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Abelove, Henry, 157 Albiach, Anne Marie, 261 Abstract Expressionism, 251 Alcoa Hour (television show), 33 academic verse, 251 Aldridge, John, 223–24, 233 Acheson, Dean, 65 Algren, Nelson, 28, 274 Across the River and Into the Trees (Hemingway), All the Kings’s Men (ilm), 88 321 Allen, Donald, 209, 210, 252, 306 Ad Age (magazine), 242 “Almanac of Liberty” (play), 36 Adorno, Theodor, 49, 271, 276 Amazing Stories (magazine), 326 “Advance-Guard Writing, 1900–1950” (essay), “America” (poem), 94 258–59 American Adam, The (Lewis), 11 Adventures of Augie March, The (Bellow), 4, 28, American Bandstand (television show), 131 79, 196 American Committee for Cultural Freedom Advertisements for Myself (Mailer), 82–83 (ACCF), 302 advertising, 238–48 American Dilemma, The: The Negro Problem and art and, 239 Modern Democracy (Myrdal), 62 confessional poetry and, 244–46 American Family (television show), 245 iction and, 239 American Fiction in the Cold War (Schaub), 17, high literature and, 238 283 intellectual and artistic efort in, 238–39 American GI Forum, 132 poets in, 240–41 American Graiti (ilm), 88 public relations and, 242 American Is in the Heart (Bulosan), 96 Advise and Consent (Drury), 19 American Scholar, The (magazine), 4–5, 196 , 269, 274 American Studies, 22 African American literature, 116–28 American Theatre in the Culture of the Cold War race relations in, 126–28 (McConachie), 283 under-read, 120–21 Amis, Kingsley, 333 After the Lost Generation (Aldridge), 223–24 And Then We Heard the Thunder (Killens), 120 Age of Conformity, 254 Anderson, Lou, 233 Age of of Man The: Thought and Fiction Anderson, Marian, 93 in America, 1933–1973 (Greif), Anderson, Robert, 37, 97 286 Anderson, Sherwood, 314 Agee, James, 76, 77, 285 Annie Allen (Brooks), 121 Agren, Nelson, 286 Another Country (Baldwin), 276 Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian-American “Apollonius of Tyana” (poem), 215 Writers, 144, 151, 154 Apostle, The (Asch), 78 Aiken, Conrad, 5 Aquinas, Thomas,76 Akhmatova, Anna, 261 Arendt, Hannah, 276 Alas, Babylon (Frank), 331 Armed Vision, The: A Study in the Methods of “Alas, Poor Richard” (essay), 276 Modern Literary Criticisms (Hyman), Albers, Anni, 212, 213 284 Albers, Josef, 211, 212 Armstrong Circle Theatre (television show), 33, 38


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Arthur, T.S., 320 diferences between East and West Coast Asch, Sholem, 78 writers, 225 Ashbery, John, 251, 252, 260, 261–62 emotion in poetry and, 226 Ashton, Jennifer, 218 homosexuality and, 227 Asian American literature in 1950s, 144–55 Lavender Scare and, 227 Chinese-American literature, 148–54 McCarthyism and, 227 Cold War and, 145, 154–55 ’s attacks on, 309 emergence of, 144–45 poetry and, 81 internment in World War II and, 145–48 progressive politics of, 94 Japanese-American literature, 145 psychoanalysis and, 48 liberal multiculturalism and, 149 Red Scare and, 227 postwar American liberalism and, 149 San Francisco Poetry Renaissance and, Asimov, Isaac, 335 224–25 Assistant, The (Malamud), 79 street language and, 231 Astonishing (magazine), 326 white class privilege and, 227 Astounding (magazine), 326, 328 Beaumont, Charles, 334 “At Kamin’s Dance Bookshop” (poem), 164 Beebo Binker (Bannon), 161, 177 Auerbach, Erich, 21, 304 Beetle Leg, The (Hawkes), 198–99, 203–04 Auerbach, Jonathan, 28 Beetlecreek (Demby), 120 Australia, 66 Belafonte, Harry, 3 avant-garde, 253, 258–60 Belgrad, Daniel, 210 Aydelotte, Frank, 211 Bell, Daniel, 17–18 Bell Jar, The (Plath), 53, 97 Babb, Sanora, 174 Belletto, Steven, 19, 24 “A Bad Day for Sales” (short story), 333 Bellow,Saul,4,28,49,51–52,79–80,182,191, Baghdad Pact, 66 195, 196 Bailey, Anne Howard, 33, 36, 38 Berger, Thomas, 3 Baker, Carlos, 314, 319 Bernard Geis Associates, 317 Baldwin, James, 4, 5, 74, 93, 118–19, 120, 157, 159, Bernays, Edward, 242 269, 272–73, 274–75, 284, 300 Bernstein, Charles, 251 Ballad of the Sad Café, The (McCullers), 5 Berryman, John, 53 Ballantine Books, 329 Berrigan, Ted, 252 Bandung Conference, 60, 62, 65–66 Bester, Alfred, 335 Bandung Spirit, 61 bestsellers in 1950s, 313–23 civil rights and, 64 African American writer, 322 colonialism and, 66 average age of writers, 322 Communist propaganda, 68 crime iction, 317–18 neutralism and, 64 landmark obscenity cases, 316–17 as speciic internationalist event, 65 modernism and, 313–18 We Charge Genocide and, 67 number of authors and titles, 323 Bannon, Ann, 160, 161, 177 number of published books, 323 Bantam Books, 327 overview, 313 Baraka, Amiri, 219, 224, 225, 231, 232, 264, 309, post-World War II transformation of life and, 310 320–23 Barbary Shore, The (Mailer), 91–92, 268, 291 rejection of modernism and bohemian life, Barr, James, 158 318–20 Barth, John, 18, 195, 204–06 vulgar modernism and, 317 Barthelme, Donald, 18, 207 women authors, 322 Barzun,Jacques,316 Betty Friedman and the Making of the Feminine Battle Cry (Uris), 321 Mystique (Horowitz), 178 Bauhaus, 212–13 Between the Hills and the Sea (Gilden), 291 Baxter, Walter, 316 “Beyond Railroads and Internment” (essay), Beat movement, 223–34 154–55 confessional poetry and, 227–28 Bid Me to Live (Doolittle), 5 core group, 224 Big Boxcar, The (Maund), 291

