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Photos by Jimmy Katz/Coutesy Sun Entertainment Chris Wood (left), Billy Martin (bottom), and John Medeski (right) are Martin, Medeski and Wood Medeski, Martin and Wood get fresh first time is the musical equivalentexperience. of But at the same rime, it takes“We do play material from the records, Medeski, from page 1 opening a new can of tennis balls—thataconcerted effort and it’s hard work, andfrom other shows that we’ve done. W'e reassuring vacu-fresh sound titillatesit’s your painful at times. We try to keep it freshrepeat some of the compositions that Like all MMW recordings, ears, and a funky but strangely appealingand try to be in that space where youwe’ve.played, can but we do them in a differ­ “<>>mbustication” is a unkj\ie piecearoma of fills the air. be as uninhibited as possible, and whereent way,” Martin explains. “At least part work, born>wing essentially nothingThe from roots of this musical freshnessyou can are creating.” of the show is always something different previous albums. be found in their live performances,Indeed, an unflagging devotionand to cre­new.” “Making a record Tor us is just captur­where on-the-spot improvisationativity meets isa this band’s signature of sorts.“Something different and new" under­ ing the moment," said drummer ftillvseasoned sense of discipline and timing.They consistently meet the challengestates ofMMW’s current west coast tour, in Marlin, with a quiet earnestness that “It’sbe­ not always a relaxed space,” Mar­balancing loose improvisationaljamswhich with they will be opening each show trays a real sense of passion lor thetin topic explained. "There are limes whentight ev­ grooves, as well as integratingwith old a completely acoustic set, followed he is discussing. “Our records are justerything a is flowing perfectly, and materialyou’re into the spontaneous contextby an electric of set featuring DJ Logic, the way o f recording or m aking a documjust ent there, and you’re a conduit thefor livethe show. surprisingly tasteful mix-master who joins ot where we were at the time. If we did them on three tracks of . one every day it would l>e completely dif­ “It’ll be a nice balance," Martin noted. ferent.” “With the acoustic shows that we’ve been Whether by design or by natural inusi- doing, we’re really getting back to where (al evolution, the band continually exer­ we began, as an acoustic piano trio. We’re cises its right not to repeat itself. really reinventing our language.” “It’s not a system where we re like ‘OK, The addition of DJ Logic to the live let’s make the same record we did last lineup is yet another exercise in strength­ time because we void a lot of records.’ II en ing their already rock solid track we were songwriters may lie it would he record as performers. more like that, hut we’re instrumental­ “He does his own thing," Martin ob­ ist who compose something on the spot, served. “You can really hear his style and and then develop ihose compositions. It where he’s coming from.” can be over a short period ol time.” Perhaps Logic’s greatest attribute, how­ Even in thej ostud, where it would seem ever, is the fact that his turntable skills spontaneity and improvisation would In- only augment the tight cohesion that the less apprec rated or called for, MMW uses trio has developed over the past eight both to iheir advantage. years. “I’sually when we’re making a record, “For us, fortunately, the chemistry is half the music isn't even written; we have usually good enough that we can pull it to finish it in the studio, and that gives it off and get a good feeling each night." a freshness.” Medeski, Martin and Wood with special “Fresh” is an apt description of the guest DJ Logic, will be “pulling it o ff 7:30 musk ol MMW Attending one ol their p.m. Monday, Apnl 12, at ProchnowAudilu- concerts or listening to an album for the