This index has been compiled straight from the text of the ‘Extracts’. In listing the movements, particularly of Kipling and his family, it is not always clear when who went where and when. Thus, “R. to Academy dinner” clearly refers to Kipling himself going alone to the dinner (as, indeed would have been the case – it was, in the 1890s, a men-only affair). But “Amusing dinner, Mr. Rhodes’s” probably refers to both of them going, and has been included as an entry under both Kipling, Caroline, and Kipling, Rudyard. There are many other similar events. And there are entries recording that, e.g., “Mrs. Kipling leaves”, without any indication of when she had come – but if it’s not in the ‘Extracts’ (though it may well have been in the original diaries) then, of course, it has not been possible to index it. The date given is the date of the diary entry which is not always the date of the event.

Another factor is that Carrington quite often mentions a name without further explanation or identification. We assume that he recorded it, with a view to mentioning the subject in the text of the biography, but either changed his mind or edited it out for some reason. In some cases, later biographers have picked up the reference, and explained it. In those cases, we have gratefully recorded their identification.

A Abinger Visit to Sir Frederick and Lady Lugard 27 Sept. `03 Academy Dinner (see Royal Academy Dinner) Adams, Henry (American writer) Meets Kiplings on board Teutonic 3 Feb. `92 Allen, George, engraver and publisher (possible identification) Visits Bateman’s with Rider Haggard 21 Nov. `04 Kiplings visit at The Chase (recte Freechase), Warninglid 13 July `07 Visits Kiplings, advises on investments 14 May `08 Kipling sees him again about investments 14 Dec. `08

Amery, L S, representative of The Times , later a prominent politician Kipling dines with him 7 Feb. `00 Kipling lunches with him and Moberly Bell 28 Sep. `00 Anderson, Miss Sarah, Kiplings’ Secretary Comes, “a great relief to us both” 12 July `99 “A treasure” Dec. `99 Comes for two days 18 Oct. `02 Visits 25 May `03 Kiplings and John call on her in London 10 May `07 Appleton, D. & Co. New York publishers Kipling insists they use English spelling 1 Apr. `93 Arnold, Sir Edwin – English poet, living in Japan Kipling meets 20 Apr. `92 Arundell, Lord, Kiplings dine with him at his seat, Wardour Castle 8 May `94 Aunt Georgie (see Burne-Jones, Georgiana)

B Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, later Lord Baden-Powell, Fiundewr of the Scout movement. Calls on the Kiplings at The Woolsack 19 Mar. `01 Calls with his sister on the Kiplings 2 Apr. `01

Kiplings meet at Chillingham Castle 4 Aug. `08 Bagot, Major Joscelyne Fitzroy Bagot, MP, chief military censor in South Africa, 1900 Kipling dines with him 27 Feb. `00 Baker, Mr. Herbert (later Sir Herbert), architect Meets Carrie on the site of the future ‘Woolsack’ 9 Mar. `00 Calls at The Elms 8 Aug. `00 Calls at The Woolsack 10 Aug. `01 Calls 3 Feb. `07 At the same table as the Kiplings on the voyage home 6 Apr. `07 Bailey, “Abe”, (Sir Abraham), South African mining magnate and financier On board same ship going to S. Africa 8 Dec. `00 Guest of the Kiplings at supper in Johannesburg 29 Mar. `03 Also passenger in Castle, Cape Town to England 22 Apr. `03 Kiplings see much of his children 18 Feb. `07 Baldwin, Alfred, ironmaster, and husband of Kipling’s aunt Louisa Death 14 Jan. `08 Baldwin, Louisa, sister of (and Georgie and Aggie and Edie, mother of Stanley) Family lunch with the Kiplings and two other aunts (out of three) 2 Apr. `97 Baldwin, Stanley (Rudyard’s cousin) Dines with Rudyard and Carrie 20 Jan. `92 Calling on the Kiplings (possibly in London, or in Torquay) 25 Apr. `97 “Foregathers” with Kipling 3 Sep. `97 Ditto 5 Sep. `97 His wife, Cissie, has a daughter 16 Sep. `97 Put up for the Athenaeum by Kipling & Ned Burne-Jones 17 Nov. `97 Long walk with Kipling 1 Jan `98 “Comes to play” 31 Dec. `99 The Kiplings visit at Wilden 28 Aug `00 The Baldwins are the first visitors at Bateman’s – “charmed” 11 Sep. `02 Carrie Kipling and children staying with Baldwins 18 Oct. `03 The Kiplings stay with the Baldwins “at Bewdley” Nov. `04 The Kiplings visit the Baldwins at Astley Hall, Aug. `05 The Kiplings visit the Baldwins en route from Northumberland 19 Aug. `08 Balestier, Anna (Mother, or M) Meets Kipling on return from Bombay 10 Jan. `92 Sails with Kiplings in Teutonic 3 Feb. `92 Arrives New York 11 Feb. `92 Visits ‘Naulakha’ with Carrie 8-10 June. `99 Meets Carrie (and Kipling) at Montreal 27 Sep. `07 Attends reception at McGill, and goes home 23 Oct. `07 Balestier, Beatty Meets them at Brattleboro depot 16 Feb. `92 Offers Kipling and Carrie a site for a house 18 Feb. `92 Arguing with Carrie about finance: agrees to sell her the site 26 Feb. `92 Beatty & Mai dine at ‘Naulakha’ 21 Oct. `93 Sends his insurance policies to Carrie 6 June `94 Settles accounts with Carrie 4 Nov. `94 Kiplings and Conan Doyles attend Thanksgiving dinner 27 Nov. `94 Nip &Tuck (carriage horses), sold to Kipling 1 Feb. `95 Lunch with Kiplings 1 May `95 Beatty “complications” – the start of the final break 10 Oct. `95 “Dolefully true” – Beatty’s financial problems 13 Jan. `96 Files for bankruptcy 6 Mar. `96 (note) The fateful meeting; threatens Kipling 6 May `96 Arrested for threatening Kipling 9 May `96 Beatty’s trial – bailed to a later appearance. 12 May `96 Balestier, Caroline (Carrie) Meets Kipling on return from Bombay 10 Jan. `92 Marries 18 Jan. `92 (see ‘Kipling, Carrie’ hence forward) Balestier, Caroline Starr Wolcott (Grandmamma) Kiplings call on her in New York shortly after arrival 12 Feb. `92 They dine with her at Beechwood 30 Sept. `92 They call on her 6 May `93 Balestier, John (Uncle John) Calls to discuss Beatty’s case 11 May `96 Visits Carrie in New York 2 June `96 Balestier, Josephine (J) (Carrie’s sister) Meets Kipling on return from Bombay 10 Jan. `92 Sails with Kiplings in Teutonic 3 Feb. `92 Arrives New York 11 Feb. `92 Engaged to Theodore Dunham 19 Nov. `96 Balestier, Mai (Beatty’s wife) Fun in the snow 16 Feb. `92 Lunch with Kiplings 1 May `95 Balestier, Marjorie (daughter of Beatty and Mai) Fun in the snow 16 Feb. `92 Renew ‘worship’ of 26 July, `92 Balfour, Arthur J, (member of ‘The Souls’, politician, prime minister) Says he will give Henley a pension of £200 p.a. 3 Jan. `98 Attends dinner to Joseph Chamberlain 29 May `03 Offers Kipling KCMG 7 Nov. `03 Banff, Alberta Stays (and fishes) 10-13 July `92 Barr, Robert, Scottish-Canadian author Comes to stay with the Kiplings 12 Oct. `94 Barrie, J M, playwright and author Kipling lunches with him 26 May `97 Long walk with Kipling, Burne-Jones and ‘Crom’ Price 17 Oct. `97 Bateman’s, Burwash, their final home By train and cab to Etchingham and Burwash to see Bateman’s 14 Aug. `00 They “talk Burwash” 18 Aug. `00 Kipling sees George Macdonald (his cousin and solicitor) about buying 21 Sep. `00 Disappointment about Batemans 23 Sep. `00 By train and cab again to see Bateman’s 26 May `02 To Bateman’s again: they determine to buy: telegrams fly 28 May `02 George Macdonald buys Bateman’s on their behalf for £9300 10 June `02 Kipling takes Ambo Poynter to see Bateman’s 11 June `02 Both Kiplings and Ambo visit – decide to install electricity 18 June `02 Kiplings to Bateman’s, most days July `02 Purchase of Bateman’s complete 29 July `02 Move to Bateman’s – “chaos and black night” 3 Sep. `02 The Baldwins their first visitors – “charmed” 11 Sep. `02 Looking divine (on arrival home from South Africa – their first view of the house and garden in spring. 10 May `03 Laying of electric cable from the Mill to the house 5 Aug. `03 Borrow church records to trace previous owners 14 Nov. `03 Nursery chimney catches fire 26 Nov. `03 Buying Little Bateman’s 1 June `04 Turbine, for electricity, under repair 17 Sep. `04 Planting trees to shield Bateman’s from the road. 18 Sep. `04 The hot water radiator in our bedroom a great success 8 Nov. `04 Dudwell Farm added to the Kipling’s land. Dec. `04 Bricklayers building a wall 21 Sep. `05 They start to tear down the mill at Dudwell Farm 26 June `06 Looking beautiful, and peace of its shelter never more welcome 15 Dec. `07 Bateman’s features in ‘Country Life’ 13 Aug. `08 Beardsley, Aubrey (English artist) Kipling meets 21 July `95 Beardsley, Mr. (Possibly Judge Samuel Beardsley?) Kipling calls on him 10 Apr. `93 Becke, Louis, Australian trader, journalist and writer Visits Kipling at Bateman’s Beechwood – Mrs. Caroline Balestier’s home They dine there (and call several times) 30 Sept. `92 They call again 6 May `93 Bell, Moberly, manager of The Times Kipling dines with him: Bell offers to print anything he sends 30/31 Jan/ `92 Kipling lunches with him and L S Amery 28 Sep. `00 Gives a dinner “to meet Joseph Chamberlains”: Kiplings present 7 Nov. `05 Bender, A.P., Chief Rabi in South Africa Calls on Kipling 4 Mar `07 Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Call 22 Jan. `99 Besant, Walter, British author, who inspired Kipling Meets Kipling in New York 16 June `93 Kipling dines with him 8 June `94 Bermuda Arrive: their first visit 27 Feb. `94 Bell, Moberly (Manager of The Times) Dinner with Kipling – will print anything he offers. 31 Jan. `92 Black, William, Scottish novelist Calls with his wife at North End House 21 July `97 Kiplings attend his funeral 15 Dec. `98 Blaikie, Miss, Governess to Elsie and Engaged at £60 p.a. 5 May`04 There are now two Miss Blaikies, governess and secretary July `04 Blandford, Lucy, children’s nurse during their trip to USA, 1899 Is sick, on day 1 of the voyage 25 Jan. `99 Is sick again on the return voyage 14 June. `99 Bland-Sutton, Sir John and Lady: he was Carrie’s doctor and later Kipling’s Visit Bateman’s 2 Sep. `06 Visit Bateman’s 21 June `08 Meets Kipling 1 Oct. `08 Advises Kipling to give up smoking 8 Oct. `08 Removes three cysts from Carrie’s head 8 Oct. `08 (note) Bliss Cottage, Dummerston, Brattleboro They go to see it 28 July `92 They move in 10 Aug. `92 Really settled in 29 Aug. `92 They give the cottage the nickname ‘The Blizzard’ 29 Aug. `92 Packing up, before their move to ‘Naulakha’ 5 Aug. `93 Bodiam Castle (Sussex/Kent border) Kiplings drive to visit several times June `07 Boscombe (near Bournemouth, Dorset. Kiplings staying, Ambo Poynter also – house-hunting 14 June `94 Boston, Mass. Kipling to a dinner of the Tavern Club 23 Apr. 95 Brattleboro Their first arrival, met by Beatty 16 Feb. `92 They go to see the site for Naulahka 15 Mar `92 Return after honeymoon 26 July `92 Browning, Mrs. Pen., daughter-in-law of English poet, Robert Browning Comes to stay 5 Sep. `95 Browns Hotel. Mayfair, London Party after wedding 18 Jan. `92 Do not render an account for wedding party 26 Jan. `92 Staying 5 July `94 Base for a month 14 (?16) July `95 Arrive from South Africa 28 Apr. `00 En route to Canada 20 Sep. `07 Burne-Jones, Sir Edward (‘Ned’): Victorian artist, and one of Kipling’s mentors Calls exchanged on 23 Apr., but entry dated 19 Apr. `94 Writes to Kiplings suggesting they stay on in North End House until the baby is born 18 June `97 Long walk with Kipling, Barrie and ‘Crom’ Price 17 Oct. `97 Puts Baldwin up for the Athenaeum with Kipling 17 Nov. `97 Dies suddenly 17 June `98 Burne-Jones, Georgiana (née Macdonald) (Aunt Georgie) Kiplings “see a lot of” 5 July `94 Dine at the Misses Craik and Miss Wiinnard with Kiplings 11 Aug. `95 Family lunch with the Kiplings and two other aunts (out of three) 2 Apr. `97 Comes to North End House 14 July `97 Working with Kipling on life of her husband 17 Oct. `01 Puts up a banner disapproving the South African peace 2 June `02 Very fragile 1 July `03 Staying at Bateman’s with her unmarried sister, Edith 15 Nov. `03 Her ‘Life’ of her husband published 25 Nov. `04 Burne-Jones, Margaret (Margot) (Mrs. Margaret Mackail) Calls on newly-returned Kiplings at Royal Palace Hotel 23 June `99 Burne-Jones, Phil, Margaret’s brother and Kipling’s cousin Calls on newly-returned Kiplings at Royal Palace Hotel 23 June `99 Starts on Kipling’s portrait 8 June `99 Joins the Kiplings to 8 Aug `99 Starts portrait of Carrie 8 Aug. `99 Continues Kipling’s portrait 2 Nov. `99 Burton, Mrs Isabella – the original of Mrs. Hauksbee Kipling calls on her in London 27 Oct. `03 Burwash, East Sussex: Wealden village, their home from 1902-1936 Their first visit 14 Aug. `00 They “talk Burwash” 18 Aug. `00 Borrow records from church to trace owners of Bateman’s 14 Nov. `03 Thinks of bringing drill hall from Rottingdean to Burash July `04

C Cabot, Mr and Mrs (Norman and Lucy – parents of Will and Mary) Call on Kiplings on arrival in Brattleboro 19 Feb. `92 Cabot, Mary (daughter of Norman and Lucy) Records first meeting with Kipling 19 Feb. `92 (note) Lunch with Kiplings 1 May `95 Lunch with Kiplings 8 May `96 Calls (to say farewell) 28 Aug. `96 Calgary Kiplings arrive from Moosejaw and Winnipeg 3-4 Oct. `07 Carnegie. Andrew, American industrialist and philanthropist Lends Kipling family The Manse at Creich 8 Aug. `99 Cape Town Arrive for first time (as a family) 25 Jan. `98 Leave 12 Apr. `98 Arrive 5 Feb. `00 Leave 11 Apr. `00 Arrive 25 Dec. `00 Leave 17 Apr. `01 Arrive 7 Jan. `02 Leave 16 Apr. `02 Arrive 13 Jan. `03 Leave 22 Apr. `03 Arrive 29 Dec. `03 Leave 13 Apr. 04 Arrive 27 Dec. `04 Leave 5 Apr. `05 Arrive 9 Jan. `06 Leave 18 Apr. `06 Arrive 1 Jan. `07 Leave 6 Apr. `07 Carr, Mrs. Carmichael, professional pianist Calls 12 Aug. `98 Cars Hires a motor from London: they drive to Brighton 6 Dec. `99 The motor breaks down 22 Dec. `99 Motor to Seaford and Alfriston 5 June `00 A 30-mile drive through lovely villages 16 June `00 A drive on the London road as far as Cuckfield 28 June `00 Motor drive to Arundel 13 July `00 Drive to Uckfield 17 July `00 A drive across the Downs to ‘Friston 18 Aug. `00 They try out an American automobile 12 Oct. `00 New motor arrives – most beautiful 18 June `01 An American driver to try to make the car go 26 Nov. `01 A Lanchester car 5 June `02 The motor in charge of Mr. Colgate arrives 26 Sep. `02 Mr. Lanchester arrives with the machine to assure us all is well 3 Oct. `02 The motor breaks down, embarrassingly, at Rye 13 Oct. `02 Amelia II(18 HP Lanchester) arrives 1 June `04 “Motor most unsatisfactory” 18 June `04 A Siddeley car on trial 17 Dec. `05 Buying a Daimler car (“Gunhilda”) 24 May `06

Carson, Sir Edward, Ulster Unionist politician and barrister The Edward Carsons 6 Sep. `00

