep eat ers. Gun selection ra nges Priced at S21.50, postpaid, from The Gokey in price fr om Model 2600 ga pistol at Company, Dept. G, St. Paul, Minn. $13.95 to Model 3100-CS Custom Stock Air Rifle at $24.95. "P iggy-Bac k" Shot .\Iagazinc XEW "G IF T P ACK" SELEC TI ONS to in• loads BB amm unition automati call y. In CO~ terest the hu nter were annou nced recen tly gas category, Model 3600, a 100 shot Carbine by Airguide Instrument Co., 2210 Wabansia is eflective on samll gam e. Eq uipped with Ave., Chicag o Ill. Th e Airg uide Auto P ack wal nut stock and new Bar -V Rcar Sight GRACEF LSI GLE SH OT BEL GIU M with q uick adjustment for windage and percussion pistol is new gun kit conta ining elevation: Retail pr ice is 14.95. Amo ng all meta l cast par ts (except wooden grips) . pistols, Model 2600 is 35-shot C O~ gas gun Ea sy to assemb Ie. F inished pi tol is full with adj ustable rear sight and effective for size wor king model of orig inal gun. Priced bot h target shooting and small gamc. A at $8.95. Ma nufa ctured by J & E Models, 50-shot air pistol, Model 1300, has ad• 1683 Stewart Ave., Ncw Hyde P ark, N. Y. ju stabl e shooting power depend ing on nu mber of pump strokes you make. This gun carries a pr ice tag of $20.50. P rod ucts of Ben jam in Air R ifle Co., 1525 S. 8th s., St. Louis 4, Mo.

offers Nomad Compass and A uto Th er mo• meter. P ack is priced at 10.00. The Air• guide Wea ther P ack prov ides up-to-the• minute weather information day and night. Tot al cost of pack is 15.00. T he Pri nceton barometer combination gives general wea ther GHADBOOK·CAT ALOG . All-new tr end s, while the indoor-outdoor thermometer " How 1.0 Build Gun Cabinets and Select ing gives both inside and outside temperatures. the T ype Best For Yo u" in its third edition, has j ust been pu blished by Coladonato Bros., . ~ T-f:lzll' lon. P a . In trorl u r-tn rv n nt es d iscuss th e barometer combinat ion gives gcncral weather GUN HA DBOOK·CAT ALOG. All-new tr end s, while the indoor-outd oor therm ometer " How 1.0 Build Gun Cabinets and Select ing gives both inside and outside temperat ures. thc T ype Best For Yo u" in its th ird edition, has j ust been published by Colad onat o Bros., Hazleton, P a. Introd uctor y notes discuss thc BROWN DUCK GAME BAG. All-pu rp ose, proper storage of guns, home considera tions, wat er-proof, canvas gam e bag designed for various finishes and fillings, opera ting de• th e spor tsman-hunter. Vinyl lining, adj ust• tails, additional storage space feat ures. ab lc shoulder stra ps,' extra outside pockets Selec tion of the pro per design and th e add att ractiveness to versa tile prod uct. practi cal building pro ced ures are presented Equall y useful for carrying articles of clot h• in grea t detail. Conta ins complete listing of ing or small-sized camera eq uipment. small Detailed Pl ans an d Ready- Cut K its available game. Will carry th e customary limit .of for 22 different gun ca bine t models. Hand• grouse, qu ail, rabbits, etc. . with a new book sells for $1.50 postp aid. A credit freedom of shooting ease. Retail s at 3.75. ccr tificate redeemab le in the amount of $1.50 F rom the line of Hamilton Carharu Com• is issued with Handb ook, ma king ini tial pan y, D etroit 16, Michigan. pr ice of 1.50 ref undable in cred it wit h first POCKE T ALARM WAT CH is useful com• order. panion to thc outdoorsman, Fine 7-jewel Swiss-made model can be set on the q uarter hour, ring s with a sharp, clear tone. Back opens to for m a stand, mak es wa tch do uble "as a desk or nighttable clock. Ha s second sweep, lum inous dial, ha nds. Convenient size mak es it suitable to the outdoors. 13.25 ppd. Prince Enterpri es. 1308 Lincoln Bldg., N. Y. 17, N.Y.

GUN CLEANING ROD. N ew Hopp e Pi stol Clean ing R od provides single unit to clean all cal ibre hand guns fro m .22 to .45 calibre s. GOK EY COUN TRY SH OE i designed for GUN ENTHUSIASTS will like this ball Furnished in two pieces, rod mak es compac t comfort. Id eal for the hunter and outdoors• point Rifle Pcn embodying the fu nctional uni t for carr ying in pocket or game bag. man who spends hi s leisure time in th e realism of a rifle. J ust pull the tri gger and Duraluminum shaft is mount ed in steel ball woods or field s. Ma kes an excelle nt upl and it's ready for writing. Pull back the bolt bearing inser t wit hin a clear plastic han dle. shooting shoe. Constru cted of soft Chocolate and the poin t recedes. Measures 5% inches F urn ished with eaeh ro d are three jags for waterp roof Ski Grain leather. A genu ine long. A collector's item . .. a splended gift different calibre sizes. Hopp e Cleani ng Rod moccasin with lightw eight Cush- -Crepe item. Onl y 1 each, 6 for $5.50 and 12 for retai ls at about 1.25. Manufactur ed by _ __ _ T _ _ '1 ~11t l\T,...-rth Q .. ... <;;: , WITH

60 M11'1 SKY CH IE F TELESCOPE full• sized model featuring fine hard- coat ed opti cs, fully adjustabl e hardwood tripod, and auxiliary finder telescope. Sky Chief retails between $149.50 and $209.50, dep endi ng on

3-IN-l JACKET is ver satile and unique. Mad e of wat erproof duck in Hunters Brown , it can be used ideally as a hunting ja cket , also life jacket or fly fisherm an's vest. Ja cket has loops for 16 shells on the front, togeth er SHOTGUN CLEANING TIP DEVICE. Sell• with a fly pad, a scissor ring, and two small ing for 69c, the new shotgun cleaning tip choice of thr ee astronomical mounts. All pockets. A detachable vinyl lin ed pouch on sandwiches circular pat ches between neo• models have exclusive Power-Command, a the back can be used as a game bag. Side pr ene grooved discs. Th e neopr ene which variable power device which delivers 8 straps mak e it expa ndable so that it may lasts alm ost ind efinit ely and is inert to oils power positions with each of two eyepieces be worn over oth er clothing. Bouyant pad s and solvents, keeps constant pressur e on th e supplied. Magnification ran ge is from 25x can be removed when used as a land hunt• bore and causes the pat ches to wipe clean to 160x. From th e lin e of D. P. Bushn ell & ing ja cket. Lightweight and washabl e. witho ut jamming. Th e grooves soak up the Co., 445 Bushn ell Bldg., Pa sad ena, Cal. Manufactured by Bill y Boy Produ cts, Inc., solvent squeezed from th e patches by 65 E. Chicago Ave., Quincy, Mich. pr essur e, prevent squeezing the patches dry on entry, and keep powder solvent con• stantly at work during the swabbing opera • tion. Device lab eled "Terr ific". Shotgun tip fits all shotgun rods. Send 69c to Co. and you'll receive one, postage free. Produ ct of Stella Produ cts Co., Box 822, Chicago , 90, Ill.

P GS SCOP E SHI ELD is for better sighting und er all kinds of weather conditions. Keeps scope free of rain, snow, dirt and moisture. Eliminates glare and lens reflecti ons. Shield also pr otects the lens from dam age by DEERSKIN SHOOTING GLOVES. Deluxe brush. Rifle can be ca rr ied at convenient shooting gloves ha ve the " bare hand feel" so ....·_l r ru i n rr .. nrr1 "" .. nrl rnni et,n'''' 'u, ill r"n rI ...... , Tl PGS SCOPE SHI ELD is for better sighting :tiil""" und er all kinds of weather conditions. Keeps scope free of rain, snow, dirt and moisture. Eliminates glare and lens reflecti ons. Shield also pr otects the lens from dam age by DEERSKIN SHOOTING GLOV ES. Deluxe brush. Rifle can be ca rr ied at convenient shooting gloves ha ve the " bare hand feel" so carrying angl e, and moisture will run down important for proper trig ger pull. Cut from drip rin gs on shield before it gets to lens. tan colored, soft, light-weight deerskin . Pro• T he rubber shield can be depressed over tect hands fr om cold and bru sh, yet you lens with thumb to compl etely cover it in can easily feel the tri gger. A11 fingers have heavy rain. Shield is mad e of soft rubber TRAV·ELECTRIC POWER CONVERTER a reversib le seam for smoothness. Elasti c for easy installation, and will not injure the gathering at wri st, cut Ph inches long er lets th e hunter enjoy all th e comforts of rifleman's eye when gun recoils. A pair of home. You can take your TV, toaster, electric than standard gloves, easily slip und er coat PG S SCOPE SHIELDS retails at $2.95. 4 sleeve and protect wrists. Men's sizes 7 coffee-maker, and electr ic shaver on hunting sizes fit all popu lar hunting scopes. A trips, when you own a Terad o T rav-Electric through 10%. Wom en's sizes 6 through 8. product of PGS, Inc., 622 Gratiot Ave., Retail at $6.25. For informati on contact Converter. Home electricity righ t in your Saginaw, Mich. car. A.C. plu g-in receptacle, signal light , Gokey Co., Dept. G, St. Paull, Minn. switch. Chromium plated case. Control, with wirin g and plu gs shipped with Supreme Model, ready for installation and included in list pr ice, $99.95. One of man y Tr av• Electric models of the Terado Company, 1068 Raymond Ave., St. P aul 14, Minnesota.

