The Belfast Gazette Published Dp Fluthoritp
number 1,323 271 The Belfast Gazette Published Dp fluthoritp Registered as a newspaper. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1946. OFFICE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF county of Londonderry, the county of the City of NORTHERN IRELAND, BELFAST. Londonderry, and the county of Tyrone, for the a&th October, 1946. purposes of the next Winter Assizes and of this Order, shall be united together and form one A meeting of the Privy Council of Northern county under the name of the Northern Irfland Ireland was held at Government House, Hills- Winter Assize County. borough, to-day, at which the following were present: Place for Holdfmg the Assizes. His Excellency the Governor of Northern Ireland. 2. The next Winter Assizes for the said Winter The Right Hon. Sir Basil Brooke, B,t., M.P. Assize County shall be held in the Court House of The Right Hon. J. E. Warnock, M.P. the County of Antrim, at Belfast, in the County of The Right Hon. W. Lowry, M.P. the City of Belfast. ' His Excellency signified his approval to the Jurisdiction. Northern Ireland Winter Assize Order, 1946, and to a Warrant for the issue of a Commission for 3. The Court at the Winter Assizes at Belfast the Northern Ireland Winter Assizes, 1946, fixing shall have jurisdiction to try any prisoner committed the Court House of the County of Antrim, at for trial at Assizes or Quarter Sessions, and also Belfast, in the County of the City of Belfast, as the any person bound by recognizance to surrender and venue for the forthcoming Winter Assizes.
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