Carman, Bliss, Canadian poet Calls on Kipling in Washington 5 Mar. `95 Catlins, (Mother, May, Julia and Edith) First meeting en route to Bermuda and at hotel 1 Mar `94 The Kiplings stay with them at Morristown, NJ. 20 Sep. `94 The Catlin girls stay at ‘Naulakha’ 10 Oct. `94 The Kiplings stay with them at Morristown, NJ. 20 Sep. `94 The girls go off on their bicycles 24 June `95 Kipling comes to continue his convalescence 9 May `99 Edith visits the Kiplings at Creich 8 Aug. `99 The Catlins staying at The Elms 2 Oct. `99 Kiplings stay with them at rue de Varennes, Paris 7 Oct. `01 Cecil, Lady Edward Lunches at Bateman’s in company of Lord Milner 18 Oct. `03 Kiplings visit her at Great Wigsell 24 Apr. `07 Uses Bateman’s a s a base while works going on at Gt. Wigsell 30 July `07 Chamberlain, Joseph, Liberal Unionist politician Kipling and he meet at Kipling’s club 11 Oct. `99 A good talk with Kipling at the Club 1 May `00 Kipling comes up to London to meet Chamberlain 25 May `00 Speaks at a Cape Town meeting but Kipling does not attend 18 Feb. `03 Attend lunch for Chamberlain, seated unsuitably 20 Feb. `03 Farewell banquet at Cape Town (but Rudyard at high table) 24 Feb. `03 Meeting with Kipling in London (on South African affairs) 20 May `03 Dinner at club 29 May `03 Kipling disturbed at Chamberlain’s resignation 18 Sept. `03 Dinner at Moberly Bells’: Kipling among those present 7 Nov. `05 Chicago, Ill., Arrive 26 Mar. `92 Choate, Joseph. America Minister in London Meets Kiplings at Skibo Castle 17 Aug. `99 Christmas 1892, spent at Maplewood 25 Dec. `92 1893, spent with Beatty and Mai again 24 Dec. `93 1899 rather sad, both children and their nurse have influenza 25 Dec. `99 1908 spent at Bateman’s 25 Dec. `98 Clark, Sir George Sydenham, Governor of Bombay Long talk with Kipling at their club. 22 July `07 Clarke, Commander Henry, Rottingdean resident First meeting – details illegible 20 Sep. `98 Kipling’s trip up-channel in HMS Nile July `01 (note) Cleveland, Grover, President of the USA Receives Kipling. Kipling is unimpressed. 5 Apr. `95 Cobham, Viscount, Liberal politician Kiplings call on them at Hagley Hall, on way to Baldwins 19 Aug. `08 Collier, John, English portrait painter Starts Kipling’s portrait at Rottingdean 19 May `00 Another sitting 27 May `00 The portrait finished 10 June `00 Colvin, (Sir) Sidney Attends dinner to Joseph Chamberlain 29 May `03 Conan Doyle, (Sir) Arthur (English author) Invited to visit 29 Oct. `94 Apologises for ‘stuffy’ reply 5 Nov. `94 Stays with Kiplings at ‘Naulakha’ 26 Nov. `94 Plays golf with Kipling 27 Nov. `94 Thanksgiving dinner at Beatty’s home 27 Nov. `94 Leaves ‘Naulakha’ 30 Nov. `94 Conland, Dr. James – physician, Kipling’s family doctor and friend Attends Josephine’s birth 29 Dec. `92 Worried about Carrie 25 Jan. `95 Calls and supplies details of fishing on the Grand Banks 9 Feb. `96 Calls and spends the morning (in the aftermath of Beatty’s threat) 7 May `96 To Gloucester with Kipling. 19 May `96 Comes to New York to consult over their illnesses 8 Feb. `99 Calls again: says lung healed but needs six months rest May `99 Advises in strongest terms not to spend winters in N. hemisphere May `99 (note) Connaught, Duke and Duchess of Fellow passengers with Kiplings to South Africa: daily discussions 23 Dec. `05 Kiplings produce list of social contacts for the Connaughts Jan. `06 Connaught, Princess Patricia of, Sketches Carrie on board ship Jan. `06 Connor, Ralph – see Gordon, Rev. Charles Gordon, Presbyterian Minister Conrad, Joseph – Author Visits 30 Aug. `04 Cornford, Leslie Cope, journalist Discusses a pension for W E Henley with Kipling 13 Nov. `97 Much friendship with him and his wife Courthope, George L Brings petition for Henley’s pension 24 Nov. `97 Craik, Miss Mary and Miss Georgina (two of the three “old ladies of Albemarle Road”) (see also Miss Winnard) Kiplings call on them and dine with them 11 Aug. `95 Kipling sees them 24 June `04 Crane, Stephen, American author Lunches with Kipling, Ripley Hichcock, and Dean Howells 25 Apr. `96 Creich, Sutherland, Scotland: The Manse, house lent to Kiplngs by Andrew Carnegie. August-September The Kiplings go north from Euston 8 Aug. `99 Curtis, Lionel, British lawyer, active in South Africa Meets Kipling in Pretoria 16 Mar. `06 Comes “laden with federation schemes”. 2 Feb. `07 Calls again 3 Feb. 07 Curzon, Lord, politician and later Viceroy of India Kipling meets at dinner to Sir G. Robertson 31 May `97 Kipling declines an invitation to the Delhi durbar from Curzon 17 Sep. `02 Kipling meets at degree ceremony at Oxford 27 June `07 Cycling The girls (Catlins) go off on their bicycles 24 June `95 Kipling gets a bicycle 10 Sep. `95 Takes a bicycle lesson 21 Mar. `96 Master of his “wheel” 31 Mar. `96 Carrie given a bicycle by Kipling 23 May `96 They both (Kipling and Carrie) order cycling suits) 17 Nov. `96 “Cycling in the mud” at Torquay Jan. `97 A tandem cycle comes, the gift of S. McClure 21 June `97 To Newhaven and back on the tandem 18 June `98

D Davis, Richard Harding, American author Their first visitor 4 Sep. `93 Day, Rev. Charles . Day, Pastor of Centre , Brattleboro Visits, possibly to play golf 10 Feb. `96 Plays golf with Kipling 26 Feb. `96 Spends the day with Kipling (in the aftermath of the Beatty case) 15 May `96 Deakin, Alfred, Prime Minister of Australia Meeting in London with Kipling, Jameson, Gwynne and Milner 7 May `07

De Forest, Lockwood - see Forest, L. de d’Humières, Vicomte Robert – see Humières, Vicomte Robert d’ Dodge, Mary Mapes; American author and editor Kiplings call on her and meet and Dean Howells 5 Apr. `93 Doubleday, Frank Nelson (FND, or ‘Effendi’) First meeting, as a representative of Scribners’ 30 Nov. `95 Writes re setting up on his own 9 Feb. `97 Drives with Kipling and Carrie at Lakewood, NJ 17 Apr. `99 All Kipling family guests at Cold Springs, Long Island 5 June `99 Farewell dinner in New York (RK, ‘the Pater’, FND, McClure and de Forest) 13 June `99 FND still faithful (in London) 23 June `99 Kiplings staying with Doubledays as their guests at Brown’s Hotel 6 July `99 “Our dear Doubledays leave: depended on them for six months” 14 July `99 Comes to visit at The Elms 27 May `00 Given power of attorney over ‘Naulakha’ 2 Dec. `00 FND and Dorothy arrive 8 May `02 Visit at Bateman’s 14 Oct. `04 Meet with Kiplings 20 Apr. `07 A mysterious and inexplicable entry re Doubledays (see Finney, F.N. 19 June `07 Meet Kiplings at Montreal 27 Sep. `07 Du Chaillu, Paul, African explorer Lectures in Brattleboro 19 Jan. `93 Dunham, Dr. Theodore, Carrie’s brother-in-law (husband of Josephine) Comes to attend Kipling in New York. 21 Feb. `99 Dunrobin Castle, Sutherland, home of Duke and Duchess of Sutherland Kiplings visit in Carnegie’s yacht 19 Aug, `99 Dunsterville, Major Lionel Charles – the original of ‘Stalky’ (later Major-General) Visits 30 May `04 Visits again with his wife 1 June `04 Durnford, Vice-Admiral Sir John, C-in-C, Cape of Good Hope station Kipling dines and sleeps at Simonstown as his guest 18 Feb. `07 Kipling meets him at Grays Inn dinner 12 June `07 Kiplings stay with him for two days at RNC Greenwich 25 Sep. `08 Durham University Kipling awarded Hon. D. Litt. 14 June `07

E Elms, The – the house in Rottingdean they rented 1897-1902 They pay £3.3.0 per week for The Elms, Rottingdean 25 Sep. `97 Lockwood de Forest visiting July `98 Mrs Kipling to stay with ‘the Pater’s note on 20 Sep. `98 Return quietly after the disastrous trip to USA 24 June `99 Arrive home from South Africa 3 May `01 Last night at The Elms 31 Aug. `02 Engelberg, Switzerland Kipling family arrive to stay 31 Dec. `08

F Fairbridge, Kingsley, founder of "Society for the Furtherance of Child Emigration to the Colonies", Calls on Kipling 9 Sep. `08 Feilden, Colonel Henry, friend of Rider Haggard and Burwash resident Kipling meets (first mention in the ‘Extracts’ 22 Nov. `04 Finney, F.N., American railway magnate. Visits Bateman’s – “charming” 19 June `07 Fitzpatrick, Percy (later Sir Percy), South African author, politician and financier Splendid talk 3 Dec. `99 The Kiplings stay with them in Johannesburg 27 Mar. `03 Guest of the Kiplings at supper in Johannesburg 29 Mar. `03 Fonthill Abbey The Kiplings visit 13 May `94 Forest, L. de (friend of Kipling’s father, and a good friend to Kipling And Carrie) Meets them on arrival in New York 11 Feb. `92 The Kiplings stay with him at Coldspring Harbor. Long Island 18 Aug. `92 Stays with the Kiplings at ‘Naulakha’ 21 Oct. `93 Stays with the Kiplings at ‘Naulakha; 3 Oct. `94 Stays with the Kiplings at Naulakha 25 May `96 Leaves with Kipling for fishing trip in Canada 15 June `96 Returns 1 July `96 Visiting the Kiplings at the Elms July `98 Meets the Kiplings on arrival in New York 2 Feb. `99 Josephine Kipling taken there for nursing 23 Feb. `99 Farewell dinner in New York (RK, ‘the Pater’, FND, McClure and de Forest) 13 June `99 Fleming, Mrs. Jack (‘Trix’) – Kipling’s sister Comes for Christmas with her parents 22 Dec. `97 Worrying news received from Mrs. Kipling that she is ill 5 Dec. `98 Worse 7 Dec. `98 Problems over Trix 18 Sep. `99 More anxiety over Trix 29 Oct. `99 Bad news of Trix 29 Apr. `00 Trix better 1 May `00 Staying with Kiplings as guest (with Mrs. Kipling) 20 May `02 To stay at Bateman’s with both her parents 22 June `04

G Gilbert, Surgeon Captain (Indian Army doctor and a Brighton resident Kipling cycles to see him 15 Aug. `98 Gill, Sir David, Astronomer in charge of Cape Town Observatory Kipling spends much of his 1905 visit in his company Jan. `05 Goldie, Sir George, Colonial administrator, particularly in Nigeria Calls 2 Mar. `02 Calls, talking army reform 26 Feb. `04 Golf Plays golf 7 Oct. `94 Golf with the Conan Doyle brothers 27 Nov. `94 Plays golf with red balls in the snow 10 Feb, `96 Gordon, Rev. Charles Gordon, Presbyterian Minister and author Meets Kipling at Winnipeg 2 Oct. `07 Goschen, George (Viscount Goschen) Attends dinner to Joseph Chamberlain 29 May `03 Gosse, Edmund Attends marriage of Rudyard and Carrie 18 Jan. `92 Sees the Kiplings off on their honeymoon 2 Feb `92 With his mother, calls on Kiplings at Rock House 5 Jan. `97 Gosse, Philip Attends marriage of Rudyard and Carrie 18 Jan. `92 Gosse, Tessa Attends marriage of Rudyard and Carrie 18 Jan. `92 Grainger, Percy – Australian musician and composer Calls July `05 Grays Inn, one of the Inns of Court Kipling attends Benchers’ dinner 12 June `07 Great Wigsell, Jacobean House near Hawkhurst, home of the Cecils (later Milners) Kiplings look at the house, but it is not suitable 24 Sep. `00 Kiplings visit Lady Edward Cecil 24 Apr. `07 Lady Cecil using Bateman’s as a base while works being carried Out at Great Wigsell 30 July `07 Guillims’ Heraldry - 1690 book of reference Bought by Kipling for £5 9 Nov. `03 Gully, William (Speaker of the House of Commons) Attends dinner to Joseph Chamberlain 29 May `03 Gwynne, Howell A, journalist Colleague on the Friend in Bloemfontein 10 Apr. `00 (note) To lunch with Kipling 1 Jan. `01 Calls 5 Apr. `01 Leaves: “a nice man” 5 Apr. `01 Great talks with 20 Feb. `03 Also passenger in Kinfauns Castle . Cape Town to England 22 Apr. `03 Takes the children ashore at Madeira 5 May `03 Kipling lends him £145 9 Dec. `03 Tells Kipling that Reuter’s subscribers snap up his verses 29 July `04 Visits Kipling in company of Sir E. Ward 10 Oct. `04 Meets Kipling on return from the Cape, takes him to meet Jameson 20 Apr. `07 Meeting in London with Kipling, Jameson, Milner and Deakin 7 May `07 Gwynne, Llewellyn Henry, Archdeacon of the , later Bishop, brother of Howell Visits the Kiplings at Bateman’s 22 July `08 H Haggard, Henry Rider, author and agriculturalist Visits Bateman’s with George Allen 21 Nov. `04 Hall, Arthur, Bishop of Vermont Carrie hears him preach 11 Feb. `94 Lunch with Kiplings 1 May `95 Hamilton, Lord George, politician Kipling dines with him 3 May `94 Harmsworth, Alfred (later Lord Northcliffe), press baron They meet again at the Stracheys 30 Oct. `04 Haskins, Kittredge, Brattleboro lawyer Calls re drain dispute with Beatty 28 Feb. `96 Hatchard’s bookshop, Piccadilly. Kipling meets Milner there: they have a “good talk” 14 Oct. `03 Hay, John, American lawyer, and diplomat Calls on Kiplings in Washington 2 Mar. `95 Kipling lunches with him 27 May `97 Kipling dines with him the evening they arrive from South Africa 30 Apr. `98 He dines with Kipling and Rhodes 3 May `98 Heath Robinson, William, cartoonist and illustrator To lunch at Bateman’s 21 Dec. `08 Heinemann, William Attends marriage of Rudyard and Carrie 18 Jan. `92 Sees the Kiplings off on their honeymoon 2 Feb `92 Kipling writes: “time, light and quiet” – not found in London 16 Sept. `92 Sends cheque (royalties from The Naulakha) 2 Mar. 93 Sends cheque for $100 on account for 22 May `93 Heley-Hutchinson, Sir Walter, Governor of Cape Colony Kiplings dine with them at Government House 9 Apr `01 Henley, W E, Editor of National Observer Calls on Kipling with Charles Whibley, his Assistant Editor 13 Apr. `94 Kipling discusses a pension for Henley with Cope Cornford 13 Nov. `97 Balfour will give Henley a pension 3 Jan `98 Kiplings lunch with him at Worthing 12 June `00 Hitchcock, Ripley, publisher’s editor for Appleton & Co. Visits Kipling 11 Jan. `95 Leaves 14 Jan. `95 Lunches with Kipling, Dean Howells and Stephen Crane 25 Apr. `96 Holbrook, Frederick, former Governor of Vermont. Kiplings visit him for tea 23 Feb. `95 Holbrook, Miss Emerline Paints Josephine’s portrait 19 Dec. `94 Honeymoon To Chicago, Ill 26 Mar. `92 To St, Paul, MN 28 Mar `92 To Winnipeg 30 Mar. `92 Vancouver 3 Apr. `92 Sail Empress of India to Japan 6 Apr. `92 Yokohama 20 Apr. `92 Sociable in Tokyo and Yokohama 27 Apr. `92 An Earthquake 11 May `92 Another earthquake (severe) 3 June `92 Leave Yokohama 27 June `92 Arrive Vancouver 8 July `92 Arrive Banff 10 July `92 At Montreal 19 July `92 At Quebec 22 July `92 Arrive Brattleboro 26 July `92 Hooper, Miss (possibly misidentification of Miss Hannah Winnard) Visits Oct. `05 Howard, Matthew Engaged as coachman 1 Sep. `94 Involved in accident with carriage and pair 27 Oct. `94 Has everything in good order 8-10 June `99 Brings Josephine’s portrait from ‘Naulakha’ 27 Dec. `99 Howells, William Dean (American author and magazine editor) Kiplings call on Mrs. Dodge and meet him and Mark Twain 5 Apr. `93 Lunches with Kipling, Ripley Hitchcock and Stephen Crane 25 Apr. `96 Humières, Vicomte Robert d’, Franco-American translator Calls 8 Aug. `00 Visits Bateman’s with his wife 29 July `07 Hunt, Mr and Mrs, Acquaintances in Japan – staying with them? 3 June `92 Successful ball given 14 June `92 Hunter, Sir William (“Grand old man of Indian letters”) Kipling with him 2 May `97

