


ABSTRACT. Here, we focus on focal surfaces of a tubular surface in Euclidean 3 3−space E . Firstly, we give the tubular surfaces with respect to Frenet and Dar- boux frames. Then, we define focal surfaces of these tubular surfaces. We get some results for these types of surfaces to become flat and we show that there is no mini- 3 mal of a tubular surface in E . We give some examples for these type surfaces. Further, we show that u-parameter curves cannot be asymptotic curves and we obtain some results about v-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗.


Focal surfaces are known as line congruences. The concept of line congruences is defined for the first time in visualization in 1991 by Hagen and Pottman [6]. Let M : X(u, v) be a surface defined as a real-valued function and N (u, v) be a unit vector on the surface. The line congruence is defined as (1.1) C (u, v, z) = X (u, v) + zE (u, v) , where E (u, v) is the set of unit vectors. For each (u, v), the equation (1.1) indicates a line congruence and called generatrix. Here, the parameter z is a marked distance. In addition, there exist two special points (real, imaginary or unit) on the generatrix of C. These points are called as focal points which are the osculator points with generatrix. Therefore, focal surfaces are defined as a geometric locus of focal points. In general, there exist two focal surfaces. If E (u, v) = N (u, v), then C = CN is normal congruence. Thus, the focal surface CN has the following parametric representation ∗ −1 Xi (u, v) = X (u, v) + κi (u, v) N (u, v) ,

where κ1 and κ2 are the principle functions of the surface M : X (u, v) arXiv:1810.05531v2 [math.DG] 11 Oct 2019 [5]. The center of curvature of the normal section curve corresponds to a certain level of the normal vector at a point X (u0, v0) on M. The extreme values are the center of the curvature of two principle directions. These points correspond to the focal points. For this reason, the congruence of lines is considered as a set of lines which are tangent to two surfaces. Also, these two surfaces are focal surfaces of congruence of the lines. Thus, focal points of the normal congruence are the centers of curvature of two principle directions. Some studies can be found about focal curves and focal surfaces in Euclidean spaces [5, 14, 15, 16].

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53A05, 53A10. Key words and phrases. Focal surface, tubular surface, . 1 2 SEZGIN˙ BUY¨ UKK¨ UT¨ UK,¨ IL˙ IM˙ KIS¸˙ I,˙ GUNAY¨ OZT¨ URK¨

Canal surface with a significant place in geometry provides benefits in showing human internal organs, long thin objects, surface modelling, CG/ CAD and graph- ics. A canal surface X (u, v) obtained by spin curve γ (u) is the combination of the which are determined by the radius function r(u) and center γ (u). If the radius function is constant, then this surface is called tubular surface. In [18], the authors studied tubular surface in Euclidean 3−space. Recently, in [9, 10, 11], 4 the authors have attended to tubular surfaces in Euclidean 4−space E . Thanks to geometric structure of these types of surfaces, they are also used in reshaping and planning the movement lines of the robots (see, [13]). In , frame fields are important tools for analyzing curves and surfaces. Frenet frame is the most familier frame field but there is also the other frame field such as Darboux frame. Besides Frenet frame is constructed on a curve with its velocity and the acceleration vectors, Darboux frame is constructed on a surface with the curves’ velocity vector and the surface’ normal vector. There have been so many studies about Darboux frame such as [4, 8, 12]. In the current work, we study focal surfaces of a tubular surface which are con- structed by the Frenet frame and Darboux frame. We calculate the mean and Gauss- ian of the focal surfaces and get the necessary and sufficient conditions of these surfaces to become flat and minimal.


3 3 Let γ = γ(s): I ⊆ R → E be a unit speed curve in the E . Then the derivatives of the Frenet frame {T,N1,N2} of γ (Frenet-Serret formula); 0  T   0 κ 0   T  0  N1  =  −κ 0 τ   N1  , 0 N2 0 −τ 0 N2 where τ, κ are the torsion and curvature of the curve γ, respectively [2]. Let γ : I → M be a unit speed curve on the surface M. Then, {T,Y = T × N,N} is called as Darboux frame which is defined along the curve γ. Here T is the tangent vector of γ and N is the unit normal vector of M. Darboux frame formulas are expressed as  0      T 0 kg kn T 0  Y  =  −kg 0 τg   Y  , 0 N −kn −τg 0 N where kg is the geodesic curvature, kn is the normal curvature and τg is the geodesic torsion of the curve γ. The relation between the Darboux frame and the Frenet frame is given as follows:  T   1 0 0   T   Y  =  0 cos θ sin θ   N1  , N 0 − sin θ cos θ N2 where θ is the angle between the vectors Y and N1. Here Darboux curvatures are 0 defined by kg = κ cos θ, kn = κ sin θ and τg = τ − θ . 3 FOCAL SURFACES OF A TUBULAR SURFACE IN E 3

