(19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub

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(19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub US 20020085835A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.2 US 2002/0085835 A1 Zhang et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 4, 2002 (54) PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH AN (52) US. Cl. ....................... .. 386/124; 386/125; 386/126; OPERATING SYSTEM-INDEPENDENT 360/32 DIGITAL DATA PLAYER (57) ABSTRACT (76) Inventors: Tim L. Zhang, Spring, TX (US); Pablo A portable computer system provides an operating system J. Salazar, Spring, TX (US); J. Luke independent digital data player. The computer system Mondshine, Cypress, TX (US); Eric includes an operating system, a data storage medium to store M. Kilponen, The Woodlands, TX (US) a plurality of digitally encoded data ?les, and a digital data Correspondence Address: player to decode and play the plurality of digitally encoded AKIN, GUMP, STRAUSS, HAUER data ?les in an operating system-independent digital data & FELD, L.L.P. mode. The data storage medium may be any of the storage Suite 1900 media for the computer system such as a hard disk drive, a 711 Louisiana CD-ROM drive, a DVD drive or removable data storage. A Houston, TX 77002 (US) mini-display panel of the portable computer system displays control status information associated With playing of the (21) Appl. No.: 09/752,039 plurality of digitally encoded data ?les in the digital data mode. The computer system further includes a digital data (22) Filed: Dec. 29, 2000 button to place the portable computer system in the digital data mode and a plurality of digital data control buttons to Publication Classi?cation select a plurality of digital data control commands for the plurality of digitally encoded data ?les. Selective portions of (51) .7 ........................ .. H04N 5/781; G06F 13/28; the portable computer system are placed in a reduced poWer G11B 5/00; G11B 5/09 state for the digital data mode. 5 f 103 \ 148 HEIST PROCESSOR 4 /701 II0sTBus_ /127 r100 r105 IInsTI CARDBUS PcI SDRAM INTERFACE BRIDGE ‘ I r102 PDIBUS 1_of_ _112_ HARDIJISK_QEJVEWJM /106 L (132 RM [108 I [JD-RUM ,‘ ,‘ [DIGITALDATA ‘ 107 ,7" - I I ---- -- l I DRIVE I, FILES) I?DE PGHISA I I '(BIDSDIGITALI IInATAcnI l . BRIDGE l vmEo I IEIATA PLAvERl I on I I (IJIGITALIJATA I I I I MunuLEsI I LAUDlDCD): LPLAYEPMuuuLEs} '_ ___LI L22 L__I __ 22 "LAC"110B ‘ /704 |SABUS>I V 122 I 136 I———— MAIN -—I I |____i_["124 ii.120 I_)_ ___ ' I I I DIGITAL I l I DISPLAY I I I , DATA I I | I PANEL I l KEYBUAHD l I I i??hll‘lpl'xl‘jllll?LE?k L" "' : CONTROLLER : “"PEAYER ‘ l l \146 A _ _ _ _ __ I I L___I___. 128 I r134 A ‘.1 "LI L L L L L. I AUDIO I SUPER no I AMPLIFIER l I l___ ___J m i i A ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 130 \_| PARALLEL Iii ‘__l I SPEAKERS I Q KEYBOARD IL I 140 LLLL __I 7”“ a 142 I IIIIIIIII i I DISPLAYPANEL I Patent Application Publication Jul. 4, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 7 US 2002/0085835 A1 3 /103 \ 148 HOST / PROCESSOR L2 ‘ [707 H0STBUS_ r127 [100 [105 CARDBUS HOST’ INTERFACE Pc' SDRAM BRIDGE 102 4 / PCIBUS: HARDDISK 1_0_9_ _Z12_\_EH_|VE___114 /106 [132 RUM [108 I CD-RUM I } (DIGITALDATA ' 107 7"" I I ---- " I11 I IDIIIII'IIIHIEID I I' FILES) I ‘DE PC'I'SA I VIDEO I IIIgIIlIigItIIIT/EIII/ I on I I (DIGITALDATA I BR'DGE I I I MODULES) I LAPEIUEDLI LPLAXEBL'IUILJLQI '— ---- ——' L—— "-1 110B 4 /104 ISABUS‘ 136 F‘““1 ____I_1C1_24 __I[_Z20 12!