Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT




New Football Ground (Category E) for AFC. FULL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION : Development to include club house, changing facilities, floodlighting and associated car parking and access road. NAME OF APPLICANT :

Durham County Council

ADDRESS : Land adjacent to Tesco’s Store, , Consett, Co. Durham, DH8 7ES

ELECTORAL DIVISION : CASE OFFICER : Chris Baxter, Senior Planning Officer Tel: 03000261393 [email protected]


The Site

1. The application site is made up of Crookhall playing fields situated on the east side of Delves Lane which is to the south of Consett town centre. To the north of the application site lies the remainder of the Crookhall playing fields which are unaffected by the proposals. To the west of the site lies an area which is made up of terraced residential properties and areas of landscaping, tree planting and allotment gardens. The Coast to Coast Cycle route also passes along the west boundary of the site and intersects Delves Lane next to the existing access into Crookhall playing fields. A Tesco supermarket is located to the south of the site and to the east is a much broader area of tree planting with residential properties located beyond.

2. The application site is accessed directly off Delves Lane. The site itself is currently taken up by existing football pitch, changing rooms and informal car parking. The access road is currently unsurfaced and in generally poor condition.

The proposal

3. Planning permission is sought to replace one senior football pitch with a Category E Football Ground for Consett Association Football Club, with club house, changing facilities and associated car parking and access road. Part of the changing facilities have been designed as a standalone community facility, enabling their use by those using the remainder of the pitches at Crookhall, outside of the hours that the main Consett AFC is not being used. Floodlighting of the Consett AFC ground is proposed and their ground will be constructed using 3 rd Generation Synthetic Turf. As part of the Category E Ground requirements, there are a number of features that must be incorporated, including:

- Covered seating for a minimum of 150 spectators, plus covered standing for 100 spectators; - Overall safe capacity for 1000 spectators within the ground, with scope to increase this to 2000; - Specified pitch size, orientation and minimum run-off areas; - Minimum standard of changing facilities; - External fencing (2.4m high); and - Floodlighting.

4. The proposal arises as a result of the existing Consett AFC ground at Belle Vue being required for the new Consett academy.

5. The application is reported to the County Planning Committee as it represents a major scheme of strategic importance.


6. No past planning history relevant to this application site.



7. Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (PPS1) sets out the Government’s overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system.

8. Planning Policy Statement 4: Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth (PPS4) sets out the Government's comprehensive policy framework for planning for sustainable economic development in urban and rural areas.

9. Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment (PPS5) sets out the Government's planning policies on the conservation of the historic environment.

10. Planning Policy Guidance Note 13: Transport (PPG13) sets out objectives to integrate planning and transport at the national, regional, strategic and local level and to promote more sustainable transport choices both for carrying people and for moving freight.

11. Planning Policy Guidance 17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation (PPG17) sets out the policies needed to be taken into account by regional planning bodies in the preparation of Regional Planning Guidance (or any successor) and by local planning authorities in the preparation of development plans (or their successors); they may also be material to decisions on individual planning applications.

12. Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable Energy (PPS22) sets out the Government's policies for renewable energy, which planning authorities should have regard to when taking planning decisions.

13. Furthermore, the emerging NPPF sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development to encourage economic growth, particularly where it is within a Local Plan identified centre and below a certain scale. This draft guidance is a material consideration in determining planning applications, and this proposal is considered to be in general conformity with the NPPF.


14. The North East of Plan - Regional Spatial Strategy to 2021 (RSS) July 2008, sets out the broad spatial development strategy for the North East region for the period of 2004 to 2021. The RSS sets out the region's housing provision and the priorities in economic development, retail growth, transport investment, the environment, minerals and waste treatment and disposal. Some policies have an end date of 2021 but the overall vision, strategy, and general policies will guide development over a longer timescale. The overall objective for minerals policy in the Region, as set out in RSS, is to ensure the prudent use of the Region’s indigenous natural resources in line with sustainable development objectives.

