Ha Verfordwest
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DIRECTORY. • SOUTH WALES· HAVERFORDWEST, • AND THE PARISHES OF AMBLESTON, BOULSTON, BRAWDY, CAMROSE, CLARBESTON, FREYSTROP• HARROLDSTON ST. ISSELLS, HARROLDSTON WES'r, HAYSUAS'fLE, LAMBSTON, LANGUN, NOL· TON, PORTFIELD, PRENDERGAST. ROCH, RUDBAXTON, SLEBECH, SPITTAL, TAI,BENNY, UZMAS TON, WALTON EAST, WALTON WEST, AND WISTON. HAVERFORDWEST is a market town, a corporate and tion the Grammar school, built e.t a. cost of £1,350. parliamentary borough, and a county of itself, locally in This school was founded in 1613 by Thomas Lloyd, of Pembrokeshire; 251 miles due w. from London, 138 w. by Cilyceithed, and afterwards augmented by Mr. Milward; N. from Bristol (by the route of Brecon, 145 by that of several exhibitions to Brasenose College are open to its Swansea), and 8 N. from Milford Haven, beautifully situated pupils. The value of these exhibitions being £50 per on an eminence (the base of which is washed by the river annum, and tenable for four years, the number of pupilB Daucleddau), in the midst of a well wooded and highly cul- is greatly on the increase, numbering between sixty and tivated country. The town was formerly fortified, but was seventy. There are four Board schools, the one in Barn dismantled of its defences during the civil war. The street being a neat building, in the Gothic style of archi houses, many of which are handsome, are arranged in tocture, built like the Grammar school; the others are several steep streets, well paved and gas-lighted, from the more particularly noticed in the list of academies and top of the acclivity down to the river; and the place may schools. The Blue Coat school (or Tasker's charity) is be noticed as the residence of large numbers of respectable a neat and convenient building in Dew street, the number families and independent gentry. The Guildhall is a of children in the school averaging about sixty. The modern structure, in High street; the gaol part of it occu- pleasantness of Haverfordwest renders this locality an pies a portion of the ancient castle-the latter a fine speci- agreeable and desirable place of residence. The parade men of the substantial erections peculiar to the early part commands a. fine and extensive view of the surrounding of the twelfth century. The Corn Market, situated at country, with the ruins of the ancient abbey, which are the south end of Market street, was erected at a cost of seen along the side of a. hill. At the extremity of this £7,000. The bridge over the river opens a fine entrance walk are the remains of an ancient priory of Black into the centre of the town. The river is navigable for Canons, Eupposed to have been founded by Robert de small vessels as high as the bridge. The South Wales Haverford, lord of this place, about the year 1200. The Railway Company have extended their line through here Market house is a handsome covered building, erected by to Neyland, which is within a few miles of Pembroke. the corporation in 1826. The market is held on Saturday, This affords additional means of conveyance for the goods and the fairs February 12, March 19th, April 9th, May • and inhabitants of this populous district. Within a few 14th, June 11th (for wool stock), July 9th, August 13th, miles are several coal and culm mines, which give employ- September 6th, September 17th, October 5th (hiring fair), ment to many hands. The trade in corn, butter, cheese, October 22nd {for stock), November 12th, and December seed, manure, and timber is considerable; malting, brew- lOth. The pig fairs are held on the following days: ing, currying, and limo burning are other branches pro- HERBRANDBTONE, August 12th, and Old Michael sperously pursued, and the general domestic trade of the mas Day (hiring fair) ; LITTLE HAVEN, November 1st; place is perhaps as flomishing as that of :.tny town of LITTLE NEw CASTLE, May 6th, July 16th, and December the like size in the Principality. There are two news- 19th; LLANDELOY, May 1st, June 25th, August 24th, and papers published here, viz. the Pembrokeshire Herald, November 1st; LL.A.WHADEN, October 29th and November every Friday, and the Haverfordwest and Milford Haven 22nd; MAENCLOCHOG, February 4th, March lOth, May Telegraph, every Wednesday. A Scientific Institute and 22nd, June 28th, August 5th, September 16th, October Reading Room and a Savings Bank are well supported. 28th. and December lOth; MATHRY, October lOth (stock) The Infirmary, situated in St. Thomas's green, is a fine and October 11th (pigs, and hiring fair). By the returns building, erected at a cost of £2,000, from the designs of of Parliament for 1871, the three parishes or borough of Mr. D. E. Thomas, of this town. The government of Haverfordwest contained (including the.~ihamlet of SAINT the borough is confided to a mayor, with a common THOMAs) 7,622 inhabitants. council of sixteen, a sheriff, and assistant officers; the The following parishes are all in the poor law union and mayor is coroner for the time being, and he and county court district of Haverfordwest, and the distances his predecessor are justices of the peace. The grand given are all from that town. The populations are from assizes are held here in the spring and autumn the returns for 1871: AMBLES TON, 7 miles N.lf.E.; popu annually. The sheriff, by virtue of charter, is lord lation, 541. BouLsroN, 3 miles B.E.; population, 145; of the manor, and holds his leet court annually, at BRAWDY, 6 miles N.w.; population, 585. CAMBOBE, 3 miles Michaelmas; and the place is included in the thirty-first N.N.w.; populaiion, 1,011. FREYSTROP, 2 miles s.; popula circuit of towns under the county court act, for tJ:te re- tion, 476. HHBROLDSTON ST. IssELLS, 1 mile s.E.; popu covery of debts to any amount not exceeding £50; this lation, 227. H.ABROLDSTON WEsT, 5 miles w.; population, court is held monthly. in the Town Hall. The town 153; lliYCASTLE, 6 miles N.; population, 292. LAMDSTON, enjoys the privilege of a lord lieutenant of its own, and 3 miles w.N.w.; population, 231. NoLTON, 5 miles w.N.w.; it is the only town in Great Britain so distinguished. population, 182. PBENDERGAST joins Haverfordwest, and This peculiar appendage was obtained by a very ancient forms part of that town; population, 1,481. Rocn, 5 miles grant from the Crown, when the county of Pembroke was N.w.; population, 625; Runn.A.XTON, 3 miles N.; population, a palatine. Haverfordwest, conjointly with Narberth and. 564; SPITTA.L, 5 miles N.N.E.; population, 390. T.u.nENNY, Fishhguard, sends one member to Parliament; the sheriff 6 miles N.w.; population, 215. UzMASTON, 1 mile E.S.E.; is the returning officer, and the present representative is population, 557; WALTON EAsT, 7 miles N.E.; population, Lord Kensing1on. T1ere are four churches of the Esta- 205. WALTON WEsr, 6 miles w.s.w.; population, 374. blishment here, viz. St. Thomas's, St. Mary's, St. Martin's, WisToN, 5 miles E.N .E.; population, 691. and Prendergast Church, and there are chapels for various CL.A.BBESToN, 6 miles from Narberth, and SI.EBECH, five religious denominations, of which a list is appended; miles therefrom, are both in the Narbeth union and there 11re likewise some excellent educational establish- county courl district. ments, both public and private, of which we may men- ln 133 .