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Big Clock, The (Fearing), 290 Bradbury, Ray, 5, 329–30, 333 Big Table (magazine), 299, 308, 309 Branch, William, 120 Bigger Than Life (Ray), 271–72 Brando, Marlon, 26 Bishop, Elizabeth, 157, 165–67 Brave New World (Huxley), 333 Bitterweed Path, The (Philips), 167 Breines, Wini, 12 Black Arts, 219, 292 Brennan, Timothy, 18 Black Arts Movement (Smethurst), 178 Bretton Woods conference, 22, 252 Black Boy (Wright), 273, 274 Brinkley, Alan, 27 Black Internationalist Feminism (Higadisha), 178 Brinkley, William, 321 Black Mountain College, 209–20 Bromield, Louis, 106–07 artistic collaboration in, 218–19 Brooks, Gwendolyn, 5, 96, 121, 175–76, 286 Bauhaus and, 212–13 Brooks, Van Wyck, 22 closure of, 219 Brown, Frank London, 120 dance, 213–14, 215–16 Brown, Fredric, 334 disciplined formal experimentation in, 213 Brown, Lloyd, 120, 290 educational/art communities and, 209 Brown, Norman, 52 environment, 214 Brown Girl, Brownstones (Marshall), 5, 121, 175 ethno-aesthetic experimentation, 214–15 Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 38, 68, 132 experimental educational projects in, 211–12 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 245 gender and sexuality explored in, 217–18 Broyard, Anatole, 4 intermedia experimentation, 214 Brunner, Edward, 210, 283 “open form” poetics in, 216 Buck, Pearl, 149, 223 poets, 216–17 Buddhism, 81 utopian communal project and rural Bukharinism, 292 isolation of, 210–11 Bulosan, Carlos, 96, 145 women artists in, 218 Burdick, Eugene, 92 Black Mountain Review (magazine), 211, 306 Burke, Kenneth, 284 Black Orpheus (magazine), 21 Burnham, James, 300 Black Reconstruction (Du Bois), 125 Burning Valley (Bonosky), 75–76 Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon), 159 Burroughs, William S., 157, 159, 195, 199–200, Blackmur, R.P., 304 202–03, 206, 224, 225, 230–31, 233, 268, Blake, David Haven, 243–44 308 Blake, William, 286 Blankfort, Michael, 285 Cabeza de Baca, Fabiola, 134, 136–38 Blatty, William Peter, 314 Cage, John, 213, 225, 259 Blau, Milton, 290 Caine Mutiny, The (Wouk), 23, 321 Blaxploitation, 264 Call It Sleep (Roth), 291 Blish, James, 77, 330–31 Cameron, Ardis, 313–15 Bloch, Robert, 335 Campbell, John W., 328 Bluem, William, 34 Camus, Albert, 275 “Blueprint for Negro Writing” (essay), 275 Canaday, Margot, 157 Bogart, Humphrey, 26 Candid Camera (television show), 245 “Bomb” (poem), 231 Cannibal, The (Hawkes), 198 Bomb that Fell on America, The (Hagedorn), Canticle for Leibowitz, A (Miller), 77, 331 91–92 Carr, Lucien, 224 Bone, Robert, 117, 120 Carreiro,Amy,94 Bonosky, Philip, 75–76, 290 Carroll, Jim, 233 Book of Daniel, The (Doctorow), 292 Carson, Rachel, 335 border ballad, 134–36 Case for Conscience, A (Blish), 77 Boucher, Anthony, 328 Cassady, Neal, 224, 233 Bourjaily, Vance, 3 Cassill, R.V., 4 Bowles, Jane, 157 CatonaHotTinRoof(Williams), 189–91 Bowles,Paul,20,84–85,182,268,270,290 Catch-22 (Heller), 4 Bracero Program, 132, 133 Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger), 5, 23, 81, 105, Brackett, Leigh, 331 182, 184–85

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Catholics, 74–77 Cold War consensus, 8, 10, 12, 17–29, 65, 68, 73, Caute, David, 19 80, 82, 83, 85, 105, 109, 114, 145, 147, 151, Caveism, 84 152, 154, 158–62, 168, 170, 181–82, 185, Central Treaty Organization, 66 186, 191, 199, 203, 209, 210, 217, 226, Ceravolo, Joseph, 252 253–57, 259, 269, 271, 272, 274–76, 278, Cerf, Bennett, 316 289, 294, 299, 302, 304, 306 Césaire, Aime, 67 Cold War literature, 17–18, 29 Chalmers, Gordon Keith, 302 American Studies, 22 Chambers, María Mena, 134 apolitical, 19–20 Chambers, Whittaker, 227 commercialization of American culture and, Chan, Jefery Paul, 144 23 Chandler, Raymond, 4, 5 conspiratorial culture and, 24–25 Changelings, The (Sinclair), 175, 291 crisis of masculinity, 25–26 Charlotte’s Web (White), 5 culture and, 20–21 Chávez, Fray Angélico, 134 in early years of Cold War, 17–18 Chayefsky, Paddy, 33, 34–35, 36, 37 end of Cold War and, 17 Cheever, John, 4, 109–12, 285 exporting democratic values with, 23 Chesnutt, Charles, 122 freedomism in, 20, 28 Chicago Review (magazine), 299 magazines, 21 Chicano literature in 1950s, 131–43 postwar American writing and, 18 American popular culture and, 131 separation of spheres and, 18–19 borderlands urban identity and, 139–42 Cold War Poetry (Brunner), 283 corrido (border ballad), 134–36 Collected Poems (O’Hara), 252 inluence of World War II, 131–32 colonialism, 60–67, 121, 159, 172, 274 Labyrinth of Solitude, 133–34 Color Curtain, The (Wright), 62–64, 68–69, 121 México de afuera period and, 139 Columbia Literary History of the United States New Mexico and, 136–39 (Elliot), 288 novels, 142–43 Columbia Review (magazine), 309 racism and, 132 comedy-variety shows, 32 Childhood’s End (Clarke), 331 Commentary (magazine), 300, 309 Children’s Hour, The (Hellman), 97 Communism, 29, 49, 73, 75, 80, 90, 117, 120, 151, Childress, Alice, 120, 121, 174–75, 290, 292 170, 171, 174, 227, 253, 271, 283, 284, 287, Chin,Frank,144 292–94, 300, 335 China, 61, 65–66 Communist Party USA (CPUSA), 93–4, 117, Chinese Americans, 148–54 299–300 Chinese Confession Program, 150 Communist propaganda, 68 Christopher, John, 335 Comstock Act, 308 Chrysler Medallion Theatre (television show), 33 Condon, Richard, 88–89 Chu, Louis, 144, 153–54 confessional poetry, 227–28, 244–46 City and the Pillar, The (Vidal), 96–97, 158, Confessional Poets, 227–28 334 conformity 2, 49–51, 73, 76, 94, 103–04, 107, 118, City of Night (Rechy), 141 171, 209, 214, 239–41, 254, 256, 286, 320, City Winter, A (O’Hara), 252 335 “A City Winter” (poem), 163 Congress for Cultural Freedom, 19, 62, 71 Civil Rights Congress (CRC), 66 Connell, Evan S., Jr., 4 Civil Rights Movement, 87, 133 Connif, Brian, 211, 218 Clarke, Arthur C., 331, 334 conspiracy, 24–25 The Clash, 233 Containment Culture (Nadel), 17 class, 8, 27–29, 35, 49–51, 74, 76, 79, 87, 90, 94, Coontz, Stephanie, 6, 103, 104–05 103–14, 118, 127, 138, 151–52, 155, 160, Coover, Robert, 18 170–76, 178, 183, 196–97, 206, 227, 228, Cops (television show), 245 234, 248, 264, 270, 271, 288–94, 317–20, corrido (border ballad), 134–36 323, 327 Corso, Gregory, 224, 226, 231 Cleaver, June, 170 “Cost of Living” (short story), 335 “Clemson” (play), 38 Costain, Thomas B., 321