15. In July 2010 the Local Government Secretary signalled his intention to revoke Regional Spatial Strategies with immediate effect, and that this was to be treated as a material consideration in subsequent planning decisions. This position was challenged through the courts and the Court of Appeal ruled in May 2011 that the proposed abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies can be regarded as a material consideration when deciding planning applications. The following policies are considered relevant.

16. Policy 2: (Sustainable Development) seeks to embed sustainable criteria through out the development process and influence the way in which people take about where to live and work; how to travel; how to dispose of waste; and how to use energy and other natural resources efficiently.

17. Policy 3: (Climate Change) The RSS recognises that climate change is the single most significant issue that affects global society in the 21st century. Policy 3 will seek to ensure that the location of development, encouraging sustainable forms of transport, encouraging and supporting use of renewable energy sources, and waste management all aids in the reduction of climate change.

18. Policy 7: (Connectivity and Accessibility) seeks to promote the need to reduce the impact of travel demand particularly by promoting public transport, travel plans, cycling and walking, as well as the need to reduce long distance travel, particularly by private car, by focusing development in urban areas with good access to public transport.

19. Policy 8: (Protecting and Enhancing the Environment) seeks to promote measures such as high quality design in all development and redevelopment and promoting development that is sympathetic to its surroundings.

20. Policy 24: (Delivering Sustainable Communities) refers to the need to concentrate the majority of the Region’s new development within the defined urban areas, and the need to utilise previously developed land wherever possible.

21. Policy 27: (Out of Centre Leisure Developments) states leisure developments will need to be considered and justified through the sequential approach and locational strategy of the Regional Spatial Strategy.

22. Policy 38: (Sustainable Construction) sets out that in advance of locally set targets, major developments should secure at least 10% of their energy supply from decentralised or low-carbon sources.

23. Policy 39: (Renewable Energy Generation) seeks to generate at least 10% of the Region’s consumption of electricity from renewable sources within the Region by 2010 and aspire to further increase renewable electricity generation to achieve 20% of regional consumption by 2020.

24. Policy 54: (Parking and Travel Plans) seeks to support the delivery of improved public transport throughout the Region, the promotion of travel plans and the provision and pricing of parking will be essential. Key elements include the marketing of public transport, cycling, walking and car sharing in trying to influence travel behaviour.


25. The following saved policies of the Derwentside Local Plan (DLP) are relevant in the determination of this application:

26. Policy GDP1 : General Development Principles – outlines the requirements that new development proposals should meet.

27. Policy EN11: Trees and Development – development will only be permitted which will not cause harm to, or result in the loss of: protected trees; or, trees that contribute to the character of conservation areas.

28. Policy EN19: Protection of Sites and Settings of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Features – states that where development is to be approved that could affect known archaeological remains, the council will require the developer to ensure that adequate provision has been made for the excavation and recording of the remains before development commences.

29. Policy TR2: Development and Highway Safety – relates to the provision of safe vehicular access, adequate provision for service vehicle manoeuvring, etc.

30. Policy TR3: Cycling – when considering new developments, the council will ensure that the needs of cyclists are taken into account.

31. Policy RE4: Protection of Public Footpaths – development which would directly affect a public Right of Way or other recognised or proposed recreational path will only be permitted if an acceptable an equivalent alternative route is provided.

The above represents a summary of those policies considered most relevant in the Development Plan the full text, criteria, and justifications of each may be accessed at: - National Planning Policy Regional Planning Policy Local Planning Policy



32. Environment Agency: No objections subject to the imposition of a condition relating to surface water drainage and pollution prevention.

33. Northumbrian Water: No objections.

34. Coal Authority: Requested the submission of a Coal Mining Risk Assessment.

35. Highways Authority: No objections to the proposals however the proposed access should have an entry radii of 10 metres on both sides of the junction.

36. Natural England: No objections raised.

37. Sport England: Design alterations are required in order for the proposals to be in line with FA’s Category E requirements. Subject to these design alterations and the imposition of conditions relating to pitch reconfiguration and community use schemes, then no objections are raised.