I Imperial Service College – see Westward Ho! Irving, Sir Henry Kiplings calls on them after seeing play at Lyceum 28 May `97

J James, Henry Attends marriage of Rudyard and Carrie 18 Jan. `92 Sees the Kiplings off on their honeymoon 2 Feb `92 Carrie lunches with him in London 24 July `94 Comes to stay at Tisbury 31 July `94 Lunches with them in London 13 Aug. `95 Comes to dinner 6 Jan. `98 Kiplings to lunch the motor breaks down 13 Oct. `02 Attends dinner to Joseph Chamberlain 29 May `03 Lunch in Rye 26 June `03 Comes to lunch at Bateman’s with American cousin 25 Sept. `03 Visits Bateman’s 21 May `06 Visits Bateman’s 21 June `08 James, William – brother of Henry and a Harvard professor Comes to visit with his wife 8 June `95 Jameson, Leander Starr, Prime Minister of Cape Colony (1904-08) Calls 10 Jan. `01 Calls at The Woolsack 13 Feb. 02 Discusses Rhodes’ will and funeral with Kipling 28 Mar. `02 To lunch with the Kiplings at The Elms 8 June `02 Calls at ‘The Woolsack 25 Jan. `03 Guest of the Kiplings at supper in Johannesburg 29 Mar. `03 Most of Kipling’s visit spent with Jameson 5 April `05 Visits Bateman’s “looking ill and wretched” 21 Sep. `05 Meets with Kipling to discuss Rhodes Memorial 1 Jan. `07 Meeting in London with Kipling, Milner, Gwynne and Deakin 7 May `07 Kipling plays “much golf with Jameson 15 Apr. `08 Dr. Jameson “on the ship: a more tolerable voyage because of his company” 15 Apr. `08 Leaves for Africa to attend Union conference 9 Sep. 08

Janeway, Dr. In attendance on Kipling 21 Feb. `99 Johannesburg Kipling visits with Carrie 27 Mar. `03 Jones, Roderick (later Sir Roderick) Reuters Chief Correspondent in Africa Kipling meets Feb. `06 Kipling, Jones and Jameson discuss Rhodes Memorial 1 Jan. `07 Jones, William West, Archbishop of Cape Town Lunches with Rhodes and Kipling (to discuss the conditions for ‘Rhodes Scholarships’ at Oxford) 1 Feb. `01 Preaches at Sunday service on board ship, en route to the Cape 20 Dec. `03

