Public Document Pack

CORPORATE SERVICES Linda Fisher Deputy Chief Executive

GOVERNANCE AND COMMITTEE SERVICES TEAM Number One Riverside, Smith Street, , OL16 1XU DX22831 ROCHDALE Tel: (01706) 647474 Fax: (01706) 924705 Website: To: All Members of the Rochdale Township Enquiries to: Peter Thompson Action and Resources Committee Extension: 4715 Date: 21 st November 2013

Dear Councillor


You are requested to attend the meeting of the Rochdale Township Action and Resources Committee to be held in Training and Conference Suite, First Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU on Tuesday, 3 rd December 2013 commencing at 6.15 pm.

The agenda and supporting papers are attached.

If you require advice on any agenda item involving a possible Declaration of Interest which could affect your right to speak and/or vote, please contact staff in the Governance and Committee Services Team at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Yours Faithfully

Linda Fisher Deputy Chief Executive

Rochdale Township Action and Resources Committee Membership 2013/14 Councillor Shakil Ahmed Councillor Shefali Ahmed Councillor Farooq Ahmed Councillor Richard Farnell Councillor James Gartside Councillor Hilary Rodgers Councillor Billy Sheerin Councillor Patricia Sullivan Councillor Mohammed Zaman



Tuesday, 3 rd December 2013 at 6.15 pm

Training and Conference Suite, First Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU


Apologies for Absence 1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to indicate at this stage any items on the agenda in which they intend to declare an interest. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Council's adopted Code of Conduct, they must declare the nature of any personal or discloseable pecuniary interest required of them and, in the case of any discloseable pecuniary interest, withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item, unless permitted otherwise within the Code of Conduct. 2. Minutes 3 - 6 To consider the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held 19 th September 2013. 3. Sparth Area Forum - 25th September 2013 7 - 9 4. Castleton Area Forum - 20th August 2013 10 - 13 5. Milkstone and Deeplish Area Forum (Annual General Meeting) 9th 14 - 17 September 2013 6. Spotland and Falinge Area Forum (AGM) 22nd August 2013 18 7. Spotland and Falinge Area Forum (Ordinary meeting) 22nd August 19 - 22 2013 8. Rochdale Township Funds 2013/14 23 - 51

Agenda Item 2


MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, 19 th September 2013

PRESENT: Councillor Shefali Ahmed (Chair); Councillors Shakil Ahmed, Farooq Ahmed, James Gartside, Hilary Rodgers, Sheerin, Sullivan and Zaman

OFFICERS: G Henry (Economy and Environment Service) N Afzal, V White and C Denyer (Corporate Services)

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Jane Gartside and Linden and approximately 15 Members of the public.

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 24 Councillor Sheerin declared a personal interest in agenda item 8 (Rochdale Township Funds), insofar as he was a member of the Board of the Cultural Trust (Link4Life).

ADDITIONAL ITEM OF BUSINESS 25 In accordance with Council Procedure Rules, the Chair indicated that an additional item of business would be considered, namely the Whittaker Moss School, Proposed 20mph School Zone, on grounds of urgency, that being funding requirements needing to be met prior to the next meeting of the Committee.

MINUTES 26 DECIDED – that the minutes of the meeting of the Rochdale Township Action and Resources Committee held on 24 th July 2013 be approved as a correct record.

BALDERSTONE AND KIRKHOLT AREA FORUM - 11TH JUNE 2013 27 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meeting of Balderstone and Kirkholt Area Forum held 11 th June 2013 be noted.

BAMFORD AND OAKENROD AREA FORUM - 3RD JUNE 2013 28 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meeting of Bamford and Oakenrod Area Forum held 3 rd June 2013 be noted.

CENTRAL AREA FORUM - 20TH JUNE 2013 29 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meeting of Central Rochdale Area Forum held 20 th June 2013 be noted.

BRIMROD, MARLAND AND SUDDEN AREA FORUM - 27TH JUNE 2013 30 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meeting of Brimrod, Marland and Sudden Area Forum held 27 th June 2013 be noted.

KINGSWAY AREA FORUM - 27TH JUNE 2013 31 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meeting of Kingsway Area Forum held 27 th June 2013 be noted.

ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP FUNDS 2013/2014 32 The Deputy Chief Executive presented a report which updated the Committee on revenue and capital expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale Township Fund 2013/2014, to enable the Committee to allocate funds to proposed schemes.

Page 3

The recommendations contained in the report were presented as the management of the Rochdale Township Fund was a function delegated to the Rochdale Township Action and Resources Committee to determine. Rochdale Township Funds were designed to be allocated to projects and schemes that benefit the Township’s communities and the environment and which realise the Township’s stated priorities.

The Committee considered applications for funding from the 2013/2014 Township Revenue and Capital Funds and the balances of £127,693 (Capital Fund) and £7,900 (Revenue Fund) were detailed in the submitted report.

Alternatives considered: in considering the report, Members will decide whether or not to approve the allocation of funds to projects/schemes as appropriate. DECIDED – That (1) the Committee notes the expenditure, commitments and balances for Rochdale Township Revenue and Capital Funds, as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the submitted report; (2) the Committee notes the decisions made under delegated authority, by the Townships and Governance Manager in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition Spokespersons, as detailed at Appendix 3 of the submitted report; (3) the proposed schemes as detailed in Appendix 4 of the submitted report be dealt with as follows:- a) CE/01/13 - Sports Programme Summer 2014 - approve an allocation of £8,500 to assist with the delivery of the Summer Programme 2014; b) AF/06/13 – Dobbin Drive Traffic Speed Survey – approve an allocation of £700 for a week long traffic counter to determine the speed of vehicles using Dobbin Drive, Kirkholt. c) TC/04/13 - Dropped kerbs on Gipsy Lane – approve an allocation of £4,600 to install 8 dropped kerbs on Gipsy Lane to provide safer wheelchair access. d) TC/06/13 - Abbott Street Speed Humps – approve an allocation of £10,000 to replace of two sets of speed cushions with two round topped speed humps to reduce vehicle speeds on Abbott Street. e) TC/07/13 - Ford Gardens Parking Restrictions – approve an allocation of £3,500 to implement parking restrictions after consultation with residents with the requirements of the project to be agreed on advice from Highways Officers. f) TC/08/13 - Edenfield Road (Denehurst Stores) Waiting Restrictions – approve an allocation of £3,500 to remove the existing unregulated parking bays and to provide two Limited Waiting Bays (30 minutes) outside 195 and 193 Edenfield Road, Rochdale. Eligible for Call-in: yes

MONITORING OF ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRES 33 The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which provided Members with performance related information, for the second quarter of 2013/14 (July – September 2013), in respect of Community Centres in Rochdale Township.

The Committee was advised that the Council helps to fund Community Centres via grants and, as part of the process, the Community Centres were required to provide quarterly monitoring information relating to activities being held at their facilities.

Page 4 As part of the quarterly monitoring, both qualitative and quantitative information was requested in the form of spread-sheets and their most recent timetables of activities.

Community Centres with Council managed budgets and community centres receiving less than £6,000 per annum were being monitored on a six monthly basis.

A workshop facilitated by Rochdale CVS was delivered to help the various Management Committees of the Community Centres to set their own performance targets. The information detailed in the submitted report was designed to enable Members to monitor performance against the targets set by each Community Centre on a quarterly basis.

In considering the report Members requested further information regarding whether the income generation was derived from private hire or community development initiatives. DECIDED – that (1) the report be noted and; (2) future reports to the Committee on this matter should include, wherever possible, a breakdown to show whether the income is derived from private hire or community development initiatives.

SUDDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 34 The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which provided the Committee with information regarding a funding request from Sudden Community Centre for the £5,000 remaining to be allocated from the suspension of the Community Centre grant.

The Committee was advised that Sudden Community Centre receives a core grant of £9,300 from the Council. The grant had been reduced from £12,100 in 2012 as part of the savings process. The grant funding was spent on the cost associated with the running of the centre and part time administration officers who were employed on a temporary basis. The additional funding of £5000 was requested to enable the management committee to secure the services of the main Administration Officer on a 12 month contract. The funding would also help the Management Committee to upgrade the centre and develop a new timetable by increasing the Centre’s opening times. The new activities were to include an afterschool club and the provision of activities for local young people with the help of the Youth Service.

The Sub-Committee considered the views Councillor Linden, a Milkstone and Deeplish Ward Councillor, in which Ward the Sudden Community Centre was located, who addressed the Sub-Committee in relation to the application. DECIDED – that the sum of £5000 from the suspension of the Wardleworth Community Centre grant be awarded to Sudden Community Centre. Eligible for Call-in: Yes.

WHITTAKER MOSS SCHOOL, PROPOSED 20MPH SCHOOL ZONE 35 The Director of Economy and Environment advised of the objections received in response to published proposals to introduce ‘a 20mph zone with traffic calming and waiting restrictions in the area surrounding Whittaker Moss School and to present the responses of the Service Director, Economy and Environment.

Page 5 The recommendation was presented to enable Members to give consideration to the objections received and, in light of the objections, whether or not the published proposals should be implemented.