38. Spatial Policy Team: The application is acceptable in principle in terms of the Derwentside Local Plan has passed the sequential test of PPS4 and meets the objectives of the emerging Playing Pitch Strategy. At the same, the overall level or recreational facilities in the town is enhanced, with better changing facilities for existing pitches and the availability of the all-weather pitches. On this basis the proposal is considered acceptable.

39. Ecology Team: No objections subject to the imposition of a condition in relation to mitigation proposals within the submitted ecology report.

40. Public Rights of Way: Public Footpath 42 Consett passes through the development site, although the site layout and proposed vehicle access plans indicate that the path will be satisfactorily accommodated. Concerns are raised to the land adjacent to the path which is earmarked for an overspill car park/bus drop off area. For health and safety reasons and to prevent obstruction to the highway, cars should not be permitted to drive over or park on the actual footpath.

41. Design Team: No major objections to the proposals however issues have been raised with regards to means of enclosure; details of stands; final materials of the buildings, including doors, windows, rainwater goods; and details of security shutters.

42. Landscape: Generally no major objections to the proposals. Further details are required on removal of trees, replacement trees and protective fencing for retained trees. Also full details of planting schedule is required.

43. Pollution Control: No objections subject to the imposition of conditions relating to construction hours of operation; dust mitigation scheme; details of floodlighting; restricting hours of pitch use; restricting hours of floodlight operation; air quality; and sustainable energy.

44. Low Carbon Officer: Fully supportive of the aim to improve the thermal efficiency of the building in the first instance. Additional comments on some of the proposed technologies that have been quoted in the D&A statement for further consideration.

Wind Turbine – Agreed, very good potential on-site PV – Cost has dramatically reduced in the last 12 months and payback periods are now down to less than 10 years with the Feed in Tariff, therefore it is worth considering. ASHP – Low grade temperatures may not be enough satisfy the demand of the building. Especially with the design of the building being such that doors will be in constant use. Only really suitable for extremely thermally efficient buildings. GSHP – Do not need a cooling load but would suffer from similar issues to that of ASHP. Solar Thermal – May provide some load, but with the majority of use being during September – June, provision must be carefully assessed as adding benefit.

45. Archaeology: It is a general 'best practice' policy within archaeology section to request evaluation of land over 1 hectare and proposed for development, the results of which will inform any mitigation strategy required. In accordance with Policy EN19 of the former Derwentside District Local Plan, and national Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment, this information should be submitted in support of a planning application. This mainly applies to greenfield sites where the archaeological potential is essentially unknown. In this instance though, the site of the proposed football club is known. .Despite the scale of the development, any work required can be dealt with via conditions of planning permission


46. The application has been advertised on site, in the press and the closest residents notified in writing.

47. An objection letter has been received from a local resident and representations have also been made by Sustrans, who own and maintain certain section of the Coast to Coast route.

48. The local resident has concerns with regards to unsuitable lighting and noise levels and states that the proposal would devalue nearby properties. The local resident has also asked if Genesis Way was considered as a possible alternative site for the proposals.

49. Sustrans have requested that a Toucan Crossing is incorporated into the scheme on Delves Lane to help aid cyclists and pedestrians. It is also requested that drop kerbs are provided at crossing points; a minimum of 2.5m wide shared path of tarmac construction be unsegregated; raised platforms with priority for cyclists and pedestrians be incorporated; and cycle path should be segregated by a kerb line from the access road.


50. This resource on the Crookhall site will see the start of a significant amount of planned investment in the Consett area. The design comprises a clubhouse and changing facilities to replace the existing ones on the Belle Vue site which enables the building of a new leisure centre and academy. It also includes community changing rooms to replace existing council owned provision on the Crookhall site and a 3G pitch which it is envisaged will create opportunities for extensive community use as well as for the club. A public consultation was held in the locality to inform the planning application. The consultation created a lot of positive feedback in the plans for much needed facilities.

51. This new building will benefit the community in its broadest sense. It will not only provide a category E ground with 3G pitch and clubhouse facility which will house Consett AFC, but will also provide a venue for training for the junior and other adult teams in the area of which there are a significant number. Through a booking system operated by the football club, the 3G pitch will be available for hire for training and match purposes to the local community. The large lounge with bar and kitchen area is intended to be a building which can be hired by the community for events and functions. This will support its long term sustainability. The clubhouse and its surrounds will be fully accessible and DDA compliant.

