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OCT 8 6 October 26, 2020 SCOTT SCHWAB Segfibtary of STATE FILE with SECRETARY of STATE SEE REVERSE SIDB for INSTRUCTIONS KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS COMMISSION RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES REPORT OF A POLITICAL OR PARTY COMMITTEE OCT 8 6 October 26, 2020 SCOTT SCHWAB SEGfiBTARy OF STATE FILE WITH SECRETARY OF STATE SEE REVERSE SIDB FOR INSTRUCTIONS ., Kansas Hospital Association Political Action Committee Address: ^SESths-t City and Zip Code: Topeka'66601 This is a (check one); Party Committee Political Committee B. CJieck only if appropriate: Amended Filing Termioatton Report C, Summary (covering the period from July 24,2020 fhrougli October 22,2020) 1. Cash on hand at beginniug of period 68,104.41 1. Total Contributions and Other Receipts (Use Schedule A) 24,220.12 3. Cash available this period (Add Lines 1 and 2) 92,324.53 4. Total Expenditures and Other Disbursements (Use Scliedule C) 32,571.93 5. Cash on hand at close of period (Subtract Line 4 fi'oni 3) 59,752.60 6. Jjn-Kmd Ccmtubutious (Use SclieduleB) ,. 547.60 0,00 7. Other Transactions (Use Schedule D) ...,.....,„., D. "I declare fhat this report, iacluding any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is tme, correct and complete, I understand that the intentional failure to file this document or intentionally Jpiyg a false^oetu.n^nt is a class A misdemeanor." W-t^-tb 6ate Signature of Treasurer GEC Form Rev, 2020 SCHEDULE A CONTmBTHTONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Kansas Hospital Association Political Aclloil Committee (Name of Party Committee or Political Committee) Occupation & Industry o{ Check Amount of Name and Address Individual Giving More Appropriate Box Cash) Check, Date of Contributor Than $150 Loan or Other CaA Clicclr Loau Efaads Otlier Receipt Ms, Tammy Peterman RN, MS President, Kansas City Division EOO.CO 5101 W. 01st Street University of Kansas Health 7/29/2020 Prairie Village, KS 66208-4920 System, The ^ Ms. Dartene Stone SVP & CHRO •i&a.oo 5714LongteafDr, Stormont Vail Health 7/29/2020 Lawrence, KS 66049-5802 7 Ms. Jlll R. Straub Health Information Management 160.00 5200 NW 44th St. Director 7/29/2020 Topeka, KS 6S616-3405 Stormoni Vail Health y ii/icky McGrath 1UO.OO z-11 w. m Stormonl Vail Health 8/3/2020 Auburn, KS 66402-9477 ^ Ms, Judy Corzine Adminlstraiive Director and Chief eoo.oo 3621 SWWoodvaltey Place Information Offi 8/11/2020 Topeka, KS 66614-3536 Stormont Vail Health y Mrs. Terrl Gehring Vice President Operations 100.CO McPherson Hospital 8/11/2020 1993 Arrowhead Road Moundrldge, KS 67107-7498 y Larry W. Lane Director 100.CO G/11/2020 282'INWHalfdayPI. Stormont Vail Health Topeka,KS6S618-1649 >/ Mr. Robert Langland Senior Vice President and Chief 500.03 8/11/2020 4417 SE Oak Bend Dr. Financial Officer Topeka, KS 66609-9508 Stormont Vail Health ^ Dr. Steve Schwarting MD Msrnber, Board of Trustees 200.CO 8/11/2020 1862 Indy Road Memorial Health System a.bllene, KS 67410-6362 y Ms, Debra L. Yociim Vice President, Clinical Services MO.CO 8/11/2020 5045 SE 10th StormontValI Health recumaeh, KS 66542-9426 y 3r. Rob Kenagy MD President and Chief Executive i,coo.