Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station NPDES Permit No. SC0030856
Prepared for SCE&G, VC Summer Station Highway 215 and Bradham Blvd -Jenkinsville, South Carolina 29065 COOLING WATER INTAKE STRUCTURE ·DATA V.C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 4Q CFR § 122.2l(r)(3) SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY JENKINSVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA Prepared by Geosyntec t> consultants engineers I scientists I innovators 1255 Roberts Boulevard, Suite 200 Kennesaw, Georgia 30144 Project Number GK5356 January 2019 Geosyntec t> consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. IN"1RODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 2. FACILITY AND CWIS DESCRIPTIONS .......................................................... 3 2.1 Cooling Water Intake Structure Configuration ........................................... 4 2.2 Cooling Water Intake Structure Coordinates ............................................... 6 2.3 Cooling Water Intake Structure Operation ....................................... : .......... 7 2.3.1 Traveling Screen Operation ............................................................ 7 2.3.2 Circulating Water Pumps ............................................................... 7 2.3.3 Clarifier Raw Water Pumps ........................................................... 8 2.4· Flow Distribution and Water Balapce ............................ :............................ 8 2.5. Engineering Drawings········································:········································· 8 3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION· ....................................................................
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