€)_I___| \ l I DI'IQQI'AY I I I l DIGITAL I I USB I PANEL 1 I KEYBOARD I I DATA I IBLIIIIIIIJIIELERI L" --" I CONTROLLER I LfL-AYERJ II____ ____II \146 —I____‘I’ ___l—_l 134 128\_ / 125\ I f126 I_— ———I |_ — ——_ [——— ——‘ I AUDIO I suPEFI Ill] I DIGITAL I I DI'JIIIIIIL I I I I I I— I AMPLIFIER I IDABLATI'IDONDEI I CONTROL I I I I BUTTONS [II/3138 “““ ““ “I53 13O\_I PARALLEL r144 / ‘n “W POWER I SPEAKERS I ‘SERIAL! KEYBOARD BUTTON — IL I 140 142 I MINI I I DISPLAY I——— I PANEL I FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 4, 2002 Sheet 2 0f 7 US 2002/0085835 A1 OS—INDEPENDENT DIGITAL DATA PLAYING ON STATE OF DIGITAL DATA MODE BUTTON f 201 ENTER [JS-INDEPENDENT DIGITAL DATA MODE I f 202 INITIALIZE DIGITAL DATA PLAYER I f 204 LOCATE DIGITAL l 212 DATA FILE / SEND DIGITAL DATA I f 206 CDNTRDL COMMAND OPEN AND LDAD T 0 PLAYER DIGITAL DATA FILE I f 214 PLAYER DECUDES DIGITAL DATA 210 CONTROL COMMAND DIGITALDETECT DATA I / 216 CONTROL PLAYER DECODES COMMAND AND PLAYS DIGITAL ? DATA 218 OFF STATE OF DIGITAL DATA MODE BUTTON '2 /- 220 EXIT OS-INDEPENDENT DIGITAL DATA MODE 222 1 [IS-INDEPENDENT '» 9 DIGITAL DATA PLAYING COMPLETE FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Jul. 4, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 7 US 2002/0085835 A1 HARD DISK DRWE / 112 f 106 IDIGITAL PCHISA DATA BRIDGE EILEsI \ 114 4 f 104 IsA BUS _ f 122 f 120 f 124 DIGITAL DATA AuDID PLAYER KEYBOARD CONTROLLER (IJSP 0R DDIIITRDLLER DEDICATED CHIP) / 126 DIGITAL DATA CONTROL / 128 BUT-[0N3 / 125 /123 AuDIn DIGITAL DATA POWER AMPLIFIER MDDE BUTTDN BUTTON / 130 f 142 MINI SPEAKERS DIsPLAY PANEL Patent Application Publication Jul. 4, 2002 Sheet 4 0f 7 US 2002/0085835 A1 / 142 f 120 f 124 MINI DIGITAL DIsPLAY DATA C'é'fVYTBRODALFEER PANEL PLAYER / 126 f 125 /123 mg'gl?émm DIGITAL DATA POWER BUTTONS MDDE BUTTUN BuTTDIII / 142 / 120 f 124 DIsPLAYMINI PANEL “5w KEYBOARD PLAYER CONTROLLER DIGITAL DATA CONTROL BUTTONS \ 126 123 \ f 125 POWER DIGITAL DATA BUTTON MDDE BUTTON FIG. 4B Patent Application Publication Jul. 4, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 7 US 2002/0085835 A1 r103 HOST PROCESSOR : /101 HOSTBUS ‘ /100 HOST PCI BRIDGE : /102 PCI BUS 112\ HARDDRIVE DISK 1/14 fme ROM [110A10a (DIGITAL DATA (BIOS DIGITAL DATA / (DIGITAL DATA \ 107 mm PLAYERMODULES _ \110B 1 /104 ISABUS ‘ K142 / 122 f 125 f 124 MM DISPLAY AuDLO DIGITAL DATA KEYBOARD PANEL CONTROLLER MODE BUTTON ‘ CONTROLLER r128 K123 K126 AUDIO POWER DIGITALDATA CONTROL AMPLIFIER BUTTON BUTTONS [130 SPEAKERS FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Jul. 4, 2002 Sheet 6 0f 7 US 2002/0085835 A1 DIGITAL AUDIO] AUDIO CD MODE PROCESS 604 AUDIO [ID PAUSED ? 