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Article: Barkov, MV and Komissarov, SS (2011) Recycling of neutron stars in common envelopes and hypernova explosions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415 (1). pp. 944-958. ISSN 1365-2966 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18762.x

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[email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/ Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 415, 944–958 (2011) doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18762.x

Recycling of neutron stars in common envelopes and hypernova explosions

Maxim V. Barkov1,2,3⋆ and Serguei S. Komissarov2⋆ 1Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 2Department of Applied Mathematics, The University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT 3Space Research Institute, 84/32 Profsoyuznaya Street, Moscow 117997, Russia

Accepted 2011 March 21. Received 2011 March 14; in original form 2010 December 22

ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a new plausible mechanism of explosions specific to

close binary systems. The starting point is the phase in the evolution of a Downloaded from binary consisting of a red supergiant and a neutron . As the spirals towards the centre of its companion it spins up via disc . Depending on the specific of the gas captured by the neutron star via the Bondi–Hoyle mechanism, it may reach millisecond periods either when it is still inside the common envelope or after it has

merged with the companion core. The high accretion rate may result in the strong differential http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ rotation of the neutron star and generation of the -strength magnetic field. The magnetar can blow away the common envelope if its magnetic field is as strong as 1015 G and can destroy the entire companion if it is as strong as 1016 G. The total explosion energy can be comparable to the rotational energy of a millisecond and reach 1052 erg. However, only a small amount of 56Ni is expected to be produced this way. The result is an unusual Type II supernova with very high during the plateau phase, followed by a sharp drop in brightness and a steep -curve tail. The remnant is either a solitary magnetar or a close

binary involving a Wolf–Rayet star and a magnetar. When this Wolf–Rayet star explodes, it at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 will be a third supernova explosion in the same binary. Key words: stars: – stars: neutron – supernovae: general.

magnetar’s rotational energy in very short period of time. This is 1 INTRODUCTION sufficient to drive extremely powerful supernova explosions, on Usually, neutron stars (NSs) have magnetic field B 1012 Gand the hypernova scale, and to produce powerful gamma-ray bursts rotate with a period of a fraction of a second, the Crab∼ pulsar being (GRBs, e.g. Usov 1992; Thompson, Chang & Quataert 2004). The a typical example. However, we now know that the ‘zoo’ of NSs is turbulence required for the magnetic dynamo action can also be much more diverse and they can have both much weaker and much generated via the magnetorotational instability (Balbus & Hawley stronger magnetic field and rotate with both much longer and much 1991). Calculations based on the linear theory show that in the su- shorter periods. pernova context strong saturation field can be reached very quickly Around 10 per cent of NSs have the surface dipolar magnetic field on the time-scale of only several tens of rotational periods (Akiyama B 1014–1015 G (Kouveliotou et al. 1998). These ‘magnetars’ are et al. 2003; Obergaulinger et al. 2009). believed∼ to be born in core-collapse explosions of rapidly rotating Millisecond are found in low-mass binaries, and it is gen- stars. During the collapse, the proto-NS naturally develops strong erally thought that they have been spun up via disc accretion (Alpar differential rotation, which allows for the generation of magnetic et al. 1982; Archibald et al. 2009). This origin implies mass increase field via α– dynamo (Duncan & Thompson 1992; Thompson & by about 0.2 M compared to normal radio pulsars, whose masses Duncan 1993). The strength of the saturated magnetic field strongly are narrowly distributed⊙ around 1.35 M (Thorsett & Chakrabarty depends on the rotational period, with shorter periods leading to 1999). It is rather difficult to measure⊙ the mass of a millisecond stronger magnetic field and more rapid release of rotational energy. pulsar, but the few available results agree with this prediction of the In order to generate the magnetar-strength magnetic field, the rota- accretion model (Kaspi, Taylor & Ryba 1994; Jacoby et al. 2005; tion period must be around few milliseconds (Duncan & Thompson Demorest et al. 2010). The most massive pulsar found to date, al- 1992). Such a strong field allows to release up to 1052 erg of the most 2 M , is a (Demorest et al. 2010). The magnetic⊙ field of these millisecond pulsars is very low, down to 109 G. Most likely, their initial magnetic field was of similar strength ⋆E-mail: [email protected] (MVB); [email protected] to normal pulsars, but now it is buried under the layers of accreted (SSK) matter (Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Komberg 1974; Alpar et al. 1982).

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The reason why these pulsars could not generate magnetar-strength deal of uncertainty as regards the specific angular momentum of magnetic field in the same way as in the core-collapse scenario is the gravitationally captured gas. In our study, we come back to this the very long time-scale of spinning up compared with the viscous problem, consider realistic models of RSG stars and allow for the time-scale. As a result, the differential rotation remains weak and uncertainty. there is not enough energy for effective magnetic dynamo (Spruit This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we consider the 1999). accretion and recycling of NSs during the in-spiral. We conclude The rotational of the fastest X-ray pulsar is 760 Hz that the outcome is very sensitive to the assumed specific angular (Chakrabarty et al. 2003), whereas the fastest known radio∼ pulsar momentum of the gravitationally captured gas. Given the current has the frequency of 641 Hz (Backer et al. 1982). Most likely, it is uncertainty as regards the angular momentum, it seems possible that the gravitational loss what places the upper limit on the NSs begin to accrete with the Bondi–Hoyle rate while still inside rotation rates because at high spin the r-mode oscillations become CEs. In this case, they rapidly spin up to millisecond periods. In excited (Shapiro & Teukolsky 1983; Levin 1999). Spruit (1999) ar- Section 3, we speculate on the possible mechanisms of generating gued that this instability may also result in magnetic explosions. The magnetar-strength magnetic field and study the magnetic interac- idea is that the heating of NSs, associated with these oscillations, tion of millisecond magnetars with accretion flows typical for the reduces their viscosity and decouples its interior from the outer lay- in-spiral problem. We find that if the magnetar forms inside the ers. Being most disturbed, the outer layers rapidly lose some of their CE and its magnetic field is about 1015 G, the magnetospheric pres- angular momentum via gravitational radiation. This to strong sure can overcome the and drive an outflow, with eventual differential rotation and the generation of the magnetar-strength release of up to 1052 erg of the magnetar rotational energy. If the Downloaded from magnetic field in the NS interior. This field becomes unstable to magnetar forms only after the merger with the core, then higher buoyancy, emerges on the surface, and the magnetically driven pul- magnetic field, 1016G, is required to drive stellar explosions. In sar wind rapidly extracts the rotational energy of the NS. Spruit Section 4, we discuss∼ the properties of such explosions and their (1999) proposed this as an alternative scenario for long GRBs. It is observational signatures. Because the RSG envelope is rich in hy-

