ISSN 0378-6986 Official Journal C 317 Volume 39 of the European Communities 26 October 1996

English edition Information and Notices

Notice No Contents Page

I Information


96 / C 317/ 01 Ecu 1

96/C 317/ 02 Communication of Decisions under sundry tendering procedures in agriculture ( cereals) 2

96/ C 317 /03 Inspection structures notified by the Member States in accordance with Article 10 (2) of Regulation ( EEC ) No 2081 /92 on the protection of geographical indi­ cations and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs 3

96 /C 317/04 Notice pursuant to Article 19 (3) of Council Regulation No 17 — Cases No IV/ 35.467 , 35.468 , 35.509-512 , 35.527-530 , 36.094/El — Finnish Timber (') 34

96 /C 317/ 05 Non-opposition to a notified concentration ( Case No IV/M.755 — Creditanstalt/ Koramic/Wienerberger) (') 38

96 /C 317/06 List of establishments in Iceland approved for the purpose of importing fresh meat into the Community (') 38


96 /C 317 /07 Corrigendum to the communication of holidays in 1996 (OJ No C 45 , 17 . 2 . 1996) 39

EN 2 (') Text with EEA relevance 26 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 1

I (Information)


Ecu O 25 October 1996 (96/C 317/01 )

Currency amount for one unit : Belgian and Finnish markka 5,76384 Luxembourg franc 39,6300 Swedish krona 8,32422 Danish krone 7,38009 Pound sterling 0,790111 German mark 1,92423 United States dollar 1,26220 Greek drachma 301,893 Canadian dollar 1,69892 Spanish peseta 161,991 Japanese yen 142,970 French franc 6,49718 Swiss franc 1,59290 Irish pound 0,783684 Norwegian krone 8,14373 Italian lira 1925,08 Icelandic krona 84,4792 Dutch guilder 2,15799 Australian dollar 1,59208 Austrian schilling 13,5384 New Zealand dollar 1,79366 Portuguese escudo 194,000 South African rand 5,82506

The Commission has installed a telex with an automatic answering device which gives the conversion rates in a number of currencies . This service is available every day from 3.30 p.m . until 1 p.m . the following day. Users of the service should do as follows : — call telex number Brussels 23789 ; — give their own telex code ; — type the code 'cccc' which puts the automatic system into operation resulting in the transmission of the conversion rates of the ecu ; — the transmission should not be interrupted until the end of the message, which is marked by the code • ffff . Mote : The Commission also has an automatic fax answering service (No 296 10 97/296 60 11 ) providing daily data concerning calculation of the conversion rates applicable for the purposes of the common agricultural policy.

(') Council Regulation (EEC ) No 3180/78 of 18 December 1978 (OJ No L 379, 30 . 12 . 1978 , p. 1 ), as last amended by Regulation (EEC ) No 1971 / 89 (OJ No L 189 , 4 . 7 . 1989, p. 1 ). Council Decision 80/ 1184/EEC of 18 December 1980 (Convention of Lomé) (OJ No L 349 , 23 . 12 . 1980, p . 34 ). Commission Decision No 3334/80/ECSC of 19 December 1980 (OJ No L 349, 23 . 12 . 1980, p. 27 ). Financial Regulation of 16 December 1980 concerning the general budget of the European Communities (OJ No L 345 , 20 . 12 . 1980, p. 23 ). Council Regulation (EEC) No 3308 / 80 of 16 December 1980 (OJ No L 345 , 20 . 12 . 1980 , p. 1 ). Decision of the Council of Governors of the European Investment Bank of 13 May 1981 (OJ No L 311 , 30 . 10 . 1981 , p. 1 ). No C 317/2 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

Communication of Decisions under sundry tendering procedures in agriculture (cereals) (96/C 317/02 ) (See notice in Official Journal of the European Communities No L 360 of 21 December 1982, page 43)

Weekly invitation to tender

Standing invitation to tender Date of Commission Maximum refund Decision

Commission Regulation (EC ) No 1143 /96 of 25 June 1996 opening an invitation to tender for the refund for the export of common wheat to all third countries except Ceuta, Melilla and certain ACP States 24 . 10 . 1996 ECU 13,00/tonne (OJ No L 151 , 26 . 6 . 1996, p. 14 ) Commission Regulation (EC ) No 1144/96 of 25 June 1996 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries 24 . 10 . 1996 ECU 31,00/tonne (OJ No L 151 , 26 . 6 . 1996, p. 17 ) Commission Regulation (EC ) No 1145/96 of 25 June 1996 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of rye to all third countries 24 . 10 . 1996 ECU 31,09/tonne (OJ No L 151 , 26 . 6 . 1996, p. 20 ) Commission Regulation (EC ) No 1146/96 of 25 June 1996 opening an invitation to tender for the refund for the export of oats produced in Finland and Sweden for export from Finland or Sweden to all third countries 24 . 10 . 1996 ECU 30,95/tonne (OJ No L 151 , 26 . 6 . 1996, p. 23 ) Commission Regulation (EC ) No 1383/96 of 17 July 1996 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to Ceuta, Melilla and certain ACP States No tenders received ( OJ No L 179 , 18 . 7 . 1996, p. 17 ) Commission Regulation (EC) No 1629/96 of 13 August 1996 on an invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled round grain rice to certain third countries 24 . 10 . 1996 ECU 279,00/tonne (OJ No L 204, 14 . 8 . 1996 , p. 6 ) Commission Regulation (EC) No 1630/96 of 13 August 1996 on an invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled medium grain and long grain A rice to certain third countries 24 . 10 . 1996 Tenders rejected (OJ No L 204, 14 . 8 . 1996 , p. 9 ) Commission Regulation (EC) No 1631 /96 of 13 August 1996 on an invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled medium grain and long grain A rice to certain third countries 24 . 10 . 1996 ECU 296,00/tonne ( OJ No L 204 , 14 . 8 . 1996, p. 12 ) 26 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 3

Inspection structures notified by the Member States in accordance with Article 10 (2 ) of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs

(96/C 317/03 )

The purpose of this publication is to provide information on the inspection bodies notified by the Member States for each geographical indication or designation of origin registered under Regulation (EEC) No 2081 /92 .


Date/Datum Nom de la structure de Type de Statut/ Nom du produit Retrait contrôle/Naam van de Adresse/Adres produit/Pro­ contrôlé/Gecontroleerde duktcate- controlestructuur Status (') Agrément/ d'agrément/In­ gorie O produktnaam Erkenning trekking van erkenning

Promag ASBL Rue du Carmel 1 OA/EO 1.2 Jambon d'Ardenne 30 . 3 . 1984 6900 Marloie

Quality Control sc Rue du Trône 57/ OA/EO 18 . 2 . 1974 Troonstraat 57 1050 Bruxelles/ 1050 Brussel

Promag ASBL Rue du Carmel 1 OA/EO 1.5 Beurre d'Ardenne 4 . 1 . 1985 6900 Marloie

Quality Control sc Rue du Trône 57/ OA/EO 12 . 6 . 1985 Troonstraat 57 1050 Bruxelles/ 1050 Brussel

(*) SP/OD : service public/overheidsdienst. OA/EO : organisme agréé/erkende organisatie. (2 ) Classification des produits : voir annexe/Indeling van de produkten : zie bijlage .



Produkt­ Kontrolinstansens navn Adresse Status C) Navnet på det Tilbage­ type o kontrollerede produkt Godkendelse trækning af godkendelse

Steins Laboratorium A/S Hjaltesvej 8 GO 1.3 Danablu 21 . 12 . 1995 Mejeridivisionen 7500 Holstebro

Steins Laboratorium A/S Hjaltesvej 8 GO 1.3 Esrom 21 . 12 . 1995 Mejeridivisionen 7500 Holstebro

(') OM : offentlig myndighed . GO : godkendt organ . (') Klassifikation af produkter : jf. bilag . No C 317/4 ΕΝ Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


Datum Art der Art des Name des kontrollierten Anschrift Einrich­ Name der Einrichtung Erzeugnis­ Erzeugnisses Entzug der tung o ses (') Zulassung Zulassung

Hessisches Landesamt für Kölnische Straße 48—50 OE 2.2 Bad Hersfelder Regionalentwicklung und 34117 Kassel Naturquelle Landwirtschaft

Bezirksregierung Postfach 2 03 OE 2.2 Bad Pyrmonter Hannover 30002 Hannover

Ministerium für Umwelt Postfach 31 60 OE 2.2 Birresborner und Forsten 55021 Mainz

Für Herstellerkontrollen : OE 2.2 Bissinger Auerquelle Bayerische Landesanstalt Postfach 95 01 40 für Ernährung 81517 München Für Mißbrauchskontrollen : Bayerisches Staatsministe­ 80792 München rium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit

Hessisches Landesamt für Kölnische Straße 48—50 OE 2.2 Caldener Regionalentwicklung und 34117 Kassel Mineralbrunnen Landwirtschaft

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Ensinger Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe Mineralwasser

Hessisches Landesamt für Kölnische Straße 48—50 OE 2.2 Felsenquelle Regionalentwicklung und 34117 Kassel Beiseförth Landwirtschaft

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Gemminger Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe Mineralquelle

Hessisches Landesamt für Kölnische Straße 48-—50 OE 2.2 Graf Meinhard Regionalentwicklung und 34117 Kassel Quelle Glessen Landwirtschaft

Landesamt für Ernäh­ Postfach 30 06 51 OE 2.2 Haaner Felsenquelle rungswirtschaft und Jagd 40406 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen

Landesamt für Ernäh­ Postfach 30 06 51 OE 2.2 Haltern Quelle rungswirtschaft und Jagd 40406 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bezirksregierung Postfach 32 47 OE 2.2 Katlenburger Braunschweig 38022 Braunschweig Burgbergquelle

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Kißlegger Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe Mineralquelle

Sächsisches Staatsministe­ Archivstraße 1 OE 2.2 Leisslinger rium für Landwirtschaft, 01097 Dresden Mineralbrunnen Ernährung und Forsten 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/5

Datum Art der Art des Name des kontrollierten Anschrift Einrich­ Name der Einrichtung Erzeugnis­ Erzeugnisses Entzug der tung (') ses (J ) Zulassung Zulassung

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Löwensteiner Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe Mineralquelle

Ministerium für Umwelt Postfach 31 60 OE 2.2 Rhenser und Forsten 55021 Mainz Mineralbrunnen

Für Herstellerkontrollen : OE 2.2 Rilchinger Armandus Quelle Ministerium für Umwelt, Referat G/ 3 Energie und Verkehr Rußhütter Straße 8 a Abteilung Landwirtschaft 66113 Saarbrücken und Forsten