K Kingsley, Mary, British explorer Calls on Carrie 29 Mar. `00 Calls on Carrie 31 Mar. `00 Dines with the Kiplings 10 Apr. `00 Kinnaird, Hon. ?: unknown member of Lord Kinnaird’s family Evidently meets Kipling at the Cape: Carrie disapproves of him Jan `08 Kipling, Alice (née Macdonald – Kipling’s mother) Kipling sends $100 as a Christmas present 30 Nov. `92 Visits them at Rock House – leaves 26 Oct. `96 Visits them at North End House 21 July `97 Comes for Christmas with ‘the Pater’ and ‘Trix’ 22 Dec. `97 To stay at The Elms with ‘the Pater’s note on Kim 20 Sep. `98 Sends “worrying news” concerning ‘Trix’ who is ill 5 Dec. `98 Calls on newly-returned Kiplings at Royal Palace Hotel 23 June `99 Staying with Kiplings as guest (with Trix ) 20 May `02 Staying with Kiplings (she “looks feeble”) 22 June `04 Kipling, Alice (‘Trix’) - Kipling’s sister – see Fleming, Mrs. Jack (‘Trix’) Kipling, Caroline (Carrie) Sails for honeymoon in Teutonic 3 Feb. `92 Arguing with Beatty about finance: agrees to buy house site 26 Feb. `92 Arrives New York 11 Feb. `92 Calls on Grandmamma in New York 12 Feb. `92 Social life in New York 12-16 Feb.`92 To Brattleboro; met by Beatty 16 Feb. `92 Beatty and Mai offer the Kiplings the site for a house 18 Feb. `92 Back to New York 20 Feb. `92 Much arguing with Beatty over finance 26 Feb. `92 Discussions with Marshall the architect 5 Mar. `92 Back to Brattleboro 14 Mar. `92 Go to see our land 15 Mar. `92 Back to New York 17 Mar. `92 Start of their honeymoon voyage – to Chicago 26 Mar. `92 St. Paul MN 28 Mar. `92 Through Dakota to Winnipeg 30 Mar. `92 Vancouver 3 Apr. `92 Sail Vancouver for Japan in SS Empress of India 6 Apr. `92 Yokohama – meet Sir Edwin Arn old 20 Apr. `92 An earthquake 11 May `92 A severe earthquake 3 June `92 They leave Yokohama for Vancouver 27 June `92 Arrive Vancouver 8 July `92 At Banff, Alberta 10-13 July `92 Montreal 19-20 July `92 Mama (Mrs. Balestier) wires that they can rent “the Bliss cottage” at $10 a month 22 July `92 Back to Brattleboro 26 July `92 Grandma calls (old Mrs. Balestier) 27 July `92 They go to inspect the Bliss cottage 28 July `92 Staying at Raponda with Carrie’s mother 1-8 Aug. `92 Moved in to the Bliss cottage 10 Aug. `92 To stay with the de Forests at Coldspring Harbor 18 Aug. `92 Working at house plans 21 Aug. `92 Hires a maid at $18 a month 21 Aug. 92 Really settled in at “The Blizzard” 29 Aug. `92 Her maid ‘defaults’ 5 Sep. 92 Siting Naulakha 8 Sep. `92 Starts to hand out money to Beatty for purchases 8 Sep. `92 The day wrecked by two reporters from Boston 14 Sep. 92 Christmas party at Maplewood for everyone 25 Dec. `92 Gives birth to Josephine, Dr. Conland in attendance 29 Dec. `92 To New York 17 Mar. `93 Has a rough time moving in to ‘Naulakha’ on her own 12 Aug. `93 Signs an agreement saying the house is finished 11 Sep. `93 Carrie and Kipling accompany JLK to New York 23 Sep, `93 Return to Brattleboro 19 Sep. `93 To New York for a holiday 11 Jan. `94 Returns home 17 Jan. `94 Hears Bishop Hall preach 11 Feb `94 To Bermuda – a bad trip and Carrie Ill 27 Feb. `94 Back to New York – another bad trip 24 Mar. `94 Left for Europe with Rudyard and Josephine 2 Apr. 94 Arrive Southampton and to London 10 Apr. `94 Sails again, back to the USA 5 Sep. `94 Arrives New York and back to Brattleboro 14 Sep. `94 Left for Europe with Rudyard and Josephine 2 Apr. 94 Arrive Southampton and to London 10 Apr. `94 Carrie ill 8 June `94 Carrie ill 14 June `94 Lunches with , in London. 24 July `94 Sails again, back to the USA 5 Sep. `94 Arrives New York and back to Brattleboro 14 Sep. `94 To stay with the Catlins 20 Sep. `94 Home to Brattleboro 26 Sep. `94 Involved in accident with carriage and pair 27 Oct. `94 Still upset by her accident 1 Nov. `94 Thanksgiving dinner at Beatty’s home 27 Nov. `94 Rud gives her a Persian cat 1 Dec `94 Burns her face with the stove 14 Jan. `95 To New York 25 Feb. `95 To Gloucester, Mass. with family 1 July `95 To Boston 8 July `95 To New York and on to England 9 July `95 Returns to Brattleboro 22 Aug `95 Birth pains at midnight: Elsie born 3.20 am 1/2 Feb. `96 To Lakewood, NJ 18 Mar `96 Back to New York 8 Apr. `96 Back to ‘Naulakha’, “happy to be home” 28 Apr. `96 “Most wretched and unhappy day of my life” 9 May `96 Sends duplicate deed of parcel of land to John Balestier 21 Nay `96 Given a bicycle by Kipling 23 May `96 To Brattleboro to consult Judge Reed about meadow question 20 July `96 Packing to leave for England 28 Aug. `96 Leaves ‘Naulakha’ for final time 29 Aug. `96 Sails New York (Hoboken) for Southampton 1 Sep. `96 Arrives Southampton 9 Sep. `96 To Rock House, St. Mary Church, Torquay 9 Sep. `96 Struggling with house moving 17 Sep. `96 Lunch in HMS Britannia (Kipling also) 7 Nov. `96 To church with Josephine 15 Nov. `96 They both (Kipling and Carrie) order cycling suits) 17 Nov. `96 “Cycling in the mud” at Torquay Jan. `97 To London for a visit 3 Feb. `97 Kent – house-hunting – thence London 1 Apr. `97 Family lunch with the three aunts (out of four) 2 Apr. `97 To London – house-hunting in Kent 19 Apr. `97 All the family move into the Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington 12 May `97 House-hunting in Kent 14 May `97 To Brighton to discuss taking a house from Aunt Georgie 24 May `87 To the Lyceum theatre: call on Sir Henry Irving and Ellen Terry 28 May `97 They move into North End House, temporarily 2 June `97 House-hunting towards Lewes 3 June `97 Has a bad time of it in the three weeks before John’s birth 21 July `97 Gives birth to son, John 17 Aug. `97 They pay £3.3.0 per week for The Elms, Rottingdean 25 Sep. `97 Sends signed notes for Beatty’s share of the estate 8 Oct. `97 Full of labour and preparations for Christmas 22 Dec `97 To Southampton (en route to South Africa) 8 Jan `98 Arrives Cape Town 25 Jan `98 Dines with Milner 4 Feb. `98 Amusing dinner at Rhodes’s 21 Feb. `98 To England aboard SS Norham Castle – a rough trip 12 Apr. `98 Arrive Southampton: to London, Royal Palace Hotel 30 Apr. `98 Back to The Elms 5 May `98 Much friendship with the Cope Cornfords, Sir G. Robertson. and G. Wyndham May `98 To London for memorial service for E. Burne-Jones 22 June `98 To Wilden to stay with the Baldwins 12 July `98 Back to the Elms 16 July `98 A pony arrives 15 Oct. `98 To Royal Palace Hotel 9/10 Nov. `98 Attends William Black’s funeral 15 Dec. `98 All the family board the Majestic at Liverpool, en route to New York 25 Jan. 99 Arrive New York. “Greatest anxiety about the children who have colds.” 2 Feb. `99 Sends for Doctor Macdonald 2 Feb. `99 A pleasant day but anxiety about the children 3 Feb. `99 Worse anxiety about the children; suspected whooping cough 4 Feb. `99 Great anxiety. Carrie in bed and feverish 8 Feb. `99 Carrie and children better 12 Feb. `99 All go to the Park 20 Feb. `99 Carrie takes Josephine to de Forests on Long Island 23 Feb. `99 Sees Josephine three times today 5 Mar. `99 Takes Kipling to Lakewood NJ 17 Apr. `99 Elsie and John have whooping cough – have to leave their hotel 17 Apr. `99 Uncle John [Balestier] comes 2 June `99 All to Doubleday’s house at Cold Springs, Long Island 5 June. `99 Carrie and her mother visit ‘Naulakha’ 8-10 June `99 All to New York prior to sailing for England 13 June `99 Sail in RMS Teutonic 14 June `99 Returns quietly to The Elms after the disastrous trip to USA 24 June `99 Staying in London at Brown’s Hotel as guests of the Doubledays 6 July `99 Family all leave for Scotland 8 Aug `99 Phil Burne-Jones starts her portrait 8 Aug. `99 Visited the Carnegies at Skibo Castle 17 Aug .`99 They all return to Euston and thence to The Elms 15 Sep. `99 Takes Elsie to church for first time 24 Sep. `99 All ill and Carrie peevish Jan. `00 Leaves Southampton with all the family 20 Jan. `00 Arrives Cape Town – to Mount Nelson Hotel 5 Feb. `00 To No. 7 Hospital at Wynberg with Kipling 10 Feb. `00 To Portland Hospital with Kipling 11 Feb. `00 Hospitals 17 Feb. `00 Winding bandages 18 Feb. `00 Hospitals – dine at Government House 19 Feb. `00 Lunch with Rhodes – shows them the site of the house he will build for them 7 Mar. `00 Meets Baker at the house site to plan the house 9 Mar. `00 Hospitals 12 Mar. `00 Ill and depressed: receives a letter from Kipling at Bloemfontein 26 Mar. `00 Kipling wires he is leaving Bloemfontein today 29 Mar. `00 Mary Kingsley calls 29 Mar. `00 Kipling will stay in Bloemfontein until 2 April 30 Mar. `00 Papers say Kipling was at a battle yesterday 31 Mar. `00 Mary Kingsley calls 31 Mar. `00 Kipling wires he will be back 4 or 5 Apr. 1 Apr. `00 Kipling returns 3 Apr. `00 Mary Kingsley “the delightful” to dinner 10 Apr. `00 Family left for home 11 Apr. `00 Back in London, Brown’s Hotel 28 Apr. `00: Tea with the vicar 7 June `00 Declines dinner invitations from Duchess of Sutherland and Mrs. Humphry Ward 9 June `00 They lunch with Henley at Worthing 12 June `00 To Guildford to stay with the Stracheys 15 June `00 A 30-mile drive through lovely villages 16 June `00 Carrie and Kipling have a walk on Merrow Down 17 June `00 A drive on the London road as far as Cuckfield 28 June `00 Motor drive to Arundel 13 July `00 Drive to Uckfield 17 July `00 Drive to Haywards Heath to see a house 23 July `00 Mr. Baker from the Cape calls 8 Aug. `00 By train and cab to Etchingham and Burwash to see Bateman’s 14 Aug. `00 Gives away prizes at village flower show 16 Aug. `00 A drive across the Downs to (Al)friston 18 Aug. `00 “We talk Burwash” 18 Aug. `00 Visit to the Baldwins at Wilden 28 Aug. `00 The Mackail children (visiting the Kiplings?) 3 Sep. `00 The Edward Carsons 6 Sep. `00 Disappointment about Batemans 23 Sep. `00 To Hawkhurst – Jacobean House 24 Sep. `00 They try out an American automobile 12 Oct. `00 They don’t like Georgian houses 18 Oct. `00 Head of USC to lunxh 31 Oct. `00 To Leamington to stay with Wolcott cousins 1 Nov. `00 To Stratford 2 Nov. `00 Return with presents and a Persian cat 3 Nov. `00 Power of Attorney over ‘Naulakha’ to FND 2 Dec. `00 Off to South Africa 8 Dec. `00 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 25 Dec. `00 Mr. Baker calls 10 Jan. 01 Rhodes sends them a lion cub, to see if they can rear it 13 Feb. `01 The saddest day of our year 6 Mar. `01 Lunch at Groote Schuur with 60 Australian & NZ officers 14 Mar. `00 The Baden-Powells call 19 Mar. `00 Baden-Powell and his sister call 2 Apr. `00 The Mackays to call 5 Apr `01 Dined at Government House 9 Apr. `01 Col Mackay and a dozen Australians to tea 13 Apr. `01 Leave “dear Woolsack” 17 Apr. `01 Arrive Southampton 3 May `01 Told she must have an operation 14 June `01 New motor arrives 18 June `01 A motor picnic in St. Leonard’s Forest with Stracheyss 6 July `01 Carrie ill with a nurse July `01 Still ill and depressed 9 Aug. `01 Cross from Newhaven to France to stay with Catlins in Paris 7 Oct. `01 Return to Newhaven 12 Oct. 01 Kipling gives her a ring 28 Nov. `01 The family sails from Southampton to the Cape. 21 Dec. `01 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 7 Jan. `02 Left The Woolsack for England 16 Apr; `02 Arrive Southampton and to Rottingdean 3 May `92 Engages secretary – Miss E. Parker 6 May. `02 FND and Dorothy arrive 8 May `02 Mrs. Kipling and Trix as guests 20 May `02 By train and cab again to see Bateman’s 26 May `02 To Bateman’s again: they determine to buy: telegrams fly 28 May `02 Invitations to the Abbey for the Coronation 6 June `02 Dr. Jameson to lunch 8 June `02 George Macdonald buys Bateman’s on their behalf for £9300 10 June `02 To London for a reception for colonials 16 June `02 To Bateman’s with Kipling and Ambo Poymter 18 June `02 Kiplings visit the Stracheys at Guildford 21 June `02 Back to The Elms – news of the King’s illness 24 June `02 New Secretary, Miss Parker, takes up her duties 30 June `02 To Bateman’s, most days July `02 Visit to the Loders at Free Chase 15-17 July `02 Uncle Fred (Macdonald) calls 22-30 July `02 Purchase of Bateman’s complete 29 July `02 Spent Coronation day at home 9 Aug. 02 To Isle of Wight to buy leather hangings for Bateman’s Aug. `02 Last night at The Elms 31 Aug. `02 Farewell reception at the Ridsdales 1 Sep. `02 Move to Bateman’s – “chaos and black night” 3 Sep. `02 Heavy work till about the 9th 3 Sep. `02 To Rye: lunch with Henry James, where the motor breaks down 13 Oct. `02 Miss Anderson comes for two days 18 Oct. `02 The vicar to tea 16 Dec. `02 Lunch at the vicarage 22 Dec. `02 Quiet Christmas at home 25 Dec. `02 To Southampton 27 Dec. `02 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 13 Jan. `03 Visit to HMS Good Hope 21 Jan. `03 Attend lunch for Chamberlain, seated unsuitably 20 Feb. `03 To Johannesburg with Kipling 25-27 Mar. `03 Packing to leave “The Woolsack” 20 Apr. `03 Sails in Kinfauns Castle for England 22 Apr. `03 Arrive Southampton and to Bateman’s via London 9 May `03 Saw the play “The Light that Failed” 15 May `03 To lunch with Henry James at Rye 26 June `03 Henry James to lunch with an American cousin 25 Sep. `03 To lunch with the Lugards at Abinger 27 Dep. `03 Milner and Lady Edward Cecil to lunch 18 Oct. `03 Carrie and the children to stay with the Baldwins at Wilden 18 Oct. `03 To Tunbridge Wells to sign the deeds of Naulakha 21 Nov. `03 Sails for Cape Town 12 Dec. `03 Arrive Cape Town and to “The Woolsack” 29 Dec. `03 To Kimberley with Rudyard 9 Mar. `04 Sails in Kildonan Castle for England 13 Apr. `04 Visits Admiral Fisher at Portsmouth with Kipling 29 July `04 Doubledays visiting Bateman’s 14 Oct. `04 To Sir E. Loder’s wonderful park 29 Oct. `04 To the Stracheys at Merrow Down 30 Oct. `04 To the Baldwins at Bewdley Nov. `04 Haggling over purchase of Dudwell Farm Dec. `04 Off to South Africa 10 Dec. `04 Arrive Cape Town 27 Dec. `04 To stay with the Leonards at Maesllwch Castle Aug. `05 To stay with the Baldwins at Astley Aug. `05 To Cambridge “to see the Backs” 12 Aug. `05 To the Haggards 14 Aug. `05 To the Jessops 14 Aug. `05 Attends a dinner at Moberly Bells’ to meet Joseph Chamberlains 7 Nov. `05 Sailed for Africa 23 Dec. `05 Is sketched by Princess Patricia of Connaught Jan. 06 To the Woolsack 9 Jan. `06 Carrie ill March `06 To Johannesburg by train 9 Mar. `06 To Pretoria 16 Mar. `06 Leave Cape Town 18 Apr. `06 Arrive Southampton 5 May `06 Attends Aunt Aggie’s funeral 15 June `06 (note) Leaves for South Africa 17 Dec. `06 Arrives Cape Town and to The Woolsack 1 Jan. `07 Leave Cape Town 6. Apr. `07 Arrive Southampton 20 Apr. `07 To see Lady Edward Cecil at Great Wigsell 24 Apr. `07 To town, anxious about John’s eyes 10 May `07 To military tournament 10 May `07 Meet Poynter (Ned? Ambo?) 10 May `07 Meets Sara Anderson 10 May `07 Frequently visit Bodiam Castle June `07 Lord Milner for lunch and tea – a delightful visit 8 Sep. `07 To London, then Liverpool & RMS Empress of Britain 20 Sep. `07 Met by Sir William Van Horne at Rimouski, QP 26 Sep. `07 Quebec to Montreal in private railway car 27 Sep. `07 Meet Carrie’s mother, Doubledays and McClures in Montreal 27 Sep. `07 At Ottawa 30 Sep. `07 At Winnipeg, 2 Oct. `07 Moosejaw – Calgary 3-4 Oct. `07 Vancouver and Victoria 5 Oct. `07 Medicine Hat 13 Oct. `07 Toronto – reporters 16 Oct. `07 Ottawa, staying with Governor-General at Rideau Hall 19 Oct. `07 McGill University 23 Oct. `07 A town reception 23 Oct. `07 Carrie’s mother returns to Brattleboro. 23 Oct. `07 Sails for England – Allan liner Virginian 24 Oct. `07 Spends two hours with chief engineer, learning about turbines 29 Oct. `07 Arrive home 2 Nov. `07 Left for Stockholm 7 Dec. `07 Esbjerg – very seasick 8 Dec. `07 Stockholm 10 Dec. `07 Nobel ceremonies 11-12 Dec. `07 Back by Hamburg and Flushing – another rough crossing 12 Dec. `07 Back at Bateman’s – peace and shelter most welcome 15 Dec. `07 To Southampton – a dull voyage to the Cape 28 Dec. `07 Left the Woolsack 15 Apr. `08 Home 2 May `08 Decides to take on secretary’s task when Miss Matters leave 4 May `08. Calls on Conan Doyles at Crowborough 11 May `08 Visits to Rottingdean to see John who is homesick 21 May `08 Starts a stamp collection with John (and Kipling) 21 June `08 Family tour to the north – York-Kendal-Skipton-Carlisle 4-11 Aug. `08 Along the Wall to Rothbuty 4 Aug. `08 Staying with the Leonards at Biddlestone Hall, 11-18 Aug. `08 4 Aug. `08 Visit to Alnwick 13 Aug `08 Newcastle and Birmingham, to the Baldwins 18-19 Aug. `08 Kiplings call on Viscount & Viscountess Cobhan at Hagley Hall, on way to Baldwins 19 Aug. `08 Stratford-Oxford 21 Aug. `08 Horsham and home 22 Aug. `08 To Brookland in Romney Marsh to see the church 27 Aug, `08 Staying with Admiral Durnford for two days at RNC Greenwich 25 Sep. `08 Bland-Sutton removes three cysts from Carrie’s head 8 Oct. `08 (note) To Switzerland 29 Dec. `08 Lucerne 30 Dec. `08 Engelberg 31 Dec. `08 Kipling, Elsie, the Kiplings’ younger daughter. Born 2 Feb. `96 Weighs 9½ lbs 16 Feb. `96 All the family move into the Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington 12 May `97 They move into North End House, temporarily 2 June `97 To Southampton (en route to South Africa) 8 Jan `98 Arrives Cape Town 25 Jan `98 To England aboard S S Norham Castle – a rough trip 12 Apr. `98 Arrive Southampton: to London, Royal Palace Hotel 30 Apr. `98 Back to The Elms 5 May `98 Children start to go barefoot 5 July `98 Children have a governess cart 15 Sep. `98 All the family board the Majestic at Liverpool, en route to New York 25 Jan. 99 All children sick 27 Jan. `99 Has a cold 31 Jan. `99 Arrive New York. “Greatest anxiety about the children who have colds.” 2 Feb. `99 Children better 12 Feb. `99 All go to the Park 20 Feb. `99 Has whooping cough 17 Feb. `99 All to Doubleday’s house at Cold Springs, Long Island 5 June. `99 All to New York prior to sailing for England 13 June `99 Sail in RMS Teutonic 14 June `99 Returns quietly to The Elms after the disastrous trip to USA 24 June `99 Family all leave for Scotland 8 Aug `99 They all return to Euston and thence to The Elms 15 Sep. `99 Carrie takes her to church for first time 24 Sep. `99 All ill Jan. `00 To South Africa 20 Jan. `00 Arrives Cape Town – to Mount Nelson Hotel 5 Feb. `00 Family left for home 11 Apr. `00 Back in London, Brown’s Hotel 28 Apr. `00 Visit to the Baldwins at Wilden 28 Aug. `00 The Mackail children (visiting the Kiplings?) 3 Sep. `00 Off to South Africa 8 Dec. `00 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 25 Dec. `00 Rhodes sends them a lion cub, to see if they can rear it 13 Feb. `01 Leave “dear Woolsack” 17 Apr. `01 Arrive Southampton 3 May `01 Children at Crowborough with a nurse July `01 The family sails from Southampton to the Cape. 21 Dec. `01 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 7 Jan. `02 Left The Woolsack for England 16 Apr; `02 Arrive Southampton and to Rottingdean 3 May `02 The children often pay visits to Crowborough 8 May `02 Last night at The Elms 31 Aug. `02 Move to Bateman’s 3 Sep. `02 Takes children to see hops being roasted 9 Sep. `02 Quiet Christmas at home 25 Dec. `02 To Southampton 27 Dec. `02 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 13 Jan. `03 Children given a terrier 19 Jan. `03 Sails in Kinfauns Castle for England 22 Apr. `03 Arrive Southampton and to Bateman’s via London 9 May `03 Carrie and the children to stay with the Baldwins at Wilden 18 Oct. `03 Children do their play “Alice in Wonderland” 26 Nov. `03 All to Southampton 12 Dec. `03 Off to South Africa 10 Dec. `04 Arrive Cape Town 27 Dec. `04 A pony – ‘Stella’ – for the children June 1905 A French governess 14 Aug. `05 The Mackail children 14 Aug. `05 Sailed for Africa 23 Dec. `05 Leave Cape Town 18 Apr. `06 Arrive Southampton 5 May `06 Leaves for South Africa 17 Dec. `06 Arrives Cape Town and to The Woolsack 1 Jan. `07 Sees much of the Bailey children this trip 18 Feb. `07 Leave Cape Town 6. Apr. `07 Arrive Southampton 20 Apr. `07 Arrive Southampton 20 Apr. `07 Kipling accompanies her to see her do her milking 14 Sep. `07 Family tour to the north – York-Kendal-Skipton-Carlisle 4-11 Aug. `08 Along the Wall to Rothbuty 4 Aug. `08 Staying with the Leonards at Biddlestone Hall, 11-18 Aug. `08 4 Aug. `08 Visit to Alnwick 13 Aug `08 Newcastle and Birmingham, to the Baldwins 18-19 Aug. `08 Stratford-Oxford 21 Aug. `08 Horsham and home 22 Aug. `08 To Switzerland 29 Dec. `08 Lucerne 30 Dec. `08 Engelberg 31 Dec. `08 Kipling, John – the Kipling’s son Birth 17 Aug. 97 To Southampton (en route to South Africa) 8 Jan `98 Arrives Cape Town 25 Jan `98 To England aboard SS Norham Castle – a rough trip 12 Apr. `98 Arrive Southampton: to London, Royal Palace Hotel 30 Apr. `98 Back to The Elms 5 May `98 Children start to go barefoot 5 July `98 Children have a governess cart 15 Sep. `98 All the family board the Majestic at Liverpool, en route to New York 25 Jan. 99 All children sick 27 Jan. `99 Arrive New York. “Greatest anxiety about the children who have colds.” 2 Feb. `99 Children better 12 Feb. `99 All go to the Park 20 Feb. `99 Has whooping cough 17 Feb. `99 All to Doubleday’s house at Cold Springs, Long Island 5 June. `99 All to New York prior to sailing for England 13 June `99 Sail in RMS Teutonic 14 June `99 Returns quietly to The Elms after the disastrous trip to USA 24 June `99 Family all leave for Scotland 8 Aug `99 They all return to Euston and thence to The Elms 15 Sep. `99 All ill Jan. `00 To South Africa 20 Jan. `00 Arrives Cape Town – to Mount Nelson Hotel 5 Feb. `00 Family left for home 11 Apr. `00 Back in London, Brown’s Hotel 28 Apr. `00 Visit to the Baldwins at Wilden 28 Aug. `00 The Mackail children (visiting the Kiplings?) 3 Sep. `00 Off to South Africa 8 Dec. `00 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 25 Dec. `00 Rhodes sends them a lion cub, to see if they can rear it 13 Feb. `01 Leave “dear Woolsack” 17 Apr. `01 Arrive Southampton 3 May `01 Children at Crowborough with a nurse July `01 The family sails from Southampton to the Cape. 21 Dec. `01 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 7 Jan. `02 Left The Woolsack for England 16 Apr; `02 Arrive Southampton and to Rottingdean 3 May `02 The children often pay visits to Crowborough 8 May `02 Last night at The Elms 31 Aug. `02 Move to Bateman’s 3 Sep. `02 Kipling takes children to see hops being roasted 9 Sep. `02 Quiet Christmas at home 25 Dec. `02 To Southampton 27 Dec. `02 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 13 Jan. `03 Children given a terrier 19 Jan. `03 Carrie and the children to stay with the Baldwins at Wilden 18 Oct. `03 Children do their play “Alice in Wonderland” 26 Nov. `03 All to Southampton 12 Dec. `03 Off to South Africa 10 Dec. `04 Arrive Cape Town 27 Dec. `04 A pony – ‘Stella’ – for the children June 1905 A French governess 14 Aug. `05 The Mackail children 14 Aug. `05 Sailed for Africa 23 Dec. `05 Leave Cape Town 18 Apr. `06 Arrive Southampton 5 May `06 Leaves for South Africa 17 Dec. `06 Arrives Cape Town and to The Woolsack 1 Jan. `07 Sees much of the Bailey children this trip 18 Feb. `07 Leave Cape Town 6. Apr. `07 Arrive Southampton 20 Apr. `07 To London with parents to see ophthalmologist 10 May `07 To military tournament with parents 10 May `07 Kipling takes him back to pre. School (St. Aubyn’s, Rottingdean for first time 18 Sep.`07 Homesick at school: his parents visit 21 May `08 Starts a stamp collection with Carrie (and Kipling) 21 June `08 Family tour to the north – York-Kendal-Skipton-Carlisle 4-11 Aug. `08 Along the Wall to Rothbuty 4 Aug. `08 Staying with the Leonards at Biddlestone Hall, 11-18 Aug. `08 4 Aug. `08 Visit to Alnwick 13 Aug `08 Newcastle and Birmingham, to the Baldwins 18-19 Aug. `08 Stratford-Oxford 21 Aug. `08 Horsham and home 22 Aug. `08 To Switzerland 29 Dec. `08 Lucerne 30 Dec. `08 Engelberg 31 Dec. `08 Kipling, John Lockwood (the Pater – Kipling’s father) Lord Lansdowne will use influence for pension for Lockwood 27 Feb. `93 Kipling meets him in New York 16 June `93 Arrives in Brattleboro 19 June `93 JLK attends church with Mrs. Caroline Balestier 23 July `93 Leaves for Montreal with Rudyard 3 Aug. `93 Arrives Quebec with Rudyard 5 Aug. `93 Visits Boston with Kipling 14 Aug. `93 Returns to Brattleboro 28 Aug. `93 Carves motto for fireplace 1 Sep. `93 To the circus with Rudyard 6 Sep. `93 Leaves with Rudyard to stay with C E Norton 8 Sep. `93 Returns 11 Sep. `93 Leaves New York for England 27 Sep. `93 To Westward Ho! (ISC) with Rudyard 24 July `94 Modelling in the coach-house at Rock House 2 Oct. `96 Leaves Rock House (Mrs. Kipling also) 26 Oct. `96 Comes to Rock House (till 31st) 17 Mar. `97 Comes to stay at North End House 19 June `97 To Portsmouth and back with Kipling to see the Fleet Review 24 June `97 Comes for Christmas with Alice and ‘Trix’ 22 Dec. `97 To Southampton (en route to South Africa) 8 Jan `98 Arrives Cape Town 25 Jan `98 To Johannesburg 28 Jan. `98 Back in Cape Town 7 Mar. `98 Returns from Kimberley 30 Mar. `98 Given a big dinner in Cape Town with ‘the Pater’ 11 Apr. `98 To England aboard SS Norham Castle – a rough trip 12 Apr. `98 Joins them in New York to help them through their crisis 29 Mar. `99 (note to 6 Mar.) All to Doubleday’s house at Cold Springs, Long Island 5 June. `99 All to New York prior to sailing for England 13 June `99 Farewell dinner in New York (RK, ‘the Pater’, FND, McClure and de Forest) 13 June `99 Sails back to England with Kiplings in RMS Teutonic 14 June `99 Joins Kiplings at Creich 8 Aug. `99 Staying at Rottingdean: goes target shooting with Kipling 13 May`00 Kipling sends a cheque to him 21 June `00 Arrives to join them at the Cape 11 Feb. `02 Left The Woolsack for England 16 Apr; `02 Arrives Southampton 3 May `02 Staying with Kiplings 22 June `04 Comes to stay, along with Florence Macdonald 30 May `05 Ill 20 Apr. `07 Kipling, Josephine (Kipling’s elder daughter) Born 29 Dec. `92 Weighs 7 lb 8 Jan. `93 Left for Europe with her parents 2 Apr. 94 “An unquestionable beauty” 30 Apr. `94 Sails again, back to the USA 5 Sep. `94 Arrives New York and back to Brattleboro 14 Sep. `94 Portrait painted by Miss Holbrook 19 Dec. `94 To New York 25 Feb. `95 To Gloucester, Mass. with family 1 July `95 Pleased with her baby sister 8 Feb. `96 To church with Carrie 15 Nov. `96 All the family move into the Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington 12 May `97 They move into North End House, temporarily 2 June `97 Swims 50 yards 9 Nov.`97 To Southampton (en route to South Africa) 8 Jan `98 Arrives Cape Town 25 Jan `98 To England aboard SS Norham Castle – a rough trip 12 Apr. `98 Arrive Southampton: to London, Royal Palace Hotel 30 Apr. `98 Back to The Elms 5 May `98 Children start to go barefoot 5 July `98 Children have a governess cart 15 Sep. `98 All the family board the Majestic at Liverpool, en route to New York 25 Jan. 99 All children sick 27 Jan. `99 Has a cold 31 Jan. `99 Worse 1 Feb. `99 Arrives New York. “Greatest anxiety about the children who have colds.” 2 Feb. `99 Children better 12 Feb. `99 All go to the Park 20 Feb. `99 High temperature and fever in the night. Dr. Macdonald fears complications 23 Feb. `99 Taken to the de Forest’s on Long Island 23 Feb. `99 Carrie sees her for the last time: Josephine sends her love to “Daddy and all” 5 Mar. `99 Dies 6 Mar. `99 Matthew Howard brings Josephine’s portrait to The Elms 27 Dec. `99 Kipling, Rudyard Returns from Bombay 10 Jan. `92 Gets Special Licence 11 Jan. `92 Marries Caroline Balestier 18 Jan. `92 Sails for honeymoon in Teutonic 3 Feb. `92 Arrives New York 11 Feb. `92 With Carrie calls on Grandmamma in New York 12 Feb. `92 Social life in New York 12-16 Feb. `92 To Brattleboro; met by Beatty 16 Feb. `92 Beatty and Mai offer the Kiplings the site for a house 18 Feb. `92 Back to New York 20 Feb. `92 Reworking of dedication to Wolcott Balestier 11 Mar. `92 Back to Brattleboro 14 Mar. `92 Go to see our land 15 Mar. `92 Back to New York 17 Mar. `92 Start of their honeymoon voyage – to Chicago 26 Mar. `92 St. Paul MN 28 Mar/ `92 Through Dakota to Winnipeg 30 Mar. `92 Vancouver 3 Apr. `92 Sail Vancouver for Japan in SS Empress of India 6 Apr. `92 Yokohama – meet Sir Edwin Arn old 20 Apr. `92 An earthquake 11 May `92 Kills two snakes 23 May `92 Gives up stateroom in Empress of China 8 June `92 His bank, New Oriental Banking Corporation, fails 9 June `92 Attends creditors’ meeting 24 June `92 They leave Yokohama 27 June `92 Arrive Vancouver 8 July `92 At Banff, Alberta 10-13 July `92 Montreal 19-20 July `92 Back to Brattleboro 26 July `92 Staying at Raponda with Carrie’s mother 1-8 Aug. `92 Moved in to the Bliss cottage 10 Aug. `92 To stay with the de Forests at Coldspring Harbor 18 Aug. `92 Working at house plans 21 Aug. `92 Offer of ten shillings in the pound from his failed bank 30 Aug. `92 Siting Naulakha 8 Sep. `92 The day wrecked by two reporters from Boston 14 Sep. 92 Sends his mother $100 for Christmas 30 Nov. `92 Christmas party at Maplewood for everyone 25 Dec. `92 Dr, Conland attends Josephine’s birth 29 Dec. `92 To New York 17 Mar. `93 Back to Brattleboro 20 Apr. `93 Leaves for Montreal with his father 3 Aug. `93 Arrives Quebec with his father 5 Aug. `93 Visits Boston with his father 14 Aug. `93 Leaves for New York 16 Aug. `93 Returns to Brattleboro 19 Aug. `93 To the circus with his father 6 Sep. `93 Leaves with his father to stay with C E Norton 8 Sep. `93 Returns 11 Sep `93 Kipling and Carrie accompany JLK to New York 23 Sep, `93 Return to Brattleboro 19 Sep. `93 “Continually goes to dentist” 12 Nov. `93 To New York for a holiday 11 Jan. `94 Returns home with a toy theatre 17 Jan. `94 To Bermuda – a bad trip and Carrie ill 27 Feb. `94 Back to New York – another bad trip 24 Mar. `94 Left for Europe with Carrie and Josephine 2 Apr. 94 Arrive Southampton and to London 10 Apr. `94 Lunches at the Savile Club 12 Apr. `94 Goes to visit his parents at Tisbury, Wiltshire 14 Apr. `94 Returns to London 16 Apr. `94 Sits to Leslie Ward (‘Spy’ of Vanity Fair) 19 Apr. `94 To Westward Ho! (ISC) with 24 July `94 Returns to Tisbury 26 July `94 Sails again, back to the USA 5 Sep. `94 Arrives New York and back to Brattleboro 14 Sep. `94 A trip to Gloucester, Mass. 31 Aug. `94 To stay with the Catlins 20 Sep. `94 Home to Brattleboro 26 Sep. `94 Thanksgiving dinner at Beatty’s home 27 Nov. `94 To stay with the Nortons in Cambridge (Mass.) 6 Dec. `94 Returns again 10 Dec. `94 Protests about the Brattleboro trolley car 19 Feb. `95 To New York 25 Feb. `95 To Washington, DC 26 Feb. `95 Spends the afternoon at the US Navy yard 28 Mar. `95 Visits the beavers at the Zoo with Roosevelt 29 Mar. `95 Meeting with A P Watt in Washington 1 Apr. `95 Lunch with Beerbohm Tree 1 Apr. `95 Has fever 29 June `95 To Gloucester, Mass. with family 1 July `95 To Boston 8 July `95 To New York and on to England 9 July `95 Returns to Brattleboro 22 Aug `95 Gets a bicycle 10 Sep. `95 Elected to Century Club, New York 25 Oct. `95 To stay with the Nortons in Boston 20 Nov. `05 He returns 23 Nov. `95 Unsettled by American bellicosity towards England. 24 Dec. `95 To New York 26 Dec. `95 Returns 28 Dec. `95 To New York “for a treat” 17 Mar. `96 To Lakewood, NJ 18 Mar `96 Takes a bicycle lesson 21 Mar. `96 Master of his “wheel” 31 Mar. `96 Back to New York 8 Apr. `96 Back to ‘Naulakha’, “happy to be home” 28 Apr. `96 Threatened by Beatty: goes to his lawyer 6 May `96 Beatty’s trial: “Rud a wreck” 12 May `96 To Gloucester with Dr. Conland 19 May `96 Back from Gloucester, gives Carrie a bicycle 23 May `96 Leaves with de Forest for fishing trip in Canada 15 June `96 Returns 1 July `96 To Gloucester with Dr. Conland 4 Aug. `96 Returns 7 Aug. `96 To Ashfield (Boston) to see the Nortons 15 Aug, `96 Returns 17 Aug. `96 Leaves ‘Naulakha’ for final time 29 Aug. `96 Sails New York (Hoboken) for Southampton 1 Sep. `96 Arrives Southampton 9 Sep. `96 To Rock House, St. Mary Church, Torquay 9 Sep. `96 Has toothache 23 Sep. `96 To HMS Britannia at Dartmouth 26 Sep. `96 Lunch in HMS Britannia (Carrie also) 7 Nov. `96 They both (Kipling and Carrie) order cycling suits) 17 Nov. `96 To Tisbury 18 Nov. `96 To dentist again 5 Dec. `96 “Cycling in the mud” at Torquay Jan. `97 Shooting with Hugh Poynter Jan. `97 To London for a visit 3 Feb. `97 Returns (via Tisbury) 9 Feb. `97 Gravely annoyed with Thacker, Spink over unauthorised Dedication 29 Mar, `97 Kent – house-hunting – thence London 1 Apr. `97 Family lunch with the three aunts (out of four) 2 Apr. `97 Elected to Athenaeum 2 Apr. `97 To London – house-hunting in Kent 19 Apr. `97 All the family move into the Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington 12 May `97 To Chatham for sea-trials in a TBD 18 May `97 To dinner at Royal Society 19 May `97 With Sir William Hunter 23 May `97 To Brighton to discuss taking a house from Aunt Georgie 24 May `87 Dines at Balliol (Oxford College) 24 May `97 Lunch with J M Barrie 26 May `97 Lunch with John Hay 27 May `97 To the Lyceum theatre: call on Sir Henry Irving and Ellen Terry 28 May `97 Attends dinner in honour of Sir G. Robertson & meets Lord Curzon 31 May `97 They move into North End House, temporarily 2 June `97 House-hunting towards Lewes 3 June `97 To London, to a “colonial lunch” 11 June `97 Kipling “plays long and lovingly” with the new tandem bicycle 21 June `97 To Portsmouth and back with his father to see the Fleet Review 24 June `97 To Portsmouth to join HMS Pelorus, the guest of Captain Bayly 30 June `97 Dines with Captain Prince Louis of Battenberg 8 July `97 Returns to Rottingdean 14 July `97 To dentist 21 July `97 To Tisbury for two days 30 Aug. `97 “Foregathers” with Stan Baldwin 3 Sep. `97 Ditto 5 Sep. `97 Leaves for Dorchester, house-hunting 11 Sep. `97 Returns 15 Sep. `97 Finds a house near Hastings 18 Sep. `97 They pay £3.3.0 per week for The Elms, Rottingdean 25 Sep. `97 Long walk with Barrie, Burne-Jones and ‘Crom’ Price 17 Oct. `97 Discusses a pension for W E Henley with Cope Cornford 13 Nov. `97 Puts Baldwin up for the Athenaeum with Ned Burne-Jones 17 Nov. `97 Long Walk with Stan Baldwin 1 Jan `98 To Southampton (en route to South Africa) 8 Jan `98 Arrives Cape Town 25 Jan `98 Lunch with Cecil Rhodes and Sharpe 26 Jan. `98 Dines with Milner 4 Feb. `98 To Simonstown 11 Feb. `98 Memorable day with Rhodes 13 Feb. `98 Visits Merriman at Stellenbosch 16 Feb. `98 Amusing dinner at Rhodes’s 21 Feb. `98 Amusing arguments with Rhodes 25 Feb. `98 To Kimberley, by special train with Rhodes 5 Mar. `98 In Kimberley 7 Mar. `98 To Bulawayo 9 Mar. `98 At Bulawayo 12 Mar. `98 Out to the Matoppos Hills 14 Mar. `98 Back in Kimberley, leaving for Johannesburg 28 Mar `98 Returns from Johannesburg 6 Apr. `98 Given a big dinner in Cape Town with ‘the Pater’ 11 Apr. `98 To England aboard S S Norham Castle – a rough trip 12 Apr. `98 Much talk with Rhodes and Milner on the trip 30 Apr. `98 Arrive Southampton 30 Apr. `98 Dines with John Hay on the evening of his arrival 30 April `98 Dines with Rhodes and John Hay 3 May `98 Dines with Hay and Rhodes 3 May `98 Back to The Elms 5 May `98 Much friendship with the Cope Cornfords, Sir G. Robertson. and G. Wyndham May `98 Too upset to work (death of Uncle ‘Ned’ Burne-Jones) 18 June `98 Keeps vigil in Rottingdean church before interment of ashes 20 June `98 Attends funeral service for E. Burne-Jones 20 June `98 To London for memorial service for E. Burne-Jones 22 June `98 Lockwood de Forest visiting July `98 To Wilden to stay with the Baldwins 12 July `98 Back to the Elms 16 July `98 At Tisbury 29 July-2 Aug. `98 To HMS Pelorus at Devonport 1 Sep. `98 At Berehaven 3 Sep. `98 In Bantry Bay 6 Sep. `98 Much talk with Prince Louis of Battenberg 10 Sep. `98 Returns home 12 Sep. `98 “Much interested” in Robertson’s book on Chitral 22 Oct. `98 To Royal Palace Hotel 9/10 Nov. `98 Worrying news from Mrs Kipling concerning ‘Trix’ who is ill 5 Dec. `98 ‘Trix’ worse 7 Dec. `98 Attends William Black’s funeral 15 Dec. `98 To Tisbury to discuss Kim with the Pater 6-9 Jan. `99 To London to oculist (at end of above visit) 9 Jan. `99 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Benson call 22 Jan. `99 Beerbohm Tree calls (on business?) 22 Jan/ `99 All the family board the Majestic at Liverpool, en route to New York 25 Jan. 99 Arrive New York 2 Feb. `99 Kipling apparently still well 12 Feb. `99 Called on the McClures 20 Feb. `99 Lunches at the Century 20 Feb. `99 Feels dull and has a fever in the night 20 Feb. `99 Too ill to get up 21 Feb. `99 An anxious night and still more anxious day 22 Feb. `99 Sane and quiet: doing a story 23 Feb. `99 Taken to Lakewood, NJ 17 Apr. `99 S. McClure calls 6 May `99 Has gained 15 lbs at Lakewood 8 May `99 By special (railway) car to Catlins at Morristown 9 May `99 Dr. Conland calls: says lung healed, but needs six months’ rest May `99 Conland advises in strongest terms not to spend winters in N. hemisphere May `99 (note) Chapin of St. Nicholas Magazine calls May `99 All to Doubleday’s house at Cold Springs, Long Island 5 June. `99 All to New York prior to sailing for England 13 June `99 Farewell dinner in New York (RK, ‘the Pater’, FND, McClure and de Forest) 13 June `99 Leaves New York by RMS Teutonic 14 June `99 Enjoys his voyage 14 June `99 To London, Palace Hotel 23 June `99 Returns quietly to The Elms after the disastrous trip to USA 24 June `99 Staying in London at Brown’s Hotel as guests of the Doubledays 6 July `99 V. happy with Phil (Burne-Jones) who starts portrait 8 July `99 Unpacking a printing press 8 July `99 Has a poisoned finger (to 14 July) 8 July `99 Family all leave for Scotland 8 Aug. `99 Visited the Carnegies at Skibo Castle 17 Aug.`99 They all return to Euston and thence to The Elms 15 Sep. `99 Meets Joseph Chamberlain at his club 11 Oct `99 Worried over troops in S. Africa 23 Oct. `99 Bad news of Trix 30 Oct. `99 Sits to Phil Burne-Jones again 2 Nov. `99 Gives testimony in a suit against a German publisher 7 Nov. `99 Goes to see a Pelorus friend, Lieutenant Pelly 15 Nov. `99 Takes the chair at a Navy League meeting in Rottingdean 24 Nov. `99 Hires a motor from London: they drive to Brighton 6 Dec. `99 Grieved over the Modder River reverse 13 Dec. `99 Offered the KCB, which he declines 14 Dec. `99 Depressed over bad war news: occupied with Volunteer business 16 Dec. `99 Deeply absorbed: starts the notion of a Volunteer Corps 17 Dec. `99 Speaks at a recruiting meeting 19 Dec. `99 To London – lawyers 21 Dec. `99 Has influenza 28 Dec. `99 Better: Ambo (Poynter) and Stanley (Baldwin) “come to play” 31 Dec. `99 All ill Jan. `00 Working with (or for) the village volunteers Jan `00 To town to sign his testimony in the Putnam case 19 Jan. `00 Leaves Southampton with all the family 20 Jan. `00 Enjoys himself with the volunteers in the ship 20 Jan. `00 Arrives Cape Town – to Mount Nelson Hotel 5 Feb. `00 An hour’s talk with Lord Roberts 6 Feb. `00 Dines with L S Amery, “the Times man” 7 Feb. `00 Calls on Milner, “who is glad to see him”. 8 Feb. `00 To No. 7 Hospital at Wynberg with Carrie 10 Feb. `00 To Portland Hospital with Carrie 11 Feb. `00 Sees Milner about a wire to The Times 12 Feb. `00 Talks to over 200 men at No. 2 Hospital 13 Feb. `00 Talks to over 200 men at No. 2 Hospital 15 Feb. `00 Relief of Kimberley – at No. 3 Hospital 16 Feb. `00 Hospitals 17 Feb. `00 Winding bandages 18 Feb. `00 Hospitals – dine at Government House 19 Feb. `00 Recites verses at a hospital 20 Feb. `00 To Modder River in a hospital train 22 Feb. `00 At Magersfontein 23 Feb. `00 At Modder River 24 Feb. `00 Returns 26 Feb. `00 No. 1 Hospital – dunes with Bagot the censor 27 Feb. `00 Lunches with an old Indian friend 28 Feb. `00 No. 1 Hospital 2 Mar. `00 A lot of talk with Indian Army officers 6 Mar. `00 Lunch with Rhodes – shows them the site of the house he will build for them 7 Mar. `00 With Rhodes to Stellenbosch and the Paarl 8 Mar. `00 Returns from the Paarl 10 Mar. `00 Hospitals 12 Mar. `00 Visits Rhodes, who is ill 15 Mar. `00 Asked to edit a camp paper by Roberts 17 Mar. `00 Off to Bloemfontein 19 Mar. `00 At Norval’s Post 21 Mar. `00 At Niewpoort 22 Mar. `00 Papers say he was at a battle yesterday 31 Mar. `00 He wasn’t, but had been at engagement at Karree Siding on 29 Mar. 31 Mar. `00 (note) Kipling returns to Cape Town 3 Apr. `00 Goes to see a troopship of New Zealanders 7 Apr. `00 Nursing a sick colleague from Bloemfontein 10 Apr. `00 Family left for home 11 Apr. `00 Meets Chief Justice de Villiers on board ship 11 Apr. `00 Back in London, Brown’s Hotel 28 Apr. `00 Bad news of Trix 29 Apr. `00 Calls on his ‘Old Ladies’ in Aviemore Road 29 Apr. `00 Returns to Rottingdean, via Tisbury 1 May `00 Trix better 1 May `00 A good talk with Chamberlain at the Club 1 May `00 Academy Banquet 5 May `00 Volunteer Committee Meeting 6 May `00 The Pater staying: they go target shooting 13 May `00 Declines further publicity scheme with the Daily Mail 15 May `00 Relief of Mafeking: he rouses the village to celebrate 18 May `00 Sits for his portrait to Collier 19 May `00 Percival Landon calls 19 May `00 To London to meet Chamberlain 25 May `00 They hear of the fall of Pretoria: cousin Hugh Poynter staying 31 May `00 Motor to Seaford and Alfriston 5 June `00 Rifle range matters: tea with the vicar 7 June `00 The Collier portrait finished 10 June `00 They lunch with Henley at Worthing 12 June `00 To Guildford to stay with the Stracheys 15 June `00 A 30-mile drive through lovely villages 16 June `00 Kipling and Carrie have a walk on Merrow Down 17 June `00 Kipling returns by way of Tisbury 18 June `00 Sends a cheque to his father who is depressed and ill 21 June `00 Mr. Scott (an Australian litigant before the Privy Council) calls 23 June `00 The Nortons call 23 June `00 A drive on the London road as far as Cuckfield 28 June `00 Rifle Committee meetings 28 June `00 Motor drive to Arundel 13 July `00 George Wyndham calls 14 July `00 Drive to Uckfield 17 July `00 Drive to Haywards Heath to see a house 23 July `00 To London to testify before South African Hospitals Committee 1 Aug. `00 Mr. Baker from the Cape calls 8 Aug. `00 Vicomte Robert d’Humières calls 8 Aug. `00 By train and cab to Etchingham and Burwash to see Bateman’s 14 Aug. `00 A drive across the Downs to (Al)friston 18 Aug. `00 “We talk Burwash” 18 Aug. `00 Visit to the Baldwins at Wilden 28 Aug. `00 The Edward Carsons 6 Sep. `00 Meet an Indian editor friend 8 Sep. `00 Shooting most evenings 11 Sep. `00 Sees George Macdonald about Bateman’s 21 Sep. 00 Disappointment about Batemans 23 Sep. `00 To Hawkhurst – Jacobean House 24 Sep. `00 Shoots on the new rifle range 26 Sep. `00 To lunch with L S Amery and Moberly Bell 28 Sep. `00 More legal business over the lawsuit with Putnams 5 Oct. `00 Makes a speech at Tisbury in support of Conservative candidate 9 Oct. `00 They try out an American automobile 12 Oct. `00 Re-elected President of the Rifle Range Committee 16 Oct. `00 They don’t like Georgian houses 18 Oct. `00 Takes the chair at Navy League meeting in Rottingdean 19 Oct. `00 Head of USC to lunxh 31 Oct. `00 To Leamington to stay with Wolcott cousins 1 Nov. `00 To Stratford 2 Nov. `00 Return with presents and a Persian cat 3 Nov. `00 Village celebrations for a returned soldier 17 Nov. `00 Power of Attorney over ‘Naulakha’ to FND 2 Dec. `00 Off to South Africa 8 Dec. `00 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 25 Dec. `00 Bothering war news 31 Dec. `00 H A Gwynne to lunch 01 Jan. `01 Rhodes, Jameson and Baker call (and Sir David Gill) (he sees them repeatedly in the following days) 10 Jan, `01 Lunches with Rhodes and the Archbishop (to discuss the conditions for ‘Rhodes Scholarships’ at Oxford) 1 Feb. `01 Rhodes sends them a lion cub, to see if they can rear it 13 Feb. `01 Learning shorthand 13 Feb. `01 The saddest day of our year 6 Mar. `01 Invested £3500 in War Loan 10 Mar. `01 Lunch at Groote Schuur with 60 Australian & NZ officers 14 Mar. `01 The Baden-Powells call 19 Mar. `01 Baden-Powell and his sister call 2 Apr. `01 Mr. Gwynne to call 5 Apr. `01 The Mackays to call 5 Apr `01 Dined at Government House 9 Apr. `01 Col Mackay and a dozen Australians to tea 13 Apr. `01 Leave “dear Woolsack” 17 Apr. `01 Arrive Southampton 3 May `01 To the drill shed to practise 8 May `01 To New Gallery to see his portrait 13 May `01 Jack Mackail to tea 20 May `01 Loses his suit against Putnams 22 May `01 Mr. Landon calls 26 May `01 Works at a ritual for The Friend 1 June `01 Goes to the Police Court to testify 7 June `01 New motor arrives 18 June `01 A motor picnic in St. Leonard’s Forest with Stracheyss 6 July `01 Rud yachting at Sandown, a long trip along the south coast July `01 Sir E. Carson calls 18 Aug. `01 Cross from Newhaven to France to stay with Catlins in Paris 7 Oct. `01 Return to Newhaven 12 Oct. 01 Working with Aunt Georgie on life of her husband 17 Oct. `01 Kipling gives Carrie a ring 28 Nov. `01 An American driver to see if he can make the motor go 26 Nov. `01 The family sails from Southampton to the Cape. 21 Dec. `01 Arrive Cape Town: to The Woolsack 7 Jan. `02 Reporters asking about “The Islanders” 7 Jan. `01 Working in the garden at The Woolsack. 7 Jan. `02 To hospital where he reads his poems to 500 men 18 Jan. `02 To lunch at Groote Schuur, shocked at Rhodes’ appearance 7 Feb. `02 The Pater arrives to join them at the Woolsack 11 Feb. `02 Rhodes and Jameson call 13 Feb. `02 Edgar Wallace calls 26 Feb. `02 Rhodes ill 27 Feb. `02 Goes to Muizenberg and finds Rhodes better 2 Mar. `02 Sir G. Goldie calls 2 Mar. `02 Calls on Rhodes at Muizenberg and daily thereafter 7 Mar. `02 Very hot: Rhodes worse 15 Mar. `02 Rhodes unconscious 18 Mar. `02 Rhodes dies 26 Mar. `02 Rhodes lies in state at Groote Schuur 27 Mar. `02 Discusses the will and funeral with Jameson 28 Mar. `02 Reads his verses at service at Groote Schuur 2 Apr. `02 Service for Rhodes at Cape Town Cathedral and procession 3 Apr. `02 Reads verses at soldiers’ concert 5 Apr. `02 Milner arrives and wants to see Kipling 6 Apr. `02 Telegram from Jameson and F. Rhodes describing funeral 10 Apr. `02 Left The Woolsack for England 16 Apr; `02 Arrive Southampton and to Rottingdean 3 May `92 A new secretary - E. Parker – engaged by Carrie 6 May `02 FND and Dorothy arrive 8 May `02 Dines with Roberts at the Athenaeum 14 May `02 Mrs. Kipling and Trix as guests 20 May `02 By train and cab again to see Bateman’s 26 May `02 To Bateman’s again: they determine to buy: telegrams fly 28 May `02 A Lanchester car 5 June `02 Invitations to the Abbey for the Coronation 6 June `02 Rifle Club Committee 7 June `02 Jameson to lunch 8 June `02 George Macdonald buys Bateman’s on their behalf for £9300 10 June `02 To Bateman’s with Ambo Poynter 11 June `02 To London for a reception for colonials 16 June `02 To Bateman’s with Carrie and Ambo Poymter 18 June `02 To visit the Stracheys at Guildford 21 June `02 Back to The Elms – news of the King’s illness 24 June `02 New Secretary, Miss Parker, takes up her duties 30 June `02 To Bateman’s, most days July `02 Visit to the Loders at Free Chase 15-17 July `02 Uncle Fred (Macdonald) calls 22-30 July `02 Shooting 22-30 July `02 A visit to London – Charing Cross Hotel 22-30 July `02 Purchase of Bateman’s complete 29 July `02 Spent Coronation day at home 9 Aug. 02 To Isle of Wight to buy leather hangings for Bateman’s Aug. `02 Last night at The Elms 31 Aug. `02 Farewell reception at the Ridsdales 1 Sep. `02 Move to Bateman’s – “chaos and black night” 3 Sep. `02 Takes children to see hops being roasted 9 Sep. `02 Packages from Naulakha arrive 11 Sep. `02 Declines an invitation to the Delhi durbar from Curzon 17 Sep. `02 The motor in charge of Mr. Colgate arrives 26 Sep. `02 Mr. Lanchester arrives with the motor to assure us all is well 3 Oct. `02 To Rye: lunch with Henry James, where the motor breaks down 13 Oct. `02 Miss Anderson comes for two days 18 Oct. `02 The weather turns bitterly cold and Kipling has a bad cough 7 Nov. `02 The vicar to tea 16 Dec. `02 To lunch at the vicarage 22 Dec. `02 Quiet Christmas at home 25 Dec. `02 To Southampton 27 Dec. `02 Arrive Cape Towm: to the Woolsack 13 Jan. `03 Visit to HMS Good Hope 21 Jan. `03 Jameson calls 25 Jan. `03 To Simonstown 9 Feb. `03 Dines in the mess at Wynbeg with Col. Sturgis and his “old regiment” 13 Feb. `03 Attend lunch for Chamberlain, seated unsuitably 20 Feb. `03 Farewell banquet at Cape Town (but Rudyard at high table) 24 Feb. `03 To Johannesburg with Carrie 25-27 Mar. `03 Sails in Kinfauns Castle for England 22 Apr. `03 Arrive Southampton and to Bateman’s via London 9 May `03 Saw the play “The Light that Failed” 15 May `03 To London to see Chamberlain, by appointment 20 May `03 Beerbohm Tree calls about making a play from “The Man Who Was” 24 May `03 To lunch with Henry James at Rye 26 June `03 Electric cable laid from dynamo to stables 5 Aug. `03 Meets Mr. Shee of National Service League 14 Sep. `03 Disturbed by news of Chamberlain’s resignation 18 Sep. `03 Henry James to lunch with an American cousin 25 Sep. `03 To lunch with the Lugards at Abinger 27 Sep. `03 “Good talk” with Milner in Hatchard’s bookshop 14 Oct. `03 Milner and Lady Edward Cecil to lunch 18 Oct. `03 To London to meet Mrs, Burton (“Mrs. Hauksbee”) 27 Sep. `03 Declines KCMG offered by Balfour 7 Nov. `03 To Tunbridge Wells to sign the deeds for sale of Naulakha 21 Nov. 03 Sails for Cape Town 12 Dec. `03 Arrive Cape Town and to “The Woolsack” 29 Dec. `03 To dine at the ‘Mount Nelson’ to meet French admiral, Pinter(?) 13 Jan. `04 Sir G. Goldie calls, talking army reform 26 Feb, 04 To Kimberley with Carrie 9 Mar. `04 Sails in Kildonan Castle for England 13 Apr. `04 London – to Academy dinner 30 Apr. `04 Calls on Lyttelton, Colonial Secretary 5 May `04 Visits Admiral Fisher at Portsmouth with Carrie 29 July `04 Meets Lord Selborne and Mr. Chalmers to brief the former on South African situation 27 Aug. `04 Mr Conrad calls 30 Aug. `04 P. Landon, fresh from Lhasa 2 Oct. 04 Sir E. Ward and Mr. Gwnne 10 Oct. `04 Doubledays visiting Bateman’s 14 Oct. `04 Interested in North Sea troubles 27 Oct. `04 To Sir E. Loder’s wonderful park 29 Oct. `04 To the Stracheys at Merrow Down 30 Oct. `04 To the Baldwins at Bewdley Nov. `04 Rider Haggard and George Allen call 21 Nov. `04 Haggling over purchase of Dudwell Farm Dec. `04 Off to South Africa 10 Dec. `04 Arrive Cape Town 27 Dec. `04 Sees his old ladies, the Misses Craik 24 June `05 To stay with the Leonards at Maesllwch Castle Aug. `05 To stay with the Baldwins at Astley Aug. `05 To Cambridge “to see the Backs” 12 Aug. `05 To the Haggards 14 Aug. `05 To the Jessops 14 Aug. `05 Reads Puck stories to his children and the Mackails 14 Aug. `05 The Editor of the Paris Figaro. 22 Aug. `05 Mr. Landon 25 Aug. `05 Takes out £4000 life insurance to cover Death Duties 18 Sep. `05 Dr. Jameson “looking ill and wretched 21 Sep. `05 Miss Hooper (? Miss Winnard) Oct. `05 Lunch with the Bishop of London 2 Nov. `05 Returns from Tisbury 4 Nov. `05 Attends a dinner at Moberly Bells’ to meet Joseph Chamberlains 7 Nov. `05 To Oxford 7 Dec. `05 Dines with the Rhodes Trustees and Scholars 7 Dec. `05 Sailed for Africa 23 Dec. `05 Daily discussions with Duke of Connaught on board ship 23 Dec. `05 To the Woolsack 9 Jan. `06 Roderick Jones Feb. `06 To Johannesburg by train 9 Mar. `06 In Fitzpatrick’s motor to see the Chinese 12 Mar. `06 To Pretoria 16 Mar. `06 Leave Cape Town 18 Apr. `06 Arrive Southampton 5 May `06 Attends Academy dinner 5 May `06 Henry James and Owen Wister visit 21 May `06 Aunt Aggie (Poynter) dies 12 June `06 Attends her funeral 15 June `06 (note) Sailing on Oulton Broad 11 Aug. `06 Manoeuvres at Newhaven 31 Aug. `06 Sees new field-gun 31 Aug. `06 The Bland-Suttons 2 Sep. `06 Thinks over a reply to The Times Book Club 9 Oct. `06 Leaves for South Africa 17 Dec. `06 Arrives Cape Town and to The Woolsack 1 Jan. `07 Jameson and Roderick Jones: site of Rhodes Memorial 1 Jan. `07 Mr. Curtis, to talk federation 2 Feb. `07 And again 3 Feb. `07 To Simonstown to dine and sleep 18 Feb. `07 Mr. Bender, Jewish Rabbi spends two hours with Kipling 4 mar. `07 Tea with Inspector Richards, Cape Government Railways 16 Mar. `07 Leave Cape Town 6 Apr. `07 Kipling made Vice-President of Sports for voyage home 6 Apr. `07 Arrive Southampton, met by Gwynne, with Baker to meet Jameson 20 Apr. `07 To see Lady Edward Cecil at Great Wigsell 24 Apr. `07 Attends Academy Dinner 4 May `07 To town to meet Gwynne, Milner, Jameson and Deakin (Australian Prime Minister) 7 May `07 Stephen Leacock, from McGill 10 May `07 To town, anxious about John’s eyes 10 May `07 To military tournament 10 May `07 Meet Poynter (Ned? Ambo?) 10 May `07 Visit Sara Anderson 10 May `07 Frequently visit Bodiam Castle June `07 To Benchers’ Dinner, Grays Inn 12 June `07 Visit by F.N. Finney to Bateman’s 19 June `07 Proposes reduction in commission to A P Watt 19 June `07 A tour in the North – York – Durham 22 June `07 Receives honorary degree at Durham University 24 June `07 To Oxford to stay with Oslers 26 June `07 Receives honorary degree at Oxford 26 June `07 Attends Oxford pageant with Mark Twain 27 June `07 To London to see model of Rhodes Memorial 3 July `07 Watt agrees to reduction in commission 8 July `07 To stay with the Allens at Warninglid 13 July `07 Meets Leo Maxse (brother of Lady Edward Cecil) 13 July `07 Long talk with Sir George Clark at Club 22 July `07 Spends an hour with old Lusted, the builder 29 Aug. `07 Attends funeral of Lusted. 3 Sep. `07 Lord Milner for lunch and tea 8 Sep. `07 Walks with Elsie to see her do her milking 14 Sep. `07 Takes John to boarding school 18 Sep. `07 To London, then Liverpool & RMS Empress of Britain 20 Sep. `07 Met by Sir William Van Horne at Rimouski, QP 26 Sep. `07 Quebec to Montreal in private railway car 27 Sep. `07 Meet Carrie’s mother, Doubledays and McClures in Montreal 27 Sep. `07 At Ottawa 30 Sep. `07 At Winnipeg, speeches and receptions 2 Oct. `07 Meets Ralph Connor (author) – real name Revd. Charles Lewis) 2 Oct. `07 Moosejaw – Calgary 3-4 Oct. `07 Vancouver and Victoria – speeches 5 Oct. `07 Medicine Hat 13 Oct. `07 Toronto – reporters 16 Oct. `07 Ottawa, staying with Governor-General at Rideau Hall 19 Oct. `07 Meets Sir W. Laurier, Prime Minister 19 Oct. `07 McGill University – Honorary doctorate and reception 23 Oct. `07 A town reception 23 Oct. `07 Sails for England – Allan liner Virginian 24 Oct. `07 Spends two hours with chief engineer, learning about turbines 29 Oct. `07 Arrive home 2 Nov. `07 Receives notification of award of Nobel Prize for Literature 12 Nov. 07 Working on speech for opening of Burwash Institute 3 Dec. `07 Left for Stockholm 7 Dec. `07 Esbjerg – very seasick 8 Dec. `07 Stockholm 10 Dec. `07 Nobel ceremonies 11-12 Dec. `07 Back by Hamburg and Flushing – another rough crossing 12 Dec. `07 Back at Bateman’s – peace and shelter most welcome 15 Dec. `07 To lunch of mutiny veterans at Albert Hall 23 Dec. `07 To Southampton – a dull voyage to the Cape 28 Dec. `07 Description in Carrie’s own words of Kipling under stress Mar. `08 Left the Woolsack 15 Apr. `08 Home 2 May `08 Calls on Conan Doyles at Crowborough 11 May `08 Visit from George Allen, who gives investment advice 14 May `08 Speech to Royal Literary Fund 21 May `08 Visits to Rottingdean to see John who is homesick 21 May `08 Visit by Archdeacon Gwynne, brother of H.A Gwynne 22 July `08 Family tour to the north – York-Kendal-Skipton-Carlisle 4-11 Aug. `08 Along the Wall to Rothbuty 4 Aug. `08 They meet Baden-Powell at Chillingham 4 Aug. `08 Staying with the Leonards at Biddlestone Hall, 11-18 Aug. `08 4 Aug. `08 Visit to Alnwick 13 Aug `08 Newcastle and Birmingham, to the Baldwins 18-19 Aug. `08 Stratford-Oxford 21 Aug. `08 Horsham and home 22 Aug. `08 To Brookland in Romney Marsh to see the church 27 Aug, `08 Staying with Admiral Durnford for two days at RNC Greenwich 25 Sep. `08 Speech at the Middlesex Hospital 1 Oct. `08 Bland-Sutton advises Kipling to give up smoking 8 Oct. `08 Sees George Allen about investments 14 Dec. `08 W. Heath Robinson to lunch (discuss illustrations to “The Song of the English” 21 Dec. `08 To Switzerland 29 Dec. `08 Lucerne 30 Dec. `08 Engelberg 31 Dec. `08 Kirkland, Mrs., Brattleboro landlady Kiplings go to stay 19 Feb. `95 Carrie and Mrs. Balestier stay when Carrie goes to ‘Naulakha’ for the last time 8-10 June `99