unlikely that a supernova-like event can accompany a GRB in this drogen, the supernova will be classified as Type II. Because of the http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ scenario. Although the wind energetics are sufficient, only a small very high energy release and relatively small mass of the RSG, the 9 1 fraction of this energy can be deposited into the companion star, speed of the ejecta is expected to be very high, 10 cm s− , and the 43 1 ∼ simply because of its small geometrical cross-section. Moreover, luminosity at the plateau phase 10 erg s− . However, due to the recent results suggest that the amplitude of r modes may satu- small amount of 56Ni generated∼ in the explosion and the rapid spin- rate at a much lower level due to non-linear interaction with other down of the magnetar, the plateau is followed by a sharp drop in modes (Arras et al. 2003; Brink, Teukolsky & Wasserman 2005; brightness and a steep light-curve tail. We show that the termination Bondarescu, Teukolsky & Wasserman 2007). shock of the magnetar wind produces a high-energy synchrotron and A similar recycling of NSs may occur during the common- inverse-Compton (IC) emission which may energize the tail, but the envelop (CE) phase, after the primary becomes a red super- supernova ejecta soon becomes transparent to this emission, limit- giant (RSG; Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Syunyaev 1971; Paczynski 1976; ing its potential to mimic the effect of radioactive decay. The flux at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 Tutukov & Yungelson 1979; Postnov & Yungelson 2006). Due to of gamma-ray emission is expected to be rather low and difficult to the dynamic friction, the NS then spirals inside the RSG, accret- observe, unless the explosion occurs in the Local Group of galax- ing on its way. Now one can imagine two interesting outcomes of ies. In the case of the off-centre explosion, the remnant is a very such processes. First, the NS may accumulate too much mass and close binary system consisting of a Wolf–Rayet (WR) star and a collapse into a (BH). This BH is likely to be rapidly ro- magnetar, but the strong magnetic field prevents the magnetar from tating and drive a stellar explosion in the collapsar fashion (Fryer & accreting the of the WR wind. Our results are summarized Woosley 1998; Zhang & Fryer 2001; Barkov & Komissarov 2010). in Section 5. Secondly, the NS may first spin up to a millisecond period and In this paper, the dimensional estimates are presented using the n drive a magnetic explosion of the type proposed by Spruit (1999) following notations: the time tx,n is measured in 10 s, the dis- n n 1 but now inside the CE. The magnetar wind can keep energizing such tance Rx,n in 10 cm, the speed Vx,n in 10 cm s− , the mass Mx,n n n 1 supernovae, producing a similar effect to radioactive decay (Kasen in 10 M , the mass accretion rate M˙ x,n in 10 M yr− and the ⊙ n ⊙ & Bildsten 2010; Woosley 2010). High accretion rates may modify magnetic field Bx,n in 10 G. the way the NS is recycled. The accreted gas can form a massive rapidly rotating layer above the NS crust (Inogamov & Sunyaev 1999, 2010). The strong differential rotation between the layer and the NS core may result in the development of the Kelvin–Helmholtz 2 IN-SPIRAL DYNAMICS AND RECYCLING instability when the NS crust melts down under the weight of the OF NEUTRON STARS layer. This may to the turbulence and strong amplification of the NS magnetic field. As the neutron spirals inside its giant companion, it accretes mass The accretion on to NSs during the in-spiral has been studied by and angular momentum. The accretion can proceed at the Edding- Chevalier (1996) who concluded that the high angular momentum ton rate or at the much higher Bondi–Hoyle rate. This depends of the gas gravitationally captured by a NS prevents it from effective on whether the radiation is trapped in the accretion flow and the cooling and keeps the mass-accreting rate well below the neutrino cooling is sufficiently effective (Houck & Chevalier 1991; rate of the Bondi–Hoyle capture. As a result, the NS accumulates Chevalier 1993, 1996; Fryer, Benz & Herant 1996). Only if the ac- very little mass while still inside the CE. On the other hand, he cretion proceeds at the Bondi–Hoyle rate that the recycling of NSs suggested that during the merger with the companion core the mass is sufficiently fast and the explosion can occur during the in-spiral. accretion rate rises and the NS collapses into a BH. While carefully In the Bondi–Hoyle problem, an accreting point mass M is mov- analysing various effects of rotation, Chevalier (1996) did not use ing with a finite speed v through a uniform medium of mass ∞ any particular model for the primary. Moreover, there is a great ρ and sound speed cs, . The Bondi–Hoyle mass accretion ∞ ∞

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n rate is well approximated by the equation for the density distribution inside the RSG, ρ r− ,wealsofind ∝ ˙ π 2 ǫρ nRA/a. This allows us to write equation (6) as MBH RAρ v , (1) =− = ∞ ∞ 1 2 where jA (6 n)R , (8)  = 4 − A 2GM R δ(M ) (2) which has the same dependence on  and RA as in equations (4) A 2 = ∞ v and (5). Given the unsettled of this issue, we will assume that ∞ is the accretion radius and η 2 jA RA, (9) M2 3/4  = 4 δ(M ) ∞ , (3) where η is a free parameter, which reflects our current ignorance. ∞ = 1 M2  + ∞  In our case, M is the mass of the NS and v is its orbital speed. ∞ where M v /cs, is the Mach number (Shima et al. 1985). ∞ = ∞ ∞ Assuming that the interaction does not disturb the RSG inside the The mean angular momentum of accreted matter is zero. orbit, we have The in-spiral problem is more complicated due to the density 2 GM and velocity gradients across the direction of motion of the NS. v ∗ , (10) Provided the gradients are small on the scale of the accretion radius, ≃ a ˙ where a is the orbital radius and M is the mass of the RSG inside the the above expression for M is still quite accurate (Ishii et al. 1993; ∗ orbit. Under the same assumption, ρ and cs, can be replaced with Ruffert 1997, 1999). However, the accreted matter can now have a Downloaded from the density and sound speed of the∞ undisturbed∞ RSG at radius r non-vanishing mean angular momentum. This was first suggested = by Illarionov & Sunyaev (1975) in connection with X-ray binaries, a. The motion of the NS inside the RSG is only mildly supersonic, M 1.4 (Chevalier 1993), allowing us to write where the accretion disc of the BH is fed by the of ≃ the primary. Taking into account only the velocity gradients related aM R 2β NS , (11) to the orbital motion, they found that the mean specific angular A ≈ M momentum of accreted matter inside the accretion cylinder is ∗ http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ where β 0.8 and only weakly depends on the model of the RSG. 1 Given≃ the specific angular momentum, we can estimate the dis- j R2 , (4)  A= 4 A tance from the NS at which the Bondi–Hoyle trapped gas will form where  is the angular velocity of the orbital motion. Shapiro & an accretion disc as Lightman (1976) took into account the density gradient of the wind 2 3 jA 2 4 MNS as well and refined this result, Rc   aη β . (12) = GMNS ≈ M  ∗  1 2 In the literature, this radius is often called the circularization radius. jA RA, (5)  =−2 Since the NS is not a point mass, the accretion disc forms only if at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 where the minus sign shows that the disc rotation is now in the Rc > RNS. When this condition is satisfied, the recycling of the NS opposite sense to the orbital motion. Later, Davies & Pringle (1980) proceeds at the highest rate. criticized the approach used by the previous authors. They general- For R Rc, the accretion on the NS may proceed in more or ized the original calculations of Hoyle & Lyttleton (1939) to include less spherical≫ fashion and is well described by the Bondi solution, the density and velocity gradients and concluded that to the first or- in which the accretion flow becomes supersonic at Racc 0.25RA der in R /h,whereh is the length-scale of the variations, j (for the polytropic index γ 4/3). Its collision with the NS= and/or A  A= 0. The 2D numerical simulations of Ishii et al. (1993) seemed to its accretion disc creates a shock= wave which re-heats the flow. This agree with this conclusion, whereas their 3D simulations still indi- will have no effect on the mass accretion rate only if the following cated the net accretion of angular momentum. Ruffert (1997, 1999) two conditions are satisfied (Chevalier 1996). carried out an extensive 3D numerical investigation of the problem. First, the radiation produced by the gas heated at the accretion Introducing an angle-dependent accretion radius, he also derived shock should not be able to escape beyond RA. If it does, then the another version of the analytic expression for j mass accretion rate is limited by the Eddington value  A 1 ˙ 8 1 j (6ǫ ǫ )v R , (6) MEdd 3 10− M yr− .  A= 4 v + ρ 0 A ∼ × ⊙ This condition is satisfied when the accretion shock radius where 9 1.48 ˙ 0.37 R dρ R dv Rsh 3 10 Rc,6 M0− cm (13) ǫ A and ǫ A (7) ≈ × ρ = ρ dx ρ = v dx is smaller compared with the radiation trapping radius 13 are the dimensionless gradients of density and velocity, respectively, Rtr 3.4 10 M˙ 0 cm. (14) with x being the transverse Cartesian coordinate. However, the nu- ≈ × For this to occur, M˙ BH has to exceed the critical value merical results did not agree with this expression, with jA varying   ˙ 3 1.08 1 between 7 and 70 per cent of what is available in the accretion Mcn1 1.1 10− Rc,6 M yr− (15) cylinder. Moreover, in the simulations, only the cases with either ≈ × ⊙ (Chevalier 1996). This result was derived assuming that R > R the velocity or the density gradient were considered, whereas in c NS and ignoring the corrections. the in-spiral problem both are present. Although the computational Secondly, the shock has to be inside the sonic surface of the resources and numerical algorithms have improved since 1999, no Bondi flow.1 Otherwise, this shock cannot be a part of the stationary further attack on this problem has been attempted yet and the issue of jA remains open.   1 For the in-spiral problem v0 a, v(x) v0 x and ǫv The shock radius in equation (13) is obtained assuming a cold supersonic = = + = RA/a,wherea is the orbital radius of a NS. Assuming a power law flow at infinity