KARPAK SLEEPER enables hunter s to RARE MODEL 33/ 40 MA SE R CARBINES make and br eak camp in 30 seconds. Here reserved for exclusive use by German elite is tent sleeping arran gement erec ted either paratroops in World War II. Light-weight 98 atop your car, or on the ground, that equals Mauser with spec ial mill ed down bolt and the comfort of a motel. Saves tim e and ALL -ALUMINUM COT, Model W·500 -C, rcceivers ; scaled down front and rear sights. money. Snake-proof, bug-proof, mad e of features extra size and outstand ing durability Caliber 8MM (7.92MM). Bbl. 19% inches. sturdy, wat er-repellent canvas. One window, long sought by hunters and outdoorsmen. Weight 8 lbs, All mill ed parts. Condition 18 inches long by 4 inch es high, and one Covered in sturdy can vas du ck. Li ghtw eight guaranteed very good th rou ghout. 1/3 deposit large opening both with pla sti c mosquito and folds easily for storage or carr ying. for C.O.D. $59.50 F.O.B. Pasad ena . 100 rds. nett ing, awnin gs. Tent retails at $81.95 ; Mea sur es 26 inches wide, 72% inches long Mil. tarcet amm o. $7.95: 40 rd s. softnose Car ladder nri ced at $7.95. Additional jn- and IS inch es hiah . A nr odu ct of Wind ~or son and Marquart barrel. A & M's test R. c. B. S. PISTOL groups with a light Sako sporter measur ed "3 .-0 1" RELOADING DIES from slightly und er .400 to only slightly over. SEE WILD ANIMALS An obvious difference was noted in the ac• Perfect Seating Assured curacy attained with bull ets of different • standard 'l8" z:14 without being seen! INTHE DARK makes. Since Ted Holm es' bull ets have be• thread . come available in limited quantities, th ey • Correct Sizing. USE INFRARED SNIPERSCOPE • Qu ick. D ecap pi n g This is a War surp lus S niper. have been largely used for test purposes. and Expanding. scope M -2. Conta ins t he fa. Any car tridge which will consistently mous I P 25A I mage Tube. Gov't. • Perfect Seating eost about $1200. Used also group under one-half an in ch is certainly ac• and Crimping• for Infrared photograph y : in • cura te enough for varmint shooting, whi ch dustr ia l pla nt secur ity ; re• • Guaranteed I $13 50 PE R search lab exper iments ; spe c• is th e sole intend ed purpose of the 17 jav• U n conditionally. On y • SET troscopy. wi ld life st udy. In• At C l O rd C' rect Free Folders st r ument comple te . ready t o use. elina. When loaded to a velocity of 3600 Ips Includ es P ower Pa ck , Infr a red li ght source. Will opera te from (25-grain bullet, 21 grains of powd er ) , this GUN &. DIE SHOP 6 V auto battery. Batte ry or transformer availa ble. St ock cartridge ha s sufficient remaining velocity at P, 0 , Box 729·G ! No. 85,053 - EY-$150.00 f .o.b. RC S Oroville, Cal iforni a ; 100 yards to bul ge the back of a %" steel B I Sh pg. wt. app rox . 12 Ibs. Bar• rington, N. J. Save sti ll more mone)'! Build your own S ni per• plate. At 50 feet, the plate is cleanly pierced. scope ! We will f urnish l nstruet le ns - parts. including : Considerably less testin g ha s been done Power p acks. IP 25A image tu bes. lig ht un its . filt ers. etc. For deta ils-request FREE CATALOG " EY." with the 17 A & M, fewer rifles ha ve been The AUTOMATIC POWDER built , and so less definite results are avail• 50 Pr ice 17 4 V4" ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE able. Th e load ordinarily used is 12.5 gra ins MEASURER Mt. Palomar type ! of 4227 which develops 3450 fps with th e 25• Up to 270 Power. Th e Automatic grain projectile. It app ears tha t th e 17 A & P owder meas ure r A f in e Reflect or Telescope cern• was developed for plete wit h r eal Equ at ori al M has definite value for use with single• the handloader who Mount a nd Tri pod and 6X Finder . Alu minu m t ube, 41f4 H shot action s, and will give results comparable li kes to see every dia. mirror, rac k and pi ni on ch a rge actually focusin g eye-n ieee holder, 2 with those of the 17 J avelina. weighed on a scal e. eyepieces and mounted Barl ow Th e 17 Ja velina has been used in man y It throws the pow• Lens f or 40 X. 90X . 120X and der charge di rectl y ont o the scale pan and automat• 270X. Low cost accessory eye• jackrabbit hunts, and hit s were made up to ically sto ps when the desi red charge is reached. piec e avai lab le for power up to Th e unit is mad e to be used in conjun cti on with the 540. Shi ppi ng wt. app rox. 250 325 yards, with deadly results. When tried on handloader ' s own scale and can eas ily be adapted to Ibs. Stock No. 85,006 - EY. any scale. Chan gin g charges i s done mer ely by setti ng complete , $74.5 0 f.o .b. Bar ringt on, N. J. Ohio chucks one summer, six were kill ed and the powder scale to th e desired wei gh t. \Vri te for more complete deta il s. Order t hru your dea ler or not one moved out of its tra cks after bein g d ir ect fr om the fa cto r)'. Write for FREE CATALOG HEY" hit. All were hit in the forwa rd part of th e PACIFIC GUN SHOP c lo~~9B a~ : gJ'~ : ; :n 80 pages-hundred s of illustrat ions, body at ran ges up to no yards, longer shots cha rt s, diagrams.Bargains galore. bein g impossible beca use of undergrowth. Man y war surplus ite ms. Lenses, prism s, reticles , m irror s, mou nts. Th e same result s have been obtain ed with Riflescopes , spotting scopes, satellite t elescopes, binoculars, telescope s, prairie dogs, coyotes and even a 200-pound pho to graphic items. bear. In every case, just one shot was re• quired, and a hum ane kill was obtained upon Ne ver be• impact. fo re h a s a n ac hro matic t el e • Prescott 's gun specialists have built many scope so ld for an y• whe re nea r thls a mazl wildcat gun s from their whopper .475 Ma g• lo w pr ice ! You get ct sharper p ic t ur es at a ll powers num down to their little 17 J avelin a. They beca use of the s uper com pound Achro Lens. No c olor , no f uz z. Vari- are a couple of big, genial fellows who met able eyepie ce a dj us table In 22. 45. or 60 power. Lower powers exce llen t fo r ta r get w h ile ::Itt p.nrli1) u thp:, Q' J l n ~ m i l h i n .Q' ~ n n r~p-~ fit quired, and a hum ane kill was obtained upon Adjustable 22X - 4SX - 60X Ne ver be • Precision Achroma tic Lenses impact. fo re h a s an Op e ns t o 33" - Clo ses to ac hro m a tic t el e • onl)' 1 1 ft _ Com p l ete Prescott's gun specialists have built many sc ope so ld for a ny• wi th . ... w he re near thls a mazl $6 .98 wildcat guns from their whopper .475 Mag• lo w pr ice ! You ge t c le arer _to.ld s ha rp e r p ic t ur es a t a ll powers num down to their little 17 Javelina. They because of the su per com pound Ach ro Lens. No c olor, no f uzz. Vari• are a couple of big, genial fellows who met able eyepie ce a dj us table In 22. 45. or 60 power. Low er powers e xc e llen t fo r ta r get while att ending the gun smithing courses at s hooting a nd wI de angle vi ewing . H ig h er pow e rs {or long ra nge a nd Astr on omy. Guarante e d t o spo t Trinidad State College in Trinidad, Colo. . 2 2 holes m the black a t 2 00 yd s . Gu a ranteed to bring distant ob jec ts, peo p le, p la n e t s, e tc . 6 0 times cl oser . ~ After leaving school, they took off in differ• ba ke li te sec tions. t r im med In g le a m ing brass- 5 prec is io n lenses. A precision Amer ican m ad e ins t r ument. uncon • ent dir ections, but kept up a correspondence. d itionall y g uaranteed. Ca r ryin g ca s e mctu ded. Se nd on ly $ 6.98. Ca s h . c he ck or m o ne y o r de r. We pa y po s ta ee . This eventually resulted in the ir decision to Criter ion Co. , 31 3 Ch urc h St . , Hartford , Con n . , De pt . T SA -3 5 set up in a partnership , which was launched in Prescott in Mar ch of 1954. It has prov ed Pistol Shooters a solid und ertaking, and the se experts have Newt 92 pa g e f ully Illustrated c a ta log devot e d ex clusively to become modestly famou s in both conven• p istol shooters . Cla rk , Shockey c u s t om g uns, Ruger. HI- S ta ndard. tional and "wildcat" fields. Hammerli. Co lt . S&W targ et g uns . All the latest products and la te s t "So long as there ar e gun nu ts dreaming prices. Hundred s of score trn prov• ing items fo r compe ti ti ve pistol 'em up," said Paul Marquart, "Bill ~ s hoo t er s , Articl es by McMillan. Joyner, T on ey , Cla r k, S hockey and I will be in business." ~ and He ba rd on sh ooting a nd reo loa ding. Na tional r ecord s. 2 600 Club . e tc . A MU ST for compett • NEW LARGE Address: ttve pistol me n or anyone Inter. es ted in na nd e u nnt na , Sa t fs rae • CATA LOG FULLY ILLUSTRATED Atkinson & Marquart Rifle Co. tion guaranteed. P ostpaid •. . SOc Ant iqu e and Moder n Guns - Sword s, War Relics, Armor, P. O. Box 1713 Books. Excell ent Refer ence Book - $ 1.00 Postp a id GIL HEBARD GUNS KN? ~ ~~LJ- , 'i. 8. BRICK HOUSE SHOP. NEW PALTZ 4, N. Y. Prescott, Ari z. EDWARD H. BOHLIN, Original Designer of the "GUNSLINGER" This Belt and Holster Has No Equal for Fast Drawinq This is the t ype of h ol s t e r u s ed in t h e " O ld W est", b ut m ade w ith a dded s afety f eat ures a n d so constructed the g u n h a n dl e h a s a m p le c learance f r om t h e si d e of the b elt, mtntmlatng a cc id e n t a l d is cha rge . The Bohlin "snap• away", sa fet y h amm e r s t r a p is sec u rely f a s t ened in t o h ol s t er a n d h a s a spring w h ic h h ol d s g u n " d o w n". but when released it snaps downward, h oldin g t he s a fety s t rap w h e re it does n o t interf ere w it h " d r a wing ". The holste r is s h a p e d in a n a tur al cur v e, a llowing the cylinder to turn fre el y before o r w h il e d r awing, but if preferre d . t h e h ol s t e r can be h ad w ith li ni n g a n d a wi d e non-c r us hab le s prin g , in s erted t o h ol d a p er m a.n e n t , f r e e spa ce urou n d t h e c y linder. B e lt a n d Holster a r e rn a .de of h e av y, be st q u a lity, si n g le t hic k n es s s a ddle le ather. T h e be lt , a s s h own in illus t r a tio n , is s hap ed to "Ha ng L o w ", thus giv ing t h e aarue p os itio n as in a h ol s t e r with a long rtrop. I t fits e x t r e mely well a n d doe s n o t in t e r fe r e with w a lk ing or sitting, a n d a bo ve a ll , h a s N O EQUAL for SUPERFAST DRAW I N G. Pf o n eet-s in design in g a n d m aking h ol s t ers, o ur wor -km a n shtp a nd q uality is unco nditionally g uaran t eed. NOl.' I C. ~: W hen o r d erin g be s u re a n d s e nd you r w a ist a nd hip m e aaur-eme n ts, t h e leng t h of g u n barr e l, ca li be r a n d o f gun, a n d if s p r in g w a nted. Incl u d e $1.00 extra fo r pos t age. In Californ ia add 4 % Sales T a x, 20% d e p o ait r e c uired on a ll C.O.D . o r d ers. F r ee folder s howing va rtous t ypes o f fast-draw bolsters on r equest. P ~\lnl) ltl e t of Instructions F ree with First O rder. S ingle Belt a n d Holster w ith n lckle p lated B uck le ( a s s hown ) , .. •.. .. .T an $26 .75 Sl ffi i f J ~l~l: ~~~~r~:l1 : C : I~ I ~ ~:: : : :: :: ::: :: :::::: :: ::::: :: :: :: :::::: : ::: :: :: : ::: :: :: : : :: : :: :::: : !3rl< H~ I f YO U w ish the Hols t...... er Lin"••eda...... a nd Spri..n g I n s erted ...... •...... _...... -. ..._...... Add 2.50 ARMS LIBRARY ~O~\MAKE i Con unued from page 12) YOUR OWN buycr need not be d isappointe d in ord er ing. fro m guns 1\1r. Lu gs evidently had a t h an d; A wide var iety of fine English sporting rifl es some are copied from other journals. Th e are listed in th e ha lf -a-h undred pr ice ran ge. British Textbook of Small Arms (1929) DUCK DECOYS Th e purist will grin a trifle to find Boer served as sourc e for some pla tes, b ut AND SAVE MONEY Mau sers listed as " Ir ish," th e ed itors doub t• Hersch el Logan's book on " Handcannon to ,V~~ ~ ; n Y s~ ~ ·~G ~ ~ o~ ~I ~~ ~n~ OI~i~~ C~~ ~ ; ~ \ ?~ ~ less being confused by th e expression Autom atic" yielded up a Colli er for Mr. I n his brand-ne w b o o k -c-th e o n ly o ne o f its "damned Orangema n," rela ting to one sympa• Lug s' photocop yiers, an d man y earl y Ameri• k i n d-e-eno t e d ex per-t E. V. Connet t g iv e s y o u d eta il ed, step- by-step d i rectio n s fo r m a k i ng d e • thy of Jrish man during th e Trou bles, an d can arms ar e al so shown. A utoma tic weap ons co y s that get res ult s. Co v ers soli d w o od, h ollow w o od, n atura l cork a n d p ressed c o r k d e coys ; th e mark on the gun " O.V.S.," sta nd ing for enth usias ts will espec ially have a field day e ve ry s p ecies n-om Can vasback t o Can a da Or anje Vri e Staat, Oran ge Free Sta te, in with Mr. Lu gs' two book s. Three versions G oo se. Y ou g e t 32 A CTCAL-SIZE patter n s f or c u t • Afriea. Th e collector, whether a utoma tic of th e Czec h pi stol grip ma gazine sub• ting o u t h ea d s a n d bodies- may be tra c ed d irectly f r o m book p a g e s. ( T hes e a u t h en t ic pi stols, m uskets, modern military a uto rifl es, machine guns is shown, ZK 476 with wood p atterns a lon e a re worth price o f book !) S c o lor or case d d ueller s is his yen, will find a nd wir e stock, and a Mod el 23 of earlier patterns for m ale and I emn .le deco y s ; 4 t e ch• niq u es fo r b od y co n s t r u ctto n : 2 ways to p ain t something for him in thi s big Gol den Sta te design , round frame. On facin g page (326, feath eri ng ; ti ps o n colors. ru i x i n g p ain t s, b ruahea-e--T'L'U 'S ru a n y f u ll -page illustrations. ca talog. Eight feature articles i nclud ing a Vol. II ) are two design s to give th e burp A lso pointers on u s in g b a llas t we ig h t s, anchors r unning commentary on firearms hi stor y, gun boys a j olt: " Samopal ZB47," with wood a n d line s; s ettin g o u t dec oys. rigging for be st r esu lts. Cr-ammed w ith e x per t a d vi ce by a man essays by Maj or J am es E. Hi ck s on military stock and folding stock, a sort of thumbhole with 43 y ear-s o f e x per ie nce. acco uter ments, Donald Bady on auto pi stol style of handle for submachine gun design . Try Book FR J ~E: S e nd no m o ne y. Jus t ma il ~~ ~ P~~~ ;elfn ~~ }~ i~ ~ l. i ~ ~. t e,.\ ~ e ~ u ~ · s n t r ~ , on o J ~ hno .~ J~le a lit ~ collecting, Roger Mar sh on all ied and soviet Th e Schme isser-li ke ZK 466-015 of Czech II.. 0 4412. P r-lneetou. x. J. Est. 184ft post-war ligh t. a ut.omatics , all add spice to make is also novel to these eyes, and such i- ! .~rN-N"rT-;rN~ ~~ ." : pr r: 4-r 2~ ;:',.~ ~ t:rn~~~ .- ii th e far e. Th e reception of this ju st relea sed weapons as the double action H ungarian I S ~ I \ ~ r-~ : I ~ a ~ ~~ / 5 c ~ : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ i ~ I ~ ~ t t J ci ~ r o D ~ o C ~~ ~ ~ . I f • ca talog ha s been so exce lle nt, Golden State Mod el 48 automatic pistol are, we ar e told , I not u er urtucd. I w il l re t u r n hook within 10 d ays. • I ~ 1~ ~ ~CS\3iS~n J ~~ I\t1 ; C l ni t ~ I ~ 2 n ~ ) ( f ~ I { ;l ~ ~ ~ I Ill ~ II \ i t P i n g co s t . I is layin g plan s for Iutar e catalogs whi ch still in th e U.S. Army's "secre t" list. T he I I may well gro w into th e constan t r efer en ce pictures in Vol. II ( pp, 249 to 404 ) conclude I Name . •. •. .. (';IC;use j. j'i·ll·t "r;,itin"l,y)'...... • I I boo k of th is century's weap on s, as Banner• with portraits of men of arms ; Eli Whitney I Addrcs s . ... ., .. .,...... • ma n' s catalogs ha ve been for arms of th e and Sa muel Colt share top bill ing over I City . " , ." . ," " z o ne " " " ~ t a te , ... ,.. .• I ~O tl~ lO ~ ~ \ 1 { e n Cl W / ~ I~~ ~ ~ ' c A : ~ 'L Y ~ ~ i fl C ~ 1 ; , ~ ) S ~ o ~ t ~ . ' ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ • pa st. Write for one and see.- WBE Antoine Leb eda and Vince nc Aug ustin; ~ _ 1' i. t ~ ' I ~ I ~ i~ i ~ J:' ': ~ o ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ l~ l~ . •••__.. .. I Hora ce Smith and Hiram Berd an share a R UCN E PA L E ZBRANE page with Sylves tr Krnka and P aul Ma user. By J. L ugs Bemedaled portraits of Soviet designer s (P rague, 1956, 2 vols., $25.) Fedorov, Tokarev, Degtarev, Simonov, Suda • Usually a reviewer ca n at least read th e jev, Gory unov, and Shpagin are shown, an d volume he reviews. I ca nnot even read th ese br ief biographies of ea ch are in cluded in two remarkable vol umes from behind th e th e text. At th e end is John C. Gara nd. iron curtain, but th e pictures alon e ma ke Evidently Czech arms men are very impressed them wort h the money. For th e ar ms man by Gara nd : on page 306 is shown the ZK NEW who reads Czech, th ese are a gold min e of 420-S, a turn bolt gas operated job whi ch, information. F or example, Vol. J consists of exce pt for min or manufacturing cha nges, TOP p hotographs from page 189 to th e fina l page is substantiall y similar to th e lat est Garand 401, with three or more firearms per page. modifi cation , th e .\114 rifl e, including th e gas BREAK .22 Of these. over 150 were stra ngers to me, a nd port placed ba ck near th e br eech and th e I have seen a lot of guns. Even old fa vorites half stock. Con spi cuous by ab sen ce are two rem ark able volumes from behind th e th e text. At th e end is J ohn C. Garand. iro n curtain, but th e pi ctures alone mak e Evidently Czech arms men are very impressed them worth th e money. For th e arms man by Garand : on page 306 is shown th e ZK NEW who reads Czech, th ese are a gold min e of 420-S, a turn bolt ga s operated job wh ich, inf ormation . Fo r example, Vol. J consists of exce pt for minor manufacturing cha nges , TOP ph otogr aphs fr om p ag e 189 to th e final page is subs tantially similar to the la test Garand 401, with three or more firearms per page. modification, the M14 ri fle, including th e gas BREAK .22 Of th ese. over 150 wer e strangers to me, and por t placed back near the br eech and the "l\Iad e in W . G e l'ln any, t h is .22 T op B reak r e volv e r sho ots con ven t io n a l .22 I have seen a lot of guns . Even old fa vorites half stoc k. Con sp icuou s by ab sen ce are lon g rifl e a mmo. 'I' e rr l fi c handg u n f or (as I th ought one to be ) took on a new look, pi ctures of th e Model 52 light ma ch ine gun, plinkin g and for practicing on the such as th e Forsyth lock , a " typ ica l spec i• th e Soviet M1954 series of light weapons, r a n g-e. Break vt op a ctio n a u tomat tcaltv ejects amm u nition. 7 s ho t ca pa c it y. a ll men ," whi ch on sec ond look was marked or th e SH E Czech light automati c r ifle, which s teel s i gh t s. B lu ed and ha s nn e c h ec k • " Wien." Collec tors of Au stria n F orsyth are so popular in the Near Ea st. Second best ered g r ips. On ly $ 18 .9~ . Send cas h, check or 1\1. O. s h ip ped F OB Los pi stols will tak e noti ce! M uske ts of th e to th ese is a ph oto of th e Tokarev 1938 A ng el es. ex p r ess co llect. COD's r equire mid-19th cent ury are illustra ted in con• carbine, showing its prototype relat ionship $10.00 depos it. Ca tif. res. a d d 4 ':0 s tat e siderablc deta il and the model dates are to th e SKS-46 rifle. Ex clu sive di stributor of ta x. Order w h il e th ey tas t. 111- $1895 d:t ) ".nonc )· bnck g·u ar:l ntee.On l,· evide nt fro m th e ca ptions, since man y word s th ese rare books in th e U.S. is Service in E nglish and Czech are sim ila r in weapons Arma ment Corp., 8 Old Fort Lee Rd. , Bogot a, Seaport Traders. Inc.•Dept.G·12 terminolog y. Som e of th e pictures came .J. Price th e set, 25 post paid.- wBE 4 09 E. 12 t h St ., Los An ge les 15, Cal if .

