Action on Smoking and Health, 5/11 Mortimer Street, London WIN 7RH. (01)637 9843 Action Research for the Crippled Child, see National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit, Kingsbourne House, 2291231 High Holborn, London WCIV7DA. (01)405 4017 Advisory Centre for Education, 18 Victoria Park Square, Bethnal Green, London E29BP. (01) 9804596 Advisory Committee for the Education of Romanies and Other Travellers, Mary Ward Centre, 42 Queen Square, London WC 1. (0 I) 831 7079 Advisory Committee on the Supply and Education of Teachers, Elizabeth House, York Road, London SEI 7PH. (01) 9289222 ext 2432 Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education, 19b De Montfort Street, Leicester LE I 7GE. (0533) 542770 Advisory Service on Entry to Teaching in Scotland, 5 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5AF. (031) 556 0072 Africa Centre, 38 King Street, London WC2 E8JS. (01) 836 1973 Africa Educational Trust, 38 King Street, London WC2E8JS. (01) 8365075 Age Concern, Bernard Sunley House, 60 Pitcairn Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 3LL. (01)640 5431 Age Concern (Northern Ireland), 128 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT27BG. (0232) 245729 Age Concern (Scotland), 33 Castle Street, Edinburgh. (031) 225 5000 Age Concern, 1 Park Grove, CardiffCFI3BJ. (022)3718211371566 Agricultural Development and Advisory Service. Look in local telephone directory under Agriculture, fisheries and food, Ministry of. Headquarters, Great House, Horseferry Road, London SWI. (01)2166311 Agricultural Education Association, The Lincolnshire College of Agriculturel Horticulture, Gaythorpe Court, Grantham, Lincoln NJ323EP. Loveden (0400) 72521 Agricultural Research Council, 160 Great Portland Street, London WIN 6DT. (01) 5806655 Agricultural Training Board, Bourne House, 32/34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR34PB. (01)6504890 Air Training Corps, RAF Newton, Nottingham NG 13 8HR. (0949) 20771 ext 441 American University Bureau, clo CLC, 2091212 Tottenham Court Road, London WI. (01) 6362212 ext 18 Apex Trust, 31133 Clapham Road, London SW90JE. (01) 5823171 Architectural Association, 34/36 Bedford Square, London WCIB 3ES. (01) 636 0974 Art and Design Admissions Registry, Imperial Chambers, 24 Widemarsh Street, Hereford HR49EP. (0432) 266653 Arts Council of Great Britain, 105 , London WI OAU. (01) 629 9495 Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Riddel Hall, 181a Strandmillis Road, Belfast BT95DU. (0232) 663591 Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen's Square, London WCIN 3AR. (01) 8373474 Assessment of Performance Unit, clo Department of Education and Science, Address List 241

Elizabeth House, York Road, London SE17PH. (01)9289222 Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association, Gordon House, 29 Gordon Square, London WCIHOPX. (01)388 5861 Associated Examining Board, Wellington House, Station Road, Aldershot, Hants GU1IIBQ. (0252) 25551 Associated Lancashire Schools Examining Board, 12 Harter Street, Manchester MI6HL. (061)2280084 Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WCIH 9BH. (01) 672 0942 Association for All Speech Impaired Children, 347 Central Markets, Smithfield, London ECIA 9NH. (01) 2366487 Association for Cultural Exchange, Babraham, Cambridge CB24AP. (0223) 835977 Association for Fair Play in Scotland, 39 Hope Street, Glasgow G26 AE. 0412042300 Association for Head Teachers in Scotland, Secretary: Mrs M Crooks, I Culzean Avenue, Prestwick, Ayrshire. (0292) 77843 Association for Jewish Youth, 50 Lindley Street, London EI3AX. (01) 7906407 Association for Liberal Education, Chairman: Brian Young, Mid-Kent College of Further and Higher Education, City Way, Rochester, Kent. (0634)47171 Association for Recurrent Education, c/o A. Gould, Social Sciences Department, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE II 3TU. (0509) 63171 Association for Religious Education, Secretary: Mrs Brenda Hoddinoh, 17 Clover Close, Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX29JH. (08676) 3030 Association for Sandwich Education and Training, Secretary: Malcolm Brewer, Sheffield City Polytechnic, 33 Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield S 10 3BP. (0742) 665274 Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WCIH9HJ. (01)3881382 Association for the Teaching of the Social Sciences, 15 Serpentine Road, Marborne, Birmingham B17. (021)4261777 Association of Agricultural Education Staffs, General Secretary: Mr. E.W. Yates, 43 St John's Road, Mogerhanger, Bedford MK44 3RJ. (0767) 40464 Association of Agriculture, Victoria Chambers, 16/20 Strutton Ground, London SWIP2HP. (01) 2226115 Association of Blind and Partially Sighted Teachers and Students, 128 Finchfield Lane, Finchfield, Wolverhampton WV38EU. (0902)761056 Association of British Correspondence Colleges, 6 Francis Grove, London SWI94DT. Association of British Riding Schools, 7 Deer Park Road, Sawtry, Cambridgeshire PEI75IT. (0487) 830443 . Association of Careers Advisers in Colleges of Higher Education, College of Ripon and York St John, Lord Mayor's Walk, York Y03 7EX. (0904) 56771 Association of Christian Teachers, 130 City Road, London ECIV 2NJ. (01) 2501966 Association of Colleges for Further and Higher Education, Hon. Secretary: Dr. Trolley, Sheffield City Polytechnic, Pond Street, Sheffield S II WB. (0742) 20911 Association of Commonwealth Universities, 36 Gordon Square, London WCIH OPF. (01) 387 8572 Association of County Councils, 66a Eaton Square, Westminster, London SWI W9PH. (01) 235 1200 Association of Directors of Education in Scotland, Secretary: I.S. Flett, Director of 242 Address List

Education, Regional Offices, Wemyssfield, Kirkcaldy KY1IXS. (0592)622351 Association of Education Officers, c/o Chief Education Officer, Education Office, Chapel Street, Salford M3 5TL. (061) 8329751 Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services, Secretary Mr M.E. Thorn, c/o Careers Service, 38 University Road, University of Leeds, Leeds LS29JT Association of Heads of Independent Schools, Stower Cottage, Wavering Lane, Gillingham, Dorset SP84NX. (07476) 2261 Association oflndependent Further Education Establishments, c/o The Secretary, 47 Red Lion Street, London WCIR4FP. Association of Lecturers in Colleges of Education in Scotland, Gordon Hill College of Education, 76 Southbae Drive, Glasgow G131PP. (041)959 1232 Association of Metropolitan Authorities, 36 Old Queen Street, London SWIH 9JE. (01) 2228100 Association of Nursery Training Colleges, The Princess Christian College, 26 Wilbraham Road, Fallowfield, Manchester MI46JX. (061) 224 4560 Association of Polytechnic Teachers, Thogmorton House, 27 Elthinstone Road, Southsea, Hants P05 3HP. (0705) 818625 Association of Principals in Sixth Form Colleges, J. Glazier, South East Essex Sixth Form College, Thundersley, Benfleet, Essex. (03745) 56111 Association of Principals of Colleges, Hon. Secretary: Mr. L.K. Street, East Herts College, Turnford, Broxbourne, PW106AF. (09924)66451 Association of Professions for the Mentally Handicapped, 126 Albert Street, London NWI7NF. (01)267 6111 Association of Recognised English Language Schools, 125 High Holborn, London WCIV6QD. (01)2423136 Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staff, 79 Camden Road, London NWI9ES. (01) 2674422 Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, 3 Belgrave Square, London SWIX 8PL. (01) 2355050 Association of Teachers in Penal Establishments, c/o Valerie Pryce, H.M. Prison, Winchester, Hampshire (0962) 54494 Association of University Teachers, United House, I Pembridge Road, London W113HJ. (01)221 4370 Association of Voluntary Aided Secondary Schools, lOe Reddon Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 ILZ. (01) 7787270 Association of Voluntary Independent Schools, Mr P.H. Hutton, c/o Wolverhampton Grammar School, Compton Road, Wolverhampton. (0902) 21326 Association of Workers for Maladjusted Children, Secretary: John Cross, New Barns School, Church Lane, Toddington, Gloucestershire GL545DH. (024269)200


Barnardo's, Tanners Lane, Barkingside, liford, Essex IG6IQG. (01) 5508822 Beechwood College, Elmete Lane, Roundhay, Leeds LS82LQ. (0532) 720205 Board of Deputies of British Jews, Education & Youth Committee, Woburn House, Upper Woburn Place, London WCI. (01) 3873952 Bodleian Library, Oxford OXI3BG. (0865)244675 Address List 243