The Committee considered the views of local residents who addressed the Sub- Committee objecting to the application. DECIDED – that consideration of this report be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee for determination, pending the outcome of discussions between representatives of the Council’s Highways and Engineering Services and local residents on the proposed waiting time restrictions and traffic calming measures.

Page 6 Agenda Item 3 SPARTH AREA FORUM

Wednesday, 25 September 2013 Sparth Community Centre, Norman Road, Rochdale OL11 4HS


Present: I. Ahmed, P. Khan, J. Howarth, B. Masnyj, H. Atif, M. Hebdon, M. Zaman, G. Rushton, S. Fairclough, M. Imran, B. Morgan, C. Horridge, N. Edge

Officers: J. Akhtar (RMBC Youth Service), V. White (Township Management), PCSO’s Naz & Danielle, T. Thomas (RMBC Environmental Management) G. Wood (Strategic Housing)

Councillors: None Present

Apologies: Cllr. Linden, I. Trickett, J. Lord, S. O’Connor, T. Lonorgan

INTRODUCTIONS AND CODE OF CONDUCT The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, and introductions were made. The code of conduct was explained.

ADDITIONAL ITEM - 'GET ME TOASTY' Details of the scheme, which includes boiler replacement and other types of measures for reducing the cost of energy bills were given. Leaflets were made available and all were encouraged to make an initial call to check whether they qualified. The telephone number is 0800 009 3363 and the web-site is . The introduction of the ‘Green Deal’ from next April will mean that any future measures will not be free, and the costs would likely be added to electricity bills with an interest rate of around 7%.

RMBC is backing Dyson to deliver the improvements, as are Wigan and Tameside. There are opportunities for boiler replacement, there may be associated top-up costs that the Council may be able to help out with.

MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING The previous minutes were agreed.

MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES Mandale Park An officers working group from Environmental Management and Planning has been looking at possibilities for improving Mandale Park in the future. They are looking at issues such as land ownership, paths, habitat value of the land, usage and potential external funding. A consultation is due to take place and the forum will be included in that – the item will be included on the agenda for the next meeting.

Kenny explained that there is still a need to bring the Environmental Group back together, and volunteers were encouraged to contact Kenny. Action (1) Include Mandale Park consultation on next agenda Andy Dawson

Page 7

Forum Attendance The Chair acknowledged that attendance was better this time, but it was agreed that more could and should be done to promote the meetings. There may be a perception that if people have nothing to raise, there is no point attending. It was agreed that we need to get the message about the benefits of attending, i.e. consultation/information that is given, and get some good news stories out. Action (2) Produce publicity leaflet focussing on the work of the forum for local mailout Andy Dawson

Castle Hill Crescent Street Lighting Feedback was given from the last meeting, however the resident at No.2 disputed this and said the area outside her property is completely dark. Action (3) Visit Mrs Howarth at 2 Castle Hill Crescent early one evening Andy Dawson

Broken Bollards The bollards reported at the last meeting are still broken. There are a number of broken reflector (yellow) bollards that have been broken by children. Kenny can give details of location, however it was explained that if the problem is vandalism it is likely to continue even if the bollards are replaced. There are also some that have reflectors missing. Action (4) Visit/liaise with Kenny re broken bollards Val White

GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE PACT Meetings There has been no attendance at the last two meetings, which means there are no PACT priorities set. Residents were informed that PACT is not intended for crime related issues only, and that issues such as litter, speeding and fly-tipping can be identified.

Crime Figures Since June there have been two burglaries to houses, ten burglaries to other premises and one incident of damage to a motor vehicle.

Travellers There was a discussion about travellers who have now moved out of the area. Residents are frustrated that they continue to come into the area, and in particular at the state they leave behind. It was explained that if toilets and skips were provided to them it would be seen as encouraging them to return, and it isn’t possible to provide some kind of lockable knee rail because they would likely break the lock off. Some assurances were given that they are unlikely to return during Winter as the grass becomes too boggy.

Norman Road Speeding This has been reported for a number of years, although it is not clear whether vehicles are breaking the speed limit, or going too fast for the road. Some residents asked about the community speed watch scheme, and this could be considered. Action (5) Enquire with Casualty Reduction Unit whether this scheme is still inexistence, liaise with Kenny if so Andy Dawson

Page 8 UPDATE ON MANDALE PARK This item was covered in matters arising.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS Norman Rd Speed Humps The lining has faded, the humps are invisible at night and lining in general requires refreshing Action (6) Request refreshing of white lining on Norman Road Andy Dawson

Back Briar Street There is a footpath that used to have a bollard at either end to stop vehicles accessing. One is broken and the other is missing, residents would like to see two metal bollards installed. Action (7) Assess request, establish location, and bid to ward fund Andy Dawson

Rear Heath Street Stone flags, doors etc have been dumped in the alleyway, details of the offender were given. Action (8) Arrange enforcement letter to offending resident Tony Thomas

Community Centre Car Park There are large holes in the surface, who is responsible? Action (9) Establish ownership of the car park Andy Dawson

Manchester Rd Pedestrian Crossing There was a report that the ‘Green Man’ doesn’t always show on the crossing outside the funeral parlour, however there was some confusion and a visit needs to take place to clarify the problem before reporting to highways Action (10) Visit Manchester Rd pedestrian crossing to assess problem Andy Dawson

Street Lighting – Footpath There were complaints that the new street lighting on the path at the side of the community centre is not bright enough. It was explained that there is a minimum standard that lighting has to adhere to. Action (11) Request inspection of street lighting Andy Dawson

Road Sweeper The vehicle ignores the ‘Key-hole’ turning on Castle Hill Crescent, and never sweeps the opposite side of the road to No.2 Action (12) Report problems with sweeper to Environmental Management Andy Dawson

DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING The next meeting has been set for 6:30pm on 4 th December, however Kenny needs to discuss as he thinks the centre may be double booked. Action (13) Liaise with Kenny re date of next meeting Andy Dawson


Tuesday, 20 August 2013



SERVICED BY Valery White

RESIDENTS PRESENT M. Webb, A. Kershaw, H. Hastings-Hobson, P. Hogg, S. Khan, C. Swales, P. Swales, J. Ellis, A. Bamber, C. Lawlor, C. Fallows, F. Cryer, E. Taylor, A. Micklethwaite, E. Jones, R. Jones, N. Merriman, A. Mason, G. Wynne, M. Ball, A. Stowell, D. Lord, T. Butler, M. Darlington, S. Woodall, P. Wall (Chair), D. Horridge, D. Jefferson, E. Lord, M. Wigglesworth, J. Wigglesworth, B. Partington, C. Power, B. Jones, F. Salt, Y. Salt, B. Wild, J. Marshall, M. Ruane, M. Gregory, W. Hobson, P. Watson, L. Williams, S. Whitworth, C. Hughes, C & C Williams, A. Roche.

COUNCILLORS Jean Hornby & Peter Davison


INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES Introductions were made an apologies were received from Cllr. Billy Sheerin.

CODE OF CONDUCT All were referred to the code of conduct and were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING, MATTERS ARISING AND UPDATES Chesham Trees Following the offer to residents to have trees replaced, eleven people have now taken up this offer.

Azad Video Efforts to improve this site are continuing, the Council is in discussion with the current owners, who have been advised that they must sort out this land.

GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE PACT Priorities Recent issues with burglary (although that is now decreasing), vehicle crime, youths causing annoyance and speeding.

Page 10 Petrol Theft A number of petrol station drive-offs have taken place recently, often vehicles are fitted with stolen number plates. To combat this GMP have had a number of free ‘Safeplate’ days where they offer motorists the chance to have their number plate screws fitted with tamper proof screws. Another event will be organised in the future.

Abbott St and Meadway Speeding Residents were informed that when officers witness a vehicle speeding, theylog the details on their system, and this is often followed up if that vehicle is later identified via Automatic Number Plate Recognition with a view to taking enforcement action against the driver.

Cannabis Farms There was a warning these are on the increase, intense heat is required to grow cannabis and all were asked to be vigilant and to report anything unusual.

Police Mobile Phone Contact A scheme will soon be launched whereby residents will be offered a mobile telephone number to contact if they experience serious incidents of anti-social behaviour. The mobile number should facilitate a quicker response, if Police resources allow. The scheme will be publicised in the coming weeks when residents will be invited to contact their local Policing Team to request details.

Anti-Social Behaviour A large number of residents attended to report major problems with anti-social behaviour in the area around Keswick St, Moor Park Avenue and Sydney Barnes Close. The Police, Councillors and Council Officers are aware of these issues and have been working in the area to try to reduce the problems.

The Police have spoken to some individuals and their families, and the Council have spoken to the developers of the new properties, as well as Planning and Community Safety Officers.

A number of parents attended the forum and invited residents to contact them directly if they feel that their child may be involved.

The Police will continue to target the area and the forum agreed that anti-social behaviour in these areas, along with Chesham Estate, should be the sole priority for the next month.