Match Shooters Throughout The Coun try ON POPULAR DEMAND Gum Accla im The Sma rt Appe ar a nce, Economy $16.45 16" kit and Sturdy Desig n of Reiver Kits Gum $17.4518" kit • Do-It-Yours elf assembly from precision pre-cut panels of sel ect g rade plywood. • All parts and qualily hardware supplied. • Maximum p rot ection fo r handguns - Ma tching mahogany • •• space for ammo, accessories 1001 bo x ..• prov ides and mounting of scope. co mpa ct stora ge of all • New positive locking gun rack, sh o oting a ccessories adjusts for any size gun. a nd tools for use in NOW -kils available in choice of wooas the field and wor k• Mahogany • Select grade gum fo r ea sy finishing sh op . $18.50 15" kit to any effect. ORDER BYMAil Po~tage _ ~ n y w h e r e ~ . Mah o~ any I/o ...... • Lux.urious, deep grained Philippine pai d in the U ..5: .. WHICH BULLETS ARE BEST? (Continued from page 31) MATHEMATICAL CONSTANTS FO R FIGURING SECTIONALDENSITY .22 CAL. (.224) .00284 A MUST FOR EVERY 6MM (.243) .00242 WEAPON COLLECTOR .25 (.257) .00216 OUt208page (al alog-Reference Book(ontains over l600items for sale. Americon " European Firearms " Edged Weapons 6.5 1M (.263) .00206 of all periods. Every item in OfI r Book is .270 (.277) .00185 PHOTO.Ill USTRATED, (ompletely described ond priced. 7MM (.284) .00177 Send ' 1.(refunded with first purchase) 'or this valuable Catalog. .30 (.308) .00150 You will be so glad you didl .303 (.3ll) .00147 thl /viI/SCI/III ufJlis/uricnl,Arllls .32 (.321) .00139 Dlpl N.1031 AITON ROAD, MIAMI lEACH, Rl . 8MM (.323) .00137 .33 (.333) .00129 .348 (.348) .00117 .35 (.358) .00112 .375 (.375) .00101 f or Remington rifles & .44 (.427) .00078 shotguns - Mod. 740, Mod. 760, Mod. 870, .45 (.454) .00069 Mod. 11-48 & Mod. 58 Spor t sma n. Write for Ano ther use of the tab le is to find th e f older. bullet weight of anoth er caliber, having th e same sectional density. Take our .257 bullet weighing 87 grains, which figured .188. To find the weight of a .277" (.270 caliber ) bul • Gunsmiths & Barre/ma kers let with a sectional density of .188 we use the table to find the mathematical figure for the .277" bullet, which is .00185. Divide th e desired sectional density figure of .188 by .00185 and we have the bullet weight : 101.6 grains. Th e closest bull et to thi s figure is the 100 grain .270 bullet which, for all practical pur• poses, has the same sectional density as the 87 grain .257 bullet and, therefore, some• what similar beha vior. The 110 grain .270 bullet with a .204 sectional density, can be used to advantag e by handloaders, being a HANDLOADING little better for windy days, and long shots. AIR PISTOLS Following is a table of sectional densiti es, OT GUNS-PISTOLS cateaoried Irom noor tQ excellent. Th ese what similar behavior. Th e 110 grain .:no J(iiiije;t~ue: bullet with a .204 sectional density, can be _ '- used to advantage by handloaders, being a little bett er for wind y days, and lon g shots. ~ / fAIR PISTOLS Following is a table of sectional densiti es, .J ~ k O T GUNS-PISTOLS categoried from poor to excellent. These V">" W,lte t or Catalogue: ~" figures are a general classification, takin g WEBLEY & SCOTT, LTD., Birm ing ham 4, England int o account : type of shooting, range, wind THE LEWIS LEAD REMOVER drift, remaining energy, and penetrat ing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . qualities. On calm days some of the listed ranges can be increased, but when that old devil wind starts kickin g bullets around, you $2.95 PO STPAID R evolver Clean ing Kit. Remove. will soon find the listed ranges are all tha t Leadin g--- tr om F orcing-- Cone. Cyl• inde r. and B arr el. Avail able in 38-44-45 cal. K it tor two can be counted on with any certainty. calibers $5.35. Patches (P kg, 10) $.60. Dealer r nnutrr ee ~ Invft ed. Check or Money Ord er- No COD' s. SEC TI ONAL DENSITYRATINGS ~ GUN SPECIALTIESc o ll ~ ;' e o p a ~ ~~ ~ : ~ ....;a