C  2011 The Authors, MNRAS 415, 944–958 C Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  2011 RAS Recycling of neutron stars and hypernovae 947 solution and hence the Bondi-type accretion cannot be realized. This envelope of the RSG primary. However, for such a small value of η, condition is satisfied when M˙ BH exceeds the critical value the accretion disc becomes very compact and may even disappear, ˙ 4 2.7 4 1 in which case the recycling efficiency is reduced. Mcn2 10 Racc− ,8Rc,6 M yr− (16) ≈ ⊙ Fig. 2 shows all the characteristic radii of the in-spiral problem (Chevalier 1996). As we shall see, this condition is more restrictive. for η 0.1. One can see that for models RSG20 and RSG25, the disc = A note of caution has to be made at this point. The analytical accretion domain has a > 3 1010 cm. For model RSG20He, this × expression for the accretion shock radius (13) is based on a number domain includes the whole stellar envelope and for model RSG25He of assumptions and simplifications and its accuracy has not yet been it splits into two zones. What is most important is that in all models tested via numerical simulations. At the moment, this can only be the accretion begins to proceed with the Bondi–Hoyle rate while considered as an order of the estimate. When Rc becomes still in the disc regime. as small as the NS radius, this expression gives Rsh which exceeds Once the accretion disc is formed, the specific angular momentum the value given by the more reliable spherically symmetric model of of the gas settling on the NS surface is that of the last Keplerian Houck & Chevalier (1991) by a factor of 10 (see equations 13 and orbit. In this case, the star will reach the rotational rate  after 23). Two reasons explain this disagreement. First, in the spherically accumulating symmetric models, the gravity is relativistic, whereas in the models I 2 with rotation, it is Newtonian. Secondly, the models use different M 0.18 M0RNS,6P 3 M , (17) ≃ jK ≃ − ⊙ assumptions on the geometry of the neutrino cooling region. It

2 Downloaded from appears that equation (13) becomes increasingly less accurate when where I (2/5)MRNS is the final of the NS and ≃ Rc approaches RNS, overestimating Rsh. As a result, equation (16) jK is the Keplerian angular momentum at the NS radius. Obviously, overestimates the value of M˙ cn2. We also note that the critical rates the same mass is required to recycle the observed millisecond pul- are quite sensitive to the parameter η, sars in low-mass binaries and this allows us to conclude that the NS may well reach the gravitationally unstable rotation rate before ˙ 2.16 ˙ 8 Mcn1 η and Mcn2 η . collapsing into a BH. ∝ ∝ http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ In this study, we have considered six different models of the RSG. When the accretion proceeds at the Bondi–Hoyle rate, the NS In the first two models, we assumed that the mass distribution in mass and orbit are related approximately as n σ the stellar envelope is the power law ρ r− with n 2 (model aend Minit RSG2) and n 3 (model RSG3). In both∝ these models,= the total , (18) = ainit = Mend M 25 M , the helium core mass Mc 1/3M ,and   the inner and the∗ = outer radii⊙ of the power-law envelope= are 7 ∗ 109 where σ Ma/˙ Ma˙ . Chevalier (1993) found that for a 10-M =− and 7 1013 cm, respectively. For these models, all calculations× RSG σ varies slowly between 5 and 7. According to these results, the⊙ can be× made analytically. This not only helps to develop a feel NS increases its mass by 0.2 M after its orbital radius decreases by for the problem, but also provides useful test cases for numerical only a factor of few. This shows⊙ that the ‘window of opportunity’, at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 subroutines. The next two models are based on where the disc accretion can proceed at the Bondi–Hoyle rate, does calculations and describe the RSG in the middle of the He-burning not have to be particularly wide. In order to obtain a more accurate phase (Woosley, Heger & Weaver 2002; Heger et al. 2004). Their estimate, one could integrate the evolution equation zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) masses are M 20 M (model 2 1 a˙ 4πG Mρ M ρ − = ⊙ ζC ζ 3 , RSG20He) and M 25 M (model RSG25He). These data were 3 2 3/2 D = a =− v M (1 M− ) + + ρ kindly provided to us by Alexander⊙ Heger. The last two models,  ∗   + (19) RSG20 and RSG25, describe a pre-supernova RSG with the same 2 where ρ is the average density of the primary inside r a, C ZAMS masses. They have very extended envelopes, increasing the = D ≈ chance of a CE phase. 6.5 is the drag coefficient (Shima et al. 1985) and ζ 1 MN /M = + ∗ Fig. 1 shows the Bondi–Hoyle and the critical accretion rates for (Chevalier 1993). Figs 3 and 4 show the results of such integration these six models and the two extreme values of the parameter η, for models RSG20, RSG25 and RSG25He, assuming that the hy- representing the cases of both very efficient (η 1) and rather inef- peraccretion regime begins near the stellar surface and at a 3 10 = × ficient (η 0.1) accretion of angular momentum= (see equation 9). 10 cm, respectively. One can see that in all these cases the gravi- One can see= that the condition of radiation trapping is not very tationally unstable rotation rate is reached when a decreases by less restrictive. For η 1itissatisfiedforR < 3 1011 cm in models than a factor of 5, in good agreement with the original estimate. = R < 12 × For η 1, the mass accretion rate is low and the NS cannot spin RSG20 and RSG25, for 3 10 cm in models RSG20He and = RSG25He, and much earlier for×η 0.1. up significantly inside the CE. What occurs in this case depends on = On the contrary, the condition M˙ BH > M˙ cn2 can be quite re- the details of CE evolution. The CE can either be ejected leaving strictive. In fact, it is never satisfied when η 1. In this case, the behind a close NS–WR binary or survive, leading to a merger of the circularization radius is always too far away= from the NS and the NS and the RSG core (Taam & Sandquist 2000). The configuration neutrino cooling is not efficient enough. For η 0.1, the results after the merger is similar to that of the Thorne-Zydkow object seem more promising as this condition is satisfied= long way be- (Thorne & Zytkow 1977; Barkov, Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Lamzin fore the NS merges with the core. For RSGs in the middle of the 2001). The common view is that such objects cannot exist because He-burning phase, this occurs almost at the same point where the ra- the effective neutrino cooling leads to hyperaccretion and prompt diation becomes trapped and a bit later for the pre-supernova RSGs. collapse of the NS into a BH. This conclusion is based on the Thus, for η 0.1, the NS already begins to hyperaccrete inside the spherically symmetric model, where the circularization radius is = zero and the flow stagnation surface coincides with the surface of the NS. However, during the in-spiral the orbital angular momentum 2 These models can be downloaded from the website http://homepages. of the NS is converted into the spin of the primary. Thus, one would spa.umn.edu/ alex/stellarevolution/. expect the core to be tidally disrupted and form a massive accretion ∼

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Figure 1. Accretion rate as a function of the position inside the RSG primary for six different models: RSG2 (left-hand top panel), RSG3 (right-hand top panel), RSG20He (left-hand middle panel), RSG25He (right-hand middle panel), RSG20 (left-hand bottom panel) and RSG25 (right-hand bottom panel). The Bondi–Hoyle rate, M˙ B–H, is shown by the thick solid lines, the critical value M˙ cn1 is shown by the dotted (η 0.1) and dashed (η 1) lines, and the critical = = value M˙ cn2 is shown by the thin solid (η 0.1) and dot–dashed (η 1) lines. = = disc around the NS. As a result, the cooling rate will be lower explosion (Komissarov & Barkov 2007). The magnetosphere be- compared with that found in the spherically symmetric case. It is comes locked under the pile of accreting matter and a separated not obvious for how long this configuration may exist. However, mechanism, for example, the standard neutrino-driven explosion, is this again opens the possibility of the recycling of the NS up to the required to release it. However, the density around the Fe core of gravitationally unstable rotation rate and magnetically driven stellar pre-supernovae is very high, leading to very high accretion rates. In explosion. our case, the accretion rates are expected to be significantly lower. In the case of core collapse, even the magnetic field of magne- In the next section, we explore if they are low enough to allow tar strength cannot prevent accretion and fails to drive the stellar purely magnetically driven explosions.