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coterie, 259–60 Denning, Michael, 18 Cotton Comes to Harlem (Himes), 121 DePlessis, Rachael Blau, 217 council communism, 292 Der Veritate (Aquinas), 76 counter-culture, 80 Deren, Maya, 225 Counterculture Colophon (Glass), 316 Dewey, John, 211 “The Country Husband” (short story), 111–12 Dharma Bums, The (Kerouac), 4, 5, 81–82, 94, Couples (Updike), 317 225, 233 Cowley, Malcolm, 1–2, 7, 196, 284 Di Prima, Diane, 97, 224, 231–33, 234 Crack in the Picture Window, The (Keats), 104, Diaz,Eva,211 107 Dickstein, Morris, 116, 234, 283 Crane, Stephen, 195 Dionysian counterculture, 49 Creeley, Robert, 216, 217, 218 Dissent (magazine), 300 Crockett, George, 67 Dissident Gardens (Lethem), 292 Crucible, The (Miller), 26, 89–90 Doctorow, E.L., 292 Cruse, Harold, 274 Dodd, Marth, 173 Cuba Libre (Jones), 264 Donohue, Kathleen, 18–19 “Cuco Goes to Party” (short story), 140 Don’t Go Near the Water (Brinkley), 321 Cultural Front, The (Denning), 18 Doolittle, Hilda, 5 Cummings, Hugh S., Jr., 68 Dorn, Ed, 217 Cummins, Maria, 320 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 229 Cunningham, Merce, 213–14 Doubiago, Sharon, 218 Double V campaign, 293 Dahl, Robert, 46–47 Doubleday, 328 Dark Matters (Levitt), 292 Douglas, Ann, 25 “The Dark of the Time” (essay), 178 Douglas, Lloyd, 322 Daughter of the Hills (Page), 175–76 Douglass, Frederick, 125 Davenport, Basil, 335 Dragnet (television show), 32 Davidson, Michael, 209, 210, 253 Dreiser, Theodore, 195, 283 Davie, Donald, 243 Drury, Allen, 19 Davis, Benjamin, 67 Du Bois, Shirley Graham, 175 Davis, Kenneth, 315 Du Bois, W.E.B., 46, 67, 68, 120, 125 Davita’s Harp (Potok), 292 du Maurier, Daphne, 321 Dawson, Fielding, 218 Duberman, Marin, 211 Day of the Triids, The (Wyndham), 331 Duncan, Robert, 216, 217, 219, 259 “The Day Lady Died” (poem), 257–58 Dylanist, The (Morton), 292 de Beavoir, Simon, 321 De Vries, Peter, 73–74 Eastlake, William, 4 Death in the Family, A (Agee), 77 Eat a Bowl of Tea (Chu), 144, 153–54 Death in Venice (Mann), 278 Eberhart, Richard, 228 Death of a Salesman (Miller), 182–83 Ed Sullivan Show (television show), 32 “The Death of Favorite” (short story), 76 Edinburgh Review (magazine), 302, 308 Decline of the West, The (Spengler), 199 Egypt, 60 decolonization, 60–69 Eight Men (Wright), 275 Bandung Spirit, 61 Eisenberg, Nora, 292 civil rights and, 64 Eisenhower, Dwight, 46, 242, 269 neutralism and, 64 Eisenhower Doctrine, 83 liberation movements, 60 “El Hoyo” (short story), 140 Deer Park, The (Mailer), 316 “El Paso Norte” (essay), 141 Defao, Jay, 225 Elgin Hour (television show), 33 “The Defection of a Favorite” (short story), 76 “Eli, the Fanatic” (short story), 49–51, 80 DeLillo, Don, 18, 43 Eliot, T.S., 7, 200, 223, 225, 226 Demby, William, 120 Elliott, Emory, 288 D’Emilio, John, 178 Elliott, George, 4 “Democratic Process of Ensemble Playing,” 212 Ellison, Ralph, 3, 4, 20, 23, 56–57, 93–94, 116–18, Denby, Edwin, 252 119, 120, 182, 191, 195, 196, 283, 286

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Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 21–22 “The Fireman” (novella), 329 Emshwiller, Carol, 332 Fireweed: A Political Autobiography (Lerner), 178 Encounter (magazine), 21 “Five Poems,” 255–57 End of Primitive (Himes), 121 Floating Bear, The (magazine), 232, 309 End of the Road, The (Barth), 204 Floating Opera, The (Barth), 204 Endore, Guy, 285 Flower Drum Song (Lee), 150–53 Enormous Radio, The (Cheever), 109 Flower Drum Song (musical), 149, 150 Epstein, Andrew, 210 Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 172–73 “Equal in Paris” (essay), 274 Foote, Horton, 33, 36 Eros and Civilization (Marcuse), 52, 54 For Love (Creeley), 217 Evergreen Review (magazine), 299, 306–08 Ford, Mark, 262 Everson, William “Brother Antoninus,” 82 Ford Television Theatre (television show), 33 Exiles Return (Cowley), 284 Foreman, Joel, 6–7 existentialism, 269–70 Forever Amber (Winsor), 321–22 Exodus (Uris), 83 4’33 (experimental music), 213 Exorcist, The (Blatty), 314 44 Gravel Street (Maddow), 290 France, 66 Faderman, Lilian, 178 Frank, Pat, 331 Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 5, 329–30, 335 Franny and Zooey (Salinger), 81 Family Moskat, The (Singer), 78 Fredman, Stephen, 210 Fanon, Frantz, 67, 159 free exchange, 22 Fantasy and Science Fiction (magazine), 328, 331 free market, 22, 257 Farmer, Philip José, 334 Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman Farrar, Straus & Caudahy, 244 (Sterling), 175 Farrell, James T., 283, 291 freedomism, 20 fascism, 172–73 Freilicher, Jane, 260 Fast, Howard, 23, 286 French Indochina, 60 “Father’s Bedroom” (poem), 246–47, 248 Freud, Sigmund, 46, 48 Faulkner, William, 48, 223, 288, 305, 315 Friedan, Betty, 107, 172 Fear of Flying (Jong), 317 From Margin to Center: Internationalism and Fearing, Kenneth, 290 the Origins of Black Feminism (Gaines), Federal Communications Commission, 32 178 Federal Writers Project, 87 Fromm, Erich, 49, 54, 276 Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 107, 172 The Front (ilm), 292 Feminism, the Left, and Postwar Literary Culture Fuchs, Daniel, 285 (McDonald), 288 Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts, 309 feminist literature in 1950s, 170–79 Fuller, Buckminster, 213 containment policy and, 171 Fuller, Lon, 29 emergence of, 170–71 Fuller, Samuel, 23, 26–28, 29 fascism and, 172–73 Futurama, 327 female role models in, 175 feminist activity and, 170 Gabaldón, Guy, 131 McCarthyism and, 171–72 Gaddis, William, 4, 80, 83, 195, 198, 200–2, Old Left and, 172, 175–76, 178–79 206 pulp iction, 177 Gaines, Kevin, 178 social consciousness in young women and, Galactic Suburbia (Yaszek), 332 175 Galaxy (magazine), 328, 331, 333 Fergusson, Frances, 304 Gandhi, Indira, 62 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 224, 225, 306 Garcia, Héctor P., 132 Fiction of the Fifties (Gold), 2–4 gay and lesbian literature in 1950s, 157–68 Fiedler, Leslie, 300, 319 Cold War culture and, 158, 159 Fifth Chinese Daughter (Wong),145,148 poems, 162–65 Fifties: The Way We Really Were (Miller and privileged characters in, 160–61 Nowak), 6 pulp novels, 160 ilm noir, 24 repression of homosexuality and, 157