608 AUDIO [ID AUDIO CD INSERTED REMOVED ? ‘.7 / 610 Y f 612 DECODE AND AUIDlIOYCD PLAY DIGITAL AUDIO FILE >4 614 PROCESS COMPLETE FIG. 6 Patent Application Publication Jul. 4, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 7 US 2002/0085835 A1 f 700 MP3 PLAYER f 701 MP3 PLAY f 710 KEYBOARD INTERRUPT HANDLER / 11OA-1 / 712 BIOS MP3 PLAYER MODULES MP3 RAW 702 DATA MP3 / BUFFER LUADER / 720 f 704 MP3 DECDDER Fllhl/slggufgMS AUDIO DRIVER AUDIO CD MDDULE / 706 f- 722 HLE WAVE OUT MP3 WAVE AUDIIQI an API DATA A SYSTEM API J BUFFER / r 708 716 f 718 f 72 728 f 730 IDE HDD | 0 AUDIO CD ROM IID DIRIVERI M'XEH AP‘ WAVE DRIVER DRIVER \ 714 \ 726 US 2002/0085835 A1 Jul. 4, 2002 PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH AN preferred embodiment is considered in conjunction With the OPERATING SYSTEM-INDEPENDENT DIGITAL folloWing draWings, in Which: DATA PLAYER [0007] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an illustrative portable BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION computer system adapted for an operating system-indepen dent digital data player; [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0008] FIG. 2 is a How chart of an illustrative digital data [0002] The present invention generally relates to digital playing process in connection With the operating system data playing capabilities of portable computer systems and independent digital data player of FIG. 1; more particularly to a portable computer system With an operating system-independent digital data player. [0009] FIG. 3 is a block diagram of illustrative compo nents of the portable computer system of FIG. 1 for a [0003] 2. Description of the Related Art hardWare-implemented, operating system-independent digi [0004] With the recent explosive groWth in digital audio tal data player; playing, standalone or portable digital audio players have [0010] FIGS. 4A and 4B are block diagrams of tWo largely become mainstream consumer devices. Computer illustrative hardWare-based embodiments involving the digi systems, hoWever, are not especially positioned to bene?t tal data player and the keyboard controller of FIG. 3; from the digital audio revolution given the nature of digital audio playing for computer systems. PC-based digital audio [0011] FIG. 5 is a block diagram of illustrative compo players are softWare applications that must operate With an nents of the portable computer system of FIG. 1 for a operating system. For a PC-based digital audio player, an softWare-implemented, operating system-independent digi operating system is necessary to provide high-level func tal data player; tionality to perform tasks such as retrieving digital audio [0012] FIG. 6 is a How chart of an illustrative digital ?les. One draWback of the need for an operating system to audio/audio CD mode process in connection With an oper play digital audio ?les With a computer system is the ating system-independent digital audio player; and signi?cant amount of time associated With loading an oper ating system. This period of delay before digital audio [0013] FIG. 7 is a block diagram of an exemplary archi playing is undesirable since users With standalone digital tecture of an operating system-independent MP3 player. audio players are not accustomed to such a delay. Another draWback is the poWer consumption associated With com DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED ponents in the computer system Which are normally powered EMBODIMENT When an operating system is running.
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