Sect. HUNTERS HOIST Density Rating Used For The Hoist with a Loek-No Mor. Tying 011 CAPACITY 7 50 POUNDS .100-.140 P oor Varmints to 200 yds, Weighs 12 ounees. 5-' rati o. 10 E: C·H ena bl es you t o produce consistently • .141-.190 Fair Varmi nts to 300 yds. foot span. Synt hane Pulleys. S1 J pe rf ect am m u n ition every t im e an d Brass Bearings. St eel Bolts. 9 .191-.240 Good Var. & Game to St eel Hooks. Nylon Line. A to y our spe cifica ti ons. Quality Produet. Dealers Wanted. postpaid Wh at econ o m y! You can reload a -roo yds, 30 -06 car t r id g e f o r as lit tl e as .241-.290 Very Good Game 400 yds. & HUNTERS MFG. CO., Pratt,Kan. 2 ~ . sa ving m o re t ha n $4 .00 a bo x. over Wh eth er yo u wa nt to re load .291&up Excellent Largest Game• brass o r shot gun she lls, C·H NEW! WILD GAME COOK BOOK has th e tool for y ou in bot h Short & long range More t han 3 5,0 ex citi ng r eci pes how to performance an d price . Visit cha nge wil d game a n d wil d fow l into your neighborhood Sporting tempting di shes. Also sec rets of barbe• Good s Dealer or Gunsmith. It will be readily noted that none of the cue, stuffin gs , gravies , sauces, dressing FREE! Send for your C-H .22 bullets fall into the good or bett er cla ss. Th e best- of the .22 caliber bullets for b uck• game. Onl y $1. P ion ee r P r ess, Dept. Handbook s owi ng you how t o make GM, Harrim an , Tennessee. your own custom ammo. Atta ch ing wind, and distan ce, is the 63 grain with coupon to postcard... and mail today. a sectional density of .179. Anyone who has used the high velocity .22 bores knows th at C·H DIE CO., Dept. G-12 velocity fall s off very fa st, and the bullets P.O. BOI 3284, Terminal Annex drift considera bly farther than the lar ger Los Angeles 54, California caliber, heavier bullets. Please rush me FREE booklet. Name ,....- Many of the light weight bullets, in other Address -,-- calibers, will fall into the " fair" class, and t 1...... : ...."" .. ..._"'r-'" l n n n rI;",t",n £'> &> c:: ~c;: np ,.. -i~ l lv A $9.00 VALUE- Yours for only $5.00 ... if you act NOWI

You'll like GUNS MAGAZINE • •. we guar• Keep the Blue Book for your trouble, and antee it! And, as a gun enthusiast, you'll we'll immediately forward your refunded find the Blue Book of Used Gun Values an subscription cost. invaluable addition to your library. YOU RISK NOTHING AND NOW AS A SPECIAL -and we're risking little, because over INTRODUCTORY GIFT OFFER 100,000 hunters and shooters have already shown us that gun enthusiasts get pleasure We'll send you not only the Blue Book, but out of GUNS. also four extra issues of GUNS-14 issues for the price you'd pay on the newsstand for 10 BUT ACT TODAY! THIS OFFER -with the promise that you'll like the moqo• zine or your money will be refunded. IS NECESSARILY LIMITED BY THE NUMBER OF BLUE BOOKS WE HAVE ON HAND YOU RISK NOTHING

also tour extra Issues or uUN;)-14 Issues Tor the price you 'd pay on the newsstand for 10 BUT ACT TODA Y! THIS OFFER -with the promise that you'll like the rnuqo• zine or you r money will be refunded. IS NECESSARILY LIMITED BY THE NUMBER OF BLUE BOOKS WE HAVE ON HAND YOU RISK NOTHING

Simply fill out the coupon below, start your subscription to GUNS, and we 'll send you the Blue Book by return mail. Then, after you've looked over your first issue of GUNS, if you're not completely satisfied, just tell us.

••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. CUNS MACAZ IN E I. 81 50 Cen t ral Park Avenue I Skoki e, Illino is, Dept.C-12 •

II I'll toke the $4 gift , and gla dly, since I risk nothing . Start my personal subscrip - I. tion to G UNS MAGA ZINE with the next issue off the pr ess and send me my • copy of the BLUE BOOK OF USED GUNS VALUES right now! $5 enclosed- • • to be refunded jf I'm not complete ly satisfied. •