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Gay Liberation/Rights Movement, 157 Green Pastures,3 Geddes, Norman Bel, 327 Greenberg, Clement, 300 gender, 6, 37, 103, 114, 151–55, 161, 164–66, Gregory, Horace, 291 170–79, 190, 209, 210, 217–20, 276, 288, Greif,Mark,286,313 315, 317, 333 Grove Press, 306, 316, 317 Genet, Jean, 233 Guerard, Albert, Jr., 3 George Washington Gómez (Paredes), 134 Guest, Barbara, 252, 261, 263 Gestalt therapy, 214 Gunn, James, 333 Giant (ilm), 141 Guterson, David, 145 Gide, André, 37 Guy, Rosa, 292 Gilbert, Sandra M., 5 Gysin, Brion, 268 Gilden, Bert, 291 Gilden, Katya, 291 Hagedorn, Hermann, 91–92 Gilillan, Lauren, 87 Hair, Ross, 211 Gillette Cavalcade of Sports (television show), 32 Hairy Ape, The (O’Neill), 87 Ginsberg, Allen, 49, 52–53, 81, 94, 157, 224, Hammerstein, Oscar, 149 225–26, 228–29, 233, 241–42, 268, 308 Hammett, Dashiell, 20, 87 Giovanni’s Room (Baldwin), 5, 119, 120, 159, “The Hammon and the Beans” (short story), 272–73 134 Girls in 3B, The (Taylor), 177 Hammond, Andrew, 18 Glass, Loren, 316, 317 Handlin, David, 4–5 Glicksberg, Charles, 57 Hansberry, Lorraine, 120, 121, 176–77, 286 Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (Lowell), 247 Happy Days (television show), 88 “Glyph” (poem), 215 Harcourt Brace, 36 Glyph, The (dance), 215 Harlem Writers Club, 291 Glyph for Charles, A (painting), 214 Harlem Writers Guild, 291 Go Tell It on the Mountain (Baldwin), 4, 74, 119, Harrington, Alan, 3 120, 121, 273 Harris, Mary Emma, 212 Goddard, Dwight, 233–34 Hart, James D., 320 Godfather, The (Puzo), 314 Haunting of Hill House, The (Jackson), 5 Goetz, Augustus, 37 “Having a Coke” (poem), 163 Goetz, Ruth, 37 Hawkes, John, 195, 198–99, 200, 203–04 Gofman, Erving, 197 Hayden, Tom, 182 Gold, Herbert, 2–4, 7 Hazzard, Oli, 265 Gold, Horace L., 328, 334 H.D. Book, The (Duncan), 219 Gold, Michael, 87, 283 Heart’s Needle (Snodgrass), 240–41, 244 Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 200 Heinlein, Robert A., 5, 335 Golding, Alan, 218 Hell and High Water (ilm), 28 Good Earth, The (Buck), 149 Hell to Eternity (ilm), 131 Goodbye, Columbus (Roth), 5, 80 Heller, Joseph, 4 Goodman, Paul, 209, 213, 256, 258–59 Hellman, Lillian, 97, 286 Goodyear Television Playhouse (television show), Hemingway,Ernest,182,223,242,284,288,305, 33 321 Gore,DayoF.,178 Henderson the Rain King (Bellow), 51, 191 Gould, Jack, 35 Hepburn, Allan, 25 G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 316 Herberg, Will, 54 Graham, Lorenz, 120 Herbst, Josephine, 283 Graham, Martha, 213 Heresy, Yes – Conspiracy, No (Hook), 282 Grand Parade, The (Mayield), 121 Hersey, John, 55, 91–92, 321 Grausam, Daniel, 18 Heym, Stephen, 290 Gray, Francine Du Plessix, 218 Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 197, 327 Gray, Richard, 288 Higadisha, Cheryl, 178 Gray, Timothy, 209 Highsmith, Patricia, 5, 160–62 Grease (ilm), 88 Hilton, James, 321 Great Midland, The (Saxton), 290 Himes, Chester, 121, 290, 291

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hipsters, 182, 226 Inada, Lawson Fusao, 144 Hiroshima (Hersey), 91–92 India, 60, 61 Hiss, Alger, 227, 271, 282 Indonesia, 60 History of American Literature, A (Gray), 288 Inge, William, 182 Hit, The (Mayield), 121 internment camps, 145–48 Hitchcock, Alfred, 278 International Conference of Negro Writers and Ho Chi Minh, 62 Artists, 274 Hoberek, Andrew, 283 Invisible Man (Ellison), 4, 20, 56–57, 93–94, Holden, William, 26 116–18, 120, 121, 191, 196, 283 Holman, Bob, 234 Ionesco, Eugène, 330 Holmes, John Clellon, 182, 223, 224 Iran, 60, 66 homosexuality, 37, 53, 96, 97, 109–11, 141, Iraq, 66 157–68, 171, 176, 212, 217, 227, 253, 260, Iron City (Brown), 120 273, 275, 334 See also gay and lesbian IronyofAmericanHistory,The(Niebuhr), 269 literature in 1950s Islands of Hallucination (Wright), 275 Beat movement and, 227 repression of, 157 Jackson, Shirley, 5 “Homosexuality” (poem), 163 Jalowetz, Heinrich, 212 Hook, Sidney, 282 James, C.L.R., 285 Hoover,J.Edgar,157,282 Japanese Americans, internment of, 144 Horkheimer, Max, 271 Jaramillo, Cleofas, 134, 138–39 Horney, Karen, 54 Jarrell, Randall, 5 Horowitz, Daniel, 178 Jennerjahn, Betty, 213 House Un-American Activities Committee Jennerjahn, Pete, 213 (HUAC), 173 Jerome, V.J., 285, 290 Housebreaker of Shady Hill, The (Cheever), 109, Jews without Money (Gold), 87 111 Jim Crow segregation, 66–67, 68 How to Survive an Atomic Bomb,327 Johnson, David K., 157 Howe, Irving, 119, 120, 195, 196, 285 Johnson, Lyndon B., 132 Howe,Susan,218 Johnson, Nunnaly, 31 Howells, William Dean, 21–22, 55 Jones, Claudia, 67 “Howl” (poem), 225, 228–29, 241, 308 Jones, Ernest, 46 Howl and Other Poems (Ginsberg), 52–53, 81, 94, Jones, Hettie, 309 225 Jones, James, 3 Hughes, Dorothy B., 26 Jones, LeRoi. See Baraka, Amiri Hughes, Langston, 20, 175–76, 283, 285 Jong, Erica, 317 “Human Universe” (poem), 215 Joy Makers, The (Gunn), 333 Humes, Harold, 305 Joyce, James, 48 Huncke, Herbert, 224, 231 Judaism, 77–80 Hurry Sundown (Gilden), 291 Julian Messner, Inc., 321 Huxley, Aldous, 333 Julius Caesar (television show), 34 Hyman, Mac, 321 Jung, Carl, 214 Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 284 Junky (Burroughs), 159

I, the Jury (Spillane), 317 Kaddish (Ginsberg), 81, 82 ILoveLucy(television show), 32 Kadish, M.R., 3 I Went to Pit College (Gilillan), 87 Kane, Daniel, 210 Ilano,136–37 Kardiner, Abram, 57 Image and the Search, The (Baxter), 316 Katz, Daniel, 270 Immigration and Naturalization Service, 150 Katz, Vincent, 211, 218–19 Immoralist, The (Gide), 37 Kaufman, Bob, 224, 225, 231 Improvisations to Music (album), 238 Kayak (magazine), 309 In a Lonely Place (Hughes), 26 Kaye, Philip B., 120 “In Memory of My Feelings” (poem), 164 Kazan, Elia, 26, 285 In the American Grain (Williams), 217 Kazin, Alfred, 47–48, 52

