South Council Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)

Minutes of a meeting held at Court, Poole Court Drive, on 21st September 2006 at 1.30pm Those present: Committee A: Committee B: Committee C: Colin Cradock (CC) – Chair Judith Lee (JL) Eve Scott (ESc) (from Gareth Jones (GJ) Jean Capstick (JC) – from 1.42pm) 1.55pm John Rosewell (JR) (from 1.40pm) Hazel Jefferies (HJ) Frank Huffee (FH) – (from 1.55pm) Kath McCarthy (KJ)

Committee D: Committee E (co-opted): Also present: Cllr Jane Allinson (JA) Roger Allinson (RA) Antony Evans – LEA Cllr Pat Apps (PA) Derek Jay (DJ) Serving Officer (AE) Cllr John Godwin (JG) Gundula Dorey (GD) Liz Ogborne, RE Advisory teacher (LO) Clerk

No Item Action 1 Election of Chair for the academic year 2006-7: Colin Cradock was elected unopposed. 2 Election of Vice Chair for the academic year 2006-7: John Rosewell was elected unopposed subject to him being willing to undertake the position 3 Apologies: Apologies were received from Kelsang Chonden, Ramila Patel, Chris Willmore, Mukhtar Ahmad Younis, Esther Saunders, and Jean Capstick

4 Minutes of previous meeting (8th June 06): were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chair. 5 Matters Arising:

5.1 Governors, Headteachers and SACRE leaflets (item Agenda item for next 6): These actions remained. meeting

5.2 JR arrived at this point at 1.40pm and confirmed that he was willing to serve as Vice Chair but asked for a successor to be identified before the end of the academic year.

5.3 Collective worship (item 11 – List of outstanding jobs) : LO gave an update on the work to gather best 1 No Item Action 5 practice for a leaflet (item from Budget/Development plan). ctd Guidance from the Gloucestershire Diocese has recently DJ to look at Diocesan arrived and will be studied. guidance and give It was agreed that DJ should look at the document and thoughts to LO pass his thoughts to LO. JL agreed to join the working party.

5.4 ES arrived during discussion of this item at 1.42pm.

5.5 Interfaith forum (item 12) CC reported that he had Clerk to circulate attended the latest meeting and gave members details of Interfaith forum the speakers. Details of future meetings would be meeting dates when circulated to SACRE members when known in case others known wished to attend.

5.6 Items for the next agenda (item 14): it was confirmed that the agenda item listed was not now required.

5.7 SMSC self-evaluation toolkit for schools: SACRE congratulated those responsible for this excellent document. 6 Report by SACRE event development group – feedback on Needless Greed event and report on future plans: 6.1 CC circulated a poster of pictures from the event. More were more available on request from AE and LO. The poster has gone to all schools.

6.2 CC reported that NLG on 22nd June had been an outstanding success – about 400 children attended Leisure Centre and took part in various workshops. Some of the helpers gave up a lot of their time for the preparations and were to be thanked for their efforts. However, the public meeting had not been very well attended.

6.3 CC proposed that the event be repeated next year, to enable those schools which had not been able to attend to do so. SACRE discussed this, including: o Perhaps holding it in the autumn instead of June o Using a different location o Members gave feedback from their experience of the day o Need to ensure cost of this event could be covered by the SACRE budget

6.4 JC and FH arrived at this point in the meeting at 1.55pm.

6.5 It was agreed that the Event planning group would Any member continue to make preliminary plans for a repeat of interested in joining NeedLess Greed. It was further agreed to have an agenda Event group to contact item at the next meeting to consider the costings for the CC.

2 No Item Action 6 2006 event, and what provision needed to be made for a AE to prepare details ctd possible 2007 event. It was confirmed that all members of costings of 2006 were welcome to join the Event planning. event Agenda item for next meeting 7 Use of a consultant to analyse implementation of Agreed Syllabus:

AE advised that it was too soon to ask a consultant to do this work because it was necessary to gather evidence for analysis. It was agreed that, in the first instance, SACRE will proceed with a questionnaire to schools to audit current practice before inviting a consultant to do any work. 8 Questionnaire to schools: 8.1 LO circulated draft for Primary Schools and spoke to it. A version would be produced for Secondary schools in due course. Meeting was adjourned to allow members to read it.

8.2 On resumption, LO was commended for her work in producing the draft. LO to make 8.3 The members discussed and approved the audit amendments and document subject to some small amendments. issue document to schools 8.4 It was further agreed that: o AE and CC should send a joint letter to Heads to AE to draft letter accompany the audit o AE would request KS 2 levels data from schools and AE to request KS 2 remind them of the need to pass this information on information to Secondary Schools. 9 Promotional booklet for SACRE CC proposed that a booklet be prepared to describe SACRE’s work, with pictures from recent events as CC to make further illustrations. It would be circulated to schools, libraries, investigation South Gloucestershire Councillors, places of worship and the British Humanist Association. Agenda item for next meeting This proposal was discussed including how it would be funded. It was agreed that CC should make further investigation and draw up proposal of the contents of the booklet and its likely costs. 10 Budget report: GJ and AE circulated a budget report and took members through it. There was concern that the budget might be overspent and may need to be reviewed. After discussion it was agreed to have the following agenda items at the next meeting: Agenda items for next o Consideration of the budgetary position and meeting outstanding items on the current Development Plan o Start of the preparation of the 2007-8 Development Clerk to circulate Plan Budget/Development plan with next agenda

3 No Item Action 11 Correspondence:

The Clerk had received the following : o QCA letter to SACRE Chairs (passed to CC) o Faith in action in the South West o Arranging Visits to places of worship – this had recently be revised by LO and was circulated to members. 12 Date of next meeting: 15th November 06 at the Riverside building,

13 Items for next agenda: None were added other than those identified during the meeting. Members were reminded that the Clerk should be notified in good time of any further items.

14 The meeting ended at 3.10pm