Meeting Called to Order – Susan Dona called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.

Members in Attendance: Greg Waterman, Susan Dona, Bill Brown, Dave Dobmeier, Bernie Wood, Jim Boardman, Bill Scott, Bruce Odegaard, and Tracy Mecum.

Approved of Minutes: Susan Dona asked for approval of minutes of December 19th Board Meeting. Jim Boardman moved minutes be approved; Bruce Odegaard seconded. Board voted approval.

Treasure’s Report o Jim Boardman handed out and went over the Treasurer’s Report for January. o The Audit has been scheduled for February 4th. o New Waiver – Jim went over suggested changes to the current waiver. The Board agreed to use the new verbiage submitted in the proposed Activities Waiver Sheet and add reference to our Basic Rules of Safety and Courtesy. Add to the Basic Rules of Safety and Courtesy an item stating that the $10 fee for the hikes is a voluntary contribution to offset cost. It was suggested we check with other area hiking clubs to find out how they handle the potential liabilities associated with their hiking club. Susan Dona and Jim Boardman plan to set up and attend a meeting with the HOA insurance company to see what it would cost the club to set up a rider on the HOA policy.

Communications/Website Coordinator Meeting o Website Update - Bill Brown requested authorization for $650 to pay Kathy Prince on a product-delivery basis to finalize items that need to be corrected before turning the Website over to a professional website developer. Tracy so moved; Bruce Odegaard seconded the motion and the Board approved. - Bill Brown requested authorization to seek a website development company to further develop and maintain our

1 website with the intent that the costs will stay within the remaining amount in the 2020 budget for this expense. Dave Dobmeier so moved; Jim Boardman seconded the motion and the Board approved the expenditure. o Bill Brown will be attending a WordPress Conference February 2-9 to learn more about using Word Press. o Bill Brown requested approval of a new communication plan for Boyce-Thompson now that the dates have changed. Bill Scott gave his approval. Bill Brown also wanted to be sure the flower hikes on the schedule weren’t special hikes. Bill Scott confirmed they were regular hikes.

Membership Report Bernie Wood reported that we have 248 active members as of January 30th, and 2 pending new members who have submitted their applications, but haven’t yet paid their dues.

Member-at-Large Report Dave Dobmeier handed out the proposed changes to the ‘Hiking with Friends and Family section’ of our website. All the Board agreed that the changes were exactly what we were looking for. Dave will submit a Word file of this text to Bill Brown for installation on the website.

Outreach Program Greg Waterman announced the following outreach efforts: 1. Meeting with folks interested in Hiking the Trail 2. Eastern Utah Hiking trip set up for October 14-15, 2020, 14-15 people have expressed interested so far. 3. Bar-B-Q the day before Thanksgiving at Oracle State Park. We may also schedule a Special Hike during the year to tour Kannally Ranch in Oracle State Park with a docent-led short hike afterwards. 4. Jeep Hike next season will be to Wood Canyon. Details to be worked out by Trevor Martin and Greg Waterman. 5. Feb 10th, there will be another meeting with area hiking clubs. So far about 8 clubs have responded for about 12 people. It will take place at 9:00 AM in the Ballroom. 6. Possible tour at Canyon de Chelly - $30 per person tour. Would require staying overnight.

2 7. Boy Scouts will be helping with maintenance of the AZ Trail/Arnett Creek area near Picketpost on Feb 22nd. 8. – in process of building a new entrance to trail. 9. The Town of Superior, AZ is proposing to build 50 miles of Trails in and around the Picketpost area over the next several years. Greg passed out a map of the proposed trails and access points. 10. Annual Meeting will be attended by Greg Waterman and Bruce Odegaard.

Potential Speakers Susan announced that Victor Bubelwa Izoba, a Tanzanian hiking guide, will be available in March to present to the club about hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro. Mel Hanson is hosting Mr. Izoba at his home. A date will be set once Mr. Izoba has made his travel arrangements.

Susan also let us know that Glen Willis, long time hiking club member and hike leader before he moved back to Canada, passed away. The club plans to send out a notice to membership of his passing.

Hiking – Bill Scott/Bruce Odegaard o Spring Hike to Sedona – sent an e-mail, posted information on website, hike detail sheets will be set up. There will be a Tuesday, March 24 hike at Montezuma’s Castle. There will be four hikes offered on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Members will be responsible for booking their own accommodation at one of the many local hotels. o Discussed potential hikes for the special hikes for next year. Among the possibilities were another bird hike, hikes at Boyce-Thompson, Kannally Ranch at Oracle State Park, Archaeological hike, wildlife tracking, night-time wildlife at Boyce-Thompson, Casa Grande hike, and Tonto National Forest. This year, we still have the Bird Hike coming up on February 5th, and the Boyce-Thompson tour of Wallace Gardens on April 8th.

3 Potluck The Potluck was deemed a success. Everyone loved Roger Naylor and he sold a lot of books. It was suggested we have labels for food at the next potluck.

Agenda for February The Board set up an Agenda for the February Meeting.

Adjourn Susan asked if there was anything else to cover and, if not, did we have a motion to adjourn? Bill Brown moved we adjourn; Bernie Wood seconded the motion, and the Board members voted approval. The Meeting Adjourned at 11:15 AM.