3 Let M:X(u, v) be a regular surface in E . The tangent space of M is spanned by the vectors Xu and Xv at a point p = X(u, v). The coefficients of the first fundamental form of M are defined as

(2.1) E = hXu,Xui,F = hXu,Xvi ,G = hXv,Xvi , where h, i is the Euclidean inner product. We set W 2 = EG − F 2 6= 0. Then the unit normal vector field of M is defined as X × X (2.2) N = u v . kXu × Xvk The coeffiicients of the are as follow:

(2.3) l = hXuu,Ni , m = hXuv,Ni , n = hXvv,Ni , [2]. The shape operator of a surface is defined as

" l 1 F  # E W m − E l AN = 1 F  1  F 2  , W m − E l W 2 En − 2F m + E l [1]. The Gaussian and the mean curvatures of M are given as

ln − m2 (2.4) K = , EG − F 2 and En + Gl − 2F m (2.5) H = , 2 (EG − F 2) respectively [2, 7]. Let γ : I → M be a unit speed curve on the surface M. Then γ is an asymptotic curve for which the normal curvature vanishes in the direction γ0. Recall that γ is asymptotic if and only if γ00 is perpendicular to the normal vector N of the surface M. Furthermore, γ is a geodesic curve on M if the tangential component (γ00)T of the acceleration of γ vanishes [2].

3. FOCAL SURFACE OF A TUBULAR SURFACE WITH FRENET FRAME Tubular surface with Frenet frame was studied by Ozt¨ urk¨ et al., in [17]. In this section, we handle the tubular surface with Frenet frame and give the focal surface of 3 this surface in E . 3 Let γ (u) = (γ1 (u) , γ2 (u) , 0) ⊂ E be a curve parametrized by arclength. Then the famous Frenet formulas become γ0 = T, 0 T = κN1, 0 N1 = −κT, 0 N2 = 0. 4 SEZGIN˙ BUY¨ UKK¨ UT¨ UK,¨ IL˙ IM˙ KIS¸˙ I,˙ GUNAY¨ OZT¨ URK¨

The tubular surface with respect to Frenet frame has the parametrization:

(3.1) M : X (u, v) = γ (u) + r (cos vN1 (u) + sin vN2) , where r = const. is the radius of the spheres. The tangent space of M at a point p = X(u, v) is spanned by

(3.2) Xu = (1 − κ(u)r cos v) T,

Xv = −r sin vN1 + r cos vN2. Then coefficients of the first fundamental form are (3.3) E = (1 − κ(u)r cos v)2 ,F = 0,G = r2, where W 2 = EG − F 2 = (1 − κ(u)r cos v)2 r2 [17]. PROPOSITION 3.1 . [17] X(u, v) is a regular tubular surface patch if and only if 1 − κ(u)r cos v 6= 0. The unit normal vector field and the second partial derivatives of M are obtained as N = − cos vN1 − sin vN2 and 0 Xuu = −κ (u)r cos vT + κ(u) (1 − κ(u)r cos v) N1,

(3.4) Xuv = κ(u)r sin vT,

Xvv = −r cos vN1 − r sin vN2, respectively. Then the coefficients of the second fundamental form become (3.5) l = −κ(u) (1 − κ(u)r cos v) cos v, m = 0, n = r. Thus, from the equations (3.3) and (3.5), the Gaussian and functions of M are calculated as −κ(u) cos v K = , r (1 − κ(u)r cos v) and 1 − 2κ(u)r cos v H = , 2r (1 − κ(u)r cos v) respectively. The shape operator matrix of the surface M is as follows: " −κ(u) cos v # 1−κ(u)r cos v 0 (3.6) AN = 1 0 r [17]. From now on, we can give the parametrization of the focal surface M ∗ of M by obtaining the functions of M. Using (3.6), we get the principal curvature functions as 1 −κ(u) cos v (3.7) κ = , κ = . 1 r 2 1 − κ(u)r cos v 3 FOCAL SURFACES OF A TUBULAR SURFACE IN E 5