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Figure 2. The characteristic radii of the in-spiral problem as functions of the position inside the RSG primary for the same models as in Fig. 1 and η 0.1. = The orbital radius is shown by the solid line, the sonic point, Racc, is shown by the dotted line, the accretion shock radius is shown by the dashed line and the circularization radius, Rc, is shown by the dot–dashed line.

3 MAGNETIC EXPLOSION angular velocity decreasing outwards. This allows the generation of super-strong magnetic field via the α– dynamo (Duncan & 3.1 Magnetic field generation Thompson 1992; Thompson & Duncan 1993) or magnetorotational instability (Burrows et al. 2007). The main route to the formation of ‘magnetars’ is believed to be In our case, the conditions are rather different. The NS is already the core collapse of rapidly rotating stars. During the collapse, the fully developed, with a solid crust, when it enters the envelope of proto-NS naturally develops strong differential rotation, with the its companion. The typical NS crust has the thickness h 105 cm ≈

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Figure 3. Evolution of the NS in the case when the Bondi–Hoyle regime begins at the surface of the RSG primary for models RSG25He (left-hand panel), RSG20 (middle panel) and RSG25 (right-hand panel). The lines show the accreted mass normalized to M (solid line), the angular momentum of the NS ⊙ normalized to the critical value jc Ic,wherec 760 Hz (dot–dashed line), and the orbital radius normalized to its initial value (dashed line). = = Downloaded from http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/

Figure 4. The same as in Fig. 3, but for the case when the Bondi–Hoyle regime starts at a 3 1010 cm. at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 = ×

14 3 and the density at the bottom ρ 10 gcm− (see e.g. Gnedin, the neutrino diffusion time. Following the analysis of Lattimer & Yakovlev & Potekhin 2001; Lattimer∼ & Prakash 2007). The NS Prakash (2007) and Barkov (2008), this time can be estimated as may have already been spinned up via the accretion from the stellar hτν wind, but its rotation rate may still be well below the critical for td , (20) ∼ c the development of the instability. In any case, where τ hρ /m is the optical depth of the hot envelope the accreted gas of the companion’s envelope forms a very rapidly ν ν p for the neutrino= emission. Assuming equilibrium with the elec- rotating layer above the crust. As long as the crust exists, this tron fraction Y 0.05, the mean neutrino cross-section is about layer and the NS core are basically decoupled and interact mainly e  σ ǫ kT /m=2c4,whereσ 1.7 10 44 cm2 (Bahcall 1964) gravitationally. A strong tangential discontinuity exists at the outer ν ν ν e e ν − and≈ǫ 3.15kT is the mean energy= × of the neutrino (Thompson, boundary of the crust (Inogamov & Sunyaev 1999, 2010). ν e Burrows≈ & Meyer 2001). The temperature can be estimated as As the mass of the outer layer increases, the crust pressure goes 1/4 up. Because of the degeneracy of the crust matter, its pressure E 12 1/4 1/4 1/2 T 10 E h− R− K, depends mainly on its density, and only weakly on the temperature. e π 2 52 5 NS,6 ≈ 4 arhRNS ≈ When the density reaches the critical value ρ 1014 gcm 3,the   cr − where a 7.564 10 15 erg cm 3 K 4 is the radiation constant. crust begins to melt down (Brown 2000), and the∼ barrier separating r − − − The corresponding= × diffusion time is quite short, the NS core and its outer rotating layer disappears. If we ignore the 3/2 1/2 centrifugal force, then this occurs when the NS accumulates mass 0.1h5 ρ14E52 td s. comparable to the crust mass, 0.05 M . The centrifugal force ∼ RNS,6 significantly reduces the effective∼ gravitation⊙ acceleration and the Another process is the development of the Kelvin–Helmholtz above estimate for the layer mass is only a lower limit. Assuming instability, the production of the turbulence and amplification of v v 1010 cm s 1, the rotational energy of the layer at the time φ K − magnetic field. For the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability to develop, of melting≈ ∼ may well reach 1052 erg. Once the crust has melted, the Richardson number J has to be less than 1/4 (Chandrasekhar the core and the layer can begin∼ to interact hydromagnetically, with 1961). In our case up to E 1052 erg of energy in differential rotation to be utilized. One possibility∼ is viscous heating and neutrino emission. We gh J 2 0.2RNS,6h5, (21) can estimate the neutrino luminosity as L E/t ,wheret is ≈ vφ ≈ ν ≈ d d

C  2011 The Authors, MNRAS 415, 944–958 C Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  2011 RAS Recycling of neutron stars and hypernovae 951 where g GM /R2 is the gravitational acceleration and we interaction between the magnetosphere and the disc,4 but will focus ≈ NS NS use MNS 1.5 M . Thus, the instability condition is marginally on the interaction with the low angular momentum flow of the satisfied.= Once the⊙ turbulence has developed, the magnetic field regions which accretes directly on to the NS avoiding the disc. In amplification is expected to proceed as discussed in Duncan & order to simplify the problem, we will treat this flow as spherically Thompson (1992). The e-folding time is given by the eddy turnover symmetric, keeping in mind that its mass accretion rate is only a time, which one would expect to be below the rotation period fraction of the Bondi–Hoyle rate. of the outer layer. Thus, strong magnetic field can be generated The extent of the magnetosphere is often estimated by the balance on the time below the viscous and the neutrino diffusion time- between the magnetic pressure and the ram pressure of accreting scale.3 This conclusion is supported by the recent numerical sim- flow. This is fine when the accretion shock is close to the NS. If not, ulations of similar problems, which show that the time as short as the thermal pressure at the magnetospheric radius can be signifi- 0.03 s can be sufficient to generate dynamically strong magnetic cantly higher compared both to the actual ram pressure at the shock field (Obergaulinger et al. 2009; Rezzolla et al. 2011). The strong and to the ram pressure that would be found at the magnetospheric toroidal magnetic field can suppress the instability if ρv2 3 1017 G. This is likely to de- this case, the initial radius of the emerging magnetosphere is rather termine the saturation strength of× magnetic field. Such a strong determined by the balance of the magnetic pressure and the thermal magnetic field is also buoyant (Spruit 1999) and will emerge from pressure of the quasi-hydrostatic ‘settling’ flow downstream of the under the NS surface into the surrounding accretion flow. accretion shock (Mineshige et al. 1991). Another possibility of generating super-strong magnetic field in Assuming that the accretion flow in the polar region is approx- Downloaded from the recycled NS was proposed by Spruit (1999) with an application imately spherical, we can describe it using the analytical model to X-ray binaries. In this model, the NS spins up to the critical developed by Houck & Chevalier (1991). Repeating their calcu- rotation rate where it becomes unstable to exciting r modes and lations with the more accurate cooling function, adopted later in gravitational radiation (Levin 1999; Spruit 1999). This may lead Chevalier (1996),

to effective braking of the outer layers of the NS and developing 9 http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ 25 kT 3 1 strong differential rotation. Recent studies, however, suggest that ǫ˙ 10 erg cm− s− (22) n = MeV non-linear coupling with other modes leads to the saturation of the   r mode at a much lower amplitude (Arras et al. 2003; Brink et al. (Dicus 1972; Brown & Weingartner 1994) and using the adiabatic 2005; Bondarescu et al. 2007), though the mass accretion rates index γ 4/3, we find the accretion shock radius = assumed in these studies are much lower than those encountered in 8 40/27 1/27 10/27 R 8.2 10 f R M− M˙ − cm, (23) CEs. sh ≃ × 1 NS,6 0 0 where