British Academy, 20121 Cornwall Terrace, London NWI4QP. (01) 4875966 British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education, 16 Park Crescent, London WIN 4AP. (0 I) 636 5351 British Association for Early Childhood Education, Montgomery Hall, Kennington Oval, London SEII5SW. (01) 5828744 British Association for Sporting & Recreational Activities for the Blind, c/o Mrs P. Turner, 74 Connington Crescent, Chingford, London E46LB. (01) 524 1515 British Association of Arts Therapists, I3c Northwood Road, London N65TL. British Association of State Colleges in English Language Teaching (BASCELl), Secretary: Rod Bolitho, South Devon Technical College, Newton Road, Torquay, Devon TQ25BY. (0803) 35711 British Association of Teachers of the Deaf, c/o Richard Eldridge, Rycroft Centre, Royal Schools for the Deaf, Stanley Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire SK86RF. (061)4375951 British Association of the Hard of Hearing, 16 Park Street, Windsor, Berkshire SL4ILU. British Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters, Broadcasting House, London WIA IAA. (01) 580 4468 British Broadcasting Corporation Local Radio. There is a list of BBC Local Radio Stations in Second Chances. Also look in your local yellow pages under radio broadcasters. British Computer Society, 13 Mansfield Street, London WIM OBP. (01) 6370471 British Council, Headquarters, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW I A 2BN. (0 I) 930 8466 British Council of Churches, 2 Eaton Gate, London SWIW9BL. (01)7309611 British Crafts 'Centre, 43 Earlham Street, London WC2H 9LD. (01) 8366993 British Deaf Association, 38 Victoria Place, Carlisle, CAl lHU. British Dyslexia Association, 4 Hobart Place, London SWIWOHU. (01) 2358111 British Epilepsy Association, Crowthorne House, New Wokingham Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG 113A Y. (03446) 3122 British Epilepsy Association, Northern Ireland Region, Claremont Street Hospital, Belfast BT96AQ. (0232) 248414 British Esperanto Association, 140 Holland Park Avenue, London W II 7UF. (0 I) 727 7821 British Federation of Music Festivals, Festival House, 198 Park Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire. (0625) 28297 British Film Institute, 81 Dean Street, London WIV6AA. (01)4374355 British Institute of Management, Management House, Parker Street, London WC2B 5PT. (01)405 3456 British Institute of Mental Handicap, Wolverhampton Road, Kidderminster, Worccestershire DYIO 3PP. (0562) 850251 British Library - Copyright Receipt Office, Store Street, London WCIE 7DG. (01) 6361544 - Lending Division, Great Russell Street, London WCI3DG. (01) 636 1544 - Newspaper Library, Colindale Avenue, London NW95HE. (01)200 5515 - Readers Admissions Office, Great Russell Street, London WCIB3DG. (01)636 1544 - Science Reference Library, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London WC2. (019)405 8721 244 Address List

British Medical Association, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC IH 9JB. (01) 3874499 British Museum, Bloomsbury, London WCI. (01)6361555 British Music Information Centre, 10 Stratford Place, London WI. (01)499 8567 British Psychological Society, St Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East, Leicester LEI 70R. (0533) 549568 British Red Cross Society, 9 Grosvenor Crescent, London SWIX 7EJ. (01) 2355454 British Refugee Council, Bondway House, 3 Bondway, London SW8ISJ. (01)582 6922 British Safety Council, 62/64 Chancellors Road, Hammersmith, London W69RS. (01)7411231 British Shipping Careers Service, 30/32 St Mary Axe, London EC3A8ET. (01)283 2922 British Talking Book Service for the Blind, Nuffield Library, 224 Great Portland Street, London WIN 6AA. (01) 388 1266 British Talking Book Service for the Blind Student Tape Library, Braille House, 338/346 Goswell Road, London ECIV 7JE. (01) 8379921 British Wireless for the Blind Fund, 226 Great Portland Street, London WIN 6AA. (01) 388 1266 British Youth Council, 57 Chait on Street, London NWIIHU. (01) 3877559 British Youth Council in Scotland, 4 Queensferry Street, Edinburgh EH24PA. (031)2254111 Broadcasting Support Services, 252 Western Avenue, London W3 6XJ. (0 I) 992 5522 Brook Advisory Centre, 153 East Street, London SE 172S0. (01) 708 1234 Business Education Council, Berkshire House, 168/173 High Holborn, London WCIV 7AG. (01) 3797088 Business Graduates Association Ltd, 87 Jermyn Street, London SWIY 6JO. (01) 930 9368/9 c

Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge. (0223) 61441 Campaign for Comprehensive Education, 17 Granard Avenue, Putney, London SWI5. (01) 7885831 Campaign for Mentally Handicapped People, 16 Fitzroy Square, London WIP 5HQ. (01) 3879571 Campaign for State Supported Alternative Schools, c/o ACE, 18 Victoria Park Square, London E2 9PB. (0 I) 980 4596 Campaign for the Advancement of State Education, Secretary: Mrs Hilary Minor, 135 Farnham Road, Guildford, Essex. (0483) 3490 I Careers and Occupational Information Centre, Moorfoot, Sheffield SI4PQ. (0742) 753275 Careers and Occupational Information Centre (Scotland), 5 Kirkloan, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EHI2 7HO. (031) 3349821 Careers Research and Advisory Centre, Bateman Street, Cambridge CB2ILZ. (0223) 354551 Caribbean Teachers Association, c/o Mr Hart, 8 Camberwell Green, London SE5. (01)708 1293 Address List 245

Catholic Education Council, 41 Cromwell Road, London SW7 2D1. (01) 5847491 Catholic Teachers Federation, Eden Vale, Stone Road, Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent, ST12 9HR. (0782) 659104 Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges - Seymour Mews House, Seymour Mews, London WIH 9PE. (01) 486 5101 - 3 Bruntsfield Crescent, Edinburgh EHI04HD. (031)447 8024 - 16 Malone Road, Belfast BT95BN. (0232) 664418 Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work - Derbyshire House, Saint Chad's Street, London WCIH 8AD. (01) 2782455 - West Wing, Saint David's House, Wod Street, Cardiff CFIIES. (0222)26257 - 9 South Saint David Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BW. (031) 5562953 - 14 Malone Road, Belfast BT95BN. (0233) 665390 Central Council for Physical Recreation, 16 Upper Woburn Place, London WCI. 01388 1277 Central Film Library, Chalfont Grove, Gerrads Cross, Buckinghamshire SL98TN. (02407) 4111 Central Register and Clearing House, 3 Crawford Place, London WIH 2BN. Central Services Unit, Crawford House, Precinct Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester MJ39EP. (061)273 6464 Centre for Employment Initiatives, 5 Tavistock Place, London WC IH 9SS. (01) 387 7341/7719 Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, 20 Terrace, London SWIY 5AP. (01) 8392626 Centre for the Teaching of Reading, University of Reading School of Education, 29 Eastern Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG 15RU. (0734) 62662 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 14 Bedford Row, London WC I R 4ED. (0 I) 242 1941 Child Poverty Action Group, I Macklin Street, London WC2 5NH. (01) 2423225 Children's Legal Centre, 20 Compton Terrace, London N I 2UN. (01) 359 9392 Choir Schools Association, Kings School, Mackean House, The Precinct, Rochester, Kent MEl lTD. (0765) 2134 Christian Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Fox Covert, Willen, Milton Keynes MK 15 9AB. (0908) 61050 I Christian Education Movement, 2 Chester House, Pages Lane, London NIO IPR. (01) 444 8383 Church of Board of Education, Church House, Dean's Yard, London SWIP 3NZ. (01) 2229011 Church of England Children's Society, Old Town Hall, Kennington Road, London SE114QD. (01)735 2441 Church of Scotland Department of Education, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH24YN. (031)225 5722 City and Guilds of London Institute, 76 Portland Place, London WIN 4AA. (01) 580 3050 Clothing and Allied Products Industry Training Board, Tower House, Merrion Way, Leeds LS28NY. (0532)441331 College of Occupational Therapists, 20 Rede Place, London W24TU. (01) 2299738 College of Preceptors, c/o Mr P. Daniels, Coppice Row, Theydon Bois, Epping, Essex CMI67DN. (92781)2727 College of Speech Therapists, 6 Lechmere Road, London NW25BU. (01)459 8521 College of the Sea, 202 Lambeth Road, London SE I 71W. (0 I) 261 9535 246 Address List