From the definition of the focal surface of a given surface and using the equation (3.7), we obtain the focal surface M ∗ of M as 1 (3.8) X∗ (u, v) = γ (u) + (cos vN (u) + sin vN ) . κ(u) cos v 1 2 The tangent space of the focal surface M ∗ is spanned by −κ0(u) (3.9) (X∗) = (N + tan vN ) , u κ2(u) 1 2 and 1 (X∗) = N . v κ(u) cos2 v 2 Thus from (3.9), the coefficients of the first fundamental form are obtained as (κ0(u))2 −κ0(u) sin v 1 (3.10) E∗ = ,F ∗ = ,G∗ = , κ4(u) cos2 v κ3(u) cos3 v κ2(u) cos4 v

2 ∗ 2 (κ0(u)) where (W ) = κ6(u) cos4 v 6= 0. Further, from (2.2) we find the normal vector of M ∗ (3.11) N ∗ = −T. The second partial derivatives of X∗ (u, v) are as in the following: κ0(u) −κ00(u)κ(u) + 2 (κ0(u))2 (X∗) = T + N uu κ(u) κ3(u) 1 −κ00(u)κ(u) + 2 (κ0(u))2 + tan vN κ3(u) 2 κ0(u) (3.12) (X∗) = − 1 + tan2 v N , uv κ2(u) 2 2 sin v (X∗) = N . vv κ(u) cos3 v 2 Hence, from (3.11) and (3.12), we get the coefficients of the second fundamental form of the focal surface M ∗ as κ0(u) (3.13) l∗ = − , m∗ = 0, n∗ = 0. κ(u) Thus, we can give the following results: THEOREM 3.1 . Let M be a tubular surface with Frenet frame given with the parametrization (3.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 ∗ (3.8) in E . Then the of M vanishes, so the focal surface is flat. ∗ 3 Proof. Let M be the focal surface of M with the parametrization (3.8) in E . Using the equations (2.4), (3.10) and (3.13), we get K∗ = 0, which completes the proof.  6 SEZGIN˙ BUY¨ UKK¨ UT¨ UK,¨ IL˙ IM˙ KIS¸˙ I,˙ GUNAY¨ OZT¨ URK¨

THEOREM 3.2 . Let M be a tubular surface with Frenet frame given with the parametrization (3.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 ∗ (3.8) in E . Then the mean curvature of M is κ3(u) (3.14) H∗ = − . 2κ0(u) ∗ 3 Proof. Let M be the focal surface of M with the parametrization (3.8) in E . Using the equations (2.5), (3.10) and (3.13), we get the result.  THEOREM 3.3 . There is no minimal focal surface M ∗ of the tubular surface M. Proof. Assume that the focal surface M ∗ of the surface M is minimal. From the equation (3.14), the curvature function κ according to Frenet frame vanishes identi- cally, this is a contradiction. Thus, there is no minimal focal surface of the tubular surface M.  THEOREM 3.4 . Let M be a tubular surface with Frenet frame given with the parametrization (3.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 ∗ (3.8) in E . Then the focal surface M has constant mean curvature if and only if the curvature function κ(u) satisfies p(u + c c) c (3.15) κ(u) = ± 1 , u + c1c where c, c1 are real constants. ∗ 3 Proof. Let M be the focal surface of M with the parametrization (3.8) in E . From the equation (3.14), we get the differential equation κ3(u) + 2κ0(u)c = 0, which has a non-trivial solution (3.15).  EXAMPLE 1. Let us consider the unit speed planar curve with the parameterization  u    u   u    u   γ(u) = √ + 1 cos ln √ + 1 , √ + 1 sin ln √ + 1 , 0 . 2 2 2 2 The Frenet apparatus of this curve are determined by        T (u) = γ0(u) = √1 cos ln √u + 1 − sin ln √u + 1 , 2 2 2        sin ln √u + 1 + cos ln √u + 1 , 0 , 2 2        N (u) = √1 sin ln √u + 1 − cos ln √u + 1 , 1 2 2 2        cos ln √u + 1 − sin ln √u + 1 , 0 , 2 2