1/2 64/27 R 2R − − 3.2 Criteria for explosions f NS g

1 1 (24) at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 1 = R − R − Depending on the mass accretion rate, this may just modify the  g  NS   2 properties of the accretion flow near the star, the ‘accretor’ regime, and Rg GM/c is the gravitational radius of the NS. (In the calcu- or drive an outflow (e.g. Illarionov & Sunyaev 1975). In the latter lations,= we assume the Schwarzschild space–time.) For reasonable case, two different regimes are normally discussed in the litera- masses and radii of NSs, 0.27 < f < 0.62. In particular f 0.54 1 1 = ture, the ‘propeller’ regime and the ‘ejector’ regime. In the ejector for M M and RNS 10 km. Downstream of the shock we have regime, the magnetosphere expands beyond the light cylinder and an adiabatic= ⊙ subsonic flow= with the mass density develops a pulsar wind. In the propeller regime, the magnetosphere 3 R − remains confined to the light cylinder. If the magnetic axis is not ρ ρ , (25) = sh R aligned with the rotational axis, then the magnetosphere may act  sh  in a similar fashion to an aircraft propeller, driving shock waves where into the surrounding gas, heating it and spinning it up. If the en- 7 M˙ ergy supplied by the propeller is efficiently radiated away, this may ρsh (26) = 4π 1/2 3/2 lead to a quasi-static configuration (e.g. Mineshige, Rees & Fabian (GM) Rsh 1991). If not, the most likely outcome is an outflow, followed by the is the mass density at the shock, the pressure expansion of the magnetosphere, and the transition to the ejector 4 6 R − regime. p p (R ) , (27) = 7 ram sh R This classification is applied both in the case of quasi-spherical  sh  accretion and in the case of disc accretion. In the disc case, the where external gas above and below the disc is usually not considered as M˙ √GM important dynamical element. However, in our case, this is not true p (R ) (28) ram sh π 5/2 because the accretion disc is rather compact and feeds from a more = 4 Rsh or less spherical component of the accretion flow. If the expanding is the ram pressure of the free-falling flow at the shock, the temper- magnetosphere removes this component, the disc will no longer ature be supplied with mass and quickly disappear, no matter what its 12 1/4 regime is. For this reason, we will not consider the complicated T p , (29) = 11a  

3 8 23/4 2 4 The viscous dissipation time-scale is very long tvis 10 R T s An interested reader may find out more about the disc–magnetosphere ≈ NS,6 9 (Shapiro 2000). interaction from Ustyugova et al. (2006) and references therein.

C  2011 The Authors, MNRAS 415, 944–958 C Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  2011 RAS 952 M. V. Barkov and S. S. Komissarov where a is the radiation constant, and the radial component of 4- (Mineshige et al. 1991), exceeding by several orders of magnitude velocity the accretion power ˙ GMM˙ M 45 1 ˙ 1 u . (30) Lacc 8 10 M0RNS− ,6M0 erg s− . (40) =−4πρR2 = RNS ≃ × Assuming that the magnetosphere expands until its magnetic This suggests that the magnetosphere easily blows away the accret- pressure equals the gas pressure,5 we find the radius of the dipolar ing matter and expands beyond the light cylinder, thus creating the conditions for a proper pulsar wind from the NS. magnetosphere with the surface strength BNS to be One may argue that the accretion flow could re-adjust to the new 6 3/4 17/9 2/9 2/9 R 5 10 f − R M− M˙ − B cm. (31) m = × 1 NS,6 0 0 NS,15 conditions, with the accretion shock moving farther out, the temper- For this to be above the NS radius, the mass accretion rate should ature at the magnetospheric radius rising and the enhanced neutrino not exceed cooling compensating for the propeller heating, Ln Lpr. (A similar problem has been analysed by Mineshige et al. 1991.)= Given the ˙ 3 27/8 9/2 4 1 1 Mcr 1.3 10 f − B R M− M yr− . (32) strong dependence of the neutrino emissivity on the temperature, ≃ × 1 NS,15 NS,6 0 ⊙ the cooling is expected to be significant only in the close vicinity The traditional criterion for the propeller regime is that the mag- of the magnetosphere. In the non-magnetic case, most of the cool- netospheric radius is below the light cylinder radius ing occurs in the volume comparable to the NS volume (Houck &

cP 6 Chevalier 1991). This suggests that in our case the cooling volume Downloaded from RLC 4.8 10 P 3 cm (33) = 2π ≃ × − will be approximately the same as the volume of the magnetosphere. and above the corotation radius Then the energy balance can be written as 1/3 π GM 4 3 6 2/3 1/3 R ǫ˙n(T ) Lpr, (41) Rcor 1.5 10 P 3 M0 RNS,6 cm , (34) m = 2 ≃ × − 3 =   whereǫ ˙ (T ) is given by equation (22). Solving this equation for R , http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ at which the magnetosphere rotates with the local Keplerian veloc- n m simultaneously with the pressure balance ity. 6 The ejector regime is realized when R > R . In terms of the 1 Rm − m c p(R ) B2 , (42) mass accretion rate, the propeller regime criterion can be written as m = 8π 0 R  NS  where p(R) is given by equation (27), we find that M˙ ej < M<˙ M˙ pr Rm 5/18 1/6 1/18 2/9 and the ejector regime criterion as 0.6BNS,15RNS− ,6 M0 P 3 , (43) RNS ≃ − M<˙ M˙ ej, independently of the mass accretion rate. Since in this solution Rm < where RNS, we conclude that the accretion flow cannot re-adjust itself and at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 will be terminated by the emerged magnetosphere. ˙ 2 27/8 5/2 17/2 9/2 3 1 Mpr 2 10 f1− M0− RNS,6BNS,15P −3 M yr− (35) In the case of cold NSs, the pulsar wind power ≃ × − ⊙ 2 4 and μ  2 49 2 6 4 1 L 1 sin θ 6 10 B R P − erg s− , w 3 m NS,15 NS,6 3 ˙ 27/8 1 17/2 9/2 9/2 1 ≃ c + ≃ × − Mej 1.1f1− M0− RNS,6BNS,15P −3 M yr− . (36) (44) ≃ − ⊙ where μ B R2 is the star magnetic moment and θ is the angle The latter is much stronger and even if only a fraction of the total = 0 NS m mass accretion rate is shared by the quasi-spherical component, it between the magnetic moment and the rotational axis of the NS could be satisfied only during the early phase of the in-spiral (see (Spitkovsky 2006). For a hot NS, the mass loading of the wind can Fig. 1). More likely, the emerged magnetosphere will operate in the be substantial, leading to even higher luminosity (Bucciantini et al. propeller regime. 2006; Metzger, Thompson & Quataert 2007). The energy released The sound speed in the Houck & Chevalier (1991) solution de- in the magnetically driven explosion is the rotational energy of the pends only of the NS mass and the distance from the NS, NS 1 9 1/2 1/2 1 2 52 2 2 cs 6.2 10 M0 R6− cm s− . (37) Erot I 1.6 10 M0RNS,6P 3 erg , (45) ≃ × = 2 ≃ × − The linear rotational velocity of the magnetosphere, where I (2/5)M R2 is the NS moment of inertia. ≃ NS NS 9 1 1 Inside the RSG core, the accretion rate is expected to be much vrot 4.8 10 P −3 R6 cm s− , (38) ≃ × − higher. For example, in model RSG20He, the core density ρ 8.6 2 3 19 2 2 ≃ × is generally higher and thus we have the so-called supersonic pro- 10 gcm− and the pressure p 1.3 10 gcm s− , yielding the peller. The power generated by such a propeller is roughly rate ≃ × 2 (GM)2ρ 4π (Rm) 5 1 2 M˙ B π 4.3 10 M yr− . (46) Lpr pmRm ≃ c3 ≃ × ≃ 3 cs s ⊙ 50 9/8 1/2 2 ˙ 1/3 1/6 1 (39) For such a high accretion rate, the propeller regime requires the 1.3 10 f1 BNS,15P −3 M0 M0 erg s− ≃ × − magnetic field to be well in excess of 1015 G, similar to what is required in the magnetar models of GRBs. Whether such a strong 5 As a result of its oscillations, the NS can become quite hot and fill the mag- dipolar magnetic field can be generated is not clear at present, as the netosphere with substantial amount of plasma. In this case, the centrifugal observations of known magnetars suggest lower values. However, force will need to be included in the force balance, yielding an even higher this could be a result of the short decay time expected for such a value for Rm. strong field (Heyl & Kulkarni 1998).