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Keats, John, 104, 107 Leopards in the Temple: The Transformation of Kelly, James, 242 American Fiction (Dickstein), 116–18, 283 Keniston, Kenneth, 181 Lerner, Gerda, 178 Kenyon Review (magazine), 299 Lerner, Laurence, 245, 246 contributors, 302 L’Éstranger (Camus), 275 “Dante Number,” 304 Let No Man Write My Epitaph (Motley), 120 Kerouac,Jack,4,5,49,52,81–82,94,182, Lethem, Jonathan, 292 185–87, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229–30, Level 7 (Roshwald), 331 233, 272, 306, 308 Levertov, Denise, 216 Keyes, Francis Parkinson, 321 Levitt, Paul, 292 “Kid Zopilote” (short story), 140 Lewis, R.W.B., 11 Killens, John, 120, 123–26, 285, 292 Lewis, Sinclair, 223, 314 Kim, Elaine, 154–55 Lewis, Wyndham, 200 Kingston, Maxine Hong, 148 Lie Down in Darkness (Styron), 183–84 Kinsey, Alfred, 159 Life Against Death (Brown), 52 Klein, Christina, 149 Life Studies (Lowell), 244–45 Knight, Damon, 330–31 Like One of the Family (Childress), 121, 174–75 Knock on Any Door (Motley), 120, 290 Lindblom, Charles, 46–47 Knowles, John, 106 Literary Cold War, The (Piette), 27 “The Know-Nothing Bohemians” (essay), literary exiles, 268–79 232 Africa, 269, 274 Koch, Kenneth, 251, 261 domestication vs. travelling life, 270–71 Koestler, Arthur, 300 émigré writers, 276–77 Korean War, 227 existentialism and, 269–70 Kornbluth, C.M., 333, 335 fantasy of travel, 272 Kraft Television Theater (television show), 33 pan-Africanism, 274 Kramer, Aaron, 290 Paris, 273–74 Kraszewski, Jon, 35 race and, 273 “Kresch’s Studio” (poem), 218 sense of entrapment, 271–72 Kruschev, Nikita, 289 theme of transit, 274–75 Kulchur (magazine), 309 literature of commitment, 282–94 Kupferberg, Tuli, 233 Communism and, 287 Communist conundrum in 1950s and, Labyrinth of Solitude (Paz), 133–34 292–94 Lacy, Ed, 286 Communist Party and, 289, 290–91 Ladder, The (magazine), 176, 177 contemporary characterizations, 287–88 Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence), 316 Haunted Fifties and, 285–89 “The Lady in the Lake” (short story), 80 literary radicals and, 289–92 Lamantia, Philip, 225 Marxism and, 283 Lamplighter, The (Cummins), 320 meaning in 1950s, 287 Landon, Brooks, 328 physiognomy and geography of, 290 Larsen, Nella, 122 polarization between Iron Curtain and Free Lavender Scare, 227 World, 286–87 Lavender Scare, The (Johnson), 157 publishers, 290 Laverne & Shirley (television show), 88 radical writers, 282–83, 284 Lawrence, D.H., 238 allegiance to Communist idea, 293–94 Lawrence, Lars, 286 biographical accuracy, 284 Le Sueur, Meridel, 175, 178, 283 Communist experience of, 293 League of Women Voters, 170 ideological label, 283–84 Leave It to Beaver (television show), 6 revisions, 284 Ledere, William J., 92 Red Scare and, 282, 287–88 Lee, C.Y., 150–53 re-framings and reinterpretations, 286 Lee, Harper, 5 20th century literary history and, 288 Lee, Ivy, 242 Little, Brown and Company, 36 Leiber, Fritz, 333 Litwak, Leo, 4

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Litz, Katherine, 213–14 Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The (Wilson), live anthology dramas, 32, 33–34 31–32, 42–43, 55–56, 95, 104, 107–09, Live or Die (Sexton), 241 239, 313, 319–20 “Loco-Chu” (short story), 140 Man Who Cried I Am, The (Williams), 292 Locus Solus (magazine), 252, 261 Manchurian Candidate, The (ilm), 88 Lolita (Nabokov), 4, 187–89, 207, 277–78, 316 Mandarins, The (de Beavoir), 321 LolitainPeytonPlace(Wood), 317 Manila Pact, 66 London, Jack, 195 Mann, Delbert, 35 Lone Ranger (television show), 32 Mann, Thomas, 278 Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 104 Mansart Builds a School (Du Bois), 120 Lonely Crusade, The (Himes), 290, 291 Mao Zedong, 149, 227 Long Dream, The (Wright), 121, 275 Marcus, Greil, 288 Long Goodbye, The (Chandler), 4, 5 Marcuse, Herbert, 52, 54, 276 Long Night, The (Mayield), 121 Marjorie Morningstar (Wouk), 313, 318–19 Long Tomorrow (Brackett), 331 Mark of Oppression, The (Kardiner and Ovesey), Longoria, Felix, 132 57 Lorde, Audre, 292 Marquand, John P., 321 Lost Traveller, The (Babb), 174 Marshall, Paule, 5, 120, 121, 175 “The Lottery” (short story), 90 Martian Chronicles, The (Bradbury), 328 “The Lovers” (short story), 334 “The Martian Way” (novella), 335 Lowell, Robert, 49, 53, 227–28, 243, 244–45, “Marty” (play), 37 246–47, 302 Marvell, Andrew, 262 Lowenfels, Walter, 290 Marxism, 283 Luce, Henry, 299 Mary (Asch), 78 Lukin, Josh, 95 Maslow, Abraham, 54 Lunch, Lydia, 233 mass media, 31–43 “Lunch Hour F.Y.I.” (poem), 162 Masters, Robert, 162 Lux Video Theatre (television show), 41 Matinee Theater (television show), 33 Lye, Colleen, 155 Mattheissen, Peter, 305 Matthiessen, F.O., 196 Mabley, Jack, 308 Maud Martha (Brooks), 5, 96, 121, 175–76 Macdonald, Dwight, 23, 32, 300 Maund, Alfred, 291 Mackerel Plaza (De Vries), 73–74 Maximus Poems, The (Olson), 215, 216 Mad Men (television series), 239 Maxwell, Glyn, 265 Maddow, Ben, 290 May, Elaine, 238 “Maestría” (short story), 140 May, Lary, 6 magazines, 297–312 May, Rollo, 54 Big Table, 308 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 261 Black Mountain Review, 306 Mayer, Bernadette, 252 cultural conditions and, 309–10 Mayield, Julian, 120, 121, 292 Evergreen Review, 306–08 McCarran Internal Security Act, 227 house journals, 309 McCarthy, Cormac, 28 Kenyon Review, 302–04 McCarthy, Joseph, 87, 227, 271, 287 New Critics and, 310 McCarthy, Mary, 75, 197, 300 New York Intellectuals and, 310 McCarthyism, 88–90, 97, 157, 171–72, 227 Paris Review, 305 McClure, Michael, 306 Partisan Review, 299–302 McClure, Philip, 225 Poetry, 305 McComas,J.Francis,328 titles, 308–09 McConachie, Bruce, 283 Yugen,310 McCullers, Carson, 5, 269, 286 Magnuson Act, 148, 154 McDonald, John D., 333 Mailer, Norman, 3, 23, 26, 52, 80, 82–83, 91–92, McDonald, Kathlene, 288 182, 242–43, 268, 286, 291, 302, 316 McDuie, Erika S., 178 Malamud, Bernard, 4, 79, 330 McFadden, Elizabeth, 33 Malzberg, Barry N., 335 McGrath, Sarah, 285

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McGrath, Thomas, 290, 291 Motherwell, Robert, 252 McGurl, Mark, 283 Motley, Willard, 120, 290 McKenney, Ruth, 285 Motorola Television Hour (television show), 33 McLuhan, Marshall, 197, 239 Mouse That Roared, The (Wibberley), 90–91 Mechanical Bride, The (McLuhan), 197 Moviegoer, The (Percy), 4, 77 Medovoi, Leerom, 95 Mr. Smith (Bromield), 106–07 Mehta, Ved, 145 Murray, Pauli, 120, 121, 175 Melley, Timothy, 25 Myers, John Bernhard, 252 Mellville Goodwin, USA (Marquand), 321 Myrdal, Gunnar, 62 Memoirs of a Catholic Girlhood (McCarthy), 75 Menand, Louis, 315 Nabokov, Vladimir, 4, 182, 187–89, 195, 207, Mendez vs. Westminster (1947), 132 269, 277–78, 316 mental institutions, 53 Nadel, Alan, 17 Merrill, John, 330–31 Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 23, 26 Messiah (Vidal), 84 Naked Lunch (Burroughs), 199–200, 202–03, metaiction, 206–07 206, 230–31, 308 Metalious, Grace, 313–15 Nancy Hanks of Wilderness Road (Le Seuer), 175 Mexican Americans “Naphtha” (poem), 164 in 1950s, 133 Naremore, James, 26 México de afuera period and, 139 “Narrow Man, The” (play), 38, 39–40 racism and, 131 Narrows, The (Petry), 121, 126–28, 286 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and, 133 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 62 U.S. immigration policy and, 132–33 National Organization for Women (NOW), 175 in World War II, 131–32 National Women’s Party, 170 “Mexican Heaven” (short story), 140 Native Son (Wright), 117, 118, 274, 291 Meyerowitz, Joanne, 6 Nazarene, The (Asch), 78 Michener, James, 149 Nazi Germany, 172–73, 278 Middle Generation, 253 Negro Novel in America, The (Bone), 117, 120 Middlebrook, Diane, 248 Nelson, Deborah, 6, 97 Milford Conferences, 330–31 Nelson, Harriet, 170 Miller, Arthur, 26, 89–90, 181, 182–83, 286 Nelson, Maggie, 210 Miller, Douglas, 6 neo-Freudianism, 49, 53–54 Miller, Henry, 182, 316 New American Library, 317 Miller, Walter, Jr., 77, 331 New American Poetry, 251 Miller, Warren, 286, 291 New American Poetry, 1945–1960 (Allen), 210, Mills, C. Wright, 197 252, 259 Miner, Worthington, 34 New Critical Poetry, 210 Minnow, Newton, 33–34 New Criticism, 2, 116, 118, 228, 247, 305, 304, 310 Minton, Walter, 316 New Left, 80, 286 Mitchell, Loften, 120 New Liberalism, 286 Modern Woman, The: The Lost Sex (Flynn), New Literary History of America, A (Sollers), 288 172–73 New Maps of Hell (Amis), 333 Modernism, 3, 13, 76, 83, 225, 234, 253, 310, New Masses,291 313–18 New Mexico Monroe, Harriet, 305 history, 136 Moore, Marianne, 261 Ilano,136–37 moral realism, 196 romantic memories of, 138–39 Morley, Hilda, 218 NewRight,286 Morris, Wright, 3 New York Intellectuals, 299, 300, 310 Morrison, Toni, 43 New York Poets, The: An Anthology (Ford), 262 Morton, Brian, 292 New York School, 209, 251–65 Mosel, Tad, 33, 36, 37 avant-garde culture and, 258–60 Moses (Asch), 78 black writers, 264–65 Moses, Robert, 256 collaborative reading, 261 Moskowitz, Sam, academic courses on, 335 coterie, 259–60