52. The new facility supports the council's aims to increase participation levels in sport and leisure activities and to provide opportunities for equality of participation as laid out in its Sport and Leisure Strategy.

The above represents a summary of the comments received on this application. The full written text is available for inspection on the application file which can be viewed at the Crook Area Planning Team. Officer analysis of the issues raised and discussion as to their relevance to the proposal and recommendation made is contained below.


53. Having regard to the requirements of section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 the development plan policies and relevant guidance, and all other material planning considerations, including representations received, it is considered that the main planning issues in this instance relate to the principle of development, impact on residential amenity, visual impact, highway issues and representations.

Principle of development

54. The planning system has a role in helping to create an environment where sporting and recreational activities are made easier for people to participate in and public health can be improved and where existing sports and recreational land is lost the benefit of the development outweighs the loss. The application conforms to these requirements by providing changing rooms for public use when Consett AFC are not playing, by providing a 3G pitch for community use and by improving facilities at the site in general.

55. The proposal would potentially meet two objectives of the emerging County Durham Playing Pitch Strategy providing a full size 3G floodlit facility and changing rooms for use of the wider community. As such the overall benefits of the relocated site are greater than those at the existing facilities, both on-site and at the site of the current Consett AFC ground. 56. As the proposed development will consist of leisure facilities located outside the town centre, there is a requirement to provide a sequential assessment of leisure facilities in Consett to justify this choice of location for the proposals. The applicant has had a sequential test carried out, and 14 sites were considered of which the proposed site was found to be the most suitable. The application site is of the most appropriate size, the most accessible from the town centre by foot and public transport, has good vehicular access, is currently in use as playing fields so that the provision of new changing rooms would benefit the teams using the playing fields. The site is owned by Durham County Council so there are no impediments to bringing forward the development as soon as possible. As such the location is considered appropriate, notably in light of the need to relocate the whole club and its associated leisure facilities to an appropriate location in the town. It is therefore considered that the proposal accords with policies set out in PPS4. 57. The proposed development is considered acceptable in principle and in accordance with policies and guidance set out in PPS4 and PPG17.

Impact on residential amenity

58. It is acknowledged that the nearest neighbouring residential properties are situated over 40 metres away from the proposed development. Given the general activity arising from a football ground development and also light implications from the proposed floodlighting, it is critical that the impact on residential amenity is adequately assessed.

59. Officers from the Councils Pollution Control team have been consulted and they have raised no objections to the proposed development providing conditions are imposed which would ensure that residential amenity is not compromised. With regards to the proposed floodlighting Pollution Control Officers have stated that the proposed lighting should be installed and positioned so the lighting is directed towards the pitch. The floodlighting should also only be used between the hours of 08:00hrs and 22:00hrs, which would reduce the impact of light on neighbouring properties. A condition is recommended which would ensure that the floodlights are directed towards the pitch and would not be operational between the hours of 22:00hrs and 08:00hrs.

60. To avoid noise disturbance to local residents, Pollution Control Officers have suggested that the pitch should only be used between the hours of 08:00hrs and 22:00hrs. Similar with operational activities on the pitch, for example grounds maintenance using machinery operations should be restricted to the hours of 08:00hrs and 22:00hrs. It seems reasonable to impose a condition restricting the hours of use of the actual pitch as this would reduce noise disturbance to nearby residents; and a condition is recommended accordingly. It is noted that Consett AFC on very rare occasions may need to use the pitch and floodlighting beyond 22:00hrs, as it may occur that football matches enter into extra time. Given the rarity of this occasion, it is considered acceptable to allow the use of the pitch and floodlighting till 22:30hrs and this is reflected in the recommended conditions. It is not considered that the amenity of residential properties would be adversely affected.

61. Pollution Control Officers have also suggested conditions relating to the construction of the proposed development. These conditions restrict hours of construction works and mitigation methods with regards to dust. These conditions are recommended accordingly.