Für Mißbrauchskontrollen : Ministerium für Frauen, Referat D/III Arbeit, Gesundheit und Franz-Josef-Röder- Soziales Straße 23 Abteilung Gesundheit 66119 Saarbrücken

Für Herstellerkontrollen : OE 2.2 Rilchinger Gräfin Mariannen-Quelle Ministerium für Umwelt, Referat G/ 3 Energie und Verkehr Rußhütter Straße 8 a Abteilung Landwirtschaft 66113 Saarbrücken und Forsten

Für Mißbrauchskontrollen : Ministerium für Frauen, Referat D/III Arbeit, Gesundheit und Franz-Josef-Röder- Soziales Straße 23 Abteilung Gesundheit 66119 Saarbrücken

Für Herstellerkontrollen : OE 2.2 Siegsdorfer Petrusquelle Bayerische Landesanstalt Postfach 95 01 40 für Ernährung 81517 München Für Mißbrauchskontrollen : Bayerisches Staatsministe­ 80792 München rium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1—3 OE 2.2 Teinacher Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe Mineralquellen

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Überkinger Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe Mineralquellen

Landesamt für Ernäh­ Postfach 30 06 51 OE 2.2 Vesalia Quelle rungswirtschaft und Jagd 40406 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Bad Niedernauer Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe Quelle

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Göppinger Quelle Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe No C 317/6 I EN I Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

Datum Art der Art des Name des kontrollierten Anschrift Einrich­ Name der Einrichtung Erzeugnis­ Erzeugnisses Entzug der tung o ses ( 2 ) Zulassung Zulassung

Für Herstellerkontrollen : OE 2.2 Höllen Sprudel Bayerische Landesanstalt Postfach 95 01 40 für Ernährung 81517 München Für Mißbrauchskontrollen : Bayerisches Staatsministe­ 80792 München rium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit

Regierungspräsidium Schloßplatz 1 —3 OE 2.2 Lieler Quelle Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe

Ministerium für Umwelt Postfach 31 60 OE 2.2 Schwollener Sprudel und Forsten 55021 Mainz

Landesamt für Ernäh­ Postfach 30 06 51 OE 2.2 Steinsieker rungswirtschaft und Jagd 40406 Düsseldorf Mineralwasser Nordrhein-Westfalen

Regierungspräsidium Dezernat 51 OE 2.2 Blankenburger Dessau Wolfgangstraße 25 Wiesenquelle Abteilung 5 06846 Dessau

Regierungspräsidium Dezernat 51 OE 2.2 Wernigeröder Dessau Wolfgangstraße 25 Mineralbrunnen Abteilung 5 06846 Dessau

Landesamt für Ernäh­ Postfach 30 06 51 OE 2.2 Wildenrath Quelle rungswirtschaft und Jagd 40406 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen

Für Herstellerkontrollen : OE 2.4 Nürnberger Lebkuchen Bayerische Landesanstalt Postfach 95 01 40 für Ernährung 81517 München Für Mißbrauchskontrollen : Bayerisches Staatsministe­ 80792 München rium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit

Ministerium für Ernäh­ Düsternbrooker Weg 104 OE 2.4 Lübecker Marzipan rung, Landwirtschaft, For­ 24105 Kiel sten und Fischerei des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

(') OE : Öffentliche Einrichtung . AE : Anerkannte Einrichtung . ( 2 ) Klassifizierung der Erzeugnisse : vgl . Anhang . 26 . 10 . 96 I EN I Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/7



Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση 51100 Γρεβενά ΔΥ 1.3 Ανεθατό (Anevato) Γρεβενών Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση 501 00 Κοζάνη Κοζάνης Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας

Οι οικείες Διευθύνσεις ΔΥ 1.3 Γαλοτύρι (Galotyri) Γεωργίας των γεωγραφικών περιοχών Ηπείρου & Θεσσαλίας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Φειδίου 4 ΔΥ 1.4 Γραβιέρα Αγράφων Καρδίτσας 431 000 Καρδίτσα (Graviera Agrafon) Διεύθυνση Γεωργικής Ανάπτυξης

Οι οικείες Διευθύνσεις ΔΥ 1.3 Γραβιέρα Κρήτης Γεωργίας της γεωγραφικής (Graviera Kritis) περιοχής των Νομών Χα­ νίων, Ρεθύμνου, Ηρακλείου & Λασιθίου της Νήσου Κρήτης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Ερμούπολη, ΔΥ 1.3 Γραθιέρα Νάξου Κυκλάδων 841 00 Σύρος (Graviera Naxou) Διεύθυνση Αργοτικής Ανά­ πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Καραντώνη 2 ΔΥ 1.3 Καλαθάκι Λήμνου Λέσβου 811 00 Μυτιλήνη (Kalathaki Limnou) Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας

Οι οικείες Διευθύνσεις ΔΥ 1.3 Κασέρι (Kasseri) Γεωργίας των γεωγραφικών περιοχών Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλίας και των Νομών Λέσβου και Ξάνθης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Σφακίων 26 ΔΥ 1.3 Πηχτόγαλο Χανίων Χανίων 731 01 Χανιά (Pichtogalo Chanion) Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Ερμούπολη ΔΥ 1.3 Σαν Μιχάλη Κυκλάδων 841 00 Σύρος (San Michail) Διεύθυνση Αργοτικής Ανάπτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Διοικητήριο ΔΥ 1.3 Σφέλα (Sfela) Μεσσηνίας 241 00 Καλαμάτα Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & Κτηνοτροφίας Μεσσηνίας Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & 245 00 Κυπαρισσία Κτηνοτροφίας Τριφυλλίας Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Μενελάου 72 Λακωνίας 231 00 Σπάρτη Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & Αλιείας No C 317/ 8 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 .. 96

Ημεροµηνία μηνία Καθεστώς Τύπος Όνομα ελεγχόμενου Ονομασία Διεύθυνση C) προϊόντων προϊόντος Απόσυρση (2) Έγκριση έγκρισης

Οι οικείες Διευθύνσεις ΔΥ 1.3 Φέτα (Feta) Γεωργίας των γεωγραφικών περιοχών Μακεδονίας, Θράκης, Ηπείρου, Θεσσα­ λίας, Στερεάς, Ελλάδος, Πε­ λοποννήσου και του Νομού Λέσβου

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Ικάρου ΔΥ 1.3 Φορμαέλλα Αράχοβας Βοιωτίας 321 00 Λειθαδία Παρνασσού Διεύθυνση Φυτικής & (Formadla Arachova Ζωικής Παραγωγής Parmassou)

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Έβανς 60 ΔΥ 1.5 Βιάννος Ηρακλείου Ηρακλείου 712 01 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης Κρήτης Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής (Víannos Iraklio Crete) Ανάπτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Μπουμπουλίνας 6 ΔΥ 1.5 Δυγουριό Ασκληπιείου Αργολίδας 21100 Ναύπλιο (Lygourio Asklipiou) Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ πτυξης Δασών & Αλιείας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση 741 00 Ρέθυμνο Κρήτης ΔΥ 1.5 Βόρειος Μυλοπόταμος Ρεθύμνου Ρεθύμνης Κρήτης Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας (Vorios Mylopotamos Rethymnis Crete)

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Μενελάου 72 ΔΥ 1.5 Κροκεές Λακωνίας Λακωνίας 231 00 Σπάρτη (Krokees Lakonias) Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & Αλιείας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Μενελάου 72 ΔΥ 1.5 Πετρίνα Λακωνίας Λακωνίας 231 00 Σπάρτη (Petrinä Lakonias) Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & Αλιείας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Μπουμπουλίνας 6 ΔΥ 1.5 Κρανίδι Αργολίδας Αργολίδας 21100 Ναύπλιο (Kranidi Argolidas) Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ πτυξης Δασών & Αλιείας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Έβανς 60 ΔΥ 1.5 Πεζά Ηρακλείου Ηρακλείου 712 01 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης Κρήτης Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ (Peza Iraklio Crete) πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Έβανς 60 ΔΥ 1.5 Αρχάνες Ηρακλείου Ηρακλείου 712 01 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης Κρήτης Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ (Archanes Iraklio πτυξης Crete)

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Μενελάου 72 ΔΥ 1.5 Λακωνία (Lakonia) Λακωνίας 231 00 Σπάρτη Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & Αλιείας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Σφακίων 26 ΔΥ 1.5 Χανιά Κρήτης Χανίων 731 00 Χανιά (Chania Crete) Διεύθυνση Γερωγίας 26 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/9

Ημερ<σμηνία Καθεστώς Τύπος Διεύθυνση προϊόντων 'Ονομα ελεγχόμενου Ονομασία C 1 ) προϊόντος Απόσυρση (2) Έγκριση έγκρισης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Διοικητήριο ΔΥ 1.5 Κεφαλονιά Κεφαλληνίας & Ιθάκης 281 00 Αργοστόλι (Cephalonie) Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Διοικητήριο ΔΥ 1.5 Ολυμπία (Olympe) Ηλείας 271 00 Πύργος Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Καραντώνη 2 ΔΥ 1.5 Λέσβος (Lesbos) Λέσβου 81100 Μυτιλήνη Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Λεωφόρος Ειρήνης 67 ΔΥ 1.5 Πρέβεζα (Preveza) Πρέβεζας 481 00 Πρέβεζα Διεύθυνση Γεωργικής Ανά­ πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Ιερού Λόχου 2 ΔΥ 1.5 Ρόδος (Rhodes) Δωδεκανήσου 851 00 Ρόδος Διεύθυνση Παραγωγικών Δραστηριοτήτων

Νομαρχιακή Διαμέρισμα Διοικητήριο ΔΥ 1.5 Θάσος (Thassos) Καβάλας 651 10 Καβάλα Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 1 ΔΥ 1.6 Ακτινίδιο Σπερχειού Φθιώτιδας 351 00 Λαμία (Kiwi Sperchiou) Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Διοικητήριο ΔΥ 1.6 Ελιά Καλαμάτας Μεσσηνίας 241 00 Καλαμάτα (Olive de Kaiamata) Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & Κτηνοτροφίας Μεσσηνίας Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας & 245 00 Κυπαρισσία Κτηνοτροφίας Τριφυλλίας

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 1 ΔΥ 1.6 Κελυφωτό φυστίκι Φθιώτιδας 351 00 Λαμία Φθιώτιδας Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ (Pistache de Phtiotida) πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση 9η Πάροδος I. Θεοτόκη ΔΥ 1.6 Κουμ Κουάτ Κέρκυρας 491 00 Κέρκυρα Κέρκυρας Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας (Kumquat de Corfou)

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Παπαναστασίου 10 A ΔΥ 1.6 Ξερά σύκα Κύμης Εύβοιας 341 00 Χαλκίδα (Figues seches de Kimi) Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ πτυξης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Διοικητήριο ΔΥ 1.6 Μήλα Ζαγοράς Μαγνησίας 380 01 Βόλος Πηλίου Διεύθυνση Αγροτικής Ανά­ (Pommes Zagoras πτυξης Piliou) No C 317/ 10 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

Ημερομηνία Τύπος Διεύθυνση Καθεστώς προϊόντων Όνομα ελεγχόμενου Ονομασία C ) O προϊόντος Έγκριση Απόσυρση έγκρισης

Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Δεληγιάννη 9 ΔΥ 1.6 Τσακώνικη μελιτζάνα Αρκαδίας 221 00 Τρίπολη Λεωνιδίου Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας (Aubergine Tsakonique de Leonido)

Χημική Υπηρεσία Χανίων Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 34 ΔΥ 1.8 Κρητικό παξιμάδι 731 00 Χανιά (Biscotte) Χημική Υπηρεσία Ρεθύμνου 741 00 Ρέθυμνο ΔΥ Χημική Υπηρεσία Δ . Μποφώρ 1 ΔΥ Ηρακλείου 711 10 Ηράκλειο Χημική Υπηρεσία Αγίου Άγιος Νικόλαος ΔΥ Νικολάου 721 00

(') ΔΥ : δημόσια υπηρεσία. EO : εγκεκριμένος οργανισμός. ( 2) Ταξινόμηση των προϊόντων : βλέπε παράρτημα.


