CIRCLE HOOK To enable the release of salmon and sea trout fishing on land, have the use of circular hook for all field fishing has been imposed. For catch and release should be possible in river fishing in the river is use of circular hook the best solution. This is for salmon fishermen in At present an unfamiliar fishing method and some skepticism still rests to the use of circular hooks in fresh water among those who have not used them earlier. The reason the circle hook is important and unique is that it do not attach to the fish's throat, tongue or gills when the bait is pharynx. Instead, the hook is pulled out of the fish's throat when laced pulls the hook, and the hook places itself in the fish's mouth. With tremendous force (the principle of breakage) is the hook tip pressed through the jaw and creates a good hook attachment that does not damage the fish notable.

"REAL" CIRCLE HOOK In order for the fish not to be damaged, genuine circular hooks must be used. The market has many good circle hooks from well-known brands like Owner, VMC, Mustad, Eagle Claw, Berkley and more. But almost all hooks are hybrid versions and have either twisted hook stem or not enough inward bending at the hook tip. Unfortunately, this causes them to hooks many fish in the throat and before the hook slides to the mouth. And real circle hook should have the right hook stem and an angle of the hook tip as is 90 degrees or more, pointing straight at the hook stem or inward towards the hook bend. Such hooks almost always attach correctly and are the only hooks you can 100% go for.

RECOMMENDATION Of the well-known brands, Mustad Demon Circle is a circle hook we recommends during field fishing in the river. The requirement to make a "real" circular hook is straight stem and indentation more than 90 degrees inwards the hook bend. The hook is sold in several places locally in , and in Bodø. Nordnes Camp & Bygdesenter also sells this. See pictures of a "real" circle hook below. The hook tip does not bend outside the hook stem Here is the alternative (a) which is a "real" circle hook

The hook tip does not bend outside the hook stem

Here is the alternative (a) which is a "real" circle hook