~E •I • • • (Conti nued from page 61) Always be sure to zero your rifle for the IMPROVE SCORING work bett er, even though it does n't shoot bullet you intend to use. Most rifles will ~ ' ~ ' . PROTECT HEARING quite as flat. With many of th e cartridges shoot a different group center with different . available today, the next heavier bullet rated bullets, 50 a slight sight adjustm ent is ~ "'" STOP FLINCHING! in th e "good" class will only shoot about necessary, to bring th em back on aim. WITH Ph" lower at 300 yards, with a 200 yar d For varmint hunting, either han dload a zero sett ing. It 's a lot easier to hold a bit good pointed, soft point bullet, or, if you use LEE SONIC EAR-VALV higher, and not be bothered with as mu ch facto ry ammunition, lise hollow point, or The only mech an ical hea ring protector. NOT wind drift when using th e heavier bullet, soft nose pointed bull ets, in pr eference to AN EAR PLUG. Hear conversation without reo moving from ea rs, PRESCR IBED BY EAR SPE· than to hold 'way off target for windage cont rolled expansion types. Th ese are in• CIALISTS. Acclaimed by top shoo ters. Tiny, with lighter, shorter bul lets. tend ed to hold togeth er on game animals, comfortable , durable. $3.95 pa ir. Money Here is a table showing bullet pOSItIOns and won't open consistently on th e smalle r back guarantee. Free literature. of three different cartridges, used for all varmints. I have seen good han dloaded 150 round shooting. Th ese figures ar e for scope gra in spitzer soft point bullets, out of a SIGMA ENGINEERING COMPANY .30·06, cut crows in half at 200 yards, when 1491 Vin e St.IllD:lHollywood 28, Calif. sighted rifles and have been corrected to allow for the scope height above the bore : a cont rolled expansion bullet, wit h its heav• ier copper jacket, would not have opened , FREE CATALOG on such a small target. Bull et Positio n from Lin e of Scope Sight (In.) When choosing a heavier bull et, don't use rou nd nose, or flat nose bullets, unl ess ab so• 100 200 300 ultely necessary. Th ese will not shoot as "Ouirk-Druw" Holsters Cartridge Yds. Yd s. Yd s. flat as the more efficient point ed types, and .257 - 87 gr. +1.5 0 - 7.3 will lose velocity and energy fa ster, thereby partly overcomin g th e advantag e of th e • CUSTOM MADE .257 - 100 gr. +1.9 0 - 8.9 .270 -100 gr. + .9 0 - 5.6 higher sectional dcnsit y of the heavier bull et. • THE BEST .270 - 130 gr. +1.3 0 -6.7 A word of advice on th e excellent class .30/ 06-110 gr. +1.2 0 - 6.8 from .291 and higher. To tak e full advan• SINCE 1897 .30/ 06-150 gr. +1.6 0 - 7.6 tage of th ese morc efficient, heavier bullets, .30/ 06-180 gr. + 2.1 0 -8.7 for game shooting over 200 yards, you mu st have a lar ge capa city cartridge ca se. Th e S. D. MYRES SADDLE CO . case ha s to hold enough powder to send the P. O. sox 1505 From th is table it can be seen that the bull et at practical velocities, while still EL PASO. TEXAS next heav ier bul let, for these cart ridges, mai ntaining safe pressures. This will rule shoots nearly as flat as th e lightest bullets. out some of the smaller case capac ity car• When zeroed at 200 yards the .270 has only tridges for these heavier bull ets, and you THE 1.1" difference between the striking poin t of will have to stay in the very good cla ss, with the 100 grain and the 130 grain bullets. Th e sectional densities from .241 to .290. °1 t PATENTED UI Comp'ete job • • s hown '0' For all round shooting, day in an d day In-b M o st gu ns $ 25 .30-06 ha s 1.2" difference between the 110 gra in and 150 grain bullets, and the .257 ha s out, over all ranges, and all wind conditions, Streamline MUZZLE BRAKE 1.6" between the 87 grain and 100 grain choose a bullet with enough sectional den. Ask the man-c-ar gal-who has one. The modern bull ets. Th e di fference of bull et path s at 100 sity to do the job efficiently. Select a bullet bra ke for par ti cula r shooters. A giant in perform. ance . Controlled escape for better braki ng and yards is only .4", which is negligi ble. Even shape that efficiently overcomes a ir resist• " easy· on·ears." Prevents nasty rocket thrust and jump. Guaranteed workmanship. fOLD ER. Dealer more important, to large game hunters, is ance, and a bullet nose th at i designed for discounts . the 180 grain .30-06 bull et which shoots only your typ e of huntin g. Light , short b ull ets PENDLETON GUNSHOP ~:~d~~O~ .o u~~e:~~ · 1 1 " I n 'Wpr ~ t .aM v~ r rlc: th?n thp l~n tyr ain start out lik e a streak of lil!hL hut th,. h "l: J lreamline mULLLt DftRnt 1.6" between the 87 grain an d 100 grain choose a bullet with enough sectional den. Ask th e man-e-ar gal-who has one. The modern bullets. Th e difference of bull et paths at 100 sity to do the job efficiently. Select a bullet brake for particula r shooters. A giant in perf orm. ance. Controlled esca pe for better braking and yards is only .4" , which is negligible. Even shape that effi ciently overcomes ai r resist• " easy· on·e ar s." Pr events nasty roc:ket thrust and jump. Guaranteed workma nship . FOLDE R. Dealer more important, to lar ge game hunters, is ance, and a bullet nose th at i designed for dis c:ounts. the 180 grain .30-06 bull et whi ch shoots only your type of hunting. Light, short b ullets PENDLETON GUNSHOP ~:~d~~O~ .o u~~e:~~ · 1.1" lower at 300 yards than th e 150 grain. start out lik e a streak of light, but the lack ~------~ of sufficient weight immediately subjects them to a fast loss of velocity. A medium cross wind will turn them off tar get enoug h to make hits over 200 yards a questionable matter. Wind drift is mu ch har der to esti• Write for Illustrated Brochure with all mate and correc t for, when using li ght hul• information on Stocks and how to order! lets, than the disadvantage of having to hold a little higher with heavier bullets. By makin g sure that your bu!lets have proper sectional density to hold up over long distances and b uck wind drift, you will increase your cha nces of hitti ng your • Law Enforcement tar get. Ju st because the lighter bull ets shoot • Target Shoote rs a little flatter docs not mean th ey ar c more •Hunters efficient und er all conditions. A little more • Fi eld Shooters weight in the bullet will pay off when the Stocks c ar v e d for all crosshairs settle on the target and the ever popular American guns, pr esent wind is doing its best to ~ individually custom fit • chalk up a miss for your efforts. ~ ted. l1tT'rtffs STOCKS Improved Minute Ma n Gun Blue instantly pr eserves and renews ste els and iro n sur• fa c:es-Not a pai nt or lacquer - No heat ing necessa ry• Comes complete with all nec• essary equip ment. GUA RA NT EED - Test ed and proven over 40 years by re peat sales to satisfled 8. users. SE N D Perfect balance, superb accuracy and "heavygun" MONEY BACK GUA RA NT EE performance,Finest Swedishsteel with improved HVAMauser action. r- - - - -.- - - -, 1~~ I'1B ~: f ~~?~ a ."' FG . Sporting style European Walnut stock with built-in cheek rest. CO' I Write-for literature on this and other Husqvarna hi,power rifles.:.. _ I N ame I ELMER KEITH SAYS 0 1her parts, steel. It has a 4" round barrel. Sights are fixed, patridge type, and the front ------... (Continue d from. page 9 ) • sight is amp ly high, so tha t the little gun I TOP GUN BARGAINS: sider th e fine do uble rifle the finest sporting shoots a bit low. Thi s is as it should be, I WINCHESTER MODEL 97 I weapon mad e for close-to-m edi um range allowing the individu al to file down th e front I CARBINE REPEATING SHOTGUN • shooting of any big game. sight unt il the arm shoots exactly right for Thi s C & H .375 is sighted for 100, 200, him. Th e gun is very light (17 ounces) and l~ and 300 yards, which is as far as one should ry. L. ",.

Barrels were coated with th eir gun oil and DimenSions: 16"x 16"x 6\7" left standing on end for day s in a hot Price, Comp lete with Micro Control Sla nd . $129 .50 attic, but the bore was still coaled full f. O.B. De nver, Cclcrcdc len gth and no ru st app eared. L, FABER - R uger B earcat .22 L.R. :lire marlle!OU j WON0 ERS IGHT! Bill Ru ger now offers an entirely new, Th e lo n g r ang e s i gh t with click-mic rometer w i n dage f or S & W an d Co lt R evo l ve rs. A t t a ch ed in a j i f[ ~ - - n e at. com • light weight, single action sixshooter called p a ct- s turdy, h eat t r eated-wh it e g rad uations. N o g u nsm ith • th e Bearcat round barrel, pattern ed aft er i n g fo r S & "'- drilli n g & t a p p ing r equ ir ed f o r Colt on e of the early Remington revolvers. Light ~ 'l ;;l~o . l . v . e .r. s : . ~hi~ ) P: . lII ) ' : ' ll : aj d . a ny .,~ ~ .e . r :. in_ . ~ . _ . ~' ... .. $4.95 alloy fram e and stock straps ar e integral and D ealers Inquiries Invi ted one piece; the trig ger guard is bra ss finish; FIREARMS DEVELOPMENT LABS, BOX 25, DUARTE, CALIF.

on Iy $148S~~DARD GRADE 12 GA.-6Y4 Ibs. • 20GA.- 5Ibs. 2ozs, (All model. with chrome lined bore)

I I A gracefu l st re a m line d beauty, incomparably lig ht in weig ht, t he Franchi Au tomati c is furnish ed wi th chrom e NOW! ALSO IN : lined barrels, chro me plat ed breech block and carrier, rustl ess anodized rec eiv er, all -wea ther stock fin ish, gold plated trig• 12 GA. MAGNUM: ger, and an automati c cut-o ff; each is an excl usiv e fea ture of chambered for the thr eeinc h I t he Franchi line. Wi th hollow-matted or venti lated ri bs at sheJl; wit h pad. only S148 I slight extra cost. I n t hree grades. I THE GUN MARKET

Cl assified ads 20c pe r word per inse rtion including na me and address. Pay· (on sale J an uar y I) is Nov e mbe r 16. Print ad carefully a nd mail Jo GUNS able in advance. Minimum ad 10 words. C losing date fo r Februa ry. 1959, issue Mag azine , 8150 C entral Park Blvd ., Skokie, Illinoi s.

