LifeGroup Questions Based On: :1-10 November 15, 2015

Overview Too often the story of Zacchaeus gets categorized as just a story for little kids. At some point, everyone who went to Vacation School was taught the song about Zacchaeus being a “wee little man”. If we leave the story of Zacchaeus to only be used in VBS then we have missed some important truths that apply to our lives. There are several things that Zacchaeus did which believers today should put into practice. One of the first things Zacchaeus did was have an immense desire to see . He knew this great Rabbi was coming to town and he wasn’t going to let anything stop him from seeing him. He figured out what route Jesus was taking and ran ahead to climb the tree. Zacchaeus didn’t let his past sin or his occupation as a tax collector guilt him from seeing Jesus. Too often believers will allow guilt from past mistakes to keep them from receiving the very forgiveness that Jesus came to offer. This sense of unworthiness can disguise itself in the form of either guilt or pride. Zacchaeus was fully aware of his sin and he still was going to go to any length to see Jesus. Zacchaeus must have been immediately overwhelmed when Jesus called out to him in that tree. Jesus said that He was going to be staying at Zacchaeus’ house. Who knows all the thoughts that must have been going through Zacchaeus’ mind at that time. Maybe he thought, “He has me confused with someone else” or “Why would this holy man talk to someone like me?” Zacchaeus’ first response was to repent by giving half of his possessions to the poor. This shows an immediate recognition of being in the presence of Jesus. He could have easily hosted Jesus in his house without making any changes. Zacchaeus knew that this was his time to make things right. Zacchaeus went a step further and proclaimed that he would give 400% back to anybody he had wronged. Jewish law only required you to give 20% above what you wrongfully took. This new follower of Jesus was not only changing his life but he was having a major impact on the lives of those around him. How would you have responded to what Zacchaeus was doing? Would you have gone to his house and enjoyed the celebration or would you have been like the religious leaders and wondered why Jesus would hang out with sinners?

Bible Study: Luke 19:1-10

1. What are some of the first things you would do if you knew Jesus was coming to your house? Would you take more time preparing your heart or house?

2. In what ways can past sins and guilt keep you from wanting to be in the presence of Jesus?

3. The religious leaders in this story didn’t believe Zacchaeus deserved to have Jesus talk with him. How can you fight against the attitude that some people are more deserving of grace while others have fallen too far away?

4. Jesus didn’t mention anything about money, sin, or the need to repent when he was talking with Zacchaeus. Do you associate the presence of Jesus with Holiness and the need of repentance? Why or why not?

5. Why was it important for Zacchaeus to take actions that supported his change of heart?

6. Salvation coming to Zacchaeus’ house had nothing to do with him giving away his money. Jesus was going to his house no matter the reaction. Zacchaeus needed to refocus his heart and mind from money to Jesus. What does it mean for believers today to not only repent, but to surrender the areas of their life that are drawing them away from God? How do you do this?