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lourishing between 1951 and 1966, 251 One World (Wilkie), 274 New American Poetry and, 251 O’Neill, Eugene, 87, 223 post-war American poetry and, 254 Opening of the Field, The (Duncan), 217 post-war cultural centrality of United States Operation Wetback, 133 and, 252–54 Oppenheimer, Robert, 218 Second Generation, 263 Ordeal of Mansart, The (Du Bois), 120 women poets, 262–64 Organization Man, The (Whyte), 2, 104 New York World’s Fair (1939), 327 Origin (magazine), 218–19 New Zealand, 66 Orwell, George, 300 Nichols, Mike, 238 Other Fifties, The: Interrogating Midcentury Niehbur, Reinhold, 269, 300 American Icons (Foreman), 6–7 Nietzsche, Friedrich W., 48 Out Went the Candle (Swados), 291 Niggli, Joseina, 134 Outsider, The (Wright), 121, 269, 275 Nine Stories (Salinger), 81 Oversey, Lionel, 57 The 1950s: America’s “Placid” Decade (Satin), 6 Nisei Daughter (Sone), 145, 147, 150 Packard, Vance, 197, 327 Nixon, Richard, 68, 276 Packer,Vin,160,177 No Blade of Grass (Christopher), 335 Padgett, Ron, 252 No Day of Triumph (Redding), 122 Page, Myra, 175–76 No Exit (Sartre), 269 Pakistan, 66 No Time for Sergeants (Hyman), 321 Pale Fire (Nabokov), 207 Nobel Prize for Literature, 223 pan-Africanism, 274 “Nocturne” (poem), 255 “Parachutes, My Love, Could Carry Us Higher” Non-Aligned Movement, 286 (poem), 263 No-No Boy (Okada), 144, 145–47 Paredes, Américo, 134–36 “Noon on Doomsday” (play), 37, 38 Paris, 273–74 Not June Cleaver: Women and Gender in Paris Review (magazine), 305 Postwar America, 1945–1960 Parker, Charlie, 225 (Meyerowitz), 6 Parks, Rosa, 68 Notes from Underground (Dostoevsky), 229 Partisan Review (magazine), 1–2, 299–302 Notes of a Native Son (Baldwin), 93 attacks on Beat Generation, 309 Nowak, Marion, 6 contributors, 300 Numbers (Rechy), 163 editorial board, 299–300 grants from ACCF, 302 O’Connell, Arthur, 31 launching of, 299–300 O’Connor, Flannery, 4, 76, 77, 269, 302 “Our Country and Our Culture” Odd Girl Out and Twilight Lovers (Faderman), symposium, 1–2, 300–02, 304 178 Passing (Larsen), 122 Odd Girl Out (Bannon), 160, 167 Pasternak, Boris, 261 O’Hara, Frank, 162–65, 239, 251, 252, 254–58 Patchen, Kenneth, 283 O’Hara, John, 314 Path, Sylvia, 284 Okada, John, 144, 145–47 “Patterns” (play), 40–41 “Old Angel Midnight” (poem), 308 Patterson, William, 67 Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 242 Paz, Octavio, 133–34 Old World colonizers, 64–65 Peace Movement, 219 Olsen, Tillie, 5, 173 Peck, Gregory, 31 Olson, Charles, 211, 214, 215, 216, 253 Percy, Walker, 4, 77 On Endings (Grausam), 18 Permanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose “On Lady Chatterley’s Lover” (essay), 306 (Burke), 284 On the Beach (Shute), 331 “Personal Poem,” 264 On the Road (Kerouac), 52, 182, 185–87, 224, 225, “Personism” (essay), 264 233–34, 272, 279 Perspectives USA (magazine), 21 On the Waterfront (ilm), 26 Peter Pan (television show), 32 One Destiny: An Epistle to the Christians (Asch), Peterson, Louis, 120 78 Peterson, William, 148

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Petry, Ann, 121, 126–28, 286 Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The Peyton Place (Metalious), 313–15, 321 (Gofman), 197 Philco Television Playhouse (television show), Price of Salt, The (Highsmith), 160–62, 167 33 Program Era: Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Philippines, 60, 66 Creative Writing (McGurl), 283 Philipps, William, 299–300 Progressive Liberals, 282 Philips, Thomas Hal, 167 “Projective Verse,” 211, 214, 218 Pickup on South Street (ilm), 26–28 Prophet, The (Asch), 78 “The Picture of Little J.A. in a Prospect of Protestants, 73–74 Flowers” (poem), 261–62 proto-postmodernism, 195–207 Pictures from an Institution (Jarrell), 5 history and iction in, 203–06 Piette,Adam,27 metaiction in, 206–07 Plath, Sylvia, 49, 53, 97, 228, 245 moral realism and, 196 Playboy (magazine), 334 novels and, 196–97 Playhouse 90 (television show), 33, 38 overview, 195 Plimpton, George, 305 postmodern novels and, 197–98 Pocho (Villareal), 142–43 psychological realism in, 195–96 Pocket Books, 315 reorientation of American politics and, 196 Podhoretz, Norman, 226, 232, 309 vicissitudes of modernity and, 200–03 Poems (Koch), 252 world in crisis and, 198–200 Poetry (magazine), 305 Proud Shoes (Murray), 121, 175 Poets of New York School, The (Myers), 252 psychoanalysis, 46–57 Pohl, Frederick, 286 avant-garde culture and, 46 “Political Poem,” 265 countercultural romance with manic politics, 87–98 hipsterism and, 52–53 Politics, Economics, and Welfare (Dahl and jargons, 46 Lindblom), 46–47 midcentury modernists and, 48, 49 politics in 1950 literature neo-Freudianism and, 53–54 aftermath of World War II, 91–92 popularization of, 47–48 Beat movement and, 94 “Psychoanalysis and the Negro Problem” (essay), confessional poets, 97–98 57 containment, 94–95 public relations, 242 cultural subjects, 96–97 pulp iction, 24 culture and, 94 feminist, 177 culture of 1950s and, 87 gay/lesbian, 160 McCarthyism, 88–90, 97 Puzo,Mario,314 narratives, 88 Pynchon, Thomas, 18, 43, 207 political engagement, 94 tone of, 87–88 Quatrefoil (Barr), 158 Pollock, Jackson, 225 Queer (Burroughs), 157, 199 Polonsky, Abraham, 290 quiz shows, 32 Pop Art movement, 239 Popescu, Monica, 18 Rabbit, Run (Updike), 4, 73–74, 112–14 Popular Book, The (Hart), 320 Rabinowitz, Paula, 315, 317 Port Huron Statement, 181 race, 3, 38–39, 61–69, 93–94, 116–28, 148–50, 173, Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth), 50, 317 225, 229, 269, 273–76, 288 postmodernism, 7, 10, 18, 24, 80, 83, 195–207, Radicalism at the Crossroads: African American 224,234,317 Women Activists in the Cold War (Gore), Potok, Chaim, 292 178 Pound, Ezra, 238 Radway Janice A., 319 Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 68 Rahv, Philip, 47, 196, 299–300 Power, Richard, 18 Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters (Salinger), Powers,J.F.,4,76 81 “Prase Poem for Slam,” 234 Raisin in the Sun, A (Hansberry), 121, 176–77 Prashad, Vijay, 60, 66 Rally ’Round the Flag, Boys (Shulman), 321