F A~( OUS lHU T I SH Commando R evolvers. .38 Smith & lIA~DCU li 'Ii'S. BUAND new, $15.00 Va lue. ni cke l plated. BINOCULARS (1 SCOPES wesson cali ber E nfield. 6-s hot, 5'" bb l. onl y $16.50 2 Peerless type. li ghtwei ght. Special Sale $7.95 pair. Leg for $BO.OO. ,4;);) Webl ey 4'" bbl, $14.5 0- 2 for $2;;.00. 6'" I ron s. GO\"L Surp lu s. n icke l plated, brand new. Value m :\ OtXLAII,I MPOllTED, li ght wei ght , I Ox50. with bbl. $16.50 -2 for $30. 00, alte red to shoot .45 A CP $2.0 0 $24 .5 0. ancctat $5.95. Public Sport S hop s, 11 S . 16t h coate d optics. cent ra l focusin g, brand new. Value $65.00. add itional. Ex cell ent conditi on. International Firearms. Street, PhlIadelphia 2, P a, 2 ~ Kingman. St. Albans, Vermont. Sale $.2fl.50. Comp lete with leather case a nd straps. P ublic 30 -06 SPIUl\'GFIELD On. E nfie ld R ifl e St ock. as i ssued, Sport xho os. 11 S. 16th Street. P ht ladelp hl a 2. })3. DEUB.. IXGEH.. E xact copy of or iginal 41 Remington brand new, $2.95 each. A3-03 Sp ringfield rifl e bar rels , cal. D erringer in popu lar 22 ca libe r, double ba rrel, oyer and 30-06, brand new , Oov't. Surplus , 2 4 ~ in ch . completely COLLECTORS under. :3" b bl. fire s short . long . long ritle a mm unition. finished. Va lue $25. Sp ecial $5. 00 P ostpaid. P ubli c Sport Wor ld 's fine st . durable, pr eci sion made. Onl y $21.50. 2 Shops. 11 S. 16th Street. I'hila. 2. Pa. " A :\' 'l'I(H ~ E GLTX D epot" Offer s: Th e " .:\lost " "anted " in for $37.00. 5 for $DO .OO. I nunedlute shipment. International FHEE! B I G sa le cat alog wildli fe gmm.. I Bmm. movie s. 1:,:-;, Xl.ll itarv Equlumen t-e-Ui S. Arm y Whlte- Ptth H el mets. Firea rm s. ~2 Kingman. St. A lbans , Ver mont. mint- $·1.7,-,; U .S . 1873 Cavn lr y Lea ther Carb ine Shoul der 2" x 2" color sli des. Oth er sub je cts. too ! Projectors. ca m• eras. suppli es- big dis count s l Get fr ee, every thre e weeks, xt runs with Bruss B uck le, and Snap-Hoo k. llare- $!i. 7,j; X Jl;'" I-lYD B..ArLIC Bu llet (Pat. Pend.) ha s de adly t·. ~ . l S7; ~ Tri m m e d - ~ 3 . :> 0 : 12-page newspaper size bargain li st ! Blackh awk Films. Cnvalrv Car bine Boot s, B rass hydrostatic shocking effect. Gua ranteed cont rolled expan• Davenport 8, I owa. 1; . s t ' uvalrv Rpurs wit h St rap s-H. 7G; '1:>/ 70 Leather ston at all ranges. Gre ate st ad van ce in hunting bullet s in Ca rt rl dae Po uches wlt h B ru ss B adge- S:L2,j; U.:S. B ra ss• last 50 yea rs. 175 gr. 30-06 only . 20 for $2.aG postpai d . D E L"TSCllE POL I~ EI Handcuffs. $11.05 ; Hamburg H ook .\[l'.tal ReaiJlJards- $1. 50; Ctv il W ar Bavonot s-c-sx.nn : Other cal lb er s ava i luble soon. .\l aryl an d Research Co., 968 G E ig hts. $7.H5. Guide Cha in s. $1.5 0. Tw ister s. $1.5 0. Civl l W a r Lcathcr Ca rbi ne ~o c ke ts -$2 .0 0; Civ il w ar 58 H adc liffe uu.. 'rawson ·1, xru. B t lbocs. $7.50. Jougs. $7.50. St ra it jacket s. lea ther re • ral. Tu llu -Head Ra mrods. Repro ducnons-c-sz. 75; l;.H . str aints . colle cto r's sp eci alti es. Th omas Perr lek . Box 12, Spani.·;!l-;\ mer iclill wur Canteens with Brass-H ook St raps UU'LES. 303 BUI TISH Enfield s , as issu ed. good condi• Newburvport , M ass. -$t .OO; U.S . K ru g B ar onets wit h Scabba rd s- $4.50; sn e• tion. $23 .00. .303 B ritish M tlitary Cart ri dg es, $10.00 !'i'll-Lx' Artille ry 60mm Mort ar S ight s with 2 B ubble pe r 100. I' ubli c Sport Sh ops, 11 S. 16th St r eet. IJhil a• SH OOTE R 'S BIBLE. I H58. over 50 0 pages. I mmedi a te Level s. Cullbrutcd K nobs for wtndaee. and E levati on. an d delp hia 2. Pa. shlnment. Ifl ustr atcd Xlodern Gun s and A cressor ies , $2.00. Car ry in g Ca so-c-Oovt. Cost Approx. $.100.00- $'1.7:1; Spccl a l 1959 Gun Digest $2.95 P ostpai d. Publi c Spo rt Shops, 11 - l'. R. Hig'lIa l Corm, R ad iosonde s (Weather Trunsmi tters ) S. 16th Street, P hi Ia. 2. Pa. ha s 'l'rammitt ingCnit..\Iodulator. H el av. A nte nna. e tc. • " 30-80 \VIK CH E STEH. CALI BER Swi ss D elux e snorters . $3.7:). Above Postuaid. A lso-c-Sprlngflc ld '15/70 Hi fles• 12- shot. detachable ma guztn e. :K.H.A. excell ent. Only $21.5 0 GOGGLES GOV 'T Surplus , for ind ust r ia l use. skii ng . $:!7.:10: Civ il \Yar 1>8 cal. Mu sket s. and Ca rb ine s; wtn• (2 for 850.00). I nternationa l Firearms. 22 K ingman, St. motorcycli sts and a uto driving. V al ue $12.50. Sa le $1.9 j chc sters : K cn t uck les : Ffintl ocks : L oads xj or e, New I ll us• Albans. Vermont." per pa ir. Publtc Sp ort Shop s, 11 S. 16th Street, P hil a• trated nun Catalogue :!;)c Coin R efu nd ab le. We stcheste r del phi a 2, Pa. T rad inK. U- :!-J78 Ar th ur Ayenu e, Bronx 58. ::'\"l'W Yor k. BHITI SH )[1(. 5 303 I ~ e e -E n tl el d ju ng le car bine s. Ve ry good- $24.fJ5. Ex cellent-$2fl. 95. I mmediate de live ry F ree :!\I.S.A. EAR DEFE!\DE HS for t he shooter. Brand new. .'\~~\V IL L I-STHA'fF;D Gun Catalogu e ! Contains 300 a n• ~~ n -i .i st . Freedland A rm s Co.• 3·1 Par k Row, S ew ' Yor k, U .S . Gov't . Surplus . V alue $3.0 0- \Vh ile T hey L ast $1. 00 t Iquc a nd moder n guns , edg e weapon s, oddit ies and antique pai r P ostpaid. Publlc Sp or t Sho ps. 11 S . 16th Stre et , Run parts. Only 50e in coin or sta mp. Firearms Un llmited, Ph iladelph ia 2. P a. 11!J Shady Avenu e, Pittsb ur gh 6, Pa . CHR IST.\fAS LAt;1'S indefinitely when recelvin g the G"C:'\"R: G l'Xt;! Guns! Gun s! Anti que Colle ct ion-Ken• han dsome bi g gun book " Colt Ftrcar ma." E nj oyed by thou• tu cky' s Colt s, Win chesters. S&W. Send 10e for This sand s! 54 0 lll ust. $15. Any Boo kse lle r, or Sen-en Books. month's lt st, P onv E xp ress Sp ort Sho p, 17460 Ventura Santa Ana. Ca l. (Free brochu re ), Blvd.. Enclno 6, Ca lif. ~ AXX OXR. X AVAL 21 in ches lcng , one inc h bore . Cast non or bronze. Send for fr ee phot os and nrtce. Jo hn )IAKEIT Yout sel f-e-Ffsh lur e. i nsect repe llent. gun oil. XAZI A :'\U ot her mi litary cnl lectors ite ms. Prfvate . For Pappas. 311 So. '1 St., H arri son , x , ,T. hai r to nic. An ythi ng , even embalming flui d . Send $1.0 0 li st ing: .:! .)I.' coin. C. B rownfi eld, 10820 Ca rne gie, Cleveland for each form ul a. "\[oner back if we can't fu rn ish. Enter• 6. oni». n UI T IS II ".\He 5 3 0 ;~ cal. L ee-E nfteld Iu nz le carblne s prise Produ cts. Bo x 8513. Ok laho ma Citr 14. Ok lah oma. Very ~ oo d- ~ 2 4 . !l 5 . E xcell ent- :ji29. 95. I mmediate delivery: "A XTHll "J<; & ..\IODEUX Ar ms, A ccessori es at 'Recessi on ' F ree h st. A I s Gunroom. 1 B eckman St., :r\e\\' York, X. Y. 21 \\"11\- 30" ..\lAG 3" 26" 2-%, -8'" 12 gao Vc rv Good pri ces. Ram ple list. 25c. Ladd A rm s, Cat skill. ::'\".Y." $ -1 00. 00 10 gu. H hica xo s B r ass Sh ell s & Heleader $225.00 12 mode l 12 go a. 3" mag BO" P igeo n Gra de New 200.00 S o ~[ .I\.! ..L\ '.L' la t E :-;, GU.:\ li st, K ni ght, B ox 204, Sene ca Falls, Tr ades. H orner A lka. ) f t. Ca rme l. Ill. SA X D BAGS for ben ch rest shoot ing . best Quali ty, deluxe ctxs swouns Kn l v e s -D a g g e rs - ~ 'l a sk s . B ig li st bags. $2.00 each. 2 for $3. 25 post paid em pty , fob filled. 2:1c cc ln. Ed H owe , Cooper Mills 10, Maine. HA l'\ D GU.?\S- XE W enlarged H158 catalog 50c Robert Approxim ate weig ht 10 pounds fill ed . G il ma n' s', 2!.l:!6 1\. Irrlcll eh . 3!l6 Broome St.. N ew York 13. N. Y. . Dixie, Dayton 4. Ohi o. ENGRAVING GUN CABINETS NAZ I U l'\ I F Ol:DI S Boo klet: "Uniforms-Badges-Intelli• gen ce Data Ge rman (Nazi) F orces" 64 pa ges, 35 plates. FISES'.r QCA I~ IT Y inlays. E ight page fol der $1.00.E. C. some color. $1. 00 ; K ingst ons, 920 T hird , Seattle 4. \Vash. Prudh omme , :W5 War d B ldg., Shrevepor t, La . GUN CABI:KE'l'S, Ra cks. Comp lete Se lectio n. Send 25c for Catalogue . D ept. D , Knox " rood Products. K ncxvfl le, P ED O..\IE TJl;n. B HA.:KD new by New H aven Wa tc h Co. Iowa. Measur es t he dista nce you wal k. wnue Th ey L ast $5.95. FOR SALE !) ub li c Sport Sh ops. 11 S. 16th Street, P h iladelph ia 2. l-'a. CUNSMITHING BI;Y SC U L'LUS Boats; Motor s : A ircraft ; J eep s : Tractors; R Ilf LE SLINGS. lea th er, Army Surp lus. 1 lA, inch. B rand Walki e-T alkies ; Shop E qui pme nt; Amphibious Veh icles ; new, $2.00 ea ch. Publl c Spo rt Shop s, 11 S. 16th Street, ~[ . I\.!.A'.L'L; HE:-; , GU.:\ li st, K ni ght, B ox 204, Sene ca Falls, T ra des.'liollli.:'r A lka. ) f t. Carme r. Ill. SA X D BAGS for bench rest shoot ing . best Quality, deluxe Gr."\~ -~ \Y ORDS - K ni\ "c s - Dagg e r s- l i' la s k s. B ig lis t bags. $2.00 each. 2 for $3.25 post pai d em pty, fob filled. 2:1c cc ln. Ed H owe , Cooper M ills 10, Maine. Approximate weig ht 10 pounds fill ed . G ilman's', 2!.l:!6 1\. Di xi e, D ayton 4, Oh io. ENGRAVING GUN CABINETS NAZ I U:KIF Ol:DI S Boo klet: " U nif orms-B adges -I ntell i • gence Data Ge rman (Nazl I F orces" 64 pa ges, 35 pl at es. FIS1<:S'.r QCA I ~ ITY inlays. E ight page fol der $1.00. E. C. some color. $1. 00 ; K in gstons, 920 T hird , Seattle 4. \Vash. Prudh omme , ;W5 Wa rd B ldg. , Shreve por t, La . GUN CABI:KE'l'S, R acks. Complete Se lectio n. Send 25c for Catalogue . D ept. D , Knox w ood Products. Kncxvfl le, PEDO..\IETJl;n. BHA.:KD new by New H aven \Vateh Co. Iowa. Measur es t he distan ce you wal k. wnue Th ey L ast $5.95. FOR SALE !) ub li c Sport Sh ops. 11 S. 16t h Street, P h iladelph ia 2. l-'a. CUNSMITHING B t;Y SCU L'LUS Boats; Motor s ; A ircra ft ; Jeeps : T ra cto rs; RIlfLE SLINGS. lea th er, Army Surplu s. 1 lA, in ch. B rand Walki e-T alkies ; Shop E qui pme nt; Amphibious Veh icles ; CUSTO".\IB IL T IU F L E S-our sole business sln ee 1933. new, $2.00 ea ch. Publl c Spo rt Shop s, 11 S. 16th Street, Hadar ; Ca mpin g eq ui pment : Typewriter s; Adding Ma chines; Custo m mad e. as t he name implies. to r our specifications in P hiladelphia 2, Pa. Jl: l c. ~ Ih IY d ire ct from U .S. Government ])e IJo t s -I~ ist & most ca libers and the fa mous nBl E Xllfl'SS. Ba r rels of pr ocedure $1.00 . B rody . B ex 8- GU . SunnySide 4. 1\. Y. T imken :-:' pecial r itle barrel stee l in any twist , length and " 'Y I:KE;\ l A K I N G," $1.00. "STO tJ T, B eer , Al e Brewin g," wei gh t. T horoughl y seasoned stoek olanks are hand inletted $1.00. Il lu strated. Ea ton Bo oks. Box 12·12-N . Santo ~ Ho r;a, California. 