L Lakewood, NJ The Kiplings’ first visit 18 Mar. `96 Lamont, Daniel S. – US Democratic Politician Kipling visits at War Office 5 Apr. 1895 Landon, Percival, journalist, colleague at Bloemfontein and afterwards A lifelong friend Calls on them at ‘The Elms 19 May `00 Calls 26 May `01 Sends an amber necklace from Lhasa 11 Aug. `04 Visits 2 Oct. `04 Visits, “always amusing” 25 Aug. `05 Langley, Professor Samuel, Secretary of the Smithsonian Calls on the Kiplings in Washington 8 Mar `95 Lansdowne, Lord (Viceroy of India) Will use his influence to get a pension for John L. Kipling 27 Feb. `93 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, Prime Minister of Canada Proposes thanks after Kipling’s speech to Canadian Club. 19 Oct. `07 Leacock, Professor Stephen, from McGill University Dines and sleeps at Bateman’s 10 May `07 Leiter, Miss Mary Victoria, later Lady Curzon, and Vice-Reine of India Calls on Kiplings in Washington. 5 Mar. `95 Leonard, Charles, South African lawyer Kiplings stay with them at Maesllwch Castle Aug. `05 Kiplings stay with them at Biddlestone Hall, 11-18 Aug. `08 4 Aug. `08 Loder, Sir Edmund and Lady, landowner and plantsman, owner of a private zoo Kiplings visit 15-17 July `02 They visit again 29 Oct. `04 London Scottish (a volunteer, later territorial, regiment) Kipling dines with them 9 June `94. Low, Sidney, (Editor of St. James’ Gazette) Kipling writes out poem (The Ballad of the Bolivar) on his desk 28 Jan. `92 Lulworth Cove, Dorset beauty spot Kiplings and Ambo Poynter visit 22 June `94 Lusted, Stephen – Burwash builder Much talk of gardening 14 Oct. `03 Comes to report 24 Apr. `05 Lyttelton, Rt. Hon Alfred, Colonial Secretary Offers Kipling KCMG in association with A J Balfour 7 Nov. `03 Kipling calls on him on return from South Africa 5 May `04

