Volume 4, Number 4 December 2008 oue4 ubr4December 2008 Volume 4, Number 4 BANKING OF CENTRAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL


Modeling Short-Term Spreads in the Money Market Nuno Cassola and Claudio Morana under Uncertainty about the Nature of Asset-Price Shocks David L. Haugh Inflation: Do Expectations Trump the Gap? Jeremy M. Piger and Robert H. Rasche Leadership in Groups: A Monetary Policy Experiment Alan S. Blinder and John Morgan Inflation Targeting and Target Instability Robert J. Tetlow Policy Rate Guidance and Financial Market Functioning Richhild Moessner and William R. Nelson International Journal of Central Banking

Volume 4, Number 4 December 2008

Modeling Short-Term Interest Rate Spreads in the 1 Euro Money Market Nuno Cassola and Claudio Morana

Monetary Policy under Uncertainty about the Nature 39 of Asset-Price Shocks David L. Haugh

Inflation: Do Expectations Trump the Gap? 85 Jeremy M. Piger and Robert H. Rasche

Leadership in Groups: A Monetary Policy Experiment 117 Alan S. Blinder and John Morgan

Inflation Targeting and Target Instability 151 Robert J. Tetlow

Central Bank Policy Rate Guidance and Financial 193 Market Functioning Richhild Moessner and William R. Nelson

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ISSN: 1815-4654 International Journal of Central Banking

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