17./100.000 G I" l ' ARTS Sto ck ed-modern. obsolete, for • an d shapl'd to in sure YOU per fect fit and balance. }l'inishcd e i~ n. Send tracin g, description for Quotation. 1\umric h ri tles group-tested to insure a('('uraey. The hi gh est Quality CL"STO..\[ HEI..OAD S , most cali bers , un iqu e service, tail or Arm,.;. \\'e"t H url ey 19, !\. Y. in ere rrthing but cost. Hoy Gradle. H ille sm it h, 205 " 'est made for your gun. Ex celle nt r ates. L ist, Richa rd r;. Is lay St reet. Santa B ar ba ra , Cali f. Box 36 2, Blam·el t. X . Y . XE W GOY 'T sur p lus P lasti c Pisto l I l ouch , hea\'Y re in• forn 't!. with h ra ~ s snap . l ' roted your gu n fr oIII weather and CII ECKEIUXG• .1':;XGRA.VISG. m ilitary a rms ized. BHASS, O:'\E -Piece Cleaning Hod . GOy't Surplus, for ru :,L Fits gun r; to 8%" long. Rend $1.00 for G Po st paid. stock in layin g. Complete Ha ndboo k A ll Subjec ts $1.00• 45 Cal. re\'olver s and automati c pi st ols $1. 00 each }Jor;tllaid. 3~-16 $2.50 V alu e. ,Joseph .\l ar ino, 61U E lm St.. Ar lingt on . X. J. Send 1'0 P et er Gib b. 31st Ave. , Long I sl and City 6, Pu bli c Sport Shops. 11 S. HHh Street. I J h il adelph ia 2, Pa. !\ew Yo rk. BHA~S, JOI S T ~; D. R ifle Clea nin g R od , 30 Cal. and up . GUNS (1 AMMUNITION INDIAN RELICS by M arh le, 36 inches lOllgo. $1.35 P ostp a id. P ubli c Sp ort Sho ps. 11 S. 16t h S treet . l'hiladelph ia 2, PaT BIU'l'IRll :\[K . 5 303 caL I~ e e - E ll ti el d jung le ea rbilll''';. Yery , r ood ~S;~ · J.!13. }~xec lllmt -$ i 9.!J5 . : W : ~ 3 I l'\DIAI\ ' VAH arro wheads. Flint Sc alp ing K nife. F li nt B r itish :\1k. 3 & 4 Thunder bird $'1.00. Catalog Ii'ree. Satisfac tio n Gu ar an teed . MAKE $5.000 YEARLY spareti me r ai sin g m ink. chill• ~ a 1. Le{'-Etltield r itle s. Exc cll ent- $10.!J3. l.;. S. 30-06 En• ('h illas. nut ria, ete. li'ree bookl et rev ea ls p roved plans. fil'hJ ri lles. l'erf eet -$39.50. U .H. 30 -06 t;pr ingfield ritles. Arrowhead . Gl enwood , Ark an sas. \Vr it e : F urs. 588 Mt. P lea sant Itoad , Toronto 20. Canada. lI i""h Humher s. l'erfeet- $44. 50. Gt' rman ..\[od. tiS Smm :\l(~u s{'r r ifl es. Very good- $3fU I3. Exeellent- $H.50. LEATHER CRAFT CUSTOM HAXD made gun & r i11 e stocks to your speei fi• ~we d i sh ".:\ Iou . Bo 6.5mm :Mauser r ifle s. Ex ccllent-$i7.50 . cat ion s. .ferry }"'isher , S toe kmaker. U50 Balsam , Lake• RWl'di !o\ h .\Ioll. HG 6.3mm ..\lauser car bines . Ex cellent• F UEE "Do-It-Your self " Lea th er craf t Catalog . Ta ndy wood. Color ado. $:~t. :iO ..Tap 7. 7mlIl Ar ir;aka r ifles. Exc elle llt-$18.00. Money Leather Company. Box 7D1-026, F ort \Vorth , Texa s. bu('k Kuarantec. Free gun li st. F reedland Ar ms Co., 34 I ~O A D IX G BLOCKH. I ~ a mi n a t ed Ii'ormica 'fop. ~O H ole. Park Itow. !\ ew York . ."\. Y. I ~E ATH EH. CRA FT CAT AL OG Free. K irk patrick L eather $1.0 0 P .P. S tate ( ~a l. Dealer inq uiries im itcd . Hank's Co., B ox 637- A I0. Gain cs\"ill e, Texas. Sportswood s. Box 101. G lendora, Ca lif. ll IF L }<~ ~ I ' E CIAL S: 30-06 e.s. E nfield (:Hf g. \Yi nchcster. II UX T EH S- pnOTECT your va luab le gu ns and equipment. Hem in g"toll. Eddysto ne) (i-shot on ly $:32.GO. T wo for $37 .50. WANTED U se " Hust -lJrerentati ve" only $2.00 bottle. Enterpr ise . A~ a del uxe spor ter wit h new zip pered ease and sli ng on ly P rod ucts. Box. 8573 , Okl ah oma City 14. Okl ahoma. :0;;)6.:)0. Two for $65 .00 . 6.5 Italian car bines. 5- shot wit h OLD H A!\DCUF.b""'S , legir ons, thumbfasts. sha ckles wanted. folding hayonet and a tt ach ment only $14 .50 . Two for $25. 00. Patterson Smith. 2F L , 26g Shepa rd A ve., E ast Orange. SA YE 50 %! " n US CAD EIlO" belts. ho lst er s. sca bbardf'. 6.:1 Xorwcg ia n Kr ag. 5- shot on l .... $16.50. T wo for $30.0 0. N. J. saddles, whips , hun ti ng horn s , moun te d " s." F ree Barrell ed Ad iclIls ;:ifU);). T wo for $16.00. Each V .G. to CataloK. " 'estern Products Co.. Box 762, L aredo 2. Texas. ex('ell{'nt. I lJtern ati on al }'irearms. 22 K illgman. 8t. A lbans, Verm ont . MISCELLANEOUS I..EATI-IEH }"'OH Your Guns: Finest Hol st er s. B eIt s, Shell Ca ses, etc. Ca ta log fr ee. Handau Ar ms, 011 P ico, F resno 4, I ~OADIXG " \\" IX(, Il I': RT}<~ H .•\IOD EJ ~ fJ7 T remh andB.iot Carbine R e• L OAIJ EH.:S & Sup plie s- Ho lly wood T urr et Ca li forn ia. l )l' a t.i n ~ $2·19.25 Acme $90 & $70, llcrt er s $65. Ch il led Shot $26 shotg un with bayo net attachm ent aJld s li ng swhels . ller 100' lbs. $50 per 200 lbs. Cascade 109 Primer $15.75. P OS T CAUl) dup licato rs $10.70 I:)repaid. Printing sample ]2 gaug'e. \'isihle hammer. 3-shot 20" bbl . 'A s Xe w' (A - folder. Erw in \Yoern del , D ellt. G, 441 ',"cst 24th , $]OO. UO \'a lue) Sow $8i.GO. 2 for $67.50. 5 for $ 1;)i. GO. Cascade P isto l & llitle Primers $8. 75. Akan ,,'\V 209 & G:jj Shotshe ll Primer s $U.U5. A lcan wad s .135 n it ro $ 1. 2G. H ouston. Texas. }'i t.t. ed wi th popular Cutts Comp ens ato r-adds 6 Y.!" to blJl. . ~ O O nitro $1. (i5, % H ing waxed $2.15 & % lU ng waxed (A $:H, :!3 \-,d ue) Xow $14.50 ea. add ition al. L imi ted Quan• CI VI L ' VAH U.S. Cava lry lea th er pistol cartr idge pouches. tity. $2.3fJ. 12 lb. keg lt ed D ot $:n.oo. 3 lb. Keg $8. 00, 8 oz. lntern ati on al Firear ms, 22 Kingman, :::;t. A lbans, t in $1.60. Comp lete li ne of H ercules & D upont I)owders. Ex cell en t. $2. 00. ' Vad dell , 1625 Georg ia , ..\larysvi llc, \·l'r lllIlJlt. ' · ~o rma load ed ammo. "6.5 ,Tap, 6.5x 55 Ma use r & 7.7 J ap :\Iichigan. $4.30 per boX," Xnrm .a bullets &, unprimed bra ss & com• \ YllOL E~AL E '1'0 You !! !! L'nlimited Di scounts!!! " 'caver nlete li ne of H o rn a d ~ ' Bullets. Supp lie s. D isco unt to D eal• ELEC1' lU C I IENCIL: En graves all Metals, $2.00. Beyer I\: 2.::'. K 3-$:!;;.30-K 4-$:!U.75- B ushnell '1X- $34.30 er s & Clubs. ' Vrite for mor e complete p ri ce sheet. D ealer s, Mf g:. 10511·Q Sprin gfield , Chicago 43. - L yman 3X-$:32.lJ5--1X-$34.50-Leupold '1X-$ i>!l.riO• wit h fir st orde r send per mit Xo. & tax number. Graf & Sons, R('O!ws--;';fll/o niscoun t !!! F..\I Ma user Rifles-$!19.50• Inc. , H wy 54 Sout h. nB..3, Mexi co, :Mo. H.Ili'L Jl:; SC ABBAHD . \ Vester n Boots, Clot hi ng, Saddles. ~ li~l . L( 1\'.er ,.; ~ ~ . i?.:50 -~~ eYens ~ ~lO,t gU!! 'j 7::~. -$6~ .00 - Free Catalog . Sih-er Sp ur, B ox 17 8 5LI ~ 7 . Fort \Vor th . Texas. (Continued fr om page 63 ) St., Ea st Hartford, Conn.) is now off er ing a stock straps are in tegr al with the frame, a lot new variab le choke complete with compen• of useless scre ws are elimina te d. R ea r edge sator. The new choke is very simila r, bo th in or face of the fro nt sig ht is corrugated to design and con struction to the tim e-tri ed , eliminate glare . Firing pin is sepa ra te and famou s Poly Cho ke, bu t wi th this diff er en ce: reb ounding, as on th e Singl e Six. Th e little a nyone can in stall it. The buyer can in stall arm is pr ecision -made th rou ghout of ex• it himself , or can ha ve your gunsmith in sta ll cellent mat er ial s. it. He doesn't have to send the barrel to an I gave th e litt le gun a th or ough test wi th a uthorized Poly Choke dealer. Th e new choke Remingt on high spee d .22 L.R. a nd found it will be available only in 12 bore at first, b ut exceptionall y accurate, in fact it will stay oth er ga uges are expected later. uuder a Io'vbit piece at 15 full yard s from Anyo ne using a sin gle barrel gun for th e mu zzle if you ar e goo d enough to hol d diver sified shooting should ha ve on e of th ese it. This I cons ide r very good accura cy for choke devices fitt ed , to give th e diff er ent fixed sights and a 4" barrel on a light weight patterns need ed. Ruff ed grouse, quail, wood • .22 sixshooter. coc k, and co tto nta ils are usu ally killed at Priced at $49.50, the new Ru ger Bearcat 15 to 25 yards from the gunner and should should enjoy enor mous sales, as it is a q ualit y be taken wit h improved cylind er boring if weapon in every resp ect. Ow ing to its you want anything left for th e table. On d iminutive size, li ght weight, a nd exce lle nt the oth er hand, Jate season co ck ph ea sants acc urac y, many will pr ef er it to I he larger may run ahead of you for a quarter mile Single Six , or any other existing .22 p istol. and th en get up at 40 to 50 yards. You need 'Ily ha t is off to Bill Ru ger for a n excellent a fu11 choke for th em, an d al so for pa ss job of bot h design and ma nufa ct ure. The shooting at wat erfowl, eithe r d ucks or geese. little g un gets a clean bi ll of hea lth from The va ria ble chok e devices make on e gu n this reporter. do all the man y shotg un jobs. T he new Mulry-Choke has its compensator YOUR INNOCENT .270 Bulle ts behi nd the choke device, to ble ed off pu sh ing Spee r P roduct s Co. of Lewi ston . Idaho, has gas at th is point so the wad colum n will hav e , ~ PROTECTOR an excelle nt hea vy bull et for th e .270 Win• less tendency to drive forward in to th e ba se THE HIDE·A-WAY DAGGER ches ter in th eir 170 gr ain. This makes a better of the shot column and thus spread it. The :1 A miniature ve r s io n of the s wor d hig game load. to my notion, than a ny light er new cho ke provides seven differ ent sett ings, i cane. This ca n be left casua lly weight bu llet, in cluding the fa ct or y 150 ly ing a bo u t the h ou s e with on ly and all are availa ble in on e revol uti on of th e f ew kno wing that w ith in its ~ r a i n . Dominion Cartr idge Co. of Canada, sleeve, by a twi st of th e fingers. Sample sent r ich g old e n lea ther w rap p in gs loads a 160 gra in that I th ink is th e best us for test was ver y easily install ed : simply lies a dead ty 18" s teel da g g er ; exte n d i n g !'i " i n t o t h e h andl e fac tory big ga me loa d for th e .270. cut off barrel ba ck of choke, square up m uzo a nd 26 " o ve r a ll lengt h . $3.95 P .P. or C.O.D. p lu s s h ip p in g . New Adjustable Compensated zle, th en t ur n barrel ba ck to fit th e slee ve. H eat and solder in pla ce with an y good flux, B & J LEATHER COMPANY Choke cool a nd screw on th e choke . And th e ~ P.O. Box 990, BROWNSVILLE ta, TEXAS The Mulry-Choke Compan y (333 Roberts job is done. L.-