M Macdonald, Dr. Called in by Carrie for children on arrival in New York 2 Feb. `99 Fears complications in Josephine’s case 23 Feb. `99 Macdonald – Edith (Edie) – Kipling’s unmarried aunt Comes to stay at Rock House 15 Dec. `96 Staying at North End House 14 Oct. `99 Visits 8 Oct. `00 Staying at Bateman’s with ‘Georgie’ Burne-Jones 15 Nov. `03 Macdonald, Florence, (Flo) (daughter of Kipling’s uncle Frederic, and so a cousin) For a visit 3 Feb. `97 Leaves 9 Mar. `97 Comes to dinner 3 Jan. `98 Comes (to call? To stay?) 7 July `00 Comes to stay, along with ‘the pater’ 30 May `05 Macdonald, Frederic (Fred) – uncle to Kipling Comes to stay 1 Jan. `98 Comes to dinner 3 Jan. `98 Calls 22-30 July `02 Macdonald, George, a cousin and Kipling’s personal solicitor Comes to The Elms to discuss its possible purchase for them 24 Nov. `98 Kiplings see him about purchase of Bateman’s 21 Sep. `00 Buys Bateman’s (plus 33 acres)) on Kipling’s behalf for £9300 10 June `02 Mackail, Angela, grand-daughter of Ned and Georgie Burne-Jones, and a near contemporary of Josephine Kipling First mention 30 May `98 Comes to stay: “Great nursery excitement” 4 Nov. `98 Staying again: “a nice child” 6-9 Jan. `99 The Mackail children (visiting the Kiplings?) 3 Sep. `00 The Mackail children at Bateman’s 14 Aug. `05 Mackail, Jack, husband of Margaret Burne-Jones and father of Angela Stays at The Elms 3 Nov. `99 Catching up on return from South Africa 29 Apr. `00 To tea with the Kiplings 20 May `01 Mackay, Lieut. Colonel J A K, Australian soldier, Chief Staff Officer to whole Australian contingent Calls on Kipling 5 Apr. `01 With a dozen Australians, to tea with the Kiplings 13 Apr. `01