(» 8/12/2020 '20 S, Kansas Ave. Apt. 300 Officsr ropeka, KS 66603-388S StormontVall Health y 3.SCO.OO Page of SCHEDULE A CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Kansas Hospital Association Political Action Committee (Name of Party Committee or Political Committee) Occupation & Industry of Check Amount of Name and Address Individual GivhigMore Appropriate Box Cash, Check, Date of Contributor Than $150 Loan or Other Cash Oxck LQBH B ftimty Other Receipt \te. Amy Klncado Adm. Director, Contlnlum of Care 100.00 2S16 SW Chauncay Dr. Stormont Vail Hcallh 8/19/2020 Fopeka, KS 66614-4952 / \/ls, Gsnny L, Nicholas Vice President. Government 2(i0,00 1001 West 58th Street Relations 8/19/2020 <ansas City, MO 64-113-1232 Childron's Mercy Hospital Kansas City / Ws, Shannan Flaoh Chief Executive Officer 2EO.OO 21749 Ptowboy Rd. Klngman Community Hospital 8/2-1/2020 Paxteo, KS 66526-9256 / Suallty Hgallhcare Comm'rttBe for Psrenl Organization 850.00 PO Box 144 8/2/2020 Jefferson CKy, MO 65102-0144 / Suality Healthcare Comffllttss for Parent Organization 260.00 ?0 Box 144 9/2/2020 Jefferson City, MO 66102-0144 / Quality Heallhcare CommitteB for Parent Organization 260,1)0 9/2/2020 PO Box 1-14 Jefferson City, MO 66102-0144 / Mrs. Carrie L. Saia BSN, MSM Chief Executive Officer 350.00 9/3/2020 SS53110ThRd Holton Community Hospital Delta, KS 66418-9536 / Mr. Leslie Lacy 150.00 9/4/2020 1,'5-IORoadS Great Plains Heallh Alliance. Inc. Saint Frands, KS G77G6-0547 / Wostey Hoyt 200.00 9/9/2020 200 Buckskin Road Hutchlnson Regional Medical Hulchinson, KS 675D2-4407 Center / Mr. Dallas A Polsn Chief of Public Policy Strategy 360.00 9/10/2020 5401 West 101 st Terrace Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas Ovorland Park, KS 68207-3')27 CKy / <anBas Good Government Fund HCA Stale PAC to PAC transfer Z.SOO.flO 9/14/2020 i15SE8(h i-lCA Kansas Good Govarnmenl ropeka, KS 68603-3906 cund / :!KS^^S^7iiSiS^^!ffisSiSWKSSSS^^ 5,600.00 Page of SCHEDULE A CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECTEIPTS Kansas Hospital Association Political Acllon Committee (Name of Party Committee or Political Committee) Occupation & Industry of Check Amount of Name and Address Individual Giving More Appropriate Box Cash, Check, Uiite of Contributor Than $150 Loan or Other Casli Cfamk JLortn Etunds Other Receipt Kansas Good Government Fund HCA State PAC to PAC transfer 1,OOO.CO 215 SE 8th HCA Kansas Good Governmsnt 31U12020 Topeka, KS 68603-3906 Fund ^1 Kansas Good Government Fund HCA State PAC to PAC transfer I.OOO.flO 215 SE 8(h HCA Kansas Good Govsmment 9/14/2020 Topeka, KS 66603-3906 Fund ^1 Kansas Good Govsminent Fund HCA State PAC to PAC transfer 500.00 215 SE 8th HCA Kansas Good Governmsnt 9/14/2020 Tupeka, KS 66603-390B Fund ^1 Sundowar Chapter HFMA Profesislonal Assoclalton 6CO.CO PO Box 2198 Sunflower Chapter HFMA 9/14/2020 WlchHa.KS 67201-2196 ^1 Kansas Hospital Auxiliaries of Volunteers Professional 100.00 1449 North High Drive Assoriation 9/-14/2020 McPherson. KS 67<)60-2107 ,1 Mr. Eldon Kospks Chief Financial Officer 1CO.BO 9/14/2020 300 S, Nebraska Ave. SS Mltchell County Hospital Health Uinden, NE 68959-2302 Systems ,1 Ms. Laralne Gengter Chief Financial Officer 1Cfl,OD 8/16/2020 W Cedar Circle Lindsborg Community Hospllat Llndsborg, KS 67456-2328 ^\ Mr, Elgln Glanzer Chief Financial Officer 31W.OO 9/16/2020 1G02 Park Placed Memorial Health System Wens, KS 67410-2163 /! Us. Beth Hedborg RN Director Nursing •I 00.00 9/16/2020 2570 1st Ave, Lindsborg Community Hospital Marquelte, KS 67464-8810 ^1 Mr. Paul D, Kemplnski Chief Executive Officer 600.CO 8/16/2020 t813W.148<hSfr6G( Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas t -eawood.KS 66224-9411 City ,1 nr. Larry VanDerWege ^dmln(^tralor soo.fla 9/16/2020 r43 Diamond Or, -Indsborg Community Hospilal -indsborg, KS 67456-2328 ^1 SHIilllifiiti! iiSiSSSiSiS 4.700.CO Page, of SCHEDULE A CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Kansas Hospital Association Political Action Commlllee (Name of Party Committee or Political Committee) Occupation &. Indush'y of Check Amount of Name nnd Address Individual Giving More Appropriate Box Casli, Check, Date of Contributor T&au SI50 Lonn or Other Cash Cb&clt Lortu E funds Olhu Receipt ^lr, Jeramy Armstrong FACHE 3hief Executive Officer 100.00 3 OBOX399 yitchell County Hospital Heallh 9/17/2020 Saloit, KS 67420-0399 Systems / Mr. Jeremy Armstrong FACHE 3hlef Execuiive Offlcor 162.00 3 OBox399 Vlltchell County Hospital Health 8/21/2020 Belolti K8 67420.0S9B Systems ,1 Ms. Karen Braman SVPHeallhcare Strategy & 75CI.BO 311 N.-(464 Rd. Planning S/21/2020 Lawrence, KS 66049-9184 Kaniias Hospital Association / Mr. Chad R. Austin Presidp.nt & CEO 269.22 3518 SW 26th Court Kansas Hospital Association 9/24/2020 Fopeka, KS 68814-4306 / Ms. Audrey Duntol Olreotor of Fllianciat Advocacy 134.S1 215 SE 8th Street Kansas Hospital Association 9/24/2020 ropska, KS 66603-3806 / Mrs. Jennifer A. Findtey \/P Educadon/Speclal Projects 70,00 9/24/202D SSirSWAshwcrthCt. Kansas Hospital Association Fopeha, KS 66614-4530 / Mrs, Clndy Leah Samuelson >/lce President 67.34 S/24/2020 1107 NE 54th S( Kansas Hospital Association Topete, KS 66617-4506 / Robert Steels MD 75.00 9/27/2020 5808W.l10lhSt. Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas Overiand Pork, Ks 66211-2504 / Ms. Reagan Cusslmanlo JD Government Relations Manager sco.oo 9/29/2020 17181 W.1S9lh St, University of Kansas Health Otathe, KS 68062-3917 System, The / Mr, Jeffrey Novorr t/lce President 2CO.OO 0/29/2020 3644 W,183rd Terraca University of Kansas Hospital, Th< Leawood, KS 66224-9558 / teffWrlght 150.00 9/29/2020 1000 CambrldgH St. MS3Q11 Jnlverslty of Kansas Health <ansas City, K8 66160-8501 3ysiem, The / 2,476.17 ^^SSsSSS^^to^3!i^!USVS^^fS^S^SS&SS^^:A^^^;ii>^^^t^^$ »Tt^r^l';JtT:t:i ^PaoiA^^^:yv^^^^i^^^^^^l^^y^^ Page _ _ of' SCHEDULE A CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS Kansas Hospital Assoctatlon PolHlcat Acllon Comm'rttBO CMamc of Party Committeo or Political Coiumittce) Occupation & Industry of Check Amount of Name and Address Individual Giving More Appropriate Box Cash, Check, Date of Coulributor Than $150 Loan or Other Cull Check Xoan Bftmds Other Receipt <lm Dixon 100.00 3852 NW Uphill Lane University of Kansas Health 9/30/2020 •lamllton, MO 64S44-7230 System, The / 3hrls Harper 103.0(1 1000 Cambridge St. MS 301 1 University of Kansas Health 9/30/2020 Kansas City, KS 661GO-SS01 System, The / ShristinB Hogan-Nawgren 1CO.OO 19S98 S.
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