Commission for Racial Equality, Elliot House, 10/12 Allington Street, London SWIE5EH. (01)828 7022 Committee of Directors of Polytechnics, 309 Regent Street, London WI. (01) 6379939 Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, 29 Tavistock Square, London WCIH 9EZ. (01) 3879321 Commonwealth Institute, Kensington High Street, London W8 6NQ. (01) 6034535 Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, 36 Gordon Square, London WCIH OPF. (01) 387 8572 Community and Youth Workers Union, 25 Longbridge Close, New Mill, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 5HQ. (044282) 2905 Community Education Association, c/o CEDC, Briton Road, Coventry CV24LF. (0203) 44081 Community Education Development Centre, c/o Stoke School, Briton Road, Coventry CV24LF. (0203)440814 Community Health Councils. There is a list in Social Services Year Book. Look also in your yellow pages under consumer and trading organisations. Community Industry, 14/15 Stratford Place, London WI. (01) 4080424 Community Projects Foundation, 60 Highbury Grove, London N52AG. (01) 226 5375 Community Relations Councils. There is a list in Second Chances 1983. Community Schemes Unit, National Council of Voluntary Organisations, 26 Bedford Square, London WCIB 3HV. (01) 6364066 Community Service Volunteers, 237 Penton ville Road, London N I 9NJ. (0 I) 278 660 I Confederation of Art and Design Associations, 24/52 Kensington Gore, London SW7. Confederation of British Industry, 103 New Oxford Street, Centre Point, London WCIA \DU. (01)379 7400 Conference for Independent Further Education, PO Box 80, Guildford, Surrey GUI 2NL. (0483) 69680 Construction Industry Training Board, Radnor House, London Road, Norbury, London SWI64EL. (01) 7645060 Co-ordinating Group for the Development of Training for Women, c/o Department of Management Studies, Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology, Oxstalls Lane, Gloucester GL2 9HW. (0452) 26321 Copyright Licensing Authority, c/o Mrs E Thomas, 430 Edgeware Road, London W2IEH. (01) 724 1836 Council for Dance Education and Training, 5 Tavistock Place, London WC I H 9SS. (0 I) 388 5770 Council for Drama Training, 5 Tavistock Place, London WCIH 9SS. (01) 3885770 Council for Educational Advance, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC IH 9BD. (01) 387242 Council for Educational Technology, 3 Devonshire Street, London WIN2BA. (01) 580 7553 Council for Education in the Commonwealth, c/o Dave Daniel, North East London Polytechnic, Astor House, 150/164 High Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex RM66LX. (01) 5907722 Council for National Academic Awards, Publications Officer, CNAA, 344 345 Grays Inn Road, London WCIX 8BP. (01) 2784411 Council for Post-Graduate Medical Education, 7 Marylebone Road, London NWI5HH. (01)3231289 Address List 247

Council for Small Industries in Rural Areas, 141 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SPI3TP. (0722) 6255 Council for the Accreditation of Correspondence Colleges, 27 Marylebone Road, London NW I 5JS. (0 I) 935 5391. There is a list of accredited colleges in Second Chances 1983. Council of Local Education Authorities, Eaton House, 66a Eaton Square, London SWIW9BH. (01)2351200 Council of Subject Teaching Associations, c/o The Historical Association, 59A Kennington Park Road, London SEI14JH. (01) 7353901 Countryside Commission, John Douver House, Crescent Place, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GLSO 3RA. (0242) 21381 Countryside Commission for Scotland, Battleby, Redgorton, Perth PHI3EW. (0738) 27921 Crafts Council, 12 Waterloo Place, London SWIY 4AU. (01) 839 1917 Cyngor Undebau Llafur Cymru. See Welsh Trades Union Congress.


Department of Economic Development, Netherleigh, Mancy Avenue, Belfast BTA 2JA. (0230) 63244 Department of Education and Science (DES) - Elizabeth House, York Road, London SEI7PH. (01)928 9222 - Mowden Hall, Staindrop Road, Darlington, Co Durham. (0325) 60155 - Department of Education for Northern Ireland, Rathgael House, Balloo Road, County Down BTl9 2PR. (0247) 6611 Department of Employment, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London SW IH N9A. (01) 213 3000 Department of Manpower Services, Northern Ireland, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT42JP, Northern Ireland. (0232) 63244 Design Centre - 28 Haymarket, London SWIY 4SU. (01)8398000 - Scottish Design Centre, 72 Saint Vincent's Street, Glasgow G2 52N. (041) 222 6121 - Cardiff Design Council Centre, Pearl Assurance Building, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff. Design Council - 28 Haymarket, London SWIY 4SU. (01) 8398000 - Design Council Scottish Committee, 72 Saint Vincent's Street, Glasgow G2 5TN. (041)2216121 DIAL UK, Victoria Buildings, 117 High Street, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S459DZ. (0246) 864498 Disability Alliance, I Cambridge Terrace,London NWI4JL. (01)9354992 Disabled Living Foundation, 346 Kensington High Street, London W 14 8NS. (01) 602 2491 Disablement Electronic Aids Reference Service, c/o Helen Townley, 117 Wickham Close, West Wickham, Kent BR40BQ. 01) 7777560 Disablement Income Group, Attlee House, Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London EI6LR. (01)2472128 248 Address List

Duke of Edinburgh's Award, 5 Prince of Wales Terrace, London W8 5PG. (01) 937 5205 Dyslexia Institute, 133 Gresham Road, Staines, Middlesex TWI8 2AJ. (0784) 59498 E

East Anglian Examinations Board, The Lindens, London Road, Colchester, Essex C039RL. (0206) 49595 East Anglian Regional Advisory Council for Further Education, Shire Hall, Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk IP332AN. (0284) 63141 Eastern Arts, 8/9 Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 I UA. (0223) 67707 East Midlands Arts, Mountfields House, Forest Road, Loughborough, Leicester LEII3HU. (0509)218292 East Midlands Further Education Council, Robins Wood House, Robins Wood, Aspley, Nottingham NG8 3NH. (0602) 295367 East Midlands Regional Examinations Board, Robins Wood House, Robins Wood Road, Asley, Nottingham NG83NH. (0602)295367 Education and Library Boards, Northern Ireland - Belfast, 40 Academy Street, Belfast. (0232) 29211 - North Eastern, County Hall, Galgorm Road, Ballymena. (0266) 3333 - South Eastern, 18 Windsor Avenue, Belfast. (0232)661188 - Southern, 3 Charlemont Place, Armagh. (0861) 523811 - Western, Campsie H9use, 1 Hospital Road, Omagh. (0662)44431 Educational Centres Association, Chequer Institute, Chequer Street, Bunhill Row, London ECIY 8PL. (01) 2514158 Educational Grants Advisory Service, Family Welfare Association, 5011505 Kingsland Road, London E8. (01) 254 6251 Educational Institute of Scotland, 46 Moray Place, Edinburgh EH36BH. (031) 225 6244 Employment Medical Advisory Service, Baynards House, 1 Chepstow Place, London W24TF. (01) 2293456 Employment Rehabilitation Centre. Addresses available from local Jobcentres Engineering Careers Information Service, 54 Clarendon Road, Watford WDI ILB. (092338441 Engineering Industry Training Board, 53 Clarendon Road, Watford WDIILA. (0923) 38441 English Folk Dance and Song Society, Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regents Park Road, London NWI7AY. (01)485 2206 Equal Opportunities Commission, Overseas House, Quay Street, Manchester M33HN. (061) 8339244 Equal Opportunities Commission for Northern Ireland, Lindsay House, Callender Street, Belfast BTl 5DT. (0232) 242752 European Council of International Schools, Nidelbanstrasse 49, 8802 Ki1chberg, Zurich. European Piano Teachers Association, 28 Emperor's Gate, London SW74HS. (01) 373 7307 Extra Mural Departments. There is a list of University extra mural departments in Second Chances 1983. Address List 249 F

Family Planning Association (Education) Unit, 27/35 Mortimer Street, London WIN 7RJ. (01) 6367866 Federation ofChildrens Book Groups, 22 Beacon Row, Horton Bank Top, Bradford, W. Yorks BD63DE. (0274) 575301 Federation of Conservative Students, Conservative Party Central Office, 32 Smith Square, London SWIP 3HH. (01) 2229000 -Federation of English Language Course Organisations, 28a York Street, London WIH IFE. (01)935 5743 Field Studies Council, Preston Montford, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury SY4IHN. (0743) 850 674 Forum on the Rights of Elderly People to Education (FREE), Bernard Sunley House, 60 Pitcairn Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR43LL. (01)6405431 Foundation for Audio Research and Services for Blind People - Reading Services Branch, 9 Walkers Lane, Tarporley, Cheshire. (08293)2729 - Tarporley Recording Centre, 79 High Street, Tarporley, Cheshire - Book Recording Service, c/o Wendy Davies, 9 Walkers Lane, Tarporley, Cheshire - Studio Tape, Radix GHouse, Central Trading Estate, Staines Middx. Free Church Federal Council Education Committee, 27 Tavistock Square, London WCIH9HH. (01)387 8413 Free Tape Recorded Library for the Blind, c/o Mr R. Hall, 26 Laggen Road, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7JZ. (0628) 20014 Friends Social Responsibility and Education Department, Friends House, Euston Road, London NWI2BJ. (01) 3873601 Further Education Information Service (FEIS), Room 531, Elizabeth House, York Road, London SEI7PH. (01)9289222 - For the address of your local FEIS ask the local Careers Service. Further Education Staff College, Coombe Lodge, Balgdon ES 18 6RG. (0761) 62503 Further Education Unit, Elizabeth House, York Road, London SEI7PH. (01)928 9222 G