Macmillan (London publishers – Kipling’s publishers for his prose in Great Britain and the colonies) Remit royalties through A P Watt 22 Nov. `92 Remit royalties of $1460 15 May `93 Remit royalties of $2500 25 Aug. `94 Kipling sees Macmillan’s New York Manager (Mr. Brett) 26 Sep. `94 McClure, Samuel Sidney (American magazine publisher) Meets Kipling (and dines with them and Mark Twain (?) 7 Apr. `93 Comes up to ‘Naulakha’ 14 Jan. `96 Gives the Kiplings a tandem cycle 21 June `97 Visiting at The Elms May `98 Kiplings call on them 20 Feb. `99 Calls on Kipling 6 May `99 Farewell dinner in New York (RK, ‘the Pater’, FND, McClure and de Forest) 13 June `99 Meet Kiplings at Montreal 27 Sep. `07 McGill University, Montreal Presentation of Hon. D. Litt. 23 Oct. `07 Madeira Kinfauns Castle calls 12 Jan. `98 Gwynne takes the children ashore 5 May `03 Maplewood – home of Beatty and Mai Balestier Christmas party for everyone 25 Dec. `92 Marshall, Herbert Rutgers (the architect of ‘Naulahka’ – (sic) First discussions about house in New York 5 Mar. `92 Siting the house with the Kiplings 8 Sept. `92 Maxse, Leo, journalist and editor of the National Review Kipling meets at Allens’ house at Warninglid. 13 July `07 Medicine Hat, Alberta Kiplings arrive, Mayoral reception 13 Oct. `07 Merchant Ships (their voyages are listed chronologically, rather than in alphabetical order of the ships’ names Teutonic – Liverpool – New York – on their honeymoon 3 Feb. `92 Empress of India - Vancouver - Japan 6 Apr. `92 Empress of China – Yokohama - Vancouver 27 June `92 Trinidad – New York – Bermuda 24 Feb. `94 Kaiser Wilhelm – England – New York 5 Sep. `94 Lahn – Hoboken – Southampton 1 Sep. `96 Kinfauns Castle – Southampton - Cape Town 8 Jan. `98 Norham Castle – Cape Town – Southampton - a rough trip 12 Apr. `98 Majestic – Liverpool – New York: a rough crossing 25 Jan. `99 Very rough – a hurricane 29 Jan. `99 Bitter cold 31 Jan. `99 Teutonic - New York - Liverpool 14 June `99 Kinfauns Castle – Southampton - Cape Town 20 Jan. `00 Tantallon Castle – Cape Town – Southampton 11 Apr. `00 Walmer Castle – Cape Town – Southampton 16 Apr. `02 Kildonan Castle – Southampton – Cape Town 27 Dec. `02 Kildonan Castle - Cape Town to Southampton 13 Apr. `04 Armadale Castle – Southampton – Cape Town 10 Dec. `04 Kinfauns Castle - Cape Town to Southampton 5 Apr. `05 Armadale Castle – Southampton to Cape Town 23 Dec. `05 (note) Kinfauns Castle – Cape Town to Southampton 18 Apr. `06 Saxon – Southampton to Cape Town 17 Dec. `06 Kennilworth Castle – Cape Town to Southampton 6 Apr. `07 Empress of Britain – Liverpool to Quebec 20 Sep. `07 Virginian – Quebec-Liverpool 24 Oct. `07 Melville, Rear-Admiral George (Engineer in Chief of US Navy) Writes admiringly of ‘McAndrew’s Hymn’ 12 Dec. `94 Merriman, Sir John, leader of opposition in Cape parliament Kipling visits 16 Feb. `98 Metcalfe, Sir Charles, railway engineer Guest of the Kiplings at supper in Johannesburg 29 Mar. `03 Methuen (London publisher of Kipling’s verse) Remit royalties through A P Watt 22 Nov. `92 Milner, Sir Alfred (later Lord Milner, 1901) Kiplings dine with him at Government House 4 Feb, `98 Many discussions with Rhodes and Kipling on board Norham Castle, en route from the Cape to Southampton 30 Feb. `98 Kipling calls on him 8 Feb. `00 Kipling comes to see him about a wire to The Times 12 Feb. `00 Relieved by the better war news: goes for a long walk with Kipling 18 Mar. `00 Arrives and wants to see Kipling 6 Apr. 02 Guest of the Kiplings at supper in Johannesburg 29 Mar. `03 Meets Kipling in Hatchard’s bookshop 14 Oct. `03 Lunches at Bateman’s, accompanied by Lady Edward Cecil 18 Oct. `03 Meeting in London with Kipling, Jameson, Gwynne and Deakin 7 May `07 Lunch and tea with Kiplings at Bateman’s 8 Sep. `07 Motoring – see Cars

Montreal Arrive, en route Vancouver to Brattleboro 19-20 July `92 Arrive from Quebec 27 Sep. `07 Mooseiaw, Saskatchewan Kiplings arrive from Winnipeg, en route to Calgary 3-4 Oct. `07 Moreau, Emile Edouard – partner in A H Wheeler & Co. Sends $562 17 Dec. `92 Muizenberg – seaside resort on Simons Bay, Cape Province The Kiplings, Rhodes, Jameson and Baker all go there 10 Jan. `01

N ‘Naukakha’ – Kipling’s home in Brattleboro, Vermont Siting the house with the architect, Marshall 8 Sept. `92 Spring fails to run 18 July `93 Carrie has a rough time moving in to ‘Naulakha’ on her own 12 Aug. `93 JLK return from Boston and is delighted with the house 28 Aug. `93 JLK carves motto for fireplace 1 Sep. `93 Carrie signs an agreement saying the house is finished 11 Sep. `93 The spring recovers and the well is full 11 Oct. `93 Total cost, $11,175 28 Oct. `93 They decide to abandon the well 2 Dec. `93 The pump out of order – again 24 Jan. `95 Our pump gives out 17 Oct. `95 Bother about the pump 31 Oct. `95 Pump engine broken down 3 July `96 Carrie and her mother visit ‘Naulakha’ for the last time 8-10 June `99 FND given power of attorney over ‘Naulakha’ 2 Dec. `00 Packages from Naulakha arrive. 11 Sep. `02 Deeds for final sale signed 21 Nov. `03 New Century Magazine Pays $150 for “Gipsy Trail” 25 Feb. `92 (note) New Oriental Banking Corporation Fails 9 June `92 Creditors’ meeting at which Kipling makes proposal 24 June `92 Offered ten shillings in the pound by a receiver for the company 30 Aug. `92 Pays first dividend 28 Feb. `93 Dividend actually received 24 Apr. `93 2nd dividend received 20 June `93 Final dividend received 3 May `95 New York (City) Arrive 11 Feb `92 Arrive for a holiday - and business 17 Mar. `93 Leave New York for Brattleboro 20 Apr. `93 Meets his father 16 June `93 Kipling visits 16 Aug. `93 Arrive for a holiday 11 Jan. `94 Leave for Brattleboro 17 Jan. `94 Arrive en route for Bermuda 21 Feb. `94 Arrive back from England 14 Aug. `94 All the family to New York 24 Feb. `95 Back to New York from Washington, D C 6 Apr. `95 Depart New York for England 9 July `95 Arrive back 21 Aug `95 Visit “for a treat” 17 Mar. `96 Back to New York from Lakewood 8 Apr. `96 All the family arrive 2 Feb. `99 Nicholson, William, artist Calls 12 Aug. `98 North End House, Rottingdean They move in, temporarily 2 June `97 Northumberland Fusiliers, 3rd Battalion Kipling dines with them at Wynberg 13 Feb. `03 Norton, Charles Eliot Stays at Naulakha, with his daughter Sally (Sallie) 14 Sep. `94 Calls with his daughter 23 June `00 Norton, Sally (or Sallie), daughter of Charles Eliot Norton Staying 28 Oct. `95 Calls on Kiplings (in London) 31 May `97 Comes to stay at North End House (“”) 12 July `97 Calls with her father 23 June `00