OPEN FORUM Manchester Road Bench There are problems with youths hanging around on a bench outside No. 528 Manchester Road and behaving anti-socially. Action (1) Arrange to visit and discuss potential solutions PCSO Islam

Surface Water/Flooding The road surface at Manchester Road/Nixon Street continually floods during wet weather, the same problem occurs opposite the Royal Toby. Action (2) Request highways inspection and any necessary action Val White

Blocked Drains Despite regular cleaning, the drains on Sydney Barnes Close are constantly becoming blocked – possibly due to builders rubble? Action (3) Request thorough cleaning of drains on Sydney Barnes Close Val White

Page 11 Manchester Rd Cycle Lane Cyclists are unable to use the canal cycle lane when the floating towpath isn’t working, causing them to cycle down Manchester Road. The cycle lane is constantly blocked by parked vehicles, and it was suggested that the grass verge between the motorway bridge and the Junction Inn could be tarmaced to enable them to cycle safely. Action (4) Make enquiries into feasibility and cost of tarmacing grass verge Val White

Stocks Street/Hanover Street Trees and Litter Cllr. Hornby has previously been told that this area would be cleaned up and trees cut back, this has never happened. Action (5) Request Environmental Management attendance and action Val White

Thornham Cricket Club A member of the club attended to inform the meeting that they had successfully bid to Sport and Viridor for £50,000 each to fund new changing rooms and other facilities. The club would like to thank Cllr. Billy Sheerin for his letter of support.

There is still a shortfall in funding, and events will take place throughout the Winter months to which all are welcome to attend. If any parent would like their child to join the club, membership is £25pa and practicing begins in January – parents are also welcome.

REPORTS Castleton EC Residents No update

Friends of Carnegie Castleton The building continues to deteriorate, a meeting is due to take place with Council Officers next week. It is hoped that the owners will agree to sell to a ‘preferred bidder’, and it is hoped that a bidder will be on board soon. Sheila Whitworth is currently taking independent legal advice. Lack of ownership is the barrier to obtaining funding, so residents were again encouraged to ‘Buy a brick’ and to take part in the various ongoing fund raising initiatives which include bric-a-brac sales, hat- hire and hopefully a project with the three Castleton Primary Schools to produce a calendar for 2015.

Friends of Castleton Station/Support The Oldham, Rochdale and Manchester Rail Lines A new timetable for next year will see a reduced service, a challenge has been mounted. After May 2014 every other train that currently terminates at Rochdale will continue to Todmorden. There are problems evidencing the number of passengers using Castleton station as there is no ticket machine facility. There were also concerns that there are no passenger information displays. Members thanked Frank Salt, Phil Wall and Cllr. Sheerin for their efforts in ensuring that Castleton Station looks so pretty.

St. Gabriel’s No update

Township In Bloom Castleton took part in the judging route for the third year running, site visits included a newly planted plot on Queensway, Castleton Railway Station, St. Martin’s Church graveyard and St. Edwards Primary School. The judges seemed pleased with what they saw, and the results are eagerly awaited – 24 th October is D-Day. Phil Wall was thanked for kindly donating two hanging baskets, and Cllr. Sheerin was thanked for his watering of the plants in the Village.

Page 12 Planning Issues Permission has been granted for the Castleton Car Sales site to be converted into a ‘Kwiksave’ outlet. There will be disabled access, wide aisles, off-road parking and the store will employ twelve to fourteen personnel. The applicant was informed very clearly that any issues with sales to under- age drinkers will not be tolerated.

The temporary Soccer Factory facility has been granted permission to become a permanent leisure facility. There is also interest from a national developer in the old Woolworths site on Royle Barn Road.

Permission has been granted to build 14 dwellings on the Norton Grange site, this was despite an objection from Cllr. Sheerin.

East Lancs Railway Cllr. Sheerin has been appointed to the Board of Trustees, which places him in a much stronger position to work towards extending the railway into Castleton. Cllr. Sheerin and Frank Salt are encouraging like-minded residents to join them in developing an action group to work towards this aim. Anyone invited in joining the group was invited to contact Billy or Frank Salt.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 26 th November 7:00pm Castleton Community Centre


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday, 9 September 2013


CHAIRED BY Sohail Ahmad

SERVICED BY Valery White

RESIDENTS PRESENT M. Ashraf, S. Tayub, M. Anwar, A. Rauf, H. Ikram, M. Ajmal, M. Hussain, A. Nazir, F. Riaz, N. Ahmed, M. Sheraz, R. Ahmad, S. Akhtar, G. Mustara, I. Ullah, A. Nawaz, J. Beasley, A. Tariq, F. Shahid, F. & F. Shahid, S. Ahmad, S. Mohammed, M. Akram, W. Mohammed, I. Mughal, M. Imran, M. Sabir, T. Afzal, H. Hannan, T. Umar, M. Rashid, T. Habib, M. Hussain, Z. Azam, A Ul-Haq, S. Jabeer, Jamila, R. Ayub, N. Myers, N. Mohammed, S. Mohammed, C. Faulkner, Parveen, Z. Tahir, M. Azam, M. Ahmed, G. Shahzad, A. Rashid, K. Bashir, S. Bashir, S. Parveen, F. Sabir, M. Razwan, J. Choudry, A. Coric, M. Javed, H. Shafi, A. Beasley, Z. Bashir, S. Zaheer, S. Azlam, Abdullah, N. Smart, T. Smart, M. Saleem, B. & S. Lumb, B. Rigby, A. Ali, M. Ali, M. Saqib, M. Ibraheem, S. Ali, Q. Ul-Ain, E. Jabeen, A. Nair, A. Malik, B. Akram

COUNCILLORS T. Linden, S. Wazir, M. Zaman, M. Burke and Sultan Ali

OFFICERS Y. Bennett (RMBC Burglary Reduction Officer), P. Maynard (Area Renewal Officer), J. Gillighan (Network Development Team)


PRESS Simon Coyle, Rochdale Observer

INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES/CODE OF CONDUCT The Chair introduced himself and apologies were received from V. Lomax and D. Snowden. Attendees were referred to the Code of Conduct and asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

The Chair then stepped down in preparation for the election.

ELECTION OF CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR AND TREASURER Election of Chair. Sohail Ahmad was nominated and seconded, as there were no other nominations, Sohail was elected to Chair.

Election of Vice-Chair. Mr Z. Azam and A. Nawaz were both nominated and seconded. Mr A Nawaz was elected by 23 votes to 13.

Election of Treasurer. Mr Z. Azam was elected to the position of Treasurer.

MINUTES OF AGM HELD ON 24TH SEPTEMBER 2012 The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record. Page 14 ADDITIONAL ITEM - PRESENTATION A DVD presentation was given by the World Mission Society Church of God, which concluded with the group receiving a Certificate of Appreciation.

MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING/MATTERS ARISING/UPDATES The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record.

ADDITIONAL ITEM - BROADFIELD PARK A questionnaire was circulated which presented five options for improvements to Broadfield Park should funds become available. The ideas were: • To open a café • To install agility equipment • To install a multi-sports facility • To install a fountain • So create sunken gardens Attendees were encouraged to complete the document, and were invited to meet the Friends of Broadfield Park, the group meets between 7pm and 9pm on the first Tuesday of every month at the Broadfield Hotel.

ADDITIONAL ITEM - BLUE ORCHID A representative from the organisation ‘Blue Orchid’ attended to give details of their services which focus around giving business advice. Leaflets were made available.

GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE Mr Shahid Mohammed spoke on behalf of residents from the area around Bridlington Square. He gave an overview of events during recent years, including incidents of anti- social behaviour, theft, litter, graffiti, fly-tipping and drug dealing, and claimed that the Council, whilst initially supportive of gating the area off, are now resisting. Mr Mohammed insisted that the Council is able to make a gating order under the Highways Act.

Ch. Insp. Taylor responded by praising the residents’ passion and determination, he acknowledged that drugs and anti-social behaviour are an issue and that incidents of crime in this area have seen an increase, he also stated that he had witnessed some incidents first hand. Focussing on the issue of possible closure, rather than the issues around crime, Mr Taylor stated that he was unclear as to whether the inability to gate this area was due to legislation or policy.

RMBC Officers clearly stated to the forum that the area in question is public road (highway) and not an alley, and cannot be closed under current legislation. It was also pointed out that there is a flat within the alley and a fire escape, and that gates cannot be erected in the front of residents’ properties. The Fire Service has a legal obligation to comment if there is a fire exit. This information was contradicted by PC Rogers.

In conclusion, Ch. Insp. Taylor agreed to convene an officer meeting to discuss further, and agreed that one resident could be present. Mr Taylor also said that Police would work with residents on any other suggested ideas, and residents were encouraged by a member of the audience to assist the Police by taking responsibility for gathering and sharing evidence. Action (1) Convene an officer meeting Ch. Insp. Taylor

CCTV – Tweedale St There was confusion regarding whether the RBH owned cameras on Tweedale St are working, as the Council had been told they were, and the Police stated that they were not. Action (2) Visit RBH to ascertain whether or not CCTV cameras are working Cllr. Sultan Ali

Page 15 Tweedale Street Land The Council intends to dispose of the land for development. Conditions will be placed on any sale which will give a purchaser a deadline for development.

NHS HEALTHIER TOGETHER This item was not taken due to non-attendance of a representative from NHS Healthier Together.

