MEDICAL SERVICES RECRUITMENT BOARD (MRB) 7th Floor, DMS Building, 359, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai-600 006 Website: Email:
[email protected] Phone No.: 044 -24355757 No.18/MRB/2019 Dated: 18.12.2019 Notice to the Candidates who have not completed the registration of online application for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade III Ref: Notification No.18/MRB/2019, Dated.19.11.2019 ***** As per the reference cited above, the Medical Services Recruitment Board has published notification for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade III, 2019. The last date for registration of online application is on 09.12.2019. It is seen from the records that the following candidates listed in the annexure have failed to complete the registration of online application and their applications are incomplete. These applications are liable for rejection. All the candidates listed in the annexure are given an opportunity to complete the registration of online application by clicking “Login for already registered candidates” under Online Registration section of MRB website on or before 24.12.2019 and complete the same before 24.12.2019 including payment. The candidates are further informed that, this is the final chance and if they do not complete their registration of online application on or before 24.12.2019, their incomplete application will be treated as rejected. New Registration of online application will not be allowed during the above period. ANNEXURE APPLN. NO. NAME D.O.B. 800005 JEEVA K 02-06-1985 800006 CHANDRAHAZAN P 19-05-1986 800007 USHARANI D 26-11-1997 800008 VEERAMANI S 15-06-1983 800012 MRS RAJESWARI R 02-06-1988 800013 SENTHIL MURUGAN P 26-06-1994 800015 GOWRI PRIYA S M 25-06-1992 800017 MUHAMMAD IRFAN S U 25-06-1998 Page 1 of 100 APPLN.