Fee ha

Nombre de la estructura Estatuto Tipo de Dirección Nombre del producto producto controlado Retirada de la de control O Autorización O autorización

Consejo Regulador de la Plaza Sofraga, 1 OA 1.1 Carne de Avila 4 . 12 . 1990 DE C ) 05001 Ávila « Carne de Avila»

Consejo Regulador de la Doctor Piñuela , 2 OA 1.1 Carne de Morucha 10 . 1 . 1994 DE 37002 Salamanca de Salamanca « Carne de Morucha de Salamanca»

Consejo Regulador de la Calle del Centro , 33 OA 1.1 Pollo y Capón del 2 . 2 . 1991 DE 08820 Prat de Llobregat Prat « Pollo y Capón del Prat» (Barcelona )

Consejo Regulador de la Mercazaragoza OA 1.1 Ternasco de Aragón 22 . 9 . 1992 DE Apartado 7175 «Ternasco de Aragón» Zaragoza

Consejo Regulador de la Padres Redentoristas, 26 OA 1.2 Cecina de León 17 . 1 . 1994 DE 24700 Astorga (León ) « Cecina de León»

Consejo Regulador de la Cánovas del OA 1.2 Dehesa de 2 . 7 . 1990 DO O Castillo, 16 — 2o Extremadura «Dehesa de Extremadura» Lonja Agropecuaria Extremadura 06800 Mérida (Badajoz)

Consejo Regulador de la Abdón Rodilla, OA 1.2 Guijuelo 10 . 6 . 1986 DO 17 _ 2o A « Guijuelo» 37770 Guijuelo ( Salamanca ) 26 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 11

Fe :ha

Nombre de la estructura Estatuto Tipo de Dirección Nombre del producto de control producto controlado Retirada de la C ) Autorización O autorización

Consejo Regulador de la Avda . Sagunto, 52 — 3 o OA 1.2 Jamón de Teruel 7 . 3 . 1985 DO 44002 Teruel «Jamón de Teruel»

Consejo Regulador de la Eusebio Estrada , 145 OA 1.2 Sobrasada de 16 . 12 . 1993 DE 07009 Palma de Mallorca « Sobrasada de Mallorca» Mallorca

Consejo Regulador de la Carretera general, s/n OA 1.3 Cabrales 29 . 6 . 1990 DO 33555 Carreña « Cabrales» (Asturias )

Consejo Regulador de la Granja modelo Arkaute OA 1.3 Queso Idiazábal 1 . 10 . 1987 DO Apartado 46 « Idiazábal» 01192 Arkaute (Álava )

Consejo Regulador de la S'Arraval, 44 OA 1.3 Mahón 24 . 6 . 1985 DO 07701 Mahón (Baleares ) « Mahón»

Consejo Regulador de la La Casona de Tama OA 1.3 Picón-Bejes-Tresviso 6 . 10 . 1987 DO Tama « Picón-Bejes-Tresviso » 39583 Castro Cillorigo (Cantabria )

Consejo Regulador de la Avda . Valdecilla, 33 OA 1.3 Queso de Cantabria 29 . 10 . 1985 DO 39011 Santander « Queso de Cantabria»

Consejo Regulador de la Reyes Huertas , 18 OA 1.3 Queso de la Serena 14 . 4 . 1993 DO 06420 Castuera « Queso de la Serena» (Badajoz )

Consejo Regulador de la Avda . del Vino, s/ n OA 1.3 Queso Manchego 21 . 12 . 1984 DO 13300 Valdepeñas « Queso Manchego» (Ciudad Real )

Consejo Regulador de la Rodríguez de OA 1.3 Queso Tetilla 24 . 11 . 1993 DO Viguri , 45 — 2o B « Queso Tetilla» 15703 Santiago de Compostela

Consejo Regulador de la Cardenal Mella, 7 OA 1.3 Queso Zamorano 6 . 5 . 1993 DO 49004 Zamora « Queso Zamorano»

Consejo Regulador de la La Casona de Tama OA 1.3 Quesucos de Liébana 6 . 10 . 1987 DO Tama « Quesucos de Liébana» 39583 Castro Cillorigo (Cantabria )

Consejo Regulador de la Carretera El Sadar, s / n OA 1.3 Roncal 2 . 3 . 1981 DO Edificio El Sario, 3o « Roncal» 31006 Pamplona

Consejo Regulador de la Avda . del Ejército, 10 OA 1.4 Miel de La Alcarria 3 . 11 . 1993 DO 19004 Guadalajara «Miel de La Alcarria» No C 317/ 12 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


Nombre de la estructura Estatuto Tipo de Dirección Nombre del producto de control producto controlado ' Retirada de la O Autorización O autorización

Consejo Regulador de la Carretera de OA 1.5 Baena 2 . 3 . 1981 DO Fuentidueña , s/n « Baena» Apartado de Correos 92 14850 Baena (Córdoba)

Consejo Regulador de la Plaza de la Villa, OA 1.5 Les Garrigues 10 . 5 . 1997 DO 33 — 2o — la « Les Garrigues» 25177 La Granadella (Lérida)

Consejo Regulador de la Primero de Mayo, 7 OA 1.5 Sierra de Segura 4 . 11 . 1993 D9 23360 La Puerta de « Sierra de Segura» Segura (Jaén)

Consejo Regulador de la Apartado 105 OA 1.5 Siurana 19 . 11 . 1979 D9 43201 Reus (Tarragona) « Siurana»

Consejo Regulador de la Prim, 92 OA 1.6 Arroz del Delta del 11 . 12 . 1991 DE 43870 Amposta Ebro «Arroz del Delta del (Tarragona) Ebro»

Consejo Regulador de la Avda . Primero de Mayo, OA 1.6 Calasparra 19 . 2 . 1986 DO 13 — 1° « Calasparra» 30420 Calasparra (Murcia )

Consejo Regulador de la Carretera Albaida­ OA 1.6 Cerezas de la Mon­ 18 . 12 . 1991 DE Denia, s/n taña de Alicante « Cerezas de la Montaña 03788 Patro de Alicante» Val de Gallinera (Alicante )

Consejo Regulador de la Carretera El Sadar, s/n OA 1.8 Espárrago de 3 . 3 . 1987 DE Edificio El Sario , 3o Navarra «Espárrago de Navarra» 31006 Pamplona

Consejo Regulador de la Finca La Mata-Grado OA 1.6 Faba Asturiana 6 . 7 . 1990 DE Apartado 13 « Faba Asturiana» 33820 Grado (Asturias )

Consejo Regulador de la Mayor, 25 OA 1.6 Judías de El Barco 5 . 1 . 1989 DE (fondo , derecha) de Ávila «Judías de El Barco de 05600 El Barco de Ávila Avila» (Ávila )

Consejo Regulador de la Carretera Valladolid , s /n OA 1.6 Lenteja de la 13 . 7 . 1993 DE Edificio Caja Salamanca Armuña «Lenteja de la Armuña» y Soria 37184 Villares de la Reina (Salamanca)

Consejo Regulador de la Partida Micleta, s/n OA 1.6 Nísperos Callosa DO 03510 Callosa d'En d'En Sarriá «Nísperos Callosa d'En Sarriá (Alicante ) Sarriá» 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 13

Fe :ha

Nombre de la estructura Estatuto Tipo de Dirección Nombre del producto producto controlado Retirada de la de control O Autorización C) autorización

Consejo Regulador de la Carretera El Sadar, s/n OA 1.8 Pimientos del 8 . 5 . 1987 D? Edificio El Sario, 3o Piquillo de Lodosa « Pimientos del Piquillo de 31006 Pamplona Lodosa»

Consejo Regulador de la Virgen del Remedio, 33 OA 1.6 Uva de mesa embol­ 15 . 2 . 1991 DO 03660 Novelda sada de «Vinalopó» «Uva de mesa embolsada (Alicante ) de Vinalopó»

Consejo Regulador de la Alicante, 1 OA 2.4 Jijona 29 . 7 . 1991 DE Apartado de Correos, 131 «Jijona» 03100 Jijona (Alicante)

Consejo Regulador de la Alicante, 1 OA 2.4 Turrón de Alicante 29 . 7 . 1991 DE Apartado de Correos, 131 «Turrón de Alicante» 03100 Jijona (Alicante)

(') SP : servicio público, OA : organismo autorizado . ( 2 ) Clasificación de los productos : véase Anexo . ( 3 ) DE : denominación especifica, DO : denominación de origen .