O Oriental Banking Company (OBC) – see New Oriental Banking Company. Ottawa Kiplings arrive from Montreal 30 Sep. `07 Arrive from Toronto, staying with Earl Grey at Rideau Hall 18 Oct. `07 Osler, Mr. William and Mrs. Kiplings stay with them in Oxford for hon. Degree ceremonies 26 June `07 Oxford, University of Awarded an Hon. D. Litt. 26 June `07

P Parker, Miss Elsie, Assistant Nanny, then Secretary Engaged by Carrie as secretary, on trial 6 May `02 Takes up post 30 June `02 Leaving to better herself 30 Apr. `04 Decides to stay at salary of £130 p.a. 5 May `04 Quits. 15 Sep. `04 Parker, Sir Gilbert, Canadian novelist, British unionist politician Kipling meets at Cape Town Jan. `05 Paterson, A.B. (“Banjo”), Australian poet Calls on Kipling 1 Nov. `01 Pauncefote, Sir Julian and Lady, British Ambassador to the USA Kiplings lunch with them at the Embassy 3 Mar. `95 Pelly, Henry, Lieutenant RN, 1ST. Lieutenant of HMS Pelorus Kipling goes to visit 15 Nov. `99 Plowden, Miss Edith, long-time family friend of Kiplings from India Visits for tea 29 Oct. `99 Post Office at Waite’s Corner, Dummerston Kipling gets signatories for his petition for a local Post Office 29 May `95 Sends in petition 3 June `95 Hears that petition is granted 13 June `95 Sees Mts. Waite about Post Office 25 Aug. `95 Poynter, Agatha (‘Aggie’), Kipling’s aunt Kiplings “see a lot of” 5 July `94 Kiplings “see a lot of” 14 (?16) July `95 Family lunch with the Kiplings and two other aunts (out of three) 2 Apr. `97 Catching up on return from South Africa 29 Apr. `00 Ill, and “sinking” 24 May `06 Dies 12 June `06 Funeral 15 June `06 (note) Poynter, Ambrose (Ambo) (Rudyard’s cousin) Attends marriage of Rudyard and Carrie 18 Jan. `92 Dines with Rudyard and Carrie 20 Jan. `92 The Kiplings discuss a cottage he is to build for them 13 May `94 Visits them at Rock House 17 Sep. `96 “Comes to play” 31 Dec. `99 To Bateman’s with Kipling 11 June `02 To Bateman’s again, with Kipling and Carrie 18 June `02

Poynter, Sir Edward (Ned), artist and President of the Royal Academy Kiplings “see a lot of” 5 July `94 Kiplings “see a lot of” 14 (?16) July `95 Falls into the pond at Bateman’s 19 Aug. `03 Presides at Royal Academy dinner (Kipling makes a speech) 5 May `06 Presides at Royal Academy dinner (Kipling attends) 4 May `07 Kiplings callt in London 10 May `07

Poynter, Hugh (Ambrose’s brother, so also Kipling’s cousin) Shooting with Kipling at Torquay Jan. `97 Visiting at Rottingdean 31 May `00 Press, The (and Kipling’s relations with them) The day wrecked by two reporters from Boston. 14 Oct. `92 Many reporters (in New York) 7 Apr. `95 Many reporters to interview Rud about “The Islanders” 7 Jan. `02 Pretoria Rudyard and Carrie visit 2 Apr. `03 Price, Cormell, Headmaster of United Services College, Kipling’s headmaster. and responsible for setting him on a career as a journalist and writer Calls exchanged on 23 Apr., but entry dated 19 Apr. `94 Dine at the Misses Craik and Miss Wiinnard with Kiplings 11 Aug. `95 Comes to stay at Rock House 28 Dec. `96 Long walk with Barrie, Burne-Jones and Kipling 17 Oct. `97 Visiting Aug. `99 Putnams, New York publishers Kipling to London to sign testimony in his lawsuit against them 19 Jan `00 More legal business over the lawsuit with Putnams 5 Oct. `00 Kipling loses his suit against Putnams 22 May `01 Q Quebec Arrive, en route Vancouver to Brattleboro 22 July `92 Kipling and his father visit 8 Aug. `93 Arrive (by Empress of Britain) and leave by private railroad car – by courtesy of Sir William Van Horne 27 Sep. `07 Queensberry, Dowager Marchioness of Dines with the Kiplings 27 July `95

R Ralph, Julian, American journalist, Kipling’s colleague in Bloemfontein Staying at The Elms 18 June `00 Raponda, Vt Staying while Bliss Cottage is being made ready 1-8 Aug. `92 Riley, James Whitcomb (American poet and author) Exchanges verse with Kipling 13 Oct. `93 Rhodes, Cecil Lunches with Kipling 26 Jan `98 Memorable day for Kipling with him 13 Feb. `98 Amusing dinner with Kiplings at Rhodes’s 21 Feb. `98 Amusing arguments with Kipling 25 Feb. `98 Takes Kipling to Kimberley in his special train 5 Mar. `98 Arrives Kimberley 7 Mar. `98 Back in Cape Town 9 Mar. `98 Many discussions with Milner and Kipling on board Norham Castle, en route from the Cape to Southampton 30 Feb. `98 The Kiplings to lunch: shows them the site of the house he will build, and which they can use in future years 7 Mar. `00 Takes Kipling with him to Stellenbosch and the Paarl 8 Mar. `00 Is ill, Kipling visits 15 Mar. `00 Sends a note on arrival in Cape Town to say all ready at The Woolsack 25 Dec. `00 Kipling meets Rhodes every day Dec. `00 Calls at The Woolsack 10 Jan. `01 Kipling lunches with Rhodes and the Archbishop (to discuss the conditions for ‘Rhodes Scholarships’ at Oxford) 1 Feb. `01 Sends the Kiplings a lion cub, to see if they can rear it 13 Feb. `01 To tea at The Elms 3 Oct. `01 Kipling lunches at Groote Schuur 7 Feb. `02 Calls on Kipling 13 Feb. `02 Ill 27 Feb. `02 Kipling calls at Muizenberg and finds Rhodes better 2 Mar. `02 Kipling calls at Muizenberg and daily thereafter 7 Mar. `02 Very hot: Rhodes worse 15 Mar. `02 Unconscious 18 Mar. `02 Dies 26 Mar. `02 Lying in state at Groote Schuur 27 Mar. `02 Service at Groote Schuur: Kipling reads verses 2 Apr. `02 Memorial service at Cape Town Cathedral and procession 3 Apr. `02 Talk of Kimberley Memorial Jan. `04 Rhodes Memorial Committee Feb. `05 Consultations about the site of the memorial and its progress 1 Jan. `07 Richards, Inspector, Cape Government Railways Kiplings take tea with him in Railway Cottages 16 Mar. `07 Roberts, General Sir Frederick (later Field Marshal Lord) Kipling sits next to him at lord George Hamilton’s dinner 3 May `94 Sends Kipling a copy of his Life in India 12 Jan. `97 Has an hour’s talk with Kipling before leaving for the front 6 Feb. `00 Asks Kipling to edit a camp paper, The Friend 17 Mar. `00 A Letter from Roberts about conscription 3 Dec. `01 Kipling comes to see him in London 9 Dec. `01 Kipling dines with him at the Athenaeum 14 May `02

Robertson, Sir George (Indian medical officer and explorer) Comes to stay 23 Jan. `97 Kipling attends dinner in his honour 31 May `97 “Much friendship with” May `98 Brings his book on Chitral to Kipling at The Elms 22 Oct. `98 Robinson, Edward Kay – British journalist and Kipling’s early mentor Comes to stay at ‘Naulakha’ with his brother 18 Nov. `95 Rock House, St. Mary Church, Torquay: their home Sep. `96 – May `97 They move in 9 Sep. `96 Effectively give up the lease 12 May `97 Rod and Rick- a pair of carriage horses for Carrie Bought at a total cost of $400 8 Sept. `92 Roosevelt, Theodore (‘Teddy’) (later President of the USA) & Edith The Kiplings dine with them 25 Mar. `95 Kipling dines with him (men only) 5 Apr. `95 Rottingdean, They move into North End House, temporarily 2 June `97 Kipling returns after trip to South Africa 1 May `00 Volunteer Committee meeting 6 May `00 Kipling rouses the village with the news of the relief of Mafeking 18 May `00 Village procession to celebrate 19 May `00 Visits to wind up Rifle Club 22 June `04 Kipling thinks of bringing the drill hall to Burwash July `04 Carrie thinks it “an appalling village these days” 9 Aug `04 Royal Academy (of Arts) Kiplings attend private view 4 May `94 Rudyard attends banquet 5 May `94 Attends annual dinner 30 Apr. `04 Attends annual dinner (and speaks – “Literature”) 5 May `06 Attends annual dinner (Uncle ‘Ned’ Poynter presiding 4 May `07 Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington The whole family move in there 12 May `97 Arrive back from S. Africa 30 Apr. `98 Arrive after trip back from USA 23 June `99 Royal Navy To HMS Britannia at Dartmouth 26 Sep. `96 Lunch in HMS Britannia (Carrie also) 7 Nov. `96 Kipling to Chatham for sea-trials in a TBD 18 May `97 To Spithead to se the Diamond Jubilee Fleet Review 24 June `97 To sea in HMS Pelorus as a guest of Captain Bayly for two weeks 30 June `97 To HMS Pelorus at Devonport. 1 Sep. `98 Trip in HMS Nile July `01 Visits Admiral Fisher at Portsmouth 29 Jul `04 Rye Lunch with Henry James 26 June `03

S St. Paul, MN Arrive 28 Mar. `92 Selborne, Earl of – appointed to succeed Milner in South Africa Kipling meets him 27 Aug. `04 Sharpe, Sir Alfred, Commissioner for Central African Protectorate Lunches with Kipling 26 Jan `98 Shee, George, Secretary of the National Service League Meets Kipling 14 Sep. `03 Ships – see Merchant Ships & Warships Simons Town Southampton Arrive from South Africa 3 May `01 Sail for South Africa 21 Dec. 01 Arrive from South Africa 3 May `02 Sail for South Africa 27 Dec. `02 Arrive from South Africa 9 May `02 Arrive from South Africa 30 Apr. `04 (note) Sail for Africa 10 Dec. `04 Arrive from Africa 22 Apr. `05 Sail for Africa 23 Dec. `05 Arrive from Africa 5 May `06 Leave for South Africa 17 Dec. `06 Arrive 20 Apr. `07 Leave for South Africa 28 Dec. `07 Spring-Rice, Cecil, British diplomat Calls on Kiplings in Washington 2 Mar. `95 Stevenson, Robert Louis – English author Kipling much affected by news of his death 19 Dec. `94 Stoddard, Charles W, Comes to visit 15 June `95 Stoker, Bram (Author) Sees the Kiplings off on their honeymoon 2 Feb. `92 Strachey, John St. Loe, Editor of the Spectator Calls 26 Nov. `99 The Kiplings come o stay, to 19 June 15 June `00 A motor picnic in St. Leonard’s Forest with Kiplings 6 July `01 Kiplings visit them at Guildford 21 June `02 The Kiplings visit them at Merrow Down 30 Oct. `04 Strang, William, portrait artist Kipling sits to him 4-6 May, `97 Sutherland, Duke and Duchess of Kiplings visit them at Dunrobin Castle 19 Aug. `99 Duchess visits Kiplings at Creich 25 Aug. `99 Swettenham, Sir Frank – Colonial administrator and Governor Calls 6 May `05

T Thacker, Spink & Co (Kipling’s Indian publishers) Kipling annoyed with them over unauthorised dedication 29 Mar. `97 The Elms – see Elms, The The Woolsack – see Woolsack, The Tisbury, Wiltshire: village to which Kipling’s parents retired Kipling’s first visit 14 Apr `94 Kiplings move into a rented house, Arundel House, for 3 months 30 Apr. `94 Kiplings visit (to 9 August) 25 July `95 Kipling visits 18 Nov. `96 Kipling visits to discuss Kim with ‘the Pater’ 6-9 Jan. `99 Kipling returns from Tisbury 4 Nov. `05 Toronto Kiplings arrive: plagued bt reporters and non-stop telephones 16 Oct. `07 Tree, Beerbohm (Actor-Manager) Lunches with Kipling in Washington, D.C. 1 Apr. `95 Calls on business (unspecified, but possibly The Light that Failed) 22 Jan `99 Calls to discuss making “The Man Who Was” into a play. 24 May `03 Twain, Mark (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) Kiplings call on Mrs. Dodge and meet him and Dean Howells 5 Apr. `93 Dines with the Kiplings 7 Apr. `93 Kipling meets again at Oxford 27 June `07


V Vancouver They arrive 3 Apr. `92 Sail in Empress of India 6 Apr. `92 Arrive from Japan 8 July `92 Arrive from Calgary 5 Oct. `07 Van Horne, Sir William Gives them passage Montreal-Quebec 20 July `92 Meets them at Rimouski, QP, Canada 26 Sep. `07 Shows them much hospitality 27 Sep. `07 Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC Visit while at Vancouver 5 Oct. `07 De Villiers, Chief Justice of Cape Province Kipling meets on board Tantallon Castle 11 Apr. `00

W Wallace, Edgar, a Daily Mail reporter, later a successful thriller writer Among the reporters questioning Kipling about “The Islanders”. 7 Jan. `02 Calls at The Woolsack 26 Feb. `02 Ward, Sir Edward, successful commissariat officer in South African war Calls with H A Gwynne 10 Oct. `04 Ward, Leslie (‘Spy’ of Vanity Fair) Kipling sits to him 19 Apr. `94 Warships Breakfast on board USS Indiana in New York 23 Apr. `96 To Portsmouth and back with his father to see the Fleet Review 24 June `97 To Portsmouth to join HMS Pelorus, the guest of Captain Bayly 30 June `97 To HMS Pelorus at Devonport. 1 Sep. `98 Trip in HMS Nile July `01 Visits HMS Good Hope 21 Jan. `03 Is feted in the wardroom of the French cruiser Dupleix 13 Jan. `04 Washington, DC For a visit, all the family 25 Feb. `95 They are all ill and unhappy 15-17 Mar. `95 Kipling “dining around” 23-24 Mar. `95 Watt, A.P. (Kipling’s literary agents in the UK ) “Barrack Room Ballads” sent to Watt (first mention in diaries) 28 Jan. `92 Sends $100 5 Sep. `92 Sends $3888 for Nov. `92 royalties from Macmillan & Methuen 22 Nov. `92 Sends draft for $485 23 Jan `94 Sends $5624 26 May `94 Comes down from New York to Washington to see Kipling 1 Apr. `95 Calls on newly-returned Kiplings at Royal Palace Hotel 23 June `99 Kipling proposes changes to commission paid to Watt 19 June `07 Agrees to changes proposed to rates of commission 8 July `07 Westward Ho! (Imperial Service College (ISC)) Kipling visits with his father 24 July `94 Whibley, Charles, Assistant Editor of the National Observer Calls on Kipling with W E Henley 13 Apr. `94 Winnard, Miss (one of the three “old ladies of Albemarle Road”) (see also Miss Mary and Miss Georgina Craik) Kiplings call on them and dine with them 11 Aug. `95 (referred to as “Miss Hooper”) visits Oct. `05 Winnipeg Arrives 30 Mar. `92 Wister, Owen, American author and friend of ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt Invites himself to stay 4 Sep. `95 Leaves (he had come on 7 October) 8 Oct. `95 Visits Bateman’s 21 May `06

White, Sir Henry Attends dinner to Joseph Chamberlain 29 May `03 Wigsell, see Great Wigsell Winnipeg Kiplings arrive from Ottawa 2 Oct. `07 Woolsack, The Kiplings lunch with Rhodes – shows them the site of the house he will build for them 7 Mar. `00 Carrie meets Baker at the house site to plan the house 9 Mar. `00 Mr. Baker from the Cape calls 8 Aug. `00 First entry, a “dream of beauty” 25 Dec. `00 Mr. Baker calls 10 Jan. `01 Leave “dear Woolsack” 17 Apr. `01 To The Woolsack 7 Jan. `02 To The Woolsack 13 Jan. `03 To The Woolsack 29 Dec. `03 A dispute over their right to use The Woolsack 27 Mar. `04 To the Woolsack 9 Jan. `06 To the Woolsack 1 Jan. `07 Leave 6 Apr. `07 Leave, for the last time 15 Apr. `08 Wyndham, George, son of Percy (below) “Much friendship with” May `98 Calls 14 July `00 Wyndham, Percy, of ‘Clouds’: collector and intellectual Calls on Kiplings 30 Apr. `94 Dines with Kiplings 27 July `95


Y Yokohama Arrive 20 Apr. `92 Sail to Vancouver 27 June `92 York They visit and attend a service in the ‘Cathedral’ 22 June `07