Gateway Club. Local addresses available from the National Federation of Gateway Clubs. GCE Boards Listed under the names of the individual boards. To find these look under GCE Boards in main list. General Nursing Council for England and Wales, 23 Portland Place, London WIA IBA. (01)5808334 General Nursing Council for Scotland, 3 Darnaway Street, Edinburgh EH36DP. (031) 225 6322 General Teaching Council for Scotland, 5 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh EH75AF. (031) 556 0072 Girl Guides Association, 17/19 Road, London SWIWOPT. (01) 8346242 250 Address List

Graduate Teacher Training Registry, 3 Crawford Place, London WIH 2BN Greater London Arts Association, 25 Tavistock Place, London WCIH 9SF. (01) 388 2211 H

Hadley School for the Blind, PO Box 299, 700 Elm Street, Winnetha, Illinois 60093, U.S.A. Headmaster Conference, 29 Gordon Square, London WCIH OPS. (01) 388 1765 Health Education Council, 78 New Oxford Street, London WCIA IAH. (01) 6371881 Help the Aged, Education Department, 318 St Paul's Road, London NI. (01) 359 6316 Hereward College, Bramston Crescent, Tile Hill Lane, Coventry CV49SW. (0203)461231 Hester Adrian Research Centre, University of Manchester M13 9PL. (061) 273 3333 Higher Education Advisory Centre (HEAC), Middlesex Polytechnic, 114 Chase Side, London NI45PN. (01)886 6599 Home Office, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London SWIH 9AT. (01) 213 3000 Home and School Council, 81 Rustlings Road, Sheffield S II 7AB. (0742) 662467 Horticultural Education Association, School of Biological Sciences, University of Bath BA2 7A Y. (0225) 61244 Hotel and Catering Industry Training Board, PO Box 18, Ramsey House, Central Square, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 7AP. (01) 9028865


Incorporated Society of Musicians, 10 Stratford Place, London WIN 9AE. (01) 629 4413 Independent Broadcasting Authority, 70 Brompton Road, London SW3 lEY. (01) 584 7011 Independent Local Radio, There is a list of Independent Local Radio stations in Second Chances 1983. Also see in your yellow pages under radio broadcasters. Independent Schools Careers Organisation, 12a/18a Princess Way, Camberley, Surrey GUI5 3SP. (0276) 21188 Independent School Information Service, 56 Buckingham Gate, London SWIE 6AH. (01) 6308793 Independent Television Companies. There is a list of independent television companies in Second Chances 1983. Industrial Society, Peter Runge House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SWIY 5DG. (01) 8394300 Industrial Training Board. See individual boards. Included in the A-Z list. all the boards under Industrial Training Board in the main list. In-Service Training and Education Panel (INSTEP), 17/23 Albion Street, Leicester LEI6GD. (0533) 555666 Address List 251

Institute of Careers Officers, 2nd Floor, Old Board Chambers, 37a High Street, Stourbridge, DY8ITA. (03843)76464 Institute of Linguists, 24a Highbury Grove, London N5 2EQ. (01) 3597445 Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Maitland House, Warrior Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS 12JY. (0702) 612177 Inter-Action, 15 Wilkin Street, London NW5 3NG. (01) 2679421 International Baccalaureate, Office, Palais Wilson, 1211 Geneva 14, Switzerland International Extension College, 18 Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge CB22HN. (0223)316644 Inter-School Christian Fellowship, 130 City Road, London EC 1 (01) 250 1966 Inter-School Christian Fellowship (Scotland), 280 Saint Vincent Street, Glasgow. (041) 2210051 Invalid Children's Aid Association, 126 Buckingham Palace Road, London. (01) 730 9891 Irish National Teachers Organisation, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. (0001)746381 Islamic Foundation, 223 London Road, Leicester LE21ZE. (01) 3882581 ita Federation, 11 The Square, Tillingham, Southminster, Essex. (062187) 395


Jewish Blind Society, 1 Craven Hill, London W23EW. (01)262 3111 Jewish Lecture Committee, Woburn House, Upper Woburn Place, London WC IH OEP. (0 I) 3873952 Joint Board of Clinical Nursing Studies, 1781202 Great Portland Street, London WIN 5TB. (01) 5808661 Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, 44 Theobalds Road, London WCIX8SP. (01)4055527 Joint Matriculation Board, Manchester MI56EU. (061)2732565 L

Libraries Open and Free, c/o 4 Woodland Way, Welwyn, Herts AL6 ORZ. Library Association, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WCIE 7AE. (01) 6367543 Lincolnshire and Humberside Arts Association, Beaumont Lodge, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln LN llUN. (0522) 33555 Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board, 41 Belgrave Square, London SWIX 8NZ. (01) 2356081 London and Home Counties Regional Advisory Council for Technological Education, Tavistock House South, Tavistock Square, London WC IH 9LR. (0 I) 388 0027 London Board for Jewish Religious Education, Woburn House, Upper Woburn Place, London WCI. (01) 3873952 London Chamber of Commerce, Marlow House, Station Road, Sidcup, Kent DAIS 7BJ. (01) 3020261 London Regional Examining Board, Lyon House, 104 Wandsworth High Street, London SWI84LF. (01)8702144 252 Address List M

Manpower Services Commission, Moorfoot, Sheffield S 14PQ. (0742) 753275 Mature Students Union, Margaret Devine, Room 22, Carus Wilson Hall, Westfield College, Kiddepore Avenue, London NW3. (01)435 7141 Medical Officers of Schools Associrlion, Eton Court House, Elon, Windsor, Berkshire (07535) 64678 Medical Research Council, 20 Park Crescent, London WN4AL. (01) 6365422 Merseyside Arts Association, Bluecoat Chambers, School Lane, Liverpool Ll 3BX. (051)7090671 Methodist Church, Division of Education and Youth, 2 Chester House, Pages Lane, London NIO IPR. (01) 4449845 Microelectronics Education Programme, Cheviot House, Coach Lane Campus, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE7 7XA. (0632) 664716 Micros in Primary Education (MAPE), clo Mr Barry Holmes, St Helen's School, Bluntisham, Cambridgeshire PEl7 3NY. (0487) 841468 Mid Pennine Arts Association, 2 Hammerton Street, Burnley, Lancashire BBIIINA. (0282)21986 MIND. 22 Harley Street, London WIN 2ED. (01) 6370741 Minority Arts Association, 91 Mortimer Street, London WI. (0 I) 580 1534 Modern Language Association, 24a Highbury Street, London WI. (01) 3597953 Museums Association, 34 Bloomsbury Way, London WCIA 2SF. (01)4044767 Music Advisers National Association, County Music Adviser, 22 Northgate Street, Warwick CV344SR. (0926)93431 ext 2149 Music Masters Association, 80 Bayham Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN 13 3XA. (0732) 454326 Mutual Aid Centre, 18 Victoria Park Square, London E29PF. (01)980 6263 N

National Adult School Organisation, , Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B54LT. (021)643 9297 National Advisory and Consultancy Centre on Child Abuse, clo NSPCC, I Riding House Street, London WIP8AA. (01)5808812 National Advisory Board for Local Authority, Higher Education, Metropolis House, 39/45 Tottenham Court Road, London WI. (01) 637 1132 National Advisory Centre on Careers for Women, Drayton House, 30 Gordon Street, London WCIHOAX. (01)3800117 National Association for Gifted Children, I South Audley Street, London WI Y 5DQ. (01) 499 1188/9 National Association for Multi-Racial Education, 86 Station Road, Mickleover, Derby DE3 5FP. (0332) 511751 National Association for Primary Education (NAPE), clo D. Pearman, Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln LNI3DY. (0522)27347 National Association for Remedial Education, 2 Lichfield Road, Stafford ST17 4JX. (078546872 Address List 253