Nom de la structure Adresse Type de Nom du produit de contrôle Statut (') produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

Arqualim Chemin de Borde rouge OA 1.1 Agneau du Quercy 22 . 6 . 1994 — Boîte postale 7 31321 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex

LASO (Labels agricoles du 52, avenue Nonères OA 1.1 Bœuf de Chalosse 26 . 3 . 1993 Sud-Ouest) 40000 Mont-de-Marsan

Arqualim Chemin de Borde rouge OA 1.1 Veau de l'Aveyron et 22 . 6 . 1994 — Boîte postale 7 du Segala 31321 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées OA 1.1 Dinde fermière de 75008 Paris Bresse DGCCRF 59, boulevard Vincent­ Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 1 3 8 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.1 Volaille de Bresse 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

Qualinorm 10, rue Alfred-Kastler SP 1.1 Volaille de Houdan 13 . 8 . 1993 14000 Caen No C 317/ 14 ΕΝ Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


Nom de la structure Adresse Type de Nom du produit de contrôle Statut (') produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

Arqualim Chemin de Borde rouge OA 1.1 Agneau de l'Aveyron 22 . 6 . 1994 — Boîte postale 7 31321 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex

Aucert 12 , avenue Marx-Dormoy OA 1.1 Agneau du Bourbon­ 19 . 5 . 1994 (Auvergne certification) — Boîte postale 455 nais 63012 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1

Aucert 12 , avenue Marx-Dormoy OA 1.1 Bœuf charolais du 19 . 5 . 1994 (Auvergne certification) — Boîte postale 455 Bourbonnais 63012 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1

Bœuf fermier du Maine Cité administrative OA 1.1 Bœuf du Maine 25 . 12 . 1993 53600 Évron

Certilim 32 , avenue du général OA 1.1 Veau du Limousin 4 . 8 . 1994 Ledere 87065 Limoges Cedex

ULASE (Union des labels Place du OA 1.1 Volaille de l'Ain 13 . 8 . 1993 agricoles du Sud-Est) Champ-de-Mars 26270 Loriol-sur-Drôme

Avigers 32300 Mirande OA 1.1 Volaille du Gers 17 . 9 . 1993

Syvol Qualimaine 82, avenue Rubillard OA 1.1 Volaille du Maine 13 . 8 . 1993 72000 Le Mans

Syvol Qualimaine 82, avenue Rubillard OA 1.1 Volaille de Loué 13 . 8 . 1993 72000 Le Mans

Beauce et Perche 7 bis, rue de la Mairie OA 1.1 Volaille de 5 . 7 . 1994 41160 La Colombe l'Orléanais

ABCQS Molaise — OA 1.1 Volaille de 17 . 9 . 1993 Boîte postale 35 Bourgogne 71120 Charolles

ABCQS Molaise — OA 1.1 Volaille du plateau 17 . 9 . 1993 Boîte postale 35 de Långres 71120 Charolles

ABCQS Molaise — OA 1.1 Volaille du Charolais 17 . 9 . 1993 Boîte postale 35 71120 Charolles

Avicert 38 , rue A. Bellanger OA 1.1 Volaille de 28 . 6 . 1993 76190 Yvetot Normandie Qualinorm Maison des professions OA 13 . 8 . 1993 10 , rue Alfred-Kastler 14000 Caen 26 . 10 . 96 I EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 15


Nom de la structure Adresse Statut O Type de Nom du produit de contrôle produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

Qualité Bretagne 104, rue Eugène-Pottier OA 1.1 Volaille de Bretagne 27 . 9 . 1994 — Boîte postale 6629 35066 Rennes Cedex

Sylac Allée de la Jariette — OA 1.1 Volaille de Challans 16 . 5 . 1994 Boîte postale 285 85305 Challans Cedex

Aclave Boulevard Réaumur OA 1.1 Volaille de Vendée 5 . 10 . 1993 85013 Laroche-sur-Yon Sylac Allée de la Jariette — 16 . 5 . 1994 Boîte postale 285 85305 Challans Cedex

Certiqual 103 , route de Hausbergen OA 1.1 Volaille d'Alsace 25 . 11 . 1993 67309 Schiltigheim Cedex

Aucert 12 , avenue Marx-Dormoy OA 1.1 Volaille du Forez 19 . 5 . 1994 (Auvergne certification) — Boîte postale 455 63012 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1

LASO (Labels agricoles du 52 , avenue Nonères OA 1.1 Volaille du Béarn 26 . 3 . 1993 Sud-Ouest ) 40000 Mont-de-Marsan

Aclave Boulevard Réaumur OA 1.1 Volaille de Cholet 25 . 10 . 1993 85013 Laroche-sur-Yon Cedex

LASO (Labels agricoles du 52 , avenue Nonères OA 1.1 Volaille des Landes 26 . 3 . 1993 Sud-Ouest) 40000 Mont-de-Marsan

Avicert (Fédération des 38 , rue A. Bellanger OA 1.1 Volaille de Licques 28 . 6 . 1993 organismes de production 76190 Yvetot du Nord — Nord-Ouest) Qualité Nord — 47 bis, rue Barthélémy- OA 23 . 12 . 1993 Pas-de-Calais Delespaul 59000 Lille

Aucert 12 , avenue Marx-Dormoy OA 1.1 Volaille d'Auvergne 19 . 5 . 1993 — Boîte postale 455 63012 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1 Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville

Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 1.1 Volaille du Velay 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville

Qualité Sèvre et Loire 50 , rue du Gal-Hagron OA 1.1 Volaille du val de 15 . 9 . 1993 44150 Ancenis Sèvres

Qualité Sèvre et Loire 50, rue du Gal-Hagron OA 1.1 Volaille d'Ancenis 15 . 9 . 1993 44150 Ancenis No C 317/ 16 ΓΈΝΙ Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


Nom de la structure Adresse Type de Nom du produit de contrôle Statut (') produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

Qualiplus 1 3 bis, rue Aristide-Briand OA 1.1 Volaille de Janzé 29 . 11 . 1994 35150 Janzé

Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 1.1 Volaille du Gatinais 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville

Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 1.1 Volaille du Berry 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville

Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 1.1 Volaille de la 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville Champagne

Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 1.1 Volaille du 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville Languedoc

Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 1.1 Volaille du Lauragais 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville

Syndicat Univolailles 35 , avenue du OA 1.1 Volaille de Gascogne 23 . 2 . 1995 Maréchal-Joffre 47200 Marmande

Syndim ZA Montvoisin 77 OA 1.1 Volaille de la Drôme 28 . 1 . 1994 91400 Gometz-la-Ville

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Beaufort 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Bleu des Causses 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Bleu de Gex ou bleu 75008 Paris du Haut-Jura ou bleu de Septmoncel DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Brocciu corse ou 75008 Paris brocciu DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Chabichou du Poitou 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13 26 . 10 . 96 1 EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 17

D ite

Nom de la structure Adresse Statut O Type de Nom du produit de contrôle produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Crottin de chavignol 75008 Paris ou chavignol DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Époisses de 75008 Paris Bourgogne DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Laguiole 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Ossau-iraty-brebis 75008 Paris Pyrénées ou petit ossau-iraty-brebis Pyrénées DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Pouligny-saïnt-pierre 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Picodon de l'Ardè­ 75008 Paris che ou picodon de la Drôme DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Salers 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 1 3 8 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Selles-sur-Cher 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Sainte-maure de 75008 Paris Touraine DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

Association marque 74994 Annecy Cedex 9 OA 1.3 Tomme de Savoie 18 . 11 . 1994 collective Savoie No C 317/ 18 FEN ] Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


Nom de la structure Adresse Statut (') Type de Nom du produit de contrôle produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

INAO 138, Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Langres 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Neufchâtel 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138, Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Abondance 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138, Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Camembert de 75008 Paris Normandie DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138, Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Cantal ou fourme de 75008 Paris cantal, petit cantal, cantalet DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Chaource 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Comté 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

Association marque 74994 Annecy Cedex 9 OA 1.3 Emmental de Savoie 18 . 11 . 1994 collective Savoie

SFAET 26, rue Proudfion OA 1.3 Emmental français 23 . 3 . 1994 25000 Besançon est-central

INAO 138, Champs-Élysées SP 1.3 Livarot, trois-quart 75008 Paris livarot, petit livarot, quart livarot DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 19

D ite

Nom de la structure Adresse Statut (') Type de Nom du produit de contrôle produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Maroilles 75008 Paris ou marolies DGCCRF 59 , boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Munster ou munster 75008 Paris géromé ; petit mun­ ster ou petit munster géromé DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Pont-l'évêque, petit 75008 Paris pont-l'évêque, demi pont-l'évêque, grand pont-l'évêque DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Reblochon ou reblo­ 75008 Paris chon de Savoie, petit reblochon ou petit reblochon de Savoie DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Roquefort 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Saint-nectaire 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

Arqualim Chemin de Borde rouge OA 1.3 Tomme des Pyrénées 22 . 6 . 1994 — Boîte postale 7 31321 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Bleu d'Auvergne 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Brie de Meaux 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59 , boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13 No C 317/20 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


Nom de la structure Adresse Statut (') Type de Nom du produit de contrôle produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Brie de Melun 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.3 Mont d'or ou vache­ 75008 Paris rin du Haut-Doubs DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.4 Crème d'Isigny 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

PAQ 9, avenue Georges V OA 1.4 Crème fraîche fluide 26 . 3 . 1993 75008 Paris d'Alsace

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.5 Huile d'olive de 75008 Paris Nyons DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.5 Beurre d'Isigny 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59 , boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.5 Beurre de Poitou­ 75008 Paris Charentes , Beurre de Charente, Beurre des Deux-Sèvres DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13 Ministère de l'agriculture, 175 , rue de Chevaleret SP de la pêche et de l'alimen­ 75013 Paris tation — Services vétéri­ naires

Arqualim Chemin de Borde rouge OA 1.6 Ail rose de Lautrec 22 . 6 . 1994 — Boîte postale 7 31321 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.6 Noix de Grenoble 75008 Paris DGCCRF 59 , boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

Association marque 74994 Annecy Cedex 9 OA 1.6 Pommes et poires de 18 . 11 . 1994 collective Savoie Savoie

Qualinorm 10 , rue Alfred-Kastler OA 1.6 Poireaux de 13 . 8 . 1993 14000 Caen Créances 26 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/21


Nom de la structure Adresse Type de Nom du produit de contrôle Statut (') produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.6 Chasselas de Moissac 75008 Paris ou chasselas doré de Moissac ou moissac DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

PAQ 9 , avenue Georges V OA 1.6 Mirabelle de 26 . 3 . 1993 75008 Paris Lorraine

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 1.6 Olives noires de 75008 Paris Nyons DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

Qualité Nord — 47 bis, rue OA 1.6 Pommes de terre de 23 . 12 . 1993 Pas-de-Calais Barthélémy-Delespaul Merville 59000 Lille

PAQ 9 , avenue Georges V OA 2.4 Bergamote de Nancy 26 . 3 . 1993 75008 Paris

INAO 138 , Champs-Elysées SP 3.2 Huile essentielle de 75008 Paris lavande de Haute­ Provence ou essence de lavande de Haute-Provence DGCCRF 59, boulevard SP Vincent-Auriol 75703 Paris Cedex 13

(*) SP : service public . OA : organisme agréé . ( 2 ) Classification des produits : voir annexe .