OPEN FORUM Get Me Toasty Details of the scheme, which includes boiler replacement and other types of measures for reducing the cost of energy bills were given. Leaflets were made available and all were encouraged to make an initial call to check whether they qualified. The telephone number is 0800 009 3363 and the web-site is . It was stressed that there will be a charge for the scheme from next year. Canvassers will be door knocking in the area, and I.D. should be requested. Anybody wishing to query was invited to contact Peter Maynard on 01706 926622.

Big Lottery – Fulfilling Lives – A Better Start A Better Start initiative aims to deliver a step change in preventative approaches in pregnancy and the first three years of life to improve life chances of babies and young children. An AGMA Bid has been submitted and has reached stage 2, if the bid is successful Milkstone & Deeplish Ward has been chosen to benefit. Residents were urged to take part in question and answer sessions if stopped during the next three months, and Ward Councillors will be part of a sub-group.

St. Chad’s Stocks A resident attended to ask that the forum support, and possibly fund, repairs to bring the Stocks back to their original condition Action (3) Obtain costs for repair and bring back to next meeting. Val White

Broadfield Park Bowling Green – Location There were concerns that the emergency services are having difficulty locating the park when calls are placed for fire, police or ambulance. A recent example was given. The Bowling Club is still subject to anti-social behaviour late at night. Action (4) Request additional attention by PCSO’s and Youth Service around Broadfield Park and the ‘P’ streets Action (5) Contact Emergency Services to discuss Val White

King St. South – Street Light It was reported that a street light at the corner of 54 King St. South is on 24/7, the residents have previously been informed that this is due to electro-magnetic field tests. Action (6) Report Street Light Val White

King St. South – Grass Cutting It was reported that the grass on King St. South has not been cut properly. Action (7) Request grass cutting on King St. South Val White

Derelict Properties and Open Spaces A resident asked what plans are in place to deal with derelict properties and open spaces. He was informed that there are plans in progress with the Hotel on Drake St, the ex-CVS building and the land directly opposite. Details of the policy for play areas and parks will be brought to a future meeting.

Page 16 Communication Strategy A discussion took place around improving communication in relation to future meetings, and publicising the work of the forum.

Manchester Old Road Traffic Regulation Order A petition was submitted which stated that double yellow lines have been painted in front of properties without any notice or consultation, and the petition went on to request removal of the lines. Residents were informed of the process that the Council must follow, and were assured that any objections would have been considered and responded to. A copy of the relevant report was requested. The forum was informed that the lines would remain as their removal would require an additional Traffic Regulation Order. Action (8) Enquire re background to TRO/objections received, and forward a copy of the report to requestors Val White

Durham St Sweeping It was claimed that the street sweeper is never seen in the area. Residents were informed that streets are swept on a monthly basis, and that there are no longer any dedicated litter pickers in the area. Residents were also informed of their own personal responsibility not to drop litter.

Tweedale St Bollard This was raised again, and the resident was again informed that Highways officers have confirmed that the bollard is to remain.

Milkstone Road Bins It was claimed that there is a shortage of litter bins around the takeaways on Milkstone Rd. Cllr. Linden explained that a bid to fund installation of bins throughout the town centre corridor has been submitted.

Freehold Area Street Cleansing It was claimed that the areas around Freehold are never swept. Action (9) Obtain street sweeping rota and forward to Mr. Salim Val White

Rear Hereford St Light There were complaints that the replacement lighting column to the rear of Hereford Street is not bright enough, and has left the area dark and dangerous Action (10) Request assessment of street light against criteria Val White

79 Drake St – Litter Bin It was claimed that the bin outside the music shop has been removed Action (11) Obtain information around removal/reinstatement of litter bin Val White

WARD FUND UPDATE This item was deferred due to lack of time.

DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING Monday 9 th December 2013 6:30pm – 8:30pm Deeplish Community Centre



Thursday, 22 August 2013


PRESENT J. & B. Brierley, A. Sutcliffe, C. Dodgson, V. & A. Somerville, M. Mason, J. Kay, A. Foster, B. Holden, C. Faulkner, D. Abdul, D. Croxon, J. & J. Fleming, M. Dawai, H. Kershaw, B. Pent, D. Beeston, B. Fitton, J. Dempsey, B. True, M. Shenton, D. Bowes, J. & J. Clough, P. Knowles, B. Patterson, J. Nicholson, T. Slack, M. Coats, M. Massey, J. Denton, S. Danczuk MP

OFFICERS D. Mack & T. Whittaker (Environmental Management), PCSO Hall (Greater Manchester Police)

COUNCILLORS S. Ahmed, C. Biant & S. Biant

PRESS None present

WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES Introductions were made, all were welcomed to the Annual General Meeting, and apologies were received from A. Lewis and D. Sugden

CODE OF CONDUCT All attendees were referred to the code of conduct, copies of which were circulated, and were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR AND SECRETARY Mr Carl Faulkner accepted a nomination as Chair, this was seconded. There were no other nominations and Mr Faulkner was appointed. Mr Mick Coats was nominated as Vice-Chair, again there were no other nominations and Mr Coats was appointed. It was agreed that the duties of the Secretary would continue to be carried out by the Township Management Officer.

MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF 23RD AUGUST 2012 There were no matters arising, and the minutes of the previous AGM held on 23 rd August 2012 were approved.



Thursday, 22 August 2013


PRESENT J. & B. Brierley, A. Sutcliffe, C. Dodgson, V. & A. Somerville, M. Mason, J. Kay, A. Foster, B. Holden, C. Faulkner (Chair), D. Abdul, D. Croxon, J. & J. Fleming, M. Dawai, H. Kershaw, B. Pent, D. Beeston, B. Fitton, J. Dempsey, B. True, M. Shenton, D. Bowes, J. & J. Clough, P. Knowles, B. Patterson, J. Nicholson, T. Slack, M. Coats (Vice-Chair), M. Massey, J. Denton, S. Danczuk MP

OFFICERS D. Mack & T. Whittaker (Environmental Management), PCSO Hall (Greater Manchester Police)

COUNCILLORS S. Ahmed, C. Biant & S. Biant

PRESS None present

INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES/CODE OF CONDUCT Introductions were made, all were welcomed to the meeting, and apologies were received from A. Lewis and D. Sugden. All attendees were referred to the code of conduct, copies of which were circulated, and were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING/MATTERS ARISING/UPDATES Former TBA Site The forum was informed that there are plans to demolish some of the buildings following the fire, and that whilst demolition does not require planning permission, a demolition plan is required as the method of demolition needs permission. There is currently no planning application for this site.

Lenny Barn The Chair informed the group that previous concerns around the condition of the land may be unfounded as the land is likely to smooth out over time.

Conservation Committee Letters are to go out shortly inviting residents to express an interest in forming a group, and the first meeting is likely to take place around October/November. The recently amended and approved conservation area was discussed and there was some confusion as to whether the area from Spotland Bridge to the Methodist Church was now included, or whether it was just the church. Action (1) Clarify the area now included in the conservation area. Val White

Right Price – 95 Edenfield Road The property has been re-let and work has begun on the building. Residents are under the impression it is to be a tanning salon and they questioned whether change of use permission has been sought and granted. Action (2) Clarify planning permissions for former Right Price Cllr. Cecile Biant

255 Rooley Moor Road The property is subject to enforcement action.

Page 19 Cinnamon St Bollard Following the last meeting, Officers were unable to locate the area in question, residents explained that it borders the land at Lenny Barn Action (3) Re-visit and locate area where bollard is missing and include on list of potential ward fund schemes Val White

Re-surfacing Policy Cllr. Cecile Biant explained the process for allocating funds for re-surfacing schemes and the way that schemes were chosen. She has also asked for inspection of Rooley St with a view to including it on the list for future programmes, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Woodstock St Parking Parents collecting children are regularly blocking residents access. It was explained that obstruction is a policing issue, but that it may be more realistic to get the school to get a message to parents. It is ultimately a matter of consideration and responsibility.

PACT MEETING - GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE Previous priorities were burglary, criminal damage and anti-social behaviour in Denehurst Park. Burglary is still a problem and residents were asked to be vigilant and to report anything unusual. There were only 7 incidences of criminal damage between mid-July and mid-August. Regular patrols have taken place in Denehurst Park and officers have visited Oulder Hill School and given talks to students. It was suggested that the Police should be visiting the Primary Schools and speaking to children before they became involved in anti-social activity.

PCSO Hall agreed to give some attention to drivers ignoring the one-way and exiting Churchill St onto Edenfield Road.

There has been an increasing problem with quad bikes on Lenny Barn, PCSO Hall will arrange for Operation Dragster to target this area when next on the Rochdale Division.

The priorities for the next quarter were agreed: • Lenny Barn Quad Biking • Burglary • Denehurst Park Anti-Social Behaviour

DENEHURST PARK IMPROVEMENTS A decision to use a part of Denehurst Park for a new cemetery has now been agreed. As part of the proposal, the Council made a commitment to improve the remainder of the park, and residents are invited to attend a Visioning Day on 5 th October, between 10am and 2pm in the park itself, to have their say.

The importance of developing a friends group was stressed, as these independent groups can access funding that statutory bodies such as the Council cannot.

Leaflets giving full details were circulated, and residents were encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to be involved in bringing the park up to the same standard as others in the Borough.