C  2011 The Authors, MNRAS 415, 944–958 C Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  2011 RAS Recycling of neutron stars and hypernovae 953

As the magnetically driven explosion develops, a 4 SUPERNOVA PROPERTIES propagates through the body of the RSG. Where the post-shock temperature exceeds T 109 K, 56Ni is produced in abundance 4.1 The plateau Ni (Woosley et al. 2002). In≃ order to capture the shock dynamics, we Since the NS has to reach the maximum allowed rotation rate before need to know the structure of the accretion flow on to the NS, which it explodes, the model predicts the explosion energy around 1052 erg, has been established before the explosion. This flow is rather com- putting it on the level of hypernovae. The corresponding ejecta speed plicated because of its rotation and without computer simulations will be very high we can only make very rough estimates. 9 1/2 1 First, consider the polar region where the flow is more of less v 10 M− cm s− , (47) ej = ej,1 spherically symmetric. Equation (13) shows that the accretion shock where Mej,1 is the ejected mass. is quite close to the NS, particularly when it is near the RSG core, Since the progenitor is a RSG, the supernova spectra will show and hence most of the flow can be described using the free-fall hydrogen lines and would be classified as Type II. As the NS spirals model. The ram pressure of the accretion flow in this model is given through the weakly bound outer envelope of its RSG companion, by it drives an outflow with the speed about the local escape speed ˙ 1 2 M√2GM 5/2 and the mass-loss rate about M yr− (Taam & Sandquist 2000). ρv R , (52) ff π − The total in-spiral time is about⊙ few initial orbital periods. For a = 4 1/2 14 where v (2GM/R) is the free-fall speed. Close to the NS, the Downloaded from RSG with mass 20 M and thew radius R 10 cm, this yields ff = 6 1⊙ 8= speed of the explosion shock, v , is much less compared to v and vesc 5 10 cm s− and tins few 10 s. Thus, we expect a sh ff hydrogen-rich= × circumstellar shell∼ of few× solar masses to exist at a can be found from the pressure balance equation distance of 1015cm at the time of the supernova explosion. The 2 E ∼ ρv2 , (53) presence of such a shell will delay the transition to the adiabatic γ 1 ff = 4πR3 +

expansion phase and increase the supernova brightness similar to http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ where R is the shock radius and E L t is the energy injected by how this occurs in Type IIn supernovae (Chugai et al. 2004; Smith w the magnetar. This yields = et al. 2007, 2008; Woosley, Blinnikov & Heger 2007). Following Kasen & Bildsten (2010), the supernova luminosity 2M˙ √2GM t R1/2 (54) during the phase of adiabatic expansion can be estimated as = (γ 1)L + w E t and thus the shock speed increases with the distance. This approxi- L rot e , (48) 2 mation breaks down at the radius ≃ td 2MGM˙ where te R0/vej is the expansion time-scale and R0 is the progenitor = Rt , (55) radius, and = (γ 1)Lw

+ at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 1/2 where vsh vff . The gas temperature exceeds TNi inside the radius 3 Mejk = td (49) R determined by the equation = 4π cv Ni  ej  2 2 a 4 is the radiative diffusion time-scale and k is the opacity. (In the ρvff TNi, (56) 2 1 γ 1 = 3 estimates below, we use k 0.4 cm g− , the value for Thomson + in the fully ionized= plasma.) It is assumed that the initial and the total mass of the produced 56Ni can be estimated as magnetar spin-down time-scale is smaller compared to te,which MNi Mt˙ Ni, (57) is certainly satisfied in our case, given the large required magnetic = field, 1015–1016 G. For the characteristic parameters of the model, where tNi is the time required for the shock to reach RNi according we have to equation (54). From equations (55–57), we find that 8 1 5 1 6 1/2 1/2 R 10 M˙ L− cm, (58) t 10 R v− s,t 8 10 M v− s, (50) t 6 w,50 e ≃ 0,14 ej,9 d ≃ × ej,1 ej,9 = and 7 ˙ 2/5 RNi 7.8 10 M6 cm, (59) 43 1 = × L 1.6 10 R0,14Mej,1 erg s− . (51) ≃ × ˙ 11/5 1 MNi 0.003 M6 Lw−,50 M . (60) This high luminosity will be sustained for up to t td, after which = ⊙ the trapped radiation, generated by the blast wave when∼ it was cross- Thus, only a relatively small amount of 56Ni can be produced even ing the star, escapes and the luminosity drops. It most normal Type II for the highest mass accretion rates allowed in this model. supernovae, the luminosity after this point is sustained via the ra- In the equatorial plane, the accretion shock can be pushed all the 56 dioactive decay of isotopes, mainly Ni, produced by the supernova way towards Racc (see Section 2). Downstream of the shock, the shock in the high-density environment around the collapsed core. flow is highly subsonic with However, in our model, the is significantly different 3 R − from that of normal pre-supernovae. ρ ρ0 . (61) = R  0  The highest density is achieved when the accretion shock is in- 4.2 56Ni production finitely weak and this law is applied up to the sonic point Racc.In If the explosion occurs after the NS is settled into the centre of this case, we can put R0 Racc and ρ0 ρ , the mass density of = = ∗ 2 3 the RSG. The equation for shock speed is now RSG20He, then the core density is only ρc 8 10 gcm− and 8 ≃ × 2 its temperature Tc 1.9 10 K, and RA GM/c is the Bondi 2 E ≃ × = s ρv2 , (62) accretion radius. γ 1 = 4πR3 + C  2011 The Authors, MNRAS 415, 944–958 C Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  2011 RAS 954 M. V. Barkov and S. S. Komissarov which yields the shock radius wind nebulae. For example, the study of the Crab by Kennel / & Coroniti (1984) indicates that immediately behind the termination 2 (γ 1)L 1 2 R + w t 1/2. (63) shock most of the energy is in the form of ultrarelativistic π 3 = 3 8 ρ Racc  ∗  and only a fraction of it is in the magnetic field and there is no good RNi is now determined by the equation reason to expect this to be different for magnetar winds. However, 4 the magnetic field of a 1-yr-old magnetar wind nebula (MWN) is 2 2 aTNi ρv , (64) expected to be very strong, making the synchrotron cooling time γ 1 = 3 + very short. 56 where the mass of the produced Ni is still given by equation (57). One can estimate the magnetic field strength via the pressure Combining equations (63) and (64), we find balance at the termination shock M MR˙ 9/7ρ3/7L1/7. Ni acc w (65) L B2 ∝ ∗ w , (68) The highest values for M are obtained inside the RSG core. For π 2 π Ni 4 Rwc = 8 9 6 1 model RSG20He, where Racc 5 10 cm, M˙ 10 M yr− (see ∼ 2 × 3 ∼ ⊙ where Rw is the radius of the termination shock. Assuming that Figs 1 and 2) and ρ 5 10 gcm− ,wefindMNi 0.02 M . ∗ ∼ × ≃ ⊙ R v t, this yields Although significantly higher, this is still small compared to the w ≃ ej mass deduced from the observations of most supernovae. 2 1 1 6 3 B 0.3 t7− BNS− ,15vej−,9 G . (69)

If the density behind the shock wave is lower than 10 gcm− , ≃ Downloaded from ˙ 6 1 which corresponds to M<10 M yr− , then the photon dissoci- The lowest energy electrons accelerated at the termination shock 56 ⊙ ation of Ni becomes important as well (Magkotsios et al. 2010). of the have the Lorentz factor γ 106 (Kennel & Thus, our estimation gives only an upper limit to the amount of the Coroniti 1984). In the magnetic field of the MWN,∼ they produce 56 produced Ni . synchrotron with energy Another potential source of 56Ni is the wind from the accretion

1 3/2 2 http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ disc itself, like in the collapsar model of a GRB. Without a robust Eν 100 B− v− t − keV (70) ≃ 0,15 ej,9 7 disc model, it is difficult to figure out how effective this mecha- nism is. For example, in the numerical simulations of MacFadyen and their synchrotron cooling time & Woosley (1999), the outcome was dependent on the rate of the t 104 t 4B2 v2 s (71) introduced ‘viscous’ dissipation. In any case, the much lower ac- syn ≃ 7 NS,15 ej,9 cretion rates encountered in our model suggest that the amount of is shorter compared to the dynamical time-scale for few years after 56Ni will be lower too. Thus, we conclude that our model predicts the explosion. significant deficit of 56Ni. The observations of the Crab nebula also show that the electrons are accelerated up to the radiation reaction limit (de Jager et al.