62. In terms of overbearing and overshadowing impacts, it is considered that the proposals are not overly large in scale. It is considered that given the distance between the proposal and neighbouring residential properties, that no adverse overbearing or overshadowing impacts would be created.

63. It is considered that the proposed development, with the imposition of adequate conditions, would not have a detrimental impact on the residential amenities of existing and future occupiers of neighbouring properties. The proposal would not compromise the aims of GDP1 of the Local Plan.

Visual impact

64. The proposed development is relatively well screened from the main highways to the south and north west. The Tesco’s building and housing provides screening from the south with a combination of housing, allotment gardens and landscape planting providing screening from the north west. The proposed buildings on the site are relatively small scale and would not be overly noticeable from the main street scenes in the surrounding area. It may only be the floodlighting columns that are noticeable from a distance and it is considered that these would not appear adversely intrusive within the surrounding area. The proposed development is considered to be well concealed and sited amongst existing buildings and landscaped areas.

65. The proposed clubhouse, which also houses the changing rooms, is a basic functional building with little design qualities. A sloping roof with a canopy on the pitch side does offer some interest to the proposed clubhouse. Facing brick and aluminium or composite roof panels are proposed for the finished materials. The Design Officer has requested that the finished materials could be reexamined. Alternative materials could provide a quality finish to the building which would raise the attractiveness of the clubhouse. A condition is recommended for a schedule of materials to be submitted and approved prior to works commencing. The means of enclosure is proposed to surround the whole site and could be viewed particulary visible. It is noted that the security of the site is an issue therefore a balance has to be achieved to provide suitable fencing which would not appear obtrusive and would provide adequate security. A condition is recommended for details of fencing to be submitted and agreed prior to works commencing.

66. It is considered that whilst the proposed buildings are not of high architectural quality, the buildings are functional and would not be overly obtrusive within the surrounding area to therefore warrant refusal. The proposed development is relatively well screened and concealed amongst existing buildings and substantial landscaping and would not appear intrusive within the surrounding street scene and would not adversely impact on the visual amenity of the surrounding area. The proposal would not compromise the aims of policy GDP1 of the Local Plan.

Highway issues

67. The proposed access to the site is to remain as existing with some improvements made to the actual junction with the main highway. Parking provision for over 100 vehicles is proposed along with a bus drop off/pick up point and an area for overspill car parking. The Highways Authority has not raised any objections to the proposals. Minor amendments have been suggested to slightly alter the design of the proposed access, to ensure highway safety. These highway access alterations can be sought through a planning condition, and a condition is recommended accordingly.

68. It is considered that the proposed development would not exceed the capacity of the local road network and would not have an adverse impact on highway safety. The proposal would not compromise the aims of policies TR2 and TR3 of the Local Plan.


69. The County’s Archaeology Section have commented on the proposals and requested that an archaeological evaluation of the site is undertaken. The Archaeologist has requested that conditions be implemented to ensure that the development does not compromise any potential archaeological remains on the site. It is considered appropriate to impose these conditions and subsequently they are recommended.

70. An ecology report was submitted with the application and this has been assessed by the Council’s Ecology team. The Ecology team are satisfied with the recommendations and mitigation methods proposed in the report and it is recommended that a condition is imposed ensuring that the mitigation methods are adhered too.

71. A local resident has raised objections to the proposal indicating that the proposal would raise noise and light issues. This is a valid concern however the issue of noise and light has been raised by the Pollution Control team who have suggested conditions which would ensure that residential amenities are not adversely compromised. The resident also states that the proposal would devalue housing prices however this is not a material planning consideration. The local resident has also asked whether Genesis Way site was considered as an option for the proposed football club. The applicant, as part of the PPS4 sequential assessment, had looked at the Genesis Way site however this had been discounted as the proposed site in this application was considered sequentially preferable.

72. Sustrans, the company who own and maintain sections of the Coast to Coast route, have raised concerns to the proposal and requested improvements to parts of the site. The County Council Highways team have required certain alterations to the scheme and have subsequently raised no objections to the proposal. The proposed development is considered to be acceptable in highway terms and would not adversely impact on the Coast to Coast route.