National Association for Teaching English as a Second Language to Adults, 19 Muncaster Road, London SWI1. Na tional Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders, 169 Clapham Road, London SW90PU. (01) 5826500 National Association for the Support of Small Schools, 34 Friars Quay, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 IES. (0603) 613088 National Association for the Teaching of English, 49 Broomgrove Road, Sheffield SIO 2NA. (0742) 683924 National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital, 7 Exton Street, London SEI8UE. (01) 261 1738 National Association of Advisory Officers for Special Education, c/o M.Burnham, Macclesfield House, New Road, Oxford OXIINA. (0865) 815610 National Association of Boys Clubs, 24 Highbury Grove, London N5 2EA. (01) 359 9281 National Association of Boys Clubs, Bryson House, 28 Bedford Street, Belfast. (0232)41924 National Association of Careers and Guidance Teachers, 9 Lawrence Leys, Bloxham, Banbury, Oxon OX 15 4NU. (0295) 720809 National Association of Chief Education Social Workers, Margaret Street, Birmingham B33BU. (021)235 2193 National Association of Governors and Managers, 81 Rustlings Road, Sheffield SII 7AB. (0742) 662467 National Association of Head Teachers, 6 Paddockhall Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RHI6IRG. (0444)453291 National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers (NAIEA), c/o Mr Shepley, 2 Duke Avenue, Birkdale, Southport PR8 8EW. (0704) 8153940r daytime (051 928) 6677 National Association of Local Government Officers, Nalgo House, I Mabledon Place, London WCIH9AJ. (01)3882366 National Association of Probation Officers, 3/4 Chivalry Road, London SWII IHT. (01) 223 4887 National Association of SchoolmasterslUnion of Women Teachers, Hillscourt Education Centre, Rose Hill, Rednal, Birmingham B458RS. (021)4537221 National Association of Social Workers in Education, 4 Kew Gardens, Norton, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland. (0287) 38458 National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WCIH 9BH. (01) 3876806 National Association of Teachers of Home Economics, Marilton House, Mabledon Place, London WCI. (01) 387 1441 National Association of Teachers of the Mentally Handicapped, c/o Mr D. Myatt, 5 [Little Swallows, Lufcombe Close, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot, Devon TQI25QJ Nat\onal Association of Teachers of Travellers, 435 Kingsbury Road, Erdington, Birmingham 24. (021) 3730439 National Association of Youth and Community Education Officers, 10 Dolphins Way, Gamlingay, Sandy, Bedfordshire (0480) 52181 National Association of Youth Clubs, 70 St Nicholas Circle, Leicester LEI5NY. (0533) 29514 National Association of Youth Orchestras, liSt Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AG. (031) 2254606 National Audio Visual Aids Centre and Library, 2 Paxton Place, Gypsy Road, London 254 Address List

SE27 9SR. (01) 670 4247 National Autistic Society, 276 Willesden Lane, London NW25RB. (01)451 3844 National Book League, Book House, 45 East Hill, Wandsworth, London SWI8 2QZ. (01) 8709055 National Book League (Scotland), 15a Lynedoch Street, Glasgow G3 6EF.(04I) 332 0391 National Bureau for Handicapped Students, 40 Brunswick Square, London WCIN IAZ. (01)278 3459 National Campaign for Nursery Education, 33 Hugh Street, London SWIV IQJ. (01) 828 2844 National Centre for Alternative Technology, L1wyngern Quarry, Machynlleth, Powys, Wales. (0654) 2400 National Centre for Industrial Language Training, The Havelock Road, Southall, Middlesex UB24NZ. (01)5712241 National Childbirth Trust, 9 Queensborough Terrace, London W2 3TB. (01) 229 9319 Na tional Childcare Campaign, 17 Victoria Park Square, London E3. (0 I) 961 1221 National Childminding Association, Office No I, 13 London Road, Bromley, Kent BRIIDE. (01)464 6164 Na tional Childrens Bureau, 8 Wakeley Street, Islington, London EC I V 7QE. (0 I) 278 9441 National Christian Education Council, Robert Denholm House, Nutfield, Redhill, Surrey RH 14HW. (073782) 2411 National Computing Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester MI 7ED. (061) 2286633 National Confederation of Parent Teachers Association, 43 Stonebridge Road, Northfleet, Gravesend, Kent DA 119DS. (0474) 60618 National Consultative Committee for Agricultural Education, Shire Hall, Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk IP332AN. (0284) 63141 ext 336 National Consumer Council, 18 Queen Anne's Gate, London SWIH9AA. (01)222 9501 National Council for Drama Training, 5 Tavistock Place, London WCIH9SS. (01) 387 3650 National Council for Educational Standards, I Chapman Crescent, Kenton, Middlesex HA3 OTG National Council for Special Education, I Wood Street, Stratford Upon Avon CV376JE. (0789) 205332 National Council for Voluntary Youth Services, 29 Albion Street, Leicester LEI6GD. (0533) 554910 National Council of Voluntary Organisations, 26 Bedford Square, London WCIB3HU. (01)6364066 National Council of Women of Great Britain, 36 Lower Sloane Street, London SWIW8BP. (01)7300619 National DeafChildrens Society, 45 Hereford Road, London W2 5AH. (01) 229 9272 National Equivalence Information Centre for the , British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London SWIA 2BN. (01) 9308466 National Extension College, 18 Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge CB22HN. (0223) 316644 National Federation of City Farms, 15 Wilkin Street, London NW5 3NG. (01)267 9421 National Federation of Gateway Clubs, Mencap Centre, 117/123 Golden Lane, London ECIYORT. (01)2539433 Address List 255

National Federation of Voluntary Literacy Schemes, Cambridge House, 131 Camberwell Road, London SE5. (01)7034221 National Federation of Women's Institutes, 39 Eccleston Street, London SWIW 9NT. (01) 7307212 National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, YFC Centre, National Agricultural Centre, Kennilworth, Warwickshire CV82LG. (0203)56131 National Foundation for Educational Research, The Mere, Upton Park, Slough, Berkshire SL12DQ. (0753)74123 National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases, Vincent House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RHI22PN. (0403)64101 National Gypsy Education Council, 204 Church Road, Hanwell, London W7. (01) 579 5108 National Institute for Careers Education and Counselling, Hatfield Polytechnic, Bayfordbury House, Lower Hatfield Road, Hertford SG 13 8LD. (0992) 59001 National Institute of Adult Education, 19b De Montfort Street, Leicester LEI 7GE. (0533) 551451 National Intermediate Treatment Federation, c/o Ken Hunniban, County Hall, Social Services Departments, Glenfield, Leicester. (0533) 871313 National Library for the Blind, Cromwell Road, Bredbury, Stockport SK62SG. (061) 4940217 National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH I lEW. (031) 226 4531 National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3BU. (0970) 3816 National Listening Library, 12 Lant Street, London SEIIQR. (01)4079417 National Music Council of Great Britain, 10 Stratford Place, London WL (01)499 4795 National Nursery Examination Board, 29/31 Euston Road, London NWI2SD. (0 I) 837 5458 National Organisation of Labour Students, Labour Party, 150 Walworth Road, London SEI7. (01)7030833 National Out of School Alliance, Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green, London E2. (01)7394787 National Playing Fields Association, 25 Ovington Square, London SW3 ILQ. (01) 584 6445 National School Band Association, 45 Main Street, Halton Village, Runcorn, Cheshire 4A 7 2AN. (09285) 66477 National Society (C of E) for Promoting Religious Education, D.C. Jones-Davies, Church House, Deans Yard, London SWIP 3NZ. (01) 222 1672 National Students Association, c/o Blackfriars Settlement, 47 Nelson Square, Southwark, London SEl. (01)9289521 National Study Group on Further and Higher Education for the Hearing Impaired, Secretary: Miss Rene Zannettou, Shirecliffe College of FE, Shirecliffe Road, Sheffield. (0742) 78309 National Union of Public Employees, 20 Grand Depot Road, Woolwich, London SE 18. (0 I) 854 2244 National Union of Students, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC IH. (01) 387 1277 - (Scottish Office) 12 Dublin Street, Edinburgh EH I 3PP. (031) 5566598 - (Welsh Office) 47 Walter Road, Swansea SAl 5PZ. (0792)43323 National Union of Teachers, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC IH 9BD. (01) 3872442 National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, Chamber of Commerce House, Harborne 256 Address List

Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham BI5 3DH. (021) 5898817 National Youth Bureau, 17123 Albion Street, Leicester LEI6GD. (0533)554775 Natural Environment Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2IEU. (0793) 40101 Network (Scottish Telephone Referral Advice & Information Network), Dowanhill, 74 Victoria Crescent Road, Glasgow G 12 9JN. (041) 357 1774 Network of Practitioners in Educational Training Technology, 2 Haigh House Hill, Lindley Moor, Huddersfield. (0422) 72742 New Ways to Work, 347a Upper Street, London N I. (01) 2264026 Northern Arts, 10 Osborne Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 INZ. (0632)816334 Northern Council for Further Education, 5 Grosvenor Villas, Grosvenor Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE22RU. (0632) 813242 Northern Ireland Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, 23 Dalboyle Park, Lisburn BT28 3BU. (08462) 6023 Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders, 22 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT28GD. (0232) 20157 Northern Ireland Association ofY outh Clubs, 'Hampton', Glenmachan Road, Belfast BT42NN. Belfast 7686031768552 Northern Ireland Council for Continuing Education, Department of Education, Rathgael House, Balloo Road, Bangor, County Down BTl9 2PR. (0247) 66311 Northern Ireland Council for Social Service, 2 Annadale Avenue, Belfast BT73JH. (0232) 6400 II Northern Ireland Schools Examinations Council, Beechill House, 42 Beechill Road, Belfast BT84RS. (0232) 647261 Northern Ireland Training Executive, ITB House, 33 Church Road, Newtownabbey BT367LH North Regional Examinations Board, Wheatfield Road, Westerhope, Newcastle• upon-Tyne NE5 5JZ. (0632) 862711 North Wales Arts Association, 10 Wellfield House, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57IER. (0248) 53248 North West Arts Association, 12 Harters Street, Manchester M l6HY. (061) 2283062 North West Regional Examinations Board, Orbit House, Albert Street, Eccles, Manchester M300WL. (061)788 9521 North Western Regional Advisory Council for Further Education, The Town Hall, Walkden Road, Worsley, Manchester M28 4QE. (061)702 8700 Nursing and Health Careers Centre, 1211123 Edgware Road, London W22HX. (01) 402 529617 o

Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Board, Kingfisher House, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7TQ. (0296)27331 Ombudsman - Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Health Service, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SWIG 3BW. (01) 2126271 - River House, 48 High Street, Belfast BTl 2JT. (0232) 33821 Address List 257

Ombudsman (Local Government) - Commission for Local Administration in England, 21 Queen Anne's Gate, London SWIH9BU. (01)2225622 - Commission for Local Administration in Wales, Derwen House, Court Road, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF31IBN. (0656)61325/6 - Commission for Local Administration in Scotland, 5 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH24RG. (031) 2294472 Open Learning Federation, c/o G.A. Rowlands, Fielden Park College, Barlow Moor Road, West Didsbury, Manchester M20 Open University, - First Degree Courses, Open University, PO Box 48, Milton Keynes, MK76AB. (0908)74066 - Post Graduate Courses, Open University, PO Box 49, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AB. (0908)74066 - Associate Student and Short Courses, Open University, PO Box 47, Milton Keynes MK76AN - Advance Standing Office, PO Box 80, Milton Keynes MK7 6AS - There is a list of Open University Regional Offices 'in Second Chances 1983. Open University Students Association, Sherwood House, Sherwood Drive, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 6HN. (0908)71 I31 ext 236 Outward Bound Trust, 12 Upper Belgrave Street, London SWI8BA. (01)2459933 Overseas Development Administration, Head Office: Eland House, Stag Place, London SWIE 5DH. (01) 8342377 Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. _ Elsfield Way, Oxford OX2 8EP. (0865) 54421 - Brook House, 10 Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 I QB. (0223) 64326 Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations, Ewart Place, Summertown, Oxford OX27BZ. (0865) 54291 p

Parents National Education Union, Murray House, Vandon Street, London SW1HOAJ. (01)222 7181 Partially Sighted Society, Breaston, Derbyshire DE73UE. (03317)3036 PHAB (Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied), 42 Devonshire Street, London WIN ILN. (01) 6377475 Pitmans Examination Institute, Cates hall Manor, Godalming, Surrey GU7IUU. (04868) 5311 Plastics Processing Industry Training Board, Brent House, 950 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9ES. (0 I) 568 0731 Pre-Retirement Association, 19 Undine Street, Tooting, London SW I 7 8PP. (0 f) 767 3225 Pre-School Playgroups Association, Alford House, Averling Street, London SE1l5DH. (01) 5828871 Professional Association of Teachers, 99 Friargate, Derby DEIIEZ. (0332)372337 258 Address List Q

Quaker Social Responsibility and Education - see Friends Social Responsibility and Education Department.


Regional Advisory Councils for Further Education. To find these, look under * regional advisory councils in A-Z list. Regional Arts Association. To find these, look under *regional arts associations in the A-Z list. Regional Council for Further Education for the South West, Wessex Lodge, 11/13 Billetfield, Taunton, Somerset TA I 3NN. (0823) 85491 Religious Education Trust, 55 Boundstone Road, Rowledge, Farnham, Surrey GUI04AT. (025125) 3292 Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped, Birmingham University, Department of Special Education, 59 Selly Wick Road, Birmingham B297JE. (021)4711303 Research Unit for the Blind, Institute for Bio-Engineering, Brunei University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH. (0895) 37188 Returned Volunteer Action, I Amwell Street, London EC I R I UL. (0 I) 278 0804 Road Transport Industry Training Board, Capitol House, Empire Way, Wembley, Middlesex HA90NG. (01)902 8880 Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation, 25 Mortimer Street, London WIN8AB. (01)637 5400 Royal Blind Asylum and School, Gillespie Crescent, Edinburgh EH 104HZ. (031) 229 1456 Royal Blind School, Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh EH 16 5NA. (031) 229 1456 Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind, Commonwealth House, Heath Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH 16 3AZ. (0444) 412424 Royal National Institute for the Blind, 224 Great Portland Street, London WIN 6AA. (01) 388 1266 Royal National Institute for the Deaf. 105 Gower Street, London WC IE 6AH. (01) 387 8033 Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults, 123 Golden Lane, London ECIYORT. (01)253 9433 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Cannon House, The Priory, Queensway, Birmingham B46BS. (021)233 2461 Royal Society of Arts, - Examinations Board, John Adams Street, Adelphi, London WC2N 6EZ. (01) 839 1691 - Publications, Murray Road, Orpington, Kent. BR5 3RB, (0689) 32421 Runnymede Trust, 37 Grays Inn Road, London WCI8PP. (01)4045266 Address List 259 s

School Bookshop Association, I Effingham Road, London SEI2 8NZ. (01) 8524953 School Journey Association of London, c/o J.R. Piper, 48 Cavendish Road, Clapham South, London SWI20DH. (01)673 4849 and (01)6752907 Schools Council, 160 Great Portland Street, London WIN 6LL. (01) 5800352 Schools Music Association, c/o Mr J. Maxwell Pryce, Music Adviser, Education Office, Town Hall, Friern Barnet, London N113DL. (01) 368 1255 Schools Poetry Association, Twyford School, Winchester S021INW. (0962) 712269 Science and Engineering Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 lET. (0793) 26222 Scottish Adult Basic Education Unit, 4 Queensferry Street, Edinburgh EH24PA. (031) 2265404 Scottish Arts Council, 19 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH24DF. (031) 2266051 Scottish Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders, 53 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ET. (031) 226 4222 Scottish Braille Press, Craigmiller Park, Edinburgh EHI65NB. (031)667 6230 Scottish Business Education Council, 22 Great King Street, Edinburgh EH36QH. (031) 5574555 Scottish Council for Community Education, Atholl House, 2 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG. (031) 2292433 Scottish Council for Educational Technology, 74 Victoria Crescent Road, Glasgow G 129JN. (041) 3349314 Scottish Council for Research into Education, 15 St John Street, Edinburgh EH8 8JR. (031)5572941 Scottish Council for Spastics, Rhuemore, 22 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH 12 6HP. (031) 337 9876 Scottish Council of Social Service, 18/19 Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 4QD. (031) 556 3882 Scottish Council on Disability, Princes House, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh. (031)455033 Scottish Dyslexia Association, c/o Mrs Rintoul, Department of Education, Dundee University, Perth Road, Dundee DDI4HN. (0382) 23181 ext 529 Scottish Education Department, New St Andrews House, St James' Centre, Edinburgh EH I 3SY. (031) 556 8400 Scottish Epilepsy Association, 48 Govan Road, Glasgow G5IIJL. (041)4274911 Scottish Examinations Board, Ironmills Road, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22ILE. (031)6636601 Scottish Field Studies Association, Kildrogan Field Centre, Enochdhie, Blairgowrie, Perthshire PH 10 7PG. (025081)286 Scottish Film Council, 16 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. (041) 331 5413 Scottish Further Education Association, III Union Street, Glasgow. (041) 447 8044 Scottish Health Education Group, Health Education Centre, Woodburn House, Canaan Lane, Edinburgh EH 104SG. (031) 4478044 Scottish Institute of Adult Education, 4 Queensferry Street, Edinburgh EH2 4PA.(031) 226 7200 Scottish Joint Committee on Religious Education, 46 Moray Place, Edinburgh EH36BH. (031)225 6244 260 Address List