Product Name of the Address Name of inspection body Status (') type ( 2 ) controlled product Withdrawal Approval of approval

(') PS : public service . AB : approved body . ( 2 ) Product classification : see Annex . No C 317/22 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


D Data

Denominazione della Indirizzo Tipo di Nome di prodotto Revoca struttura di controllo Statuto (*) controllato prodotto C ) Autorizzazione dell'autorizza­ zione

Consorzio del prosciutto Via Marco dell'Arpa, 8 /b OA 1.2 Prosciutto di Parma 3 . 7 . 1978 di Parma 43100 Parma

Consorzio del prosciutto Via Andreuzzi, 8 OA 1.2 Prosciutto di 3 . 11 . 1982 di San Daniele 33038 San Daniele del S. Daniele Friuli

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.2 Prosciutto di agricole , alimentari e 00187 Roma Modena forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi . 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Viale Silvani, 6 SP regione Emilia Romagna 40122 Bologna

Consorzio del prosciutto Via G. Matteotti , 4 OA 1.2 Prosciutto veneto 6 . 4 . 1990 veneto Berico-Euganeo 35044 Montagnana Berico-Euganeo

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre , 20 SP 1.2 Salame di Varzi agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Piazza IV Novembre , 5 SP regione Lombardia 20124 Milano

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.2 Salame Brianza agricole , alimentari e 00187 Roma forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Piazza IV Novembre, 5 SP regione Lombardia 20124 Milano

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.2 Speck dell'Alto agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma Adige forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Via Brennero, 6 SP provincia autonoma di 39100 Bolzano Bolzano

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.3 Canestrato pugliese agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Lungomare Nazario SP regione Puglia Sauro , 1 70121 Bari

Consorzio produttori Piazza Arco OA 1.3 Fontina 26 . 6 . 1957 Fontina d'Augusto, 10 11100 Aosta 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/23


Denominazione della Indirizzo Tipo di Nome di prodotto Revoca struttura di controllo Statuto (') controllato prodotto O Autorizzazione dell'autorizza­ zione

Consorzio per la tutela del Via P. Azario, 3 OA 1.3 Gorgonzola 25 . 3 . 1971 formaggio Gorgonzola 28100 Novara

Consorzio per la tutela del Via T. da OA 1.3 Grana padano 23 . 3 . 1957 formaggio Grana padano Cazzaniga, 9/4 20121 Milano

Consorzio del formaggio Via J. F. Kennedy, 1 8 OA 1.3 Parmigiano reggiano 17 . 6 . 1957 Parmigiano reggiano 42100 Reggio Emilia

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.3 Pecorino siciliano agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Viale Regione SP regione autonoma Sicilia siciliana, 2675 90100 Palermo

Consorzio Tutela Piazza Marconi , 3 OA 1.3 Provolone 14 . 3 . 1994 Provolone 26100 Cremona Valpadana

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.3 Caciotta d'Urbino agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Mazzini, 148 SP regione Marche 60100 Ancona

Consorzio per la Tutela Corso Umberto I, 226 OA 1.3 Pecorino romano 14 . 1 . 1981 del formaggio Pecorino 08015 Macomer (Nuoro ) romano

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.3 Quartirolo lombardo agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Piazza IV Novembre, 5 SP regione Lombardia 20124 Milano

Consorzio per la tutela del Viale Molise, 62 OA 1.3 Taleggio 31 . 3 . 1981 formaggio Taleggio 20137 Milano

Consorzio per la tutela del Corso Fogazzaro, 18 OA 1.3 Asagio 29 . 10 . 1980 formaggio Asiago 36100 Vicenza

Consorzio per la tutela del Via B. Belotti, 54 OA 1.3 Formai de Mut del­ 21 . 7 . 1986 formaggio «Formai de mut 24014 Piazza Brembana l'alta Valle Brembana dell'alta Valle Brembana»

Consorzio per la tutela del S.S. Napoleonica OA 1.3 Montasio 17 . 3 . 1987 formaggio Montasio 30030 Rivolto di Codroipo No C 317/24 ΓΈΝΙ Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

D ata

Denominazione della Indirizzo Tipo di Nome di prodotto Revoca struttura di controllo Statuto (') controllato prodotto O Autorizzazione dell'autorizza­ zione

Consorzio tutela Mozza­ Via Nazario Sauro, 22 OA 1.3 Mozzarella di bufala 2 . 12 . 1993 rella di bufala campana 81100 Caserta campana

Consorzio produttori for­ Corso della Valle, 87 OA 1.3 Murazzano 18 . 6 . 1987 maggio Murazzano 12060 Bossolasco

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre , 20 SP 1.6 Arancia rossa di agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma Sicilia forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura V.le Regione SP regione autonoma Sicilia siciliana, 2675 90100 Palermo

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.6 Cappero di agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma Pantelleria forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura V.le Regione SP regione autonoma Sicilia siciliana, 2675 90100 Palermo

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.6 Castagna di agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma Montella forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Centro direzionale SP regione Campania Isola A6 80143 Napoli

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.6 Fungo di Borgotaro agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Via Di Novoli, 26 SP regione Toscana e 50127 Firenze regione Emilia Romagna Viale Silvani n. 6 40122 Bologna

Ministero delle Risorse Via XX Settembre, 20 SP 1.6 Nocciola del agricole, alimentari e 00187 Roma Piemonte forestali Ispettorato centrale Via XX Settembre, 20 SP Repressione frodi 00187 Roma Assessorato Agricoltura Corso Stati Uniti, 21 SP regione Piemonte 10128 Torino

O SP : Servizio pubblico . OA : Organismo autorizzato . (a ) Classificazione dei prodotti : cfr. allegato . 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/25


D ;ite

Nom de la structure de Adresse Type de Nom du produit contrôle Statut (') produit ( 2 ) contrôlé Retrait Agrément d'agrément

Administration des ser­ 16, route d'Esch — SP 1.1 Viande de porc vices techniques de l'agri­ Boîte postale 1904 luxembourgeois de culture 1019 Luxembourg marque nationale

Administration des ser­ 16, route d'Esch — SP 1.2 Salaisons fumées vices techniques de l'agri­ Boîte postale 1904 luxembourgeoises culture 1019 Luxembourg de marque nationale

Administration des ser­ 16 , route d'Esch — SP 1.4 Miel luxembourgeois vices techniques de l'agri­ Boîte postale 1904 de marque nationale culture 1019 Luxembourg

Administration des ser­ 16 , route d'Esch — SP 1.5 Beurre rose luxem­ vices techniques de l'agri­ Boîte postale 1904 bourgeois de marque culture 1019 Luxembourg nationale

(') SP : service public . OA : organisme agréé . ( 2 ) Classification des produits : voir annexe .


Dat um

Naam van de Produkt­ Gecontroleerde Adres Status C ) Intrekking controlestructuur categorie ( 2 ) produktnaam Erkenning van erkenning

C.O.(K.)Z . Postbus 250 EO 1.3 Noordhollandse 3830 AG Leusden Edammer

C.O.(K.)Z . Postbus 250 EO 1.3 Noordhollandse 3830 AG Leusden Gouda

RW Postbus 3000 EO 1.6 Opperdoezer Ronde 2270 JA Voorburg

(*) OD : Overheidsdienst . EO : Erkende organisatie . ( 2 ) Indeling van de produkten : zie bijlage .


Datum Art der Art des Name des kontrollierten Anschrift Einrich­ Name der Einrichtung Erzeug­ Erzeugnisses Entzug der tung (') nisses ( 2 ) Zulassung Zulassung

Der Landeshauptmann für Herrengasse 11—13 OE 1.6 Wachauer Marille Niederösterreich 1014 Wien

(') OE : Öffentliche Einrichtung . AE : Anerkannte Einrichtung . ( 2 ) Klassifizierung der Erzeugnisse : vlg . Anhang . No C 317/26 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96


D ita

Nome da estrutura de Endereço Estatuto (') Tipo de Nome do produto controlo produto ( 2 ) controlado Revogação da Autorização autorização

APORMOR Parque de OA 1.1 Borrego de 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação de Produtores Leilões/Exposições Montemor-o-Novo de Bovinos , Ovinos e Apartado 203 Caprinos da Região de 7050 Montemor-o-Novo Montemor-o-Novo Codex

ANCOSE Quinta da Tapada OA 1.1 Borrego Serra da 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação Nacional de 3400 Oliveira do Estrela Criadores de Ovinos Serra Hospital da Estrela

NORTE E QUALIDADE Rua de S. Catarina, 741 OA 1.1 Cabrito das Terras 4 . 2 . 1994 Instituto de Certificação 4000 Porto Altas do Minho dos Produtos Agro-ali­ mentares

ADRL Edifício Conde Ferreira OA 1.1 Cabrito da Gralheira 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Desenvolvi­ 3670 Vouzela mento Rural de Lafões

União das Federações de Zona Agrária da Serra OA 1.1 Cabrito da Beira 15 . 2 . 1994 Agricultores da Beira Inte­ da Estrela rior 6300 Guarda

ADRL Edifício Conde Ferreira OA 1.1 Vitela de Lafões 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Desenvolvi­ 3670 Vouzela mento Rural de Lafões

União das Federações de Zona Agrária da Serra OA 1.1 Borrego da Beira 15 . 2 . 1994 Agricultores da Beira Inte­ da Estrela rior 6300 Guarda

TRADIÇÃO E Rua de S. Cosme, n? 13 OA 1.1 Cabrito do Barroso 31 . 1 . 1994 QUALIDADE 5370 Mirandela Associação Interprofissio­ nal para os Produtos Agro-alimentares de Trás­ - os-Montes

ANCOTEQ Rua Abade Tavares, OA 1.1 Borrego Terrincho 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação Nacional de 18 R/c Criadores de Ovinos da 5160 Moncorvo Raça Churra da Terra Quente

Associação dos Criadores Herdade da Coutada OA 1.1 Carnalentejana 26 . 1 . 1994 de Bovinos da Raça Alen­ Real, tejana Assumar 7450 Monforte

NORTE E QUALIDADE Rue de Santa OA 1.1 Carne Arouquesa 31 . 1 . 1994 Instituto de Certificação Catarina, 741 dos Produtos Agro-ali­ 4000 Porto mentares

Associação dos Criadores Quinta da Medela , OA 1.1 Carne Marinhoa 4 . 2 . 1994 de Bovinos da Raça Mari­ Apartado 8 nhoa Verdemilho 3811 Aveiro 26 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/27


Nome da estrutura de Endereço Estatuto O Tipo de Nome do produto controlo produto ( 2 ) controlado Revogação da Autorização autorização

Associação dos Criadores Moinho da Mitra — OA 1.1 Carne Mertolenga 26 . 1 . 1994 de Bovinos Mertolengos Valverde Apartado 466 7005 Évora

ACOB Bairro Salvador Nunes OA 1.1 Cordeiro 31 . 1 . 1994 Associação Nacional dos Teixeira Bragançano Criadores de Ovinos da Lote 5 , Apartado 90 Raça Churra Galega Bra­ 5300 Bragança gançana