73. The proposed development provides a facility for Consett AFC which also improves the existing sports and recreational facilities on the site for public use. The proposal is therefore considered to be in accordance with guidance contained within PPG17.

74. The applicant has undertaken a sequential assessment which looked at 14 sites for the proposed development. The application site is of the most appropriate size, the most accessible from the town centre by foot and public transport, has good vehicular access, is currently in use as playing fields so that the provision of new changing rooms would benefit the teams using the playing fields. The proposed site is considered the most sequentially preferable site in the area and the proposal therefore complies with policies set out in Planning Policy Statement 4.

75. With the imposition of suitable conditions, the proposed development would not have an adverse impact on the residential amenities of neighbouring occupiers and is therefore in accordance with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside Local Plan.

76. The proposed development is relatively well screened and concealed amongst existing residential properties; the Tesco’s supermarket and mature landscape areas. The proposal would not appear intrusive within the surrounding streetscape and would not be detrimental to the visual amenity of the surrounding area. The proposal accords with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside Local Plan.

77. The Highway authority has not objected to the proposals. The proposed development would not exceed the capacity of the local road network and would not have a detrimental impact on highway safety and therefore would not compromise the aims of policies TR2 and TR3 of the Local Plan.


That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:

1. The development should not be begun later than the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following approved plans:

Plan Ref No. Description Date Received PL1002 Rev G Proposed Site Plan and Location Plan 25/08/2011 AL(0)101 Rev B Football Club House Ground Floor Plan 19/10/2011 AL(0)102 Rev B Football Club House Elevations 19/10/2011 (90)300 Rev F Overall Site and Location Plan 19/10/2011 (90)310 Rev F Football Club Proposed Site Layout 19/10/2011 (00)501 Rev A Contextural elevations 19/10/2011 1001430-TC-001 Proposed Vehicle Access 25/08/2011 Rev A 1002041TC-002 Proposed Road Markings 25/08/2011

Reason: To define the consent and ensure that a satisfactory form of development is obtained.

3. Notwithstanding any details submitted with the application, no development shall commence until a full schedule of all the materials to be used in the external surfaces of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reasons: In the interests of the appearance of the area and to comply with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

4. Notwithstanding any details submitted with the application, no development shall commence until details of the surface treatment and construction of all hardsurfaced areas have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authroity. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the area and to comply with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

5. No development shall commence until a detailed landscaping scheme, incorporating tree constraints plan showing tree removal and protection plan, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to comply with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

6. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscpaing shall be carried out in the first available planting season following the practical completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the substantial completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to comply with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

7. Prior to the commencement of development details of means of enclosure shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The enclosures shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to comply with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

8. Details of the height, type, position, and angle of any floodlights and the capacity and intensity of the lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the development hereby permitted being brought into use. The floodlights shall be erected and maintained in accordance with the approved details.

Reason : In the interests of the amenity of nearby residents and appearance of the area in accordance with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

9. A scheme to minimise energy consumption within the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to occupation of the buildings. The scheme shall include at least 10% decentralised and renewable energy or low carbon sources unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. It shall also include the following details: • Calculation of the baseline annual energy consumption and amended energy consumption building (after energy efficiency measures have been installed) of the development;

• Calculated 10% energy target; • Detailed technology breakdown explaining how the 10% target will be met and why other renewable technologies have been discounted; • Detailed expected annual CO2 emissions and savings from the development; • Copy of the BREEAM assessment. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme prior to first occupation and thereafter retained in perpetuity.

Reason: In order to minimise energy consumption and to comply with the aims of Policy 38 of the RSS and PPS1 and PPS22.

10. No development shall take place unless in accordance with the mitigation recommendations detailed within the Extended Phase 1 and Protected Species Survey of Consett Football Grounds, Consett, Durham: E3 Ecology Limited: (date received 25/08/2011) including, but not restricted to adherence to timing and spatial restrictions; provisions of mitigation in advance; undertaking confirming surveys as stated; adherence to precautionary working methods; provision of bat and birds lofts.