4.3 The long-term effects of the magnetar wind 1996; Komissarov & Lyutikov 2011). Assuming that the same is at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 true in our case, we expect the synchrotron spectrum to continue up It has been suggested recently that the long-term activity of mag- max to Eν,syn 100 MeV and the highest energy of the electrons to be netars born during the core collapse can power the supernova ≈ max 1/2 1/2 light curves, mimicking the effect of radioactive decay (Kasen & Ee 100 t7BNS,15vej,9 TeV . (72) Bildsten 2010; Woosley 2010). In these studies, it was assumed that ≃ 2 the rotational energy of the magnetar, released at the rate t− ,is These electrons also cool via the IC scattering on the soft pho- converted into heat at the base of the supernova ejecta. One∝ mech- tons produced by the supernova shell. The ratio of the IC to the anism of such heating is purely hydrodynamical, via the forward synchrotron energy losses ξ usoft/uB,whereusoft is the energy = 2 π shock wave involved in the collision of the fast magnetar wind with density of the soft radiation and uB B /8 is the magnetic en- = the slower supernova ejecta. In our case, however, this shock is the ergy density. During the plateau phase supernova shock and it is not present since the break-out. The other Lsoft mechanism, heating by the radiation produced at the termination u , (73) soft ≃ 4πR2 c shock of the magnetar wind, remains in force and here we explore ph its efficiency. where Rph is the radius of the . Combining this result Combining equations (44) and (45), it is easy to obtain the well- with equation (68), we find known law of the asymptotic spin-down of magnetic rotators 2 3 1/2 Lsoft Rw Ic 1 1/2 1 ξ . (74)  40 B− t − s− (66) ≃ L R = 2μ2t ≃ NS,15 7 w  ph    and As we have seen, Lsoft can be much higher than Lw but, on the 2 3 other hand, Rw can be much lower than Rph. Thus, it is hard to 1 I c 41 2 2 1 Lw 10 B− t − erg s− . (67) tell whether the IC emission can compete with the synchrotron one = 4 μ2t 2 ≃ NS,15 7 without detailed numerical simulations.6 After the plateau phase, (In this section, we use R 106 cm and M 1.5 M .) The last NS NS usoft drops dramatically and we expect the synchrotron losses to be = 15 = ⊙ equation shows that unless B < 10 G the supernova luminosity will dominant. drop dramatically after the plateau phase. Such evolution has been observed in some supernovae, for example, SN 1994W (Tsvetkov 1995; Sollerman, Cumming & Lundqvist 1998). 6 max max In order to see how exactly this energy can be used to heat the Should the IC losses dominate, Ee and Eν,syn are to be reduced by the supernova ejecta, we can appeal to the observed properties of pulsar factors ξ 1/2 and ξ, respectively.

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For photons with energy E m c2 0.5 MeV, the main source will be ν ≤ e ∼ of opacity is the Compton scattering in the Thomson regime. The peak 12 2 2 2 2 1 F 3 10− B− t − d− erg cm− s− , (79) corresponding optical depth is ≃ × NS,15 p,7 1 2 2 2 where tp is the time when the peak is reached. For the synchrotron τ σ M /4πm (tv ) 6M t − v− , (75) T ≃ T ej p ej ≃ ej,1 7 ej,9 component, the spectral energy distribution is expected to peak where σ is the Thomson cross-section. Thus, the shell becomes around E 100 keV (see equation 70). T ν = transparent in about 1 yr after the explosion. The typical energy of photons from radioactive decays is around 1 MeV and hence the 4.4 Remnant ejecta opacity to these photons is similar. As a result, the synchrotron photons and the photons from radioactive decays are utilized with What is left behind after the explosion depends on where inside the similar efficiency. RSG it occurs. As we have demonstrated, this strongly depends on 2 When Eν mec the scattering is in the Klein–Nishina regime the mean specific angular momentum of the gas captured via the ≫ 2 and the cross-section is smaller, σ KN 3σ Tmec /8Eν (Lang 1980). Bondi–Hoyle mechanism. If it is as high as proposed in the early For 100-MeV synchrotron photons, this≈ yields investigations (Illarionov & Sunyaev 1975; Shapiro & Lightman

2 2 2 1976), then the NS will accrete only at the Eddington rate until it τ 10− M t − v− (76) KN ≃ ej,1 7 ej,9 settles into the core of its companion. What would happen after this and these photons begin to escape already after 10 d or so. However, is not clear. The current view is that the neutrino cooling will be provided the spectrum of the shock-accelerated electrons is a power sufficiently high for the accretion to proceed at the Bondi rate and Downloaded from p law N(E) E− with p > 2, which is expected to be the case, the that the NS collapses into a BH (Zel’dovich, Ivanova & Nadezhin contribution∝ of such highly energetic photons to the energy transport 1972). However, this conclusion is based on spherically symmetric is lower. models. The high rotation rate developed in the core of the primary The IC photons with energy E > (2m c2)2/E 1.2 TeV during the in-spiral means that instead of directly accreting on to the ν e ν,soft ≃ will also interact with the soft supernova photons via the two- NS the core will form a torus, whose neutrino cooling may not be http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ pair-production reaction (here we used Eν,soft 1eV).The very effective, in which case such a configuration can be relatively corresponding opacity can be estimated as = long-lived. Moreover, the mass accretion will be accompanied by the efficient recycling of the NS, so one can still expect the NS to turn σT Lsoft 1 1 τ 2L v− t − . (77) into a millisecond magnetar before its mass becomes high enough γγ ≃ 5 4π(v t)cE ≃ soft,41 ej,9 7 ej soft for . Even if the magnetar-driven explosion Thus, we expect the ejecta to become transparent to the IC emission fails in the dense environment of the core, and the NS eventually soon after the end of the plateau phase. collapses into a BH, this will be a rapidly rotating BH accompanied The above calculations show that during the plateau phase the by a massive accretion disc – the configuration characteristic of high-energy emission from the termination shock of the magnetar the collapsar model for a GRB. However, in contrast to the GRB wind is deposited in the ejected envelope. However, this additional progenitors, the envelope of the RSG star is not sufficiently compact at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 heating has little effect on the supernova luminosity. Indeed, the for the relativistic jet to penetrate it during the typical lifetime of increase in the luminosity due to this heating can be estimated as the GRB central engine. Instead, the jet energy will be deposited in the RSG envelope and most likely result in a supernova explosion, E (t)t L (t)t 2 L rot w L (t ) L. (78) leaving behind a BH remnant. Interestingly, the mass of the pre- t 2 t 2 w d ≃ d ≃ d = ≪ supernova could be below the limit for BH formation in the normal 2 For t > td the energy deposition rate does no longer scale as t− course of its evolution as a solitary star. (cf. Woosley 2010) as the ejecta becomes transparent to the high- If the angular momentum is much lower, as suggested by Davies energy emission. For example, if the synchrotron emission is the & Pringle (1980), then the explosion occurs when the NS is still 4 main channel of heating, then the rate scales as L τ t− when τ< inside the RSG envelope and then the remnant is likely to be a w ∝ 1, and the rate due to IC emission is likely to decline even faster. close binary consisting of a WR star and a magnetar.7 In order to Out of the well-studied supernovae known to the authors, none fits show this, we first note that the pressure inside the core of the RSG 19 3 the above description. The closest example is SN 1994W (Cortini at the He-burning phase is pc 10 erg cm− and much higher et al. 1994; Sollerman et al. 1998). This is one of the brightest Type at the pre-supernova phase (Woosley∼ et al. 2002). This has to be 43 1 II supernovae with the peak luminosity 10 erg s− . After around compared with the pressure inside the high-entropy bubble, created ∼ 41 1 120 d its luminosity drops dramatically down to 10 erg s− .The by the magnetar, ∼ tail of its light curve is very steep showing very small mass of L t 56 p w (80) the ejected Ni (Sollerman et al. 1998). In fact the data can be b π 3 4.6 ≃ 4 Rb approximated by L t− . All these properties agree nicely with ∝ our expectations. On the negative side, the spectral data indicate where Rb vbt is the bubble radius, vb is its expansion speed and = the lower ejecta speed and the presence of a very slow component t is the time since the explosion. We are interested in its value at 1 with v 1000 km s− . This supernova is classified as Type IIn and the time when the bubble radius is comparable with the separation ∼ 10 seems to be explained very well in the model involving a collision between the NS and the RSG core. Taking Rp 10 Rb,10 cm and = between the SN ejecta and a massive circumstellar shell ejected few t Rb/vb,wefindthat = years earlier in the giant stellar eruption (Chugai et al. 2004; Smith 19 1 2 3 p 10 L v− R− erg cm− . (81) et al. 2007, 2008; Woosley et al. 2007). b ≃ w,49 b,9 b,10 The power of the escaped high-energy emission can be estimated τ as L L e− . As usual in such cases, it will peak when τ 1, 7 γ ≃ w ∼ The 2D numerical simulations by Fryer et al. (1996) have indicated the which may occur within the first year after the explosion. For a possibility of a neutrino-driven explosion during the CE phase, also leaving source at the distance d 10d Mpc, the corresponding total flux behind a close binary system. = 1