TRADIÇÃO E Rua de S. Cosme, n? 13 OA 1.2 Presunto do Barroso 3 . 2 . 1994 QUALIDADE 5370 Mirandela Associação Interprofissio­ nal para os Produtos Agro-alimentares de Trás­ -os-Montes e Alto Douro

AADP Parque dos Leilões de OA 1.3 Queijo de Nisa 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação dos Agriculto­ Gado res do Distrito de Portale­ Apartado 269 gre 300 Portalegre

ARCOLSA Rua D. Jorge de OA 1.3 Queijo de Azeitão 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação Regional dos Lencastre n? 1 A Criadores de Ovinos Lei­ Quinta do Anjo teiros da Serra da Arrá­ 2950 Palmela bida

APOQUE Largo Alexandre OA 1.3 Queijo de Évora 4 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Produtores Herculano, 8 de Queijo de Évora 7000 Évora

Confraria do Queijo São São Jorge — Açores OA 1.3 Queijo São Jorge 22 . 12 . 1996 Jorge 9800 Velas

ADSICÓ QUALIDADE Rua do Sol OA 1.3 Queijo Rabaçal 26 . 1 . 1994 Instituto de Controlo e Apartado 7 Certificação de Produtos 3230 Penela Agro-alimentares Endóge­ nos da Área de Sicó

ACOS Rua Cidade de OA 1.3 Queijo Serpa 15 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Criadores São Paulo de Ovinos do Sul Apartado 296 7801 Beja Codex

FAPROSERRA Mercado Municipal de OA 1.3 Queijo Serra da 26 . 1 . 1994 Federação das Associações Celorico da Beira Estrela de Produtores de Queijo 6360 Celorico da Beira Serra da Estrela

OVIBEIRA Av. Nuno Alvares , OA 1.3 Queijos da Beira 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação dos Produtores 8 — 1 ? Baixa de Ovinos do Sul da Beira 6000 Castelo Branco

ANCOTEQ Rua Abade Tavares, OA 1.3 Queijo Terrincho 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação Nacional de 18 R/c Criadores de Ovinos da 5160 Moncorvo Churra da Terra Quente No C 317/28 fENl Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

D ,ita

Nome da estrutura de Endereço Estatuto O Tipo de Nome do produto controlo produto ( 2 ) controlado Revogação da Autorização autorização

ADSICÓ-QUALIDADE Rua do Sol OA 1.4 Mel da Serra da 4 . 2 . 1994 Instituto de Controlo e Apartado 7 Lousã Certificação dos Produtos 3230 Penela Agro-alimentares Endóge­ nos da Área de Sicó

NORTE E QUALIDADE Rue de Santa OA 1.4 Mel das Terras Altas 3 . 2 . 1994 Instituto de Certificação Catarina, 741 do Minho de Produtos Agro-alimen­ 4000 Porto tares

Associação de Apicultores a/c Direcção Regional OA 1.4 Mel da Terra 4 . 2 . 1994 do Nordeste de Agricultura de Quente Trás-os-Montes Rua da República 5370 Mirandela

APILGARBE Largo da Igreja OA 1.4 Mel da Serra de 4 . 2 . 1994 Associação dos Apiculto­ 8550 Monchique Monchique res do Barlavento Algarvio

Associação dos Apiculto­ Apartado 231 OA 1.4 Mel do Parque de 4 . 2 . 1994 res do Parque Natural de 5300 Bragança Montesinho Montesinho

APOQUE Largo Alexandre OA 1.4 Mel do Alentejo 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Produtores Herculano, 8 de Queijo de Évora 7000 Évora

Comissão Técnica de a/c IAMA OA 1.4 Mel dos Açores 30 . 12 . 1993 Controlo e Certificação Rua do Passal, 150 9500 Ponta Delgada

TRADIÇÃO E Rua de São Cosme, OA 1.4 Mel do Barroso 4 . 1 . 1994 QUALIDADE n? 13 Associação Interprofissio­ 5370 Mirandela nal para os Produtos Agro-alimentares de Trás­ -os-Montes

ADIRN Rue José Raimundo OA 1.4 Mel do Ribatejo 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação para o Desen­ Apartado 127 Norte volvimento integrado do 2302 Tomar Ribatejo Norte

ATOM Praça Gago Coutinho , 3 OA 1.5 Azeite de Moura 26 . 1 . 1994 Associação Técnica de Apartado 54 Olivicultores de Moura 7860 Moura

Associação Interprofissio­ Rua Santa Luzia OA 1.5 Azeite de Trás-os­ 3 . 2 . 1994 nal de Azeite de Trás-os­ 5370 Mirandela -Montes -Montes e Alto Douro

APRODER Campo Emílio Infante OA 1.5 Azeites do Ribatejo 4 . 2 . 1994 Associação para a Promo­ da Câmara ção do Desenvolvimento 2000 Santarém Rural do Ribatejo 26 . 10 . 96 I EN I Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/29


Nome da estrutura de Endereço Estatuto (') Tipo de Nome do produto controlo produto ( 2 ) controlado Revogaçao da Autorizaçao autorização

AORE Sítio das Pias OA 1.5 Azeites do Norte 15 . 2 . 1994 Associação dos Oliviculto­ Apartado 160 Alentejano res da Região de Elvas 7352 Elvas Codex

Associação de Oliviculto­ a/c da Z.A. de Campina OA 1.5 Azeites da Beira 3 . 2 . 1994 res da Beira Interior 6060 Idanha-a-Nova Interior

TRADIÇÃO E Rua de São Cosme , OA 1.6 Amêndoa Douro 3 . 2 . 1994 QUALIDADE n? 13 Associação Interprofissio­ 5370 Mirandela nal para os Produtos Agro-alimentares de Trás­ -os-Montes

APAAA Largo do Terreiro das OA 1.6 Ameixa d'Elvas 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Produtores Servas, n? 25 de Ameixa do Alto Alen­ 7150 Borba tejo

Comissão Técnica de a/c LAMA OA 1.6 Ananás dos Açores/ 30 . 12 . 1993 Controlo e Certificação Rua do Passal, 150 /São Miguel 9500 Ponta Delgada

TRADIÇÃO E Rua de São Cosme , OA 1.6 Azeitona de Con­ 3 . 2 . 1994 QUALIDADE n? 13 serva Negrinha de Associação Interprofissio­ 5370 Mirandela Freixo nal para os Produtos Agro-alimentares de Trás­ -os-Montes

Associação Comercial e Gabinete de Apoio OA 1.6 Castanha dos Soutos 4 . 2 . 1994 Industrial de Lamego e Empresarial do Vale do da Lapa Vale do Douro Douro Bloco da Feira R/c 5100 Portalegre

AADP Parque dos Leilões de OA 1.6 Castanha de Marvão 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Agricultores Gado — Portalegre do Distrito de Portalegre Apartado 269 7300 Portalegre

TRADIÇÃO E Rua de São Cosme, OA 1.6 Castanha de Pradela 3 . 2 . 1994 QUALIDADE n? 13 Associação Interprofissio­ 5370 Mirandela nal para os Produtos Agro-alimentares de Trás­ -os-Montes

TRADIÇÃO E Rua de São Cosme , OA 1.6 Castanha da Terra 3 . 2 . 1994 QUALIDADE n? 13 Fria Associação Interprofissio­ 5370 Mirandela nal para os Produtos Agro-alimentares de Trás­ -os-Montes

UNIFRUTAL Rua de Portugal, OA 1.6 Citrinos do Algarve 15 . 2 . 1994 União Horto-frutícolas do 36, 1 ? Dt? Algarve 9000 Faro

AADP Parque dos Leilões de OA 1.6 Cereja de S. Julião 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Agricultores Gado — Portalegre do Distrito de Portalegre Apartado 269 7300 Portalegre No C 317/ 30 | EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

D ita

Nome da estrutura de Tipo de Nome do produto controlo Endereço Estatuto (') controlado produto ( 2 ) Autorização Revogação da autorização

CERCOBE Caminho das Pocinhas OA 1.6 Cereja da Cova da 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Produtores 6230 Fundão Beira de Cereja da Cova da Beira

AADP Parque dos Leilões de OA 1.6 Maçã de Portalegre 8 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Agricultores Gado do Distrito de Portalegre Apartado 269 7300 Portalegre

FELBA Centro de Formação OA 1.6 Maçã da Beira Alta 15 . 2 . 1994 Centro de Valorização das Profissional de Agri­ Frutas e Legumes da Beira cultores de Viseu Alta Quinta do Fontelo Guimarães Apartado 1104 3506 Viseu Codex

FELBA Centro de Formação OA 1.6 Maçã Bravo de 15 . 2 . 1994 Centro de Valorização das Profissional de Agri­ Esmolfe Frutas e Legumes da Beira cultores de Viseu Alta Quinta do Fontelo Guimarães Apartado 1104 3506 Viseu Codex

CERCOBE Caminho das Pocinhas OA 1.6 Maçã da Cova da 8 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Produtores 6230 Fundão Beira de Cereja

Associação de Agricultores Rua de Leiria OA 1.6 Maçã de Alcobaça 8 . 2 . 1994 da Região de Alcobaça 2460 Alcobaça

Comissão Técnica de a /c IAMA OA 1.6 Maracujá de São 30 . 12 . 1993 Controlo e Certificação Rua do Passal , 150 Miguel — Açores 9500 Ponta Delgada

CERCOBE Caminho das Pocinhas OA 1.6 Pêssego da Cova da 3 . 2 . 1994 Associação de Produtores 6230 Fundão Beira de Cereja

(') SP : serviço público . OA : organismo autorizado . (2 ) Classificação dos produtos : ver anexo .



Tuotteen Valvotun tuotteen Valvontaelimen nimi Osoite Asema ( l ) laji (') nimi Hyväksy­ Peruuttamis­ mispäivä päivä

(') JHP : julkisen hallinnon palvelu HE : hyväksytty elin ( 2 ) Tuotteiden luokitus : katso liite . 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317 / 31



Typ av Namn på kontrollerad Namn på strukturorganet Adress Ställning (') Tillbakakal­ produkt (') produkt Godkännande lande av godkännande

(*) OM : offentlig myndighet . AO : auktoriserat organ . ( 2 ) Produktklassificering, se bilaga .


