The Snow

Queen 2013

Based on the classic fairy tale, tells the story of an evil Snow Queen who blanketed the world in ice and froze a master glassmaker and his wife. Their young son Kay and daughter Gerda are left or- phaned and separated. The Snow Queen captures Kay and dispatches her hench troll to kidnap Gerda as well. But Gerda ends up befriending the troll, and together they evade witches and pirates to try and save Kay.

 Talk about what makes a film scary. Are you more or less frightened by events in animated films or live-action films? Did you think The Snow Queen was scary?

 Why are fairy tales still so popular to remake as movies and TV shows?

 Does this movie make you want to see , Disney's take on the same story? Are you interested in reading Hans Christian Andersen's actual story?

 Why do you think Gerda and the troll become friends? How can you be friends with people who are different from you?

Parent notes: The Snow Queen is a Russian animated adventure that was dubbed in English to reach a broader audience. Like the Disney film Frozen, The Snow Queen is based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale about a world blanketed by ice thanks to the titular villain who hates just about everything. The protagonists are an orphaned brother and sister, and there are several close calls and potentially frighten- ing sequences where they're in danger of being captured, shot at or killed, but in the end, all is well. Closing Prayer: Thank You God for this day and this movie that we can enjoy and learn from! Put the message You want me (us) to learn and put it into our heart. May we grow and be like our Savior, Jesus. Amen