N2(u) = (0, 0, 1) , 1 κ(u) = √ , τ(u) = 0. u + 2 3 FOCAL SURFACES OF A TUBULAR SURFACE IN E 7

Hence, the parameterization of tubular surface around the curve γ(u) can be written with the Frenet frame as             X (u, v) = √u + 1 cos ln √u + 1 − √r cos v sin ln √u + 1 + cos ln √u + 1 , 2 2 2 2 2             √u + 1 sin ln √u + 1 + √r cos v cos ln √u + 1 − sin ln √u + 1 , 2 2 2 2 2 r sin v) . Also, the parameterization of the focal surface of this surface is obtained as  √  2       X∗(u, v) = u√+2 2√u+1 cos ln √u + 1 − √ 1 √ sin ln √u + 1 , 2(u+ 2) 2 2(u+ 2) 2  √  2       u√+2 2√u+1 sin ln √u + 1 + √ 1 √ cos ln √u + 1 , . 2(u+ 2) 2 2(u+ 2) 2  1√ tan v u+ 2 √ Further, by taking radius r = 2, we plot the tubular surface and its focal surface 3 in E :

FIGURE 1. Tubular surface M and the focal surface M ∗

Now, we obtain the following results for parameter curves on the focal surface M ∗. THEOREM 3.5 . Let M be a tubular surface with Frenet frame given with the parametrization (3.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 (3.8) in E . Then, i) u-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ cannot be asymptotic curves. ii) v-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ are asymptotic curves. ∗ 3 Proof. Let M be the focal surface of M with the parametrization (3.8) in E . i) From the definition of an asymptotic curve, using (3.11) and (3.12), we get ∗ ∗ κ0(u) h(X )uu ,N i = κ(u) = 0 if and only if κ is constant which contradicts the regular- ity of M ∗. Thus, u-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ cannot be asymptotic curves. 8 SEZGIN˙ BUY¨ UKK¨ UT¨ UK,¨ IL˙ IM˙ KIS¸˙ I,˙ GUNAY¨ OZT¨ URK¨

∗ ∗ ii) Again using the same equations, we obtain h(X )vv ,N i = 0 which means ∗ v-parameter curves of the focal surface M are asymptotic curves.  THEOREM 3.6 . Let M be a tubular surface with Frenet frame given with the parametrization (3.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 (3.8) in E . Then, i) u-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ are geodesic curves if and only if the equation 1 (3.16) κ(u) = − , c1u + c2 held for the curvature of γ, where c1, c2 are real constants. ii) v-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ are geodesic curves if and only if v = tπ, t ∈ Z. ∗ ∗ 00 Proof. i) From (3.11) and (3.12), we get (X )uu ∧ N = 0 if and only if −κ κ + 0 2 2(κ ) = 0, which has a solution (3.16) for real constants c1 and c2. ∗ ∗ ii) Again using the same equations, we obtain (X )vv ∧ N = 0 if and only if sin v = 0 which completes the proof. 

4. FOCAL SURFACE OF A TUBULAR SURFACE WITH DARBOUX FRAME Tubular surface with the Darboux frame was studied by Dogan˘ and Yaylı in [3]. In this part, we handle the tubular surface according to the Darboux frame and give 3 the focal surface of this surface in E . Let γ (u) = (γ1 (u) , γ2 (u) , γ3 (u)) be a unit speed curve on a surface S. The tubular surface with respect to Darboux frame has the following parametrization: (4.1) M : X (u, v) = γ (u) + r (cos vY (u) + sin vU (u)) , where r = const. is the radius of the spheres and U is the unit normal of the surface S along the curve γ. Then the tangent space of M is spanned by Xu and Xv at a point p = X(u, v):

(4.2) Xu = (1 − br) T − rτg sin vY + rτg cos vU,

Xv = −r sin vY + r cos vU, where

(4.3) b (u, v) = kg (u) cos v + kn(u) sin v. Then coefficients of the first fundamental form become 2 2 2 2 2 (4.4) E = (1 − br) + r τg ,F = r τg,G = r , where W 2 = EG − F 2 = (1 − br)2 r2 [3]. PROPOSITION 4.2 . [3] X(u, v) is a regular tubular surface patch if and only if 1 b 6= r . 3 FOCAL SURFACES OF A TUBULAR SURFACE IN E 9