INNES CENTRE UPDATE Negotiations are at an advanced stage with a national house builder for a 35 unit development on the site. The layout of the scheme and the contracts have been agreed but there is a little negotiation to be completed on the affordable housing and public open space contributions before contracts can be exchanged and a planning application submitted. It is hoped that these negotiations may be completed in August, clearing the way for submission of a planning application. Residents asked for confirmation as to whether the building contains asbestos.

Page 20

There were concerns about safety as children are regularly playing on the roof, Police are aware of this and have visited on a number of occasions.

It was stated that there had been no work done on the compensated land adjacent to the Innes Centre, even though £18,000 had been set aside for works to bring the land into a usable state. There is a problem with a hedge that is jutting out over the pavement. Action (4) Enquire whether the Innes Centre building contains asbestos Action (5) Enquire what is happening regarding the compensated land Action (6) Request cutting back of hedge. Val White

LINK4LIFE UPDATE A discussion took place around recent events involving two members of staff in the organisation. The forum was informed that those staff have now left the organisation and that Link4Life are providing excellent facilities throughout the Borough, and that this unfortunate incident should not overshadow that.

OPEN FORUM Meadow View Site Since demolition of the building a fence has been erected but nothing has progressed. It was explained that, like many other sites, the developer has purchased the site with a view to developing it, but possibly due to the economic downturn no further progress has been made. Action (7) Make enquiries about the intentions of the developer Cllr. Cecile Biant

Former Dexine Site A discussion around the background to the site took place, and in response to residents enquiries about the future of the site, it was explained that the land is private and the future is in the hands of the developer who it appears does not intend to begin any development due to the presence of the mill and the chimney. These will not be demolished as a recent decision has been taken that this site shall remain within the conservation area.

Old Ings Lane This area is a disgrace and is never cut back or cleaned. Action (8) Request attendance of Hit Team to carry out clearance Val White

Oakfield Terrace/Willbutts Lane/Churchill St There are a number of ripped bags that have not been removed. Recently reported fly-tipping has resulted in removal of large items, but bags being left behind Action (9) Report fly-tipping issues to Environmental Management Terry Whittaker

Churchill Street Cleaning It was claimed that the sweeper never cleans this street and that irresponsible dog owners are cleaning up their dogs mess and then either tying it to the railings or dumping in front of the railings. Action (10) Request sweeping and obtain price of a new bin and include on list of potential ward fund schemes Val White

Lenny Barn Grass Cutting There is a large area of Lenny Barn that is never cut back, although it used to be a number of years ago. It is unclear who is responsible, the Council or the School? Action (11) Make enquiries re responsibility for grass cutting on Lenny Barn Val White

Page 21

Turner Bros Site/TBA Working Party Jason Addy submitted a report detailing latest developments on the site, which was summarised and copies circulated. Mick Coats expressed concerns around the lack of meetings, lack of information and unclear remit of the group, and felt that it was time to move forward with a fully constituted sub-group within the Township structures. The process of developing structures via Rochdale Township Committee was explained. The TBA Working Party is welcome to submit minutes to Rochdale Township Action & Resources Committee for information.

Mr Coats was advised that if he wished to take this forward he should in the first instance submit a question to the open forum of the Township Committee to allow members to consider the request.

In response to Cllr. Biant’s suggestion that alternatively, or pending a Committee decision, a sub- group of the forum could be developed Val White explained that the Township office would not be in a position to organise, attend or facilitate such a sub-group.

WARD FUND UPDATE This item was deferred due to lack of time.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 21 st November 7:00pm – 9:00pm Spotland Methodist Church

Page 22 Agenda Item 8

Subject: Rochdale Township Funds Status: For publication 2013/14

Report to : Rochdale Township Action & Date: 3 December 201 3 Resources Committee

Report of: Deputy Chief Executive Author Email: [email protected] Author: Sharron Worrall Tel: 01706 924802 Comments from Section 151 Officer Statutory Officers: Monitoring Officer

Key Decision: Yes / No

Forward Plan General Exception Special Urgency


1.1 Members to be updated on revenue and capital expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale Township Funds 2013/14, and enable Members to allocate funds to proposed schemes.


2.1 Committee note the expenditure, commitments and balances for Rochdale Township revenue and capital funds in Appendix 1 and 2.

2.2 Members note decisions made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix 3.

2.3 Members note the summaries of evaluation information received from recipients of Township grants funded to date in Appendix 4.

2.4 Committee note the Townships & Governance Manager has assessed proposed projects to be considered for funding against the criteria of the Rochdale Township Fund, priorities of the Township Plan and any specific risks have been identified (information detailed in Appendix 5).

2.5 Members consider and approve, defer or refuse the allocation of funds to proposed projects detailed in Appendix 5.

2.6 The Townships & Governance Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokespersons of the Committee, be given delegated authority to make decisions on any deferred projects.

Version Number: Page 23 Page: 1 of 3

2.7 Reasons for recommendation

Management of the Rochdale Township Fund is delegated to the Rochdale Township Action & Resources Committee.

Rochdale Township Funds are allocated to projects/schemes that benefit the Township’s community and environment, and realise the Township priorities.

To enable Committee to monitor and review the use of the Rochdale Township Funds to ensure continued efficient and effective use of Township Funds.


3.1 Members are asked to note expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale Township Funds 2013/14 in Appendix 1 and 2. Actual/committed spend for revenue funds is 76.25% and capital funds is 45.36%.

3.2 Delegated decisions will be reported for information to each Rochdale Township Action & Resources Committee to ensure Members are aware of the projects that have been agreed within their Ward. Members are asked to note the decisions made under delegated arrangements since the last Committee in Appendix 3.

3.3 Evaluation of projects provides useful information to the Township Office relating to identifying the effectiveness of the application process and management of grants; whether projects deliver value for money; applicants achieve their objectives and evidence their successes, and ensure the completed projects funded complied with the terms and conditions of the fund. Grants awarded and projects funded made a difference to the local community with improvements to local facilities, increased social interaction and delivery of solutions to address local needs. All successful applicants are informed a condition of the grant is they have six months from the date of approval to deliver the project and complete a Project Evaluation Form. Members are asked to note the summaries of evaluation information received to date on projects funded as detailed in Appendix 4.

3.4 Members consider the applications for funding as detailed in Appendix 5.

3.5 To reduce the potential carry forward of funds during 2013/14, Members are asked to agree to the Townships & Governance Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokespersons of the Committee, being given delegated authority to make decisions on any deferred projects.

3.5 Alternatives considered

In considering the report, Members will decide whether or not to approve the allocation of funds to projects/schemes as appropriate.

3.6 Consultation proposed/undertaken

Committee receives regular monitoring reports about the use of the funds. Any proposal for funding requires support from at least one Member. All proposals will continue to be consulted on as appropriate with Members, residents and other stakeholders.

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4.1 Committee will receive regular reports to enable Members to monitor the use of the Rochdale Township Funds to ensure best use of available resources.

4.2 Township funds are monitored on a monthly basis and financial monitoring reports will be presented to future Committees on a regular basis.


5.1 There are no legal implications arising from this report.


6.1 There are no personnel implications arising from this report.


7.1 The purpose of the Township Funds is to enable Township Committees to meet their respective Township Plan priorities and deliver actions to meet those priorities. This report asks Members to consider how Township Funds 2013/14 are allocated in order to do this.

7.2 The Vision and Blueprint for Rochdale Council 2014/15 retains Township Committees and will devolve a range of services to Township direction, managed through annual Township Plans which are reviewed on a quarterly basis.


8.1 Specific risk issues for Members to consider arising from this report will be identified for the proposed projects in Appendix 5.


9.1 Workforce Equality Impacts Assessment

There are no workforce equality issues arising from this report.

9.2 Equality/Community Impact Assessments

There are no significant equality/community issues arising from this report.

Background Papers Document Place of Inspection Summary of Rochdal e Township Appendix 1 Revenue Fund 2013/14 Summary of Rochdale Township Capital Appendix 2 Fund 2013/14 Delegated decisions for information Appendix 3 Evaluation summaries for information Appendix 4 Proposed projects for allocation of funds Appendix 5

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% Actual % Actual + OVERALL SUMMARY - REVENUE £ Spend Committed Budget b/f 2012/13 78,360 50.22% 76.25% Base Budget 2013/14 186,600 Income/Adjustments 2013/14 1,500 Total budget for 2013/14 266,460 Budgets transferred to Services/Actuals 133,823 Commitments 69,348 Total Actual + Commitments 203,171

BudgetPage 26 Remaining 2013/14 63,289

Forecast Outturn 266,460 Potential over/underspend 63,289

Virement Base Income/ Revised Budget Budget within Virement Budget Adjustments Budget Committed Actuals Total remaining GRANTS/CONTRIBUTIONS b/f 2012/13 Township to Services 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 £ £ £ 2013/14 £ Funds £ £ £ £ £ £ Members Fund - 27,000 - 27,000 11,094 2,785 - - 13,879 13,121 Township Fund - 31,500 - 31,500 - - - 3,079 3,079 28,421 Clean & Green Priority Fund - 20,000 - 20,000 8,300 5,000 - - 13,300 6,700 Communities & Engagement Priority Fund - 20,000 - 20,000 6,310 10,800 - - 17,110 2,890 Action Fund 754 88,100 - 88,854 23,660 2,520 (11,957) 62,474 76,697 12,157 Township Allocated Funds (pre 2013/14) 77,606 - 1,500 79,106 19,984 30,169 11,957 16,996 79,106 0 Total 78,360 186,600 1,500 266,460 69,348 51,274 - 82,549 203,171 63,289