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If the explosion occurs while the NS is still well inside the RSG 5 CONCLUSIONS envelope, then Rb,10 1andPb < Pc. Thus, the magnetar wind cannot destroy the core.≫ Another point is whether the gravitational The main aim of this study was to investigate whether during the CE coupling between the NS and the core is strong enough for the phase of a close binary, involving a RSG and NS, the NS can spin binary to survive the high mass-loss during the explosion. Such a up to a millisecond period and generate magnetar-strength magnetic destruction is unlikely because for a sufficiently small separation field. If possible, this would result in magnetically driven stellar ex- at the time of the explosion most of the mass-loss will come from plosion, releasing up to 1052 erg of the magnetar’s rotational energy the envelope, which has no effect on the gravitational attraction inside the RSG. between the NS and the core. It turns out that the outcome is very sensitive to the specific The magnetar wind will interact with the WR wind and will angular momentum of the gas gravitationally captured by the NS terminate when the radius of magnetar magnetosphere drops below during the in-spiral. Should it be as high as suggested in the early the light cylinder radius. The magnetospheric radius is determined papers by Illarionov & Sunyaev (1975) and Shapiro & Lightman by the pressure balance (1976), the accretion rate is low and neither the mass nor the spin of the NS will increase significantly until the NS settles into the 2 6 B R − M˙ v NS m WR WR , (82) centre of the RSG. This is because the accretion disc forms too far 2 8π RNS = 4πa from the NS, its temperature remains rather low, and it is unable   to cool effectively via neutrino emission, which is very sensitive

which yields Downloaded from to temperature. As a result, the accretion shock is pushed too far, 9 1/3 ˙ 1/6 1/6 1/3 beyond the sonic point of the Bondi-type flow, thus preventing the Rm 6 10 BNS,15MWR− , 5vWR− ,8a11 cm . (83) ≃ × − accretion from reaching the Bondi–Hoyle rate (Chevalier 1996). The Using equation (66) to find the light cylinder radius, we estimate CE can either be ejected, leaving behind a close NS–WR binary, or the termination time of the magnetar wind as survive, leading to a merger of the NS with the RSG core (Taam &

Sandquist 2000). It is not clear what exactly would occur following http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ 4/3 ˙ 1/3 1/3 2/3 tw 25 BNS− ,15MWR− , 5vWR− ,8a11 yr . (84) ≃ − the merger, as we cannot treat this case using our approach. The The Bondi–Hoyle accretion radius of the magnetar in the WR wind common belief is that the NS will begin to accrete at the Bondi rate and collapse into a BH. However, this conclusion is based on models 2GM 10 2 with spherical symmetry, whereas the strong rotation developed by RA 2 4 10 vWR− ,8 cm (85) = vWR ≃ × the system during the merger makes the assumption of spherical symmetry unsuitable. It may still be possible that the NS spins up is above the magnetospheric radius, indicating that the magnetar to a millisecond period and becomes a magnetar before its mass may begin to accrete when its corotation radius reaches the limit of gravitational collapse. 1/3 If, on the contrary, the angular momentum is much lower, more

GM at University of Leeds on April 1, 2016 R 5 109 B2/3 t 1/3 cm (86) in line with the analysis of Davies & Pringle (1980), the accretion cor = 2 ≃ × NS,15 13   can begin to proceed at the Bondi–Hoyle rate when the NS is still exceeds Rm. Ignoring the decay of the magnetar’s magnetic field, inside the CE. Further investigations of the Bondi–Hoyle accretion we find that this will occur at via 3D numerical simulations are required to clarify this issue. Once the NS becomes a millisecond magnetar, its emerging mag- 5 1 ˙ 1/2 1/2 t 7 10 BNS− ,15MWR− , 5vWR− ,8a11 yr . (87) netosphere interacts with the accretion flow. If this occurs while the ≃ × − NS is still inside the CE and the magnetic field is as strong as In fact, this time exceeds the expected decay time of the magnetar 1015 G, the interaction is most likely to begin in the propeller magnetic field ∼regime and then quickly proceed to the ejector regime, given the 4 2 small radius of the light cylinder. Strong magnetar wind blows away tdec 10 B15− yr (88) ≃ the CE and drives an explosion whose energy is likely to exceed the (Heyl & Kulkarni 1998). However, the relatively weak dependence standard 1051erg of normal supernovae. However, the core of the of Rm on BNS indicates that the effect of magnetic field decay is companion survives and the explosion leaves behind a very close minor and for the whole duration of the WR phase of the companion binary, consisting of a magnetar and a WR star. In spite of the very the magnetar will not be accreting. Instead, the magnetar will exhibit close separation and the very strong wind from the WR star, the NS the behaviour typical for soft gamma-ray repeaters or anomalous is shielded from the wind by its magnetosphere and prevented from X-ray pulsars (Thompson & Duncan 1996). accreting. Later on, when the WR star explodes, this will be a third Normally, a close high-mass binary system can produce at most explosion produced in the system. Moreover, the rapid rotation and two supernovae. However, our results suggest that in some cases the compactness of this WR star show that this explosion can be this number can be increased to three. Indeed, in our model, the first accompanied by a GRB (Barkov & Komissarov 2010). explosion creates the NS itself. When this NS spirals into its com- If the magnetar forms only after the merger with the core, then panion, the second, now off-centre, explosion occurs. Finally, when a higher magnetic field, 1016G, is required to explode the star. the core of the WR star eventually collapses, there is another explo- In this case, the remnant∼ is a solitary magnetar. If, however, the sion. Moreover, the very close separation between the magnetar and magnetar-driven explosion fails and the NS collapses into a BH, WR star makes this binary system a promising GRB progenitor (e.g. this will be a rapidly rotating BH with a massive accretion disc. Barkov & Komissarov 2010). Indeed, the WR star is very compact Although this is exactly the configuration proposed in the collapsar so the relativistic GRB jets can break out in a reasonably short time model of GRBs, the relativistic jets will not be able to escape from and the spin–orbital interaction ensures that the WR star is rapidly the extended envelope of the RSG and produce such a burst. Instead, rotating. These are the two most important properties which a long they will deposit their energy inside the envelope and drive a Type II GRB progenitor must have. supernova.

C  2011 The Authors, MNRAS 415, 944–958 C Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  2011 RAS Recycling of neutron stars and hypernovae 957

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