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Random House, 316, 317 Roth, Henry, 291 Ransom, John Crowe, 302, 304 Roth, Philip, 5, 49–51, 80, 317 Rau, Santha Rama, 145 Rothke, Theodore, 305 Rauschenberg, Robert, 213 Rubin, Andrew, 21 Ray, Nicholas, 26, 271–72 Rukeyser, Muriel, 283, 286, 291 Real Cool Killers, The (Himes), 121 Rumaker, Michael, 218 Real Life of Sebastian Knight, The (Nabokov), 278 Russian Revolution, 289 reality TV, 245–46 realpolitik, 253 Salinger, J.D., 3, 5, 23, 49, 81, 105, 182, 184–85 Recasting America: Culture and Politics in the Age San Francisco Poetry Renaissance, 209, 224 of Cold War (May), 6 Sanders, Ed, 233 Rechy,John,134,141–42,163 Sanford, John, 291 Recognitions, The (Gaddis), 4, 83, 198, 200–02, Sartre, Jean Paul, 269 206 SataninGoray(Singer), 78 Red Decade, 73 Satin, Joseph, 6 Red Feminism (Weigand), 178 Saunders, Frances Stonor, 20 Red Scare, 87, 227, 282, 287–88 Saxton, Alexander, 290 Redding, Arthur, 288 Schaub, Thomas, 17, 283 Redding, J. Saunders, 121, 123–26 Schawinsky, Xanti, 212 Reed, Donna, 170 Schlesinger, Arthur, 17, 254, 282 Reed, Kit, 332 Schoenberg, Arnold, 212 Reed,Lou,233 Schorer, Mark, 300, 306 Reich, Wilhelm, 49 Schulberg, Budd, 285, 291 religion in 1950s literature, 73–85 Schuyler, James, 252, 261, 263 Catholics, 74–77 Schwartz, Delmore, 302 Judaism, 77–80 Schwartz, Roberta Teale, 302 Protestants, 73–74 science iction in 1950s, 326–36 role in 1950s American culture and politics, 73 academic courses on, 335 tri-faith religious pluralism, 73 apocalyptic themes, 331–32 Revolution in Taste, A (Simpson), 243 gender and sexuality in, 333–34 Revolutionary Road (Yates), 4, 51, 103, 114, 271, magazines, 326, 328 277 Milford Conferences and, 330–31 Rexroth, Kenneth, 224, 240, 306 overview, 326 Rice, John Andrew, 211 political issues in, 335 Rich, Adrienne, 219 speculative iction and, 330 Riding, Laura, 261 technological innovations and, 326–28 Riesman, David, 25, 104, 300 television and, 332–33 River Road, The: A Story of Abraham Lincoln (Le transition to serious literature, 330–31 Sueur), 175 women writers, 332 Robe, The (Douglas), 322 Science Fiction Novel: Imagination and Social Robert Montgomery Presents (television show), 33 Criticism (Davenport), 335 Robeson, Paul, 67 Scott-Smith, Giles, 19 Rodger, Richard, 149 Searching Light, The (Dodd), 173–74 Rogers, Carl, 54 Seize the Day (Bellow), 51–52, 79–80 Rojas, Arnold, 134 Seldes, Gilbert, 34 RomanceofaLittleVillageGirl(Jaramillo), “Self in 1958” (poem), 241 138–39 Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror (Ashbery), 252 Rooney,Frank,4 Semi-Colon (magazine), 252 Rose, Reginald, 33, 36, 38 “Señor Garza” (short story), 140 Rosenberg, Julius, 282 “A Sentimental Journey” (short story), 56 Rosenthal, Irving, 228, 309 Separate Peace, A (Knowles), 106 Roshwald, Mordecai, 331 Serling, Rod, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40–42 Ross, Dorothy, 47 “Seven Nine Seven” (poem), 164 Ross, Sam, 285 Sewaneee Review (magazine), 304 Rosset, Barney, 306, 316, 317 Sexton, Anne, 53, 97, 228, 241–42, 244, 245

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Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Kinsey), 159 Spillane, Mickey, 29, 317–18 Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities (D’Emilio), Spring Fire (Packer), 160, 177 178 St. Clair, Margaret, 332 Seymour: An Introduction (Salinger), 81 Stalinism, 290 Shadow, The (Paredes), 134 Startling Stories (magazine), 334 Shadow on the Hearth (Merrill), 331 Stearn, Jess, 158 Shadows of the Past (Jaramillo), 139 Stein, Gertrude, 261 Shahn, Ben, 214 Steinbeck, John, 286, 321 “The Shampoo” (poem), 166–67 Sterling, Dorothy, 175 Shapiro, Karl, 305 Stone, I.F., 282 “Shark Ship” (short story), 335 Story of Pocahontas, The (Du Bois), 175 Shaw,Irwin,285 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 118 Shaw, Lytle, 210 Straight State, The (Canaday), 157 Sheckley, Robert, 334, 335 Stranger and Alone (Redding), 121, 122–23 Sheltering Sky, The (Bowles), 268, 270, 279, 290 Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), 5 Sherry, Michael, 158 Street, The (Petry), 126 “Short Note on the Sparseness of Language” Streetcar Named Desire (ilm), 26, 53 (poem), 231–32 Studio One (television show), 33 “A Short Talk with Erlanger” (essay), 55 Sturgeon, Theodore, 334 Shulman, Max, 321 Styron, William, 3, 182, 183–84, 196 Shute, Nevil, 331 Suárez, Mario, 134, 139–41 Silent Spring (Carson), 335 Subterraneans, The (Kerouac), 229–30 Sillen, Samuel, 285 Suddenly Last Summer (ilm), 53 Simenon, George, 318 Suddenly Last Summer (Williams), 167–68 Simon and Schuster, 36 Sukarno, Ahmed, 60, 61, 64–65 Simpson, Louis, 243 Sullivan, Harry Stack, 54 Sinclair,Jo,175,291 Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway), 269 Singer,Bashevis,78–79 “Sunlower Sutra” (poem), 81 ’Sippi (Killens), 120 Sunset Boulevard (ilm), 26 Sixth Man, The (Stearn), 158 Susann, Jacqueline, 317 slam poetry, 234 Suttree (McCarthy), 28 Smethurst, James, 178 Suzuki, D.T., 233–34 Smith, Patti, 233 Swados, Harvey, 4, 291 Smith, William Gardner, 119 Sweet Thursday (Steinbeck), 321 Smith Act, 292 Snodgrass, W.D., 228, 240–42, 244 Ta fy (Kaye), 120 Snow Falling on Cedars (Guterson), 145 Tagore, Rabindranath, 223 Snyder, Gary, 82, 224, 225, 306 Talented Mr. Ripley, The (Highsmith), 5, 161 Sojourning for Freedom (McDuie), 178 “Tamed by Miltown” (poem), 53 Sollers, Werner, 288 Tate, Allen, 196, 302, 304 “Some Notes on Organic Form” (essay), 216 Taylor, Peter, 56 Sone, Monica, 145, 147, 150 Taylor, Valerie, 177 Sonic Youth, 233 Tea and Sympathy (Anderson), 37, 97 Sontag, Susan, 300 “The Teaching Poet” (essay), 305 Sot-Weed Factor, The (Barth), 204–06 “Teddy” (short story), 81 South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO), television in 1950s, 32 66 civil rights and, 38–39 South Street (Smith), 119 form and style of, 34–35 “Southside Run” (short story), 140 high culture and, 34 Space Merchants (Kornbluth), 333 highly rated shows, 32–33 Spanish-American War (1898), 65 household ownership of television sets, 32 “Spectator Sport” (short story), 333 literal reality of, 35 speculative iction, 330 live anthology dramas, 32, 33–34 Spengler, Oswald, 199 mass appeal, 36–37 Spider’s House, The (Bowles), 84–85 science iction and, 332–33