% Actual % Actual + OVERALL SUMMARY - CAPITAL £ Spend Committed Budget b/f 2012/13 154,700 12.79% 45.36% Base Budget 2013/14 136,500 Income/Adjustments 2013/14 - Total budget for 2013/14 291,200 Budgets transferred to Services/Actuals 37,232 Commitments 94,850

TotalPage 28 Actual + Commitments 132,082 Budget Remaining 2013/14 159,118

Forecast Outturn 291,200 Potential over/underspend 159,118

Virement Base Income/ Revised Budget Budget within Virement Budget Adjustments Budget Committed Actuals Total remaining GRANTS/CONTRIBUTIONS b/f 2012/13 Township to Services 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 £ £ £ 2013/14 £ Funds £ £ £ £ £ £ Members Capital Fund - 27,000 - 27,000 10,656 1,625 - - 12,281 14,719 Ward Capital Fund - 54,000 - 54,000 13,759 - - - 13,759 40,241 Action Capital Fund - 5,000 - 5,000 - - - - - 5,000 Capital Fund 154,700 50,500 - 205,200 70,435 9,340 - 26,267 106,042 99,158 Total 154,700 136,500 - 291,200 94,850 10,965 - 26,267 132,082 159,118



Members note the delegated decisions made by the Townships & Governance Manager in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition Spokespersons of Rochdale Township Action & Resources Committee

Priorities Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Met Date CE/07/13 Our Rochdale Photography competition to get people thinking about what Rochdale CE £1,500.00 30 August 2013 they love about Rochdale and to share positive thoughts and Township experiences about the town. Images selected will provide a diverse picture of what our town means to the people who live there to be exhibited online at the Love Rochdale website, viewed in a gallery/empty shop for a period of time, made available on disk as an archive for future reference and published in a book that will document and celebrate the

Page 30 positives of Rochdale. M/11/13 Norden Wishing Tree Ceremony on 21 September 2013 at Norden Jubilee Park to Norden CE £150.00 30 August 2013 Event Hospitality officially unveil Norden Wishing Tree with hospitality provided at Rochdale Town Hall.

CM/03/13 Castleton Planters Installation of two hexagonal planters in Castleton Village to Castleton CG £900.00 30 August 2013 improve the environmental landscape and attractiveness of the village.

CM/05/13 Partington Street Installation of a new litter bin at the top of the footpath running Castleton CG £425.00 30 August 2013 Litter Bin between Keswick Street and Partington Street, Castleton in response to numerous complaints about litter in the area.

Page 1 of 12 CE/03/13 & Q Gardens Q Gardens, based on Queen’s Drive in Kirkholt, is a Balderstone CE £1,810.00 11 September 2013 TC/09/13 Community Event community growing area that has provided an opportunity for & Kirkholt people to get involved in growing their own fruit and vegetables, refining their growing skills whilst meeting new people and improving their well-being. To celebrate the good work the Community Volunteering Team, their final day will be combined with a community open event. The event consists of a tour of the site and a chance to talk to the current participants about the progress of the site. Additionally, everyone visiting on the day will be given the opportunity to take part in creating a bench around the large tree locate in the garden, leaving a lasting legacy from the day. Refreshments will be made available, including salads harvested from the site.

M/72/12 Rochdale Phoenix Contribution towards the costs of staging the production of Norden CE £300.00 09 September 2013 Operatic Society - Offenbach's La Vie Parisienne at the Curtain Theatre in 2014 production of La Vie with funds to be used for costume storage. Rochdale Phoenix Parisienne Opera Society is one of many artistic groups providing the town

Page 31 with a rich selection of performances. M/70/12 When the lights go on Contribution towards the costume hire for the Rochdale Norden CE £300.00 20 September 2013 again (musical) Amateur Operatic Society's production of the musical 'When the lights go on again' at The Gracie Fields Theatre, Rochdale. This wartime musical has not been performed professionally before and it will be an opportunity for people to see a lesser known musical performed to a high standard on a professional stage. The costumes will be an essential part of the show to convey the era and enhance the authenticity of the musical for both performers and audience. The Society hopes that this production will entertain and educate the audience about the 1940s and provide valuable performance experience to those that are new to the stage.

Page 2 of 12 CG/03/13 Creative Green The Creative Green Spaces project aims to renovate and Rochdale CG £1,300.00 16 October 2013 Spaces beautify small open spaces in the local area by creating edible Township and non-edible interactive and wildlife friendly landscapes. Areas will be cleaned and planted up with bedding plants, bulbs, fruits and vegetables with small spaces using the planting methods of vertical planting and ‘living roofs’. Fixed garden furniture and decorations will be provided for community gardening projects and there will be a focus on creating wildlife friendly spaces by choosing plants that encourage beneficial insects and by making/installing insect hotels and bird feeders. The activities will provide an opportunity to engage with the local community and make a positive contribution to improve local outdoor spaces.

CG/04/13 Q Gardens Growing Groundwork propose to deliver 19 open sessions on the site Rochdale CG £5,000.00 16 October 2013 Sessions on a weekly basis from February 2014 to June 2014 facilitated Township by two Groundwork Education and Communities Officers who

Page 32 are experienced in community engagement, volunteer supervision and green space development. The Project Officers will ensure that the site is linked into other local provision, offering an essential hub where residents can benefit from onward referral to local services where appropriate. Activities will focus on food growing and green space improvement but will embed a raft of soft skills development opportunities to benefit primarily people resident in the local area, but open to any resident of Rochdale.

CE/05/13 & JAWS Dance Project JAWS Theatre Group members are young people aged 12-18 Rochdale CE £2,900.00 17 October 2013 M/10/13 years who stage musical theatre productions with many of their Township past alumni taking up the acting professional or studying musical theatre at college and university. The group this year will stage the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats. Funds will enable the group to hire an additional rehearsal venue and support a make up workshop.

Page 3 of 12 CE/04/13 Stitch It Up Flag Encourage a better understanding between older and younger Rochdale CE £1,500.00 17 October 2013 generations through breaking down barriers by giving an Township insight into their lives in the Spotland area. Young people from Spotland Boys and Girls Group will interact with the older generation and obtain information regarding how life was in the 1930s/40s, ie work, living standards, community feel or family life. Young people will also show their lifestyle through social media and help the older generation set up Facebook accounts, twitter and Skype; illustrating the benefits and what they receive from such interaction. Parents will also be helped to explore the online world and how the internet can be used safely, and how they can monitor the usage of their children in a safe and understanding manner. A flag will be produced and materials sewn on it to show the different cultures and backgrounds of the people of Spotland for display at Touchstones for other local people to view.

CW/01/13 Balderstone Park Supply four items of outdoor adult gym equipment to be Balderstone CG £5,000.00 22 October 2013 Page 33 Adult Gym Equipment installed at Balderstone Park to form an area designated for & Kirkholt fitness and wellbeing for local residents.

CG/05/13 Falinge Park Bowling Clearance of area around the Falinge Park bowling greens to Spotland & CG £2,500.00 29 October 2013 Area Clearance facilitate the installation of new fencing. Bushes and tree Falinge Area stumps to be removed and new low shrubs to be planted in the Forum cleared area.

CW/04/13 Heap Road Grit Bin Installation of a grit bin on Heap Road at the junction with Norden CG £756.01 05 November 2013 Edenfield Road and maintenance for one season.

CM/09/13 Bamford Grit Bin Installation of a grit bin at a site to be agreed with Bamford Bamford CG £756.01 05 November 2013 Ward Councillors and maintenance for one season 2013/14.

CW/03/13 Moor Hill Footpath Create a footpath utilising existing surface materials and install Norden CG £1,150.00 05 November 2013 run-off drains to improve access from Moor Hill from Edenfield Road

Page 4 of 12 CM/08/13 Springfield Park Litter Supply and install four litter bins within Springfield Park Bamford CG £1,000.00 07 November 2013 Bins (locations to be agreed with Friends of Springfield Park). Friends of group have agreed to take responsibility for emptying the bins or arranging for them to be emptied. CM/11/13 Brimrod Primary Supply and install filled planters outside Brimrod Primary Bamford CG £643.99 07 November 2013 School Planters School to encourage and support the education in schools of the value of gardening to create active citizens and carers for the environment.

M/14/13 Bamford Christmas Supply and install a Christmas tree on the Green opposite Bamford CG £744.00 07 November 2013 Tree Bamford Precinct to promote the celebration of Christmas and create a focal point in Bamford for festive activities to be enjoyed by the local community. M/55/12 PWA Computer Suite Creation of a computer suite to encourage local people to learn Milkstone & CE £500.00 08 November 2013 a range of skills – from basic mouse and keyboard functions to Deeplish understanding the benefits of the world wide web and reconnect with long distance family members. Mentors will aim

Page 34 to build their confidence and show that computers can really improve their lives and promote social inclusion through modern technology. Funds will be used to contribute to the refurbishment of a room at the Pakistan Welfare Association with recycled furniture/equipment, PCs and peripherals plus necessary networking to facilitate internet access.