An Album of leading western gun fighters. Actual photographs ,factual thumbnail sketches, over one thousand in all. tellinz the truth about re cnoxe. A n d the r.; II P.O. Box 990, BROWNSVILLE ta, TEXAS I

An Album of leading western gun fighters. Actual photographs, factual thumbnail sketches, over one thousand in all, telling the truth about famous western gunslingers. Where they lived, how they lived and how they died. Men like Doreteo Arango (Pancho Villa) ; BOOK IS the Daltons, the James'; the Taylors and the 14 "X20 ~ ; Youngs, etc., etc. You and your friends will spend many pleasant evenings poring thru its I pages-reliving again the days of the golden , • adventuresome west. This giant size book with its colorful covers , both front and back is a virtual "Museum ESTERN GUNFIGHTERS Piece!" Nothing compares with this great work. 1021 BIOGRAPHIES, 604 RARE PHOTOGRAPHS Listed in alphabetical order you can turn to any individual immediately. Names , dates, places, etc. A book to be treasured. TV GUN BEROES UNMASK!! How good men were some of the western "heroes"? Read for yourself. Some of the supposed greats were anything but great! Never before , never again will such a great book of Western History be produced. Twenty years of personal study, thousands of miles of travel to the scene, hundreds of hours checking old history court records, newspapers went into producing this great history of Law and Order in the early West. Expertly printed on heavy book paper bound in durable heavy bound four color covers this book should be $25 .00 hllt u ,'" 'h",,,,,, n ,.nrl lll"",rl H "'nrl nff",,. it nn",tn",irl fn.. n n h , ~1l:\ 00 BUY GOYT. SURPLUS NOW DIRECT FROM U.S. GOYT. DEPOTS PARTING SHOTS Tremendous Savings- . ~ I Buy at Fractions of _.-_., Army (, Navy costs. =- ";1.. Individuals can now b u y d i· -; rece from U.S. Govt. S u rpl u s ~ government p rope r t y - De p ot. a re loca te d in e ve ry S t a t e in ~ - t h e c o u n t ry FOR SALE - Boats; LST's; LCVP's ; Aircrafts; Helicopters; Ma rine Eng ines; Radar; Sonar; Radio Telephones; Wal kie-Talkies; Nau t ical Instru• ments; ETC. ALSO: - Jeep s; Tru cks; T ructcrs: Amphibious Vehicle s; Fcrm Ma chinery; Far m Implements; Gen • erc tors; ETC . Thousands of other items too numerous to mention. SEND FOR: " Depot List (, Procedure" $1.00 P.O. Box 8 ( De pt. CU ) Sunnyside 4 , N. Y. =


S T A TE ~ t E 'X T REQUIRED BY T H E A CT OF AUG UST 24 , Hi1 2, AS A ~t I:: KD E O BY T HE AC TS or M ARC H 3. 1 9 3 :3, j\ S D JULY 2. 1 9 4 6 (Title 39. U n tt e d S tates Code, Sec tion 23:1) SHOWI.l'G THE OW:-;ERSHI P . l\1ASAGEMEST. A ~'l) CI RCUL AT ION OF G t.:" N ~ l\IA GAZ I:\'E pub lishe d m on thly a t. Sko k ie . Illino is , for October 1. 1958, 1. T h e n a m e s a nd addrcss cs o f th e publisher , edito r, In anaging odnor. a nd bus in es s n Ulllilg"el's a rc : Pub li s h e r , p ublis hers Dc \'elo p m e nt Corporati on , 8 15 0 N. Centr-al Par-k, Sko k ic, Ill. ; & lItol', E. n . Ma nn , 8 150 N. Cc n tral P a r k, S ko k ie, 111., Ma naR'i n g ed itor,\ Villia m Edwat-ds , 8 150 N. Centr a l Par-k, S ko k ie , I ll.; .au s tnc ss mana ger , Ge org e E, von ttoson , H 15 0 N, Cc rura t Park , S ko k ie, Il l. 2 , Th e owne r is : r'utntstioi-s Dcvet ou rnc nt c orporatton, II.) CASt' OF 8 150 N . Cc n u-nt P a r-k, S kok ie , Il l. ; S to ckn oic o r, G. E . vo n REV OLIITfotJ 0'/ rt os ou . 8 15 0 :s', Ce n tr a l Park , S ko k ie , Il l . 3 . The kn own uo udn o to crs , moetg'ng'ees, an d other sc• • 9.AfAI< oq~.s c urtw h o ld ers own ing 01 ' llOld ing 1 percen t 0 1' m o re of touu a mount o f bond s . m oi-ura rrcs . or o uicr secu r it ies ar c : (I f t here arc none. so suuo.) zconc. 4, P.ara gl' a p hs 2 a nd 3 includ e , in C

" Hurry it up , old chappie. This IS no time to be fussy."


Ammunition: .22 short. Trigger: Smooth . •22 long •.22 long rifle. Hammer Spur: Knurled. Length of Barrel. 4*". Stocks: Checkered ebony Length Overall: 9-15/16". composition.

Ammunition: .22 short. Trigger: Smooth . •22 long •.22 long rifle. Hammer Spur: Knurled. Length of Barrel. 4*". Stocks: Checkered ebony Length Overall: 9-15/16". composition. Weight: 24 oz. Finish: All-Blue or Duotone. Sights: Fixed. Shipping Weight: 2* lbs.

111111111111111111111111111111111111 The newall-b lue version of the popular COLT FRONTIER SCOUT

The Frontier Scout-latest Colt six-shooter that is I 50I All Colt guns are sold by blazing trails to gun fun from coast-to-coast-is now $ 49 registered Colt dealers only available all blue-and at no increase in price! It's up to you whether you choose Duotone or the new All-Blue. Either way, you get a gun that is amazing experts everywhere for its shooting accuracy and its fine construction for so Iowa price ... a gun that is fast becoming the most popular handgun in Ampri('!'l fnr !'lll_!'lrmmrl .<::hnntinO" nlp!'l<::llrp The single action is the logical type of revolver for the sportsman and RUGER builds the strongest, smoothest and most reliable single actions ener made.


.44 ~Jagllum ealiber annnDnition also uses .44 speebd ammunition '9'.00.(feta~~!i ~ $) · I tielud~s'Va .....i ;;'.'ip s

.22 short, long or lo;qg rifle anllnuni~io :u '_9.50·(fetail list)' ---. - --- - ,- ~ .22 short, loug or long rifle anlluullitioll '49.50 (retail list)

.22 short, long or long rifle alommlition '63.25 (retail list)

All guns proportionately scaled from actual size.

W rite Dept. GM -12 lor lit erature on th e entire lin e 01 R UGER firearms.