The unit normal vector field and the second partial derivatives of M are obtained as (4.5) N = − cos vY − sin vU. and 0 2  Xuu = (−bur − rτgbv) T + kg (1 − br) − rτg sin v − rτg cos v Y 0 2  + kn (1 − br) + rτg cos v − rτg sin v U, (4.6) Xuv = −bvrT − rτg cos vY − rτg sin vU,

Xvv = −r cos vY − r sin vU, respectively. Then the coefficients of the second fundamental form become 2 (4.7) l = − (1 − br) b + rτg , m = rτg, n = r.

Thus, from the equations (4.4) and (4.7), the Gaussian and mean curvature func- tions of M are calculated as b (4.8) K = , r (br − 1) and 1 − 2br (4.9) H = 2 (1 − br) r respectively [3]. Now, we focus on the parametrization of the focal surface M ∗ of M by obtaining the principal curvature functions of M. √ 2 Using (4.8), (4.9), and the equation κi = H ± H − K, (i = 1, 2), we get the principal curvature functions as 1 b (4.10) κ = , κ = . 1 r 2 br − 1 From the definition of the focal surface of a given surface and using the equation (4.10), we obtain the focal surface M ∗ of M as 1 (4.11) X∗ (u, v) = γ (u) + (cos vY (u) + sin vU(u)) , b(u, v) where b (u, v) = kg (u) cos v + kn(u) sin v. The tangent space of the focal surface M ∗ is spanned by the vectors  b 1   b 1  (4.12) (X∗) = − u cos v − τ sin v Y + − u sin v + τ cos v U, u b2 b g b2 b g and  b 1   b 1  (4.13) (X∗) = − v cos v − sin v Y + − v sin v + cos v U. v b2 b b2 b 10 SEZGIN˙ BUY¨ UKK¨ UT¨ UK,¨ IL˙ IM˙ KIS¸˙ I,˙ GUNAY¨ OZT¨ URK¨

Thus from (4.12) and (4.13), the coefficients of the first fundamental form are ob- tained as follows: b2 + b2τ 2 b b + b2τ b2 + b2 (4.14) E∗ = u g ,F ∗ = u v g ,G∗ = v , b4 b4 b4 ∗ 2 1 2 where (W ) = b6 (bu − bvτg) . PROPOSITION 4.3 . X∗(u, v) is a regular tubular surface patch if and only if 0  0 kg − knτg cos v + (kn + kgτg) sin v 6= 0. Proof. Substituting the partial derivatives of the equation (4.3) in W ∗, we get the result.  One can find the normal vector of the focal surface M ∗ as (4.15) N ∗ = T. The second partial derivatives of X∗ (u, v) are  b − b τ  (X∗) = u v g T uu b  −b b2 cos v + 2bb2 cos v + 2b b2τ sin v − b3τ 2 cos v − b3τ 0 sin v  + uu u u g g g Y b4  2 2 2 3 2 3 0  −buub sin v + 2bb sin v − 2bub τg cos v − b τ sin v + b τ cos v (4.16) + u g g U, b4  −b b2 cos v + 2bb b cos v + b b2 sin v + b b2τ sin v − b3τ cos v  (X∗) = uv u v u v g g Y uv b4  −b b2 sin v + 2bb b sin v − b b2 cos v − b b2τ cos v − b3τ sin v  + uv u v u v g g U, b4  −b b2 cos v + 2bb2 cos v + 2b b2 sin v − b3 cos v  (X∗) = vv v v Y vv b4  −b b2 sin v + 2bb2 sin v − 2b b2 cos v − b3 sin v  + vv v v U. b4

Hence, from (4.14) and (4.16), we get the coefficients of the second fundamental form of the focal surface M ∗ as b − b τ (4.17) l∗ = u v g , m∗ = 0, n∗ = 0. b Thus, we can give the following results: THEOREM 4.7 . Let M be a tubular surface according to Darboux frame given with the parametrization (4.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 ∗ (4.11) in E . Then the Gaussian curvature of M vanishes, so the focal surface is flat.