CM/13/13 Crowshaw Drive Grit Installation of a grit bin at the side of the garage at 48 Healey CG £756.01 13 November 2013 Bin Crowshaw Drive and maintenance for one season.

M/16/13 & Kirkholt Christmas Construction of a tree pit with concrete sleeve to be located at Balderstone CE £1,820.00 18 November 2013 TC/11/13 Tree The Strand, Kirkholt and supply/install Christmas tree (30ft) & Kirkholt and and Heras fencing

CW/10/13 Newbold Street Grit Installation of a grit bin on Newbold Street (top of the hill) and Kingsway CG £756.01 18 November 2013 Bin maintenance for one season

Page 5 of 12 CW/11/13 Norden Road SLOW Installation of two red patches with 'Slow' road markings on Bamford CG £1,000.00 18 November 2013 markings Norden Road on each approach to the bend near Bamford Chapel. Road markings will serve as a reminder to warn drivers to slow down on the approach to the bend and result in reduced vehicle speeds at this location. CM/12/13 Litter bins near St Supply and install two litter bins on the public footpath next to Healey CG £500.00 18 November 2013 Wilfred's Playing St Wilfred’s Parking Fields. One bin to be located at the Fields entrance to the path from Thrum Hall Lane and the other bin to be located at the end of the path that leads to Holstein Avenue, Rochdale M/07/13 Kirkholt Swimming Children from Kirkholt Estate will be given the opportunity to Balderstone CE £750.00 18 November 2013 Team learn how to swim from a qualified instructor based at & Kirkholt Rochdale Central Leisure. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise and the children will develop strong muscles and bones, maintain flexibility and it will promote weight control. In addition to learning basic safety around water, the children will develop essential life skills such as how to set goals for themselves and work to achieve them. This project will

Page 35 develop the children’s self-confidence and own sense of sportsmanship as a team will be formed from these swimmers and they will be encouraged to compete against other swimming teams from across Manchester. CM/04/13 Dropped kerb at Install a dropped kerb on Thrum Hall Lane to enable residents Healey CG £650.00 19 November 2013 Thrum Hall Lane of Mountside View Sheltered Accommodation and other pedestrians to safely access the footway.

TC/12/13 Kirkholt Christmas Installation of the infrastructure to provide electricity to Balderstone CE £4,895.20 20 November 2013 Tree Infrastructure illuminate the Christmas tree to be located on The Strand, & Kirkholt Kirkholt and dress the tree with 7 strings (350 LED) colour change cherry lights.

Key to Township Priorities CE - Communities & Engagement CG - Clean & Green

Page 6 of 12 Members note the delegated decisions made by the Townships & Governance Manager in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition Spokespersons

Decision Agreed the allocation of £1,500 from Communities & Engagement Priority Fund Page 36 Agreed the allocation of £150 from Members Fund Agreed the allocation of £900 from Members Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £425 from Members Capital Fund

Page 7 of 12 Agreed the allocation of £810 from Communities & Engagement Priority Fund and £1,000 from Capital Fund

Agreed the allocation of £300 from Members Fund Page 37 Agreed the allocation of £300 from Members Fund

Page 8 of 12 Agreed the allocation of £1,300 from Clean & Green Priority Fund

Agreed the allocation of £5,000 from Clean &

GreenPage 38 Priority Fund

Agreed the allocation of £2,000 from Communities & Engagement Priority Fund and £900 from Members Fund

Page 9 of 12 Agreed the allocation of £1,500 from Communities & Engagement Priority Fund

Agreed the allocationPage 39 of £5,000 from Ward Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £2,500 from Clean & Green Priority Fund

Agreed the allocation of £756.01 from Ward Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £756.01 from Members Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £1,150 from Ward Capital Fund

Page 10 of 12 Agreed the allocation of £1,000 from Members Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £643.99 from Members Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £744 from Members Fund Agreed the allocation of £500 from Members Fund Page 40

Agreed the allocation of £756.01 from Members Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £1,040 from Members Fund and £1,040 from Capital Fund

Agreed the allocation of 756.01 from Ward Capital Fund

Page 11 of 12 Agreed the allocation of £1,000 from Ward Capital Fund

Agreed the allocation of £500 from Members Capital Fund

Agreed the allocation of £750 from Members Fund Page 41

Agreed the allocation of £650 from Members Capital Fund Agreed the allocation of £4,895.20 from Capital Fund

Page 12 of 12 APPENDIX 4


Muhammad Abbas Chair, Citizens

Applicant: Citizens Fund: Members Fund Awarded: £350

Citizens promotes, maintains, improves and advances the education of the public through encouragement of the arts including drama, mime, singing and music. The group considers art to be the mirror of a culture and calligraphy may be counted as a uniquely original feature of Islamic art. The Arabic language, and subsequently the art of calligraphy, is held in great esteem by Muslims because Arabic was the language in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. The grant awarded enabled young people to attend workshops facilitated by a professional artist to learn the art of calligraphy and its cultural heritage. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the different styles of calligraphy from various locations in the Islamic world including North Africa, India and Mongolia. Panels/posters were created by the young people and exhibited with the work of professional artists in the local community. On completion of the workshops, certificates of achievement were given to all the young people in recognition of the new skill they had gained, the art of beautiful writing.

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³«\RXQJSHRSOHKDYHOHDUQWDORW through their DofE Silver Award´

Sohail Ahmad Manager Deeplish Community Centre

Applicant: Deeplish Community Centre Fund: Ward Fund Awarded: £1,600

Deeplish Communiy Centre is a community based organisation with the core purpose of improving the quality of life of residents. The centre provides opportunities for young people and children to play a lead role in their future development and achieve their full potential and aspirations. The British & Asian Girls Group was established three years ago and consists of young women from across Rochdale who take part in activities to challenge and raise the bar on cultural expectations of young Asian females. Funds awarded enabled the young women to participate in a programme of activities that has resulted in them successfully completing the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. The programme took 9 months to deliver from beginning to end as it was necessary to take into consideration time needed to prepare for exams around April/May 2013. The young women successfully completed the physical, skills and volunteering sections of the award before embarking on the expedition training. The group prepared for their expedition through training sessions in navigation, weather awareness, clothing systems, planning a route, rucksack packing, emergency procedures, camp craft of managing the site, cooking and erecting/striking a tent. The three day practice expedition took place in the Yorkshire Dales around Malham and the three day qualifying expedition took place in the Nidderdale Valley of the Yorkshire Dales. The group enjoyed lots of new experiences, discovered new talents, challenged themselves and worked effectively together to achieve their goal. The young women have shown resilience, strength, the ability to adapt to changing environments both physically and mentally. Achieving the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award has given them skills, confidence and a view on life that others would like to emulate.

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Denis Skelton Co-ordinator, Petrus Community

Applicant: Petrus Community Fund: Members Fund Awarded: £500

Petrus Community is a charitable organisation that provides vulnerable adults with safe and secure accommodation and other related services. Individuals can feel valued and realise their potential by being involved in daily activities that will enable them to regain a higher level of independence and make a positive contribution to their community. Cheviot House stands in substantial grounds on Greave Avenue and the grant awarded enabled Petrus Community service users to get involved in gardening and other horticultural activities that will have a positive impact on the local environment by creating improved habitat for birds, butterflies, bees and other forms of wildlife. A group of service users with enduring mental health needs were taught to grow plants from small plugs bought in and from seeds in their own green houses. Other activities included preparing hanging baskets, digging out and preparing flower beds with a wide variety of colourful plants. Members of Petrus staff taught the group of service users to create attractive planters with a mixture of bedding plants. Users were kept motivated in developing the grounds at Cheviot House with a sunflower adoption activity and an element of competition was introduced that did in turn encourage the care of plants in the garden. To further improve their motivation, service users were taught to grow plants that will mature into sweetcorn and pod peas. It is hoped that this type of planting will further develop interest in the future of growing beds that Petrus intend to develop on the site. Staff from the Community Restart Team adjacent to the project have informed the Petrus staff that they have noticed their service users enjoying the gardening and spending much more time in outdoor spaces. The group of service users have come together and learnt to work as a team and support each other, which Petrus feels has led to a notable rise in self confidence. A number of the volunteers will continue to work with the Petrus Green Gym and they have enrolled on an Ed-Excel accredited training course in land based studies. Greave Gardens offers a wonderful burst of colour with positive comments from neighbours on the pleasure of seeing the displays. As the whole site develops and all the planted beds, hanging baskets and planters mature it will be an asset to the local community as it will attract a wide variety of wildlife and provide visual enjoyment that they hope will encourage local residents to work on their own gardens.

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Volunteers created borders at the entrance of Cheviot House to provide a colourful impact for visitors, staff and service users as they arrive. The beds were dug out, the soil conditioned and planted with various seasonal bedding plants. One volunteer expressed his improved confidence in planting flowers after the activity as previously he considered himself too heavy handed for such a task.