Scottish Library Association, School of Librarianship, Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology, Saint Andrews Street, Aberdeen ABIlHB. (0224) 574511 Scottish National Consumer Council, 4 Somerset Place, Glasgow G3 7JT. (041) 332 8858 Scottish National Council of YMCAs, 10 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH 12 5AD. (031) 225 5022 Scottish National Federation for the Welfare of the Blind, 8 Leonard's Bank, Perth. (0738) 26969 Scottish Pre-School Playgroups Association, 7 Royal Terrace, Glasgow G37NT. (041) 331 1340 Scottish Secondary Teachers Association, 15 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH36QG. (031) 5565919 Scottish Society for Autistic Children, 12 Pi cardy Place, Edinburgh EHI3JT. (031) 5570474 Scottish Society for the Mentally Handicapped, 13 Elmbark Street, Glasgow G2 4QA. (041) 2264541 Scottish Spina Bifida Association, 190 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh EH42BW. (031) 332 0743 Scottish Sports Council, I St Colne Street, Edinburgh DH3 6AA. (031)225 8411 Scottish Technical Education Council, 38 Queen Street, Glasgow G 12DY. (041) 204 2271 Scottish Trades Union Congress, 16 Woodlands Terrace, Glasgow G36DF. (041) 332 4946 Scottish Youth Hostels Association, 7 Glebe Crescent, Stirling FK8 2JA. (0786) 2821 Scout Association, Baden Powell House, Queens Gate, London SW75JS. (01) 584 7030 Secondary Heads Association, Gordon House, 29 Gordon Square, London WC lOPS. (0 I) 388 1765 Service Children Education Authority, Ministry of Defence, Court Road, Eltham, London SE95NR. (01) 859 2112 ext 2900 Shaftesbury Society, 112 Regency Street, London SWIP4AX. (01) 8347444 Socialist Educational Association, 49 Abraham Point, Redland Road, London E16. (01) 4746735 Social Science Research Council, I Temple Avenue, London EC4Y OBD. (01) 353 5252 Society for the Promotion of Vocational Training and Education, c/o W. W. Norris, South Bristol Technical College, Macksbury Road, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 5JL. (0272) 661105 Society of Commercial Teachers, 27 Pye Nest Grove, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX2 7JY.(0422) 68482 Society of Teachers of Speech and Drama, Abbot's Lodging, Marshside, Canterbury, Kent cn 4EF. (0227) 86346 Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment, 10 Lennox Gardens, Croydon, Surrey CR04HR. (01)6863622 Soundaround, 61 Church Road, Barnes, London SW13. (01) 741 3332 South East Arts Association, 9/10 Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TNI2LU. (0892)41666 South East Regional Examination Board, Beloe House, 2/4 Mount Ephraim Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TNIIEU. (0892)35311 South East Wales Arts Association, Victoria Street, Cwmbran, Gwent NP443JP. (0633) 67530 Address List 261

Southern Arts Association, 19 Southgate Street, Winchester, Hampshire S023 7EB. (0962) 55099 Southern Regional Council for Further Education, 26 Bath Road, Reading RG I 6NT. (0734)52120 Southern Regional Examinations Board, 53 London Road, Southampton S094YL. (0703) 32312 Southern Universities Joint Board for School Examinations, Cotham Road, Bristol BS96DD. (0272) 36042 South Wales Association for the Prevention of Addiction, III Cambridge Road East, CardiffCFl9AG. (0222)26113 South West Arts, 23 Southernhay East, Exeter, Devon EXIIQG. (0392) 38924 South Western Examinations Board, 23129 Marsh Street, Bristol BSI4BP. (0272)23434 Spastics Society, 12 Park Crescent, London WIN 4EQ. (01) 6365020 Special Educational Needs National Advisory Council (SENNAC), clo Mr Bushell, Education Offices, Tipping Street, Stafford STl62DH. (0785)3121 Spinal Injuries Association, 5 Crowndale Road, London NWIITU. (01) 3886840 Sports Council, 16 Upper Woburn Place, London WCI. (01)3881277 Sports Council for Northern Ireland, 49 Malone Road, Belfast BT96RZ. (0232)663154 Sports Council for Wales, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff CFI9SW. (0222) 397571 Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education, clo Worcester College of Higher Education, Henwick Grove, Worcester WR26AJ. (0905)42808 Steiner Schools Fellowship, clo Elmfield School, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY82EA. (03843) 4633


Talking Newspaper Association of the United Kingdom, clo Woodhatch, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 OUP. (043 52) 2883 Tape Programmes for the Blind, 31 Fortescue Road, Paignton, South Devon TQ32BZ. (0803) 522873 Tape Recording Service for the Blind, 48 Fairfax Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GUl48JP. (0252) 547943 Teachers' Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Education, 2 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NG. (061) 8347210 Technician Education Council, Central House, Upper Woburn Place, London WIH OHH. (01) 3883288 Toy Libraries Association, Seabrook House, Wyllyotts Manor, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Herts EN62HL. (0707)44571 Trades Union Congress, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WCIB 3LS. (01) 636 4030 - Postal Courses Office, Tillicoultry, Scotland FK 13 6BX.(0259) 50248 Training Division, MSC, Moorfoot, Sheffield, SI4BR. (0742) 753275 Trinity College Library, College Grain, Dublin. (0001) 772941 262 Address List u

Ulster Teachers Union, 94 Malone Road, Belfast BT95HP. (0232) 662216 Union of Liberal Students, Liberal Party, I Whitehall Place, London SWIA 2HE. (0 I) 839 4092 United Kingdom Central Council, 6th Floor, 110 Euston Road, London NWI2DQ United Kingdom Council for Music Education and Training, 7 Townsend Drive, Saint Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 5RB. (0727) 58296 United Kingdom Council for Overseas Student Affairs, 60 Westbourne Grove, London W2 5FG. (0 I) 229 9268 United States/United Kingdom Educational Commission, 6 Porter Street, London WIM 2HR. (01) 4867697 Universities Central Council on Admissions, PO Box 28, Cheltenham, Gloucester GLSO lHY. (0242)519091 Universities Grants Committee, 14 Park Crescent, London WIN 4DH. (01) 636 7799 University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, Syndicate Buildings, 17 Harvey Road, Cambridge CB 12EU. (0223) 61111 University of London Schools Examinations Department, 66/72 Gower Street, London WCIE 6EE. (01) 636 6000 University of the Third Age, 6 Parkside Gardens, London SWI9 5EY. (01)9470401 v

Voluntary Braille Transcribers Group, 4 Shreen Water Cottages, Old Holland, Mere, Wiltshire. (0747) 86573 Voluntary Council for Handicapped Children, c/o NCB, 8 Wakley Street, London ECIV7QE. (01)278 9441 Volunteer Centre/Volunteer Centre Media Project, 29 Lower Kings Road, Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire HP42AB. (04427) 7331 I w

Wales Council for the Disabled, LJys Ifor, Crescent Road, Caerphilly, Mid Glamorgan CF8 IXL. (0222) 869224 Welsh Arts Council, Holst House, 9 Museum Place, Cardiff CFI 3NX. (0222) 39471 I Welsh Association of Further Education and Youth Services Officers, c/o Area Education Offices, Dyfed Saint Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. (0437) 3131 Welsh Books Scheme, 4th Floor, Arlbee House, Greyfriars Road, CardiffCFI 3AG. (0222)32326 Welsh Education Office, 31 Cathedral Road, CardiffCFl9UJ. (0222)42661 Welsh Joint Education Committee, 245 Western Avenue, Cardiff CF52YX. (0222)561231 Welsh Office, Cardiff Head Office, Cat hays Park, Cardiff CFI3NQ. (0222) 28066 Address List 263

- London Head Office; Gwydyr House, Whitehall, London SWIA2ER. (01)233 3000 Welsh Trade Union Congress, 19 Gelliwastad Road, Pontypridd, Glamorgan. West Midlands Advisory Council for Further Education, Norfolk House, Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B54NB. (021) 643 8924 West Midlands Arts, Lloyds Bank Chambers, Market Street, Stafford STI62AP. (0785) 59231 West Midlands Education Service for Travelling Children, Uplands House, 62 Finchfield Road West, Wolverhampton WV3 8BA. (0902) 764287 West Midlands Examinations Board, Norfolk House, Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B54NJ. (021)643 2081 West Wales Arts Association, Oark Gate, Red Street, Carmarthen, Oyfed. (0267) 4248 Woman's Place, -Hungerford House, Victoria Embankment, London WC2. (01)930 1584 Women's Education Group, 57 Gordon Square, London WCI. (01) 6361500 ext 491 Womens Information Referral and Enquiry Service, PO Box 162, Sheffield IIUO. (0742) 755290 Womens Research and Resources Centre, 190 Upper Street, London N 1. (0 I) 359 5773 Woodcraft Folk, 13 Ritherdon Road, London SW17 8QE. (01) 6726031 Workers Educational Association, Temple House, 9 Upper Berkeley Square, London WIH8BY. (01)402 5608 Working Weekends on Organic Farms, 19 Bradford Road, Lewes, East Sussex World Wide Education Service of the Parents National Education Union, Murray House, Van don Street, Buckingham Gate, London SWIH OAJ. (01) 3879228 Write First Time, Westbourne Centre, Westbourne Road, Bedford MK40 LJO. (0234)64454 y

