WILKES COUNTY, N.C. — THE HOMEPLACE OF AMERICANA MUSIC Contact us at 336-667-0134, e-mail
[email protected] In Sports It’s not The bat... complicated See Welborn, page 6A See Cox Page 6A Ted Holder and Sylvia H. Day West’s Cheyenne Clonch throws the out at first from short stop NORTH WILKESBORO, N.C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2019 VOL. 37, NO. 42 Only 25¢ ‘Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans’ day set at VFW Post 1142 By HEATHER DEAN public are invited to attend. Various "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" POW/MIA flags and their significance by Record Reporter Vietnam Era vehicles, uniforms and and it was passed by the U.S. Senate. the post auxiliary. A special ceremony North Wilkesboro Veterans of Foreign weapons will be on display. More than 58,000 lost their lives, and honoring all Vietnam Veterans in atten- Wars Post 1142 is hosting a "Welcome Forty-Seven states and Puerto Rico more than 300,000 were wounded. dance with special guest speakers includ- Home Vietnam Veterans" Day and open recognize Vietnam Veterans Day. Presidents Obama and Trump have ing elected representatives of N.C. begins house, on Friday, March 29, 2019, mark- President Nixon chose March 29, 1974 as signed legislation to recognize these at 2 p.m. A demonstration of flag retire- ing the 45th Anniversary of withdrawal of the first Vietnam Veterans Day. In 2011 American Heroes who served their nation ment will be held at 5 p.m. by local Boy U.S. combat support units from Vietnam, N.C.