One of the Green Gym volunteers created a flower bed comprising of edible and non-edible plants. He cultivated annual bedding plants to add colour to the display alongside sweetcorn and peas. Sunflowers were also included in the planting scheme that have been adopted by service users to encourage ownership of the outdoor space. The volunteer pictured commented on how therapeutic it was to create something that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Petrus have engaged in partnership working on the grounds to offer training to volunteers who have expressed an interest in horticultural activities. Some of the Green Gym team members pictured are learning about double digging towards achieving the Ed-Excel land based studies award. Also Regenda has provided training to the volunteers in the safe operation of power tools.


people and families joining in with SRHWU\DQGVLQJLQJ´

Mohammed Sarwar Chief Executive Multicultural Arts and Media Centre

Applicant: Multicultural Arts and Media Centre Fund: Members Fund Awarded: £859

Multicultural Arts and Media Centre (MAMC) promotes visual arts, music and arts events in the borough and provides accredited courses in creative crafts, filming, studio recording and employability skills. The grant awarded to this community organisation enabled them to organise a celebration event to help promote a variety of services and opportunities available to the wider community. Over 90 people from all backgrounds attended the event and enjoyed ůŽĐĂůĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛ƐƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞƐŽŶƐƚĂŐĞ͕ĂƌƚƐĂŶĚĐƌĂĨt workshops, face painting, Mehndi, fashion and crafts stalls and the main performance from the artist Asia Suman accompanied by two local professional musicians. Members of MAMC assisted by work experience placements provided information on local services, workshops and courses available through MAMC, Hopwood Hall College and community centres. MAMC successfully recruited four people to the Introduction to Audio Recording course, three people to the Film Making course and eight people expressed interest in work placement at MAMC. Some women were inspired to organise their own cultural events after experiencing the activities at the event. MAMC had recently established itself in a new location, therefore, the event enabled the organisation to introduce the cultural and social benefits on offer to the local diverse community.

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Razia Shamim Chair, Pakeeza Women Group

Applicant: Pakeeza Women Group Fund: Members Fund Awarded: £500

Pakeeza Women Group aims to facilitate, encourage, support and work both with and for women from minority ethnic communities of Rochdale to enable them to identify, access and participate in economic and social opportunities. The group ascertains the needs and aspirations of minority women, and shares and exchanges good practice between members in order to facilitate and improve services for women in health, education, training and recreation. The grant contributed towards health and well being sessions to educate women from the local community in healthy eating, encourage participation in exercise and provide support in monitoring their health in a friendly and supportive social environment. Activities included weight management advice, blood pressure checks, healthy eating choices and regular exercise sessions suitable for the various abilities of the participants. The women have benefited both physically and mentally from the sessions as they have achieved improved fitness and been given an opportunity to socialise, be empowered and build their self confidence.


Susan Campbell Secretary Moss Row Community Allotment Society

Applicant: Moss Row Community Allotment Society Fund: Members Fund Awarded: £1,250

Moss Row Community Allotment Society (MRCAS) manages the site at Moss Row in Norden of 21 full and half plot allotments for the cultivation of fruit and vegetables. The society encourages participation from local groups and individuals to develop, conserve and preserve the Moss Row area and the allotment site. Moss Row has two entrances to the allotment site that have designated parking areas that were in need of development as they were unsightly, inaccessible and unfit for purpose. The grant awarded enabled MRCAS to arrange proper drainage and resurfacing to enhance the amenity and appearance of the site and the public footpath along the Moss Road corridor. The site has improved car parking and provides a safe accessible area for delivery vehicles.

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Rochdale Township Action Fund 2013/14 available for allocation = £12,157

Rochdale Township Action Fund 2013/14 - Proposed projects for decision Fund Criteria & Ref No.Name of Project Project Description Ward Request Originator Cost Priorities Met AF/07/13Reservoir Street/Belfield Investigation into the possibility and need for speed Kingsway Yes Councillor Shakil £1,000.00 Rd and Entwisle Road reduction measures thus providing a safer environment for CG Ahmed Traffic Calming all road users. A report will be prepared detailing the Investigation results of the investigation together with options to address the traffic issues identified. Comments Complaints have been received from residents via Councillor Shakil Ahmed concerning the speeds of vehicles using Reservoir Street. A traffic calming scheme was proposed a couple of years ago for the Entwisle Road area but funding was not available. It is intended

Page 49 to update that scheme to meet current issues and link it to a proposal for Belfield Road and Reservoir Street and submit a scheme for the whole of the area. It is suggested that this would be of benefit to more residents and road users in the area by linking two schemes and two issues. Results of the investigation will identify the most cost effective scheme to address the concerns of the residents and the accident problem on Entwisle Road. Risk implication There are no risks associated with this investigation. AF/08/13Milkstone Road & A study of parking in the Milkstone Road and Tweedale Milkstone & Yes Councillor Wazir £1,000.00 Tweedale Street Area Street area that will involve consultation with residents and Deeplish CG Parking Investigation businesses. A report will be prepared detailing the results of the investigation and consultation together with options to address the issues identified. Comments Residents have raised concerns about the indiscriminate parking of staff and customers of local businesses and long stay parking by people using the train to travel to Manchester. An investigation and consultation exercise with local residents and businesses to determine the extent of the problem is proposed. It is then hoped that an agreed scheme by residents and businesses is reported back to this committee for discussion and the possibility of funding being available for implementation.

Risk implication The result will possibly be the introduction of waiting restrictions of some description and disagreement between all affected could result in increased staff time above the funding allocation. TOTAL £2,000.00

Page 1 of 3 Capital Fund 2013/14 available for allocation = £99,158

Rochdale Township Capital Fund 2013/14 - Proposed projects for decision Fund Criteria & Ref No.Name of Project Project Description Ward Request Originator Cost Priorities Met TC/10/13Broadhalgh/Bamford Introduction of an area wide 20mph speed limit supported Bamford Yes Councillor £11,500.00 Area 20mph Speed by signage only and linked to the existing school zone CG Duckworth Limit outside Bamford Primary School. This proposed scheme will reduce vehicle speeds within the area and provide a safer environment for residents. Comments Community 'buy in' for such schemes is a key element for its success, as such it is proposed to undertake a consultation process to raise awareness within the area and gain support of local residents. Risk implication It is assumed that there is already support for such a scheme from within the community as considerable objections to the scheme could increase the staff time and costs allocated.

Page 50 TC/13/13Gracie Fields Memorial Contribution towards the design, construction and erection Rochdale Yes Rotary Club of £3,000.00 of a permanent memorial to Dame Gracie Fields. The Township CG Rochdale East memorial will be an obelisk of Karim granite on a pedestal approximately six feet high with an inset black roundel with a laser inscribed likeness of Dame Gracie and silver highlighted to improve weather resistance. Proposed location of the memorial will be Rochdale's Memorial Gardens as this will enhance the heritage trail of the Town Centre/guided tours with its close proximity to Touchstones, the Co-op Museum, Town Hall and the planned development of The Esplanade.

Comments Dame Gracie Fields is probably Rochdale's foremost citizens of modern times, famous throughout the and the Western world and a permanent memorial in the Town Centre is a fitting tribute this important Rochdalian. Rochdale Township Committee on 6 November 2013 gave their unanimously and enthusiastically support for a permanent memorial to Gracie Fields in Rochdale Town Centre. Comments from Planning & Regulation Officers will be circulated at the committee. Risk implication Planning & Regulation Officers will provide information to be circulated at the committee.

Page 2 of 3 Rochdale Township Capital Fund 2013/14 - Proposed projects for decision Fund Criteria & Ref No.Name of Project Project Description Ward Request Originator Cost Priorities Met TC/14/13Shawclough Road/ Introduction of TRO to deal with the issue of vehicles Healey Yes Residents £3,500.00 Healey Hotel TRO parking on both sides of the road and on the footway in CG some locations causing congestion, creating a hazard and pedestrians are entering the carriageway to pass parked vehicles. Comments Residents and commuters have contacted Highways to complain about the traffic congestion which occurs daily on Shawclough Road between Fallowfield Drive and Dell Road caused by people parking cars on both sides of the road. Residents state vehicles are parking on the footway causing pedestrians to enter the carriageway to pass. Another major concern is that children from the nearby schools are being put at risk as they are having to cross the road between parked cars on both sides to access bus stops, etc. This situation has developed over the last 6 months and the problem is getting worse to the extent that it is now becoming increasingly difficult to drive along this stretch of road without concern for oncoming vehicles. The problem has been caused by residents of the new houses, recently built opposite the Healey Pub, parking their cars on Shawclough Road, these houses have parking provided at the rear of the property. The problem has been compounded by the refurbishment of the Healey Hotel. Highways are fully supportive of introducing 24 hour waiting restrictions on the westerly side of Shawclough Road between and Page 51 incorporating the junctions at Joseph Street and Harridge Bank. However, Highways would like consideration to extend the restricts as far as Campion Way so as to ease traffic flow on this strategic route. The introduction of restrictions will improve road safety and ease congestion both are duties placed on RMBC as Highway Authority.

Risk implication The risks associated are that Highways receive objections to the proposal when advertised which will increase officer time and the funding resource. TOTAL £18,000.00

Key to Township Priorities CE - Communities & Engagement CG - Clean & Green

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