∗ 3 Proof. Let M be the focal surface of M with the parametrization (4.11) in E . Using the equations (4.14), (4.17) and (2.4), we get K∗ = 0, which completes the proof.  3 FOCAL SURFACES OF A TUBULAR SURFACE IN E 11

THEOREM 4.8 . Let M be a tubular surface according to Darboux frame given with the parametrization (4.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 ∗ (4.11) in E . Then the mean curvature of M is b2 + b2 b (4.18) H∗ = v . 2 (bu − bvτg)

∗ 3 Proof. Let M be the focal surface of M with the parametrization (4.11) in E . Using the equations (2.5), (4.14) and (4.17), we get the result.  THEOREM 4.9 . There is no minimal focal surface of the tubular surface M.

Proof. Assume that the focal surface M ∗ of the surface M is minimal. From the equation (4.18), the curvature functions H∗ = 0 ⇔ b = 0, a contradiction. Thus, there is no minimal focal surface of the tubular surface M.  EXAMPLE 2. Let us consider the unit speed curve with the parameterization  u u u  γ(u) = cos √ , sin √ , √ . 2 2 2

The Darboux frame and curvatures kg, kn of this curve are determined by   T (u) = γ0(u) = √1 − sin √u , cos √u , 1 , 2 2 2   Y (u) = √1 − cos √u + √1 sin √u , − sin √u − √1 cos √u , √1 , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1  u 1 u u 1 u 1  U(u) = √ cos √ + √ sin √ , sin √ − √ cos √ , √ , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 kg(u) = √ , kn(u) = √ . 2 2 2 2 Hence, the parameterization of tubular surface around the curve γ(u) can be written according to Darboux frame as  X (u, v) = cos √u (1 − cos v + sin v) + √1 sin √u (cos v + sin v) , 2 2 2 sin √u (1 − cos v + sin v) − √1 cos √u (cos v + sin v) , 2 2 2 u+cos√v+sin v . 2 Also, the parameterization of the focal surface of this surface is obtained as    √   √  X∗(u, v) = cos √u 3 sin v−cos v + 2 sin √u , sin √u 3 sin v−cos v − 2 cos √u , u√+2 . 2 cos v+sin v 2 2 cos v+sin v 2 2 √ Further, by taking radius r = 2, we plot the tubular surface and its focal surface 3 in E : 12 SEZGIN˙ BUY¨ UKK¨ UT¨ UK,¨ IL˙ IM˙ KIS¸˙ I,˙ GUNAY¨ OZT¨ URK¨

FIGURE 2. Tubular surface M and the focal surface M ∗

THEOREM 4.10 . Let M be a tubular surface with Darboux frame given with the parametrization (4.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 (4.11) in E . Then, i) u-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ cannot be asymptotic curves. ii) v-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ are asymptotic curves. ∗ 3 Proof. Let M be the focal surface of M with the parametrization (4.11) in E . ∗ ∗ i) Using the equations (4.15), (4.16) and the definition of asymptotic curve, h(X )uu ,N i = ∗ 0 if and only if bu − bvτg = 0. But, this contradicts the regularity of M . Thus, u- parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ cannot be asymptotic curves. ∗ ∗ ii) Again using the same equations, we obtain h(X )vv ,N i = 0 which means ∗ v-parameter curves of the focal surface M are asymptotic curves.  THEOREM 4.11 . Let M be a tubular surface with Darboux frame given with the parametrization (4.1) and M ∗ be the focal surface of M with the parametrization 3 (4.11) in E . Then, i) u-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ are geodesic curves if and only if 0 00 0 2 4 (4.19) − 2τg buτg + bτg + 4b τg − 4bτg = 0 holds. ii) v-parameter curves of the focal surface M ∗ cannot be geodesic curves. ∗ ∗ Proof. i) From (4.15) and (4.16), (X )uu ∧ N = 0 if and only if  2 2 2 (4.20) b −buub + 2 (bu) − b (τg) = 0, 2 0  (4.21) b 2buτg − bτg = 0. Therefore, by the use of these relations, we obtain the desired result. ∗ ∗ ii) Similarly, with the help of (4.15) and (4.16), (X )vv ∧ N = 0 if and only if  2 2 (4.22) b bvvb − 2 (bv) + b = 0,


Using these relations, we get b = 0 which contradicts the representation of the focal surface. Hence, we get the result and this completes the proof. 


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