Reason: To conserve protected species and their habitat in accordance with the aims of PPS9.

12. Construction works on the site shall be restricted to the hours of 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs Monday to Fridays and 08:00hrs to 13:00hrs Saturdays. Construction works shall not be undertaken on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of nearby residents and appearance of the area in accordance with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

13. No development shall commence until a scheme which specifies the provisions to be made for mitigating dust from construction works emanating from the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local planning authority. The scheme, as approved, shall be implemented during the construction of the development.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of nearby residents and appearance of the area in accordance with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

14. The use of the football pitch and the flood lighting shall be restricted to the hours of 08:00hrs and 22:00hrs,in any one day , unless a Consett Association Football Club game is required to enter into extra playing time when the use of the time can be extended to 22:30hrs.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of nearby residents in accordance with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

15. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a scheme to improve the existing surface water disposal system has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage of/disposal of surface water from the site. In accordance with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

16. Prior to being discharged into any watercourse, surface water sewer or soakaway system, all surface water drainage from parking areas and hardstandings shall be passed through an oil interceptor installed in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before the development is brought into use. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment and in accordance with policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

17. No development shall commence until a Community Use Scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include details of pricing policy, hours of use, access by community teams, management responsibilities and include a mechanism for review for both the STP and changing accommodation. The approved scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved scheme.

Reason: To secure well managed safe community access to sports facility and in accordance with PPG17.

18. No development hereby approved shall commence until the implementation of a programme of archaeological works in accordance with a mitigation strategy document, including a timetable for the investigation, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall provide for:

i) the proper identification and evaluation of the extent, character and significance of surviving archaeological remains within the application area in accordance with a brief issued by the County Durham Archaeology Section; the evaluation is to be undertaken following the approval of planning permission, ii) an assessment of the impact of the proposed development on any archaeological remains identified in the evaluation phase; iii) proposals for the preservation in situ, or for the investigation, recording and recovery of archaeological remains and the publishing of the findings, it being understood that there shall be a presumption in favour of their preservation in situ wherever feasible; iv) sufficient notification and allowance of time to archaeological contractors nominated by the developer to ensure that archaeological fieldwork as proposed in pursuance of (i) and (iii) above is completed prior to the commencement of permitted development in the area of archaeological interest; and v) notification in writing to the Durham County Archaeologist of the commencement of archaeological works and the opportunity to monitor such works."

The development shall then be carried out in full accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To preserve potential surviving features of local archaeological importance and to comply with policy EN19 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

19. Prior to the development hereby approved becomes occupied, a copy of any analysis, reporting, publication or archiving required as part of the approved archaeological mitigation strategy shall be deposited at the County Durham historic Environment Record. Reporting and publication shall be within one year of the date of completion of the development hereby approved.

Reason: To ensure archaeological information is accessible to the public and to comply with Planning Policy Statement 5.

20. Notwithstanding the information shown on the approved plans, no development shall be commenced until full highway engineering details, including details of road markings, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, and the development hereby approved shall not be in use until the approved details have been implemented.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy TR2 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.


1. The proposed development site is considered the most sequentially preferable site for sporting leisure development in the Consett area. The proposal is acceptable in relation to national guidance PPS1, PPS4, PPG13 and PPG17 and RSS policies and would not conflict with the aims of local policies set out in the Derwentside District Local Plan.

2. The proposed development would significantly improve the existing sport and recreation provision on the site. The overall level and quality of sports and recreation provision available to the local community would be enhanced and therefore in accordance with the aims of PPG17.

3. The proposed buildings are sensitively positioned as not to appear overly dominant and the residential amenities of nearby properties would not be adversely affected. The proposal would not compromise the aims of policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

4. The proposal would not appear visually intrusive within the surrounding street scene and would not have an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the area. The proposal would not be contrary to policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.

5. The proposed development would not have an adverse impact on highways safety and would not exceed the capacity of the local road network. The proposal would accord with policies TR2 and TR3 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.