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sponsorship, 36–37 Two-Bit Culture: The Paperbacking of America tastes and priorities in, 32 (Davis), 315 television writers Tzara, Tristan, 259 advice to younger writers, 36 as artists and employees, 43 Ugly American, The (Lederer and Burdick), as literary writers, 35–36 91–92 of television dramas, 37–38 Unbuttoning America (Cameron), 313–14 Tell Me a Riddle (Olsen), 5, 173 Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 118 Ten Commandments, The (ilm), 83 United States Steel Hour (television show), 33, 38 Ten Nights in a Bar-Room (Arthur), 320 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 61 “The Sex Opposite” (short story), 334 Untied Nations Convention on the Prevention The Way we Never Were: American Families and and Punishment of Genocide, 66–67 the Nostalgia Trap (Coontz), 6 Up From Slavery (Washington), 125 The Way we Were (ilm), 292 Updike, John, 4, 73–74, 112–14, 317 Theater Piece No. 1,213 Uris, Leon, 83, 321 Third Generation, The (Himes), 121, 122 Ushant (Aiken), 5 Third World states, 64–65 US-Japan Security Treaty, 150 Thomas, Dylan, 240 Thompson, Jim, 20, 28, 87 Valley of the Dolls (Susann), 317 Thoreau, Henry David, 182, 320 “The Veldt” (short story), 333 Thrilling Wonder (magazine), 326 Vertigo (ilm), 278 “Thunder on Sycamore Street” (play), 38 Vials,Christopher,67 Till, Emmett, 37, 38 Vidal, Gore, 33, 36, 37, 84, 96–97, 158, 334 Tillman, F., 63 Vietnam, 60 Time and Time Again (Hilton), 321 Village Voice (newspaper), 302 Tito, Josip, 289 Villarreal, José Antonio, 134, 142–43 To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 5 Violent Bear it Away, The (O’Connor), 77 Toast of the Town (television show), 32 Vital Center, The (Schlesinger), 282 Torrès, Tereska, 177 Voice of Asia, The (Michener), 149 Town and the City, The (Kerouac), 223 Voyce, Stephen, 209 “A Town Has Turned to Dust” (play), 38 “Tradition and Individual Talent” (essay), 226 Wald, Alan, 17 “Tragedy in a Temporary Town” (play), 36 Walden (Thoreau), 320 Transition (magazine), 21 Waldman, Anne, 218 Transnational Beat Generation, The,234 Waldrop, Rosemarie, 218 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 133 Walk on the Wide Side, A (Algren), 28 Trilling, Lionel, 21, 47, 48, 54–55, 196, 197, 300, Walker, Margaret, 285 309 Wall, The (Hershey), 321 Trollope, Anthony, 55 Wallace, David Foster, 18 Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 316 Walt Disney Presents (television show), 32 Trotskyism, 292 Walt Disney’s Disneyland (television show), 32 “Trouble in Mind” (play), 121 Wapshot Chronicle, The (Cheever), 4, 109–11 Truman, Harry, 253 War at Home, The (Eisenberg), 292 Trumbo, Dalton, 285 WarBridesActof1945,154–55 Trump, Donald, 12 Ward, Douglas Turner, 292 “Tulips” (poem), 53 Warhol, Andy, 239 Turandot (Ashbery), 252 Warren, Robert Penn, 88, 302 Turk e y, 6 6 Washington, Booker T., 125 Turncoats, Traitors, and Fellow Travellers: Culture Washington, Mary Helen, 121 and Politics in the Early Cold War WASP culture in 1950s literature, 103–14 (Redding), 288 family values, 103–04 “Twelve Angry Men” (play), 36 middle class and, 104 Twilight of the Middle Class, The (Hoberek), 283 overview, 104–05 “2 Poems from the O’Hara Monogatari” World War II legacy and, 105–07 (poem), 163 Waste Land, The (Eliot), 225

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376 Index

Waters, John, 12 Winsor, Kathleen, 321–22 “Waterwoman” (poem), 218 Wise Blood (O’Connor), 4, 77 Watts, Alan, 233–34 With His Pistol in His Hand: A Border Ballad and We Charge Genocide: the Crime of Government its Hero (Paredes), 134–36 Against the Negro People, 66–67 Woman Warrior, The (Kingston), 148 We Fed Them Cactus (Cabeza de Baca), 136–38 Women in Love (Lawrence), 316 Weaver, Sylvester, 33–34 Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), Weigand, Kate, 178 132 Wernick, Andrew, 247 Women’s Barracks (Torrès), 177 Wertheim, Albert, 97 Wong,JadeSnow,145,148 West, Nathanael, 283 Wong,Shawn,144 Weybright, Victor, 317–18 Wood, Ruth Pirsig, 317 Whalen, Philip, 225, 231, 306 Worker’s Defense League, 175 What America Read (Hutner), 319 World Above, The (Polonsky), 290 What Makes Sammy Run (Schulberg), 291 “The World Well Lost” (short story), 334 “What Was Confessional Poetry?,” 248 Worlds of Color (Du Bois), 120 Wheelwright, John, 283 Wouk, Herman, 23, 313, 318–19, 321 Whisper Their Love (Taylor), 177 Wright, Richard, 20, 60, 62–64, 68–69, 87, 117, White, E.B., 5, 255 118, 121, 175–76, 204, 269, 273, 274–75, White, Gillian, 246 283, 285, 291 “The White Negro: Supericial Relections on Wright, Sarah, 292 the Hipster” (essay), 52, 82–83 Wyndham, John, 331 “White Paintings” (painting), 213 Whitman, Walt, 225 Yaszek, Lisa, 332 Whyte, William, 2, 25, 104 Yates, Richard, 4, 51, 103, 114, 271 Wibberley, Leonard, 90–91 Yerby, Frank, 120, 321 Wicke, Jennifer, 247 Yglesias, Helen, 291 Wieners, John, 218 Yglesias, José, 291 Wilder, Billy, 26 You Bet Your Life (television show), 32 Wilkie, Wendell, 274 Young, White, and Miserable: Growing Up Female Willeford, Charles, 29 in the Fifties (Breines), 12 Williams, John, 292 Youngblood (Killens), 123–26 Williams, Jonathan, 218–19 youth culture in 1950s literature, 181–91 Williams, Thomas Lanier “Tennessee,” 26, 49, dropping out and, 182, 191 52, 53, 167–68, 182, 189–91 hipsters, 182 Williams, William Carlos, 217, 224, 225, 231 rise of culture, 181 Wilson, Edmund, 196, 314, 316 Yugen (magazine), 232, 309, 310 Wilson, Sloan, 31, 55–56, 95, 104, 107–09, 313, 319–20 Zhou Enlai, 62

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