Vol. 34, No. 3 September 2005 Journal of the International Planetarium Society Special Focus: Digital Domes and the Future of Planetariums. The Planetarian (ISN 0090-3213) is published quarterly by the International Planetarium Society. ©2005, International Planetarium Society, Inc., all rights reserved. Opinions expres- September 2005 Vol. 34, No.3 sed by authors are personal opinions and are not necessarily the opinions of the International Planetarium Society, its officers, or agents. Acceptance of advertise- ments, announcements, or other material does not imply endorsement by the International Executive Editor Planetarium Society, its officers or agents. The Editor welcomes items for consideration for publica- John Mosley tion. Please consult "Guidelines for Contributors" at www.GriffithObs.org/IPSGuidelines.html. The Griffith Observatory Editor reserves the right to edit any manuscript to suit this publication’s needs. 2800 E. Observatory Road Los Angeles, California 90027 USA (1) 323-664-1181 daytime phone Articles (1) 323-663-4323 Griffith fax 6 Digital Full-Domes: Future of Virtual Astronomy Education . Ka Chun Yu
[email protected] 12 Feeding the Beast . Jim Sweitzer 15 Planetarium Paradigm Shift . Ryan Wyatt Advertising Coordinator 20 Some Thoughts From an Artist on Fulldome Theaters . Don Davis Chuck Bueter 23 The Sun Festival . Jean-Michel Faidit 15893 Ashville Lane 26 IPS 2006: Under the Southern Sky, July 23-27 . Tanya Hill Granger, Indiana 46530 USA 27 DomeFest 2005 . Jennie Zeiher (1) 574-271-3150 28 IPS 2008: Invitation to Morelia, Mexico .
[email protected] . Genoevo Figueroa Silva and Gerardo Trujillo Jimenez http://www.ips-planetarium.org/planetarian/ ratesheet4.htm Columns Membership 31 What’s New .