Yorkshire and Humberside Association for Further and Higher Education, Bowling Green Terrace, Jack Lane, Leeds LS II 9SX. (0532) 440751 Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Examinations Board, 31/3 Springfield Avenue, Harrogate HG 12HW. (0423) 66991 Yorkshire Arts Association, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford, West Yorkshire B050BQ. (0274)723051 Young Farmers Clubs. See National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs. Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), 640 Forest Road, London E1730Z. (01) 5205599 - II Rutland Street, Edinburgh EH I 2AS - 27 Church Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF4 20X. (0222) 68745 Young Womens Christian Association of Great Britain, 2 Weymouth Street, London WIN 4AX. (01)6369722 - 7 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7TH. (031) 225 7592 - 67 Queens Street, Cardiff CFI4A W. (0222) 23031 Young Womens Christian Association of Scotland, 5 Casselbank Street, Edinburgh EH65HA. (031)5531943 Youth Hostels Association (England & Wales), Trevelyan House, St Stephens Hill, St 264 Address List

Albans, Herts AII2DY. (0727) 55215 Youth Hostels Association of Northern Ireland, 56 Bradbudy Place, Belfast Nl. (0232) 24733 BOOK LIST 266 Book List

Austin, Michael and Frank Ashcroft: A Simple Guide to British Qualifications. Cambridge: Great Ouse Press, 1983. Barbour, Sheena and Kate Manton (eds for the Arts Council of Great Britain): Directory of Arts Centres 2. London: J. Offord, 1982. Bel1, Robert and Nigel Grant: Patterns of Education in the British Isles. London: George Al1en and Unwin, 1977. Boehm, Klaus, Nick Wel1ings and Caroline Behr (eds): The Student Book 1983: An Applicant's Guide to UK Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities (annual). London: Macmillan, 1982. British Council: Higher Education in Britain 1982/84. London: Longman, 1982. British Council: How to Live in Britain. A Guide for Overseas Students and Visitors. London: Evans Brothers Ltd, 1982. Bruner, Jerome. Under Fives in Britain. London: Grant McIntyre, 1980. Careers Guide: Opportunities in the Professions, Industry, Commerce and the Public Service (annual). Sheffield: Careers and Occupational Information Centre, 1982. The Careers Research and Advisory Centre: Directory of Further Education 1983/84 (annual). Cambridge: Hobsons Press, 1983. The Careers Research and Advisory Centre: Degree Course Guides (biennial). Cambridge: Hobsons Press, 1983. Each booklet can be bought separately or they can be bought bound in a two volume set. The Careers Research and Advisory Centre: Graduate Studies 1983/84 (annual). Cambridge: Hobsons Press, 1983. Codlin, E.M. (ed): ASLIB Directory: Volume I: Information Sources in Science, Technology and Commerce. London: ASLIB, 1911. Codlin, E.M. (ed): ASLIB Directory: Volume 2: Information Sources in the Social Sciences, Medicine and the Humanities. London: ASLIB, 1980. The Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education (annual). Eyre and Spottiswoode for Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Col1eges and Institutes in Higher Education, 1983. A Compendium of Advanced Courses in Colleges of Further and Higher Education: Full-time and Sandwich Courses in Polytechnics and Colleges Outside the University Sector 1982/83 (annual). London and Home Counties Regional Advisory Council for Technological Education, 1982. A copy can be obtained from any regional advisory council. Coulson-Thomas, Colin (ed): The Business Graduates Association Guide to Business Schools (5th ed). Macdonald and Evans. 1981. Councilfor National Academic Awards: Directory ofFirst Degree and Diploma ofHigher Educaton Courses 1982/83 (annual). London: CNAA, 1982. Cunningham, John and Jennifer Curry: The Babysitter Book: How to Solve All Your Childminding Problems. London: Hamlyn, 1981. Darnborough, Ann and Derek Kinrade (eds): The Directory for the Disabled. London: Woodhead Faulkner in association with RADAR, 1982. A Directory of Open Learning Opportunities in Scotland. 1983 (annual). Glasgow: Network, 1983. Education Year Book (annual). London: Councils and Education Press, 1982. Good, Martin, et al: Basic Education 1~-99: A Handbook for Tutors. Cambridge: National Extension Col1ege, 1981. Good Toy Guide 1983 (annual). London: Inter-Action Imprint, 1982. Gray, J., A.F. McPhearson and D. Raffe: Reconstruction of Secondary Education: Theory. Myth and Practice Since the War. London: Routledge Educational Books, Book List 267

1983. Guest, S.M. (ed): Schools 1982183: A Geographical Directory of Independent Schools, Universities. Polytechnics Arranged in Order ofCounties and Towns in Great Britain and Northern Ireland (annual). London: Truman and Knightley, 1982. Handbook of Scottish Central Institution: Courses and Entry Requirements. This is available free from Assistant Registrar, Paisley College of Technology, High Street, Paisley, Scotland PAl 2BE. Her Majesty's Stationary Office: Government Publications Sectional List No.2: Department ofEducation and Science. London: HMSO, 1982. The list contains the titles of DES publications currently in print. Her Majesty's Stationary Office: Government Publications Sectional List No. 36: Scottish Education Department. London: HMSO, 1982. The list contains SED publications currently in print. Horobin, John and Valerie Wilson (eds): Handbook of Adult Education in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Institute of Adult Education, 1982. Hutchens, C. (ed): Social Services Year Book 1982183 (annual). London: Longman, 1982. Hutchinson, Enid and Edward: Learning Later: Fresh Horizons in English Adult Education. London: Routledge, 1978. Kettle, Melvyn and Bert Massie: Employers' Guide to Disabilities. London: Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation, 1982. Library Association: Readingfor the Visually Handicapped (3rd ed). London: Library Association, 1978. McCormack, M: The Education Authorities Directory and Annual (annual). Redhill: The School Government Publishing Company Ltd, 1982. Miller, Ruth: Equal Opportunities: A Careers Guide for Women and Men (6th ed). London: Penguin, 1981. National Union of Students: Student Welfare Manual 1982183. London: National Union of Students, 1982. Osborne, C.W. (ed). International Yearbook of Educational and Instructional Technology 1982183 (annual). London: Kogan Page for the Association for Education and Training Technology, 1982. The Parents' Guide to Independent Schools (2nd ed). London: Schools Fee Insurance Agency Educational Trust, 1981. Pates, Andrew, Martin Good and Alastair Thomson: Second Chances for Adults: The Annual Guide to Adult Education and Training Opportunities Cambridge: Great Ouse Press, 1983. Percy, Keith and Paul Ramsden: Independent Study: Two examplesfrom English Higher Education. Guildford: The Society for Research into Higher Education, 1980. Polytechnic Courses Handbook 1983/84 (annual). London: Lund Humphries for Committee of Directors of Polytechnics. Priestley, Barbara (comp): British Qualifications: A Comprehensive Guide to Educational. Technical. Professional and Academic Qualifications in Britain (annual). London: Kogan Page, 1982. Reiss, Christopher: Education of Travelling Children. London: Macmillan, 1975. Robertson. Sally, Peter Townsend and Alan Walker (eds): The Disability Rights Handbookfor 1983: A Guide to Income Benefits and Services (annual). London: The Disability Alliance, 1983. Rogers, Rick: Crowther to Warnock: How Fourteen Reports Tried to Change Children's Lives. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1980. 268 Book List

Summerson, Elizabeth and Maureen Davies (comps): Directory of Independent Training and Tutorial Organisations. London: Careers Consultants Ltd, 1981. Taylor, George and John Beecroft Saunders: New Law ofEducation (9th ed). London: Butterworth, 1983. Worrall, Dick: Gypsy Education: A Study ofProvision in England and Wales. Walsall: Walsall Council for Community Relations, 1979. Wragg, E.C. and J.A. Partington: A Handbook for School Governors. London: Methuen, 1980. Year Book ofAdult Education 1983184 (annual). Leicester: National Institute of Adult Educaton, 1983. Yelton, Sue, Purnima Tanuku and Beryl Connor (comps): The Open Learning Directory: A Catalogue of Distance Learning and Independent Study Materials -Basics to 'A' Levels. Cambridge: Great Ouse Press, 1983.