Da te

Product Name of the controlled Address Name of inspection body Status (') type ( 2 ) product Withdrawal of Approval approval

Scottish Food Quality Rural Centre, West AB 1.1 Orkney beef 29 . 4 . 1996 Certification Ltd Mains, Ingliston , Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8NZ

Scottish Food Quality Rural Centre, West AB 1.1 Orkney lamb 29 . 4 . 1996 Certification Ltd Mains, Ingliston, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8NZ

Scottish Food Quality Rural Centre, West AB 1.1 Scotch beef 29 . 4 . 1996 Certification Ltd Mains, Ingliston , Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8NZ

Scottish Food Quality Rural Centre, West AB 1.1 Scotch lamb 29 . 4 . 1996 Certification Ltd Mains , Ingliston, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8NZ

Scottish Food Quality Rural Centre, West AB 1.1 Shetland lamb 29 . 4 . 1996 Certification Ltd Mains , Ingliston , Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8NZ

Ian Millward Manor House, AB 1.3 White 24 . 1 . 1994 Services Thornton Rust, Leyburn , North Yorkshire DL8 3AN

Ian Millward Cheese Manor House, AB 1.3 Blue Stilton cheese 24 . 1 . 1994 Services Thornton Rust, Leyburn , North Yorkshire DL8 3AN

Milk Marque PO Box 448 , Newcastle AB 1.3 West Country 24 . 1 . 1994 under Lyme, Farmhouse Staffordshire

Ian Millward Cheese Manor House, AB 1.3 Beacon Fell 24 . 1 . 1994 Services Thornton Rust, Traditional Leyburn , North cheese Yorkshire DL8 3AN No C 317/32 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

Da te

Product Name of the controlled Address Name of inspection body Status (') type ( 2 ) product Withdrawal of Approval approval

Milk Marque PO Box 448 , Newcastle AB 1.3 29 . 4 . 1996 under Lyme, Staffordshire

Milk Marque PO Box 448 , Newcastle AB 1.3 Swaledale ewe's 29 . 4 . 1996 under Lyme, cheese Staffordshire

Scottish Food Quality Rural Centre, West AB 1.3 29 . 4 . 1996 Certification Ltd Mains, Ingliston, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8NZ

Ian Millward Cheese Manor House, AB 1.3 24 . 1 . 1994 Services Thornton Rust, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 3AN

Ian Millward Cheese Manor House, AB 1.3 Dovedale cheese 24 . 1 . 1994 Services Thornton Rust, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 3AN

Forest of Dean District Environmental Health PS 1.3 Single Gloucester 24 . 1 . 1994 Council Offices, High Street, Coleford, Glos GL 1 6 8HG

States of Jersey PO Box 327 , Trinity, PS 1.6 Jersey Royal 24 . 1 . 1994 Department of Agriculture Jersey JE4 8UF potatoes & Fisheries

Trading Standards Office 28-30 Foregate Street AB 1.8 Herefordshire cider 24 . 1 . 1994 Hereford and Worcester Worcester WR1 IDS County Council

Trading Standards Office 28-30 Foregate Street AB 1.8 Herefordshire perry 24 . 1 . 1994 Hereford and Worcester Worcester WR1 IDS County Council

Trading Standards Office 28-30 Foregate Street AB 1.8 Worcestershire cider 24 . 1 . 1994 Hereford and Worcester Worcester WR1 IDS County Council

Trading Standards Office 28-30 Foregate Street AB 1.8 Worcestershire perry 24 . 1 . 1994 Hereford and Worcester Worcester WR1 IDS County Council

Trading Standards Office 28-30 Foregate Street AB 1.8 Gloucestershire cider 24 . 1 . 1994 Hereford and Worcester Worcester WR1 IDS County Council

Trading Standards Office 28-30 Foregate Street AB 1.8 Gloucestershire perry 24 . 1 . 1994 Hereford and Worcester Worcester WR1 IDS County Council

The Brewery Research Lythill Hall, Nutfield , AB 2.1 Newcastle brown ale 29 . 4 . 1996 Foundation International Redhill, Surrey 26 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/33


Product Name of the controlled Address Name of inspection body Status (') type O product Withdrawal of Approval approval

The Brewery Research Lythill Hall, Nutfield , AB 2.1 Kentish ale 24 . 1 . 1994 Foundation International Redhill, Surrey

The Brewery Research Lythill Hall, Nutfield, AB 2.1 Kentish strong ale 24 . 1 . 1994 Foundation International Redhill, Surrey

The Brewery Research Lythill Hall, Nutfield, AB 2.1 Rutland bitter 29 . 4 . 1996 Foundation International Redhill , Surrey

(') PS : public service . AB : approved body . ( 2 ) Product classification : see Annex .



1 . Products listed in Annex II to the EC Treaty intended for human consumption

Class 1.1 Fresh meat (and offal)

Class 1.2 Meat-based products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)

Class 1.3

Class 1.4 Other products of animal origin (eggs, honey, milk products excluding butter, etc.)

Class 1.5 Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oils, etc.)

Class 1.6 Fruits, vegetables, cereals, whether or not processed

Class 1.7 Fish, molluscs, fresh crustaceans and . . .-based products

Class 1.8 Other Annex II products (spices , etc.)

2 . Foodstuffs listed in Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92

Class 2.1 Beer

Class 2.2 Natural mineral waters and spring waters

Class 2.3 Beverages made from plant extracts

Class 2.4 Bread , pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares

Class 2.5 Natural gums and resins

3 . Agricultural products listed in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92

Class 3.1 Hay

Class 3.2 Essential oils No C 317/34 fENl Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

Notice pursuant to Article 19 (3) of Council Regulation No 17 (') Cases No IV/35.467, 35.468, 35.509-512, 35.527-530, 36.094/El — Finnish Timber

(96/C 317/04 ) (Text with EEA relevance)

I. THE APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS the EFTA Surveillance Authority, which indicated in a notice pursuant to Article 19 (3) ( 2 ) its intention to take a favourable view of this framework agreement. 1 . On 18 March 1994, Metsateollisuus ry (the Finnish After publication of this notice, the EFTA Forest Industries Federation, hereinafter referred to Surveillance Authority received observations from as 'the Federation') and Maa- ja metsataloustuot­ national competition authorities as well as from third tajain Keskusliitto MTK ry (the Central Union of parties, expressing concern regarding the implemen­ Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners of tation of the notified arrangements and their impact Finland , hereinafter referred to as 'MTK'), entered on the market . into an agreement on the development of trade in wood, and also into one-year agreements on price 4 . The cases came within the competence of the rises , average prices and felling volumes for each Commission as from 1 January 1995 , when Finland forestry board district, limits for national and became a member of the European Union . The file regional deviations from the average prices, statistics was officially transferred from the EFTA and follow-up . The parties notified these Surveillance Authority to the Commission on 22 arrangements to the EFTA Surveillance Authority, March 1995 . requesting negative clearance or an exemption should negative clearance not be granted . 5 . The Commission received on 19 April 1995 from the Federation and on 25 April 1995 from regional 2 . In August 1994 , after a preliminary examination of unions of forest management associations (herein­ the case, the EFTA Surveillance Authority informed after referred to as 'the unions'), notifications of the parties that the notified agreement was four regional agreements entered into on 1 , 2 , 6 and considered to be a price cartel and a regional 15 March 1995 between forest industry companies market-sharing arrangement and that it intended to and the groupings of the unions . These regional take a decision on the basis of Article 15 (6) of agreements implement the framework agreement on Chapter 2 , Protocol 4 of the Surveillance Authority long-term development of competition . and Court (SAC) Agreement in order to revoke the immunity from fines for the period after notification . The regional agreements include arrangements for the following four areas of Finland : North Finland, West Finland, South Finland and Lake Finland . In 3 . After these objections , the Federation and MTK these regional agreements the unions and the forest concluded a new agreement, dated 21 November industry companies state their 'common view on the 1994, on the long-term development of elements price developments' in the area for a 12-month of competition in the roundwood trade, which contract period starting February/March 1995 . The cancelled the agreement originally notified (except view on prices is expressed as changes of prices that the agreement to determine average price levels (Fmk/m 3 ) from the price level of the latter part of remained in force until 28 February 1995 ). On the 1994 . The price changes are quoted separately for same date , a letter of intent was signed by the parties saw-wood logs and pulpwood in each of the on the improvement of the functioning of the following species : pine , spruce and birch wood . roundwood market and the gradual increase of competition . The aim of these arrangements was to The agreements cover only the roundwood sold create long-term foundations for competitive trade from privately owned forets . The price level is based in the roundwood market, which would secure a on so-called 'stumpage' sales, whereby the buyer sound development of the national economy by purchases a right to cut and take delivery of timber enabling an optimal use to be made of forest in a marked area within an agreed period . In Finland resources and by maintaining a sufficient supply of stumpage sales have accounted for around 70 % of roundwood to the industry. In order to achieve this the volume of roundwood purchased from private aim , representatives of purchasers and suppliers were forests . to establish together the market price levels in various regions and the Federation was to disclose the volumes needed from private forests . On 23 The notifying parties asked the Commission to find November 1994 , the new agreement was notified to that the regional agreements were not caught

O OJ No 13 , 21 . 2 . 1962, p . 204/62 . ( 2 ) OJ No C 337 , 1 . 12 . 1994 , p . 21 . 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/ 35

by Article 85 ( 1 ) of the EC Treaty, or alternatively wood trade agreements concern trading in logs and that they qualified for exemption pursuant to Article pulpwood . The wood assortments included are pine 85 (3 ) of the EC Treaty. logs/pulpwood, spruce logs/pulpwood and birch logs/pulpwood . The roundwood harvested in Finland mainly consists of coniferous wood , namely 6 . On 16 November 1995 the Commission issued a spruce (in 1995 47 % ) and pine (40 % ) ( 3 ). warning letter and informed the parties that the Broadleaf wood, mainly birch , accounts only for regional agreements were considered restrictive of 13 % of the total harvests . competition within the meaning of Article 85 ( 1 ) and that they did not qualify for exemption pursuant to Article 85 (3 ). Roundwood is used as raw material for wood-based 7 . On 10 June 1996 , after consultations with the products : mainly paper, paperboard and sawn wood . Commission, MTK and the Federation concluded a High-quality roundwood logs (large-sized timber) supplementary Protocol amending the agreement on are mainly sold to the sawmill and wood-products long-term development of competition in the industry and most of the remaining wood is sold as roundwood trade . The supplementary Protocol is in pulpwood to the pulp and paper industry . A small force until further notice for five years and was part of the roundwood harvested is used for heating notified to the Commission on 20 June 1996 . purposes (4,6 million m3 in 1995 ). In 1995 the pulp and paper industry in Finland used 32,59 million m 3 of roundwood and the wood-products industry 25,08 million m 3 . In addition the industry used II . THE PARTIES 10,99 million m 3 of wood residues from sawmills , plywood and veneer production for production of pulp and certain boards . 8 . The Federation is an association of Finnish companies and its member associations operating in the forest industry and related activities, handling matters relating to industrial and employer policy . It 11 . The geographic market concerned is the Finnish is a voluntary association which can accept as market . From the individual roundwood seller's members companies that operate in the industry or point of view the market is regional or even local by have related operations . In 1994 the Federation nature . For the buyers the roundwood procurement counted 115 members . They represent the greater area is — depending on the size of the company and part of the purchases of roundwood from private, location of its mills — either nationwide , regional or non-industrial forest owners . One of the largest local . In Finland the international trade of members of the Federation , Metsaliitto Osuuskunta, roundwood has mainly been with neighbouring is a forest owners' cooperative, whose objective is to countries . Relatively high transport costs , availability promote forestry and trade of forest products of its of the types and qualities in demand , need for fresh members . raw material , differences in measuring and other national regulations are factors affecting the inter­ 9 . MTK is a national, economic trade organization and national trade in roundwood . Imported wood has interest organization for farmers , forest owners and accounted for between 10 and 14 % of the total other entrepreneurs in rural areas working in roundwood consumption in Finland during the connection with agriculture and forestry in Finland . 1990s . Exports of roundwood have, however, stayed Both unions of forest management associations and at a much lower level , representing only 2 to 3 % of unions of agricultural producers are represented in roundwood consumption . The import and export of MTK's Forest Delegation . The Forest Delegation roundwood has fluctuated in line with trade cycles . has traditionally represented forest owners — that is, wood sellers — in central negotiations on wood trade in Finland . 12 . Forest ownership in Finland is dominated by private individuals or families who own 63 % of the forest At the local level the forest owners are represented land . The State owns 24 % of forest area, forest by approximately 280 forest management asso­ industry companies 9 % and municipalities , parishes ciations , which have organized themselves into 17 and collective bodies the remaining 4 % of the forest regional unions . land . The economic importance of the private forests is even higher than their share of land area would indicate , as they provide more than 80 % of the domestic roundwood used by the Finnish forest III . THE PRODUCT AND THE MARKET industry (in 1995 the record level of 88 % ). Forest

10 . The product market concerned is the market for roundwood used in the forest industry . The Finnish ( 3 ) Source : The Finnish Forest Research Institute . No C 317/36 ΓΕΝΙ Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

ownership is rather small-scale and fragmented ; the IV. THE NEW AGREEMENT total number of private forest holdings is estimated to be 440 000 and the average size of a forest holding (a woodlot) is 26 hectares . 14 . As was described above, the Finnish roundwood market has a very special structure, with a large imbalance in the negotiating power of sellers and buyers and in the level of information available to The roundwood buyer's side, on the other hand, is them . On the sellers' side there are hundreds of heavily concentrated . In 1996 three large buyers, consuming both large-sized timber and pulpwood, thousands of small forest owners who sell wood very are expected to acquire around 80 % of the infrequently (normally at three- to five-year domestic roundwood in Finland . The concentration intervals) and for most of whom this is just a of the industry has taken place very fast . For subsidiary income . The buyers' side is typically example, in 1998 the same proportion of the represented by a few big forest companies with domestic consumption was shared by 10 buyers and professional purchasing organizations . The recent in 1994 by six buyers . The remaining wood-products mergers in Finland have reduced still further the industry in Finland consists of small and number of really big buyers in the market . medium-sized firms , the greater part of which are sawmills .

13 . It is estimated that in 1994 some 182 million m 3 of Given this special situation in the Finnish forest coniferous roundwood and 68 million m 3 of non­ sector and in order to meet the objective of creating and maintaining confidence amongst forest owners, conferous wood was harvested in the Community (4 ). so that the raw material supply is secured , a In the same year commercial roundwood fellings mechanism has been worked out whereby some form (i.e. all domestic roundwood purchased for industrial of cooperation between forest owners is allowed . use and for exports) in Finland amounted to 49 mil­ The basic principles of that new scheme are set out lion m3 . In 1995 commercial roundwood fellings in in supplementary Protocol of 10 June 1996 . Finland reached an all-time high , 51 million m3 in total , of which 44,9 million m 3 came from non-industrial, private forest owners and munici­ palities, parishes and collective bodies , 4,3 million m3 from the State forests and the remaining 1,8 mil­ lion m 3 from forests owned by the industry itself. On average, some 150 000 wood transactions are made 15 . According to the supplementary Protocol , the in Finland each year . The average transaction present regional agreements will be abandoned and involves 350 to 450 cubic meters of wood . In 1995 replaced by agreements negotiated between each the estimated gross stumpage earnings (i.e. the total forest industry undertaking and representatives of roundwood sales earnings) were Fmk 8,691 billion . the forest owners from the undertaking's operational area . Negotiations will proceed with each under­ taking concerning the whole , or part, of the area the individual undertaking operates , as may be agreed separately with the particular undertaking con­ In 1994 some 8,3 million m 3 of roundwood was cerned . It has to be stressed that the operational imported into Finland and in 1995 the imports areas are not fixed areas . Each forestry industry reached a record level of 11,1 million m 3 . In 1994 company is free to decide for itself which area to about 84 % of imports came from Russia while buy roundwood from . It may choose to buy from imports from the Community area counted for about another area at any time . 3 % (Sweden included). Birch pulpwood accounted for more than 50 % of the import volume . The value of the imports in 1994 was Fmk 1,37 billion and in 1995 Fmk 2,1 billion . The exports of roundwood from Finland were 1,6 million m3 in 1994 and less than 1 million m3 in 1995 . A large part of the exports The purpose of these negotiations is to reach a went to Sweden (in 1994 56 % ). The rest of common understanding of the market situation and the Community accounted for 8,9 % of exports . of price expectations . This is done , for example by The value of the roundwood exports was Fmk 473 million in 1994 and Fmk 365 million in 1995 . indicating the market price levels achieved regionally as well as the general expectations of how these prices will develop . It is explicitly mentioned in the Protocol that these forecasts shall not be binding in actual trading and that the prices in any transaction shall be agreed on freely by parties thereto . It is ( 4 ) Premilinary information from FAO statistics . further stated in the notification that, in individual 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/37

transactions, attention will be paid to the competitive general including developments in roundwood factors influencing the pricing of a single woodlot, market prices, and supply together with industrial such as quality, dimensions, felling conditions, capacity . location and special assortments . 19 . MTK and the Federation have also agreed to take action to improve availability of impartial price The agreements concerning the market situation and information on different wood assortments, in order the price expectations shall be made for a fixed to increase market transparency and to facilitate period of time which shall not exceed two years . decision-making for the sellers . The parties will also endeavour to increase information on differences in felling costs by different methods and under 16 . In contrast with the previous arrangements, forest different conditions . industry undertakings do not cooperate in any pricing issues or participate as a group in the negotiations, or in any capacity connected to the 20 . The manner in which this scheme is put into practice negotiations . The forest owners, for their part, are will be clarified only in the actual negotiations represented in the negotiations by ad hoc committees between one undertaking and ad hoc committees to empowered on each occasion by the national be formed for every particular case . The new scheme decision-making body of the private forest owners, is intended to become effective on 1 January 1997 . namely the Forest Delegation of MTK. This body elects the members of the committees among 21 . The agreement, described above, relating to the candidates appointed by consortia of the unions . general, principles governing separate negotiations Within the committees , expertise on the roundwood by each undertaking is meant to form the basis of trade and that on the regions in question are brought negotiations with large undertakings as well as small together . and medium-sized enterprises . It is stated in the notification that forest owners do not intend to oblige any undertaking to negotiate with represen­ 17 . According to the notification, after having been tatives of sellers . Forest owners and their associations given its mandate, an ad hoc committee will carry are ready to start negotiations with each small and out the negotiations independently and will not be medium-sized purchaser of roundwood if these subordinate to or controlled by the MTK . The main companies so wish . difference as against the previous systems is that MTK is no longer to act as a decision-maker or as a body approving the outcome of negotiations , nor is it to establish any target prices . MTK's role will be V. CONCLUSION to collect market information, to make use of other information and the services of independent In view of the above, the Commission proposes to adopt consultants , and to work on statistics . a favourable position, for five years , with regard to the notified agreement. Before doing so, it invites interested parties to send their comments within one month of the 18 . In order to secure sufficient supplies the Federation date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal will make known its estimate of volumes expected of the European Communities, quoting reference from private forests . Under the previous system it W/35.467 , 35.468 , 35.509-512, 35.527-530 , 36.094/El disclosed to MTK every year, after discussions with — Finnish timber', to the following address : and between its members, the total volume of roundwood that forest industry undertakings needed European Commission, from private forests . In future, the Federation will Directorate-General for Competition (DG IV), publish its own estimates of the volumes required, on Directorate E, the basis of its own forecast of demand for Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, end-products, the competitiveness of the industry in B-1049 Brussels . No C 317/ 38 fEN Official Journal of the European Communities 26 . 10 . 96

Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case No IV/M.755 — Creditanstalt/Koramic/Wienerberger)

(96/C 317/05 ) (Text with EEA relevance)

On 18 June 1996, the Commission decided not to oppose the above notified concentration and to declare it compatible with the common market . This decision is based on Article 6 ( 1 ) (b) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/ 89 . The full text of the decision is available only in English and will be made public after it is cleared of any business secrets it may contain . It will be available : — as a paper version through the sales offices of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (see list on the last page), — in electronic form in the 'CEN' version of the Celex database, under document No 396M0755 . Celex is the computerized documentation system of European Community law ; for more information concerning subscriptions please contact : EUR-OP, Information, Marketing and Public Relations (OP/4B), 2 , rue Mercier, L-2985 Luxembourg . Tel.: (352) 29 29-4 24 55 ; Fax : (352) 29 29-4 27 63 .

List of establishments in Iceland approved for the purpose of importing fresh meat into the Community

(96/C 317/06 ) (Text with EEA relevance) Commission Decision C(96) 2906 of 21 October 1996 (Council Directive 72/462/EEC, Article 4 ( 1 ))

Category (*) Approval Establishment/Address number SL CP CS B S/G P SP SR

22 Kaupfelag V. Hunbvetninga, Hvammstangi X x x x O

31 Kaupfelag Thingeyinga, Husavik X x C )

40 Kaupfelag Austur Skaftelinga (Kask), Höfn x x x o

81 Slaturfelag Sudurlands Selfossi, Selfoss x x x o

220 Eimskip, Hafnafjördur x O

(*) SL : Slaughterhouse B : Bovinemeat SR : Special remarks CP : Cutting premises S/G : Sheepmeat/Goatmeat CS : Cold store P : Pigmeat SP : Meat from solipeds

( ! ) Offal excluded . ( 2 ) Packaged meat only . 26 . 10 . 96 | EN | Official Journal of the European Communities No C 317/39

CORRIGENDA Corrigendum to the communication of holidays in 1996 (Official Journal of the European Communities No C 45 of 17 February 1996)

(96/C 317/07 )

On page 18 : for Belgium (B column) add the date 15 November — National Unity Day.